How to determine a split personality in a person in time? All for One: How Multiple Personalities Arise.

Psychological illnesses are among the most difficult, they often respond poorly to treatment and in some cases remain with the person forever. Split personality or dissociative syndrome belongs to such a group of diseases, has similar symptoms to schizophrenia, identity disorders become signs of this pathology. The condition has its own characteristics, which are not known to everyone, so there is a misinterpretation of this disease.

What is split personality

This is a mental phenomenon, which is expressed in the presence of two or more personalities in a patient, who replace each other with a certain periodicity or exist simultaneously. Patients who are faced with this problem, doctors diagnose "dissociation of personality", which is as close as possible to a split personality. This is general description pathologies, there are subspecies of this condition, which are characterized by certain features.

Dissociative disorder - concept and manifestation factors

This is a whole group of psychological disorders that have the characteristic features of a violation psychological functions that are characteristic of man. Dissociative identity disorder affects memory, awareness of the personality factor, behavior. All affected functions. As a rule, they are integrated and are part of the psyche, but when dissociated, some streams separate from consciousness, gaining a certain independence. This may appear in the following moments:

  • loss of identity;
  • loss of access to certain memories;
  • emergence of a new "I".

Behavioral Features

A patient with this diagnosis will have an extremely unbalanced character, will often lose touch with reality, and will not always be aware of what is happening around him. The dual personality is characterized by large and short memory lapses. Typical manifestations of pathology include the following symptoms:

  • frequent and heavy sweating;
  • insomnia;
  • severe headaches;
  • impaired ability to think logically;
  • inability to recognize one's condition;
  • mood mobility, a person first enjoys life, laughs, and after a few minutes he will sit in a corner and cry;
  • conflicting feelings about everything around you.


Mental disorders of this type can manifest themselves in several forms: mild, moderate, complex. Psychologists have developed a special test that helps to identify the signs and causes that caused a split personality. There are also common factors that provoked the disease:

  • the influence of other family members who have their own dissociative type disorders;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • childhood memories of mental or sexual abuse;
  • lack of support from loved ones in a situation of severe emotional stress.

Symptoms of the disease

Identity disorders in some cases have symptoms similar to other mental illnesses. You can suspect a split personality in the presence of a whole group of signs, which include the following options:

  • patient's imbalance abrupt change mood, inadequate response on what is happening around;
  • the appearance of one or more new incarnations within oneself - a person calls himself different names, behavior is radically different (modest and aggressive personalities), does not remember what he did at the time of the dominance of the second "I".
  • loss of connection with the environment - an inadequate reaction to reality, hallucinations;
  • speech disorder - stuttering, long pauses between words, slurred speech;
  • memory impairment - short-term or extensive lapses;
  • the ability to connect thoughts into a logical chain is lost;
  • inconsistency, inconsistency of actions;
  • sudden, noticeable mood swings;
  • insomnia;
  • profuse sweating;
  • severe headaches.

auditory hallucinations

One of the common abnormalities in the disorder, which can be independent symptom or one of several. Disturbances in the functioning of the human brain create false auditory signals, which the patient perceives as speech that does not have a sound source, sounds inside his head. Often these voices say what needs to be done, it is only possible to drown them out medications.

Depersonalization and Derealization

This deviation is characterized by a constant or intermittent feeling of alienation from own body, mental processes, as if a person is an outside observer of everything that happens. You can compare these sensations with those that many people experience in a dream, when there is a distortion of the sensation of temporal, spatial barriers, disproportion of the limbs. Derealization is a feeling of unreality of the world around, some patients say that they are a robot, often accompanied by depressive, anxiety states.

Trance-like states

This form is characterized by a simultaneous disorder of consciousness and a decrease in the ability to adequately and modernly respond to stimuli from the outside world. The trance state can be observed in mediums who use it for séances and in pilots who make long flights on high speed and with monotonous movements, monotonous impressions (sky and clouds).

In children, this condition manifests itself as a result of physical trauma, violence. The peculiarity of this form lies in the possession, which is found in some regions and cultures. For example, amok - in Malays, this condition is manifested by a sudden fit of rage, followed by amnesia. A man runs and destroys everything that comes his way, he continues until he cripple himself or die. The Eskimos call the same condition piblokto: the patient tears off his clothes, screams, imitates the sounds of animals, after which amnesia sets in.

Change in self-perception

The patient fully or partially experiences alienation from his own body, on the mental side it can be expressed by a feeling of observation from the side of himself. The state of derealization is very similar, in which mental, temporary barriers are broken and a person loses a sense of the reality of what is happening around. A person may experience false feelings of hunger, anxiety, the size of his own body.

In children

Toddlers are also prone to splitting personalities, it happens in a somewhat peculiar way. The child will still respond to the name given by the parents, but at the same time there will be signs of the presence of other "Selves", which partially capture his consciousness. The following manifestations of pathology are characteristic for children:

  • different manner of speaking;
  • amnesia;
  • food habits are constantly changing;
  • amnesia;
  • mood lability;
  • self-talk;
  • glassy look and aggressiveness;
  • inability to explain their actions.

How to recognize dissociative identity disorder

This condition can only be diagnosed by a specialist who evaluates the patient according to certain criteria. The main task is to exclude herpetic infection and tumor processes in the brain, epilepsy, schizophrenia, amnesia due to physical or psychological trauma, mental fatigue. A doctor is able to recognize a mental illness by the following features:

  • the patient shows signs of two or more personalities who have an individual relationship to the world as a whole and certain situations;
  • a person is unable to remember important personal information;
  • disorder occurs not under the influence of drugs, alcohol, toxic substances.

Criteria for the splitting of consciousness

There are a number of common symptoms that indicate the development of this form of pathology. These symptoms include memory lapses, events that cannot be logically explained and indicate the development of another personality, alienation from one's own body, derealization and depersonalization. All this happens when many personalities coexist in one person. Be sure the doctor takes an anamnesis, talks with the alter ego, and monitors the patient's behavior. The following factors are indicated in the handbook as criteria for determining the splitting of consciousness:

  • in a person there are several alter egos that have their own attitude to the outside world, thinking, perception;
  • capture of consciousness by another person, behavior change;
  • the patient cannot remember important information about himself, which is difficult to explain by simple forgetfulness;
  • all the above signs did not become a consequence of drug, alcohol intoxication, exposure to toxic substances, other diseases (complex seizures of epilepsy).

Differential Analysis

This concept means the exclusion of other pathological conditions, which can cause symptoms similar to the manifestation of a splitting of consciousness. If studies have shown signs of the following pathologies, then the diagnosis will not be confirmed:

  • delirium;
  • infectious diseases(herpes);
  • brain tumors that affect the temporal lobe;
  • schizophrenia;
  • amnestic syndrome;
  • disorders resulting from the use of psychoactive substances;
  • mental fatigue;
  • temporal lobe epilepsy;
  • dementia;
  • bipolar disorder;
  • somatoform disorders;
  • post-traumatic amnesia;
  • simulation of the considered state.

How to exclude the diagnosis of "organic brain damage"

This is one of mandatory milestones differential analysis, because the pathology has many similar symptoms. A person is sent for verification based on the result of the anamnesis collected by the doctor. A neurologist conducts a study, which will give a direction for the following tests:

  • CT scan- helps to get information about functional state brain, allows you to detect structural changes;
  • neurosonography - used to detect neoplasms in the brain, helps to examine the cerebrospinal fluid spaces;
  • rheoencephalogram - examination of the vessels of the brain;
  • ultrasound procedure cavities of the brain;
  • MRI - performed to detect structural changes brain tissue, nerve fibers, vessels, the stage of pathology, the degree of damage.

How to treat a split personality

The process of patient therapy is usually complex and lengthy. In most cases, follow-up is required for the rest of a person's life. It is possible to get a positive and desired result from the treatment only if correct reception medicines. Drugs, dosages should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor on the basis of studies and analyzes. Modern schemes Treatments include these types of drugs:

  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers;
  • neuroleptics.

In addition to medications, other methods of therapy are used, which are aimed at solving the problems of splitting consciousness. Not all of them have a quick effect, but are part of a comprehensive treatment:

  • electroconvulsive therapy;
  • psychotherapy, which can only be carried out by doctors who have completed a specialized additional practice after graduation medical institute;
  • hypnosis is allowed;
  • part of the responsibility for treatment lies on the shoulders of others, they should not talk to a person as if they are sick.

Psychotherapeutic treatment

Dissociative disorder requires psychotherapeutic therapy. It should be carried out by specialists who have experience in this field and have undergone additional training. This direction is used to achieve two main goals:

  • relief of symptoms;
  • reintegration of all human alter egos into one fully functioning identity.

To achieve these goals, two main methods are used:

  1. Cognitive Psychotherapy. The doctor's work is aimed at correcting stereotypes of thinking, inappropriate thoughts with the help of structured learning persuasion, behavior training, mental state, experiment.
  2. Family psychotherapy. It consists in working with the family to optimize their interaction with the person in order to reduce the dysfunctional impact on all members.

Electroconvulsive therapy

For the first time, the method of treatment was applied in the 30s of the 20th century, then the doctrine of schizophrenia was actively developing. The rationale behind this treatment was the idea that the brain could not produce localized flashes of electrical potentials, so they had to be created in artificial conditions which will help achieve remission. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Two electrodes were attached to the patient's head.
  2. A voltage of 70-120 V was applied through them.
  3. The device started up the current for a fraction of a second, which was enough to affect the human brain.
  4. The manipulation was carried out 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months.

As a therapy for schizophrenia, this method has not taken root, but in the field of multiple split consciousness therapy it can be used. For the body, the degree of risk from the technique is reduced due to constant monitoring by doctors, anesthesia, and muscle relaxation. It helps to avoid all discomfort that could arise during the creation of nerve impulses in the substance of the brain.

Application of hypnosis

People who experience multiple splits in consciousness are not always aware of the presence of other alter egos. Clinical hypnosis helps to achieve integration for the patient, to alleviate the manifestations of the disease, which contributes to changing the character of the patient. This trend is very different from conventional methods treatment, because the hypnotic state itself can provoke the appearance of a multiple personality. The practice is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • ego strengthening;
  • relief of symptoms;
  • reduced anxiety;
  • creation of rapport (contact with the conducting hypnosis).

How to treat multiple personality syndrome

The basis of therapy is medications, which are aimed at relieving symptoms, restoring the full functioning of a person as a person. A course is selected, dosage only by a doctor, a severe form of bifurcation requires stronger drugs than a mild one. Three groups of medicines are used for this:

  • neuroleptics;
  • antidepressants;
  • tranquilizers.


This group of drugs is used to treat schizophrenia, but with the development of a split personality, they can also be prescribed to eliminate a manic state, delusional disorders. The following options can be assigned:

  1. Haloperedol. This is a pharmaceutical name, so this medicinal substance can be part of various medicines. It is used to suppress delusional, manic states. Contraindicated in patients with disorders of the central nervous system, angina pectoris, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, epilepsy, active alcoholism.
  2. Azaleptin. It has a powerful effect and belongs to the group of atypical antipsychotics. Used more to suppress feelings of anxiety, strong arousal, has a strong hypnotic effect.
  3. Sonapax. It is used for the same purposes as the above means: suppression of feelings of anxiety, manic state, crazy ideas.


Often a split personality occurs due to a psychogenic reaction to the loss of a loved one, in a child this often occurs against the backdrop of a lack of attention from parents and in early childhood it does not manifest itself, but in the adult period leads to psychiatry. Dissociative experience is manifested as a result of a long depressed state, severe stress. For the treatment of such causes, the doctor prescribes a course of antidepressants to eliminate all symptoms of depression, apathy for planning one's future. Of the drugs prescribed:

  • Prozac;
  • Porgal;
  • fluoxetine.


These drugs are strictly forbidden to use independently without a doctor's prescription. Data potent drugs can cause significant harm to health and aggravate the situation of the patient. doctor after general inspection may prescribe these drugs to achieve an anxiolytic effect. Do not take tranquilizers if you are suicidal or prolonged depression. AT medical practice personality disorder is usually treated with clonazepam.


The term "split personality" appeared a long time ago, so the symptoms of this disorder have already been identified and studied. AT modern world this phenomenon is becoming more and more common, and all because of the frantic pace of life, a huge number and emotional stress.

A split personality is a disease that is expressed by the appearance of a second personality in an individual. Simply put, one person can manifest themselves in completely different ways in the same situation. Behavior depends precisely on which half dominates at this moment. There are cases when the disease is so aggravated that a person ceases to remember what he did some time ago. It feels like he lives in different, or rather parallel worlds that never intersect.

A mild form of this disease manifests itself in this way: a person is aware of himself as a single whole, but at the same time from time to time he does such things, or says things that are completely uncharacteristic of his personality. Quite often, a split personality manifests itself in people under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

A more complex form of the disorder is often referred to as schizophrenic bifurcation. In this case, the person will be prescribed serious treatment.

Probably everyone has heard stories about people from a psychiatric hospital who consider themselves kings, pharaohs and others. historical figures? These are people who suffer from a split personality.

Signs of a split personality

Some of the most common signs of a split personality are:

  • imbalance;
  • loss of connection with the outside world;
  • partial memory loss;
  • sleep problems;
  • severe headaches;
  • increased sweating;
  • lack of logic;
  • sudden mood swings, etc.

A disease such as "split personality" can manifest itself at any age. The reason, most often, is a serious psychological shock. There are times when a person does not even remember the cause of stress, but since the psyche was subject to a certain influence, the disease can manifest itself after many years.

Through the creation of an additional personality, the individual tries to forget or at least block negative emotions and memories. There is a so-called self-hypnosis that there was no problem, that everything is fine. In this case, the new personality created by man will dominate in life.

A person who suffers from this disease often enough may be lost in space and not feel reality. You can often see a picture when a person at a certain moment enjoys his life, and after a couple of minutes he cries and wants to die. Patients constantly experience conflicting feelings towards other people and situations. Importantly, they never become aware of the presence of the disease.

Split personality - symptoms and treatment

Depending on the symptoms, the doctor will prescribe the treatment that is most effective for this patient. In general, the process is quite complicated, and only complex treatment.In addition, to completely get rid of this disease, you need to spend a lot of time, and sometimes a lifetime. To date, clinical hypnosis or psychotherapy is used to treat this problem.

Multiple personality disorder must be treated, as this disease contributes to the accumulation of internal psychological tension. As a result of this, a person abandons his "I" and lives in constant emotional stress. A split personality can lead to such diseases: ulcers, asthma, allergies, etc.

Another serious danger that can be caused by this disease is the appearance of drug or alcohol addiction. In addition, the individual has serious problems in life, for example, in work, relationships, family, plans for the future.

There are many mental disorders. There are those that are common, and there are rare violations, which include split personality. With this disease, several individuals live in the human body, and he can, if desired, “switch” from one to another.

What is split personality?

Split personality or split personality is a mental disorder in which a person can have two or more ego states. They coexist freely in one body, although they may belong to different age categories, be of different sexes, etc. This pathology belongs to the group of dissociative (conversion) disorders, characterized by violations of such functions as:

  • memory;
  • consciousness;
  • own identity.

The essence of the phenomenon is that the processes in the psyche of a person with a conversion disorder cause the effect of combining several individuals. Each of them separately cannot be considered full-fledged and independent. At a certain time, the psyche switches from one ego state to another. The active person does not remember what happened when the other "I" was in the foreground.

Is there a split personality?

The plural in medicine has different names. Most people have a vague idea of ​​this syndrome, do not believe in its existence; some consider it a consequence of drug addiction and confuse it with schizophrenia. A frightening pathology has interested people for more than one hundred years. Even in the rock paintings of the Paleolithic, where shamans "reincarnated" in animals or spirits, a multiple personality declared itself. The phenomenon of split consciousness can also explain such concepts as:

  1. Invasion of souls, otherworldly entities.
  2. Demon possession.

In past centuries, the above phenomena were fought with their own methods, sometimes cruel (up to burning at the stake). With the development of medicine and psychology, the methodology has changed. In the 18th century, on the example of the story of the sick Victor Ras, who did not remember what he did during sleep - i.e. in an altered state of consciousness - a split personality began to be considered as a syndrome that can be diagnosed and treated.

Split personality - causes

Split consciousness syndrome is considered rare. Over the past hundred years, only 163 cases of this disease have been recorded, and science still cannot answer the question of what prompts one person to turn into another. The exact reasons are not named, but it has been proven that multiple personalities can give rise to such factors:

  • regular violence (sexual, physical, etc.);
  • heavy emotional trauma experienced in early childhood;
  • mental illness;
  • the use of laughing gas;
  • hypnotic state or trance;
  • falling out of reality (movies, online games, etc.);
  • insomnia and stress.

Split personality - how it happens

Multiple personality splitting is associated with the concept of dissociation - one in which what is happening begins to be perceived separately, as if events do not happen to the person themselves, but to someone else. Split consciousness is an extreme degree of manifestation of dissociation. This is done unconsciously to protect yourself from negative emotions. When the defense mechanism is activated time after time, conversion disorders occur.

Split personality - signs

Split personality syndrome affects only adults who have suffered trauma in childhood. Dissociative disorders cause discomfort and confusion in the patient, interfere with the maintenance of normal social life. The disease has three forms: mild, moderate and severe. It is difficult to diagnose multiple at an early stage, especially in oneself. And yet, some signs indicate the disease:

  1. The patient says something that is completely out of character for him.
  2. His actions are contradictory.
  3. In this case, the second personality does not manifest itself in any way. A person is aware of himself with her as a single whole.

At more severe stages of the development of the disease, split personality, the following symptoms are observed:

  • memory impairment, partial loss of memories;
  • disorder of speech and logic;
  • mood changes;
  • decreased response to external stimuli;
  • headache;
  • profuse sweating;
  • imbalance.

How to cause a split personality?

Multiple personality syndrome is not always an acquired disease and a consequence of the triggering of a defense mechanism in a stressful situation. The feeling of being lost can be experienced even by healthy people after complete immersion in another reality: virtual (online games), book, cinema. In some cases, a short-term dissociative experience can be helped by religious rites and induction into a trance.

How to treat a split personality?

Splitting personality is a chronic, less often acquired disease that can last throughout a person's life. Accurate Diagnosis difficult to deliver, and it is not uncommon for people with dissociative disorders to spend long years in a psychiatric hospital. Treatment of pathology is of three types:

  • medication;
  • psychotherapeutic;
  • combination of both methods.

Sometimes they practice hypnosis, art and physical exercise. In terms of drug use, people diagnosed with multiple personalities are more likely to be prescribed tranquilizers as well. They relieve depression and reduce excess activity. The only downside to this method is that it takes a while to get used to.

Split personality - interesting facts

Multiple personalities living in one person is a unique phenomenon that has been of interest to specialists and ordinary people for many years. Here are some reliable facts about him:

  1. People with a split personality are mistakenly considered dangerous. They are more likely to harm themselves than others. Many admit that they tried to commit suicide on the "order" of one of their incarnations.
  2. Switching from one "I" to another usually occurs when a person feels threatened. "Trying on" another personality gives him self-confidence.
  3. In the process of treating the disease, it is recommended to treat all individuals with equal respect.
  4. The most popular image of a person with a split personality is Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
  5. Between 1 and 3% of all people in the world suffer from a dissociative disorder.

Famous people with multiple personalities

According to statistics, the disease is more common among Americans, although people of any age and nationality are susceptible to the syndrome. The first patient to be diagnosed with a personality disorder was a 45-year-old French woman, in whom three independent and dissimilar individuals coexisted. The most famous person with multiple personalities and the most unique is Billy Milligan. The split consisted of 24 individuals, 10 of them were main, including Billy himself, the rest were secondary. Other famous people with a similar diagnosis

  • maid Juanita Maxwell, who killed a guest while in one of her six incarnations;
  • Englishwoman Kim Noble, who had 20 personalities;
  • American scientist Robert Oxnam (11 ego states);
  • Chris Sizemore, "owner" of three to 22 individuals;
  • Trudy Chase and her 92 personalities, strikingly different from each other.

Books about split personality

The phenomenon of splitting is interesting to many, but not well understood. The answers to endless questions about this diagnosis can be found in autobiographical books about multiple personality and works of fiction:

  1. "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson (1886) is a classic story about a man with two personalities.
  2. "Fight Club" by Chuck Palahniuk (1996)- one of the most popular books, subsequently filmed.
  3. "The Multiple Minds of Billy Milligan" by Daniel Keyes (1981) based on real events.
  4. "Sibyl" by Flora Rita Schreiber (1973)real story about the multiple personalities of one woman.
  5. "When the Bunny Howls" Truddy Chase (1981)- A story told in the first person.

Multiple personality disorder - films

People with split personality and their amazing stories found their way into cinema. Many popular books were transferred to the screen and fundamentally new stories were told on this topic. Among them:

  1. Thriller Hitchcock "Psycho" (1960).
  2. Biographical film "Sybil" (1976), the first film adaptation of the novel by Flora Rita Schreiber.
  3. "Voices" (1990) - based on the memoirs of Truddy Chase.
  4. "Fight Club" (1999) based on the novel by Palahniuk.
  5. Mystical thriller "Identification" (2003).
  6. Horror film "The Enemy in Reflection" (2010).
  7. Split (2016) is a psychological thriller about a guy with 23 personalities.

Series about split personality

Split personality is a disease about which a considerable number of thrillers, dramas and horror films have been shot, but not only full-length ones. Mental disorders are fertile ground for TV shows. And the diagnoses of patients with splitting syndrome become an excellent basis for the plot. Some TV series whose characters are people with multiple personalities:

  1. "Jekyll" (2007)- A modern interpretation of the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
  2. "Such different Tara" (2008-2011)- the story of a girl with six "I"-states.
  3. "Bates Motel" (2013-2017) TV prequel to Hitchcock's Psycho.

Today, the diagnosis of split personality does not surprise anyone. Much has been said about him and much less shown. However, split syndrome is a rare mental disorder that is difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to cure. In some cases, dissociative disorder becomes chronic. Patients require continuous treatment for five years or more to reduce the number of individuals to one.

Dissociative Identity Disorder is what experts call a split personality disorder. In their opinion, such a definition is more suitable for describing this phenomenon: a person is divided into identities that cannot be considered complete.

Symptoms of the disorder can manifest themselves at any age. The cause is often a serious injury, both physical and mental, the traces of which, even with time, are difficult to erase. Most often, a person receives such a trauma in childhood. Although he may not remember her, the defense mechanism kicks in when the situation calls for it.

The main symptoms of the disorder include:

  • At least two states coexist in a person, in each of which he has his own pattern of behavior, values ​​and worldview.
  • At least two identities alternately take power over consciousness, which leads to a loss of connection with reality.
  • A person forgets important information about himself, and this goes beyond ordinary absent-mindedness.
  • The cause of the condition cannot be considered the use of toxic substances, such as alcohol or drugs, or a disease.

    Despite the emergence of new personalities, the main one does not disappear anywhere. The number of identities may increase over time. This is due to the fact that a person creates for himself new states in which he could better cope with this or that situation.

    Split personality

    Psychological illnesses are among the most difficult, they often respond poorly to treatment and in some cases remain with a person forever. Split personality or dissociative syndrome belongs to such a group of diseases, has similar symptoms to schizophrenia, identity disorders become signs of this pathology. The condition has its own characteristics, which are not known to everyone, so there is a misinterpretation of this disease.

    What is split personality

    This is a mental phenomenon, which is expressed in the presence of two or more personalities in a patient, who replace each other with a certain periodicity or exist simultaneously. Patients who are faced with this problem, doctors diagnose "dissociation of personality", which is as close as possible to a split personality. This is a general description of the pathology, there are subspecies of this condition, which are characterized by certain features.

    Dissociative disorder - concept and manifestation factors

    This is a whole group of disorders of a psychological type, which have the characteristic features of a violation of psychological functions that are characteristic of a person. Dissociative identity disorder affects memory, awareness of the personality factor, behavior. All affected functions. As a rule, they are integrated and are part of the psyche, but when dissociated, some streams separate from consciousness, gaining a certain independence. This may appear in the following moments:

    • loss of identity;
    • loss of access to certain memories;
    • emergence of a new "I".

    Behavioral Features

    A patient with this diagnosis will have an extremely unbalanced character, will often lose touch with reality, and will not always be aware of what is happening around him. The dual personality is characterized by large and short memory lapses. Typical manifestations of the pathology include the following symptoms:

    • frequent and severe sweating;
    • insomnia;
    • severe headaches;
    • impaired ability to think logically;
    • inability to recognize one's condition;
    • mood mobility, a person first enjoys life, laughs, and after a few minutes he will sit in a corner and cry;
    • conflicting feelings about everything around you.


    Mental disorders of this type can manifest themselves in several forms: mild, moderate, complex. Psychologists have developed a special test that helps to identify the signs and causes that caused a split personality. There are also common factors that provoked the disease:

    • the influence of other family members who have their own dissociative type disorders;
    • hereditary predisposition;
    • childhood memories of mental or sexual abuse;
    • lack of support from loved ones in a situation of severe emotional stress.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Identity disorders in some cases have symptoms similar to other mental illnesses. You can suspect a split personality in the presence of a whole group of signs, which include the following options:

    • patient's imbalance - a sharp change in mood, an inadequate reaction to what is happening around;
    • the appearance of one or more new incarnations within oneself - a person calls himself by different names, the behavior is radically different (modest and aggressive personalities), does not remember what he was doing at the time of the dominance of the second "I".
    • loss of connection with the environment - an inadequate reaction to reality, hallucinations;
    • speech disorder - stuttering, long pauses between words, slurred speech;
    • memory impairment - short-term or extensive lapses;
    • the ability to connect thoughts into a logical chain is lost;
    • inconsistency, inconsistency of actions;
    • sudden, noticeable mood swings;
    • insomnia;
    • profuse sweating;
    • severe headaches.

    auditory hallucinations

    One of the common abnormalities in the disorder, which may be an independent symptom or one of several. Disturbances in the functioning of the human brain create false auditory signals, which the patient perceives as speech that does not have a sound source, sounds inside his head. Often these voices say what needs to be done, they can only be drowned out with medications.

    Depersonalization and Derealization

    This deviation is characterized by a constant or periodic feeling of alienation from one's own body, mental processes, as if a person is an outside observer of everything that happens. You can compare these sensations with those that many people experience in a dream, when there is a distortion of the sensation of temporal, spatial barriers, disproportion of the limbs. Derealization is a feeling of the unreality of the world around, some patients say that they are a robot, often accompanied by depressive, anxiety states.

    Trance-like states

    This form is characterized by a simultaneous disorder of consciousness and a decrease in the ability to adequately and modernly respond to stimuli from the outside world. The trance state can be observed in mediums who use it for séances and in pilots who perform long flights at high speed and with monotonous movements, monotonous impressions (sky and clouds).

    In children, this condition manifests itself as a result of physical trauma, violence. The peculiarity of this form lies in the possession, which is found in some regions and cultures. For example, amok - in Malays, this condition is manifested by a sudden fit of rage, followed by amnesia. A man runs and destroys everything that comes his way, he continues until he cripple himself or die. The Eskimos call the same condition piblokto: the patient tears off his clothes, screams, imitates the sounds of animals, after which amnesia sets in.

    Change in self-perception

    The patient fully or partially experiences alienation from his own body, on the mental side it can be expressed by a feeling of observation from the side of himself. The state of derealization is very similar, in which mental, temporary barriers are broken and a person loses a sense of the reality of what is happening around. A person may experience false feelings of hunger, anxiety, the size of his own body.

    In children

    Toddlers are also prone to splitting personalities, it happens in a somewhat peculiar way. The child will still respond to the name given by the parents, but at the same time there will be signs of the presence of other "Selves", which partially capture his consciousness. The following manifestations of pathology are characteristic for children:

    • different manner of speaking;
    • amnesia;
    • food habits are constantly changing;
    • amnesia;
    • mood lability;
    • self-talk;
    • glassy look and aggressiveness;
    • inability to explain their actions.

    How to recognize dissociative identity disorder

    Only a specialist who evaluates the patient according to certain criteria can diagnose this condition. The main task is to exclude herpes infection and tumor processes in the brain, epilepsy, schizophrenia, amnesia due to physical or psychological trauma, mental fatigue. A doctor is able to recognize a mental illness by the following signs:

    • the patient shows signs of two or more personalities who have an individual relationship to the world as a whole and certain situations;
    • a person is unable to remember important personal information;
    • the disorder occurs not under the influence of drugs, alcohol, toxic substances.

    Criteria for the splitting of consciousness

    There are a number of common symptoms that indicate the development of this form of pathology. These symptoms include memory lapses, events that cannot be logically explained and indicate the development of another personality, alienation from one's own body, derealization and depersonalization. All this happens when many personalities coexist in one person. Be sure the doctor takes an anamnesis, talks with the alter ego, and monitors the patient's behavior. The following factors are indicated in the handbook as criteria for determining the splitting of consciousness:

    • in a person there are several alter egos that have their own attitude to the outside world, thinking, perception;
    • capture of consciousness by another person, behavior change;
    • the patient cannot remember important information about himself, which is difficult to explain by simple forgetfulness;
    • all the above signs did not become a consequence of drug, alcohol intoxication, exposure to toxic substances, other diseases (complex seizures of epilepsy).

    Differential Analysis

    This concept means the exclusion of other pathological conditions that can cause symptoms similar to the manifestation of a splitting of consciousness. If studies have shown signs of the following pathologies, then the diagnosis will not be confirmed:

    • delirium;
    • infectious diseases (herpes);
    • brain tumors that affect the temporal lobe;
    • schizophrenia;
    • amnestic syndrome;
    • disorders resulting from the use of psychoactive substances;
    • mental fatigue;
    • temporal epilepsy;
    • dementia;
    • bipolar disorder;
    • somatoform disorders;
    • post-traumatic amnesia;
    • simulation of the considered state.

    How to exclude the diagnosis of "organic brain damage"

    This is one of the mandatory stages of differential analysis, because the pathology has many similar symptoms. A person is sent for verification based on the result of the anamnesis collected by the doctor. A neurologist conducts a study, which will give a direction for the following tests:

    • computed tomography - helps to obtain information about the functional state of the brain, allows you to detect structural changes;
    • neurosonography - used to detect neoplasms in the brain, helps to examine the cerebrospinal fluid spaces;
    • rheoencephalogram - examination of the vessels of the brain;
    • ultrasound examination of the brain cavities;
    • MRI - is performed to detect structural changes in brain tissues, nerve fibers, blood vessels, the stage of pathology, the degree of damage.

    How to treat a split personality

    The process of patient therapy is usually complex and lengthy. In most cases, follow-up is required for the rest of a person's life. You can get a positive and desired result from the treatment only with the right medication. Drugs, dosages should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor on the basis of studies and analyzes. Modern treatment regimens include the following types of drugs:

    In addition to medications, other methods of therapy are used, which are aimed at solving the problems of splitting consciousness. Not all of them have a quick effect, but are part of a comprehensive treatment:

    • electroconvulsive therapy;
    • psychotherapy, which can only be carried out by doctors who have completed specialized additional practice after graduating from a medical institute;
    • hypnosis is allowed;
    • part of the responsibility for treatment lies on the shoulders of others, they should not talk to a person as if they are sick.

    Psychotherapeutic treatment

    Dissociative disorder requires psychotherapeutic therapy. It should be carried out by specialists who have experience in this field and have undergone additional training. This direction is used to achieve two main goals:

    • relief of symptoms;
    • reintegration of all human alter egos into one fully functioning identity.

    To achieve these goals, two main methods are used:

    1. Cognitive psychotherapy. The doctor's work is aimed at correcting stereotypes of thinking, inappropriate thoughts with the help of structured learning persuasion, behavior training, mental state, experiment.
    2. Family psychotherapy. It consists in working with the family to optimize their interaction with the person in order to reduce the dysfunctional impact on all members.

    Electroconvulsive therapy

    For the first time, the method of treatment was applied in the 30s of the 20th century, then the doctrine of schizophrenia was actively developing. The rationale for this treatment was the idea that the brain could not produce localized bursts of electrical potentials, so they had to be created artificially to achieve remission. The procedure is as follows:

    1. Two electrodes were attached to the patient's head.
    2. Voltage was applied through them.
    3. The device started up the current for a fraction of a second, which was enough to affect the human brain.
    4. The manipulation was carried out 2-3 times a week for 2-3 months.

    As a therapy for schizophrenia, this method has not taken root, but in the field of multiple split consciousness therapy it can be used. For the body, the degree of risk from the technique is reduced due to constant monitoring by doctors, anesthesia, and muscle relaxation. This helps to avoid all the unpleasant sensations that could arise when creating nerve impulses in the substance of the brain.

    Application of hypnosis

    People who experience multiple splits in consciousness are not always aware of the presence of other alter egos. Clinical hypnosis helps to achieve integration for the patient, to alleviate the manifestations of the disease, which contributes to changing the character of the patient. This direction is very different from conventional treatments, because the hypnotic state itself can provoke the appearance of a multiple personality. The practice is aimed at achieving the following goals:

    • ego strengthening;
    • relief of symptoms;
    • reduced anxiety;
    • creation of rapport (contact with the conducting hypnosis).

    How to treat multiple personality syndrome

    The basis of therapy is medication, which is aimed at alleviating symptoms, restoring the full functioning of a person as a person. A course is selected, dosage only by a doctor, a severe form of bifurcation requires stronger drugs than a mild one. Three groups of medicines are used for this:


    This group of drugs is used to treat schizophrenia, but with the development of a split personality, they can also be prescribed to eliminate a manic state, delusional disorders. The following options can be assigned:

    1. Haloperedol. This is a pharmaceutical name, so this medicinal substance can be part of various medicines. It is used to suppress delusional, manic states. Contraindicated in patients with disorders of the central nervous system, angina pectoris, dysfunction of the liver, kidneys, epilepsy, active alcoholism.
    2. Azaleptin. It has a powerful effect and belongs to the group of atypical antipsychotics. Used more to suppress feelings of anxiety, strong arousal, has a strong hypnotic effect.
    3. Sonapax. It is used for the same purposes as the above means: suppression of feelings of anxiety, manic state, delusional ideas.


    Often a split personality occurs due to a psychogenic reaction to the loss of a loved one, in a child this often occurs against the background of a lack of attention from parents and this does not manifest itself in early childhood, but in adulthood it leads to psychiatry. Dissociative experience is manifested as a result of a long depressed state, severe stress. For the treatment of such causes, the doctor prescribes a course of antidepressants to eliminate all symptoms of depression, apathy for planning one's future. Of the drugs prescribed:

    • Prozac;
    • Porgal;
    • fluoxetine.


    These drugs are strictly forbidden to use independently without a doctor's prescription. These potent drugs can cause significant harm to health and aggravate the patient's situation. The doctor, after a general examination, may prescribe these drugs to achieve an anxiolytic effect. You can not take tranquilizers with a tendency to suicide or prolonged depression. In medical practice, personality disorder is usually treated with Clonazepam.


    The information presented on the site is for informational purposes only. The materials of the site do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on individual features specific patient.

    Personality - one, personality - two ...

    A rare mental phenomenon known as "split personality", in contrast to most diseases in this area, is of interest not only to psychiatrists.

    The mysterious essence of this pathology attracts the attention of a huge number of people, and many books and films have been written on the topic of a split personality. Dissociative disorder is the medical term for this condition.

    Of course, people with such deviations in the psyche met at all times, and if in ancient times such inadequate behavior was attributed to the intrigues of demons, then as psychiatry developed, the true cause of this ailment was found. It turned out that the origins of a split personality sometimes originate at the moment of a person’s birth or even before his birth, when a schizoid character is formed.

    In the event that a child with such a risk factor grows up in unfavorable conditions (is subjected to violence and bullying), then the stream of consciousness begins to change, and then either subpersonalities or personalities come to light.

    And between them there is significant difference: a subpersonality can obey the true "I" of a person, and the "I" itself is aware that someone else lives inside it. But with personality it is more difficult - even if the “I” knows that it is no longer the only one, then it is simply not able to influence the personality.

    The division of "I" into personalities is a kind of protective mechanism when the child's psyche creates another "character" in response to a strong emotional shock. With the help of the created phantom personality, the true “I” of the child forgets about the experienced psychic trauma, and therefore, when the second personality subsequently comes out, the “I” of the present does not remember anything about what his other half did.

    The famous Paracelsus, who lived in the 16th century, described in his writings the case of a woman who constantly lost money. As it turned out, she herself took and hid them, only to put it this way, in another incarnation, and when her real “I” returned, she did not remember anything about it. Of course, more often it happened that people suffering from a split personality fell not to doctors, but to the hot embrace of the Inquisition, which did not stand on ceremony with them.

    But since the XVIII century, doctors began to offer ways to treat bifurcation. good results managed to achieve the French doctor Mesmer, who cured such patients with the help of animal magnetism. The doctor believed that every living object has some kind of energy that can be transferred to other objects by magnetization.

    It is precisely because of the incorrect distribution of animal magnetism (or fluid) that the body can malfunction - hence all diseases. To normalize the flow of animal magnetism, Mesmer used the technique of touch and magnetic passes, with the help of which the fluids of the doctor passed to the patient. In those days, little was known about hypnosis, but Mesmer's sessions produced just such an effect, which contributed to the revival of a forgotten ancient way treatment is hypnosis.

    Although cases of true split personality are very rare, even rarer are patients who "contain" several "doubles" in themselves. In 1915, an article by the American doctor Henry Prince, “The Case of the Multiple Personality of Doris,” was published, which described the case history of a girl named Doris Fisher, whose “I” contained five personalities at once.

    The first of them appeared when a drunken father threw a three-year-old girl to the floor with force. It was then that “bad Margaret” came out, who is scolded and punished, subsequently three more were formed. In the end, Doris ended up in an asylum for the mentally ill.

    So how to cure it traditional ways failed, the doctors decided that the girl was possessed by demons, and therefore they called for the help of a medium who managed to combine all the girl’s personalities into one whole “I” using the same magnetism and hypnosis.

    In 1887, the neighbors of a certain Mr. Brown, who arrived a few months ago in the town of Norristown, were awakened by his screams. Poor Mr. Brown ran around in a state of extreme excitement and begged everyone to tell where he was and what was happening to him. He refused to call himself Brown, insisting that he was a preacher named Bern, and he lived in Greene, and he did not know about this town!

    In Norristown, Mr. Brown-Burn was in the stationery business. As it turned out, Preacher Bern had indeed disappeared from the Green, and his family had been looking for him for two weeks. This incident became interested in Professor James, who persuaded Berne, who returned to the family, to conduct a hypnosis session on him, which ended not entirely successfully.

    After the hypnosis, Bern became Brown again, did not recognize his wife, and said that he had never heard of any Mr. Bern. The fate of this man is not known.

    An interesting case with a split personality was described in the early twentieth century. The young Frenchwoman Felida united girls in completely different characters: one was cheerful and cheerful, the second - notorious and shy.

    The transition of one personality into another was preceded by a faint, after which one half of the "I" remembered absolutely nothing about the second. Once again, after such a transition, Felida found herself in her ninth month of pregnancy.

    Personalities (multiplets), into which the true "I" of a person is divided, in 75% of cases are felt by the subconscious as children under 12 years old, which is associated with traumatic factors in childhood. In half of the cases, in people suffering from a split personality, personalities take on the appearance of the opposite sex, and can also differ in nationality, have completely opposite views, abilities and skills. Often individuals hate each other.

    People with paranormal abilities, as well as mediums, shamans, etc., are able to independently plunge into a state of trance, that is, they master the technique of self-hypnosis. In people with a split consciousness, this ability is also present, and among different cultures and regions, these states are even highlighted.

    For example, among the Eskimos, this is piblokto - a state of extreme excitement, accompanied by inappropriate behavior of a person, in which he screams with the voices of animals, tears clothes. Usually, after a seizure, a person does not remember anything.

    But among the Malays, sudden attacks of rage are called amok - people who have fallen into this state are able to harm themselves and others, but subsequently the memories of this are not preserved. According to anthropologists L.K. Suryani and Gordon Jensen, the nature of split personality can become widespread.

    For example, this is typical for shamanic cultures on the island of Bali, where the plurality of personalities in a person is normal phenomenon, because people are sure that they are not a product of the subconscious of the person himself, but the infusion of souls or spirits into a person.

    The most unusual case of split personality can be called the case history of William Stanley Mulligan, whose consciousness contained 24 mental subjects! Mulligan repeatedly committed crimes of varying severity, but the court was forced to acquit him, as it was possible to prove that the crimes were committed by a completely different person, although he lives in Mulligan.

    Mulligan's personalities, which periodically broke free, were different sexes, ages, nationalities, possessed varying degrees intelligence and spoke different languages.

    Cases of actual multiple personality disorder are quite rare, and over the past 80 years, only about 150 patients with such a diagnosis have been described. Spiritualists believe that spirits or "demons" that occupy the human body are to blame.

    Psychiatrists are sure that the reason lies in mental illness, in which the integral "I" is broken into fragments. The impetus for this can be unfulfilled desires, suppressed ambitions.

    People often coexist with antagonistic traits: kindness and evil, good nature and aggression, optimism and pessimism. In the event of a psychic breakdown, all these traits are combined into separate personalities, and thus one person becomes the habitat of his mental unrealized counterparts.

    It turns out that the same set of DNA can be in several people, only in one body! This means that under certain circumstances, completely opposite people in moral principles can be raised from the same child.

    Modern specialists-psychocoders have techniques that allow them to “settle” several personalities into the subconscious of a person, with their own characters and memories.

    Such zombie people can be programmed for a certain word - an anchor, after pronouncing which this or that personality begins to dominate. And doesn't this mean that a person is just a biocomputer, which can be easily "rewritten" to execute a particular program.

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    What is a split personality: symptoms

    The term "split personality" is familiar to everyone. This topic is widely covered thanks to the efforts of Hollywood filmmakers and contemporary writers. However, in most cases, feature films and literature misrepresent the essence of this phenomenon. Many people mistakenly believe that multiple personality disorder is one of the manifestations of schizophrenia or drug-related complications. In this article, we propose to consider how a split personality manifests itself, the symptoms and signs of the development of this pathology.

    Split personality - a disease that is expressed by the appearance of a second personality in an individual

    The nature of the disease

    The name of the disease is a split personality in medical terminology - dissociative identity disorder. This disease is considered quite rare and belongs to the group of mental conversion disorders. Many scientists have devoted their lives to studying this phenomenon. Over many decades, the disease in question has changed many names. Terms such as "split personality", "multiple personality disorder" and "identity conversion disorder" are synonymous with the pathology in question.

    Just a few decades ago, people in similar condition could be diagnosed with schizophrenia. Currently, most specialists in the field of psychiatry are inclined to believe that the correct term for this disease is "dissociative identity disorder".

    The fact is that during the process of splitting consciousness, in such patients, there is a merger in one body of several personalities. These individuals are not considered independent or complete. In fact, the split consciousness is broken into small fragments, each of which has its own uniqueness. That is why the term used today most correctly characterizes the whole essence of the disease. Mental disorders lead to the fact that the human body is controlled by several personalities. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that when one of the personalities controls the body, the second one is in a kind of suspended animation, and does not record what is happening.

    Patients with this diagnosis often suffer from memory loss, as the main personality does not remember what is happening at the moment of "switching".

    It should be noted that several personalities may be present in the body of a sick person. They can have different sex, religion, character and even age. Depending on the type of personality, the behavior of the patient and his worldview change.

    How to understand the term "dissociative disorder"

    Having dealt with what a split personality is called scientifically, let's move on to the term "conversion disorder". The diseases included in this group have one distinguishing feature- changes in mental performance, which are accompanied by failures in consciousness, memory and identity.

    A disease such as "split personality" can manifest itself at any age.

    Various failures in the continuous streams of consciousness lead to the fact that certain branches of the psyche gain independence. Exactly this process characterized by the term "dissociation". The result of such disruptions in the streams of consciousness is psychogenic amnesia, conversion fugue, and split personality. The term under consideration has been used in psychology for more than a hundred years, but the phenomenon of dissociative disorders has been known for more than several hundred years.

    Many specialists in the field of psychiatry believe that medieval rites of exorcism from the human body are one of the manifestations of the fight against split personality syndrome. In their opinion, the abilities of mediums and clairvoyants also belong to dissociative disorders, which manifest themselves in the form of the ability to plunge into a trance. modern medicine suggests that such violations are manifested under the influence of severe emotional upheavals.

    The mechanism of the development of the disease

    The splitting of personality has such a varied degree of severity that it is rather problematic to notice the signs of the development of the disease on your own. Some people do not attach due importance to the first symptoms of the development of pathology, which can greatly complicate further therapy. Dissociation manifests itself in modern life in the form of daydreaming and absent-mindedness, during the performance of actions memorized to automatism.

    In some cultures, the state of trance, when shamans (mediums or clairvoyants) perform their mysterious rites, is not perceived as a manifestation of illness. Split personality, in which a person's consciousness is divided into several independent individuals, is one of the most striking manifestations of dissociative disorders.

    To date, experts have not yet decided on the degree of danger of this pathology. Multiple disorder Personality, according to some psychotherapists, is much less common than this diagnosis is recorded. According to statistics, in the nineteenth century, only a few dozen cases of patients with a similar disease were registered. The same statistics show that in the modern world more than forty thousand people have this diagnosis. Researchers on this issue say that from the end of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth, such patients were diagnosed with schizophrenia. Modern medicine has the ability to make a clear distinction between these diseases, which reduces the risk of misdiagnosis.

    Despite this, true split personality is observed quite rarely. It is simply impossible to cope with this disease on your own, therefore it is very important that the patient seeks qualified medical help.

    The cause of the disease, most often, is a serious psychological shock.

    Clinical manifestations of a split personality

    Multiple Personality Syndrome is salient feature, as the patient has several "I", which have clear differences in the perception of the world around. It should be noted that this disease in most cases is accompanied by such complication as psychogenic amnesia. Memory lapses are one of the manifestations defense mechanisms consciousness, with the help of which the psyche smooths out negative emotional upheavals. In people with multiple personality syndrome, this mechanism is a kind of personality bias trigger. There are several main signs of the development of this disease:

    1. A sharp change in mood, prolonged depression and suicidal tendencies.
    2. Feelings of anxiety, sleep disturbances, causeless fear, nightmares, insomnia.
    3. Loss of appetite, refusal to eat, distraction, confusion, depersonalization.
    4. Frequent changes in tastes, frequent changes in intonation and timbre of the voice, an attempt to talk to oneself.

    One example of a prominent symptom of having a dissociative identity disorder is panic attacks and various phobias. The similarity between schizophrenia and dissociative disorder lies not only in the above symptoms, but also in the fact that the patient may experience hallucinatory attacks. It is this manifestation of the disease that greatly complicates the correct diagnosis. It is important to note here that both diseases have different nature and are not related to each other.

    The root cause of the development of pathology

    When analyzing the topic of what a split personality is, the symptoms and causes of the development of the disease, one should pay attention to Special attention psychogenic factors that entail the formation of a dissociative disorder. According to experts, a number of specific circumstances contribute to the splitting of consciousness. This process can be catalyzed by nervous disorders and shocks that a person is not able to survive without support. According to psychotherapists, multiple personality is a kind of attempt by the psyche to protect itself from experiences that bring pain.

    A person who suffers from this disease often enough may be lost in space and not feel reality.

    People with a split personality have the ability to block unpleasant memories for them. Often, the presence of such abilities, combined with the ability to "fall into a trance" is a kind of impetus for the development of a split identity. Most often, the causes of this disease are associated with traumatic memories from childhood. The inability to protect oneself from the negative impact of various circumstances in the future can serve as a kind of impetus for the development of the disease. According to experts involved in the study of this issue, the main reason for the development of this pathology is physical abuse suffered in childhood.

    American researchers came to the conclusion that in more than ninety percent of cases, it was violence that caused the development of conversion disorder. In less than ten percent of cases, such mental disorders develop against the backdrop of serious illnesses or the loss of loved ones. A natural disaster, emergency, and even war can also serve as an impetus for a split personality.

    How to make a diagnosis

    Let's look at how to understand that in front of you is a person with an identity split. This disease is so rare that correct setting diagnosis method is used differential diagnosis. The main task of a specialist, during the examination, is to exclude diseases with similar clinical symptoms. These diseases include organic brain damage, bipolar disorder, dementia and amnesia. In addition, it should be excluded possible impact toxic and hallucinogenic substances.

    It should also be mentioned that a disease such as schizophrenia has a certain similarity with dissociative identity disorder. Based on all of the above, with a lack of certain knowledge, it is very easy to confuse the disease in question with other types of mental illness. During the diagnosis, the doctor must take into account the fact that a split personality has many various manifestations. The difference between schizophrenia and split personality lies in the fact that the latter is accompanied by the appearance of almost independent personalities. And schizophrenia itself is characterized by the splitting off of only certain functions of the psyche.

    The splitting of the personality occurs in stages, creating the opportunity to identify the disease at the initial phase of its development.

    Knowing how you can get a split personality, the doctor will be able to put correct diagnosis based on the following symptoms:

    1. Lack of influence on the consciousness of drug or alcohol addiction, toxic substances and complex pathologies.
    2. The presence of memory problems that do not have common features with simple distraction.
    3. The presence of two or more personalities with clear boundaries in the perception of the surrounding reality and differences in worldview.
    4. The presence of at least one additional personality capable of controlling the patient's behavior.

    Treatment Method

    Is there a cure for split personality? It is rather difficult to answer this question, but, without a doubt, this mental disorder should be treated. Having found signs of a splitting of consciousness, you need to visit a specialist as soon as possible. After conducting a differential examination, the main task of the doctor is to combine separate identities into one personality with increased stability and adaptability.

    For this purpose, they use various methods psychotherapy. cognitive method, family therapy, introduction to a hypnotic state and conservative drug treatment to achieve a positive result. It is important to note that medications are used only to relieve symptoms that disturb the patient. The main task of a specialist is to help in overcoming various consequences received psychological trauma.

    At the initial stages of therapy, it is necessary to identify the cause that has become the trigger for the splitting of consciousness.

    Unfortunately, not everyone succeeds in achieving a lasting result and being able to combine different personalities into one. Because of this, one of the goals of therapy becomes an attempt to establish a peaceful coexistence of different identities in one body. The desire of the patient to cope with his problem and improve his life is the key to achieving a positive result.

  • The psychological term "split personality" arose a long time ago, so its signs are already known and studied. In modern life, such a phenomenon is observed more and more often, and the reason for this is the hectic pace of life, a multitude of stresses and emotional stress. But not everyone knows the features of this condition, so most people simply do not fully understand what a split personality is.

    General description of the disease

    Split personality is a phenomenon in psychiatry, which is expressed in its owner by the presence of two personalities at the same time, and in especially severe cases, a large number. For all patients who have experienced this kind phenomenon, doctors diagnose "Dissociative Identity Disorder", which in most cases determines the state of splitting.

    Dissociative disorders are a group of mental disorders that characterize disorders and changes in certain three mental functions inherent in man:

    1. Personal identity;
    2. Consciousness;
    3. Memory and awareness of the fact of the continuity of personal identity.

    These functions are built into the human psyche, but when dissociated, some of them are separated from the stream of consciousness and become somewhat independent. So there is a possibility of loss of personal identity and the emergence of its new kind. During this period of time, some memories may become inaccessible, as in psychogenic amnesia.

    Causes of Multiple Personality

    Multiple personality, or its dissociation, is the whole mechanism by which the mind is able to be divided into several specific memories or thoughts that are inherent in ordinary consciousness. The thoughts of the subconscious, which are divided in this way, are not subject to erasure, they can spontaneously reappear in the mind of a person. They come to life when exposed to the appropriate trigger mechanisms - triggers. Triggers can be objects surrounding a person during the appearance of a traumatic event.

    Multiple personality disorder is believed to be triggered by a combination of factors such as large-scale stress, the ability to separate personal memories and a dissociative state, as well as the inclusion of a defensive reaction in the development of the organism with a certain set of factors.

    The process of bifurcation itself, in its essence, is quite lengthy and serious, a wide range actions. The definition of a dissociative disorder in a patient is not yet an indicator of the fact that he has a mental illness.

    A moderate degree of dissociation occurs under stress, or in those people who, due to circumstances, have been deprived of healthy sleep for a long time. Dissociative identity disorder occurs even when receiving a certain dose of nitric oxide (laughing gas in the common people), during dental anesthesia, or after minor emergencies.

    Also in a moderate, and sometimes quite complex form, dissociation manifests itself in people who have suffered childhood abuse, loss of parents in early age, participants in hostilities and robberies, victims, survivors of a plane crash or natural disaster.

    The main symptoms and manifestations of a split personality

    Split personality is the most severe form of dissociative disorder, which has the corresponding symptoms. Both mild, moderate, and severe form, manifested in a patient with marked disorders, occurs for a number of different reasons:

    • Predisposition to dissociation from birth
    • A chain of episodes of mental and sexual abuse at an early age
    • Cruel attitude of persons from outside
    • Exposure to a family member with symptoms of a dissociative disorder

    A detailed examination of the symptoms of a dissociative disorder can distinguish six main manifestations:

    1. Dissociative psychogenic amnesia is a sudden loss of memory caused by a traumatic event or severe stress. In this state, the ability to assimilate new information. Consciousness is not disturbed, the patient is aware of his own memory loss.
    2. Dissociative fugue is a psychogenic reaction to flight. Manifestations are expressed in a sudden departure from home or place of work, the so-called affective narrowing of consciousness with the consequences of a complete or partial loss of memory. At the same time, the patient can consider himself a different person and do things that he had not even heard of before.
    3. Dissociative identity disorder is a disorder of multiple personality. The patient identifies himself with several simultaneous personalities living in him. Periodically, one of these personalities begins to dominate, which is reflected in the patient's behavior, in his gaze and attitude towards himself. As a rule, the transition between personalities is carried out abruptly.
    4. Depersonalization disorder is a persistent or recurrent experience of alienation of the personal body and mental processes as if the patient himself is watching everything from the side. This state is similar to experiences in a dream, when temporal and spatial barriers are not felt.
    5. Ganser's syndrome - manifestations in the form of deliberate production of mental disorders, identified in a severe degree. In many cases, the state can be described in passing, when elementary questions cannot be answered. Most diagnoses of the syndrome are found in men who are in prison.
    6. A dissociative disorder in the form of a trance is a disorder of consciousness with a synchronous decrease in the ability to respond to external stimuli. Most often observed in mediums conducting a seance, and in pilots on long flights. The reason for this is the monotony of movements in an environment of considerable speed and monotonous impressions.

    Treatment for split personality

    A split personality disorder is a disease that is treated with psychotherapy or medication, often combined. But it is worth considering the fact that antidepressants and special tranquilizers that are attributed to patients are addictive. It is required to draw up an individual schedule for taking medications for the patient.

    Hypnosis is also one of the treatment options, as it is directly related to the dissociative state. In many cases, hypnosis successfully closes non-existent personalities. But still, in general, such a disease is chronic and requires continuous treatment for several years.