Why doesn't the little red-eared turtle eat? How long can a red-eared turtle live without food?

The question of why the turtle doesn’t eat arises for most beginners. Almost always, the answer should be sought in improper living conditions, the desire to feed the pet more, as well as simple ignorance of some of the life functions of reptiles.

How long can a turtle go without eating?

The pet has been refusing food for several days now, and it is unknown whether there will be a change in behavior in the near future. Many turtle owners observe this picture. Quite naturally, panic begins, because refusing food cannot be safe for the body for a long time. If we consider the question, how long can one not eat? Pond slider, then here we're talking about about a period of about three weeks. Some land species do not want to eat during the heat, when the thermometer is above 25°C. Fasting can last up to two to three months.

Why doesn't the turtle eat anything?

Refusal to eat may be a consequence of the most various reasons. Some species are sensitive to temperature changes, others do not eat the food offered, sometimes this is an adaptation process or behavioral characteristics in different periods years.

  1. When an exotic pet appears in the house, the process of feeding it is exciting and you want to pamper it with different delicacies. However, the first and common cause Why the turtle doesn't eat is due to overfeeding. The young eat little by little every day, and the adult eats enough in just three meals a week. By observing the turtle, you can determine its portions and taste preferences, because you can’t force-feed.
  2. If there are several individuals in the aquarium, the male turtle does not eat due to the desire to reproduce. Pets simply do not want to waste time and energy on food. After mating, everything will return to normal and the appetite will resume.
  3. When a turtle does not want to eat and does not open its eyes, it should be taken to a specialist. A common cause of illness is low temperature, improper care. This issue can only be resolved after consultation.

Why don't turtles eat in winter?

With the arrival of autumn cold weather, many species begin to prepare for hibernation. There are several important points in this matter.

  1. The idea of ​​wintering is to sleep in a cool, damp place before the temperature starts to rise. If there is food left in the stomach, the turtle's death is inevitable after waking up. best case scenario she will wake up sick and begin long-term treatment.
  2. Therefore, at home, provide correct mode hibernation is difficult. But nature itself suggests giving up food and switching to low energy expenditure. The red-eared turtle does not eat in winter for the same reason: it is gradually preparing for suspended animation.
  3. To prevent hibernation, you should increase the temperature and install a UV lamp.

Why doesn't the red-eared slider eat anything?

This species is capricious and picky in matters home care. Long before purchasing, you should learn more about the basic rules in order to avoid common mistakes.

The land turtle does not eat

Inexperienced owners often do not fully understand the importance of observing the conditions for keeping reptiles. The Central Asian species does not claim to be a large number of Please note, reptiles are really unpretentious. However, every beginner faces the problem of lack of appetite. If the already listed general answers to the question why the turtle does not eat do not fit the description, the land pet is probably refusing food due to another reason.

Why doesn't the turtle eat food?

When it comes to feeding, any extreme can cause irreparable harm to the pet’s health. Therefore, the combination of dry store food and natural food considered the optimal solution. If your turtle doesn't eat a certain food, this may be a sign that it needs to change its diet.

  1. Every pet has its own taste preferences. It is likely that you did not like the proposed brand of food. Sometimes the composition causes constipation or indigestion, causing the turtle to ignore the pellets and not eat.
  2. If you only offer natural food, the body will spend more energy on digestion, but will receive fewer minerals and vitamins. A diet of only dry food will compensate for the lack of microelements, but will worsen digestion. You will have to use trial and error to find out why the turtle is not willing to eat, but rely on the promises of the manufacturers. The breeder's task is to find the optimal ratio of natural and granulated food.

The turtle does not open its eyes and does not eat

After winter period The pet should regain activity and its previous appetite. If this does not happen on the fifth or sixth day, you should consult a specialist. An alarm signal is the turtle's constantly closed eyes.

  1. An obvious reason why a turtle is not eating may be a lack of vitamin D. A UV lamp will help replenish its deficiency. Closed eyes, lethargy and refusal to eat are the first symptoms of rickets or metabolic disorders. Sunbathing The turtle should take about 12 hours a day under the lamp; in addition, vitamins and medications must be introduced into the diet to restore the body after wintering.
  2. The picture when a turtle does not eat anything, and its eyes are closed and signs of conjunctivitis are already visible, is characteristic of a lack of vitamin A. The fact is that vision in reptiles is impaired vital role for nutrition, therefore inflammation of the eyelids will certainly lead to a refusal to eat. Washing, injections and other procedures will be prescribed by a specialist; in this case, self-medication is real threat life of a turtle.

The turtle does not eat and constantly sleeps

Wintering in apartment conditions without hibernation presupposes a low-active lifestyle, but this period is confined to a very specific time frame. Large adult individuals hibernate for 12-14 weeks, young animals for 8-10. If on the fifth day after the supposed end of hibernation the turtle does not begin to return to its previous rhythm, this is a sign of disturbances in the body.

The turtle does not eat and does not swim

Proper living conditions are relatively easy to maintain; this is the key to the health and life of your pet. Let them walk on the floor or carpet, do not check the temperature of the water and air, forget about the gradual decrease or increase temperature regime with the change of season - all this is a direct path to the development of pneumonia in a turtle. If aquatic turtle does not eat, and in the water immediately falls over on his side, these are symptoms of pneumonia. Injections, warming under a lamp, increasing the temperature and warm steam baths will help here. All this is prescribed by a specialist.

Little turtle doesn't eat anything

For young animals typical reasons refusal of food is adaptation after a change in living conditions, improper care. To avoid health problems when your baby turtle doesn't eat, you should follow the advice of experienced breeders.

  1. Purchase a reptile only from a trusted pet store.
  2. Deliver it home as quickly as possible, and try not to catch a cold.
  3. Provide everything at home the necessary conditions content, give a week to adapt. Only after five to seven days can food be offered.

The red-eared turtle is one of the most common pets that are perfectly adapted to living in apartments. They live for a very long time, which makes them different from most pets. At good care this cute creature will live quietly for 30-40 years. Today we’ll talk about the features of caring for turtles. Each of you will be able to decide whether he should get such a pet.

What the future owner should know

This is a species of freshwater turtle that requires an aquarium with islands to roam around. Many people are interested in how long red-eared turtles can live without water. Long enough. Therefore, if a pet gets out of its aquarium and goes for a walk, the owner will have time to catch it and send it back to its place. So, what does a turtle’s life depend on:

  • balance of plant and animal foods;
  • conditions of detention, which we will discuss in detail below;
  • hygiene;
  • regular treatment.

In a different environment

This creature can spend quite a lot of time walking on land. But despite this, the natural environment is the underwater world. How long can red-eared turtles survive without water? It is quite difficult to answer this question. This depends on the age of the reptile, the pet’s well-being and general physiological condition.

What to do if your pet runs away? Should I worry that he will die? This is possible if the turtle was able to hide from you very well. No other reptile can survive as long as red-eared turtles can without water. She can walk for about a day without any harm to her health. 4-5 days are considered acceptable. There is evidence that escaped turtles lived in air environment up to a month. However, experimenting with your pet's health is not recommended; it may end badly.

What to do if your pet runs away

Despite the fact that turtles seem clumsy, they run quite well. Therefore, those left alone for some time may well find themselves a reliable refuge. The main thing is don't panic. You already know how long red-eared turtles can go without water, which means you have enough time. Start methodically searching room by room. It is recommended to place bowls of water around the entire perimeter. Most likely, she will be found in one of them.

Choosing an aquarium

Before you bring your pet home, you need to prepare a house for it. A red-eared turtle at home will be very happy to walk on land, but it also really needs water. Ideally, this should be a terrarium. That is, a large cell in the middle of which there is a depression filled with water. But most often, an ordinary aquarium is taken, in which islands are set up.

A red-eared turtle at home can live long enough only if there are good conditions. And one of the most important factors is a large aquarium. For one individual 13 cm long, you will need a 100-liter bath. As it grows, you need to change it to a two-hundred-liter one.

Charming reptile

In addition to water, the turtle needs land, where it can bask and receive ultraviolet baths. Therefore, when thinking about how to arrange a terrarium for a red-eared turtle, you need to select material for a floating island. It will need to be firmly attached to the base of the container.

It was already mentioned above how long a red-eared turtle can live without water. We will assume that no more than one day. It is this period that allows you to avoid health problems. It is also necessary to take into account that the turtle cannot live without daily walks on land. Therefore, observe the following rules:


It is not enough for a caring owner to know how long a red-eared turtle can live without water. It is also important to ensure that the temperature suits her needs. The water should be heated to +28 degrees. If you make several islands, then on a shady island the air temperature can be +25, and on a brightly lit one it can reach +32. This is an ideal option for keeping reptiles. To achieve such indicators, you can use ordinary aquarium heaters.


Don't forget that it is vital for reptiles. The care and maintenance of red-eared turtles is not too complicated, but this nuance must be taken into account. Without ultraviolet radiation, a calcium deficiency occurs in the turtle's body. This is the path to rickets and the death of the animal. The ultraviolet lamp must shine 12 hours a day, since sunlight is not enough, because window glass does not transmit ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, consult a pet store in advance to buy exactly the lamp that your pet needs.


There is practically no point in planting them in the red-eared home. The reptile will eat them or dig them up. Therefore, you will have to decorate the aquarium using decorative film or artificial plants. Securely secure them to the bottom. Or you can do without greens altogether. Lay out beautiful stones and driftwood, decorate it all with shells and “sunk ships”, corals. This way you will create a unique, unlike anything else appearance terrarium.


Like any living creature, a turtle needs a complete set of nutrients and minerals. In nature, it feeds on crustacean fry and fish, but does not refuse plant food. Therefore, at home it is very important to ensure that the diet is as varied as possible and suitable for reptiles. It's best to take advantage ready-made types, which are available in pet stores.

Here the turtle also surprises its owners. She can live for two to three weeks without food. But complete absence Loss of appetite may be a sign of some disease. Therefore, the fact that a reptile does not eat should not always be regarded as positive. But how many times a day to feed a red-eared turtle - this issue is decided individually, depending on the age and weight of the turtle.

Instead of a conclusion

The care and maintenance of red-eared turtles can be done even by a beginner in this matter, that is, for those who have never kept reptiles at home. A properly equipped terrarium and balanced diet- this is the key to success. Today you have every opportunity to make your pet's life long. Don’t forget to equip the terrarium with a lid, because these creatures are extremely curious and will most likely try to explore the entire territory. In this case, the fugitives need to be caught as quickly as possible and returned back to the aquatic environment. If the turtle has been on land for more than a day, it is advisable to show it to a veterinarian.

IN Lately It has become fashionable to keep some exotic animal at home, attracting with its unusualness. Among pet turtle lovers, red-eared (yellow-bellied) turtles kept in terrariums or aquariums are very popular. In order for the animal to feel comfortable and live for many years, you should know how to feed the red-eared turtle and properly care for it.

The animal belongs to the family of freshwater turtles and lives in Central and Southern Europe, Southern and North America, countries of Southeast Asia.

The red-eared slider got its name because of the elongated bright red spot that is located behind its eye. The limbs, neck and head of the animal are light green with white stripes. In young turtles the flat shell is bright green, with age, vertical yellow stripes appear on it. They are especially noticeable when the animal is in the water.

IN good conditions Red-eared turtles live about thirty years. However, if not properly cared for, irresponsible or unprepared owners can significantly shorten the animal's life.

For one animal you need an aquarium with a volume of one hundred to one hundred and fifty liters and land connected to water using a rough ladder. If there is insufficient space, the turtle will not swim or move.

In addition, the following conditions must also be met:

  • The surface of the land in the turtle's home should be large enough, sloping, rough and gradually rising. Everyone necessary requirements The answer is the special islands sold in stores;
  • The water temperature in the aquarium should be higher than room temperature. To heat it, you should purchase a thermostat;
  • the air above the island should also be warm, so above it It is recommended to install a lamp incandescent;
  • the island should be at a level of thirty centimeters from the edge of the aquarium. If it is located close to the edge, nimble pets can escape;
  • The water is cleaned using external aquarium filters. The frequency of water changes depends on their effectiveness. The cleaner the water in the aquarium, the faster the young turtles will grow;
  • animals need sunlight, therefore in summer period time you need to walk with them, and in winter irradiate with ultraviolet light. A UV “Tanning Lamp” is suitable for this; it will need to be used three times a week for four minutes at a distance of thirty to fifty centimeters.

During a walk, the animal should be protected from direct sun rays, walking dogs and crows.

What does the red-eared slider eat?

Animals eat pelleted food with pleasure, chopped meat and bloodworms. To prevent your pet from developing a calcium deficiency, boiled fish should be added to its diet from time to time.

Regardless of whether the turtle shows interest in fresh vegetables or not, they should always be given to him. They contain vitamins, calcium and fiber necessary for animals. You can give your pets aquarium plants as greenery.

Vegetable food is especially important for old turtles. Their diet should consist of seventy-five percent aquarium plants and fresh vegetables. This could be lettuce, plantain, dandelion, duckweed, nettle, pieces of zucchini or cucumber.

You can feed the animal with snails, shrimp, liver, and squid. There is no need to boil the meat.

You cannot feed turtles pork, lamb, or crab sticks. Not too often they can be pampered with food insects, mealworms, barkworms, bloodworms, and hamarus.

How often should red-eared pets be fed?

Young turtles that are less than a year old need to be fed artificial food daily. Animals over a year old feed every other day or two.

Newborn pets should receive fifty percent protein in their food. Most foods intended for turtles meet these requirements.

Adult animals should be given twenty-five percent artificial food, and the remaining percentage in the diet should be occupied by various plants.

In the first days of a red-eared turtle’s life in new conditions, food should be given to it, placing it at the very edge of the water.

Once your pet gets used to it, you can feed it from a bowl on the island.

Please note that the composition and size of artificial feeds differ. Therefore, when purchasing them, you should be guided by what the manufacturers write on the packaging.

Why doesn't the red-eared slider eat?

Turtles are cold-blooded animals, capable of environment and body conditions slow down metabolism. Therefore, adults can go without food for three months. Wherein they use their body's reserves and lose forty percent of their weight. However, long enough starvation of a pet can lead to severe exhaustion of the body and various diseases.

Possible reasons

An animal may refuse food for several reasons:

  • incorrect content. The main condition for the life of these cold-blooded animals is an ambient temperature of twenty-six to thirty-five degrees. Therefore, if the pet not only does not eat, but also moves little and does not open its eyes, then you should look at the readings of the water thermometer. If the water temperature is within normal limits, then the reason for the turtle’s refusal to eat is something else;
  • suppression of weak individuals. If there are several red-eared turtles in one aquarium, then the toughest individuals can dominate the weaker ones and take away their food. Therefore, oppressed animals should be fed separately;
  • poor nutrition. If a young red-eared slider is not eating, it may have been switched to adult food early on. Only after a year can pets be given meat, eggs and fish;
  • change of season. From October to January turtles begin to respond to shorter days and therefore eat less. Starting in February, after daylight hours begin to increase, pets will begin to eat again;
  • sexual behavior. If the animal begins to behave more actively, but at the same time eats little, then most likely it is a male. During sexual activity, they suddenly stop feeding and become restless. After the mating season is over, the animal's appetite will be restored;
  • diseases. If, as daylight hours increase and the ambient temperature rises, the turtle refuses to eat, then it needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

During wintering, animals not only do not eat, but also do not drink. This leads to a drop in glucose levels in their body and a lack of vitamins. Toxic elements increase their levels, which can lead to liver or kidney failure.

Another cause of fasting is conjunctivitis. If your pet looks good but still doesn't eat anything, you should have his eyes examined.

Due to improper diet, turtles can develop diabetes or stomatitis.

If a pet refuses food, this does not mean that he is sick. A turtle can also go hungry after stress, weather changes or changes in its environment. In addition, the food offered may not suit them. Anyway need to keep an eye on your exotic pet and, if the hunger strike lasts a long time, then be sure to consult a veterinarian. With proper and careful care, the red-eared turtle will live a long time and delight its owners.

The red-eared slider is a popular pet. Bright color, unpretentiousness in food and low price have made this breed a frequent inhabitant of home terrariums.

Not all owners follow the rules for caring for and feeding their pet. Most often, the red-eared turtle does not eat, is lethargic and sleeps due to unsuitable conditions.

Causes of loss of appetite - from improper care and puberty to the situation in the terrarium and diseases.

Improper feeding

Feed your pet specialized food and approved products. Poor nutrition will cause not only loss of appetite, but also all kinds of diseases intestinal tract. The diet of an adult red-eared turtle must include meat, sea ​​fish with bones, shrimp, and plant foods.

It is impossible to force a turtle to eat food it does not like.

Young individuals will not eat vegetables.

Binge eating

Often the animal refuses food when fed excessively. Young animals eat every day, and adults feed once every 2 days. Normalize the food system, watch your pet to find out how much food he needs.

If the portion is not eaten completely, the amount of food should be reduced.


Diseases internal organs do not appear externally. If the animals are lethargic, refuse to eat, and constantly try to sleep, then only a veterinarian can determine the cause. He will appoint correct treatment, will recommend vitamins, and advise on diet.

Improper care

The most common mistake in content. Make sure that the temperature is maintained consistently within the range required for the specific breed. Reptiles cannot maintain their body temperature on their own. When exposed to hypothermia, they become lethargic, refuse to eat, get sick and die.

Aquatic rocks exhibit a lack of heat, remaining exclusively on the surface. If the reptile does not swim at all, pneumonia is possible. .


Animals are subject to stress. Loud sounds, sudden movements, a sudden change in habitual conditions - these factors lead to a refusal to eat. Eliminate sources of stress and your appetite will gradually return.


An individual hibernating accordingly refuses to eat. The pet becomes lethargic and inactive, constantly sleeping. Veterinarians do not recommend such overwintering at home, as it carries a risk of death of the animal. To avoid hibernation, ensure constant temperature around 30 degrees and clear daylight, or consult a professional.

If your pet is not eating on the 5th day after coming out of hibernation, take him to the vet. You may be exhausted, dehydrated, or have gout or liver failure.

Mating season

During puberty, males become more active, but eat much less than usual. After the mating season ends, food consumption will return to normal.

Change of living conditions

If your environment changes abruptly, it will take time to get used to it. Follow the animal’s usual routine and diet. Having gotten used to the new place, the pet will begin to eat. If you want to change the feeding plan, do it once the animal has settled down.

Getting used to captivity

Wild individuals trapped in a terrarium experience stress and often refuse food for a week. Be patient and create conditions in the room that are close to natural. If, even after habituation, the turtle does not eat well, reconsider the diet.


When constipated, a turtle will not eat anything. If your pet hasn't had a bowel movement in a while, consult your veterinarian to determine the exact problem.

Suppression of weak individuals

Males can be quite aggressive towards each other. And the suppressed individual may not receive sufficient quantity feed or refuse it altogether. This state of affairs threatens the life and health of the animal.


The longer a red-eared turtle goes without eating, the more dangerous its condition becomes. Contact a specialist. If this is not possible, for example, there are no veterinarians in the city who specialize in reptiles, start by checking compliance with the conditions of detention.

  1. A complete diet. Turtles refuse food they don't like. Replace it, but remember to balance your diet.
  2. Check if the turtle has enough space in the terrarium.
  3. Clean all surfaces of the turtle house.
  4. Remove small rocks and decorations that the turtle might swallow.
  5. Adjust the temperature.
  6. Aquatic breeds need a place to rest outside of the water. Check if there is enough space for all the inhabitants of the terrarium.
  7. Remember, the red-eared turtle at home is very demanding on the quality and purity of water. Install high-quality filters and change the water at least once a week.
  8. Limit the animal's walks outside the terrarium.
  9. Make sure that no food remains submerged in the water. It will pollute the water.
  10. Don't study self-treatment pet. Without experience, identifying and treating the disease is not easy.

How long can a turtle not eat?

Turtles can survive without food for 3 weeks without harm to their health. IN emergency situations up to 3 months.


There are many reasons for lack of appetite. A specialist can find the problem and solve it. If the turtle does not eat, is very lethargic and sleeps, and visible reasons are absent, do not delay visiting the veterinarian. Pay attention to changes in your pet's condition. And remember: preventing a disease by following the basic rules of care is easier than curing the consequences.

Quite often, a turtle is bought as a toy for oneself or a child, or as an accessory for the office. At the same time, a person forgets that this is also a living creature that needs: care, good living conditions and a balanced diet. Unfortunately, this leads to the fact that the animal dies without having had time to live long enough in this world.

A turtle is an unusual creature with its own needs that a pet owner can easily fulfill. To ensure that the creature does not get sick and makes its owner happy, little is needed.

  • create a suitable house with all living conditions;
  • feed the animal correctly and every day;
  • monitor any changes in your pet’s behavior;
  • care and attention.

Only if these conditions are fully observed will the turtle be healthy, happy and cheerful, but what to do if the pet refuses to eat and is slowly becoming exhausted?

Reasons for food refusal in turtles

Let's start with the fact that red-eared turtles, which are considered the most hardy and omnivorous, are most often kept at home. These animals are picky about their living conditions.

At home they should be kept in a specially equipped aquaterrarium with a heater for water, air and ultraviolet lamp, aquarium filter. If at least some element is missing, the pet will begin to get sick and will soon die from the simple negligence of its owner.

We noticed that the turtle does not want to eat, then there is probably a reason:

  1. in seasonality;
  2. in overwintering;
  3. hypovitaminosis A;
  4. sexual desire;
  5. constipation;
  6. intestinal obstruction;
  7. often exotic species of reptiles do not adapt well to captivity and refuse to feed;
  8. poor living conditions;
  9. food is not suitable;
  10. if you have several turtles, then the strong ones can suppress the weaker individual;
  11. binge eating;
  12. diseases.

Reasons for abrupt refusal a lot from food. Therefore, we will try to understand in more detail the common reasons.

Binge eating

If you are a beginner and have recently purchased one of these pet, which means they overfed the creature. Inexperienced breeders ask the question: “Why doesn’t the red-eared slider eat anything?”, because they themselves know the answer very well.
That's right, it's all about frequent feeding. An adult turtle eats three times a week, and not every day, like a juvenile.

Therefore, do not even try to find out how to force a turtle to eat. Wait: your pet will get hungry very soon, and feed him. Constantly give the animal exactly as much as it needs for normal life. Keep under observation: diet and routine.

A beginner, looking for an answer to the question: what to do if the red-eared turtle does not eat or drink anything, may be surprised. After all, this species of reptile does not drink at all. She gets fluid from food and during bathing. If your pet is dehydrated, try to give your pet only succulent food.


Winter has come outside, and you have a question: “Why doesn’t the turtle eat, because until this time of year everything was fine?” Calm down, everything is fine.

This phenomenon is quite common due to the fact that the animal has become less energetic and prefers to doze.

Don't guess why the red-eared slider sleeps and doesn't eat in winter. After all, the reason is already clear. It's all about the time of year and the pet is about to fall into hibernation. However, this cannot be allowed at home. Therefore, if you notice that the red-eared turtle is lethargic and does not eat, sleeps a lot and for a long time, then sharply increase the temperature in the aquaterrarium and the brightness of the light in its house.

In the spring, you may notice that the turtle has lost weight. This is all spring anorexia, which is common for overwintered individuals with little moisture and low temperature. If the red-eared turtle does not eat, is lethargic and sleeps on the fifth day after wintering, immediately consult a veterinarian. Most likely your pet is severely dehydrated and exhausted. It is also possible that the turtle suffers from gout or kidney or liver failure. Diseases that arose due to violation of detention conditions cannot be ruled out.

The drive to reproduce

You may have a question: “The red-eared slider has stopped, is there anything to do?”, then you should prepare yourself for the fact that the reason lies in the breeding season. Reptiles change their behavior dramatically at this time. However, refusal of food for this reason is characteristic only of those turtles that live in the same house and have different sexes.

Mating games are a serious business. As a result, if your pets have this period, then the question: what to do if the turtle does not eat will disappear on its own when the reptiles mate. They will eat as before. Animals return to their usual diet.


What to do if your red-eared slider doesn't eat? This question is asked by breeders whose pets are sick. There are many different diseases that affect reptiles in the world. Failure to eat is a significant symptom of concern in most cases.

If your turtle does not open its eyes and does not eat, then it is advisable to urgently contact a specialist. External signs the illness in this case is invisible. Install accurate diagnosis Only a veterinarian can do this after a thorough examination of the reptile. Also, at your appointment with the doctor, ask him in more detail: why the red-eared turtle does not eat, what food is needed in this or that case.

Completely rid your pet of the disease without serious consequences Only an experienced specialist who has treated reptiles more than once and knows what exactly to do in a given case can do it.

So if your Central Asian or any other turtle is not eating, you may not be following proper conditions content.

Low water and air temperatures are indicators that cause reptiles to get sick. Every reptile needs optimal conditions for existence and also good balanced diet nutrition. If you comply with all these conditions, then your pet will never refuse food and will not get sick!