Gastric collection number 2. Gastrointestinal collection (Gastrointestinales species)

No matter what anyone says, but the means are better natural herbs, for the treatment of diseases different origin almost impossible to find. A striking example- gastric fees. Various combinations medicinal herbs allow you to fight all possible problems. Are selected suitable means depending on the disease.

The first gastric collection contains the following components:

  • plantain;
  • St. John's wort;
  • knotweed;
  • calamus root;
  • calendula petals;
  • yarrow;
  • horsetail;
  • Melissa;
  • blooming Sally;
  • corn silk;
  • chamomile;
  • peppermint;
  • immortelle flowers;
  • stinging nettle.

According to the instructions for gastric collection 1, it should be used for gastritis with hyperacidity, normal and increased secretion gastric juice. Any form of this disease at a certain stage of development is accompanied by very unpleasant sensations Therefore, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

It is very simple to prepare medical gastric collection number one: pour a couple of tablespoons of the dry mixture into the floor with liters of boiling water and leave to infuse for three hours. After that, strain and take a glass three times a day half an hour before meals.

The main components of the first and second gastric fees are almost identical. In addition to them, collection No. 2 includes the following components:

  • wild strawberry leaves;
  • black currant leaves;
  • rose hip;
  • dill seeds;
  • wormwood;
  • elecampane root;
  • valerian root.

Unlike the first, the second gastric collection is recommended for gastritis with low acidity and low secretion of gastric juice. So that the problem does not worsen, and dysbacteriosis does not develop in the body, it is necessary to take measures and start taking the collection immediately after the first symptoms appear.

This gastric collection is prepared and taken in the same way as the previous remedy. The effect of treatment with the collection can be noticed after a couple of days of regular use.

The third gastric collection is intended to improve appetite and normalize digestion. He has established himself as a great antispasmodic and no less effective laxative. Like most other remedies, gastric collection 3 can be used for gastritis. But it can only be truly effective initial stages illness. Running gastritis is still better to treat with means specially intended for this.

The third collection consists of:

  • calamus root;
  • peppermint leaves;
  • valerian roots;
  • nettle leaves;

You need to prepare a decoction in a water bath. Pour a tablespoon of the collection with a glass of cold purified water and hold over steam for half an hour. Slightly cooled collection is filtered. Drink a decoction should be twice a day for half a glass. It is recommended to shake the drink before drinking.

For cooking remedy you will need one tablespoon of the dry mixture. Pour a glass of boiling water over it and leave to infuse for twenty minutes. After that, strain the collection and let it cool.

Drink the decoction three times a day before meals. At regular intake the result will not be long in coming.

Do not forget that herbal gastric preparations, although they consist of one hundred percent of natural ingredients are not suitable for everyone. With individual intolerance and allergies, treatment with this method will have to be abandoned.

With the help of herbs, many problems with the gastrointestinal tract can be solved, but they cannot replace complete treatment medicines. They are best used either before going to the doctor, or as additional remedy to therapy, if the specialist gives the go-ahead.

Instructions for use

The course of treatment is determined by the doctor.


Herbs are not as useful and harmless as many people think. There are conditions that they can worsen:

Contrary to the opinion that pregnant and lactating herbs can be taken, they should not be taken. Firstly, the body of a woman in a position can give out such allergic reactions that never existed. Secondly, some medicinal plants cause uterine hypertonicity, which in some cases leads to miscarriage or premature birth. Thirdly, if the herb contains bitterness, they get into the milk, and because of this, the child may refuse to breastfeed.

Side effects

Herbal teas can cause:

If any adverse events occur, the intake of herbal preparations is stopped.

If necessary, you can take any remedy for allergies or pain. If severe thirst is disturbing, saliva has become viscous, the person is lethargic and lethargic, it is quite possible that dehydration develops. In this case, you need to see a doctor.

Is it possible to drink herbs for prevention?

Fees medicinal herbs it is better to use after consultation with the attending physician. For the most part, they are useless as a preventive measure, because they are not full-fledged medicines. It makes sense to take simple problems in the form of small delays in stool, in order to prevent the development of full-fledged constipation, if this situation is frequent. This will be especially effective for hemorrhoids, when dry and hard stool impede normal treatment and healing of the rectum.

For the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is used not only medicinal methods treatment. The so-called gastric collection, which is recommended in case of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, consists of various herbs. Available varieties differ in the set of herbs available in it.

A disease of one of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract leads to a failure of the activity of the entire digestive system and the whole organism. Fees that are used to treat diseases of the organs gastrointestinal tract, consist of plants of the most diverse spectrum of action: soothing, blood-purifying, hemostatic, astringent, tonic, carminative, healing, laxative, choleretic, enveloping, softening, bactericidal, antifungal. Also, such plants contain micro- and macroelements, vitamins, which positively affects general state organism.

Ready-made gastric herbal teas can be purchased at pharmacies. The medicinal plants in them are already mixed in the right proportions and crushed. It is convenient to dose them with a spoon, some are sold in packaged form, this makes their use even easier. The composition, indications and instructions for use are indicated on the package. Failure to follow the instructions can lead to the fact that the medicine does not give the expected result, and an overdose can only aggravate the patient's condition.

Important! Herbal preparations, having confirmed their effectiveness, were included in the official collection of medicinal herbs "Pharmacopoeia", where each was assigned a number.

When are pharmacy fees applied?

They are successfully used for:

  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • intestinal or biliary colic;
  • inflammatory diseases gallbladder and its ducts;
  • flatulence, constipation;
  • irritable bowel syndrome, other intestinal diseases;
  • pain in the stomach;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • violations in the work of the biliary tract after surgery.

The use of any of the special gastric preparations helps to eliminate the factors that cause dysbacteriosis, has a detrimental effect on harmful microorganisms (disease-causing), interfere with the creation of putrefactive and fungal flora. Which one to choose to drink - No. 1, 2, 3?

The choice of a specific collection depends on the type of disease. And here only a specialist can help: a therapist or phytotherapeutist.

Gastric collection №1

It consists of the following types plants:

  • chamomile flowers, calendula, sand immortelle;
  • St. John's wort, knotweed, stinging nettle, yarrow, peppermint, plantain, corn stigmas, horsetail, lemon balm;
  • dill fruit.

Also there may be: a leaf of wild strawberries, rose hips, Ivan-tea (fireweed).

It has hemostatic, anti-inflammatory properties, eliminates spasms.

Gastric collection It incorporates many components and is used to treat the entire gastrointestinal system and its individual organs. Often used for gastritis with high acidity. But it is better to use it only in the first stages of the disease.

In order to have the desired effect, it must be properly prepared and applied according to the instructions. To prepare the infusion, pour 0.5 l hot water a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs and insist for 3 hours. The infused mixture is filtered and consumed in a tablespoon half an hour before meals three times a day.

Gastric collection №2

Composition No. 2 is different from No. 1, although there are the same plants:

  • flax seeds, dill;
  • hop cones
  • roots of licorice, calamus, elecampane, valerian;
  • motherwort, peony, melissa, hill hodgepodge, wormwood;
  • leaves of wild strawberry, black currant;
  • dog-rose fruit.

Healing properties are: sedative, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, hepatoprotective, enveloping properties. It helps to reduce hypersecretion and normalizes acid formation in the stomach, also promotes the healing of ulcers and erosions, improves digestive process. As a rule, this collection is prescribed for gastritis to reduce acidity.

For cooking, 2 tablespoons of the collection are taken and 0.5 liters of hot water are poured, they are also infused for 3 hours, filtered and taken 200 ml before meals for half an hour (three times a day).

Collection No. 3 consists of the following types of herbs:

It has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and laxative properties. The use of a decoction stimulates the intestines and stomach. It is cooked in a steam bath. A spoonful of the mixture is taken and 200 ml of water (cold) is poured. It is heated in a steam bath for at least half an hour, let it brew (40 minutes) and drink half a glass 2 times a day.

Gastric Boron No. 4

The following herbs are included in the gastric collection:

  • mint;
  • cumin seeds (a spice that stimulates the work digestive tract);
  • valerian root (has a sedative effect);
  • fennel seeds.

To prepare an infusion, pour a tablespoon of a mixture of herbs with boiling water (200 ml) and leave for about half an hour. After filtering, cool to room temperature. Drink a third of a glass three times a day before meals for a quarter of an hour.

Side effects and contraindications

It is not advised to use gastric fees:

  • during breastfeeding;
  • when taking any medication;
  • with increased susceptibility to any plant included in the collection.

Possible side effects:

  • stool problems;
  • heartburn;
  • drowsiness.

Before use, you should carefully read the instructions, but before that, consult a specialist and do not self-medicate.

Fees that differ in the nature of the impact on the body

Astringents, for the intestinal tract


  • No. 1 - composition: buckthorn bark, nettle leaves, yarrow - 3: 2: 1;
  • No. 2 - licorice root, anise seeds, buckthorn bark, buckthorn fruits, cassia leaves - 1:1:2:2:3;
  • No. 3 - buckthorn bark, caraway seeds, licorice root, coriander seeds - 8:1:1:1;
  • No. 4 - buckthorn bark, cumin seeds, yarrow, swamp watch - 6: 1: 2: 2;
  • No. 5 - nettle leaves, sweet clover, buckthorn bark - 1: 1: 3.

Collections of herbs for gastritis of the stomach with high acidity

At this type pathologies use the treatment of such herbs and their parts that relieve inflammation and have enveloping effect. Such plants include: St. John's wort, plantain, coltsfoot, burdock root, dandelion, calendula, chamomile. Relying on medicinal properties plants, herbal mixtures are made up, which can help to relieve the symptoms of gastritis with high acidity.

Mix 3 tablespoons of herbs (chamomile, St. John's wort and yarrow) with a tablespoon of celandine herbs. Mix well and pour a tablespoon of this mixture hot water(200 ml). Let it brew for about half an hour, strain and drink a third of a glass a quarter of an hour before meals three times a day.

Centaury and peppermint (2 tablespoons each) mix with St. John's wort (1 tablespoon), chop everything and mix. Spoon the resulting mixture pour boiling water (200 ml), leave for half an hour, strain and drink half an hour three times before meals, 150 ml every day.

Ready gastric collection "Fitogastrol" to improve digestion consists of five known plants:

These plants can be safely used as tea for the stomach separately. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties. Mint is an antispasmodic. dill water allowed for use even by small children (relieves colic and relieves gas), licorice and calamus roots - soften and envelop. It has no contraindications. The only side effect may be individual intolerance to one of the plants.

This collection can replace simple tea, Phytogastrol phytocollection is often produced in the form of filter bags. The sachet is placed in a cup, poured over with boiling water, allowed to infuse for a quarter of an hour, then the sachet is removed, and the resulting infusion is added to a volume of 200 ml. If the mixture of herbs "Fitogastrol" in another form of release is unpackaged, then a tablespoon of the collection mixture is taken for infusion, 200 ml of hot water is poured, heated in a water bath for a quarter of an hour (until part of the liquid evaporates). It is cooled, filtered and topped up to a volume of 200 ml. Drink as medicinal tea"Fitogastrol" should be half a cup half an hour before meals three times a day.

Other fees and herbal teas

In addition to Phytogastrol, Monastyrsky tea is used to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract. In his medical composition eat: peppermint, cudweed, flax seeds, rose hips, horsetail, yarrow, St. John's wort, calendula, bitter wormwood. The composition of "Monastic" tea is similar to the composition of gastric teas, and among its indications is the treatment of gastritis with low acidity.

Collection "Stomaran" is used to treat gastrointestinal disorders, with complex treatment disorders of the gallbladder. The composition contains: angelica roots, calamus, chamomile flowers, St. John's wort, yarrow, agrimony, peppermint, gray blackberry leaves, fennel.

Gastrointestinal tea "Fitol 7" consists of "Fitol 7 morning" and "Fitol 7 evening" and they drink it for the prevention and treatment of stomach diseases, it has a regenerating effect on the digestive tract.

Medicinal collection "Gastrofit" consists of 15 types of medicinal herbs, specially selected for effective complex therapy diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

To stimulate the digestive system, the Gastroflor dietary supplement is used. It contains extracts of licorice, propolis, St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile.

Herbal tea "Altai 12" helps to relieve spasms of the stomach and intestines, reduce flatulence, relieve unpleasant symptoms with belching, heartburn.

Simple teas - black and green are also good to use to stimulate digestion. Black tea also has bactericidal properties, suppressing intestinal infections.

In addition to the listed herbal teas and fees, there are others that have a wide range of effects or are used for certain diseases. For example, gastric collection No. 17 - has a broad focus - it is used for various diseases stomach, and collection No. 10 is used only for gastritis. The right collection for therapy gastrointestinal diseases can only be selected by a doctor.

Is it possible to prepare the medicine yourself

If desired, the medicinal mixture can be prepared by yourself by buying not a ready-made collection, but separately grass, leaves, fruits, seeds, roots of medicinal plants.

Remember! To compile a phytocollection on your own, you definitely need medical indications. Self-medication is dangerous.

You can prepare raw materials for the preparation of the mixture yourself. Herbs are harvested during flowering, roots - in autumn or spring, bark - in spring, berries and fruits - during ripening. The ideal method for preparing decoctions is a water bath.

Treatment of the digestive system can be not only in the application medicines or in dieting, but also in the use of fees. One of these names is the Gastric Collection, the features of which are recommended to be discussed with a specialist. It is also important not to forget about contraindications, since in this case this will avoid the development of complications and unnecessary side effects.

Which herbal gastric collection to choose 1-2-3 and what is the difference in composition

All fees used to treat the digestive system are called gastric. They are applied in medicinal purposes and include vitamins, macro- and microelements, which have a positive effect on the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common are gastrointestinal preparations 1, 2 and 3, which differ from each other in composition and, therefore, in the characteristics of the effect on the body.

Endocrinologists pay attention to the fact that:

The cost of each of the presented fees ranges from 90 to 150 rubles.

The benefits of gastrointestinal fees are natural composition facilitating the assimilation of the components. As a result, the recovery course is faster, the likelihood of complications is minimized and critical consequences. Among the conditional disadvantages of the composition can be called the presence of contraindications, which will be discussed later.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Restrictions on the use of each of the presented gastrointestinal fees are general. Primarily, we are talking about advanced degree susceptibility to the components of the agent. Further, experts draw attention to the need to refrain from using the composition when:

It is also unacceptable to use a remedy for the treatment of the digestive tract in acute inflammatory diseases of the organs. abdominal cavity during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Another serious limitation to the use of Gastric Collection 1, 2 and 3 is childhood(most often up to 12 years, but restrictions are possible up to 14 years of age).

How to take Gastric collection for gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is strongly recommended to follow the rules for using the remedy. All of them are indicated in the instructions and are mandatory for the effective neutralization of inflammation, the normalization of acidity and the achievement of other therapeutic results. The first one is prepared and used as follows:

  • herbs, if they are not ground, are subjected to such processing;
  • two st. l. collection pour 500 ml of boiling water;
  • the mixture is infused for three hours, after which it is filtered;
  • use 200 ml of gastrointestinal collection three times a day 30 minutes before a meal.

The following composition is used in this way: get one tsp. collection, which is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 15 minutes. In the future, use one glass no more than three times a day, it is desirable to maintain equal breaks between such methods.

Speaking about the gastrointestinal collection No. 3, they pay attention to the need to use five gr. collection, which are initially placed in a separate container. After that, pour 200 ml of boiling water, cover with a lid and heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Next, the product should be cooled for 10 minutes, after which it is filtered. The following nuances must be taken into account:

  • what is left of the original mixture is strongly recommended to be squeezed out;
  • in the prepared broth, another amount of water is poured to make 200 ml;
  • it is recommended to use the product 100 ml in the morning and evening;
  • before medicinal use decoction must be shaken.

Gastroenterologists pay attention to the fact that each of the gastrointestinal fees can be produced in the form of filter bags, which are chosen by many because of the convenience of their use. In this case, the treatment is carried out as follows:

  • two filter bags (4 g in total) are placed in a glass or enamel dish;
  • the composition is poured with 200 ml of boiling water, closed and infused for 30 minutes, periodically pressing on the bags with a spoon;
  • after that they are squeezed out, and the amount of the resulting infusion is adjusted with boiled water up to 200 ml;
  • it is recommended to take the drug orally in half a glass in the morning and evening;
  • before use health drink it would be best to shake it up.

The use of each of the decoctions for a long time can lead to addiction.

Therefore, it is advisable not to use fees for the stomach and intestines for more than one month, or to alternate them with each other. In case of addiction and decrease in the effectiveness of the funds, the course must be stopped for at least one and a half to two months.

According to statistics, every third Russian suffers from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Modern rhythm of life constant stress, dry snacks, and as a result - gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, colitis of various etiologies become our constant companions. Acute pain in the abdomen, in the hypochondrium, indigestion, heaviness and bloating - these symptoms are well known to many, forcing us to take mountains of drugs willingly prescribed by doctors. But pills provide only temporary relief, and today many gastroenterologists are ready to admit that their effect usually ends with their intake. The disease turns into a chronicle, and now our life is subject to a schedule of seasonal exacerbations, and the budget includes thousands of rubles for expensive drugs ... But, meanwhile, there is a way out.

Modern medicine widely uses the experience of herbal treatment accumulated over the centuries by the people, combining ancient knowledge about healing properties ah plants - with the latest scientific developments in phytology. We are too accustomed to trusting the products of the chemical industry - to eat them, wash ourselves, wash our House. And we are also treated with them, forgetting that sometimes the side effects are stronger than the curative ones.

Herbal medicinal collections created by experts are the safest and most natural way to restore the health of your stomach. Healing mixture Russian herbs It is designed in such a way as to have a complex effect on the entire body, helping it to overcome the disease. #1 Gastric Collection is what doctors are recommending to their friends today!

A healing decoction will instantly relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa, relieve excruciating pain in the abdomen, heal ulcers and erosions of any origin.

Yarrow, cudweed and marshmallow root have a truly miraculous healing effect, in combination reinforcing and complementing each other's healing properties. Flax seed infusion has long been known for its ability to envelop the walls of the stomach, creating a protective shell for the irritated, exhausted mucosa. Protective properties flax seeds allow the healing components of healing herbs to work as efficiently as possible. Such as wormwood, highly valued by physicians for its natural ability to tighten the most extensive ulcers, and plantain - remembered from childhood by all of us as the best way to heal an abrasion or cut.

Centaury naturally helps to improve the functioning of the intestines, while reducing the level of acidity in the stomach and thereby preventing the formation of new erosions and ulcers.

Kalgan root has unique antiseptic and tonic properties. Oregano, cudweed and wormwood have a calming effect on our nervous system- after all, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are often psychosomatic in nature and therefore exacerbate against the backdrop of difficult and stressful life situations.

Elecampane is famous for its powerful restorative and healing effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive system. The famous St. John's wort has a number of medicinal properties that help improve appetite and strengthen immune system organism. The root of the serpentine is known in medicine for its pronounced antitumor orientation and does not allow diseases of the digestive system to develop into oncological ones.

Such a complex, competent combination of medicinal herbs and roots, which are part of the gastric collection No. 1, helps to heal both acute and chronic diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastritis, peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, colitis, diseases of the liver and pancreas that poison our lives are no longer a sentence. The natural healing power of Russian herbs will help to restore shaky health in a natural way, and forever forget about excruciating pains and expensive medicines.

Gastric collection No. 1 is easy to brew and take, and you will feel its healing effect after the first cup of aromatic herbal infusion. Gastric collection No. 1 is what is recommended to friends.