Cmvi lg g positive titer value. Study preparation

Cytomegalovirus igg (cytomenalovirus infection) ranks first in prevalence among the population. The causative agent of infection is cytomegalovirus (DNA-containing), which belongs to the group of herpesviruses. Once it enters the human body, it remains there forever.

At strong immunity does not pose a danger, since its reproduction is suppressed by antibodies. But when weakened protective functions the virus is activated and can infect internal organs and vital body systems. The causative agent of infection is of particular danger to a pregnant woman and a developing fetus.

Almost 80% of the world's inhabitants are infected with cytomegalovirus. Wherein infected person for a long time may be unaware that he poses a danger to others, as characteristic symptoms disease is absent. The virus can be detected by chance, during a laboratory test (determination of antibodies to cytomegalovirus in the blood).

Cytomegalovirus infection ( cmv) is transmitted only from person to person. The source of infection becomes a patient who is a carrier of the virus, but is unaware of his illness. The virus multiplies and is excreted with biological fluids - blood, saliva, urine, breast milk, semen, vaginal secretion. The main ways of transmission of infection:

  1. airborne;
  2. contact household;
  3. sexual

That is, a healthy person can easily become infected during contact with a sick person, when using some household items with him, through a kiss, sexual contact.

In the process medical manipulations cytomegalovirus is transmitted during the transfusion of infected blood and its components. Infection of a child is possible even in the womb (since the virus passes through the placental barrier), during childbirth and breastfeeding.

The herpes virus cytomegalovirus is of particular danger to patients with HIV infection, cancer patients and people who have undergone organ transplantation.

Symptoms of infection

At healthy people with strong immunity, even after infection with cmv , there are no visible symptoms. In the rest, after the expiration of the incubation period (which can be up to 60 days), there are manifestations similar to Infectious mononucleosis which often makes diagnosis difficult.

The patient complains of prolonged fever (within 4-6 weeks), sore throat, weakness, articular and muscle pain, liquid stool. But more often, the infection is asymptomatic and manifests itself only during a period of weakened immunity, which may be associated with pregnancy in women, severe chronic diseases or old age.

severe forms cytomegalovirus infection accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • the appearance of a rash;
  • enlargement and soreness of the lymph nodes (submandibular, cervical, parotid);
  • sore throat (pharyngitis).

Further progression of the infection provokes damage to internal organs (liver, lungs, heart), nervous, genitourinary, reproductive system person. Women have gynecological problems(colpitis, vulvovaginitis, inflammation and erosion of the cervix and body of the uterus). In men inflammatory process captures urethra and spread to the testicles.

At the same time, the body's immune system tries to fight the virus in the blood, produces antibodies and gradually “drives” the pathogen into salivary glands and kidney tissue, where it is in a latent (sleeping) state until favorable conditions arise for its activation.

When asked whether cytomegalovurus infection can be cured, experts answer in the negative. If the virus enters the body, it remains in it for life. It may not manifest itself in any way with strong immunity, but this means that it is only in a latent state and with favorable conditions can “wake up” at any moment and begin its destructive activity.

At the current stage of development of medicine, get rid of cytomegalovirus existing methods impossible, since the pathogen remains inside the cells and multiplies with the help of DNA replication.

Cytomegalovirus during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the risk of complications increases depending on the type of cytomegalovirus present in the body. At primary infection the consequences of the disease are much more severe than with cmv reactivation. Women during pregnancy make up special group risk.

During this period, they are especially vulnerable due to the physiological decline in immunity. Cytomegalovirus can provoke obstetric pathologies. So, if infection occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, then 15% of women have a spontaneous miscarriage.

During primary infection, infection of the fetus occurs in 40-50% of cases, since the virus accumulates in the placental tissues and penetrates through the placenta to the embryo. This may lead to various anomalies and fetal developmental abnormalities. With intrauterine infection, the following external manifestations are noted;

  1. enlargement of the liver and spleen;
  2. disproportionate small head;
  3. accumulation of fluid in the abdominal and thoracic cavities.

If a woman has antibodies to cytomegalovirus, you should not plan a pregnancy until the course of conservative drug therapy and laboratory tests will not confirm the normalization of the antibody titer.

Cytomegalovirus igg in children

Congenital cytomegalovirus infection in children develops even in the prenatal period, when the virus is transmitted from the carrier mother. In the early stages of life, this type of infection usually does not show severe symptoms, but later it can lead to serious complications:

  • hearing problems (hard of hearing, deafness);
  • the occurrence of seizures;
  • violation of intelligence, speech, mental retardation;
  • eye damage and total blindness.

Acquired CMVI (cytomegalovirus infection) becomes the result of infection of the child from the mother during childbirth and breastfeeding, upon contact with a carrier from among the medical personnel.

The risk of infection in children increases dramatically with age, especially during periods when the baby joins the children's team and begins to visit Kindergarten and school. In children, the manifestations of cytomegalovirus look like an acute form of SARS, as it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • runny nose appears;
  • the temperature rises;
  • enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • noted profuse salivation and swelling salivary glands;
  • the child complains of weakness, muscle pain, chills, headache;
  • stool disorders (alternating constipation and diarrhea) are noted;
  • the liver and spleen increase in size.

Based on this clinical picture, put correct diagnosis impossible. To identify the pathogen, laboratory research methods are needed that allow the detection of antibodies to the virus and the virus itself in the blood.

What tests should be done to check for infection?

The human immune system begins to produce antibodies to the virus immediately after it enters the body. A number of laboratory tests make it possible to immunologically determine these antibodies and thus understand whether an infection has occurred or not.

Specific antibodies after infection are produced in a certain concentration (titers). The so-called IgM antibodies are formed approximately 7 weeks after infection during the most intensive reproduction of the virus. But over time, they disappear, moreover, these antibodies are also determined when infected with other types of viruses (for example, toxoplasmosis).

IgM antibodies are fast immunoglobulins, they are large in size, but are not able to retain immunological memory, therefore, after their death, protection against the virus disappears after a few months.

More exact result gives an analysis for Igg antibodies, which do not disappear after infection, but accumulate throughout life, which suggests the presence of a cytomegalovirus infection. They appear in the blood within 1-2 weeks after infection and are able to maintain immunity against a certain type of virus throughout life.

In addition, there are several more methods used to detect cytomegalovirus:

  1. ELISA method - immunological study, in which traces of cytomegalovirus are found in biological material.
  2. PCR method - allows you to determine the causative agent of infection in the DNA of the virus. It is considered one of the most accurate analyzes, allowing you to quickly get the most reliable result.

To determine CMVI, they often resort to virological method, which is based on the determination of IgG antibodies in blood serum.

The norm of cytomegaloviruses in the blood and decoding of the analysis

Normal levels of virus in the blood depend on the gender of the patient. So, in women, the rate of 0.7-2.8 g / l is considered the norm, in men - 0.6 -2.5 g / l. The rate of cytomegalovirus in the blood of a child is determined taking into account the amount of immunoglobulins to the virus when diluted in the blood serum. Normal indicator a level of less than 0.5 g/l is considered. If the indicators are higher, then the analysis is considered positive.

  1. Cytomegalovirus igg positive- what does it mean? Positive result indicates that the infection is present in the body. If the result of the analysis for the determination of IgM antibodies is also positive, this indicates acute stage diseases. But if the IgM test is negative, this is evidence that the body has developed immunity to the virus.
  2. Negative analysis for cytomegalovirus igg and IgM indicates that a person has never encountered such an infection and has no immunity to the virus. But if the test for igg is negative, and for IgM it is positive, it's time to sound the alarm, since such a result is evidence of a recent infection and the onset of the disease.

The avidity of igg antibodies to the virus is determined by laboratory research biological material patient. It is this indicator that gives an idea to specialists about the degree of infection of the patient's body. The breakdown of the analysis is as follows:

  1. With a recent primary infection, the number of detected antibodies does not exceed 50% (low avidity).
  2. With indicators from 50 to 60% (medium avidity), a second pass is required laboratory examination to clarify the diagnosis, which is carried out a few weeks after the first.
  3. On the chronic form cytomegalovirus infection, accompanied by active production of antibodies, indicates an indicator of more than 60% (high avidity).

Only a specialist can decipher the results of the analyzes. When analyzing the data obtained as a result of the study, the doctor takes into account certain nuances (age and gender of the patient), after which he gives necessary recommendations and, if necessary, prescribes a course of treatment.


Cytomegalovirus infection in a latent variant does not require therapeutic measures. In other cases, the course of therapy is based on the use antiviral agents and immunomodulators. All appointments must be made by a specialist.

Specific immunoglobulins used in the course of treatment contain up to 60% of antibodies to cytomegalovirus. The drugs are administered intravenously exceptional cases it is possible to administer immunoglobulin intramuscularly, but this significantly reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

Nonspecific immunoglobulins are usually prescribed to prevent CMVI in people with immunodeficiency states. During pregnancy, immunoglobulin is also the drug of choice, and the risk of fetal damage in this case directly depends on the amount of antibodies to the virus in the woman's blood.

Since it is impossible to completely get rid of cytomegalovirus, the task complex treatment is recovery defensive forces organism. Complements therapy good nutrition taking vitamins and healthy lifestyle life.

Watch the video where Malysheva talks in detail about the treatment and prevention of Cytomegalovirus:

Analysis of IgG and IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus helps to understand in time the cause of many diseases provoked by the virus. Cytomegalovirus is a virus related to herpesvirus that causes infection cytomegaly. This disease is present in most of the world's population and is mostly asymptomatic.

Is the virus dangerous?

Although the human herpesvirus type 5 virus does not cause serious problems with health, CMV may exacerbate some chronic diseases. CMV carries a particular danger for women during pregnancy, as it can adversely affect the development of the fetus in the prenatal period and on the baby after birth. For the timely detection of the disease and the provision of proper therapy, it is recommended to conduct a blood test for cytomegalovirus during pregnancy planning and during it, as well as for people who have problems with the immune system. Early diagnosis allows you to effectively and quickly stop the development of the virus in the body, preventing it from causing particular harm to health.

Blood test for CMV - what is it?

As diagnostic method detection of CMV in the blood, several types of studies can be used, but the most effective and common is linked immunosorbent assay(IFA). This type of diagnosis makes it possible to evaluate quantitative and specific antibodies (immunoglobulins) characteristic of cytomegalovirus, and on the basis of the data obtained, conclusions can be drawn about the presence or absence of immunity in the body to pathogenic agent. Enzyme immunoassay is accurate, fast and widely available.

Antibodies to TsVM

When active restructuring begins immune system. The duration of the incubation period is 15-90 days, depending on the initial state of human immunity. This infection does not leave the body, that is, it remains in it forever. The virus makes the body's immunity unstable, reducing it, and this can only mean one thing - Negative influence on the general state human health and the likelihood of secondary infection with viruses or other types of infections. As a result defensive reaction immune system to the actions of CMV, specific immunoglobulins of two classes IgG and IgM are produced.

Antibodies in the blood to cytomegalovirus are active proteins that bind and neutralize virus particles.

Immunoglobulins of the igg type to cytomegalovirus in the patient's blood may indicate ongoing or past CMVI. IgM antibodies to CMV are produced by the infected organism 4-7 weeks after infection and remain in the blood for the next 4-5 months. If these components are found in the blood (the answer of the analysis is “positive”), then the infection is currently occurring in the body or there was a recent, primary infection. With the development of the virus in the body, IgM indicators decrease, which means the state of the norm and the transition of the disease to latency period, but at the same time, the indicators of IgG immunoglobulins with a positive value increase.

With a long-term development of a viral infection of the human body, igg-class immunoglobulins gradually decrease, but do not disappear completely, and antibodies to CMV proteins remain active throughout life. When the virus is reactivated, which may occur due to a significant decrease in immunity, IgG levels increase again, but do not reach high values as in the case of primary infection.

IgG and IgM analyzes what is the difference

When receiving answers as a result of the study of ELISA to cytomegalovirus, it is necessary to know the differences between the two classes of antibodies IgG and IgM.

So, IgM is a fast immunoglobulin, which is of considerable size and is produced by the body in order to respond to the development of the virus in the body as soon as possible. But at the same time, IgM is not able to form a memory of the immune system to the virus, which means that after 4-5 months, active protection against cytomegalovirus disappears.

Antibodies of the IgG class appear when CMV activity decreases, and are cloned by the body to provide lifelong immunity to the virus. They are smaller than class M immunoglobulins and are produced later than them, as a rule, after the active phase of cytomegalic suppression, for example, igg antibodies themselves. This means that if there are immunoglobulins of a specific type IgM in the blood, then the body is affected by the virus relatively recently and possibly in this moment infection occurs in acute form. To specify the answer, it is necessary to carry out additional research CMVI by other methods.

Cytomegalovirus IgG positive

If the result of igg to CMVI is positive, we can safely say that the body has already had an infection and has developed special immunity to it in the form of immunoglobulins that protect a person for life from re-infection.

To put it simply, for people who are not immunocompromised, such results are the most acceptable of all possible, since a negative answer in this case means that the person does not have immunity to CMV and can become infected with the disease at any time. This shows that a positive ELISA response to igg to cytomegalovirus indicates a successfully transferred infection at least a month ago.

A positive result can be considered favorable in the absence of special conditions of the patient and abnormalities in the immune system. For example, for women who are planning or are pregnant, people planning to undergo organ transplants or undergo chemotherapy, a positive igg count of cytomegalovirus in the blood can provoke the re-development of cytomegalovirus in the body and lead to a number of unwanted consequences for the patient in terms of his health.

The results of the analysis for cytomegalovirus transcript

To decipher the enzyme immunoassay, the reference values ​​taken to determine the amount of antibodies in each individual laboratory are taken into account. They, as a rule, must be indicated on the forms with the answers of all studies, for the interpretation of the final data by the attending physician.

Specific immunoglobulins of the IgM type identified as a result of diagnostics indicate a current infection in acute period primary infection, or about its recent completion.

In the absence of concomitant symptoms, it can be assumed that the body easily tolerated cytomegaly, and CMV no longer poses a danger to the body.

Titers (indicators of the amount of antibodies in the blood) igg s high rates, for example, igg results to CMV more than 250 or found igg above 140, then this means that there is no dangerous state for the body. If during the diagnosis exclusively igg class immunoglobulins are determined, this indicates the likelihood of contact of the organism with CMV in the past and the absence of an acute course in the present. From this it can be judged that single igg indicators indicate that a person is a carrier of cytomegalovirus.

In order to accurately determine the stage of CMV, it is necessary to assess the level of avidity of immunoglobulins of the igg class. If the indicators give low avid indicators, this means primary infection, while high avid ones are in the blood of the carrier throughout his life. During the reactivation of chronic cytomegalovirus in the body, immunoglobulins G also have high avidity.

Avidity of antibodies to cytomegalovirus

Antibody avidity is an indicator of the ability of immunoglobulins to bind to free proteins of the virus for its further suppression, that is, it is the strength of their connection with each other.

In the initial stages of cytomegaly, IgG antibodies have low avidity, that is, a small connection with the proteins of the virus. With the development of CMV and the response of the immune system, igg avidity indicators increase and the indicator becomes positive.

The connection of a protein with antibodies in the study is evaluated using calculated indicators - the avidity index, which is the ratio of the results of the concentration of immunoglobulins G with treatment with special active solutions to the result of the concentration of the same immunoglobulin igg without treatment.

Cytomegalovirus IgG positive in pregnancy

Separate coverage is required for results with a "positive" enzyme immunoassay for the presence of antibodies to. At the same time, the timing of pregnancy during which these studies were carried out is of particular importance.

If a woman has a positive result with highly avid indicators in the analysis for a period of more than 4 weeks of pregnancy, then such an answer can be interpreted ambiguously and require additional, more specific studies. After all, infection could have taken place both a year ago and several weeks ago, which in the latter case is fraught with serious consequences for the fetus. negative consequences. But at the same time, if the titer is high with a positive response to CMV, then such a result may indicate a suppressed infection in the body and no danger to the fetus and unborn baby.

It belongs to the herpesvirus family. Cytomegalovirus IgM is characterized by a variety of clinical manifestations. Cytomegalovirus IgM can be attributed to the so-called. opportunistic infections.

Cytomegalovirus IgM - how does the infection develop?

Antibodies belonging to the lgM class against cytomegalovirus IgM arise from the first or second week after infection and can persist for about ten months in case of primary infection.

In the case of reactivation of the process, the duration of these antibodies is directly dependent on the activity of virus replication and the state of human immunity. In children in early age, pregnant women, and in severe cytomegalovirus infection, the production of these antibodies is slow, which may eventually lead to the determination of a reduced concentration or the absence of an increase in the level of lgM.

How is the cytomegalovirus IgM analysis deciphered?

The titer of IgM antibodies against cytomegalovirus IgM is an important indicator of the activity of the process and indicates the primary infection with this virus, the reactivation of persistent and latent cytomegalovirus infection. The method for determining IgM antibodies against cytomegalovirus IgM is enzyme immunoassay.

Possible Cytomegalovirus IgM Test Results

Concerning normal result analysis for lgM antibodies in cytomegalovirus, then:

Doubtful: 0.9 -1.1 S/CO;

Negative:< -0,9 S/CO;

Positive: > 1.1 S/CO.

How is a cytomegalovirus IgM test performed?

The material for analysis for IgM antibodies against cytomegalovirus is blood serum in an amount of 1 ml.

The storage conditions are:< суток при temperature conditions 2-8 degrees; > days at a temperature of 20 degrees.

Blood sampling is carried out in a vacuum system in which there is no anticoagulant or there is a coagulation activator. Whole blood must be delivered to the laboratory within two hours at a temperature of 2-8 degrees.

Before testing for IgM antibodies to cytomegalovirus IgM, on the eve of the study, it is necessary to exclude all fatty foods from consumption. There are no factors that affect the result of the analysis of IgM antibodies against cytomegalovirus.

Now consider the decoding of the analysis for cytomegalovirus lgM

Positive for cytomegalovirus IgM: primary infection or reactivation of persistent and latent infection, cytomegalovirus infection, probably intrauterine infection fetus.

Negative result: no infection with this virus, chronic infection, the first day after infection.

Cytomegalovirus infection is a disease viral etiology directly related to the herpes family. In the event that this disease is in active phase, then it is characterized by the inflammatory process of the salivary glands. and is transmitted by the placental route during pregnancy, contact and sexual routes, as well as through kissing, during blood transfusions and organ transplants.

In medical practice there are also cases of infection of the fetus after passage through birth canal. In some cases, an asymptomatic course of the disease has been observed during infection. As for external signs, the infection is similar to herpetic eruptions on the surface of the skin.

In addition, patients may have an increase in body temperature. The duration of the course of the disease depends on its severity, the state of the body as a whole and the immune system. If the disease is not exposed timely treatment, then serious complications may develop. The infection has the peculiarity of manifesting itself not only externally, but also affecting internal organs, as well as affecting the state of the nervous system.

This disease is especially insidious, manifested in latent form. The danger lies in the fact that an infected person does not feel signs of the disease, as a result of which it is not possible to take timely action. necessary measures. In addition to the source of infection, reduced immunity can contribute to infection, as well as the presence of concomitant colds.

During the diagnosis under a microscope, the affected areas on the cellular level. It should be noted that this disease is quite common in almost all countries and is characterized by alternating remissions when the virus is dormant in the body and acute recurrent manifestations.

Testing for cytomegalovirus

Holding IgG analysis for cytomegalovirus is performed in order to search for specific ones. If we consider the meaning of IgG, deciphering the Latin characters to understand what does it mean, then it is possible to find the following:

  • Ig stands for immunoglobulin, which is nothing more than a protective protein compound that can destroy the virus and is produced by the immune system;
  • G is one of the classes of immunoglobulins.

In the case when a person is not infected and has never had this infection, then his body does not yet produce antibodies. If the virus is present in the body and CMV igg is positive, then the person is infected.

In this scenario, it is very important to understand how immunoglobulins G and M differ.

IgM - are rapidly forming immunoglobulins produced by the body for the initial response to infection.

IgG - antibody colonies, the formation of which occurs somewhat later. However, they have the ability to maintain the immune system at a certain level for life.

"Am to cytomegalovirus igg positive" is the wording good result analyzes, which suggests that a person has already had time to get sick with this disease and a persistently formed immunity acts as a response to the pathogen.

Cytomegalovirus igg positive

The fact that the infection is progressing in a person is evidenced by the result of the analysis, according to which it is possible to trace that cytomegalovirus igg is positive, igm negative indicates that genetic material is not contained in the blood samples studied, therefore, there is no disease.

In addition, at positive reaction and in the presence of a low IgG index we are talking specifically about the primary infection, the time of the virus in which is no more than 4 months.

To finally make sure that infection is taking place, the patient is prescribed special studies, the main purpose of which is to detect antibodies in the blood. At this stage, one of the modern methods is PCR.

After infection comes incubation period, which can vary from 15 to 60 days. It depends on which age category refers to the person as well as from physiological characteristics his body. Immunity in any scenario is quite weak and does not differ in particular resistance. The role of the protective reaction is due to the formation of antibodies of the IgM and IgG classes that inhibit replication at the cellular level.

The degree of disease activity is determined by the quantitative indicator of IgM, which allows a more accurate diagnosis. The reaction slows down with complex manifestations of this disease, accompanied by severe course. Most often this applies to children, pregnant women and people with low immunity.

Positive cytomegalovirus in pregnant women

If a iggpositive in pregnancy, then there is a certain probability of transmission of infection to the fetus. Based on the results of specially conducted tests, by which it is possible to determine at what stage the disease is, the doctor decides on the appointment of therapeutic measures.

The presence of specific IgG indicates that the expectant mother has a functioning immune system, which characterizes the situation as positive. Since otherwise it can be stated that the infection occurred for the first time and it was during pregnancy. As for the fetus, it is most likely that the disease also affected him.

Positive cytomegalovirus in children

can be expressed in two forms:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

The degree of its manifestation depends on the form of the disease, as well as the general clinical picture. The infection enters the fetus through the placenta. In the case when infection occurred during pregnancy, then in the woman's body there is a lack of antibodies designed to fight the manifestations of this disease.

Cytomegalovirus igg positive in a child often manifests itself immediately after birth, which can be infected not only in utero, but also at the time of passage through the birth canal.

Symptoms of cytomegalovirus in newborns are expressed in lethargy, decreased appetite, insufficient sleep and moodiness. Their body temperature often rises, diarrhea may appear, accompanied by constipation, the urine darkens, and the feces, on the contrary, become light.

At the same time, rashes are found on the upper layer of the skin along outward signs resembling herpetic manifestations. In almost every case, these children have an enlarged liver and spleen.

The acquired form manifests itself in malaise, weakness, squalor, apathetic mood and a number of other similar symptoms, accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Sometimes there may be a violation of the stool, chills, fever, increase The lymph nodes and almonds.

Who said that curing herpes is difficult?

  • Do you suffer from itching and burning in the places of rashes?
  • The sight of blisters does not at all add to your self-confidence ...
  • And somehow ashamed, especially if you suffer from genital herpes ...
  • And for some reason, ointments and medicines recommended by doctors are not effective in your case ...
  • In addition, constant relapses have already firmly entered your life ...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will help you get rid of herpes!
  • There is an effective remedy for herpes. and find out how Elena Makarenko cured herself of genital herpes in 3 days!

Cytomegalovirus, IgG

Antibodies of the IgG class to cytomegalovirus are specific immunoglobulins produced in the human body during the period of pronounced clinical manifestations of cytomegalovirus infection and are a serological marker of this disease, as well as past cytomegalovirus infection.

Russian synonyms

Antibodies of the IgG class to cytomegalovirus (CMV).

English synonyms

Anti-CMV-IgG, CMV Antibody, IgG.

Research method

Electrochemiluminescent immunoassay (ECLIA).


U / ml (unit per milliliter).

What biomaterial can be used for research?

Venous, capillary blood.

How to properly prepare for research?

Do not smoke for 30 minutes prior to the study.

General information about the study

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) belongs to the herpes virus family. Just like other representatives of this group, it can persist in a person for a lifetime. In healthy people with normal immunity, the primary infection is uncomplicated (and often asymptomatic). However, cytomegalovirus is dangerous during pregnancy (for a child) and with immunodeficiency.

Cytomegalovirus can be transmitted through various biological fluids: saliva, urine, semen, blood. In addition, it is transmitted from mother to child (during pregnancy, childbirth or while feeding).

As a rule, cytomegalovirus infection is asymptomatic. Sometimes the disease resembles infectious mononucleosis: the temperature rises, the throat hurts, the lymph nodes increase. In the future, the virus remains inside the cells in an inactive state, but if the body is weakened, it will begin to multiply again.

It is important for a woman to know if she has been infected with CMV in the past, because this is what determines whether there is a risk of pregnancy complications. If it has already been infected before, then the risk is minimal. May worsen during pregnancy old infection, however, this form usually does not cause severe consequences.

If a woman has not yet had CMV, then she is at risk and should be given Special attention CMV prevention. It is the infection that the mother contracted for the first time during pregnancy that is dangerous for the child.

With a primary infection in a pregnant woman, the virus often enters the child's body. This does not mean that he will get sick. As a rule, CMV infection is asymptomatic. However, in about 10% of cases, it leads to congenital pathologies: microcephaly, cerebral calcification, rash and enlargement of the spleen and liver. This is often accompanied by a decrease in intelligence and deafness, even death is possible.

Thus, it is important for the expectant mother to know if she has been infected with CMV in the past. If yes, then the risk of complications due to possible CMV becomes negligible. If not, you need to be especially careful during pregnancy:

  • avoid unprotected sex
  • do not come into contact with the saliva of another person (do not kiss, do not share utensils, toothbrushes, etc.),
  • observe hygiene rules when playing with children (wash hands if saliva or urine gets on them),
  • take an analysis for CMV with signs of general malaise.

In addition, cytomegalovirus is dangerous when the immune system is weakened (for example, due to immunosuppressants or HIV). In AIDS, CMV is severe and is common cause death of patients.

The main symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection:

  • inflammation of the retina (which can lead to blindness),
  • colitis (inflammation of the colon),
  • esophagitis (inflammation of the esophagus),
  • neurological disorders (encephalitis, etc.).

Antibody production is one way to fight viral infection. There are several classes of antibodies (IgG, IgM, IgA, etc.).

Class G antibodies (IgG) are present in the blood in most(compared to other types of immunoglobulins). In primary infection, their levels increase in the first weeks after infection and may then remain high for years.

In addition to quantity, IgG avidity is also often determined - the strength with which the antibody binds to the antigen. The higher the avidity, the stronger and faster the antibodies bind viral proteins. When a person is first infected with CMV, their IgG antibodies have low avidity, then (after three months) it becomes high. IgG avidity measures how long ago the initial CMV infection occurred.

What is research used for?

  • To determine if a person has been infected with CMV in the past.
  • For the diagnosis of cytomegalovirus infection.
  • To establish the causative agent of the disease, which is similar to cytomegalovirus infection.

When is the study scheduled?

  • During pregnancy (or when planning it) - to assess the risk of complications ( verification study), with symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection, with violations in the fetus according to the results of ultrasound.
  • For symptoms of cytomegalovirus infection in immunocompromised people.
  • With symptoms of mononucleosis (if the tests did not reveal the Epstein-Barr virus).

What do the results mean?

Reference values

Concentration: 0 - 0.5 U / ml.

Result: negative.

Negative pregnancy result

  • A woman has not been infected with CMV before - there is a risk of acquiring a primary CMV infection. However, if no more than 2-3 weeks have passed since the moment of infection, then IgG might not have appeared yet. To exclude this option, you need to pass the analysis again after 2 weeks.

Positive before pregnancy

  • The woman has already been infected with CMV in the past - the risk of complications is minimal.

Positive result during pregnancy

  • It is impossible to draw an unambiguous conclusion. It is possible that CMV entered the body before pregnancy. But it is possible that the woman became infected recently, at the beginning of pregnancy (a few weeks before the test). This option is dangerous for the child. For accurate diagnosis results of other analyzes are needed (see table).

When trying to identify the causative agent of an unknown disease, a single IgG test provides little information. It is necessary to take into account the results of all analyzes.

Test results in different situations

Primary infection

Exacerbation of an old infection

CMV in a latent state (the person has been infected in the past)

The person is not infected with CMV

Test results

IgG: the first 1-2 weeks are absent, then their number increases.

IgM: yes (high level).

IgG avidity: low.

IgG: yes (number increases).

IgM: yes (low level).

IgG avidity: high.

IgG: present at a constant level.

IgM: usually not.

IgG avidity: high.

Important Notes

  • Sometimes you need to find out if a newborn baby is infected with cytomegalovirus. However, the analysis for IgG in this case is not informative. IgG can cross the placental barrier, so if the mother has antibodies, then the baby will also have them.
  • What is reinfection? In nature, there are several varieties of CMV, so it is possible that a person already infected with one type of virus becomes infected again with another.

Who orders the study?

Doctor general practice, therapist, infectious disease specialist, gynecologist.


  • Adler S. P. Screening for cytomegalovirus during Pregnancy. Infect Dis Obstet Gynecol. 2011:1-9.
  • Goldman's Cecil Medicine. 24th ed. Goldman L, Schafer A.I., eds. Saunders Elsevier; 2011.
  • Lazzarotto T. et al. Why is cytomegalovirus the most frequent cause of congenital infection? Expert Rev Anti Infect Ther. 2011; 9(10): 841-843.