New business ideas. Breeding cats as a business: advantages and disadvantages, rules of care, ways to make a profit

Cats have lived next to humans for tens of thousands of years. Active breeding of domestic breeds began in the 19th century and today there are already 256 of them in the world.

If you have a soft spot for these animals, love to tinker with them, and are willing to spend a considerable part of your time and income on caring for them, then the business of breeding purebred domestic cats will be to your liking. Prices for purebred kittens can reach tens of thousands of dollars, but the profitability of the business depends on many factors: you will need financial investments and some luck, because the business involves living beings, which means that considerable risks and force majeure are possible. Could be an option starting your own business, for those who are inclined to this. Read about the main stages of the process in this article.

Choosing and purchasing a purebred kitten

First you need to decide what breed you will be training. Study information about its advantages, proper care, nutrition, breeding, possible difficulties with content typical diseases. It is important to see several representatives of the breed in person.

If you are an absolute beginner in matters of breeding cats, choose unpretentious breeds. The most picky and popular today are the Bengal, British and Maine Coon.

When the issue with the breed is resolved, next step will be buying a kitten from a breeder with a good reputation. Approach the matter as consciously and pragmatically as possible, because buying an animal for breeding is far from the same as choosing a four-legged friend solely for the soul.

A purebred kitten must have clear characteristics of the breed and a pedigree passport, which confirms that this kitten born from a purebred male and female cat. Before purchasing, discuss with the breeder the method by which you can obtain this document and its price. There are two common methods: either a passport is issued along with the purchased kitten, or the breeder gives the future owner only the certificate for independently obtaining a passport at the club (kennel).

In the second case, the owner must contact the club (kennel) that issued the certificate and order a passport for his pet. The metric must indicate the name, date of birth, gender and color of the kitten; name, contact details and seal of the club (kennel) that issued it; Full name of the breeder and his contact details. The average cost of the service for issuing this document is 1,500 rubles.

Draw up a purchase and sale agreement. This is a mandatory moment when an animal is purchased for the purpose of mating.

An animal's passport is not a guarantee of its excellent reproductive qualities. It only indicates that the animal itself was born from purebred parents.

Kitten care requirements

In order for an animal to grow up healthy and give good offspring, it is necessary to provide it with the most favorable conditions development.

Costs for caring for and maintaining a cat:

  • food and bowls;
  • vitamins;
  • prophylactic drugs;
  • tray and filler;
  • a comb and possibly a wool razor;
  • nail clippers;
  • scratching post;
  • shampoos,
  • ear cleaner;
  • bed or house;
  • toys;
  • anthelmintics;
  • vaccination;
  • visits to the veterinarian.

Correct balanced diet necessary for general health and for the beautiful appearance cats and cats. This is important for breeding cats for sale and winning prizes at shows. Choose food High Quality: Super Premium for dry and wet food or natural food based on poultry, lamb or beef. Some manufacturers have food developed for specific breeds, taking into account the characteristics of animal physiology. You will need vitamins and drugs to prevent diseases.

During a cat's pregnancy and after giving birth, its nutrition differs from its usual diet, because the load on the body increases significantly. Need high-calorie, rich in vitamins and minerals food. It is better to consult with experienced breeders or veterinarians in advance about what your animal should be fed during this period.

Take care of your pet's fur and nails

Cats and cats are tireless explorers. They need space to play. The ability to move actively is very important for strengthening muscles and general development animal.

After reaching two months of age, the kitten needs to be vaccinated. Average three-component vaccine costs 1500 rubles. After a year, you need to revaccinate.

Contact your veterinarian promptly if you notice unusual behavior, refusal to eat, or other signs of illness.

Besides these general advice for a particular breed, as a rule, there are features and nuances of its content, so novice breeders are recommended to acquire a library on this topic, or better yet, complete professional felinological courses, then cat breeding as a business and very profitable, it will be within your reach, because understanding the basics is very important.

Club membership and participation in exhibitions

Cat lovers clubs are public organizations, which issue their members with various felinological documentation (pedigrees, metrics, title certificates, etc.), and also organize and conduct cat shows.

Membership in clubs is provided on the basis of payment of fees, due to which they actually exist. Club members are provided with some useful features, for example, using the club's website where they can post advertisements relating to their pets. However, clubs do not resolve any disputes or consider claims regarding the purchase, sale or breeding of animals. Membership in clubs is entirely voluntary.

If you have any complaints or controversial situations with the seller of the kitten, you should act in accordance with the concluded agreement. If the issue cannot be resolved peacefully, then you need to write a statement to the court. Cat lovers clubs do not have proper legal rights to resolve such matters.

Be prepared for the fact that you and your pet will have to participate in exhibitions. Each club adheres to a specific felinological system (international or its own), which determines the requirements for an animal to receive ratings and titles. During the exhibition, participating animals are compared with each other and with the breed standard, and those who are highest degree meets the standard.

You may ask, why do you need this? Mainly in order to receive titles and assessments from independent experts, thereby confirming the value of your cat as a representative of the breed and increasing interest in him or her for mating. A positive assessment received at the exhibition means the animal is allowed to participate in mating. These are the modern rules.

You can take part in exhibitions when your kitten is three months old. From the age of six months, kittens compete in the junior class, and after reaching the age of ten months they are allowed to participate in open class and the resulting assessments begin to be taken into account in the animal’s “career”. The previously obtained estimates are also important:

You will learn an expert opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of your kitten and see its prospects in terms of obtaining excellent purebred offspring. Another reason to start a show career as early as possible is that the animal gets used to the atmosphere of exhibitions from childhood and behaves relaxed at them, and a calm disposition is always highly valued by experts when judging.

If positive ratings received, then at exhibitions you can look in advance for a pair to breed your pet, get acquainted with the owners of the animals you are interested in, and exchange contacts.

Matings and the birth of offspring

When your pet is one year old, you can breed. Let us remind you that it is allowed to breed only those animals that have a positive exhibition rating!

Before mating, as a rule, an agreement is concluded, which specifies its conditions, payment, and also discusses the dressing if the first one is unsuccessful. It is better to have such a document in hand to avoid misunderstandings and claims between the parties.

So, the mating was successful and the cat became pregnant. It lasts from 58 to 70 days. Experienced breeders give the following recommendations owners of pregnant cats:

  1. A pregnant cat should receive good food and vitamins.
  2. If you notice changes in your cat's behavior, loss of appetite, refusal to eat, etc., take the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.
  3. Try not to leave your cat alone for long periods of time. last week before childbirth. Especially if she is giving birth for the first time. Sometimes it happens that they do not go smoothly - the cat may need human help. It happens that she cannot give birth or the kitten is born in a shell and needs to be removed from there in time. The nuances may be different and it is better to be close to the animal during this important period to prevent irreparable situations.

Caring for kittens and activating offspring

Hurray, the kittens are born!

Now the main care for them falls on the mother cat. You need to feed it well and make sure that the offspring are warm in the place where they live with the cat. If a large litter is born, you should monitor whether all kittens have enough mother's milk or someone needs to be supplemented with special mixtures.

Until approximately three weeks of age, kittens feed on cat's milk. After this age, you can teach them to eat complementary foods - high quality meat and dairy products.

Also around this time you need to put out a tray for them. When babies begin to walk and become interested in the world around them, play with them so that they are not afraid to make contact with people.

]If you have any complaints or disputes with the seller of the kitten, you should act in accordance with the concluded agreement. If the issue cannot be resolved peacefully, then you need to write a statement to the court. Cat clubs do not have the proper legal authority to deal with such cases.

Breeding cats as a business can be a highly profitable and at the same time entertaining business. When selling, be sure to give the metric to the future owner, regardless of whether he plans to get offspring or not. This is considered good manners. By agreement with the buyer, you can immediately make for him a passport-pedigree of the kitten.

After reaching three months of age, kittens can be given away

Today, many people are concerned about the question of how to combine their favorite hobby and earning money to meet their needs. Because of this, many different business ideas have emerged, distinguished by originality and creativity. Cat breeding is considered one of the most profitable and at the same time interesting species. entrepreneurial activity, but for such an activity to be truly enjoyable, several important aspects must be taken into account.

Like any type of entrepreneurship, cat breeding as a business has its advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the pros and cons of this type of activity is extremely important, since it is quite possible that future success will depend on it.

  1. Profitability. There are many cat breeds, the cost of which starts from several tens of thousands of rubles. At the right approach To the point, you can get a very high income from breeding elite pets, which in turn allows you to expand your business, thus increasing your profits.
  2. Availability. To start breeding cats, there is no need for significant initial investment. In the early stages of work, it is enough to purchase the necessary items to care for cats. You should also take into account the regular costs required to purchase feed, preventive examinations at the veterinarian.
  3. . Due to the fact that to start breeding cats there are significant sums of money no need, the investment will pay off very quickly. To increase the investment several times, one brood is usually enough. However, this is provided that the animals are purchased at the optimal cost for the owner.
  4. High demand. Without a doubt, almost everyone loves cats. That is why they are often chosen as pet. The desire to have a purebred animal arises in every family, which means that a cat with a pedigree will always be in demand.
  5. Minimum risk. Breeding cats is not an easy task, but it is absolutely doable, especially if you have the appropriate experience and knowledge in this field.

The right approach to work will allow you to make a profit by selling animals, regardless of the economic situation or other aspects that largely affect other types of business.

Undoubtedly, breeding cats is a good opportunity to earn money while doing an interesting activity.

Disadvantages of the "cat" business

It should be noted that the idea of ​​​​breeding cats has also. In this case, a lot depends on the desire of the entrepreneur himself, and how much he loves animals. Some cat breeds have a very capricious and whimsical character, which creates many difficulties in everyday life.

The main disadvantage of the cat breeding business is the significant time investment. In addition, the breeder will need a large supply of strength and patience.

Kittens are required ongoing care, which consists not only of regular feeding, but also bathing, litter box training, proper education. The possibility of diseases that will require costs for medications and specialist services should not be excluded.

Another disadvantage of the “cat” business is high competition. Breeding purebred animals for further sale- far from it the new kind entrepreneurship, however, it has gained significant popularity due to the appearance of breeds that were previously extremely rare. On the other hand, it is fully compensated by the high demand for animals with a pedigree, and therefore does not cause significant difficulties.

In general, cat breeding as a business has certain disadvantages However, if you have the necessary qualities and knowledge, the difficulties that arise can be overcome without any damage.

How to start breeding

Where to start - very important question, which is asked by everyone who decides to start breeding purebred cats. To create a functioning business, you need to complete several steps to ensure good profits in the future.

To successfully start a cat breeding business, you must complete the steps described above and then carefully care for the animals.

After purchasing cats a necessary condition The success and profitability of breeding is due to careful care.

Contrary to popular belief, purebred animals can be very whimsical, which makes their maintenance much more difficult, especially in a residential apartment.

Aspects of care:

Undoubtedly, proper maintenance of purebred cats is very important element breeding, and therefore should be treated with maximum responsibility.


At the age of 7-8 months, cats can already bear and give birth to kittens. The most reliable evidence is the animal's first heat. It should be noted that the onset of puberty depends on the animal’s temperament, and can reach 11-12 months.

It is recommended to carry out the first mating at the age of at least 1.5 years. At this age, the animal’s body is fully formed, and therefore the likelihood of an unsuccessful pregnancy is minimized. Mating for more early stages seriously harms the cat and should therefore be avoided.

It is best to look for a suitable partner for your pet in advance. This can be done through connections in special clubs, at exhibitions or through private advertisements. Before mating, both animals must be checked by a veterinarian and dewormed. It is also not recommended to bathe or wash your pet, so as not to interrupt its natural smell.

Directly during mating, it is necessary for the animals to be in a calm atmosphere, preferably in a separate room. You should only return to the premises to change the contents in the trays or feed them. The duration of mating is usually from 3 to 5 days. If a cat behaves aggressively towards a partner, it is necessary to isolate them from each other.

In general, breeding of purebred cats should be carried out taking into account several important factors.

Pregnancy and childbirth

After successful mating healthy cats pregnancy occurs. Its duration (depending on the breed) is from 6 to 8 weeks. While carrying kittens, the animal should be cared for with the utmost care, and the diet should be monitored even more carefully.

During pregnancy, it is best to isolate a cat from other pets. She should be allocated a separate closed place where she can relax more in a calm environment.

When carrying kittens, a cat's appetite often worsens. You should be concerned if the animal does not eat anything for more than a day. In addition, attacks of vomiting, lethargy, and inactivity are not excluded. Over time, the negative symptoms disappear, and the appetite increases significantly due to the growth of the kittens.

It is recommended to give a pregnant cat food that is maximally enriched with vitamins and other useful substances. This is necessary not only to obtain a healthy brood, but also to preserve the health of the mother herself.

You can determine the approaching birth by the behavior of the animal. Before the birth of kittens, cats experience a nesting phenomenon, in which she independently prepares the most convenient place for future parental activity. In addition, the pet regularly licks itself in the genital area and becomes restless. There is an increase in mammary glands.

During childbirth, it is best not to disturb the animal in any way to prevent injury to the kittens. The cat independently licks newborns and feeds them. Kittens are born in turns, and therefore the duration of labor directly depends on their number. On average, it can take up to 6 hours for one litter to be born.

Kittens for sale

To make a good profit from selling kittens, you need to take care of the pedigree. This is a kind of passport for the animal, which indicates that it is purebred and comes from purebred parents.

Registration of pedigrees is carried out, as a rule, in specialized clubs for breeding cats. The document indicates the name of the kitten and its parents, date of birth, gender, coat color, and other information. The certificate is signed by the breeder and certified with a stamp.

You can sell a kitten different ways. The most popular is placing an advertisement for sale on the Internet. This method allows you to post all the necessary information about the animal, including photographs, and quickly find buyers.

Another popular method often used by cat breeders is exhibitions. Obviously, they are necessary not only to show curious viewers their pets, but also to find buyers who are willing to pay a decent amount of money.

By the way, a pet’s victory in various exhibitions is a significant plus to its “elite” status, which in turn increases its competitiveness.

There are many ways to quickly sell the offspring obtained from mating, but it is best to sell kittens in specialized clubs or at exhibitions.

Breeding cats - the ideal ratio profitable business and an interesting hobby that does not require significant investment. At the same time, such a business idea, if implemented correctly, allows you to have high incomes with minimal risk failures.


I wouldn't want to do that. I would probably be sorry to give away kittens. You will still get attached one way or another. It was sad to take hamsters to a pet store, let alone cats... Besides, you never know what kind of hands you will fall into - you can’t get into a person’s head. What if he mistreats the cat in which he has invested so much? No, I’d rather get one for myself and be happy, but breeding is done without me.


This type of income is great for all animal lovers, since both breeding and business in this area are best done by those who deeply understand this topic. And of course, there are a great many such lovers. True, not every one of them thinks about the fact that they can make money in such a business. To make money in this area, the main and most important step will be to purchase kittens of the breed that is now in demand. It is no secret that demand in this area is determined by fashion for a particular breed, and therefore breeders of purebred cats are guided by this demand.

The most popular cat breeds in Russia

In Russia there is a strong traditional love for cats as pets. Even history remembers the legend of the Kazan cat. Many world historians are inclined to believe that in the 18th century a special breed of mousecatcher cats was “bred” in Kazan, which was distinguished by strength and speed. So much so that Her Majesty Elizaveta Petrovna issued an imperial decree on October 13, 1745, according to which 30 Kazan cats were delivered to St. Petersburg to catch mice in the Winter Palace. The cats proved themselves worthy and were enlisted in active Life Guards service. Next, Empress Catherine II in 1767 also ordered Kazan cats into her service. These cats became the ancestors of the famous Hermitage cats. Russian royalty, nobles and simply noble people often kept cats of various breeds as pets.

Over time, the traditions have only grown stronger. And the cat is one of the most popular pets in Russia and countries former USSR. A small list of the most popular (expensive) cat breeds:

  • Scottish Straight (Scottish Straight cat)
  • British shorthair cat
  • Siberian cat
  • Maine Coon
  • Neva masquerade cat
  • Bengal cat
  • Russian blue cat
  • Siamese cat
  • Kurilian Bobtail
  • Burmese cat
  • Canadian Sphynx
  • Bombay cat
  • Ragdoll (rag doll)
  • Scottish Fold (Scottish Fold cat)
  • Don Sphynx
  • Norwegian Forest Cat
  • Persian cat
  • Thai cat
  • British longhair cat
  • Exotic shorthair cat
  • American shorthair cat
  • Highland Fold (Scottish Fold Longhair)
  • Sacred Burmese cat (Sacred Burmese)
  • Savannah
  • Devon Rex
  • Balinese cat (Balinese, Balinese cat)
  • Turkish Angora
  • Abyssinian cat (Abyssinian)
  • Himalayan cat
  • Egyptian Mau
  • Munchkin
  • Cornish Rex
  • Somali (Somali cat)
  • Toyger
  • Celtic cat (European shorthair)
  • Mekong Bobtail (Thai Bobtail)
  • Chausie
  • Chartreuse (Carthusian cat)
  • American Bobtail
  • Nibelung

Breeding these breeds from breeders is considered profitable, that is, not only the costs of breeding are paid off, but also a profit is generated that can be used to develop your own business.

Features of the business of breeding cats with a pedigree

This interesting idea Earning money, of course, requires investment. Firstly, the owner will in any case spend money on maintaining any animal, whether purebred or not. And purebred animals can be more capricious than ordinary ones. It is more difficult for them to adapt to environment, mandatory use special feeds and vitamins. They also require additional care— purebred pets must be regularly shown to a veterinarian, given the necessary vaccinations and various procedures to ensure impeccable health and appearance.

Secondly. Buying an animal is one of the main expenses. Purebred kitten purchased at a club or at an exhibition. To the kitten, to mandatory, documentation confirming its pedigree is attached, the kitten itself is marked in a special way so that it is impossible to forge documents. Therefore, the cost of such animals is an order of magnitude higher than the cost of their outbred counterparts.

A person usually buys one, or at most two, kittens for himself, without thinking about further income. But when planning to breed and make money from purebred cats, people initially purchase several different-sex kittens, from different parents, for the subsequent bringing them together, thereby making a profit on the sale of their offspring. But, do not forget that the cost of maintaining two adult cats doubles accordingly. Although, there is a possibility of extraneous crossbreeding when the owners of cats different genders, but of the same breed - they agree to breed pets, dividing the resulting offspring among themselves. The owner of the male receives “dividend” kittens - usually 1-2, after they are able to feed on their own. Or they simply give him money for mating. The owner of the female keeps the bulk of the offspring. With this approach, owners incur much lower costs, since they do not need to constantly maintain two adult cats at once. The owner of the female makes more profit, since the kittens must remain with the mother until they are independent, and the owner will have to maintain them, incurring certain costs. That's why most of the kittens remain with him, thereby increasing the final profit. Therefore, those who plan to breed pedigree cats as a business usually purchase females. Males are taken by people who just want to make money from the breed without any complications.

This business does not require licensing; this issue is not regulated by law. It all comes down, as we wrote above, to documentary evidence of thoroughbred. These documents are drawn up at the relevant breeders club. Owners of newborn kittens must also obtain documents for each kitten. Without such documents, kittens will not be valuable. This needs to be understood.

Breeding cats that have a pedigree is a very pleasant and profitable business. It is not uncommon that owners of purebred cats organize a real small cattery at home, turning just income into a permanent business. The main disadvantage of such a business is that it takes quite a lot of money to maintain cats.

How to start breeding cats if you are not a felinologist and until now you have had cats as pets for your child? IN Lately with the increased interest of people in cats and dogs of small breeds, you can make a good business on furry pets. Where to start and how to achieve success?

Why did this idea arise?

Answer this question for yourself, and then you will clearly know how to build successful business-plan.

  • “I decided to breed cats because it would bring me a lot of money.” In fact, this is a big misconception that newbies in business fall for. This idea most often comes to mind after purchasing a kitten for yourself. This business plan will not generate income. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time for a small furry baby to appear in the house to become a gold mine. First you need to invest in him, regularly participate in exhibitions, earning him a name, and only after a while you can try to make money on his offspring.
  • “I love my cat, so I’ll give her the opportunity to give birth to keep her healthy.” This is what they thought before, but today it has been proven that an animal can be sterilized before pregnancy. This allows you to preserve not only the physical, but also mental health animal, because having become a mother once, a stable maternal instinct awakens in him.
  • “I already have experience in breeding four-legged animals, so I can switch from dogs to cats, since they are more popular lately.” Each animal has its own characteristics and genetics, so you shouldn’t suddenly change your area of ​​interest. A person who breeds cats must first become a breeder himself, learn all the characteristics of this animal, and only after that enter the market.
  • “I want to breed a new breed.” This idea is not for business, but for the soul. This type of breeding is carried out by breeders.

Popular breeds

  • Sphinxes. Very kind and affectionate, they do not have such a quality of character as independence. Sphinxes become attached to humans, like dogs. In nurseries, a kitten costs 25-30 thousand rubles, and for a rare specimen, some pay 50-60 thousand.
  • Scottish lop-eared. Very popular breed, they love her for her quiet character and ease of care. The cost of a Scottish Fold averages 15-25 thousand rubles, depending on color and physiology.
  • Bengal breed. It looks like a small leopard. By nature, he is an affectionate purr who adores children and is extremely devoted to his owner. The cost of Bengal cats in nurseries is 15-25 thousand rubles, but in order to breed Bengal cats in the future, you will have to pay many times more for a kitten ($1000-4000).
  • Maine Coon. A breed with natural roots. It's pretty big cat with thick hair. In our country, small cats cost 25-30 thousand, and males - 45-50 thousand. In Europe, they pay 1.5-2 thousand dollars for this breed.
  • Abyssinian breed. She has an easy-going character; the Abyssinian is also called a companion cat. She is always close to her owner, loves him and demands the same love for herself. Commercial colors are “wild” and “sorrel”. The cost of such a kitten is 25-30 thousand rubles. Rare colors - blue and fawn.

If you are wondering whether it is profitable to breed cats, then main goal This event is to receive money. In this regard, Bengals, Scots and Maine Coons are most suitable for beginners. But the Russian Blue breed, popular today, is considered non-commercial; they do it more for the soul.

How to breed cats correctly

The main mistake of inexperienced breeders is starting a business after the pet is pregnant. Anyone who really wants to create a cattery must draw up a business plan before purchasing a kitten for breeding.

  • When contacting a nursery to purchase a kitten, make sure that the contract clearly states the animal’s right to be used to produce offspring.
  • Kittens for breeding require careful testing for genetic diseases. The examination is carried out in the nursery. New owners must undergo a veterinary examination and vaccinations with their cat in a timely manner. There will be three vaccination periods per year.
  • Proper nutrition- a guarantee of health. The feed must be balanced in terms of mineral and vitamin complex. For example, if a cat is deficient in taurine, this may affect its reproductive functions. Ready-made feed will fully provide the animal with everything necessary, but veterinarians do not recommend using only them. It is also necessary to include “homemade” food in the diet. For example, the same taurine is found in fish and beef heart.
  • Pedigree is a plus for future offspring. It is written down in the documents when the animal is transferred to the owner from the nursery. It indicates three generations on the mother and father's side.
  • You must become a member of a club or system (WCF, FIFE, AFC, MFA, TICA, etc.). In the future, this will make it possible to obtain permission for mating, register titles, and make documents on pedigrees and metrics. European clubs unite hobbyists, and American clubs coordinate the work of nurseries. In the club you can register your own nursery, the name of which will subsequently become the surname of the kittens born in it.
  • Participation in exhibitions is a prerequisite for obtaining the right to breed. Depending on the club or system in which the animal is registered, the cat must have at least an “excellent” rating, and the cat participating in breeding must be a champion in European conditions, and according to the American standards, confirm the breed standard.

  • A person who breeds cats must be an expert in his field. It is necessary to take a felinology course. This will help you learn to understand the genetics and physiology of the animal.
  • The crucial moment is mating. It is strictly forbidden to breed a cat during her first heat. Veterinarians also advise skipping the second, but the third, which occurs at the age of 12 months, is just suitable for obtaining the first offspring. Cats are bred for the first time at 14 months. For those who do not want to wait, it is beneficial to breed cats with “early maturation”. These are Siamese, Peterbalds, Cornish Rex. You must obtain permission from the club for breeding, otherwise the kittens will not be registered. Another point is the exclusion of kinship to avoid genetic diseases in the offspring.
  • Birth of kittens. You need to be prepared for the fact that the first birth can be difficult. An experienced veterinarian, with whom you must conclude a contract in advance, will help you avoid problems.
  • Kittens can be sold 3 months after their birth. Before this, the owner registers them with the club, draws up a pedigree and makes veterinary passport, having previously carried out at least one vaccination.
  • Money will not immediately flow like a river into your pocket. A new nursery (breeder) will have to earn a name for itself. Often the first offspring is sold at a loss.

The pet breeding business attracts us with its prospects. Looking through advertisements for the sale of purebred animals, we see high prices, and accordingly, we come to the conclusion that breeding cats as a business is very profitable.

If you want to start making money from breeding pets, then you need to approach the issue very carefully so as not to lose your investment and make a profit. You must understand that such a business is very unstable, has its pros and cons, as well as the likelihood of incurring risks and losses if, for example, a pet gets sick.

If you think that it is enough to buy a couple of cats and give them the opportunity to peacefully reproduce and provide you with finances, then this is not entirely true. Breeding cats requires some knowledge about the characteristics of these animals, as well as business skills and the ability to correctly calculate all expenses so that they are less than income.

Where to begin

The first thing you must do is make a plan. No successful business can happen without careful planning. You must take into account everything: the cost of purchasing animals, their maintenance, veterinarian, exhibition. When assessing where to start breeding cats, you need to understand that sometimes unforeseen situations occur that require additional investment.

The next step is preparing the premises. It is more convenient to maintain a nursery with several animals in a private home. In this case, cats will have to be allocated a separate room, and perhaps more than one, depending on how many animals are supposed to be kept. Careful planning of matings and selection of pairs will require you to separately house males, females and recently given birth females with litters.

In addition, you will need an area for walking and playing. An excellent solution is to make an outdoor enclosure. For these purposes, a strong mesh and a sun canopy are usually used. Of course, you can organize the breeding of cats at home, that is, in an apartment, but in this case you can keep no more than one pair, since the space is quite limited.

Cage for breeding cats

Now you must decide how many animals to purchase. You won’t get much profit from one pair, since the cat needs a rest from giving birth, but during this period it still feeds and requires care. This means we calculate how many females we need so that they consistently produce kittens throughout the year. In this case, you will have to take into account how popular the chosen breed is in your city and whether you will be able to sell the resulting number of cubs. If they are delayed, you will incur additional maintenance costs.

Therefore, your business plan should include:

  • expenses for preliminary preparation of the premises;
  • expenses for the purchase of breeding animals;
  • maintenance costs;
  • additional expenses: veterinarian, dietary food for indigestion and certain diseases;
  • costs of feeding kittens;
  • calculation of animal maintenance not only during pregnancy, but also during the rest period.

You are now ready to purchase breeding pairs. There are several options here.

  1. We purchase young kittens and raise them until puberty.
  2. We purchase grown-up cats and female cats from trusted nurseries.
  3. We only purchase cats and then pay for breeding.

Each option has pros and cons. When buying kittens, you still don’t know what will grow out of them, so you need to choose a nursery as carefully as possible, having studied the pedigrees of the parents. When buying older kittens, you get cats that are almost ready for breeding, but, again, you must be sure that the animals were not sold to you. over a year old. If you choose the option of paying for matings, then you must be prepared for expenses: the more elite the male, the more expensive the mating will cost. For some breeds it can reach 20-50 thousand rubles.

Read also: Where to start breeding mink at home as a business

What else is needed to maintain a nursery?

In addition to a properly equipped room, you will need the following:

Breeding Features

Professional animal breeding requires certain knowledge. Many nursery owners take felinological courses, where they are told how to select pairs correctly, what they should pay attention to, how childbirth is carried out, features of keeping, participation in exhibitions and other important points.

For breeding you will have to choose a specific breed. Contain several different breeds Side by side is not recommended to avoid accidental crossing.

Animals without genetic defects or health problems are allowed for breeding. You will be a member of a club that approves matings and issues pedigree. Usually no more than two matings are allowed per year. The first mating occurs after the third heat. It is impossible to allow breeding to occur too early, but it is not recommended to do the first mating with an already adult animal.

Of great importance correct selection pairs by color, each breed has its own characteristics. The main breeds that are popular:

  • British;
  • Scottish lop-eared;
  • Maine Coon;
  • sphinx;
  • Persian;
  • Bengali;
  • Abyssinian

When choosing an expensive breed, remember that the demand for it may be small.

British Persian breed

All animals used for breeding are subject to vaccination. A veterinary passport is issued for each cat. Pedigree kittens are usually given away starting at three months. They also receive vaccinations and receive veterinary passports. Pregnancy in a cat lasts on average 65-68 days; in Maine Coons it can last up to 72 days. Estrus in cats lasts about a week, its frequency depends on the breed and characteristics of a particular female. The average number of kittens is from 1 to 6, this large breed, like the Maine Coon, there are more of them.

Pitfalls when breeding animals

In pursuit of profit, you will have to work hard. Animal breeders are forced to devote all their time to them, and the more cats you have, the less time you have for everything else. When starting your business, you will have to invest a lot. For example, a purebred Maine Coon will cost 20 thousand rubles and more, it depends on the specific nursery and the prospects of the kitten itself. Breeders usually sell at a higher price for breeding. Here, of course, you can cheat and say that you are taking a cat for the family, but in any case you will need a pedigree and permission to breed if you want the kittens to sell at a high price.