Diabetes mellitus can not eat table. Vegetables and fruits

Diabetes mellitus is a pathology accompanied by metabolic disorders and poor absorption of glucose. In many cases, the disease develops against the background of obesity. One of the main methods of treatment is diet. The patient needs to know the permitted and prohibited foods when diabetes.

Nutrition Features

The basis of nutrition for diabetics is the diet "Table No. 9". However, there are various additions to it, depending on individual factors.

Diet for diabetes should perform several tasks at once.

  • Provide the body with enzymes and vitamins.
  • Replenish energy costs. Active people 2000-3000 kcal per day is required.
  • Reduce body weight (especially in type 2 diabetes).
  • Divide food into 5-6 meals throughout the day. Portion sizes are also customizable. This takes into account the weight age category and gender of the patient, type of disease, physical activity.
  • Contain slowly absorbed carbohydrates.

Nutritionists have also developed a food pyramid. It clearly displays what food and how much a diabetic needs to consume.

  1. At the very top are foods that are rarely included in the diet. This is vegetable oils, alcohol, confectionery.
  2. In second place - legumes, nuts, dairy products, meat, chicken, nuts, fish. These foods can be eaten in 2-3 servings.
  3. The next step is vegetables and fruits. The first is allowed to eat 3-5 servings, the second - 2-4 servings per day.
  4. At the base of the food pyramid are bread and cereals. You can use them the most: 6-11 servings per day. By nutritional properties and energy value products are interchangeable within the same group.

No less important in dietary nutrition is the method of cooking. Choose stewing, steaming or in water and other liquids, boiling followed by baking in the oven. If the products have a juicy texture, they are allowed to be allowed.

Prohibited Products

When compiling a diet for diabetes mellitus, it is required individual approach. However, some foods should not be eaten with any type of illness.

All of the above products contain easily digestible carbohydrates. They lead to weight gain and rapidly increase blood sugar levels. The use of freshly squeezed juices is allowed, but in limited quantities. Pre-dilute them large quantity water. For example, pomegranate juice you need to drink at the rate of 60 drops per 100 ml of water. Eliminate factory juices with a high concentration of sugar and preservatives from the diet.

If you have diabetes, you should not eat foods rich in saturated fat. These include:

  • canned food in oil, caviar, salted and fatty fish;
  • meat products: goose, duck, smoked products, bacon;
  • pasta, semolina;
  • soups with noodles and fatty broths;
  • dairy products with high fat content: cream, sour cream, butter, milk, yoghurts, sweet cheese curds;
  • sweets: sugar, chocolate, ice cream, sweets, jam;
  • marinades and pickles.

Honey is one of controversial products, certain varieties are allowed.

Approved Products

For people with a tendency to hyperglycemia, experts have compiled a separate list of products. They keep blood sugar at a stable level.

Allowed foods for diabetes
Category View
Meat Chicken, pork, lamb, beef.
Vegetables Eggplant, zucchini, red pepper, pumpkin, cabbage.
Berries Cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries, blueberries, cranberries.
Fruits Apples, pears, kiwis, oranges, grapefruits, plums.
Dried fruits Prunes and dried apricots.
Spices Turmeric, cinnamon, Bay leaf.
Fish Cod, vobla, haddock, navaga, pollock, pike perch, flounder.
Mineral water Hydrocarbonate, carbonic acid, sulfate.

Meat. The source of nutrients is chicken fillet. It is quickly absorbed by the body, contains polyunsaturated fatty acids. Chicken fillet reduces the amount bad cholesterol in blood. Also, with type 2 diabetes, you can eat pork. It contains a lot of vitamin B. In small quantities, lamb and beef are allowed.

Vegetables- a rich source of fiber. This substance is necessary to replenish carbohydrate metabolism with diabetes. Vegetables also saturate the body with micro and macro elements, amino acids, remove toxins.

Berries and fruits. The main fruit in diet therapy is an apple. It is eaten for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The fruits contain vitamin C, iron, potassium, fiber and pectin. The last component cleanses the blood and lowers the level of glycemia. Pears have similar properties. They are digested for a long time in the stomach, providing a feeling of satiety. Grapefruits contain a record amount of ascorbic acid. Among other things, permitted fruits include: feijoa, tangerines, lemon, pomegranate (in small quantities).

In diabetes mellitus, it is necessary to include foods that maintain normal blood glucose levels in the diet.

River and sea ​​fish - enough important product with diabetes. It is allowed to use at least 2 times a week. Thanks to fatty acids Omega-3 fish lowers the level of dangerous cholesterol and blood glucose. It also improves metabolic processes in the body. Fish fat contraindicated in inflammation in the pancreas.

Mineral water. For diabetics, the characteristics of not only food, but also drinks are important. Mineral waters differ in composition. They may contain carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, carbonic acid salt ions, sulfuric acid salts. At regular use mineral water normalizes digestion, accelerates the reaction of insulin receptors and carbohydrate metabolism. It also increases the work of enzymes that transport glucose to tissues.

Dairy products with low fat content. You can include kefir and cheeses with low level fat content.

Allowed foods for diabetes mellitus (hereinafter referred to as DM) play important role. They regulate blood glucose and keep insulin levels from rising. The health, well-being of the patient and even his life directly depend on this.

Many foods contain glucose. In order for the body to break it down and absorb it, the pancreas produces the hormone insulin. If, as a result of disorders in the functioning of this organ (they can be congenital or caused by a disease), insulin ceases to be produced, type 1 disease occurs.

Patients who regularly take insulin and adhere to a diet live a long full life

The disease involves the constant intake of insulin from the outside - in the form of injections. A special diet is also required.

Proper nutrition for this type of diabetes involves the rejection of fast carbohydrates.- those, as a result of the splitting of which instantly increases the level of glucose in the blood. Long-digesting carbohydrates are essential.

In type 2 disease, cells fail to respond to insulin. As a result, glucose is no longer absorbed in the right quantities, which means that its level is constantly growing. Uncontrolled reception carbohydrates can lead to critical condition, and the diet should be aimed at controlling the consumption of carbohydrate-containing foods and restoring the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

About violations of intestinal absorption and digestion - maldigestion syndrome, read.

Failure to follow the diet can lead to hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, i.e, sharp drop or sharp increase blood glucose level. This may cause coma and fatal outcome. So proper diet nutrition in diabetes is an integral part of treatment and lifestyle.

The first thing to do when discovering the symptoms of diabetes is to limit food. What you can not eat, and what you can, when, how and in what quantities - all this will be said at the consultation by the doctor when the suspicions are confirmed.

Proper diet is a major part of therapy and lifestyle for both type 1 and type 2 disease.

It used to be thought that people with type 1 don't live long.. Now, thanks to modern insulin preparations and strict diet patients can live long, fulfilling lives with a minimum of restrictions. Read about in a separate analytical review.

How to eat with type 1 diabetes

The amount of carbohydrates eaten during the day should correspond to the level of insulin taken - this is the main principle of nutrition in type 1 diabetes. Banned fast carbohydrates. These include pastries, sweet fruits and drinks, and confectionery.

Diabetics are allowed to eat meat with vegetables, but fatty varieties, fried and smoked meat will have to forget

Carbohydrates of slow splitting - these include, for example, cereals - must be present, in a strictly regulated dosage. The basis of the diet for this disease should be proteins and vegetables.. It is also necessary increased amount vitamins and minerals.

To make it more convenient to plan meals for patients with type 1 diabetes, such a concept as a “bread unit” (XE) was coined. This is the amount of carbohydrates contained in a half of a slice of rye bread taken as a standard .

It is allowed to eat from 17 to 28 XE per day, and at one time this amount should not exceed 7 XE. Meals should be fractional - 5-6 times a day, so the allowed norm of units is divided by the number of meals. Meals should be taken at the same time of day, without skipping.

Table of bread units:

Products by groups The amount of product in 1 XE
Milk productsmilk250 ml
kefir250 ml
yogurt250 ml
ice cream65 g
syrniki1 PC.
bakery productsRye bread20 g
crackers15 g
breadcrumbs1 st. l.
pancakes and fritters50 g
gingerbread40 g
Cereals and side dishesany crumbly porridge2 tbsp
jacket potatoes1 PC.
French fries2-3 tbsp. l.
ready-made breakfasts4 tbsp. l.
boiled pasta60 g
Fruitsapricots130 g
banana90 g
Garnet1 PC.
persimmon1 PC.
Apple1 PC.
Vegetablescarrot200 g
beet150 g
pumpkin200 g

Here are some foods that people with type 1 diabetes can eat without restrictions:

  • zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin, squash;
  • sorrel, spinach, lettuce;
  • green onions, radishes;
  • mushrooms;
  • peppers and tomatoes;
  • cauliflower and white cabbage.

They are so low in carbs that they don't count as XE. It is also necessary to use protein food: fish, meat, eggs, low-fat cottage cheese and cheese, cereals (except semolina and rice), dairy products, bread coarse grinding, not too sweet fruit in limited quantities.

You need to measure your blood sugar regularly to know when to raise it and when to lower it. If this is not done, hypoglycemic coma can come on suddenly.

Menu for a week for a patient with type 1 diabetes

In diabetes, milk, kefir are allowed and even recommended, but sour cream and cream - only with a low percentage of fat, cottage cheese - in limited quantities

We offer approximate diet meals for 7 days:



afternoon tea


Monday barley crumbly,
2 slices hard cheese
tea or coffee
chambers of fresh vegetables,
2 steamed chicken breast cutlets,
braised cabbage,
borscht in low-fat broth
a glass of yogurtpal, chicken breast slice
Tuesday protein omelet,
boiled veal,
tea or coffee
fresh vegetable salad, pumpkin porridge, boiled chicken breast 3 cheesecakesstewed cabbage, boiled fish
Wednesday meat cabbage rolls without rice,
bread on request
fresh vegetable salad, boiled lean meat or fish, durum wheat pastaorangecottage cheese casserole
Thursday oatmeal on the water
some fruit,
a couple of slices of cheese
low-fat pickle, a slice of bread and boiled meatbiscuitsasparagus beans, boiled meat or fish
Friday lazy dumplings with cottage cheese,
a glass of kefir
dried fruits
salad, baked potato, sugar-free compotejuice without sugar, baked pumpkinsteamed meatballs, vegetable salad
Saturday a slice of slightly salted salmon, boiled egg, tea or coffeecabbage rolls, low-fat borscht without frying, a slice of rye breadbread, kefirsteamed chicken fillet fresh peas or fried eggplant
Sunday buckwheat on the water, stewed chickenshchi on chicken broth, chicken cutletcottage cheese, fresh plumsglass of yogurt, biscuits, apple

Video about nutrition in type 1 diabetes:

How to eat with type 2 diabetes

Diet for Type 2 Diabetes involves avoiding large amounts of carbohydrates. If this is not controlled, then the body will generally stop absorbing glucose, its level will rise, which will cause hyperglycemia.

A low-carbohydrate diet for type 2 diabetes includes vegetables, legumes, seafood, fruits, sour-milk and whole grains.

You should also limit your calorie intake. Meals should be approximately the same in calories and divided into 5-6 times a day. Be sure to eat at the same time.

The main amount of carbohydrates should be consumed in the first half of the day, and the amount of calories entering the body should correspond to the actual energy costs.

Sweets can be consumed, but in limited quantities. Sweeteners should be used. Can't eat sweets, that is, all desserts should go only to the main meals. In the same receptions, be sure to eat vegetables rich in fiber. This will slow down the absorption of sugar into the blood. You should also limit the amount of salt, animal fats, alcohol, complex carbohydrates. From fast carbohydrates should be abandoned altogether.

I often encounter the fact that patients with non-insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes at first do not take the disease seriously and are in no hurry to give up their eating habits.

It is believed that if you do not need to take insulin during an illness, then everything is not at all scary. This is especially true for older people. However, the opinion that there will be nothing from a dozen sweets and a couple of glasses of sweet wine for the holiday is erroneous.

Only through therapy and a constant diet, it is possible not only to keep sugar levels under control, but also to restore lost sensitivity to insulin. Another common misconception is that allowed foods for diabetes cannot be delicious.

Not true, there are many recipes, including festive dishes that will delight any gourmet.

Type 2 diabetics should be considered glycemic index(GI) products. The higher it is, the faster this product will cause an increase in blood sugar. Accordingly, high GI foods should be avoided, and the diet for type 2 diabetes mellitus should be low (mainly) and medium (small) GI foods.

With the permission of the attending physician, you can also consume some high-GI dishes in small quantities if they are necessary to maintain certain functions of the patient's body.

Allowed foods with a low and medium glycemic index:

Product groups Low GI Average GI
Fruits and berriesavocado (10);
strawberries (25);
redcurrant (25);
tangerines (30);
pomegranate (34).
persimmon (50);
kiwi (50);
papaya (59);
melon (60);
banana (60).
Vegetablesleaf lettuce (9);
zucchini, cucumber (15);
cauliflower and cabbage (15);
tomatoes (30);
green pea (35).
canned corn (57);
other canned vegetables (65);
jacket potatoes (65);
boiled beets (65).
Cereals and side dishesgreen lentils (25);
vermicelli (35);
black rice (35);
buckwheat (40);
basmati rice (45).
spaghetti (55);
oatmeal (60);
long grain rice (60);
germinated wheat (63);
macaroni and cheese (64).
Milk productsmilk (30);
fat-free cottage cheese (30);
fructose ice cream (35);
fat-free yogurt (35).
ice cream (60).
Other productsgreens (5);
nuts (15);
bran (15);
bitter chocolate (30);
Orange juice (45).
shortbread cookies (55);
sushi (55);
mayonnaise (60);
pizza with tomatoes and cheese (61).

Menu for a week for a patient with type 2 diabetes

We offer a menu of allowed products for 7 days for diabetics of type 2 disease:


2- oh breakfast


afternoon tea


Monday friable buckwheat, steamed cheesecake, teafresh carrot saladvegetable soup without meat, boiled potatoes, meat stew, unsweetened applelow-fat kefir cocktail with fresh or frozen berriesboiled lean fish, stewed cabbage
Tuesday porridge on the water oatmeal"Hercules", tea with milklow-fat cottage cheese with fresh apricotsseafood salad, vegetarian borschtsoft-boiled egg, dried fruit compote without sugarturkey goulash, boiled lentils for garnish
Wednesday cottage cheese, tomatoes, teasmoothie with fresh apricots and berriesvegetable stew with vealfruit stewed in milkbroccoli with mushrooms
Thursday chicory with milk, soft-boiled egglow-fat kefir cocktail with berries and fruitsvegetarian cabbage soup, crumbly pearl barley, boiled fishpears, almondsboiled chicken breast, celery, eggplant goulash
Friday germinated wheat grains, rye bread, natural yoghurt without additives, coffeeberry jelly with added sugar substitutemushroom soup with vegetables, meatballs, stewed zucchiniunsweetened apple, green teasteamed green beans, fish meatballs in green sauce
Saturday bran with milk, berriescereal bread, fresh fruit salad with nutssorrel soup with beef meatballscurd-carrot zrazy, vegetable juicesteamed fish, fresh vegetable salad
Sunday berry juice, cottage cheese casserolebran bread sandwich with green salad and pre-soaked herringbean soup on meat second broth, steam cutlet from mushroomsa glass of yogurtpike perch fillet, vegetables

In addition, we suggest watching a video with breakfast options for diabetes:


Diabetes is not a death sentence. With modern drugs and proper diet the patient can lead the most complete life. What kind of nutrition for diabetes in each specific case necessary, depends on some factors: age, severity of the disease, physical activity, the presence or absence of concomitant problems.

The list of allowed foods for DM is negotiated with the doctor, as well as calorie content daily ration. He will also tell you what GI and XE are and help you calculate their number. The future life of the patient will depend on this knowledge.

For productive therapy of diabetes mellitus, both type 1 and type 2, one medication is not enough. The effectiveness of treatment largely depends on the diet, since the disease itself is related to metabolic disorders.

In the case of autoimmune diabetes (type 1), the pancreas produces small amounts of insulin.

With age-related diabetes (type 2), there may be an excess and also a deficiency of this hormone. By eating certain foods in diabetes, you can reduce or increase the degree of glucose in the blood.

What should be the diet of a diabetic?

With diabetes of any type, the main task of the diet is to establish metabolic processes and control of elevated glucose levels. Foods that contain simple carbohydrates can provoke a jump in glucose.

An indicator of 100% is glucose in pure form. Other foods should be compared with glucose for their carbohydrate content. For the convenience of patients, all indicators are listed in the GI table.

When eating food, in which the sugar content is minimal, the level of glucose in the blood remains the same or rises in a small amount. A high GI food increases blood glucose significantly.

Patients with type 2 diabetes simply have to be careful about the choice of products. On the initial stages, with mild to moderate severity of the disease, the diet is the main medicine.

For stabilization normal level glucose, you can use low-carb diet number 9.

Bread units

Insulin-dependent people with type 1 diabetes calculate their menu using bread units. 1 XE is equal to 12 g of carbohydrates. This is the amount of carbohydrates contained in 25 g of bread.

As a rule, an adult needs 15-30 XE. Based on these indicators, it is possible to draw up the correct daily menu and nutrition for people suffering from type 1 and type 2 diabetes. More details about what this can be found on our website.

What food can diabetics eat?

Nutrition for type 1 and type 2 diabetics should have a low glycemic index, so patients need to choose foods with a GI of less than 50. You should be aware that the index of a particular product may vary depending on the type of processing.

For example, brown rice has a rate of 50%, and peeled rice has a rate of 75%. Also heat treatment increases the GI of fruits and vegetables.

The priority should be raw, unprocessed foods: lean fish, meat, vegetables, herbs and fruits. You can see the list in more detail in the table of glycemic indices and allowed foods.

All food consumed is divided into three groups:

Products that do not affect the increase in sugar levels:

  • mushrooms;
  • green vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • still mineral water;
  • tea and coffee without sugar and without cream.

Foods that raise sugar levels moderately:

  • unsweetened nuts and fruits;
  • cereals (with the exception of rice and semolina);
  • bread made from wholemeal flour;
  • durum pasta;
  • dairy products and milk.

Foods that increase blood sugar levels:

  1. pickled and canned vegetables;
  2. alcohol;
  3. flour, confectionery;
  4. fresh juices;
  5. drinks with added sugar;
  6. raisin;
  7. dates.

Regular consumption of products

Food sold in the diabetic section is not suitable for regular consumption. Such food does not contain sugar, it contains its substitute - fructose. However, you need to know which ones exist, and fructose has its own side effects:

  • increases cholesterol levels;
  • high calorie;
  • increased appetite.

What foods are good for diabetes?

Fortunately, the list of allowed food is quite large. But when compiling a menu, it is necessary to take into account the glycemic index of food and its useful qualities.

If these rules are observed, all food products will become a source of the necessary trace elements and vitamins that help reduce the destructive effect of the disease.

  1. Berries. Diabetics are allowed to consume all berries except raspberries. They contain minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and fiber. You can eat both frozen and fresh berries.
  2. Juices. Freshly squeezed juices are not recommended. It will be better if you add a little fresh juice to brewed tea, salad, cocktail or porridge.
  3. Nuts. Highly useful product, because it is a source of fat. However, you need to eat nuts in small quantities, because they are very high in calories.
  4. Unsweetened fruits. Green apples, cherries, quince - will saturate the body useful substances and vitamins. Diabetics can actively consume citrus fruits (except tangerine). Oranges, limes, lemons abound ascorbic acid that strengthens the immune system. Vitamins and minerals provide beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels, and fiber slows down the absorption of glucose into the blood.
  5. natural yogurt and skimmed milk. These foods are a source of calcium. Vitamin D, contained in dairy products, reduces the need for a sick body in sweet foods. Lactic acid bacteria normalize the microflora in the intestines and help cleanse the body of toxins.

Vegetables. Most vegetables contain a moderate amount of carbohydrates:

  • tomatoes are rich in vitamins E and C, and the iron contained in tomatoes promotes hematopoiesis;
  • sweet potato has a low GI and is also rich in vitamin A;
  • Carrots contain retinol, which is very good for vision;
  • legumes have fiber and mass nutrients contributing to rapid saturation.
  • Spinach, lettuce, cabbage and parsley - contain a lot of the most useful vitamins and micronutrients.

It is desirable to use potatoes in a baked form and it is better with a peel.

  • Lean fish. The lack of omega-3 acids is replenished low-fat varieties fish (pollock, hake, tuna, etc.).
  • Pasta. You can only use products made from durum wheat.
  • Meat. Poultry fillet is a storehouse of protein, and veal is a source of zinc, magnesium, iron, and vitamin B.
  • Kashi. Healthy food, which contains fiber, vitamins and beneficial trace elements.

The specifics of the diet of diabetics

It is very important for people with diabetes to consume food regularly. Nutritionists recommend dividing the daily meal into 6 meals. Insulin-dependent patients should use at one time from 2 to 5 XE.

At the same time, before lunch you need to eat the most high-calorie food. In general, the diet should contain all necessary substances and be balanced.

It is also useful to combine food with sports. So, you can speed up your metabolism and normalize weight.

In general, type 1 diabetics should scrupulously calculate the dose of insulin and try not to increase the daily calorie content of foods. After all, proper diet and nutrition will keep glucose levels normal and will not allow type 1 and type 2 diseases to further destroy the body.

One of the most common diseases endocrine system today is diabetes. With such a disease importance It has proper nutrition and diet. This disease is associated with normal operation pancreas, metabolic disorders and, as a result, with reduced production of insulin, which is responsible for the absorption of sugar human body. As a result, the patient has an increase in blood sugar, which leads to very undesirable consequences.

According to scientific statistics Today, there are about 150 million people with diabetes in the world. And according to forecasts, this number will double in 15 years.

Therefore, it is very important for diabetes to choose the right diet. Indeed, sometimes, by properly balancing the diet, with a mild (and sometimes moderate) form of type 2 disease, you can minimize the use of medications or even do without them. And so it turns out that it is very important to know when you are treating diabetes - what you can eat and what not with it.

What is not allowed:

Probably the simplest rule for diabetes is to limit the intake of carbohydrates, which are easily absorbed by the body. Products containing large amounts of these substances include sugar, honey, various jams and jams, as well as sweets, pastries, all kinds of sweets, sweet berries and fruits: grapes, raisins, dates, bananas.

Sometimes doctors advise completely eliminating such foods from the diet, but this should be done only when severe forms diabetes. As for mild and medium forms, it is permissible to consume a small amount of sweets and sugar, but with regular monitoring of blood sugar levels.

As a result of recent studies, it was found that the worsening of the condition of a patient with diabetes mellitus and the development this disease affects increased content fats in the blood. So, when planning a diet, it is necessary to take into account not only the amount of carbohydrates consumed, but the amount of fatty foods included in the patient's diet.

daily intake fat should not exceed 40 grams (this applies to both fats in free form and fats for cooking). You also need to reduce the amount of other used fatty foods- fatty meat, sausages, sausages, sausages, cheeses, sour cream, mayonnaise.

It is also necessary to significantly limit or even abandon fried, spicy, salty, smoked, spicy dishes, pepper, mustard, alcoholic beverages. Well, foods that contain both fats and carbohydrates at the same time are completely contraindicated for people with diabetes. These include chocolate, cream ice cream, cream cakes, cakes, etc. These foods should be completely eliminated from the diet.

List of foods that people with diabetes can eat, next:

1) Bread - up to 200 grams / day (preferably black bread or special diabetic);

2) Soups (mostly vegetable, soups based on weak meat, fish broths can be consumed 2-3 times a week);

3) Lean meat, poultry - up to 100 grams / day; fish - up to 150 grams / day in boiled form or in the form of aspic;

4) Dishes from cereals, legumes, pasta - can be consumed infrequently and in small quantities. At the same time, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of bread these days. From cereals it is best to choose oatmeal and buckwheat. You can also include wheat, pearl barley and rice cereals in your diet. As for semolina, it is better to do without it;

5) Vegetables and greens. From vegetables, with a limit of 200 grams / day, beets, carrots and potatoes should be consumed. And other vegetables (lettuce, cabbage, radishes, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes) and greens (except spicy) can be safely consumed both raw and baked;

6) Eggs - no more than two pieces / day - soft-boiled, in the form of an omelette, or as part of other dishes;

7) Fruits, berries of sour and sweet and sour varieties (apples - antonovka, oranges, lemons, cranberries, red currants) - no more than 200-300 grams / day;

8) Milk - only with the permission of a doctor. Dairy products- (kefir, curdled milk, unsweetened yogurt) - up to 1-2 glasses / day. Products such as cheese, sour cream, cream are not allowed often and in small quantities;

9) Cottage cheese - recommended for diabetes mellitus, as it helps to improve fat metabolism, normalization of liver function. His daily use should be no more than 100-200 grams as in in kind, and in the form of curds, cheesecakes, puddings, casseroles;

10) Drinks - green or black tea (possible with milk). Also allowed are weak coffee, tomato juice, fruit and berry juices from unsweetened varieties, prepared without adding sugar, rosehip infusion without sugar.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease in which it is necessary to strictly observe the rule fractional nutrition. It is important to eat at least 4 times a day, and ideally - 5-6 times at regular intervals. All foods consumed should be varied, contain many vitamins, especially C, K and B vitamins, micro and macro elements, and be predominantly of natural origin.

In type 2 diabetes, weight must be monitored, it is believed that the number of calories consumed per day should not exceed 1500-1800 kcal. It is also important to remember that it is the attending physician, according to the results of your tests and in individually will be able to most objectively assess your condition and choose the most appropriate diet.

One of the causes of type 2 diabetes is obesity, so it is very important to monitor your diet. It is necessary not only to know what to eat, but also to draw up a menu and distribute the daily ration.

Type 2 diabetes, also called "older age" disease, occurs in people over the age of 40. Excess weight- one of the reasons that can provoke the onset of the disease. To effectively contain the increase in symptoms, it is imperative to adhere to a strict diet. Despite the fact that the diet for type 2 diabetes is tough, it must be followed throughout life. Its main tasks are to reduce the patient's body weight, reduce the load on the pancreas.

Nutrition principles

As a result of type 2 diabetes, a chronic metabolic disorder occurs. Wrong work digestive system is associated with a shortage and inability to fully absorb glucose. At mild form type 2 diabetes - diet can be a treatment and no special medications are required.

Despite the fact that each patient has his own, individual diet, in the aggregate common features food intake for patients with type 2 diabetes is included in a single scheme called "table number 9". Based on this basic diet, an individual scheme is created, adjusted for each specific case.

  1. AT clinical nutrition The protein:fat:carbohydrate ratio is very important. In this case, it should be "16%:24%:60%". This distribution ensures optimal intake of the sick "building" material into the body.
  2. For each patient, their individual daily calorie requirement is calculated. The amount of energy received from food should not exceed the amount spent by the body. Doctors usually advise to install daily allowance for women at 1200 Kcal, and for men at 1500 Kcal.
  3. First of all, sugar should be excluded from the diet, replacing them.
  4. The patient's diet should be fortified, and rich in trace elements and cellulose.
  5. The consumption of animal fats needs to be reduced by half.
  6. Be sure to increase the number of meals up to 5 or 6 times. Moreover, each of them should be correctly combined with physical activity. Also select the use of drugs (sugar-lowering).
  7. Dinner should be no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  8. It is required that the breaks between meals are at least three hours.

It is very important for a person suffering from diabetes to correctly compose a diet and choose the appropriate menu, using the recommendations of a doctor when choosing products. You can not engage in amateur activities, as this can aggravate the course of the disease.

Allowed foods and ready meals

A patient with such a diagnosis will have to follow a diet for life. Exactly right choice allowed products will be able to provide a person with a decent life. The patient is allowed to eat certain foods.

  1. Bread. In a small amount, diabetic or Rye bread. A product prepared from bran is freely allowed for use. Ordinary bakery products and pasta is allowed in an extremely limited form or is completely excluded.
  2. Vegetables, greens. A person with diabetes can and should add fresh vegetables to their diet. Cabbage, sorrel, zucchini, cucumbers, onions and other sources of dietary fiber have a beneficial effect on metabolism and contribute to its normalization. Boiled potatoes, beets and carrots are allowed to consume no more than 200 g per day. Corn and legumes can be eaten sparingly and in small amounts.
  3. From fruits and berries, you can eat cranberries, quince and lemon unlimitedly. The rest of the products from this group are allowed to eat in limited quantities. There are no completely prohibited fruits and berries.
  4. From spices and seasonings, pepper, cinnamon, herbs and mustard can be attributed to the permitted ones. Use salad dressings and low-fat homemade mayonnaise sparingly and with caution.
  5. Low-fat meat and fish broths are also on the list available for use. Vegetable soups are also allowed.
  6. Low-fat cheese and kefir also get the green light.
  7. Fish. The principle when eating fish is: the less fat it contains, the better for the body. It is allowed to eat 150 g of fish per day.
  8. It is very important for the patient to limit himself in the use of fatty meat. It can be no more than 100g per day exclusively in boiled or baked form.
  9. Cereals. A person diagnosed with type 2 diabetes can afford oatmeal, barley and buckwheat porridge. The use of pearl barley and millet groats needs to be reduced.
  10. Drinks to be preferred herbal infusions, green teas. You can drink milk and ground coffee.
  11. Low-fat cottage cheese is allowed in its pure form, and as casseroles, cheesecakes and other ready-made dishes.
  12. Due to the cholesterol content, eggs can be eaten no more than once a week in an amount of no more than two pieces. Several cooking options are allowed: scrambled eggs, soft-boiled or hard-boiled, or adding them to other dishes.

As can be seen from the list, patients with type 2 diabetes are allowed enough a large number of variety of products to make the menu varied, tasty, fully balanced.

Prohibited Products

Because diabetes is a very serious illness affecting the entire metabolism as a whole, the list of prohibited foods is quite large and varied.

  1. Cookies, cakes, pastries and other sweets are prohibited. Since their taste is based on inclusion in the composition of sugar, one should beware of eating them. The exception is baked goods and other products made specifically for diabetics based on sweeteners.
  2. You can not use bread from sweet dough.
  3. Fried potatoes, white rice, and stinging vegetables must be removed from the patient's table.
  4. You can not eat spicy, smoked, heavily salted and fried foods.
  5. Sausages should also be excluded from the patient's diet.
  6. You can not eat even in small quantities butter, fat mayonnaise, margarine, cooking and meat fats.
  7. Semolina and racial cereals, as well as pasta, are similarly banned.
  8. You can not eat homemade pickles with marinades.
  9. Alcohol is strictly prohibited.

It is important to remember that following a diet and avoiding foods that are prohibited for this disease from the menu will help to avoid many of the complications of diabetes, such as blindness, cardiovascular diseases, angiopathy and so on. An additional plus will be the ability to maintain a good figure.

The benefits of dietary fiber

Dietary fiber is small plant food, which are not exposed to enzymes that promote the breakdown of products. They pass through digestive system without being digested.

They have sugar and lipid-lowering effects. Dietary fiber reduces the absorption of glucose in the human intestine, additionally creating a feeling of satiety. It is because of these properties that they must be included in the menu of diabetics.

Dietary fiber rich in:

  • wholemeal flour;
  • coarse bran;
  • rye and oat flour;
  • nuts;
  • beans;
  • strawberry;
  • dates;
  • raspberries and many other products.

The amount of fiber that a diabetic needs is 354 grams per day. Moreover, it is important that 51% of it comes from vegetables, 40% from grain, its derivatives, and 9% from berries and mushrooms.


For those patients for whom the presence of sweet in the diet is mandatory, special substances have been developed that add a sweet taste to the product. They are divided into two groups.

  1. Calorigenic. Their number must be taken into account when calculating the energy component of food. These include: sorbitol, xylitol and fructose.
  2. Non-calorific. Acesulfame potassium, aspartame, cyclamate and saccharin are the main representatives of this group.

In stores, you can find pastries, drinks, sweets and other sweet products in which sugar is replaced by these substances.

It should be remembered that such products may also contain fat, the amount of which also needs to be controlled.

Sample menu for type 2 diabetes

In diabetes, one of important conditions becomes a decrease in consumed portions, increasing the number of meals.

sample menu and the patient's diet looks like this.

  1. First breakfast. The best time is 7 am. For breakfast, you can eat cereals from the allowed list. They start the metabolism. It is also good to eat cottage cheese or egg dishes in the morning. should be 25% of the total daily requirement in energy.
  2. Second breakfast (snack). Curd dishes or fruits are useful. 15% of allowed calories.
  3. Lunch should be at 13-14 hours and make up 30% of the daily diet.
  4. At 16:00 it's time for afternoon tea. 10% of total calories. Fruit will be the best solution.
  5. Dinner at 18:00 should be the last meal of the day. It makes up the remaining 20%.
  6. When severe hunger you can allow a snack at night at 22:00. Kefir or milk will relieve the feeling of hunger well.

A diet for diabetes should be developed together with your doctor. Depending on the degree of the disease, some products may be added or removed from it. Other concomitant diseases can also affect the menu.

It is important to remember that proper nutrition, bringing visible results, is not a panacea. It must be combined with light physical activity and drug treatment. Only A complex approach to treatment and compliance with all prescriptions can guarantee a stable condition and the absence of complications.