Comfrey ordinary. Home remedies from comfrey officinalis

Comfrey is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the borage family. Among the people, the herb comfrey was called "larkspur", since the plant has long been used for the rapid fusion of damaged bones. Comfrey officinalis has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating effect, and also has a beneficial effect on increasing appetite and general tone.

This plant has a long erect stem, sometimes reaching up to 1.2 meters. The entire stem is covered with stiff hairs. Leaves are located on a branched stem: the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are large sessile, oblong-lanceolate in shape with a rough surface. Larkspur leaves have a characteristic cucumber smell.

The rhizome of the comfrey medicinal is short, black-brown in color, with spindle-shaped black, and at the break, grayish-white roots, reaching up to 70 cm in length.

The flowering period of comfrey officinalis is from May to July. Larkspur flowers small size purple, white - pink or purple, form paniculate inflorescences among themselves. The fruit is a single-seeded nutlet and ripens in July - September.

Zhivokost can be found almost throughout the European part of Russia, as well as, in the Caucasus, in Western Siberia, Central Asia and the Carpathians. This plant prefers moist peat soil and grows in wet meadows, forest edges, along the banks of reservoirs and rivers.

Medicinal properties

All parts of the medicinal plant have medicinal properties. They contain organic and tannins, essential oils, organic acids, alkaloids (lysiocarpine and cynoglossin), glycosides, starch, resins.

This plant promotes tissue repair and also restores cell growth. Preparations based on comfrey have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, enveloping, weak astringent, hemostatic and softening effects.


AT folk medicine even in ancient times, comfrey has found its use. It has been used to treat over 100 types of diseases.

For the use of comfrey for medicinal purposes, the root of the plant is used. The root is dug in late autumn. Cleanse, rinse thoroughly cold water. In order to dry the roots well, they are cut into small pieces and strung on a thread. The roots are dried in well-ventilated rooms, and then dried in special dryers at a temperature of 30 - 40?

In folk medicine, on the basis of comfrey roots, infusions, decoctions, powders, ointments, and alcohol tinctures are prepared.

Fresh shoots and leaves of the plant are eaten in many countries as a seasoning for soups and as salad greens.

An infusion of comfrey roots improves digestion, reduces the exacerbation of pain in the intestines, and increases appetite.

A decoction of the roots and leaves of the plant is used to reduce blood pressure, with diarrhea, colitis and various internal bleeding.

Infusion and decoction of comfrey roots accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues; they have long been used in folk medicine for wounds, injuries, bruises and fractures of the joints.

Inside, decoctions are taken for digestive disorders, dysentery, the appearance of blood in the urine, with a disease gastrointestinal tract, as well as, with stomach ulcers and duodenum.

In addition, decoctions and infusions are widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis, upper respiratory tract, bronchitis with copious excretion sputum.

Infusion and mucous decoction from the roots of the plant relieve inflammation of all bone elements, restore damage to the periosteum, contribute to the rapid healing of bone fractures, and also kill all microbes in festering wounds ah and accelerate the healing process of wounds.

For washing, baths and compresses, a decoction is prepared from the roots of the plant. To do this, 3 tablespoons of the roots are heated in 1 liter of water, without boiling, and infused for 4 hours.

Children are bathed in a decoction of comfrey roots in order to strengthen the bones, and for best effect children are fed with freshly prepared broth.

Outwardly, plant-based preparations are used to treat sciatica, arthritis, thrombophlebitis, mastitis, trophic ulcers, furunculosis, carbuncles, purulent wounds and diseases oral cavity. Also used for inflammation of wounds and for pain in amputated stumps and sciatica.

In folk medicine from fresh roots comfrey is prepared as a slurry and used as compresses for bruises, thrombophlebitis and bone fractures.

Fresh juice is used to treat bleeding wounds and ulcers. Powder from the root of the plant is also used, they are sprinkled with open wounds in order to stop the bleeding. Helps well Fresh Juice comfrey (from stems, leaves, roots) for nosebleeds. And the jam made from the roots of the plant is considered excellent remedy for colds and flu.

AT cosmetic purposes livestock is used to improve skin color and restore the epithelium. For baths, in order to tone the skin, aromatic oils with an extract of a medicinal plant are used.

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In the article we talk about comfrey officinalis. You will learn the chemical composition and medicinal properties of the plant. You can use the recipes for the preparation of ointments, tinctures and infusions from comfrey for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. We will tell you who should not use comfrey preparations, and why.

Comfrey is a perennial herbaceous plant (lat. Symphytum) of the Borage family. Other names for comfrey: bone breaker, sebaceous root, larkspur.

The plant received the name comfrey, as it grows in depressions and ditches. Latin name in translation means “to connect”, “to connect”, it is explained by the ability of comfrey to restore damaged bones.

Sometimes comfrey is confused with another plant of the Ranunculaceae family - larkspur (Delphinium). These plants have nothing in common.

What does comfrey look like

Appearance (photo) of comfrey This is a tall, up to 1 meter, herbaceous plant with a straight powerful stem covered with stiff hairs. The root is large, black in color with snow-white pulp, when broken, it secretes mucus. The leaves are large, rough, oval.

The flowers are small, bell-shaped red, white, purple or lilac, collected in a brush. The fruits are smooth, shiny nuts. Each flower produces 4 seeds when ripe.

Where does it grow

Comfrey grows in Europe, Asia, Africa, Japan, New Zealand and North America.

Prefers fertile, damp places: banks of reservoirs, lowlands and wetlands. It is often found in gardens and orchards near compost heaps, where the soil is sufficiently moist.

You have learned what comfrey grass looks like and where it grows, now let's talk about chemical composition this plant and its beneficial properties.

comfrey root

AT medicinal purposes using comfrey roots Find medicines from comfrey use in folk medicine. The leaves and roots of the plant are used. Preparations from comfrey have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effects.

The most valuable part of comfrey is the root, which contains active substances.

Chemical composition

Comfrey root contains:

  • allantoin;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • tannins;
  • mucus;
  • tannins;
  • inulin;
  • essential oils;
  • resins;
  • Sahara.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties inherent in the comfrey root are actively used in homeopathy, traditional medicine and the pharmacological industry.

Comfrey has in its composition a large number of allantoin. This substance is necessary for fractures and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The plant has strong hemostatic properties, helps with both internal and external bleeding.

Comfrey preparations have expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. They help to cope with bronchitis and colds.

The astringent and enveloping properties of comfrey are used in the treatment of diseases of the digestive tract.

How to collect

What does comfrey root look like? Large, knotted, black with a brown tint.

How to prepare comfrey root? Dig up the roots in early spring before the plant blooms or in late autumn. Small processes are cut off, and the main rhizome is cleaned from the ground with a brush and cut into small pieces. It is not recommended to wash raw materials with water.

How to dry comfrey roots? Pieces of the root are strung on a thread and hung in a cool, well-ventilated area until completely dry. Dry crackling when breaking indicates the readiness of the roots for further storage in a linen bag or corked glass jar.

How to apply

The use of comfrey preparations should be treated with caution, especially when self-manufacturing. This plant is poisonous, so strictly follow the dosage of the components and recommendations for use.

Comfrey compresses for joints

Carry out the use of comfrey for joints in complex therapy.


  1. Chopped comfrey roots - 0.5 cups.
  2. Honey - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.
  3. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

How to cook: Mix finely chopped roots with honey and vegetable oil, heat over low heat, leave for a couple of days.

How to use: Apply the resulting slurry on the painful joint, cover with a natural cloth, put a film on top and insulate. Leave overnight for best result. Repeat every two days.

Result: Compress relieves pain and swelling, improves joint mobility.

Tincture for a fracture

Comfrey is used for fractures.


  1. Comfrey roots - 100 grams.
  2. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Fill the crushed roots with vodka, leave for two weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally.

How to use: Drink 30-40 drops with water, 3 times a day before meals. After removing the plaster, apply a tissue soaked in tincture, diluted in half with water, to the fracture site.

Result: The tool accelerates the fusion of bones.

Comfrey oil for herniated discs

Substances in the composition of the larkspur root accelerate the restoration of bone tissue.


  1. Dried comfrey root - 50 gr.
  2. Vegetable oil - ½ liter.

How to cook: Pour oil over the root, leave in a dark place for 10 days.

How to use: Gently massage your back after applying the oil.

Result: Oil relieves inflammation and anesthetizes.

Comfrey for oncology

Allantoin, which this plant contains in abundance, has an antitumor effect. In folk medicine, this property is used to treat sarcoma and cancer. different localization. Apply the infusion inside and in the form of applications from the crushed root, applying to the tumor or the affected bone.

Other uses for comfrey

A decoction of comfrey root is used for lotions for arthritis and arthrosis. An ointment made from fresh roots helps with bruises and torn ligaments. They fight against osteochondrosis with the help of ointments, tinctures and compresses from the root of the livestock.

With hemorrhoids, microclysters are made from a decoction of comfrey.

Ointment based on comfrey helps with any form of mastopathy.

Comfrey ointment - application for joints

The effectiveness of comfrey ointment for joints is explained by the ability of the plant to restore and strengthen bone tissue.

How to prepare comfrey ointment for joints at home?


  1. Chopped roots of larkspur - 1 part.
  2. Pork lard - 4 parts.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients and put in a steam bath for 30 minutes. Filter in liquid form until solidified. Store in refrigerator.

How to use: Rub into joints or apply in a thick layer under a bandage.

Result: Reduces joint pain, increases mobility.

The joints of the hands are often affected by osteochondrosis and suffer from salt deposits.

How to make comfrey ointment at home for hand joints?


  1. Comfrey roots - 50 gr.
  2. Pork lard - 50 gr.
  3. Honey - 3 tbsp. spoons.

How to cook: Mix all the ingredients and simmer in a water bath until smooth.

How to use: Comfrey ointment rub into the joints twice a day.

Result: Regular use of the ointment improves the mobility of the joints of the hands and reduces pain in the area of ​​salt deposition.

Below is a comfrey ointment - a prescription for vertebral hernia.


  1. Comfrey root powder - 1 part.
  2. Ghee lard- 4 parts.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients thoroughly and refrigerate.

How to use: Before going to bed, rub the ointment into the back, avoiding the hernia area, wrap your back with a warm scarf.

Result: Ointment based on comfrey intervertebral hernia improves the condition cartilage tissue and relieves pain.

The combination of comfrey with other medicinal plants in the composition of the ointment enhances the therapeutic effect on the joints. How to prepare an ointment from comfrey and cinquefoil?


  1. Ground comfrey roots - 2 parts.
  2. Ground cinquefoil roots - 1 part.
  3. Any melted internal fat(preferably badger) - 100 ml.

How to cook: Mix 2-3 tablespoons of roots with fat and put in a water bath for 2-3 hours. Strain and squeeze.

How to use: Apply warm to the joints, cover with a film, insulate.

Result: Ointment with comfrey and cinquefoil improves the condition of the joints.

You have learned how to make your own comfrey root ointment.

Comfrey tincture - recipe for joints

Comfrey tincture for joints is no less effective for treatment than ointment. It is used for rubbing with gout, osteochondrosis and salt deposition. How to make comfrey tincture for joints?

Try making comfrey tincture with vodka


  1. Comfrey root crushed into shavings - 1 part.
  2. Vodka - 3 parts.

How to cook: Pour vegetable raw materials with vodka. Leave in a dark place for 21 days, shaking occasionally.

How to use: Apply the tincture on the affected joints and massage.

Result: Removes inflammation, relieves pain.


  1. Comfrey root -100 gr.
  2. Alcohol - 500 ml.

How to cook: Pour vegetable raw materials with alcohol. Leave in a dark place for 1 week, shaking occasionally.

How to use: Rub into painful joints, use as a compress if there is no inflammation.

Result: Restoration of joints and cartilage tissue.

A herniated disc is a fairly common disease that early stage causes pain in the back and neck similar to osteochondrosis and sciatica. Before a hernia can be treated, it must be diagnosed in medical institution. At home, you can prepare a comfrey tincture for spinal hernia.


  1. Dry comfrey root - 50 gr.
  2. Vodka - 0.7 liters.

How to cook: Pour raw materials with vodka. Let the mixture steep for 14 days, strain.

How to use: Rub the tincture on your back and make compresses.

Result: Stimulates cartilage repair intervertebral discs.

If, having learned how to prepare comfrey tincture at home, you cannot do this, use the pharmacy counterpart.

Medicines with comfrey

In the pharmacy you can buy drugs with comfrey Pharmaceuticals with comfrey is successfully used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, bruises, fractures and injuries.

Name Compound Application
Comfrey 911

comfrey extract;


badyagi extract;

essential oils of eucalyptus, rosemary, clove, juniper.

Heals wounds and burns, relieves inflammation, removes puffiness and swelling, anesthetizes.

Used in the treatment of diseases of the joints.

Larkspur of Doctor Theiss

comfrey extract;


pine oil;

corn oil.

Improves blood circulation, warms, anesthetizes, relieves inflammation.

It is used for bone fractures, torn ligaments, bruises, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis.

Zhivokost with bee venom

comfrey extract;

bee venom;

tea tree oil;

burdock extract;

rosehip extract;

golden mustache extract.

Relieves pain and inflammation, improves blood circulation and nutrition of the joints, stops the deposition of salts.

Used for radiculitis, neuralgia, gout, age-related changes musculoskeletal system.

Zhivokost body balm comfrey

comfrey root extract;

aloe extract;

tea tree oil;

sea ​​buckthorn oil;


extracts of plantain, golden mustache, celandine, chamomile, arnica.

Restores metabolic processes in the joints.

Used for swelling muscle spasms, cartilage and joint damage, bone fractures.

Can comfrey be used during pregnancy?

Comfrey boosts muscle tone uterus and contains in moderation toxic substances therefore, it is impossible to use comfrey preparations during pregnancy either internally or externally.


Do not use comfrey and preparations from it:

  • children;
  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding;
  • allergy sufferers.


Taxonomic position:

  • Domain: eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom: Plants.
  • Department: Flower.
  • Class: Dicotyledons.
  • Family: Borage.
  • Subfamily: Borage.
  • Genus: Comfrey.


There are about 20 types of comfrey.

The most common:

  • comfrey (Symphytum officinale);
  • Crimean comfrey (Symphytum tauricum);
  • heart-shaped comfrey (Symphytum cordatum);
  • large-flowered comfrey (Symphytum grandiflorum);
  • stray comfrey (Symphytum peregrinum);
  • Caucasian comfrey (Symphytum caucasicum);
  • eastern comfrey (Symphytum orientale).

For more information about planting comfrey, see the video:

Comfrey officinalis infographics

Photo of comfrey officinalis, its beneficial features and application:
Comfrey infographic

What to remember

  1. Comfrey has medicinal properties, which are used to treat bronchitis, bleeding, gastrointestinal diseases and oncology
  2. This plant is most in demand for fractures, torn ligaments and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. The plant is poisonous and should be handled with care.
  4. Categorically it is impossible to use preparations of live cost during pregnancy.
  5. You have learned everything about comfrey, useful properties and contraindications to the use of this plant.

Comfrey, this medicinal plant known since the Middle Ages, Paracelsus (1493-1541) - the famous healer of that time, it was widely used in treatment bone diseases, cancer, ulcers.

The botanical name of comfrey contains the root symphein, which translates as "grow together." The Slavs called this plant differently - larkspur, steel root, larkspur, larkspur, From these names it is easy to guess that use of comfrey necessary for diseases associated with bone damage.

Where does comfrey grow

In nature, it is distributed in Europe, in the south of Western Siberia, Kazakhstan and the Caucasus. Prefers moist meadows, soil rich in nitrogen, loves to grow comfrey near ditches and ravines, along river banks, often found in front gardens due to its decorative effect, independently on garden plots settles near compost heaps.


it perennial, comfrey root large, juicy, black-brown, the stem reaches a height of up to one meter, branched, covered with stiff hairs. The leaves are large, wrinkled, alternate, 10-15 cm long and 3-5 cm wide. The flowers are pink, blue or dirty purple in curls, bloom in May - July.

Medicinal raw materials are roots and sometimes leaves. The roots are harvested in autumn, the leaves are used only fresh. The roots are washed in running water, cut into pieces and dried. The shelf life of dried roots is three years.

The plant contains alkaloids, so the use of large doses of comfrey preparations inside can cause paralysis of the central nervous system. Even in the roots found tannins, mucus, resins, inulin, organic acids and essential oil.

Healing properties of comfrey

Comfrey has an anti-inflammatory, wound-cleansing, epithelizing, hemostatic effect. Preparations from this plant have the ability to enhance the regeneration of various tissues, contribute to the rapid fusion of bones, eliminating inflammatory processes that affect all elements of the bone (osteomyelitis), and restore the periosteum. Comfrey helps with torn ligaments, dislocations and sprains.

It is recommended for use in pulmonary tuberculosis, in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it facilitates sputum discharge, treats chronic inflammation of the stomach and intestines, improves digestion, and enhances the epithelization of the mucous membrane.

All of the above comfrey properties are actively used in folk medicine, but in practical medicine it remained unrecognized.

Comfrey treatment

This plant does not tolerate boiling. When preparing Napar (1 tbsp raw materials per glass of boiling water), the drug is infused in a warm place for 4–6 hours, filtered, taken 2 tbsp. l. 6 times a day before meals.

For external use use:

  • Pasta. Pour 50–100 g of powdered roots with a small amount of boiling water, add a few drops vegetable oil. When warm, apply as a compress for damage to the spine and intervertebral discs, for gout and rheumatic pains, for joint and muscle tension;
  • Compress. Pour 100 g of root powder with a liter of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain. Use warm for fractures, dislocations, pain in the joints;
  • Ointment. 1 st. l. root powder is mixed with the same amount of melted lard. Keep the ointment in the refrigerator.

Comfrey is a herbaceous plant that belongs to the borage family. Among the people, the herb comfrey was called "larkspur", since the plant has long been used for the rapid fusion of damaged bones. Comfrey officinalis has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, regenerating effect, and also has a beneficial effect on increasing appetite and general tone.

This plant has a long erect stem, sometimes reaching up to 1.2 meters. The entire stem is covered with stiff hairs. Leaves are located on a branched stem: the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are large sessile, oblong-lanceolate in shape with a rough surface. Larkspur leaves have a characteristic cucumber smell.

The rhizome of the comfrey medicinal is short, black-brown in color, with spindle-shaped black, and at the break, grayish-white roots, reaching up to 70 cm in length.

The flowering period of comfrey officinalis is from May to July. The flowers of the larkspur are small in size, purple, white-pink or purple, forming paniculate inflorescences among themselves. The fruit is a single-seeded nutlet and ripens in July-September.

Zhivokost can be found almost throughout the European part of Russia, as well as in the Caucasus, Western Siberia, Central Asia and the Carpathians. This plant prefers moist peat soil and grows in wet meadows, forest edges, along the banks of reservoirs and rivers.

Useful properties of comfrey

The scope of comfrey as a medicine is diverse. On the one hand, it is a good anti-inflammatory agent, on the other - effective method treatment and prevention of many diseases. All parts of the plant have useful properties, but the highest concentration of vitamins, minerals and macronutrients is concentrated in its rhizomes. The benefits of comfrey for the human body:

  • ability to stop external bleeding ( effective remedy with all forms of wounds, including cuts);
  • beneficial effect on the elimination of symptoms internal bleeding(for example, gastric or intestinal);
  • the ability to accelerate the process of bone tissue fusion (with dislocations, fractures and other injuries);
  • normalization of appetite; helps to reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids and other diseases of the colon;
  • reduction of symptoms in oncological diseases;
  • lowering blood sugar levels; has an antimicrobial effect on the human body;
  • beneficial effect on the respiratory system; elimination of symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • providing an anti-inflammatory effect;

  • getting rid of the symptoms of diarrhea;
  • the ability to accelerate the treatment of dental diseases;
  • acceleration of tissue repair process various groups(bone, skin, etc.);
  • restoration of the main functions of the epithelium;
  • strengthening the intestinal muscles (as well as a beneficial effect on the muscles of the female genital organs);
  • elimination of symptoms of colitis of any form;
  • increased vitality (especially during the recovery period after illnesses or operations);
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • stimulation of cell growth and regeneration;
  • elimination of symptoms of deviations in the performance of the nervous system;
  • acceleration of the process of expectoration of sputum;
  • improvement of metabolism and normalization of digestion.

Contraindications to the use of comfrey

Comfrey is a poisonous plant. It contains the alkaloids cynoglosin consolidin. Significant doses of these alkaloids, accumulating in the body, can provoke paralysis of the central nervous system.

Also internal reception comfrey can lead to a carcinogenic effect, adversely affect the liver. Care must also be taken when used externally - it is advisable to apply tinctures and ointments from comfrey to intact areas.

The use of comfrey in folk medicine

Decoction of comfrey root

With fractures, torn ligaments, bleeding. Per 1000 ml pure water take 100 g of finely chopped root and boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then the broth is filtered, used as lotions, warm compresses. The decoction is applied to the painful, edematous area immediately after the injury only in a chilled state, and after 2-3 days - warm compresses followed by wrapping. Can be applied as emergency method, but a positive and lasting effect is achieved after 7-10 applications.

Comfrey root juice

With bleeding (including nasal). The freshly dug root is thoroughly washed, cut across, rubbed on a fine grater and with the help of gauze, the mucous juice is filtered. With nosebleeds, a cotton swab is impregnated with juice and injected deep into the nasal passage. If the swab fills with blood, the procedure should be repeated. Often 2-3 tampons are enough to stop the bleeding. With wound bleeding, the juice is dripped directly into the wound, it reacts with blood and speeds up the process of “baking” the wound.

Ointment from fresh comfrey roots

From any pathology of the musculoskeletal system Prepare 1 part of gruel from fresh roots, keeping the juice. Melt lard or lard in a water bath (1 part). Add gruel from the root to the fat, insist for a day in a dark place, store the ointment in a glass jar under the lid in the refrigerator.

Dry root ointment comfrey

From trophic ulcers To prepare the ointment, you need 100 g of dry roots and 200 g of dried horse chestnut flowers. These ingredients are ground into powder, add 5 tablespoons of alcohol or vodka, stir until lumps appear. At this time, melt in a water bath pork fat in an amount of 400 ml Hot lard and an alcohol-herbal mixture are thoroughly mixed and sent to the oven or oven for languishing for 3-4 hours. final stage preparation of the ointment is boiling over high heat for 5-7 minutes. After that, the contents of the cauldron must be placed in several layers of gauze and forcefully deposited into a glass dish. This liquid is the ointment. About 100 ml of the finished product comes out of the above quantity. The finished ointment is used at night, covered with polyethylene and wrapped in a warm cloth.

Aqueous infusion of dry roots

with gastritis and peptic ulcer stomach, constipation Pour 2 tablespoons of dry matter with 2 cups of boiling water, keep in an open thermos for 15 minutes, then insist in a closed one for 5-7 hours. Strained infusion is taken in 80-100 ml of infusion half an hour before meals for a month and a half. Then they take a break of 2 months.

Alcohol tincture

AT complex treatment ulcers and fractures high efficiency when used together with comfrey root ointment. To prepare the tincture, you will need half a liter of vodka and 100 g of dry root powder. After 2-3 weeks, the tincture is ready for use. Apply 40 drops to half a glass of water 30 minutes before meals.

Healing recipes based on comfrey for the treatment of diseases

  • If the mucous membrane in the oral cavity is inflamed, also with kidney and lung diseases, you need comfrey to insist on milk. It will require comfrey root, a glass of milk, everything needs to be mixed and put in the oven, wait until it evaporates (about 7 hours). You need to drink infusion one tablespoon up to 3 times a day;
  • Nosebleeds stop with the help of juice, which is made from the root of the comfrey, for this you need to moisten a cotton swab into it and make a swab;
  • With inflamed skin, a fracture, abscesses, you need to use a decoction externally, to prepare it, you need to take a tablespoon of the root, half a glass boiled water. Boil 10 minutes. Cool and gently use for compresses, washes and lotions;
  • With a stomach ulcer, it is necessary to take a decoction of comfrey inside, to prepare it, you need to take comfrey root and such a collection of herbs - plantain, knotweed, calendula, horsetail, chicory. Mix everything, pour 0.5 liters of boiled water. Drink half a glass 3 times a day;
  • With edema, tumors that form externally, you can use such an ointment based on comfrey. To prepare it, you need a tablespoon of the root, finely chop it, make gruel from it, add pork fat. Heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. When the ointment has cooled, you can add camphor oil. The tumor must be smeared up to 6 times a day;
  • Poultices from comfrey are recommended for pain in the joints and lower back. They will need fresh leaves crushed into powder. Before going to bed, it must be applied to a sore spot, be sure to bandage it from above.

How to choose and store comfrey

Finished herbal preparations, which include comfrey, can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is also quite easy to independently collect and prepare the roots of this plant. For this it is necessary in autumn period pull the plant out of the ground along with the rhizome, cut off the aerial part, then clean the roots of dirt, rinse with cold water and cut into pieces 0.2 cm long.

The freshness of plucked comfrey leaves can be extended by a day if placed in the refrigerator. After the specified period, this part of the plant will begin to rapidly lose its medicinal properties, as well as a significant increase in the selection toxic substances. It is much more effective to prepare a decoction or tincture from the leaves, then pour the liquid into a tightly closed container and put it on a shelf away from children. In this form, the medicine is stored for up to six months. Dried roots can be transferred to cloth bags, and then stored in a dark, cool place. The shelf life of such raw materials is 1 year.

For cooking dosage forms not only leaves are used, but also rhizomes. Although it is possible to dig up the root in mid-March, it will be most successful to prepare it at the end of November. After digging, large roots are thoroughly cleaned from the ground with brushes (it is not recommended to wash the root), small ones are cut off and not used. Then cut thinly, air-dry strung on a thread.

After the pieces of the root lose moisture, they are stored in clothes bags in dry rooms. If there is a risk of moisture ingress, they are clogged in clean, dry jars, periodically airing (in case of long-term storage). Maximum term storage - 3 years.

Comfrey was popularly called "larkspur", it has long been used during wars and epidemics, with severe fractures and wounds, it was the first means of helping the wounded in field conditions. Comfrey useful properties and contraindications, the action of comfrey is due to high content allantoin, which is natural antibiotic and is characterized by a powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory action.

Comfrey is unique in therapeutic effect on bones and joints, it is able to accelerate the healing and restoration of damaged tissues, especially bone, which is widely used for fractures, dislocations of joints and bruises, wherever it is necessary to clean the wound and stimulate healing.

Description and photo of comfrey medicinal

(Symphytum officinale L.)

Comfrey is a large herbaceous plant common in Europe and Western Asia. In Russia, it grows throughout the European part of the country, in the south of Western Siberia, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus in broad-leaved forests, in glades, wet meadows, along rivers and reservoirs, in forest ravines, on the outskirts of swamps. It occurs near housing, in gardens and kitchen gardens, in damp weedy places, the most common is comfrey.

Comfrey officinalis is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Borage family, with a branched stem up to 1 meter high, tetrahedral in the lower part, with oblong large leaves 10–15 cm long, about 5 cm wide. The lower leaves have long winged petioles, the upper ones are sessile; dense rough leaves and stems are covered with stiff hairs.

The rhizome is short, almost black with long thick roots, at the break the roots are white, juicy, sweetish astringent taste.

The flowers are small, tubular-bell-shaped, collected in paniculate inflorescences at the ends of the stem and branches - one-sided curl, folded before flowering. Flowers during flowering change color from purple, lilac or violet to blue, cyan. Blooms in May - June.

The fruits break up into four black, smooth, shiny nuts 4-5 mm long, ripen in July-September. One plant produces 800 - 1000 seeds per year. Propagated by seeds and division of the rhizome.

AT medicinal purposes mainly comfrey roots are used, less often leaves. Harvest the roots in early spring before the leaves bloom, and in the fall, after flowering. They are well washed, cut, dried and dried, it takes a long time to dry, as the plant accumulates a lot of moisture in the roots. The leaves are harvested during the flowering of the plant.

Comfrey roots are biologically rich active substances, they contain allantoin, alkaloid cynoglossin and glucoalkaloid consolidin, saponins, tannins, mucus, resins, gum, inulin, essential oil.

The scientific name of the genus Symphytum is from Greek word symphyton - “grow together”, due to the use of the plant for the treatment various fractures bones. The species name officinale is translated as "medicinal".

The Russian generic name is associated with places of growth - in humid low-lying places. Other folk names comfrey officinalis - borage, apothecary's omentum, pravokost.

Comfrey officinalis use

In folk medicine, comfrey root preparations are used for bone fractures, wounds, kidney diseases, coughs, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, inflammatory processes stomach and intestines, diarrhea, to improve metabolism, with abscesses. It is also used externally for stomatitis, purulent rashes, skin cracks, trophic ulcers.

Inside, comfrey preparations are used to accelerate bone fusion and tissue regeneration. Mucous decoctions and infusions of comfrey stop bleeding, are used for hemoptysis, chronic inflammatory processes in respiratory organs, with gastrointestinal diseases.

Comfrey medicinal use for joints. For fractures, severe bruises and dislocations, with joint diseases, comfrey relieves inflammation and swelling, and most importantly - activates the processes of renewal and regeneration of cartilage.

Externally, comfrey is used for dislocations, fractures, bruises, inflammation of the veins, skin diseases, ulcers, wounds, rheumatic pains.

comfrey root application

In case of joint diseases and injuries, comfrey has no equal as a healing, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic agent, it cleanses the lesion, stimulates the formation of new, healthy cells of any biological tissues.

Infusion of comfrey roots:

Pour one tablespoon of crushed roots with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 6-8 hours, strain; pour swollen roots again with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes, strain. Mix two parts of the infusion.

Take an infusion of 2 tablespoons (50 ml each) every 2 to 3 hours.

It is good to use for chronic bronchitis, catarrh of the respiratory tract. Reduces inflammation, facilitates expectoration of sputum.

Comfrey root tincture:

100 g of fresh chopped roots pour 0.5 l of 40 ° vodka. Insist in a dark cool place for 10 days, strain. Take 20÷30 drops 4-5 times a day before meals with a little water.

Infusion and tincture of comfrey roots are taken for bone fractures, dislocations of joints, severe bruises, osteomyelitis, various wounds, purulent periodontal disease.

Good results are obtained by the use of infusion or tincture inside with simultaneous application them externally in the form of baths, washes, lotions, compresses.

Infusion and tincture of comfrey roots are used for chronic inflammation, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diarrhea, dysentery, chronic bronchitis- relieves inflammation, pain in the intestines.

The use of infusion of comfrey roots improves metabolism, digestion, and increases appetite.

Decoction of comfrey root:

One st. l. roots pour 1 cup boiling water, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, strain.

The decoction is used both internally and externally for joint damage from rheumatism, gout, wounds, boils, ulcers and other skin diseases; relieves inflammation, pain and swelling.

Tincture and decoction of comfrey root are taken orally with uterine, hemorrhoidal and other bleeding, with inflammation of the bladder.

A decoction of comfrey root is used for nosebleeds - swabs are moistened, injected into the nostrils, for skin wounds, abrasions, bruises with hemorrhage.

A decoction of comfrey roots is used in cosmetology for dry facial skin for lotions and poultices for delicate, irritable skin, redness, peeling.

A decoction is used in hair care for alopecia areata - hair loss.

Napar of comfrey roots:

10 g of crushed roots pour 300 ml of water or milk in a thermos overnight (leak for 8 hours) or put in the oven to soar (but do not boil).

Take 2 tbsp. spoons (50 g each) every 2 hours for all purulent processes in the body; cleanses the wounds purulent inflammation and speeds up healing. Also used for pulmonary tuberculosis.

The juice from the fresh stems of the plant and the powder from the comfrey root are used for nosebleeds, wounds, ulcers, abscesses are sprinkled with the powder.

The fresh root is applied to wounds to stop bleeding.

Lotions, compresses for dislocations, bruises, and fractures are made from comfrey leaves.

Comfrey is poisonous plant, since the alkaloids included in the comfrey are poisonous. Therefore, when used internally, it is necessary:

  • Strictly observe the dosage in the preparation and use of drugs from comfrey officinalis.
  • Use comfrey preparations after consultation with your doctor.
  • Prolonged use of comfrey preparations is unacceptable without consulting a doctor.


  • with individual intolerance,
  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

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Comfrey medicinal use for joints

In our country, there are other types of comfrey - Caucasian comfrey and hard comfrey, they have the same beneficial properties and are used for medicinal purposes.

The Caucasian comfrey is different greater height plants and soft pubescence, the presence of petioles at the lower leaves, the type of seeds. The hard comfrey is distinguished by lower leaves, rounded, heart-shaped with a long petiole, and the appearance of nuts.

Comfrey has been used as a medicinal plant since ancient times. It was mentioned by the ancient Greek botanist Theophrastus, Dioscorides wrote in 50 AD. e., the properties of comfrey were described by Avicenna in 1020. In the Middle Ages, comfrey was widely used for many diseases, it was said that it helps against 100 diseases.

With joint diseases and injuries, as a healing, anti-inflammatory, antirheumatic agent, comfrey has no equal. Today it is widely used in medicine in many countries.

Comfrey preparations in a pharmacy

Pharmacies sell comfrey preparations for external use, these are balms, creams, gels and ointments: Zhivokost (Comfrey) balm for the body in the joints; Sustavit comfrey - gel-balms with cinquefoil, with a golden mustache, with formic acid; Dr. Theiss comfrey gel, cream; Zhivokost Comfrey warming balm for the body and joints and others.

Homeopathic remedy - Symphytum ointment is used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Comfrey extract is used in the composition aromatic oils for baths - heals, moisturizes, softens the skin, promotes quick recovery cells, skin health.

Comfrey is a good honey plant, bees collect nectar from flowers, and up to 25 kg of medicinal honey is obtained from 1 hectare of flowering plants.

Young leaves and stems are used for salads.

Comfrey large-flowered and some other species are bred as ornamentals.

Dear readers! In the article Comfrey useful properties and contraindications we have reviewed comfrey medicinal use for joints as well as healing properties and medicinal use comfrey for various diseases.

Use healing powers nature and stay healthy!