Bitch milk royal. Where to buy bitch milk replacer? Protection from diseases

Bitch milk replacer given to puppies from birth until weaning (about 3 weeks) as a supplement or instead of mother's milk. Specially formulated as a supplement or mother's milk replacer for puppies early age.

Harmonious growth

For stable, harmonious growth of the puppy, the composition of Babydog milk is as close as possible to the composition of the bitch’s milk, with high content protein and energy.

Protection digestive system thanks to the use of the highest quality milk proteins, fructooligosaccharides and lactose in the required quantities.
Ease of preparation: Thanks to the exclusive formula, Babydog milk instantly dissolves in water without forming lumps.
Enriched with DHA
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is a polyunsaturated fatty acid, important element to form nervous system and the retina of the animal's eyes. The role of DHA is very important for the development of the puppy's brain from birth to physiological maturity. While the puppy is being nursed by its mother, its body can synthesize some DHA, but this is not enough if there is not enough mother's milk. Nature itself made sure that dog's milk contains such an essential fatty acid as DHA, and in turn, the formula of the Babydog Milk product is as close as possible to it.

Package contains:

  • 4 bags of instant milk, each 100 g, packaged in bags with a controlled atmosphere, due to which the taste and nutritional properties of milk are preserved for a long time;
  • graduated bottle with a wide neck, making it easy to wash and prepare milk
  • 3 nipples different sizes and with different holes
  • measuring spoon for precise dosage

All dogs are divided into 4 size groups based on weight adult animal:

  • Mini - weight up to 10 kg
  • Medium - weight from 10 to 25 kg
  • Maxi - weight from 25 to 45 kg
  • Giant - weight over 45 kg


  1. Dosage: 1 measuring spoon filled flush with the edges (10 ml, included in the package) of powdered milk per 20 ml of water.
  2. Pour to the required level into the bottle supplied with the food, heated to 50 ° C, clean drinking water with low concentration inorganic substances.
  3. Add appropriate amount of milk powder.
  4. Close the bottle and stir its contents until smooth.
  5. Wait until the contents of the bottle cool down. Check the temperature of the milk back side hands.
  6. Diluted milk should be used within 1 hour.

* Focus on daily ration indicated on the product packaging


Milk proteins, animal fats, whey proteins, soybean oil, Coconut oil, fish fat(source fatty acids DHA), minerals, fructooligosaccharides (0.48%), flavorings.

Percentage of substances

Proteins: 33%
Fat: 39%
Minerals: 6%
Total fiber: 0%

In 1 kg:
Vitamin A: 25000 IU
Vitamin D3: 1500 IU
Vitamin E: 600 mg
Zinc: 230 mg
Iron: 100 mg
Manganese: 80 mg
Copper (copper sulfate and copper in chelated form): 15 mg
Taurine: 2.5 g
DHA: 1 g


It happens that a dog gives birth to many babies and she cannot feed them all on her own, since she simply does not have enough milk or does not have it at all due to the complete inoperability of the glands, as well as hormonal disorders or inflammatory processes.

In any case, then you need to resort to artificial feeding of the babies using a bitch's milk substitute. This method is also useful when mom is not around. All features this process We will look at it in detail in the article.

What should you not feed?

Previously, the process of artificial feeding caused a lot of trouble and often did not bring good results. To get at least a little closer to the basic composition of mother's milk, provide the puppy necessary substances for its growth, they mixed cow's milk with chicken egg, cream, vitamins and other ingredients. Although purchase quality products Now it has become as difficult as choosing the necessary nutrients.

Some people have previously resorted to human infant formulas such as Malyutka and Baby. Although due to large quantity Sugar in such a diet caused metabolic disorders, and concomitant diseases developed in baby dogs. The puppies also had problems with functioning gastrointestinal tract. This was evidenced by symptoms such as bloating due to a large amount of accumulated gases in the intestines and diarrhea.

Accessories for feeding

Nowadays, ready-made substitutes for bitch milk for puppies are used for these purposes. Also, for feeding you will need some accessories, in particular, a bottle with a nipple. Milk should be given strictly in doses; divisions must be marked on the bottle to make it easier for you to measure the liquid. The shape of the nipple should be as close as possible to the shape of the mother's nipple.

Milk substitutes. What must be contained in them?

The most important thing is colostrum. What it is? This is mother's milk, which is released in the first days after birth. It is rich in useful substances. Colostrum is a highly concentrated mixture useful substances, such as proteins, vitamins, electrolytes that strengthen the immune system, etc.

Whey protein concentrate should also be included in milk substitutes. It is a source of amino acids, which are indispensable in the development of skin cells, muscles and other body tissues.

The mixture should also contain soluble dry skimmed milk. It contains fat-soluble vitamins, amino acids and minerals.

Another substitute component is egg yolk. It is a source of vitamins, proteins, and minerals.

The substitute must contain a substance such as lecithin. It ensures the functioning of brain cells and their development. Lecithin is a rich source of phospholipids, which are important for the proper functioning of cell membranes.

Last required component- cholite (vitamin B4). This substance is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses. Without it, normal liver function is impossible. Next, let's look at some types of substitutes.

Royal Canin milk replacer

This product is one of the best. It is very often used immediately after the birth of babies. The feeding period is 3 weeks. The substitute is suitable for all breeds, you just need to calculate the dosage correctly.

The number of feedings is the same for everyone. In the first week there should be 6 doses, in the second - 5, and in subsequent weeks - 4, while the time interval between them should be the same.

"Canina Velpenmilk"

Bitch milk replacer "Canina Velpenmilk" is another mixture for feeding puppies. The composition contains 15% grape sugar. Unacceptable use of this product with vitamin D 2.

The product should be diluted in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of substitute to 4 teaspoons. water.


This milk for puppies is available in 200 and 500 gram packages. Can be used to feed babies up to 35 days of age. It is also allowed to give to a bitch during pregnancy in order to increase the amount of milk produced in the future. The powder should be diluted with warm water (about 40 degrees).

Hartz Precision Nutrition Milk Replacer

This is another substitute for puppies. Can be used from birth to 35 days of age. The mixture should be diluted in the proportion of 2 teaspoons of powder - 4 tablespoons of water. Depending on the age of the puppies, the dosage is doubled or quadrupled.

We have already found out what kinds of substitutes for bitch's milk there are. Instructions for preparing the mixture are included with each product.

  1. If possible, babies should receive breast milk in the first days after birth. This is necessary for modeling immune system. If this is not possible, then immediately start feeding newborns with a bitch's milk replacer.
  2. Weigh puppies daily for the first two weeks after birth. After 14 days this procedure should be done once every three days one month old. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the proportions for diluting milk and control weight gain.
  3. Before you start feeding, be sure to sterilize the nipple and bottle. Warm the milk to body temperature.
  4. Hold your babies very carefully while feeding. Do not turn them over under any circumstances.
  5. Before bottle feeding, first squeeze out a drop of formula. Then place the puppy on his tummy and bring the pacifier to his mouth. When eating, the bottle should be at an angle of 45 degrees.
  6. For the first 14 days after feeding, puppies need to be wiped with a damp warm cotton swab. massage movements genital area. This must be done so that the intestines work properly, to stimulate it.

Note that a bottle with a nipple is necessary for artificial feeding for up to about two weeks. From the 15th day you can start feeding the puppies from a saucer. If in the first month from birth any problems with the health of the puppies arise (they whine, do not gain weight, diarrhea appears, etc.), immediately contact veterinarian. Don’t waste time; babies very often die during this period due to health problems.

Bitch milk replacer given to puppies from birth until weaning (about 3 weeks) as a supplement or instead of mother's milk

Specially formulated as a supplement or mother's milk replacer for young puppies.

All dogs are divided into 4 size groups based on weight adult animal:

  • Mini - weight up to 10 kg
  • Medium - weight from 10 to 25 kg
  • Maxi - weight from 25 to 45 kg
  • Giant - weight over 45 kg


  1. Dosage: 1 measuring spoon filled flush with the edges (10 ml, included in the package) of powdered milk per 20 ml of water.
  2. Fill the bottle supplied with the food to the required level with clean drinking water heated to 50 °C with a low concentration of inorganic substances.
  3. Add appropriate amount of milk powder.
  4. Close the bottle and stir its contents until smooth.
  5. Wait until the contents of the bottle cool down. Check the temperature of the milk with the back of your hand.
  6. Diluted milk must be used within 1 hour


Milk proteins, animal fats, whey proteins, soybean oil, coconut oil, fish oil (source of DHA fatty acids), minerals, fructooligosaccharides (0.48%), flavorings.

Percentage of substances

Proteins: 33%
Fat: 39%
Minerals: 6%
Total fiber: 0%

In 1 kg:
Vitamin A: 25000 IU
Vitamin D3: 1500 IU
Vitamin E: 600 mg
Zinc: 230 mg
Iron: 100 mg
Manganese: 80 mg
Copper (copper sulfate and copper chelate): 15 mg
Taurine: 2.5 g
DHA: 1 g

Package contains:

  • 4 bags of instant milk, each 100 g, packaged in bags with a controlled atmosphere, due to which the taste and nutritional properties of milk are preserved for a long time;
  • graduated bottle with a wide neck, making it easy to wash and prepare milk
  • 3 nipples of different sizes and with different holes
  • measuring spoon for precise dosage

What a pity for the poor kids left without mom and dad. And how I want to give them all the warmth and care they need. However, how to do this correctly and not ruin the kids?

This is a real SOS situation: is it even possible to raise a puppy healthy and strong without a mother?

Don't be afraid: will tell you in detail how to feed orphaned puppies, how to replace mother's milk and how to properly care for kittens?

How to care for newborns?

The best way to feed a puppy who is left without a mother is to find a wet nurse. She must be a suitable sized female who has had few puppies. Artificial feeding of newborn puppies from their very birth is very labor-intensive and difficult task, so it’s better to “reassign”! But if you can’t find such a dog, it means that your plan is a feat! And the plan for this feat is as follows:


Healthy newborn puppies during the first three weeks most of time (up to 90%) sleep, the rest of the time they spend eating. Body temperature until the 20th day is about 36.5-38 °C. During this period, the puppy must be provided with constant, comfortable temperature regime, because he cannot maintain his body temperature on his own, even in a blanket.

If the puppy's body temperature is below normal, this is hypothermia. In this case, you must immediately warm it up by placing it on your body (under your jacket). This long process: If your body temperature is 35 degrees, it will take 2 to 3 hours to warm up!

Under no circumstances should you warm up hypothermic puppies quickly (with a heating pad and especially on a radiator)! By doing this, you will only deprive the baby of his last strength and provoke unnecessary vasodilation.

A chilled puppy should not be fed either mother's milk or artificial food, as the stomach and small intestine in this case they will not cope with the load. During the warming process, he is given a 10% glucose solution with water (3.5 ml per 100 g of body weight) once an hour. Instead of glucose, you can use a solution of honey, or, in extreme cases, sweetened water: 3/4 teaspoon per 100 ml of water.

To accommodate newborns, it is necessary to organize a “nest”. It can be a box, the volume of which is sufficient to comfortably accommodate the puppies. Disposable diapers or cotton cloth can provide additional warmth and dryness. They need to be changed when they become dirty. The optimal temperature in the nest is +37. you can use electric heating pad with a thermostat, bottles of warm water or a medical rubber heating pad.

Important: after 7 days from birth, puppies need to repeat the procedure every week. This process must be done as carefully as possible so as not to touch the nerve endings.

You can and should only trim the curved tip of the claw, no more than 1 mm!

Don’t be alarmed that the puppies only eat and sleep: this is necessary, because they are growing! Babies will open their eyes between 11-15 days of life, and will begin to hear on the 18th day.

Nutritious food

What to feed until 1 month?

For feeding you will need a pipette, a syringe with a rubber nozzle, and a measuring bottle with a nipple.

Newborn puppies should receive food every 2-3 hours. The temperature of the mixture should be from +38 to +40 degrees.

From the first day of life, it is correct to use bitch milk substitutes for feeding, which are sold in pet stores (Lactazor, Royal Canin Mini, Welpenmilch). Follow the instructions that the manufacturer provides with the product.

Bitch milk replacer mixture

Recipes for mixtures that you can prepare yourself:

  • mixture boiled water and glucose
  • 0.5 liters of milk + 1 raw egg yolk without shell.
  • 0.25 liters of milk + tablespoon of milk powder.
  • a glass of milk, 0.5 glasses of weak tea, 2 teaspoons of glucose, 1 yolk.
  • boiled goat milk.

How to cook:

  • Stir all ingredients thoroughly until lumps disappear completely,
  • strain through a tea strainer scalded with boiling water,
  • cool to 38 degrees.

Important Rules

  1. All food must be freshly prepared!
  2. Any feeding container should be sterilized by boiling for 5 to 15 minutes.
  3. Wash your hands with soap before every meal.
  4. Before giving milk replacer, check its temperature by placing a few drops on your wrist (the mixture should be warm, but not hot).
  5. There is no need to press on the bottle to make the puppy eat faster; hold the container at an angle of 45 degrees.

How and how much?

You definitely need to weigh your newborns and then monitor how they gain weight and how much they can eat at a time. If the puppy is weak, then he will need to be fed every 1.5 hours from a pipette, syringe or pacifier (depending on his size and age). For the first time, 1 ml will be enough. at once.

After 2 weeks, increase the amount of milk to 5-10 milliliters at a time.

Often, in the first few days after birth, babies do not gain weight, and sometimes they can even lose it. Don't worry: everything should get better in 1-2 days. But if this does not happen, then contact your veterinarian immediately!

  • At the age of 1 to 6 days - 15-20% of body weight.
  • At the age of 7 to 13 days - 22-25%,
  • At the age of 14 to 20 days - 30-32%

To get started you need pipette. You can also place a thin rubber tube over it or the syringe. If the puppy is quite large, then it is better to put a pacifier on the syringe, in which you need to make a couple of small holes. When the puppies get older, you can use a special bottle with a nipple to feed them.

If the puppy is capricious and pushes the bottle away, then lightly shake the puppy and drop milk on his tongue, and also hold his front paws so that he does not push the bottle away with them.

It is best to feed puppies when they are lying on their tummy, with their head slightly raised - for them this is the most natural position and the danger of choking is reduced to zero. If you notice that your baby is starting to choke because he is in a hurry to eat and does not have time to swallow the food, remove the pacifier from his mouth and give him a chance to rest. The most important thing is that breathing returns to normal, becomes calm and measured.

Don’t rush to feed your children quickly; serving food quickly puts their lives at risk.

The ideal position of the container for food and the puppy itself

After you have fed the young troglodyte, hold it for 1-2 minutes, wipe its eyes and muzzle, and give it a massage. Having eaten, the puppy will go to bed.

If your baby refuses to eat, you should put a few drops on his tongue. After this, he will probably start sucking the pacifier with pleasure. It is better to make several holes in the nipple.

If, when trying to suckle, milk flows from the newborn puppy's nostrils, or he makes several breathing movements open mouth, then perhaps there is some left in his nasal passages amniotic mucus or congenital diseaseunovergrown upper palate. In the first case, it is necessary to remove the mucus by sucking it out of the nose, but in the second, alas, you have to put it to sleep - the puppy will never be able to eat on its own.

At the age of two weeks, the puppy should be taught to lap from a bowl. Gently dip the baby's face into the milk. Be careful not to let milk get into your nose.

For two-week-old puppies, you can add special puppy cereals to their diet.

Three-week-old puppies will be able to digest and receive additional nutrients from canned puppy dogs that are bred boiled water and have the consistency of sour cream.

It is better to underfeed than to overfeed. For example, a newborn puppy small breeds, for 1 feeding eats about 2 ml of milk.


After feeding, it is necessary to massage the puppies' tummies to ensure stable bowel function. Up to 3 weeks, babies cannot urinate on their own and empty their bowels.

Active movements help speed up digestion and normal operation intestines. You can imitate the movements of your mother dog's tongue using piece soft fabric , having previously lowered it into warm water. Use a clockwise circular motion to massage your puppy's tummy for five minutes before and after feeding.

It is also necessary to massage the baby's butt. Regular hygiene is also mandatory. After the puppy goes to the toilet, use a soft cloth to collect the discharge to prevent skin irritation. The water temperature should not exceed 36 degrees.

Massage for a newborn puppy for bowel movements:

Be sure to monitor your behavior and appearance their orphans, because their bodies do not yet have enough strength to fight diseases, for example, intestinal infections. Even due to such a minor disease, the puppy can die in the first day. When intestinal infections an unpleasant one will appear in the bed sour smell, and there will be yellow marks around the butt.

The main reason When an infection occurs, inflammation of the navel usually occurs. Bacteria are introduced when a dog with unhealthy teeth chews the umbilical cord. To avoid illness, lubricate the wound on the navel with brilliant green 2 times a day.

Protection from diseases

With mother's milk, puppies not only receive the opportunity to grow and develop, but also protection from many diseases, thanks to the immunoglobulins contained in bitch's milk. Artificial feeding deprives babies of such protection.

Try to be ready to put him on a special device by the time your baby is 4 weeks old. vaccination to protect against diseases such as parvovirus enteritis, plague of carnivores. To resolve this issue, you definitely need to seek the help of a veterinarian.

When puppies are 1 month old, they need to be wormed. Anthelmintics are given 2 times with a break of 10 days. It is important that the baby receives exactly the dose that corresponds to his weight and age. To do this, read the instructions, which usually describe everything in detail.

Until what age?

When should you start feeding the first food and how long will you need to act as a dog mom? Typically, by 3 weeks, puppies become active: but they still need to be fed! But at 4 weeks (21-25 days), the puppies’ fangs begin to erupt, so you can slowly begin to feed the puppy.

First feeding

You must remember that for the first complementary feeding you need to choose only one product and give it no more than once a day! Temperature of complementary foods: 38 degrees Celsius. It is important that a growing dog gets used to the changes gradually so that problems do not arise in the future. Make sure that the babies are absorbing the new food well, and only then increase the dosage.

Gradually increase the number of feedings according to the following scheme: 2 times a day - 3 times a day - full feeding. Stop completely artificial feeding possible in 5-6 weeks. Let us emphasize once again: it is very important to do everything gradually so as not to harm your health.

So, the best first food: chicken fillet, lean parts of the rabbit. Be sure to check the pieces well before giving them to your little ones to avoid any bones. But what to feed the cubs next you will learn from the article

Training video

A useful video from an experienced veterinarian who will help you save from... starvation puppy:

Photos of babies

Tell me, have you or someone you know ever had to care for puppies left without a mother? How did you cope with this difficult task? – share your experience. We are waiting for your stories, photos of your pets in the VKontakte group! Join, discuss, comment.

Now there is milk for sale for puppies, which contains all the necessary nutrients, is easy to prepare, is easily digestible and does not cause digestive upset. The most popular substitutes for bitch milk at the Zoo market are: ROYAL CANINE, MERA DOD, BOSCH, "BEAPHAR" PUPPY-MILK, etc.

Milk for puppies 1st age milk (royal canine): A substitute for dog milk, similar in content of nutrients and vitamins. Given from birth until the puppy is weaned (about 3 weeks) as a supplement or instead of mother's milk. Preparation: 1 level measuring spoon (10 ml) of powdered milk per 20 ml of water.

Pour into a bottle required amount water heated to 50° C.

Add appropriate amount of milk powder.

Close the bottle and shake thoroughly. Attention: It is necessary to use bottled water with low content minerals. Allow the milk to cool and check the temperature at inside wrists. Milk must be used within an hour of its preparation. Use within a month from the moment the package is opened.

Mera dog welcomemilch: The best milk replacer for bitches.

Used as:

  • - Additive to puppy food
  • - Additive to MERA DOG WELPMIX and PRESTART

This milk is the optimal food for newborn puppies, containing

exceptionally pure milk protein with high biological value.

Specially selected fats and oils provide vital

necessary acids.

The adjusted content of vitamins and microelements guarantees a balanced supply of nutrients.

Preparation: Mix food with warm water (60°C) in a 1:2 ratio (for example: 1 cup of milk powder to 2 cups of water), knead the lumps, cool the milk to body temperature. Recommended dose per 1 kg of weight per day: up to 4 weeks - 55 g of milk powder; up to 10 weeks - 45 g of milk powder; up to 14 weeks - 40 g of milk powder.

The recommended dose should be adjusted based on the dog's development and overall diet. In the first week, the daily dose should be divided into 8-10 feedings, then gradually increased to 4 feedings per day.

Puppy milk (bosch): High-quality powdered substitute for bitch's milk.

  • · By nutritional properties dry food is as close as possible to mother's milk.
  • · Dry food is fully adapted to the digestion of newborn puppies.
  • · The preparation technology guarantees complete satisfaction of the needs for vitamins, minerals and microelements necessary for development.
  • · When diluted, it fully matches the consistency of mother's milk.
  • · Easy to use and very good solubility.

Bosch puppy food "PAPPY MILK" is made from carefully selected high-quality raw materials using a unique technology specially developed by the BOSCH laboratory. This is a complete substitute for bitch milk, intended for feeding puppies during the transition to dry food and feeding puppies with insufficient amounts of mother's milk.

The transition to dry food is the period in which milk is predominantly prescribed for puppies. This is a difficult period for puppies, as they must be in relatively a short time refocus on changing the composition of food.

The activity of digestive enzymes must adapt to changed conditions. In susceptible puppies, this can lead to temporary digestive problems, which can be aggravated by improper feeding or food preparation. Therefore, the transition from feeding “from under the mother” to feeding with dry food must be careful.

Bosch "PAPPY MILK" food is especially necessary for feeding puppies without a mother, since its composition is as close as possible to mother's milk and has excellent taste.

To obtain the correct concentration of the finished product, you need to add 2 ml of clean, boiled water cooled to 50 ° C to 1 g of milk for puppies (dilute 1 measuring spoon in 40 ml of water, bring the volume to 50 ml). Before feeding, it is cooled to body temperature. It is recommended to offer ready-made milk through a nipple.

Transition to dry food (from the 3rd week): first "PAPPY MILK" is offered to puppies in pure form and only then with a certain amount of the “PAPPY” diet in a separate shallow bowl. Later, if the puppies accept this food normally, the proportion of dry puppy food in the milk increases.

Artificial feeding: dry food for puppies "PAPPI MILK" can be given from the 1st day of life, according to the table below. Due to the absence of a bitch, to stimulate digestion, as well as excretion of feces and urine, a gentle massage in the abdominal area is necessary. Very important role optimization of conditions plays environment puppies without a mother. * For weak puppies or puppies of small breeds - 12-8.

"Beaphar" puppy-milk: Complete mixture for puppies who do not receive mother's milk. The milk of dairy animals does not contain the protein and fat composition necessary for puppies. The mixture is most similar in composition and balance of proteins, fats, minerals and trace elements to dog milk. Suitable for feeding puppies over 24 days of age. Can be used for pregnant and lactating bitches as a feed additive.

Product contains: Protein: 24.0%, Fat: 24.0%, Fiber:, Ash: 7.0%, Moisture: 3.5%, Calcium: 0.86, Phosphorus: 0.6%, Sodium: 0 .42%, Magnesium: 0.12%. Additives: Copper: 5 mg/kg, Iodine: 0.14 mg/kg, Iron: 80 mg/kg, Selenium: 0.10 mg/kg, Manganese: 20 mg/kg, Zinc: 40 mg/kg, Vitamin A : 50000 IU/kg, Vitamin D3: 2000 IU/kg, Vitamin E: 50 mg/kg, Vitamin B1: 5.5 mg/kg, Pantothenate Ca: 25 mg/kg, Nicotinamide: 25.5 mg/kg, Vitamin B6: 4.5 mg/kg, Vitamin B12: 50 g/kg, Vitamin B2: 20 mg/kg, Vitamin C: 130 mg/kg, Choline: 760 mg/kg, Methionine: 5.0 mg/kg, Lysine: 16.0 mg/kg, Antioxidant E321.

Indications: Mother's milk replacer for puppies, or vitamin and mineral deficiency in food for pregnant or lactating bitches.

Contraindications: If the product is used as additional food for pregnant, sick or disabled animals, feed it separately from the main food. If the animal suffers from diarrhea, reduce the amount, but do not reduce the target concentration.

Directions for use: Mix the indicated amounts of lactol with hot water and give to the animal at a temperature of 38°C. Side effects: In case of overdose, diarrhea is possible. Ingredients: Milk and dairy products, fats, oils.

Recommendations for use: for 50g. warm water 7gr. (2 scoops) powder. Mix in a small container with a whisk or mixer for about at least, minutes. It is recommended to prepare the mixture in quantities that will be used within no more than eight hours. Feed remaining after this period cannot be used. When consumed, the food should have a temperature of 35°-40°C.