Pityriasis rosea, which is difficult to diagnose, let’s look at the symptoms, causes and how to treat. Pityriasis rosea

– a group of polyetiological skin diseases characterized by the appearance of rash, itchy elements. There are several varieties of the disease, differing in the type of pathogen, type of rash, localization, contagiousness (eczema - weeping lichen; microsporia, phagus, trichophytosis - ringworm; psoriasis - scaly lichen; pityriasis rosea - pityriasis; shingles). The course of the disease is long, with exacerbations, with the danger of secondary infection skin rashes, bringing physical and psychological inconvenience to the patient, cosmetic defects.

Pityriasis versicolor is diagnosed with a careful visual examination, since sometimes, due to the insignificance of manifestations and the absence of unpleasant sensations, pityriasis versicolor can be overlooked. Microscopy of the scraping reveals mycelium and a characteristic cluster of fungal filaments. Treatment is carried out using antifungal ointments and tablet preparations; treating the affected areas with salicylic alcohol before applying the ointment allows active substance penetrate deeper into the layers of the dermis. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene is the only prevention of pityriasis versicolor. It is impossible to completely get rid of mycotic cells, and therefore in spring you should use cosmetics with antifungal effect and avoid sun exposure to prevent relapse.


Ringworm or trichophytosis - fungal disease skin, which affects smooth skin, hairy part heads, less often nails. The source of infection is sick people and animals, infection occurs through contact and everyday life. Intrafamilial outbreaks are more common ringworm and outbreaks of disease in a kindergarten.

After the mycelium grows, the structure of the hair is disrupted and it falls out, leaving behind “stumps”, the hair looks like it has been cut, hence the name – ringworm. The affected skin exhibits slight peeling and a light coating of fungal spores. Itching and discomfort are missing. Ringworm can be virtually asymptomatic, but upon careful examination, you may notice “stumps” of hair. Suppurative forms of ringworm are characterized by the presence of a dense purulent infiltrate, from which pus is released when pressed; infiltrates can be different sizes, but usually occur on the scalp, in the area of ​​the beard and mustache. The infiltrate either resolves itself safely after 7-10 days due to the destructive effect of pus on mycotic cells, or is complicated by abscesses. Without treatment, mycotic cells persist at the periphery and maintain a chronic, sluggish course of ringworm.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of clinical manifestations, microscopy of scrapings confirms the mycotic nature of the disease, and culture of the discharge allows us to identify the type and type of pathogen and determine its sensitivity to antifungal drugs.

Treatment of ringworm comes down to topical application of antifungal ointments and internal use tablet forms. Complicated forms of ringworm require symptomatic therapy. Prevention of ringworm involves maintaining personal hygiene, timely identification of patients and regular examination of children in child care institutions.

Lichen- a term that combines a number of skin diseases. Characteristic Features These diseases are papules, spots and nodular elements.

Can't deal with herpes?

Herpes on the lips is a common virus; more than 90% of the population is infected with it. The disease begins with itching, one or more blisters appear, as soon as a person catches a cold or freezes.

It is better to start treatment as soon as you see the first signs. Before the blisters appear, “experienced” patients already feel the first signs - itching, tingling or burning in the area where the ulcer appears. If you start treatment right away, you will be able to stop it!

  • Strengthens immune system body and suppresses herpes outbreaks
  • Activates the unique IL28B gene, which prevents the manifestation of the virus
  • Instantly relieves painful sensations and dry lips
  • Absorbs quickly and is completely invisible on the skin
  • Combats complications

Can't deal with fungus?

Nail fungus, like all other fungal diseases, is contagious. The disease can manifest itself even in those who healthy image life.

At the first symptoms of nail fungus, you should immediately begin treatment. If the disease starts, the nail peels off, changes color, shape, crumbles and noticeably thickens.

It has the following properties:

  • Penetrates freely under the nail and inter-nail spaces
  • Has an antibacterial effect. Relieves itching and inflammation in 1 application
  • Removes cracks and itching between fingers thanks to propolis
  • Destroys spores due to poultry alkaloids
  • Golden mustache restores healthy nails

Stories from our readers!
"For a long time I experienced discomfort from dandruff and hair loss. Standard shampoos helped, but the effect was short-term. But this complex was recommended by a friend who used it herself. An excellent product!

The skin stopped itching, the hair combed well and was not so greasy. The loss stopped fairly quickly. I couldn’t even dream of such an effect! I recommend."

Primary manifestations of ringworm:

  • Its primary manifestations are presented as a pink-red spot with pronounced peeling. First of all, the fungus penetrates the hair follicle. A white mouth appears around it.
  • After a week, it grows into the hair tissue, causing it to break 0.5 cm above the skin. Hence the name ringworm.

Microsporia can affect any areas of the skin:

  • torso;
  • upper limbs;
  • lower limbs;
  • face;
  • neck, etc.

The diagnosis can only be made by a specialist. Microsporia can be similar to an allergy, so it is important to consult a specialist in time.

Infection occurs through contact with animals or objects on which pieces of fur from sick animals remain. The incubation period lasts from 5 to 21 days. From sick animals, pathogenic spores can also enter the soil. And now it becomes a source of infection. Spores can persist in the soil for several months.

But if the infection occurred from a person, then incubation period lasts up to 4 months.

Human infection occurs through close contact:

  • embrace;
  • kisses;
  • shaking hands.

And also when using the patient’s things:

  • comb;
  • scissors;
  • hats, etc.

Pathogens of lichen

List of lichen pathogens:

  • various viruses;
  • geophilic mushrooms;
  • anthropophilic fungi;
  • zooanthropophilic fungi.

Various viruses are often the causative agents: they can provoke the development of pink and herpes zoster.

The virus will provoke the occurrence of diseases under certain conditions. The main condition is weakening of the immune system. It is almost impossible to prevent infection by viruses. Therefore, there are no means of prevention.

Geophilic mushrooms may also cause infection. How does infection occur? The main habitat of geophilic fungi is soil. Therefore, infection occurs upon contact with the ground (soil).


  • eating unwashed fruits;
  • failure to comply with hygiene rules.

But when it enters the body healthy person the geophilic fungus is destroyed and destroyed by the action of antibodies. That is defensive reactions healthy body stop the activity of geophilic fungi.

If the human body is weakened, then the geophilic fungus begins to actively multiply. In this case, it can cause various infectious diseases.

Pathogens are also anthropophilic fungi. They can cause various infectious diseases, including trichophytosis. How does infection with anthropophilic fungi occur? Anthropophilic fungi are transmitted from person to person. You can also become infected through various items, which were used by an infected person.

Zooanthropophilic fungi transmitted from animals (cats, dogs, rabbits, etc.).

Stories from our readers!
“I suffered from this sore for many years, but I really want to be beautiful! The blisters burst, the crusts took a very long time to heal. I was already desperate! A friend brought me this lipstick and decided to try it.

I saw improvements the next morning, the redness subsided, it stopped itching and hurting! I would like to note that the cold began to go away much faster. Finally, I was able to breathe a sigh of relief and forget about my problem. At the same time, I like that this lipstick is very effective as a preventative measure!”

Stories from our readers!
"I used the cream in complex therapy from nail and toe fungus. The debilitating itching went away and stopped bothering me altogether. Rubs into toes easily. The main thing is that the skin is dry.

After a month of use, my nails became lighter and disappeared. yellow and the separation that had already begun passed. I am very pleased with the result. It was as if there was no fungus."


Each type of lichen has certain symptoms. Let's take a closer look at them.

Squamous lichen:

  • characteristic spotty rashes (merge into small lesions and slightly increase in diameter);
  • atypical affected area (lumbar region, gluteal region, bends of legs and arms);
  • fairly dry rashes (may cause itching);
  • red spots (raised above the skin).
  • enough severe itching in places of rashes;
  • diseases of the mucous membranes;
  • atypical localization (on back side shins and feet);
  • for long period pigmentation persists over time;
  • red papules.

Pityriasis rosea:

  • severe itching;
  • pain is concentrated in the affected area;
  • chaotic location of rashes;
  • the rashes have a reddish tint;
  • the spots may peel off.

Pityriasis versicolor:

  • increased sweating;
  • slight itching;
  • chaotic arrangement of spots;
  • spots have uneven borders;
  • slight peeling of spots;
  • change in color of spots.

Which specialist should I contact for advice?

If you suspect lichen, you should seek advice from the following specialists:

  • dermatologist;
  • therapist;
  • pediatrician (address children).

As a rule, they first turn to a therapist. Then the specialist gives a referral to a dermatologist for comprehensive treatment.

What tests should I take?

To diagnose this disease, the following tests may be prescribed:

  • cultural analysis;
  • microsporic analysis;
  • general blood analysis;

Ringworm in humans is a skin disease that is characterized by the appearance of a rash on the skin in the form of small itchy “nodules” or inflammatory spots of papules.

Pathology develops as a result of a viral or fungal infection. Almost all types of disease (with the exception of a few) are contagious and pose a threat to surrounding people in the absence of adequate treatment. Pathology can affect any part of the body.

There are several types of lichen in humans: photos, symptoms and treatment of which we will consider in detail in this article.

Types of lichen in humans

Based on the reasons that caused the appearance of lichen in a person, the nature of its manifestation and the symptoms that accompany it, a large number of varieties of this disease.

The most common types of lichen with detailed photos are presented below:

  • (multi-colored, colored);
  • (microsporia);

The manifestation of signs of the disease directly depends on what type of lichen has affected the human skin. Below we will look at each type in more detail.

What does lichen look like in humans: photo

We offer for viewing detailed photos depriving a person in order to understand what this or that form of the disease looks like in initial stage.

Pityriasis rosea in humans

It is not known exactly what the causative agent of this type of disease is, but it can appear after a cold infection.

The main symptoms of pityriasis rosea (see photo), occurring in both adults and children:

  • the appearance of pink spots on the body;
  • itching, peeling.

Usually the disease begins like this: one spot appears on the skin Pink colour(it is called the mother's spot), which has a rounded shape and a reddish edge. In the center of the spot, the skin is dry and flaky. Over time, the mother spot begins to increase in size.

Thus, after one to two weeks from the onset of the disease, distant areas of the skin become covered with pink spots of smaller sizes. On affected areas of the skin with pityriasis rosea Mild skin itching is observed

How to treat?

After a few weeks, pityriasis rosea goes away on its own. To speed up recovery, the patient is recommended to:

It is recommended to temporarily reduce the amount water procedures, for some time do not use cosmetic preparations for the skin of the body, do not wear wool clothes. Do not scratch or rub the area of ​​pityriasis rosea.

Lichen planus in humans

It appears as a red rash that affects, in addition to the skin, the mucous membranes (most often the oral cavity) and changes the shape of the nails (see photo). Usually the disease is accompanied skin itching. Women aged 40-60 years are most often affected. susceptible to disease biliary tract and digestive tract, persons with diabetes.

How to treat?

Treatment of red lichen planus begin by eliminating all factors that could provoke the development of the disease. The patient is recommended to protect himself from contact with occupational and household allergens, treat foci of infection and pay attention to increased attention therapy of all concomitant diseases.

If there is severe itching, the patient may be prescribed anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and antiallergic drugs (for example, or Telfast).

Pityriasis versicolor (varicolored) in humans

This fungal infection appears as discolored spots or spots of brown or pink color. The color changes over time, the stain peels off (see photo).

Stains small size sometimes they merge, and extensive lesions with uneven outlines appear. They do not darken when exposed to sun rays. Itching appears excessive sweating. Localized in the chest and neck area.


This disease needs to be treated comprehensively. Therapy for pityriasis versicolor in humans is reduced to the use of antifungal ointments and tablet forms of antifungal drugs.

In turn, pityriasis rosea often goes away on its own and does not require a treatment program. Patients are advised to avoid excessive insolation, stop wearing synthetic clothing and reduce the number of water procedures performed.

Herpes zoster in humans

Disease viral etiology, the causative agent of which is the varicella zoster virus. Shingles develops in persons with reduced immunity, during hypothermia and after suffered stress. Older people, those infected with HIV, and those who did not have chickenpox in childhood are susceptible to it. However, even a history of chickenpox is not a guarantee that shingles will not affect skin covering in adulthood.

This disease is characterized by unilateral skin lesions mainly on the torso, general malaise, slight itching, increased body temperature and neuralgic pain in areas of future rashes. There is an increase in local lymph nodes and the formation of papules that turn into vesicles with transparent contents.

How to treat this lichen?

Drug treatment includes the use antiviral drugs, such as "", "Famvir" or "", which suppress the herpes virus, both in primary and secondary lesions.

Immunostimulating drugs, such as Isoprinosine, are also prescribed so that the body itself successfully fights the disease. In addition to drugs taken orally, ointments, gels and local solutions are needed - “Alpizarin”, “Epigen”, “”, or interferon lotions.

Lichen alba in humans

Lichen alba is primarily distinguished from the rest by the type of lesion and the pigmentation of the affected areas, forming white marks. It makes the skin lighter and can take on a round shape with an area of ​​up to 4 centimeters. Sometimes lichen can cause itching and flaking, and in winter time, inflammation.

Treatment Options

When simple white lichen appears, treatment is applied exclusively local, aimed at softening the affected areas. For these purposes, lanolin-based ointment is usually used, as well as regular baby cream.

If the lichen spots have dried out and become inflamed (this sometimes happens in winter), ointments with hormones are used: for example, (1%).

Ringworm in humans

The second name for this pathology is trichophytosis. The disease is caused by fungi that infect human skin. The disease is initially asymptomatic, so recognizing ringworm is early stage quite problematic. Clinical manifestation The disease begins with swelling in the form of a red or pink spot with clear boundaries.

After this, the swelling begins to increase and bubbles appear along its edges, which burst and form itchy crusts. The skin in the center of the spot begins to peel off. The hair at the site of the lesion begins to thin or break off. When lichen appears on a hairless area of ​​skin, it looks like pale pink spots with edging in the form of a roller.

How to treat at home?

Treatment can proceed approximately according to this scheme.

  1. Local ointments, gels, creams or sprays such as, Mycoseptin,.
  2. In the morning: treatment with iodine. In the evening: treatment with an ointment containing salicylic acid.
  3. Vidal's milk. It is prepared in the recipe department and includes six components aimed at combating fungus.
  4. Orally for 2-3 weeks: Griseofulvin. It's natural antifungal agent The doctor can replace narrowly targeted action with other drugs that can fight the causative agents of ringworm Microsporum canis and Trichophyton tonsurans.

In parallel with antifungal drugs A dermatologist can prescribe immunomodulators and vitamin complexes to boost immunity.

Microsporia in humans

Another fungal variety of lichen, and there are cases when microsporia is confused with ringworm. The causative agents of these diseases are different, with microsporia it is a fungus called microsporium canis, it is different from the fungus that causes ringworm.

With microsporia, it appears on the skin pink spot, with clear edges and peeling. The hair is broken off above the skin at a level of 4-5 mm. Most often, infection occurs from cats and dogs, but infection is also possible from people. Most often, this disease affects children, because due to their curiosity, they constantly have contact with animals not only at home, but also on the street.

How to treat at home?

When treating microsporia of the scalp, the drug of choice remains griseofulvin, an antibiotic produced by a mold fungus. Griseofulvin, available in the form of 125 mg tablets. The drug is taken daily in 3-4 doses with meals with a teaspoon vegetable oil, which is necessary to increase the solubility of griseofulvin and increase the duration of its action.

To cure microsporia of smooth skin without damaging the hair, external antifungal drugs are used.

  • clotrimazole;
  • ciclopirox;
  • isoconazole;
  • bifonazole, etc.

In cases of severe inflammation, it is advisable to prescribe combination drugs containing additional hormones.

An equally common name for scaly lichen in humans is psoriasis. The disease is chronic in nature, characterized by a latent course, combined with relapses.

Psoriasis rashes are prone to inflammation and are located mainly on the outside extensor surface.

How to treat lichen in humans?

If you find any suspicious rash on your skin, you should contact a specialist, as he will decide how to treat lichen most quickly and effectively. Launched forms diseases are more difficult to cure, so you should rush to see a doctor in the initial forms of the disease.

You can remove lichen with the help folk remedies, but it will still be more reliable medical assistance. Even better - a combination medicinal methods elimination with home medicine.

On Saturday morning, my daughter woke me up early because she had severe pain in her stomach area. During the day the pain intensified and we had to call an ambulance. A middle-aged woman who arrived gave a conclusion - it was gastritis. Eat chicken broth, jelly and everything will pass. It did not pass!!! By evening, I remembered about the Gaviscon advertisement and urgently sent my husband to the pharmacy. At first glance, the medicine helped, and we even slept until the next morning. In the afternoon everything happened again, but the pain went down to the navel and...

Biochemical diagnostics of ALT and AST?

In acute viral hepatitis there is a significant increase in the activity of AlT and AsT, and in most cases the activity of AsT, or more precisely the AsT/AlT ratio is less than 1. This is due to the different localization of these enzymes in the cell, AlT in the cytoplasm, AsT in the mitochondria. During development chronic hepatitis enzyme activity indicators decrease slightly. In some patients, the increase in ALT is slight. A sign of liver cirrhosis is the predominance of AST activity over ALT, this...

Everyone Good evening! I really need advice from a veterinarian or a cat owner who has encountered such a problem as microsporia - a type of lichen. The story is sad and started with a friend of mine who bought a cat from a cattery. After 3 weeks, all family members incl. The children were covered in sores and began to itch. When visiting a doctor, they suspected lichen, which was confirmed after a visit with the cat to the veterinarian (((The cat is from the cattery with all the documents, the breeder denies everything and now just doesn’t even come out...


I'm telling you last news from the fields: today we went to the doctor, the cat was thoroughly examined, it seemed clean, but to reassure the owner, they took another 2 weeks of control. It seemed to her that one hair was glowing, already afraid of everything.
There are definitely positive dynamics)))

What nonsense the doctor said, he’s saying something! New fur has appeared and the cat is healthy and not contagious.

What tests need to be taken to confirm hepatitis?

TO clinical research applies biochemical analysis blood, the indicators of bilirubin and its fraction are very important, thymol test, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, GGTP, AST, ALT, amylase, glucose, total protein, proteinogram, lipidogram, coagulogram, creatinine, serum iron. Blood tests are also carried out for hepatitis markers using ELISA, PCR testing is also carried out, immunological analysis blood. Blood tests for autoantibodies, ceruloplasmin...


But, as far as I remember, interferon drugs are prescribed only for an active process, which is confirmed using ELISA or PCR.

That's right! We first establish the presence of hepatitis, this confirms various options studies listed above. We also set the activity infectious process, and functional activity liver

This cannot be: it means that one diagnosis was incorrect. Chickenpox viruses have one insidious feature: often some of them survive in nerve pathways close spinal cord. There they remain dormant for many years, but if the immune defense is weakened, they can become more active: a person (usually an elderly person) develops shingles. So grandparents can become carriers of childhood disease, because in young children these viruses cause chickenpox. Is it possible to avoid infection? Actually, it's unlikely. You cannot know that, for example, in the store shortly before your arrival, a sick child was standing in the same line, and chickenpox viruses remained “floating” in the air...
...Do any scars remain? Usually - no. However, sometimes microbes penetrate into the tissue through open smallpox blisters, causing inflammation. The infection leaves behind scars. It is unclear why smallpox vesicles so often become inflamed on the face. Over time, the scars become less noticeable. How much chicken pox dangerous for pregnant women? Women who don't know if they had chickenpox as children should get an antibody test. If there is no protection, and the woman has been in contact with a sick child, she needs to undergo a course of immunoglobulin treatment. The fact is that chicken pox, in very rare cases, can still cause certain malformations of the fetus if the expectant mother becomes ill in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. If chickenpox appeared five days before birth or in...

It happens that on the human body after undergoing infectious diseases or red spots appear after a cold.

Many people think that this is allergic reaction body for appointment various medications and don't attach much importance to it. But when the spots grow and begin to peel off, people still go to see a dermatologist, where they are diagnosed with pink. This article will help you understand what kind of disease this is and how to fight it.

Causes of pityriasis rosea

The exact reasons for the appearance of this type of lichen have not yet been established. Some experts talk about the connection between the causative agent of pityriasis rosea and the herpes virus. It is also assumed that lichen infection occurs through airborne droplets.

Pityriasis rosea is not a fungal disease, not an allergic reaction of the body, and not a symptom of disease internal organs. Today it is believed that this type of lichen has viral origin, since its course is accompanied by symptoms reminiscent of the flu, and people who have recovered from the disease develop strong immunity to this disease.

Symptoms of pityriasis rosea

Adults under the age of 40 are most susceptible to this disease. External manifestations illnesses begin with fever, weakness, and malaise.

At the initial stage of the disease, before the appearance of the main part of the spots, a round or oval spot covered with scales forms on the skin. This is the mother's plaque. It is most often located on the chest.

After a week, yellow-pink or pink spots protruding above its surface begin to appear on the skin. The main places of their localization are the sides, hips, shoulders, chest, and back. The spots appear over a period of several weeks, then gradually begin to disappear. In some patients, the appearance of rashes is accompanied by itchy skin.

Pityriasis rosea may have an atypical course. In this case, instead of pink spots, a draining, dotted or vesicular rash appears. The amount of rash is small, but the size can reach 8 cm in diameter for each spot.

Pityriasis rosea rarely appears on the face.

Children almost never get rosacea. Pityriasis rosea in children can occur after vaccination, febrile illnesses and intestinal diseases. It is localized, as a rule, over the entire surface of the body and appears as small spots.

Whenever this kind A child's rash should be immediately shown to a dermatologist. Only a specialist can determine the nature of the disease and prescribe adequate treatment. Children usually recover much faster than adults.

Treatment of pityriasis rosea

Most often, this type of lichen goes away on its own, without the use of traditional medicine or medications. After recovery, pale pigmented spots remain on the skin for some time, but then they disappear.

In order for stains to disappear faster, you need to follow a number of simple rules:

  1. Do not scratch the skin at the site of the rash.
  1. You cannot wear synthetic or woolen clothing.
  1. You cannot overload the body physically and mentally.
  1. You should not eat smoked, salty or fatty foods.
  1. You cannot drink coffee, tea, or drink strong alcohol.
  1. You need to eat as many freshly squeezed juices, fruits and vegetables as possible.

Treatment of pink lichen with folk remedies

This type of therapy for pityriasis rosea is used to relieve symptoms of the disease (itching and discomfort).

Here are some ready-made recipes:

  • Calendula ointment is considered a good remedy. You can prepare it yourself. To do this, 10 grams of calendula flowers are ground to a powder and mixed with 50 grams of Vaseline. The ointment obtained as a result of these manipulations is applied to the rash sites three times a day.
  • To treat lichen, compresses made from boiled buckwheat are used. They are applied to the affected areas of the skin at least twice a day.
  • To relieve itching, you can use a fresh cabbage leaf. It is coated with sour cream and applied to the affected area. Hold until the sheet dries, then repeat the procedure.
  • In addition to funds for local application, ethnoscience recommends various decoctions and infusions that help in the treatment of lichen.
  • Tincture of celandine helps relieve symptoms of the disease. To prepare it, flowers and leaves of celandine are poured with vodka. They insist for twenty days. Take 0.5 teaspoon before meals.
  • To treat pityriasis rosea, a decoction of horsetail is also used. The herb is taken at the rate of 40 grams per half liter of boiling water. Allow the decoction to brew and consume three tablespoons orally, three times a day.
  • You can buy talc, zinc oxide, glycerin at the pharmacy and mix them with water to prepare an ointment that should be used to lubricate the rash areas.
  • Peach, St. John's wort and sea buckthorn oils perfectly relieve itching.
  • Milkweed tincture or juice will help relieve discomfort. For the same purposes you can use beet broth with honey.

As a means drug therapy at severe course use of the disease is indicated antihistamines(“Zodak”, “Claritin”). In addition, calcium gluconate is used.

Ointment for pityriasis rosea

As a rule, ointments are not used in the treatment of pityriasis rosea, since in most cases the rash goes away on its own. But if the disease is severe or constant exacerbations of the disease are observed, the doctor may prescribe antibiotics in the form of ointments.

In addition, it is possible to use corticosteroid ointments (Lorinden, Flucinar).

It must be remembered that only a doctor can prescribe treatment with ointments. Indeed, in the case of self-medication, you can get a completely different result than was expected. Incorrectly administered therapy, especially in cases of weakened immunity, often leads to complications, the treatment of which can take years.

Therefore, it is better not to take risks and, when the first symptoms of deprivation appear, seek help from dermatologists.