What does a chicken egg contain? Debunking myths: the whole truth about egg yolks

In this article we will answer the question, how many proteins are in egg white. You will learn about egg white much more than they could know. So, let's begin.
We all know that an egg consists of yolk and white, but not everyone knows how many proteins, fats and carbohydrates are in each component of the egg.
100 grams of egg white contains: 11 grams protein, 0 grams fat and 0 grams carbohydrates. While yolk: proteins 16 grams, fat 31 grams, carbohydrates 1 gram.
Paradoxically, there is less protein in the white than in the yolk.

Why do people who want to lose weight throw away the yolks?
In yolks as opposed to whites great content fat, 1 gram of which has 9 kcal, and 1 gram of protein only 4 kcal.
So you have to throw it away valuable product, like a yolk due to its high calorie content, although in addition to fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it also contains vitamins.

Let's get back to the main topic: Proteins in protein:).
If an egg white contains 11% protein, what is the remaining 89%?
The rest is water, the protein structures are actually dissolved in it.

At all egg white is taken as the standard among proteins. It consists of all necessary for a person amino acids, unlike, for example, vegetable protein. Egg white is absorbed almost completely and also quickly.
Due to the complete amino acid composition of egg whites, eggs are a staple food for those looking to build muscle.

In total chicken egg protein occupies 56%, 32% yolk and eggshell – 12%.
Chicken eggs come in different sizes. Depending on this, they are assigned a class.
The C3 egg is the smallest, weighing on average 40 grams and containing only 22 grams of egg white (water with disordered protein structures).
Egg C2 is already larger. 50 and 28 grams of protein, respectively.
C1 – 60 grams of weight and 34 grams of egg white.
C0 – 70 grams on average and 39 protein.
Group CB eggs are the largest. They weigh over 75 grams and contain more than 42 grams of protein.
Prices for eggs vary according to their category, so you are unlikely to be able to save much by choosing a specific class of eggs.
It is optimal to choose eggs not by class, but by freshness. The fresher the egg, the faster the protein is absorbed. By the way, the whites of fresh eggs are much easier to whip into foam.

In addition, I would like to say about protein portions.
How many egg whites can you eat at one time?
Nutritionists recommend eating no more than 30 grams of protein per meal.
If we take eggs C1, then to get 30 grams pure protein we need to eat the whites of 7 eggs. If we eat eggs with yolks, then only 4.
If you have eggs different categories you can weigh them on a scale and easily calculate the amount of protein from egg whites.
Full composition of edible components of the egg:

Consider that 100 grams of a whole egg contains only 6 grams of protein from the egg whites you reserve. That is, to get 30 grams, you need to weigh half a kilo of eggs.

Good luck with your egg business.
website 😉

Eggs are deservedly considered one of the most important suppliers useful microelements, vitamins, as well as protein - the main element for building muscles.

The amount of protein depends on how the egg is cooked.

  1. So, in a raw chicken egg - 12.7 g,
  2. Fried – 14-15 g,
  3. In an omelet – 17 g.
  4. To the question how much protein is in a quail egg, nutritionists answer that it is about 6 g, and in duck it is about 2 g.

It is worth noting that chemical composition The product largely depends on how the chicken or quail was fed and at what time of year it laid the egg. “Summer” eggs contain almost four times more vitamin A than “winter” eggs.

Doctors are sure that soft-boiled eggs, that is, those that have been boiled for about 3-4 minutes, are easier to digest.

In a refrigerator raw product can be stored for a long time, but quickly loses nutrients. Eggs laid no more than five days ago are most useful.

In Russia it is customary to salt eggs, but this natural product itself has a balanced taste and does not require additional seasonings.

To answer the question, how many grams of protein are in an egg, it is worth comparing egg products in terms of calorie content and the amount of fat, carbohydrates and proteins.

ProductCalorie content, kcalProteins, gFats, gCarbohydrates, g
Chicken egg157 12,7 11,5 0,7
Hard-boiled chicken egg158,7 12,7 11,5 0,7
Boiled chicken egg158,7 12,828 11,616 0,707
Fried chicken egg without oil174,6 14,598 12,557 0,805
Melange157 12,7 11,5 0,7
Quail egg168 11,9 13,1 0,6
Chicken egg white44,4 11,1 0 0
Chicken egg white, dry350 82,4 1,8 1,2
Chicken egg yolk358 16,2 30,87 1,78
Chicken egg yolk, dry612 31,1 52,2 4,7
Egg powder542 46 37,3 4,5

Thus, greatest number protein - in dry chicken egg white, egg powder is in second place, dry egg yolk closes the top three.


How much fat is in an egg

One egg contains about 11 grams of fat. For this reason, it is valued by nutritionists and athletes, and they also recommend this product to pregnant women.

It has been scientifically proven that those who start their breakfast with eggs eat 160 fewer calories for lunch.

Doctors recommend that pregnant women eat quail eggs, which contain essential amino acids, vitamins, microelements, but do not contain cholesterol.

Eating eggs regularly is a simple and tasty way to keep yourself in good physical shape.

Nowadays it is very common healthy eating. A person can adhere to it for various purposes: someone needs to get rid of excess weight, someone is simply trying to keep themselves in shape, and some, on the contrary, strive to gain weight. muscle mass. Chicken eggs are needed to achieve any of these goals. Special attention deserves protein. Everyone has heard that it is not recommended to overuse the yolk, due to the large amount of cholesterol it contains. With protein, the situation is different: you can eat as much of it as you like, but you still need to know the amount. To do this, it is worth taking into account the calorie content of egg whites and at least approximately guessing how many grams of protein are in one egg.

Egg white is a muscle builder

Those people who are actively involved in bodybuilding and fitness pay great attention to muscle mass. To do this, the body must receive protein in required quantity, which is calculated individually.

Products with high content these nutrients quite a lot, but eggs occupy one of the leading places. To calculate how many grams of protein are in one egg, you need to know approximate weight the egg itself. Well, if you have it in stock then you can produce the most accurate calculations. But if they are not there, then it is worth remembering that on average one egg weighs about 60 grams, of which 20 grams belong to the yolk. But don't assume that by consuming the remaining 20 or 30 grams you can get the same amount of pure protein. It also contains water, so to find out how many grams of protein are in one egg, we need to take into account the nutritional value per hundred grams of the product. So, one hundred grams of egg white contains 11 grams of protein; based on 20-30 grams, you can get only 3-4 grams of pure protein in one egg.

Athletes know that the body absorbs about 30 grams of protein in one meal. Therefore, in order to get the norm necessary for stable muscle growth, you should eat 8 eggs - and only 1 yolk, and the rest is white.

for low calorie diets

In addition to bodybuilders who closely follow egg white used by many girls who eat It is not so important for them to know how many grams of protein are in one egg, since they focus on low content fats, calories and carbohydrates.

They are perfect for this type of nutrition because they are a natural and healthy product and also contain few calories.

The calorie content of egg white per 100 grams is no more than 48 kcal, and the white of one egg contains about 14 kcal.

This is very little, but eggs are a filling food, so including them in a low-calorie diet can help you get rid of constant feeling hunger without damaging your figure.

To remember how many grams of protein are in one egg, as well as calculate its calorie content, you can use a special table.

It will help avoid confusion and clearly calculate the individual needs for each daily norm protein obtained from eggs and the number of calories.

It is not without reason that eggs are considered a dietary product. Each component of which it consists contains a supply of nutrients; the amount of protein in an egg is a large percentage. In essence, this is a large egg cell, inside which a new life. It has all the building materials necessary for this process.

The desire to lose weight pushes people to search for universal culinary solutions. The first remedy that comes to mind is familiar to many from children's camps and holiday homes. Increasingly, Internet search engines provide information upon request: calorie content of egg white.

It is worth remembering that the whole egg carries within itself necessary for the body nutrients. For this reason, most dietary complexes recommend replacing your usual morning diet with two boiled eggs.

Laboratory studies have shown that the yolk contains:
a large number of protein;
vitamin complexes(such as groups B, D, A);
a set of rare micro- and macro-complexes;
an enzyme that can break down proteins.

At the same time, protein also contains substances necessary for building muscle, nervous and skeletal mass. Thus, the protein and yolk form a harmonious tandem, including mechanisms for the breakdown of these substances by the body.

Thanks to its properties, the egg has become firmly established in the diet of athletes. The nutritional goals for this group of consumers require maximum impact and minimum calorie content. When compiling such a diet, it is important to know how many grams of protein are in one egg.

Crude protein makes it possible to restore damaged, inflamed vocal cords. Vocal teachers often require their students to drink one egg before class. This gives elasticity to the ligaments and relieves the effect of fatigue from unusual tension.

For injuries to ligaments and tendons, traumatologists recommend eating at least two dozen eggs a week. Thus, injured tissues can easily replenish the missing construction material.

Dentists after complex operations To remove teeth, the patient is also instructed to drink a couple of raw eggs. Because the direct sequence of egg-whites-fats-carbohydrates increases the chances of the healing process.

The main value of the yolk mass lies precisely in its high protein content. Some diet plans involve dividing the egg contents into two separate stages of consumption. Therefore, it is important to know how much protein is in an egg.

Descriptions may contain reference to the category of egg product. Actually, just like its commercial implementation. The weight of an egg is directly proportional to the category. Accordingly, each gram contains a certain amount of protein.
The category is awarded to the egg at the poultry farm during sorting.

Third category

The smallest eggs receive the third category. In addition to its size, this type has a thin shell and low liquid content. This option is suitable for easy to use while cooking. The dietary value of the product is low.
The average volume of an egg of the third category ranges from 35 to 44.9 g. At the same time, the protein content ranges from 23.3 to 31 g per total weight. Protein part 2.6-3.4 g.

Second category

Not much different from the third category. The total weight of such a product ranges from 45 to 54.8 g. Protein can be contained from 30 to 36.8 g. Proteins are respectively 3.4-4.2g.

First category

The first two categories are more suitable for homemade. If we're talking about O healing properties, the first category fits well by standards. The weight of an egg of the first category can be from 54 to 64.8 g. Include from 35.8 to 44.3 g of protein, protein 4.2-4.8 g.


This abbreviation means "selected". Eggs weighing from 66-75g are considered selective. Accordingly, it contains from 44 to 50 g of protein, and from 4.8 to 5.6 g of protein. Select eggs are served for breakfast at the hospital boarding house.


Counts highest category. This product is distinguished by high performance shell thickness in relation to water content, element content. The weight of category “B” eggs is from 76g, the protein content is more than 50g, the protein content is more than 5.7g.

Based on the data provided, you can see for yourself how much protein is in the egg white by calculating the daily intake of this dish.

Cooked protein content

During cooking, many substances are destroyed. But even after coagulation, the protein retains its useful qualities. Methods used to cook an egg can affect its properties in different ways.
The topic “how much protein is in a boiled egg” is most often heard during nutrition programs. Because this is the most common way to prepare this product.

Let's look at a few facts about protein.
Basic methods of preparing an egg include varying degrees heat treatment:
in a bag;

There is a separate group for processing eggs to the state of a semi-finished product:
dried egg white;
egg powder.

The first stage involves drying only the protein mass to a powder state.

At the same time, on average, protein levels decrease:
"O" category up to 38g;
“B” category up to 40g;
other categories by 50%.

Egg powder is made from the whole peeled egg. On average, protein levels decrease by:
“O” category by 20%;
“B” category by 10-15%;
other categories by 40%.

Heat treatment of eggs gives the following data:
hard-cooked eggs contain up to 12.7 g;
a soft-boiled egg yields up to 12.9g;
a boiled egg in a bag has up to 13g;
a fried egg without oil contains 14.5 g;
The method of preparing melange allows you to save up to 12.4 g.
Such figures allow you to navigate the loss of protein mass in the yolk liquid during cooking, giving a complete answer to the dilemma of how many proteins are in a boiled egg.

The effect of protein on the body

Despite dietary indicators, some variations in the effect of eggs on the body may have negative effect. This is due, first of all, to a person’s personal immunity to the product. In some cases, its amount can be reduced. Other options exclude this product completely.

Excessive use of egg diets can lead to:
increased cholesterol levels;
copious discharge bile;
disruption of the intestines and stomach.

Complete absence or reduced consumption is prescribed:
patients with diathesis;
for blood diseases (hepatitis, jaundice, diabetes);
at urolithiasis;
with a weak liver.

In this case, only quail eggs may be allowed. Since they are 100% digestible, they are light in weight.
Important has egg white for face. The skin of this part of the body has increased requirements for the consumption of proteins, protein groups, and vitamins. To settle metabolic processes sensitive skin, it is recommended to make egg compresses.

Many cosmetologists recommend that people with brittle, split hair do egg masks. Hair follicle receives the necessary charge of vitamins, the trunk itself receives an abundance of proteins. The scales of the hair shaft receive sufficient quantity elements, hair after the mask acquires a pleasant shine and fluidity.
Egg white indispensable assistant when caring for the body. A large number of recipes based on it make it possible to restore health:

In this case, it is absolutely not necessary to make an appointment with a cosmetologist. The basic rule of such home remedies is to strictly follow the instructions and, if possible, use only laboratory-tested products. The freshness of the product is of paramount importance.

Sometimes it is suggested to add a few drops to the egg mixture citric acid. This applies to masks for oily or acne-prone skin. This method really helps. However, you need to be extremely careful, since acid is an aggressive environment. Before use, test on a small area of ​​skin.

Based on the data, a certain conclusion can be made. Before you start egg white diets, you need to thoroughly research your condition. By listening to the doctor’s testimony, you can create an ideal diet that will replenish the body with all the necessary substances.

Most of us know that eggs are an incredibly healthy product. Not only are they healthy, but they are also an excellent source of high quality protein (protein).

For health, as well as for building muscle mass and strengthening bone structure, it is important to consume enough protein.

But how much protein can you get from eggs?

How much protein is in one egg?

One medium-sized egg contains approximately 6-7 grams of protein.

The amount of protein depends on the size of the egg:

  • Small egg (38 grams): 4.9 grams of protein;
  • Medium egg (44 grams): 5.7 grams of protein;
  • Large egg (50 grams): 6.5 grams of protein;
  • Extra large egg (56 grams): 7.3 grams of protein;
  • Huge egg (63 grams): 8.2 grams of protein.

The average man needs about 56 grams of protein per day, and a woman needs 46 grams.

Conclusion: A medium-sized egg contains about 6-7 grams of protein.

protein in white and yolk

Now let's study the protein content in different parts eggs.

People often mistakenly believe that protein is only found in protein, since it consists only of protein (protein).

The yolk is considered the source of many other useful substances, as well as fats.

However, in addition to various useful substances, the yolk contains about half the protein that is contained in the egg.

A large egg contains about 7 grams of protein, with 3 grams coming from the yolk and 4 grams from the white.

So, by eating a whole egg rather than just the white, you not only get more nutrients, but also more protein.

Conclusion: Protein is found in both egg white and yolk, but the protein content is higher in the white.

Does heat treatment affect protein quality?

The high-quality protein in eggs contains all nine amino acids the body needs in the right ratio.

However, how much protein the body can actually use depends on how the eggs are cooked.

The amount of protein digestible by the body in raw eggs is lower.

Studies have shown that when consuming raw eggs, the body absorbs only 50% of the protein, while when consuming cooked eggs, the body absorbs 90%.

Another study found slightly different values: 94% digestible protein from cooked eggs, 74% from raw eggs.

However, both of these studies prove that when cooked, protein is easier to digest and absorb into the body.

In addition, when consuming raw eggs, there is a risk food poisoning and bacterial contamination is significantly higher.

Conclusion: Protein from heat-treated eggs is absorbed by the body better than protein from raw eggs.

Other beneficial properties of eggs

Eggs are considered one of the healthiest and most nutrient-rich foods.

There are quite a few calories in them, just one big one. boiled egg contains approximately 77 calories.

Despite their low calorie content, eggs contain all the beneficial substances the body needs. One of these substances is choline, which is often deficient in dieters.

Choline is important for many processes in the body. A deficiency of this substance affects brain and heart health, and also increases the risk of neural tube defects during pregnancy.

In addition, eggs are good for effective weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight.

It is believed that eggs keep you feeling full for a long time, which protects against overeating.

This effect is especially noticeable if you eat eggs for breakfast.

Research has shown that when people ate eggs for breakfast, they consumed significantly fewer calories over the next 24 hours than when they chose another type of breakfast.

In one study, people who ate eggs for breakfast ate 470 fewer calories at lunch and dinner than those who ate oatmeal or cereal for breakfast.

In addition to all this, eggs are inexpensive and easy to cook.

Conclusion: Eggs are rich in nutrients and are easily absorbed by the body. By eating eggs for breakfast, you can reduce your daily caloric intake without experiencing discomfort.

Conclusions about the protein content in eggs

A medium-sized egg contains about 6-7 grams of protein.

In order to receive maximum amount benefits, it is recommended to heat treat eggs before eating.

Eggs are characterized by a high content of protein and nutrients. In addition, they are low in calories and easily fit into most diets aimed at losing weight.

Source: https://ZdravPit.com/produkty/skolko-belka-v-odnom-yajtse.html

Bringing Chicken Eggs in Numbers

Chicken eggs are in every person’s diet, because they are rich in elements that are beneficial to our body and can be an excellent breakfast, lunch or dinner.

But at the same time, their consumption in large quantities can negatively affect health, and if we are talking about losing weight, then daily norm decreases even more.

Eggs are a product that is healthy as long as it is consumed correctly, but if you break even one rule, the result will not be as good as expected. To understand how and in what quantities to eat them, you need to know how much BJU is in a chicken egg, what its calorie content is and what elements it is rich in.

BZHU, calorie content of eggs

An average-sized egg weighs approximately 55-60 g and contains about 70 kilocalories. The white accounts for 60% of the total mass of the egg, the yolk accounts for 30%, and the shell accounts for 10%. BJU of raw chicken eggs is as follows:

  • Proteins – 12 grams.
  • Fat – 11 grams.
  • Carbohydrates – 1 gram.

The calorie content and nutritional value of a chicken egg may vary depending on how it is prepared. There are many methods for cooking eggs, and each of them has its own effect on the ratio of elements. For example, the BZHU of a boiled chicken egg and its calorie content are not very different from the same indicators in their raw form, but as soon as you break it into a frying pan with oil, the situation changes dramatically.

The calorie content of an egg can also be affected by what the chicken eats.

If the bird had the opportunity, other than consumption special feeds, walk over a large area and find various grains or larvae, then the egg will have a higher calorie content compared to what is obtained at a poultry farm. Eggs from domestic chickens are more valuable not only for their nutritional content, but also for their benefits to the body.

There is a myth that you should only eat eggs white, because if the egg is brown or brown, the BJU and its calorie content are significantly different. In fact, the color of an egg does not in any way affect the indicators of the substances in it.

Eggs are one of the most unique products on the planet, because they are absorbed by the human body by 98%. And even if there are cases of allergies, this does not change its nutritional value. Chicken eggs do not harm the body and are completely excreted, while at the same time saturating it with useful elements.

Chicken egg white: BJU

Part chicken protein includes 87% water, 11% proteins, 1% carbohydrates and 1% minerals. The BJU of a chicken egg without a yolk is much smaller. This is what makes it an incredibly valuable source of low-calorie proteins. Calorie content and nutritional value of a medium-sized chicken egg excluding yolk:

  • Kilocalories (per 100 g) – 52.
  • Proteins – 11 grams.
  • Fats – 0.
  • Carbohydrates – 0.

Egg white contains correct proportions essential amino acids, including methionine, which human body cannot produce. It is methionine that plays a large role in the synthesis of creatine, adrenaline, and promotes active action vitamins and enzymes. At the same time, if there is insufficient amount of methionine and vitamin B12 in the body, problems in the functioning of the nervous system are observed.

Bzhu yolk

Chicken yolk consists of 50% water, 32% is fat, 16% is protein, and 2% is allocated to minerals. The yolk of a medium-sized chicken egg contains about 50-55 kilocalories; per 100 grams – 350 kilocalories.

BZHU chicken eggs without protein:

  • Proteins – 16 g.
  • Fats – 31 g.
  • Carbohydrates – 1 g.

The great value of the yolk is that it contains a whole complex fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the entire body. But many people eat eggs according to the principle “white in the plate, yolk in the trash” due to the fact that the yolk contains a lot of cholesterol. Yes, the yolk is really rich in cholesterol, but it is also necessary for the human body.

For example, if the body low level cholesterol, the liver begins to produce it itself. Eating egg yolk in moderation will not harm your health.

In addition, in addition to cholesterol, the yolk of a chicken egg contains many useful substances, such as lecithin, which promotes brain activity and prevents the development of sclerosis, or oleic acid, which activates metabolism.

Useful microelements in chicken eggs

Chicken eggs are not only a product of high nutritional value, but also a source of a large number of useful bioregulators, minerals and proteins. What exactly does a chicken egg contain and how does eating it affect human health?

  1. Niacin, or vitamin B3, is essential for cell nutrition and promotes the production of sex hormones.
  2. Choline, or vitamin B4, improves memory and activates the process of cleansing the liver of poisons.
  3. Vitamin D is important for maintaining phosphorus and calcium levels in the body. Eggs rank second on the list of foods rich in vitamin D, second only to fish oil.
  4. Vitamin K is necessary for normal blood clotting.
  5. Vitamin E and iron - actively fight against bad mood and fatigue are essential to prevent cardiovascular disease.
  6. Vitamin A – improves immunity, has a positive effect on growth and vision.
  7. Vitamin E – counteracts the development of certain forms of cancer and makes eggs a kind of “elixir of youth”, because this vitamin preserves natural beauty and prevents the body from aging.
  8. Vitamin B12 – has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis and is a method of prevention nervous diseases. One egg satisfies daily requirement in vitamin B12 by 100%.

And this is only a small part, because chicken eggs are rich in calcium, manganese, selenium, folacin, sodium, zinc, biotin and folic acid, it contains almost all vitamins (with the exception of vitamin C), essential amino acids.

Chicken eggs for weight loss

In the diet of a person who follows therapeutic nutrition or diets for weight loss, eggs are a must.

The BJU of a chicken egg and its calorie content prove that this product is one of the lowest in calories, but at the same time nutritious in the world. Its use normalizes metabolism.

Two eggs for breakfast reduce your daily diet by 400 kilocalories, while they perfectly saturate the body for the whole day.

The yolk is much higher in calories than the protein, so it is often thrown away, and along with it a whole complex of useful microelements and vitamins.

The BJU indicators of a chicken egg without a yolk fall, and the diet becomes less caloric, but in this case there is no question of nutritional value. The yolk should also be in the diet, like the white, but in smaller quantities. When losing weight, it is recommended to consume no more than two yolks per day.

In this case, protein can be eaten in unlimited quantities. That is, if you eat two hard-boiled chicken eggs with tomato and cheese for breakfast, you can indulge in an egg white-based omelet with salad for dinner.

The variety of ways to prepare eggs is impressive, again proving the value of this product.

BZHU, the caloric content of a boiled egg is equal to the corresponding indicators in a raw one. And this is a big plus, since many people cannot eat raw eggs, but boiled ones have much better results. taste qualities, while fully retaining all the benefits for the body.

Before boiling eggs, they need to be removed from the refrigerator and left at room temperature. This is done so that when they get into boiling water they do not burst. After they are washed, they can be cooked.

The cooking time depends on what kind of egg you want to get: soft-boiled – 1-3 minutes, “in a bag” – 4-5 minutes, hard-boiled – 7-8 minutes. In this case, you need to expect that the eggs big size They will cook longer, which means they should be taken out last.

If the eggs have been boiled for more than 10 minutes, they will be overcooked, which means that the yolk will lose its taste and become covered with a greenish coating, and the white will become rubbery.

To preserve all the fatty acids that are in the yolk, eggs need to be boiled as follows: put them in boiling water and after 1 minute turn off the gas, without removing them for another 5 minutes. As a result, the white will have time to cook, but the yolk will remain liquid.

Cooking – best way cooking eggs while maintaining their nutritional value. When frying, egg whites do not retain their structure, and due to the use of oil, carcinogens enter the body, which damage the liver and digestive system.

Potential harm to chicken eggs. Cholesterol

Many people avoid eating eggs because of their cholesterol content. But how great is its harm to the body and whether it exists at all is a question without a definitive answer.

One egg contains a little more than 200 milligrams of this substance. Cholesterol in the blood is usually divided into two categories: “good” (increases the level of lipoproteins high density, HDL) and “bad” (increases the level of low-density lipoproteins, LDL).

It turns out that dietary cholesterol increases levels of both “bad” and “good” cholesterol.

The effect of “bad” is associated with saturated fats, which are small in eggs, which means that there will not be a significant increase in such cholesterol after eating them.

The daily cholesterol requirement is 300 milligrams, which means one egg a day will not harm your health. But for those who are inclined to cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, you should eat eggs less often - at least every other day.


If cholesterol is not such a terrible thing in a chicken egg, then the possibility of ingesting salmonella along with this product is truly terrifying. It can get into the egg through the shell different stages formation and use of this product. Salmonella causes real harm to the body, but there are ways to protect yourself from it:

  1. Do not eat eggs that have passed heat treatment less than 5 minutes.
  2. Do not wash eggs before putting them in the refrigerator, so as not to remove the protective film, without which the risk of salmonella entering the egg increases. This should be done immediately before cooking.
  3. Throw away eggs with cracked shells and do not store them in the refrigerator for long periods of time.

Allergic reaction

Cases of allergies most often occur in children. Egg white intolerance is common, but fortunately most children get over it by age five. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, nasal congestion, itching, dizziness, fainting, and in some cases, anaphylactic shock.

People with an egg white allergy should carefully study the ingredients of products, as eggs are one of the most used ingredients in many of them. Some elements of egg white are even added to vaccinations.

Source: http://fb.ru/article/266118/bju-yaytsa-kurinogo-v-tsifrah

Egg white

Egg white is a powerful immunostimulant that has pronounced bactericidal properties. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that has adhesive properties. When whipped, it acquires a dense foam-like consistency. It turns white during heat treatment. The product improves brain function, participates in hematopoietic processes, and prevents the formation of cataracts.

In terms of nutritional value, one egg replaces 50 g of meat and 200 ml of milk. Protein has the highest degree of digestibility among animal products (98%).

Beneficial features

The main advantage of egg white is the absence of fat in its composition. This is absolutely dietary product, approved for use during weight loss.

Chicken egg white is a source of protein for the human body, which performs protective, catalytic, transport, and regulatory functions. It is part of cells immune system, increases barrier properties, counteracts further penetration and development of viruses and infections.

The regulatory function is to normalize hormonal levels, transport - the delivery of oxygen to organs and tissues, catalytic - the implementation of exchange reactions. In addition, protein is the main building material muscle fibers, bones and skin. It acts like an "energy bomb".

Easily digestible phosphorus and calcium maintain the strength of teeth and nails. Iron accelerates the process of skin regeneration, wound healing, and mucous membranes. Tocopherol prevents aging and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Amino acids concentrated in egg whites help activate the brain, renew cells, cleanse blood vessels, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, and improve the functioning of the heart. The vitamins included in the product stimulate the production of sex hormones, normalize blood clotting, and prevent the formation of defects in the fetus during pregnancy.

Healing the body from the inside, protein is used to care for oily skin face, combating pigmentation, enlarged pores, excessive secretion of subcutaneous sebum. In addition, masks based on this product prevent split ends of hair, baldness, and accelerate hair growth.

Harm and contraindications

Egg product increases cholesterol levels. However, this does not apply bad cholesterol, but useful. Hard-boiled yolk causes more harm.

Egg white is a strong allergen, so it should not be consumed if you have an individual intolerance to poultry products. In its raw form, it contains an antitrypsin enzyme, which destroys the digestive enzyme, making it extremely difficult to digest.

Use in cooking

Egg whites are the basis for making the airy meringue dessert. Meringue is deposited both in the form of a cake and used as a layer for cakes. To do this, the protein mass is applied to the pie and baked until a crispy crust forms. The main condition is not to burn the baked goods. The meringue is prepared for at least 1 hour at a temperature of 70 degrees.

Protein cream is widely used in the confectionery industry for decorating cakes and filling baskets, eclairs, and tubes. To diversify the taste and color, flavors and dyes are added to its composition.

Fresh whites are placed in raw minced meat as a binding agent so that finished products (cutlets, meatballs) do not fall apart. Boiled eggs are added to appetizers, salads, and soups.

Folk recipes

Chicken egg white is used in medical purposes to stop severe nosebleeds, relieve pain for burns, recovery lost voice, eliminating the feeling of sore throat.

Traditional recipes:

  1. In case of poisoning with mercury and copper salts. To delay suction toxic substances It is recommended to eat raw egg white.
  2. For cuts. The film under the shell can be used as a plaster.
  3. For headaches. Migraines that occur during nervous soil, it is recommended to treat with a cocktail made from raw eggs and hot milk.
  4. During a neurological attack. It is useful to apply boiled protein to a place with intense pain. It is believed that as the egg cools, the attack weakens.
  5. For sprains, dislocations. The injured area is lubricated with balm, the recipe for which is borrowed from Tibetan medicine. To prepare it, 10 ml of alcohol is mixed with the white of one egg and flour until a paste-like mixture is obtained. The balm is left for at least 2 hours. The compress is bandaged tightly.
  6. For burns. The burned area is smeared with a white-yolk mixture of a raw egg.
  7. For sore throat. Crude protein from two chicken eggs is mixed with 30 g butter, 10 g flour and 10 ml natural honey. The resulting mixture is taken 15 g 2-3 times a day.
  8. At uterine bleeding. Lemon juice(10 ml) mixed with fresh proteins (6 pcs.), The resulting cocktail is drunk on an empty stomach, provided there are no digestive problems.

Remember, eggs are not only tasty and nutritious product, This natural remedy fight against many ailments. Poultry protein is used in cooking, folk medicine and cosmetology to create confectionery, snacks, salads, improving the condition of the body from the outside and inside.

Chemical composition

100 g of egg white contains 48 kcal. Due to its low nutritional value, the product is classified as dietary and is approved for use during weight loss. However, you must ensure that the eggs are fresh. To determine their “age” they need to be placed in water.

A fresh egg lies in horizontal position at the bottom of the dish. A product aged for 7-10 days is turned over with its blunt end up and begins to float. Vertical position eggs suspended in water indicate 2-3 weeks of age, and eggs that float to the surface indicate 6-7 weeks of “experience.”

The fact is that a puga (air chamber) is formed between the albumen and subshell membranes. Over time, moisture evaporates through the pores, which helps to increase this space. As a result of which older age eggs, the larger the air chamber and, accordingly, its ability to float.

The optimal shelf life of the product is 2 weeks.

Chemical composition of raw egg white Name of nutrients in 100 g of product, mgVitaminsMacronutrientsMicroelements
Choline (B4) 39,0
Riboflavin (B2) 0,61
Pantothenic acid (B5) 0,24
Niacin (B3) 0,2
Pyridoxine (B6) 0,01
Biotin (H) 0,007
Folic acid (B9) 0,0011
Cyanocobalamin (B12) 0,00008
Sodium 189
Sulfur 187
Chlorine 172
Potassium 152
Phosphorus 27
Calcium 10
Magnesium 9
Zinc 0,231
Iron 0,15
Copper 0,052
Iodine 0,007
Manganese 0,007
Molybdenum 0,004
Chromium 0,003
Cobalt 0,001

Interestingly, Mexico is the world leader in egg consumption per capita. It is believed that each resident eats about 21.9 kg of product per year. This corresponds to 1.5 pcs. eggs a day.

Why is the white opaque? Cause this phenomenon– abundance carbon dioxide in an egg. The cloudy white hue of the protein is a sign of the freshness of the product. It is believed that CO2 has not yet had time to escape, while in old eggs it evaporates through the pores of the shell.

The effect of protein on muscle mass

Why do all bodybuilders eat eggs? The fact is that they contain a lot of protein, which is necessary for gaining muscle mass. Without regular physical activity and the intake of protein into the body, the muscles will not grow.

In addition, during intense strength training, protein fibers are damaged, resulting in the need to restore them, and the need for amino acids increases.

Should I drink powdered eggs? This product contains 3 times more protein than boiled eggs. Therefore, it is necessary to use the supplement correctly.

Egg protein increases the level of hemoglobin and testosterone, supplies a large amount of leucine (BCAA amino acid), effectively satisfies the feeling of hunger, increases the athlete's strength capabilities, restores damaged fibers after training, and is completely absorbed.

Protein is taken based on the calculation of 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. Thus, the daily dose of egg powder is 3-4 scoops. During a training day, the product is consumed four times: in the morning on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before training, immediately after it and immediately before bed.

After gaining weight, the eggs must dry. First the muscles increase mass, then they get rid of excess liquid, making the body look lean.

Intensive training while drying muscles helps to acquire beautiful relief.

Studies have found that eating 3 eggs in the morning on an empty stomach doubles the growth rate of muscle mass. It is not recommended to give up yolks, as they improve protein absorption.

The chicken egg is one of the most healthy products for the bodybuilder's body, containing all the essential amino acids for nutrition and muscle recovery after sports. In order to support the body, it is recommended to consume exclusively thermally cooked protein. This way it is absorbed faster and does not pose a threat of salmonellosis infection.

To gain muscle mass, it is recommended to eat 6-8 eggs per day. At the same time, protein should account for 25-30% of the daily diet. The more intense the load, the higher the body's need for proteins. In addition to eggs, the athlete’s menu should include seafood, legumes, cottage cheese, milk, and low-fat meat.

Remember, gaining muscle mass is only possible if two key factors are combined: balanced nutrition and regular physical activity.

Protein alone will not increase your muscle mass. To grow, muscles need “fuel”, which is supplied to the body by carbohydrates. Glucose deficiency triggers the process of depleting glycogen reserves and destroying your own protein. As a result, a person will practice without getting results.

For muscle development 55-65% daily ration should fall on complex carbohydrates: brown rice, bananas, pears, solid grain flour products, porridge. You should not give up fats, they ensure the normal functioning of metabolism. Lipids account for 10-15%. Preference should be given to fats plant origin(olive, corn oil).


What's the best way to cook egg whites? Cook. This method of heat treatment preserves its nutritional value and beneficial properties. Just 1-2 minutes of cooking is enough to destroy the dangerous salmonella bacillus.

Frying protein is not recommended because it disrupts the structure of the product (the denaturation process starts), resulting in reduced energy value product.

In addition, this method of heat treatment leads to the entry of oil into the body, which carries carcinogens that are dangerous to the body. digestive system and liver.

Interestingly, egg white begins to “set” at a temperature of +60 degrees, and hardens at +65 degrees. At the same time, the yolk acquires a dense consistency at +65 degrees, and at +73 degrees it becomes completely hard.

What does egg white consist of? From fats (0.3%), carbohydrates (0.7%), proteins (13%), water (85%), vitamins, enzymes. It contains all the important amino acids for the construction of protein in the human body. In addition, it contains lysozyme, a compound that neutralizes harmful microorganisms, including putrefactive ones.

How long can a boiled egg be stored? No more than one week. However, to avoid loss useful properties The product is recommended for consumption within 3 days after preparation. Raw eggs Store in the refrigerator at +4 degrees for up to 5 weeks.


Egg white is a source of easily digestible protein, from which, according to Darwin’s theory, the first cellular structures. Proteins play important role in the human body. Thanks to them, metabolism, respiration and digestion processes are carried out. Protein consists of bones, nails, hair, muscles, tendons, cartilage, and skin.

Protein deficiency in the body leads to weakening of the skeleton, thinning of the mucous membranes, deterioration of the protective barrier, susceptibility to various infections, and rapid aging. Egg white has bacterial activity and strengthens cardiovascular system, increases the level of “good” cholesterol.

Used externally for treatment skin problems, damaged joints, strengthening nails, hair, giving firmness and elasticity to the dermis.