Where are there more vitamins in vegetables or fruits? Which fruits contain vitamin C?


What representatives of B vitamins exist. What are their benefits, what is their effect and in what products to look for them.

The benefits of vegetables and fruits have been proven for a long time. It is believed that they regular intake guarantees the intake of a full complex of vitamins into the body. The result is the normalization of the main functions, strengthening immune system, eliminating shortages useful substances, improvement of skin condition and general improvement health.

At the same time, the most attention is drawn to B vitamins, including greatest number useful elements. So what is the content of these vitamins in vegetables and fruits? What effects can you expect when taking this or that product?

About the composition

First, let's look at what elements enter the body with vegetables and fruits. There are enough of them:

  • various vitamins
  • cellulose;
  • phytoncides;
  • water;
  • essential oils.

The benefits of B vitamins

It is known that the elements of this group have many representatives. Let's consider the main ones:

  1. Thiamine (B1). Its inclusion in the diet guarantees:
    • strengthening the heart muscle;
    • normalization of the heart and gastrointestinal tract;
    • optimization of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

    The easiest way to obtain thiamine is by including:

    • cabbage (sea cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli);
    • apples;
    • grapes;
    • green lettuce leaves;
    • watermelon;
    • beets;
    • carrots and others.
  2. Riboflavin (B2). Riboflavin is considered no less important. The action of this element is aimed at:
    • regulation of metabolic processes in the sector of metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins;
    • reducing eye fatigue (relevant for increased load for vision);
    • assistance in growth and improvement of cell respiration;
    • decrease negative influence various poisonous substances and toxins.

    In what vegetables and fruits is it present? The following representatives are worth highlighting here:

      • cabbage (white, cauliflower);
      • apples;
      • green lettuce leaves;
      • grape;
      • watermelon;
      • potato;
      • sea ​​kale.
  3. Niacin (B3). Considering what is contained in vegetables and fruits, one cannot fail to note the features and benefits of niacin, which has the following effects:
    • helps with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • normalizes cholesterol levels;
    • participates in the synthesis of proteins and fats;
    • optimizes tissue respiration;
    • Provides detoxification of the body.

    B3 is found in the following products:

    • potato;
    • grape;
    • green salad;
    • cabbage;
    • apples;
    • a pineapple;
    • watermelon.
  4. Choline (B4). Vitamins in vegetables are easily digested and quickly absorbed into the blood. Choline is no exception. Once in the body, it acts as follows:
    • normalizes the functioning of the central nervous system;
    • eliminates depression;
    • protects against the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

    The easiest way to get a useful element is with the following products:

    • spinach;
    • Brussels sprouts;
    • oranges.

  5. Pantothenic acid (B5). It works as follows:
    • Optimizes the process of assimilation of other beneficial elements that come with food.
    • Stimulates the production of adrenal hormones, which promotes effective fight with allergic manifestations.
    • Improves metabolic processes.
    • Helps and supports the heart muscle. Such vitamins in fruits can eliminate colitis, arthritis, heart problems and others.

    Pantothenic acid is found in the following foods:

    • cauliflower;
    • green vegetables with leaves.
  6. Pyridoxine (B6). The action of the element is aimed at:
    • lowering cholesterol levels;
    • normalization of lipid levels;
    • optimization of the central nervous system.

    Vegetables and fruits containing this vitamin:

    • White cabbage;
    • potato;
    • apples;
    • watermelon;
    • bananas;
    • green salad and others.

  7. Folic acid (B9). The most useful element for disorders of the central nervous system and during pregnancy is considered folic acid. The action of the element is aimed at:
    • help in case of increased anxiety;
    • supporting the body during cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis and other liver diseases.

    What fruits contain it? There are several of them:

    • apricots;
    • bananas;
    • oranges.

    B9 is also present in vegetables:

    • onion;
    • potato;
    • green salad;
    • spinach;
    • cabbage.
  8. Cobalamin (B12). Cobalamin is considered one of the most useful in group B. What is its use? After entering the body, B12 acts as follows:
    • stimulates growth;
    • maintains the process of hematopoiesis at a high level;
    • plays main role in protein metabolism;
    • participates in the production of beneficial enzymes;
    • helps in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates;
    • promotes the use of amino acids.

    Cobalamin is found in the following foods:

    • grape;
    • seaweed;
    • spirulina;
    • beet;
    • tops of some vegetables.

The most useful vegetables and fruits

In conclusion, let’s look at what vitamins are contained in the vegetables and fruits that most often end up on our table:

  • Carrot– a vegetable containing the largest amount of vitamin A. Thanks to the action carrot juice The functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves, appetite is normalized and the immune system is strengthened. Carrots are most beneficial for mothers while breastfeeding. The composition also contains elements of groups B, E and K.
  • Cucumberreliable assistant in matters of strengthening of cardio-vascular system and improved growth. It contains a sufficient amount of potassium, thanks to which it is possible to quickly normalize blood pressure. Cucumber juice is also considered very useful, which is used to treat atherosclerosis and normalize the central nervous system. Cucumber contains vitamins such as PP, A, C and B.
  • Pumpkin. Pumpkin is considered a real storehouse of vitamins, containing a lot of useful substances and microelements - fiber, protein, carotene, iron, magnesium and potassium. As for vitamins, eating pumpkin is a chance to saturate the body with B1, B2, C and PP.
  • . Taking them every day, it is possible to strengthen the heart, improve the process of hematopoiesis, eliminate obesity and hypertension. Sour apples will be good for stomach diseases. The fruit contains the most vitamins C and B.

In addition to the sources listed above, it is worth highlighting peaches, pears, grapes, pomegranates, apricots and others. It remains to decide which vegetables and fruits contain which vitamins, not forgetting to include them in your diet.

B vitamins are very important for normal operation body. These substances are necessary for the functioning of the central nervous system, healthy skin and hair, as well as protection against infections. They are found in many foods. But is there vitamin B in vegetables and fruits? Let's try to understand this issue.

What are B vitamins?

It is believed that plant foods are rich in all types of vitamins. But is this really so? To answer this question, you need to understand what vitamins are contained in vegetables and fruits. more, and which - to a lesser extent.

We can say that the vitamin C content in vegetables and fruits is very high. Citrus fruits are especially rich in this substance. This is precisely what is associated with the opinion about their benefits. But is there any plant foods vitamin B?

There are several types of vitamins in this group. Each of them has its own function. These are nitrogenous compounds that affect metabolism.

It is widely believed that their source is mainly meat products. Proponents of a vegetarian diet believe that these vitamins can be synthesized in one’s own body. However, not all useful substances are produced by human organs. In addition, B vitamins cannot accumulate and require constant replenishment.

Indeed, meat food is the main source of B vitamins. Vegetables and fruits also contain them, but in smaller quantities. However, eating plant foods can help meet the body's need for vitamin B.

To make your diet complete, you need to understand which vitamins in vegetables and fruits are responsible for the work various systems body.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is otherwise called thiamine. This substance is essential for the health of the central nervous system. The vitamin dissolves in water and cannot accumulate in the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to eat foods rich in thiamine every day.

It is mainly found in organ meats. Plant foods are less rich in this substance. Brussels sprouts contain the most thiamine: 1 small cup of this product provides 11% of a person’s daily need for this vitamin. Thiamine is also found in asparagus, eggplant, lettuce, and tomatoes.

As for potatoes, they also contain vitamin B1. But when vegetables are boiled, most of the nutrients go into the water. Therefore, it is useful to use the decoction for making soups. The recommended fruits to eat are melons and oranges.

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) is necessary for normal functioning thyroid gland and good condition of skin, hair and nails. It helps strengthen the immune system and affects visual acuity. Most of riboflavin is destroyed by heat treatment vegetables To meet the body's daily need for vitamin B2, it is useful to consume raw cabbage, zucchini, cucumbers, and bell peppers. Among the fruits high level Apricots and grapes differ in riboflavin content.

Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 (niacin) is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system and digestion. Usually when good nutrition Deficiency of this substance is rare. Niacin can be produced in the human body. You should not overuse this vitamin, as it causes dilation blood vessels. In case of an overdose, redness of the skin and a tingling sensation may occur.

Vegetables rich in vitamin B3 include carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, and broccoli.
It can be noted regarding a large number of niacin in plums, apricots and peaches.

Vitamin B4

Vitamin B4 (choline) reduces cholesterol levels in the blood and protects cell membranes from damage. Most choline is found in egg yolks. However, vegetables can also be a source of vitamin B4. It is useful to eat cabbage, spinach, and leafy vegetables ( different types salads). The content of this vitamin in fruits is insignificant.

Choline helps fight excess weight and also helps to cope with stress more easily. But when consuming this vitamin you need to know when to stop. An excess of this substance can cause intestinal disorders, cardiac dysfunction, and arterial hypotension.

Vitamin B5

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is needed for normal functioning of the adrenal glands. He helps endocrine system produce glucocorticoids. This vitamin is especially useful for people suffering from allergies and autoimmune diseases. At normal microflora intestines, pantothenic acid can be produced in the human body. With proper nutrition, a deficiency of this vitamin is almost impossible.

Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamin B5, but it is very easily destroyed during freezing and canning. Therefore, to maintain sufficient levels of pantothenic acid, you need to consume vegetables raw. Particularly rich in vitamin B5 green onions and lettuce leaves.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) promotes normal exchange proteins. It activates the immune system and helps the body fight infections. This substance is especially necessary for children and the elderly.

This type of vitamin B in vegetables and fruits is retained only if they are consumed raw. The main sources of pyridoxine are:

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • salads;
  • bananas.

Of course, not all vegetables can be eaten raw. But to replenish the supply of pyridoxine, it is healthier to eat soups with vegetable broth than just boiled potatoes.

Vitamin B7

Vitamin B7 (biotin) promotes healthy state skin and hair. If the intestines work normally, then this substance can be synthesized in the human body.

Many vegetables and fruits contain biotin:

  • potato;
  • cauliflower;
  • onion;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • oranges;
  • bananas;
  • melon;
  • apples.

Vitamin B9

Vitamin B9 is otherwise called folic acid. The name of this useful substance speaks for itself. The word "folicum" means "leaf" in Latin. This vitamin was isolated from green spinach leaves. Its content is also high in cucumbers and all varieties of cabbage. And among the fruits, kiwi and pomegranate can be especially distinguished.

Like many other B vitamins in fruits and vegetables, folic acid is not stable. It breaks down easily even when storing food at room temperature.

Vitamins B10, B11 and B12

These B vitamins are present in vegetables and fruits in small quantities.

Vitamin B10 is responsible for the body's resistance to infections, as it stimulates the production of the protective protein interferon. It is found in relatively significant amounts in potatoes and spinach.

Vitamin B11 helps normalize weight, as it is a natural fat burner. It is present in significant quantities only in avocados.

To satisfy even a small part of the body's need for vitamin B12, you will need to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Its content in plant foods is so low. Very often, lovers of vegetarian cuisine suffer from a deficiency of this substance. Small amounts of vitamin B12 are found only in green leafy vegetables.

Vitamin B17

Vitamin B17 (amygdalin) is practically absent from vegetables and fruits. It is present in the seeds of apricots, cherries, peaches, as well as in the seeds of pears and apples. However, this does not mean that you need to eat fruit and berry seeds. This can result in severe poisoning. After all, one of the breakdown products of amygdalin is poisonous hydrocyanic acid. This vitamin is found in almonds. Daily requirement organism in this substance has not yet been established. Some scientists believe that amygdalin does more harm to the body than good.


We can conclude that fruits and vegetables can also become an additional source of vitamin B. To meet the body’s need for this substance, you need to include vegetable and fruit salads, vegetarian soups in your diet, and eat as much greens as possible.

Probably every person knows about the benefits of fruits for the body. In this article we will tell you about what vitamins are contained in fruits. Then we’ll talk about what is also of interest to many, namely: why you need to eat certain fruits and which fruits contain more vitamins. Go!


Apples contain vitamins A and C. Apples are extremely useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system, as well as for people with blood diseases, since they contain a large amount of hematopoietic elements. Apples are also recommended for people with diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease, obesity. Sour apple varieties are great for increasing acidity in the stomach.



Peaches contain vitamins A, B2 and PP. Peaches are very useful for people who suffer stomach diseases(especially related to low acidity stomach), constipation, as well as anemia and various cardiovascular diseases.


Apricots contain vitamins A, C and B15. Apricots also contain a lot of potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and various salts. This is extremely healthy fruit. Apricots are very useful for diseases of the kidneys and cardiovascular system, and are useful for people suffering from obesity. In addition, apricots perfectly stimulate memory and promote active brain function, significantly increasing performance.


Grapes are one of the most vitamin-rich fruits. Judge for yourself: it contains vitamins C, P, PP, as well as several B vitamins - B1, B6, B12. Among other substances it should be noted great content grapes contain carbohydrates, as well as magnesium, cobalt, manganese and organic acids. Grapes have an excellent laxative and diuretic effect and are a good expectorant. In addition, it is very useful for diseases of the lungs, kidneys, liver, as well as hypertension and gout.


Pomegranate also contains many vitamins. These are vitamins such as A, C, B, E and PP. Pomegranate perfectly cleanses the blood and helps with anemia. It is also used to treat diseases of the pancreas. In addition, pomegranate promotes good digestion and has a significant restorative effect.


Bananas contain large amounts of vitamin B6, which is why they are regular use in food is good for the blood and nervous system. Bananas also help the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the body.


Grapefruit is one of the most valuable sources of vitamin C. In addition to improving the function of the cardiovascular system, regular consumption of grapefruits reduces the risk of cancer several times.


Strawberries (together with wild strawberries) are rightly called (along with grapes) the most healthy berry. And the point here is not only the huge content of vitamin C (a cup of strawberries contains 25-30% more daily norm this vitamin), and in others beneficial properties this berry. Strawberries strengthen almost all body systems: immune, cardiovascular, and also have a beneficial effect on metabolism. But for strawberries to show all their healing properties, eat it fresh.


Vitamin C? Yes. But not only. Pineapples contain a large amount of potassium and other substances (for example, bromelain), which perfectly protect the body from colds, help thin mucus and reduce sore throat and cough. And the manganese contained in pineapples helps maintain and develop the skeletal system.

Now you know what vitamins are in fruits, but we still need to talk about the amount of certain vitamins in various fruits (and berries).

  1. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, rosehip, blackcurrant and kiwi are by far the leaders, and among those listed above, strawberries and grapefruit.
  2. Vitamin A is most abundant in rowan berries, apricots and rose hips.
  3. Peaches, apricots and cherries are richest in vitamin E.
  4. Vitamin P is found in the largest quantities in tangerines, grapes and cherries.
  5. B vitamins are found in the largest quantities in pears, peaches and oranges, but only pomegranate contains vitamin B12.

Fruits are a valuable source of vitamins, microelements and fiber. They must be consumed daily and preferably fresh, since some vitamins and nutrients are destroyed during transportation and storage. The fruits can be eaten separately or prepared in many different fruit cocktails, which will not only be tasty and beautiful, but will also bring great benefits to the body.

Nutritionists recommend consuming these healthy foods during their ripening period, since it is at this time that they contain all useful elements necessary for full and healthy development. What vitamins are contained in fruits and how much benefit do they bring to humans?

Minerals and vitamins in fruits vary depending on the variety, ripeness and storage conditions. All of them are undoubtedly very useful, but some fruits stand out due to the number of useful elements they contain.


Vitamin A 0,003-0,02 mg
Vitamin B1 0,04-0,06 mg
Vitamin B2 0,02-0,06 mg
Vitamin B3 0,2-0,6 mg
Vitamin B5 0,2-0,3 mg
Vitamin B6 0,06-0,4 mg
Vitamin B9 0,005-0,185 mg
Vitamin C 7-180 mg
Vitamin E 0,1-0,4 mg

What fruits are the healthiest?

Elements of groups B and A

Apples, peaches, kiwis, oranges and watermelons contain many useful substances; they are rich in vitamin A, which affects the formation of hormones that improve vision and hair growth. This element helps strengthen bone tissue and teeth, preventing their fragility and dry skin. Also, when consuming these fruits, the composition contains a large amount of other vitamins and minerals.

Pineapples, grapefruits, mangoes, lemons, pears and bananas contain more vitamin B1, which is responsible for metabolic processes body. By saturating the body with this element by eating fruits, the nervous, cardiovascular and muscular system. Also, these fruits prevent the development of beriberi disease (vitamin deficiency of vitamin B1), in which there is a disturbance in the processes of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

Kiwi contains more vitamin B2 than other fruits, the consumption of which has a beneficial effect on the formation of blood cells that promote the transfer of oxygen to tissues and organs. Without this element, carbohydrate metabolism in the human body is disrupted. Watermelons, peaches, bananas and kiwis are also rich in vitamin B3. They contain so much niacin that daily use a person can for a short time normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve the condition skin, eliminate insomnia, clarify consciousness and improve work gastrointestinal tract.

Oranges and bananas contain a lot of vitamin B5, without which the process of cholesterol production cannot take place. It is cholesterol that promotes the release of vitamin D by the skin and the production of steroid hormones. The vitamins contained in these fruits have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person, improving his well-being and preventing the development of various ailments. Without the vitamins contained in watermelons and bananas, the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, which contribute to the appearance of antibodies that form the immune system, is impossible. These fruits contain many elements of group B, namely pyridoxine, which has a beneficial effect on the interneuronal communication of brain cells.

Elements C and E

Which fruits contain the most ascorbic acid? Most of this element is found in mango, watermelon, orange, lemon, kiwi and apples. The antiscorbutic element prevents the development of scurvy and is the strongest natural antioxidant that binds free radicals, which prevents the formation cancer cells. The influence of the vitamins contained in these fruits has a beneficial effect on the condition of the cardiac system, gastrointestinal tract and skin. The beneficial components of these fruits are widely used not only in cosmetology, but also for making medicines, as they promote the healing of skin tissue.

What fruits have a positive effect on the production of sex hormones? In terms of the content of vitamins B and E, kiwi, watermelon and peaches are in first place. Yes, they contain in their composition the element responsible for reproductive functions human and increasing potency. In addition, the most valuable tocopherol has an antioxidant effect on the body, protecting a person from cancer.

Harm to fruits

Despite all the benefits it provides to the human body, this product can also be harmful to health. For example, it should not be consumed with food containing large amounts of fat. Small putrefactive spots on the surface of the fruit indicate that it is not fresh and may contain large amounts of dangerous toxins.

Some types of this product Food eaten on an empty stomach may not be absorbed and cause indigestion. Together with unwashed skin, a mass can enter the human stomach. harmful microorganisms, so it should be washed thoroughly before use.

  • Citrus fruits contain greatest number vitamin C than in other fruits;
  • Yellow and orange fruits contain a lot of beta-carotene;
  • Apple contains polyphenols that lower blood sugar levels;
  • A fruit diet increases sexual desire;
  • Recorded in watermelon highest level lycopene, which reduces the risk of malignant tumors;
  • The peel of the fruit contains the largest amount of nutrients, so it should not be excluded from food;
  • Bananas are a source of fructooligosaccharides (fructose molecules), which are beneficial for the intestines;
  • Peach is lower in calories than pears and apples;
  • A fruit diet should not last more than two weeks, since fruits do not contain sufficient protein and iron;
  • There is no need to get hung up on one type; it is better to add new fruits to your diet every day.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is a very important element for the body. It is found in many products plant origin and in some animals. However, due to its instability (vitamin C is easily destroyed, for example, during heat treatment), as well as the lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet of modern city dwellers, deficiency of this vitamin is an extremely common phenomenon. Therefore, it is very important to know which fruits, berries, and vegetables contain ascorbic acid - in order to keep in mind where to get an additional portion of this useful vitamin, in addition to the well-known citrus fruits.

Biological role of vitamin C

Vitamin C performs many important functions in the human body:

  • protects tissues from aging, being a strong antioxidant;
  • participates in the synthesis of collagen, a substance that is building material for connective tissue, cartilage, ligaments, which is part of bone tissue and tissue of the deep layers of the skin (dermis);
  • participates in the synthesis of the hormone serotonin;
  • improves the functioning of the immune system by stimulating the synthesis of interferons (substances that make cells immune to viruses);
  • participates in the process of cleansing the liver;
  • improves the absorption of iron by the body (which has a beneficial effect, in particular, on the blood);
  • has a neuroprotective effect; used to prevent diseases of the nervous system, including Alzheimer's disease.

Ascorbic acid is one of the vitamins obtained by humans exclusively from the outside. Human body cannot synthesize vitamin C on its own, and needs regular supplies of this substance from food - at least 75 mg per day for an adult.

By the way, humans are one of the few mammalian species that receive ascorbic acid from the outside. In other animals, such as cats, it is synthesized directly in the body from glucose. However, vitamin deficiencies can occur even in them - to say nothing of people!

Sources of Vitamin C

Almost everyone can confidently name lemons or oranges as a source of vitamin C. However, citrus fruits are far from the only, and, moreover, not the richest source of this substance. In addition to them, there are many fruits and berries that contain much more vitamin C.

  • rose hips - this berry confidently takes first place: it contains 650 mg of vitamin C per 100 g of the product itself. Moreover, rose hips are able to retain vitamin C well even during processing and storage: dried berries, decoction or compote are no less effective than fresh fruits;
  • black currant – second place, 200 mg per 100 g of product;
  • sea ​​buckthorn – also 200 mg per 100 g;
  • kiwi – 180 mg;
  • pineapple – 80 mg;
  • red rowan – 70 mg;
  • pomelo – 61 mg;
  • orange – 60 mg;
  • strawberry – 60 mg;
  • grapefruit – 45 mg.

In addition to the listed fruits and berries, large amounts of vitamin C are found in bell pepper (200 mg), parsley (150 mg), dill (100 mg) and Brussels sprouts(100 mg).

Preservation of vitamin C in foods

However, it is not enough just to find foods rich in vitamin C - you must also ensure that the beneficial substances are preserved in it.

Like many other vitamins, ascorbic acid is a rather “fragile” substance that is easily destroyed under the influence of factors external environment. It is destroyed by heat treatment, contact with most metals, and in peeled fruits and vegetables, even if they are immersed in water. To save maximum amount vitamin C, you must follow some rules when cooking:

  • Fruits and vegetables are best consumed fresh - the more time passes from the moment the peel is removed, the less vitamin remains in them. You also need to start cooking as early as possible - the destruction of ascorbic acid begins at the moment of contact with oxygen;
  • It is necessary to cook in dishes made of aluminum or stainless steel - upon contact with other metals, ascorbic acid is destroyed. It is also necessary to cut fresh fruits and vegetables quickly - even short contact with a knife blade can destroy the vitamin. For this reason, the more the product is crushed, the less ascorbic acid remains in it;
  • Cooking with water (boiling, stewing) greatly reduces the vitamin C content in foods. Therefore, it is best to candiate, dry or wither fruits and berries. If you need to cook vegetables, it is better not to boil them, but to steam them - the less contact with water, the better;
  • however, there is a trick for cooking too. To retain as much vitamin C (and other nutrients) as possible, vegetables must be immersed in boiling water. This way, loss of vitamins can be avoided almost completely. But immerse them in cold water and it is not worth heating gradually (as many housewives do) - the loss of vitamin C in this case will reach almost a quarter of the original amount;
  • salt is not friendly with ascorbic acid, so there is practically no vitamin C left in pickles. The only exception is sauerkraut. Sugar affects the vitamin content much less, so fruits and berries can be safely candied or made into jam;
  • Vitamin C is best preserved in acidic environment. Therefore, if you want to preserve it as much as possible in your preparations, then you can slightly acidify them with table vinegar;
  • Most berries (rosehip, rowan, lingonberry, blackcurrant) have the ability to retain vitamin C in almost any type of processing. You can make compotes and decoctions from them, make jam, candied them - the content of ascorbic acid in jam or decoction will be only slightly inferior to that in fresh berries.