Doctor Komarovsky on the treatment of children with molluscum contagiosum. Molluscum contagiosum: what it looks like, how it is transmitted, how to treat

First you should calm down: despite the unpleasant external appearance, this disease does not require targeted treatment; it primarily indicates a decrease in the child’s immunity, although today there are surgical methods combating molluscum contagiosum, and effective methods of therapy against the background of weakened immune system.

Most often, molluscum contagiosum appears in a child due to damage to the skin, through which the virus is introduced.

Children aged one to five years are at risk, and sometimes the disease also occurs in adolescents.

Sources of infection are people carrying the infection, contaminated objects, as well as the environment (the virus is resilient to survive in dust and water, and is found in swimming pools and other artificial bodies of water). Less commonly, sexual partners of adolescents who have begun sexual activity and refused protection can become carriers. Another less common name for the virus is molluscum candidiasis.

Symptoms of the disease

  1. Incubation period Molluscum contagiosum infection lasts from two weeks to several months, while external signs of infection - nodules - are absent. Because of this, molluscum contagiosum has not yet been identified, and it is impossible to begin treatment in children.
  2. After this period, nodules appear on the child’s body, slightly protruding on the surface. Their shape resembles a mollusk shell, which gives the infection its name. Localization zones - on the face, torso, abdomen, in the genital area, as well as on the buttocks.
  3. The shape of the nodules in initial stage- dome-shaped, they do not differ in color from other skin.
  4. Subsequently, they acquire a pink tint and a semicircular shape; they become softer to the touch, sometimes merging with each other in localized areas. To understand what mollusks look like in children and photos will help us with this.
  5. The main sign that the child has contracted molluscum contagiosum and not another type of infection is a depression in the nodules.
  6. When strong pressure is applied to the walls of the cavity, a cheesy substance is released, but the child does not experience any painful sensations. In very rare cases, mild itching may be felt in areas where molluscs accumulate.

Despite the painless and, as a rule, favorable course, this disease can have quite unpleasant consequences:

  • Your child may develop multiple rashes: several large elements, up to 2-3 centimeters in size, will appear on the skin at once. This will be the first sign that the patient has significant problems with the immune system;
  • if a bacterial infection gets into the mollusks on the skin, this is fraught with the development of dermatitis and the appearance of scars at the site of the disappeared rashes.

Diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum

If any signs of a rash appear on your child’s skin, you should immediately contact a dermatologist - only qualified specialist will be able to accurately identify the type of infectious disease.

If a visual inspection does not give desired result, the baby may be prescribed a histological examination to determine the presence of mollusc bodies in the blood. The diagnosis of infection is well described by Dr. Komarovsky on his website, where there is all the necessary information on this issue.

How is molluscum contagiosum treated?

The child’s body is quite capable of coping with the virus on its own, so doctors usually do not prescribe targeted treatment. However, recovery will take about six months, and during this time the child will need special care:

  • You should take special care to clean your child's bedding and clothing; It is recommended to wash at high water temperatures.
  • It is forbidden to visit public swimming pools, since the child’s skin is still susceptible to viruses due to a violation of its integrity.
  • After washing, all items need to be ironed additionally.
  • All toys and personal hygiene items for the baby - washcloths, brushes, etc. - should be disinfected regularly.
  • Immediately after diagnosing a child with molluscum contagiosum, you are obliged to notify the leaders of the child care institution that he attends - this will minimize the risk of infection in the class or group.

If the baby’s immunity is weakened and the disease progresses, then your doctor may prescribe one of the following methods for treating molluscum:

  1. Removal of molluscum contagiosum in children mechanically using tweezers or a special pointed spoon. After removal, the affected area should be regularly lubricated with iodine tincture.
  2. Diathermocoagulation. This hides the procedure for removing nodules using current or laser - a non-standard procedure, but in some cases simply necessary.
  3. Use of medications. The affected areas of the skin are lubricated with special solutions, and in case of severe lesions, antibiotics can be used, but only as directed by the attending physician - only he knows how to treat molluscum contagiosum in children without consequences for the body.

To cure the child and also support children's body, the doctor may prescribe antiviral solutions, ointments, antiviral drugs and immunomodulators. All of these therapeutic treatments are also carried out solely with the permission and supervision of your doctor.

Preventive measures

The molluscum contagiosum virus contains DNA, which means that only external signs of an infectious disease can heal the body, and the virus itself will remain in the body forever. If your child has had this pathology, then he should adhere to the following preventive measures throughout his life:

  • observe basic rules of personal hygiene, instill the habit of using only individual items;
  • exercise regularly physical activity, strengthen weakened immunity in every possible way;
  • eat healthy;
  • undergo periodic examination by a medical specialist;
  • carry out hygiene of your home - ventilate living spaces, prevent the accumulation of dust, do wet cleaning etc.;
  • defend yourself during sex. If you talk with your teenager about this topic in a timely manner, you will be able to protect him from other, more dangerous sexually transmitted viral infections.

From all of the above it follows that molluscum contagiosum in children is not very pleasant, but not dangerous to life and health. viral infection, the appearance of which can be avoided by simply following the rules of personal hygiene and encouraging active image your child's life.

Children's skin is so sensitive to everything around it that the various rashes on it sometimes do not even surprise parents. However, there are skin ailments that many mothers and fathers have never even heard of. However, these diseases often affect children. About what it is molluscum contagiosum and how to treat such an illness in a child, we will tell you in this article.

What it is

Molluscum contagiosum is a skin disease that has viral origin. It mainly affects the skin, but sometimes the mucous membranes are also affected. The characteristic clam shell-like rash on the skin is caused by a virus that belongs to the smallpox group, but is not smallpox as such. It is considered close to smallpox.

This virus can only infect people; animals do not get sick from it and do not tolerate it. Moreover, most often the insidious agent attacks children from birth to ten years. There are four types of this virus in total. The first and second, designated by the corresponding serial numbers after the name of the pathogen MCV, are usually transmitted sexually. This is an adult disease.

But MCV-3 and MCV-4 are types of molluscum contagiosum virus that most often affect children. The virus spreads through contact. Quite often it is infected through shared toys, household items, dishes and bedding. However, the agent may well survive in aquatic environment, and therefore often attacks children visiting the communal pool.

Another way of local spread is self-infection. A child who has several elements of skin rashes scratches them, spreading the infection to adjacent healthy skin. This is how the scale of the defeat increases. Molluscum contagiosum is contagious, and therefore a child who has been diagnosed with such an infectious disease should not attend kindergarten or school. Parents must notify the teacher and class teacher about the presence of illness.

Increased safety measures are being introduced in the children's group; the skin of other children is carefully examined by medical workers.

The incubation period ranges from 3 weeks to six months. The first signs of the disease can therefore only be detected after a considerable period of time. In newborns, the incubation period lasts less, and the dermatological disease manifests itself faster - after 2-3 weeks. The risk of infection for an infant is posed by parents who are sick with molluscum contagiosum, relatives and family friends who come to visit, and there is also a chance of getting the virus in the so-called vertical way - from mother to child during pregnancy.

Despite its scary name, this virus is not dangerous and does not threaten the life of a child. In most cases it doesn't even require specific treatment. However, situations are different, and sometimes the need for therapy still arises.

Causes of the disease

A child who is exposed to poxvirus (molluscum contagiosum virus) does not necessarily become infected with it. Most often, the disease occurs in children with insufficiently developed immunity.

At risk:

  • children with HIV infection and other diseases associated with a deficiency of the immune system;
  • children attending large children's groups;
  • frequently ill children who are characterized by a certain immune “apathy”;
  • children with dermatological and allergic diseases in the anamnesis;
  • children who neglect to observe hygiene rules;
  • children from six months of age, when babies are no longer protected by maternal innate immunity.

Molluscum contagiosum virus particles are enough for a long time can live in environment, in the dust, in the air. But they become active only after penetration into liquid medium body. For them, this is the substance with which they are filled. skin rashes. Therefore, the risk of infection also exists if the child receives wounds, scratches, or abrasions.

Even after infection, the virus may not appear for a long time, and the first rashes usually coincide with other factors that indirectly “accelerate” the manifestations of molluscs on the skin.

These factors include:

  • state severe stress or prolonged stress experienced by the child;
  • previous acute viral or bacterial disease;
  • negative external factors - inhalation and skin contact with toxins, carcinogens, allergens;
  • food or drug poisoning.

The mechanisms and causes of action of the posquivirus have not yet been fully studied, and on many issues relating to this pathogen, doctors and scientists do not have a consensus, but almost all experts agree on one thing - a person with a strong, hardened immune system is ten times less likely to become infected with a contagious virus. shellfish, even with direct contact with it. But explain why the virus can infect both the skin and be characterized subcutaneous nodules, science is not yet able to.

Symptoms and signs

The main and almost only symptom of the disease is skin rash. It has the character of individual papules. Each has a round or oval shape. Their size can be very small - from 1 mm in diameter, or significant - up to several centimeters.

At the initial stage, the papules have a typical skin color and are almost invisible. But quite quickly the rashes become pink with an orange tint and acquire a pearly top. If you press on the top, thick white curdled discharge like from some pimples. Sometimes papules in appearance resemble red blood cells, “pancakes” of dense consistency. In the center of each such disc there is a small depression, reminiscent of a human navel.

At the very beginning of the disease, the papules are small. They expand quite quickly and can reach a diameter of 7-10 millimeters. If the mollusks reach a size of more than 2 centimeters, doctors talk about a giant form of the disease.

Quite rarely, papules are located at some elevation above the skin, on a small movable “leg”. Then the disease is called pedicular.

With numerous small papules, molluscum contagiosum is called miliary. Most common regular form- when a child has 1-2 papules, sometimes their number reaches a dozen. In adults, MCV-1 and MCV-2 viruses most often appear on the thighs and genitals. In children, the “geography” of the third and fourth types of molluscum contagiosum virus is more extensive. Most often, the first papules appear on the skin of the face, body, arms and legs. Characteristic pink hemispherical formations are often located exclusively locally - only on the nose, head, neck, eyebrows and chin.

If a child begins to scratch, rub or squeeze out the papules, the infection will begin to spread further quite quickly - to the chest, back, stomach. At an early stage, the papules are quite hard and dense. Gradually they soften and become more loose. Painful sensations does not cause rashes. However, many children complain that the papules itch and itch.

The disease does not always require treatment, since molluscum contagiosum goes away on its own. True, this requires quite a lot of time - from several months to several years. Most often, the recovery process takes from six months to a year.

Papules do not leave any traces on the skin after recovery. Scars and depressions as consequences are more characteristic of the poxvirus's closest relative, the smallpox virus. However, the large size of the papules and extensive lesions, coupled with the child’s weakened immune system, may be good reasons for taking therapeutic measures.


Any pediatrician is able to recognize molluscum contagiosum, as they say, by sight. Diagnosis even with an initial visual examination does not cause significant difficulties. By the appearance of the papules, by the opening of one of the papules manual method, the correct diagnosis can be established.

Sometimes, to make sure of his assumption, the doctor will take the contents of one papule on laboratory analysis. Oval epithelial cells that have undergone significant degenerative effects are usually found in this white granular mass in the laboratory. Inside these cells, protoplasmic inclusions are observed, which are called Lipschutz mollusks.

If such cells are not found during a microscopic examination of the contents of the papules, the doctor will reconsider the diagnosis and examine the child for warts, pimples, scabies, and keratoacanthoma.

Others additional tests and studies for molluscum contagiosum are not required. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, the child will be sent for consultation to pediatric dermatologist who can answer main question- Is it necessary to treat the baby or is it better to wait until the disease goes away on its own.


As already mentioned, molluscum contagiosum can go away on its own, however, you will have to wait quite a long time. Doctors do not agree to this if the child has an immunodeficiency (HIV and other pathologies of the immune system), if he has a serious concomitant infectious disease, and also if the papules are located on the eyelids or genitals. Parents sometimes do not agree to wait for months, especially if the molluscum contagiosum papules are located in a visible place - on the face, nose, eyes, or hands of the child.

In all these cases, they are offered a wide variety of ways to treat the disease. To be more precise, there is no way to treat the mollusk, you can only eliminate it cosmetic defects- the papules themselves. However, before complete self-healing, it is quite possible that new elements will appear in the child. unfavorable circumstances. Immunity to the virus is developed, but this happens very slowly. If with an acute respiratory viral infection 3-5 days are enough for the body to take control of the situation “into its own hands” and suppress the virus, then with molluscum contagiosum the period for developing immunity is calculated in months and even years.

If the doctor claims that there is no need to treat the child, and the parents want to rid the baby of papules, then no one will interfere with them, and the doctor will recommend one of the treatment options.


This method should not be carried out at home on your own; it is advisable to undergo the procedure in a sterile clinic environment. The temptation to do everything at home with your own hands is great, because the procedure is quite simple. But the consequences home treatment may be sad - this is primarily an infection.

The method involves removing the head with tweezers and scraping out the papules with a curette or a special instrument - Volkmann spoon. When the papule cavity becomes clean, it is cauterized with iodine. Sometimes the doctor limits himself only to thin tweezers; for small rashes this is quite enough.

This method has more disadvantages than advantages. Judge for yourself - the procedure is quite painful and unpleasant. For a child, even with the external use of a spray with an anesthetic effect (“ Lidocaine", for example), it will be quite difficult to withstand the curettage to the end. This method is absolutely not suitable for removing papules located on the face, especially in the eye area, since after curettage there is a risk of small local bleeding, and sunken deep scars often remain on the skin.

Parents who, in numerous reviews on the Internet, advise not to spend money on cosmetic procedures, and doing all this at home, risks doubly - in addition to the possibility of skin defects, there is added the possibility of infecting the child with pathogenic bacteria.


It is quite possible to remove molluscum contagiosum papules liquid nitrogen or dry ice. Almost any clinic offers this procedure. Papules are destroyed quite quickly under the influence of liquid nitrogen; the procedure is painless and does not require anesthesia. True, according to patient reviews, it still causes some quite tolerable discomfort.

The substance is kept on the area affected by molluscum contagiosum for no more than 20 seconds, after which the surface is treated with an antiseptic. In this case, manipulation can be carried out either by hardware or by swab (manual) method. A site exposed to dry ice or liquid nitrogen temporarily exhibits all the classic signs thermal injury- it turns white, swelling appears around the cauterization site, which can last about 3-4 hours.

Then a small bubble forms around the frozen papule, which absolutely cannot be pierced, so as not to infect the child. The frostbitten papule itself is rejected after about a month and a half. This method is not considered the most successful for getting rid of molluscum contagiosum on the face and all exposed parts of the body. Blisters that occur under the influence of cold often leave marks on the skin in the form of small scars even after recovery.

Moreover, in childhood An allergic reaction to cold is often observed. To avoid such consequences, it is advisable to undergo a test for such an allergy in advance and begin cryodestruction only when the child is allowed this intervention.


This method is based on cauterization of molluscum contagiosum papules with high-frequency electrical alternating current. Under the influence of current, the surface of the skin and the papule heat up, the mollusk dies, and in its place a small crust forms, which itself comes off after a week or a week and a half. The procedure is carried out special device electrocoagulator. The skin is first anesthetized. After cauterization, the former papules are treated with iodine or another antiseptic. The result is assessed after a week. The disadvantage of the method is that not all papules may die. Sometimes the procedure has to be repeated.

Laser treatment

To date, this method is considered the safest and most effective. In a clinical setting, papules are targeted with a pulsed laser, after numbing the skin with an anesthetic in the form of a cream. The affected area of ​​skin under the laser beam warms up to 150-155 degrees. At this temperature, the virus dies and the contents of the papules evaporate. High temperature also completely disinfects the affected area, which eliminates infection by bacteria and fungi.

You won't have to wait long for the effect. After the first laser therapy session, about 90% of molluscum contagiosum papules die. Most often, one session is enough to completely defeat the disease. In place of the semicircular spherical papules after laser exposure, reddened spots remain, which usually disappear quite quickly.

The therapy does not leave scars, depressions or other defects, which is why the method is considered the most suitable for removing mollusks from a child’s skin if they are located on the face, near the eyes, on the nose, or chin.

After such exposure, you should not wet the areas that were exposed to laser beams for three days. The child should not visit the swimming pool, bathhouse, shower, or sauna. After three days you can return to normal life. Minus laser therapy is that it is contraindicated for newborns and children with other skin diseases - microbial, fungal or allergic in origin.


To treat molluscum contagiosum, the method of chemical cauterization of papules is used. It should be understood that skin rashes with this disease are of viral origin, and therefore they are completely insensitive to alcohol-based antiseptics and “green stuff”. All drying agents can also be dangerous, since drying papules is strictly prohibited.

Other medicines used include:

  • Antiseptics are often used " Fukortsin" It allows you to stop the spread of infection, especially if the child constantly scratches, injures and tears off the papules. Lotion " Molyustin", although it is not medicine, but belongs to the category of cosmetic preparations, leads to the destruction of cells affected by the virus and quite effectively gets rid of papules, but it can only be used for children over 3 years old.

  • Good help medicinal ointments containing tretinoin. This " Vesanoid», « Lokacid" These drugs are not prohibited for use in children, but manufacturers do not have sufficient and convincing results of clinical studies in children. Before use, be sure to consult a doctor. If he approves, then the ointment is applied to the papules twice a day for at least 5-6 hours, after which the affected skin is washed warm water with soap. The procedures are continued until the last papule completely disappears.
  • Non-protein poison cantharidin, which underlies such a well-known drug as “ Spanish fly", is also quite often used to treat molluscum contagiosum. However, you need to be extremely careful with this remedy, because this poison can cause severe poisoning. For children under 7 years of age, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • Cream " Imiquimod", which is often advised to be used for molluscum contagiosum, does not have antiviral activity, and it is not advisable for children under 18 years of age to use it. It is better to give preference to oxolinic ointment. This drug is applied to the papules in a thick layer 2-3 times a day.

Taking antibiotics for molluscum contagiosum is not advisable, since antimicrobial drugs have no effect on the virus at all. In rare cases, the doctor may recommend antibiotic ointment, but only if the child has bacterial infection, and some papules, previously injured, began to fester and become inflamed.

Traditional methods of treatment are based on lubricating the papules with garlic juice, calendula tincture, string infusion and bird cherry juice. However, experts do not recommend self-medication, since papules are easy to damage, and in a lack of sterility, the risk of infection will increase many times over. Recovery is considered the period when the last mollusk on the child’s skin has disappeared.

Immunity is not lifelong and may occur after some time. reinfection.


The best prevention of molluscum contagiosum is by practicing good hygiene. It is important that the child from the very early age I learned to use only my own towel, brush, and slippers. Underwear should be changed daily, and bed linen should be changed once a week. If the child goes to the pool and swims or visits with parents public bath, It is important that after each such visit he takes a shower and changes into clean clothes.

If there are several children in a family, then the person with molluscum contagiosum is transferred to a somewhat isolated state. It is clear that a child cannot be limited in communication whole year until all his papules disappear. But it is quite enough to avoid close physical contact, as well as sharing the same toys, dishes, towels and bed linen. For the patient, all this should be personal.

One of the main points in the prevention of molluscum contagiosum is to strengthen children's immunity. From a very early age, you need to harden your child and provide him with long walks in the fresh air. At an older age, playing sports is encouraged. Nutrition should be balanced and full of everything essential vitamins. During periods of mass incidence of viral respiratory infections, it is better to refrain from visiting public places with large crowds of people with your child, from traveling to public transport during rush hour, from visiting clinics and hospitals unless absolutely necessary. Helps strengthen the immune system preventive vaccinations, which are provided National calendar vaccinations.

You should not refuse them, since vaccines are also training for the immune system, which will not allow the child to become infected dangerous illnesses, and will also reduce the overall seasonal incidence of ARVI.

To learn about what molluscum contagiosum is and how to fight it, see the following video.

A disease under the unusual name “molluscum contagiosum” (not candidiasis!) occurs in children no less frequently than chicken pox. What is it - molluscum contagiosum, what does it look like and what relation does it have to real mollusks? Is this disease dangerous and how is it treated? What is the reason for its occurrence in children?

What is molluscum contagiosum and how does it appear in children?

This disease is manifested by a single symptom - the appearance of a characteristic rash, which looks like dense pink or flesh-colored nodules, pearlescent on top, with an umbilical depression in the center. In appearance, the papules resemble mollusk shells, which is why the disease got its name. Typical locations in children are on the face, neck, arms and thighs. The causative agent is the filterable molluscum contagiosum virus.

The disease mainly affects young people. The route of infection is contact, as is clear from the name itself. That is, the cause of infection is close contact with a sick child or adult. The pathogen is also transmitted through common objects (using the same bathtub, bedding, bathing equipment, toys, etc.).

You should be careful about artificial and natural bodies of water - the virus can live in an aquatic environment. There are repeated cases of children being infected with molluscum contagiosum in such places. You should only visit pools that require medical certificate about the state of health.

Another ability of the “mollusk” is its prolonged existence in the dust of dwellings and on objects. Epidemic outbreaks of the disease in children's groups are quite often observed. Their occurrence is facilitated by non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and room hygiene.

Infection with molluscum contagiosum is rare among children under one year of age. This is due to innate immunity transmitted from the mother. Most often children with atopic dermatitis and eczema and children 1–10 years old.

Mechanism of disease development

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There are 4 types of molluscum contagiosum: MCV-1, MCV-2, MCV-3 and MCV-4. MCV-1 is more common, while MCV-2 often appears in adults and is more often transmitted through sexual contact.

Inside the emerging nodule there is a dense mass in which the virus multiplies. The virus invades the keratinocytes of the basal layer of the epidermis and significantly accelerates the process of cell division. Next, increased accumulation of viral DNA occurs in the stratum spinosum. A node is formed, the center of which is subject to destruction, and the epidermal cells are destroyed. The cells of the basal layer remain intact. The center of the node is represented by a dendrite, which contains hyaline bodies. Their diameter is 25 microns and includes viral material.

The dermis is not subject to inflammatory changes; sometimes minor inflammation of the tissue is observed. In the case of prolonged existence of nodular elements, complications may develop in the form of chronic granulomatous infiltrate.

Incubation period

The incubation period ranges from 14 days to several months. During this period of time, a sick child or adult is a virus carrier. None visible symptoms and molluscum contagiosum does not give sensations in children during this period. Until the first contagious rash appears, the child is not contagious.

Initial stage: appearance of rashes

The initial stage of molluscum contagiosum is characterized by the appearance of nodular rashes on the skin, as in the photo. In children, rashes are located on:

  • face (most often on the eyelids and forehead);
  • top part chest(usually the surface of the armpits);
  • hands (area of ​​the back surfaces of the hands);
  • hips.

The appearance of rashes occurs on unchanged skin in the form of single or multiple small flat papules with a diameter of 0.1–0.2 cm. The color of the formations does not differ from the color of the skin, or has a pinkish or waxy tint with a pearly top. The center of the papule has a depression resembling an umbilical cavity with a small hole.

If you press on the edges of the papule with tweezers, a curd-like discharge will come out of it on the sides and in the central hole. This white mushy mass contains keratinized epithelium and pathogen bodies.

Molluscum contagiosum is characterized by group and isolated rashes. There is no pain or itching with this disease. In this regard, the sick child does not feel any physical discomfort, and therefore parents are not always in a hurry to see a doctor. The prognosis for this disease is usually favorable. In patients with normal immunity, it goes away on its own within 2–6 months.

Generalized and complicated development

Possible development atypical forms molluscum contagiosum. They are of a generalized nature. Complicated forms of “mollusc” include:

  • giant (diameter 3 cm and above);
  • keratinizing;
  • cystic;
  • ulcerated;
  • similar to milia, acne, warts.

The diagnosis is made based on the above description of the clinical picture and the nature of the rash.

Diagnosis of the disease

For staging correct diagnosis It is necessary to consult a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist. Molluscum contagiosum in children is not difficult to diagnose. Diagnosis is usually based on clinical presentation. It is enough to have characteristic rashes on the skin, when pressed, a white paste-like mass emerges.

Special laboratory research there is no way to make a diagnosis. Nevertheless, doctors take a smear of the material secreted from the pimple and perform a biopsy to exclude the possibility of developing tumors and other diseases.

Molluscum contagiosum is differentiated from such skin diseases How:

  • warts (flat, vulgar);
  • keratoacanthomas (with giant “molluscs”);
  • milia;
  • herpetic rashes;
  • acne.

Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children

The primary measure for the treatment of molluscum contagiosum is the isolation of the sick child, since the disease spreads very quickly in the children's group. The basis of treatment is the removal of emerging rashes. Molluscum contagiosum may disappear on its own after several months. Despite this, to speed up the process and prevent complications, some methods for eliminating molluscum contagiosum rashes are recommended.

Mechanical removal

Mechanical removal of rashes involves squeezing out elements of the rash with tweezers or scraping using a special medical instrument- Volkmann spoons. Afterwards, it is necessary to lubricate the pimples with a 2-5% alcohol solution of iodine, 3% tebrofen, 2% oxolinic or viferon ointment. Lubrication has a drying and anti-inflammatory effect, which prevents further proliferation of the virus. This treatment method is carried out by a doctor. Do it yourself similar procedure not recommended due to risk of re-infection.


Cryodestruction is a method of removing pathological neoplasms on the surface of the skin or mucous membrane using cold. It lies in the targeted effect low temperatures(-195.75°C) to the changed area for the purpose of tissue necrosis. Cryodestruction is performed using a special device - a cryoprobe, or manually - cotton swab. Preference is given to the latter method.

In case of removal of a giant rash or in sensitive areas, local anesthesia with novocaine or lidocaine is used. It should be remembered that after administering the painkiller, you must wait more than 10 minutes, as there is a risk of the drug freezing inside the skin and unwanted effects on healthy tissues.

The material for cryodestruction is liquid nitrogen. The doctor soaks a stick with cotton wool or gauze in liquid nitrogen, then precisely presses on the pimple so as not to go beyond its borders, and applies slight pressure for 10-40 seconds. The time depends on the size of the pathological formation.

Following the first stage of freezing, a pause of several minutes is made. This allows you to see the effectiveness and area of ​​impact. In the first seconds, the area where the clam is removed should turn white. After a minute, the color returns to normal with a pinkish tint, and it becomes possible to assess the condition and completeness of the removed fragment. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

After freezing, a bubble filled with a colorless or reddish liquid appears at the site of the removed “mollusk”. This is a normal reaction after cryodestruction. After 5-7 days the bubble will burst on its own, you need to blot the liquid. The use of ointments and lotions is not required.

Laser Application

The first thing worth noting is that removing molluscum contagiosum using a laser is a virtually painless procedure. The skin is first lubricated with anesthetic ointments. This method is the complete opposite of the previous one, which was based on freezing. For laser removal The use of high temperatures (about 140–150°C) is typical.

The essence of the method is that in the process of targeted exposure of laser beams to an element of molluscum contagiosum, the death of the pathogen and disinfection of its breeding site begins.

Due to surface influence laser beams There is no damage to internal tissues.

Within one day you can see the result. Healing after laser removal occurs quickly and without scarring.

Antiviral drugs and strengthening the immune system

As an additional drug treatment Molluscum contagiosum in children is permissible to use antiviral and immunostimulating drugs. This method allows you to fight the disease from the inside, thereby preventing complications, relapse of the disease and speeding up the recovery process. In mild forms with a small number of papules, conservative treatment is sufficient.

Traditional methods of treatment at home

There are several traditional methods of treating the disease. It is very important, when resorting to treatment at home, to adhere to the rules of complete sterility, from hand washing (before and after procedures) to sterilization and disposal of instruments. Ignoring these rules contributes to the addition of other infections. Applicable:

If the presented traditional methods of treatment are ineffective, it is necessary to urgently consult a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist for reliable diagnosis and prescription. correct option treatment. Home treatment methods should not be used if there is a high risk of infection of other family members and serious complications in the sick child. The first priority is to completely isolate a child with molluscum contagiosum from contact with other children. Visiting kindergarten and other public institutions is excluded from the day the first rash appears until it completely disappears.

It is necessary to monitor a sick child so that he does not scratch or squeeze out his pimples. This is important so as not to carry additional infection into the body and not cause repeated self-infection with molluscum contagiosum.

As for prevention among healthy children, you should strictly adhere to basic hygiene rules: do not use general subjects personal hygiene, wash your hands and face after going outside, do not take toys from other people’s children on the playground, and so on. Doctors should take care of this (lectures are held periodically, brochures with recommendations from specialists are printed and distributed) and parents themselves.

Also an important aspect of preventing any diseases is strengthening the immune system. It is promoted by:

  • proper nutrition;
  • hardening;
  • taking multivitamins (especially in winter);
  • regular saturation of the body with fresh air (ventilation of rooms, walks);
  • uniform physical and mental stress;
  • adherence to sleep and rest patterns.

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral disease characterized by the appearance of typical nodular rashes on the skin and mucous membranes. This infection is quite widespread, especially often affecting children, adolescents and people with immunodeficiency conditions.

Is molluscum contagiosum contagious?

The disease is caused by a large DNA virus of the Poxviridae family, similar in structure to the smallpox virus. It affects only humans, so the disease is classified as anthroponotic. Currently, there are 4 types of pathogens known; the symptoms they cause are practically indistinguishable from each other.

Since molluscum contagiosum is most often transmitted by contact and by everyday means, it can lead to outbreaks in children's groups and damage to family members. The virus is transmitted through direct contact with a sick person, as well as through contaminated household items, clothing, water in a pool or natural reservoirs, and toys. In the environment, the virus is quite stable and can survive in the dust of residential premises and gyms, infecting more and more people. In adults, the disease can occur after tattooing if the pathogen remains on the instruments used by the artist.

Penetration of the pathogen occurs through microdamage to the skin. Therefore, the risk of infection increases if there is dermatological diseases with itching, dryness or weeping of the skin, disruption of the integrity of the epidermis. In women, the molluscum contagiosum virus often penetrates through the mucous membrane of the genital organs and the skin of the perineum. Moreover, to transmit the infection from a partner, sexual intercourse itself is not required; only contact with the affected skin areas is necessary. Therefore, although infection with molluscum contagiosum in adults is often associated with sexual contact, it is incorrect to classify it as a true STD.

How the disease develops

Immediately after infection, a person does not notice any symptoms. The incubation period (the time before the onset of the first manifestations of the disease) lasts from 2 weeks to 4-6 months, so it can be difficult to determine the source of infection, time and place of infection.

The virus invades skin cells, inserting its genetic material into their DNA and causing them to reproduce new viral particles. The cells enlarge and become spherical. The hypertrophied lower layer of the epidermis begins to penetrate deeper, growing into the dermis. At the same time, the multiplying infected cells move the papillary layer upward. All this leads to the appearance of characteristic nodular (papular) rashes on the skin. Inside each nodule, a cavity is formed in which there is a waxy mass with altered epithelial cells, lymphocytes and new viral particles.

Molluscum contagiosum spreads in the skin tissue and spreads to other parts of the body, getting under the nails when scratching or squeezing out the nodules. This process is called autoinoculation. If at least one element of the rash is left during treatment, new nodules may soon appear again around it or in other parts of the body. The virus does not penetrate beyond the skin, so the lesion internal organs not typical.

Often, after a few months, the nodules of molluscum contagiosum disappear on their own. But this does not mean that a cure has occurred; the virus has only passed into an inactive, dormant form. And a decrease in immunity can provoke a new outbreak of the disease. This happens in pregnant women, after infectious diseases and when exposed to other provoking factors. With weakened local and general immunity, new nodules quickly appear; they can merge with each other and cover almost the entire surface of the skin. Although general health does not suffer, with such a massive lesion, treatment at home and using methods traditional medicine undesirable.

Manifestations of the disease

The main symptoms of molluscum contagiosum are the appearance on the skin and mucous membranes of rounded nodules with a central umbilical depression. When they are squeezed, a whitish crumbly mass is released. If there is no secondary bacterial infection, there are no signs of dermatitis in the area of ​​the rash, the skin has a normal color and structure. Even with massive damage, general intoxication and fever do not occur, and signs of damage to internal organs are not typical.

Nodules with molluscum contagiosum are dense, painless, protruding, with a slightly shiny surface. They practically do not differ from the color of the rest of the skin or have a red-orange tint. The skin around them is not changed, and there are no seals under the nodules. Itching is not typical, although it is not excluded. But it usually does not cause significant anxiety to the patient and does not disturb sleep. When scratching, skin tissue may become infected, which will be accompanied by the appearance of swelling, redness, weeping crusts or the formation of ulcers.

Foci of infection most often appear on the face, near the ears, on the neck, in the armpits, near the genitals, and on the inner thighs. They can be found on any surface of the body except the palms and feet. When the virus gets into the eyes, chronic conjunctivitis occurs.

Forms of the disease

If manifestations of the disease are found in only one anatomical area, they speak of a simple form of molluscum contagiosum. When the nodules spread to several areas of the body, a generalized form is diagnosed. By type of rash there are:

  1. complicated molluscum contagiosum, accompanied by secondary infection;
  2. giant, when the size of the nodules reaches 2 cm in diameter;
  3. miliary with small multiple papules;
  4. pedicular form, considered atypical, when the nodules are located on the stalk.

Generalization of infection indicates low reactivity protective forces, which happens with immunodeficiencies of various origins.


Diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum is based on the characteristic appearance of the elements of the rash and microscopy of the discharge. The key sign is the detection of altered enlarged round epithelial cells, in the protoplasm of which characteristic ovoid formations (Lipschütz molluscan bodies) are visible.

It is necessary to differentiate the disease from rashes due to syphilis, various forms, genital condylomas, multiple forms of keratoacanthoma. When the nodules merge, epithelioma, lichen planus, and verrucous dyskeratoma are excluded. If the rash is located in armpits– syringoma.

How to treat molluscum contagiosum

Systemic therapy is not required for this disease, since the virus does not multiply outside the skin. Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in adults and children is carried out in outpatient setting and includes removal of foci of infection and local application of drugs. Only in severe immunodeficiency conditions can a decision be made to intravenous use some antiviral drugs.

You cannot squeeze out the nodules yourself, as if their infected contents come into contact with the skin, re-infection will occur and further spread of the virus. In addition, the injured area of ​​skin becomes easily inflamed.

Removal of molluscum contagiosum papules can be done in several ways; currently the following are used for treatment:

  1. mechanical method using curettage or plucking with surgical tweezers;
  2. cryodestruction - removal of molluscum contagiosum with liquid nitrogen, causing cold tissue necrosis;
  3. laser removal of molluscum contagiosum;
  4. radio wave method
  5. cauterization with cantharidin.

To completely eliminate elements of the rash on all parts of the body, several approaches are usually required at intervals of a month, since newly emerging papules must also be removed. In this case, a combination is possible different ways effects, depending on the location of the nodules and the sensitivity of the skin. To disinfect and reduce the spread of infection, UV irradiation is additionally used.

In children to reduce discomfort procedures are carried out under local anesthesia, it is also necessary when removing formations on the mucous membrane of the female genitalia and on the penis in men.

Drug treatment of molluscum contagiosum involves applying agents with antiviral activity to the site of the rash. Acyclovir, Tebrofen ointment, Topical cidofovir, Oxolinic ointment, interferons. Iodine is used to treat wounds after removing papules, alcohol solution chlorophyllipt, a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Molluscum contagiosum during pregnancy

During pregnancy, against the background of a natural decrease in immunity, activation of an existing infection or a fresh infection with molluscum contagiosum may occur. Clinical picture however, it has no special features. The molluscum contagiosum virus does not pose a danger to the fetus, but during childbirth and subsequent contact with the mother's skin, the child can become infected.

Treatment must be carried out immediately after detection of the disease, taking into account contraindications for some procedures. Shortly before birth, a repeat examination is carried out even in the absence of complaints. This is necessary to identify possible recurrent rashes on the genitals and areas of the skin that are inaccessible for self-examination.

Prognosis and prevention

Self-healing is possible, but with the spontaneous disappearance of external manifestations, the transition of the virus to a low-active stage and its reactivation with a decrease in immunity cannot be ruled out. Complex treatment allows you to get rid of the disease, but does not prevent re-infection, because immunity is not developed during this infection.

After proper removal of the nodules or their spontaneous regression, the skin becomes clear. If the deep dermal layers are not damaged, scars will not form. But with the development of molluscum contagiosum against the background of some other dermatological diseases, healing can occur with scarring.

For prevention, it is necessary to eliminate the main cause of molluscum contagiosum – contact with the virus. To do this, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene, do not use other people’s washcloths and towels, and wear shoes in public baths and swimming pools. If a child becomes infected, his toys must be sanitized daily, bedding and clothing must be washed daily, and the bathtub and sink must be disinfected after use by the child.

Molluscum contagiosum is an unpleasant but not dangerous disease. Before treating this infection, it is necessary to consult a doctor to confirm the diagnosis and select therapy.

Molluscum contagiosum or, as it is called differently, candidiasis today, is a type of viral dermatitis that belongs to the smallpox group of viruses. Molluscum candida gets its name because the physical growths it causes on the skin are similar to molluscum cancer. The disease occurs in childhood, with children under 12 years of age at risk. For children of this age, a reaction to various irritants, bacteria or a virus in the form of such a reaction is not uncommon. More often, the mollusk occurs in children with low levels of immune defense and susceptible to allergic reactions. But, in rare cases, molluscum contagiosum can appear not only in children, but sometimes even in adults.

Molluscum contagiosum in children often develops against a background of weak immunity

Causes and routes of infection with molluscum contagiosum?

There are many ways the virus can spread among healthy children. More often, the disease is transmitted through contact of an infected child with a healthy one. It is difficult to protect children from molluscum contagiosum. Direct contact is possible during games on the playground, visiting educational and entertainment institutions. Also, dermatological is distributed through:

  • toys;
  • clothes;
  • bed sheets;
  • books;
  • crawl items.

Sometimes when using someone else's wet towel, toothbrush, shower sponges, when touched with wet hands, in public swimming pools. In rare cases, the infection is congenital, that is, it is transmitted to the child from the mother or father at the genetic level.

Description and symptoms of molluscum contagiosum in children

Despite the fact that molluscum contagiosum is a common type of skin rash in children, most modern parents have not even heard of the viral disease. When the disease appears, many people ask the question, how to cure molluscum contagiosum?

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral disease

Clinical picture and method of determining the disease

At home, it is possible to identify a subcutaneous mollusk by only one type of characteristic: in the center of the round shape of each nodule there is a compaction point. This formation ranges in size from 1 to 5 mm. When you press on the nodule, a base will come out of the recess; the substance looks like curd mass. Molluscum contagiosum, both in children and adults, differs greatly in external manifestations does not have - one or more nodules - papules - appear on the skin. The color of the formations is as close as possible to the natural color of the skin, less often they have a whitish or pink tint.

In children, skin rashes appear on exposed areas of the body. This virus lives only in environments with high level moisture, actively develops in water, penetrates into the body of children through small scratches or cracks in the skin.

Growths appear between 1 and 7 weeks after infection. At the beginning of the onset of the disease, children do not have any symptoms of the disease. Later, the disease will manifest itself with a set of physical symptoms:

  • elevated temperature;
  • fatigue;
  • drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sometimes the appearance of itching or burning on the skin.

More often in children, such papules appear on:

  • on the back;
  • on the skin of the forehead;
  • outer corners of the eyes;
  • rib cage;
  • Hands;
  • On the nose.

Doctors say that molluscum contagiosum for children is not dangerous to the child’s health, but cosmetic and psychological discomfort is still present. Peels and aggressive cleansing are dangerous for a child's delicate skin, and such treatment is not practiced. Therefore, there are more gentle methods for removing such formations.

Poor appetite often accompanies the development of molluscum

Removal and treatment methods for molluscum contagiosum in children

Doctors and dermatologists strongly do not recommend performing procedures on your own to remove molluscum contagiosum in children, so as not to cause complications on the skin. The treatment method is prescribed only experienced doctor. When molluscum contagiosum appears, children are not advised to visit kindergarten or school, go for a walk to minimize contact with healthy children.

A child infected with the disease should undergo a full course of treatment from a dermatologist. If healthy child had contact with a child who has a viral disease, he must be urgently taken for examination by a pediatrician. Only a doctor can determine the presence of skin rashes.

The incubation period of the disease ranges from 2 weeks to a month. The viral disease is often confused with chickenpox, warts, and even manifestations of measles and rubella. The treatment course for molluscum contagiosum on the skin of a child should be prescribed by a dermatologist who will see the characteristic symptoms of the disease. In advanced cases, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment with antibiotics. Sometimes self-fusion of several pupules into one zone occurs, and a nodule of the same size is formed.

Medical treatment method

The procedure itself includes several stages:

  1. Freezing shellfish with liquid nitrogen.
  2. Removal of the formation with sterile tweezers or scraping with a sharp Volkmann spoon.
  3. Applying cleansing and healing ointment and cream.

At the final stage, you can use folk remedies.

A Volkmann spoon is used to scrape out a mollusk.

Home treatments

Cauterization is possible at home:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • salicylic acid;
  • iodine or celandine.

If a parent is afraid severe consequences drug effects during the treatment of a child, you can turn to home medicine immediately after diagnosis. Traditional treatment methods offer many options for how to get rid of molluscum contagiosum. But you should use only those recommended by medicine itself:

Healing creams

One of the safer and effective methods how to cure molluscum contagiosum in a child, the use of ointments. Before treatment, it is necessary to determine the causes of infection in order to prevent the return of the disease. The product should be applied to areas that have been damaged for at least two weeks. In particular, they are often used:

  • Viferon ointment;
  • Cycloferon ointment;
  • Oksolin ointment.

But they should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor after prior consultation.

But if the disease progresses, treatment must be carried out for up to two months. How long you self-medicate, you can determine how much the infection manifests itself.

Cycloferon ointment is used strictly as prescribed by a doctor.

Celandine juice

You can also use celandine juice in treatment. This tincture is also good remedy to remove the disease in children. For use, use the mixture yourself or buy a ready-made drug at a pharmacy.

Potassium permanganate solution

Another one of folk remedies treatment, a very strong solution of potassium permanganate. When using this method, the potassium permanganate must be carefully filtered so that potassium does not get on the child’s skin. With which the nodules are treated 1 or 2 times a day.

In the process of treating a child’s illness, it is worth monitoring the cleanliness of the child’s clothes and bedding. Laundry should be washed at a very high temperature and mandatory things should be carefully ironed. It would not be superfluous to carry out a complete and thorough disinfection of children's toys, general cleaning of the premises, and especially disinfection of the children's room.

Are complications possible with molluscum contagiosum?

When the immune system is strengthened, such an illness tends to go away on its own, without special treatment or intervention. IN neglected form a viral disease leads to complications.

The appearance of redness and swelling around the rash itself. Sometimes scarring may appear on the skin. In some cases, a molluscum reaction may occur, in which large areas of the skin are affected. With a severely weakened immune system, the development of nodules takes on a large form.

When nodules appear in a very frequent form on the body or become large in size, they can change their shape and appearance.

In this case, passive effects of drugs on the body are indicated, and you need to seek advice again. Therefore, it is better not to allow the virus to spread and consult a doctor and begin treatment.

The mollusk in a child is destroyed by a strong immune system

How to protect a child from infection?

You can protect yourself from infection by locking your child in a room and limiting contact with outside world, but this is not a way out of the situation. Children should develop with their peers and lead active lives. There is no guarantee that your child will not get sick, but you will still be able to teach your child good hygiene. The main thing to remember is that if the baby has been ill once, there may not be a re-infection, since the body quickly adapts to viral infection. Still, in order to prevent the virus, it is still worth following a few rules:

Teach your child to wash their hands with soap after a walk. After your child visits a public pool, be sure to shower with soap.

You should only use your own towel and do not give it to someone else to use. Do not touch the infected skin of others, do not come into contact with the personal belongings of infected people. Carefully monitor the cleanliness of the body and skin, clean, moisturize and, in case of any wounds, immediately treat skin wounds with disinfectants.

And parents should not forget to take care of themselves so as not to infect their children and show by example, self-care rules.

Make sure your child washes their hands with soap

Preventing the appearance of baby molluscum

To protect your child from the appearance of baby shellfish, it is worth strengthening the child’s immunity. There is always a chance that shellfish will return, so prevention is very necessary. In the form of prevention itself, it is worth adhering to certain rules: keeping objects and the child exceptionally clean. Instill in your child attention to the hygiene of his own room and the entire premises. If they attend childcare facilities, parents should regularly examine their children to ensure their skin is clean. It will be enough regular activity physical culture, frequent walks in the fresh air and adhere to general rules healthy image life. It is important to explain to kids why they should not use other people’s things:

  • comb;
  • toothbrush;
  • towel;
  • in the pool with slippers;
  • in the shower with a washcloth.

This will not only help prevent molluscum but will also protect you from a number of other dermatological problems transmitted directly through contact.