Where did the falimint from pharmacies go? Falimint - the main assistant for sore throat and dry cough

Instructions for use:

Falimint is a drug belonging to the group of antitussives that can eliminate an unproductive cough (cough without sputum). The composition of the drug includes the active substance - acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. Upon contact with the mucous membrane, Falimint irritates the nerve endings, providing a slight analgesic effect. The drug also has an antiseptic and antiemetic effect, which makes it possible to use Falimint in dental practice.

The properties of Falimint are comparable to those of menthol. This drug, like menthol, causes a feeling of coolness in the throat and mouth. Falimint does not dry out the mucous membrane and does not cause significant numbness in the oral cavity. Falimint also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to these properties, reviews of Falimint are positive.

After oral administration, Falimint is fairly well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. It is found in plasma unchanged. The maximum plasma concentration is reached one hour after taking the drug. Excreted from the body by the kidneys in the form of metabolites.

Indications for use Falimint

According to the instructions for Falimint, indications for its use are inflammatory pathology respiratory tract, elimination of sneezing and coughing in athletes, lecturers, artists, smokers, the need to achieve an antiemetic effect during manipulations in the oral cavity and pharynx, as well as in dentistry during prosthetics.

Contraindications to the use of Falimint

The instructions for Falimint indicate such contraindications to its use:

  • hypersensitivity to acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene;
  • period of pregnancy, lactation.

Method of application, dosage

Falimint is prescribed for adults at a dosage of 1 tablet several times a day ( daily dosage- no more than 10 tablets). Dragee should be slowly absorbed in the mouth. Falimint can be used for several days. Falimint and analogues cannot be used for a long time.

Side effects of Falimint

Falimint is fairly well tolerated. Of the side effects, allergic reactions have been registered: skin rash, itching, urticaria.

Interaction with other drugs

The interaction of Falimint with other drugs is not currently described.

special instructions

The drug contains sugar (in 1 tablet 0.03 XE), which should be taken into account when using Falimint patients with diabetes mellitus. The drug contains both glucose and sucrose, so Falimint should not be prescribed to patients with glucose intolerance, sucrose-isomaltase deficiency and glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Limited experience with this medicinal product in children, therefore it is not recommended to use Falimint under the age of 18 years.

The use of Falimint during pregnancy and lactation


Cases of overdose of Falimint are not registered.

Currently, in almost every pharmacy kiosk you can find a wide variety of medicines. Some medicines are designed to relieve pain and relieve febrile syndrome. Others are designed to eliminate the multiplication of viruses and germs. occupy a separate position, because when a person begins to suffer from this symptom, the quality of his life deteriorates greatly. This article will tell you about the drug "Falimint". Instructions for use, price, reviews of the medicine will be presented for review. You will also find out what medicines can replace the indicated medicine.

The composition of the drug

About the drug "Falimint" instructions for use, reviews of experts report the following information. The drug is available in the form of pills or tablets. The active substance is acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. This component is presented in an amount of 25 milligrams per tablet.

Also in the composition of the drug there are additional components. These are gelatin and sucrose, talc and hard fat, copovidone and colloidal silicon dioxide, as well as magnesium stearate. The capsule shell is made of the following substances: glucose syrup and talc, sucrose and paraffin, simektion and paraffin. Each dragee is packed in a common commissure. There are twenty capsules in one pack.

About the drug "Falimint" reviews of doctors say that it is often prescribed simultaneously with other means. The medicine renders local action however, it is also absorbed through the mucous membranes. There are many indications for prescribing medication. Tablets are used in dentistry, pediatrics, pulmonology and other branches of medicine. What exactly do they say about the prescription of the medicine "Falimint" instructions, reviews of specialists?

The drug is indicated in the treatment of ENT diseases. These include tonsillitis. The drug is used for inflammation of the mucous membrane oral cavity(stomatitis, gingivitis). Often tablets are prescribed for diseases of the upper and lower divisions respiratory organs (pharyngitis, laryngitis). With an irritating reflex cough, the use of Falimint tablets is recommended.

Less commonly, the medication is prescribed before various interventions in the oral cavity and larynx. It is prescribed before taking casts and installing prostheses, after surgical interventions and treatment using artificial ventilation lungs and so on.

Contraindications for which it is forbidden to use tablets

What do the reviews of doctors say about the medicine "Falimint"? Doctors report that this remedy, like any other drug, has its own contraindications. Do not think that "Falimint" is sweets that help to refresh and ease breathing. The medicine is the real medicine. The following situations are contraindications to the use of the composition:

  • the period of bearing a child (throughout the term);
  • lactation (if treatment is necessary, the issue of its termination is decided);
  • the presence of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • childhood.

The drug should be used with particular caution in people with diabetes mellitus and patients with various pathologies kidneys.

How to use

About the drug "Falimint" consumer reviews are mostly good. The instruction recommends using 1-2 tablets at a time. This dose will be 25-50 milligrams of the active substance. This amount in the annotation is recommended to be taken up to five times a day. However, doctors have a different approach to treating the drug described.

Doctors say that no more than 10 tablets can be taken per day. Otherwise, we will already talk about an overdose. Specialists usually prescribe one capsule 6-8 times a day as needed. The drug should be sucked slowly in the mouth. After that, you should refrain from eating and drinking for one hour.

"Falimint" for children

Reviews of pediatricians differ on this issue. Some experts are sure that the medicine can be prescribed only after 8-10 years. Other doctors advise the medication for use already when the child can dissolve the lozenges on his own (from about 3-4 years old). Who is right?

Instructions for use do not give clear restrictions on this. The annotation states that the medicine is not recommended for children due to the fact that they simply will not be able to use it correctly. Many children begin to gnaw on sweet pills. If your child is already able to keep the tablet in his mouth until completely dissolved, then he can be prescribed this medicine. The question of dosage is decided exclusively by the pediatrician. A single serving usually never exceeds one tablet. The daily rate of the drug is reduced by almost two times.

Adverse reactions and consumer opinions

What do patient reviews say about Falimint? Consumers report that the drug is generally well tolerated. However, there are patients who have experienced an allergic reaction to the described correction. The treatment in such cases is symptomatic. It is necessary to cancel the use of the drug and, if necessary, use antihistamine formulations.

Rarely, patients report numbness of the oral mucosa. Most consumers say that breathing difficulties are eliminated after using the dragee. The last reaction is definitely a positive one, not a side one.

What can replace the described tool?

There is one synonym for the drug, which can completely replace its action. Tradename this tool- "Acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene". The remaining substitutes are indirect. Among them are Strepsils, Faringosept, Vokacept, Doctor MoM and many others.

Before changing the drug and choosing alternative remedy, you must always consult with your doctor and get individual recommendations on the use of a particular medication.

Falimint: reviews, price

Consumers report that the cost of the drug may vary. It all depends on the region in which the pharmacy chain is located, and on its cheating. The price of the medicine can be from 98 to 180 rubles per pack. This is a fairly attractive cost compared to other antitussives. Customers also report convenient way use. After all, in order to take a pill, water or other liquid is not required.

Patients say that after using the medication, a mild coolness is felt. Breathing becomes free and easy. Obsessive cough, irritating throat, passes instantly. The use of the drug in smokers has shown good results. Consumers began to feel better and stopped coughing. The medication helps relieve swelling and tension from the larynx.

Doctors note that the drug is effective only with a dry, irritating cough. If spasms occur due to the formation of mucus in the bronchi or lungs, then the composition can even do some harm, because in such a situation, drugs are needed that thin the sputum and remove it from the body. Antitussive drugs are contraindicated here. Experts do not recommend the use of drugs such as Ambroxol, Lazolvan, Ambrobene simultaneously with the described medication. After all, they, on the contrary, contribute to the development of the cough reflex.

Doctors say that in the treatment of diseases such as stomatitis and gingivitis, it is recommended to use antiseptic solutions at the same time. It can be "Miramistin", "Furacilin" or something else. Preliminarily, the medicine must be treated with the mucous membrane of the mouth, rinsing it. Only then can you dissolve the lollipop. Such a scheme of work will be more efficient and fruitful. If there is no positive effect within five days, you need to visit the doctor again.

A little summary

You are familiar with the drug for local application called Falimint. Reviews, price, instructions for the drug and its description are presented to your attention. It must be remembered that the information described is not a basis for self-treatment. If you are concerned about an unproductive cough or one of the pathologies listed above, then you should definitely visit a doctor and take certain tests. After that, the specialist will be able to reliably diagnose and prescribe treatment. Good health and wellness! Don't cough!

Medicine distinguishes between two main types of cough - productive, unproductive. Productive - wet cough, in which the excretion of harmful bacteria occurs in the form of sputum. Unproductive (dry cough) is considered the most dangerous to human health. The reason for this is holding harmful substances inside the body. The described phenomenon can provoke the occurrence of serious inflammatory processes. Constant spasms irritate the airways and occur as uncontrolled seizures. It is quite difficult to restrain an unproductive reflex cough. The best way out is timely treatment dry cough.

The article will focus on the drug Falimint, which eliminates unproductive cough, as well as from pharyngitis, tonsillitis and other throat diseases.

Falimint drug: what are these pills for and how to use them?

Falimint is a modern drug of local anesthetic, disinfectant pharmacological action successfully treating throat, cough, dental diseases. The scope of Falimint is quite wide.

Before continuing reading: If you are looking for effective method getting rid of a runny nose, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis or colds, then be sure to look into site section Book after reading this article. This information has helped so many people, we hope it will help you too! So, now back to the article.

  • pharyngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • acute tonsillitis;
  • laryngitis;
  • dry/wet cough;
  • periodontal disease;
  • stomatitis.

The active ingredient of Falimint is acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene (lat. Acetylaminonitropropoxybenzenum). chemical property substances - antitussive, antiseptic, disinfectant. Acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene is considered a non-narcotic analgesic. Falimint is relatively safe, the drug is quite common among a whole range of similar drugs on the pharmaceutical market.

Falimint: indications for use

Falimint has a large number of indications for use: reflex cough, gum damage, preparation of the oral cavity for dental examinations, operations. The drug successfully copes with angina. Behind short term removes severe pain, sore throat due to soothing properties. Redness of the throat disappears on the second day of using the remedy.

Can children give Falimint and how safe is it?

In the instructions for use of the drug Falimint there are no obvious contraindications, in addition to hypersensitivity to the components. The use of the product is relatively safe for health. But still, Falimint is forbidden to be used by young children. The ban is explained by the absence complete information about the drug. The taboo applies exclusively to young children under the age of five. Children over 5 years old can be given medicine without any concerns.

The right dosage of Falimint for children

As we have already found out, giving Falimint to children school age can. It is necessary to observe the exact dosage of the drug.

The instructions for use of Falimint indicate:
The dosage for children is 1 tablet 3 rubles / day. In rare cases, the use of 5 rubles / day is allowed. Maximum term use of the drug - no more than five days. If Falimint did not help cough during the specified period, you should consult a doctor to clarify the nature of the disease.

When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account the precautions described in the annotation. These include the recommendation not to use the medicine for a long period (longer than five days). Otherwise, prolonged use can harm the body, lead to allergic reactions, reduce the activity of the agent in case of a new illness. It is forbidden to consume any food or liquid immediately after the use of Falimint tablets. Patients with diabetes mellitus should take the remedy with high caution: one dragee of the drug corresponds to 0.03 bread units.

Adults take the drug in the following dosage:
One or two tablets three to five rubles / day. Maximum amount- 10 tablets. The dragee is kept in the mouth without chewing, waiting for complete dissolution. The maximum duration of use is from five days to a week.

Caution: contraindications for use!


  • Pregnancy, breastfeeding period. Falimint is strictly forbidden to use during pregnancy. Why is this happening? After all, tablets are designed to treat sore throats, coughs, diseases of the oral cavity. Medicine explains the danger of using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding by the following fact: Falimint has not been fully studied, there is no required experience in using the drug in the voiced periods of a woman's life. For this reason, doctors do not recommend treating diseases of the throat, oral cavity and cough with this remedy. Moreover, in our time there are many analogues of the drug that are safe for pregnant and lactating women.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug. Before use, it is necessary to study the composition of the drug, make sure that it does not contain components to which hypersensitivity is possible.

Are there analogues to Falimint tablets, is it possible to find a cheaper drug with a similar effect?

As soon as a choking cough or an obsessive sore throat appears, people immediately try to choose the most effective advertised remedy in a pharmacy. Is Falimint a panacea for many diseases? What should women who are in a position breastfeeding a baby do? What analogue to find to help? These are fairly common questions that can be heard from ordinary people who want to recover as soon as possible and get rid of annoying ailments for a long time. Further in the article we will talk about what can replace Falimint and how much such pleasure will cost.

Strepsils tablets are considered to be a popular analogue of Falimint. Pregnant, lactating women strepsils tablets often prescribed by experienced doctors for diseases of the throat, oral cavity. During pregnancy, a woman's body is considered especially vulnerable, prone to colds, any inflammation of the oral cavity.

Unlike Falimint, Strepsils tablets are safer for the fetus. The whole point lies in the active substance. Unlike acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene, which forms the basis of Falimint, the active ingredient in Strepsils tablets, amylmetacresol, avoids entering the general circulation. female body Accordingly, the use of Strepsils tablets does not affect the development of the fetus. Still, before using the tablets, it is recommended to consult with your doctor, because there may be deviations.

Now let's talk about financial gain. The price of Strepsils tablets in different regions of Russia ranges on average from 150 to 200 rubles. The price tag for Falimint is approximately identical. What to choose from these drugs?

It is safer to use Strepsils during pregnancy, but in some other cases it is still better to choose Falimint. What are these cases? With a detailed study of the drug Strepsils, it is easy to notice a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substance in the composition. It is able to quickly cope with a sore throat, but at the same time, provide harmful effect on the stomach. In order not to harm the digestive organs, it is better not to take pills for more than three days. Do not drink tablets on an empty stomach. By following these rules, negative consequences can be avoided.

The general advice of doctors is: if a woman still has the opportunity to do without drugs, it is better to take this opportunity.

An alternative to pills are plants:

It must be remembered: some herbs are dangerous for pregnant women. Prohibited plants: sage, oregano, ginseng, calendula, common plants - parsley, dill, garlic. Any tool should be used with extreme caution and first consult with a specialist.

Helper for cough

Benefits: Efficiency. Price. Availability.

Cons: Not found

Winter is a time of constant infections, and they have not bypassed our family. I began to have the first symptoms of the disease, and a dry cough was added to them. There was cough syrup at home, which I took, but there was no relief. And then I remembered the drug Falimint, which was unfairly forgotten by us. And after a day I felt relief, the pills even have an analgesic effect. A week of taking Falimint passed and I forgot what a cough is. And when my husband had the first cough, he immediately started taking the pills, and the disease did not spread. Now Falimint is in our first aid kit to immediately start taking the drug, which really helps me.

Helps with sore throat

Benefits: quickly relieves the symptom

Cons: doesn't work therapeutic effect

My son had a sore throat in childhood and now he will freeze a little, his throat hurts right away. What kind of drugs we did not buy. And sprays, and absorbable tablets, and rinse solutions. Unfortunately, all these drugs only relieve the symptom, and therapeutic effect do not render, it is necessary to resort to antibiotics. Therefore, we are constantly looking for new and effective drugs. Falimint tablets were not spared either. They help to quickly dull a sore throat or relieve a coughing fit, it becomes easier to breathe, you can take it with you to classes, it’s convenient, you don’t need to drink it, just took it in your mouth like candy, the taste is spicy, menthol. Not recommended for young children and pregnant women, do not take more than 10 pieces per day and long time. If you took it for several days and it didn’t help, quit, look for a new medicine.

Benefits: good taste

Cons: Didn't work

Relieves sore throat

Benefits: pain relief

Disadvantages: does not treat the focus of the disease

The troubles that a sore throat causes are familiar to everyone. And we try all kinds of means to relieve this sore throat. I have in once more pains began, there were no funds in the pharmacy, except for Falimint, I bought it. They have the form of lollipops, menthol taste, a course of 5 days, 20 lollipops in a package, in principle, enough for the course. Lollipops relieve sore throat well, but they do not cure in any way, for example, with tonsillitis, laryngitis, such treatment will not bring any benefit, but will only remove the symptoms for a while. It is very convenient to use, for example, in transport, when it is inconvenient to use the throat spray, and the pain causes discomfort.

I have never seen so many lies from a manufacturer.

Benefits: Nice taste

Disadvantages: Price, causes numbness, dry mucous membranes, stomach pain, the effect is weak, short-lived, cough does not block

Another useless mint pill. They are expensive, about 250 rubles, only 20 dragees per pack. It tastes good, like mint chewing gum, and dissolves quickly. The aftertaste is unpleasant, bitter and gives some kind of chemistry. It would be nothing if the drug really helped. Here I had a sore throat, only the first day - my throat was red and it hurt, but not much. Even this pain, even for half an hour, the drug could not remove. Everyone was chewing mint gum - such a chill in the throat creates the drug just right. But besides the chill, you don’t feel anything, and, of course, it doesn’t remove the pain. I took it and immediately put two pieces in my mouth. And then I discovered that the manufacturer is blatantly lying about the fact that the drug does not cause numbness. That is, from 1 dragee there is no effect or numbness, but from two there is numbness, which dulls the pain a little. I will note and note - a little. For the most part, the harm from this sensation is greater, because it is as if your larynx is numb and swallowing plain water it gets kind of hard. And I also paid for my experiment with the fact that after two dragees I became very sick, my stomach ached and heartburn set in. I think if you often take even one tablet, the effect will be the same. The drug dries the mucosa, again they lied to us. Discomfort was already after the first tablet. And it is also important that it has no antitussive effect - even after 2 tablets, the cough remained the same. The effect did not last long, in just an hour the throat began to hurt again. See what happens - one dragee does not work at all, two work slightly, but cause side effects. The effect is short-lived, therefore, you will have to take it often and a lot, and this is fraught with consequences. As a result, we get - it is impossible to find an approach to the drug.

With an unproductive (dry) cough, Falimint helps. The instructions for its use contain all the necessary information about the methods of application, doses, possible restrictions and side effects. Benefit from the application modern drug appreciated by many patients suffering from ENT diseases. Tablets help relieve paroxysmal cough facilitating the treatment process.

The tablets are made in Germany. The manufacturer is the well-known firm Berlin-Chemie in Russia. The only form of release is dragee, its external characteristics:

  • White color;
  • biconvex shape;
  • smooth surface.

The product is packaged in an amount of 20 pieces. For these purposes, a sealed blister pack is used, it is placed in a cardboard box.

The composition of the drug

The main active ingredient in the tablets is acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. One unit contains the active substance 25 mg.

In the manufacture of medicines, additional components (excipient) are used. They are necessary to enhance the healing properties of acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. In addition, Falimint dragee contains:

  • magnesium stearate;
  • copovidone;
  • sucrose;
  • colloidal silicon dioxide;
  • talc;
  • gelatin.

The chemical content of the shell: paraffin (liquid, solid), sucrose, glucose syrup, simethicone (30% emulsion).

Therapeutic effect

According to the mechanism of action, lozenges are very similar to menthol. The feeling of cold in Falimint is more pronounced. The dragee is held until dissolved under the tongue or simply in the mouth. When the drug penetrates the mucosal tissue, a person has a light, pleasant feeling of coolness in the throat and mouth, which in no way resembles numbness.

During resorption, dryness of the mucosa does not occur, breathing normalizes, and the cough gradually calms down. The medicine has three therapeutic effects having great importance for sore throat:

  • liquefies sputum;
  • reduces pain;
  • relieves inflammation.

The maximum therapeutic effect occurs quickly, the concentration of the active substance in the blood rises within an hour. The drug is excreted from the body in the urine.

What diseases are prescribed medicine

The drug has a wide range of applications. With diagnoses of angina (secondary, primary, follicular), pharyngitis (lymphonodular, purulent, acute), nasopharyngitis "Falimint" is prescribed for the throat.

With tracheitis, laryngitis, pharyngolaryngitis, the medicine is prescribed for coughing. Dragees include as aid for the treatment of inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, indications:

  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cold with cough.

"Falimint" is prescribed to patients with various types cough: spasmodic, spastic, productive, unproductive, reflex.

Terms of use and dosage

The annotation to the drug from the manufacturer indicates the maximum duration of administration of 5 days. Exceeding the recommended duration is fraught with consequences. The patient may show signs of allergy to the components of the drug, addiction will form.

The necessary therapeutic effect with subsequent applications of the drug "Falimint". There are features when using dragees. For the onset of a therapeutic effect during resorption and immediately after it, food and liquid of any kind should not be consumed.

For adults

The maximum allowable daily allowance for an adult is 250 mg. It corresponds to 10 tablets. During one appointment, the patient can dissolve 1-2 tablets. During the day, the procedure can be repeated 3-5 times. The dragee is not chewed, swallowed, it is held behind the cheek or under the tongue, waiting for gradual dissolution.

For kids

Due to the lack of medical observations on the effect of the drug on children under 5 years of age, Falimint tablets are prescribed for school-age children. Daily dose for a child - 75 mg. It corresponds to 3 tablets. Children should dissolve 1 tablet 3 times a day.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Coughs and sore throats are common during pregnancy. Immunity in expectant mothers is weakened. Self-medication during this period is especially dangerous. Future mom responsible for the health of the unborn child.

Harmless, palatable tablets "Falimint" are not prescribed to pregnant women. They are not recommended for use breastfeeding. The reason is the lack of necessary medical statistics.

drug interaction

In the medical literature, there is no data on the interaction of the active substance acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene with other medicines. Usually, the doctor prescribes "Falimint" as an additional drug, the main therapy is carried out with other drugs.

If the patient has other diseases, dragees for sore throats are used 2 hours before taking or 2 hours after taking other medicines. By observing the interval when using drugs, reduce the risk of negative drug interactions.

Adverse reactions and overdose

The body of each person is individual. Some do not cause any adverse reactions, others in the course of treatment begin to be disturbed by itching, rashes on the skin may appear.

These symptoms are indicative of allergic reaction to any component of the medicinal product. Need to report on unpleasant manifestations the attending physician, ask for changes in the treatment regimen.

Cases of overdose in medical practice happened. They were associated with gross violations of the instructions for use. Patients exceeded daily allowance medicines. Overdose was accompanied by a feeling of nausea, vomiting. If signs of intoxication appear, emergency measures should be taken:

  • wash the stomach;
  • induce vomiting;
  • drink plenty of water.

Who should not use

A person with a diagnosis diabetes"Falimint" can be taken, but with caution. It is necessary to take into account the sugar contained in the dragee. There are contraindications to taking antiseptic tablets for people with sucrose deficiency, hypersensitivity to fructose and those who have been diagnosed with glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

You don't need a prescription to buy cough and sore throat pills. This is an over-the-counter medicine. You can store the drug in a residential area at a temperature of 15 to 25 ° C.

Drug analogues

Buy verified and effective drug it became difficult, it was discontinued in 2017. The old stock is most likely out of stock.

All questions about why production was curtailed did not receive a clear answer. It is likely that this happened due to problems with re-registration. There is no reason to assume that the pills pose a health hazard.

The list of analogues will help determine how to replace an effective medicine:

  1. The drug produced in Romania is Faringosept. With the same indications (tonsillitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis), it has fewer restrictions. Children are appointed from 3 years. Tablets can be used for treatment by pregnant and lactating women. Active substance- Amazon.
  2. Indian". Active substance amylmethacresol. The cost of one pack of tablets (24 pcs.) is acceptable - about 120 rubles. The drug is prescribed for children after 5 years, women in position and during lactation.
  3. For diseases of the throat, a full-fledged replacement for Falimint will be Lyzobakt. It is prescribed from 3 years of age. There are no restrictions for women while carrying and feeding a child. Medicinal properties due to the substances lysozyme, pyridoxine.
  4. Containing levomenthol, essential oils, benzalkonium chloride "Septolete" in the form of tablets, lozenges. This analog anesthetizes, renders antiseptic action. Children are allowed after 4 years. There are no restrictions on use during pregnancy and lactation.
  5. how strong antiseptic performs Grammidin. It contains the antibiotic gramicidin and the substance cetylpyridinium chloride, which has antiseptic properties. Children's tablets with a reduced dose are on sale. active components, they are appointed from 4 years. During lactation, "Grammidin" is not prescribed, it is not indicated at the beginning of pregnancy either.

The attending physician for diseases of the throat, when coughing, may prescribe to the patient not tablets and lozenges, but a spray or aerosol. Rinses may have similar properties of an antiseptic and analgesic. The type of medicine is determined by the attending physician. When prescribing a drug, he takes into account possible contraindications, the specifics of the disease, the patient's condition.

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