Such different analgesics. Analgin and baralgin

Spasms can occur even in practically healthy person. It depends on the characteristics of the body, or its predisposition to a particular type of disease. The etiology of spasm is involuntary contraction of muscle tissue internal organs. Spasm always occurs accompanied by severe pain. Renal, intestinal, or gastric colic are antispasmodic phenomena of internal organs.

Acute pain accompanies inflammatory processes, both with biliary and urolithiasis. The pain is long lasting. To avoid painful shock, the patient needs to take a fast-acting painkiller. Such a remedy is Spazgan. Indications for use of the drug – any acute manifestation pain other than appendicitis.

The product is endowed with medicinal qualities. He not only situationally struggles with acute attacks spasms, but also prevents their further occurrence, fighting the root cause of their manifestation. Spazgan is prescribed in a course of tablets or in the form of injections for 3 to 5 days. After receiving a course of Spazgan, almost all patients noted an improvement in their well-being and the absence of recurrent pain.


Spasgan (Spazgan), a non-narcotic drug with analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Group non-steroidal drugs directed against inflammatory processes and rheumatic pains. A medicinal product with a combined composition of the Analgesic-Antipyretic group.


The drug Spazgan contains:

  • Metamizole sodium is a non-narcotic analgesic, a derivative of pyrazolone. It is responsible for relieving pain, reducing temperature, as well as mild anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Pitofena hydrochloride is a myotropic antispasmodic agent. Relaxes by direct action smooth muscles of muscle tissue. The action extends to all internal organs
  • Phenpiverinium bromide is the main choline blocker. An accompanying quality is a weak relaxing effect on muscle tissue.

These three substances, when combined, enhance pharmacological properties each component and contribute to the rapid relief of pain, relaxation of smooth muscles, active reduction high temperature bodies.

The main effect of the drug

Spazgan has a strong antispasmodic effect with an analgesic effect and prolongation for a long period of time. This is facilitated by the suppression effect of prostaglandin H-synthetase caused by pyrazolone. Thanks to its effect, the new formation of prostaglandins is difficult.

Sensitivity to barricadin, responsible for stimulation of nerve endings pain, significantly reduced. As a result, it stops pain syndrome Therefore, the spasm is extinguished. Also, metamizole in moderate quantities relieves the reaction to inflammation. The release of prostaglandins into the center regulating the general temperature is inhibited, against the background of which heat transfer increases with the complete elimination of the symptom of fever. Body temperatures remain normal. Pitofenon has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs, resulting in an analgesic effect that relieves spasms.

Phenpiverinium bromide, which represents the group of M-anticholinergics, exhibits the properties of a blocker of nerve endings in the parasympathetic fiber. This effect is associated with a decrease in the overall tone of the smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder and urinary ducts. In addition, the action of fenpiverinium bromide is aimed at reducing intestinal peristalsis, which is an additional analgesic effect.

Combined action of the drug. Each component enhances pharmacological effects each other with the manifestation of synergism of dosage forms. When taken orally, the effect of Spazgan occurs within 20-30 minutes, reaching effective maximum after two hours.

The main elimination of the drug from the body is through urine, minor elimination is through bile.

Release form

Spazgan is produced in two modifications. In tablets packed in a blister in an amount of 10 pcs. A standard cardboard package contains 2 blisters. Composition of one Spazgan tablet:

  1. metamizole sodium - 500 mg
  2. pitofenone hydrochloride – 5 mg
  3. fenpiverinium bromide - 100 mcg.

Injection solution for intravenous administration. Ampoule volume 5 ml. Cellular packaging contains 5 ampoules. Five packages are enclosed in a cardboard box. Composition of one ampoule of solution for injection:

  1. metamizole sodium – 1 g
  2. pitofenone hydrochloride – 400 mcg
  3. fenpiverinium bromide – 4 mcg.

Analogs produced in other countries:

  • Baralgin
  • Spasmablock
  • Revalgin
  • Plenalgin
  • Spasmalgon
  • Maxigan
  • Baralgetas.

Indications and contraindications

Spazgan is prescribed symptomatically - in cases of sudden onset of pain, as well as in general therapy in order to prevent the occurrence of spasms. For stomach, intestinal and renal colic weak and moderate character. For spasms of intestinal smooth muscles, painful periods and in cases of functional or organic dysmenorrhea. Symptomatically Spazgan is prescribed in cases of short-term manifestations pain symptoms for sciatica, neuralgia, myalgia, bursitis and arthritis.

As aid Spazgan is prescribed to patients after surgical intervention, and also when a certain form diagnostics for pain relief and biliary dyskinesia. As the main therapy for spastic conditions of internal organs, with hyperthermia, manifestations severe forms migraine.

It is not recommended to take the drug in case of any form of intolerance to any of the components. The drug Spazgan is especially contraindicated for people who have difficulty tolerating pyrazolone derivatives.
Contraindications exist for patients with impaired liver function and those suffering from renal failure.

General contraindications:

  • angle-closure glaucoma
  • intolerance to the components of the drug or one of them
  • hereditary disorders of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity
  • functional disorders of the liver and kidneys
  • liver porphyria
  • megacolon and intestinal obstruction
  • peptic ulcers
  • inability to clot and blood diseases
  • adenoma and benign prostatic hyperplasia
  • lactation and pregnancy.

Special recommendations apply to a group of patients prone to hypotension. The drug is not recommended for patients with a reaction to analgesics, as well as for those suffering from bronchial asthma. In the first trimester of pregnancy and when breastfeeding, the drug is prescribed with extreme caution.

Dosage of the drug

When making appointments, the table is taken into account age groups patients:

  1. For young patients up to one year old, if necessary, Spazgan is administered exclusively intramuscularly at a daily dose not exceeding 1.2 ml.
  2. Age category from 12 months to 5 years. The dosage of Spazgan depends on the body weight, age of the patient and the degree of pain symptom. Daily dosage - from 0.4 to 3.2 ml.
  3. Age category 5 - 14 years. For this age category The dosage of the drug is no more than 1 ml per injection. The number of injections per day is recommended by the attending physician, but not more than four times a day.
  4. The age group from 14 years old belongs to the adult category. Patients in this group are prescribed a tablet method of treatment. The patient takes 1-2 tablets depending on body weight four times a day. Of these: in breakfast, lunch and dinner before meals and one dose before bedtime.

The tablets are not chewable, have a bitter taste with a pronounced taste of analgin and are washed down with plenty of still drinking water.

Interaction with other drugs

When combined with other non-narcotic drugs of the analgesic group, the toxic properties of any of the components of the drug may appear. Risk negative effect increases many times over, since each of the components of the drug is in active pharmacological form, and has a certain reaction with the release of toxins when interacting with other components of analgin-like drugs.

The simultaneous use of Spazgan with contraception or tricyclic antidepressants containing allopurinol or codeine. Phenylbutazone and barbiturates can weaken the effect of metamizole, increasing its toxicity, and cause adverse reactions. Derivatives of phenylbutazone and barbituric acid inhibit the effect of Spazgan as an antispasmodic agent. When Spazgan interacts with cyclosporines, their bioavailability for the body is blocked with a subsequent decrease in its level in the blood plasma.

When interacting with sedatives or tranquilizers, there is a significant increase in the effect of Spazgan as an anesthetic. Simultaneous use H1-blockers with histamine, amantadine, tricyclic antidepressants or quinidine, the M-choline blocking properties of Spazgan are significantly enhanced. When interacting with alcohol, the effect is mutually enhanced. Antibiotics of the penicillin group are not used when consuming Spazgan.

Spazgan injections are made without mixing with other agents, since the drug is not compatible with any of them.

Drug overdose

In case of overdose, intoxication with pronounced allergic reaction. Intoxication is caused by metamizole, and fenpiverinium bromide causes anticholinergic manifestations in the form allergic manifestations. Vascular shock may occur. A more rare occurrence of drug overdose may be signs of agranulocytosis. Damage to the cerebral cortex and irreversible gastrointestinal disorders occur extremely rarely. Symptoms of an overdose of Spazgan: confusion, anxiety, sharp pain in the abdominal area, vomiting, low blood pressure that cannot be corrected, convulsions, impaired renal function, anaphylactic shock.

There is no antidote. Treatment by flushing the body with hemodialysis using forced diuresis, taking sorbents.

Side effects

IN normal conditions Spazgan is quite well tolerated. The reaction to the drug is purely individual:

  • A reaction in the form of a rash may occur on the body.
  • Dry mouth is often observed.
  • A common reaction from taking the drug is headache and a burning sensation in the epigastric region.
  • Some patients experience dizziness, periodic tachycardia with a decrease in blood pressure.
  • Taking the drug over a long period of time can lead to disorders of the circulatory system.
  • With concomitant asthmatic disease, coughing attacks can be provoked.
  • From the gastrointestinal tract. Constipation. In rare cases, changes in the mucous membranes may be observed.
  • From the outside urinary system. Nephritis, redness of urine, anuria.
  • From the side of the central nervous system. Accommodation disturbance, dizziness.
  • Individual manifestations. Urticaria may occur, skin rashes, blockage of sweat glands.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the drug Spazgan does not tolerate self-prescription. It must be recommended by the attending physician and the drug should be taken under his supervision. The drug is prescribed with caution to patients with renal or liver failure, bronchial asthma, tendency to hypotension, hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug, as well as to any non-narcotic analgesics. When taking the drug for more than seven days, it is necessary to take a peripheral blood test, which gives a complete picture of the functioning of the liver.

In the video, the pharmacist talks about the drug Spazgan, the active ingredients included in its composition, method of use, side effects and contraindications:

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Baralgin — a non-steroidal drug that has a multifactorial effect on the body. Used as an analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory agent. It is often used to relieve severe pain syndromes and fever. The use of Baralgin in any of the release forms helps to weaken muscle spasms due to direct effects on muscle tissue cells.

The effect of the drug begins 20-30 minutes after administration into the body, maximum effect achieved after 2 hours. It is excreted mainly in the urine.

Today you can find 2 drugs in pharmacies: Baralgin and Baralgin M.


Baralgin is a drug produced by pharmaceutical companies Hoechst (Germany) and Sanofi-Aventis (France). Baralgin M is produced by Aventis Pharma (India).

Ask your question to a neurologist for free

Irina Martynova. Graduated from Voronezh State University medical University them. N.N. Burdenko. Clinical resident and neurologist of the BUZ VO \"Moscow Polyclinic\".

Release form, composition

The composition of the drug includes 3 active substances:

  • metamizole sodium (analgin);
  • 4′-(piperidinethoxy)-carbmethoxy-benzophenone hydrochloride;
  • 2,2-diphenyl-4-piperi-dylacetamide bromomethylate.

The active ingredient of the drug Baralgin M is only metamizole sodium.

Both drugs are available in tablet form, rectal suppositories and solution for injection (in ampoules).

Tablets are sold in blisters of 10 pcs. in everyone. The secondary cardboard packaging contains 2 blisters (Baralgin) and 2, 10 blisters (Baralgin M). In addition, instructions for use are included.

1 ampoule contains 5 ml liquid substance, the cardboard package contains a tray with 5 ampoules of the drug Baralgin and instructions for use.

Rectal suppositories are available in 5 and 10 pieces in secondary cardboard packaging.

Average price:

Baralgin tablets - from 280 rubles;

Baralgin in ampoules - from 300 rubles.


If there are no other instructions on the dosage and frequency of use of the drug, the medicine in tablet form is taken 1-2 times orally every 8 hours.

For children aged 12-15 years, a single dosage is 1 tablet, maximum 4 times a day.

Patients aged 8-11 years are allowed to take 0.5 tablets no more than 4 times a day.

For children 5-7 years old, a single dosage is 0.5 tablets no more than once every 12 hours.

For treating patients childhood it is not recommended to exceed daily dosage to avoid the development of overdose symptoms.

The duration of tablet therapy is 5-7 days.

Rectal suppositories are prescribed to persons over 14 years of age. Depending on the severity of the pain syndrome, the drug is taken 2-3 times a day, 1 suppository.

The course of treatment is 5 days.

Baralgin solution is used for both intramuscular and intravenous administration.

Intravenous injections are indicated for patients with acute hepatic colic. In other cases, it is recommended to inject the drug into the muscle. The drug is injected into the vein slowly, no faster than 2 minutes. A single dose in this case should not exceed 2 ml. Repeated injections are given after 6-8 hours.

Intramuscularly administered 2-3 times a day in a dosage of 2-5 ml. The daily dose is no more than 10 ml.

Injection administration of the drug is permitted for children over 3 years of age. one month old. Intravenous infusion is allowed for children over 12 months. A single dosage for small patients is calculated individually, based on the baby’s body weight:

  • 5-8 kg: 0.1-0.1 ml;
  • 9-15 kg: 0.2-0.3ml;
  • 16-23 kg: 0.3-0.4 ml;
  • 24-30 kg: 0.4-0.5 ml;
  • 31-45 kg:0.6-0.7 ml.

Children 12-15 years old are allowed both intravenous and intramuscular injection the drug in a single dose of 0.8-1 ml.

Therapy with Baralgin injections should not exceed 5 days. If there is no improvement in your condition, you should consult a doctor.

Special instructions for the use of solution for injection

Children under 3 months old premature babies intravenous administration the drug is strictly prohibited!

Intravenous injections can be given to adult patients only in emergency cases and under the mandatory supervision of medical staff.

Rapid venous injections can provoke spasms, which often leads to cardiac arrest.

To insert into the muscle, you must use a long needle. The drug must be delivered deep into muscle tissue, which cannot be achieved using a standard needle.

Injections with the drug - painful procedure . Before use, the ampoule with the solution must be held in your hands, thereby warming it up to the temperature of the human body.

Indications for use

  • muscle spasms;
  • hepatic colic;
  • pain in the postoperative period;
  • spasm Bladder, ureters;
  • intestinal and/or biliary colic;
  • algodismenorrhea;
  • dyskinisia of the bile ducts;
  • sciatica, myalgia, neuralgia, radiculitis, etc.;
  • headache, joint pain, toothache;
  • decompression pathologies of the spine;
  • fever of any etiology.


People with diagnosed hematopoietic suppression are also prohibited from using the drug.

The drug is contraindicated in:

  • glaucoma;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • angina pectoris;
  • intermittent porphyria;
  • granulocytopenia;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • coronary circulation deficiency;
  • prostate hypertrophy;
  • intestinal obstruction.

Use in persons with impaired renal and hepatic function

Metamizole intake in patients with renal/hepatic dysfunction should be strictly limited. If Baralgin is used, treatment must be carried out under the constant supervision of doctors.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of the drug is permissible only in the second trimester of pregnancy and only as directed by the attending physician. Treatment with the drug is also prohibited during breastfeeding.

During treatment, lactation should be stopped and resumed only 48 hours after the last dose.

Use in children

Medicine can be used to treat children over 3 months of age, but according to the testimony of a specialist and under his strict supervision.

Side effects

Among the undesirable manifestations are:

  • hives;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • exudative erythema;
  • epidermal toxic necrolysis;
  • bronchospasms;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • leukopenia;
  • thrombocytopenia;
  • agranulocytosis;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • anuria;
  • interstitial nephritis;
  • red coloration of urine.

If the patient is prescribed injections into the muscle, the following adverse reactions are possible:

  • infiltrates at the injection site;
  • a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • arrhythmia.


Deviations from the recommended daily and single dosage, especially in patients under 14 years of age, leads to overdose, the manifestations of which are nausea and profuse vomiting, pain in the abdomen, decreased blood pressure, significant weakness, fainting, convulsions.

First aid in case of overdose includes gastric lavage and administration of any adsorbent.

After carrying out these manipulations, it is necessary to call an emergency team.

Drug interactions

Concomitant use with other analgesic drugs increases the toxic effect on the liver.

The simultaneous use of COCs, allopurinol or tricyclic antidepressants increases the toxic effects and changes the metabolism of Baralgin.

A sharp increase in the analgesic effect of the drug is observed when taken simultaneously with sedatives and tranquilizers.

The compatibility of Baralgin and phenothiazine derivatives increases the likelihood of hyperthermia.

Concomitant therapy with drugs is prohibited penicillin group. You also cannot use Baralgin and colloidal blood substitutes or radiocontrast agents at the same time.

Analgin can enhance the activity of indomethacin, glucocorticosteroids, and anticoagulants.

Simultaneous therapy with Baralgin and sarcolysine/thiamazole increases the risk of leukopenia.

It is prohibited to mix Baralgin and any other substance in one syringe!

Interaction with alcohol

Drinking alcohol during or 12 hours after taking the drug increases harmful influence on the liver of both alcohol and the drug itself. The consequences of drinking alcohol and Baralgin can be severe intoxication and confusion. Even small amounts of alcohol can lead to severe intoxication.

A patient taking Baralgin should avoid drinking any alcohol-containing drinks.

Release from pharmacies and storage

Dispensed without a prescription.

It must be stored out of reach of children, in a dark room with a temperature no higher than 25 degrees. Shelf life: 5 years.

Under influence low temperatures(below 5 degrees) the drug loses its properties!


Among the drug's analogues therapeutic effect Particularly popular are:

  • Spasmalgon ( average price from 150 rub.);
  • Buscopan (average price from 450 rubles);
  • No-Shpa (average price from 220 rubles);
  • (average price from 240 rub.)

Cheap analogues

  • (from 70 rub.)
  • (from 30 rub.)
  • I took it (from 100 rubles).


On numerous forums devoted to discussion medicines, you can also find reviews about Baralgin, which are very contradictory. Most people note high efficiency drug in the fight against pain and fever. Users also share not the most positive stories, indicating frequent developments side effects. Doctors respond to such statements with advice not to take baralgin for self-medication, but to consult with a specialist who will calculate the dosage based on individual characteristics patient.

A review from one of the patients is presented in the video


  • or Baralgin, which is better?

Diclofenac has more wide range actions and is available in various dosage forms, which helps to use it both internally and topically. Diclofenac belongs to the group non-steroidal drugs anti-inflammatory effect, which has a good analgesic effect, while Baralgin has a more antispasmodic effect. The drugs differ in composition, contraindications and adverse reactions. Which medicine to take for pain relief, Baralgin or Diclofeac, should be decided only by a doctor, taking into account the cause of the pain.

  • Baralgin or Analgin, which is better?

Analgin contains only metamizole sodium, while Baralgin contains 2 antispasmodics. Thus, Baralgin has a more effective analgesic effect during spasms.

Analgin and Baralgin M are drugs with the same composition, they differ only in the trade name.

  • Spazmalgon or Baralgin, which is better?

It is impossible to say unequivocally which drug is better. Baralgin and Spazmalgon are different in composition, but identical in action. Spazmalgon has side effects and contraindications almost identical to Baralgin. In price comparison, Spazmolgon is much cheaper.

Baralgin is a highly effective pain reliever.

Like others medicines, Baralgin has a number of side effects that can lead to serious consequences, therefore, the decision on the advisability of taking this drug should be made by a specialist.

Metamizole sodium, or as we call it, analgin, was invented in the middle of the last century. At that time, it was the most progressive painkiller that helped get rid of pain. In addition to the analgesic effect, analgin had a number of other properties beneficial to human health. In particular, analgin turned out to be an effective anti-inflammatory agent, which made it possible to use it for the treatment of osteochondrosis and other diseases of the human musculoskeletal system.

And currently, all more or less effective painkillers are based on this drug. Take baralgin or pentalgin, mig or spasmalgon. You will find metamizole sodium in any of these “modern” pain relievers. And this is what is generic, pharmacological name analgin. Is it worth believing various pseudoscientific sources that claim that analgin is prohibited and that the harm of analgin is greater than the benefits of its use.

Find out more on our website. In the meantime, we will talk to you about the harm of analgin that can be considered a threat and whether you should believe that analgin is prohibited.

Is there any harm in analgin?

The drug analgin belongs to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. It also includes such widely used drugs as:

All these drugs are used in the treatment of rheumatic diseases and osteochondrosis. At the same time, and from them there is certain harm for human health. But it just so happens that the modern pharmacological industry is simply not able to produce absolutely safe drugs. We are at the level of industrial development that even synthetic vitamin complexes, which are offered for children, are of chemical origin and have an effect when taken negative impact on the human body.

In the debate between the effectiveness of treatment and possible harm When taking one drug or another, efficiency and the ability to bring relief to the patient always win. That's what doctors think.

Today there is no analogue of analgin that would produce the same effect and cause absolutely no harm. Therefore, think about will analgin be harmful? It’s worth it, but you shouldn’t dwell on this issue.

In practice, it has been proven that harm to analgin can only occur with systematic use of this drug in large quantities. But even a 10-day course of treatment with analgin for pain due to osteochondrosis does not cause the harm that is reported in the media today. And, even more so, analgin will not cause harm if you have taken one tablet for toothache over the past 3 months.

Why is this drug banned in some countries?

It's a sad truth that analgin is prohibited in some EU countries. It’s sad that, despite the fact that analgin is prohibited, on the pharmacy counters of these countries in large quantities There are complex painkillers based on metamizole sodium. The boundlessness of hypocrisy is striking in its scope. Why is baralgin, which contains more than 80 percent metamizole sodium, not prohibited, but cheap, time-tested analgin is illegal?

We are told a lot that metamizole sodium has a negative effect on the human hematopoietic organs and brain. But doesn't it act exactly the same?

There is a certain danger in this. If a person is sure that there is harm from analgin, then he is absolutely calm in relation to baralgin or pentalgin. This leads to the fact that pentalgin begins to be taken uncontrollably in large quantities. Meanwhile, you can get harm to your health from baralgin or pentalgin much faster than from analgin.

This is how, due to commercial benefits for pharmaceutical manufacturers, human life and health are put at risk.

Is it possible to drink analgin

We have the most main question– Is it possible to drink analgin? Let's try to answer very honestly. Most likely, you can drink analgin only in the amount necessary to relieve pain until the cause that caused it is eliminated. In other words, you should not use analgin to treat caries or a broken leg. With the help of analgin, you can only relieve pain for a short time and immediately consult a doctor.

However, there is an exception to this rule. If you have sharp pain in the stomach, or, taking analgin or any other painkiller is strictly prohibited. This may cause misdiagnosis.

Baralgin is produced pharmaceutical company, which created the active ingredient Metamizole, and Analgin is produced by everyone throughout the post-Soviet space.

Copies by definition cannot be better than the original. When using ampoule forms, please note that the Baralgin ampoule contains two and a half times more active substance than the Analgin ampoule.

Table of analogues and prices:

There are contraindications. Before starting use, consult your doctor.

Commercial names abroad (abroad): Algocalmin, Algopyrin, Algozone, Anador, Berlosin, Dipirona, Doran, Mecoten, Mermid, Metalgin, Neo-Melubrina, Neuro-Brachont, Neuro-Fortamin S, Norgesic N, Novalgin, Novolate, Optalgin , Pyralgin, Pyrahexal.

Combination preparations containing Analgin are described here.

Citramon is discussed on a separate page.

All non-narcotic analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are here.

You can ask a question or leave a review about the medicine (please, do not forget to indicate the name of the drug in the text of the message) here.

Preparations containing Metamizole sodium (ATC code N02BB02):

for 20pcs: 110- (average 183↗) -332;

for 100pcs: 520- (average 660↗) -1002

for 20pcs: 15- (average 18) -50

Baralgin M (original Metamizole sodium) - official instructions for use. The drug is a prescription, the information is intended only for healthcare professionals!

Clinical and pharmacological group:

pharmachologic effect

Baralgin M refers to non-narcotic drugs, pyrazolone derivatives. It has an analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effect.


After IV administration, T1/2 for metamizole is 14 minutes. Approximately 96% is excreted in the urine as metabolites.

Association of the active metabolite with blood plasma proteins%.

Mainly excreted by the kidneys.

In therapeutic doses it passes into breast milk.

Indications for use of the drug BARALGIN® M

Dosage regimen for the tablet form of the drug:

Dosage regimen for the ampoule form of the drug:

Adults and adolescents 15 years of age and older: 1-2 ml of 50% (500 mg/1 ml) Baralgin M solution (i.m. or i.v.) is recommended as a single dose. daily dose can be up to 4 ml injection solution(no more than 2 g), divided into 2-3 doses. The maximum single dose can be 1 g (2 ml of 50% solution).

Side effect

Side effects were classified as follows: very common (>10%), common (>1.<10%), не частые (>0,1, <1%), редкие (>0,01, <0,1%), очень редкие (<0,01%).

Allergic reactions: urticaria, including on the conjunctiva and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, Quincke's edema, in rare cases - malignant exudative erythema (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), bronchospastic syndrome, anaphylactic shock.

From the hematopoietic organs: leukopenia, rarely agranulocytosis and thrombocytopenia of immune origin.

From the urinary system: impaired renal function, oliguria, anuria, proteinuria, very rarely the development of acute interstitial nephritis, red coloring of urine (due to the release of a metabolite - rubazonic acid).

Local reactions: with intramuscular injection, infiltrates are possible at the injection site.

Other: possible decrease in blood pressure, heart rhythm disturbance.

Contraindications to the use of the drug BARALGIN® M

  • hepatic porphyria;
  • congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • I and II trimester of pregnancy;

In infants aged 3 to 12 months, intravenous administration is contraindicated.

With caution: systolic blood pressure below 100 mm Hg, circulatory instability (myocardial infarction, multiple trauma, incipient shock), kidney disease (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, including a history), prolonged ethanol abuse.

Use of the drug BARALGIN® M during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the first and third trimesters of pregnancy, Baralgin M should not be taken. From the fourth to sixth months of pregnancy, Baralgin M should be taken according to strict medical indications.

Use for liver dysfunction

Use for renal impairment

special instructions

When treating patients receiving cytotoxic drugs, metamizole sodium should only be taken under medical supervision.

  • in patients with bronchial asthma, especially with concomitant polyps in the sinuses;

For intramuscular administration, a long needle must be used.


The following symptoms may occur: nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, oliguria, hypothermia, decreased blood pressure, tachycardia, shortness of breath, tinnitus, drowsiness, delirium, impaired consciousness, acute agranulocytosis, hemorrhagic syndrome, acute renal or liver failure, convulsions, paralysis respiratory muscles.

Treatment is symptomatic. There is no specific antidote for metamizole. It is possible to carry out forced diuresis and hemodialysis; with the development of convulsive syndrome - intravenous administration of diazepam and fast-acting barbiturates.

Drug interactions

The simultaneous intake of alcohol and metamizole mutually affects their effects. When used together with cyclosporine, a decrease in the concentration of cyclosporine in the blood may occur. The simultaneous use of metamizole with other non-narcotic analgesics can lead to mutual enhancement of toxic effects.

Barbiturates, phenylbutazone and other inducers of microsomal liver enzymes weaken the effect of metamizole.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Storage conditions and periods

Store at temperatures between 8°C and 25°C, protected from light. Keep out of the reach of children! Shelf life - 4 years.

Baralgin: the whole truth

Let's talk about baralgin, a popular painkiller. It belongs to the category of analgesics, antispasmodics and antipyretics rolled into one. It has a fairly quickly onset effect for severe pain in smooth muscles, muscle cells, menstrual pain, colic (renal, intestinal, liver), spasms of cerebral and coronary vessels. We will look into how safe it is and what is included in it.

Baralgin: release form and composition

The drug Baralgin is produced in tablets and ampoules. Both forms have the same composition with slightly different proportions of metamizole sodium, pitofenone hydrochloride and fenpiverinium bromide.

Baralgin and alcohol

The chemical characteristics of Baralgin enhance the effect of this drug taken simultaneously with alcohol. The effect of alcohol is also enhanced. To avoid poisoning, abnormal intoxication, loss of consciousness and other undesirable consequences, avoid alcohol during treatment with Baralgin.

Baralgin and pregnancy

Baralgin contraindicated in the first and third trimesters. In the first, due to the fact that during this period the formation of internal organs occurs in the fetus and any drug can lead to their improper development. In the third - due to decreased immunity in a pregnant woman. Baralgin can suppress the body's already weak defenses. The second trimester has no contraindications, but Baralgin, like any other medicine during pregnancy, can only be prescribed by a supervising doctor.

Baralgin and injections

In cases where there is an urgent need to relieve pain, Baralgin injections are prescribed. In this case, accelerated relaxation of the smooth muscles of both internal organs and blood vessels occurs. Injections are prescribed mainly intramuscularly, and only under the supervision of a physician. Intravenously - only as a last resort, only in a medical facility and only in a lying position under the constant supervision of medical staff, since the drug must be administered very slowly (1 ml per 1 minute). If Baralgin enters the blood very quickly, it can lead to collapse - a life-threatening condition.

Is Baralgin dangerous?

Metamizole sodium, which is part of Baralgin, is an analgin familiar to us all, which is banned in 19 countries of the world, naturally, in the USA and European countries, as well as in some countries of South America, Africa, and Asia. In many countries, analgin is sold strictly by prescription. This is due to a side effect such as agranulocytosis - suppression of the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow. Only Eastern Europe (mainly the republics of the former USSR) gives people free access to this drug and others based on it. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to make independent decisions regarding the use of this drug.

Analgin, Baralgin instructions for use prices analogues, Analgin for children

Table of analogues and prices

Baralgin M (original Metamizole sodium) - official instructions by application (abstract)

Answers from the site author to typical requests from page visitors:

How are Baralgin and Analgin similar?

Which is better - Baralgin or Analgin

The main active ingredient is metamizole sodium. 1 tablet of Baralgin contains 500 mg of metamizole.

Auxiliary components: magnesium stearate, macrogol.

Until 2009, the drug Baralgin was registered in the country in tablets, which included 3 active ingredients - metamizole sodium, pitofenone, fenpiverinium bromide. Since 2009, the drug Baralgin M, containing only one active ingredient - metamizole sodium, has been registered and approved for sale through the pharmaceutical network.

pharmachologic effect

Pharmacodynamics. Metamizole belongs to the group of non-narcotic analgesics, pyrazolone derivatives. It is characterized by analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effects. The mechanism of action, due to inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins (participate in the development of pain and inflammation) is similar to the action of other non-narcotic analgesics.

Directions for use and dosage

Rules for taking Baralgin M for adolescents, starting from the age of 15 years and adults: a single dose ranges from 500 mg to 1 gram. The daily dosage should not exceed 2 grams. It should be divided into 3 doses. The solution can be used for both intravenous and intramuscular use.

In children from 3 months to one year, with a body weight of 5–9 kg, the administration of the drug Baralgin M is carried out strictly intramuscularly. The recommended dosage is from 50 to 100 mg per 10 kilograms of weight (approximately 0.1 - 0.2 ml of a 50% solution). This single dose can be used no more than 3 times within 24 hours.

It is important to warm the solution to body temperature before administering Baralgin M. Too rapid administration can provoke a state of shock. For intravenous administration, the rate should be no more than 1 ml per 1 minute strictly in the patient’s supine position. At the same time, breathing parameters, pulse and blood pressure are monitored. Particular caution is needed when administering the drug Baralgin M in a dose exceeding 2 ml. A sharp drop in blood pressure readings is possible.

The duration of therapy is prescribed by the treating doctor on an individual basis.

The most famous lumbar syndromes are lumbago and sciatica (lumbar sciatica).

Lumbago (lumbago; lat. lumbus lower back; synonym for lumbago) is an attack of sudden and sharp pain in the lumbar region, accompanied by tension in the back muscles. It usually occurs at the time of excessive physical activity or immediately after it, and is provoked by overheating and subsequent sudden cooling of the body. The nature of the pain is described by patients as tearing, pulsating, piercing, shooting. The person cannot move freely. The slightest attempt to move is accompanied by increased pain. As a rule, the patient spends the entire acute period in a forced position. The period of pain can last from several minutes to several days. Sometimes, with the “correct” movement, the patient has the feeling that “something has fallen into place” and the pain goes away as suddenly as it appeared.

Sciatica (Greek ischiás, from ischíon - pelvis, thigh, plural ischía - seat) is a disease of the roots of the lumbosacral spinal cord and, mainly, the sciatic nerve. This nerve is the largest in our body. It originates at five different levels of the spinal cord in the lumbar spine, the area that bears the brunt of the load. The sciatic nerve then travels down the leg, dividing into smaller nerves that go to the hip, knee, lower leg, ankle, foot and toes. Due to the large extent of the sciatic nerve and its close connection with many organs, diseases of the sciatic nerve are very common.

Individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

When using Baralgin during pregnancy, side effects may develop:

Side effects: severe irritability, complete! lack of libido and also varicose veins and stars began to appear even on my hands. And why then drink them? I drank for 4 months, finished the month and my husband now says “finally you’re back.” But my question is how much to drink duphaston from the 16th day of the cycle to which one? I just forgot. And I’m too lazy to go to the doctor because of a trifle. Can you answer me?

Natalya Solomina, I don’t even have anything to answer your question. I don’t know why you were injected with Baralgin during preparation. It is contraindicated during pregnancy.

The drug should not be administered together with other drugs in the same syringe. When used together with H1-histamine blockers, butyrophenones, phenothiazines, tricyclic antidepressants, amantadine and quinidine, it enhances their anticholinergic effect. Concomitant use with cyclosporine reduces the concentration of the latter in plasma.

special instructions

Drugs with anticholinergic effects can cause accommodation paresis. This must be taken into account when driving a car and when servicing machines. During treatment, it is necessary to control the content of leukocytes in the peripheral blood.

Storage conditions

If the daily dosage of Baralgin is exceeded, some symptoms may develop:

  • Kidney or liver failure
  • Respiratory dysfunction
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Headache

To treat such conditions, it is necessary to immediately stop taking the drug, induce vomiting, rinse the stomach and take sorbents. If necessary, use symptomatic remedies.

With long-term use of the drug, patients are advised to monitor the peripheral blood picture. If signs of agranulocytosis appear (chills, fever, sore throat, stomatitis, proctitis or vaginitis, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity, difficulty swallowing), you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult your doctor.

It is prohibited to use Baralgin to eliminate acute abdominal pain without identifying the cause.


A structural analogue of Baralgin is the drug Analgin.

Analgin and baralgin

Today the chief there is the Director of the Hematological Research Center Andrey Ivanovich Vorobiev, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor.

A very respected person in the medical world. So on their website they have useful articles written like Advice from Academician A.I. Vorobyova

- Well, wait, Andrei Ivanovich, well, the child has a high temperature, what should I do?

- Well, what does the diagnosis have to do with it, Andrei Ivanovich, the child has a high temperature, what should I do?

- Well, Andrei Ivanovich, I’m coming to you as a doctor, what does tea have to do with it?

- Okay, I'll listen.

This matter has been carefully studied, starting with simple organisms, with reptiles. As soon as a lizard gets sick, it crawls out into the sun and basks. She puts her flora in unfavorable conditions for her. You know that if you grow microbes on agar, but not at a temperature of 37º something, but at a temperature of 39-40º, nothing will grow there. The same thing happens at low temperatures, very low temperatures. This means that hyperthermia is a direct protective mechanism. In addition, this, of course, is chemistry - chemical reactions proceed better at higher temperatures, and this also accelerates antibody formation. In other words, at high temperatures the protection will be better. We once analyzed the results of an oversight by resuscitators who could not stand it and gave analgin for hyperthermia. Colossal mortality. Just awful. For us, analgin, as a deadly drug, is prohibited, it simply does not exist. Well, what to do? Nothing special, buy half a liter of vodka and wipe the patient down.

Rub like this.

And nothing. You can, alcoholic.

Well, Andrei Ivanovich, well, this is paramedicism.

I don’t know, I don’t think so, this is not paramedicism, this is external cooling. As soon as the temperature approaches 40º, some people show convulsive symptoms, especially children. This is not the case, there is no need to go beyond 40º. At 40º there may be a hyperthermic collapse, which means that the temperature needs to be lowered, but to 38-39º, but not lower. Now we turn on the diafiltration circuit, and with the help of the circuit we reduce the temperature, but not 36º.

The first word I tell a leukemia patient is not to sunbathe. Let me explain – it’s not temperature, but ultraviolet radiation. You can go to the sauna, but do not sunbathe. Secondly, if you are under treatment with me, any rise in temperature should only be addressed to us. Never take antipyretics.

Healers and healers are murderers who, as a rule, know that they are murderers, but pretend that they do not know, that they do not know. They are, at best, mistaken. But very often, under their “magical” influence, patients feel better. We have a very strict division of concepts – well-being and condition. The condition can be hopelessly bad, but the state of health can be good. But we, doctors, are focused on the condition, which we control using a large number of absolutely objective indicators. And, if we are treating a tumor in Moscow, then we know that if the patient moves to Cologne, he will be treated the same way, if he goes to New York and sees a professional, he will be treated the same way there. True, if he comes to New York, thinking that everything is fine in America, then he may end up with a witch doctor, a healer, a doctor, well, from our melancholy point of view, a robber and a criminal.

Let these magicians and healers try their hand at treating cars; if a car is damaged, let them move their hands and heal it. They don’t take it, but a car is much simpler than a person. Why don't they take it? They tell how saucers fly, how engines stop under the influence of flying saucers. They lie left and right. Now, let them deal with these issues. And, medicine is a high and complex professionalism. At the same time, I emphasize that we live in the 21st century, this is the century of molecular understanding of the disease. We know the human genome, we know which gene is on which chromosome, what it is responsible for, and if it is damaged, then what kind of disease will occur. How can you treat without knowing any of this? Only a rogue can do this. An absolute crook. And the scum who encourage him to do this and collect tribute from him. Nowadays, criminality is in fashion; in our country it has been elevated to the rank of business. This is not what a cultural country needs.

Educated people never trust healers. It’s difficult for us with education. They say that education hinders the development of the country, we need to lower the level of education. Fools are easier to control. But this is a different topic.

Baralgin M - instructions for use, analogs, reviews and release forms (tablets 500 mg, injections in ampoules for injection) anesthetic medicine for the treatment of headaches and toothaches, colic and menstruation in adults, children and pregnancy. Compound

In this article you can read the instructions for use of the drug Baralgin M. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Baralgin M in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Analogues of Baralgin M in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of headaches and toothaches, colic and menstruation in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Composition of the drug.

Baralgin M - refers to non-narcotic drugs, pyrazolone derivatives. It has an analgesic, antipyretic and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

The mechanism of action is practically no different from other non-steroidal analgesic drugs.

Metamizole sodium + excipients.

Metamizole is well and quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. After oral administration, metamizole is completely metabolized to form active 4-N-methylaminoantipyrine. Association of the active metabolite with blood plasma proteins%. Mainly excreted by the kidneys. In therapeutic doses it passes into breast milk.

  • pain syndrome of weak and moderate intensity (headache and toothache, neuralgia, pain due to radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis, menalgia)
  • spasms of smooth muscles (renal colic, biliary colic, intestinal colic)
  • febrile conditions in infectious and inflammatory diseases (as part of combination therapy).

Tablets 500 mg.

Solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration (injections in injection ampoules).

Instructions for use and dosage

A single dose for adults and adolescents over 15 years of age is 500 mg (1 tablet). The maximum single dose can reach 1000 mg (2 tablets). Unless otherwise prescribed, a single dose may be taken up to 2-3 times daily. Maximum daily dose of mg (6 tablets).

The duration of administration is no more than 5 days when prescribed as an analgesic and no more than 3 days when prescribed as an antipyretic.

The tablets should be taken with plenty of water. Increasing the daily dose of the drug or the duration of treatment is possible only under the supervision of a physician.

Adults and adolescents 15 years of age and older: 1-2 ml of 50% (500 mg/1 ml) Baralgin M solution (intramuscular or intravenous) is recommended as a single dose; the daily dose can be up to 4 ml of injection solution (no more than 2 g), divided into 2-3 doses. The maximum single dose can be 1 g (2 ml of 50% solution).

Children and newborns: Baralgin M should not be taken by newborns under the age of 3 months or with a body weight of less than 5 kg.

For children, Baralgin M is prescribed per 10 kg of body weight (0.1-0.2 ml of 50% solution).

A single dose can be prescribed up to 2-3 times a day. Before administration, it is recommended to warm the solution to body temperature.

For children aged 3-12 months, administration is carried out only intramuscularly (child's body weight from 5 to 9 kg).

If the drug is administered too quickly, a critical drop in blood pressure and shock may occur. IV administration should be carried out slowly (the injection rate is no more than 1 ml (500 mg of metamizole) per minute) in a supine position, while monitoring blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate.

Since there is concern that the fall in blood pressure of non-allergic origin is dose-dependent, an amount of Baralgin M solution of more than 2 ml (1 g) should be administered with extreme caution.

  • urticaria, including on the conjunctiva and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • malignant exudative erythema (Stevens-Johnson syndrome);
  • toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome);
  • bronchospastic syndrome;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • leukopenia, rarely agranulocytosis and thrombocytopenia of immune origin;
  • renal dysfunction;
  • oliguria;
  • anuria;
  • very rarely the development of acute interstitial nephritis;
  • staining urine red (due to the release of a metabolite - rubazonic acid);
  • with intramuscular injection, infiltrates are possible at the injection site;
  • possible decrease in blood pressure;
  • heart rhythm disturbance.
  • hepatic porphyria;
  • congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy;
  • bronchial asthma (including induced by taking acetylsalicylic acid, salicylates or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • diseases accompanied by bronchospasm;
  • development of anaphylactoid reactions (urticaria, rhinitis, edema) in response to salicylates, paracetamol, diclofenac, ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen;
  • severe dysfunction of the liver and kidneys;
  • severe hematopoietic disorders (agranulocytosis, cytoplastic and infectious neutropenia);
  • contraindicated in newborns under 3 months of age or with a body weight of less than 5 kg;
  • hypersensitivity to metamizole, the active substance, as well as other components of the drug, or other pyrazolones (isopropylaminophenazole, propyphenazone, phenazone or phenylbutazone).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

During the 1st and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, Baralgin M should not be taken. From the fourth to sixth months of pregnancy, Baralgin M should be taken according to strict medical indications.

After taking Baralgin M, breastfeeding should be stopped for 48 hours.

Baralgin M should not be taken by newborn children under 3 months of age or with a body weight of less than 5 kg.

For children, Baralgin M is prescribed per 10 kg of body weight (0.1-0.2 ml of 50% solution).

A single dose can be prescribed up to 2-3 times a day. Before administration, it is recommended to warm the solution to body temperature.

For children aged 3-12 months, administration is carried out only intramuscularly (child's body weight from 5 to 9 kg). In infants aged 3 to 12 months, the intravenous route is contraindicated.

When treating patients receiving cytostatic drugs, Baralgin should be taken only under the supervision of a physician.

During pregnancy, especially in the first 3 months and last 3 months, no non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs should be used.

There is an increased risk of developing hypersensitivity reactions to metamizole sodium:

  • in patients with bronchial asthma, especially with concomitant polyps in
  • sinus areas;
  • in patients with chronic urticaria;
  • in patients with alcohol intolerance;
  • in patients with intolerance to dyes (for example, tartrazine) or to preservatives (for example, benzoate).

With long-term use, it is necessary to monitor the peripheral blood picture. While taking metamizole sodium, agranulocytosis may develop, and therefore, if an unmotivated rise in temperature, chills, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, stomatitis, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the oral cavity, vaginitis or proctitis is detected, immediate discontinuation of the drug is necessary.

It is unacceptable to use the drug to relieve acute abdominal pain (until the cause is determined).

In patients with impaired liver and kidney function, it is recommended to avoid taking metamizole sodium in high dosages.

For intramuscular administration, it is necessary to use a long needle.

The simultaneous intake of alcohol and Baralgin mutually affects their effects. When used together with cyclosporine, a decrease in the concentration of cyclosporine in the blood may occur. The simultaneous use of metamizole with other non-narcotic analgesics can lead to mutual enhancement of toxic effects.

Tricyclic antidepressants, oral contraceptives, and allopurinol disrupt the metabolism of metamizole in the liver and increase its toxicity.

Barbiturates, phenylbutazone and other inducers of microsomal liver enzymes weaken the effect of Baralgin.

Sedatives and tranquilizers enhance the analgesic effect of the drug. Concomitant use with chlorpromazine or other phenothiazine derivatives can lead to the development of severe hyperthermia.

Radiocontrast agents, colloidal blood substitutes and penicillin should not be used during treatment with metamizole.

Metamizole, displacing oral hypoglycemic drugs, indirect anticoagulants, glucocorticosteroids and indomethacin from protein binding, increases their activity.

Myelotoxic drugs enhance the hematotoxicity of the drug. Thiamazole and sarcolysine increase the risk of developing leukopenia. The effect is enhanced by codeine, histamine H2 blockers and propranolol.

Due to the high probability of pharmaceutical incompatibility, metamizole should not be mixed with other drugs in the same syringe.

Analogues of the drug Baralgin

Structural analogues of the active substance:

Analogs for therapeutic effect (drugs for relieving renal colic).

A classic pain reliever that can be found in every first aid kit is Analgin. Despite the fact that its use has been banned in many countries, domestic specialists continue to practice its use. Before use, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications and side effects that Analgin can cause. Analogues have a similar therapeutic effect and at the same time are safer for the body. It should be remembered that such drugs can only bring temporary relief and do not affect the cause of the pain syndrome.

"Analgin": description of the drug

Many people are familiar with the unpleasant feeling of a headache or toothache, which they want to get rid of as soon as possible. Most often, analgin is used for these purposes. Injections, suppositories and tablets of metamizole sodium - the main active ingredient - can eliminate even pronounced pain.

"Analgin" is a powerful non-narcotic painkiller of synthetic origin. It is quickly absorbed into the general bloodstream. The analgesic effect is achieved by obstructing the conduction of pain impulses.

The active substance provides antipyretic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It can also be found in other medications. The drug can be purchased in the form of tablets (0.5 g) and injection solution (25 and 50%). "Analgin-Akos" is produced and contains the same active ingredient.

"Analgin": indications for use

Metamizole sodium is extremely popular in medical practice. The therapeutic effect of the drug is based on the suppression of pain without affecting the mental state. For inflammatory processes, it is also advisable to take Analgin. The injections act somewhat faster than the tablet form.

According to the instructions, an analgesic can be prescribed for the following pathological conditions:

  • severe toothache or headache;
  • migraine;
  • pancreatitis in the acute stage;
  • fever;
  • colic (intestinal, renal, hepatic);
  • injuries, damage, bruises;
  • menstrual pain;
  • postoperative pain;
  • neuralgia;
  • acute respiratory infections.

To quickly reduce high body temperature in medical practice, the triad is used: analgin, papaverine and diphenhydramine. The main component is analgin, which provides relief from pain and fever. To avoid the development of an allergic reaction, diphenhydramine is additionally used. Papaverine, in turn, relieves spasms and dilates blood vessels, thereby enhancing the effect of metamizole sodium. The dosage is calculated depending on the age of the patient.

Contraindications and side effects

Experts in foreign countries have abandoned the use of drugs such as Analgin. Analogs, unlike the original product, have much fewer side effects. During the research, it was found that the use of Analgin can provoke the development of a severe immune disease - agranulocytosis. In addition, the drug often causes an allergic reaction in the form of urticaria, itching of the skin, bronchospastic syndrome, and anaphylactic shock.

In case of intolerance to the components in the composition, pregnancy, liver and kidney failure, anemia, leukopenia, hematopoietic disorders, Analgin is not prescribed.

Analogues of the drug

Drug substitutes can be prescribed if the patient has contraindications to taking Analgin, or against the background of the development of side effects. The following drugs are considered no less effective:

  1. "Baralgin-M".
  2. "Spazmalgon."
  3. "Tempalgin".
  4. "Pentalgin".

The listed medications contain metamizole sodium, but do not cause such severe side effects.

Patients are often prescribed aspirin to relieve symptoms of fever. "Analgin" has no less pronounced antipyretic properties and can cope with fever in both children and adult patients. However, it is used with caution.

The drug "Spazmalgon"

Currently, pharmaceutical companies offer a huge number of drugs that can relieve a person of various types of pain. Many people consider Spazmalgon one of the effective remedies. This is a popular and effective substitute for analgin. The active ingredients are metamizole sodium (500 mg), pitophenol (5 mg) and (100 mcg). The dosage of active substances may differ depending on the form of the drug (injection solution or tablets).

Metamizole has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. In case of severe pain, pitophenol will help relieve vasospasm. The third component, fenpiverinium bromide, blocks pain impulses and relaxes smooth muscles.

With severe pain, many patients prefer to take Analgin. At the same time, the indications for prescribing Spazmalgon are practically the same. Tablets and injections will be no less effective for various types of pain, infectious and inflammatory processes accompanied by high body temperature.

When is it forbidden to take Spazmalgon?

Contraindications include hypersensitivity to pyrazolone derivatives, heart failure, tachycardia, renal or liver failure, pregnancy and lactation. The drug is not prescribed to reduce fever in children under 6 years of age.

Overdose symptoms

Doctors warn about the need to control the doses of drugs based on metamizole. Regularly taking an increased dosage can lead to serious consequences.

In case of an overdose, increased heart rate, nausea, and bouts of vomiting are observed. The patient develops tinnitus and anuria. With long-term treatment with Analgin and its analogues, the composition of the blood may change - the number of white blood cells will decrease. This leads to the development of agranulocytosis.

"Baralgin" - what kind of remedy?

The drug "Baralgin-M" is considered a fairly strong analgesic. The medicine can cope even with severe pain. The non-narcotic painkiller contains metamizole sodium (active ingredient), macrogol and magnesium stearate.

The drug is available in the form of injections and tablets. The latter are the most popular among patients. It is possible to relieve pain within 15-20 minutes after taking the medication. Analgin has the same rapid therapeutic effect. Analogs based on metamizole sodium do an excellent job of treating toothache and even migraines.

The dosage of the medicine will depend on the severity of the pain syndrome and the age of the patient. The minimum dose for adult patients and children over 15 years of age is 1 tablet (500 mg). Adults can take no more than 3000 mg per day. The drug can be used in the treatment of neuralgia, myalgia, sciatica, and after surgery.

Features of application

People with liver or kidney problems should take the drug with caution. Patients with a history of bronchial asthma may develop hypersensitivity to the active component while taking Baralgin-M.

During long-term treatment with the drug, the patient is prescribed a blood test to prevent the development of agranulocytosis. It is forbidden to take a drug based on metamizole if a person uses oral contraceptives or antidepressants. Baralgin is incompatible with penicillins and phenothiazine derivatives.


Another effective drug based on metamizole sodium is produced, which is often used to replace Analgin - the drug Tempalgin. An additional active component in the composition is triacetamine, which can prolong the therapeutic effect of metamizole. In addition to a pronounced analgesic and antipyretic effect, the drug also has a weak sedative effect.

Analgin substitute can be used for mild to moderate pain. It should be borne in mind that if the pain is severe, the medicine will not provide relief. Therefore, Tempalgin and similar medications should be prescribed by a doctor depending on the type of illness.

Analgesic-antipyretic is not prescribed to children under 14 years of age and pregnant women. If treatment with Tempalgin is necessary during breastfeeding, lactation should be temporarily stopped. After completing the course of therapy, it is resumed, but not earlier than 48 hours later.


A nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug from the group of pyrazolone derivatives is the drug Optalgin. The drug is produced by the French pharmaceutical company Teva. You can purchase the medicine in the form of tablets, drops for oral use and injection solution.

"Optalgin", according to the instructions, can be taken for moderate and severe headaches. The remedy is also effective for acute toothache and algodismenorrhea. Indications for use are also fever caused by an infectious-inflammatory process or insect bites.

In pediatric practice, Optalgin is used to relieve fever in children older than three months. The dosage is calculated depending on the age and severity of the patient's condition.