Exercises to practice task 7 of the exam. d) If direct speech is an exclamatory sentence with a call to action

Theory of task 7

TASK: Establish a correspondence between the sentences and those admitted in them grammatical errors: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column. In the 1st column under the letters A) B) C) D) D) examples are given, in the 2nd column under the numbers 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) justifications for grammatical errors are given.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

What the response should look like:

  • In the letter task, we look for derived prepositions (usually the sentence begins with them) and check the case of the noun that comes after the preposition. All the following prepositions can only be combined with Dative case noun:
  • According to (who? what?)
  • Thanks to (who? what?)
  • Contrary to (who? what?)
  • Like (who? what?)
  • In defiance of (who? what?)
  • Also in a sentence there can be prepositions that are combined with a noun in the Genitive case:
  • in moderation (of what?)
  • during (what?)
  • in continuation of (what?)
  • due to (what?)
  • in conclusion (what?)
  • in the form of (what?)
  • for a reason (what?)
  • like (what?)
  • For example: Thanks promotion the level of service in company stores has increased in number of customers.
  • We are looking for a construction in tasks with a letter“all who...”, “those who...”, “one who...”, etc., it is necessary to check the agreement of the subject and predicate (singular/plural) in the main and subordinate clauses.

pl.s.s.s.s. plural

  • For example: All who read Pushkin’s “Boris Godunov”, remembers tramp Varlaam.


Everyone who read Pushkin’s “Boris Godunov”, they remember the tramp Varlaam.

  • Letter assignments must have quotation marks.
  • For example: To those who passionately love their native culture, D.S. appears before us. Likhachev in the book« Letters about the good and the beautiful» .
  • Explanation: Application is a definition expressed by a noun.
  • Explanation:
  • If a generic title (book, newspaper, magazine, painting, etc.) precedes the quotation marks, the title in quotation marks must appear in Im.p. For example, the novel “Eugene Onegin”; painting “Autumn”; song "Dubinushka".
  • If there is no generic name before the quotation marks, the name in quotation marks is declined. For example, in “Eugene Onegin”; in "Autumn" by Levitan; in "Dubinushka".
  • If a sentence contains homogeneous clause members connected by the conjunction “and”, followed by a common dependent word(s), it is necessary to check whether the first homogeneous clause clause is consistent with this common dependent word.

For example, in the sentence “we hoped and believed to victory “The first homogeneous member of the sentence “hoped” does not agree with “in victory”, therefore there is a grammatical error in this sentence.

For example, “I love drawing and painting »

  • If in a sentence homogeneous members are connected by double conjunctions “not only – but also”, “both – so and”, “if not – then”, it is necessary to check whether the homogeneous members of the sentence are located immediately after these conjunctions. For example, in the sentence “We waited not only Masha, but also Vanya” the conjunctions are correct. If we change the place of one of them: “We not only were they waiting for Masha, but also Vanya,” a grammatical error will appear in the sentence.
  • words cannot be used as homogeneous members of a sentence different parts speeches

For example, “I love drawing and painting »

  • It is unacceptable to violate the homogeneity of the syntactic elements of a sentence. The participial phrase and the subordinate part of a complex sentence cannot act as homogeneous syntactic elements.
  • For example, in the sentence “Ivan, who studied in the 9th grade and took part in the competition, ...” an error was made.
  • The letter task begins with an adverbial phrase
  • For example: Having received Primary home education in Moscow, Radishchev was enrolled in the St. Petersburg Page Corps.
  • Participles answer the questions:doing what? what did you do?
  • Explanation: the gerund expresses an additional action with the main action expressed by the verb. The person performing both actions must be the same. In the sentence, the action “enrolled” is performed by “they, some people” (indefinite personal sentence), and the action “received” is performed by Radishchev.
  • Explanation: participial phrases most often cannot be used together with impersonal sentences, except in cases where the action is expressed by the words “can, can’t”
  • We look for participial phrases in tasks with letters
  • The sacrament answers the questions: what is he doing? what did he do? what done?
  • Examples of participles: working, doubting, arrived, written, etc.
  • For example: To one of the heroes of the novel, those seeking the meaning of life, the path to inner freedom opens.
  • Explanation: If a sentence contains a participle, its form (ending) must agree with the noun it modifies. To do this, we ask a question from the word being defined to the participle. For example, “there were a lot of guys (who?) came to the forest.” The end of the participle must coincide with the end of the question to it.
  • You cannot mix direct and indirect speech. It is unacceptable to use the pronouns “I, WE, YOU, YOU” in the subordinate part of a sentence in indirect speech.
  • For example, “Dima admitted that I I’m not ready for class today.”
  1. Errors associated with violation of word order in simple sentence

Type of error


The subject occupies a place that does not correspond to the established generally accepted order.

The author discusses the problems of humanism and mercy in his article.

The complement is in isolation from the word that controls it.

We cannot agree on his attitude to the problem with the author.

The definition is in isolation from the word being defined.

He was struck by the majestic and beautiful building of the theater located on the right.

The circumstance occupies a place that does not correspond to the generally accepted order.

He returned to Leningrad later, after the war, from the hospital.

Wrong location of preposition.

After two hours the dispute ended (two hours later)Mixing prepositions
from and with (with)
from and with
through and because of

When he arrived With villages to the city, I was surprised at many things.
with school, he immediately sat down to his homework.
Soldiers who took part
on war, returned to peaceful life.
True heroism revealed
at battles for Moscow.
From morning until evening he worked in his editorial office.
He almost died
through h betrayal of a friend.

No excuse.

You can't help but bow down his heroism.

Having an unnecessary pretext.


  1. misuse case form noun with preposition
  2. incorrect use of the case form of a noun
  3. disruption of the connection between subject and predicate
  4. violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application
  5. error in sentence construction homogeneous members
  6. violation of homogeneity of concepts
  7. violation of the homogeneity of syntactic elements
  8. incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases
  9. violation in the construction of sentences with a participial phrase
  10. incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech
  11. violation of word order in a simple sentence

For execution tasks 7 it is necessary to know typical cases of violation syntactic norms. Expansion material speech experience organized by topic.

Faulty designs

1. Management

1) Verbs with different controls as homogeneous members of a sentence:

Words with different controls can be used as homogeneous members if each of them has its own dependent words, used in the required case. For example:

She waited for him and called him all evening.

She was waiting for (who?) his(V.p.) and called (who?) to him(D.p.) all evening.

Pronouns often help to construct such sentences correctly:

Children rarely listen to and follow the advice of adults.

Children rarely listen (to what?) to advice (D.p. with the preposition To) adults and follow (what?) them(D.p.).

People were exhausted, but they believed in victory and hoped for it.

People were exhausted, but they believed (in what?) in victory (V.p. with the pretext V) and hoped (for what?) at her(D.p. with preposition on).

2) Different controls for verbs and nouns:

be interested in art(t.p.) — interest in art(D.p.)
love literature(v.p.) — love of literature(D.p.)
hate clutter(v.p.) — hatred of disorder(D.p.)
respect colleagues(v.p.) — respect for colleagues(D.p.)
trust a friend(D.p.) — trust in friends(D.p.)
sympathize with the weak(D.p.) — sympathy for the weak(D.p. with a preposition)

3) Different controls for words with similar meanings:

worry about something(P.p.) — worry about something(V.p.)
pay for something(v.p.) - z pay for something(V.p. with preposition behind)
pay for travel(V.p. with preposition behind) — pay for travel(V.p.)
pay attention to something(D.p.) — pay attention to something(V.p. with preposition on)
inform someone(D.p.) — inform someone(V.p.)
to blame for something(P.p. with preposition V) — condemn for something(V.p. with preposition behind)
review of something(P.p. with preposition O) — review of something(V.p. with preposition on)
belief in something(V.p. with preposition in (in)) — confidence in something(V.p. with the preposition c)
characteristic of something(D.p.) — characteristic of something(R.p. with a preposition For)

4) Different controls for verbs with and without negation:

notice the reaction(v.p.) — not notice the reaction(R.p.)
He noticed(What?) the audience's reaction to his words. - Out of excitement, he didn’t notice(what?) the audience's reactions to his words.

5) The use of names of works of literature and art.

In “War and Peace,” actor V. Tikhonov played the role of Prince Andrei.
In the film “War and Peace,” actor V. Tikhonov played the role of Prince Andrei.

After words - generic designations, for example, fairy tale, novel, story, story, picture, film and other similar ones that name the genre of a work of literature or art, the proper name is placed in nominative case. If such words are absent in the sentence, then the names of works of literature and art are used in those cases that are necessary for the context of the sentence.

In the fairy tale "Turnip" or: In "Turnip"
In the movie "War and Peace" or: In "War and Peace"
In the ballet "The Nutcracker" or: In "The Nutcracker"


Many verbs require a specific noun case after them.

Verbs require the genitive case:

Achieve, achieve, desire, crave, want, expect, do, fear, beware, fear, avoid, lose, be afraid, be ashamed, shun, cost, seek, ask, demand etc. (who? what?)

Verbs with negation: don't see, don't notice, don't hear etc. (who? what?)

Verbs require the dative case:

Give, believe, trust, threaten, indulge, learn, rejoice, smile, speak, answer, threaten, threaten, object, bow, nod, wave, signal, call, write, speak, tell, announce, answer, explain, report, to please, to seem, to disturb, to harm, to take revenge, to change, to harm, to avenge, to annoy, to disgust, to give, to buy, to bring, to send, to show, to help, to promise, to dream, etc.(to whom; to what?)

All transitive verbs require the accusative case:

Give, donate, sell, buy, send, show, promise, build, sew, clean, wash, erase, take, put, put, hang, see, look, hear, listen, feel, experience, notice, love, hate, despise, respect, appreciate, remember, understand, study, decide, teach, tell, explain, inform, speak, thank, congratulate, remember, meet, scold, wait, etc.(who? what?)

Verbs require the instrumental case:

rule, lead, manage, command, manage, rule, manage, get carried away, be interested in, engage in, admire, admire, delight, enjoy, be proud, admire, admire, be captivated, treasure, own, use, possess, take possession of, boast, be proud of, brag, swear, trade, sacrifice, risk, be, become, become, appear, appear, remain, be considered, have a reputation, be called, etc.(by whom? with what?)

Many verbs are characterized by double control:

give, convey, hand over, give out, sell, return, donate, hand over, provide, entrust, give up, leave something to someone
To say, explain, announce, inspire, tell, declare, answer, promise, recommend something to someone
Promise, guarantee something to someone
teach someone something
count, imagine, recognize, imagine, name, depict, scold, declare someone to be someone

Standard options

to want, desire, crave, ask, deserve a reward - rewards(V.p. and R.p), but: deserve a reward(V.p.)
Ask for advice, permission - advice, permission(R.p. and V.p.)
Wait for the train, call - train, call(R.p. and V.p.), but wait for grandma, sister(V.p.)
Give, take, get, receive, send, buy, put, pour, sprinkle, drink, sip, taste water, sugar - water, sugar(V.p. and R.p.)


Miss (what? who?) work, home, mother, husband. But with pronouns: miss (who?) us, you. This use of pronouns in the prepositional case for a long time was considered the only correct one.

For example, in the reference book by D. E. Rosenthal “Management in the Russian Language” it is indicated that with nouns and pronouns of the 3rd person it is correct: miss someone or something, For example: miss my son, miss him. But with personal pronouns of the 1st and 2nd person plural. numbers are correct: miss someone, For example: missed us, miss you.

But in Lately Both options are accepted. It is believed that with I'm heaping(and I'm sad, I'm sad and so on.) for you - old norm; for you- new. Today these options compete, which is reflected in reference books. Thus, “Russian Grammar” (M., 1980) forms miss you And miss you considered as variable.

2. Constructions with prepositions

1 ) prepositional control:

thanks, according to, despite, in defiance, like+ D.p. noun, for example: contrary to instructions, rules, opinions of loved ones, according to the order...

by (meaning “after something”) + P.p. noun, for example: upon arrival, upon return, upon completion of the experiment...

to the extent, by virtue of, during, in continuation, in conclusion, for the reason of, upon completion, like, by means of+ R.p. noun,
For example: in the course of the conversation, in a week.. .

2)use of prepositions in non-prepositional constructions:

The article sparked my thoughts.

Wrong: to thoughts

Incorrect: to the manufacturer

3) prepositions with homogeneous members of the sentence:

I need to go to the station, the post office and the store.
Classes take place in the stadium, park and hall.

If different prepositions are required with different nouns, they must be used. Omitting prepositions in such cases is unacceptable.

4) prepositions in, on - with, from:

In Kamergersky Lane, store in Kamergersky

on the street, shop on Tverskaya

From Rostov, from the theater, from the store, from the park, from exile, from the circus, from the club, from the conservatory, from the restaurant, from school, from class, from the airport, from the port, from the institute, from the university, from the library, from the hospital

from the south, from the square, from the boulevard, from the post office, from the market, from a lecture, from a performance, from a concert, from a station, from a train station

3. Using the full form of adjectives instead of the short form

1) short forms of adjectives act as predicates:

Sister sick already a week.

Incorrect: My sister has been sick for a week.

This photo road us.

Wrong: This photo is dear to us.

2) full and short forms are not used as homogeneous members of a sentence:

Sister she was beautiful And sad.

Wrong: The sister was beautiful and sad.

4. Sentences whose subordinate part begins with the conjunctive word who

Relative pronoun Who as a conjunctive word it is used only with singular verbs, for example:

Anyone has an excellent chance to enter the most prestigious universities.
Whoever is not late will participate in the competition.

The subject and predicate in the main part must be in either singular or plural form. The predicate cannot be used in the singular if the subject is plural, and vice versa. For example:

Those, Who will write the Unified State Examination with 85 points and above, will be able to enroll to the most prestigious universities.
All, Who will write the Unified State Examination with 85 points and above, will be able to enroll to the most prestigious universities.

5. Violations in sentences with participial phrases

Having climbed the mountain, tourists saw the sea.

It means that
1) tourists have risen (several action producers),
2) tourists saw.

1) there are actors: tourists,
2) they performed the following actions: got up and saw
3) the main action is expressed by a verb, the additional action is expressed by a gerund.

Such two-part simple sentences are the most typical examples of the use of participial phrases in speech.
Are there sentences constructed differently? There are. Let's look at them below.

In preparation for the Unified State Exam, I complete practice tasks.

Definitely a personal proposal. There is a character: this is evidenced by the form of the verb. There is no subject, but it can be restored. Here it can be the personal pronoun of the 1st person singular. I.
Consequently, the use of participial phrases is possible in definite personal sentences with a predicate, an expressed verb in the 1st or 2nd person singular forms. or plural It is important that such proposals relate to a situation in which there is an actor or actors and the actions they perform: main and additional.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, complete practice tasks.

Definitely a personal proposal. There is a character: the imperative sentence is addressed to him. The predicate in a definite personal sentence is expressed by a verb in the form imperative mood units Propositions of this kind correspond to a situation in which there is an actor and the actions he performs: main and additional.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, you need to complete practice tasks.

There is no subject, the predicate is expressed by a verb in the indefinite form of the verb (=in the infinitive form). In such sentences the following words are required: necessary, possible, must, follows (should, should), has to (had to, had to, would have to), succeeded, cannot, impossible, should not, does not have to, failed. In such sentences, personal pronouns in the form D.p. are frequent: me, us, you, you, him, her, them, which will designate the character. This is one of the types of impersonal sentences.


Participial phrases are not possible in impersonal sentences, except for the sentences with infinitives described above.

In Russian you cannot say: Having climbed the mountain, it became completely dark.
Right: When he (I, she, we, they, etc.) climbed the mountain, it became completely dark.

Participles are not possible in passive constructions.
In Russian you cannot say: Having climbed the mountain, they wrote a poem.
Right: Climbing the mountain, he wrote a poem.

Participles are not possible in sentences with personal pronouns in D.p., unless they include an infinitive.
In Russian you cannot say: It was difficult for us while preparing for the Unified State Exam.
Right:When we were preparing for the Unified State Exam, it was difficult for us.

Participles are not possible in sentences with personal pronouns in V.p., unless they include an infinitive.

In Russian you cannot say: While taking the Unified State Exam, he was shaking with excitement.
Right: When he took the Unified State Exam, he was shaking with excitement.

6. Violations in sentences with participial phrases

1) agreement of the participle with the word being defined:

Herbs, (what?) used to make medicine, assembled in China.
He asked the audience a series of questions, (what?) exciting for everyone.
Katerina’s protest, (what?) defending her rights, shown in this production in a new way.

2) mixing of passive and active participles:

Exercise, carried out by us, does not cause any difficulties.

Wrong: Task performed by us.

3) combination of constructions a) with a participial phrase and b) with which:

Rain, poured in the morning and interfered with our walk, ended after lunch.

The rain, which had been pouring since the morning and interfered with our walk, stopped in the afternoon.

Wrong: The rain, which had been pouring since the morning and which interfered with our walk, stopped in the afternoon.

7. Sentences with a conjunction word which

This complex sentences with a subordinate clause.

1) It is a mistake to make a gap between the word being defined and subordinate clause with the word which:

Wrong: I want to pass the Unified State Exam in Russian, mathematics, and history, which I have not studied seriously before.
Right:I want to pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics, history and the Russian language, which I have not seriously studied before.

Wrong: Look at the gift for my mother's birthday that my sister made herself.
Right: Check out the gift my sister made herself for my mom's birthday..

2) erroneous control of the word which:

Wrong: Yesterday it snowed, which made us all happy.
Right: Yesterday it snowed, which we were all happy about. I: Yesterday it snowed, which we all missed.

8. Erroneous transmission of indirect speech

Wrong: Petka said that I am not yet ready for the exam and am very afraid of not passing it. (Petka said: “I’m not ready for the exam yet and I’m very afraid of not passing it.”)
1st and 2nd person pronouns are not used in indirect speech.
Right:Petka said that he is not yet ready for the exam and is very afraid of not passing it.

Wrong: Petka said that he was waiting for his mother, who was supposed to arrive yesterday. (Petka said: “I’m waiting for my mother, who should arrive yesterday.”)
Right:Petka said that he was waiting for his mother, who was supposed to arrive yesterday.

9. Sentences with double conjunctions

1) incorrect placement of conjunctions in a sentence:

Like... and...
Not only but…
If not... then...
Not so much... as...
Not that... but...

Wrong: Not only the ninth, but also the eleventh grades passed the exams. (Violation of logic, conjunction used incorrectly)
Right:Not only the ninth, but also the eleventh grades passed the exams.

2) erroneous doubling of the union how: than than:

Wrong: He is more talented than his brother. (Union how simple)
Right:He is more talented than his brother.

3) violation of the union structure not so... than instead of not like:

Wrong: My bag is not as beautiful as my friend’s. (The type of union has been distorted because)
Right: My bag is not as beautiful as my friend's. Or: My bag is less beautiful than my friend’s.

Wrong: He did not perform as well as his friends. (The type of union has been distorted because)
Right: He didn't perform as well as his friends. Or: He performed less successfully than his friends.

10. Sentences with homogeneous members

1) using different parts of speech as homogeneous members of a sentence:

Wrong: Please be quiet and listen to me.
(Incorrect use of different parts of speech as homogeneous members of a sentence)
Right: I ask for silence and attention.

False: He loves football and shooting.
Right: He loves to play football and shoot. Or: He loves football and shooting.

2) use of full and short forms of adjectives:

False: Trees are tall and slender.
Right: The trees are tall and slender. Or: The trees are tall and slender.

In contact with

Learn to spot grammatical errors. If you learn to confidently recognize them in a task, you will not lose points in the essay. (Criterion 9 - “Compliance language norms".) In addition, a task for which you can get 5 points requires a special attitude!

Task 7 Unified State Exam in Russian

Task formulation: Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

Grammatical errors offers
A) violation in the construction of a sentence with a participial phrase B) error in construction complex sentence

C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

D) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

D) violation of aspectual-temporal correlation of verb forms

1) I.S. Turgenev subjects Bazarov to the most difficult test - the “test of love” - and thereby revealed the true essence of his hero. 2) Everyone who visited Crimea took with them, after parting with him, vivid impressions of the sea, mountains, southern grasses and flowers.

3) The work “The Tale of a Real Man” is based on real events that happened to Alexei Maresyev.

4) S. Mikhalkov argued that the world of the merchant Zamoskvorechye can be seen on the stage of the Maly Theater thanks to the excellent acting of the actors.

5) In 1885 V.D. Polenov exhibited at a traveling exhibition ninety-seven sketches brought from a trip to the East.

6) The theory of eloquence for all types of poetic compositions was written by A.I. Galich, who taught Russian and Latin literature at the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum.

7) In I. Mashkov’s landscape “View of Moscow” there is a feeling of the ringing beauty of a city street.

8) Happy are those who, after a long road with its cold and slush, see a familiar house and hear the voices of relatives.

9) Reading classical literature, you notice how differently the “city of Petrov” is depicted in the works of A.S. Pushkina, N.V. Gogol, F.M. Dostoevsky.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

How to complete such a task? It is better to start from the left side. Find the named syntactic phenomenon (participial phrase, subject and predicate, etc.) in the sentences on the right and check for a grammatical error. Start with those that are easier to find and identify.

Let's look at typical grammatical errors in the order in which they should be checked on the exam.

Inconsistent application

An inconsistent appendix is ​​the title of a book, magazine, movie, picture, etc., enclosed in quotation marks.

Changes by case in a sentence generic word, and the inconsistent application is in the initial form and does not change: V novel"War and Peace"; picture Levitan "Golden Autumn" at the station metro station "Tverskaya".

If there is no generic word in the sentence, the application itself changes by case: heroes of "War and Peace"; I’m looking at Levitan’s “Golden Autumn”, meet me at Tverskaya.

Grammar mistake : in the novel “War and Peace”; in the painting “Golden Autumn”, at the Tverskoy metro station.

In the assignment, such an error occurred in sentence 3.

Direct and indirect speech.

A sentence with indirect speech is a complex sentence. Compare:

The conductor said: “I will bring you tea” - The conductor said that he would bring us tea. Grammar mistake: The conductor said that I will bring you tea.(The personal pronoun must change.)

The passenger asked: “Can I open the window?” - The passenger asked if he could open the window. Grammar mistake : The passenger asked if he could open the window.(The sentence contains LI as a conjunction; the conjunction THAT is not allowed in a sentence.)


We find sentences with a participial phrase and see if there are any errors in its construction.

1. The defined (main) word cannot fall inside the participial phrase; it can appear before or after it. Grammar mistake: those who came spectators to a meeting with the director. Right: spectators who came to meet the director or spectators who came to meet the director.

2. The participle must agree in gender, number and case with the main word, which is determined by meaning and by question: residents mountains (which ones?), frightened by a hurricane or residents mountains(which ones?), overgrown with spruce trees. Grammar mistake: residents of mountains frightened by a hurricane or inhabitants of the mountains, overgrown with spruce trees.

Note: one of the events that happened last summer(we agree the participle with the word ONE - we're talking about about one event). I remember a number of events that happened last summer (we ask the question from EVENTS “which ones?”).

3. The participle has a present tense ( student memorizing a rule), past tense ( student who memorized the rule), but there is no future tense ( student memorizing a rule- grammar mistake).

In the assignment, such an error occurred in sentence 5.

Participial turnover

Remember: The participle names the additional action, and the predicate verb names the main action. The gerund and predicate verb must refer to the same character!

We find the subject in the sentence and check whether it performs an action called a gerund. Going to the first ball, Natasha Rostova had natural excitement. We reason: excitement arose - Natasha Rostova walked- different characters. Correct option: Going to the first ball, Natasha Rostova experienced natural excitement.

In a definite personal sentence it is easy to restore the subject: I, WE, YOU, YOU: When making an offer, consider(You) grammatical meaning words. We reason: you take into account And you make up- there is no error.

The predicate verb can be expressed infinitive: When composing a sentence, you need to take into account the grammatical meaning of the word.

We reason: After reading the sentence, it seems to me that there is no error. ME cannot be the subject, since it is not in the initial form. This sentence has a grammatical error.

The grammatical connection between subject and predicate.

The error may be hidden in complex sentences built according to the model “THOSE WHO …”, “EVERYONE WHO …”, “ALL WHO …”, “NONE OF THOSE WHO …”, “MANY OF THOSE WHO …”, “ ONE OF THOSE WHO..." Each simple sentence within a complex sentence will have its own subject; you need to check whether they are consistent with their predicates. WHO, EVERYONE, NOBODY, ONE, are combined with predicates in the singular; THOSE, ALL, MANY are combined with their predicates in the plural.

Let's analyze the proposal: None of those who visited there in the summer were disappointed. NO ONE WAS – grammatical error. WHO HAS VISITED – there is no mistake. Those who did not come to the opening of the exhibition regretted it. THEY WERE REGRET – there was no mistake. WHO DID NOT COME - grammatical error.

In the assignment, such an error occurred in sentence 2.

Violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms.

Please pay Special attention on predicate verbs: incorrect use of verb tense leads to confusion in the sequence of actions. I work inattentively, intermittently, and as a result I made a lot of ridiculous mistakes. Let's fix the error: I work inattentively, intermittently, and as a result I make a lot of ridiculous mistakes.(Both verbs imperfect form are in the present tense.) I worked inattentively, intermittently, and as a result I made a lot of ridiculous mistakes.(Both verbs are in the past tense, the first verb - imperfective - indicates the process, the second - perfective - indicates the result.)

In the assignment, the following error occurred in sentence 1: Turgenev exposes and reveals...

Homogeneous members of the sentence

Grammatical errors in sentences with conjunctions AND.

  1. Union AND cannot connect one of the members of a sentence with the whole sentence. I don't like to get sick and when I get a bad grade. Moscow is a city which was the birthplace of Pushkin and described in detail by him. When Onegin returned to St. Petersburg and having met Tatyana, he did not recognize her. Listened to a lecture on the importance of sports and why do they need to do it?. (Let's correct the error: Listened to a lecture on the importance of sports and the benefits of sports activities. Or: We listened to a lecture about what is the importance of sport And why do they need to do it? .)
  2. Union AND cannot connect homogeneous members expressed by complete and short form adjectives and participles: He is tall and thin. She is smart and beautiful.
  3. Union AND cannot connect an infinitive and a noun: I love doing laundry, cooking and reading books. (Right: I like to do laundry, cook and read books.)
  4. It is difficult to recognize an error in a syntax like this: The Decembrists loved and admired the Russian people. In this sentence, the addition PEOPLE refers to both predicates, but is grammatically connected with only one of them: ADMIRED (BY WHOM?) THE PEOPLE. From the verb LOVED we ask the question WHO? Be sure to ask a question from each predicate verb to its object. Here typical mistakes: parents care and love children; I understand and sympathize with you; he studied and used the rule; I love and am proud of my son. Correcting such an error requires the introduction of various additions, each will be consistent with its predicate verb: I love my son and am proud of him.

Using Compound Conjunctions.

  1. Learn to recognize the following conjunctions in a sentence: “NOT ONLY..., BUT ALSO”; “AS..., SO AND.” In these unions you cannot miss individual words or replace them with others: Not only us, but our guests were surprised. The atmosphere of the era in comedy is created not only by the actors, but also by off-stage characters. Work is in full swing both during the day and at night.
  2. Parts of a double conjunction must be immediately before each of the homogeneous members . Incorrect word order leads to a grammatical error: We examined not only the ancient part cities, but also visited new areas.(Correct order: We not only looked around..., but also visited...)In the essay you need how about the main characters, tell me so O artistic features . (Correct order: The essay must tell how about the main characters, and about artistic features. )

Generalizing words with homogeneous terms

The generalizing word and the homogeneous members that follow it are in the same case: Play two sports:(how?) skiing and swimming.(Grammar mistake: Strong people have two qualities: kindness and modesty.)

Prepositions with homogeneous members

Prepositions before homogeneous members can be omitted only if these prepositions are the same: He visited V Greece, Spain, Italy, on Cyprus. Grammar mistake: He visited V Greece, Spain, Italy, Cyprus.

Complex sentence

Very common errors related to misuse conjunctions, allied words, demonstrative words. There can be many possible errors, let's look at some of them.

Extra conjunction: I was tormented by the question of whether I should tell my father everything. I didn't realize how far from the truth I was.

Mixing coordinating and subordinating conjunctions : When Murka got tired of messing with the kittens, and she went somewhere to sleep.

Extra particle WOULD: I need him to come see me.

Missing index word: Your mistake is that you are in too much of a hurry.(Missed IN VOL.)

The conjunctive word WHICH is torn off from the word being defined: Warm rain moistened the soil, which the plants so needed.(Right: Warm rain in which plants needed, moistened the soil.)

In the assignment, such an error was made in sentence 9.

Incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

1. Prepositions THANKING, ACCORDING TO, CONTRARY, CONTRAST, IN CONTRAST, LIKELY + noun in the DATIVE CASE: thanks to the skillYu , according to scheduleYu , contrary to the rulesam .

  • The preposition ON can be used to mean “AFTER”. In this case, the noun is in the prepositional case and has the ending AND: upon graduation (after graduation), upon arrival in the city (after arrival), after the expiration of the term (after the expiration of the term).

Remember: upon arrival AND, upon completion AND, upon completion AND, upon expiration AND, upon arrival E, upon arrival E.

  • We remember the management features in the following phrases:

Prove (what?) right

Marvel at (what?) patience

Give an example of (what?) an error

Summarize (what?) the work

Confess (what?) to a crime

Miss, be sad (for whom?) for you

Pay attention to (what?) little things

Point out (what?) shortcomings

Blame (what?) for greed

Let's remember the pairs:

Worry about your son - worry about your son

Believe in victory - confidence in victory

Question about construction - problems with construction

Earn rental income – receive rental income

Ignorance of the problem - unfamiliarity with the problem

To be offended by mistrust - to be offended by mistrust

Pay attention to health - pay attention to health

Preoccupation with business - worry about business

Pay for travel - pay for travel

Feedback on an essay - review of an essay

Service fee – payment for service

Superiority over him - advantage over him

Warn of danger - warn of danger

Distinguish between friends and enemies - distinguish friends from enemies

Surprised by patience - surprised by patience

Characteristic of him - inherent in him

Morphological norms (formation of word forms)

Morphological norms - these are the rules for the formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech.

Morphological norms of nouns

  1. Indeclinable nouns that denote inanimate objects are neuter: coupe, medley, bikini.
  2. Exceptions: curlers, breeches (plural), blinds, kiwi, whiskey, brandy, coffee (m. and s.r.), mocha, penalty, euro (m.r.).
  3. The gender of nouns denoting persons is determined based on the gender to which they belong: beautiful madame, serious monsieur, cunning frau and so on.
  4. The gender of geographical names and names of press organs is determined by the generic word: Capri - island (m.r.), Jungfrau - mountain (w.r.), Monaco - principality (m.r.), Borjomi - city (m.r.); "Times" - newspaper (female).
  5. Abbreviations are usually assigned to the gender to which the reference word in them belongs: NATO - alliance (m.r.), CIS - commonwealth (m.r.); MSU – university (m.r.).
  6. Some masculine nouns in the nominative plural instead of ending -s(-s) may have a stressed ending -and I):
    • monosyllabic nouns: side - sides, forest - forests, eye - eyes, house - houses, eye - eyes, eyelid - eyelids, silk - silk, feed - feed, board - sides etc.;
    • two-syllable nouns whose form is singular nominative case stress on the first syllable: buffer - buffers, shore - shores, pearls - pearls etc.
  7. The gender of compound nouns is determined by the word that expresses the broader meaning of the noun: admiral butterfly, pay phone, sofa bed. And if both concepts are equivalent, the gender is determined by the first word: chair-bed, cafe-restaurant.

Morphological norms of adjectives

  1. It is impossible to combine simple and complex shapes into one design comparative degree adjective name:more good essay/ this essay is better (not this essay is better)
  2. You can’t mix simple and complex shapes superlatives adjective name:the wisest old man/the wisest old man (not the wisest old man)

Morphological norms of pronouns

  1. The error is the formation of the form of the possessive pronountheirs instead of their: their son.
  2. After the prepositions of the personal pronouns he, she, they, the letter appears in the indirect casesn: to him, from her.

Morphological norms of numerals

  1. When declension of composite ordinal numbers changes their last part, which, when declension, receives forms that coincide with the form full adjectives: first, first, first etc. The rest of the compound ordinal noun remains unchanged for all types of declensions, and any changes to it are considered morphological error: in two thousand and two.
  2. Each part and each word that makes up a compound and complex cardinal number is declined separately: met twenty-four classmates.
  3. Cases when it is correct to use collective numerals:
    • with nouns denoting males: two brothers, three men, four boys.
    • with nouns children, people: two children, four people.
    • with nouns denoting baby animals: three puppies, seven kids.
    • with nouns that have only plural forms. h.: five days.
    • with nouns denoting paired or compound objects: two glasses, two skis.
    • with pronouns: the two of us, the five of them.
  4. Numeral bothused only with nouns.:both girls, both books. With nouns m.r. and Wed R. the form usedboth: both brothers, both elephants.

Morphological norms of verbs

  1. For verbs win, convince, convince, dissuade, find, feel, outshine, dare, vacuumand some others do not have the form 1 person unit. h.
  2. Formation of return forms:met, wanted to say hello(after vowels -s is used),Sorry(no return form).
  3. Formation of imperative forms:go, wave, drive away, put down, buy, lie down.
  4. Formation of past tense forms:hardened, dried out, wet(Not got stronger, dried out, got wet).

Morphological norms of participles

  1. Formation of participles: gargling, waving, wanting(Not rinsing, waving, wanting);
  2. Present participles are not formed from perfective verbs.

Morphological norms of gerunds

  1. Perfective participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive using a suffix -V: pour - spill, preserve - preserved, thin out - thin out.There are perfective verbs from which gerunds can be formed using a suffix -and I or -shi, -lice: come in - having entered, look - looking, lean against - leaning against.
  2. Imperfect participles are formed from the stem of the infinitive using suffixes -and I: think - thinking, walk - walking, fly - flying.

Morphological norms of adverbs

  1. Adverb formation: I can hardly break away from there, inside, I’ll hardly be able to, we’ll divide it in half.
  2. Formation of comparative degrees of adverbs: bad - worse, beautiful - more beautiful, good - better, hard - harder.

Task 7 of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, theory.

Task 7 Unified State Exam 2018- this is a test of your knowledge of syntactic norms.

For this task you can get 5 points. Therefore, its correct implementation is very important. This is one of the most voluminous difficult tasks Unified State Exam.

So, in the demo version this task is formulated as follows:

Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and the sentences in which they were made: for each position in the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) disruption of the connection between subject and predicate

B) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application

C) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members

D) incorrect construction of sentences with participial phrases

D) violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

1) The travelers involuntarily admired the rainbow that appeared in the sky after the rain.

2) Painting by I.I. Shishkin’s “Ship Grove” is considered one of the artist’s most majestic paintings by design.

3) Everyone who has been to small towns Italy, I saw stone bridges overgrown with ivy, dilapidated ancient marble facades of buildings, the flickering of gilded domes.

4) In the journal “Ethnographic Review” D.N. Ushakov not only published a number of articles about customs, but also about the beliefs of Russian peasants.

5) Having learned to make fire 40 thousand years ago, the development of mankind has noticeably accelerated.

6) Contrary to the opinion of skeptics, there are facts confirming the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

7) V.G. Belinsky wrote about twenty articles and reviews dedicated to the work of N.V. Gogol.

8) By reading ancient manuscripts, you can learn a lot of interesting things.

9) Tsiolkovsky wrote that the main goal of his life was to advance humanity at least a little forward.

Changes in the Unified State Exam 2018 We didn’t touch on task 7, so just like last year, you need to find an example for each mistake.

The difficulty of the task lies in the fact that there are 9 sentence options, but there are only five names of errors. This means that 4 sentences could refer to:

1) To another type of error not listed in the left column.

2) To sentences without errors (this also happens).

Remember that task 7 is a task on the correct connection of words with each other, on proper management and coordination. Therefore, you need to carefully ensure that all words are in the required gender, number, case, and tense.

Execution algorithm:

1) For correct execution task 7, you need to learn to see word markers.

2) As in other tasks, the information is grouped by error names. First, you need to learn and understand all the terms that appear in the assignment. For example, knowing what an application is and what it looks like. It is important to be able to distinguish between participial and participial phrases, as well as to know their correct construction, to find homogeneous members and double conjunctions, to find the subject and predicate and check them for the correct connection, to know verb control, and prepositional-case control.

Violation of sentence construction with inconsistent


Application- this is a definition expressed by a noun, the name of newspapers, magazines, paintings, books, geographical objects, etc. Lake (what?) Baikal. The word being defined (from which the question is asked to the application) and the application give different designations for the same subject.

Things to remember:

An inconsistent application is in the nominative case, regardless of which case the word being defined is in (Lake (I.P.) Baikal (I.P.), lakes (R.P.) Baikal (I.P.), lake (D .P.) Baikal (I.P.)



We met a few kilometers away from the city of Sochi.

In the movie “War and Peace” S. Bondarchuk played Pierre Bezukhov beautifully.

In “War and Peace” S. Bondarchuk played Pierre Bezukhov beautifully.

We met after driving a few kilometers from the city of Sochi.

In the movie “War and Peace” S. Bondarchuk played Pierre Bezukhov beautifully.

Violation in the construction of sentences with participial phrases

The participle and the word it defines must agree in gender, number and case.

The word being defined should not be part of the participial phrase.

There should be no replacement active participle to the passive.



1. We are proud of our football players (T.P.) who defeated (T.P.) the English team

2. The pancakes my mother made were incredibly tasty.

3. The task we perform does not cause any particular difficulties.

1. We are proud of our football players (T.P.), who defeated (R.P.) the English team

2. The pancakes my mother made were incredibly tasty.

The task we carry out does not cause any particular difficulties.

Incorrect construction of sentences with participles

Participle denotes an additional action performed by the subject. The participle in a sentence can be replaced homogeneous predicate. (Smiling, he walked down the street. - He walked down the street and smiled).

1. The participial phrase is not used if the action expressed by the predicate and the action expressed by the participle refer to different persons.

2. The participial phrase is not used in impersonal offer, if the predicate in it is not expressed by an infinitive.

3. The participle phrase is not used if the predicate is expressed by a short passive participle.



1. When I was approaching the city, a strong wind began.

2. When I arrived in Moscow, I felt sad.

3. When I passed the exams, I was accepted into the university.

1. Approaching the city, a strong wind began. (the wind cannot approach the city)

2. Arriving in Moscow, I felt sad.

3. Having passed the exams, I was accepted into the university (accepted by someone)

Disruption of connection between subject and predicate

1. Rod compound words determined by keyword: UN - United Nations Organization (organization is the main word in life)

2. The predicate agrees with the first (main) word of a compound noun.

3. In the main and subordinate parts of a complex sentence, the subject and predicate must be consistent in number: all (those) + predicate in the plural, who (that) + predicate in the singular.



1. The UN announced a solution to the issue of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

2.The rocking chair has been repaired.

3.[Everyone (who is interested in theater) knows the name of Alexey Bakhrushin].

1. The UN announced a solution to the issue of the Georgian-Ossetian conflict.

2. The rocking chair has been repaired.

3. [Everyone (who is interested in theater) knows the name of Alexey Bakhrushin].

Incorrect construction of sentences with indirect speech

When translating direct speech into indirect speech, pronouns and verbs in the 1st person form should be replaced with pronouns and verbs in the 3rd person



Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members

1. Each of the homogeneous members must be grammatically correlated with a common word.

2. Each of the homogeneous members must be lexically correlated with a common word.

3. If homogeneous members are adjectives or participles, they must both be in the same form (full or short).

4. If different prepositions are assumed before homogeneous members, then they cannot be omitted.

5. All homogeneous members must be in the same case as

general word.

6. You cannot mix genus-specific concepts among homogeneous ones


7. Word order is broken when using double conjunctions (Both... and...
Not only but…
If not... then...
Not so much... as...
Not that..., but...), repeating unions (that... that; not that... not that, etc.). Parts of such unions should stand directly next to homogeneous members!

8. Parts of a double conjunction are permanent; they cannot be replaced with other words:

not only but

if not... then

both... and



1. Raskolnikov came up with (who? what? V.p.) his theory and admires (who? what? Etc.) it.

2. Stringing and shooting a bow is not easy.

3. These books are interesting (short form) and well illustrated (short form) or

These books are interesting (full form) and well illustrated (full form).

4. Crowds of people were everywhere: on the streets, squares, in parks.

5. The life of peasants is depicted in the works of Russian classics (RP): Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy (RP).

6. The bag contained juice and fruits: oranges, bananas.

7. It can be argued that the mood was the main thing not only for the creator of the poem, but also for the readers.

8. B North Africa we observed many features both in nature and in human customs.

1. Raskolnikov came up with and admires his theory. (verbs are combined with nouns in different cases)

2. It’s not easy to string and shoot a bow.

3. These books are interesting (short form) and well illustrated (long form).

4. Crowds of people were everywhere: on the streets, squares, squares.

5. The life of peasants is depicted in the works of Russian classics (RP): Gogol, Turgenev, Tolstoy (IP).

6. The bag contained oranges, juice, bananas, and fruits.

7. It can be argued that the mood was not only the main thing for the creator of the poem, but also for the readers.

8. In North Africa we observed many features both in nature and also in human customs.

(there is no union not only... but also)

Errors when constructing complex sentences

1. Incorrect attachment of the subordinate clause createsambiguity in the perception of the meaning of a sentence.The attributive clause must come after the word on which it depends.

2. The subordinate clause is attached to the main one with the help of the particle li, which acts as a subordinating conjunction, so the conjunction is superfluous here.



1. [The letter said] (that an auditor is coming to the city (which is governed by Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky).

2. Before the duel, Pechorin admires nature, and Werner asks (if he wrote his will).

1. [The letter said], (that an auditor was coming to the city), (which is controlled by

Skvoznik - Dmukhanovsky) (with this construction of the sentence, one gets the impression that Skvoznik-Dmukhanovsky controls the auditor, and not the city)

2. Before the duel, Pechorin admires nature, and Werner asks (if he wrote his will).

Incorrect use of the case form of a noun. and places. with and without preposition

1. The prepositions ACCORDING TO, CONTRARY, THANKING, ACCORDINGLY, CONTRADITIONALLY, LIKELY are used only with D. p. (to whom? to what?)

The preposition PO in the meaning “after something, as a result of something” is used with P. p. (for whom? what?)

to the extent, by virtue of, during, in continuation, in conclusion, for the reason of, upon completion, like, by means of + R.p.noun.

If different prepositions are required with different nouns, they must be used. Omitting prepositions in such cases is unacceptable.

2. Prepositions in -from, on - with.



1. Despite (who? what? etc.) circumstances

thanks to (who? what? d.p.) efforts

At the end of the term

Upon expiration

Upon arrival of the train

Upon arrival

2.to the city - from the city

1. Despite (who? what? R.p.) circumstances

thanks to (who? what? R.p.) efforts

At the end of the term

Upon expiration

Upon arrival of the train

On arrival

2.from the city