B vitamins in tablets. The best vitamin complexes

Making sure that not everyone is the best vitamin complexes are equally useful, I will tell you how to choose the right vitamins and which ones are really the best based on the results of testing, and which ones failed all hopes.

In previous articles, I wrote the beginning, which is based on multivitamins and three main supplements. The vitamin complex is the foundation from which any health support program begins!

Who needs to take vitamins and why?

If you live in ideal environmental conditions, breathe the freshest alpine air, adhere to good balanced diet(vegetables, fruits, grains, protein and dairy products), grow vegetables in soil rich in microelements, do not have health problems and are not pregnant, then you don’t have to take vitamin complexes!

In other cases, you can help the body replenish the required level of vitamins and minerals.

Absolutely all doctors agree with this, and even my favorite doctor, surgeon and chiropractor, osteopath with 15 years of experience all year round takes vitamin complexes and other supplements (and also orders them from iHerb!), so during the sessions we always have a topic of conversation))

Most experts and even skeptics believe that daily intake vitamin in adequate dosages is safe and in some cases may even slightly reduce some types of cancer in people of both sexes. In women, it may also reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases, and in men, reduce the risk of developing cataracts.

In one of latest posts I just wrote about multivitamins that in complexes most often does not exceed acceptable dosage limits (except for vitamin A), which means only one thing: manufacturers do not want to poison us and produce modern vitamins according to new standards in the world, and not with outdated minimums, the purpose of which is to prevent the development of scurvy and serious diseases.

But even here there are certain nuances and it never hurts to check the label of the vitamin complex with the table of permissible dosages! Especially when checking vitamin A! It is this substance that is considered toxic in high dosages, affecting the liver and making bones fragile.

Which vitamin complex is better?

The Internet constantly asks the same question: which vitamin complex is better, which vitamins are the best? In fact, it would be great to establish a single form of vitamins and produce only that, but the problem is that There is no standard formulation of the vitamin complex!

This is simply impossible to do, because our body’s needs for nutrients depend on age, gender, health status and several other factors!

Also, vitamin complexes differ significantly in terms of quality. A large number of ingredients in the complexes increases the risks that the quality of some can be missed, or to reduce the cost of the vitamin, take other raw materials (Chinese), the quality of which changes all the time.

There is also the problem with multivitamins that the amount of ingredients listed on the label may be different from the amount of ingredients already in the jar. The second problem is that, like many vitamins and herbal ingredients, multicomplexes carry the risk that the raw materials may be contaminated with lead and other toxins.

Naturally, at home we cannot track these things in any way, so we can only rely on the reputation of the manufacturer, the cost of vitamins (the quality of the raw materials depends on it) and independent testing organizations, which all manufacturers are afraid of))

How to choose the right vitamins?

And let's move on to the most important thing! What to look for when choosing the best quality vitamin complex! I wrote brief instructions(remember, we wrote in computer classes at school?) in just 2 steps:

  • View vitamin complexes that have already been tested and found to be the best. I have listed them below. All, You can't go anywhere any further and without a doubt buy these.
  • But only one vitamin complex from each manufacturer was tested (due to lack of finances), so if suddenly these are not available, then we take another from the same list or this brand as a replacement, but look at the label and check the dosage of vitamin A!

The thing is that not a single US agency regularly checks supplements and vitamins for their content and quality. And if even in the USA there is such a problem, what can we say about Russia, when tons of Chinese raw materials are purchased and multivitamins are produced from pure synthetics and dyes?

As part of the review program, of the 42 leading vitamin supplements sold in the United States and Canada, 16 were not tested. And this is almost 38% of the total number of leading vitamins!

Why the vitamins were not tested in the laboratory:

  • Luckily there was no lead contamination; it was only found in one vitamin complex for dogs.
  • Some vitamins contained less active substance than what was indicated on the label (and some, on the contrary, are several times more!)
  • Many vitamin complexes exceeded the permissible permitted dosages of vitamins, especially vitamin A, niacin, magnesium and zinc.
  • Some vitamins in tablets did not pass the test - they were so highly compressed that they did not have time to dissolve in the stomach in the allotted time, which means they passed by and were not absorbed.

Based on laboratory test results I wrote only the best vitamin complexes that have been verified! You can safely buy them without fear of exceeding the dosage or poor absorption. I will write about children's complexes in a separate article.

The best vitamin complexes for adults

  • Vitamins Carlson Labs, Super 2 Daily, Vitamins & Minerals, Iron-Free
  • Multivitamin complex Life Extension, Two-Per-Day Capsules, 120 Capsules
  • The famous Solgar complex Solgar, Formula V, VM-75, Multiple Vitamins with Chelated Minerals

The best vitamin complexes for diabetes

  • Abkit, Alpha Betic, Multivitamin, Plus Extended Energy, 30 Tablets

The best liquid vitamin complexes

  • Liquid multivitamins Trace Minerals Research, Liquid Multi, Vitamin-Mineral, Orange Mango
  • Liquid vitamins without sugar Wellesse Premium Liquid Supplements, Multi Vitamin+, Sugar Free, Natural Citrus Flavor

The best vitamins for women

  • Vitamins for women Nature's Way, Alive! Once Daily Women's Ultra Potency Multi-Vitamin
  • The most affordable vitamins for women Natrol® My Favorite Multiple For Women Multivitamin
  • Complex for women with vitamins, probiotics and enzymes Garden of Life, Vitamin Code, Women, 120 Veggie Caps
  • Complex formulated for women's immunity, radiant skin, heart and joints One-A-Day, Women's Formula, Multivitamin/Multimineral Supplement

The best vitamin complexes for pregnant women

  • Multivitamin complex for pregnant women Nature Made, Prenatal Multi + DHA, 90 Softgels

Vitamin complexes that have not passed laboratory tests

As it turned out, as a result of laboratory tests the dosage of some elements was different than stated on the label. If the dosage of individual vitamins is reduced by 5-10%, this is not the most a big problem, But…

All complexes in the laboratory were tested only for compliance with 3 main components due to lack of funding (folic acid, calcium and vitamin A). And if even one of the three components does not correspond to the label, this says a lot!

Vitamins that have not been tested

1. Centrum® Multivitamin/Multimineral Flavor Burst - the popular Centrum complex contains an excess of vitamin A by as much as 248%. They are not approved for use.

2. Source Naturals Mega-One - Exceeds the permissible dosage of vitamin A, only 15% of the vitamin A complex stated on the label is detected. They are not approved for use.

3. MegaFood Women - the tablets are too compressed or coated with a strong film that they do not have time to disintegrate within the required 30 minutes, which affects their absorption. They are not approved for use.

4. Country Life® Maxi-Sorb Max™ for Men- This complex exceeds the level of vitamin A, but only contains 27% of the vitamin A stated on the label. They are not approved for use.

To sum it up, these are proven supplements, they are consistent in dosage and completely dissolve in 30 minutes to be as beneficial as possible!

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One of the most effective medications that replenish the supply of vitamins A and E in the human body is Aevit. Indications for use this drug aimed primarily at people in need of increased quantity of the above vitamins, because their deficiency often accompanies various diseases.

Aevita contains vitamins A and E in a dosage significantly higher than prophylactic doses. Therefore this medicinal product should only be taken in consultation with a qualified healthcare professional. It is well known that any overdose of vitamins leads to serious negative consequences, sometimes even more dangerous than their lack in the human body. In particular, an overdose of vitamin A (retinol) can lead to chronic intoxication, the main manifestation of which is serious dysfunction of the liver.

Therefore, Aevit, the indications for use of which are designed to overcome vitamin deficiency, is not a preventive, but a therapeutic agent. Sufficient quantity Vitamins A and E are extremely important for the human body. Vitamin A takes part in the formation of visual pigments. This vitamin effectively ensures the adaptation of the human eye to light varying intensity, directly affects human growth and normal condition skin, nails, hair. , which is called the vitamin of “youth and beauty,” reliably protects unsaturated lipids from free radicals cell membranes. This is extremely important for maintaining human health, because after redox reactions, unsaturated lipids are the target of free radicals that destroy various cells of the human body.

Vitamins A and E are fat soluble. If there is a vitamin deficiency, doctors often prescribe Aevit. The use of this drug is justified - vitamins A and E perfectly complement each other, which is especially valuable. A significant deficiency of vitamin A in the human body first manifests itself in impaired adaptation of vision to low ambient light. Then other signs of eye damage appear. In the future, a lack of vitamin A is characterized by increased keratinization of the skin and mucous membranes in the mouth, esophagus, lower sections respiratory tract. Aevit is used to restore immunity, increases the ability of mucous membranes to resist infectious lesions.

In turn, a lack of vitamin E in some cases is manifested by diseases of the retina, destruction of red blood cells ( hemolytic anemia), significant violation muscle contractions. This occurs due to impaired absorption of fat-soluble vitamin E by the gastrointestinal tract, or due to its insufficient intake from food. Malabsorption is usually characterized by complete absence or a severe deficiency of certain digestive enzymes. For example, such pathologies include celiac disease or malabsorption. Similar condition develops after some ulcerative lesions of the intestine.

Aevit is indicated in the treatment of psoriasis, retinitis pigmentosa, impaired tissue trophism, atrophy optic nerve, copes well with the assigned tasks. This drug is sold in the form of capsules, which are recommended to be taken orally, one capsule daily, regardless of the time of meal. The course of treatment is approximately 20 – 40 days. In some cases, a medical specialist who has decided to prescribe Aevita as a treatment recommends repeating the course of taking the drug twice a year. In this case, the individual need for Aevit is determined by the doctor, who prescribes the use of this medication in each individual case, after examining the patient.

It should be noted once again that Aevit is not multivitamin complex, it is a drug with a wide range of effects. Therefore, it is not advisable to prescribe it yourself; only a medical examination will confirm the need for its use. Take care of yourself!

There are a great many products on the packaging that say “vitamin E” on iherb. Some of them cost mere pennies, while for others you will have to pay a tidy sum. How to make the most the best choice for your health and wallet? How not to run into synthetic vitamin E and not overpay for the brand? How is Now Foods different from Solgar? I talk about all this in this article. If you want to become a vitamin E expert, welcome!

What is vitamin E?

Vitamins of group E perform the function of antioxidants in the body, protecting cells from damage by free radicals.

Let's start with a small educational program and consider what substances belong to vitamins of group E. I have prepared this small diagram for you to make everything clear.

Here it is important for us to understand that vitamin E is not a lonely “homeless” molecule, but a whole group of natural compounds, the most important of which are tocopherols and tocotrienols. Both of them have 4 isomers - alpha, beta, delta and gamma.

Forms of Vitamin E

Alpha tocopherol

Today in medical circles the only active form tocopherol, which is designed to meet human needs, is recognized alpha (or α-) tocopherol. In various sources, vitamin E most often means alpha-tocopherol.

The problem is that for a long time scientists did not study vitamin E at all, their goal was only to study alpha-tocopherol, one of the components of vitamin E. For example, a sensational 2005 study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine that challenged the use of the vitamin E, reported a small increase in the risk of death in association with vitamin E. This development, like many others, looked at only one component, alpha-tocopherol.

Numerous dietary supplements called “Vitamin E” produced by commercial companies turn out to be just alpha-tocopherol. More preferred forms of vitamin E will be discussed later in this article.

Many vitamin-mineral complexes contain only alpha-tocopherol in vitamin E, and only some contain all 4 tocopherol isomers. Tocotrienols are practically not found in vitamin-mineral complexes.

In the USA, only an organization called FNB (Food and Nutrition Board), which is part of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy, can officially recommend to mere mortals how much vitamin E they need to take to meet our needs for it. It is the strict uncles and aunts in white coats from FNB who install such a thing as RDA. Even the DV (Daily Value) standards developed by the FDA are closer to the RDA values.


  • 1 – 3 years: 6 mg/day (9 IU)
  • 4 – 8 years: 7 mg/day (10.4 IU)
  • 9 – 13 years: 11 mg/day (16.4 IU)


  • Pregnant: 15 mg/day (22.4 IU)
  • Nursing: 19 mg/day (28.5 IU)


  • 14 years and older: 15 mg/day (22.4 IU)

How did they calculate the RDA for vitamin E? Based on the level of alpha-tocopherol in the blood serum, which was sufficient to protect red blood cells from damage by hydrogen peroxide (free radical).

All daily recommended dosages of vitamin E are calculated specifically for alpha-tocopherol. The existence of other forms of vitamin E seems to be ignored by both the FDA and the Institute of Medicine. How much and what kind of vitamin E do we really need? More on all this further and in order.

How to distinguish natural alpha-tocopherol from synthetic one?

Natural alpha tocopherol derived from natural sources, is usually displayed on food labels as " d-alpha-tocopherol". Synthetic (laboratory-produced) alpha-tocopherol is designated as " dl-alpha-tocopherol". In general, the prefix “DL” or “dl” in the name of the active substance should suggest a synthetic form. The natural form of alpha-tocopherol is more bioavailable. For example, 100 IU of natural vitamin E corresponds to about 150 IU in synthetic form.

D-alpha tocopheryl acetate And d-alpha tocopheryl succinate are also considered natural forms of alpha-tocopherol that have undergone an esterification process to preserve the antioxidant properties of vitamin E (in order to produce vitamin E in dry form: tablets, powder). D-alpha tocopheryl succinate is most often found in vitamin-mineral complexes.

Gamma tocopherol

While alpha-tocopherol rested on its laurels and was highly regarded for its antioxidant properties, its little-known cousin, gamma-tocopherol, remained underappreciated, although it was equal, if not superior, to alpha-tocopherol in its properties. Present in nuts, seeds and vegetable oils, gamma tocopherol makes up 70% of all vitamin E in the North American diet.

In April 2006, Life Extension Magazine published an article entitled "Why is gamma tocopherol preferable to alpha tocopherol?" which raised the issue that gamma tocopherol should be included in the dietary guidelines set by the US Food and Nutrition Board.


Tocotrienols are the least studied half of the entire vitamin E group. Tocotrienols are structurally different from tocopherols and have important biological functions that tocopherols do not have.

Tocotrienols are considered more effective antioxidants than tocopherols, since due to the presence of a double bond, tocotrienols penetrate much more effectively into the saturated fatty layers of the brain and liver.

The richest sources of tocotrienols are annatto (sweetwood), red palm oil and wheat germ.

Natural vegetable oils

Natural unrefined oils- this is the best and most delicious source of natural vitamin E. Which oils do I prefer?

Nutiva Red Palm Oil is an aromatic unrefined palm oil of bright orange color, rich in natural antioxidants - beta-carotene, tocotrienols and tocopherols. In a cool room it hardens, if the room is hot it becomes liquid. The manufacturer suggests using it for soups, sauces and stews. But I prefer to add it to porridge instead of creamy, spread it on apple or pear slices, or just eat it out of the jar with a spoon.

Wheat Germ Oil from Now Foods- natural fragrance oil, not deodorized or hydrogenated. Each tablespoon of NOW Wheatgerm Oil can contain over 1,000 mcg of naturally occurring octacosanol. Octaconazole is considered one of the most best sources vitamin E. This oil is very tasty - it’s nice to take it just like that or season a salad with it.

Vitamin E supplements on iherb

Vitamin E products on iherb can contain either one isomer (alpha-tocopherol only) or all eight. To find out which of the 8 isomers are included in the product, you need to look at the Supplement Facts table.

Let's look at and analyze together several products that contain a complete vitamin E complex.

A complete vitamin E complex containing all 8 isomers, including 35g of tocotrienols per serving, coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid and vitamin C. Price - $11 for 30 servings/400IU vitamin E per serving. This is the most affordable and most tocotrienol-rich complex on iHerb.

Olympian Labs Inc., Tocomin Tocotrienol Vitamin E Complete, 60 Softgels - also a complete vitamin E complex, but already contains 20 mg of tocotrienols per serving. Price - $30 for 60 servings/200IU alpha tocopherol per serving.

A lot of worries often fall on fragile women's shoulders. Keep it beautiful appearance, youth and health are very difficult. Vitamin complexes will help maintain the body's immunity and strength. Do you know which drugs to choose? Below is a review of the best women's multivitamins.

Which multivitamins are best?

Unlike a man, a woman undergoes more throughout her life hormonal changes which affects her health. In addition, there are many factors that aggravate the situation: poor nutrition, fast pace of life, lack of sleep or stress. All this leads to vitamin deficiency - deterioration of the condition of hair, nails, skin, and general fatigue of the body. To avoid such symptoms, women are advised to combine a balanced diet with taking multivitamins. When choosing the best ones, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Quality of the vitamin complex. The top drugs include those that are marked with the international GMP standard - it confirms that the drug has passed serious tests, therefore has the specified high efficiency.
  2. Cost of multivitamins. Pharmaceutical companies companies with a good reputation do not produce cheap drugs, because high-quality drugs require corresponding costs.
  3. Composition of the drug. Multivitamins should contain most of the essential microelements, such as magnesium, zinc, calcium, selenium, and iron.

Vitamins Alphabet

Among multivitamins for women, a popular brand is Alphabet Cosmetic. The emphasis of this drug is on improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair. The composition includes vitamins of almost all groups: A, B, C, D, E, H and K, as well as minerals: coenzyme Q10, magnesium, zinc, iodine, iron, calcium, copper, selenium, silicon, inulin. Another component is extracts medicinal herbs such as nettle, chamomile, aloe, horsetail, birch leaves. Multivitamins Alphabet include 3 capsules different colors. According to the instructions, they should be taken daily with a break of 4-5 hours.

Duovit for women

Another popular vitamin complex for women is Duovit. It is useful because it includes groups of substances A, B, C, E in an amount that is slightly less daily value, thanks to which the drug perfectly complements the main diet and eliminates shortages. Duovit's packaging includes blue and red dragees. They are consumed immediately after breakfast, 1 pc. In addition to saturation with vitamins, Duovit helps to normalize physical and emotional state at times of high stress on the body, so it is prescribed for:

  • sports training or recreation;
  • stress, strict diets;
  • unbalanced diet.

Vitamins Lady's formula

The following multivitamins for women are of American origin. Their name sounds like Lady's formula or Lady's formula. This complex was developed by the Pharmamed company. It is intended for girls who have problems with skin, hair or nails. The formula of the drug is enhanced, because it includes vitamins of almost all groups, as well as amino acids and minerals such as manganese, copper, selenium, zinc, magnesium, iron and phosphorus.The role of the strongest antioxidants in the complex is played by vitamins A, E and D, silicon with gelatin.

Complement for women

These vitamins are represented by a whole series of preparations. Some are intended for people over 45 years old, others for pregnant women, and others are universal in use. average price These multivitamins for women in the pharmacy are 300 rubles. Favorable difference inexpensive drug consists of a composition that, depending on the purpose of the product, includes different microelements. In addition, Complivit is recommended by many doctors as a complex that helps improve overall well-being, give vitality, and saturate hair, nails and skin with vitamins.

What vitamins to take in spring

In the spring, the body is weakened, because over the winter it has used up the reserves of nutrients that were accumulated over the summer and early autumn. The lack of vitamins cannot be completely compensated by food, so you have to take special complexes. In general, in spring the body requires vitamins:

  • group A - help eliminate symptoms such as pallor, dryness with flaking of the skin;
  • group B – improves psychophysical condition, protein metabolism, replenish the lack of oxygen in tissues;
  • group C – vitamins for immunity, reducing the risk of catching a cold;
  • group D – necessary for bones, hair, nails.

It is better to prefer in spring natural vitamins, which are found in vegetables or fruits. They need to be included in your daily diet. The listed groups of vitamins include all citrus fruits and freshly squeezed juices from them, green onions, raisins, honey, beets, nuts, carrots, dried apricots, apples, seafood, fish. Among the multivitamins for women that can be taken are Duovit, Kvadevit, Multitabs Intensive, and Alphabet during the cold season. Multivitamin preparations Alphabet Mom's Health, Pregnavit, Vitrum Prenatal, Perinatal are suitable for pregnant women.

Vitamins for skin, nails and hair

The list of general strengthening vitamins that are necessary for hair, skin and nails includes the following:

  • C – increases skin elasticity, promotes collagen synthesis;
  • A – protects the skin from external influences, fights peeling and dryness;
  • B2 – ensures cell respiration;
  • B7 – accelerates tissue regeneration, promotes nail and hair growth;
  • RR – provides required amount oxygen for hair and nails;
  • D – ensures normal absorption of calcium;
  • F – stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Vitamin and mineral complex for women

Experts have created a classification of multivitamins depending on the age of the woman, because at each period of life the body needs different nutrients. In addition, before 30 years of age, they are required less than after 30, 40 and 50. You can compensate for the lack of certain vitamins with the help balanced nutrition in combination with taking special complexes developed by pharmacological companies.

After 30

Women after 30 years of age are in their prime, but the body already requires support and some protection in order for beauty and health to remain. long time. It is recommended to include more calcium and vitamin D in your diet, which will prevent the development of osteoporosis in the future. Mood swings will smooth out fish fat. Vitamin A will slow down skin aging. Multivitamins for women such as Vitrum Elite, Doppelgerz omega 3 active, Alpha d3 Teva, Selmevit, Alvitil will cope with these functions. The Swiss drug Supradin and the German Orthomol are especially trusted.

After 40

Women over the age of 40 undergo more significant changes associated with a decrease in the amount of sex hormones and the onset of menopause. To support the body, it is recommended to take vitamins A, C and B12, which strengthen nails, hair and bones, maintain skin elasticity, prevent the development of obesity, improve memory and reduce stress disorders. During this period, the following multivitamins are recommended for women: Doppelgerz active ActiveLife, Menopace, Gynecol tablets, Feminal, Vitrum Beauty Elite, Inoclim or Fito 40.

After 50 years

One of the most difficult periods in a woman’s life is menopause. At this time, the body definitely needs support, so it needs vitamins with iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamin D. The latter is necessary to strengthen bones and reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis or breast cancer. At this age, women should take such complex drugs as Alphabet 50+, Vitrum Centuri, Undevit, Qi-Klim, Finnish tablets Ladyvita 50+ and Centrum Silver.

Video: sports vitamins for women

And minerals for daily proper functioning. The absence of any vitamin can lead to serious consequences from weakened immunity to the development of severe chronic diseases. The lack of vitamins is especially acute during the cold season. When we are less and less spoiled by bright Sun rays, summer fruits and vegetables are gradually disappearing from store shelves, and instead of going for a walk fresh air I want to quickly crawl under a warm blanket with a mug of hot tea. During such a period, doctors recommend taking. Any such complex necessarily includes vitamins A and E. What are these vitamins for, and how can their deficiency affect human health?

The benefits of vitamins A and E

Vitamin A is responsible for normal exchange substances in the body. And also the correct work immune system, which helps prevent many viral and infectious diseases. Supports nervous and of cardio-vascular system. Vitamin A is one of the first helpers for your eyes. And it is worth mentioning the beneficial effects on skin, hair, bones and teeth. In addition, scientists have proven that vitamin A prevents the development cancer cells in the human body.
The main effect of vitamin E is to maintain the level of antioxidants throughout the body, which prevents skin aging. Like vitamin A, vitamin E supports, thereby protecting against colds and flu. In addition, it actively participates in cell nutrition and strengthening the walls of blood vessels. Vitamin E is indispensable for the beauty and health of hair and skin.
Vitamins A and E are recommended to be taken together for a reason. The fact is that vitamin E prevents the destruction of vitamin A, while maintaining the vitamin balance in the body.
A deficiency of vitamins A and E may result in the following consequences:
  • premature skin aging;
  • development of cancer of the skin, mammary glands, lungs, etc.;
  • various diseases gastrointestinal tract(, colitis, cholelithiasis, etc.);
  • hair problems (hair loss, dry scalp, itching);
  • skin problems (wrinkles, seborrheic dermatitis, various shapes acne);
  • destruction of tooth enamel;
  • various eye diseases (“ night blindness", dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye, redness, burning);
  • chronic diseases upper respiratory tract (tonsillitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc.);
  • diseases of the female reproductive system (endocervicitis, polyps, adenomatosis, leukoplakia, miscarriage);
  • problems with the male reproductive system (weakened erection, accelerated ejaculation).
And it's not full list possible consequences, because Vitamins A and E have an effect on all organ systems, and deficiency can affect at any time and be expressed in various manifestations.

Replenishment of vitamin A and E deficiency

How to properly use vitamins A and E to avoid their deficiency? First of all, you need to include foods containing these vitamins in your diet.
Vitamin A contains:
  • liver;
  • fatty sea ​​fish;
  • butter;
  • egg yolk;
  • dairy products;
  • bell pepper;
  • carrots (especially red varieties);
  • apricots;
  • parsley;
  • dill greens;
  • pumpkin;
  • rose hip;
  • prunes.
Vitamin E contains:
  • unrefined oils (sunflower, peanut, sea buckthorn, corn, etc.);
  • White cabbage;
  • tomatoes;
  • lettuce leaves,
  • different kinds legumes;
  • spinach;
  • rose hip;
  • parsley;
  • eggs;
  • liver;
If there is a lack of these products in the daily diet or a severe deficiency of vitamins A and E, additional oral administration in the form of capsules with an oil solution is recommended. These capsules can be purchased at any pharmacy. They are called “Aevit” (vitamin A and E together), “Retinol acetate” (vitamin A) and “α-tocopherol acetate” (vitamin E). Doses are set depending on age, weight and daily requirement body. To prevent deficiency, the following are mainly prescribed:
  • for children – 0.5-1 mg;
  • for adults – 1.5 mg;
  • for pregnant and lactating women – 2-2.5 mg.
There are also liquid solutions of these vitamins and drops on sale. But mainly they are intended for local application. For example, for wounds or cuts, it is recommended to lubricate the area of ​​skin damage with a solution of vitamins A and E, diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio.
To prevent sagging of the skin of the face and neck, and simply for a beautiful and even skin color, add 1 drop of vitamin solution to.
Also, liquid solutions of vitamins A and E are widely used as components of nourishing or restorative masks for hair and scalp. I offer readers of MirSovetov several recipes for masks for damaged and weakened hair using vitamins A and E:
  1. Mix 1 tablespoon each of burdock oil and jojoba oil, add ½ teaspoon of vitamin A and E in the oil. Mix thoroughly, apply to the entire length of the hair, cover the head with polyethylene, wrap in a towel and leave for 30-40 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly. Use once a week for 2 months.
  2. Mix one egg yolk with 1 tablespoon honey and 1 tablespoon sea ​​buckthorn oil. Add half a teaspoon oil solution vitamins A and E. With regular use for a month, the hair becomes soft and shiny.
  3. Mix 1 tablespoon each of olive and burdock oil. Add ¼ teaspoon Dimexide (sold at the pharmacy), ¼ teaspoon vitamin A, ¼ teaspoon vitamin E. This mask is very effective for.
Vitamins A and E are indispensable for beauty and health. Don't forget about regular use products containing these vitamins.