Intercostal neuralgia Louise Hay. How pain with trigeminal neuralgia affects the consciousness of patients

About the onset of the disease

So, the onset of the disease is one or another psychological (not mental) disorder - stress:

  • Short-term severe stress (most often associated with the death of a loved one, the outbreak of war, loss of property (for example, in a fire), sudden ruin, etc.;
  • Prolonged stress that does not reach significant levels but has an impact for a long time, plunging a person into a “hostile” environment (a typical example is troubles at work or in the family);
  • Chronic stress, which even in the patient’s perspective has no end (for example, with amputation of a leg).

The result of these disorders is not only completely natural and understandable irritability, insomnia, increased fatigue, indifference to to the outside world, but also the onset of some disease that is not externally directly related to a psychological problem. There are quite convincing results that indicate that diseases such as psoriasis, bronchial asthma and even stomach ulcers. In medicine, the term “stress ulcer” has been used for quite some time.

Perhaps this table will be useful in the study of psychomatic conditions

Known direct influence stress on processes that are regulated by complex reflexes: psychological constipation, or, conversely, “bear disease”, the development of arterial hypertension and tension headaches.

There is no doubt that there is a connection between psychological factors and panic attacks.

About directions in psychosomatics

Actually, the direction of psychosomatics studies the connection between illness and special personality and character traits, the likelihood of a person’s reaction to conflicts, and behavioral characteristics. These studies are characterized by a fairly high level of generalization and lack of evidence base, since there is practice to apply them to almost all diseases.

One of the important messages of psychosomatics, which destroys the connection with science, is the statement that “all diseases have a cause in the soul, thoughts and are repressed into the subconscious.” In fact, there is a mixture of classical psychology, psychoanalysis and fortune telling, which brings good money.

It is the latter group that includes the attempt to link highly specialized pathology to global problems. For example, no one doubts that an angry boss at work can be the cause of a hypertensive crisis, heart attack or stroke. But factors such as “over-criticism and fear for money and the future” - V. Zhikarentsev - can only be considered as the cause of sciatica (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve) by either a specialist who has proven this, or a magician, fortune-teller and sorcerer.

You should definitely not contact such “doctors” under any circumstances...

It is the latter that includes attempts to link different types of neuralgia to different “specialists” who have taken it upon themselves to “solve” human problems, and at the same time “practice Buddhism, write books, conduct seminars and schools, travel around cities, rent halls” and so on.

1. NEURALGIA – (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Punishment for sinfulness. The pain of communication.

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. Communication brings joy.

2. NEURALGIA – (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Punishment for guilt. Torment, pain when communicating.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. I communicate with love.

3. NEURALGIA – (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Neuralgia is attacks of acute pain along the nerves. The location of the body part in which the pain occurs indicates in which area of ​​life the problem should be looked for. Emotional blockage

Neuralgia affects those who are trying to get rid of pain associated with the past. When some situation in the present awakens this pain, the person again experiences old fears and feelings of guilt. His soul is filled with anxiety and bitterness. He tries to get rid of emotions, hoping in this way to avoid suffering.

Mental block

The desire to hide in the subconscious the pain associated with the past only feeds and strengthens it. Instead of reveling in your helplessness, try to get rid of the problem that bothers you. Even if you experienced something terrible in the past, this does not mean that you have to live with it for the rest of your life. Tell yourself that you did the best you could and don't blame yourself or anyone else for what happened. All people are imperfect. However, you can certainly do more today than you could a few months or a few years ago, and you have everything you need to get rid of old pain.

Pathology appears as a result of internal discomfort at the psychogenic level. There are pangs of conscience, painful memories from the past, and various fears. Experts in the field have opinions about psychosomatic reasons such:

  1. Liz Burbo reports that you need to look for a problem in your past. A person tries to get rid of pain and mentally experiences a moment that should be forgotten. The book “Your Body Says: Love Yourself” provides multiple interpretations of diseases from the point of view of this science.
  2. Louise Hay is the founder of the self-help movement. She argues that pathology develops as a result of punishment for past sins. If a person in the past has committed actions that contradict common sense, then diseases of the nervous system arise. Another reason is difficulties in communicating with a certain person. Neuralgia occurs as a result of painful sensations in communication.
  3. Healer Valery Sinelnikov says that chest diseases arise due to feelings of guilt or an exaggerated conscience. The patient revels in his helplessness, blaming himself for what he did not have time to do. Perhaps you did wrong things in the past.

Pathology is a subconscious reason to attract attention. The patient is trying to show helplessness and deserve care. In some cases, the disease is a consequence of a breakup.

How to cure intercostal neuralgia? It is necessary to let go of the old pain so that it no longer bothers the subconscious. There are special settings that you can write yourself and recite daily.

About pathology

Intercostal neuralgia or thoracalgia is an inflammation of the nerves that pass between the ribs. The nerve is compressed by muscles, bones or ligaments, causing damage to the nerve endings and loss of their functions. Common symptoms include:

  • constant tension of the back muscles in the spine;
  • numbness and tingling in the affected area;
  • sharp pain affects the entire sternum or one part;
  • sweating increases;
  • painful sensations radiate to the shoulder blade or heart area.

The main difference from heart pain is the increased discomfort during movement. Pain brings unbearable suffering to a person. Therapy is aimed at eliminating provoking factors, inflammation and pain.

Psychological interpretation

Thoracalgia occurs as a result of blockage positive emotions. Instead of a peaceful internal state, a person experiences:

  • apathy;
  • anxiety;
  • frequent stress;
  • anxiety.

The patient blames himself for past mistakes. Because of this, there is a constant feeling of self-flagellation. Attacks provoke quarrels with relatives and problems at work.

The help of a psychologist is required to eliminate internal constraint.

Causes of intercostal neuralgia

Doctors identify many factors, each of which can cause radiculitis of the thoracic spine. A person has 12 pairs of intercostal nerves, and each one is pinched nerve bundle or fibers can cause severe pain, which can only be relieved by a blockade.
The causes of intercostal neuralgia are:

    1. Intercostal osteochondrosis is the most common factor in the occurrence of the disease. The sagging and deformed vertebrae put pressure on the nerve fibers. As a result, inflammation develops and the patient experiences severe pain. The problem is most often chronic, and long-term and complex treatment is required to eliminate it.
    2. Sudden movements, for example, when playing sports - nerves are pinched by muscles, usually this is a short-term phenomenon that goes away without medical intervention.
    3. Injuries of the thoracic spine - pressure on the nerve fibers is exerted by bone fragments, hematomas or muscles.
    4. Serious physical activity can lead to microtraumas of the thoracic region, muscle rupture, and the appearance of bruises.
    5. Hypothermia - low room temperature can cause muscle spasm, which in turn leads to compression nerve tissue.
    6. Infections - herpes, flu or tuberculosis lead to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and toxins into the intercostal space. A person’s temperature rises, general weakness and pain occur.

Intervertebral hernia can cause intercostal neuralgia

  1. Intervertebral herniation - bulging disc elements put pressure on surrounding nerves, causing severe pain. Often the discomfort is so intense and unbearable that only a blockade can relieve it.
  2. Benign or malignant neoplasms in the spinal region - tumors exert significant pressure on the surrounding space, often nerve tissues are also subject to compression. This reason can lead to the appearance of intercostal neuralgia not only in adults, but also in children.
  3. Alcoholism or toxic poisoning (for example, lead) - waste and toxins entering the body have a negative effect on the nervous tissue, which can lead to the development of radiculitis.
  4. Bechterew's disease is a systemic disease that leads to serious deformation of the spine. Due to compression of the intercostal elements, the patient experiences serious discomfort and his movements are limited.
  5. Congenital anomalies of the development of the thoracic spine - some newborn children have such anomalies as the absence of one rib on the right or left, duplication of ribs, deformation of the vertebrae, etc. Some deviations lead to compression of nerve fibers.
  6. Curvature of the spine - serious forms of scoliosis can lead to the development of intercostal neuralgia and the appearance of constant pain. The curvature process often begins in school-age children and without timely treatment can progress rapidly.
  7. Lack of vitamins - if the body does not receive sufficient quantity vitamin D, developing serious illness– rickets, leading to bone tissue deformations. If there is not enough vitamin B, then the metabolic processes in the nerve fibers themselves.
  8. Taking medications – long-term use of certain medications in large doses can lead to toxic poisoning their components, which causes attacks of thoracic radiculitis.
  9. Frequent stress – the psychosomatics of intercostal neuralgia are associated with it. If a person often worries, worries and worries, his nervous system as a whole suffers, which negatively affects the intercostal nerves.

The causes of intercostal neuralgia are sometimes hormonal in nature. For example, diabetes mellitus disrupts metabolism in the body as a whole, including in the thoracic spine. Menopause in women leads to osteoporosis and other bone disorders.
To overcome a disease, you need to identify its root cause. If the disease is caused by herpes, you need to use antiviral drugs; if it is caused by intercostal osteochondrosis, the spine should be treated. In some cases, only a blockade of powerful painkillers helps relieve pain.

Psychosomatics of intercostal neuralgia

The branch of medicine that establishes the connection between ailments and the mental and emotional state of a person is called psychosomatics. According to adherents of this trend, no disease arises just like that. You can identify the problems contained in the head and leading to its appearance.

Treatment of chondrosis of the thoracic spine with folk remedies Intercostal neuralgia can cause general state anxiety, blockade of positive emotions, frequent stress and worry, the desire for self-punishment and self-flagellation. Pain on the right or left side of the heart is associated with a constant feeling of guilt, lack of confidence in oneself and one’s strengths.

In children and adults, thoracic sciatica is associated with emotions such as anger, fear and sadness. A conflict with superiors or a quarrel with household members can provoke an attack. To eliminate mental blockages, a person often needs the help of a psychologist. A kind of psychological blockade is established to help end the process of self-flagellation.

How does intercostal neuralgia manifest?

The main feature that distinguishes intercostal neuralgia is strong pain, which spreads throughout the mid-spine region. Often the discomfort is one-sided and concentrated on the right or left, affecting the mammary gland and radiating to the upper extremities. The unpleasant sensations are aching, dull or burning in nature (acute phase), intensified by movement, sneezing, coughing. Sometimes only a novocaine blockade helps to remove it.

During an attack of radiculitis in adults and children, the temperature may rise. There may be numbness in the limbs, crawling “goosebumps”, muscle twitching on the right or left, depending on the location of the problem.
In the affected area, there is increased sensitivity to palpation and cold, and redness may appear. Skin temperature is lower than in other places.

Which doctor should I contact?

Pain in the area of ​​the heart and to the right of it is often confused with problems of cardio-vascular system, so they are referred to a cardiologist. This is not the specialist who can help you with neuralgia.
If you have a fever, chest pain, increased sweating, or numbness in your limbs, consult a neurologist. Treatment of radiculitis is his specialty. He will conduct a diagnosis and select the correct treatment.
If the cause of pain due to intercostal neuralgia is influenza or herpes, you will be referred to specialized specialists who will prescribe you antiviral therapy.

Compression fracture thoracic spine

Diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia

After an oral conversation with the patient and his oral questioning, the doctor prescribes studies that help confirm the preliminary diagnosis. The following tests can be used for this purpose:

    • general blood test - shows an increased number of leukocytes;

General blood analysis

  • bacteriological blood test - such a study is necessary if the cause of the disease is herpes;
  • X-ray of the middle spine;
  • CT and MRI - thanks to these methods you can see abnormalities that a regular x-ray does not show;
  • myelography is a special study that can help determine changes in the nervous tissue of the middle spine;
  • ultrasound examination and others.

Only based on the test results can we make a diagnosis accurate diagnosis- intercostal neuralgia. Having received it, the doctor prescribes treatment for the disease. If its cause is herpes, antiviral drugs are prescribed; if there are spinal disorders, a whole range of measures is necessary. In some cases, drug blockade is required to relieve pain.



Psychosomatics studies the psychological causes of body diseases. With intercostal neuralgia, painful sensations occur in the part of the body that is responsible for emotional blocking. There is a close relationship between psychological problems and diseases of the thoracic region and other organs.

Psychosomatics of intercostal neuralgia

Pathology appears as a result of internal discomfort at the psychogenic level. There are pangs of conscience, painful memories from the past, and various fears. Experts in this field have the following opinions about psychosomatic causes:

  1. Liz Burbo reports that you need to look for a problem in your past. A person tries to get rid of pain and mentally experiences a moment that should be forgotten. The book “Your Body Says: Love Yourself” provides multiple interpretations of diseases from the point of view of this science.
  2. Louise Hay is the founder of the self-help movement. She argues that pathology develops as a result of punishment for past sins. If a person in the past has committed actions that contradict common sense, then diseases of the nervous system arise. Another reason is difficulties in communicating with a certain person. Neuralgia occurs as a result of painful sensations in communication.
  3. Healer Valery Sinelnikov says that chest diseases arise due to feelings of guilt or an exaggerated conscience. The patient revels in his helplessness, blaming himself for what he did not have time to do. Perhaps you did wrong things in the past.

Pathology is a subconscious reason to attract attention. The patient is trying to show helplessness and deserve care. In some cases, the disease is a consequence of a breakup.

How to cure intercostal neuralgia? It is necessary to let go of the old pain so that it no longer bothers the subconscious. There are special settings that you can write yourself and recite daily.

About pathology

Intercostal neuralgia or thoracalgia is an inflammation of the nerves that pass between the ribs. The nerve is compressed by muscles, bones or ligaments, causing damage to the nerve endings and loss of their functions. Common symptoms include:

  • constant tension of the back muscles in the spine;
  • numbness and tingling in the affected area;
  • acute pain affects the entire sternum or one of its parts;
  • sweating increases;
  • painful sensations radiate to the shoulder blade or heart area.

The main difference from heart pain is the increased discomfort during movement. Pain brings unbearable suffering to a person. Therapy is aimed at eliminating provoking factors, inflammation and pain.

Psychological interpretation

Thoracalgia occurs as a result of blocking positive emotions. Instead of a peaceful internal state, a person experiences:

  • apathy;
  • anxiety;
  • frequent stress;
  • anxiety.

The patient blames himself for past mistakes. Because of this, there is a constant feeling of self-flagellation. Attacks provoke quarrels with relatives and problems at work.

The help of a psychologist is required to eliminate internal constraint.


Any disease has a subconscious cause. Intercostal neuralgia is no exception. Cope with unpleasant illness you can do it yourself if you discover “ weakness"in your subconscious. Immoral actions, fear of saying goodbye to the past are the main points that need to be worked out with intercostal neuralgia.

The superior branch belongs to the frontal part, the middle branch to the region upper jaw, and the lower one - to the area of ​​the lower jaw.

How pain with trigeminal neuralgia affects the consciousness of patients

The expression "neuralgia" is used when there is painful sensations in the area of ​​distribution of the nerve, the causes of which are not clear to medicine. This phenomenon really has a strong impact on the patient's life - in the most unpleasant sense.

At first, the pain comes in the form of attacks and often on one side. It can affect one or more branches of the nerve and develop into chronic, constant pain. Severe pain begins in outbreaks or constantly affects the consciousness of patients.

Increased sensitivity (hyperesthesia) of the facial skin quickly develops, with particular pain in the places where the nerve exits to the surface. Patients suffer under their painful mask. It is incredibly difficult for them to hide their true condition.

Sometimes things go so far that the usually carefully preserved face disappears, and a grimace distorted by pain appears in the light of day. In such situations, when the muscles also react and the patients’ facial features begin to twitch, in medicine they speak of a painful tic. This includes intense redness of the face, sudden sweating and tearfulness. Patients give the impression that they want to howl, scream and rage at the same time.

Anyone who has lost self-control from pain becomes more like a writhing, half-crushed worm than a person. He can no longer calmly face the world around him. A twisted body and a face distorted in pain indicate the presence of something hidden. Somewhere deep down, things are not going as they should, but at random.

Patient suffering from neuralgia trigeminal nerve, receives a kind of slap in the face from fate and, indeed, feels beaten. Constantly expecting attacks of pain indicates hidden aggression. There is no consensus in medicine on the extent to which aggression reduces pain. Symbolically, the connection between pain and aggression is obvious, because behind both is the god of war, Mars. Many patients have the feeling that if they start a fight, it will bring relief.

From a therapeutic point of view, in such a situation it is interesting in which direction the patients will direct the attack. Who should you slap in the face if not yourself? Anyone who constantly restrains himself, hiding his emotions, must understand that the situation will one day turn against him. Everything that has accumulated will naturally remain with him. This makes it especially frustrating to hold back something like punches.

How harmful this condition is to the patient can be judged by the fact that he, like a beaten dog, rocks back and forth and assures that he cannot stand it any longer. This means that along with pain and aggression, he cannot tolerate himself. The solution lies where he can no longer restrain himself. His suffering face is literally burning with the desire to relax and relieve tension, although the facial muscles are still tense and continue to put on a good face when playing poorly.

At the moment of an attack, the patient has no choice but to release his suffering and stop holding back, observing the rules of decency. Pain forces a person to become aggressive and scream about his hellish torment. Let everyone know how painful it is to live under a mask. The suffering brain demands that someone answer for this.

But action brings relief only when it is done intentionally. Picky irritability, used at every opportunity and often appearing as a consequence of the disease, is not the solution. It only truthfully shows who is really hiding behind the outer facade.

The hypersensitivity of the facial skin and the occurrence of painful attacks at the slightest irritation demonstrate that we are looking at a touchy-feely person, whose facial expressions are experiencing greater torment from unconscious aggression than he himself.

The redness, the appearance of beads of sweat and tears and the fact that little impact provokes pain suggests that we are talking about some extremely nervous and enraged person who does not want to admit it.

This picture fits well with the fact that the most common, so-called significant form of neuralgia primarily affects women over 50 years of age. Women in a male-dominated society find it more difficult to show their true colors and spread aggression that is not typical for them. Out of fear of being abandoned or deprived of attention, they choose to smile, even if in their hearts they want to cry and scream.

If in old age the pressure becomes unbearable, instead of rage they allow themselves attacks of pain, which are only occasionally visible to the prying eye. Let's think about the localization of the symptom.

The forehead is a natural place for confrontation and assertion. The jaws are equipped with teeth that can be “showed” if necessary. Instead of continuing to allow oneself to be punched in the face, the person either consciously announces the beginning of a response to resolve the conflict, or suffers from the symptom that has manifested itself.

Medicine, with the help of analgesics, tries to direct aggression inward, against the patient himself. It's kind of a dark form of security environment. When using psychotropic substances, an already quite depressed psyche is further suppressed so that patients do not cause irritation, and no one gets angry with them.

The last, even more obvious remedy is surgery. In the process of palpably cutting a nerve, external force and authority are felt. So, we are talking about aggression, which strives for release and destruction and requires radical surgical intervention or courageous intervention in one’s own life.

1. What pain is written on my face? Where is my sensitivity impaired?

2. What prevents me from feeling at ease?

3. What distortions and criticisms do I have to hide?

4. What does it mean bad game, in which I put on a good face?

5. Who were intended for the blows I withheld, which burn on my face? What keeps me from fighting?

6. What does confrontation mean? Where am I lacking in self-affirmation?

7. What does my accumulated energy want to do now?

©Dahlke Rudiger “Illness is like the language of the soul. The message and meaning of your illnesses."

Intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia (another name is thoracic radiculitis) is a disease associated with pinched intercostal nerves.

Its main manifestation is pain syndrome, which, according to the medical scale, ranks third after contractions during childbirth and renal colic. The disease most often affects people aged 25 to 60 years; it is practically not diagnosed in children. The incidence among men and women is almost the same.

Causes of intercostal neuralgia

Doctors identify many factors, each of which can cause radiculitis of the thoracic spine. A person has 12 pairs of intercostal nerves, and pinching of each nerve bundle or fiber can cause severe pain, which can only be relieved by a blockade.

The causes of intercostal neuralgia are:

    1. Intercostal osteochondrosis is the most common factor in the occurrence of the disease. The sagging and deformed vertebrae put pressure on the nerve fibers. As a result, inflammation develops and the patient experiences severe pain. The problem is most often chronic, and long-term and complex treatment is required to eliminate it.
    2. Sudden movements, for example, when playing sports - nerves are pinched by muscles, usually this is a short-term phenomenon that goes away without medical intervention.
    3. Injuries of the thoracic spine - pressure on the nerve fibers is exerted by bone fragments, hematomas or muscles.
    4. Serious physical activity can lead to microtraumas of the thoracic region, muscle rupture, and the appearance of bruises.
    5. Hypothermia - low room temperature can cause muscle spasm, which, in turn, leads to compression of nerve tissue.
    6. Infections - herpes, flu or tuberculosis lead to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and toxins into the intercostal space. A person’s temperature rises, general weakness and pain occur.
  1. Intervertebral herniation - bulging disc elements put pressure on surrounding nerves, causing severe pain. Often the discomfort is so intense and unbearable that only a blockade can relieve it.
  2. Benign or malignant neoplasms in the spinal region - tumors exert significant pressure on the surrounding space, often nerve tissues are also subject to compression. This reason can lead to the appearance of intercostal neuralgia not only in adults, but also in children.
  3. Alcoholism or toxic poisoning (for example, lead) - waste and toxins entering the body have a negative effect on the nervous tissue, which can lead to the development of radiculitis.
  4. Bechterew's disease is a systemic disease that leads to serious deformation of the spine. Due to compression of the intercostal elements, the patient experiences serious discomfort and his movements are limited.
  5. Congenital anomalies of the development of the thoracic spine - some newborn children have such anomalies as the absence of one rib on the right or left, duplication of ribs, deformation of the vertebrae, etc. Some deviations lead to compression of nerve fibers.
  6. Curvature of the spine - serious forms of scoliosis can lead to the development of intercostal neuralgia and the appearance of constant pain. The curvature process often begins in school-age children and without timely treatment can progress rapidly.
  7. Lack of vitamins - if the body does not receive enough vitamin D, a serious disease develops - rickets, leading to deformations of bone tissue. If there is not enough vitamin B, then metabolic processes in the nerve fibers themselves are disrupted.
  8. Taking medications – long-term use of certain medications in large doses can lead to toxic poisoning by their components, which causes attacks of thoracic radiculitis.
  9. Frequent stress – the psychosomatics of intercostal neuralgia are associated with it. If a person often worries, worries and worries, his nervous system as a whole suffers, which negatively affects the intercostal nerves.

The causes of intercostal neuralgia are sometimes hormonal in nature. For example, diabetes mellitus disrupts metabolism in the body as a whole, including in the thoracic spine. Menopause in women leads to osteoporosis and other bone disorders.

To overcome a disease, you need to identify its root cause. If the disease is caused by herpes, you need to use antiviral drugs; if it is caused by intercostal osteochondrosis, the spine should be treated. In some cases, only a blockade of powerful painkillers helps relieve pain.

Psychosomatics of intercostal neuralgia

The branch of medicine that establishes the connection between ailments and the mental and emotional state of a person is called psychosomatics. According to adherents of this trend, no disease arises just like that. You can identify the problems contained in the head and leading to its appearance.

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In children and adults, thoracic sciatica is associated with emotions such as anger, fear and sadness. A conflict with superiors or a quarrel with household members can provoke an attack. To eliminate mental blockages, a person often needs the help of a psychologist. A kind of psychological blockade is established to help end the process of self-flagellation.

How does intercostal neuralgia manifest?

The main symptom that distinguishes intercostal neuralgia is severe pain that spreads throughout the middle spine. Often the discomfort is one-sided and concentrated on the right or left, affecting the mammary gland and radiating to the upper extremities. The unpleasant sensations are aching, dull or burning in nature (acute phase), intensified by movement, sneezing, coughing. Sometimes only a novocaine blockade helps to remove it.

During an attack of radiculitis in adults and children, the temperature may rise. There may be numbness in the limbs, crawling “goosebumps”, muscle twitching on the right or left, depending on the location of the problem.

In the affected area, there is increased sensitivity to palpation and cold, and redness may appear. Skin temperature is lower than in other places.

Which doctor should I contact?

Pain in the area of ​​the heart and to the right of it is often confused with problems of the cardiovascular system, so they are referred to a cardiologist. This is not the specialist who can help you with neuralgia.

If you have a fever, chest pain, increased sweating, or numbness in your limbs, consult a neurologist. Treatment of radiculitis is his specialty. He will conduct a diagnosis and select the correct treatment.

If the cause of pain due to intercostal neuralgia is influenza or herpes, you will be referred to specialized specialists who will prescribe you antiviral therapy.

Diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia

After an oral conversation with the patient and his oral questioning, the doctor prescribes studies that help confirm the preliminary diagnosis. The following tests can be used for this purpose:

    • general blood test - shows an increased number of leukocytes;
  • bacteriological blood test - such a study is necessary if the cause of the disease is herpes;
  • X-ray of the middle spine;
  • CT and MRI - thanks to these methods you can see abnormalities that a regular x-ray does not show;
  • myelography is a special study that can help determine changes in the nervous tissue of the middle spine;
  • ultrasound examination and others.

Only based on the test results can an accurate diagnosis be made - intercostal neuralgia. Having received it, the doctor prescribes treatment for the disease. If its cause is herpes, antiviral drugs are prescribed; if there are spinal disorders, a whole range of measures is necessary. In some cases, drug blockade is required to relieve pain.

How to get rid of intercostal neuralgia

To eliminate the disease, a set of measures is used. Let's accept this medications(in particular, NSAIDs), local remedies (ointments, gels), vitamins. Patients with neuralgia are recommended to undergo electrophoresis, laser therapy, darsonval, massage, etc.

In severe cases, a blockade based on novocaine, lidocaine and other painkillers is necessary. The blockade allows you to relieve pain, without which it is impossible for the patient to lead a normal life.

To heal, you need to do special sets of exercises. One of the most popular was invented by the recognized doctor Bubnovsky. If the cause of the illness is constant unrest, the patient needs to be provided with peace and proper daily routine.

Consequences of intercostal neuralgia

The only thing that is dangerous about intercostal neuralgia is pain shock, which occurs due to very intense discomfort. How long it lasts depends on whether competent first aid was provided. The patient becomes restless, walks from one point to another, and constantly changes positions. Moans and screams are possible. There is a decrease blood pressure, fainting is possible if such an exacerbation does not go away for a long time.

If your loved ones experience neuralgia attacks, it is important to know what to do in advance. You can immediately administer a dose of painkiller to the patient, place him on the bed, and ensure sufficient oxygen access.

Radiculitis of the middle spine is a problem that is often diagnosed in adults, less often in children. There are different reasons for its appearance: herpes, frequent stress, lack of vitamins, spinal diseases, etc. Pain permeates certain points on the patient's chest, and he cannot move or even breathe. In some cases, a novocaine blockade is required to improve the condition, in others it is possible to get by with more gentle treatment.

Do you often face the problem of back or joint pain?

  • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?
  • You can’t boast of a royal posture and try to hide your stoop under clothes?
  • It seems to you that this will soon go away on its own, but the pain only gets worse.
  • Many methods have been tried, but nothing helps.
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited well-being!

Psychology of diseases: Neuralgia

1. NEURALGIA - (Louise Hay)

Punishment for sinfulness. The pain of communication.

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. Communication brings joy.

2. NEURALGIA - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Punishment for guilt. Torment, pain when communicating.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. I communicate with love.

3. NEURALGIA - (Liz Burbo)

The desire to hide in the subconscious the pain associated with the past only feeds and strengthens it. Instead of reveling in your helplessness, try to get rid of the problem that bothers you. Even if you experienced something terrible in the past, this does not mean that you have to live with it for the rest of your life. Tell yourself that you did the best you could and don't blame yourself or anyone else for what happened. All people are imperfect. However, you can certainly do more today than you could a few months or a few years ago, and you have everything you need to get rid of old pain.


Psychology. Psychosomatics. Health and self-development. Tips on how to change your life. Consultations.

Psychosomatics. Neuralgia

Functional division of the nervous system

In functional terms, the nervous system is divided into somatic and autonomic. The somatic nervous system perceives stimuli from external environment and regulates the functioning of skeletal muscles, i.e. responsible for the movements of the body and its movement in space. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates the functions of all internal organs, glands and blood vessels, and its activity is practically independent of human consciousness, which is why it is also called autonomous.

Differences between the autonomic and somatic nervous systems

Although the autonomic and somatic nervous systems have a common origin, not only functional but also structural differences have been established between them. Thus, somatic nerves emerge from the brain and spinal cord evenly throughout their entire length, while autonomic nerves emerge only from several sections. Somatic motor nerves go from the central nervous system to the organs without interruption, while autonomic ones are interrupted in the ganglia (nerve nodes), and therefore their entire path to the organ is usually divided into preganglionic (prenodal) and postganglionic (postnodal) fibers. In addition, autonomic nerve fibers are thinner than somatic ones, since they lack a special sheath that increases the speed of nerve impulse transmission.

When the autonomic nerves are excited, the effect occurs slowly, lasts a long time and disappears gradually, causing a monotonous calm rhythm of the internal organs. The speed of nerve impulse transmission through somatic nerves is tens of times higher, which ensures fast and expedient movements of skeletal muscles. In many cases, impulses from the internal organs, bypassing the central nervous system, are sent directly to the autonomic ganglion, which contributes to the autonomy of the functioning of the internal organs.

The role of the autonomic nervous system

The ANS provides regulation of the activity of internal organs, which include smooth muscle and glandular tissue. Such organs include all organs of the digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive systems, heart and blood vessels (blood and lymphatic), and endocrine glands. The ANS also takes part in the work of skeletal muscles, regulating metabolism in the muscles. The role of the ANS is to maintain a certain level of functioning of organs, to strengthen or weaken their specific activity depending on the needs of the body. In this regard, the ANS has two parts (sympathetic and parasympathetic), which have opposite effects on the organs.


Neuralgia is attacks of acute pain along the nerves. The location of the part of the body in which the pain occurs indicates in which area of ​​life the problem should be looked for.

Neuralgia affects those who are trying to get rid of pain associated with the past. When some situation in the present awakens this pain, the person again experiences old fears and feelings of guilt. His soul is filled with anxiety and bitterness. He tries to get rid of emotions, hoping in this way to avoid suffering.

The desire to hide in the subconscious the pain associated with the past only feeds and strengthens it. Instead of reveling in your helplessness, try to get rid of the problem that bothers you. Even if you experienced something terrible in the past, this does not mean that you have to live with it for the rest of your days. Tell yourself that you did the best you could and don't blame yourself or anyone else for what happened. All people are imperfect. However, you can certainly do more today than you could a few months or a few years ago, and you have everything you need to get rid of old pain.





1) chronic unsatisfaction of needs,

2) the inability to direct his anger outward, holding it back, and with it holding back all warm feelings, makes him more and more desperate every year: no matter what he does, it doesn’t get better, on the contrary, it only gets worse. The reason is that he does a lot, but not that.

If nothing is done, then, over time, either the person will “burn out at work,” loading himself more and more until he is completely exhausted; or his own self will be emptied and impoverished, unbearable self-hatred will appear, a refusal to take care of oneself, and in the future, even self-hygiene.

A person becomes like a house from which the bailiffs have removed the furniture.

Against the background of hopelessness, despair and exhaustion, there is no strength or energy even for thinking.

Complete loss of the ability to love. He wants to live, but he begins to die: sleep and metabolism are disturbed...

It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because we are not talking about the deprivation of possession of someone or something. On the contrary, he has the possession of deprivation, and he is not able to understand what he is deprived of. His own self turns out to be lost. He feels unbearably painful and empty: and he cannot even put it into words.

If you recognize yourself in the description and want to change something, you urgently need to learn two things:

1. Learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you learn to use the results of these new beliefs:

  • I have a right to needs. I am, and I am I.
  • I have the right to need and satisfy needs.
  • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to achieve what I need.
  • I have the right to crave love and love others.
  • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
  • I have the right to express dissatisfaction.
  • I have the right to regret and sympathy.
  • right of birth.
  • I may get rejected. I may be alone.
  • I'll take care of myself anyway.

I would like to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of “learning a text” is not an end in itself. Autotraining by itself will not give any sustainable results. It is important to live, feel, and find confirmation of it in life. It is important that a person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just the way he is used to imagining it. That how he lives this life depends on himself, on his ideas about the world and about himself in this world. And these phrases are just a reason for thought, reflection and search for your own, new “truths”.

2. Learn to direct aggression towards the person to whom it is actually addressed.

...then it will be possible to experience and express warm feelings to people. Realize that anger is not destructive and can be expressed.

Neuralgia of the thoracic region psychosomatics

Intercostal neuralgia is a pathology in which the intercostal nerves are compressed or irritated. With such a disease, the patient feels severe pain, which is very difficult to withstand. According to ICD 10, intercostal neuralgia (neuropathy) is classified as an independent type of disease with code G58.0. Let's take a closer look at what causes the pathology, what its main signs and treatment methods are. How can you distinguish pleurisy from intercostal neuralgia?

Why does pathology occur?

Neuralgia pain occurs due to compression of the nerve between ligaments, bones or muscles. Neuralgia also appears when the nerve endings are compressed between the internal and external intercostal muscles.

Causes of the disease:

  • development of osteochondrosis, tuberculosis, ankylosing spondylitis, metastases and other pathologies of the spine;
  • diabetes mellitus and other disorders in the endocrine system;
  • problems with ligamentous apparatus, development of various types of arthrosis or polyarthritis;
  • heredity;
  • problems with the nervous system;
  • hypothermia;
  • getting injured.

Neuralgia often appears in people who suffer from osteochondrosis or radiculitis. The disease often occurs in people over fifty years of age, since in old age the musculoskeletal system undergoes great changes.


Intercostal neuralgia has the following symptoms:

The presence of constant or paroxysmal pain.

Feelings of burning, numbness and tingling in the affected area.

The back muscles are constantly under tension.

The pain intensifies when sneezing, coughing, laughing, deep breath.

Soreness manifests itself in the entire sternum or in one of its parts.

Body temperature rises in the area affected by neuralgia.

The person begins to sweat heavily. Frequent pressure surges are observed. The pain radiates to the area of ​​the heart or shoulder blade. Therefore, the disease is sometimes confused with a heart attack.

In this case, an accurate diagnosis can only be made experienced doctor. The specialist will give the patient a heart medication to drink. If, after taking it, the pain in the sternum does not go away, this means that it is caused not by a heart attack, but by intercostal neuralgia.

In order to begin treatment of the patient in a timely manner, it is necessary to show the patient to the doctor. If you don't know which doctor to see, visit your GP first or call an ambulance.


Diagnosis of the disease is carried out taking into account all the patient’s complaints. The doctor is tasked with: carefully examining the patient, carefully examining inflamed areas of the body, and referring the patient for the necessary studies.

If it is difficult for a doctor to make a correct diagnosis with a visual examination alone, the following diagnostics are performed:

  • if neuralgia occurs after a nerve injury, the patient undergoes electroneurography;
  • if neuralgia is caused by a hernia, tumor of the spine or other soft tissues, the patient is prescribed CT scan or MRI of the spinal column;
  • The spine and chest organs are checked using x-rays;
  • if left-sided pain is noted, a heart examination is performed using an ECG or ultrasound;
  • if the pain is reflected in the lumbar region, the patient should undergo a general urine and blood test.

In cases where the doctor suspects a pinched nerve due to a disease such as herpes, a blood test is prescribed to test for antibodies to it.

How to distinguish neuropathy from dry pleurisy?

Intercostal neuralgia is often confused with other diseases. For example, its symptoms are somewhat similar to dry pleurisy. But there is a difference between such diseases.

According to the ICD, pleurisy is characterized by pain in the chest when breathing and coughing, and with neuralgia, pain manifests itself when performing movements or heavy loads.

Pleurisy is manifested by increased pain when bending to the healthy side, and with neuralgia, pain occurs when bending to the painful side.

When a pleural rubbing noise is heard and pain occurs, pleurisy is diagnosed. With neuralgia in the area of ​​the intercostal spaces, acute intense pain is noted.

When diagnosed with pleurisy, a pleural friction rub is diagnosed, but in other diseases it is not present.

Pleurisy is also characterized by an increased amount of ESR in the blood. Body temperature also increases.

If you doubt whether you really have intercostal neuralgia or pleurisy, consult your doctor, as the latter disease is very serious and requires immediate treatment.

Neuralgia and herpes zoster

Shingles is caused by a virus called herpes. Herpes causes chickenpox. When a person gets sick with it, the virus remains in the body forever. With the slightest decrease in immunity, herpes can make itself felt at any time.

Intercostal neuralgia caused by a virus is often diagnosed due to hypothermia.

Herpes begins to affect the nerve trunks and causes inflammation in them. Initially, there is malaise, chills, and fever.

The chest area tingles and itches. After a while, swelling and redness begin to appear in the intercostal nerve. Bubbles with clear water appear, similar to herpes. Over time, they burst and begin to itch very much. The wounds should dry out and become covered with a crust. When the crust falls off, a red spot will remain, which will disappear after a while.

Treatment should be supervised by a doctor, since the disease can cause a high rise in body temperature. If the shingles do not go away for a long time, you may need to be treated with anti-herpes medications.

To prevent relapse, it is important to strengthen the immune system. Try to eat balanced and healthy.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of intercostal neuralgia is aimed at relieving pain, relaxing pathologically tense muscles, relieve the inflammatory process and normalize metabolic processes in nerve tissues, as well as eliminate etiological factors diseases. Before prescribing therapy, the doctor carefully studies the patient's medical history.

Drug treatment

When treating the disease, medications are used to help relieve pain and inflammation. Therapy is often carried out with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Diclofenac, Ibuprofen and other drugs. Medicines are used in the form of tablets, injections or ointments. Typically used for external use.

Special blockades with novocaine or other drugs will help relieve severe pain due to neuralgia. local anesthetics. Injections should only be given by a specialist.

Treatment is often carried out with steroid hormonal drugs - Kenalog or Diprospan.

To help oxygen and nutrients penetrate faster into the desired areas of the body, the patient is prescribed droppers with Trental and Pentoxifylline. Such medications will help improve blood microcirculation.

To improve metabolism in peripheral nerves, Actovegin, Neuromidin and other drugs are recommended. As prescribed by the doctor, treatment of intercostal neuralgia is carried out with antibiotics, immunomodulators, digestive enzymes, and vitamins.

Physiotherapy and massage sessions

Thanks to massage and physiotherapeutic procedures, the chest and spinal muscles, pinched nerves disappear and inflammatory processes in the area of ​​nerve fibers are relieved. As a result of this effect, even very severe pain disappears.

Remember! Massage and physiotherapy cannot be done during the acute phase of the disease.

Physiotherapy procedures include electrical muscle stimulation, electrophoresis, phonophoresis, magnetic therapy, and darsonvalization.

The massage should be done by a specialist. During the session, the patient lies on his stomach. Massage the back, neck muscles, upper limbs. Kneading and stroking actions are carried out. Then the patient lies on his back, and the massage therapist massages the pectoral muscles and intercostal nerves.

Unconventional treatment

To consolidate the results after a massage, it is recommended to attend therapy sessions with a chiropractor. A chiropractor uses his hands to manipulate diseased areas of the body. Displaced vertebrae fall into place, the spaces between them increase, and the nerves are freed from pinching.

In addition to manual therapy, patients with neuralgia are sometimes treated with acupuncture. Needles are applied to special points. The procedure should also only be performed by an experienced specialist after careful examination of the patient's health.

Some traditional healers claim that esotericism can help cope with neuralgia.

Psychosomatics is medical direction, which studies the influence of psychology on the occurrence of various diseases. Psychosomatics can also help get rid of neuralgia. It is only important that the attending doctor himself understands what psychosomatics is and how it can be applied in the treatment of pathology.

Pediatric neuralgia

The disease in children manifests itself in the form of stuttering, increased excitability, sleep disturbances, severe pain and convulsive seizures.

Intercostal pathology in children occurs due to nerve pinching by blood vessels, lack of oxygen, injury during childbirth, or prematurity.

Pathology in young children can also occur for the following reasons:

  • when adults pick up a baby incorrectly;
  • constant stay in a kangaroo pouch;
  • hypothermia or exposure to a draft;
  • due to the development of vertebral diseases.

Treatment of intervertebral neuralgia in children is carried out using therapeutic massage, water procedures, physical therapy, analgesics, homeopathy.

To prevent the development of the disease in children, expectant mothers should monitor their health during pregnancy, as well as the health of their children after childbirth.


To prevent intercostal neuralgia, try not to overcool, perform only feasible physical activity, avoid injuries, and treat infectious diseases in a timely manner. Try to follow all the rules of work and rest. If you find that you have pain in the rib area, be sure to see a doctor.

Now you know why the disease occurs, what are the main symptoms of intercostal neuralgia in adults and children. It is important to change the treatment tactics: if the pathology does not go away for a long time, this may indicate that instead of neuralgia, the patient has developed herpes or pleurisy. In order to prevent the development of neuralgia in children, it is necessary to cure all possible diseases in the expectant mother before planning pregnancy and childbirth.

Menopause is a stage of life. Every woman experiences periods of development, puberty and physiological decline in the ability to become pregnant and give birth. The last of these stages has its own name - menopause.

Changes in the body

During menopause, significant hormonal changes occur in a woman’s body. It is not news that this will happen. But every woman experiences this time differently. Changes in the usual hormonal levels and the attenuation of reproductive function do not go away overnight; the restructuring takes several years. These physiological processes in the body entail changes in other organs and systems and often affect well-being. Including psychological ones.

During menopause, women face various manifestations menopause. The main thing at this time is to take care of your health, avoid extremes and have a stable psyche. There are certain symptoms of this period:

  • Hot flashes.
  • Insomnia.
  • Headache.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Nervousness.
  • Fatigue.
  • Pain in the mammary glands.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Pain in the joints, in the spine.
  • Heart ailments.

First of all, for this stage it is important to understand what is happening, to have an adequate attitude towards what does not depend on us. This will make life calmer, the perception life-affirming and relieves many psychosomatic problems, which can also manifest themselves as pain.

Pain in the lower abdomen

Hormonal changes in the female body during menopause often lead to decreased immunity. Hence, during this period, chronic processes may worsen and pain syndromes of various localizations arise (renew).

One of the common complaints during menopause is that a woman has pain in her lower abdomen. Here doctors identify two reasons: psychosomatic and the manifestation of symptoms of diseases.

Psychosomatic reasons lead women into the jungle of depression and despondency. They feel unwanted, aging and sick. This may also be accompanied by pain: the lower abdomen hurts, there are digestive disorders. The woman drives herself into a corner and feels severe mental discomfort. With such a picture she needs psychological support and individualized sedative treatment.

What to do if the lower abdomen bothers you if you have a stable psyche? It is necessary to visit a gynecologist and make it a habit to undergo examination by a specialist once a year for preventive purposes. Women suffering from hormone-dependent gynecological diseases, such as fibroids, endometriosis and uterine polyps, know that during menopause, with the decrease and extinction of sex hormones, these diseases often tend to fade, but their behavior needs to be controlled.

Pathological conditions

Sometimes such diseases can, on the contrary, appear only during this period or make themselves felt before the complete extinction of hormonal function.

  1. Fibroids are benign single or multiple neoplasms. Rarely prone to degeneration into malignant ones, but with large sizes and different localization can cause pain (lower abdomen hurts) of a pulling and spastic nature. Pain may occur during sexual intercourse. Often - when the uterus enlarges the intestines or bladder because of a tumor, it is compressed. Tumors in the uterine cavity can cause bleeding. Treatment is conservative and/or surgical. If the formations are small, wait for the full onset of menopause. In the presence of complications, when bleeding is present, there is pronounced compression of the pelvic organs - surgical treatment is indicated.
  2. Endometriosis. May appear during menopause. This pathology is characterized by bloody issues, pain in the lower abdomen, pain of different localization depending on the location of endometriosis (uterus, ovaries, intestines, urinary organs). Treatment is conservative; if it is combined with fibroids, surgical intervention is possible.
  3. Chronic salpingitis, adnexitis. Exacerbation of chronic inflammatory processes often occurs when immunity decreases during this period. Pain in the lower abdomen in the area of ​​the uterus and fallopian tubes. Pain sensations are observed on the right and left in the pelvic cavity, radiating to the lower abdomen and lumbar spine. Good results are shown by adequate conservative treatment.
  4. Synechia in the uterus or endometrial fusion. Pathological changes in the poppy occur during menopause due to the reduction of the uterus and its atrophy. The condition is characterized by fusion and adhesions of the uterine cavity, which causes pain and inflammation. The lower abdomen hurts, the pain is difficult to bear and intense. There may be a dependence of pain on changes in weather conditions.
  5. Malignant neoplasms. They remain asymptomatic for a long time, late stages the lower abdomen hurts and the pain is localized in the spine, most often in the sacrum.

Pain may also occur during this period as a result of thinning and dryness of the vaginal mucosa. Sometimes there is bleeding as a result of trauma to the mucous membrane. It is recommended to use special lubricants, especially when maintaining sexual activity.

What to do?

If your lower abdomen hurts, you shouldn’t panic or, conversely, turn a blind eye to it and chalk it up to menopause. A visit to the doctor and examination will inform the woman and give a start to solving the problem. Oncology diagnosed on early stages, gives a significant percentage of recovery; only a doctor can detect it in an asymptomatic course, with the help of modern diagnostics and with timely seeking help.

Pain in the lower abdomen can also be caused by diseases of other pelvic organs: the intestines and urinary system. Such conditions also need to be monitored and known about their presence and course.

Pain in joints and spine

Joint pain during menopause is a common symptom. During this period, with the fading of hormonal function and a decrease in estrogen levels, the loss of calcium from the body and bone tissue increases, collagen production and protein synthesis decrease. As a result, blood vessels, heart, bone and cartilage tissue suffer.

Hormonal changes lead to the occurrence of osteoporosis or osteoarthritis, arthritis. Osteochondrosis and neuralgia appear on the spine. Intervertebral hernias occur. Bones become more fragile, dislocations and fractures become more frequent.

What to do if there is pain in the joints during this period? Don't leave the situation to chance. Preventative treatment is aimed at strengthening bone tissue and a properly conducted course will greatly improve the woman’s condition and well-being.


The therapy is complex. The orthopedist clarifies the diagnosis and determines the extent of the disorders. The treatment program is selected individually in each case:

  • If the climacteric nature of the process is confirmed, hormone therapy, vitamin supplements, and calcium supplements are prescribed.
  • Relatively recently, medications from the group of bisphosphonates have begun to be used, which suppress the activity of osteoclast cells that destroy bones.
  • To reduce pain, traditional anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out.
  • Chondroprotectors are actively used to stabilize cartilage tissue.
  • Physiotherapy, massages, exercise therapy are used. Recommended for osteochondrosis physiotherapy, aimed at strengthening ligaments and muscle corset.

Pain in the spine, lumbar and sacral regions are often not only signs of degeneration of bone and cartilage tissue during menopause, but are also symptoms of diseases of the pelvic organs.

Don't give up physical activity. Moderate physical activity, walks in the fresh air, avoidance bad habits and a healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and dairy products will solve many problems and improve mood and vitality even with severe symptoms of menopause.

With protrusion of the thoracic spine, symptoms appear taking into account the severity of the disease. The thoracic region has additional fixation by the costal arch and low mobility of its segments. Gradually, excessive physical work provokes protrusion of the discs.

Etiology of the disease

Pathology can have many causes:

  • weakening of muscles;
  • deformation of the sternum due to traumatic injuries;
  • another pathology that violates the integrity of the intervertebral and articular-ligamentous apparatus.

Protrusion of the thoracic region, what is the essence of the pathology? The thoracic part of the spine is made up of 12 vertebrae with discs. Their role is to cushion the spinal column. The ribs are attached to the sides of the vertebrae. The vertebral processes create a special canal to protect the spinal cord. The integrity of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs is maintained by muscles and ligaments.

The discs in the spine are cartilaginous elements. They are deprived of their own microcirculation. Nutrition occurs through diffusion. Therefore, minimal damage to the anatomical components of the spine is reflected in the functioning and nutrition of the discs.

Nutritional deficiency provokes signs of damage to the intervertebral elements. Destruction gradually develops: cracks appear in the cartilage, and then the nucleus pulposus itself falls out. Along the periphery of the disc there is a fibrous ring - this is a rough connective tissue with increased strength. When the core is displaced, it only stretches without breaking. This is how a protrusion of the thoracic spine is formed. A rupture of the fibrous ring forms a spinal hernia.

Disease clinic

Symptoms and treatment are interrelated. The initial stages of the disease are asymptomatic. The patient may feel a slight tingling sensation when turning or lifting heavy objects. A person “attributes” everything to fatigue, but the disease progresses.

The clinic of protrusion in the thoracic region with pinched nerves sharply intensifies. The most common patient complaints:

  • pain in the back and the area of ​​the affected vertebra;
  • morning stiffness due to tissue swelling;
  • a sharp increase in pain when performing movements;
  • weakening of the strength of the intercostal muscles, their soreness with minimal movement.

Each symptom of protrusion in the thoracic region cannot be called specific. Similar complaints occur with other pathologies (damage to internal organs, neuritis, neuralgia). This makes it difficult to diagnose and verify the condition.

To confirm protrusion of thoracic discs, magnetic resonance, ultrasound, and x-rays are used.

Some patients with prolapsed thoracic discs complain of pain in the head and surges in blood pressure due to vascular strain. Similar signs occur with damage to the heart, brain and blood vessels. Therefore, to make a final diagnosis, it is imperative to consult with cardiologists and neurologists.

Disc protrusions are accompanied by striking neurological symptoms:

  • paresis of the upper limbs in symmetrical areas - limitation of their mobility;
  • soreness of the spine itself, which sharply intensifies when palpated;
  • with lateral localization of the lesion, limited pain is observed at certain points.

Protrusion of the discs of the thoracic spine infringes on many roots. These may include fibers that innervate internal organs. In this case, there is a clear clinical picture of pain in the chest or abdomen. Such symptoms mimic a heart attack or an attack of acute pancreatitis. Rarely, there is a sagittal version of pain in the upper abdomen, which is more reminiscent of an exacerbation of an ulcer.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is important to diagnose the disease promptly and correctly, since the treatment of the disease depends on the extent of the process and the type of lesion (median, lateral or mid-lateral protrusion). To assess the location and characteristics of the condition, MRI is prescribed. This is the “gold” standard for diagnosing spinal lesions.

Based on the images obtained, specialists are able to determine:

To diagnose the disease in hospitals, indirect methods are used. The diagnosis is made on the basis of an X-ray examination of the thoracic region in two projections. Additionally, examinations are carried out by a neurologist and a therapist. With such an examination, it is difficult to talk about specially selected treatment. Therapy for such patients is carried out according to the general principles of a combined regimen.

Availability of opportunities does not always allow for an MRI. There are some contraindications to this procedure:

  • the presence of a pacemaker in the patient’s body;
  • claustrophobia is a pathological fear of closed spaces.

Therapy methods

How to treat thoracic protrusion? The best therapy is prevention of this pathology. For this use:

  • manual therapy;
  • osteopathy;
  • therapeutic physical therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • herbal medicine.

Manual therapy is used to combat tingling in the back. Such therapy allows you to strengthen the muscle corset. Due to the influence on active points, reflex stabilization of problem areas occurs.

Massage improves nutrition by restoring damaged areas of the spine, normalizing metabolism and oxygen consumption. The disease is receding. Osteopathy is often used to restore the normal position of the vertebrae.

Therapeutic gymnastics for protrusion is carried out using different techniques. A moderate load on the muscular-ligamentous system allows you to strengthen it, normalizing the blood supply to damaged areas. Exercise therapy helps stretch the spine. This complex consists of those exercises that are designed to normalize motor activity and eliminate bulging discs.

Physiotherapy is designed to eliminate inflammatory tissue changes. It allows you to normalize blood flow in the spinal column. Phonophoresis and electrophoresis are most often used. Experts recommend treating protrusions using qualified techniques. At the same time, it is possible to cure vertebral neurological, myofascial and reflex disorders, ensuring freedom of movement.

Use of additional therapy methods

The choice of treatment tactics is made by the doctor, guided by certain principles:

  • elimination of etiological factors;
  • form and stage of the disease;
  • normalization of the patient's functional abilities.

The pathology may be accompanied by a significant displacement of the vertebrae themselves due to their instability. To enhance muscle fixation and stabilize the spinal segment, use:

  • wearing corsets;
  • measures for spinal traction;
  • bed rest;
  • exclusion of any physical activity.

In some cases, to develop muscle fixation, they use drug therapy. Medicines that stimulate tissue repair (Plasmol) are prescribed. Anabolic steroids are used. They are indicated for building muscle tissue, therefore they are prescribed for severe dystrophies (Nerobolil). Treatment in a department is indicated in severe cases or in the presence of severe compression syndrome. In such cases apply:

  • therapy of the compression factor itself;
  • traction treatment;
  • manual procedures (exercises, massage);
  • decongestant effects;
  • stimulation of the immune system.

Such patients are prescribed dehydration therapy. It relieves pain. Within a week the condition can be stabilized. When nerves are pinched, irritation of the sinoatrial node occurs. This causes irregular heart rhythm. In such cases, medications are prescribed to restore heart function.

Main goals of therapy:

  • normalization of blood flow and nutrition of the entire spinal column;
  • minimizing inflammation in surrounding structures.

Modern treatment of spinal problems includes the use of innovative therapy techniques.

1. NEURALGIA- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Punishment for sinfulness. The pain of communication.

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. Communication brings joy.

2. NEURALGIA- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Punishment for guilt. Torment, pain when communicating.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. I communicate with love.

3. NEURALGIA- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Neuralgia is attacks of acute pain along the nerves. The location of the part of the body in which the pain occurs indicates in which area of ​​life the problem should be looked for.

Emotional blockage

Neuralgia affects those who are trying to get rid of pain associated with the past. When some situation in the present awakens this pain, the person again experiences old fears and feelings of guilt. His soul is filled with anxiety and bitterness. He tries to get rid of emotions, hoping in this way to avoid suffering.

Mental block

The desire to hide in the subconscious the pain associated with the past only feeds and strengthens it. Instead of reveling in your helplessness, try to get rid of the problem that bothers you. Even if you experienced something terrible in the past, this does not mean that you have to live with it for the rest of your life. Tell yourself that you did the best you could and don't blame yourself or anyone else for what happened. All people are imperfect. However, you can certainly do more today than you could a few months or a few years ago, and you have everything you need to get rid of old pain.

4. NEURALGIA- (Valery Sinelnikov)

Description of the reason

I have found that people with hypertrophied conscientiousness often suffer from neuralgia. In such cases, neuralgia is a kind of punishment for sinfulness.

“You consider yourself a great sinner,” I explain to a woman who has been suffering from trigeminal neuralgia for a long time.

“But of course,” says the woman. - We are all sinners. And we must bear severe punishment for our sins. Through suffering and torment our soul is cleansed.

“Tell me,” I ask her, “what will happen in your life if you stop punishing yourself?”

The woman was lost in thought. A few minutes later she said in surprise:

- My life will change completely. I will begin to live in joy.

- Right.

- What about our sins? she asks, but the expression of surprise remains on her face.

“You see,” I explain to the woman, “God does not punish anyone.” It gives everyone a chance to change for the better. If a student corrects a bad grade for a good one, is it worth remembering the bad grade for years and punishing yourself for it? So you take your chance in life. I suggest you close your eyes, sit quietly for a few minutes and think again about whether you should blame and punish yourself. There is no one to blame at all,” I continue to tell her while she is in a state of trance. — Each person acts to the best of his/her awareness at the moment. By changing your perception of the world, you get rid of guilt.

Another reason is also possible. There is a person in your life with whom it is very difficult for you to communicate, you literally experience the torment of communication. In this case, sort out your relationship with him. Turn inside yourself and find out with what thoughts you created such a relationship? What is this person trying to tell you by his behavior? What thoughts does it reflect?

Sometimes neuralgia can appear as a result of being in a situation you hate.

A girl with trigeminal neuralgia came to see me. The disease appeared after she got a job immediately after graduating from college.

“I don’t like this place,” she admitted. - I actually imagined my future job differently. I am now squeezed into such a strict framework. The atmosphere is terrible. Each sees the other as a potential enemy. I cannot communicate openly with these people. You have to bend over backwards. And now it’s impossible to find another job.

In some cases, neuralgia can be a way to implement some positive intention. For example, to attract attention or receive a portion of care.

Even simpler - “all illnesses are from nerves,” or “woe from the mind.” The first definition is correct, but only to a first approximation, since psychosomatics is an independent (and very controversial) direction in modern medicine, which has a significantly smaller number of adherents than, for example, psychoanalysis. Despite the fact that the foundations of psychosomatics were laid in the first quarter of the 19th century and the main provisions are beyond doubt, very unexpected conclusions are drawn from this.

About the onset of the disease

So, the onset of the disease is one or another psychological (not mental) disorder - stress:

  • Short-term severe stress (most often associated with the death of a loved one, the outbreak of war, loss of property (for example, in a fire), sudden ruin, etc.;
  • Long-term stress, which does not reach significant strength, but affects a long time, plunging a person into a “hostile” environment (a typical example is troubles at work or in the family);
  • Chronic stress, which even in the patient’s perspective has no end (for example, with amputation of a leg).

The result of these disorders is not only completely natural and understandable irritability, insomnia, increased fatigue, and indifference to the outside world, but also the onset of some disease that is not outwardly directly related to a psychological problem. There are quite convincing results that indicate that diseases such as psoriasis, bronchial asthma and even stomach ulcers can develop against a background of stress. In medicine, the term “stress ulcer” has been used for quite some time.

Perhaps this table will be useful in the study of psychomatic conditions

The direct influence of stress on processes that are regulated by complex reflexes is known: psychological constipation, or, conversely, “bear disease”, the development of arterial hypertension and tension headaches.

There is no doubt that there is a connection between psychological factors and panic attacks.

About directions in psychosomatics

Actually, the direction of psychosomatics studies the connection between illness and special personality and character traits, the likelihood of a person’s reaction to conflicts, and behavioral characteristics. These studies are characterized by a fairly high level of generalization and lack of evidence base, since there is practice to apply them to almost all diseases.

One of the important messages of psychosomatics, which destroys the connection with science, is the statement that “all diseases have a cause in the soul, thoughts and are repressed into the subconscious.” In fact, there is a mixture of classical psychology, psychoanalysis and fortune telling, which brings good money.

It is the latter group that includes the attempt to link highly specialized pathology to global problems. For example, no one doubts that an angry boss at work can be the cause of a hypertensive crisis, heart attack or stroke. But only a specialist who has proven this, or a magician, fortuneteller and sorcerer, can consider factors such as “over-criticism and fear for money and the future” - V. Zhikarentsev - to be the cause of sciatica (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve).

You should definitely not contact such “doctors” under any circumstances...

It is precisely the latter that includes attempts to associate different types of neuralgia with different “specialists” who have taken it upon themselves to “solve” human problems, and at the same time “practice Buddhism, write books, conduct seminars and schools, travel around cities, rent halls” and so on Further.

Basics of the founders of the self-help movement

For example, the well-known Liz Burbo writes very competently, at the level of a medical school student: “neuralgia is attacks of acute pain along the nerves. The purpose of the part of the body in which the pain occurs indicates in which area of ​​life the problem should be looked for... Neuralgia affects those who are trying to get rid of pain associated with the past.” We quote from the book “Your body says - Love you!” - the most complete book on the metaphysics of diseases and illnesses.”

The methods of “treatment” used are physical and mental blocking.

The second world-famous “specialist” - Louise Hay - states that the cause of neuralgia is “punishment for sins and the torments of communication.”

The whole nonsense of the above is that it is impossible to prove it, just as it is impossible to refute it. The concept of “sin” makes sense only for a believer; in Orthodoxy there is even a special section of theology - hamartiology, or the doctrine of sin. In the event that neuralgia occipital nerve happened to a sinless child, what should I do?

The answer is given by the famous sorcerer and magician Sinelnikov. In his opinion, “I discovered that people with hypertrophied conscientiousness often suffer from neuralgia”...

It is interesting to look at his scientific work - with the help of what methods did he diagnose neuralgia, which one, at what stages did he select groups, what were the inclusion and exclusion criteria? And if for this it is enough to just be a doctor, then by what methods did he define a “hypertrophied conscience”?

As can be seen in the conclusion, all the richest and most successful “psychosomatologists” differed significantly in the causes of neuralgia: “sin”, “hypertrophied conscience”, “an attempt to get rid of past pain”, or simply “fear of money”. In the same way, they will differ in advice and recommendations. The only thing they have in common is “fear of money.” Only for your own.

Psychology of diseases: Neuralgia

1. NEURALGIA - (Louise Hay)

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

3. NEURALGIA - (Liz Burbo)

Psychology of diseases - NEURALGIA

Probable causes of diseases generated by our thoughts, and new thought patterns by which these diseases can be cured

According to some psychologists, any illness is not an accident; there is a connection between the spiritual and the physical, between our thoughts and the state of our physical body. Having decided to put an end to any disease, you should first of all identify the mental (mental) cause of its occurrence. Symptoms of the disease are just a reflection of internal deep processes. You will have to go deep into yourself to discover and destroy the spiritual cause of the disease.

The list of mental stereotypes we have given was compiled by the American psychologist Louise Hay as a result of many years of research, based on her experience working with patients. We also provide an interpretation by Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev.

The psychological cause of the disease is written behind the MINUS sign; the PLUS sign is followed by a new stereotype of thinking, which leads to recovery; the SIMILARITY sign reveals what the organ is responsible for in a psychological sense.

  1. Find a mental reason. See if it suits you. If not, think about what thoughts could trigger the disease?
  2. Repeat the stereotype several times.
  3. Introduce into your consciousness the idea that you are on the path to recovery.
  4. This meditation should be repeated daily, because... it creates a healthy mind and, as a result, a healthy body.

Name of disease or organ

1. NEURALGIA - (Louise Hay)

Punishment for sinfulness. The pain of communication.

2. NEURALGIA - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Punishment for guilt. Torment, pain when communicating.

Positive thought form - Neuralgia

Review of negative and positive physical forms for healing.

1. SCHIAS (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve) - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Supercriticality. Fear for money and the future.

I'm going to my greater good. My goodness is everywhere and I am safe.

2. SCHIAS (neuralgia of the sciatic nerve) - (Liz Burbo)

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the human body. This nerve begins in the lumbar spine, passes through the buttock, thigh, lower leg and ends in the foot. Sciatica begins acutely, with severe pain in some area of ​​the sciatic nerve.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve usually affects those who are unsure of their future or experience an unconscious fear of losing money or some material wealth. I used the word “unconscious” because my experience shows that sciatica most often occurs in people who do not need anything, but would have a very hard time losing what they have.

Thus, the roots of this problem are at the level of having. A person is not aware of it because he thinks that he is not attached to material wealth. If he felt that he was attached to them, it would cause him a feeling of guilt and shame, since he was taught that love for material things is characteristic only of rude, unspiritual people. Pain in the sciatic nerve also speaks of resentment, pent-up aggression and reluctance to accept some idea or person - all in the same material sphere.

Your body is telling you that you are hurting yourself with the way you think. Why are you punishing yourself? The stronger the guilt, the stronger the pain. First you must realize that you are attached to material goods, then give yourself the right to this attachment. Admit to yourself that you are afraid of losing these benefits. If you can no longer take risks because you are very afraid of losing what you have accumulated, admit that you have reached the limit of your capabilities and decide to take action again as soon as possible.

Moreover, you should no longer think that the love of earthly goods is vicious or disgusting. In fact, it is completely natural and common to all people. When you have confidence in your ability to create and receive everything you need, you will free yourself from the fear of losing what you have accumulated and can allow yourself to love material things without becoming attached to them. Regarding resentment, read about the stages of true forgiveness at the end of this book. True forgiveness will allow you to be more tolerant of other people's ideas and characters. You will no longer feel like you are forced to obey someone.

3. NEURALGIA - (Louise Hay)

Punishment for sinfulness. The pain of communication.

Possible positive thought form

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. Communication brings joy.

4. NEURALGIA - (V. Zhikarentsev)

Punishment for guilt. Torment, pain when communicating.

Possible positive thought form

I forgive myself. I love and approve of myself. I communicate with love.

5. NEURALGIA - (Liz Burbo)

Neuralgia is attacks of acute pain along the nerves. The location of the part of the body in which the pain occurs indicates in which area of ​​life the problem should be looked for.

Neuralgia affects those who are trying to get rid of pain associated with the past. When some situation in the present awakens this pain, the person again experiences old fears and feelings of guilt. His soul is filled with anxiety and bitterness. He tries to get rid of emotions, hoping in this way to avoid suffering.

The desire to hide in the subconscious the pain associated with the past only feeds and strengthens it. Instead of reveling in your helplessness, try to get rid of the problem that bothers you. Even if you experienced something terrible in the past, this does not mean that you have to live with it for the rest of your life. Tell yourself that you did the best you could and don't blame yourself or anyone else for what happened. All people are imperfect. However, you can certainly do more today than you could a few months or a few years ago, and you have everything you need to get rid of old pain.

6. NEURALGIA - (Valery Sinelnikov)

I have found that people with hypertrophied conscientiousness often suffer from neuralgia. In such cases, neuralgia is a kind of punishment for sinfulness.

“You consider yourself a great sinner,” I explain to a woman who has been suffering from trigeminal neuralgia for a long time.

“But of course,” says the woman. - We are all sinners. And we must bear severe punishment for our sins. Through suffering and torment our soul is cleansed.

Tell me, I ask her, what will happen in your life if you stop punishing yourself?

The woman was lost in thought. A few minutes later she said in surprise:

My life will change completely. I will begin to live in joy.

What about our sins? - she asks, but the expression of surprise on her face remains.

You see,” I explain to the woman, “God does not punish anyone. It gives everyone a chance to change for the better. If a student corrects a bad grade for a good one, is it worth remembering the bad grade for years and punishing yourself for it? So you take your chance in life. I suggest you close your eyes, sit quietly for a few minutes and think again about whether you should blame and punish yourself. There is no one to blame at all,” I continue to tell her while she is in a state of trance. - Each person acts to the extent of his awareness at the moment. By changing your perception of the world, you get rid of guilt.

Another reason is also possible. There is a person in your life with whom it is very difficult for you to communicate; you literally experience the pangs of communication. In this case, sort out your relationship with him. Turn inside yourself and find out with what thoughts you created such a relationship? What is this person trying to tell you by his behavior? What thoughts does it reflect?

Sometimes neuralgia can appear as a result of being in a situation you hate.

A girl with trigeminal neuralgia came to see me. The disease appeared after she got a job immediately after graduating from college.

“I don’t like this place,” she admitted. - I generally imagined my future work differently. I am now squeezed into such a strict framework. The atmosphere is terrible. Each sees the other as a potential enemy. I cannot communicate openly with these people. You have to bend over backwards. And now it’s impossible to find another job.

In some cases, neuralgia can be a way to implement some positive intention. For example, to attract attention or receive a portion of care.


Hypocrisy. Fear of money and the future.

Possible positive thought form

I began (began) to understand what my real good is. It's everywhere. I am safe and at peace in the present and future.


Psychology. Psychosomatics. Health and self-development. Tips on how to change your life. Consultations.

Psychosomatics. Neuralgia

Functional division of the nervous system

In functional terms, the nervous system is divided into somatic and autonomic. The somatic nervous system perceives irritations from the external environment and regulates the functioning of skeletal muscles, i.e. responsible for the movements of the body and its movement in space. The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates the functions of all internal organs, glands and blood vessels, and its activity is practically independent of human consciousness, which is why it is also called autonomous.

Differences between the autonomic and somatic nervous systems

Although the autonomic and somatic nervous systems have a common origin, not only functional but also structural differences have been established between them. Thus, somatic nerves emerge from the brain and spinal cord evenly throughout their entire length, while autonomic nerves emerge only from several sections. Somatic motor nerves go from the central nervous system to the organs without interruption, while autonomic ones are interrupted in the ganglia (nerve nodes), and therefore their entire path to the organ is usually divided into preganglionic (prenodal) and postganglionic (postnodal) fibers. In addition, autonomic nerve fibers are thinner than somatic ones, since they lack a special sheath that increases the speed of nerve impulse transmission.

When the autonomic nerves are excited, the effect occurs slowly, lasts a long time and disappears gradually, causing a monotonous calm rhythm of the internal organs. The speed of nerve impulse transmission through somatic nerves is tens of times higher, which ensures fast and expedient movements of skeletal muscles. In many cases, impulses from the internal organs, bypassing the central nervous system, are sent directly to the autonomic ganglion, which contributes to the autonomy of the functioning of the internal organs.

The role of the autonomic nervous system

The ANS provides regulation of the activity of internal organs, which include smooth muscle and glandular tissue. Such organs include all organs of the digestive, respiratory, urinary, reproductive systems, heart and blood vessels (blood and lymphatic), and endocrine glands. The ANS also takes part in the work of skeletal muscles, regulating metabolism in the muscles. The role of the ANS is to maintain a certain level of functioning of organs, to strengthen or weaken their specific activity depending on the needs of the body. In this regard, the ANS has two parts (sympathetic and parasympathetic), which have opposite effects on the organs.


Neuralgia is attacks of acute pain along the nerves. The location of the part of the body in which the pain occurs indicates in which area of ​​life the problem should be looked for.

Neuralgia affects those who are trying to get rid of pain associated with the past. When some situation in the present awakens this pain, the person again experiences old fears and feelings of guilt. His soul is filled with anxiety and bitterness. He tries to get rid of emotions, hoping in this way to avoid suffering.

The desire to hide in the subconscious the pain associated with the past only feeds and strengthens it. Instead of reveling in your helplessness, try to get rid of the problem that bothers you. Even if you experienced something terrible in the past, this does not mean that you have to live with it for the rest of your days. Tell yourself that you did the best you could and don't blame yourself or anyone else for what happened. All people are imperfect. However, you can certainly do more today than you could a few months or a few years ago, and you have everything you need to get rid of old pain.





1) chronic unsatisfaction of needs,

2) the inability to direct his anger outward, holding it back, and with it holding back all warm feelings, makes him more and more desperate every year: no matter what he does, it doesn’t get better, on the contrary, it only gets worse. The reason is that he does a lot, but not that.

If nothing is done, then, over time, either the person will “burn out at work,” loading himself more and more until he is completely exhausted; or his own self will be emptied and impoverished, unbearable self-hatred will appear, a refusal to take care of oneself, and in the future, even self-hygiene.

A person becomes like a house from which the bailiffs have removed the furniture.

Against the background of hopelessness, despair and exhaustion, there is no strength or energy even for thinking.

Complete loss of the ability to love. He wants to live, but he begins to die: sleep and metabolism are disturbed...

It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because we are not talking about the deprivation of possession of someone or something. On the contrary, he has the possession of deprivation, and he is not able to understand what he is deprived of. His own self turns out to be lost. He feels unbearably painful and empty: and he cannot even put it into words.

If you recognize yourself in the description and want to change something, you urgently need to learn two things:

1. Learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you learn to use the results of these new beliefs:

  • I have a right to needs. I am, and I am I.
  • I have the right to need and satisfy needs.
  • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to achieve what I need.
  • I have the right to crave love and love others.
  • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
  • I have the right to express dissatisfaction.
  • I have the right to regret and sympathy.
  • right of birth.
  • I may get rejected. I may be alone.
  • I'll take care of myself anyway.

I would like to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of “learning a text” is not an end in itself. Autotraining by itself will not give any lasting results. It is important to live, feel, and find confirmation of it in life. It is important that a person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just the way he is used to imagining it. That how he lives this life depends on himself, on his ideas about the world and about himself in this world. And these phrases are just a reason for thought, reflection and search for your own, new “truths”.

2. Learn to direct aggression towards the person to whom it is actually addressed.

...then it will be possible to experience and express warm feelings to people. Realize that anger is not destructive and can be expressed.

Intercostal neuralgia

Intercostal neuralgia (another name is thoracic radiculitis) is a disease associated with pinched intercostal nerves.

Its main manifestation is pain syndrome, which, according to the medical scale, ranks third after labor pains and renal colic. The disease most often affects people aged 25 to 60 years; it is practically not diagnosed in children. The incidence among men and women is almost the same.

Causes of intercostal neuralgia

Doctors identify many factors, each of which can cause radiculitis of the thoracic spine. A person has 12 pairs of intercostal nerves, and pinching of each nerve bundle or fiber can cause severe pain, which can only be relieved by a blockade.

The causes of intercostal neuralgia are:

    1. Intercostal osteochondrosis is the most common factor in the occurrence of the disease. The sagging and deformed vertebrae put pressure on the nerve fibers. As a result, inflammation develops and the patient experiences severe pain. The problem is most often chronic, and long-term and complex treatment is required to eliminate it.
    2. Sudden movements, for example, when playing sports - nerves are pinched by muscles, usually this is a short-term phenomenon that goes away without medical intervention.
    3. Injuries of the thoracic spine - pressure on the nerve fibers is exerted by bone fragments, hematomas or muscles.
    4. Serious physical activity can lead to microtraumas of the thoracic region, muscle rupture, and the appearance of bruises.
    5. Hypothermia - low room temperature can cause muscle spasm, which, in turn, leads to compression of nerve tissue.
    6. Infections - herpes, flu or tuberculosis lead to the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and toxins into the intercostal space. A person’s temperature rises, general weakness and pain occur.
  1. Intervertebral herniation - bulging disc elements put pressure on surrounding nerves, causing severe pain. Often the discomfort is so intense and unbearable that only a blockade can relieve it.
  2. Benign or malignant neoplasms in the spinal region - tumors exert significant pressure on the surrounding space, often nerve tissues are also subject to compression. This reason can lead to the appearance of intercostal neuralgia not only in adults, but also in children.
  3. Alcoholism or toxic poisoning (for example, lead) - waste and toxins entering the body have a negative effect on the nervous tissue, which can lead to the development of radiculitis.
  4. Bechterew's disease is a systemic disease that leads to serious deformation of the spine. Due to compression of the intercostal elements, the patient experiences serious discomfort and his movements are limited.
  5. Congenital anomalies of the development of the thoracic spine - some newborn children have such anomalies as the absence of one rib on the right or left, duplication of ribs, deformation of the vertebrae, etc. Some deviations lead to compression of nerve fibers.
  6. Curvature of the spine - serious forms of scoliosis can lead to the development of intercostal neuralgia and the appearance of constant pain. The curvature process often begins in school-age children and without timely treatment can progress rapidly.
  7. Lack of vitamins - if the body does not receive enough vitamin D, a serious disease develops - rickets, leading to deformations of bone tissue. If there is not enough vitamin B, then metabolic processes in the nerve fibers themselves are disrupted.
  8. Taking medications – long-term use of certain medications in large doses can lead to toxic poisoning by their components, which causes attacks of thoracic radiculitis.
  9. Frequent stress – the psychosomatics of intercostal neuralgia are associated with it. If a person often worries, worries and worries, his nervous system as a whole suffers, which negatively affects the intercostal nerves.

The causes of intercostal neuralgia are sometimes hormonal in nature. For example, diabetes mellitus disrupts metabolism in the body as a whole, including in the thoracic spine. Menopause in women leads to osteoporosis and other bone disorders.

To overcome a disease, you need to identify its root cause. If the disease is caused by herpes, you need to use antiviral drugs; if it is caused by intercostal osteochondrosis, the spine should be treated. In some cases, only a blockade of powerful painkillers helps relieve pain.

Psychosomatics of intercostal neuralgia

The branch of medicine that establishes the connection between ailments and the mental and emotional state of a person is called psychosomatics. According to adherents of this trend, no disease arises just like that. You can identify the problems contained in the head and leading to its appearance.

To prevent and treat JOINT DISEASES, our regular reader uses the increasingly popular NON-SURGERY treatment method recommended by leading German and Israeli orthopedists. After carefully reviewing it, we decided to offer it to your attention.

In children and adults, thoracic sciatica is associated with emotions such as anger, fear and sadness. A conflict with superiors or a quarrel with household members can provoke an attack. To eliminate mental blockages, a person often needs the help of a psychologist. A kind of psychological blockade is established to help end the process of self-flagellation.

How does intercostal neuralgia manifest?

The main symptom that distinguishes intercostal neuralgia is severe pain that spreads throughout the middle spine. Often the discomfort is one-sided and concentrated on the right or left, affecting the mammary gland and radiating to the upper extremities. The unpleasant sensations are aching, dull or burning in nature (acute phase), intensified by movement, sneezing, coughing. Sometimes only a novocaine blockade helps to remove it.

During an attack of radiculitis in adults and children, the temperature may rise. There may be numbness in the limbs, crawling “goosebumps”, muscle twitching on the right or left, depending on the location of the problem.

In the affected area, there is increased sensitivity to palpation and cold, and redness may appear. Skin temperature is lower than in other places.

Which doctor should I contact?

Pain in the area of ​​the heart and to the right of it is often confused with problems of the cardiovascular system, so they are referred to a cardiologist. This is not the specialist who can help you with neuralgia.

If you have a fever, chest pain, increased sweating, or numbness in your limbs, consult a neurologist. Treatment of radiculitis is his specialty. He will conduct a diagnosis and select the correct treatment.

If the cause of pain due to intercostal neuralgia is influenza or herpes, you will be referred to specialized specialists who will prescribe you antiviral therapy.

Diagnosis of intercostal neuralgia

After an oral conversation with the patient and his oral questioning, the doctor prescribes studies that help confirm the preliminary diagnosis. The following tests can be used for this purpose:

  • bacteriological blood test - such a study is necessary if the cause of the disease is herpes;
  • X-ray of the middle spine;
  • CT and MRI - thanks to these methods you can see abnormalities that a regular x-ray does not show;
  • myelography is a special study that can help determine changes in the nervous tissue of the middle spine;
  • ultrasound examination and others.

Only based on the test results can an accurate diagnosis be made - intercostal neuralgia. Having received it, the doctor prescribes treatment for the disease. If its cause is herpes, antiviral drugs are prescribed; if there are spinal disorders, a whole range of measures is necessary. In some cases, drug blockade is required to relieve pain.

How to get rid of intercostal neuralgia

To eliminate the disease, a set of measures is used. We will take medications (in particular, NSAIDs), local remedies (ointments, gels), and vitamins. Patients with neuralgia are recommended to undergo electrophoresis, laser therapy, darsonval, massage, etc.

In severe cases, a blockade based on novocaine, lidocaine and other painkillers is necessary. The blockade allows you to relieve pain, without which it is impossible for the patient to lead a normal life.

To heal, you need to do special sets of exercises. One of the most popular was invented by the recognized doctor Bubnovsky. If the cause of the illness is constant unrest, the patient needs to be provided with peace and a proper daily routine.

Consequences of intercostal neuralgia

The only thing that is dangerous about intercostal neuralgia is pain shock, which occurs due to very intense discomfort. How long it lasts depends on whether competent first aid was provided. The patient becomes restless, walks from one point to another, and constantly changes positions. Moans and screams are possible. There is a decrease in blood pressure, and fainting is possible if such an exacerbation does not go away for a long time.

If your loved ones experience neuralgia attacks, it is important to know what to do in advance. You can immediately administer a dose of painkiller to the patient, place him on the bed, and ensure sufficient oxygen access.

Radiculitis of the middle spine is a problem that is often diagnosed in adults, less often in children. There are different reasons for its appearance: herpes, frequent stress, lack of vitamins, spinal diseases, etc. Pain permeates certain points on the patient's chest, and he cannot move or even breathe. In some cases, a novocaine blockade is required to improve the condition, in others it is possible to get by with more gentle treatment.

Do you often face the problem of back or joint pain?

  • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?
  • You can’t boast of a royal posture and try to hide your stoop under clothes?
  • It seems to you that this will soon go away on its own, but the pain only gets worse.
  • Many methods have been tried, but nothing helps.
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited well-being!

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay - table of spinal diseases

Here is a table of the meanings and consequences of displacement of the vertebrae and discs from the books “How to Heal Your Life” and “Heal Yourself.” Psychosomatics by Louise Hay allows you to see how psychological pathologies affect the development of physical diseases, and the table of spinal diseases shows the connection of each vertebra with a specific ailment. This is an opportunity to find out why the same diseases constantly return to us. If we want to be healthy, we must understand how important role The spinal column “plays” in the body and how its individual parts (vertebrae) influence specific organs. Study for your health! The main table of Louise Hay's psychosomatics is here.

Psychosomatics of vertebral displacement

Cervical spine (psychosomatics according to Louise Hay)

Thoracic spine (psychosomatics according to Louise Hay)

Sacrum (psychosomatics according to Louise Hay)

Coccyx (psychosomatics according to Louise Hay)

Psychosomatics of spinal curvature

Video seminar by Louise Hay on the topic “Heal your life”

The books of the famous Louise Hay not only become world bestsellers, but also really help a large number of people change themselves and their lives. The table of affirmations for health and the causes of illnesses (diseases) in alphabetical order, which the writer compiled and published, is an ideal instruction for those who want to harmonize themselves and the world who wants to be happy and healthy! We

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Psychosomatic diseases

Neuralgia and neuritis

The essence of neuralgic phenomena

The etiology of neuralgia may be based on infections, intoxication, trauma with swelling of the tissues adjacent to the nerve and tumors - both in the nerve trunk itself and in the tissues adjacent to it with secondary compression of the nerve. Neuralgia and neuritis of a single nerve, a group of nerves, or multiple lesions are observed, that is, both mono- and polyneuralgia are observed. The term “neuralgia” - pain along the course of a nerve - includes the concept of a super-strong irritant, which, causing a stream of impulses running along the nerve, causes suffering to the patient.

From a clinical and biological point of view, pain plays the role of a guard, standing watch over the well-being of the body and reporting a disaster that requires elimination. If a disaster can be quickly detected and easily eliminated, then there is actually no room for a diagnosis of neuralgia as nervous disease. But if this is not the case, if the disaster is not detected, then the pain remains and is localized depending on the location of the source of painful stimulation, either in the innervation field of the sensitive spinal root, or in the area of ​​one or another peripheral nerve.

Features of the clinical picture

In cases of pure neuralgia, no anatomical changes are usually found in the nerve trunks. But pain can accompany inflammatory changes in the nerve, that is, be an integral part of the picture of neuritis, which is morphologically expressed, in addition to manifestations of an inflammatory nature, in a violation of the integrity of the myelin sheath, or even the integrity of the axial cylinder itself. Thus, neuritis should be clinically manifested, in addition to pain, by more or less significant symptoms of loss of nerve function - muscle loss, decreased strength, sensitivity and reflexes. Neuritis of a purely motor nerve, and such are known among cranial nerves, produces clinically painless muscle damage. With neuralgia, in addition to pain, a slight increase in reflexes, paresthesia, and autonomic-reflex changes in the form of warming of the skin and sweating may be observed. The pain can be constant, sometimes intensifying, instantaneous, paroxysmal, throbbing. It is varied in character and is colorfully described by patients. It is important to know that in the transmission of pain stimuli, in addition to the chain of neurons, which includes the dorsal root, spinothalamic tract and thalamo-cortical tract, autonomic fibers also take part, especially from internal organs. Painful sensations, formed on the basis of signals traveling along the vegetative fibers, are somewhat diffuse in nature with a hint of burning. Excessive painful stimulation, no longer necessary for the body, is extinguished by self-regulating devices. Often the biochemical expression of pain is the presence of a significant amount of histamine in the blood. The effect of histamine binding by histaminopexin released in the body leads to a reduction in unnecessary pain. If the body cannot cope with this task, if the binding effect is insufficient, the pain continues to torment the patient. Outside help is needed; first of all, the irritating source must be removed.

Trigeminal neuralgia

An elderly person usually consults a doctor with paroxysmal pain in half of the face. Either he complains of pain that developed acutely and very recently, then (which happens much more often) he says that with his suffering he has already turned to doctors several times, but the help he received from them each time gave only a short-term effect or was ineffective. The nature of the pain did not change. An attack of pain has a distinct beginning and end. It is sometimes so sharp and unbearable that only the confidence that the attack will end reconciles the patient with life.

An attack of trigeminal neuralgia usually begins with a precursor - either in the form of itching of the skin of a certain part of the face, or in the form of “crawling goose bumps” or other paresthesias, after which, increasing immediately or gradually, an attack of pain occurs. The patient experiences a burning sensation, running through an electric current, sometimes reaching enormous intensity. Starting in the area of ​​one of the branches of the nerve, the pain radiates along its other two branches, covering the entire half of the face, but does not spread to the opposite side.

At the time of the attack, the patient freezes in a suffering position, often with his mouth wide open, puts his hand or handkerchief to the sore spot, writhes in pain, rubs his face with his hand, which often cramps. Sometimes chewing movements or tongue smacking appear, often lacrimation and increased secretion of nasal mucus, and a metallic taste in the mouth is often noted. The completed attack is repeated again after a more or less long period of time. Sometimes chewing, talking, lightly touching the skin of the face, for example when washing, or even mental arousal can serve as provocateurs for a painful attack. With frequent repetitions of attacks, the patient is captured by the disease.

The light intervals can be so short that he is completely deprived of peace and is constantly in anticipation of new pain. In especially severe cases, even night does not bring rest and sleep. Needless to say, in such cases the patient cannot concentrate on anything, cannot work, cannot read or have fun with anything.

Trigeminal neuralgia is polyetiological. The cause may be malaria, metabolic disorders, inflammation of the periosteum in the bone canals through which the branches of the trigeminal nerve enter the cranial cavity, and narrowing of these bone canals during tissue sclerosis. Often the reason is malocclusion with permanent trauma to the jaw joint. At the same time, odontogenic neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve is rare, which, however, does not contradict the basic rule for trigeminal neuralgia - to sanitize the patient’s mouth.

It is not always possible to find the etiology of trigeminal neuralgia, so it is often necessary to limit oneself to symptomatic therapy. Trigeminal neuralgia must be differentiated from glaucoma, in which acute pain is observed in the area of ​​the first branch of the trigeminal nerve (it must be taken into account that isolated neuralgia of the first branch of the trigeminal nerve is extremely rare), and with referred pain in diseases of the internal organs, which are called trigeminism and are distributed in facial zones of Zakharyin-Ged.

It is necessary to distinguish trigeminal neuralgia from symptomatic neuralgia - transient pain symptoms. In cases of such atypical neuralgia, the pain is more diffuse. Talking or chewing does not cause or increase pain, but rather soothes and relieves it. The duration and type of pain are also characteristic. While with real neuralgia the pain is acute, occurs in attacks and lasts for several seconds, here the pain is long-lasting, aching and dull, often pulsating, without clear intervals. It is very important to distinguish true neuralgia from atypical, since with the latter, alcoholization of the nerve does not bring relief, but often increases pain.

Local disease processes associated with trigeminal pain or atypical trigeminal neuralgia include inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, stones salivary glands, tumors of the jaws, intracranial neoplasms at the Gasserian ganglion or trigeminal nerve root, various diseases teeth and jaw.

Pain that occurs with partial subluxation of the maxillotemporal joint (observed in some edentulous people) when the lower jaw moves forward is sometimes confused with trigeminal neuralgia. However, in such cases, attacks of pain usually coincide with jaw movements. Finally, pain similar to trigeminal pain, sometimes occurring in paroxysms and localized in the teeth, can be caused by myositis of the temporal and masticatory muscles. In this case, a small nodule can be found in the muscle, very painful when pressed.

Trigeminal neuralgia is especially painful when shingles or (much less frequently) vesicular lichen occurs simultaneously on the face, usually localized in the area of ​​the first branch of the trigeminal nerve. The correct diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia is helped by the presence in the face of a small area, a light touch of which causes an attack of pain, while strong pressure on it, on the contrary, relieves the pain. This area, the size of a small coin, can be localized on the eyebrows, lips, nose, cheek, chin, gums, palate, oral cavity and tongue. Such an “alarming area” could be a tooth on the upper or lower jaw.

Although the diagnosis of trigeminal neuralgia is not difficult to make, it is not always easy to determine which branch of the trigeminal nerve is the source of pain. The presence of an “alarming area” in the zone of innervation of a given nerve branch will help here, as well as temporary anesthesia (for 1-2 hours) of this alarming area with an intradermal injection of novocaine solution. If within 1-2 hours no irritation of the “alarming area” causes attacks of pain, and “spontaneous” attacks do not occur, then it is quite possible to conclude that the onset of pain is associated precisely with this branch of the nerve, in the innervation zone of which the silent “ troubled area."

From the foregoing, it is clear that the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia should proceed in two directions: treatment of the underlying disease and symptomatic therapy. As stated above, oral debridement must be performed.

However, it is by no means necessary to extract one healthy tooth after another at the direction of the patient, even if this brings relief for several weeks. Along with the search for the cause of neuralgia as a symptomatic remedy You can try anti-neuralgic drugs.

However, sometimes all attempts to find the main cause of neuralgia remain ineffective, and the entire range of medication and physiotherapeutic assistance remains powerless. Then they resort to surgical methods of treatment, the purpose of which is to interrupt the patency of the nerve trunk either by twisting the nerve, followed by alcoholization of the central segment and closing the canal with a paraffin plug, or by chemical blockade of the nerve by introducing a solution of alcohol with novocaine into its trunk using the intracanal extraoral method. The advantage of alcoholization of peripheral branches is that it does not cause complications, so it can be repeated. In addition, it can be performed on an outpatient basis. It is usually used for neuralgia of the second and third branches. Before the operation, by administering novocaine, as mentioned above, it is necessary to determine exactly which branch the alcohol should be injected into.

For neuralgia of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve, alcohol can be injected into the infraorbital or pterygopalatine canal. It is more convenient to inject alcohol into the infraorbital canal using the extraoral method. For neuralgia of the third branch, alcohol is injected into the mental canal or at the mandibular foramen.

Proof that alcohol has entered the nerve is the appearance of burning pain in the area of ​​the nerve, followed by its attenuation and complete anesthesia after 1-2 s. The pain stops for a year or more. In case of relapse, repeated alcoholization of the nerve is performed. In persistent cases, intracranial transection of one of the branches of the trigeminal nerve is performed.

Diffuse pain in the face, not localized with innervation sensitive zones (which distinguishes it from trigeminal neuralgia), corresponding to the distribution of arteries, burning and combined with vegetative symptoms in the form of facial redness, sweating, sometimes in a limited area, and accompanied by the development of edema, is characteristic of sympathalgia.

Sympathalgia radiates significantly, as is observed with neuralgia of the pterygopalatine ganglion, and can be caused by irritation of the sympathetic ganglia. Treatment boils down to physical therapy, taking antineuralgic drugs, and you can use novocaine blockade of the stellate sympathetic ganglion.

Neuralgia of the pterygopalatine ganglion and nasociliary nerve

The localization of pain in neuralgia of the pterygopalatine ganglion partly coincides with its localization in trigeminal neuralgia. The pain occurs in paroxysms, starting for no apparent reason, quickly increasing, and lasting several hours. Patients have a history of inflammation of the paranasal cavities; pain sometimes begins in childhood, and they can easily be mistaken for migraine attacks, although the localization of pain in the latter case is completely different.

An attack of pain often begins from the eye, spreads to all the teeth on the same side, to the root of the nose, the eyebrow, the entire half of the face, the parietal region, the ear, the back of the head and goes down to the upper inner corner of the shoulder blade, and sometimes spreads throughout the entire arm. There may be pain in the tongue and palate.

Dizziness, noise in the head, ringing in the ear often appear; sound and light cause severe irritation; the face turns red, half of it even swells; conjunctival hyperemia, lacrimation, salivation, swelling of the nasal mucosa with rhinorrhea and even nosebleeds are noted. Finally, in some cases, a spasm of the muscle that lifts the corresponding half of the soft palate is observed, which can be manifested by a characteristic clicking sound.

An attack that suddenly began and reached a level of unbearable pain gradually subsides and after 20-40 minutes (or even longer) suddenly ends, sometimes leaving behind unpleasant paresthesia in the skin and mucous membranes for several hours. Unlike neuralgia of the trigeminal and glossopharyngeal nerves, the attack cannot be provoked by any local irritation.

The syndrome of pain and the extensive autonomic disorders described above easily fits into the picture of irritation of the pterygopalatine ganglion with its various nerve connections. The pterygopalatine ganglion is located in the system of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve. From the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve, fibers of the greater petrosal nerve approach it, which also contains fibers from glossopharyngeal nerve through communication along the lesser petrosal nerve. Through this system of nerves, secretory parasympathetic fibers approach the pterygopalatine node to the lacrimal glands and to the glands of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, palate and pharynx, vasodilator fibers, as well as motor fibers of the levator palate muscle. Through the deep petrosal nerve, sympathetic fibers from the plexus of the carotid artery approach the pterygopalatine ganglion. Sensitive fibers from the second branch of the trigeminal nerve pass through the pterygopalatine ganglion without interruption in it. They are directed to the orbit, to the posterior ethmoid cells, to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, pharynx, upper jaw, soft and hard palate.

The muscles, to which fibers from the facial nerve approach through the pterygopalatine ganglion, lift the soft palate and compress the opening of the Eustachian tube. It is not difficult to understand that the entire described syndrome of neuralgia of the pterygopalatine ganglion is explained by its rich connections with the cranial nerves and with the parasympathetic and sympathetic parts of the nervous system, which gives grounds to classify this neuralgia as sympathalgia. The connection with the lower cervical sympathetic node explains the spread of pain to the back of the head, neck, shoulder blade and even arm.

Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve, branches of the ophthalmic nerve innervating the eyeball, conjunctiva, inner surface of the eyelids, anterior section nasal cavity and forehead skin, consists of short-term but painful pain in the eye at the inner corner of the orbit and in the area of ​​the wing of the nose. They are accompanied by rhinorrhea and often occur at night. Keratitis may be observed, less commonly iritis. Mild pain persists even outside of an attack. It is necessary to exclude eye diseases and sinusitis, infectious diseases.

Neuralgia of the geniculate ganglion

Pain in half of the face in the area of ​​the second branch of the trigeminal nerve, occurring with lacrimation, salivation, herpetic rashes in the depths of the external auditory canal and in the pharynx with mild or more pronounced lesions of the facial muscles and paresthesia in the tongue, indicate the localization of the process in the area of ​​the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve . Unilateral facial paralysis with lichen vesica in the external auditory canal, with pain in the ear and around its circumference, is known as Hunt's syndrome.

Neuralgia of the lingual and glossopharyngeal nerves

Pain in the tongue often occurs with neuralgia of the lower branch of the trigeminal nerve, sometimes it is the leading symptom. With neuralgia of the lingual nerve, the pain is localized in the anterior parts of the tongue, with neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve - in the root of the tongue, in the velum and tonsil. The superior laryngeal nerve may also be to blame for neuralgia of the root of the tongue, since it is also involved in the sensitive innervation of this area.

The pain occurs in paroxysms and occurs under the influence of minor external irritations - such as eating, drinking cold water, talking, yawning, laughing, coughing; They can also arise under the influence of emotions. With neuralgia of the IX nerve, the pain can radiate to the eardrum, there is dryness in the throat, accompanied by a cough, through which the patient seems to try to free himself from the irritating foreign body in the pharynx. The “alarming area” is located in the tonsil area. Patients protect their tongue, try to move it less, and do not chew on this side, which causes a gray or brownish coating to form on it.

The causes of these neuralgia must first be sought in diseases or damage to the tongue itself at the location of the nerves, as well as in irritation of sympathetic fibers in the muscle tissue of the tongue, where they penetrate from the periarterial plexus of the lingual artery.

Shooting pain in half of the neck followed by a feeling of swelling of the tongue and difficulty rolling food (which depends on paresis of the hyoid muscles and pulling the hyoid bone and tongue up due to the geniohyoid muscle) can be explained by damage to the C 3 root, which anastomoses with the hypoglossal nerve (via sublingual loop). This creates a sensation of glossalgia, especially if we also take into account the connection with the autonomic fibers of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

Etiology and differential diagnosis

It is not always clear whether to classify various types of paresthesia of the tongue as mild forms of lingual neuralgia or classify them as psychogenic suffering. Obviously, in most cases the first will be correct.

In these cases, patients note a burning sensation at the tip of the tongue, along its sides, and less often at the back or root. The tongue seems to be burned or scalded. This burning sensation in some cases can be almost constant and very intense, in others it can be insignificant, appearing only at certain hours and then not every day. Along with a burning sensation, patients note “crawling goosebumps,” numbness, a feeling of awkwardness, and “lingual itching.”

It is indisputable that it is not the phenomena of lingual neuralgia, but conditions that imitate them that are noted when pathological changes mucous membrane or any mechanical or chemical irritants in the oral cavity.

These can be sharp edges of teeth, crowns, rubber dentures; in the presence of prostheses from different metals Galvanic currents may occur in the mouth, which will be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. Paresthesia is also known with long-term use of medications - iodine, mercury.

In addition to local factors, the cause of paresthesia of the tongue can be such general diseases as tuberculosis, malaria, syphilis, Achilles gastritis, pernicious anemia (in this case, paresthesia may be the first sign of the disease), polycythemia, vitamin deficiencies - pellagra, sprue, tetraethyl lead poisoning, helminthic infestation, hypertonic disease.

Some of these diseases may occur with visible changes in the tongue, for example, bluish coloration of the tongue with polycythemia, atrophy of the mucous membrane with pernicious anemia, spots and erosions with vitamin deficiencies and metabolic disorders, ulcers or papules with syphilis.

Along with this, a feeling of burning, pain and paresthesia in the tongue, which have received the general name glossodynia, or glossalgia, can be psychogenically caused by the doctor’s careless statements about cancer of the tongue or its syphilitic lesion. It must be remembered that those suffering from glossodynia are always mentally traumatized, and therefore the doctor must be especially attentive. Visible objective changes in this type of glossodynia are, as a rule, absent, which does not prevent patients from looking in the mirror many times and “finding” certain defects in the language.

Facial neuritis

Neuritis of the facial nerve is distinguished by one feature - the absence of sensitivity disorders, with the exception of a small area in the parotid region. However, with neuritis there is pain, most often in the mastoid process, which is apparently caused by compression of the neurovascular bundle in the fallopian canal.

With neuritis of the facial nerve, paralysis of the facial muscles occurs (facial paralysis). More often it develops on one side and is expressed in the following. The nasolabial fold on the affected side is smoothed, the entire mouth is pulled to the healthy side. On the painful side, the mouth is motionless, and due to poor closing of the lips, saliva and water collected in the mouth flow out of this corner of the mouth. The patient cannot blow out a candle or whistle. The eyelids on the paralyzed side are opened wider than on the healthy side. When you try to close your eyes, the eyelids do not close completely and the sclera of the eyeball turned upward is visible through the open palpebral fissure (a friendly movement of the eyeballs when the eyes are closed). In case of slight weakness of the orbicularis oculi muscle, the patient can close his eye, but if he is asked to close his eyes tightly, the “eyelash symptom” is noted: on the healthy side, the eyelashes are completely absorbed into the closed eyelids, but on the affected side their tips are still visible.

Due to insufficient pressure on the lower eyelid, tears constantly flow out, the surface of the eye is not moisturized, it becomes dry, which leads to inflammatory processes in the conjunctiva and cornea. The patient cannot wrinkle her forehead or frown on the affected side. Often there is a taste disorder, sometimes increased lacrimation, hyperacusis.

Serious causes of damage to the facial nerve include diseases of the inner ear, causing swelling of the nerve in the fallopian canal, or the penetration of pus into the canal and its impact directly on the nerve during purulent otitis media. That is why, in cases of facial paralysis, an examination by an otolaryngologist is necessary. You cannot rely only on the patient’s complaints, since often inflammation of the inner ear may not cause severe pain at first. If purulent otitis media is diagnosed, all treatment of paralysis, at least at first, should, of course, be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused it.

The most common cause of facial neuritis is infection caused by chills. In old age, such a cause may be hypertension with venous stasis and swelling of the trunk in the area of ​​the fallopian canal. The facial nerve may suffer as it passes through the thickness parotid gland with inflammation of the latter (mumps). After surgery on the parotid gland with an inept transverse incision, paralysis of the facial muscles occurs due to transection of the branches of the facial nerve. In this case, soon develop muscle atrophy with subsequent persistent contracture of the facial muscles.

The trunk of the facial nerve may also be damaged during operations on the pyramid of the temporal bone, during radical ear operations for purulent otitis, and also when complete removal parotid salivary gland due to cancer or other neoplasm in it. The facial nerve can also be damaged during dental operations - resection of the articular head of the lower jaw, opening of odontogenic abscesses and phlegmons in the submandibular region.

Traumatic injury to the facial nerve can be caused by a gunshot wound, a fracture of the base of the skull, when the fracture lines cross the fallopian canal, and displaced debris causes crushing of the facial nerve. Short-term paresis of the facial muscles (for several hours, days) sometimes develops following anesthesia during tooth extraction or during anesthesia of the lower alveolar nerve at the mandibular foramen. Damage to individual branches of the facial nerve is observed after a short time after conduction or infiltration anesthesia of various parts of the jaws and face.

Along with this, you need to keep in mind that neuritis of the facial nerve can be one of the symptoms of diseases of the central nervous system. Cases of recurrent neuritis of the VII pair are well known, both on the same side and alternately on the right and left, and even on both sides. Recurrence of facial paralysis may be explained anatomical features(narrowing of the fallopian canal), but you need to think about Beck's sarcoidosis every time.

Whether the facial nerve itself or the groups of cells of which it is the axial-cylindrical processes, that is, in other words, the nucleus of the facial nerve, is affected, the clinical picture will be basically the same. However, it is difficult to imagine an isolated position of the nucleus of the facial nerve (as is known, this nucleus lies in the pons on the border with the medulla oblongata); Usually neighboring sections are involved in the process, most often the pyramidal tract. We are talking about hemorrhage, inflammation or tumor in the area of ​​the pons. In this case, in addition to paralysis of the facial muscles, the patient has paralysis of the opposite half of the body, that is, there is alternating hemiplegia. It is important to note that even when examining a patient for paralysis of half the face, one cannot refuse a full neurological examination, otherwise one may miss important disorders, which may affect diagnosis and treatment.

But isolated damage to the nucleus of the facial nerve can also be observed in the picture of acute infectious disease- poliomyelitis (usually together with damage to the vestibular nucleus) or poliomyelitis-like disease. This form of the disease is especially typical for patients with early childhood, when, by the way, “cold” neuritis of the facial nerve almost never occurs.

As a symptom, neuritis of the facial nerve is also observed with a tumor emanating from auditory nerve and located in the cerebellopontine angle. In this case, along with increasing paresis of the facial muscles due to compression of the facial nerve by the tumor, there is a decrease in hearing on the same side with symptoms of irritation in the form of ringing, crackling, whistling in the ear and damage to a number of adjacent nerves - glossopharyngeal, vagus, sublingual, trigeminal, abducens.

Paralysis of the facial muscles, having begun acutely, can be completely eliminated after 2-3 weeks, but more often the recovery is delayed for a longer period - 1-2 months, and with significant neuritic changes - much longer (up to six months). Nerve recovery sometimes does not occur at all, especially with otogenic and traumatic lesions.

In prolonged cases of neuritis of the facial nerve (as an exception - and in more acute cases), contracture may develop in the paralyzed muscles. The muscles of the diseased half of the face contract, resulting in the impression of paresis not on this side, but on the healthy one. At the same time, the appearance of a number of conjugate movements (syncinesia) is noted: involuntary closing of the eye when raising the corner of the mouth, contraction of the forehead muscle when closing the eyes, involuntary retraction of the corner of the mouth when trying to close the eye of the same name or when blinking.

Recovery is also slow in cases of paralysis of both halves of the face, which can be observed in the picture of infectious polyneuritis, especially poliomyelitis. In conclusion, it should be recalled that while peripheral facial paralysis is characterized by damage to the entire half of the face, with central paralysis only the lower half of the face is not affected (in some cases, the upper half is also slightly weaker). The presence of lagophthalmos always indicates peripheral paralysis. Neuritis of other cranial nerves does not occur as independent forms. Paralysis of the muscles that control the eyeballs, if they are not caused by local processes (tumor of the orbit, eye injury), is usually included in the picture of myasthenia gravis. Lesions of the glossopharyngeal, vagus and hypoglossal nerves often occur simultaneously and give a picture of bulbar palsy.

Neuralgia of the occipital and spinal nerves

Pain associated with the occipital nerves is a consequence of irritation of the upper cervical roots, which go to build these nerves and are usually subject to compression (irritation) by osteophytes due to cervical osteochondrosis spine. Osteochondrosis of the spine also leads to irritation spinal nerve, sympathetic in nature, which entwines a dense network of the vertebral (vertebral) artery running in the openings of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae.

With neuralgia of the occipital nerve, the area of ​​​​innervation of many cranial nerves can be covered. Most often, pain spreads along the greater occipital nerve, which innervates the skin of the back of the head between the areas of distribution of the greater occipital and greater auricular nerves.

The pain is aggravated by attacks, sometimes occurring after head movements, sneezing, or coughing. At the height of the attack, they can radiate to the neck, face, and shoulder blade. Patients are forced to keep their head motionless all the time, tilting it back or to the side. This latter sometimes creates a picture of torticollis, with which the patient often consults a doctor (we must remember that the cause of torticollis can be a painful cervical myositis or damage to the subcortical nuclei, when torticollis occurs with violent twitching, with hyperkinesis). In the intervals between attacks, dull aching pain may be observed.

With neuralgia of the greater occipital nerve, there are characteristic pain points at the site of its exit between the mastoid process and the upper cervical vertebra; with neuralgia of the lesser occipital nerve, these points are located along the posterior edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, in the area of ​​the mastoid process or parietal tubercle. When making a diagnosis of occipital neuralgia of osteochondrosis origin, one must remember that pain along the upper cervical roots can be a symptom traumatic injury parts of the spinal cord.

Pain in the back of the head can also be observed with spinal neuralgia, being part of the complex clinical syndrome of this neuralgia. The vertebral artery supplies blood to the cervical part of the spine, the muscles and skin of the back of the neck, the dura mater of the posterior cranial fossa, the brain stem and the cerebellum, giving off small branches to the V, VI and VII cervical nerves. This means that when it is compressed by osteophytes (with the inevitable involvement of the vertebral nerve entangling the artery), the entire clinical syndrome will consist of headaches of occipital localization, vestibular dizziness, buzzing and tinnitus, a feeling of constriction in the pharynx, significant mental and physical fatigue, and sometimes pain in the hands and mastoid process. The pain occurs in attacks that can last for several hours.

Familiarity with spinal neuralgia, which is not so rare, can eliminate diagnostic errors when all of the listed complaints are interpreted as neurasthenic. It is clear that in these cases psychotherapy alone will not help, and the patient needs to take medications.

Brachialgia and anterior scalene syndrome

Speaking about neurological pain in the arm, it is necessary to list a large number of pathological processes in which certain spinal roots that form the nerves of the arm, the spinal nerves themselves, or the cervicobrachial plexus of nerves may suffer. These are infectious and inflammatory lesions of the membranes of the spinal cord and its roots, tuberculous spondylitis, spinal osteochondrosis, tumors of the roots or spinal nerves (neurinomas), injuries in the area of ​​the nerve plexus, myositis, sympathalgia with lower cervical and thoracic inflammatory changes. We have to think about all this, not to mention arthritis and professional fatigue of the hands of pianists, violinists, typists, etc. But two clinical pictures of brachialgia associated with cervical osteochondrosis need special mention, since they are often found among patients. These are glenohumeral periarthritis and anterior scalene syndrome.

Clinical picture of glenohumeral periarthritis

In the first case, patients note severe pain in the neck, shoulder joint and arm. The pain is especially pronounced when abducting the arm and placing it behind the back, while the pendulum movements in it are completely free. Spontaneous pain can reach such a degree that patients do not sleep at night, but walk around the room, carrying their arm. The patient cannot put on a jacket, shirt, coat on his own or does this while experiencing sharp pains. In severe cases, the area of ​​the cervical vertebrae, shoulder joint and neurovascular bundle is painful on palpation humerus. Paresthesia and coldness of the hand are noted in the hand. Sometimes the patient finds a particularly advantageous position for the hand, for example, holding it with the palm of the hand on the head.

There are no radiological changes in the joint, although in some cases there is calcification in the joint capsule, which gives the right to talk about calculous bursitis. This disease is the lot of older people, when changes in intervertebral cartilage are not so rare.

Clinical picture of anterior scalene syndrome

In anterior scalene syndrome, brachialgia is caused by tension in the anterior scalene muscle. This syndrome should be differentiated from accessory cervical rib syndrome, which can injure the brachial plexus. In order to understand the syndrome of the anterior scalene muscle, it is necessary to recall the anatomical relationships. This muscle begins in scalene steps from the transverse processes of the III, IV, V and VI vertebrae and is attached to the Lisfranc tubercle of the 1st rib. The subclavian artery passes behind the muscle above the rib, and in front of the muscle, in the gap between the rib and the collarbone, is the subclavian vein. Brachial plexus sandwiched between the anterior and middle scalene muscles. At least favorable conditions The lower part of the plexus is located, formed from the 8th cervical and 1st thoracic roots. They go around the first rib, going horizontally and slightly upward, and can easily be subject to compression between the anterior scalene muscle and the rib.

In such cases, the patient complains of pain and heaviness in the arm, with a feeling in severe cases of a “arm being torn off.” The pain intensifies at night, forcing the patient to get up and carry his arm; it intensifies with a deep breath, tilting the head to the healthy side, or abducting the arm. The pain sometimes radiates to axillary area, chest, raising suspicion of angina, especially if pain and numbness radiate to the left arm (here pain