East European Shepherd: description of the breed. Height and weight of the East European Shepherd Character of the Veo breed


Origin: USSR

Usage: dog for service security forces, home guard dog, pet and family friend

Color: completely black or with a dark mask on a light gray to fawn background.

Dimensions: height: for males - 65-75 cm, for females 60-73 cm; weight: for males - 37-60 kg, for females - 30-55 kg

Lifespan: about 12-14 years old

The East European Shepherd is a strong, hardy, active and athletic dog that will become an excellent friend for the whole family, protector and guard.

She is distinguished by her intelligence and intelligence, ease of communication, and devotion.

This breed is extremely easy to care for; all it needs is attention and exercise with its owner, and it will reward you with a cheerful disposition, activity and hard work.

History of the breed

The East European Shepherd is a young dog. Its breeding began on the territory of the USSR.


The East European Shepherd is a strong, hardy, but at the same time very attached to its owners dog that happily performs various commands and loves walks.

  • Intelligence. Previously, the East European Shepherd breed, like and, was used exclusively as a service dog that served in the police, guarded borders and important government facilities. Nowadays she is often used as a pet. Do not forget that you need to constantly work with the East European Shepherd, set different tasks for it and develop its intelligence. She loves active pastime and will be grateful to you.
  • Friendliness. This breed will become a devoted friend for the whole family, it loves children, and dotes on its owners. Of course, everything depends on upbringing, but the East European Shepherd dog picks up everything on the fly, is easy to train and understands the owner’s requests and commands the first time.
  • Similarly, such a dog quickly gets used to its owner and has a very difficult time withstanding even short-term separation. This is exactly the pet that will happily wait for you, often follow you, and happily wag its tail.
  • Performance. East European Shepherds are hardy, hardworking, and have been proven through years of faithful service to humans. Eastern training European Shepherd It’s easy if you teach the puppy to follow the owner’s commands from childhood. Such a pet will need to be walked often, devote a lot of time to it and constantly invest energy in its mental and physical development. In return, you will receive a smart, hardy and loyal dog that can perform a number of tasks and just be a good friend.


Initially, the East European Shepherd breed was bred to work in law enforcement and security.

Now she is bred both to participate in exhibitions and as a devoted family friend.

Despite its size, this dog can even live in an apartment, along with others, the main thing is that it has its own place and large bedding.

For those dogs that will live in the yard of the house, it is worth building a booth or enclosure.

Often those who are just planning to get a dog wonder how a German shepherd differs from an Eastern European one.

In addition to the fact that the latter are more hardy and resistant to harsh climatic conditions, they are also larger, taller, have good health and a balanced nervous system.

How to choose a puppy

Very often, when choosing a puppy and wanting to buy an East European Shepherd, many future owners mistakenly buy German Shepherds or half-breeds.

Therefore, if you want VEO, you should contact a special kennel of East European Shepherds, where you can find out the pedigree.

As a rule, East European Shepherd puppies can cost from 5 to 15 thousand rubles.

It is important to familiarize yourself with all the documents, find out about the health of the puppy and its parents, and whether the latter participated in exhibitions.

If you find out about the sale of an East European Shepherd for 550 rubles, you should think that most likely you will be offered a pet whose pedigree is not known or has some shortcomings.

Features of care


The East European Shepherd breed is easy to care for and does not require.

All she needs is sufficient quantity walks, regular visits to the veterinarian and hygiene.

It is worth washing your dog 1-2 times a year if necessary. In the summer, it is worth taking your pet to a pond where he can swim, this will be useful for the ligaments.

It is worth brushing your pet several times a week, and during shedding - every day, with the help of.

It is also important to check your teeth regularly, give your dog special food that he can chew, and clean his ears every 2 weeks.


The East European Shepherd will need frequent walks. early age.


The East European Shepherd is a hardy breed, so it rarely has health problems.

Characteristic diseases

Although representatives of this breed are not susceptible to eye diseases like eye diseases, they do have some ailments:

  • gastric volvulus;
  • joint diseases, arthritis;
  • The East European Shepherd is a hardy breed, so it rarely has health problems



    As a rule, the female is brought to the male for mating.

    She needs some time to get comfortable in a new environment, but a male who is on his territory, as a rule, immediately becomes interested in a new acquaintance.

    It is important that the mating is between representatives of the breed without similar disadvantages.

    East European Shepherd dog: a hardy protector and a loyal friend

    The East European Shepherd is a hardy and hardworking breed that will become a reliable guard for your home and a devoted family friend. She is easy to train and loves her owners.

Unfortunately, old age always comes to us and our pets. When you buy a puppy, you don’t want to think about the fact that your pet will leave you sooner or later. There is an assumption that a dog lives 7 times less than a person. Based on this assumption, if a dog is 7 years old, then by our standards it is about fifty years old.

In addition, the life expectancy and rate of aging of dogs are not the same. different breeds: The lifespan of giant dogs is almost 2 times shorter than their dwarf fellow tribesmen.

East European Shepherd: how long do they live and how to ensure longevity

Breed standard

B indicates that the average life expectancy should be 12-14 years old. There were no significant differences between female and male individuals in life length.

But these data describe only a certain averaged version, and how many years a particular pet will spend next to its owner depends on several conditions.

Conditions for longevity

TO factors affecting life expectancy include:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • physical health;
  • conditions of detention;
  • emotional background.

Each of these factors can influence both positively and negatively.

A puppy taken from trusted parents who received high-quality veterinary care including vaccinations and age-appropriate screenings, nutritious food, adequate exercise, and raised in an emotionally healthy environment has every chance of becoming a “long-liver”, having reached the age of 15-16 years.

Therefore, no one can say exactly how many years an East European Shepherd lives, it all depends on the above factors and their performance by the owner.

Sexual activity plays some role– sterilized individuals have a slightly longer lifespan.

Age-related changes

The life of a dog can be roughly divided, like the human one, into several stages, each of which will have its own physical and behavioral characteristics.

IN early period The puppy's eyes have not yet opened, he eats only milk, and cannot survive without outside care (on average up to 12 days).

By 20-21 days, a gradual refusal of milk occurs, and teething begins.

At 4-7 months, teeth are replaced, and ears should also stand up at 4 months.

By the age of one year, the dog reaches adult size, body proportions are built according to the parameters of the breed and individual characteristics.

Interesting! Further find out how long eastern shepherd dogs live European breed you can look at the teeth, or more precisely, by the presence of tubercles on them, which are gradually erased.

So, at the age of one year, the tubercles on white teeth are clearly visible; by the age of 5, the teeth may change color to a more yellowish color, and the tubercles begin to wear off. By the age of 10, a shepherd may already be experiencing problems with loose and worn teeth.

However, these signs are of a private nature and are highly dependent on the quality of care and nutrition.

Psychologically shepherd reaches maturity at the age of about 3 years. She loses much of her puppy mobility and restlessness and learns norms. life together with the owner.

After 8 years of life they talk about the onset of old age. Diseases characteristic of this breed may appear– joint diseases that limit mobility, diabetes.

A dog's decrepitude is indicated by: low mobility, sagging skin around the mouth, and severe gray hair.

Becoming the owner of an East European Shepherd, should be remembered that a dog's life is short. But caring care and harmonious living conditions for your pet will allow you to live out the years allotted to it productively and with pleasure.

She has gained sincere honor and respect from millions of people. The animal is naturally hardy and easily adapts to any conditions. It can live in small “Khrushchev” buildings and in spacious areas intended for keeping animals, in the courtyards of country houses. But don't forget: this working dog, which requires long walks and significant physical activity. The strong-willed, balanced, stately shepherd dog has a very interesting “biography”. Many are sincerely curious about the peculiarities of breeding, raising, and caring for these extraordinary animals. In general, there is something to understand.

In the service of man

You can hear that the East European Shepherd is a type German Shepherd"in the Russian way." The breed was formed in the USSR as follows. At the end of World War II, those returning from Germany to Soviet Union the winners brought a lot of trophies big dogs- German Shepherds and their lesser-known relatives. From the late forties of the 20th century, on the basis of the motley four-legged guard, they began to breed animals capable of accompanying military personnel on patrols, serving at security checkpoints (roadblocks), and guarding temporary detention centers for persons under investigation.

The need for a myriad of guard and escort dogs was dictated by the need to unswervingly defend the gains of socialism and strictly control the machinations of external and internal enemies. Selection was aimed at obtaining large, massive individuals. During a painstaking selection process best representatives received this now widely famous breed, like an East European Shepherd.

Tall, with a wide body and strong bone the dog came into favor both in the NKVD units and in the Armed Forces (it is impossible to imagine, for example, the border troops without it). In the internal affairs bodies, where every day is associated with patrolling, escorting, searching for criminals, and protecting the territory, she can be said to have become an indispensable employee. VEO is also useful in peaceful life: sensitive, responsive, well-mannered guides are the “eyes” of the visually impaired.

Practical and cute

There is an opinion that modern Fashion for Dogs dictates its own canons. Citizens knowledgeable in cynology today increasingly want to have a pet from among the descendants of “herd” dogs (German shepherd). They are smaller. People who are far from cynology often wonder: what do East European and German shepherds look like in comparison? What is the difference between these breeds? It’s easy to get confused: there are even canine atlases that indicate that they are one breed.

But is it? VEOs are larger, their back line is not so inclined. As a result, the movements of the animals are not similar: the trot, like crouching “German women”, is smooth; forward movement"Easterns" is sweeping. The latter win when running for a long time and when you need to cover the distance quickly. During the “tedious” path along the trail, the “foreigner” works better.

What about temperament? In this, too, the Eastern European and German Shepherd are different. What is the difference, once comparing the dogs, everyone will understand: the “Eastern” is balanced, thoughtful, the “Western” is choleric, fidgety, sociable. There is an opinion that in the USSR, with its harsh morals, they deliberately “cut off” the dog’s unnecessary “freedom of morals”, selecting the most serious representatives. Russian border guards and other military personnel prefer to have an East European Shepherd dog next to them in military work. During exhibitions and sporting competitions, the easier-to-train “Germans” often shine (another difference is that they mature earlier than VEOs).

For help to the people

If you delve into the distant past, you can find evidence that Russia became acquainted with German shepherds back in one thousand nine hundred and four. Along with people, dumb “orderlies” saved the wounded when it thundered Russo-Japanese War. Since 1907, they mastered service in police stations. In 1924, dogs from the German side filled the enclosures of the Central School of Dog Breeding of the OGPU, the School of Sniffer Dogs of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD).

Pedigree breeding in certain circles was not a concern, therefore, along with representatives of the best factory lines (large individuals, proportional heads, good build), there were unremarkable, but strong and reliable “workhorses”. From the first days, the attempt to breed German shepherds was accompanied by a number of problems: insufficient cash injections, scant knowledge of the breed, and the almost complete absence of specialists who would thoroughly know this breed dogs.

However, the East European Shepherd could not help but appear; no difficulties could interfere with the breeding plans. To get things moving, they appealed to the masses. In the USSR, in order to involve the people in solving pressing issues of defense, army, navy, etc., there was the OSOAVIAKHIM school. In 1927, the doors of the section were opened there, where dog breeders engaged in the business on an amateur basis were invited en masse. They were asked to provide all possible assistance in increasing the number of trained dogs with good heredity.

East European Shepherd as our own national breed was still just a dream. In the meantime, caring citizens looked after the “German” pets and raised their puppies: each “growing up” one was included in the sectional mating plan. However, the quality of the resulting livestock left much to be desired. There were no rules for selecting manufacturers. This sharply reduced the efficiency of breeding work.

Father Edu, mother Bine, son Abrek

Not only did a sea of ​​random and trophy dogs take part in the breeding, the quality of whose origin was simply impossible to trace, but the Federation also had a hand service dog breeding THE USSR. Decrees were issued reducing “breeding requirements.” As a result of this “overlay,” vices were transmitted appearance, color, features of the nervous system.

State nurseries helped volunteers as best they could by providing breeders for mating. In order to increase the number of amateur dog breeders, we have developed a system of exhibitions. But the main purpose of the regular introduction of four-legged animals into the world was to select the most thoroughbred representatives of the future “servicemen”. At the same time, they analyzed which manufacturers are better, where the combinational successes and failures lie.

The first Moscow exhibition was the one that delighted participants and spectators in 1925. A sensation was caused by the male Bodo von Teufelsfinkel, exported from Germany, 70 cm tall at the withers. German specialist top class V. Katsmair noted that the elite dog is the best of all producers. To obtain offspring, a number of excellent males with exquisite “baronial” nicknames were selected. The first Soviet line of shepherd dogs was headed by a male with a more down-to-earth name - Abrek - the son of Edu von Geisengoff and his partner Bine von Brigoff. In other variations, none of them succeeded in producing special puppies.

Fog and Kare

Abrek had an expressive look: middle part the back is black (black-and-white color), regular, slightly weighted build, the head in the skull is slightly wider than necessary. There was something to work on: the East European Shepherd, whose ears are an important feature of the breed, had erect hearing organs directed to the sides. They are called suspended, they have weak cartilage. There were also folds under the larynx (“raw” neck). The height of the newcomer to Edu was 69 cm. Representing the most successful example of selection, the handsome man “grabbed” a 1st degree Diploma at the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSKhV). His person was included in the special list (VRKSS) at number one. Large, dry, easy to train, the Abrek is the ancestor of many great dogs. It was widely used for propagation. Selection continued: it was necessary to increase the performance of dogs.

Ingul (grandson of the couple Devete von Furstensteg + Dux von Herzoghem) and Degay (their great-grandson) appeared. The appearance and build (the totality of exterior qualities) of the males are close to the norms of such a widely known breed today as the East European Shepherd. The standard seems to have been found. True, Ingul was diagnosed with a defect - undescended testicle into the scrotum, and cryptorchidism has been included in the list of defects that lead to disqualification since 1964.

Males with a genetic anomaly, like Ingul, were still used for mating until 1968. For a long time they turned a blind eye to the fact that some individuals have a defect in the dental system. Until 1974, complete liberalism reigned in color. There were all kinds of colors: straw (fawn), white, reminiscent of brindle... Plus, they unjustifiably raised the height bar, making 72 cm at the withers the standard.

After the Great Patriotic War, political motives were strong. They even affected the breed in which the word “German” sounded. The “Iron Curtain” made it almost impossible to leave such a name (“German Shepherd” was the popular name for all evil and nasty people back then). For a very long time, the phrase was almost synonymous with fascism and evoked negative memories of the horrors fiery years. Public opinion was categorically against the “German evil spirits.”

Well-deserved success

When the breed was renamed Eastern European and made into an independent breed, the situation became completely confused: they did not find their own standards, and they had already abandoned the world ones. But the process has begun. First, a subtype of the German Shepherd appeared in our country. Later he became separate breed(officially named VEO in 1951).

Another Soviet line is considered to be the one that starts from a dog named Edi von Blumenduft. A little over eighty years ago (in 1935-1936) we received offspring from him and the daughters of the first Abrek. This offspring became the main, basic one. Son Fog had a classic color (black and tan) without shades, silver or brown spots. His descendant Kare was recognized as an all-Union leader in 1940, and in the first post-war year - a Moscow leader. Even during the years of the fight against fascism in the occupied areas, dogs were destroyed. The nursery of the People's Commissariat of Agriculture of the USSR, where the selection import was located, was empty. After the Victory, canine centers in Russia (Leningrad), Ukraine (Kyiv), Belarus (Minsk) and other cities started from scratch. The East European Shepherd has experienced a rebirth.

They worked in an integrated manner for almost half a century. The titanic work was crowned with success: a new East European type of shepherd dog was killed, noticeably different from the Western European one. The dogs looked large, well-built, strong, and muscular. They were distinguished by their harmonious build, dryness and muscularity. The first standard, which described the breed type in detail, was adopted in 1964, then it was changed more than once, supplemented, and divided into lines.

As for the coat, many are sure: long-haired East European Shepherds are nonsense, this does not happen. Indeed, the description of the axial hair indicates that it is straight and hard, reaches medium length, tightly lying, with a well-developed felt-like undercoat. The front limbs, ears, and head are covered with an even shorter “fur coat.” You can read as many descriptions of lines as you like - nowhere is such a feature officially recognized as “fleece from which you can weave braids.”

Well-fed and well-mannered

And although long-haired East European Shepherds do exist, adherents of strict criteria are convinced that this is a deviation from accepted standards (classified as a defect). The result of the uncontrolled actions of some modern breeders-“inventors”. German Shepherds with “increased shaggyness” are from the same opera. Animals of the 1920s (“old type”) were only semi-longhaired.

A high level of intelligence, especially in animals, is always captivating. This is precisely the quality that distinguishes the smart and beautiful East European Shepherd. Training this dog is a difficult, but rewarding task. Looking at how zealously the four-legged animals carry out the trainer’s orders, we can conclude: they like this activity. Ideal performers, in the name of friendship with the owner, who is considered the unconditional leader, are ready to give themselves without reserve.

Therefore, when listing the features of developing behavioral skills, the first item mentioned is friendly, trusting, emotional relationships puppy and owner. In addition, the big-eared teenager must understand what is required of him, then he will complete the task without flaw. And finally, you need to alternate between “task” and affection, but make sure that severity does not border on cruelty (after all, the owner wants to raise a proud daredevil, not a coward or an aggressor).

There is no doubt: many people have a smart and kind East European Shepherd in their home. And the children love her, because due to her “protective” nature, she reminds them of a parent, an older brother. But you shouldn’t delude yourself. The animal is not ready to tolerate any extravagances of the children and is capable of fending off impudence. Teach your child from a young age to treat a pet living in a family with respect. Then you will be able to avoid many problems that cannot be called humorous. Subject to the rules of treatment, VEOs are sincere: they carefully “herd” little people, calm them down if they cry, and make friends with the owner’s grown-up cubs.

Where where?

They say that the East European Shepherd Dog feels great both in Kamchatka and Kazakhstan. In Karaganda, one of the regional centers of the Kazakh Republic, there are traditionally many nurseries. A catalog has been compiled that contains not only the names, but also telephone numbers for communication, and the characteristics of the dogs available. The list of achievements is a kind of quality license. Read the data carefully, check how far from the city this or that place of breeding and cultivation is located (if this is important to you).

The first signs to tell if you're about to make a good choice are easy to remember. If the owner has been at the market for a long time, cordially invites you to visit his property to get to know the animals in person, and is not “embarrassed” to present a license, then most likely you are dealing with a reliable partner. Noteworthy: stable a large number of puppies are not the best signal. As a rule, the number of individuals varies.

Ask how many champions the breeder has raised and how he cares about the health of his charges. All these little things are very important. All animals must be well-groomed and vaccinated, and most importantly, the East European Shepherd. There are many owners in Karaganda who can be called trusted. They won’t give you a “mixture of a bulldog with a rhinoceros”, they will give you good advice dog care. They say that beginners can register in a single list of breeders. Specialty exhibitions are held in Kazakhstan. This is not a show, but a zootechnical event. Judging is the strictest. It's difficult to win. But successful participation increases the animal’s prestige by several points.

There is a choice

There are other regions where East European Shepherd puppies are raised in nurseries. In Blagoveshchensk, among private advertisements you can see the offer: “I’ll give it to good hands" Is it true, we're talking about about crossbred specimens. But if anyone needs a good security guard, you can take it with confidence. Most ads are from detailed description pedigree and appearance of four-legged babies. Many of the puppies sold came from parents from Moscow and other well-known nurseries.

In the south of Russia there are also many kennels where East European Shepherd dogs are bred. There are breeders in Sochi; you can buy pretty decent VEO puppies, even from champions with an elite pedigree. But more often there are advertisements for the sale of German and Caucasian Shepherd dogs. The Sochi Kennel Club holds mixed exhibitions.

Despite the breed's formidable past, there are people who doubt: is the East European Shepherd dog suitable as a watchdog? To protect the territory, some people want to adopt a meaner dog with an independent character. But VEO fans are sure: no one can handle the matter better than the calm, vigilant “East”. She acts thoughtfully, which is especially impressive. There is no need to wait for outbreaks of “automatic” aggression, which is present in the character of some other breeds.

A bit of poetry. Exists catchphrase, which happens to sound from the lips of those who have had to deal with human ingratitude, cunning, and adventurism. Recognizing their surroundings from the bad side, someone once again sighs: “Dogs better than people“They don’t betray.” But these are all emotions. When choosing a nickname for a thoroughbred friend, they are guided not by them, but by specific rules. Although consensus There is no classification of breeds; you cannot call purebreds simply at the behest of your heart.

What can you think of, buddy?

The approach to choosing a nickname for an East European Shepherd is as follows: one litter - one letter at the beginning of the newborns’ nicknames (the full name is made up of letters or syllables borrowed from the “full name” of the ancestors). Consonance with the obligatory factory prefix is ​​required (how people's first and last names are combined). But the essence is not only in the letter. It is recommended to stay on topic. If “natural phenomena” are chosen, Blizzard, Buran are suitable, if the geography is Venice, Palmyra, etc. For boys it is better to choose short and sonorous nicknames, and for girls - magical, musical nicknames. They say this is a special breed of dog. The East European Shepherd even understands the nickname it is called at home. At shows, a clear, “on point” name is a sign that the owner correctly understands the “policy of the canine party and the government.”

In Moscow Lyubertsy there is a public club for animal lovers “Maximus”. The East European Shepherd is a constant participant in the traditional Charity Exhibition “My Shepherd”. The event is attended by German, Central Asian breeds, represented by different cynological federations. The collection goes to help and support dogs in trouble. During the exhibition, animals left without owners often find another family. The breeding prefix “Maximus” contains the passport data of many eminent VEOs, who confidently won not only all-Russian, but also international competitions.

You can purposefully purchase and simply accept puppies and adults as gifts in St. Petersburg. The East European Shepherd is in good hands by those who leave the country or move (there are many reasons). As mentioned above, for the most part These are mestizos or old, sick animals. But those who dare and take them into their home love four-legged friends with difficult fate no less than prosperous purebreds, receiving in return boundless devotion.

One of the few dog breeds bred in our country at one time is the European Shepherd. Today this is an example of a classic. She can often be found next to a policeman or military man; she performs excellent guard duty and is an incorruptible watchman, loyal to only one owner.

Breed Features

Representatives of this breed are distinguished by physical endurance, strength combined with elegance and nobility.

They attract the attention of dog breeders primarily with their working qualities. They are usually used for patrol duty and security. The special physique of the European Shepherd allows it to work productively both in the harsh Russian winter and in the sultry desert.

History of the breed

It was bred from a breed of German shepherds brought to Russia at the beginning of the last century. Then selection work began, as a result of which the first lines of the dog breed were created, which quickly gained recognition as a service dog. From the German Shepherd these dogs received most of their positive qualities. Therefore, one of its types for a long time was considered an East European Shepherd. Photos and descriptions of dogs of these breeds are quite similar. Only in 1964, Soviet cynologists determined the first standards for the European Shepherd and it was recognized as a separate breed.


The European Shepherd is a brave, courageous dog that is both very attentive and balanced. Remaining outwardly calm, she constantly keeps her surroundings under control. This dog is owner-oriented, it gives her great pleasure to serve, follow commands, and is very easy to train. Wariness towards to strangers combined with the absence of causeless aggression. The Shepherd is confident in itself and will never raise the alarm unless there is a special reason for it.

This serious dog, requiring an appropriate approach to education from a very early age. At proper training Even a child can easily handle it. The Shepherd never demonstrates its strength; it plays very carefully, trying not to cause harm.

Dogs of this breed need exercise. They need them for the development of intellectual and physical abilities. That's why an important condition Maintaining a dog like a European Shepherd requires visiting training grounds or taking active, long walks.

Description of the breed

Unlike the German Shepherd, these dogs are larger. The height at the withers is 66-76 cm in males and 61-66 cm in females. Case length more height dogs by 12-15 percent. The short and wide loin blends smoothly into the croup. The withers and croup should be at the same level when trotting. The head is massive, slightly elongated, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly defined. The nose should be black. Medium size The ears are set high, have a wide base and tips directed upward and forward. The strong, muscular neck is at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the line of the back. The saber-shaped tail is carried downwards calm state and slightly raised, as if continuing the line of the back, if the dog is excited.

Strong shoulders with a well-defined scapulohumeral angle and well developed. The forelimbs, when viewed from the front, are parallel to each other. Muscular hind limbs placed obliquely.

The color may vary among representatives of a breed such as the European Shepherd. Photos of black and black dogs can be found especially often. Zone colors are also allowed - red, gray. The coat is harsh to the touch, dense, of medium length, slightly shorter on the head and paws. It protects the dog from cold and overheating thanks to its well-developed undercoat, which has a lighter shade.

Disqualifying faults

A serious fault that disqualifies a dog and excludes it from breeding is unilateral or complete cryptorchidism. Representatives of the breed that have a tail that is too short or curved into a ring, with a nose that is not black, but of some other color, are not allowed for breeding, bright eyes, undershot or overshot, missing one of the fangs.

Other deviations from the standard also significantly reduce the quality of the dog: loose build, weak muscles, too long wool, curvature of the limbs, black and white color combined with red tan.

Is service dog, therefore, its character and behavior must correspond to the requirements that apply to this breed. Unprovoked aggression, hysteria, cowardly, indifferent or too fussy behavior of a dog is grounds for disqualification.

and content features

The European Shepherd is considered one of the most... unpretentious breeds. Therefore, caring for her is completely easy. During the molting period, the animal needs careful combing. You should periodically examine your pet's eyes, ears and paws, not forgetting hygiene procedures. You should only wash your dog when necessary. It is important to provide with essential vitamins and minerals. The dog should always have free access to water and the opportunity to hide from direct sunlight.

Animals are perfect for keeping both outdoors and in apartments. Considering that the breed was bred as a working breed, the main thing for these dogs is regular physical activity, jogging, training and just communication. If there is a sufficient amount of time for walks and activities, then not only experienced owners, but also novice dog breeders. Owner-oriented, unpretentious and high degree learning ability contribute to the creation of a real owner-dog tandem.

European Shepherd puppies

You should approach the issue of choosing a puppy very responsibly if you plan to participate in exhibitions and breed the breed in the future. It is first recommended to study information on nurseries, individual breeders, and visit several exhibitions where you can see what requirements apply to a breed such as the European Shepherd. Photos in magazines, which are sometimes used to choose the parents of their future dog, do not provide any guarantee of getting good offspring. If it is not possible to see them live, then it is worth looking at at least the older brothers and sisters from previous litters.

From the first days, the puppy becomes a very devoted member of the family, becoming attached to the owner and happily communicating with children. He requires a lot of attention. You must first adhere to the diet that was in the breeder’s house where the dog was purchased. This will help avoid stomach upset. It is imperative to ensure that the puppy receives everything essential vitamins and In combination with active activities and walks on fresh air this will allow him to remain healthy and cheerful.


This breed is different good health, so there are no special problems here. In order to prevent bites from blood-sucking insects, which are very often carriers of any infection, it is necessary to treat them with special preparations for dogs and regularly check them with a veterinarian.

The European Shepherd is a working dog with a great need for physical activity. This breed should not be owned by very busy people who do not have enough free time for walks and activities.