How to drink coffee. Coffee dose per day

Controversy constantly unfolds around this tasty and popular drink all over the world. Exist different opinions about the benefits and harms of coffee for human health. This depends on various factors, for example, on the amount of drink you drink per day, on the caffeine content in it, on why exactly we pour ourselves a cup of aromatic coffee(for example, to increase activity at work). Today we will talk about how to drink coffee so that this drink benefits our health.

What should you know about coffee?

You've probably read more than once about this warming drink, the characteristic captivating aroma of which can unite people. A drink that fills you with energy to cope with preparation for difficult exams or an important meeting at work. How nice is a cup of hot aromatic coffee on a winter evening while watching your favorite movie!

The main thing is not to forget that the drink contains caffeine. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system person, which allows you to cope with lethargy and fatigue.

Because of this, people who are forced to work in a fast paced or stressful environment, coffee seems to be a real panacea. Unfortunately, in the future this attitude may lead to unpleasant consequences for good health.

Coffee increases the heart rate, irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach, thanks to it we feel a surge of vigor and strength, coffee improves attention, as well. According to some experts, coffee helps us study more successfully and improves our memory.

In general, it can be argued that moderate consumption of coffee (up to five cups of drink per week) does not bring any harm to a person. When abused, a person develops tolerance to most of the alkaloids contained in the drink. The same process usually develops when taking medications.

Therefore, the reaction of the body of a coffee lover who drinks more than two cups of drink a day will not be as intense as the reaction of the body of a person who does not have such a habit.

Who shouldn't drink a lot of coffee?

If a person not only drinks coffee, but also smokes, leads sedentary image life, abuses fast food, does not play sports - the risk of health problems in this case increases. This risk is caused not so much by the consumption of the drink itself, but by the combination of all these factors.

It's also worth noting that people who are anemic, vegetarian or vegan should not drink a lot of coffee. The fact is that both coffee and coffee interfere with the absorption of iron. Other foods that have this property include chocolate and Coca-Cola.

Also, due to the consumption of this drink, calcium level. Therefore, coffee is not recommended for those who suffer from osteoporosis, as well as for people with broken bones or damaged teeth.

How to drink coffee for health benefits?

Think you're addicted to coffee? Every time you have to increase the dose of the drink in order to feel a surge of energy? Do you drink more than 4 cups a day? Do you prefer to brew it stronger and blacker? Are you familiar with the other risk factors that were listed earlier?

  • Try not to add milk, cream or white sugar to your coffee. It will be better if you add a little to the drink skim milk, honey stevia or brown sugar. Thanks to this, the portion will be less caloric.

  • Don't try to replace breakfast with several cups of coffee, You can't fool your stomach! Breakfast fills our body with energy for the whole next day, and for this it should consist of fruits, cereals and other healthy foods.
  • If you drink plenty of fluids (water, natural juices, herbal infusions), your body will be better able to resist fatigue and stress. As a result, there will be no need for so much coffee “for cheerfulness”.
  • Good dream It will also allow you to reduce the amount of drink you drink. If in Lately you have become restless and irritable, you have Bad mood, and also have difficulty sleeping - it is possible that the cause of this is precisely the abuse of coffee.
  • A good alternative regular coffee will become decaffeinated coffee And herbal infusions. They will help you calm your nerves and relax.
  • If you are suffering hypertension, diseases of cardio-vascular system, anemia, obesity, you have kidney problems, or you are expecting a child - in these cases it is recommended to avoid coffee or limit its consumption as much as possible.
  • It is not recommended to combine coffee with cigarettes and antidepressants. This can provoke severe headache, increase blood pressure and a migraine attack.

Which coffee should you choose?

  • If possible, choose organic coffee. Perhaps its price will be higher than the cost of the drink that you are used to buying in a supermarket, or you will have to go to special shop. But you will instantly feel the difference between organic coffee and an industrially produced drink. When growing organic coffee, the plants are not treated with pesticides and insecticides, and therefore the drink is natural and environmentally friendly. Another interesting fact: organic coffee beans are larger. When we prioritize environmentally in a safe way By growing coffee, we help our planet.

  • Choose coffee with darker and roasted beans. This drink contains more antioxidants than coffee made from medium roast beans. The coffee will be stronger, but you will need fewer beans to prepare the drink.
  • It is equally important to choose the right coffee maker. A good coffee maker will help you extract maximum benefit from every coffee bean and will save you money. To prepare the drink, use purified water. If you want, you can also purchase a coffee grinder. This will allow you to get coffee of various grinds without leaving home.
  • Another healthy alternative is green coffee. Recently, green coffee has become fashionable; this drink is believed to promote weight loss. In fact, green coffee is not a separate species coffee tree. We are talking about regular coffee beans. The only difference is that they are not fried and retain their original color. Green coffee helps get rid of excess fat, reduces the number of free radicals in the human body, and also helps defeat cellulite. This drink will make you feel full and help you avoid overeating. Green coffee is recommended for people suffering from type 2 diabetes. This drink will fill you with the real energy of nature.

Coffee is the most popular drink in the world (not counting water, of course). Hundreds of millions of people around the planet start their day with a cup of cappuccino, Viennese coffee or espresso. During the day, humanity drinks about 2.3 billion cups of this drink. At the same time, it is important to understand what coffee is, how to drink it correctly, at what time of day and in what quantity. This is what we will do in this article.

Coffee, which is familiar to all of us, is actually much more complex than we imagine. A typical coffee bean contains more than 2,000 chemical substances, such as potassium, carbohydrates, organic acids and even vitamins. Coffee contains a whole chemical “pantry”, which rather has a positive effect on the body of an adult, and even brings benefits when consumed correctly and in moderation.

One of the proofs of this statement are the results of an extensive study that covered 10 countries of the European continent, with more than half a million participants. Its results were published in 2017, and the purpose of the experiment was to study the effect of coffee on human life expectancy.

For just over 16 years, volunteers filled out questionnaires with information about their lifestyle, their diet, and the consumption of certain drinks, including coffee. At the final stage of research on natural reasons approximately 40 thousand participants died. Based on the data obtained, it became possible to draw the following conclusion: the risk of premature death was lower among those participants in the experiment who drank an average of three or more cups of coffee per day.

The results of the above studies may seem quite vague to the picky reader, but there is also more specific data on the benefits of coffee:

  • It has been found that coffee lovers who drink more than three cups of coffee per day are 30%-36% less likely to suffer from this problem. serious illness, like type 2 diabetes.
  • And it is already practically proven medical fact that regular coffee consumption is effective non-drug prevention Alzheimer's disease. In this case, caffeine prevents specific chemical changes in the human brain that lead to acute cognitive impairment.

However, any medal has reverse side. It's the same with coffee. In addition to the wonderful and beneficial properties There is also harm from its use.

Harm from coffee

It has been proven that frequent use coffee contributes to the leaching of calcium from the body and significant loss of bone mass due to dangerous combination caffeine and some acids. Therefore, older people should drink coffee in moderation or avoid it altogether. Coffee is strictly contraindicated for children whose skeletons are in the stage of active formation.

The habit of drinking coffee on an empty stomach can lead to very negative consequences due to the high concentration of tannin and some plant acids in coffee, which provoke the body to produce of hydrochloric acid. Accordingly, if the body begins to produce this acid more often than necessary, this will negatively affect the entire digestive system, which will find it more difficult to digest even an average amount of food. As a result, you may encounter problems such as irritable bowel syndrome, flatulence and other more severe consequences.

How should you drink coffee?

If you start your day with a traditional cup of coffee, then it is recommended to drink a glass of regular non-carbonated coffee 10-15 minutes before drinking it. drinking water. You can also drink coffee only 2 hours after waking up.

If you drink coffee several times during the day, you should also drink it with water, that is, simply wash it down with each sip of coffee. This is not an aesthetic whim or a ritual, but practical advice. Numerous studies have identified four main reasons why you should drink coffee with water:

  1. Thanks to water, the production of hydrochloric acid in the body is sharply reduced.
  2. According to dentists, coffee causes dark coating on the teeth. Drinking water dilutes the concentration of coffee and prevents coloring pigments from being absorbed into tooth enamel.
  3. In some cases, caffeine may increase arterial pressure. Accordingly, a few sips of water significantly reduce the concentration of coffee and its negative impact on the body.
  4. And finally, water helps to enjoy the rich taste of coffee, as if it enhances it, by cleansing the taste buds in the mouth after each sip.

The optimal amount of caffeine entering the body of an adult during the day should not exceed 300 mg and no more than 120 mg at a time.

And to determine how much coffee you can drink during the day, you should have an approximate idea of ​​the caffeine content in certain types of coffee (in this case, we are considering exclusively natural, bean coffee):

  1. Espresso. The caffeine content in one cup is from 75 to 130 mg.
  2. Cappuccino. The caffeine content in one cup is from 50 to 75 mg.
  3. Decaffeinated coffee. The caffeine content in one cup is from 2 to 5 mg.

Rules for drinking coffee (video)

What can you drink coffee with?

It is preferable to drink coffee in what is called its “pure form”, without all kinds of additives in the form of syrups and alcoholic drinks- rum, cognac. But this is a matter of taste, especially if not medical contraindications. Coffee also goes well with a fairly wide range of products. Great additions to coffee:

  1. Fruits, especially citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons. Peach, mango and pineapple go well together. Melon and watermelon are not recommended.
  2. Cheese. This product softens the taste of coffee and compensates for the loss of calcium, which coffee “leashes” from the body.
  3. Bakery. Excellent taste combination and practically complete absence contraindications, especially if fruits and nuts are used in baking.

Let's add to the above that in order to drink coffee correctly, you need to choose and prepare it correctly. There are many options for making coffee today great amount, and they are all interesting in their own way. But we will focus not on how to prepare it, but first of all on how to choose the right type of coffee plant for yourself. There are only two of them - Arabica and Robusta, and there are many varieties of each type. large quantity. Robusta contains more caffeine, it is more tart, has a characteristic bitter taste, but is less aromatic.

Arabica is not so strong, but everything tasty is contained in it. Therefore, the mixture of grains can be chosen according to taste: Arabica can be from 70% to 100%, the rest is Robusta.


  • Coffee is contraindicated for expectant mothers expecting a child, and during the entire period of pregnancy. Drinking several cups of coffee per day, containing between 100 and 200 mg of caffeine, has been shown to increase the risk of having a low-birth-weight baby, approximately 20% less than in pregnant women who did not drink coffee.
  • It is also not recommended to drink coffee for people with problems with the cardiovascular system due to the substance cafestol it contains. It is this substance that helps to “rise” the cholesterol level in a person’s blood by an average of 10%. This is not at all scary for a healthy person, but is unacceptable for angina pectoris, atherosclerosis or suffered a heart attack myocardium, which makes drinking coffee dangerous and unacceptable.
  • Coffee is contraindicated for children, as it leaches calcium, which they need so much at this age.

In conclusion, all that remains is to wish all coffee lovers and connoisseurs to use it correctly best qualities and the properties of this wonderful drink, always be cheerful and energetic, take care of yourself.

Every coffee lover, when drinking another cup of aromatic coffee, does not always limit himself only to his favorite drink. Very often, along with coffee, all sorts of goodies and sweets are used. Therefore, we decided to collect the TOP products that are ideal for a cup of morning coffee and will make drinking the drink even more enjoyable, but most importantly, healthy.

What is the best way to drink coffee?

Our rating is rightfully topped by baked goods, and it is highly desirable that they be hot. True coffee lovers know firsthand that in coffee shops a cup of aromatic drink There is always a choice of baked goods available. This could be a piece of cake, cookies or buns with or without filling. Typically, such establishments purchase coffee in bulk from the manufacturer, but baked goods are often prepared on the premises of the cafe. And if you want to feel like a Frenchman or just enjoy a full and delicious breakfast, we recommend that you try combining a cup of coffee with a freshly prepared hot croissant.

The next favorite in the “race” is chocolate and candy. Coffee with chocolate is an unforgettable pleasure, especially if we're talking about about porous chocolate. However, many experts agree that instead of milk chocolate and various chocolates It is advisable to combine coffee with natural dark chocolate. This will bring to the “feast” not only good mood, but will also provide the body with extreme benefits.

Fruits will be an excellent “pair” for natural coffee. However, in this case, coffee should not be diluted with milk, since it neutralizes the taste of the drink and does not allow you to enjoy the excellent combination with fruit. It turns out that you can drink coffee not only with a banana. Good taste qualities also demonstrates the combination of the drink with apples and grapes. In coffee shops where people try to order coffee in bulk, you can often see large vases filled with exotic fruits on the bar counters. This can be taken as a hint that visitors to the establishment should decide on a fruit and coffee experiment.

And finally, I would like to note the following: you should not add regular sugar to coffee! It is better to replace it with lump brown sugar. Experts say that such a replacement will only improve the taste of the drink, giving it a brighter aroma and unsurpassed taste. In addition, lump brown sugar will bring greater benefits to the body than its traditional counterpart.

Coffee is one of the most controversial drinks after alcohol. Some scientists claim that it is harmful to health, and some insist on its positive properties. In fact, coffee can be both harmful and beneficial.

Whether coffee is beneficial or harmful depends on how often and in what quantity you consume it.

Six simple tips, how to drink coffee correctly so that it benefits the body.

Is it harmful to drink coffee on an empty stomach?

A morning cup of aromatic coffee is a good solution, but if it drink after breakfast, and not instead of it. Otherwise, there will be a negative impact on metabolism, esophagus, heart and endocrine system. Although you will feel imaginary satiety for the first hours, the price to pay for it will be more expensive for your health.

Duet: coffee + oil

It is advisable to drink add oil. The best thing coconut. The coffee temperature should not be too high. The fats contained in oils protect the heart from disease and normalize blood pressure.

For coffee to be truly beneficial, it is worth do not add it to the drink cow's milk or cream. If you are still used to drinking latte or cappuccino, then an excellent replacement would be soy, almond or coconut milk. Plant milk does not contain bad cholesterol and other dangerous additives that are now found in store-bought cow's milk.

Coffee + cinnamon

Coffee with cinnamon is not only tasty, but also healthy. This duo contains antioxidants, which helps remove toxins from the body and prolong youth. In addition, cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels.

Cinnamon is also good for potency, and therefore eastern men, known for their strong men's health, often consumed in food and drinks.

Replace sugar with other sweeteners

By "other sweeteners" we do not mean synthetic sweetener. We are talking about natural sweeteners, For example - honey, date, maple or agave syrup. But remember that you should add sweeteners, especially honey, not to hot coffee, but to coffee that has cooled down a little.

You can also drink the drink with dried fruits (for example, dates). This will be an excellent option for a snack and dessert.

To make coffee you need to use filtered water

To make water clean and safe, it is not enough just to boil it. She must go through filter to cleanse yourself from heavy metals and various harmful impurities. Otherwise, there is a risk of harm to health.

It is advisable to use disposable paper filters

It is advisable to use paper cups for making coffee. disposable filters. In this way, components that contribute to the growth of bad cholesterol are filtered out.

If you prepare and drink coffee correctly, the positive effects on health and well-being will not take long. It is also important to choose high-quality varieties of the drink. It is best to take coffee beans moderate degree roasting and do not store ground coffee for a long time.

How much do we know about real coffee? Real coffee means boiled ground coffee beans. the best varieties, and not an instant drink of questionable taste.

Around the world, coffee is not just a drink. This is an everyday attribute of a business, self-confident person. Without a cup of coffee it is impossible to imagine any business meeting, informal meetings, romantic dates, etc.

Coffee has its own soul. The main task of a person preparing coffee is not to deprive coffee of its soul, that is, its aroma, taste and aftertaste. Coffee, like a beloved woman, should always be nearby, delight you and warm your soul!

The very process of making coffee as a drink is full of mysteries and surrounded by something mysterious. Only a few people know how to make coffee perfectly. In fact, this is just literate knowledge chemical processes, occurring in coffee powder.

But since this is a gourmet drink, it must first be prepared beautifully and in such a way that the pleasure comes before you start drinking coffee.

Some people, when preparing coffee in a cezve (Turk), are convinced that the coffee is ready as soon as it is brought to a boil. This is the most important mistake. I don’t even want to call this drink coffee. The fact is that after 98-99°C, irreversible processes begin in coffee. Not only does coffee taste sour, but it also begins to release acids that are harmful to the human stomach. The best way to prepare Turkish coffee is on hot sand.

Finely ground coffee is poured into a hot Turk, then it is heated a little on the sand, it is important not to overheat it! After that, sugar and spices are poured into the Turk (if necessary, of course) and cold water is poured in. To prevent the coffee from boiling and to warm up evenly, the Turk needs to be moved along the sand in a circular motion, drawing a figure eight on the sand. Every 2 minutes you need to stir the grounds with a spoon. As soon as the coffee has risen and bubbles begin to appear on the walls of the pot, it means the coffee is ready. Then you need to carefully pour the coffee into the cup. It is considered good form to add a teaspoon to already prepared coffee. cold water, so that the grounds settle a little.

Are we drinking coffee correctly? Before drinking, you need to “get to know” the coffee, that is, inhale its aroma in order to have at least a little idea of ​​its taste. It is not recommended to drink coffee in the morning on an empty stomach, as this can cause heartburn, and subsequently stomach ulcers over the years. Turkish coffee is generally served without a spoon, since it cannot be stirred. But many coffee shops don’t know about this, and if they know, they don’t warn their visitors and guests about it. Coffee should be drunk slowly, enjoying its taste and aroma, but not forgetting that it can cool down.


You need to drink coffee separately from food. These are incompatible things that worsen the taste and properties of each other. Coffee slows down absorption useful substances from other products, in particular iron. And in turn, it loses its invigorating and appetite-suppressing properties. There is no habit more vicious than drinking coffee and cake.

Coffee is never drunk in one gulp or mechanically - otherwise it loses most of its properties. Its absorption begins already in oral cavity, and coffee does not live long in the stomach. Drink it in small sips, hold it in your mouth, inhale the aroma.

Coffee is ideal as a daytime snack as an appetite suppressant for 2-3 hours. Sugar is not needed, milk is acceptable. We eat lunch without coffee, and devote the second half of the day and evening to tea. The last tea at work may be stronger, then it will be easier, when returning from work, not to immediately attack the food.

Coffee with cream and ice cream is a completely different drink, far from true coffee, because not only the taste, but also the properties change greatly. But their instant counterparts benefit significantly from combining them with milk, moreover, with regular milk, not dry milk. And preferably without sugar.

You can simply smell freshly ground coffee. A good solution for those who are weaning themselves from the drink: the aroma also tones and to some extent muffles the feeling of hunger. Unless, of course, you are able to resist and not break the ban.

How to store coffee

How to store coffee beans

Basic rules for storing coffee. Ground coffee, unfortunately, quickly loses its taste and aroma, so you should not stock up on it for future use; it is better to store coffee beans. Air promotes oxidation essential oils and thereby causes the coffee to “age”, so under no circumstances leave the packaging or can of coffee open!

Experts advise storing coffee, like most products, in a vacuum, so the coffee will not lose its taste and aroma, since there is no access to air in a vacuum. It is also recommended to store coffee in foil packages (preferably airtight). If you don't have anything similar at hand, use glass jar. Each package of coffee must contain instructions for storing the coffee contained in it. Don't be lazy - read!

How to store ground coffee

Let me remind you that ground coffee cannot be stored for a long time. It is better to grind coffee exactly as much as you need for this moment to prepare this aromatic and invigorating drink. There is no point in grinding coffee for future use - the taste and aroma are lost.

Coffee preparation methods

A cup of coffee

There are varieties of coffee depending on the method of preparation. Everyone has chosen their favorite coffee recipes and enjoys an invigorating drink with the addition of certain tasty and healthy additives.

Oriental coffee

This is the most popular and simplest coffee recipe. This is the most common method of making Turkish coffee, proven and popular. Pour 1.5 teaspoons of granulated sugar into the Turk and put it on fire. The sugar will begin to melt and caramelize in the pot over the heat. As soon as he acquires light brown color, remove the Turk from the heat, add 2 teaspoons of ground coffee and pour 100 ml clean water. Stir and bring to a boil (but do not boil). Repeat the procedure two or three times, after which you can remove the Turk from the heat and pour the coffee into small cups along with the grounds.

Coffee “For the Lazy”

Maybe this recipe has a real name, but I decided to call it that after going through many forums about brewing coffee and trying it myself.

To brew coffee using this method, we need to grind the coffee finely, then take 1-2 teaspoons of coffee per 1 cup (to taste, as you like), pour boiling water over it, cover with a lid or saucer and let it brew for 5-10 minutes. That's it, the coffee is ready!

"Coffee in milk"

Pour 1-2 teaspoons of coffee into the Turk (per 1 cup) and add milk. According to the standard, we fill it with the cup in which we will drink coffee, so that the output of our favorite drink is neither more nor less. Place the Turk on low heat and bring to a boil (but do not boil!), remove from heat. Once the coffee cools down a little, you can add a little honey to it.

Coffee with milk

Pour a third of the coffee into the mug and fill it with milk. You can, of course, make it to your liking by pouring coffee required quantity milk. I like it when the cup is 70% coffee and 30% milk, that is, vice versa. A matter of taste!

Chocolate coffee

Place a couple of pieces of chocolate (black, milk, white) on the bottom of the cup, add coffee to the cup, and put a little cream on top. That's it, chocolate coffee is ready! You can experiment with the types of chocolate and the number of chocolate slices per cup to find your ideal recipe based on the ratio of coffee-chocolate-cream ingredients. Again, you can add a little milk instead of cream.

Coffee with cinnamon

Add 1 teaspoon per mug to the Turk and heat it a little over the fire. Then add sugar to taste, a little cinnamon (1/3 teaspoon per cup) and pour water over the coffee. As soon as the coffee boils, you need to remove the Turk from the heat and put it back to boil until it boils, and so on 2 more times. Then pour the coffee into coffee cups and serve.

Healthy coffee additives

What additives make coffee healthy? Many people drink coffee with spices, which enrich the oriental drink, making it even more interesting and tastier. Cinnamon, caramel, vanilla, and grated chocolate are added to coffee.

Coffee with water. This drink is otherwise called “Colombian Coffee.” Added water reduces irritation of the gastric mucosa. It is recommended to use water with strong species coffee, for example espresso.

Coffee with cinnamon. Various spices enrich and saturate the taste of coffee. Among them, cinnamon is rightfully considered the most famous and popular. In addition, spices increase tone and reduce appetite.

Coffee with milk. If you add milk to coffee, it will not only soften its taste, but also replenish the element calcium removed when drinking coffee. Plus, milk will protect your vocal cords from irritation.

Coffee with lemon. Lemon helps enhance the antioxidant properties of coffee. It also stimulates secretion gastric juice and improves digestion.

Useful coffee tips

Fill the coffee with water into the cups you will drink from so that you get exactly the amount of coffee you need.

For beginners, add 1-2 teaspoons of coffee to a mug.

Don’t stockpile ground coffee for future use—grind just enough beans to make enough cups of coffee right now. Ground coffee only lasts for a few hours.

The history of the appearance of black coffee The Kaffa province in Ethiopia is considered the birthplace of the coffee tree, hence the name of the product itself. Scientists have proven that this alkaloid has a strong stimulating effect on the human central nervous system, which is why it is used as a stimulant. Caffeine also enhances excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, so black coffee increases physical and mental performance, motor activity, relieves drowsiness and fatigue. However, an overdose of this product may contribute to depletion nerve cells. It is worth noting that the effect of caffeine on each of us is individual and depends on the type nervous activity person. Moreover, scientists confirm the benefits of coffee, provided that it is not abused, i.e. drink no more than 2-3 cups per day. The beneficial properties of coffee Even Avicenna and Aristotle were aware of the beneficial properties of coffee. Each grain contains many different microelements and vitamins, the main ones being: calcium, potassium, sodium, iron, sulfur and phosphorus. In addition, this product contains more than 30 organic acids. Due to its beneficial properties, coffee prevents the development of diabetes mellitus, reduces the likelihood of occurrence by 30% cholelithiasis. It has been proven that coffee contains serotonin, which is also called the “happiness hormone,” so it lifts your mood and helps overcome depression. At regular use Black coffee (but no more than 3 cups per day) reduces the risk of developing depression. It has been proven that in large quantities this drink improves potency and spermatogenesis in men. One cup of black coffee a day can prolong sexual activity in women over 50 years old. More recently, scientists have discovered another property of coffee - positive influence per person for Parkinson's disease. These studies revolutionized medicine, and active work is currently underway to create medicinal product based on caffeine, which will be able to stop and even reverse this terrible disease. The benefits of coffee in cosmetology are undeniable.

Massage with coffee grounds on areas prone to cellulite makes the skin silky, smooth and even. Coffee grounds mixed with any cream is an excellent natural peeling; it will even out the surface of the skin and cleanse the face. A little drink added to water for rinsing hair after washing makes it stronger and healthier, eliminates itchy skin and dandruff. Scientists from India attribute to black coffee the ability to protect the human body from radiation. However, European doctors have not yet confirmed this point of view. Two to three cups of aromatic black coffee a day can significantly reduce the risk of developing cirrhosis of the liver and breast cancer. They improve attention and memory, elevate mood and vitality, and increase performance. It is imperative to remember that our body will benefit from coffee only if we take it in strictly limited quantities - no more than 3 cups per day. Harm of coffee First of all, everyone who likes to drink this black coffee needs to know that an overdose leads to headaches, dizziness and insomnia. Coffee is contraindicated for people with the following diagnoses: ischemic disease heart disease, kidney disease, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, glaucoma, insomnia and increased excitability. Coffee has been proven to be harmful for ulcers and exacerbations. chronic gastritis. In addition, it affects calcium metabolism in human body. The drink contains tannins, which can dry out the stomach lining, so it is not advisable to drink it on an empty stomach.

This product is not recommended for use by children and the elderly. The harm of coffee is also expressed in the fact that it flushes out of the body minerals, including calcium. Therefore, it is better to drink this drink with milk or cream. As an option, coffee lovers can take vitamin complexes. Until recently, it was forbidden for pregnant women to drink coffee drinks, but recently scientists have proven that caffeine does not have any harmful effects. negative influence neither on the woman’s health, nor on her unborn child. Another harm of coffee, scientists for a long time called the ability to lead to the development of cancer of the rectum, colon, and pancreas. However, recent studies have shown that black coffee, on the contrary, reduces the activity of some carcinogens.


Scientists are inclined to conclude that coffee in moderation does not pose the slightest threat to health. Moreover:

* when used wisely, the process of assimilation of information accelerates, memory and reaction improve;

* one cup of the “magic drink” contains 20% daily dose vitamin P, necessary to maintain elasticity blood vessels;

* coffee acts as a pain reliever (mainly for women) and a cough suppressant. For colds, it is recommended to breathe over strongly brewed hot coffee, covering your head with a towel;

* in the form of wraps it is used to treat cellulite - caffeine penetrates through the pores into the skin and promotes the breakdown of fat;

* a cocktail of coffee with a small amount of alcohol (cognac, whiskey or liqueur) has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and may even promote recovery after a stroke;

* coffee lovers have a significantly lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes than those who do not drink it;

* regular intake of caffeine reduces the risk of liver damage, but the mechanism of this protective effect is not yet clear;

* in various studies conducted recently in different countries world, it has also been proven that regular coffee consumption protects against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, colon and gallbladder cancer.

In addition, caffeine does not accumulate in the body and is released from it within a few hours. So the only real trouble is caffeine addiction, which develops very quickly (according to some sources? almost from the very first cup). This is what makes us passionate fans of the aromatic drink.


The harm of excessive coffee consumption is very difficult to objectively determine: coffee lovers are often obsessed, overworked and generally not the best healthy people. Among those who drink coffee in large quantities, there are a lot of smokers, and smoking itself provokes the development of serious diseases.

Individual sensitivity to caffeine also matters. Some people can drink several cups in a row and not feel any effect, while for others one cup is enough to keep them awake all night. There is an assumption that this is determined genetically.

In any case, everything is negative side effects coffee symptoms begin to appear with regular abuse of it. According to various studies, excess caffeine can significantly increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, promote thinning of bones in women, especially during menopause, increase the release of calcium by the kidneys - the main culprit in the appearance of stones.

If you drink coffee no more than once or twice a day, you don’t have to think about all these troubles. And for our weight loss goals, this amount of drink is also quite enough.


When determining a safe dose, you need to take into account what kind of coffee you drink. The caffeine content depends on the variety: in Arabica it is from 0.8 to 1.5-2%, in Robusta from 1.5 to 2-3%. For those for whom caffeine causes tachycardia or increased blood pressure, sometimes it is enough to switch to a different type of coffee to enjoy it without side effects.

The brewing strength also matters. For example, very strong Turkish brew is brewed at the rate of a teaspoon per tiny cup. This coffee should be washed down with water. Be sure to drink some water before: it kind of “cleanses” taste buds, the aroma and taste of coffee is felt more sharply.

If you think that instant coffee is weaker than ground coffee, you are mistaken. There is no less caffeine in it. It just goes away when processed. most of essential oils, and it partially loses its aromatherapy properties. It invigorates and suppresses appetite in almost the same way, which cannot be said about decaffeinated coffee. There, only an imitation of taste is preserved, but not properties.

The main thing is not to forget that making coffee, as well as drinking it, is a great art that takes years to learn. It is important not just to drink coffee, but to do it with pleasure and respect for this fabulous elixir of life.
Original taken from lukilukii V