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Many recipes, collected from
different places(a big country).
* When choosing funds from
plants, focus on those
available in your region.
* The effect of any "method"
weakens with prolonged use
preferably periodically
change treatment.
Confidence and health (Admin)

Bites and stings

Recipes for a snake bite

* When bitten by a rattlesnake, ingesting large amounts of alcohol helps. On the wound you need to make lotions from alcohol. To reduce the pain from a bite, you should hold the bitten place over the steam.
*Immediately after the bite poisonous snake you need to tightly bandage an arm or leg with a tourniquet above the bite site, suck blood with poison from the wound and spit it out. This operation should be done several times. If there are wounds in the mouth,
You can't suck blood out of your mouth. You can remove poisoned blood using medical cups or even an ordinary empty vial that needs to be heated over a fire and applied to the wound without burning it. After sucking out the blood, it is necessary to cauterize the wound with a red-hot iron: a nail, a plate, a knife, etc., covering the wound in a circle wet rag so as not to burn a healthy area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Remove the tourniquet after 15 minutes.

* When bitten by a poisonous snake, if there is no jar or iron at hand, you should put potassium permanganate crystals on the wound, drop a drop of water on it and make many injections with a needle around the wound so that the dissolved potassium permanganate penetrates the body better. It is desirable to cause the patient to sweat profusely.
* Tie powdered hemp seeds to the wound. You can use the plant itself, but the effect will be weaker.
* Tie steamed Veronica grass (snake grass, snake head) to the wound. You can drink a decoction of this herb at the same time.
* Drink an infusion of elecampane root with wine or drink this infusion with sour milk. You can also put chewed elecampane root or elecampane leaves on the wound. Infusion: grind elecampane root into powder, brew with 1 cup warm water 1 st. l. powder, leave for 30 minutes. or mix well and drink. The infusion can be replaced with a decoction: brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. root, heat over low heat for 15 minutes. and strain.
* Bitten poisonous snake lubricate the places with walnut oil or powder.

* In case of poisoning snake venom: drink turquoise powdered with water.
* The radish in wine helps with the bites of the horned viper.
* In the form of a medicinal bandage, bran helps with scorpion and viper stings.
* When bitten by poisonous insects and snakes: apply chewed laurel leaves to wounds.
* They say that if you wear a belt of strawberry leaves, snakes will not bite.
* The ashes of the squeezed vine serve as an antidote for viper bites.

First aid for a snake bite in a short video from Russia 1 channel.

Recipes for a dog bite

* For bites rabid dog should be applied to the sore spot plantain leaves with salt.
* Almonds help with rabid dog bites.
* Cabbage juice with wine saves from viper and rabid dog bites.

* You can make compresses with garlic, salted fish, vine ash (you can add vinegar), crushed ants on the bitten place.
* One way to draw poison out of a wound is to apply aged urine to it.
* Apply crushed herb or powder from it to the bite site.
* For cat bites: apply a slice of onion to the wound.

When a scorpion stings, a hard red swelling immediately appears and lingering pain begins. The bitten place either burns with fire or freezes. Suddenly, pain and tingling begin, then comes through cold sweat, lips twitch, vomiting begins, appear " goose-flesh"and shudder.
The first thing to do with a scorpion sting is to suck the blood out of the wound, and put chewed garlic, any nut or harmala on the bitten place.
Garlic is especially useful if you eat it with an equal amount of nuts. Later little time after applying garlic, you need to drink wine. After that, it is desirable to wrap the patient warmly. If you eat radish or mountain basil before the scorpion sting, the poison will not work.

For insect bites, the bite site should be rubbed with elderberry leaf or plantain juice.
You can relieve itching from mosquito bites by wiping the skin with a cotton swab moistened with diluted ammonia (1 tablespoon per 3 tablespoons of water) or a solution drinking soda(1/2 tsp; l. per glass of water)
When bitten by a sand mite, it is recommended to scratch the bitten place and lubricate it for three days in the morning and evening with iodine.
You can get rid of bedbugs as follows: insist chamomile flowers in kerosene for 14 days and lubricate the places of appearance of bedbugs with this infusion: bed, walls, etc. You can dilute alum (sold in a pharmacy) in water until saturation and lubricate the places of appearance with this solution insects. At the same time, not only bedbugs disappear, but also their testicles. Prevents bites of fish oil, which should be lubricated on the face, hands and other parts of the body open to insects.
When stinging bees, wasps and hornets, you need to soak a cotton wool in garlic juice and apply to the sore spot. You can also remove the sting of an insect from the ranhi and apply a cotton swab dipped in urine to it, or apply wet earth. It is recommended for such stings to apply to the wound a cotton swab dipped in blue, an infusion of parsley leaves or ammonia. If a tumor appears, you can make a compress from alcohol or vodka.
When stung by bees and mosquitoes, parsley juice should be drunk.
When stinging the "apricot midge", you need to smear the sore spot with iodine and put a warm compress with some kind of disinfectant.
For caterpillar bites, it is recommended to lubricate the sore spot with pure turpentine.
Ants do not like the smell of parsley, tomatoes, garlic and onions (rub the head of garlic on the places where house ants live - they will leave the room).
Flies are afraid of the smell of bird cherry, currant, turpentine.
Sucking and gnawing insects die when sprayed with decoction and infusion of wormwood: pour 10l. water 1 kg dry stems of wormwood, bring to a boil and boil for 30 minutes. or insist in water for 5 hours, dilute with water to 40-50 liters.

Infusions and decoctions of wormwood, hellebore, yarrow, henbane, dope, elderberry, milkweed, burdock, tomatoes, tobacco, pepper are effective against rodents.

Plantain is a unique plant, it grows everywhere and treats many diseases very efficiently and quickly...

The healing power of plantain (lat. Plantago) was known already in the first century AD. e. Arabic, Persian, Greek and Roman healers. Just so you know, psyllium is often used incorrectly and at the wrong time. Common use plantain - put a whole leaf on a cut - this is what it is better to pour red pepper on.

The main use of plantain is snake bites, bee stings, and acute purulent septic inflammations, flena, abscesses, the same panaritium at least. Poisonous bite or purulent phlegmon, the threat of blood poisoning?

Attention! In order for the plantain to have its effect, its leaves must be passed through a mixer? or smash with a hammer - to ooze green juice. And it is this green "porridge" to impose on the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. In addition, plantain must be eaten raw.

Who uses plantain like that? From time immemorial - North American Indians. A deadly bite of a gyurza - when the edema already reaches the throat - passes in half an hour. Purulent phlegmon when official medicine suggests amputation of the arm, passes overnight. Bee stings - pass instantly.

The only and important problem is that fresh plantain is available only in summer. Therefore, this antibiotic and antidote, amazing in its effectiveness, must either be dried in the summer, or alcohol extracts should be made. And always have just in case. Alcohol extract can be stored forever. It is done very simply: a three-liter glass jar and stuffed to the top with fresh washed clean water plantain. Then it is filled to the brim with ordinary vodka. Everything. Applied when needed.

On the other hand, snakes do not bite in winter, but if someone, for example, poked his leg with an ax in the village, and the wound festered and inflamed, then the napkin is wetted alcohol tincture plantain and thrust into the wound. Moreover, if someone chopped off a finger with an ax - cover it with red pepper, put a finger in place and overlay everything with plantain - everything will heal like on a dog. Did your foot hit the wheel? Rinse with running water, cover the mess with red pepper, overlay the road mass overlay - everything will be as it was before.

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Bruises, bruises, abrasions and burns - everyone has encountered such troubles, and even for kids, broken elbows and knees are generally a common thing. The unprepossessing grass growing along the roadsides often helped to cope with an unfortunate accident. I tore off a leaf, pressed it to the wound and everything is in order. But did anyone think at the same time which side to apply the plantain to the sore spot? And does it really help? Maybe it's all a myth? Let's figure it out.

Healing properties and indications for use

Plantain is valuable medicinal plant distributed throughout the world. However, many consider it a common weed and do not believe that roadside weed can heal as well as a patent medicine. What is the unique power of the plant?

As a result of many years of phytochemical studies, it has been proven that plantain has a wound healing, disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effect. The juice of the plant is especially effective in this regard.

Attention. Freshly squeezed juice has a pronounced hemostatic and antiseptic effect.

A sheet applied to a sore spot perfectly disinfects the affected tissues, anesthetizes, draws out pus and accelerates healing. Thanks to such unique properties, plantain found wide application in the treatment of the following injuries and injuries:

  • bruises, bruises, abrasions and scratches;
  • purulent wounds and boils;
  • cuts;
  • burns;
  • calluses.

If misfortune happened and you fell, burned or injured, do not rush to the pharmacy. Look around and look for a plantain bush.

Terms of use

So, how to use the plant? After plucking the succulent leaf, remove the tough stem and rinse well. If this is not possible, simply clean it of dust and debris. Never put dirty plantain on the wound.

The sheet should be slightly wrinkled in the hands until the juice appears and, applying to the affected area, press well and secure with a bandage. For the best therapeutic effect the plant is recommended to grind: pass through a meat grinder or finely chop.

Advice. Change natural medicine follows as the leaf blade dries and thins. This means that the plantain gave all his strength to heal the wound.

On the first day, it is advisable to apply a fresh bandage after 3-4 hours, on the second and subsequent days - as needed. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the condition skin in a sick place. If there is redness, itching, swelling - it is better to remove the plantain.

How to apply correctly?

We most often use the plant without even thinking about whether we are doing it right. What side should plantain be applied to the sore spot?

Traditional healers advise using the sheet, pressing its upper plane against the wound. Although, logically judging, it becomes clear that the side does not play any role. After all healing effect possesses plant sap.

Application recipes

In order for the treatment of wounds with plantain to be more effective, it is necessary to prepare medicinal herb to use. There are two methods of application:

  1. Whole sheet. Plantain, well washed and rumpled until the appearance of juice, is applied in several layers to the affected area and fixed with a bandage.
  2. Crushed plant. Fresh leaves are passed through a meat grinder, gauze is impregnated with the resulting slurry and applied to the wound.

The second method is more effective and is used for extensive skin lesions.

Advice. If you rubbed your leg along the way and don’t have a bactericidal patch on hand, don’t be discouraged. Pluck the plantain leaf. The plant will not only protect the skin from further damage, but also relieve pain.

Not everyone knows that plantain can be used for burns. Both a whole sheet and gruel are applied to the affected area. The plant helps relieve pain and inflammation, quickly heals the skin without blistering. Fresh leaves are also used for insect bites. The remedy perfectly relieves itching and pain.

To save healing properties plantain for the long winter months, you can make a tincture of alcohol. To do this, a 3-liter jar is tightly packed fresh leaves and topped with vodka. The mixture is removed in a dark place and used as needed.

Other ways to prepare tincture can be found in the video:

Apply to the treatment of wounds and dry leaves. They are pre-steamed and applied to the sore spot, secured with a bandage.

Don't pass by the plantain. The plant is indispensable for the treatment of minor wounds, cuts, bruises and insect bites. Not all medical preparations I can give such a result for such short term. And the absence of contraindications and side effects from external use makes it the best medicine for children and pregnant women.

Attention. The article is for informational purposes only. A specialist consultation is required.

All materials on the site are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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Although the dog is a friend of man, but the injuries that are treated after communicating with them in the hospital are not rare. A dog bite wound can be life-threatening. Moreover, both openly - with heavy bleeding, and hidden - infection from the saliva of the animal. Therefore, in any case, you should immediately consult a doctor.

From a dog bite traumatic injury skin, muscles, soft tissues, etc. The degree of danger is determined by several factors:

  1. Bleeding. The stronger it is, the more likely what is hurt major artery or vein. With deep injuries and bites, internal bleeding may develop.
  2. Soft tissue injury. If the bite is superficial, then most often it does not entail any dangers or complications. It quickly tightens and heals. With more deep wounds, torn edges, damage to the joints, bones, muscles will require surgical intervention.
  3. Infection. Various bacteria, microbes, dirt, saliva of the animal itself and so on can enter the wound. As a result, a person becomes infected with the bloodstream. Also, the wound itself, if it is open, is a favorable environment for development and reproduction. pathogenic microflora. Tetanus is especially common. In this case, vaccination against it is performed.
  4. Psychological shock. A dog attack often puts the victim into a stupor, and also leads to psychological trauma and the fear of the animal afterwards. For people with chronic cardiovascular disease, this can result in negative consequences. Increase in pressure due to transferred stress causes heart failure and requires immediate medical attention.
  5. Rabies. Stray and unvaccinated dogs often carry rabies. At the same time, they are responsible for infecting people in 60% of cases of its manifestation in patients.

Symptoms of manifestation

With dog bites, the best outcome is the appearance of small hematomas from strong jaw compression. There was no damage to the skin or soft tissues. But even a small bite responds severe pain and discomfort in this place.

Penetrating wounds are divided into stab wounds and lacerations.

stab wounds

Accompanied by slight bleeding, which is easy to stop. After the blood stops, it may continue to ooze from the wound. Also possible the following symptoms: swelling near the affected area, redness, rash in the form of small pimples, itching, some numbness or numbness. They talk about development inflammatory process and that the defeat is much deeper than it initially appears. Suppuration of the wound is characterized by: an increase in soreness, an increase in edema, separated from the wound with a specific bad smell. These signs may also appear several hours after the injury. Also possible: swollen lymph nodes, dizziness, weakness, headache, fever.


They are distinguished heavy bleeding pain, weakness, malaise, traumatic shock. This increases the likelihood of infection.

If the dog that caused the injury was infected with rabies, then the first signs of the disease may appear after a few days or even hours. The period of manifestation depends on the extent of the wound, the site of the bite, etc. The closer its localization to the head, the faster they appear.

The first period is short, its duration varies from 1 to 3 days. At the same time, it is accompanied by signs:

  • soreness in the bite area;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • severe headache;
  • loss of appetite;
  • irritability, depression, causeless fear and so on.
Elevated temperature- one of possible signs from a dog bite

At further development disease occurs in the brain and nervous system that result in death.

Tetanus also has unpleasant symptoms. Initially felt Blunt pain in the area of ​​the bite, the muscles tense and twitch. The patient may also complain about headache, general weakness, profuse sweating, loss of appetite.

Tetanus has characteristic symptoms:

  • spasms of facial muscles, which creates the so-called sardonic smile;
  • difficulty in swallowing;
  • neck muscle tension.

After that, contractions of skeletal muscles appear, which leads to their ruptures, compression fractures spine, asphyxia, cardiac arrest.

First aid

Any wound requires treatment and first, home care. Therefore, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Initially, the wound is washed with water. This should only be done if the wound is punctured. In cases of open and large lacerations wash only the area around it. In some cases it is recommended to use laundry soap, liquid detergent etc. Do not use them, as this can harm the patient and worsen his condition. You can use non-alcoholic antibacterial agents- Chlorhexidine, Miramistin. It is worth remembering that the liquid that is used for washing should not be cold and hot. Its optimum temperature is room temperature.
  2. If the bleeding is not strong, then you can allow the blood to flow freely, since in this way there will be a natural cleansing of the wound from those that have fallen into it. foreign objects and dirt.
  3. The wound itself is treated with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. The edges can be treated with various antiseptics - a solution of brilliant green, iodine, medical alcohol, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin.
  4. Apply a sterile dressing to the wound and secure with a bandage. At the same time, the bandage is not tight so that there is no pulling.
  5. With a strong profuse bleeding it is necessary to apply a tourniquet above this place, bending the injured limb as much as possible. Laying the limb on a hill will also help.
  6. Bleeding in other places requires maximum clamping of the wound to reduce it.

Ointments, balms, napkins, bandages, etc. should not be applied to an open wound.

Methods of treatment

After admission to medical institution the method of treatment is selected depending on the type of injury, its depth and area of ​​the lesion.

In any case, wound treatment is performed:

  • minor scratches, small puncture wounds, abrasions are treated with an antiseptic and a sterile bandage is applied;
  • with more extensive injuries, primary surgical intervention is performed - blockages, dead tissues are removed, blood clots, after which the cavity is treated with an antiseptic solution.

Medical treatment

First of all, it includes the treatment of bite sites. antiseptic preparations. These include: medical alcohol, iodine, brilliant green solution, Chlorhexidine, Miramistin and others.

For prevention and treatment, the common antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are used for this: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ceftriaxone, Lincomycin, Ciprofloxacin and others of the same type. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.

If there was a large blood loss, then a blood substitute must be administered intravenously. In other cases, use a glucose solution or 5% saline solution.

If present purulent inflammation, then Dioxidin (1% solution) is used for washing. Also ointments - Levomycetin, Tetracycline, synthomycin emulsion.

Surgical interventions

The primary surgical intervention is to remove foreign objects, blood clots and dead tissue from the wound. After that, large blood vessels and torn tissue if the injury is extensive. But external sutures are not applied to the bitten tissues in order to avoid secondary infection.

After producing the outer plastic surgery with the installation of an internal drainage system and secondary external seams. But plastic is shown only in cases of cosmetic necessity. Most often this applies to the front of the head.

Folk methods of treatment

Folk methods treatment should only be used in cases stab wounds and if there is no suppuration. Extensive ragged and open wounds tentatively subject to surgical intervention. But it is worth remembering that folk recipes can only be an addition to traditional medicine and also require prior consultation with a doctor.

As lotions use:

  1. Salt solution. To prepare it, 1 tablespoon of salt is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water.
  2. Alcohol tincture of propolis diluted in a ratio of 1:1.
  3. Rinse a few leaves of aloe under warm water, squeeze, strain through cheesecloth. With the resulting juice, make lotions or wipe the wound.
  4. Rinse young nettle leaves, grind into a homogeneous gruel with a blender, add a little salt. Apply the resulting mass to the wound 2-3 times a day until complete healing.

Lotions from propolis tincture - one of the folk methods of treating a dog bite

You can also use infusions of eucalyptus, calendula, chamomile. They not only promote healing, but disinfect the wound.

The following recipe has a wound-healing effect:

  • cloves (10-15 pieces) pour a glass of boiling water;
  • insist 1-2 hours, then strain;
  • take an infusion of 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day before meals.

Infusion has bactericidal properties:

  • 1 teaspoon of immortelle grass pour a glass of boiling water;
  • insist for an hour;
  • strain and consume 1 tablespoon three times a day on an empty stomach.

Preventive vaccination

After a dog bite, the patient must be vaccinated against rabies and injected with tetanus toxoid.

Anti-rabies vaccination is not carried out only if the dog is domestic and the owner has veterinary passport confirming that the pet has been vaccinated.

If no more than 72 hours have passed since the bite, then it is possible to use anti-rabies immunoglobulin. It is injected around the wound and into its depth. This method use if the localization of wounds is close to the head or their scale is large. It is also possible to use it when the saliva of the animal enters the mouth or Airways victim.

The number of injections and the course of treatment depend on the information about the bitten animal.