How much does a Havanese Bichon cost? Havanese Bichon breed: description of Cuban Havanese

The Havanese Bichon is a small and robust dog that belongs to the lapdog family. This breed was most likely developed by crossing the Bichon Bolognese and the Maltese. A characteristic feature Havaneses (as these wonderful dogs are sometimes called) have thick, long, wavy hair. The Havanese Bichon is native to Cuba. These dogs were favorites of the local aristocracy.

The Havanese has an unusual gait due to the fact that the dog's front legs are slightly shorter than its hind legs. The head is small in size. Havanese lapdogs have drooping ears, spaced far apart, and are covered with thick hair. The eyes are almond-shaped, dark, beautiful, usually covered with hair hanging from the top of the head. The Havanese Bichon's neck is moderately long and slightly arched. The dog has a deep rib cage and a tail set high on the rump. It is covered with thick long hair and is slightly curved towards the back. Despite his small size, Havaneses are beautifully built. They have very strong paws with well-developed muscles. The wool is double, very soft, it protects the dog from overheating. The hair hanging from the forehead is also intended to protect the Bichon's eyes from the bright sun and high temperatures, so you shouldn’t put them in a bun.

Description of wool

The soft coat, with little or no undercoat, requires regular brushing or combing to maintain its silky appearance.

History of the breed

This breed developed in the Mediterranean coast areas of Spain and Italy. It is believed that several of these dogs, along with the Spanish conquerors, ended up in the Caribbean, in particular in Cuba, where the formation of this breed continued. Cuba is still considered the birthplace of the Havanese Bichon, especially since it received its name from the Cuban capital (the dogs were previously called the “Havanese Silky Dog”). His past activities also include performing on the stages of traveling theaters and in circus arenas, as he easily learned various tricks. In the 17th century, the Havanese Bichon was especially popular as an escort for noble ladies, but was forgotten soon after that. In the 20th century, the breed became quite rare, but after some time the dogs, along with Cuban emigrants, ended up in the United States, where active breeding of the Havanese Bichon began again.


The Havanese Bichon is distinguished by its friendly, open and lively disposition, is easy to train, and is always ready to play. He is very attached to “his” people and constantly strives to be close to them. Strongly built, loves water and swims well. Not without qualities guard dog: in Cuba he was often used to guard various livestock, so he willingly guards his “herd” and accordingly makes aware of the appearance of any outsider; in case of danger, he shows determination and fearlessness. Smart, very affectionate, affectionate with children, the dog captivates with its charm. It is distrustful of strangers, so it serves as a good watchman. Parenting requires patience.


There are visual impairments and hip dysplasia, but overall good health.

Havanese Bichon or Havanese- a decorative small dog with lush, soft fur and a cheerful, tireless disposition. The breed became known to the world relatively recently, but has already gained popularity among exotic lovers.

The homeland of these cute creatures is distant sunny Cuba, where Bichons were the favorites of the local aristocracy. Like most lap dogs, the Havanese has an innate friendliness and pleasant playful character. Representatives of this breed are flexible and intelligent, they easily find mutual language with all household members, becoming practically a member of the family.

A little history

The distant ancestors of the Havanese were the Bichons, who came to the Maltese and Canary Islands along with the European colonialists. Spanish sailors brought small dogs to Tenerife, where they later they mixed with the native breeds of poodles and lapdogs. As a result, it was possible to develop a breed distinguished by its good-natured temperament and attractive exterior. Like almost all miniature dogs, the Hawaiian lapdog performed a decorative function.

The peak of the breed's heyday was the end of the 17th century, when Bichons became a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Every titled lady considered it beneath her dignity to appear in public without this little fluffy ball. Due to their high intelligence, predisposition to training and natural obedience, Havanese often performed in the circus.

However, fashion is a fickle lady, and by the beginning of the 20th century the breed was practically forgotten. During the revolution that occurred in Cuba in 1958, many families left the island and migrated to the United States, taking their remaining Bichons with them. This saved the breed from extinction - thanks to American enthusiasts, the Havanese lapdog population was revived. Today, although the Bichon is not in danger of extinction, the breed still remains quite rare.

Gallery: Havanese Bichon (25 photos)


The Havanese is a miniature but very strong dog. Her height at the withers reaches only 21-29 cm, with a body weight of 3-5.5 kg. The main parameter of the havanez is the proportional ratio between its height and body length - 3:4.


Havanese- one of the most independent and loyal breeds, completely people-oriented. This is a companion dog, in which nature has a fear of loneliness and an incredible desire to accompany the owner everywhere.

If you are rarely at home and have absolutely no time to spend with your pet, it is better not to get a Havanese Bichon. While most days alone, the lapdog will begin to feel very sad, its light and cheerful character will begin to deteriorate, it will damage furniture, tear and gnaw things, howl and bark in anguish.

But if the Havanez finds himself in the company of children, he will be incredibly happy. The dog is ready to play with the children all day long, and will never, even accidentally, harm the child. Families with small children can safely get a Havanese Bichon, since both the dog and the children will definitely find pleasure in communicating with each other.

These fluffy babies are absolutely not aggressive and very good-natured. Moreover, their kindness extends not only to people, but also to animals, with whom the Bichon also tries to start a game. It is this character trait that can destroy a baby, since large aggressive dogs may misunderstand your dog, mistaking his jumping for an attack. It is for this reason that all owners of these cheerful babies are recommended to take them for walks only on a leash.

The miniature size of the Havanese does not at all reduce its desire to constantly move. This Quite energetic animals that need regular active walks. A perky disposition, a desire to constantly follow a person, small size and mobility - thanks to all this, you can take your pet everywhere, since if necessary, you can always put it in a bag or pick it up. By the way, representatives of this breed do not suffer from hydrophobia at all and are excellent swimmers, so you can easily take your pet with you to the sea.

The Havanese is one of the few dog breeds that... Any haircut is strictly prohibited. Therefore, the long curly hair of the Bichon needs special care, which consists of the following:

  • bathing as needed;
  • regular combing;
  • selection of high-quality, correct shampoos, conditioners and balms.

A healthy dog ​​sheds sluggishly throughout the year; more intense shedding occurs only in spring and autumn. Also a feature of the Havanese lapdog is no specific odor, which inevitably accompanies dogs of other breeds. The fluffy fur of the Havanese allows him to feel comfortable in the summer heat, but in winter these babies need warm clothes.

The Havanese Bichon feels best in a cozy country house or city apartment. The dog needs daily walks, and it is advisable to let him run around without a leash for a while. The little miracle also needs to be equipped with a comfortable sleeping area and buy him special toys. In the kitchen, the pet should also have its own corner where it will eat.


The appearance and health of your pet largely depend on properly selected nutrition. In the first days, the puppy should receive the same food that was given to him in the kennel, then the dog should be gradually accustomed to the food system you have chosen. There are three options for feeding a Bichon:

All these types of feeding have both their advantages and disadvantages, so each dog owner chooses what is more convenient for him. Up to 6 months, the puppy should receive food 6 times a day, by one year - up to 2-3 times a day.

Natural products

The main component of the Havanese dog's diet is meat. You should choose low-fat types: poultry and beef. The dog should also receive the following foods:

Ready-made feed

They are produced in the form of canned food or dry granules. With this feeding method, it is imperative to provide the pet with unhindered access to clean water. When choosing ready-made food, pay special attention to the breed and age of the animal. Feeding recommendations are usually indicated on the packaging. The following foods should be excluded from the Havanese dog's diet:

  • Sausages. Many lap dogs are allergic to gourmet foods, so try not to give your pet treats. sausages, especially salami.
  • Sweets. This means not only sweets, but also sweet pastries with cream, gingerbread, etc.
  • Human food. Do not feed your pet food from the table. Even cutlets you freshly prepare can cause serious problems in your pet’s digestive tract.


The Bichon, thanks to its extensive gene pool, has excellent health, does not have lethal genes and severe genetic diseases. These live funny dogs, on average 15−17 years.

However, the small size of dogs increases the risk of developing diseases musculoskeletal system and organs of vision.

Eye diseases. Bichons often suffer from pathologies such as retinal detachment and cataracts, which develop gradually, so an attentive owner will definitely notice changes in the health of his pet. These may be signs such as clouding or redness of the eye, photophobia, and excessive tearing.

Dysplasia or other degenerative pathologies joints, as well as high bone fragility resulting from disorders metabolic processes- such diseases are easier to prevent. Reasonable exercise during growth, a nutritious diet, careful treatment of the old dog - all this will help keep your pet’s joints healthy.

Ear diseases- the most common disease in Havanese lapdogs. The development of these pathologies is facilitated by factors such as a closed ear, drooping ears, and the presence of sharp hairs inside the ear. It is necessary to carry out preventive actions which consist of timely trimming of ear hair and hygienic treatment auricle special lotions.

Choosing a puppy

The Havanese has an interesting feature - it can produce puppies of completely opposite colors in one litter. The buyer can choose a pet of the color he likes. However, in addition to the shade of the coat, it is necessary to pay attention to compliance with the breed standard and the health of the baby.

The choice of a future pet should be approached thoroughly. First, decide for yourself the question - are you ready to give your dog a large number of time and take responsibility for it small miracle who will adore you with all his soul? If your answer is yes, then feel free to head to the nursery for your new devoted friend.

The price is determined by the popularity of the kennel and the class of the puppy. The minimum cost of havanez is 150 dollars. USA. And if we are talking about show dogs show class, their price is in the thousands.


There are no nurseries where you can buy a high-quality Bichon either in Russia or Ukraine. The nearest specialized nursery is in Lithuania - Oaze Havana.

Looking at the Havanese lapdog, you begin to involuntarily smile. This charming, cheerful face, looking at you with devoted eyes, will not leave even a beech indifferent. If you miss such a perky and true friend who can cheer you up when you are sad and support you in all your endeavors, then the Havanese Bichon is exactly what you need.

Attention, TODAY only!

Havanese Bichon, which is the national breed of Cuba, was the result of crossing a Maltese and a Bichon from Bologna. According to one version, both breeds were brought to the Maltese Islands with the help of Spanish colonialists.

Previously, these dogs were used as shepherds, guarding the herds entrusted to her. Therefore, the Bichon acquired guard characteristics. Later, the dog was a huge success among the Cuban aristocracy, but at the beginning of the twentieth century it practically disappeared from the face of the earth.

The breed survived only thanks to American breeders who actively began breeding this breed. indoor breed. According to another version, the ancestors of the Bichon came to the Canary Islands, died out, but left offspring formed as a result of crossing their species with other varieties of lapdogs and poodles.

To the territory of the Benelux countries havanese bichon dog arrived at the end of the last century and instantly won crowds of fans thanks to her pretty appearance. Today the dog is a regular participant in exhibition events and a real ladies' man.

And his character is very pleasant - despite the fact that small dogs have a quarrelsome disposition, this dog is a pleasant exception. In addition, he is easy to train and is almost always ready to play. I wonder what for a long time Bichons were used as circus dogs.

Representatives of this breed are affectionate with children and can work with them for quite a long time. In addition, dogs are attached to their owner, but if there are other animals in the house, they can easily get along with them. These smart dogs love kind words and feel good thoughts. And they can get offended by swearing.

Another interesting feature of the breed is its love of water. Four-legged friend just loves to swim. The listed advantages automatically reveal one drawback - thanks to strong socialization and attachment to people, the dog practically cannot tolerate loneliness.

It is interesting that although the Bichon is considered to be a social dog, in character it is not one at all. He simply won’t be able to patiently look out of his clutch all evening or calmly contemplate his surroundings from under his mistress’s arm.

He enjoys much more fun in the summer grass, chasing a ball and other entertainment typical of tomboyish dogs. By the way, this breed is often used as a therapeutic breed in animal therapy programs.

Breed standard

Features Havanese Bichon breed are a weight not exceeding 8 kg, as well as a height at the withers of up to 29 cm. These dogs can live happy life for 16-17 years.

The distinctive features of the skull are its oval shape and an almost imperceptible transition from the forehead to the muzzle. This dog looks at its owners and others round eyes dark brown color, located straight. The expressiveness of the dog's gaze is emphasized dark pigmentation on the skin around the eyes.

The Bichon has floppy ears with thick fur, and its jaws have a scissor bite with thin, close-fitting lips. The high-set neck smoothly flows into the withers. Being in a good mood, the dog wags its cheerfully curled tail, located at the level of its back.

The dog has a rough and curly coat, but the undercoat is soft and fluffy. If you stroke the dog, you can feel how the skin springs. In this case, any color of the skin is acceptable, but white is considered classic. Sometimes apricot markings are possible in the ear area. If the dog has a different color, it may not be allowed to participate in exhibition events.

Care and maintenance

Breeders claim that, despite the long-haired coat, the Havanese Bichon is easy to care for. True, the dog requires daily brushing, so tools such as a brush and comb will come in handy.

Due to the fact that the undercoat is quite short, the animal sheds little, which, of course, is a huge plus for the owners. It is impossible to cut hair in a mandatory manner, but what owner would not want to do this for aesthetic pleasure?

Just look in the photo of a Havanese Bichon, to make it clear why the breed was so valued by aristocrats in Cuba. A classic haircut assumes that the Bichon's coat will be cut to a minimum so that there is no visually pronounced angularity. As for the pile on the head and tail, it is deliberately left longer.

You can bathe these dogs no more than one and a half to two times a month, or even less often. It all depends on the weather outside and how dirty the dog is. But the eyes are a vulnerable spot in Bichons and require regular monitoring. As soon as they start to turn sour, it is important to wipe them with a sponge and water.

Grooming procedures such as nail trimming and ear trimming occur as needed, but at least once a month. But teeth, like people’s, require daily care.

For treatment, products specially designed for dogs are used. And in order to carry out preventive work to prevent the formation of stones, it is worth adding tomatoes to the dog’s food from time to time.


Havanese Bichon puppies When getting to new owners, they should not experience a sharp change both in terms of the contents of their bowl and their feeding regimen. Otherwise it may cause malfunction gastrointestinal tract.

About balanced diet, microelements and vitamins, the constant presence of clean water in a bowl goes without saying - this basic rules, which belong to any breed.

As for the frequency of feedings, nothing new can be said here either - puppies eat up to five to six times a day, while an adult eats two to three times, and the transition to this number of feedings should be done gradually.

Breeders have two different opinions about the type of food - some recommend feeding premium dry food. Others advocate natural products. The third category of dog breeders also stands apart, advocating mixed type feeding.

But anyway, the last word always remains with the pet owner. If he physically does not have time to prepare daily meals for the dog, then there is no need to torture himself and climb into the embrasure. It's better to save nerve cells and trust factory products. And spend your free time communicating with your pet, which he simply adores.

But if the choice fell on natural products, then it is worth keeping in mind that the “red list” of prohibited foods will include sweets, and not only chocolate, but also all baked goods, spicy and fried foods. In a word, everything here is also quite standard and similar to other breeds. In addition, the owner, and not his pet, must separate the fish and meat from the bones.

Possible diseases

Breeders have two opinions regarding the health of these four-legged dogs. Some believe that the breed is characterized by good health and disease-resistant immunity, and the gene pool guarantees the absence of many hereditary diseases. Others are convinced that the Havanese Bichon is not a very disease-resistant breed.

However, both of them agree on one thing - there are not so many diseases specific to this breed. These include eye diseases, ear diseases, musculoskeletal diseases, renal failure, deafness.

As for eye diseases, the most common are cataracts and retinal detachment. If you don’t notice the disease in time and don’t start drug treatment may lose vision. On initial stages Drug treatment is also suitable, but only after consultation with a veterinarian.

Diseases associated with the skeleton include displacement elbow joints and dysplasia hip joint. However, dysplasia is treatable and if you get rid of it in time, then great harm can easily be avoided.

Prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system will be healthy image life is right organized meals and feasible physical exercise. Moreover, it is simply necessary to physically load this animal.

In addition, the owner of a Havanese Bichon should take note of ear diseases that are associated with the dog’s anatomy. They often become inflamed, and advanced cases lead to deafness. In any case, it is better not to self-medicate, but to go to a veterinary clinic.


An interesting feature of the breed is that puppies from the same litter can differ radically from each other in color. Certainly, future owner can choose any baby, but it is important to know that only white puppies are allowed to participate in various exhibitions.

If the goal is a dog for the soul, then color will not matter. But if we are talking about show class, then it is impossible to do without a thorough analysis of the data. By the way, some sources claim that in Russia Havanese Bichon kennels You can’t find show-class dogs, and of those that are geographically closest, there are only in Lithuania.

But in our country there are many single breeders who have the official right to breed this breed and are ready to sell a puppy. Price behind havanese bichon in this case, it starts from $500 and above, but before completing the transaction, it is still worth asking the seller to provide the necessary documentation and certification diplomas.

As a rule, a puppy goes to its future family when it is three months old. By this time, it becomes clear whether the animal has any defects or disqualifying characteristics.

In addition, the immune system and psyche are strengthened quite well. Therefore, before purchasing, it is recommended to carefully learn about the breed standards, and then consider all these nuances on a specific puppy.

A cheerful little dog with lush, soft fur and a peculiar springy gait, invariably attracts the attention of passers-by. And it seems that the dog really likes it when he is in public: the Havanese Bichon’s past includes a career as a circus performer and the status of everyone’s favorite. The breed of these decorative dogs is the national treasure of the Republic of Cuba, and fully corresponds to the fiery and sunny character of the Island of Liberty.

The distant ancestors of the Havanese Bichon are the Bichons that came to the Canary and Maltese Islands from Europe in the Middle Ages, on the ships of the colonialists. Spanish sailors brought small dogs to Tenerife, where they mixed with local lapdogs and poodles. The resulting mestizos had excellent health and, due to the island's restrictions on freedom, retained a certain uniformity.

Much later, several centuries later, the descendants of the Tenerife Bichon were brought to Cuba, where this cute dog gained immense popularity. The breed, which has a spectacular appearance and the character of a true optimist, is not afraid of water and has amazing learning abilities, perfectly matched the character of Liberty Island. The Havanese Bichon became the national Cuban breed; the local aristocracy especially loved the gentle and brave dogs.

Shaggy dogs very soon came to America, where they also became favorites. It was this circumstance that helped the breed maintain its best qualities when the crisis began in Cuba. Already in the twentieth century, the Havanese Bichon was brought to European countries, bearing little resemblance to those lap dogs that left this country several centuries ago. Very soon the breed standard was adopted, the Havanese began to take part in exhibitions, which contributed to its popularity.

Standard, appearance and photographs of the Havanese Bichon

The Havanese Bichon appears to be a small but robust dog with short legs and long hair that is wavy and soft. The animal is energetic and cheerful, with free and elastic movements.

  • Dog body stretched in length, has a straight top line, slightly raised in the lumbar region. The neck is long, set high, the transition to the withers is smooth. The chest is voluminous, wide and deep, the front of the chest protrudes beyond the shoulder line. The ribs are rounded, the false ribs are well defined. The tail is half the length of the back, set moderately high, and carried over the back.
  • Forelegs straight, strong, without signs of curvature. The bones of the forearm, shoulder blade and shoulder are equal in length, the shoulder blade is set at an acute angle, the shoulder is tilted back so that the elbow is directly under the withers. The pasterns are slightly sloping, strong, set parallel, without signs of splay or clubfoot. The paws are round, strong, with black pads.
  • Hind limbs with a moderately wide set, well-defined angulations and muscular thighs. The hocks are parallel and set vertically.
  • Head proportional, very beautiful, with a moderately round skull and a smooth transition to the muzzle. The muzzle is short, with a strong lower jaw, a large nose and dry, dark-colored lips. Scissor bite. The eyes are expressive, dark in color, round, with black eyelids. The ears are set high, hanging, covered with flowing hair.
  • The wool is lush, dense and soft, the fluffy effect is created by a soft undercoat and a harder, wavy and long coat. The volume is especially noticeable after bathing the dog. Color white, various shades of brown or dark brown, spotted. Any artificial change in the appearance of a dog by cutting or trimming is not allowed.

Havanese Bichon is enough rare breed in Russia.

Breed characteristics

The Havanese Bichon is a completely human-oriented dog breed, one of the most loyal and dependent. A companion dog, whose nature contains a passionate desire to accompany the owner everywhere and a fear of loneliness.

Important! You should not buy a puppy of this breed if he will sit alone in the apartment most of the day. The Havanese Bichon will become very sad, his cheerful and easy character will deteriorate, the pet will begin to chew and tear things, damage furniture, bark and howl alone.

If the dog is in the company of children, then his main desire is to play with them. This dog breed loves children., tries to spend every minute in the game, and is not capable of causing pain to the child. Families with small children can safely get a Havanese Bichon, as both children and the dog will find pleasure in communicating with each other.

A kind heart and an absolute lack of aggression - distinctive features furry babies. Moreover, dogs of this breed are kind to both people and any other animals, showing intentions to play when meeting with huge dog or the neighbor's cat. This character trait can cause great trouble or even tragedy, since large aggressive dogs may misjudge the Bichon's playful mood and attack him. That is why the owner must keep his pet on a leash while walking.

The Havanese Bichon loves children.

The small size of the Havanese Bichon does not at all reduce its need to move. This is very energetic breed who needs regular walks. A cheerful disposition and desire to follow people, mobility and small size - all this allows you to take your pet everywhere, since if necessary, the Bichon can be picked up or placed in a bag. By the way, dogs of this breed are absolutely not afraid of water and swim well, so you can spend a summer vacation by the sea with your pet.

Subtleties of training

A circus background and a strong nervous system make the Havanese Bichon simply an ideal student. These little dogs are eager to learn, they catch every word of the trainer and are able to master great amount commands and tricks are completely effortless. The only thing a diligent student requires is constant approval and tidbits as payment.

While teaching your puppy obedience course commands, you can simultaneously teach your pet various tricks in a game. Dogs of this breed can jump high, and if you master the clicker - a special training tool, then at home there is endless scope for imagination.

Havanese Bichons are quite capable of mastering tricks such as turning lights on and off on command, fetching objects, and barking in alarm. This is a very rewarding breed to train and can surprise its owner.

Features of care and maintenance

The main problem that the owner of a Havanese Bichon may encounter is the pet’s almost year-round shedding. The long, outer coat falls out constantly, remaining on things and home textiles; the undercoat sheds twice a year. Regular brushing of the dog can reduce hair loss; after bathing, the hair has to be combed several times a day in the first two days, as it falls out more intensively.

The only disadvantage of this breed is year-round shedding.
  • Get used to combing it is necessary from puppyhood, otherwise the pet will desperately resist. The first movements with a brush or furminator should be very soft and gentle so as not to cause a negative attitude towards the procedure.
  • Bathing- another procedure that should be approached responsibly. Long hair requires special shampoos and the mandatory use of conditioner. Grooming a Havanese Bichon involves removing long hairs from the animal's ears and processing the face so that the long hair does not cover the eyes.

Important! The Havanese Bichon is a breed that is prohibited from being cut according to the standard! Dogs with signs of clipping or trimming are disqualified from exhibitions, but if the owner does not plan a show career for his pet, then the dog can be trimmed.

  • A pet of this breed cannot be kept in an enclosure or walked outside in frosty weather without overalls. Although dogs have long hair and a lush undercoat, they do not tolerate cold well without clothing.

How to choose the right diet

These dogs must be fed only high-quality dry food.

The Havanese Bichon is a dwarf breeds dogs, so he should not be fed table scraps as there is an increased risk of bone fragility. The dog eats little, but its diet must contain calcium, full set minerals and trace elements. Another factor indicating the need for complete and proper nutrition- this is wool. Health, thickness and beauty of the coat are impossible without the presence of unsaturated acids and protein in the diet.

If, then in addition raw meat, fermented milk products and sea fish, the diet should include vegetable oil, carrots and apples, rice and cereals.Gives an excellent effect on the health of the coat daily intake salmon oil. If you can’t buy it, you can add a few capsules of fish oil to your food.

Vitamins in a natural diet are simply necessary, since it is difficult for a small dog to give everything in one feeding necessary for the body pet substance. Vitamin complex must contain minerals for bone density.

great choice for feeding the Havanese Bichon. They are high in calories and contain the entire volume nutrients And necessary vitamins. It is advisable to use food for decorative dogs with long wool, for example, for a Maltese. This is "", "" or "". , such as “Stout” or “Peddigree”, it is not advisable to feed a pet of this breed, since they do not give necessary substances For normal height and the dog's life.

Health status and how long do dogs of this breed live?

The Havanese Bichon is a breed with an extensive gene pool, therefore it has good health, does not carry lethal genes and does not have severe, fatal genetic diseases. Cheerful dogs live a long time, up to fifteen to seventeen years. But, dwarfism is a risk of diseases of the eyes and musculoskeletal system.

  • Eye diseases– cataracts or retinal detachments appear gradually, so an attentive owner will be able to notice changes in health status in time. This may be redness of the eye, clouding, excessive tearing, fear of bright light.
  • Dysplasia or other degenerative diseases joints, increased bone fragility resulting from metabolic disorders– these diseases are easier to prevent. Complete diet, reasonable loads during the growth period, caring for an elderly pet will help keep the joints healthy. The risk of congenital changes in the joints should be reduced by fluoroscopic examination of the joints of all animals being bred.
  • common problem in Havanese Bichons. Droopy ears and closed auricles, irritation of delicate skin by sharp hairs in the auricle - all these serve as favorable factors for the development of infection. Prevention measures include hygienic treatment of the ear with special lotions, as well as trimming ear hair.

How to choose a puppy, prices and kennels

Havanese Bichon babies have interesting feature: Puppies of completely different colors can be born in one litter. The potential owner can choose a pet according to his taste, but in addition to the coat color, he must meet the breed standard and be in good health.

Havanese Bichon puppy in the photo

Healthy puppy The Havanese Bichon is usually given to a new family after it reaches two to three months of age. At this age, babies still have quite short fur, but it is already possible to trace some of the existing shortcomings and defects. For example, the pigmentation of the nose and eyelids should be black; there is no need to hope that over time a spotted nose or pink eyelids will turn black, as required by the standard.

The paws of babies should be strong and strong, even, without curvature or markings. The eyes are clear, not bulging or sunken in the sockets, clean, without tears on the muzzle. Reddened eyes or copious discharge from them indicate pathology. The Havanese Bichon puppy is a fun little guy who actively explores the world. A baby that is shy, timid, or sitting passively in the corner of the room may be sick or have a temperament that does not match the breed.

In Russia and Ukraine there are no Havanese Bichon nurseries with high-quality stock. The nearest large nursery is in Lithuania: nursery Oazė Havana”, website, cost starts from $500.

The small decorative Havanese Bichon dog, which looks like a powder puff, once delighted the eyes of noble Cubans. Her ringing voice warned the noble lady in advance about the approach of a stranger. Currently, the Havanese (Havanese, Havanese, Havanese silk dog) is highly rated as a companion dog. The breed was recognized in 1966; its representatives are still not often found in Russia.

The Havanese Bichon breed (photo) has been known since the 17th century. The ancestors were miniature dogs living on the western coast of the Mediterranean - lapdogs and bichons. They were brought to Cuba by Spanish settlers and a cross between Maltese and Bolognese Bichons resulted in the cute Havanese.

There are differing opinions as to how the name of the breed came about. It is generally accepted that the dog was named after Havana, the capital of Cuba. According to another version, the Havanese owes its name to the “tobacco” colored wool, which in its shade resembles the tobacco leaves from which the “Havana” (cigar) was rolled.

During the Cuban Revolution in the 20th century, the Havanese population in Cuba virtually disappeared. The breed was revived thanks to several individuals exported to the USA. At the end of the 20th century, the Havanese came to Europe.

There are no nurseries in Russia that breed Havanese. To buy a Havanese Bichon puppy, you will have to contact foreign breeders.


The miniature dog does not exceed 29 cm in height. The weight of the Havanese is from 4 to 6 kg. A strongly built dog is approximately square in shape. The muzzle tapers slightly towards the nose. The eyes are large, almond-shaped and dark in color. The look is kind, meek and lively.

The hanging ears are covered with hair. The tail is set high and carried over the back. It is decorated with a pendant made of silky long wool.

The Havanese is covered with abundant soft hair. The coat is straight or slightly wavy, its length is about 12 - 18 cm. Fluffy undercoat may be absent. When stroked, the wool resembles velvet, it is slightly springy. When washed and brushed, the Miniature Havanese looks like a powder puff.

See also: Welsh Corgi - miniature shepherd

The coat color can be very diverse - golden, blue, cream, silver, tobacco, black. Multicolor colors are possible, but pure white is extremely rare.

When describing the Havanese Bichon breed, special attention is paid to its peculiar gait. The dog's front legs are much shorter hind limbs, so the Havanese moves with small springy steps, holding his head high.


A distinctive feature of the Havanese’s character is his cheerfulness. The dog also has the following traits:

  • High intelligence;
  • Playfulness;
  • Responsiveness;
  • Nobility;
  • Timidity;
  • Lovingness.

The impulsive Havanese reacts quickly to punishment and rewards. In the first case, she will jump and wag her tail, and if she is punished, she will be offended and hide from her owner.

The timid dog is very wary of strangers. The Havanese becomes very attached to its owner and does not tolerate loneliness well.

Relationships with other pets

The sociable nature of a small dog and complete absence aggression allows her to maintain good, even relationships with dogs and cats living in the same house with her.

Relationships with children

The Havanese Bichon has an innate affection for children. He loves them and will play with them with pleasure.

Who is it suitable for?

The Havanese will be a worthy and devoted companion for any family member. He is indifferent to walks and does not need serious strength loads, so he can be recommended to pensioners and people with disabilities.

The timid little Havanese loves to spend time in the apartment with its owner. You still need to go outside with him at least once a day. The Havanese Bichon does not want to go for walks, but it loves water and is a good swimmer.

The long coat protects the Havanese well from the scorching sun. He doesn't like cold weather.

What to feed

It is not allowed to feed your Havanese “table scraps.” Human food can give him indigestion. You cannot give baked goods, smoked foods, or sweets. Some individuals will happily snack on fresh fruit. Meat is welcome in a dog's diet.

See also: Australian Kelpie - a shepherd with dingo roots

You should not overfeed your pet. When stroking a Havanese, you need to feel its ribs.


The coat requires careful care. The Havanese's coat is brushed daily with special combs. The dog sheds twice a year. During the molting period, it is combed several times a day. It is unacceptable to trim your Havanese dog's hair. To remove long hair from the eyes, you can use elastic bands. Bath the dog no more than twice a month.


Havanese lapdogs live 12 – 15 years. The price of a dog ranges around 1000 euros; it is usually purchased abroad. Take a puppy at the age of 2-3 months. When choosing a pet, pay attention to the excessive activity of the cub. Also, manifestations of apathy and lethargy in a puppy are undesirable.


Representatives of the Havanese Bichon breed are different good health. Among the congenital diseases, the Havanese may have eye diseases (cataracts) and hip dysplasia.

Features of training

The intelligent Havanese is easy to train; even an inexperienced owner can easily cope with his upbringing. Possessing high intelligence, representatives of this breed are also distinguished by a fair amount of cunning. It is necessary to be patient and persistent while learning to achieve the desired results. The Havanese will immediately turn any relaxation in discipline to his advantage.