How many grams of protein are in a chicken egg. How many grams of protein are in one egg

Eggs are eaten not only as an independent product, but also as a component of many dishes in our cuisine and in the cuisines of different countries of the world. But not many people know about this, and this is important in order to choose the right amount of products for one or another dietary dish, count calories when eating on a diet.

IN Russian Federation the weight of the eggs is divided according to established legislation. After all, this issue is important not only in the personal households of citizens, but also when selling this product in stores. Depending on the established category of the chicken egg, the weight will depend.

As for the averages, if you don’t buy the product in the store, but simply collect what the chicken laid, it will weigh about 40-65 grams. More often we're talking about exactly about 60 grams. So, this particular weight can be considered average for a standard chicken egg.

Interesting! It turns out that in one kilogram of eggs, depending on what category of product you weigh, there can be from 15 to 25 medium-sized eggs. A dozen chicken eggs, respectively, are about 400-650 grams.

The weight chart shown is for eggs in the shell. But it can also highlight the weight of an egg without a shell, as well as the weight of the white or yolk separately. Let's take a closer look at this data.

Selected chicken egg: 65-74.9 weight in shell, 59-68 grams weight without shell, 36-41 grams white weight and 23-26 grams white weight.

Marking features

It turns out that if you buy a product in a store, you can determine the weight of the egg simply by looking at the labeling. It must be applied to poultry farms after sorting. Most often in cooking, eggs of the third category are used, which weigh on average 40 grams.

Each egg is marked mandatory, this is clearly stated in the legislation. By the way, the price also depends on the category. The third category of eggs is, of course, the cheapest. After all, such a product will be the smallest in weight.

Large eggs can only be obtained from elite hens. They differ not only in their size, but also in their conditions of detention and even in the variety of food they eat. But this fact does not mean that large eggs are always tastier than small products. The same can be said about benefits.

Here, rather, the difference is only in the profitability of sales. So, what size eggs to buy depends only on the desire of the housewife and financial capabilities: they will all be tasty and healthy.

Interesting! The world's largest egg was recorded in Cuba. It weighed 148 grams. The smallest egg was laid by a chicken in Papua New Guinea, its weight was only 9.7 grams.

Now you can easily navigate what chicken eggs are by weight, depending on the labeling, the presence or absence of a shell. This knowledge is extremely useful if followed correctly dietary nutrition and preparing a variety of dishes.

According to the law in Russia, eggs are supposed to be sold not by weight, but by piece. Right at the poultry farm, after laying, the eggs are sorted, dividing them into several weight categories, then labeled and packaged. Therefore, find out approximate weight eggs are ok by marking, which is either applied to the surface of the shell or written on the packaging and price tag. The full list of possible categories is shown in the table below.

Table of weights of chicken eggs of various categories
MarkingWeight, gCategoryWeight tolerance, g
40 Third 35 45
50 Second 45 55
60 First 55 65
70 Selective 65 75
highest category(table or dietary) weighs approximately 80 grams"> 80 Higher 75 -

What do numbers and letters mean?

Numbers 1 , 2 , 3 and letters ABOUT(selected), IN(highest) indicate the weight category of the eggs.

Letter WITH(table) means an egg with a long shelf life suitable for human consumption.

Letter D(dietary) means a fresh, high-quality egg, which after 7 days of storage (from the moment of laying) will lose its advantages and become a regular table egg.

What kind of eggs should I buy for recipes?

In domestic culinary recipes It is customary to use the smallest chicken eggs of the third category weighing 40 grams.

Why are eggs sold by the piece and not by weight?

In Russia this is prescribed by law. And there is plenty of that.

I weighed the eggs I bought and it turned out that they weigh less. Are we being deceived?

Without a doubt, poultry factories can deceive consumers by labeling dishonestly. But this can only be proven by a special inspection from Rospotrebnadzor. However, usually the weight does not match because eggs lose weight very quickly during storage due to the evaporation of moisture through the shell.

Do not use cracked eggs for food. When purchasing, don't hesitate to look for packages without cracked eggs.

If you don’t trust the store or poultry farm, then check the weight of the eggs right in the store on a check scale.

Wash them with soap before cooking.

Weight of yolk, white and shell

Most of the egg is white. During long-term storage, some of the water from the protein evaporates, resulting in a decrease in the overall weight of the egg. Often weight lost can be replenished by adding to the protein clean water, but this is only the case when the recipe calls for the white or the entire egg to be beaten.

Table of weight of yolk, white and shell of chicken eggs
Weight, g
Weight of components, g
Third 40 12 23 5
Second 50 16 29 6
First 60 19 34 7
Selective 70 22 40 8
Higher 80 25 46 10

Weight of imported eggs according to labeling

Why are eggs sold not by weight, but by piece?

It is convenient to sell individually in packages, but it is inconvenient to sell by weight

1. The weight of eggs during storage is significantly reduced due to the evaporation of moisture through the shell. In practice, this will lead to commercial network will buy, for example, 1000 kg of eggs from a poultry farm, but will sell only 950 kg. The weight loss of eggs due to evaporation will have to be included in the trade margin, which will lead to an increase in price.

2. Eggs are a fragile product than more operations are produced with them, the more eggs will break and crack. When weighed during sale, the amount of broken goods will increase, which will also negatively affect both price and quality.

3. Eggs should not be sold together with other products due to the possibility of contamination of adjacent products with Salmanella. Therefore, in order to provide the opportunity to buy a number of eggs that is not a multiple of 10, the store will have to open a special department for the sale of eggs and additional workplace. As you understand, the price of eggs will skyrocket to obscene levels, and small stores will not be able to afford to sell eggs at all.

Many poultry farmers are interested in the question - how much does a chicken egg weigh? Valery

Egg weight

Raw and boiled eggs are a source of protein and other substances beneficial to the human body. It is necessary to eat it daily to replenish protein and calcium reserves. Compared to the types of eggs of other birds, chicken eggs have a rather modest average weight– about 55 – 60 grams in each piece. Only quail eggs are smaller - 10 - 12 grams and guinea fowl eggs - 25 grams. For comparison, goose weighs from 180 to 220, duck - from 80 to 100, turkey - from 70 to 80, pheasant - from 60 to 70. It is clear that the mass of the boiled product will be slightly larger.

In addition to the mass, the common man is interested in the meaning of the letters printed on the surface of the shell. C is a table product that has a long shelf life and can be used for eating and preparing dishes. D – dietary products, fresh, subject to purchase in the first week. If a week has passed, the product automatically moves to group C.

There is a classification into categories, which depends on the variety and average weight. Premium eggs can weigh 75 grams or more. Selected ones weigh about 65 - 75, and the stamp on store-bought ones looks like O, SO, DO. Category 1 products can cost from 55 to 65 and be labeled 1, C1 or D1. Products of category 2 can weigh somewhere between 45 and 55, on it you will see the mark 2, C2 or D2. There are also category 3 eggs, their weight is quite modest - from 35 to 45, the marking 3, D3 or C3 is applied to the surface of the shell. The latter variety is most often found in culinary recipes as the main component of dishes.

In Europe, when packaging, the classification is somewhat different from what is usual for our country - it depends on the external and internal characteristics products, and the letters A, AA, B are used for marking. As for size, in Europe eggs are also divided into very large, large, medium and small.

There are generally accepted standards for the weight of protein, yolk and shell. For products highest quality these figures are 46, 25 and 10 grams. In eggs of a selected type, the white should weigh 40, yolk 22, shell 8. In the first class, the white has a weight of about 34, yolk - 19, shell 7. For the second class, the following indicators are relevant - white 29, yolk 16, shell 6. The third class has The weight of the white is approximately 23, the yolk is 12, the shell is 5.

Knowing the answer to the question of how much weight one chicken egg has can help when preparing dishes. Since in almost each of them it is important to comply with certain ingredients, determine the number of calories subject to dietary nutrition. For a standard product that anyone can buy in a store, the average weight is 60 grams. It turns out that in one kilogram, depending on the type in the classification given above, there may be from 15 to 25 pieces of medium size. A dozen will weigh approximately 400 – 650.

In order to prevent the development of unwanted diseases when consuming this most valuable product for the human body, it is recommended to use it as food after heat treatment. Experts say that raw protein is absorbed by the body only half, that is, it clogs it with decay products. Before cooking, the products should be washed and dirt removed from the surface of the shell. This is done under the stream warm water, which creates pressure inside, which will help prevent the penetration of bacteria and dirty parts. You can prepare a chicken waste product in many ways - by frying, boiling, dissolving in hot water, adding to cocktails, salting or marinating, adding to cutlets or croutons, biscuit dough or meringue.

Video “Benefits of chicken eggs”

The recording provides valuable information about how eggs affect our body, their valuable nutritional and energy properties, how to choose, store and cook them correctly.


A chicken egg is a valuable product that should be on the menu of everyone who cares about its health and appearance. It contains everything necessary for a person nutrients, including protein, as well as vitamins and minerals. For those who often prepare dishes using them or adhere to the system proper nutrition, it is very important to know how much a chicken egg weighs.

general information

Each of us, when purchasing a dozen of these delicious ingredients of any diet menu I noticed that on the shell of each of them there are different letters and numbers. These can be C, O, accompanied by a certain numbering. This alphanumeric combination is called marking. Its simplest type will contain at least two characters - for example, C1. There are also more complex variations of stamps, where the manufacturer and other information are indicated. In order to easily and independently, without scales, determine the weight of a chicken egg, you should understand the labeling and learn to understand it.

The first character indicated in the marking will indicate the type dietary product, then its category is indicated - it can have a letter or digital designation. At the same time, the scope of application and shelf life depend on the first part of the stamp. Accordingly, there are two types of eggs:

  • D – dietary, which have a shelf life of no more than a week (7 days) from the moment the eggs are sorted at the poultry farm. If they have not been sold within a specified period of time, they become canteens;
  • C - tableware, which can be stored for up to 25 days.

In general, the table food is no worse in quality than the dietary food. It’s just that the second one will be fresher and will sit on the store counter for a shorter period of time. Such components of the dietary menu can be consumed both boiled, fried and raw, used as a valuable ingredient in confectionery, they are suitable for feeding small children.

The weight of an egg, depending on whether it is table or dietary, depends slightly, but it is still worth remembering that during storage of the product for a long time, moisture loss occurs due to the process of evaporation through the shell. That is why even eggs of the same category and the same size, but just laid by a hen, will be heavier than those that have been lying on the shelf in the supermarket for some time.

Minimum, average and maximum weight depending on category

Also, the labeling must include the designation of the category, of which there are only 5. Thanks to these “signs” it will be possible to determine exactly what the size and average weight will be. These are 1 - first, 2 - second, 3 - third, B - highest and O - selective categories. Knowing how much one testicle of a certain type weighs, you can approximately determine its weight.

Thus, it turns out that the average weight is about 50-60 g. Double-yolk ones, due to the double rate of yolk content, usually weigh from 80 g.

Recipes are always based on the smallest chicken eggs, category 3, weighing about 40 g.

By the way, this method of marking is used only in Russia and these are the indicator values ​​that will be relevant in our country. Abroad, the labeling will be completely different, and the average weight standards there are somewhat different from the usual ones. For example, in Europe the letter designations will be S, M, L, XL and resemble clothing sizes. And the average weights there vary from 53 to 73 g.

Mass without shell

Each egg has three components - the yolk, white and shell. In this case, the share of the last component is 10-11.5% of the total weight. Knowing this, it is easy to calculate how much one shelled chicken egg weighs. And calculating this indicator is important for those who eat strictly according to a specific program, and who like to cook delicious dishes according to exact recipes.

The weight of the shell does not depend on its color - it can have any color, and this is more likely to indicate the breed of the bird than its weight.

However, the shell should not be considered an absolutely useless part. It is perfect for use on the farm - it goes like feed additive as food for chickens, it can be used to make an excellent fertilizer for flowers. And even children's crafts using crushed shells can decorate the house.

Raw and cooked

You can eat eggs in different forms. At the same time, the boiled product is very popular; it is often included in the every day diet of any person, and can also be used to prepare all kinds of dishes. And for those who strictly monitor their diet, it is especially important to calculate how much a boiled chicken egg weighs when creating a menu.

Since during the cooking process the contents of the shell have nowhere to go, and no moisture loss is observed, we can say with confidence that the cooked product will weigh the same as the raw one. In both cases, the shell is not taken into account. But after frying, its mass will decrease somewhat.

Yolk and white mass

Sometimes you need to know how much protein by mass is contained in chicken egg, as well as how much yolk it contains. These indicators can be calculated by knowing the percentage of all components product. So, the protein contains about 55-58.5%, and the yolk - 30-35%. Approximate indicators can be found in the table.


Knowing how many grams of protein are in one chicken egg is especially important for those who monitor their health, adhere to the basics of proper nutrition, and take care of their figure. Such people are recommended to eat only this part, separating the yolk from it.

Interestingly, it is the egg, despite its invaluable usefulness, that is considered a source of cholesterol. And most of this substance is concentrated in the yolk. Therefore, it is important to consume chicken eggs with caution. And knowing the weight of the product that chicken provides will help control the amount of cholesterol.

Contents of the article:

Why is it important to know the weight of a chicken egg? Their weight categories. Differences between Russian and European categories. Why do they differ in weight?

Not all buyers think about the size and weight of the eggs they purchase. If we need a couple for a recipe, we just grab them from the refrigerator. In some cases, for successful preparation of a dish, for example, for baking, it is necessary to take into account how many grams are in one egg. Designed for culinary purposes special tables converting the number of eggs of one size into the number of another size.

Also, when preparing dishes, it is important to pay attention not only to the weight of the chicken egg, but also to the number of yolks in it. After all, sometimes you come across options with two yolks. Manufacturers have learned to manage the reproductive cycles of chickens so that they lay just such eggs. Replacing regular product on one with two yolks, you risk getting a non-standard result.

Weight categories

For the sake of objectivity and convenience, eggs are divided into categories not by size, but by weight. When you purchase a package, do not think that all of them are the same. They are formed not according to the individual weight of 1 egg, but according to their average weight in the package. This is due to limitations in the technology for automatically sorting eggs by size. In one package they may look different in size, but their weight usually fluctuates within a certain range, regulated by documentation.

  • C3 - third, weight less than 45 grams;
  • C2 - second, 45-55 grams;
  • C1 - first, 55-65 grams;
  • O - selected, 65-75 grams;
  • B - highest category, more than 75 grams.

If we take the average weight of an egg to be 50 grams, then its weight without the shell will be 5 less. The average weight of an egg white is 27 grams, and the yolk is about 18. During cooking, the weight does not change significantly, as does the ratio between yolk and white.

You can see the imported product in the store. As an approximate analogue, you can use the following correspondences between Russian and European markings:

  • S (Small) correspond to Russian C3 and C2;
  • M - C1;
  • L - O;
  • XL - B.

If you are using this product for preparing basic dishes (omelet, scrambled eggs), the weight of one chicken egg will not matter much.

In most baking recipes, the ratio between the weight of dry and liquid ingredients and the volume of yolks and whites added is important. Most of them also use large eggs (that is, the first category).

Volume characteristics of one large egg:

  • 3 tablespoons ( 45 ml);
  • 1 egg white= 2 tablespoons ( 30 ml);
  • 1 egg yolk= 1 tablespoon ( 15 ml).

Reason for weight difference

As chickens grow older, they begin to lay larger and larger eggs. Weight: 1 pc. Chicken eggs are influenced by the breed of laying hen, seasonality, feed composition, lighting conditions and a number of other factors. Agricultural producers use these methods to produce larger specimens.

Among those on sale, the smallest eggs are quail eggs, weighing only 10-12 grams, and the largest - ostrich ( about 1.5 kilograms).

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Eggs are common and traditional food products; chicken eggs are considered the most common. Laying hens lay one (less often two) eggs once a day, the healthiest ones are eggs from young domestic chickens; they are small in size, but have a pronounced “eggy” taste.

Chicken egg calorie content

The calorie content of a chicken egg is 157 kcal per 100 grams of product. It should be borne in mind that the average weight of one egg varies from 35 to 75 g, so the calculation of calories will be appropriate.

Damage to chicken eggs

The main harm of chicken eggs is the possible presence of a dangerous microbe in them - salmonella, which causes salmonellosis, which causes serious inflammation of the intestines, blood poisoning and paratyphoid fever. Excessive consumption of boiled eggs can cause digestive problems and constipation.

IN chemical composition chicken eggs more than ten basic vitamins - vitamins (,), and, as well as almost the entire table chemical elements Mendeleev - , and , and , boron and , and titanium, silicon, and aluminum, and . Eggs contain a lot of iron, but it is not absorbed very well from eggs, so it is better to use meat and liver as a source of iron. At the same time, if you drink eggs raw, they also interfere with the absorption of iron from other foods.

A chicken egg consists of white and yolk. - supplier of natural, easily digestible protein, on average there is 10 g of protein per 100 g of egg white. contains fat-soluble vitamins and cholesterol.

Egg chicken yolk contains a high amount of fat, but it is mainly polyunsaturated fatty acid and monounsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids account for a smaller % of the content:

Polyunsaturated fatty acids:

  • Linoleic acid - 16%
  • Linolenic acid - 2%

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

  • Palmitoleic acid - 5%
  • Oleic acid - 47%

Saturated fatty acids:

  • Palmitic acid - 23%
  • Stearic acid - 4%
  • Myristic acid - 1%

One egg contains about 130 mg of choline. Choline, which is part of the yolk, regulates the amount of fat and cholesterol in the body.

Contained in chicken eggs, it improves blood supply to the brain, which improves memory and prevents the development of sclerosis (calorizator). Even egg shells, washed, cleared of films and dried, are very useful product to strengthen bones and stimulate hair growth.

The cholesterol content of eggs reaches 570 mg. Cholesterol is found only in the yolk and it is considered the least harmful because it is balanced by lecithin, which in turn is necessary to nourish nerve cells.

In terms of nutritional value, an egg replaces two hundred grams of milk and fifty grams of meat. Chicken eggs must be consumed several times a week; they are almost completely absorbed by the body (97-98%), without clogging the intestines with unnecessary toxins. Although eggs are considered very nutritious product, they don’t get better. Moreover, they are often included in therapeutic diets.

Egg and cholesterol

In a day healthy person 1 egg is allowed. If a person increased level cholesterol in the blood, then nutritionists recommend eating 2-3 eggs per week.

Categories of chicken eggs

Chicken eggs sold from poultry farms are labeled depending on the shelf life and weight of an individual egg. Usually on the packaging we see a letter and a number or two capital letters, let's find out what they mean.

The first sign indicates the shelf life of the product:

  • D - dietary egg, sales period does not exceed 7 days,
  • C - table egg, permissible period implementation - 25 days.

By weight, chicken eggs are divided as follows:

  • B - egg of the highest category, weighing 75 g and above,
  • O - selected egg, 65-74.9 g,
  • 1 - first category egg, 55-64.9 g,
  • 2 - egg of the second category, 45-54.9 g,
  • 3 - egg of the third category, 35-44.9 g.

Differences in chicken eggs in appearance

Chicken eggs, even in the same package, can look completely different - almost round and elongated, with a pronounced sharp tip or almost perfectly oval shape, white, cream, light brown, with dark spots, matte and glossy, smooth and rough to the touch. This does not in any way affect the quality and taste; usually white eggs are laid by white chickens, and colored eggs are laid by laying hens bright colors. Therefore, when choosing eggs of different colors, we first of all give preference to our aesthetic preferences. Eggs with two yolks are often found - scientists have not yet come to a clear conclusion whether this is a pathology or a common occurrence. When served on the table, such eggs are very impressive, and differ from ordinary ones in their enlarged shape.

There are several options for how to find out about the freshness of eggs. But knowing this thing that the longer the egg is stored, the lighter it becomes, we chose the simplest option - lower the egg into a glass of water. If the egg has sunk, then it is the freshest, 1-3 days since the chicken laid it, if the egg floats but does not rise high, then this means that the chicken laid the egg about 7-10 days ago. And if the egg remains floating on the surface of the water, the chicken laid such an egg more than 20 days ago.

Each egg is naturally covered with a film, which allows the eggs to be stored for a long time, so it is not recommended to wash it off before storing the eggs, but before the actual process of preparing the eggs, it is better to wash off the film with water.

Chicken egg and weight loss

Many have heard about the benefits of chicken eggs and their beneficial influence for the process of losing extra pounds. "Two boiled eggs for breakfast - excess weight as it happens” is a familiar slogan, right? If you think carefully, not everything is so simple. Let us remember that bodybuilders, who are critical of any product, during the period of “drying” the body, consume only proteins, ignoring the yolks, in order to get pure protein and get rid of cholesterol. Therefore, before unconditionally believing in fast weight loss on chicken eggs alone, you need to understand whether it is so useful. However, there are ones that are based on the consumption of chicken eggs and lead to real weight loss.

Cooking chicken eggs

There is probably no product in nature or in our refrigerator that is simpler and more necessary than a chicken egg. Starting from raw eggs, which are drunk, seasoned with pepper and beaten into eggnog, to soft-boiled eggs, poached and hard-boiled. Scrambled eggs, simple omelettes, with baked goods and fillings, puddings and egg muffins, fillings for pies, meat rolls and pancakes, an essential ingredient in almost all your favorite salads, cold appetizers, desserts - meringues and almond cakes, addition to dough and colored eggs for Easter - the list can be continued indefinitely, because chicken eggs are a universal product that can be boiled, fried and baked in the oven, eaten raw and in any case, in addition to pleasure, they receive maximum benefits.

Especially for
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The most important source of protein in our body is bird eggs. Information about how many grams of protein are in one egg, various types have birds different meanings. The most commonly consumed are chicken and quail eggs.

In addition, nutritionists, experts healthy eating and athletes take into account the amount of pure protein in an egg, while cooks or those losing weight are interested in how many grams of protein are in one egg - as one of the components of a highly nutritious product.

Such different feathered eggs

The amount of protein in bird eggs depends on the total weight of the different eggs. So, for example, an average chicken egg weighs 50-55 g, a quail egg - 10-12 g, a goose egg - 200 g, a guinea fowl egg - 25 g, a pheasant egg - 60 g, a turkey egg - 75 g, and a duck egg - 90 g. Ostrich eggs (900 g) hold the top spot in terms of weight, with the Australian emu bird taking second place (780 g). If the white of an egg makes up 55-60% of its total mass, then it is easy to calculate how many grams are in the white of one egg of waterfowl or exotic birds. In official cooking they are not recommended for consumption, as they are considered a possible source infectious diseases even after heat treatment.

How many grams of protein are in the white of one egg?

Chicken or quail protein consists of 87% water and only 11% of the main nutrient - protein. The remaining 2% is formed by various minerals and ash. To calculate how many grams are in the white of one egg, you need to know the category of chicken eggs, which takes into account many parameters, including the weight of the product. This table will help you navigate and find out the desired result without using calculations:

Formula for calculating the mass of protein in an egg

Knowing the category of chicken eggs, you can easily calculate how much 1 egg white weighs. How many grams, for example, are in the first category egg white? Its weight can be seen in the table; it is approximately 55-65 grams. Protein in the total mass of an egg occupies 56% in a chicken egg and 60% in a quail egg. For convenience, it is believed that the yolk occupies 1/3 of the mass of the egg, and the white - 2/3. Calculation formula: find out the weight of the egg in accordance with its category and multiply by 2/3. Therefore, when calculating (or from the table given in the article), we get 36.7-43.3 grams of protein as a product.

For example, a quail egg contains, on average, 6 g of protein.

For athletes and people who adhere to healthy lifestyle rules

The main role in the exceptional nutritional value and benefits of eggs is played by their biological value - this is what nutritionists call the degree of absorption of the product. Eggs are an easily digestible food, it is 98% digestible by our body, so its nutritional value is the standard. For extension muscle mass athletes need to consume 2-3 g quality protein per 1 kg of your body weight. Having found out how many grams of protein are in one egg, you can calculate required amount product in the diet for effective muscle building. Boiling or frying eggs without adding oil does not affect the volume of protein and it remains unchanged.

But fried egg with butter contains 14 g of protein, omelet - 17 g of protein, and with the addition of grated cheese - 15 g. Protein is a low-calorie product (44 kcal per 100 g). Eating a two-white omelet for breakfast every day helps you lose weight by 67% more than eating other foods with the same calorie content. Many people who are losing weight have a question about why 100 grams of eggs contain 12.7 g of protein (protein), and the same amount of egg white contains only 11.1 g. It turns out that the yolk is almost 1.5 times richer in protein than protein: 16.3% vs. 1.1%.

How to properly consume egg whites?

Nutritionists recommend be sure to expose the egg or white heat treatment. Doctors do not recommend eating raw eggs, as they are only 50% digestible by the body and can also become a source of salmonellosis. Do you know how many grams of protein are in one egg? By boiling two soft-boiled eggs for breakfast, you can get a personal daily norm protein.

Liquid yolk, if you are not allergic to its components, will be excellent choleretic agent, will reduce the risk of heart attack and become an obstacle to the development of cataracts. Egg white will provide useful enzymes, protein, B vitamins and glucose, vitamin K, niacin, choline and essential amino acids that help in the synthesis and regeneration of cells and tissues in our body. There are no contraindications for egg whites, except for individual intolerance.

Eggs are recognized as one of the main suppliers of microelements and vitamins in human body, including very important vitamin AT 12. Protein, which is considered a building block of muscles, is also of particular value. For example, bodybuilding athletes should consume at least 2-3 grams of protein per kilogram of their weight to increase muscle mass.

How much protein is in an egg largely depends on what type of egg it is and how it is cooked. For example, a raw chicken egg contains 6 g of protein, a fried egg contains 14 g, an omelet contains 17 g, an omelet with cheese contains 15 g, a duck egg contains 2 g, and a quail egg contains 6 g. say that the volume of protein will not change if the egg is boiled or fried without adding fat. However, the time it takes to digest depends on the preparation method. For example, it will be completely digested after 2 hours, and fried or hard-boiled food will be completely digested after 3 hours.

There is a huge variety of eggs that are edible, but the most popular are chicken eggs. For most people, they are considered essential food products with low cost and opportunity instant cooking. The nutritional value of a chicken egg is about 75 kcal, of which 15 kcal contains protein, and the rest is yolk. It should be said that the amount of protein in an egg is two-thirds of the mass of the egg, and the yolk takes up only a third. Therefore, when they talk about how much protein is in an egg, they mainly mean protein.

Egg white is a mostly protein product, in which protein is approximately 13%, about 2% is fats, vitamins, carbohydrates and various impurities, the rest is water. Therefore, the protein content in an egg is about 4-5 grams.

It is worth mentioning that the proteins from it are extremely easily digestible. If, for example, meat is digested in the human body for about four hours, then proteins from egg whites are included in metabolic processes in half an hour, which can sometimes be quite useful quality.

It is better to consume it in heat-treated form, because uncoagulated albumin can react with the molecules of most vitamins, interfering with their absorption. At regular use significant number raw eggs Vitamin deficiency may develop. In addition, you should not eat because of the risk of contracting salmonella and other types of infections.

Regardless of how many proteins are in an egg, they contain phosphorus, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc and other micro- and macroelements. also includes B vitamins. The harmonious combination of components in egg white makes it very valuable product, which is able to satisfy all the physiological needs of a person.

It is worth noting that the egg helps provide our body with the necessary protein and amino acids. So, we looked at how much protein there is in an egg, however, in addition to this, egg yolks are also useful, which are considered an important supplier of choline, which is of great importance for the activity of brain cells. It is also worth pointing out that egg shells also contain many useful elements, for example, iron, molybdenum, manganese, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, sulfur, copper, silicon, zinc. The shells can also be eaten after boiling them for 5 minutes. It is cleaned of films and ground to a powdery state. The nutritional value of the shell does not depend on the color of the yolk or the color of the shell. However, it can be noted that the taste of an egg depends precisely on the taste of the yolk, that is, with high-quality chicken feed, the eggs will also taste better.

Speaking about how much protein is in an egg, it is worth mentioning cholesterol. Many people refuse to eat yolks, but it has been established that the significant content of cholesterol in yolks does not significantly affect the level of cholesterol in the blood produced by the liver from People with yolks should limit the consumption of yolks, but not give them up altogether, as they help reduce the risk of heart attacks and prevent the development cataracts, improve immunity.

Modern scientists believe that you can eat an egg a day and that will be enough.

    Chicken eggs are highly valued by bodybuilders because of their high content they contain natural protein. Bodybuilding legend Arnold Schwarzenegger himself recommended that novice athletes make a protein shake from eggs and milk.

    Thus, a medium-sized egg contains 7-8 grams of protein.

    According to the Internet, a chicken egg contains about 12.6 g of protein.

    Although, to be honest, I think this figure is too average. I have personally seen eggs from purebred chickens with two yolks. Accordingly, with the same total volume, there will be less space for protein.

    p.s. This is not an isolated case - these chickens were specially bred. Loman-brown, if I'm not mistaken.

    Chicken eggs come in different sizes and therefore the mass of chicken protein will be different. It is generally accepted that the weight of chicken protein is approximately 55% of the total weight of the egg (picture for clarity).

    For example, if the weight of an egg is 50 grams, then the weight of chicken protein is 50 * 0.55 = 27.5 grams

    Many people confuse liquid chicken protein with white (protein), but it is contained in both the white and the yolk.

    One chicken egg contains different levels of protein (depending on the weight of the egg); for this you can use the following tablet, which indicates the amount of protein per 100 grams of product.

    This plate also indicates energy value quail egg(the amount of protein in a quail egg).

    For example, let's take a 50g chicken egg - it contains 6.55 grams of protein.

    And finally, it’s worth adding that in a chicken egg there are more proteins (proteins) in the white, while there are fewer in the yolk

    Egg white consists of protein only in a ratio of 1/10, the rest is water.

    The egg white protein itself consists of:

    • 1/6 ovalbumin;
    • 1/10 ovotransferrin;
    • the rest is lysozyme, ovomucoid, ovomucin and ovoglobulin.
  • The average weight of one chicken egg is 58 grams. Approximately 12% is the shell, 56% is the white and 32% is the yolk. The calorie content of 100 grams of eggs is 158-172 kilocalories, which is about the same as in 100 grams of beef.

    Depends on the type of egg. An ordinary first grade egg contains 13-15 grams. By the way, there is more in the yolk nutrient, including protein than in the shell which we call egg white.

    The weight of the protein directly depends on the weight of the egg itself; if we consider the standards, we can make a table:

    These are of course approximate numbers...

    The composition of egg white itself is divided into water and protein, fats and carbohydrates, glucose and various enzymes, as well as B vitamins.

    The protein itself contains about 12.7 percent...

    But that’s not all, since all protein is divided into types, of which there are as many as 6 in the egg white:

    • Ovalbumin 54%;
    • Ovotransferrin 12-13%;
    • Lysozyme 3.4-3.5%;
    • Ovomucin 1.5-3.5%;
    • Ovoglobulins 2%;
    • Ovomucoid;
  • Let's take into account that an average chicken egg weighs 50 grams. Approximately 50% of this egg is white. About 15% shell and about 35% yolk. By simple calculations you can find out that one egg contains 25 grams of protein.

    If you believe scientists, then in 1 chicken egg there is 87% water, and 11% protein (that is, protein). The remaining 2% is ash and minerals. And imagine not a drop of fat!!!

    Egg white is the most easily digestible protein. But! In its raw form, it is absorbed 50% less than in the finished form.

    But the yolk contains more protein than the white. Total 16.2.

    Here sample table composition of a chicken egg.

    As far as I know, a chicken egg weighs on average about 50-60 grams. The entire egg consists of the following components:

    • shell - 12%;
    • protein - 56;
    • yolk - 32%.

    But there is also such an indicator as calorie content. One chicken egg contains as many calories as 100 grams of beef.

    Well, there are different eggs, large and small, but let’s take the average egg as the standard.

    There is only 12 grams of protein -/+ 0.5.

    Let’s take the total weight of a homemade egg to be 75 grams.

    And it turns out that the protein in an egg is only about 10%

    IN overall percentage protein is not high in this product.

    but there are also rare cases when there are two or three whites in an egg.