How to recognize a disease by its symptoms. Determination of diseases by external signs of a person

"Diagnosis cetra - ullae therapiae fundamentum - A reliable diagnosis is the basis of any treatment."
(Ancient wisdom)

Almost every person, even if he has absolutely nothing to do with medicine, knows that the treatment of any disease begins with its diagnosis.

Word " diagnostics" comes from the Greek "diagnostikos", which means - " capable of recognizing"Yes, indeed, disease diagnosis (DZ) is the process of recognizing a disease and its ascertainment or designation using appropriate professional terminology. This is a whole science that studies and discovers various methods establishing a diagnosis.

Stages of disease diagnosis

Remote control is always based on a thorough and comprehensive, and most importantly, systematic study of the patient. It includes:

1. Careful collection of information about the course of the disease through conversation and questioning of the patient - collection of anamnesis.
The success of the procedure largely depends on the doctor’s ability to establish contact and gain the patient’s trust. reliable diagnosis. Many experienced doctors starting from one anamenza they can already put quite accurate diagnosis.
2. Study of the organism in its current state.
Such a study has many methods: elementary palpation (feeling), external examination, tapping, listening, determination of hearing and visual acuity, reflex movements...
3. Third stage diagnosis of diseases the most thorough and in-depth is a cumulative analysis of various data.
Here they look at blood tests and various secretions (urine, feces, pus, sputum); x-rays; ECG; endoscopy; biopsy...

Diagnosis of diseases is a comparison of all available data and the more of this data, the more accurate the diagnosis will be, because quite a lot various diseases have the same symptoms and manifest themselves in the same way, but are treated completely differently.

Differential diagnosis of diseases

This diagnostic method can be called the exclusion method. Simply put, first external signs, symptoms or with the help of anamnesis, all variants of diseases possible for the patient are established, and then gradually eliminate variants that are not suitable for any reason. This is done until everything is reduced to the only possible option.

The need for differential diagnosis of diseases is indicated in almost every reference book on diseases that have infectious nature. It is with these diseases differential diagnosis diseases especially effective. It is based on the syndromic principle, i.e. the main, pronounced and clearly defined sign of the disease is identified (diarrhea, fever, exanthema...), and then, based on various data, all possible diseases for this sign are eliminated until one remains - it will be the diagnosis.

Today our ecology is “bursting at all the seams”; our activities, unfortunately, cause enormous damage to nature and this cannot but affect each of us. New types of diseases appear and in today's environment they progress very quickly and therefore, we
we think there is no need to tell how important early diagnosis of diseases. Often a person’s life depends on this, because diagnosis and treatment of diseases are inextricably linked and the success of treatment directly depends not only on the accuracy of the diagnosis, but also on the stage at which it was made. Early diagnosis diseases - a guarantee of a quick and not very expensive recovery.

As a rule, the first diagnosis has to be made by outpatient doctors: local therapists, doctors general practice. In the early stages of illness, this is very difficult to do, because those who are ill often simply do not pay attention to the first symptoms of the disease, believing that everything will “resolve on its own,” in addition, incubation period Many diseases are quite large and it happens that a person is already sick, and he doesn’t even suspect it.
That is why local doctors have a special responsibility for their knowledge of their areas, especially during “infectious seasons” and in environmentally unfavorable places.

Diagnosis and treatment of diseases

It should be understood that the diagnosis of diseases is not limited to just stating the fact of a particular disease; a deep and thorough diagnosis also provides an answer regarding treatment methods. After all, even the same diseases occur differently in different people and what may help one may harm another.

Overwhelming majority medical supplies give side effects, have contraindications and therefore it is very important to know how the patient will react to a particular medicine or method. IN Lately Very widespread received autoimmune diseases and in particular allergies, which begin due to improper use medicines. And that is why diagnosis and treatment of diseases are one whole and this must be understood and in no case should we neglect the possibilities medical research of your body.

Diagnosis of diseases: difficulties

Doctors have a saying: correct diagnosis- 90% treatment success, correct early diagnosis- 100%. But correct diagnosis
illness has its difficulties. We have already talked about the disgusting ecology, which is the cause of many diseases, but in addition to this, complications of diseases occur. The average human immune status has fallen by 25-30% over the past 20-30 years, and this has led to the emergence of “bouquet diseases”. In other words, today, most often, some diseases manifest themselves against the background of others, others against the background of third ones, and are complicated by fourth ones. In such circumstances, making a diagnosis is a very difficult task... but not impossible.

Technologies are improving every day; what seemed science-fiction yesterday is today the reality of the day. Every day new and more advanced ones appear methods for diagnosing diseases. Thanks to them, new treatment methods are emerging. And now it is very important to be aware of all discoveries in medicine and know where and who to turn to. After all, this can save not only our health, but even our lives.
We know all the latest, most modern and best methods for diagnosing diseases and we know how to deal with them. We can and want to help you, call us, we are waiting for you.

Sign up for the following types diagnostician:

Health status is easy to determine if you know primary symptoms certain diseases. The body often tells us what’s wrong with it; whether we want to notice its signals is another matter.

Immunity status

How to determine how strong the immune system is during a given period? It is worth paying attention to the condition of the skin. The presence of a rash, psoriasis, allergic spots, eczema indicates a malfunction immune system. Diseases also indicate health problems respiratory tract, for example, sudden onset of asthma.

Digestive system

Even minor violations talk about health problems. Morning dry mouth and a bitter taste indicate diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Constipation also indicates Not proper operation digestive system.

Liver function

The absence of swelling in the eye area and pain in the right hypochondrium indicate proper liver function.

They also talk about liver diseases yellow plaque on the tongue, bitterness in the mouth, overweight and malfunctions of the thyroid gland.

Skin health

Dandruff, dryness, loss of elasticity, flaking, sallow or yellowish-green skin tone indicate health problems. This can apply to both the skin itself and internal organs.

A separate issue is the presence of calluses. In most cases, they indicate problems with joints and diseases of the spine.

Pimples on the face

Acne or rashes mature age talk about the presence of internal problems. If acne appears on your forehead, you should check your stomach. Most likely, an exacerbation of gastritis or its occurrence. Rashes on the chin indicate hormonal imbalances.

And pimples on the cheeks indicate problems with the intestines.

Brain and circulatory organs

Presence fainting states, depression, dizziness, migraines and drowsiness indicate normal brain functioning. If such symptoms occur from time to time, you should visit a doctor.

Other symptoms

General endurance, energy, lack of shortness of breath indicate good things physical condition. At the same time, many people do not perceive the listed symptoms as a signal of any disease until the situation worsens, when it becomes difficult to cure the disease.

The state of health is easy to determine if you know the primary symptoms of certain diseases. The body often tells us what’s wrong with it; whether we want to notice its signals is another matter.

Why is self-diagnosis of diseases necessary? First of all, to quickly obtain information about health and identify problems in the early stages.

Our body is quite complex mechanism, which does not always comply with the requirements and desires of a person. Sometimes he himself begins to give signals about an approaching illness, sometimes he holds on until the last, without expressing any symptoms, and then the news of a sudden illness turns out to be a real shock for a person. In order not to be constantly afraid of possible health surprises, it is necessary to conduct regular diagnostics of your body and take preventive measures, learning to identify the slightest signs of an impending disease. In this article we will tell you how to recognize the disease by its symptoms.

The doctor will tell you how to recognize the disease by its symptoms.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact your doctor immediately. If you don't yet know which doctor you need, first describe your symptoms to your therapist. The doctor will most likely either give you a diagnosis right away or prescribe some additional diagnostic methods, for example, an x-ray or ultrasound, or will issue a referral to another specialist.

Virtual diagnostics

If for some reason you cannot visit a doctor in person, then to explain your symptoms you can try a recently introduced method - virtual diagnostics. Recently, many specialized sites have appeared on the Internet that offer consulting services by specialists in real time. All you have to do is ask your question on the forum or in the window feedback. However, you should be prepared for the fact that you will still be advised to conduct a personal interview in order to make a more accurate diagnosis.

How to recognize the symptoms of a disease using self-diagnosis

According to doctors, self-diagnosis is far from best method. However, some diseases are expressed quite clear signs, which can be seen even at home, in front of the mirror. In addition to well-known methods such as measuring pressure and temperature, signals can be carefully studied own body and faces. For example, in the morning you need to take a good look at your tongue; if it is pale, crimson or with a white coating, then this is direct evidence of problems in the body. Strong people can also talk about illness dark spots on the face, swelling of the eyelids, dull skin color, etc. Let's take a closer look at others possible symptoms:

  • may indicate digestive disorders plump cheeks and double chin;
  • when an intense, limited red spot forms on the cheekbones, the lungs begin to collapse;
  • a sign of liver pathology is a bluish-green complexion;
  • people suffering from diseases of the spleen, stomach, pancreas usually have a bluish-green complexion;
  • pale skin may indicate diseases of the large intestine;
  • a red complexion indicates heart disease;
  • the smell of acetone from the mouth indicates kidney damage;
  • a thickened nape may indicate headaches, mental disorders, tinnitus, diseases spinal cord;
  • the forehead is darkish and shiny - a sign of hormonal imbalance;
  • a trembling of the tongue indicates a disorder of the mind.

At the first symptoms of any disturbances in the functioning of the body, consult a doctor immediately! Only qualified specialists can carry out a detailed examination and voice the correct diagnosis, followed by a course of treatment that is effective in your case. Prompt consultation with a doctor will help speed up the healing process and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.


Pay attention to how you feel - whether there is a feeling of fatigue, general weakness, increased pain, or aches in the muscles and joints. All this may indicate that the body has inflammation, which it has entered into active struggle. Remember what happened to you recently, for example, frostbite, communication with a sick person, various damages and bruises to understand whether these symptoms are harbingers of normal, or whether you have hidden diseases.

If you have abdominal pain, vomiting, or diarrhea, this may indicate some kind of food, diseases of the stomach and intestines, as well as some hidden diseases in a severe form. Extreme thirst, bitterness and dry mouth may also indicate that there are problems with internal organs.

The presence is usually indicated fast fatiguability, general weakness, insomnia, excessive sweating. A sure sign that you need to see a doctor urgently is pain in the chest. An increased heart rate can also be a warning sign.

If you have symptoms such as frequent cough(dry or with sputum), pain in the chest, rapid or difficult breathing, accompanied by painful sensations and, this indicates the presence of respiratory tract diseases. This may also be indicated excessive sweating, weakness, unhealthy blush, elevated temperature.

Do not rely on your own intuition and medical knowledge. If any symptoms appear, seek medical attention immediately qualified assistance see a doctor who will examine you, provide an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment. In case of emergency, always call home ambulance.

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Timely diagnosis flu allows you to take action and prevent possible complications, which can lead to severe consequences. To diagnose the flu, you need to know its main symptoms and be able to distinguish them from signs of other diseases.


Don't miss the onset of the disease. The flu has a specific onset - sudden malaise, an increase in temperature over several hours without accompanying manifestations in the form of, etc. If your temperature suddenly rises and it gets worse general state, then perhaps this is the first symptom of the flu.

You may feel characteristic intoxication. During the flu, the whole body, joints and muscles, the person is tormented by severe headache, annoys bright light. A rapidly increasing temperature manifests itself in the form of chills or heavy sweating.

Note the skin color of the face and body. With the flu, the face usually turns red, and the rest skin remain pale. In particularly severe cases, the skin appears pinpoint hemorrhages- this is very alarming symptom.

On the second or third day of the disease, a cough appears, which is accompanied by painful sensations c, painful attacks during which you cannot clear your throat for a long time. The cough quickly becomes wet.

Measure your body temperature. If on the first day the body temperature rises to 38°C or higher, then this may be the onset of the flu. When body temperature does not rise so rapidly and is not the main or first sign of the disease.

You lose your appetite. During the flu, you don’t feel like eating at all, although there are no stomach upsets or abdominal pain (unless it’s intestinal form diseases). Lack of appetite is accompanied by stool retention.

A runny nose may begin on the second or third day. Nasal congestion is accompanied by copious mucopurulent sputum, and the liquid phase passes quickly and almost unnoticed.

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By bringing a dog into the house, a person takes responsibility for its life and health. And the animal responds to care - it becomes not just a companion, but also a friend of the owner, and sometimes a member of his family. Unfortunately, animal life, as a rule, is much faster than human life, and four-legged friends, like people, are susceptible to stress and heart disease. Attentive and caring owner is able to help his pet and significantly prolong his life, if only he knows what troubles seemingly quite harmless and inconspicuous symptoms can turn into.


Heart disease in dogs is a fairly common problem and significantly affects the life expectancy of the animal. Dogs of some breeds - boxers, Dobermans, St. Bernards, Newfoundlands, Great Danes - are especially predisposed to their occurrence. Older dogs also automatically fall into the risk zone. age category.

Heart pathologies are divided into congenital defects and acquired defects as a result of complications after illness or injury. Congenital defects appear before the age of one year and quite often lead to the death of the animal. At this age problems are characterized the following symptoms: The puppy sleeps a lot and eats poorly, which is why it gains little weight. He may be active, but after running or playing he takes a long time to breathe. open mouth, and he develops a cough. After bouts of coughing, the animal becomes lethargic. Shortness of breath may be permanent, i.e. appear not only when physical activity or emotional excitement, but also at rest. Fainting is also possible, the puppy's tongue becomes bluish color.

In a dog that does not have congenital pathologies, symptoms of heart failure can appear as early as 6-7 years of age. If you notice that your dog is getting tired faster and has shortness of breath, contact your veterinarian. Shortness of breath is the very first and always present sign of beginning changes in the animal’s cardiac activity; it is very important not to miss it. Of course, the appearance of shortness of breath can be provoked by some other processes - fever, poisoning, indigestion, various pains.

If the doctor confirms your concerns, immediately reduce physical activity and change your diet. Feed the animal 3-4 times a day in small portions. Help from a specialist and sensitive attitude of the dog owner to the problem initial stage its development can stop negative processes in the animal’s body and significantly improve its health.

In elderly animals, heart pathologies are especially common. Prescription of vitamins and medications and advice veterinarian regarding nutrition and physical activity aging animals will help you greatly improve the well-being of your four-legged friend.