How to give anthelmintic to a cat - schedule, tablets, tips. How to properly deworm cats and kittens What is the best way to give a deworming tablet to a cat

The appearance of worms in cats occurs quite often; even pets are exposed to infection. Where can worms appear in the house? The owner himself, without knowing it, can bring infection into the house on his shoes.

How to get rid of worms from your pet at home? First of all, we note that better than a veterinarian, no one will prescribe treatment. By examining the tests, determining the type of worms and the area of ​​infection, he will be able to prescribe effective drugs. But you can still try independent treatment.

Where to start treating a cat?

Worms and their larvae can be found everywhere (park, garden, soil, grass), so even the owner can cause infection to his pet.

The root cause needs to be eliminated:

  • limit contact with feces of infected pets (if any);
  • do not allow your cat to eat flies and fleas, raw fish and meat, or food from the trash can;
  • The root cause of the appearance of worms may be the kitten's infected mother.

Promptly treat your pet's fur, as well as its sleeping area and a toilet. Once every six months, “expel” worms with special medications.

Correct diagnosis

First alarming symptoms I can be:

  • Alternating diarrhea and constipation, sometimes even the presence of blood in the feces.
  • Vomit.
  • Cough.
  • Change in appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Changes in the condition of the coat.
  • Violation of the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

Medicines for the treatment of nematodes

The most effective means in the treatment of nematodes are considered:

  • Drontal.
  • Polyvekarn.
  • Vacation.
  • Febtal.

Prices vary from 75 to 150 rubles.

We have 2 dogs and a cat at home, and we regularly take preventive measures against helminth infection. We really like the product because it is completely natural, and this is important for prevention."

Medicines for the treatment of cestodes

Treatment of weakened animals, small kittens and pregnant cats

Features of treatment of weakened animals, kittens and pregnant cats:

It is important to follow the instructions and read the dosage carefully. The amount of the drug designed for an adult animal will simply lead to the death of the kitten.

Suitable drugs

A drug Milbemax can you give it to a cat? early pregnancy, Drontal- at a later date.

Use of folk remedies

Folk remedies:

  • Can be used alcohol tincture wormwood (10 drops twice a day an hour before meals).
  • Do an enema with carrot juice, only 20 ml per day is enough.
  • Replace drinking water with chamomile or fennel infusion.
  • Instead of ordinary water, you can also use onion solution, for this, pour in coarsely chopped onion warm water. This drink should only be consumed on an empty stomach.
  • Brew tansy flowers, strain and give to your cat three times a day an hour before feeding.

If a cat has worms, what to feed?

Here is the main list of products:

  1. Meat and eggs. These two foods should make up 60 percent of your total daily diet.
  2. Olive oil, it should be mixed with food.
  3. Food for kittens. It is important to monitor how your cat reacts to the change in food. If there is a deterioration, or the cat has previously suffered from pancreatitis, then it is better not to use food for kittens.
  4. Raw liver(once a day for a month). Thanks to it, you can increase the hemoglobin content in the blood.
  5. Vitamins(HematoKat, Beafar, PhytoMins) or multivitamin paste.
  6. Enzymes help improve digestion and absorption large quantity nutrients. An excellent tool is Prozyme, it should be used throughout the anthelmintic treatment.
  7. Use acidophilus, it's different increased content beneficial bacteria. This will improve your pet's digestion.

How to give a cat an anti-worming tablet?

The tablet is best absorbed in the morning on an empty stomach; treatment is usually continued for a week. Not all pets happily swallow pills; it is often a difficult and painful process for the animal. The main thing in this matter is the right approach.

The tablet can be given to a cat in this way:

  • Hold the cat tightly. To do this, sit her on your knees and turn her back. If the cat tries to escape, it will not succeed, because it will run into the owner.
  • Unclench her jaw with one hand.
  • Place the tablet on the root of your tongue with your other hand.
  • Keep your mouth closed until it swallows the pill.
  • You can stroke the throat, this will help trigger the swallowing reflex.

The cat may spit out the tablet, then you should try another method:

  • Grind the tablet into powder.
  • Add to a small amount of water.
  • Put the resulting medicine into a syringe.
  • Inject the liquid into the cheek with a syringe without a needle.
  • Hold your mouth until the cat swallows the water.

You can also use the simplest try:

  • Grind the tablet to a powder.
  • Add it to your food.
  • Mix thoroughly.

Possible complications in cats after anthelmintic drugs

Pay attention to your pet's behavior if following symptoms, then they talk about intoxication of the body:

  • lethargy;
  • apathy;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit.

In this case, you should immediately visit a veterinarian. Already in the department, a specialist will be able to install an IV.

To do this, follow simple preventive measures:

  1. When you come from the street, do not rush to pet your pet. First, wash your hands with soap.
  2. Keep an eye on your cat's fur and if fleas appear, begin treatment immediately.
  3. Store shoes that you wear every day in locked cabinets or drawers.
  4. Once a week, clean the rug in the hallway and area.
  5. Never feed your cat raw fish and meat.
  6. Clean your cat's litter box regularly.

Remember to periodically deworm all family members to avoid infection from your cat.

Your pet should be regularly treated against helminths. In this regard, the question quite often arises of how to give a cat an anti-worm tablet. It is impossible to explain to an animal the usefulness of this manipulation for its own health. Therefore, the owner often encounters difficulties when performing this seemingly simple procedure.

Read in this article

Why are worms dangerous?

Having an understanding of the dangers of helminthic diseases, the owner must understand that correctly giving the cat an anti-worming tablet is necessary to prevent the development of helminthiases and their consequences.

Most popular and effective next pills against worms for cats:

  • “Polivercan” – the drug is used at all stages of development of nematodes and cestodes.
  • “Dirofen” has a wide spectrum of action.
  • “Prasitel” is used for the treatment of nematodes and cestodes, as well as mixed invasions.
  • “Drontal” is an effective preventive and remedy from round and tapeworms.
  • “Kaniquantel plus” is a complex anthelmintic drug.

Anti-worming tablets for cats may have different names, but the active ingredient may be the same. For example, praziquantel, which is pharmacological substance providing anthelmintic effect, contain drugs such as “Kaniquantel plus”, “Milbemax”, “Drontal”, “Prasicide”. The action of the drugs “Dironet”, “Prazitel”, “Drontal” is based on pyrantel. Almost all drugs that have a complex effect on a number of helminths consist of two or more basic substances that have a pharmacological effect.

Instructions for use

How to use deworming tablets in cats, the instructions for the medications will help you understand. However, you must comply not only with the requirements that come with the product, but also general rules carrying out deworming:

If the rules for deworming are not followed, even the most the best drugs will not lead to what should be therapeutic effect, moreover, they can have adverse influence per animal.

Side effects

As a rule, with the correct choice of drug, the absence of contraindications, compliance with the dosage and instructions for use, no side effects are observed when using anthelmintic drugs. In rare cases, owners may observe that the cat feels unwell after deworming tablets. This is expressed in nausea, vomiting, indigestion (diarrhea), and foam from the mouth. The animal may experience dermatitis, especially when using the drug in the form of drops on the withers. Not uncommon allergic reactions for an anti-worm remedy.

Signs adverse reactions disappear within 24 hours after giving the pill or using another form of medication. If Clinical signs are noted on the second day after treatment, the animal should be shown to a veterinary specialist.

Every pet owner should have the ability to give medicine to a pet in any form. There are several ways to treat worms.

Method No. 1. Manipulation with the animal must be carried out quickly and clearly. If necessary, an aggressive pet is wrapped in a blanket. The deworming tablet should be carefully rolled into butter. This will help the dry pill pass better through the pharynx and esophagus. You should do the following step by step:

  1. Turn the animal with its back to you, lift its head up.
  2. Open your mouth. It is better to do this from the side, pressing lightly on the lower jaw.
  3. As soon as the mouth is opened slightly, the tablet should be quickly placed on the root of the tongue.
  4. Close the animal's mouth, lift its muzzle up and use stroking movements along the neck to push the pill through.
  5. Wait for the cat to swallow. Only after this can the animal be released.

Method number 2. Giving medicine using a tablet dispenser (piller). A special device, reminiscent of a syringe in principle, significantly simplifies the process of giving pills even to an obstinate cat.

To learn how to give a pill to a cat using a pill dispenser, watch this video:

Method number 3. The deworming tablet can be crushed into powder and mixed with any treat. Sour cream is ideal for this method. The mixture must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. Then you should proceed as follows: spread sour cream with the medicine on the cat’s nose or paw. Being clean by nature, the pet will begin to lick the treat along with the medicine. However, this method is not applicable if the drug is protected by a capsule, since in this case the active substance will be destroyed in the stomach and not in the intestines.

Method number 4. The pill can be given using a special treat with a medicine pocket. Delicious food supplement will kill the smell of the tablet, which is placed in it like in a container.

What to do if it doesn't work out

If you can’t feed your cat a deworming tablet, you should pay attention to other forms. medicinal product. Many remedies for worms are produced in the form of drops on the withers, such as: “Inspector Total”, “Profender”, “Stronghold”, “Advocate”, “Gelmintal K”, “Dironet Spot-on”. Drops, according to the instructions, are applied to the animal’s skin in the withers area. Should be used taking into account contraindications.

Owners often wonder whether it is possible to give. The best way At the same time, such drugs as “Profender” and “Stronghold” have proven themselves.

In the arsenal of veterinarians there is also the drug “Polivercan” in the form of sugar cubes. It is effective against round and flat helminths. It can be given to your cat dry or dissolved in water.

The owner of a mustachioed pet must not only know when, what and how often to give the cat an anti-worm tablet, but also be able to do it independently. Knowing how to perform the manipulation will help you master practical skills, and the procedure will be easy for both the pet and its owner.

Anthelmintic drugs are popularly called anthelmintics or anthelmintics(Anthelmintica vermifuga). Such drugs are used to remove worms or helminths from the body of many domestic animals, including cats, cats and kittens.

Why worm a cat?

Important! To effectively prevent infection with helminths of any type, it is very important to carry out prevention, as well as timely and correct anthelmintic measures.

How to determine whether you need to deworm

  • the appearance of lethargy and fatigue;
  • signs of the presence of helminths or their eggs in feces;
  • intestinal disorder characterized by alternating constipation and diarrhea;
  • sudden weight loss;
  • presence of severe swelling and increased density in the abdominal area;
  • refusal to eat;
  • the appearance of vomiting;
  • hair loss or dullness;
  • manifestations of restlessness and severe nervousness.

The symptoms of infestation of a pet with worms are very similar to the appearance of signs of other, very dangerous and quite serious cat diseases, so the need to carry out anthelmintic measures must necessarily be supported not only by external manifestations, but also by test results.

This is interesting! A veterinary examination of a pet, confirming the need for deworming, includes not only standard tests, but also diagnostic examination animal specialist doctor m.

Antihelminthic drugs

In the arsenal of modern veterinarians there are a variety of means to rid a pet of worms. The release form of anthelmintic drugs can be presented:

  • tablets;
  • anthelmintic drops for internal use or external application;
  • paste-like products;
  • anthelmintic suspension;
  • anthelmintic injections.

According to veterinarians, the most popular and highly effective means for deworming pets include:

  • Drontal tablets;
  • tablets "Kaniquantel";
  • drops for external use "Profender";
  • suspension in a syringe dispenser “Prazicide”;
  • instant solution "Polivercan".

The easiest way is to use external agents, as well as suspensions in syringes and so-called “sugars”, which quickly dissolve in water. Before use, the tablets are crushed, after which they are injected with a syringe into the cheek of a pet or mixed into minced meat.

Also, quite often an anti-worming tablet is placed on the very root of the tongue, which allows the pet to naturally swallowing movements, swallow it.

Important! As a rule, the release form does not determine the level of effectiveness of the product, so when choosing a drug you should be guided by the recommendations of a veterinarian and personal preferences, as well as the type of active substance.

Deworming is a process that requires not only the right choice means, but also compliance with the dosage and timing of use. An overdose of anthelmintic drugs, as a rule, is not observed, but pregnant pets, as well as very small pets, are at risk. The main signs of an overdose include the appearance of convulsions and foam at the mouth, as well as tremors of the limbs and disruption of the respiratory system.

How many days to worm and how often

It is best to give deworming drugs to cats when morning hours, on an empty stomach, about an hour before the animal eats food. For the purpose of prevention, deworming is performed in pets starting from the age of one month. Such manipulations are usually carried out four times a year. It is necessary to deworm cats that have contact with street animals and are often walked approximately once a month.

Important! It should be remembered that adult animals are more resistant to helminths, therefore anthelmintics can be used once every six months.

When performing planned preventive or therapeutic deworming, the specifics of such an event must be taken into account. Medicine is capable of destroying adult helminths, but has no effect on their eggs at all, therefore mandatory The drug is given again after ten days.

Before starting deworming, you must read the instructions and strictly adhere to the dosage recommended by the manufacturer.

How to worm kittens correctly

Kittens are dewormed only after a pet reaches three weeks of age. In the future, preventive deworming is carried out four times a year, as well as ten days before routine vaccination. WITH therapeutic purpose Treatment of kittens and removal of helminths is carried out according to indications. Strong degree infection with worms in kittens requires repeated treatment ten days after the initial deworming.

This is interesting! As practice shows, overdose and pronounced side effects in kittens are observed when using drugs intended to rid adult pets of worms.

Is it possible to worm a pregnant cat?

  • no appetite;
  • deteriorates noticeably general state pet;
  • There is an abundance of helminths in the feces.

If a cat, despite the presence of worms, looks cheerful and quite healthy, and also has good appetite, then it is advisable to wait a while with the use of anthelmintic drugs, since many such drugs cause miscarriage or the appearance of various severe congenital deformities in kittens. Deworming drugs are especially dangerous in the last third of pregnancy.

  • "Drontal";
  • "Dirofen";
  • "Profender".

Important! Before choosing a deworming agent for a pregnant cat, it is advisable to obtain qualified medical advice and also carry out all therapeutic measures under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Is it possible to worm a nursing cat?

The presence of worms of any kind in the body of a pet is very dangerous, especially for a nursing cat.. In the process of growth and life, helminths secrete harmful substances, which cause quite strong intoxication of the body.

As a result of this chronic poisoning Various allergic reactions often develop, as well as a large negative impact experience liver tissue, which is forced to utilize toxins.

Anthelmintic before vaccination

Kittens undergo their first vaccination at the age of two or three months, and re-vaccination is performed after another three weeks. Before vaccination is carried out, deworming must be performed. For this purpose, you can use the following well-proven anthelmintics:

  • "Prasitel";
  • "Polyverkan";
  • "Dirofen";
  • "Kaniquantel plus";
  • "Dironet";
  • "Profender";
  • "Alben-S";
  • "Azinox Plus";
  • "Milbemax";
  • "Milprazone."

After deworming, it is very important to give your pet special medications that contain sufficient quantity prebiotics, or dietary fiber. So fermented in intestinal tract The drug will serve as the main food for developing beneficial microflora, and also stimulates and strengthens the immune system.

If you take a baby from a breeder, be sure to ask whether the baby was dewormed, when and what drugs were used. Anthelmintic drugs very toxic and frequent use can significantly damage the baby's health.

Where do worms come from in a kitten?

Many owners mistakenly believe that there is no need to poison a pet that does not go outside - after all, it does not have worms. This is wrong.

Is it possible to get worms from a kitten?

Some types of larvae are released into the air when they breathe. It is enough to kiss the baby on the face or simply bring it close to the face - and infection will occur.

To prevent this from happening, you need to:

  • Give kittens anthelmintic medicine in a timely manner;
  • observe the rules of personal hygiene - wash your hands after playing with your baby, especially before eating, do not allow him to sleep on the dining table or unmade bed.

How can you tell if a kitten has worms?

You can tell if a kitten has worms by looking at some signs:

  • the baby is lethargic and gets tired quickly during outdoor games;
  • refuses food, or vice versa - eats a lot, but does not gain weight;
  • developmentally delayed;
  • the fur is dull and falls out;
  • the baby “rides his butt” on the floor, trying to relieve the itching;
  • coughs from time to time, pressing his head to the floor;
  • if there is inflammation and suppuration in the eyes, pus collects in the corners;
  • There is a digestive disorder - diarrhea or constipation, their alternation, as well as nausea and vomiting.

But even if the kitten has several symptoms, you cannot immediately run to the veterinary pharmacy and buy an anthelmintic. These signs are typical for many infectious diseases. If instead of treatment you give an anthelmintic, which weakens the body, the animal may die.

When to treat?

The first prophylaxis should be carried out no earlier than two months of age, before the first vaccination. If the symptoms of infection are severe, you can give the kitten an anti-worm drug at three weeks of age, but you need to carefully select the dosage so as not to poison the baby.

First, the baby needs to be treated for fleas, and then for worms, since fleas are carriers and can lead to re-infection.

For the first time, the drug is given twice with an interval of 2 weeks. The first time, the active substance destroys adult worms, the second – those that emerged from larvae. Although some modern drugs allow you to kill both larvae and adults at the same time, but it should be remembered that they are quite toxic to the kittens themselves.

If the kitten is sick or poisoned, or in the first weeks after vaccinations, prophylaxis cannot be carried out. Severe worm infestation is very similar to acute intestinal infection. Therefore, if there are symptoms (fever, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing), it is better to show the kitten to a veterinarian.

It is better to give the drug in the morning on an empty stomach, separately or with a small amount of food - canned food, pate, boiled minced meat. The tablets need to be crushed into powder. For very young kittens, it is recommended to use a suspension. It contains the same substance, only dissolved in water in a certain proportion. It is important to strictly follow the dosage, taking into account the age and weight of the baby.

Before treatment, you can give a Gamavit injection (0.2 ml) to the withers area. 4 hours after you need to give a sorbent - Enterosgel, Activated carbon or any other. If during this time the kitten does not go to the litter box for a long time, you need to give a laxative so that the dead worms do not begin to decompose in the intestines.

You should not give your kitten medications for adult animals or people: they contain strong poisons in high dosages, which can lead to serious health problems and even death of the pet.

What tablets should I give my kitten against worms?

Anthelmintic drugs are divided into:

The first group can be used if you know exactly what parasites the kitten is infected with, if there are results laboratory tests. Anthelmintic wide range may not be effective enough. In addition, they are more toxic.

Along with the cat, the owner receives uninvited representatives of the fauna - helminths. According to statistics from veterinary specialists, the level of infection among domestic cats in rural areas reaches 95-99%, and in urban conditions – up to 50%. Helminths are dangerous to humans. To avoid infection, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene and give glistone preparations to your tailed pets on time.

How to give a cat deworming medication

Cats are finicky pets. Despite the fact that the manufacturer indicated on the tablets that there is a taste of meat, many Muroks and Barsiks cannot be fooled. In the end, all tasty food eaten, but the tablet remained in the bowl.

What tricks can you use:

  1. Assess whether the drug has a specific taste; you can take your sensations as a basis by licking the cut of the broken tablet. If there is no pronounced taste, then you can grind the drug to a powder and mix it with a delicious pate, for example, Felix or Gourmet. A hungry cat will lick everything clean. However, if the drug has a taste, the animal will refuse to eat.
  2. The medicine can be dipped in sunflower oil and placed on a short time into the freezer. An oily crust will appear on it. Open the animal's mouth, put the tablet in the oil, close it and slightly smooth it down the throat from lower jaw to the chest. This will cause reflex act swallowing. After swallowing and licking, open your pet's mouth again and make sure there is no tablet there.
  3. The method will require simple equipment, but with its help you can easily and quickly give tablets to even cunning and timid cats. You will need medical tweezers with long jaws and a flat joint surface. Hold the tablet or part of it in tweezers. Take the cat right ear and turn your face up. On the left side, move the tweezers with the tablet to the root of the tongue and release the drug. The medication immediately ends up in the esophagus, and the cat doesn’t have time to figure anything out.
  4. It is convenient to give a suspension or powder dissolved in water from a two-cc syringe. Take the cat by the right ear with your left hand and align the position of the muzzle so that you can see the tongue in the slightly open mouth. Place the syringe on the left side and slowly, without jerking, squeeze its contents onto the root of the tongue.
  5. If the cat strongly resists and hits the person with its paw, then it may have to be swaddled. This is done in a similar way to swaddling a baby.

Anthelmintic drug schedule

Pet cat owners often wonder how often to give tablets. There are no universal recommendations, but the cat’s lifestyle should be taken as a basis for making a decision. If she has the opportunity to hunt and leave the premises, then her risk of becoming infected with helminths from caught birds and mice is higher than that of a murka that runs between the sofa and the windowsill. Accordingly, anthelmintic should be given more often. At least once every 3-4 months.

If the cat has become less active or her appetite has worsened, then you cannot blame everything on helminths. What is best to prescribe in this case must be decided veterinarian. If the animal’s disease is not associated with helminths, then the tablets will be harmful.

What to give a cat for worms

It is better if recommendations on the use of anthelmintic drugs are given by a veterinarian after assessing the animal’s condition. However, not all owners can afford frequent visits to the clinic, and in some areas there are no veterinary facilities. Therefore, the animal owner goes to a pet store or veterinary pharmacy, hoping for competent advice on what to give the cat for worms.

When a cat is given a deworming tablet and the owner is convinced that the animal ate it and did not spit it out, the result can be assessed within 1-3 days.

Cats usually tolerate the procedure without external manifestations. Less frequent stools and refusal to eat are attributed to side effects medicines. To avoid reducing efficiency active substance, you should not give sorbents to your cat. And the absence of stool within 12-24 hours after giving an anti-worm tablet should alert the owner. This is a reason to give a laxative in the form of drops or doses Vaseline oil inside. Dead helminths in combination with constipation can become a source of intoxication for the animal.

When should you not give deworming tablets?

Despite the fact that timely anthelmintic procedure improves the general condition of the animal, there are situations in which it is better not to use anthelmintic drugs. It is better not to give them to a pregnant cat unless absolutely necessary. If you see live or dead worms in your stool, then it is worth discussing the feasibility and safety of a single dose of anthelmintic drugs with your veterinarian.