Coffee with MCT Oil SportsResearch. MCT Oil - Joy for Mind and Body

Middle-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are perhaps the least known bodybuilding supplement available today. They are a unique type of fat that has a wide range of beneficial effects. They help increase dry muscle mass, reduce excess body fat, provide energy for pre-competition training. Despite their enormous practical benefits, it is surprising that so few people know about them.

Conventional wisdom holds that to stay lean, you must minimize your fat intake. As most sports nutritionists passionately claim, “if you eat fat, you will become fat!” But recently, this statement has been somewhat softened, and now some types of fats are even recommended to be included in the diet. The differences between different types fats, such as saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, and their specific effects on health and well-being. In fact, it has even been recognized that omega-3 fats are an excellent remedy, helping to oxidize fats and improve performance of cardio-vascular system.

Without a doubt, fats are essential nutrient and they play very important role in many body functions. Fats perform protective function, like a soft pillow surrounding internal organs. They improve the absorption of vitamins and promote the formation cell membranes, hormones and prostaglandins. Despite what some may say, the body cannot exist without receiving fats in the diet.

However, as every bodybuilder knows, eating too much fat can have a significant effect on your body. appearance bodies. Since the body spends virtually no energy on their digestion, fats are much more easily converted into fat reserves than other nutrients. While proteins and carbohydrates have a thermic effect on the body - meaning that you spend 25% of the calories you get from proteins and carbohydrates on digesting them - the energy expenditure on breaking down regular fats is very small (1, 2). After you eat fats, they are immediately broken down into fatty acid, which then quickly move into fat cells, forming fat deposits that act as a potential source of energy for later use - as long as you eat a large number of carbohydrates.

MCTs are a completely different type of fat. Due to the unique structure of the molecule, they bypass the normal mechanisms by which the body forms fat reserves. Instead of being broken down into fatty acids, MCTs are transported directly to the liver, where they are quickly converted into an instant source of energy. Consequently, the body prefers to immediately use them for energy needs rather than storing them in fat deposits (3). They basically function as something in between fats and carbohydrates, without the negative effects of either of those nutrients.

Contains no sugar, salt, starch, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, milk, egg, shellfish or preservatives.

As a dietary supplement, take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) 1 to 3 times daily. MCT oil can also be used as a replacement for regular oil in salads, sauces and cooking as a source of healthy fatty acids. Not recommended for use in frying due to its low boiling point.

MCT Oil - helps reduce excess fat deposits

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT's)- medium chain triglycerides are fats that are naturally found in coconut and palm kernel oil. MCTs are the fastest digesting fats and require the least amount of enzymes to digest.

Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) are perhaps the most popular bodybuilding supplement available today. MCT Oils are a unique type of fat that provides wide range beneficial effects. MCTs help increase lean muscle mass, reduce excess body fat, and provide energy for pre-competition training.

Traditionally, there is an opinion that in order to stay dry, fat intake must be kept to a minimum. As most nutritionists passionately claim, “if you eat fat, you will become fat!” But recently, this statement has been somewhat softened, and now some types of fats are even recommended to be included in the diet. The differences between different types of fats, such as saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, and their specific effects on health and well-being have been clearly identified. In fact, omega-3 fats have been recognized as excellent agents for promoting fat oxidation and improving cardiovascular health.

Without a doubt, fats are an essential nutrient and play a very important role in many body functions. Fats perform a protective function, surrounding internal organs like a soft pillow. They improve the absorption of vitamins and promote the formation of cell membranes, hormones and prostaglandins. The body cannot exist without receiving fats in the diet.

However, as every bodybuilder knows, eating too much fat can have a significant impact on body appearance. Since the body spends virtually no energy on digesting them, fats are much more easily converted into fat reserves than other nutrients. While proteins and carbohydrates have a thermic effect on the body - meaning that you spend 25% of the calories you get from proteins and carbohydrates on digesting them - the energy cost of breaking down regular fats is very small. After you eat fats, they are immediately broken down into fatty acids, which are then quickly moved into fat cells, forming fat deposits that act as a potential source of energy for later use - provided you eat large amounts of carbohydrates.

MST Oil- This is a completely different type of fat. Due to the unique structure of the molecule, they bypass the normal mechanisms by which the body forms fat reserves. Instead of being broken down into fatty acids, MCT Oil is transported directly to the liver, where it is quickly converted into an instant source of energy. Consequently, the body prefers to immediately use them for energy needs, rather than storing them in fat depots. They basically function as something in between fats and carbohydrates, without the negative effects of either of those nutrients.

Additionally, research shows that MCTs increase growth hormone levels. In one experiment, growth hormone levels increased by as much as 900% a few hours after participants consumed MCT. Since growth hormone greatly stimulates muscle growth, additional use MCT will help create an anabolic environment. If you combine MCT Oil with intense resistance training, the result will be an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat.

Mode of application:

Take 1 tablespoon (15 ml) per day. MCTs can be added to salads and other dishes. However, this oil is not suitable for frying.

Volume: 473 ml.

MCT oil or MCT oil is a medium chain triglyceride and a form of saturated fatty acid that provides numerous health benefits ranging from improved cognitive function to weight management.

Coconut oil is a good source with an approximate total fatty acid content of 62 - 65%, of which most of medium chain triglycerides, although Lately More concentrated products, for example, from palm seeds, are already gaining popularity.

MCT oil is largely absent from the diet ordinary people. This is because there is a public perception that all forms of saturated fat are potentially harmful. But recently, scientists have provided a lot of evidence of their real benefits.

Products like coconuts can and even should be consumed every day. They are easier to digest than long chain triglycerides and may even be better for the heart, brain, obesity prevention and treatment, and more.

People living in tropical regions have been consuming many sources of saturated fat for thousands of years without any negative consequences. Thanks to this, it can be assumed that a diet with low content fat is not the healthiest.

In addition to coconut oil, smaller amounts of medium chain triglycerides can be found in other foods: cheeses, palm oil, whole milk and full-fat yogurt.

From this article you will learn:

What makes MCT oil so special?

MCT oil gets its name from its length chemical structure. All types of fatty acids are composed of attached carbon and hydrogen. They are classified by how many carbon atoms they have:

  • short chain, like butyric acid, have less than six carbon atoms;
  • with an average chain length of between 6 and 12 carbon atoms;
  • Long-chain omega-3s, for example, have between 13 – 21 atoms.

What makes MCT oil the main source of essential healthy fats? Medium chain triglycerides are easily absorbed and are immediately sent directly to the liver, where they positively change metabolism. This is why many people argue that this product is burned by the body to produce energy, or fuel, instead of being stored in cells as fat.

Compared to long chain triglycerides, MCT oil is more easily absorbed because the body has to do less work to break the carbon bonds. It penetrates cell membranes more easily and does not require special enzymes for its use.

Medium chain triglycerides are capable of:

  • Support healthy weight, by reducing stored fat through accelerating metabolic function.
  • Supply the body with energy.
  • Improve digestion.
  • To fight with bacterial infections and viruses.
  • Improve your mood.
  • Control hormonal balance.
  • Improve thinking.
  • Absorb fat-soluble nutrients from a variety of foods.

Nutritional facts

There are several different forms of MCT, some more effective than others. Four various shapes: caproic (C6: 0), (C8: 0), capric (C10: 0) and lauric (C12: 0) acids.

The shorter the chain, the fewer carbon atoms the acid has, and the faster body can convert fatty acids into useful energy in the form of ketones. The body produces ketones when it uses fat for energy instead of glucose.

Regardless of all this, MCT oil is better than long chain triglycerides for health, especially for people with difficulty digesting other forms of fat, malabsorption problems, digestive disorders like leaky gut syndrome, Crohn's disease, gallbladder infections and so on.

Content of medium chain triglycerides in food products, as a percentage of total fat:

  • Coconut oil - 15%
  • Palm oil - 7.9%
  • Cheese - 7.3%
  • Butter - 6.8%
  • Milk - 6.9%
  • Yogurt - 6.6%

TSC vs coconut oil

Coconut oil is known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It contains abundant levels of lauric acid. The difference between triglyceride oil and coconut oil is that the former is more concentrated and contains different proportions of fatty acids.

There are four types of medium chain triglycerides, which differ depending on the number of carbon atoms (from 6 to 12). Among these triglycerides (15% of total fats), coconut oil contains mainly about 50% of one type (lauric acid).

This is why many people prefer to buy concentrated supplements containing all four types, which are quite difficult to obtain in the United States. normal quantity from other food products.

Coconut oil is rightfully considered the best source of lauric acid, due to which it has antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral properties. Most of the substances in it are saturated fats.

Now there are discussions in the world about whether it is correct to classify lauric acid as a TSC, because in its own way biological effect it resembles another form of long-chain triglyceride, although there are 12 carbon atoms in its structure.

TSC have one significant advantage, namely, they contain other forms of acids: caproic, caprylic, capric, and lauric acid may be completely absent.

The biggest risk of buying manufactured TSCs is that you don't know what you're actually getting. Some marketers claim that their product contains more concentrated and varied triglycerides than regular coconut oil, perhaps because it contains chemically altered or absent lauric acid.

Such a product may contain "filler" oils such as omega-6 polyunsaturated fats. Another little known fact: Most of this product in the market is produced using chemical processing using a solvent and chemical substances, like hexane, various enzymes and chemical combustion products.

Just make sure you buy the product. High Quality: The label must clearly describe the ingredients and method of production.

The whole truth about lauric acid

The main reason that coconut oil companies claim that it is better than TSC, and MCT manufacturers claim that their product is better, is lauric acid. They are all right, but for different reasons.

MCT oil contains a combination of capric and caprylic acid, or simply concentrated caprylic acid, which makes it faster and useful source energy. It often contains no lauric acid (C12) at all, which acts as a combination of long-chain and medium-chain triglycerides in the body and slows down the digestion process.

On the other hand, the dominant fatty acid in coconuts is lauric acid, followed by caproic acid, caprylic acid, and capric acid.

Lauric acid is antimicrobial, antibacterial and antiviral. It's great for the skin. It is currently being studied for its potential to help people with severe acne.

After coconut oil, its richest natural spring- This breast milk human, which contains up to 20% saturated fat in the form of lauric acid. There are studies that show that consuming coconut oil helps breastfeeding mothers improve the lauric acid content of their milk.

During digestion, lauric acid is converted into monolaurin - a vital important substance for supporting immune function. Most often, MCT oil does not contain it at all, although caprylic and capric acids also have some antiviral and antibacterial properties, but do not help the body create monolaurin.

How to use MCT oil in home recipes?

Some people use this supplement daily by drinking it directly from a spoon and mixing it into drinks. TSCs are tasteless and odorless, so this option is suitable for everyone.

Here are some ways to use it at home:

  • Mayonnaise homemade in a blender (MCT oil, egg yolk, olive oil, lemon juice and salt).
  • Salad dressing (TCC, honey, Dijon mustard and any spices).
  • Add to smoothies and yoghurts (this will stabilize blood sugar levels, namely, slow down the rate of absorption of sugar molecules).
  • Use TSC for baking instead of coconut oil.
  • Don't forget that just like coconut oil, it can be used for hair and skin. TSC is added to homemade whitening pastes for dental treatment, moisturizers, lip balms, sunscreens, conditioners, shaving creams, face masks, salt scrubs and essential oil mixtures.

What are the health benefits of MCT oil?

1) Protects heart health

MCT oil prevents the development metabolic syndrome. Many metabolic disorders can be classified under this term, such as abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and increased fasting blood glucose levels.

TSC is able to reduce cardiovascular diseases and risk of mortality overall due to decreased chances of obesity. Most likely, this beneficial effect occurs because medium chain triglycerides are easily digested, satiating, and just as easily used for energy.

2) Helps digestion due to easy absorption of nutrients

TSCs are beneficial for the growth of good bacteria in the intestines. Regulation of microflora has positive influence for execution digestive functions, energy expenditure, and the ability to absorb vitamins and minerals from food.

Medium chain fats kill a wide range of pathogenic viruses, strains and bacteria that cause digestive problems, including candidiasis, constipation, diarrhea, food poisoning, abdominal pain and so on.

In addition, these healthy fats absorb fat-soluble nutrients from various products nutrients such as beta-carotene (a precursor to vitamin A), vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and lutein. If you eat healthy foods, especially plant foods, but you don't receive sufficient quantity healthy fats, your body is essentially unable to use these nutrients.

3) Antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties

Such food supplement is powerful natural antibiotic, which not only does not destroy, but rather helps balance bacteria in the intestines. Nowadays, resistance to antibiotics is increasingly developing, so it makes sense to use natural methods to destroy some harmful species bacteria.

Some known bacteria, destroyed by TSC: streptococcus (causes sore throat, pneumonia and sinus infections), staphylococcus, (causes food poisoning and infections urinary tract), Neisseria (causes meningitis, gonorrhea and pelvic inflammatory diseases), as well as some other strains that cause stomach diseases, candidiasis, ulcers and sexually transmitted diseases.

Some pathogenic viruses are partially inactivated by lauric acid. Another one interesting thing: TSCs are able to destroy “bad bacteria” without harming “good bacteria”. This is very important, given that we simply need to maintain a healthy gut and overall digestive system.

According to some studies, medium chain fatty acids with 8 to 12 carbon atoms are more potent antiviral and antibacterial properties when added to milk and infant formulas than long chain fats. This formula, when added with medium chain fats to milk, inactivates a number of pathogens, including respiratory syncytial virus, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), Haemophilus influenzae and streptococci.

4) Helps burn fat

Compared to other types of fats, MTCs have a positive effect on fat burning and weight loss. They increase the feeling of fullness and increase the metabolic rate so that all body functions are performed smoothly.

But this does not mean that you will necessarily lose weight. TSC definitely has a positive effect on metabolic functions. For example, a 2003 study found that in obese women, TSCs prevented long-term weight gain by increasing energy expenditure and fat burning.

A previous study from 2001 compared the body weight of two groups of adults: one consuming long-chain fats and the other consuming medium-chain fats over a 12-week period. The amount of protein, carbohydrates and fats did not differ significantly between groups; only the types of fats differed.

After 12 weeks, the reduction in body weight and body fat was significantly greater in the MCT group, as was the reduction in area subcutaneous fat. This suggests that this dietary supplement may suppress fat deposition by increasing thermogenesis and fat oxidation in animals and humans. In other words, it helps the body produce ketones without having to drastically cut carbohydrates from your diet.

5) Increases energy levels and mood

The brain is primarily made up of fatty acids, so it needs a steady supply of them from your diet to feel better, think rationally, be productive, and stay that way for many years to come.

In 2004, scientists suggested that TSCs improve memory and are also beneficial for Alzheimer's disease in older people. All of this only makes sense if the food that supplies fuel for the brain contains everything essential vitamins and minerals to help us feel sane, energetic and positive.

TSC not only feeds brain cells, but also improves general state intestines. This gut-brain connection is significantly related to cognitive function.

In one animal study, pigs were fed a standard formula but with 2 g of caprylic or capric acid added each day. Pigs treated with TSC showed improvements in gut bacterial health, performance, growth, and nutrient digestion, including protein and fiber.

6) Withstands high temperatures

MCTs are especially good for cooking because they do not oxidize easily from heat and can withstand high temperatures. This is very important, because even some " good fats» are not always great for cooking (for example, olive or linseed oil may become rancid). Coconut and MCT oils are best used in baking, salad dressing and frying.

Unfortunately, it is not a miracle weight loss supplement, although there is some evidence that it may help you lose weight. If you want to test this hypothesis, then experiment on your own and see the results.

On the other hand, you shouldn’t completely give up other fats, because MCT will not provide you with all the benefits that other types of healthy oils provide.

Brad Schoenfeld

The best time to take MCT is when liquid form, in which they are known as “MCT Oil”. To make it easier to swallow, it is combined with natural flavoring additives. MCT Oil may be too heavy on the stomach at first, sometimes causing cramping and upset. Therefore, it is advisable to take it with food, not on an empty stomach. This will improve its absorption and help avoid possible digestive system disorders. If you prefer, you can even add MCT Oil directly to your food, ensuring optimal assimilation.

Fats that provide energy for growth

Middle-chain triglycerides (MCTs) are perhaps the least known bodybuilding supplement available today. They are a unique type of fat that has a wide range of beneficial effects. They help increase lean muscle mass, reduce excess fat deposits, and provide energy for pre-competition training. Despite their enormous practical benefits, it is surprising that so few people know about them.

Conventional wisdom holds that to stay lean, you must minimize your fat intake. As most sports nutritionists passionately claim, “if you eat fat, you will become fat!” But recently, this statement has been somewhat softened, and now some types of fats are even recommended to be included in the diet. The differences between different types of fats, such as saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated, and their specific effects on health and well-being have been clearly identified. In fact, it has even been recognized that omega-3 fats are excellent for aiding fat oxidation and improving cardiovascular health.

Without a doubt, fats are an essential nutrient and play a very important role in many body functions. Fats perform a protective function, surrounding internal organs like a soft pillow. They improve the absorption of vitamins and promote the formation of cell membranes, hormones and prostaglandins. Despite what some may say, the body cannot exist without receiving fats in the diet.

However, as every bodybuilder knows, eating too much fat can have a significant effect on body appearance. Since the body spends virtually no energy on their digestion, fats are much more easily converted into fat reserves than other nutrients. While proteins and carbohydrates have a thermic effect on the body - meaning that you spend 25% of the calories you get from proteins and carbohydrates on digesting them - the energy expenditure on breaking down regular fats is very small (1, 2). After you eat fats, they are immediately broken down into fatty acids, which are then quickly moved into fat cells, forming fat deposits that act as a potential source of energy for later use - provided you eat large amounts of carbohydrates.

MCTs are a completely different type of fat. Due to the unique structure of the molecule, they bypass the normal mechanisms by which the body forms fat reserves. Instead of being broken down into fatty acids, MCTs are transported directly to the liver, where they are quickly converted into an instant source of energy. Consequently, the body prefers to immediately use them for energy needs rather than storing them in fat deposits (3). They basically function as something in between fats and carbohydrates, without the negative effects of either of those nutrients.

MCT and weight loss

A popular way to lose weight is to reduce your carbohydrate intake - typically to 40% (or less) of your carbohydrate intake. total number calories. Due to their stabilizing effect on insulin secretion, low-carbohydrate diets promote increased fat burning. Since insulin transports fat into fat cells, when it is released in excess into the bloodstream, it promotes the formation of fat deposits. By limiting your carbohydrate intake, it is easier for the body to regulate insulin secretion, thereby minimizing the likelihood of fat storage.

Although low-carb diets are effective in reducing body fat, they also have a negative impact on muscle mass. Carbohydrates are the main source of glycogen in the body - the most preferred “fuel” when intensive training. When you limit your carbohydrate intake, your body must convert amino acids into glucose (through a process called gluconeogenesis) to meet immediate energy needs. Unfortunately, the conversion process is very inefficient and is unable to adequately restore glycogen reserves between workouts, which inevitably causes a decrease in performance and reduces the body's ability to stimulate muscle growth.

Fortunately, supplemental use of MCTs will help extract maximum benefit from a low-carbohydrate diet while maintaining muscle tissue. Because they are metabolized in the same way as carbohydrates, the body uses MCTs primarily as fuel when hard training. This helps maximize performance while preserving glycogen stores for future workouts (4). For best results replace carbohydrates with MCTs for the same number of calories and maintain protein intake at a level of at least 2 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Additionally, research shows that MCTs increase growth hormone levels. In one experiment, growth hormone levels increased by as much as 900% within hours of participants consuming MCT (5). Since growth hormone is a huge stimulator of muscle growth, supplemental MCT intake will help create an anabolic environment. When you combine MCT supplementation with intense resistance training, the result will be an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat.

They even drink coffee with them and praise them, but more on that below.

This is a post about MCT, special oil from discount section about weight loss.
In fact, this product will also be listed in the sections “energy”, “cognitive functions”, “purification of pathogens”, “anti-aging”, “liver”.

MCTs are medium chain triglycerides, which means a type of fat that has a stub-tail formula with 10 or fewer carbon atoms at the end.
How are they better than long-chain fats?
With such short tails, they become more nimble, and in order to assimilate, they do not need to go through as many stages of transformation in the body as their long-tailed counterparts.
Therefore, unlike long-chain fats (LCTs), MCTs are not stored as fat, are quickly absorbed, are quickly converted into energy and begin to burn stores.
To put it simply, the medium ones are sent through the portal vein directly to the liver, where they become a source of energy, and the long ones travel through the lymphatic and circulatory system.

What are the benefits of MCTs for healthy weight loss?

--- The use of medium chain triglycerides without a low-calorie diet gives a small result in weight loss, about 3 kg, but this is a very high-quality 3 kg - the waist size decreases, the volume of the most harmful - visceral fat(the one around the organs abdominal cavity), overall volume fat (research). That is, MCTs allow you to lose weight harmoniously and with health benefits.

--- Consumption of MCT increases thermogenesis, i.e. body temperature, more fats are oxidized (burned), more energy is produced, more calories are burned at rest. (I have a guess: who low temperature body, slow metabolism and, as a result, swelling and overweight- it’s worth trying medium chain triglycerides, I think this is what you need). MCT oil increases fat burning by increasing fat oxidation in the liver and other tissues.

--- This oil gives a feeling of satiety and energy (research), below I write how cleverly it is used with coffee and tea to get the maximum effect for vigor and clarity of mind.

MCT prevents excess carbohydrates from being converted into fat storage (study)

What else is MCT used for:

Improvements in memory and cognitive assessments, in a second study in patients with Alzheimer's disease and in severely ill patients (study 1 , 2 )

Increasing the effectiveness of training. Improves endurance and athletic performance (research) 1 , 2 )

Improve metabolism, improve intestinal microflora and treat intestinal permeability (research). MCTs are completely safe for metabolic health.

Suppressing pathogens, not for nothing caprylic acid is included in programs for cleansing the body of fungi, bacteria and viruses, and lauric acid monoester is, known remedy from acute respiratory infections, candida, cocci and other misfortunes. Medium chain fats are also found in mother's milk, they protect the child’s gastrointestinal tract.

Recovery of older people with sarcopenia and decreasing skeletal muscle mass.
In that research It is confirmed that medium chain triglycerides in combination with vitamin D at dinner help frail elderly people gain muscle mass and strength, resulting in increased arm strength and walking speed.

Treatments fatty liver disease and others metabolic disorders(study)

Strengthening the properties of Omega-3 in the direction of preventing risks of the cardiovascular system (research 1 , 2 ). For this purpose, MCT is taken together with Omega-3 (EPA and DHA)

How can you use MCT?

1. What kind of coffee can't be ruined by oil?

Bulletproof Coffee or bulletproof)) This recipe was invented by Dave Asprey, who learned everything in Tibet, took a closer look at Tibetan tea with oils and thought - why not coffee. (And caffeine with MCT is good)
Coffee with butter ghee and medium chain triglycerides, MCT starts the fat burning process, suppresses appetite, stimulates energy production and brain function, helps to concentrate and solve creative problems, that's it! It is not recommended to combine this coffee with meals.
In general, it’s a very fashionable thing, restaurants and cafes are already catching up with demand.
There are videos on the Internet on how to cook it.
But tea with MCT has not been canceled either)

2. Can be used for salad dressings.
We take it instead of regular long-chain fats, and then follow the recipe

3. MCT smokes at 320 degrees, so it is suitable for cooking food to this temperature, and can be used to replace other fats.

How to choose MCT oil?

You need to look at the ratio of acids - caprylic, capric and lauric,
look at this abbreviation:
caprylic acid (C8),
capric acid (C10)
lauric acid (C12).

What comes after C indicates the number of carbon atoms, i.e. How short is the chain of this triglyceride.
We found that we need medium chain triglycerides much more for these purposes.
For example, we look to have less lauric acid, it is not so valuable (since it has the longest chain), and MCTs, where there is a lot of it, are the cheapest.
Lauric acid in coconut oil is about 50%, caprylic acid is only 6%, and capric acid is 9%.
Lauric acid is the subject of debate; its path in the body partly follows the MCT route, partly along the route of long-chain fats.

So, the power of MCT is in the shorter chains, but if you have never used this oil, then you need to start with the one that has a lot of lauric acid, and take this mixture a teaspoon for two weeks, then increase to a tablespoon or two .

California Gold Nutrition, MCT from coconut oil, 12 ml (355 ml)
Caprylic acid (C8:C) 8.040 g
Capric acid (C10:C) 4.185 g
This oil can be called semi-professional.
It has the highest rating; in terms of price/quality ratio it is a good option.

Zenwise Health, C8-MAX
Medium chain triglycerides (as TG)
95-99% caprylic acid (C8:0) – 15 g.
This is a very strong, "professional" MCT oil.

Zenwise Health, MST
Caprylic acid (C8:0) 9.2 g
Capric acid (C10:0) 4.5 g
A little weaker than the previous one, but it is strong, I think for most this is the maximum.

Jarrow Formulas MST
Caprylic acid 8.4 g
Capric acid 5.6 g
Slightly weaker than the previous lineup

Nutiva, MST
C8: 0 - Caprylic acid 7.3 g
C10: 0 - Capric acid 5.0 g
C12: 0 - Lauric acid 0.7 g
There is a little lauric acid here, a little more C10 than in the previous two. This MCT is suitable for a beginner.

Sports Research, MST
C8: 0 - Caprylic acid 4800 g
C10: 0 - Capric acid 3,900 g
C12: 0 Lauric acid 4 g
The ratio is just right for a beginner.

Some people have unpleasant reactions at the beginning of taking them, which then go away (maximum - fade within a week), so start with a tiny amount.
May be: diarrhea, nausea, bloating, headache, nervousness. I don’t think this has anything to do with the reaction to medium chain fats, but it does fit into the Herxheimer reaction that caprylic acid can cause as an anibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agent. If you have recently been treated with antibiotics, GSE, taken monolaurin, or cleansed your body of pathogens, then most likely you will not have any unpleasant reaction to MCT.

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