An accurate test for schizophrenia. Symptoms of schizophrenia in women, men, teenage children - diagnosis and testing

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If you're looking for a test that can instantly detect schizophrenia, check out this amazing optical illusion. Test "Chaplin's Mask" was first proposed and described by British psychologist and professor of neuropsychology Richard Gregory in scientific work"Meaning and illusions of perception." By examining the difference between the perceptions of schizophrenics and healthy people, this neuropsychologist came to the conclusion that human perception is directly dependent on thinking processes based on past experience.

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The more knowledge a person has about the perceived situation, the less often he needs to process new information. If a person is mentally healthy, his past experience begins to play a leading role in perception.



As is known, schizophrenia is accompanied by impaired cognitive processes, as a result of which patients suffering from schizophrenia are not susceptible to various visual illusions. Therefore, observing optical illusions helps to find out how adequately a person perceives the world around him.

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Take a close look at this rotating mask. How do you see her? Do you notice any strange things? Remember how you felt while watching.


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So congratulations, you've just passed the test for schizophrenia!

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This test is interesting because in this case, distortion of reality and self-deception are signs of a healthy psyche. If Chaplin’s mask seemed strange to you (convex on both sides), then you can be completely calm, you are an absolutely mentally healthy person!



We initially see Charlie Chaplin's face on outside masks. However, when the mask begins to rotate, our visual system doesn't want to perceive inner part masks are like a “hollow” face because the brain normal person misperceives shadows and light on the concave side of the mask. Downward flow of information(our idea of ​​what shape a face should have) is in dissonance with rising(sensory signal). Descending knowledge always has an advantage in a mentally healthy person, so a face that is actually convex seems concave to us, and vice versa.


So it turns out that A healthy person taking this test sees a strange face, convex on both sides.

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The brain of a schizophrenic cannot be deceived by an optical illusion— for him the mask always remains concave. The reason why schizophrenics do not perceive optical illusions has not yet been fully elucidated. There is a hypothesis that this is due to in a special way processing of visual information and recognition of visual images.


Therefore, if you just can’t see the pink convex mask rotating in reverse side, please consult a specialist.


In any case, do not panic - it has been proven that this optical illusion also does not affect people who are under the influence of alcohol and drugs, as well as for persons under severe stress.


However, we should not forget that the diagnosis of this serious mental illness should not be limited to just one mask. To make an accurate diagnosis for a person who suspects he has schizophrenia, you need to see a psychiatrist as soon as possible.

Same test - different mask (“control shot”):

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Have you seen both sides of the mask convex?

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The psychiatric term “schizophrenia” and its derivatives - “schizophrenic”, “schizo”, “schizoid” - can often be heard in everyday life among ordinary people who are inexperienced in mental disorders and use it as a curse or a label.

What is schizophrenia really, what forms does it have, who is at risk of becoming schizophrenic, and how is such a serious mental disorder correctly diagnosed and treated?

Today on the website you will learn what are the symptoms and signs of schizophrenia in women, men and teenage children.

And also, you can take a test for schizophrenia online and for free, both for yourself and for another person.

Schizophrenia is, literally, a “split mind” - an internally caused (endogenous) psychotic disorder, manifested in the breakdown of thinking, perception and emotional reactions.

According to scientific research According to Russian and Western scientists, approximately 1 in 100 inhabitants of the planet suffers from schizophrenia or schizophrenia-like disorders, and every 7th person suffers from schizoid psychotype.

6 people out of 1000 have the risk of becoming schizophrenic, both in childhood, adolescence and youth, and in adulthood.

Main symptoms and signs of schizophrenia:

  • “Echo” of thoughts (the sound of one’s own thoughts), putting or taking away thoughts, openness of thoughts to others
  • Delusions of mastery, influence, or passivity, distinctly relating to the body or limbs, thoughts, actions, or sensations; delusional perception
  • Hallucinatory “voices” commenting or discussing the patient’s behavior; other types of "voices" coming from various parts body
  • Persistent delusions that are culturally inappropriate, absurd, impossible and/or grandiose in content
  • Persistent hallucinations of any kind, if they occur daily for at least one month and are accompanied by delusions (which may be unstable and half-formed) without a distinct affective content
  • Neologisms, sperrungs (breaks in thinking), leading to discontinuity or inconsistency in speech
  • Catatonic behavior, such as agitation, rigidity or waxiness, negativism, mutism, and stupor
  • “Negative symptoms” (but not caused by depression or pharmacotherapy), usually leading to social alienation and decreased social performance; symptoms that may be expressed:
    • apathy
    • speech impoverishment or smoothness
    • inadequacy of emotional reactions
  • Reliable and consistent changes in the general quality of behavior, manifested by loss of interests, aimlessness, absorption in one’s own experiences, social alienation

The main causes of schizophrenia:

  • Heredity and genetic predisposition
  • Negative living conditions in early childhood
  • Psychological and social problems in relationships
  • Frequent and prolonged stress
  • Organic, neurobiological disorders (little studied so far)

Risk groups and factors:

  • Residents of megalopolises and large cities
  • Personalities with a schizoid psychotype or accentuation
  • Persons with schizophrenics in the family up to the 3rd generation
  • Suffering from loneliness and social isolation
  • Children in a disharmonious family
  • Stressful professions
  • Seasonality (people born in winter and spring are more likely to develop schizophrenia)
  • Low social status of the individual: poverty, poor living conditions, relocation and discrimination
  • Experienced psychotrauma, psychological and physical violence, including sexual, illness

Forms of schizophrenia ^

Eat various shapes schizophrenia and schizotypal disorders, not counting the schizoid character - let's look at it in more detail...

Mental illnesses in Russia are considered according to ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision - classes F00-F99“Mental disorders and behavioral disorders”), used in Russia, the CIS and Europe (not everywhere).

The USA has its own classification mental illness- according to DSM-5 ( D iagnostic and S tatitical M anual of mental disorders, fifth edition - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition), developed by the American Psychiatric Association.

  • F20 - Schizophrenia
    • F20.0 - Paranoid schizophrenia
    • F20.1 - Hebephrenic schizophrenia
    • F20.2 - Catatonic schizophrenia
    • F20.3 - Undifferentiated schizophrenia
    • F20.4 - Post-schizophrenic depression
    • F20.42 - Post-schizophrenic depression, post-psychotic stage of fur-like schizophrenia
    • F20.5 - Residual schizophrenia
    • F20.6 - Simple type of schizophrenia
    • F20.8xx1 - Hypochondriacal schizophrenia
    • F20.8xx2 - Senestopathic schizophrenia
    • F20.8xx3 — Child type schizophrenia
    • F20.9 - Schizophrenia, unspecified
    • F22.03 - Paranoid schizophrenia with sensitive delusions of relation
    • F22.82 - Paranoid schizophrenia
    • F23.1 - Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia
    • F23.2 - Acute schizophreniform psychotic disorder
    • F25.0 - Schizoaffective disorder, manic type
    • F25.1 - Schizoaffective disorder, depressive type
    • F25.2 - Schizoaffective disorder, mixed type
  • F21 - Schizotypal disorder(in Russia - " Sluggish schizophrenia“is a borderline, smoothed level of the disease that does not meet the F20 criteria, this includes:
    • F21.1 - Latent schizophrenia
    • F21.2 - Schizophrenic reaction
    • F21.3 - Pseudoneurotic (neurosis-like) schizophrenia
    • F21.4 - Pseudopsychopathic (psychopathic-like) schizophrenia
    • F21.5 - “Symptomatic” schizophrenia
    • F21.8 - Schizotypal personality disorder
    • F21.9 - Unspecified schizotypal disorder
  • F60.1 Schizoid personality disorder(pronounced psychotype or accentuation of schizoid, which is similar to the symptoms of schizophrenia and signs of borderline schizotypal disorder, but is not a serious psychopathology)

Diagnosis of schizophrenia ^

To put accurate diagnosis diseases, necessary differential diagnosis, because many symptoms and signs of schizophrenia are often similar to other mental, personality, psychosomatic and somatic disorders.

Only a psychiatrist, medical psychotherapist or clinical psychologist has the right to diagnose schizophrenia, after listening to the patient’s complaints, interviewing relatives and friends, and observation.

Also, for differentiation from other diseases, with similar symptoms, must be carried out, along with psychiatric, and medical examination(blood, kidney and liver tests, thyroid gland, urine analysis, pregnancy and testing for narcotic and psychotropic substances).

Diagnosis of schizophrenia based on the symptoms and signs outlined above implies one or two symptoms over a long period of time (usually at least a month).

Treatment of schizophrenia^

The main treatment for schizophrenia is drug therapy (antipsychotics, antipsychotics).

Together with psychiatric pharmacological treatment They use psychotherapy - cognitive behavioral therapy, relationship psychotherapy, transactional analysis, etc.

Prognosis for recovery
With long-term, more than 20 years, studies and observations of the treatment of patients with schizophrenia in different countries, it was found that more than 50% can fully recover, and even more can get rid of the symptoms of schizophrenia and improve their condition to an adequate and functional state. large quantity(at normal treatment- both medicinally and psychotherapeutically for a long time).

The difference between a schizophrenic and a schizotypal and schizoid ^

You should understand that there is mental disorder- schizophrenia, but there is personality disorders- schizotypal disorder and schizoid.

Also, there is personality psychotype- schizoid (or schizoid accentuation of character), which is not a mental or personality disorder.

Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders and diseases are dealt with by psychiatrists, medical psychotherapists and clinical psychologists - this is “big psychiatry”

Psychological psychotherapists can also deal with schizotypal or schizoid personality disorder - this is “minor psychiatry”.

Schizoid character accentuation (psychotype) can, under certain conditions, develop into a disease - schizophrenia.

To prevent this from happening, a preventive consultation with a psychotherapist or psychoanalyst is necessary.

Test for schizophrenia online ^

Take the online test, for yourself or for someone else, and find out from your symptoms whether you have signs of schizophrenia, schizotypal or schizoid disorder.

Are you schizophrenic or not?— take a test for schizophrenia online

How not to become schizophrenic^

If you are at risk (see above), then in order to avoid becoming a schizophrenic, you should protect yourself by taking preventive measures.

Most the best option- this is to consult and, if necessary, undergo prophylactic, preventive psychotherapy (this is not treatment, but rather training...)

Psychotherapy for schizophrenia^

Preventive psychotherapy for schizophrenia is the removal or leveling of risk factors for the disease, especially internal, personal emotional and psychological problems, and training preventive methods and technicians.

Psychological therapy for schizophrenia or schizotypal, schizoid personality disorder is carried out in conjunction with drug therapy or after the last one.

If you suspect schizophrenia, its symptoms and signs, or you have a schizotypal disorder or schizoid accentuation, then undergo a psychoanalytic examination,

Schizophrenia is the most incomprehensible and unstudied mental illness. Every person knows that such a disease exists, but few can talk in detail about its specific manifestations. There are various forms of schizophrenia, from completely weak attempts to withdraw into oneself, to hide from society, family, to violent attacks of aggression, deep depression. This terrible disease can develop in children and older adults. But most often, mental disorder begins at a young age. The disease can develop over several years, and sometimes appear completely suddenly.

How to detect early manifestations of the disease

You began to notice that your interlocutors react somehow strangely to your actions and words. Relationships with loved ones have become strained. You begin to sleep anxiously at night and have nightmares. More and more often you begin to think about the question: have I gone crazy? The answer to such a question, of course, can only be given by a specialist, inviting you to undergo a psychiatric test at his appointment. And after a long study of all the symptoms, make a final diagnosis. Unfortunately, our mentality often prevents us from seeing a doctor of this profile in time, so there is Great chance start the disease. What to do if for some reason you are unable to visit a doctor. You can take a schizophrenia test yourself.

What online tests are there?

Test for the presence of the disease - a mask.

This optical illusion provides an instant indication of the presence of schizophrenia. A British psychologist first proposed a very effective visual test called the Chaplin Mask. You're looking at a rotating mask where one side is convex and one side is concave. A healthy person succumbs to optical illusion and sees the mask as convex from the side where it is actually concave. The point is that human brain is not able to perceive a face as concave, so he completes a picture of a human face to make it seem ordinary. But a schizophrenic sees reality without distortion, that is, they see the face as concave, from the side where it should be. Interestingly, in this case, distorted reality and self-deception are a sign of a healthy person. People under the influence of alcohol or drugs can also see the mask without optical illusion.

To understand this phenomenon, German scientists conducted an experiment where they collected healthy people and volunteers with schizophrenia. During brain scans, subjects were shown both concave and convex 3D images. They had to determine which part of the face they see in this moment. Healthy people perceived the information as distorted in 99% of cases, while patients almost accurately identified the correct parts. The scientists concluded that in healthy people, an active exchange of information between two areas of the brain, visual and frontoparietal, was activated when viewing a convex image. And in patients, activity remained at the same level.

Test for schizophrenia using pictures. Rorschach test.

This test is based on the inkblot technique. It was developed by the Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach back in the early 20th century. The essence of the test is that 10 pictures are presented, with black and white and color images, in the form of blots with clear symmetry, unlike any specific images.

During the passage psychological test The test taker answers questions about what he sees in the picture and what the image looks like. Does he see the whole picture or individual parts, do objects move? This test is the most common, it can reveal the full picture mental disorders person. Gives answers to many troubling personal questions.

Luscher Color Test.

This is one of the most informative and full tests, which determines the tendency to schizophrenia. Developed by Swiss psychologist Max Luscher back in the 40s of the last century. Behind long years scientific activity, the scientist deduced the relationship between color perception and psycho-emotional state person. Using the test, you can identify the causes of stress, measure psychophysiological criteria, activity, and communication skills. There are currently 2 types of tests:

  1. Short. At short version 8 colors are used, gray, dark blue, blue-green, red-yellow, yellow-red, red-blue, brown, black.
  2. The complete one consists of 73 colors. From 7 color tables: gray, 8 colors, 4 primary colors, blue, green, yellow, red.

The subject chooses from the tables offered to him the most acceptable color for him at the moment. At the moment of choice, a person must be distracted from the influence of any factors influencing the perception of color. This means that you need to forget which color scheme what do you prefer in clothes, do certain things irritate you? bright colors V Everyday life, but choose only the color that pleases you at this moment. After a few minutes, the procedure is repeated and the subject chooses colors in any order, without connecting his preferences with previous times. The first version of the psychological test for schizophrenia determines the desired state, and the second the actual one.

Cube - test for schizophrenia.

This test is essentially similar to the Chaplin Mask. A healthy person sees a rotating cube in a three-dimensional image, which goes against all the rules of light and shadow created. In fact, this is an illusion; the cube has 3 sides. People prone to schizophrenia do not succumb to optical illusion and see a real concave cube.

You can easily take online schizophrenia tests. This could become initial stage in diagnostics of this disease. Early detection This mental illness gives every chance of a quick recovery. Whether you take the test results seriously or with a bit of irony, your further actions. In any case, if you are concerned about your condition, you should contact a specialist who will conduct a professional consultation and make a final diagnosis.


The patient may behave strangely. He begins to be tormented by a feeling of persecution and the fact that invisible and mystical forces are spying on him. At the same time, he does not hide from others the fact that he sees people who are actually not around. Hallucinations gradually intensify, the person begins to rush around and constant feeling fear.

But visible hallucinations are not everything. A person begins to hear voices and thoughts of other people who are not nearby. He is also able to carry on a conversation with them, which causes complete misunderstanding among healthy people around him. At the slightest hint that there is no one nearby, he looks carefully and begins to prove that someone is talking to him. It happens that a patient blames completely healthy people for their mental abnormality. If you notice this in the behavior of people you know, do not hesitate, this is an obvious mental deviation and a person can cause harm not only to himself, but also to others. Need immediate hospitalization and treatment intensive care.

If a person begins to pose strangely or behave inappropriately without good reason, then this can also be a symptom. During the period of antics, the patient may hear voices or even see. Usually he begins to share with others what he sees and does not understand how healthy people can not notice this.

Not always with such vivid episodes of behavior. Sometimes a person becomes withdrawn, taciturn and begins to avoid communication with people around him. Speech becomes sluggish and incomprehensible; this occurs due to atrophy of the parts responsible for speech. The patient also begins to fear everyone and look with distrust.

In some cases, a person first becomes strange, and over time the course of the disease takes on more distinct forms. Strangeness and isolation are replaced by inappropriate and overly active behavior. Without treatment, the patient begins to hear and see hallucinations. Schizophrenia can very easily turn into acute form and cause the death of the patient as a result of an accident or deliberate suicide. Be vigilant - call ambulance.

Related article


  • how to recognize schizophrenia
  • How to recognize a schizophrenic?

Strange behavior, hostility, causeless aggression and anger, suspicion of everything that happens can be not just a sign of temporary mental disorder, and the disease in which it occurs irreversible change personalities, i.e. schizophrenia.


The development of schizophrenia may be preceded by frequent and severe headaches, attacks of which appear and disappear with intervals of years. Over time, an indifferent attitude towards everything that happens and towards oneself arises. Because of this, sloppiness in clothing or a strange, eccentric style appears. Lost interest in work and past hobbies.

A person with schizophrenia stops communicating with others, even with close friends and relatives. He sees in everyone conspirators and enemies who wish him harm and even death. He often makes absurd assumptions about this that he is a clear sign paranoid schizophrenia.

The attack is often replaced by excessive talkativeness, which is like a set of unrelated words or sentences. And attacks of aggression or hostility are replaced by complete disposition towards one’s surroundings. He often talks about scientific and philosophical topics or, unexpectedly for everyone, begins to really get carried away by them.

As schizophrenia progresses, hallucinations and delusions may begin. The patient begins to hear voices, to which he often responds, giving the obvious impression of being insane. Often this is what helps identify a schizophrenic.

Schizophrenia is presented as mental disorder, which is characterized by inadequate emotions, actions, attitude towards others, perception of reality, perverted perception of the world.

Patients are characterized by problems in communication in any area, while reality is not fully perceived by them - for them there is their own made-up world, and everything real can be perceived as a mixture of thoughts, images and sounds. Most often, the patient is not able to comprehend this entire set of elements.

Diagnosis using tests

Tests for schizophrenia are fundamental in diagnosing the disease in question. More often it is the only way notice the disease at an early stage, since conventional medical tests are ineffective due to the specificity of the disease.


One of the latest tests developed is the “Mask” - an optical illusion that allows you to instantly determine the disease. This visual technique was first proposed as the “Chaplin Mask” by a British psychologist.

The patient looks at a rotating mask with two sides: one is concave, the other is convex. A healthy person will think that the mask is actually convex, although in reality this is not the case, since sanity takes into account the roundness of shapes and the presence of shadows.

A patient with schizophrenia, in turn, does not perceive the optical illusion and sees everything as it really is, since he does not take into account the surrounding signal indicators and does not compare them with the image.

The key feature is that healthy person According to this test, self-deception and distorted reality are characteristic. Optical illusion It may also have no effect on a person under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

If you stubbornly do not see Chaplin’s pink convex mask under any circumstances, then you should consult a doctor

Luscher test

The Luscher technique is considered to be one of the most effective and informative, since it is capable of early stages identify susceptibility to disease. Was first introduced in psychiatric practice in the 40s of the last century by the Swiss psychologist Max Lüscher.

Long years of scientific activity allowed the scientist to deduce the relationship between human psychoemotions and the perception of color. The Luscher test allows you to determine communication skills, activity, psychophysiological criteria, as well as the causes of stress.

When considering the effect of color on a person with schizophrenia, one should take into account not only the colors that he perceives, but also those that he reproduces. A person’s reaction can be different - either abstraction or irritation in relation to some shades.

Sluggish schizophrenia is characterized by an indifferent attitude towards color or confusion of different shades. Patients with a progressive form have a negative attitude towards black and red. The Luscher test can be presented in two versions.

  1. The short version involves using cards of 8 colors - black, brown, red, yellow, green, gray, blue, purple. A number is assigned to each color and the patient assigns them according to preference. According to the conditions, the study is carried out in natural light in daytime. There should be no sun glare or spots, the light should be uniform. When distributing, the patient should focus only on own feelings at the moment, and not on personal preferences or fashion trends.
  2. The full Luscher test uses 73 colors. The seven tables presented show shades of gray, 8 different colors, as well as combinations of the four primary colors - red, yellow, green and blue. Tables with colors are shown to the patient one by one, and from each he chooses the color that appeals to him most. Influencing choice external factors– usually irritating bright colors, clothing preferences. After a few minutes, the process is repeated and the patient must select their preferred colors regardless of the previous choice. In the first case, the result indicates the desired state, and the second - about the actual one.

The mechanics of the effect are determined by the unconscious choice of color. Other tests may suggest options for action in response to a situation, but in this case the likelihood of false answers is quite high.

Interpretation often indicates that schizophrenics often have a preference for variation yellow color. You should also take into account what colors the patient is wearing and what shades he uses when drawing. Often the tones are either inexpressive and boring, or too bright and incompatible

Diagnosis using drawing

Often psychologists in their practice ask the patient to draw something, and the result is quite effective. Schizophrenics are characterized by incorrect distribution of shadows and an inadequate combination of shades.

  1. The sun can be black, the trees red, the grass blue.
  2. Against the background of a faded picture, a bright flash may be visible, which indicates a one-sided and colorless perception of the world.
  3. The outbreak should be perceived as an attack. If there is an emotional outburst, the picture will display small inclusions of different shades, while the red color in large area will indicate a manic state.
  4. The use of black can be perceived as a sign of fear, difficult experiences and depression.
  5. Patients use the color red to display images from hallucinations.
  6. White color indicates the presence of religious delusions and corresponding thematic hallucinations.

Rorschach test

The essence of this test is revealed by the ink technique. The author is Hermann Rorschach, a Swiss psychologist. The patient is shown one by one 10 cards with color and black and white images in the form of ink blots without a clearly designated shape of a specific object.

The test taker must describe what he sees - the image, the whole picture, the movement of objects and their interaction. The popularity of this technique is due not only to determining the complete picture mental pathologies, but also by obtaining answers to many personal questions.

Experimental visual techniques

Schizophrenics tend to significant violations visual function, in particular eye movements

Scientists from the University of Aberdeen conducted an experiment using a number of tests to confirm this theory. As it turns out, visual impairment can actually be used as a biological marker to determine mental disorder.

Efficiency and reliability correspond to 98.3%. To carry out testing, you should use several simple techniques with exercises for fixing the gaze, looking at an object at a free pace and smoothly following the image.

Schizophrenics are not characterized by the ability to smoothly follow an object that is moving slowly - the gaze anticipates the movement and then sharply returns to the object of observation. This phenomenon called a saccade. Frequent jumping and lack of concentration is also determined by free visual study of the subject.

It is worth mentioning the rather individual manifestations of schizophrenia, which is characterized by seizure phenomena of varying frequency and strength. Some patients may suffer from them once, others often and occasionally, suffering terribly during periods of calm. In some cases, during periods of calm the patient seems completely healthy.