Kirkazon Manchurian is a “universal healer.” The healing properties of Kirkazon and use in folk medicine Kirkazon Manchurian recipe for the heart

Over the years, people have learned to recognize medicinal properties as part of various plants, applying them in folk medicine as the main ingredient. All peoples of the world actively used medicines prepared with their own hands.

It should be noted that most You can find some of these plants just under your feet. You just need to be able to recognize them.

Most modern medical supplies, undoubtedly, can lead effective fight With different types diseases. Sometimes their use can provoke the appearance of pronounced side effects.

In some cases, this leads to the fact that their systematic use can be dangerous to the patient’s health. In other words, you can cure one ailment, but as a result of treatment you will develop a completely different one.

Talking about folk remedies, which have been tested over many years, they are not capable of causing any harm to human health, as can happen with expensive synthetic drugs. Of course, not everything is so smooth and similar treatment has one drawback - it is a long treatment course.

Kirkazon is one of these medicinal plants. People learned about the medicinal properties of this plant several hundred years ago, when they first tried to cure some ailment with its help.

He has a long list useful properties due to high content active ingredients. Among them there are ascorbic acid, essential oil, carotene, tannins, phytoncides, organic acids and much more. The medicinal properties of Kirkazon will be discussed in more detail in this article.

It is worth noting that kirkazone is a non-pharmacopoeial plant that is not yet used in traditional medicine. But this did not stop people from starting to use it in homeopathy, as well as in traditional medicine. For treatment, not only the above-ground part of the kirkazon can be used, but also its root. Due to its expectorant and diaphoretic properties, the plant is effectively used to treat many pathologies (dropsy, scurvy, pulmonary tuberculosis, colds, and so on).

The above-ground part of the medicinal plant has analgesic, antimicrobial, wound-healing and adaptogenic properties. The medicinal parts of Kirkazone are low-toxic, which makes them effective as a primary or additional therapeutic agent.

Useful components of the plant contribute to normalization blood pressure, therefore it is actively used for hypertension. The antimicrobial properties of Kirkazon actively fight almost all types of microorganisms.

Many healers use the root part of the plant in gynecology. Infusions prepared on the basis of kirkazone help fight diseases such as endometriosis, cysts, erosion, polyps, fibroids, myomas and others. This medicinal plant can eliminate spasms of the intestines and stomach; it is also used for the treatment and prevention of diseases. gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract).

The herb can also be used externally. For this, special lotions, compresses or baths are prepared, which are good for boils, dermatitis, and inflammation. skin, and they can also treat formed purulent wounds. The plants are also used as an antidote for the bites of some types of venomous snakes.

Among other things, this plant can increase immune system patient, which makes the body more resistant to the effects of unfavorable climatic factors. This occurs due to the activation of the main functions of the human central nervous system.

Beneficial features

Thanks to high content aristoloquine, kirkazone is able to influence the patient’s respiratory center in a positive way. It has a diuric effect, dilating blood vessels and increasing the amplitude of contractions of the heart muscle. Halogen products of this medicinal plant have a positive effect on the human body, having a detrimental effect on bacteria and microorganisms.

Despite highly developed medicine, scientists have only recently been able to discover how Kirkazone affects the body. The fact is that the plant can be not only carcinogenic, but also mutagenic. It also contributes to the formation of Balkan nephropathy.

Scientists have recognized it as a capillary poison that can provoke the development of hemorrhagic nephritis. In the territory Russian Federation Distribution and sale of biologically-based products is strictly prohibited active additives based on Kirkazone.

Despite such prohibitions, traditional medicine still uses this plant to treat many diseases. The fact is that small doses are not capable of harming the body, so kirkazone is used to treat neurasthenia, tuberculosis, hypertension and gout. It is also used for physical or mental fatigue.

It is popularly believed that the plant can have a strengthening effect on the human body. A properly prepared tincture can relieve you of scabies, and inhaling the smoke from smoldering Kirkazon seeds helps with diseases such as epilepsy.

Indications and contraindications

As mentioned earlier, the use of Kirkazone in small doses can help treat tuberculosis, hypertension and gout. Also based on of this plant help with physical fatigue, which is why professional athletes love it. As for lotions, they are used to get rid of skin itching, as well as for the treatment of dermatomycosis. You need to understand that improper use of Kirkazone can negatively affect the body. Therefore, self-medication is highly not recommended.

Kirkazon is a poisonous plant, so if it comes into contact with a patient’s skin, it provokes a severe allergic reaction. In rare cases, a burn may occur. It is prohibited to use this plant for diseases such as gastritis, kidney failure, liver failure, inflammation internal organs, diseases of the digestive system and so on.

In case of overdose, hemorrhagic nephritis, menorrhagia, and gastrointestinal disease may develop from taking drugs based on Kirkazone. In this case, you should be extremely careful so as not to harm yourself even more.

Dosage forms

Kirkazona root or herb can be used to prepare medicines. Harvesting of the root part occurs in mid-autumn after the plant seeds have ripened. The roots are dug up, washed and dried under sun rays. Grass harvesting should begin during flowering.

Harvesting occurs in this way: the tops of the plant are cut off and dried in a well-ventilated room. The dried parts of the plant are then used to prepare decoctions, infusions and tinctures. In addition, Kirkazon can also be used in its raw form.

Instructions for use

There are quite a lot of homemade recipes using the herb or root part of the kirkazon. Let's look at just a few of them:

  • pour 100 grams of vodka into 10 grams of crushed kirkazona root. Then the liquid should be left in a dark place to infuse. Infusion duration is one week. After this, the product must be filtered through several layers of gauze. The tincture should be taken 3 times a day. Single dose – 20 drops;
  • add 30 grams dried roots Kirkazona 400 grams boiled water. After 20-30 minutes of boiling, the vessel with the liquid must be removed from the heat. After this, strain the product and use it for baths. The duration of the bath should not exceed 20 minutes;
  • pour 200 grams of boiling water over 20 grams of dried Kirkazon. After this, the container with the product must be left to infuse. Infusion time – 8 hours. For getting maximum effect It is necessary to use a thermos for storage of the prepared product. After you strain the infusion through cheesecloth, it should be taken 4 times a day. Single dose – 50 grams;
  • pour 200-250 grams of boiled water into one tsp. dried kirkazona root and leave the liquid to infuse in a dark place. Infusion time is 6-7 hours. After this, the product must be filtered and taken as a painkiller. Exact dosage must be prescribed by your attending physician.

For children

Because of their harmful properties However, children can only be given Kirkazone or drugs based on it in rare cases, and all this should be done under the supervision of a doctor. Although most often doctors do not recommend treating their children by similar means because of harmful influence of this plant on the child’s health. Self-medication is also not recommended.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Despite all my positive properties plants, Kirkazon is very poisonous. Improper use or non-compliance with recommended dosages can lead to unpleasant consequences. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of products based on it is strictly prohibited. It is also not recommended to ignore advice, because not only the health of the mother, but also her unborn child is at stake.

Similar herbs by action

Kirkazon is not the only plant on the planet that has medicinal properties. There are many other types whose properties are similar to those of Kirkazon. These include:

Kirkazon is known as a medicinal plant that helps in the treatment of certain diseases. That is why the herb is widely used in folk medicine. What does Kirkazone contain, the medicinal properties of which allow it to be used in the treatment of ailments? First, it is recommended that you read the description of the plant.

What is grass?

Kirkazon is a herbaceous or lignified vine. The plant has unusual roots. They are branched and smoothly merge into the stem, as well as large leaves that are on long ropes. Kirkazon has yellow or red-brown flowers located in the axils of the leaves. Hanging fruits appearance resemble pear-shaped boxes. The seeds are finely wrinkled. The plant blooms from May to June.

There are several types of grass: common kirkazon, Manchurian kirkazon, clematis kirkazon, long, round, large-leafed.

The plant grows along the banks of reservoirs, water meadows, steppe zone, deciduous forests. It can be seen in Russia, mainly in its European part. In gardens and vegetable gardens it is considered a weed.


Medicinal properties are present in the roots and herbs of the plant. Upper part stored during the flowering period. The grass needs to be dried fresh air, placing it in the shade. Another option would be a ventilated room. The raw materials are laid out in one layer. The roots are harvested in the fall. After they are dug up, they need to be cleared of soil, washed under cold running water and dried in the sun.

Beneficial features

Kirkazon ordinary and its other varieties contain aristoloquine, which stimulates the respiratory center and also increases the amplitude of heart contractions. In addition, this substance dilates blood vessels, and its diuretic effect is observed.

The plant kills bacteria and has a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect on the human body. Kirkazon clematis, common and other species, despite its medicinal properties, are considered poison. And although the plant is used in folk medicine, it should be used with caution. If the dosage is exceeded, hemorrhagic nephritis cannot be ruled out. This is why dietary supplements based on Kirkazone are prohibited in Russian cities.

The plant has a diaphoretic, antiseptic, and wound-healing effect. With its help, the blood is cleansed. An analgesic effect is observed if you take products based on this herb. Kirkazon clematis is able to reduce blood pressure, dilate blood vessels.

What ailments is it used to treat?

In small doses, Manchurian, common and clematis kirkazon is used in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • hypertension in the initial stages of development;
  • tuberculosis;
  • swelling;
  • neurasthenia;
  • physical and mental fatigue;
  • gout;
  • furunculosis;
  • mastitis;
  • dermatomycosis;
  • pyoderma;
  • skin itching.

The medicinal properties of the seeds help reduce the intensity of symptoms of epilepsy if they are burned and the smoke is inhaled.

Folk recipes

The upper part and roots of the plant are used to prepare infusions, decoctions, and tinctures. It is also suitable for external use in its raw form. The grass must first be chopped.
The following recipes are known in folk medicine:

  • Kirkazon clematis in the form of an infusion. Dry raw materials (1 teaspoon) are poured with boiling water (300 ml) and infused for two hours. Then the product is filtered and taken a quarter glass three times a day before meals.
  • Kirkazon Manchurian or ordinary in the form of tincture. Dry raw materials (3 g) are infused in 100 ml of vodka for a week. After this, the tincture is filtered and used 20 drops 3 times a day.
  • Kirkazon decoction. Dry raw materials (2 tablespoons) are poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled over low heat for half an hour. The decoction is used externally for compresses or rinses.


Despite its medicinal properties, kirkazone is a poisonous plant due to its content of aristolochic acid. Therefore, you should carefully read the dosage of the product based on this herb. An overdose threatens destruction of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Contact with the plant may result in allergic manifestations, which are similar to chemical burns 1st or 2nd degree.

Children are strictly prohibited from taking decoctions and infusions prepared on the basis of this herb. The plant should not be used to treat pregnant women, as well as people suffering from hepatic and renal failure. Patients with gastritis are also not recommended to use the herb. Treatment with Kirkazone is carried out exclusively under the supervision of medical professionals.

Despite its medicinal properties, the plant can cause harm to the human body. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is recommended to mandatory consult your doctor. Only he can approve or prohibit the use of Kirkazone, as well as prescribe the required dosages, focusing on individual characteristics the patient's body. Otherwise, instead of treatment, you can get a lot of complications.

Among plants for vertical gardening, Manchurian kirkazon is not called only because it is a very rare plant. It is listed in the Red Book of Russia and is cultivated mainly in botanical gardens. IN natural conditions this powerful woody vine grows in Primorye, China, Korea in mixed mountain forests, along the banks of mountain rivers. It can reach a height of 10-15 m. The support is provided by neighboring trees, under whose crowns moist, loose soil rich in humus is preserved. This is an ideal environment for the development of Kirkazon. But, as practice has shown, it lives well in open areas, on the walls of a gazebo or veranda.

Manchurian Kirkazon (Aristolochia manshuriensis) in nature reproduces mainly vegetatively. Its seed productivity is low and seed germination is poor. The reduction in numbers was facilitated by the harvesting of young shoots as raw materials for use in folk medicine. They were used for cardiac and renal edema, as well as to reduce temperature.

As one of the ways to support the endangered species, it is proposed to introduce Manchurian kirkazon more widely into culture. In decorative terms, this is a very colorful plant. The leaves are bright green, large, rounded-heart-shaped, from 10 to 30 cm in size. The leaves begin to bloom in the second half of April, mass leaf fall occurs in mid-October. Kirkazon flowers are unique: tubular, irregular shape, similar to a steeply curved tube. The color of the perianth is greenish-yellow or light brown. Brown or maroon speckles and stripes are visible inside the tube. Flowering - mid-May - June. The fruits are large, 7-10 cm long, reminiscent of a smooth cucumber. They ripen at the end of September.

The unusual stems of the vine also attract attention. The texture of the bark is raised, with deep longitudinal grooves. Interestingly, the bark is soft, like a cork tree. The diameter of the stems of an adult vine is 5-6 cm. They wrap around each other many times, climbing upward along the support. In combination with large leaves, the impression of a tropical jungle appears, although in central Russia, Manchurian kirkazon does not require shelter for the winter and does not suffer from diseases either. Care consists only of watering.

Kirkazon Manchurian will be grateful for a sunny or partial shade location. In the deep shade, the internodes on the stems stretch out, exposing the wrinkled stem. In the sun, the vine forms a dense wall of leaves. It's dry underneath even when it rains. In autumn the leaves turn light yellow, adding warm color to the garden. The winter hardiness of Manchurian Kirkazon is high (downy Kirkazon is less resistant).

The easiest way to propagate a vine is by layering. But you can also try cuttings. Best term Preparation of cuttings - June 15. Using heteroauxin, they are planted in sand with humus. Rooting duration is 45 days. Seeds are sown without stratification at the end of October or in April. When sown in spring, germination rates range from 20 to 40%. Plant on permanent place It is advisable to use three-year-old seedlings. Until this moment, it is better to keep them in a greenhouse or in a damp bed in partial shade.

Once the vine adapts, it grows very quickly. This makes it ideal for vertical gardening.

Kirkazon Manchurian is a unique long-lived liana. If you are lucky enough to get planting material, do not miss the opportunity to plant it in your garden. There are some difficulties with propagation, but then there are no problems with the plant. Long years you will be proud to have a Red Book plant in your garden.

You can find this article in the magazine "Magic Garden" 2008 No. 4.

Due to its medicinal properties, the herb kirkazon is considered a cure for all diseases. Wide Application has in Chinese traditional medicine - increases immunity, improves metabolism. But you need to take extracts of this plant with caution. It is poisonous, so it is better to take it as recommended by a doctor. The medicinal properties of the plant were known back in Ancient Greece. Descriptions, photos and recipes for use can be found in medicinal reference books. Even in harsh climatic conditions planting and care will be successful.

Kirkazon: medicinal properties and contraindications

The aerial part and root are considered medicinal raw materials. In folk medicine, tinctures, decoctions, and infusions are prepared from them. In raw crushed form, it is used externally.

IN chemical composition The plant includes the following medicinal properties and components:

Aristolochic acids;
essential oil;
tannins and bitter substances;
phenolic acids;
esters, glycosides, lactones.

To treat fungal infections, compresses and lotions are made from ordinary Kirkazon. It is also used to treat eczema, boils, and abscesses. The plant helps get rid of “female” diseases. Douching with Kirkazone reviews helps with fibroma. The serpentine variety is used as an antidote for snake bites.

Medicinal properties

The plant contains aristocholine, a substance that expands blood vessels, increases the amplitude of heart contractions. Despite its beneficial medicinal properties, scientists have found that it can cause great harm body. Mutagenic and carcinogenic effects can cause the development of Balkan nephropathy. External lotions help with mastitis, infusion - with scabies, smoke from smoldering seeds - with epilepsy.

The herb kirkazon has found application in the treatment of such diseases:

  • gout;
  • dropsy;
  • cystitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • angina;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypertension;
  • flu;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • angina.


An overdose will lead to destruction of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It is strictly prohibited to use by children, pregnant women, people with gastritis, kidney and liver diseases. Contact with the plant may cause burns. In comparison, they are similar to chemical grades I-II.

Types of Kirkazon

It grows near rivers, along seashores, in ravines. If it grows in gardens and vegetable gardens, it is perceived as a weed. Photos of what Kirkazon looks like can be found on the Internet.

In addition to the usual, common the following types:

  • round;
  • clematis;
  • long;
  • Manchurian;
  • large-leaved;
  • fluffy.

The weed grows in bushy pastures. So, it does not require planting or special care. You can destroy it from the garden using herbicides.

Methods of propagation of Kirkazon:

  • seeds;
  • shoots;
  • cuttings

Cultivation is specific in many ways, and this is what distinguishes the grass from other garden climbers. When landing, it is better to keep your distance. The distance between plants should be up to 1 m. Resistant to pests, but problems with aphids and spider mites may occur. Young cuttings need to be covered for the winter. After 2-3 years, this need disappears.


Medicinal properties of Manchurian kirkazon:

  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • pain reliever;
  • lactation;
  • soothing;
  • cardiotonic.

The Manchurian species has also found its application in gynecology. Has a beneficial effect on women reproductive system. According to women's reviews, it is prescribed for benign tumors in the uterus. Dentists use it for stomatitis. An indispensable assistant and for nursing mothers. Normalizes lactation and the functioning of the mammary glands. Homeopaths use it as a prophylactic against mastitis.

Manchurian Kirkazon - photo

In gardening it is used as an ornamental flowering plant. When planting, you need to choose a shady place protected from the winds. The main rule of caring for vines is to avoid stagnant water. In the Moscow region the stem grows up to 7 m, in its homeland (China, Balkans, Korea, Primorsky Territory) - up to 15 m.


Kirkazon clematis and hops are an excellent option for vertical gardening. Photos of landscape design are available online and in periodicals. Before planting, the roots of the clematis vine are slightly trimmed. Needs regular watering. In summer, it is advisable to spray the leaves. Aristolochia will bloom only 5 years after planting. The use of the plant in folk medicine has a beneficial effect on heart function and kidney function.

Clematis kirkazon - photo


Liana Kirkazon photo helps the body adapt to climate change. For constipation and chronic colitis Herbal preparations help. The fruits of the common ficus contain a lot of carotene. The alkaloid aristoloquine reduces the tone and strength of uterine contractions.

Common Kirkazon - photo


Large-leaved kirkazon is a vine up to 12 m high. In the photo, the leaves are large, light green, up to 30 cm in diameter. In ornamental gardening, they are used to create green tunnels and roofs, and decorate balconies and terraces. Loves moisture. To simplify care and solve the issue of maintaining moisture, it is better to plant grass near bodies of water, in lowlands. It is recommended to install a support before planting. Care is the same as for other species.

Many chemical drugs can be successfully replaced by medicinal plants, which simultaneously with a specific therapeutic effect does not have a negative impact on the body side effects. Even poisonous representatives of the flora are often found on lists medicinal plants. One of them is Manchurian Kirkazon - a tree-like vine from the Kirkazonaceae family of the Kirkazon genus. The height of the plant is about fifteen meters. The liana grows upward, climbing trees or bushes. The bark of the Manchurian kirkazon is dark gray and has longitudinal wrinkles. Young shoots of the plant are bright green, with noticeable pubescence. The leaves of the vine are light green in color, round in shape, with a heart-shaped base. They have big size- about thirty centimeters in length. The petioles are long and very noticeable. The flowers of Kirkazon Manchurian are located in the axils of the leaves one or two at a time. The pedicels of the plant are not very long - about three centimeters. The flower is greenish-brown on the outside, brownish-purple on the inside. The fruit of the vine is a hexagonal-cylindrical capsule. Its length is about ten centimeters. To the eye, the box resembles a cucumber. The flowering period of the vine lasts throughout June. The fruits ripen in mid-August.

The plant is widespread in Northeast China and Korea. In our country, Kirkazon is found only in the Southwestern part of Primorye. The liana grows on forest edges and river banks. Kirkazon Manchurian is on the verge of extinction and is listed in the Red Book. For this reason, collecting it as medicinal product produced only under strict control public services. Unauthorized procurement of Kirkazon is a violation of current legislation.

Chemical composition of Manchurian kirkazon

A full study of the composition of the plant has not yet been carried out, despite the fact that there are doubts about its medicinal properties No. Based on the results of the work carried out, the following substances were identified in the plant: manjurolide, isobicyclogermacrenol, aristoloside, alkaloid magnoflorin, aristolochic acids, beta-sitosterol.

The plant is used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine, although in small quantities due to the fact that the Manchurian kirkazon is on the verge of extinction. Besides this, how medicine traditional medicine The plant is not widespread due to its high toxicity. An overdose of a drug based on Kirkazone can lead to severe consequences for the body.

What does Kirkazon Manchurian treat?

The vine is used as an antipyretic, decongestant, diuretic, lactation, analgesic, cardiotonic, antiarrhythmic, antitoxic, sedative and healing (in dentistry) agent. Today, work is still underway to study the medicinal properties of Manchurian kirkazon, and perhaps soon it will be used as a remedy with even more wide range actions.

Liana has long found its use in gynecology. With its help, profuse leucorrhoea caused by inflammation or irritation of the mucous membrane is treated, as well as disorders menstrual cycle. Rendering beneficial influence for the female reproductive system, Kirkazon Manchurian is included in a number of gynecological medicines and preparations. Traditional healers Liana is also prescribed for benign formations in the uterus in initial stage. Some herbalists treat with the plant and cancer in women, but there is no scientific evidence yet for the anti-cancer properties of Kirkazone Manchurian.

The ability of this poisonous plant Helps nursing mothers increase milk production. When lactation is delayed or weak, Kirkazone has a rapid and effective action, establishing the proper functioning of the mammary glands. Some herbalists also consider potassium prophylactic against mastitis.

The diuretic properties of the plant help relieve swelling. Liana not only removes excess fluid from the body, but also normalizes its metabolism in tissues, preventing the recurrence of the disease. Thanks to this property, the plant has an additional preventive effect against urolithiasis, removing sand and small stones from the kidneys that easily pass through the ureters.

As sedative Kirkazon Manchurian helps eliminate arrhythmia, which is a severe pathology in the heart. In addition, the vine helps to increase the strength of contractions of the heart muscle, thereby ensuring the normalization of vascular filling.

In dentistry, the plant is used for stomatitis and tissue damage in oral cavity. Kirkazone helps even with ulcers caused by chemical burns.

Contraindications to the use of Manchurian kirkazona

The use of preparations based on Kirkazone Manchurian during pregnancy is not allowed, since due to the substances contained in the plant toxic substances this can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Also, taking the plant is prohibited for persons suffering from allergic reaction on this vine, and for children.

Due to the particular toxicity of the plant, treatment with it should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, strictly observing dosages, both for internal and external consumption. In case of overdose, development may occur acute poisoning, which, in the absence of timely assistance, can even lead to death.