Is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation? Deadlines: not a whim of doctors, but a forced necessity

Women who watch closely own health, are wary of any changes in their periods. They are especially frightened by the resumption of menstruation 14 days after the end of the previous one.

Menstruation should be regular, and irregular periods are a cause for concern.

What factors disrupt the normal course of the menstrual cycle?

Doctors highlight great amount factors due to which menstruation may begin two weeks after the previous one. Most of them are not dangerous to women's health. They can be called a completely natural phenomenon. The menstrual cycle often changes due to:

  • Reception oral contraceptives. Girls are increasingly choosing this option for protection from unwanted pregnancy. Sooner or later, almost every one of them faces the problem of the onset of menstruation in two weeks.
  • Hormonal disorders in the body. The cycle becomes unstable and it is difficult for women to predict the onset of the next period. This usually happens due to inflammatory processes in the genitals or due to abortion. Hormonal disorders They also happen after childbirth.
  • Pregnancy. On early stages Women mistake other bleeding for menstruation that began in the middle of the cycle. As a rule, this occurs due to the attachment of the embryo to the uterus.
  • Cycle formation. The first two years, menstruation is irregular. Therefore, it can begin at any time, regardless of whether the bleeding starts again after 14 days or more.

From similar phenomena Not a single woman is insured. If the cycle starts again on the 14th day, then do not worry too much. This is caused by harmless factors and soon everything will return to normal.

Hormonal imbalances due to abortion disrupt the monthly cycle

The main reason for the start of menstruation after two weeks

The resumption of the cycle after a couple of weeks in most cases occurs due to various inflammatory processes in the genital area. Based on such bleeding, a woman may suspect that she has a disease that has not previously manifested itself. This symptom indicates the formation of polyps in the uterus, fibroids, adenomas or tumors. There are not so few options. A accurate diagnosis Only a qualified doctor can diagnose it.

If premature menstruation is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, the woman should immediately consult a specialist. Most girls try not to pay attention to this, which is why they miss the opportunity timely treatment. Women also try to do without the help of a gynecologist if the disrupted cycle goes away without any pain or cramps. This greatly harms their own health.

Why can menstruation start prematurely?

What other reasons can cause the menstrual cycle to be disrupted? Why do my periods come again 14 days after the end of the last one? The answer to these difficult questions will be the following factors:

  • Being in stressful situations. It has long been known that constant unrest have a negative impact on general health person. After emotional overload, women note a change in their usual cycle. Within a day you can notice scanty bleeding. But they quickly pass as soon as she gets out of a stressful situation.
  • Problems with thyroid gland. The cycle can change due to disturbances in the functioning of this part of our body. If the gland stops secreting normal amount hormones, then a malfunction occurs reproductive function. Due to this, after 14 days a woman can experience early menstruation.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. This condition very dangerous for a woman, as it can be difficult to identify. Similar pregnancy develops in the same way as normal. But as the woman grows, she begins to experience severe discomfort in the genital area. And bleeding, which can occur a couple of weeks after the end of menstruation, will be caused by damage and tissue ruptures.
  • Overwork and bad dream. The most common reason due to which, after a few days, unnatural bleeding begins. Unpleasant phenomenon is the body's reaction to such shocks.

Having become familiar with the reasons for the violation normal cycle, you can understand that premature menstruation does not bode well. Almost always it indicates a malfunction in the functioning of one or another organ.

In this case, bleeding after fourteen days is considered as a symptom. And what formerly a woman starts to worry about this, the more effective her treatment will be.

Lack of sleep and overwork can trigger the process of premature periods

Methods for solving the problem

After the completion of the cycle, women expect a new menstruation in an average of 28 days. If something is wrong with the body, bleeding will begin much earlier.

Girls who are at the stage of growing up do not need to worry about this again. Their cycle can end and begin on any day over the next two years. Everything will return to normal. In other cases, consultation with a specialist will be required.

A woman will be able to avoid a long examination due to the fact that her cycle is severely disrupted, she will only be able to do so if this is caused by taking hormonal drugs. It will be enough to discuss the problem with your doctor and ask him to prescribe other remedies.

If a woman’s cycle should have normalized long ago, and she is not taking any hormonal medications, then she is worried about premature menstruation after fourteen days due to illness. In this case, an examination and a series of complex tests are required to help determine the reason for the change in the cycle.

Women should know exactly what day their periods start and end. This is the only way to understand whether the cycle is normal or if there are problems with it. It is quite difficult to find out otherwise. In addition, it is not for nothing that the gynecologist is first of all interested in how long her cycle lasts, and on what day her last menstruation was. Such questions need to be answered accurately so that the doctor can identify problems with women's health patients.

Sometimes a woman herself can understand the reason why her cycle was disrupted, and its beginning was postponed to a completely different day. It is enough just to remember whether she had a cold or was very worried about important event. Perhaps the cycle change occurred due to constant lack of sleep and eating disorders. To return everything to normal, you just need to monitor your own health more closely over the next few days. It is recommended to provide yourself good rest, which will allow the problem to evaporate. But still, it won’t hurt to make an appointment with your gynecologist the next day after the strange bleeding starts. A visit to a specialist will not be superfluous. In addition, a consultation with a doctor will help you understand whether there is real reasons for anxiety caused by this trouble or not.

In the first days? some ask with obvious hope, while others ask with undisguised fear. Whatever the motives of women, they both need to find out whether pregnancy has occurred. But how do you know if next menstruation a few more days, but it’s still pointless to do a pregnancy test? And how early can you find out that conception has occurred?

Reproduction specialists assure that one can say one hundred percent whether a woman is pregnant using only proven methods - carrying out ultrasound diagnostics, a woman’s blood test for quantitative indicators of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. All the rest, according to them, cannot be considered one hundred percent. Even pregnancy tests, which are freely available in pharmacies and used at home, sometimes make mistakes.

However, even the best ultrasound machine will not “see” the pregnancy until a certain time. Meanwhile, the woman may already begin to experience some new sensations. Her body begins to change from the first minutes after conception; new mechanisms are launched in it that contribute to the consolidation of pregnancy and its successful development. And yet, no matter what doctors say, there are certain signs that help determine (or at least begin to guess) the fact of pregnancy already in the first days after conception.

Naturally, when we say “the first days,” this does not mean at all that we're talking about about the first or second day after unprotected intercourse. But within a week or a week and a half, the first messengers will certainly make themselves known.

So how to determine pregnancy in the first days? Listen to yourself. And take a closer look.

If one day you notice a small stain on your underwear bloody discharge(they may be almost bloodless, yellowish), and the next period is still far away, perhaps you are pregnant. This happens when an egg implants into the wall of the uterus. But for many women, this procedure occurs “dry”, which, like the first case, is a variant of the norm. By the way, if you have cervical erosion, then pinkish or yellowish discharge is also possible if pregnancy has occurred.

As we know, an increase in a woman’s body is a sign of upcoming or completed ovulation. And here a sharp decline basal temperature, also called implantation retraction, indicates that conception has occurred. But a sharp decrease in temperature occurs within one day, and therefore only those women who daily and conscientiously long period monitor their basal temperature over time and compile. In this case, the woman’s constant basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy will be “above 37”.

An increased sense of smell, an aversion to certain smells, and not yet pronounced nausea are sure signs of pregnancy. They are even called classic. These symptoms are experienced even by women who have never vomited during their entire pregnancy. But vomiting in the first days of pregnancy is a very common occurrence. It is often accompanied by a significant decrease in appetite, changes in taste and increased salivation.

A woman's breasts, in which a new life has arisen, become more sensitive. Swollen mammary glands are a common, but not always unambiguous, sign of pregnancy, which appears within 6-7 days after conception. Ambiguous - because many women's breasts swell and ache a few days before the onset of their next menstruation. But breast soreness during pregnancy does not go away in 2-3 days. The chest, on the contrary, increases even more and reacts to even the slightest touch. By the way, the fact that a woman will become a mother is indicated by darkened areolas around the nipples. Their lightening does not even occur after childbirth, but a certain time after the end of lactation.

The feeling of heaviness felt on the “lower floor,” or rather, in the pelvic area, is another sign that helps determine pregnancy in the first days. The fact is that a woman’s body, if pregnancy has taken place, directs all its resources to the area where colossal work needs to be done. Now the most important task for him is to create the most favorable conditions for the development and preservation of new life. Blood flow to the pelvic organs now increases, and the uterus begins to grow. Thus, women feel “something is wrong,” but until a certain moment they cannot understand what exactly is happening to them. Some women, especially those who have already given birth, may experience an unpleasant symptom - hemorrhoids. Its occurrence is associated with the same increased blood flow.

Many pregnant women in the first or second week may feel an incomprehensible tingling in the uterus and “lumbago” in the perineum. The feeling of pain can be so sudden and strong that women are seriously frightened. But doctors explain this by physiological changes occurring in a woman’s body. Lower back pain also often indicates that a woman is pregnant.

Quite often, an indicator that a woman is pregnant is a strong feeling of drowsiness and slight malaise. Some may even assume that they are starting to get sick. Increased fatigue is a completely natural phenomenon in the first days and even weeks of pregnancy. The body is being rebuilt, the immune system “falls” a little. The hormone progesterone, produced in larger volumes than usual, depresses the psyche and provokes feelings of depression, drowsiness and even irritability. In addition, progesterone contributes to the retention of fluid and salts in the body, which, in turn, can lead to swelling of the hands.

If you cannot determine it, then you can at least suspect pregnancy in the first days if a woman urinates more often. In this case, urination is not accompanied by pain or burning. As a rule, such a symptom of pregnancy as frequent urination goes away on its own by approximately four months. And hormones are also “to blame” for this, which are now produced in a completely different way in a woman’s body.

Not always, but often you can determine pregnancy in the first days by watching a woman’s sleep. Restless sleep, feeling “broken” in the morning, falling asleep early - almost all pregnant women know what this is like from their own experience.

If a woman simultaneously experiences at least two or three of the signs described above, the probability that she is pregnant is about 75%. This means that you need to contact a specialist to accurately establish the fact of pregnancy and, if the answer is positive, begin new life.

Especially for Olga Rizak

The topic of conception is important for girls and women who are planning to have a child and are currently avoiding pregnancy. Actual question: what is the probability of getting pregnant after the end of menstruation? To get an answer to it and find out on what days you can get pregnant after menstruation, by studying information about the female body and the processes of conception and pregnancy.

Conception after menstruation

Before you find out whether you can get pregnant after menstruation, you should find out about the duration menstrual cycle. Most mature women have a menstrual cycle of 28 days. The entire period is divided into phases:

  1. Follicular. The birth and growth of the follicle, degeneration into a mature egg. The phase includes the days of menstruation itself - 4-5 days, and the first 9-10 days after the end of bleeding.
  2. Ovulation is the stage of high probability of pregnancy. The egg is in full readiness for fertilization. The duration of the phase is from 12 to 48 hours, beginning on the 14-15th day of the cycle.
  3. Luteal. Begins on days 15-17 of the cycle. Duration 14 days. This stage is necessary to prepare the uterus to receive the egg. During fertilization, the egg is implanted or rejected and the cycle begins again.

There is a risk of becoming pregnant if contraceptive methods are not used: condoms, pills, etc. The likelihood of conception occurs in the second stage, i.e., the ovulation period, and there is less chance in the luteal phase. The opinion of women that the days of bleeding and several days after are safe is erroneous. The answer to the question is it possible to get pregnant after menstruation is positive.

Is it possible to get pregnant on the first day after your period?

In general, the concept of “conception on the first day after the end of menstruation” is considered a myth in medicine, but the possibility exists. Is it possible to get pregnant immediately after your period? The answer is yes. Here are the cases in which this can happen:

  1. The viability of sperm lasts more than 7 days and can even be 11 days. There is no need to use a calculator to calculate the deadlines. If intimacy happened on the first day after menstruation, there are 14 – (5-6) = 8-9 days left before ovulation. Considering the viability of the “tadpoles,” it turns out that they can remain in the female genital organs, which is why the likelihood of fertilization increases.
  2. With cycle disruptions and early onset of ovulation, the risk of conception is higher. This period can be determined using an ovulation test, which is sold in a pharmacy. It determines the time when the ovulatory stage occurs.
  3. Too long critical days, i.e. more than a week. The maturation of a new egg occurs in the last day menstrual bleeding.
  4. Menstrual cycle lasting more than 21 days. This way, all stages are significantly compressed, which is why fertilization occurs on the day closest to the end of menstruation.
  5. Maturation of 2 eggs at once in one cycle. This happens rarely, but there is still a possibility.

To determine the ovulation period, they also use a method where basal temperature is measured. You need to start doing this as soon as your critical days arrive, and they set the thermometer in the morning. The readings are recorded daily in a table or marked on a graph. When the temperature is between 36.6-36.9, the first half of the cycle occurs. When the value increases to 37, ovulation occurs, i.e., a dangerous or, conversely, desirable period. The subsequent decrease already indicates the onset of the next phase.

Is it possible to get pregnant a week after your period?

Considering the information from the previous paragraph about sperm viability, we can say that pregnancy after 7 days is quite possible. Changing the timing of the ovulatory stage also often leads to fertilization of an already mature egg. If you have sexual intercourse 7 days after menstrual bleeding, the risk of getting pregnant is higher than if you had intercourse 24 hours later.

On what day after menstruation can you get pregnant?

How many days after menstruation can you get pregnant? At any time, only the probability of conception changes. In a standard cycle, it gradually increases from the first day until ovulation. For this reason, there is no need to guess, because the answer will also be positive. Conclusion - a woman has a chance to become a mother on any day of her cycle.

In what case does the likelihood of getting pregnant after menstruation increase?

Cases have already been briefly listed above when the chances of conceiving a new life after the end of menstruation are much greater. It all depends on the woman’s health and the condition of her body. These are the cases:

  • short or, conversely, protracted cycle;
  • irregular ovulation;
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Short menstrual cycle

If the standard menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days, then for some women it is shorter. It can be considered as such if bleeding occurs with a frequency of less than 21 days. In this situation, the ovulatory stage occurs on the day closest to the end of menstruation. Taking into account the viability of the “tadpoles” and possible deviations in the female body, the risk of pregnancy is high.

Duration of menstruation more than 7 days

If you notice that your menstrual bleeding is prolonged and lasts more than a week, then be on the alert, because the egg can mature even before it ends. Under such conditions, it is still better to protect yourself, otherwise there is a possibility of conceiving a child, buy a test to determine the onset of ovulation.

When can you get pregnant after menstruation with spontaneous ovulation?

Medicine provides statistics that describe cases of spontaneous ovulation. What does this concept mean? It is a sign of the maturation of 2 eggs, subject to only one menstrual cycle. The process occurs with a break of no more than 3 days. The peculiarity is that the first egg is rejected and leaves the body with bleeding. At the same time, the woman is calm, because her period has arrived, which means there is no reason to worry. Because of this, there is no suspicion that the second egg is already ready, which can be fertilized even a week after sexual intercourse.

The risk of getting pregnant after your period if your menstrual cycle is irregular

It is difficult to determine the moment of ovulation when irregular cycle menstruation Malfunctions in the female body provoke stressful situations, taking contraceptives, nutrition, early ovulation, which occurs in 2% of women. Here the calendar can no longer be used for contraception. Intimacy after menstruation in this case often leads to pregnancy.

Video: can you get pregnant after menstruation?

The female body can present many surprises. One of these unexpected phenomena is menstruation after conception. This phenomenon happens rarely, but still it occurs and is worthy of being examined in more detail.

Mechanism of menstruation

To better understand the essence of the issue, you should have a good understanding of how regular periods occur. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the uterus begins to acquire additional membranes that thicken its endometrium.

During ovulation, a ready and mature egg is released from the follicle on the ovaries in fallopian tube. If there is a meeting with sperm there, pregnancy will occur. If such a meeting does not take place, the egg will die within a day and descend into the uterine cavity.

Ovulation calculator

Cycle duration

Duration of menstruation

  • Menstruation
  • Ovulation
  • High probability of conception

The uterine membranes that have grown during the cycle, in the absence of pregnancy, are simply eliminated from the body in the form of menstrual bleeding as unnecessary. Once pregnancy occurs, everything changes.

Changes in the body after conception

After fertilization of an egg by a sperm, a mass begins immediately in the woman’s body. various processes designed to help maintain pregnancy. Changes hormonal background, large concentrations of progesterone begin to be produced. This sex hormone prepares the uterus for upcoming implantation ovum, female endometrium reproductive organ becomes thicker and looser. The hormone suppresses the immune system so that it does not accidentally reject an embryo that is only 50% related female body. The child inherits the second half of the genetic material from the father.

Progesterone relaxes the uterine muscles. About a week after fertilization, the blastocyst, which becomes the fertilized egg, descends into the uterine cavity and attaches to one of the walls, in close contact with the endometrium. It practically grows into the wall of the uterus. From this moment the hCG hormone begins to be produced - human chorionic gonadotropin person. It is he, in combination with high level progesterone leads to a delay in the next menstruation.

The baby grows and develops in the mother's womb for 38 weeks. By the end of the first trimester of pregnancy hCG level peaks and begins to decline, and progesterone begins to decline closer to childbirth. Actually, its reduction to a certain concentration causes the birth process itself.

For 95% of women, this is exactly what happens. But there are also pregnant women who may not realize their “interesting” situation for quite a long time, since they have menstruation. And only the growing uterus and other symptoms will put everything in its place.

Causes of menstruation after conception

Normal occurrence It is quite difficult to count your periods after conception. There is a popular belief that menstruation after a delay is a sign of the so-called “washing of the fetus.” Doctors actually sometimes encounter this phenomenon, and it can be quite difficult to explain.

But normally this happens only once - in the first month of pregnancy. In the future, any spotting will be considered a threat to miscarriage.

Light period-like bleeding may occur after conception, approximately two weeks later., that is, at the time of the next menstruation if a woman bicornuate uterus or in a given cycle, two eggs were released from the follicle during ovulation, but only one was fertilized. Next month there should be no such discharge.

If the pregnancy test showed two lines, and the next day or a few days later the woman began menstruation, this may indicate not only the release of a second, “unnecessary” dead egg, but also that the fertilized egg could not implant normally and is rejected. There can be many reasons: chromosomal pathologies of the embryo, which made it impossible for it to continue normal development and growth, exposure to toxins, gynecological diseases, which include endometriosis and other inflammatory and infectious diseases.

The cause of unscheduled periods after conception may be a disruption in a woman’s menstrual cycle. If ovulation occurs late, then it is possible that implantation has not yet been completed when menstruation arrives. This happens very rarely, but a woman should know about this possibility.

However, in most cases, a woman mistakes other discharge for menstruation, which is also bloody in nature. There are some situations in which, after fertilization has taken place, a woman may experience such discharge.


On the 7-8th day after ovulation, a woman may begin to experience a slight bloody or sanguineous spotting. It does not speak of pathology, but rather is the very first sign of pregnancy a week before the delay. During implantation of the fertilized egg, the integrity of the endometrium is disrupted, which may manifest itself as minor and non-intense bloody or yellowish discharge. At first, a woman may well mistake this phenomenon for an early onset of menstruation and think that a “failure” of the cycle has occurred.

However, such “menstruation” unexpectedly ends the next day or the next day. This convinces the woman that she “definitely had a malfunction.” However, test strips show confident and bright two stripes after 7-10 days.

Implantation bleeding does not always happen to every woman. Quite often this subtle and delicate process proceeds completely unnoticed for the well-being of the expectant mother.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Hormonal disorders

Discharge similar to menstruation, but only much more scanty and short-lived, can occur after conception due to hormonal deficiency. Progesterone deficiency, low level HCG and other imbalances at the metabolic level may well lead to spotting in the early stages.

It is noteworthy that the main danger of hormonal deficiency lies not even in atypical discharge, but in the threat of spontaneous abortion.

A woman definitely needs health care. Treatment will be aimed at replenishing the deficiency, hormone therapy will help maintain pregnancy and relieve expectant mother from bloody, scary discharge.

Trauma to the vagina or cervix

Almost immediately after fertilization, changes begin in the mucous membranes. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, they become looser, more vulnerable, blood vessels are easily injured. Therefore, spotting that appears after sexual intercourse may well be a consequence mechanical injury delicate mucous membranes. More copious discharge with a little aching pain syndrome may indicate injury to the cervix.

Such injuries do not mean at all that a woman will not be able to bear a child. But from medical examination and you should not refuse consultation. Discharge after mechanical trauma is not long-lasting. After several hours of bleeding, they change to bloody discharge, and then disappear.

Incipient miscarriage

If the fertilized egg has already begun to peel off, it has died, or it is still alive, but already doomed, then spotting will be accompanied by pulling and cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Clearly visible clots will be visible in the discharge.

A woman in this situation needs prompt medical assistance. If the uterus cannot independently get rid of the remnants of the fertilized egg, severe inflammation and life-threatening sepsis may develop.

Many women who want to get pregnant want to determine the implementation of conception even before the onset of menstruation. You can determine the signs of pregnancy even after 1 week from the moment of conception.

True, all gynecologists count pregnancy from the first day of the last menstruation, these are the calculations that are considered the most accurate, so talking about signs of pregnancy in the first week from the point of view of obstetricians and gynecologists is absolutely useless. We will talk about the symptoms that indicate that conception has taken place.

What happens after conception?

You should know that pregnancy occurs on average within 10 days after fertilization of the egg. It is during this period that the egg leaves the tube into the uterine cavity and attaches to its surface. During this period, a woman may notice certain changes in her body, which gynecologists classify as signs of 1 week pregnancy.

After the egg has entered the uterus, the woman’s body intensively begins to produce a hormone, without which it is impossible to bear a child. In gynecology, this hormone is known as human chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG.

The main purpose of this hormone in the 1st and 2nd trimesters is to maintain vital functions corpus luteum, which secretes progesterone. If there is a lack of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman, the threat of interrupting the process of bearing a child increases.

Human chorionic gonadotropin found in a woman’s blood is the main sign of pregnancy 2 weeks after conception. It is at this time that, as a rule, a blood or urine test is taken.

Women sometimes try to determine the presence of hCG in the body with the help of special tests, using them at home. But the results obtained are not always reliable, which is due to the low sensitivity of the test.

Woman's feelings

After conception, a woman does not always notice the changes occurring in the body, since the egg is just beginning to mature in the uterus. The follicle gradually increases in size and produces estrogen, the amount of which can lead to different intensity of manifestation of the main signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks after conception.

As a rule, no sensations occur at 1, 2 and 3 weeks, even if the woman is pregnant.

On early pregnancy may indicate the following signs:

  • absence of menstruation;
  • irritability;
  • drowsiness;
  • tearfulness.

All signs after fertilization are difficult to distinguish from symptoms premenstrual syndrome. A woman soon after conception notices how her emotional condition, joy often changes to anger and vice versa. Many people experience such signs at 6 weeks of pregnancy, and do not go away until childbirth.

The first week falls on the first half of the menstrual cycle, so the symptoms are almost the same. During this period, the woman’s stomach is pulled, which is caused by contraction of the uterus after the completion of the cycle. discomfort disappear and the pregnant woman feels much better.

Nausea and swelling of the mammary glands are not felt at 1 week; usually such changes in the body of the future mother occur at 5, 6, 7 or 8 weeks from the moment of fertilization of the egg.

The first week is very important, many gynecologists even call it decisive, since the development of the fetus, the well-being of the pregnant woman and the birth process itself depend on how it goes. The embryo is fixed, so after 7-10 days it will be clear whether the pregnancy will continue or not.

Discharge in a pregnant woman

The appearance of menstruation at 1 week is considered a fairly common phenomenon; it performs the function of cleansing and preparing the uterus for the implantation of a fertilized egg in it. But you should know that the appearance of spotting as a sign of pregnancy at 7 weeks should not be considered, since this is already considered a pathology.

During all trimesters of pregnancy, the appearance of white, transparent and stretchy vaginal discharge in very small quantities is considered normal. Sometimes, however, such discharge can be infectious nature, but this can be established using a smear.

If the results of the analysis do not reveal pathogenic microorganisms, there is no reason to worry.

Basal temperature as a sign of pregnancy

Pregnancy can be determined after fertilization of the egg by measuring basal body temperature. If you follow the rules, then basal temperature can be measured in three places - in armpit, in the rectal opening, in the vagina.

According to obstetricians and gynecologists, the most reliable indicators can be obtained by measuring temperature by inserting a thermometer into the rectal opening.

Women who are eagerly awaiting fertilization begin to measure their basal temperature several days after sexual intercourse. But the most accurate indicators will be if measurements are taken no earlier than 10 days after unprotected sexual intercourse.

A basal temperature of 37.5 or higher is the main sign of pregnancy at week 3, which a pregnancy test will help confirm.