What is the danger of removing the thyroid gland. Strange symptoms after thyroid removal Sore throat after thyroid removal

As you know, the thyroid gland is endocrine organ, thanks to the hormones of which everything metabolic processes our body is under control. The thyroid gland itself is similar to a butterfly in shape, weighs some 15-20 grams and is located in the middle third of the front surface of the neck. If this tiny organ is working normally, then we don’t even remember about it, much more trouble with the same gastritis - it hurts! But what to do in the case when the thyroid gland went haywire? “Of course, go to the doctor!” - you will say, but what to expect if you have already been to several specialists and have even undergone surgery. So removing thyroid gland: consequences, treatment and rehabilitation - the topic of our conversation today.

Some statistics

  • Diseases of the thyroid gland in our country are not uncommon, and, according to various sources, their prevalence in the population is 30-50%.
  • The representative of the beautiful half of our population is 20 times more likely to find nodes in this part of the body human body than in men.
  • 95% of focal formations in the thyroid gland are benign.

Surgical treatment of thyroid diseases is necessary:

  1. in the treatment of thyroid cancer - the entire organ is removed (total thyroidectomy);
  2. when an enlarged thyroid gland (single or multiple nodes) creates cosmetic problems, makes breathing or swallowing difficult - removal of thyroid nodes (resection of the thyroid lobe);
  3. as a way to treat thyrotoxicosis - the volume of the operation is determined individually.

NB! If you have colloid cysts and knots even big size, they should not be operated on if their good quality is proven, and they do not cause you any inconvenience. In such cases, it may be worth using iodine therapy.

To date, the list of indications for surgery to remove the thyroid gland has been significantly reduced compared to previous years, but surgical intervention most often involves the complete removal of the organ. This is due to the fact that after resection ( partial removal) share in this place a dense scar is formed, which, if necessary, reoperation may cause further complications.

What to expect after surgery?

Thyroidectomy (removal of the thyroid gland) complex operation, but it can also have complications and some consequences. They are connected with the fact that this organ is very well supplied with blood, and the recurrent laryngeal nerve passes along its back wall and the parathyroid glands are located. What are the consequences of removing the thyroid gland with a small degree of probability can be expected:

  1. Destruction or damage parathyroid glands.


  • feeling of numbness and tingling around the lips, hands and feet;
  • severe headaches;
  • muscle spasms and cramps;
  • anxiety;
  • depression;


  • the appointment of drugs containing calcium and vitamin D3. ;
  • Recurrent nerve injury.


    • with unilateral damage, the consequences are as follows: coarsening of the voice or its weakening, up to a whisper, usually disappears within 2 weeks to a month, but can persist for longer, and if the nerve has been crossed, then the help of specialists may be required to restore the voice;
    • with bilateral nerve damage, breathing is difficult, up to the complete inability to inhale, in such cases the doctor makes an additional hole in the trachea - a tracheostomy. Through it, a person will be able to breathe until the function of the recurrent nerve is restored.


    • B vitamins, prozerin.
    • You may need specific rehabilitation and/or plastic surgery of the vocal cords.
  • Postoperative bleeding.


    • cyanosis of the skin in the area of ​​the seam;
    • swelling and thickening of the neck;
    • difficulty breathing.


    • reoperation to find the source of bleeding and stop it/
  • Infection of the postoperative wound.


    • increase in body temperature;
    • swelling and redness of the tissues around the seam;
    • pain.


    • antibiotic therapy:
    • if necessary - evacuation of pus from the wound.
  • But, it is worth noting that the likelihood of these consequences occurring after removal of the thyroid gland in a specialized hospital is extremely small.

    Life after surgery

    The operation to remove the thyroid gland assumes that after a short period of time (usually two to five days) you will be able to leave the hospital. However, since the surgical intervention, your body can no longer produce thyroid hormones on its own, which means that they must be constantly obtained from the outside from the first day, otherwise another may soon occur. pathological condition- hypothyroidism.

    NB! Hypothyroidism is a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones. Accompanied by a whole range of symptoms, including memory impairment, a tendency to depression, weight gain, slowing down heart rate, infertility and others.

    Observation, observation and more observation

    After discharge from the hospital, a trip to the endocrinologist and testing should be planned for the near future. The doctor will examine you, evaluate the results of studies on the content of triiodothyronine and thyroxine in the blood, and, most likely, will adjust the dosage of the medications you are taking.

    NB! It is necessary to visit an endocrinologist at least twice a year, and if your doctor insists on a more frequent visit, be sure to listen to his opinion.

    When the thyroid gland is removed, it is necessary to take for life hormonal preparations but don't let these words terrify you. The endocrinologist will select the dosage for you individually, based on the needs of your body. The drug itself - levothyroxine - is identical to human thyroxin and has exactly the same effects.

    There is no specific diet for thyroidectomy patients. It is enough that the food is balanced in terms of calories and content of vitamins and microelements.

    Myths about hormone replacement therapy

    Many people are even afraid of the phrase “hormone treatment”, they are afraid of the consequences of it. But, believe me, these fears are unfounded. Let's discuss some of them.

    Myth #1

    From taking hormonal drugs, people begin to gain excess weight

    This myth most likely appeared with the first hormonal contraceptives in tablet form, which contained, I'm not afraid of the word, "horse" doses of female sex hormones, and weight gain is one of the consequences of their intake. But do not forget that thyroxine has the opposite effect, which means that you are more likely to gain weight without taking it.

    Myth #2

    My liver can't handle lifelong pills.

    Many people who have undergone thyroidectomy around the world are constantly taking L-thyroxine in various dosages and live completely normal and fulfilling lives.

    Myth #3

    Hair loss from hormonal treatment

    Again, hair is more likely to fall out, become dry and brittle if you do not take the drugs prescribed by the endocrinologist. Violations of the structure and condition of the hair is one of the signs of hypothyroidism.

    Life hasn't stopped

    After a successful removal of the thyroid gland, often no specific rehabilitation is needed. The exception is those cases in which there were serious complications after surgery. There are many examples where women who have experienced in childhood or in young age thyroidectomy, became successful specialists, created families and gave birth to children.

    Surgical removal of this gland usually does not mean disability, since a person does not lose his ability to work and is quite capable of self-care.

    It is worth noting that thyroid cancer, no matter how scary this diagnosis sounds, for the most part recedes with the removal of the affected organ and has the most favorable prognosis of all cancers.

    The thyroid gland ensures the normal functioning of the human body. The peculiarity of the organ is that it does not have excretory ducts. Many severe diseases require removal of the thyroid gland. The consequences of surgery can be very diverse. The specialist must evaluate all aspects and choose from two groups of complications best option. After the elimination of the affected organ, the body tries to rebuild, as a result of which metabolic processes are disturbed, the mental and physical state patient.

    Therapy Methods

    Thyroid dysfunction occurs in many people. Some diseases can be eliminated if treatment is started in time. For example, a slight increase in the size of the body does not mean the need to eliminate the thyroid gland. At mild form ailment, it is advisable to take medicines, whose main task is to restore normal work glands. The likelihood of developing thyroid disease is high in people living in areas with severe iodine deficiency. In this case, it is important to provide the body enough trace element, this will help prevent the development of the disease.

    Possible Complications

    Do not treat yourself. This will not only not lead to improvement, but, on the contrary, will provoke a strong deterioration in the condition. Before taking medications, you should determine the type of disorder and the stage of development of the disease. Folk recipes should not be the main the only way fight the disease. Similar funds should be used in combination and only after consultation with an experienced endocrinologist.

    The most dangerous diseases of the thyroid gland for women, as they are accompanied by other ailments that affect reproductive function. If any changes or negative processes begin, you should consult a doctor to examine the function of the gland. Diseases of the uterus should be a cause for concern, oncological processes etc.

    Any pressing sensations in the neck are also grounds for going to the hospital. As a rule, even a small tumor and tissue growth leads to difficulty in breathing, discomfort when swallowing food. When these signs appear, it is necessary to eliminate the thyroid gland, since a further increase in the neoplasm in the absence of treatment will lead to the development of oncology. BUT cancer cells quite difficult, and sometimes impossible to completely eliminate. The study of biopsy material is carried out in order to exclude the possibility of developing malignant tumor. If the formation is benign, surgery can be postponed for some time. However, you should follow a properly selected diet, lead healthy lifestyle life, eliminate or minimize the impact of harmful factors.

    After thyroid surgery, bleeding may occur and there is a risk of infection. Possible complications due to general anesthesia, the formation of blood clots in the veins, if you remain motionless for a long time.

    Special complications are also characteristic, the most common of which is a change in voice, which can be caused by damage to the external laryngeal nerve or loss of muscle elasticity. The voice may become low, rough, hoarse, lose power. But after a few months he recovers.

    During thyroid surgery, the recurrent nerve of the larynx can be cut, in which case the voice changes become irreversible. In practice, this is rare; to eliminate the problem, a mechanism for implanting Teflon into the larynx is used. This allows you to at least partially restore the voice.

    Very often there is such a complication as the defeat or removal of the parathyroid glands, which are responsible for the production of parathyroid hormone. This substance regulates the content of magnesium and calcium in the blood. In this case, spasms and numbness in the hands and around the mouth are possible. In most cases, this resolves within a couple of days after surgery. If the damage is irreversible, the patient will have to take vitamin D, calcium and magnesium supplements throughout his life.

    After thyroid surgery, the elasticity of the tissues of the neck decreases, so swallowing difficulties, turning the head and stiffness of the neck in general are possible. Headaches are often observed, which are usually associated with strong pressure exerted on the back of the head during the operation.

    Even after removal of the thyroid gland, a normal existence is possible. The difficulty lies in the fact that it is necessary to provide hormonal balance, since after the elimination of this organ, the function is significantly reduced. In the future, it is necessary to constantly take hormonal drugs that will make up for the deficiency and allow full life. In addition, you should regularly visit a specialist. Failure to comply will result in negative consequences. After one month, an underactive thyroid gland will cause sharp deterioration general condition.

    To prevent the occurrence of tumors, it is necessary to create favorable conditions, which will help maintain health and avoid the need further treatment. good remedy is the use iodized salt, iodine preparations, products containing this microelement. It should be noted that drugs high content iodine is contraindicated in people who already have impaired thyroid function. Reception of iodine allows and limits only the attending physician. Increased amount a microelement is necessary for women during pregnancy, since its deficiency negatively affects the development and health of the child.

    Lifestyle after surgery

    First of all, remember that you can not overheat and hypothermia, so you should not spend a lot of time under sunbeams. You will also have to forget about the bath and hot baths. Visits to hot countries are undesirable. AT winter time do not overcool. To do this, you should abandon short jackets, unsuitable shoes with thin soles. your best friends should be woolen socks, a scarf, gloves with fur and a warm hat.

    If possible, protect yourself from stressful situations. Any excitement is contraindicated. If your activity is connected with various experiences, you should think about transferring to another position or changing jobs.

    You need to sleep for at least eight hours. Do not forget to take a warm shower every day in the evenings, after which it is advisable to massage the temples and feet using essential oils. A cool shower will be helpful in the morning.

    You should completely abandon long and heavy physical activity. It is not necessary to completely abandon the sport, pick up those types of it that are not associated with overloading the body.

    Pay increased attention positive emotions which you so desperately need. Watch comedies, read comic magazines, have parties with funny songs, ditties, jokes. Don't forget to train your brain cells. Solving crossword puzzles, memorizing poems, etc. are useful. It is advisable to study foreign languages.

    Name: Svetlana, Latvia

    Question: In February, I was completely removed thyroid gland there was hyperfunction histology showed microcarcinoma in March was irradiated, I take l-thyroxine thyroid-stimulating hormone in May was 7.795 FT4 13.74, I take thyroxine 150 mg 2 days, 200 mg 1 day.

    Now there is a problem with the right eye - everything floats and hurts Right side head and neck. Hormones are monitored by a doctor in the hospital where I underwent radiation iodine.


    So far the level thyroid-stimulating hormone elevated. I would like to see the performance in dynamics.

    What were the results in February? Do you get your hormone levels checked every 2 months?

    May be accompanied by the following symptoms:

    • temperature jumps;
    • tachycardia, anxiety;
    • sleep disturbance, insomnia;
    • increase in appetite;
    • headaches of a spastic nature, which, as I understand it, are observed in you.

    You must understand that your headaches and eye problems may indicate various pathologies, and not necessarily this may be due to the removal of the thyroid gland.

    Have you talked to your doctor about your condition? Such signs are quite dangerous and may indicate the following pathologies:

    • migraine;
    • cervical osteochondrosis;
    • cluster pain;
    • traumatic brain injury;
    • sinusitis;
    • inflammation of the right eye;
    • glaucoma;
    • dysfunction in the temporal mandibular joint;
    • hypertension;
    • brain neoplasms.

    As you can see, there can be a lot of reasons for this condition, so the first thing you should do is to consult a doctor for qualified help.

    First, you should visit a therapist and ophthalmologist to clarify the diagnosis. You will be assigned different types examinations.

    If there are no obvious external ghosts of your condition, then most likely you will have to undergo a CT scan and MRI.

    Be sure to tell the specialists at what time these pains occur, whether they are accompanied by any symptoms, and whether symptomatic treatment helps.

    Unfortunately, until the causes are determined and a diagnosis is made, only symptomatic treatment can be recommended.

    But first of all, what should be done is to improve sleep, if there are problems with it.

    It is better to give up strong caffeinated drinks and smoking. You can replace them with teas from mint, chamomile and thyme.

    Stops attacks of pains massage. But you can also do it on the recommendation of a doctor, since massage is contraindicated in case of injuries.

    With severe and prolonged pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, cerebral hemorrhage is possible, therefore, if such signs occur, doctors should be called immediately.

    Do not forget that such conditions lead to severe stress so it is important to avoid nervous strain and save yourself.

    It is better not to delay identifying the cause of such diseases and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

    Severe thyroid disease requires surgery to remove it (thyroidectomy). Naturally, patients undergoing such a procedure are concerned about questions: how long will you live after the operation, how will your well-being and life change after removal of the thyroid gland?

    Recovery and treatment in the postoperative period

    Rehabilitation after removal of the thyroid gland usually takes two to three weeks. First, pain is felt in the suture area, pain and pulling sensations in the neck postoperative suture swells up. For 2-3 weeks, these phenomena disappear on their own without treatment.

    There is a small scar on the neck modern ways during the operation, it is small in size and does not spoil the appearance - a cosmetic absorbable suture is made. After healing, a narrow strip on the skin usually remains, which is easy to mask if necessary.

    To postoperative wound healed well, it is necessary to take care of the suture, observe the sterility of this area. Suppurations in the neck are dangerous, as they are close important organs: brain, heart, nerve plexuses. If there are no complications, the patient stays in the hospital for an average of 2-3 days, after which he leaves the hospital.

    After excision of the entire gland or part of it, there is a lack of its hormones.

    Therefore, substitution is carried out hormone therapy. AT rehabilitation period injections of levothyroxine. They inhibit the synthesis of TSH so that a TSH-dependent neoplasm does not appear.

    In the future, Levothyroxine is prescribed in the form of tablets that are drunk once a day. It is necessary to take Levothyroxine in the dosage prescribed by the doctor. You cannot increase or decrease it yourself. If the patient has forgotten to take the medicine, do not take two tablets instead of one the next day.

    In addition, therapy radioactive iodine. It is needed to destroy residual thyroid cells, both healthy and tumor cells. Also, radioiodine therapy is carried out when tumor metastases or its recurrence are detected.

    After complete removal thyroid in postoperative period weakness may be felt due to a decrease in calcium in the blood. To return its level to normal, it is important to eat right, calcium supplements are also prescribed.


    Life after thyroid surgery does not differ in significant features or difficulties. You will have to take prescribed drugs for some time or all your life and periodically visit a doctor, but these features do not really affect the quality of life.

    What not to do if thyroid surgery is performed is listed below:

    Each patient who is scheduled for an operation to remove the thyroid gland is interested in the question: how long do they live after it? Long-term studies show that life expectancy after thyroidectomy is not reduced. The absence of the thyroid gland does not affect the life expectancy. An oncological disease, due to which an operation was prescribed, can shorten life expectancy, and this depends on the type of cancer. Most dangerous - medullary carcinoma, after papillary and follicular the patient will live longer.

    After removal of the thyroid gland, if there are no complications, the patient will be on sick leave for 3-4 weeks, and after that he will be able to go to work. At first, his working conditions will be facilitated. After surgery, severe physical work(within a year), strong psycho-emotional stress should be avoided.

    As for nutrition, only liquid food is allowed for the first few days:

    It is forbidden to use

    • fruits;
    • vegetables;
    • dairy products.

    Further, other products are introduced, these should be soft or liquid dishes. Gradually, the person returns to the usual diet. After a thyroidectomy, weight gain is easier, so you need to stick to healthy eating with restriction of animal fats and "fast" carbohydrates.

    You need to get enough protein, eat a variety of vegetables and fruits. Harmful

    • fat meat;
    • fried, smoked dishes;
    • sweets;
    • marinades;
    • salinity;
    • legumes;
    • carbonated drinks.

    If the patient is a vegetarian, then he must inform the doctor about his diet. Soy products can reduce the absorption of Levothyroxine, so its dose is adjusted. The doctor may also prescribe nutritional supplements with iodine, iron, vitamin C and other vitamins and minerals.

    In the human body, the thyroid gland is responsible for the accumulation and storage of iodine, and also produces iodine-containing hormones. Thanks to this, the normal functioning of the body is maintained. The thyroid gland does not have excretory ducts, its secretion of the glands is absorbed into the blood.

    In some diseases that occur in severe and acute form requires surgical removal of the thyroid gland. But the consequences of its removal can be very different, so it is very important to turn to a professional who is able to evaluate all the pros and cons and determine the correct one. medical tactics, since after the removal of this organ, a restructuring occurs in the body, due to which it changes mental condition patient and the passage of metabolic processes. Removal of the thyroid gland is performed according to the following indications:

    malignant tumor;

    cosmetic considerations;

    internal bleeding;

    Impossibility (due to drug intolerance) or ineffectiveness of drug treatment;

    Difficulty in swallowing and breathing.

    Not in all cases it is necessary to completely remove the thyroid gland - if dysfunction is found on early stage, then the violations can be eliminated by taking drugs containing iodine, as well as iodine-containing foods:


    sea ​​kale;

    iodized salt;


    Consequences of removal of the thyroid gland

    Removal of the thyroid gland, like any other surgical intervention, can lead to the appearance of blood clots with prolonged lying down, open wounds, the risk of bleeding and the development of secondary infection.

    The specific consequences of removing the thyroid gland are as follows:

    Job disruption different systems in the body due to the cessation of the production of triiodothyronine and thyroxine;

    Change in voice due to loss of elasticity of the muscles of the larynx or damage to the nerves of the larynx (external or recurrent). The voice may lose power, become low or hoarse. Changes can be like temporary, and irreversible (if the recurrent nerve of the larynx intersects);

    Hypothyroid coma, if hormones are not supplied for a long time;

    Decrease in the elasticity of the tissues of the neck, due to which there is a general stiffness of the neck;

    Spasms and numbness of the hands due to damage or removal of the parathyroid glands. In most cases, this condition does not last long and disappears within a few days after the operation;

    Headaches, especially if during surgical intervention rendered strong pressure to the occipital region.

    In most cases, rehabilitation after surgical removal thyroid gland is successful. Life after thyroid removal naturally changes. After removal of the thyroid gland, hormones must be taken without fail - especially thyroxine. If after the operation there are irreversible changes voices, then Teflon is implanted into the larynx.

    If during surgery the parathyroid glands were damaged and the formation of parathyroid hormones was reduced, it is necessary to take calcium and magnesium supplements, as well as vitamins throughout the rest of your life.

    Disability after removal of the thyroid gland is given only if the operation was performed due to a malignant oncological disease thyroid gland, that is, after cancer treatment.