Non-surgical methods of treatment of intervertebral hernia. Removal operation

The spinal column consists of a series of vertebrae with discs located between them. Thanks to the latter, depreciation and mobility of the spine are provided. Building directly intervertebral discs includes inner core and outer ring. When the latter is ruptured, some part of the nucleus exits into the spinal canal. This leads to formations known as hernias.

The presence of a hernia is not yet a 100% indication for its treatment. If education does not put pressure on nerve roots and does not provoke the occurrence of other complications, the need for medical intervention may be absent.

Along with this, in accordance with averaged statistical data, in more than 80% of cases, intervertebral hernias cause very severe pain and a number of other adverse manifestations. In such circumstances, conservative or even surgical treatment cannot be dispensed with.

Under any circumstances, all kinds of adverse changes in well-being should be the reason for going to the doctor. A hernia left unattended can give a number of complications, provoking the occurrence of irreversible pathologies of the nervous structures, followed by weakening or even paralysis of the limbs, dysfunction internal organs etc.

When should you see a doctor?

First of all, you need to make an appointment with a doctor if you experience back pain. These may appear in different reasons and quite often indicate overwork rather than pathology, but it does not hurt to play it safe.

Particularly alarming should be pain radiating to the lower extremities, aggravated during movements (even worse - at rest), coughing, etc.

Under such circumstances, the doctor will prescribe the necessary diagnostic measures in order to develop the most effective program treatment for a particular patient.

The following symptoms and signs should be the reason for an immediate trip to the doctor:

  • loss of control over the processes of urination and defecation;
  • a feeling of numbness in the perineal region, weakness in the lower extremities and a violation of their sensitivity;
  • difficulties of independent movement.

If your legs become numb and it is difficult to move, immediately go to the doctor.

If you have any of the above symptoms, you should visit a doctor within the next day. Otherwise, the consequences may be irreversible.

The procedure for diagnosing an intervertebral hernia

To confirm/deny the existence of intervertebral hernia, the doctor listens to your complaints and initial inspection. Further, appropriate diagnostic measures will be assigned in the complex or selectively. About them in the table.

Table. Methods for diagnosing intervertebral hernias


One of the most effective diagnostic methods available today. Allows you to get a comprehensive, comprehensive and as deep as possible understanding of the existing pathology.

Allows you to assess the state of bone tissue, but, unlike the above method, does not provide any information about soft tissues.

With the widespread use of the above methods, it has ceased to be relevant, but in some cases it is still resorted to. Allows you to quickly and relatively inexpensively assess the condition bone structures, identify existing fractures, arthritis, etc.

Designed to measure the rate at which electrical impulses travel through nerves. If there are damage, compression and other effects on the nerves, the results of electroneurography will make it possible to understand exactly where the pathology is localized - in this area, the impulses will slow down.

Basic Treatments

The treatment of intervertebral hernia is approached comprehensively. After evaluating the patient's condition, the doctor will understand whether it will be enough for this particular case of methods of conservative treatment or whether it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention.


As a rule, they resort to the complex use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, and muscle relaxants to relieve muscle tension.

Specific drugs and schemes for their use are selected by the doctor individually for the patient - it depends on the intensity of the severity of adverse sensations and the general condition of the patient.

Medicinal blockades

If surgery is not appropriate at this stage, and conventional medications do not help relieve pain, the doctor may recommend a special epidural blockade. For this, hormone-based drugs are usually used.

The procedure is quite complicated in its implementation. For its successful implementation, the doctor must have the appropriate qualifications and the necessary experience. To minimize the risks, the blockade is done under ultrasound control.

The procedure is as follows: using a special needle, the doctor injects necessary drugs to the sites of pathology. As a rule, preliminary local anesthesia. In total, the procedure takes up to 10-30 minutes. Already after 2-3 hours (provided there are no complications and uncharacteristic reactions), the patient is allowed to go home.

The blockade is characterized by quick action, good durability and high efficiency.


If it is not possible to get rid of the pain either with the help of drugs or through a blockade, and the hernia, at the same time, puts pressure on the nerve roots, which can potentially provoke many serious complications, the doctor will prescribe an operation. Statistics show that on average every tenth patient with intervertebral hernia needs surgical intervention.

The most common surgical treatment is microdiscectomy. In the course of its implementation, special micro-instruments and a neurosurgical operating microscope are used. This approach allows you to get rid of the hernia without causing significant damage to the surrounding tissues, which is especially important, given the proximity of the hernia and nerve structures.

The above operation does not require a long follow-up recovery course. If the patient is all right, he will be allowed to go home after a couple of days after surgical intervention.

Alternative Treatment

There are a number alternative methodologies, which are often used in combination with the main methods of treatment, increasing their effectiveness, speed and effectiveness. You can find out about concomitant options for influencing intervertebral hernias in the table.

Table. Alternative Methods treatment of intervertebral hernia

Available MethodsKey Features

A common method, used mainly in the absence of proper effectiveness conservative treatment and indications for surgery.

A controversial method with ambiguous effectiveness and a number of contraindications. The main task is to find a competent chiropractor who can objectively assess the patient's condition and select adequate treatment specific to his case.

On condition right approach, helps to reduce the severity of pain and related adverse manifestations.

Before Appointment manual therapy, an MRI is required to assess the patient's condition. Availability different kind neoplasms is a strict contraindication to the use of manual therapeutic methods.

In this case, painkillers are injected into trigger points, which allows you to quickly get rid of pain. Not suitable for frequent use - fraught with a number of complications.

They can be performed both manually and with the help of special devices and apparatus. Allows you to increase the distance between the vertebrae and alleviate the patient's condition. Indications and contraindications are the same as in the case of manual therapy.

The need to use them is determined by the treating specialist. As a rule, they are prescribed to children and patients adolescence, whose growth at the time of detection of pathology continues to increase.

It is better known to the general public as acupuncture. Influencing special points, the specialist helps the patient get rid of painful and other adverse sensations.

Electrophoresis, ultrasound, a variety of shock techniques and many other variations of physiotherapeutic effects. In the case specifically with an intervertebral hernia, the effectiveness of such is often called into question. Along with this, many doctors prescribe physiotherapy as an effective addition to the main methods of conservative treatment, which allows increasing the effectiveness of the latter.

Be healthy!

Video - Intervertebral hernia how to treat

Spine- one of the main elements of the human skeleton, performs the function of support and protection spinal cord from damage. It includes 33-34 vertebrae, two anatomical bends (kyphosis and lordosis) and five sections, from the cervical to the coccygeal. When walking, running and other human activities, the bends provide mobility to the spine, and in synergy with the intervertebral discs, they absorb various shocks and shocks, which does not allow the vertebrae to overstrain and collapse. Throughout life, the spine experiences constant stress, so the issue of his health should be one of the first places for each of us. Diseases of this essential element of the skeleton can significantly limit a person's mobility and worsen the quality of life.

Intervertebral discs- fibrocartilaginous formations connecting the vertebrae, they absorb loads, provide mobility and elasticity of the spine. The disc consists of a gelatinous body, which is covered with a cartilaginous formation, and its nutrition occurs through fibrous cartilage. Diseases intervertebral discs(hernia, osteochondrosis) most often have a progressive character and develop in people from 35 to 55 years old. Over time, degradation of the tissues of the discs occurs, they lose water, elasticity, can calcify, it happens that bone tissue grows through them. Discs are the most susceptible to degenerative effects. lumbar, in other parts of the hernia are so rare that their symptoms are often mistaken for anything but a disease of the spine. Also, osteochondrosis can occur as a result of automobile or sports injuries.. As the disc breaks down, it becomes thinner, the gelatinous body extends beyond its normal position, but still remains outside its annulus fibrosus. This process is called a hernia, and may or may not cause pain, depending on the condition. individual features person. Doctors measure the deviation from the norm in millimeters, the larger it is, the more likely the patient will feel pain. Further development the disease is characterized by a breakthrough of the fibrous ring and the exit of the gelatinous body into the cavity spinal canal(partially or completely) in places where the spinal nerves exit. In the final stage of the development of herniated intervertebral discs, the patient can get extremely backfire: partial numbness lower extremities associated with compression of the nerves of the lower spine, urinary retention and a pronounced pain syndrome (burning pain in the buttocks and back of the thigh, which can make you forget about everything in the world). With advanced stages of the disease, do not hesitate to perform a surgical operation.

So what's the problem?

Most often, the treatment of osteochondrosis and herniated intervertebral discs is carried out by patients on their own, postponing a visit to the doctor. Various warming and cooling ointments, injections of vitamin B group, warming and healing procedures known conservative measures for most people suffering from pain syndrome as a result of diseases of the intervertebral discs. Another important factor in the rare visit to a specialist is that back pain usually goes away on its own in a month or two. Unfortunately, the appeal to the doctor occurs only at the moment when the pain syndrome becomes unbearable. It is a matter of general ignorance about the treatment process and the latest technologies that medicine has today.

The latest treatments or "what can be done"?

There are several approaches to the treatment of osteochondrosis and herniated disc, namely: conservative, minimally invasive, surgical. Absolute readings there are not so many for the use of the surgical method of treatment and they include: paralysis of the lower extremities or pain of such intensity that it is simply impossible to endure. Today, an intervertebral hernia can be cured without extensive surgical intervention in the vast majority of cases, if you turn to specialists for help in time. This will improve the quality of life and instantly remove the pain syndrome. On the other hand, it is difficult to unambiguously say which is better: not to treat at all, to treat with conservative or surgical method is a conscious choice of each patient and the attending physician, because each approach has its pros and cons.

Minimally invasive operations represent an intermediate link between extensive surgical interventions and conservative methods of treatment. This type operations - a low-traumatic procedure during which the risk of damaging a nerve or blood vessel extremely small. have a number of advantages: they pass under the influence of local anesthesia, access is not made from the nerve endings, which reduces the likelihood of nerve damage. The whole procedure is performed through a small incision, after which there are no scars (a plaster is placed on the incision site after the operation), after an hour the patient can go home and go about his business. The principle of this approach is based on the fact that the size of the intervertebral disc is reduced, resulting in pressure on the nerve roots is minimized.. You can reduce the disk size using a number of the most advanced technologies:

  • DiskFX- relatively new technology carrying out the operation, however, in Israel to date, it has been successfully carried out great amount procedures. The essence of the operation is the splitting of part of the disk and its further withdrawal through the catheter. The entire procedure is carried out under video control, which reduces the likelihood of injury to the patient or damage to nerve endings. One of the pioneers of this procedure, which can already be called legendary, for which a huge number of Russian pop and sports stars turned to for help. Another virtuoso of DiskFX technology is a professor (one of the developers innovative technology a unique microchip for fixing the vertebrae) - has already performed more than a thousand operations with this method, also practices at Herzliya Medical Center.
  • Nucleoplasty(cauterization of the disc) is one of the classic procedures in orthopedics. An electrode is inserted into the body of the disc, through which a current acts on the tissues of the disc, destroying them. The volume of the disk is reduced, and the patient receives a long-awaited relief.
  • There is the possibility of getting rid of the pain syndrome, today this issue is easily solved with the help of. It is worth understanding that we are talking o completely safe procedure and is not accompanied by complications. Surgery of this kind does not help get rid of the cause pain, but significantly reduces the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Low back pain can significantly impair the quality of life of almost anyone. Today people have to get used to these feelings, because they are simply not aware of the advanced possibilities of medicine. We hope that the article helped you at least slightly change your attitude towards the problem and point out simple options for changing the situation for the better. Sometimes it is enough just to write a letter or make a phone call.

It is customary to talk about prolapse (prolapse) of an intervertebral hernia in situations where part of the nucleus pulposus extends beyond the boundaries of the fibrous ring through microdamages. Treatment of herniated intervertebral discs can be conservative and operative, more often complex treatment is performed.

Types of intervertebral hernias

Treatment of a herniated disc is always performed after

Allocate hernias:

  • Anterolateral.

They are located beyond the edge of the anterior semicircle of the contour of the vertebral body with possible damage to the anterior longitudinal ligament.

  • Posterolateral.

Go beyond the contour of the rear semicircle. Among them, subspecies are also distinguished:

  1. Medial (along the midline).
  2. Paramedial (near median).
  3. Lateral (lateral).

Hernias with anterolateral localization are very rare due to a stronger longitudinal ligament and do not carry any danger with their presence.

The greatest concern is posterolateral hernias due to possible penetration into the spinal canal.

So, medial hernias can cause limb paralysis and dysfunction pelvic organs with compression of the spinal cord and its part, referred to as the "ponytail" - respectively, in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions.

Paramedian hernias typically occur in the lumbosacral region, with infringement, with large sizes, of the roots of peripheral nerves emerging from the spinal canal with corresponding severe pain symptoms.

Lateral hernias, in addition to infringement of the roots of peripheral nerves, can lead to clamping of large radicular arteries. A similar situation can end for a patient with a heart attack (partial death of nerve tissue) of the spinal cord.

  • Circular hernias.

In the medical literature, their descriptions are rare, but this does not prevent them from appearing quite often. They are manifested by a uniform, along the circumference of the fibrous ring, protrusion of the gelatinous body of the nucleus.

As a rule, the size of the hernia does not exceed 4 mm.

  • Schmorl's hernia.

Otherwise, they are also called - "hernias of the vertebral bodies." This is a special manifestation of periosteal degeneration. Through the micropores formed in it, the gelatinous substance of the nucleus impregnates the spongy bone tissue that makes up the vertebral body. Such a total change in all parts of the spine is possible with hereditary anomalies (Scheuermann-Mau disease). A single lesion of this type is possible with or osteochondrosis.

Disk prolapsed by more than a quarter of the anteroposterior size of the spinal canal or its narrowing to 10 mm. in diameter - should be considered a clinically important indicator, the excess of which can lead to persistent complications.

Goals and benefits of conservative treatment of herniated discs

Treatment intervertebral hernia can be divided into three components, which would correctly be called successive stages:

  • Conservative treatment.

By all its methods, it should be aimed at preventing complications and postponing as long as possible. surgical intervention.

  • Operative treatment.

Direct invasive instrumental impact on the intervertebral hernia in order to resume the normal functioning of the pelvic organs and restore normal movement in the limbs.

  • Postoperative rehabilitation with the restoration of normal performance.

The goal of conservative (therapeutic) treatment of intervertebral hernia is the prevention of critical compression (more than 25%) of the lumen of the spinal canal.

But even with such near-critical indicators, there are cases of paradoxical self-healing . This primarily concerns the elderly category of patients. Due to the loss of its elasticity, due to the loss of the liquid component of the nucleus and sclerotic processes, the bulging part of the disc decreases in size, ceasing to squeeze the roots spinal nerves or spinal cord.

In any case, an attempt at conservative treatment, with uncomplicated herniated discs, should always take place.

Any surgical intervention already presupposes a certain percentage of intraoperative and postoperative complications.

It is important to know that any operation is, first of all, stress for the body - even if it is performed according to emergency indications. And everyone's reaction to stress (and you yourself have seen this more than once) can be unpredictable.

In addition, after the operation, your spine will never be the same whole as it was before. Part of the same physical activity You will never be available again the way it was before - no matter what you are told. The resulting scar tissue ligamentous apparatus the spine and muscles will periodically remind you of this.

Therefore, consent to the surgical treatment of a herniated disc should be weighed, after attempts at conservative treatment or under the threat of disability. Not just because of laziness and unwillingness to put even a modicum of their effort into trying to recover. Moreover, as practice shows, severe pain symptoms during therapeutic treatment disappears within a month in half of the patients. Within six months, about 90% of patients forget about back problems.

Modern methods of non-surgical treatment of intervertebral hernia

When agreeing to the therapeutic treatment of an intervertebral hernia, you must understand that this is, first of all, a joint work in tandem with a doctor. Much, if not all, in this union will depend on your actions and your desire to be a healthy person.

Some of the listed methods of complex therapeutic treatment will lie down completely on your shoulders .

  • Diet.

Reduction, and, if possible, exclusion from the diet: salt, sugar, flour products, smoked meats.

  • Wearing, depending on the affected area of ​​the spine, cervical collar or orthopedic lumbar brace.

They should definitely be used in situations of exacerbation pain. The basis of their action is to reduce the load on the modified disk and relieve muscle tension.

  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(diclofenac, ortofen, piroxicam, indomethacin, ibuprofen, meloxicam, etc.).

Dosage, method of application, duration of the course - depends on the intensity of pain and the presence of concomitant diseases.

  • Local application various ointments and gels with anti-inflammatory and analgesic action(finalgon, diclofenac, fastum-gel).
  • The use of novocaine blockades.

It implies the injection of an anesthetic at certain points in the paravertebral zones to relieve pain. With the removal of pain, perifocal muscle tension decreases, blood circulation improves, local edema is removed and compression of the nerve roots stops. In addition to novocaine, prednisolone is also added to improve the effect.

  • In extreme cases, under medical supervision possible use of muscle relaxants(mydocalm, sirdalud).
  • Manual therapy.

This technique implies a special effect of the hands on certain anatomical zones in order to eliminate the changes that have occurred.

Manual therapy techniques are very effective when performed by professionals. Unlike massage, such manipulations are possible when they are performed by specially trained doctors.

  • Kinesitherapy. A complex of independent, in a certain sequence, active and passive movements, leading to the elimination of edema and excess muscle tone that caused the pain. In addition, dosed exercise stress, improving local blood circulation in the disc, contributes to the speedy resorption of the structures of the destroyed disc.
  • Massotherapy. Possesses for the most part, general strengthening influence. impact. Superficial mechanical impact on the human body is used by hands or special devices. Promotes recovery in conjunction with other methods of local exposure.
  • Therapeutic exercise (LFK). Classical exercise therapy is the execution of a special complex by the patient exercise based mainly on the development of range of motion in the joints. Currently, it involves the implementation of other movements. The basis remains the same - these are regular self-study under the guidance of early stages, instructor. The main condition is the duration, and when the effect is achieved, the constancy of classes to maintain the effect.

  • Acupuncture. It is mainly used to relieve pain attacks.
  • Hirudotherapy. Application medicinal leeches promotes the resorption of elements of the intervertebral hernia that have fallen into the spinal canal.
  • Cryotherapy. Local stimulation of the blood supply with liquid nitrogen. Very effective for radicular infringements.
  • Methods of classical physiotherapy: electrophoresis with medicines(diclofenac, caripain), phonophoresis, ultrasound, magnetotherapy.
  • Spinal traction (traction). Most applicable for intervertebral hernia of the cervical region.
  • Osteopathy. The impact of fingers on special zones with certain techniques in order to restore the normal position of organs, tissues and joints with the restoration of the necessary mobility. Performed by osteopaths.

The treatment of a herniated disc is still an unresolved issue. modern medicine.
On the this moment there is no technique that could completely and without the risk of recurrence cure this disease. Even surgery is not an etiotropic treatment and does not allow to restore normal anatomy affected segment of the spine. Other methods of treatment are symptomatic, that is, they alleviate the suffering of patients.


A number of physiotherapists are not recommended, due to a possible worsening of the course of the disease. However, you can use it!! But at the same time, the massage should be extremely gentle, aimed at relaxing the paravertebral muscles in the area of ​​the strangulated root.

Do not use manual components such as traction and crunches as they can lead to even more compression. nerve fibers.

Smooth kneading, with a gradual deepening in the area of ​​the spasmodic muscle, improves blood flow and provides nutrition to the damaged disc.

It is important to remember that if you are given a rough massage for a disc herniation, then you should refuse the services of such a specialist, since, most likely, there will be more harm than good.

Manual therapy

Method generally unacceptable with intervertebral hernia.

Of course, after a session of manual therapy, there comes some relief and a decrease in pain. But the procedure itself contributes to the progression of the disease, turning off defense mechanisms, and also during manipulations on the spine, an additional displacement of the protruding nucleus pulposus may occur.

The expression "reset a hernia or intervertebral disc" is incorrect and does not correspond to reality. Since the disc is a structure tightly fused with the vertebral bodies, which does not move even with significant injuries of the spine, and a herniated disc is a protruding nucleus pulposus through a torn fibrous ring, that is, even if, theoretically, it is “reset”, then it will again bulge out because there is nothing to hold it.

Skeletal traction

methods skeletal traction There are many:

  1. Dry traction:
  1. horizontal;
  2. vertical;
  1. Underwater traction:
  1. horizontal;
  2. vertical.

The procedure can be carried out under weight own body, using a set of weights, or dosed by a computer.

Underwater traction is a more gentle method, since warm water promotes muscle relaxation and facilitates the process of stretching the spine.

This technique is not recommended for vertebral hernias because it contributes to the progression of the disease. This is due to the fact that during traction, the predominantly dorsal part of the intervertebral disc is stretched (the zone in which the rupture of the fibrous ring most often develops), and the ventral part, on the contrary, is compressed, squeezing the nucleus pulposus through the stretched defect of the fibrous ring.

The method of skeletal traction is effective in osteochondrosis of the spine, not complicated by disc herniation. Therefore, before using it, it is recommended to undergo magnetic resonance imaging to clarify the cause of back pain.


The exercise therapy complex belongs to preventive measures at healthy people, preventing the development of degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine.

No in human body muscles that would lift the vertebrae. All the muscles associated with the spine are aimed at compressing it. This explains the progression of hernial protrusion during exercise therapy.

However, it should be noted that a properly selected set of exercises can reduce or completely relieve pain for a while.

It's important to know that exercise therapy complex with degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine, it contributes to faster wear and damage to the intervertebral joints, eliminating the symptoms of the disease only for a short period.

Medical therapy

Medical treatment cannot cure a herniated disc, it is only a method emergency assistance primarily aimed at pain relief. Its task is to alleviate the suffering of the patient during the period of adaptation of the spine to the structural changes that have arisen. It is quite reasonable for herniated discs. small size. Unfortunately, with large hernias, with significant compression of the spinal cord and roots, it is impossible to help with medications alone.


The drugs of choice for the relief of pain in discogenic lesions are (NSAIDs). They will not only eliminate pain, but also reduce swelling in the infringement zone.
There are three groups of NSAIDs:

  • selective (celecoxib).

Non-selective are more powerful and are used when acute attack pain. The strongest of these is ketorolac, whose strength is comparable to narcotic analgesics. But they have close side effects, in particular ulcerogenic (provoke the formation of ulcers in the stomach and duodenum), which limits their long-term use.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia without surgery can be carried out with the appointment of selective and specific NSAIDs. Due to the selective action on cyclooxygenase-2, they contribute to less ulcer formation, which allows them to be used more long time.
Narcotic analgesics (tramadol, morphine, fentanyl) are also used to relieve acute pain, but their use is limited due to the risk of developing drug dependence.

Muscle relaxants

To relieve the reflex spasm of the paravertebral muscles that occurs when nerve fibers are pinched by a disc herniation, central action is used (sirdalud, mydocalm, baclofen). Their effect also helps to reduce pain.

Glucocorticosteroid hormones

They are used to reduce inflammation and swelling in the area of ​​the strangulated nerve roots.
The drugs are used in tablets, injections, local injection into the affected area, as well as in the form of electrophoresis.

When surgery is indispensable

It is important to remember what is a disease with a potential risk of disability.
This postulate especially applies to hernial protrusions of large sizes, when there is an almost complete clamping of a segment of the spinal cord. This manifests itself in the form of loss of sensitivity in the limbs, disruption of the internal organs, loss of control over urination and defecation.
The operation should be carried out before the development of these complications!
The operation can also be performed against the background of developed paresis, but its effectiveness and the likelihood of restoring organ functions are much lower.

Treatment for a herniated disc begins with conservative methods treatment. They are showing high efficiency and allow you to completely exclude surgical intervention. Nice results show yoga classes, acupuncture, drug treatment and folk medicine. Interesting innovative methods treatment of intervertebral hernia is offered by Israeli doctors.


Folk remedies

Treatment at home can be arranged only after consultation with a doctor. Folk remedies are simple and accessible. When preparing medicines, you should follow the recipe, and before use, make sure that there is no allergy to the components used.

Among the means traditional medicine use:

  • ointments,
  • infusions,
  • decoctions,
  • compresses.


To get an ointment kalanchoe leaves grind in a meat grinder. Mix it with warm vegetable oil. Apply to problem area thin layer. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.

St. John's wort

St. John's wort provides an anti-inflammatory effect. The ground part of the plant is used, which is insisted on sunflower oil for 2-3 weeks. After grinding, filter and use to rub the hernia.


Propolis has a warming and analgesic effect. To improve the result, bee venom is added to the softened propolis. After rubbing, the hernia area must be wrapped with a warm cloth.


A tincture is prepared from comfrey. For 0.5 l vegetable oil 50 g of crushed plant is required. Withstand 10-14 days. Applied inside before massage, 2 tbsp.

Rose hip

Crushed fruits (2 tablespoons) pour 0.5 liters of water, boil for 10-15 minutes. After they remove and insist for a day. Then it is filtered and taken orally, replacing tea or other drinks. For heart disease, limit intake to 2 glasses a day

horse fat

150-200 g of horse fat are cut into layers, placed on the problem area through one layer of the brand. Top wrapped with polyethylene and a warm cloth. The compress is kept for about a day, then the area is washed, dried and a new one is applied. Treatment lasts until the pain disappears completely.


Good results with garlic compress. To prepare it, you need to grind 300 g of garlic, which is poured with 200 ml of alcohol or vodka. Keep 10 days. The medicine is spread on a dense tissue and applied to the hernia site, fixing it with polyethylene and bandages. Keep for about an hour, repeat daily.

Adam's apple(maclura)

Fruit milk contains pectin, various acids and alcohols, flavonoid compounds, which are classified as strong antioxidants. Maklura has anti-carcinogenic, anti-sclerotic, antiviral properties. Preparations based on it are actively used to increase immunity, improve the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Maclura is a poisonous and inedible fruit. Picking fruits should be done with gloves.

For the treatment of hernia, alcohol infusion is used. The fruits are finely chopped and completely fill the container. Fill with alcohol to the very top to eliminate the air gap. The container is hermetically sealed. For oral administration, the tincture needs to be kept for 6-12 months until the color changes from green to golden brown.

For external use, a long exposure is not required - it is enough to withstand 2-3 weeks.

Treatment of intervertebral hernia in Israel

In Israel, unlike in Russia, the treatment of intervertebral hernia is the responsibility of neurosurgeons. The therapy is complex, the task of which is to exclude provoking factors and eliminate the pathology by microsurgical intervention.

This type of treatment has a number of advantages:

Israeli specialists use innovative equipment and technologies. They regularly undergo internships in leading American and European clinics.

The cost of treatment is not significantly higher than in domestic hospitals. Many patients who come there combine treatment with rest.

A herniated disc is often treated without surgery. Timely diagnosis and correct treatment guarantee a positive result.

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