The first symptoms of rabies in dogs. Is rabies transmitted? Mad dogs: signs, symptoms

There is probably nothing worse than losing your health. An illness, especially a serious one, is always a blow and a disappointment. And if the disease concerns the brain, then how to recognize it? Our smaller brothers have much more risk contract rabies and are much less likely to be cured than in humans. How to save a devoted friend?

How to predict the development of the disease? How to recognize signs of rabies in a dog?

Typical story

If you live in an apartment and have a small lap dog, then you are practically safe. You don’t let your pet go outside without boots and overalls, you buy her food in a special store and take her to the hairdresser and manicurist once a week. Your pet lives in a happy, incubator-like environment. Real life he doesn’t see, he doesn’t feel the risk. It's another matter if you have big dog. You will have to walk with her at least twice a day. She will have to be combed and washed in the bath. She will have to buy a muzzle and a thick leash. But on walks, a craving for freedom will awaken in her.

She will run around fields and roads, barking at birds and trying to catch a rabbit, provided that you are walking away from the city. Who will protect your dog from rabid foxes, bats or rats? One bite and your pet is in danger.

How does the pet feel?

The first sign of rabies in dogs is a feeling of guilt. The dog becomes gloomy, lowers his head low, looks at the owner with sad eyes. This behavior is noted by almost all dog owners who have encountered similar problem. The dog does not understand his guilt, but clearly feels it. Therefore, he tries to retire, lies for a long time, experiences constant thirst. Signs of rabies in a dog can be seen with the naked eye, but only if you take a closer look at your pet and notice changes in its behavior. Lack of appetite is an alarm bell, especially if your dog usually loves to eat.

In general, any change signals something, and it is within your power to consult a doctor in time and try to save the life of your four-legged friend.

Lethal virus

Veterinarians celebrate viral origin rabies, and when asked about its curability, they shrug their shoulders. Alas, today medicine is powerless in treating the disease, and exceptions only confirm the rule. If you notice signs of rabies in dogs at an early stage, then there is a tiny chance of saving the animal. The trouble is that this disease is characterized by a long incubation period. The first signs of rabies infection in dogs appear much later than the moment of infection. During this period it is no longer possible to help. The only solution can be prevention, in particular, an annual vaccine.

Carriers among us

Warm-blooded animals can be susceptible to infection through blood, saliva and other contacts. A light bite or even a scratch is enough. The worst thing is considered to be damage to the central nervous system, that is, a bite on the nose or ear. This is certain death for the dog. A tiny concentration on bodily injury results in rapid damage to the entire body and painful death. Why is dog rabies so dangerous, signs? initial stage is not yet characterized by increased aggressiveness on the part of the animal, a person can avoid an attack. In addition to the direct physical damage from a rabid dog, a person is at risk of viral infection.

Every year a huge percentage of people die from rabies is recorded. The infection is most often transmitted by dogs. People with children who were bitten on the street are queuing to see a traumatologist. Children rarely realize the threat from the animal and try to pet the fluffy one.

Stages of rabies

The first sign of rabies in a dog appears after the incubation period - a disheveled appearance, strange behavior and fear. Rabies is rarely recognized based on these signs. Veterinarians have identified three conventional stages of the disease, classifying them according to symptoms. What are the signs of rabies in dogs at the first stage, according to doctors?

It must be said that the first stage is called a harbinger of the disease, or the prodromal stage. As already mentioned, there is a change in behavior. Aggression may appear or, conversely, the dog will become very affectionate. The animal's nervous system suffers, and daylight is intolerable to it. The dog hides in the shadows, avoids contact, is afraid of noise and shadows. Wild thirst dries up the animal, but it cannot drink, since the taste of water becomes disgusting to it. Out of powerlessness, the dog digs the ground, gnaws objects, howls. May appear suddenly sexual desire to your kind. The first stage lasts a maximum of three days. At its completion the animal experiences severe itching at the site of the bite and scratches the wound.

Second phase

This is the stage of exuberance or excitement. At this stage, the signs of rabies in the dog are obvious. The animal completely loses control over itself and experiences acute headache, as a result of which it tends to destroy any objects around. Games are not attractive, favorite toys are torn to shreds, barking becomes rude, and behavior becomes aggressive and furious. Dog with more likely can bite humans and other animals nearby.

Infected animals often try to escape from the pain and may not be able to clear the roads, so it is better not to stand in their way. This last stage when an animal can recognize its owner and at least don't harm him. The stage of aggression can be replaced by a state of apathy towards the surrounding world, complete indifference with all the ensuing consequences. In particular, the dog's jaw drops, saliva flows endlessly, and its eyes are red and inflamed.

Third stage: paralytic

This is the final stage, which only has death. The dog's nervous system is completely damaged. The dog perceives the world in fits and starts, provided that he is conscious. In wild pain, the animal may bark or howl loudly. The main signs of rabies in a dog at this stage are body convulsions and paralysis. Full action and the animal cannot make any movements. In general, it does not pose a danger to humans at this time. Body temperature rises, eyes roll, paws twitch involuntarily. The dog may have difficulty breathing, wheezing, or chattering its teeth. Eventually breathing becomes paralyzed and death by suffocation occurs.

Sometimes the cause of death can be cardiac arrest.

Treat or prevent

If you suspect signs of rabies in dogs in your home or yard, do not hesitate, but immediately contact a veterinarian and, if possible, transport the animal. The doctor will conduct full examination and install possible diseases. If the dog is truly infected, then there is almost no hope that it will be saved, but you can protect yourself, your family and friends from contact and further infection. As for your pet, the disease can be prevented by getting vaccinated annually. By the way, it would be good to get vaccinated not only against rabies, but also against plague, hepatitis, parainfluenza and other not so pleasant things.

Your puppy

If you took little puppy, then vaccinations should be the first item on the agenda. Know that there is more than one vaccine developed and adapted for different types pets. You can take him for vaccination already one month old puppy, if he is stronger and walks and eats independently. The second injection will need to be given according to the schedule announced by the doctor. This is the only way you can achieve 100% protection. Naturally, the vaccine is indicated only for healthy animals, and an infected animal can no longer be saved with its help. The effect of the vaccine is expressed in the acquisition strong immunity to the rabies virus, and the effect is ensured even if the animal has been severely bitten by its relatives. On average, the price of a vaccine per 1 ml ranges from 150 to 300 rubles. Private owners also charge a fee for the vaccination itself. That is, you will still have to spend money, but you will be sure of safety and will not look out for signs of rabies in dogs.

Symptoms are false

Some particularly impressionable owners begin to sow panic too early. It’s good, of course, when your dog is clean, fed and after a walk you wash his paws with shampoo, but you need to give the dog some frolic, otherwise he will become completely pampered, and then he will actually run the risk of getting sick. IN apartment buildings Rodents and insects can become carriers of infection. Bats can live in attics. Does your dog walk there? Then you are at risk. But how do signs of rabies appear in dogs in apartments? Symptoms may differ slightly from those previously stated. The dog will get bored and begin to avoid the owner. His eyes may water and his nose may run. Salivation will also increase. Aggression is not always a mandatory behavioral factor in infected dogs. An animal can, on the contrary, constantly hide under the protection of its owner and suffer from inattention. You can watch the animal play. Does he tear his favorite toy apart? Your teeth are itching, it seems to you. The reasons may be much more serious.

Forms of the disease

Conventionally, four forms of the disease can be distinguished: violent, quiet, recurrent and abortive. We have already discussed the first above. The quiet form is characterized by the animal’s apathetic state and lack of interest in life. Appetite may persist, although swallowing may be difficult. The dog often chokes. Paralysis of the pharynx may occur. The gait is unsteady and uncertain. A dog can greedily eat completely inedible objects.

The recurrent form of rabies is the most insidious, since it seems that the dog has completely recovered, but after two to three weeks all the symptoms of rabies return and lead the animal to death.

Finally, the abortive form of rabies is characterized by the animal’s recovery at the second stage of the disease. This is a very rare form and, of course, the most successful for a sick dog that has been properly cared for. The atypical form is associated with signs of gastroenteritis, that is, bloody vomiting and diarrhea. A sick dog can transmit the virus to humans, so practice good hygiene and avoid petting your dog outside.

External symptoms

If you walk down the street, you will hardly be able to observe the animal and determine obvious signs rabies in dogs. Photos of eyewitnesses and owners of such unfortunate individuals help to identify external signs, which should be of concern. Even during an evening walk with friends, it is better to take a closer look at the world around you in order to protect yourself and the people around you from dangerous virus. So, a sick dog appears thin. She is tortured, incredibly thin, even if she is a large dog. It seems that the dog has fur hanging on it, and along with it, skin. Her tongue may fall out and her eyes will cross. The unsteady gait and cloudy red eyes are alarming. The dog breathes very quickly, and you can see this, since the ribs of an emaciated individual strongly protrude. If you see a street dog with these symptoms, don't stay away. See your doctor. This way you can save several lives. If you suspect rabies in your own pet, then do not hush up the problem. Remember that there is no cure for rabies, but similar symptoms are observed in a number of other diseases. If your dog was bitten on the street, then before going to the clinic, wash the wound yourself with a thick solution of laundry soap, trim the hair around it and disinfect it with hydrogen peroxide. The sooner you see a doctor, the better your pet's chances.

Rabies – dangerous disease, in most cases ending in death.
But before that, there is a high probability that the animal will infect a person, so stay away from stray dogs.
Everyone, not just dog owners, should be able to recognize the signs of rabies: you can become a victim of an enraged animal simply by walking in the park.

Stages and signs

The main signs known to everyone - profuse salivation And inappropriate behavior dogs. But these are signs acute stage diseases.

Rabies in individuals has four phases, each of which has its own characteristics. specific manifestations.

Incubation period of the disease

An animal can only become infected with rabies from another animal – not necessarily a dog.

It could be a cat or a bird, or a corpse that she ate. The duration of the incubation period is from two weeks to two months. Sometimes this phase can last for six months.

The dog behaves normally, eats, sleeps, plays, can be trained, and follows the usual commands that are already familiar to him.

There are no visible signs of the disease, but rhabdovirus, the causative agent of rabies, has already taken up residence in the body and is inexorably moving through nerve fibers to the brain. Once the virus reaches the brain, rabies manifests itself.

Prodromal stage of the disease

Duration: from several hours to several days.
Symptoms and signs of rabies in dogs:
The dog behaves capriciously, and is characterized by frequent unreasonable mood swings: aggressiveness, friendliness or apathy. Hallucinations appear, the dog suddenly starts barking, rushes at an invisible enemy, digs the ground or drives away flies.

The frantic phase is the brightest

The brightest and dangerous stage rabies. Lasts from one day to seven days. The dog literally goes crazy from hallucinations, the feeling of fear completely atrophies.

It does not recognize its owners if it is on a chain in an enclosure - it will rush away and throw itself at the net. If he breaks free, he will run without stopping until he falls down exhausted, biting everything that gets in his way.

Bouts of rabies alternate with seizures complete apathy. The dog does not eat or drink, and does not respond to commands or handling.

The barking is hoarse, turning into an unhealthy prolonged howl. Saliva begins to flow profusely and the dog is unable to swallow. Partial paralysis appears.

Paralytic phase or death

Duration – no more than 4 days, after which the dog dies.

The dog is in constant depression, still does not eat or drink, his tongue and jaws are paralyzed. Paralysis descends down to the hind limbs, the dog completely loses mobility and dies.

Sometimes the disease occurs with almost no characteristic signs, the dog simply fades away little by little. Periods of aggression and depression may alternate with temporary improvement, but in the end the dog still dies.

How does the disease manifest itself in young individuals?

Rabies can develop differently in puppies; young puppies are not yet accustomed to aggression.

The first signs of rabies in a dog: a person infected with the virus loses his appetite, looks lethargic and apathetic.

It may begin to intensively caress the owner, lick him, bite him, as if playing.

And in this main danger: a person does not suspect that the dog is contagious and does not take any measures, while the virus also enters his body through scratches and abrasions.

Young dogs get sick more often, and the disease develops faster than in older dogs. This is due to the fact that even with regular vaccination, immunity to rabies is developed only by the third year of life.

First signs and manifestations for different breeds

The breed and gender of the animal are not of fundamental importance, only the age and character of the pet.

There is a myth that dogs small breeds You cannot vaccinate against rabies - the vaccine kills them.

This is not true, this was the case fifty years ago, when first generation vaccines were used with a mass side effects. The drugs have a completely different composition and must be administered annually to each dog.

Is it possible to cure rabies at home?

Rabies is incurable neither at home nor in hospitals, neither in dogs nor in people.

Therefore, if someone claims to have used something folk remedy, and the dog was healed - do not believe it under any circumstances.

Don't put your animal, yourself or your loved ones at risk. A questionable outcome of the disease is possible only if atypical form diseases.

But if an animal is suspected of rabies, it is destroyed anyway; the risk of infection by humans and the spread of the disease is too great.

Where to go for help

If you encounter a suspiciously aggressive animal, possibly rabid, you should immediately contact the nearest veterinary service.
The animal will be caught and put in a cage.

After ten days, if no signs of rabies appear, the animal will be considered healthy, and the person it bitten will not be infected. Otherwise, the dog is euthanized and the victim is immediately given a vaccine.

Cost of treatment and vaccines

Annual vaccination at veterinary stations is carried out free of charge - with a domestic vaccine.

An imported complex vaccine against several viruses costs on average from 500 to 700 rubles.

If the animal weighs more than 5 kg, two vaccines will be needed - keep this in mind.

What to do if you are bitten by a rabid dog

The most important thing is not to wait and not to use “grandmother’s” remedies, they don’t work. Only prompt vaccination will help to avoid death, which will have an effect if it is carried out before the onset of clinical signs rabies.

Immediately after the attack, the bite site should be washed with plenty of soap and water and immediately go to the doctor - this applies to both people and animals who were bitten.

There have been very rare cases of a rabid dog inexplicably recovering from the second stage. But this is truly a rarity, comparable to a miracle, and you shouldn’t count on being lucky - all you can do if your pet is infected with rabies is just to protect yourself, your environment and other animals.

How and why does a dog become infected?

The rabies virus enters the animal's body with saliva at the moment when it is bitten by a sick dog. Some wild animals are also carriers of rabies: foxes, hedgehogs, raccoons, squirrels, bats and others.

A rabid dog is contagious to others even when signs have not yet appeared and the animal appears healthy. The danger is that rabies has a latent period that is asymptomatic. By the end of the period, the virus becomes active, and a large amount of it accumulates in saliva.

The scheme of how rabies is transmitted in dogs is simple:

  • damaged when bitten by a dog skin covering;
  • The saliva of a sick animal gets into the wound, the body becomes infected, and the incubation period begins;
  • the virus moves through the cells of the body to the brain;
  • during the movement, the virus multiplies;
  • the virus invades the brain, damages it, and then begins to move back, affecting other organs;
  • the latent period ends and the manifestation of symptoms becomes noticeable.

Many people don’t know how a dog can become infected with rabies if there are no injuries on its body? The fact is that an animal gets sick even when saliva gets on its mucous membranes: on the tongue, in the eyes, in the nostrils. This happens when pets play, chew on the same bone, the bitch licks the puppies, and in some other cases.

How to prevent rabies infection

The disease can be prevented if your pet is vaccinated against rabies regularly, once a year.

The first vaccination is given to puppies between two and four months of age. Then, every year, around the same time, the vaccination is repeated.

If the pet is vaccinated, then infection can occur only in certain cases:

  1. The vaccine was expired or stored incorrectly. This can be avoided if you use the services of only reliable, trusted veterinary institutions.
  2. At the time of vaccination, the animal was already infected and the disease was in the incubation period.

When walking with your pet, it is advisable to avoid communicating with unfamiliar animals, and if you notice a pack of dogs along the route of your walk, you should avoid it. Packs of stray dogs are dangerous not only due to the possibility of infection, but also to attacks due to uncontrolled behavior.

Measures to take if you suspect an illness

Knowing how rabies manifests itself in dogs and noticing any signs, the pet must be immediately isolated. You need to act quickly, clearly and without fuss:

  1. put a collar and leash on the dog;
  2. take it to a separate place. In an apartment this can be a storage room, a loggia or a separate room. In the private sector - an aviary, a barn, any place on the site, preferably under a canopy;
  3. Tie the dog firmly to a reliable object. Keep in mind that a sick dog becomes very strong at the moment of aggression and can run away. It is important to provide for this;
  4. in cases where the animal’s aggression is pronounced, it is necessary to wear a muzzle. Better dog starve for several days rather than risk the lives of other people and animals;
  5. call veterinary clinic, report a possible rabies outbreak, get advice from a specialist and recommendations on further actions;
  6. if there is a second pet in the house (dog, cat, hamster), it is also necessary to isolate them from both the sick animal and people;
  7. When feeding, do not approach the animal;
  8. Observation of the dog's condition continues for 10-14 days. During this period, the sick animal's symptoms usually worsen and death occurs. If no further signs appear and the dog is alive, then it probably has another disease with similar symptoms.

A veterinary clinic can test for rabies in dogs, but a positive answer comes only 7-15 days before the end of the latent period.

Rabies (hydrophobia, hydrophobia) – acute viral disease, which occurs in a dog (or person) after being bitten by a sick animal. Rabies in dogs exhibits specific symptoms.
Due to the disease, the nervous system is affected: excitability increases, hydrophobia appears, paralysis of the respiratory muscles and limbs appears. The outcome of the disease is always death. It is important to know how to identify rabies in a dog.

Today, rabies in dogs is extremely common. In areas with hotbeds of animal rabies, people are at risk. As a rule, rabies is spread primarily by stray stray dogs. They themselves become infected mainly from wild animals.

The incubation period for rabies in dogs (latent) lasts 3-6 weeks. For puppies it takes 5-7 days. Often the latent period lasts a long time, in some adult dogs it reaches a year.

How does rabies manifest in dogs? Forms of the disease

  • Violent. The animal avoids people, becomes lethargic, reluctant to perform tasks, hides in dark places, and eats poorly. Sometimes a sick dog can, on the contrary, become intrusive and overly affectionate, constantly licking the owner’s face and hands. The described state is replaced by anxiety, increased irritability and fearfulness. The dog barks, listens to something, looks around. He refuses to eat his usual food and greedily swallows inedible objects.

A sick animal constantly chews and scratches the bite site. How to test a dog for rabies? The most important sign is spasms of the pharyngeal muscles; the pet cannot swallow water. The animal salivates profusely, the barking becomes hoarse and turns into a howl. Aggression and rage appear. Bouts of violence are replaced by oppression. The animal becomes weak and lies motionless. The slightest shout, noise, bright light causes a new attack of aggressiveness.

Gradually the dog loses its voice and becomes exhausted. The lower jaw droops and muscle paralysis develops. Saliva flows profusely, the tongue falls out, clouding of the cornea and strabismus appear. The hind limbs become paralyzed, then the paralysis spreads to the forelimbs and torso, respiratory system and heart. The dog dies. The illness lasts 3-11 days.

  • Quiet (paralytic). A sick dog can be overly affectionate, does not leave the owner or trainer, and licks his face and hands. The rabies virus is found in saliva and is extremely dangerous for humans. Gradually the animal becomes restless. The first signs of rabies in dogs: excessive drooling, drooping lower jaw, difficulty swallowing. Paralysis develops quickly, death occurs within 2-4 days.
  • Atypical. Appear characteristic features enteritis, gastritis (bloody diarrhea, vomiting). It is not easy to recognize rabies in time.

If there is the slightest suspicion of a disease, the dog must be tied up and isolated, and the suspicions must be reported to the nearest veterinary center. Observation of the dog lasts 10 days. If signs of rabies do not appear, the animal is healthy. If it has already developed rabies in dogs, treatment impossible to carry out. The animal will have to be euthanized.

How does a dog become infected with rabies?

It is possible to become infected with rabies only through blood, saliva, biological fluids. You cannot catch the disease through urine, eating or smelling something. A vaccinated dog is much less likely to become infected. It is clear how rabies is transmitted in dogs. The disease can spread to humans if the saliva of a sick animal gets on the damaged skin (often through a bite). The signs of rabies after a dog bite are identical.

Prevention of rabies in dogs

The main thing is to properly keep dogs in populated areas and cities. Rabies vaccination for dogs is mandatory early age. Repeated vaccinations are given annually. But the animal can still get sick. The following reasons are given for this: the rabies vaccine for dogs can lose its properties due to improper storage and transportation conditions; if the vaccination was made during the incubation period of the disease. Vaccination against rabies prevents the disease in 96-98% of cases.

Symptoms of rabies after a dog bite

A person experiences spasms of the respiratory and pharyngeal muscles. Subsequently, paralysis occurs and death occurs. Convulsions, fear of hydrophobia, and spasm of the larynx begin at the sight or sound of pouring water. Patients become aggressive and spin around in bed. These are clear signs of rabies after a dog bite. Required in mandatory resort to prevention, immunize domestic animals, handle suspicious animals carefully.

What to do if bitten by a rabid dog

First, wash the bite site with soap (this procedure will take 10 minutes). Deep wounds should be rinsed with a jet cold water(using a catheter or syringe). Do not stitch or cauterize wounds.

It is better to go to the nearest emergency room. Time is of the essence in the event of a bite. Tell your doctor what your appearance dogs, whether a collar was present, how the dog behaved, how it bit. The doctor will prescribe a course of vaccinations. The bitten person will be left in the hospital - if the person has serious condition, need to be vaccinated again, there is allergic diseases or diseases of the nervous system. Pregnant women are left under supervision. It is not recommended to drink alcohol for 6 months after vaccination.

During the course, do not become overcooled, overheated or overtired. Remember, vaccinating dogs against rabies is also a guarantee of human health.

Rabies is one of the oldest known infectious diseases, quite often affecting wild animals such as bats, wolves, foxes, raccoons, skunks and even cats. This is an acute viral disease affecting nervous system, can be transmitted to almost any animal, as well as to humans. If your dog has not been vaccinated against this disease, he is at risk of contracting it from a wild animal through contact or bite. If you notice signs of rabies in your dog, use caution and seek help. Try to get the animal to the veterinarian as soon as possible.


Part 1

Identifying Rabies Symptoms

    Define early signs that your dog is infected with rabies. Early stage The illness can last from 2 to 10 days. During this time, the animal will appear unhealthy, which will manifest itself in a number of symptoms. When you notice these symptoms, look for signs of a bite or recent altercation on your dog (wounds, scratches, pulled fur). If you find a bite or other wound, take your dog to the vet immediately. TO early symptoms relate:

    • Muscle pain.
    • Restless behavior.
    • Irritability.
    • Chills.
    • Fever.
    • Malaise, a general feeling of illness and discomfort.
    • Photophobia, fear of bright light.
    • Anorexia, or refusal to eat.
    • Vomit.
    • Diarrhea.
    • Inability or unwillingness to swallow.
    • Cough.
  1. Recognize the signs late period light form rabies. This form, known as the silent or paralytic form, usually lasts from 3 to 7 days. It is so named because it results in paralysis. The dog has foam coming out of its mouth, it seems lethargic, sick and apathetic (tired). Take your dog to the vet immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms:

    • Paralysis (loss motor function) paws, muzzle muscles or other parts of the body. Paralysis usually begins with hind limbs and moves up throughout the body.
    • Omission lower jaw, which results in a "dumb" appearance.
    • Strange barking sound, not like normal barking.
    • Excessive salivation, which creates foam around the mouth.
    • Difficulty swallowing.
      • With this form of rabies, dogs are not aggressive and usually do not try to bite.
  2. Define late symptoms violent form of rabies. In this form, the disease lasts from 3 to 7 days, and the animal is easily excited and behaves aggressively. The dog's behavior will be unusual and foam will come out of its mouth. This form of the disease is considered typical manifestation rabies, although it is less common in dogs than paralytic rabies. Manifests itself in violent form excessive aggression, and you need to behave extremely carefully so that the animal does not bite you. If you think your dog has this form of rabies, call animal control and ask for help. Symptoms include:

    • Profuse salivation, looks like foam from the mouth.
    • Hydrophobia, or fear of water. The dog will refuse to walk near water; at the sound of flowing water or touching it, the animal will feel anxiety or panic.
    • Aggressiveness. The dog will bare its teeth angrily, as if ready to bite at any moment.
    • Anxiety and discomfort. The animal may also refuse to eat.
    • Irritability. A dog may attack and bite in response to the slightest provocation. She can do this without any reason.
    • Abnormal behavior such as chewing on rocks, debris, or one's own paws. The dog may try to grab your hand if you wave it in front of him while he is in the crate and bite him.
    • Overly playful puppies that suddenly bite when petted and become aggressive after a few hours.
  3. Look for any bite marks or open wounds on the dog's body. If an infected animal bites another animal, rabies is spread through the infected animal's saliva. When saliva enters the blood and mucous membranes (mouth, eyes, nasal cavity) of an uninfected animal, the disease passes from an infected animal to a previously healthy animal. If you find bite marks or other open wounds on your dog's body, he may have contracted rabies.

    Seek medical attention immediately. If your dog is bitten by any animal, take him to the vet as soon as possible. Once on a dog's skin and fur, rabies viruses can remain alive for up to 2 hours, so before touching a bitten animal, wear gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, and long pants. The veterinarian will ask you about the possible source of the disease (for example, you may have seen a fox or bats near your home) and examine your dog.

  4. Know what steps you can take. If your dog has previously been vaccinated against rabies, he should receive a booster shot of the vaccine after the bite. This will help her immune system cope with the virus. After this, the animal must be closely monitored for 45 days, which is usually done at home. During this period, you should isolate the dog from other animals and people who do not live in your home. If the dog has not been vaccinated against rabies and is bitten by an infected animal, it is recommended to euthanize it.

    • Euthanasing the dog before the disease has fully developed prevents serious danger to people.
    • If you do not want to euthanize the dog, it will be quarantined in a veterinary clinic specially adapted for this purpose, where it will be monitored for 6 months. You will pay for her care, and if rabies does not manifest itself during this period, she will be vaccinated a month before being discharged from the clinic.
  5. Please note that there are some diseases that have symptoms similar to rabies. If your dog has no bite marks but you are concerned certain symptoms, keep in mind that they can be caused by other diseases. Take your dog to the vet immediately if he appears sick or exhibits unusual symptoms. Diseases that have symptoms similar to rabies include:

    • Infectious canine hepatitis.
    • Meningitis.
    • Tetanus.
    • Toxoplasmosis.
    • Brain tumors.
    • Maternal aggression in recently whelped females.
    • Poisoning with substances such as diminazene and organophosphates.

    Part 2

    Preventing rabies in dogs
    1. Get your dog vaccinated against rabies. This is the best and most cheap way prevent this disease. Establish a regular vaccination schedule for your pet at your veterinarian to keep your pet's immunity up to date. Depending on the brand of vaccine and local laws, vaccination may be given every year, every two or three years.

    2. Limit your pet's contact with wild and stray animals. The best way Keeping your dog safe involves keeping your dog away from wild animals, in addition to vaccinations. You can keep your dog in the yard behind a fence, being careful not to let him out of the fence during increased activity wild animals ( early morning, in the evening and at night), and when walking, keep her on a leash.

      • Keep a close eye on your dog when hiking or walking in different areas. big amount homeless animals.
    3. Pass preventive vaccination yourself. If you live in the zone increased risk or your profession increases the risk of infection, you should be vaccinated against rabies. Prophylactic vaccination is also recommended for travelers planning to spend more than a month in regions where rabies is common, as well as for people working with any animals in these regions. High-risk activities include:

      • Veterinarians.
      • Veterinary clinic staff.
      • Rabies laboratory staff.
      • People working with wildlife(staff of wild parks, reserves and reserves).
    4. Treat wounds caused by possibly infected animals. If you are bitten by an animal and you believe it may have rabies, wash the wound with soap and water for 10 minutes. After this, contact your doctor immediately, who will give you instructions about further actions and report to the appropriate services. They may try to catch the animal that bit you to see if it has rabies.

      • If the bitten animal actually has rabies or it could not be found, you will be prescribed a course of vaccine treatment, the duration of which depends on whether you have previously received preventive vaccination.
    • Keep your pet on a leash in areas where there have been cases of rabies.
    • Make your area unattractive to wild animals: tightly close garbage cans and try to prevent food waste from accumulating in them; Seal up gaps in the fence through which wild animals can enter your property, as well as gaps under the veranda and house where they can hide.
    • If you find nearby your dog bat, try to catch it carefully so that it doesn't bite you. Take the bat to a laboratory that tests for rabies in animals.

How to determine rabies in dogs?

Rabies outbreaks kill many animals every year. Unfortunately, those who live in home and sterile conditions are also at risk.

In some cases, rabies in dogs shows symptoms too late. However, most often the disease is not difficult to recognize if you understand the basics of its symptoms.

Let's look at how to identify a disease in a pet and what should be done to prevent it.

The disease is caused by a neutrotropic virus that affects the nervous system. At the same time, immune cells are not able to block the effect on the spinal cord and brain exerted by the virus, since their response actions do not go beyond the circulatory system.

The virus is transmitted by infected warm-blooded animals (foxes, raccoons, rats, cats, dogs, etc.) that can transmit rabies by:

  • bite;
  • saliva trapped in a microcrack in the skin of a healthy dog.

Pets at risk include:

On average, the duration of incubation takes 1-3 months. It depends on the age and volume of the virus that has entered the body. Thus, in puppies, the first symptoms are registered already on days 5-7, and in some adults they are not noticeable for a whole year. In this case, the pet’s saliva poses a danger 5-10 days after infection.

Please note that the disease poses a danger not only to other dogs, but also to people.


Symptoms depend on the form of the disease, divided into:

  • violent;
  • quiet;
  • returnable;
  • atypical;
  • abortifacient.


The most common form of rabies, lasting 5-11 days. An infected pet goes through 3 stages:


Unlike the first form, this development option assumes the absence of aggression. The illness lasts 3-5 days and includes following signs rabies in dogs:

  • constant lethargy with loss of appetite;
  • eating inedible objects;
  • the occurrence of cough;
  • problems with swallowing and drooling;
  • drooping jaw and difficulty walking due to the development of paralysis.


In a sick dog acute symptoms alternate with temporary remission. Each time the attack becomes stronger and ultimately kills the pet.

Please note that even with improvement lasting over a week, the animal will still face death.


Dangerous form, different from the classic ones. The symptoms that appear are similar to gastroenteritis:

  • general weakness;
  • decreased activity;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea mixed with blood.

This type of rabies develops slowly (3-6 months). Atypical rabies is not characterized by sudden changes in condition as in the violent form.


The form is rare. The progression of the disease subsides and the animal recovers. The reason for this phenomenon has not yet been identified by scientists.

Summarizing what was stated earlier, we highlight general signs diseases:

  • thinness accompanied by protruding ribs,
  • disheveled wool and hanging skin;
  • protruding tongue;
  • rapid breathing;
  • cloudiness and redness of the eyes;
  • unsteady gait.

If you come across a dog with similar symptoms while walking, stay away from it. To prevent the spread of infection, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Diagnosis and treatment

In case of a bite or other damage to a pet by a wild animal or stray dog provide first aid:

  1. Avoid contact with the wound. Using protective gloves, inspect the damage. Also use a muzzle to avoid contact with saliva.
  2. Trim the fur near the wound to allow access.
  3. Wash the wound with plenty of soapy water. Use for this laundry soap and a syringe to create pressure.
  4. Call the veterinary clinic and arrange a house call. It is better to place the pet in a separate room, avoiding contact with residents.

Please note that the disease is incurable, so once the symptoms are diagnosed, the pet cannot be saved.

A bitten and unvaccinated dog is vaccinated twice. The second vaccination is given 15 days after the first. During this entire time, the animal is under quarantine in an isolated enclosure. If no symptoms appear and a saliva test does not show the presence of the virus, then the pet is considered healthy.

It is important not to forget your own safety, because rabies poses a mortal threat to the owner. The actions taken after being bitten by a rabid animal are not much different from the recommendations for a dog:

  1. Wash the wound using a thick soap solution. Treat damaged skin with an antiseptic.
  2. Contact a traumatologist and undergo a vaccination course. It is necessary to make 6 injections into the shoulder area.

If symptoms of rabies are detected in a pet, all family members and other living pets are vaccinated. Due to the risk of infection, the dog is not treated. To alleviate her condition, they can only euthanize her.


As preventive measures follows:

Despite the advantages of vaccination, it still does not provide a 100% guarantee. However, the disease affects only 2-4% of vaccinated dogs.

At acute shortage money, the animal can be vaccinated completely free of charge state clinic. But it's better to buy imported vaccine and carry out the procedure in private clinic. This will reduce the risk of possible complications.


When you become the owner of a four-legged friend, you take on a huge responsibility. Rabies in dogs - terrible disease, threatening not only the infected person, but also those around him. Monitor your pet's health and do not neglect vaccinations against viral infections.

Be vigilant and do not remain indifferent when you spot wild animals with signs of rabies. Perhaps it is your appeal that will save other people's lives.

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