The bean diet is great for weight loss and satiation. Beans for weight loss

Bean diet– an effective and safe way to lose weight, which is recommended by leading nutritionists. With the help of such a weight loss system, it is possible to get rid of three to five kilograms in a couple of weeks.

Even though there are more fast diets, this weight loss has an undoubted advantage when you manage to lose weight and eat right at the same time. The name of the diet does not mean that only legume products are applicable; the menu is very diverse. In addition, achieve best result It is possible if you approach the weight loss system comprehensively and engage in physical activity.

Variety of legumes

At first glance, it may seem that legumes are peas and beans. In fact, the legume diet is quite varied, as this type of food includes:

  • Peas;
  • Corn;
  • Beans;
  • Beans;
  • Lentils;
  • And even peanuts.

All this allows you to make the food not bland. Legume foods are rich in protein. Vegetarians often choose this diet, since protein comes from plant products replaces protein in meat. Legumes are often a side dish for meat and fish dishes, they are used to make porridges and soups, and they are one or the main ingredient in salads. In this regard, nutritionists have developed a special bean diet, which helps not to feel hungry and at the same time, due to the low calorie content, allows you to effectively lose weight.

Regarding the composition and useful properties, then beans, lentils and peas contain:

  • Minerals;
  • Vitamins;
  • Vegetable protein;
  • Vegetable fats.

Lentils are perfectly absorbed by the body. It is low in fat and carbohydrates, which does not lead to weight gain. In addition, it can replenish the daily intake of iron and B vitamins if you consume 80 grams of these legumes.

In turn, beans contain pectins, which help normalize metabolism and digestive function, neutralize toxins and other harmful substances, serving as a protective barrier against their entry into the human body. Beans are a low-calorie food, which, in turn, satisfies hunger. It is also an excellent immune-boosting agent.

Green peas include the following substances:

  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Vitamins A, B and C;
  • Manganese.

Green peas are a champion in content useful elements. It is recommended to eat it every day, even for those who do not adhere to a diet.

Another legume - peanuts - also contains a lot of vitamins D and B. But it should not be consumed a lot and often, since it is a hard-to-digest product and contains fat, which negatively affects weight change.

Diet specifics

Like any other weight loss system, the bean diet requires dietary restrictions. At the same time, you do not need to constantly starve. Weight loss occurs due to the content of foods containing a small amount of calories in the method. In addition, during the diet only weight decreases, not muscles; the protein in legumes helps maintain them. Also, beans, corn, and peas contain a lot of fiber, and this affects the rapid saturation of the body and the normalization of the digestive system. The merit of fiber is that it cleanses the intestines, freeing it from toxins and having a positive effect on metabolism, which plays a major role in the process of losing weight. Often the cause of obesity and excess weight are metabolic disorders. With the help of such a diet, the functioning of many organs can be stabilized and improved.

It is no secret that during a diet a person is depressed, under stress. Legumes, on the contrary, do not cause such processes, helping to maintain the emotional background in order - they contain vitamins and minerals.

Thus, the essence of the bean diet is to eat low-calorie food, enriched with proteins, which allows you to simultaneously strengthen your immune system, improve your metabolism, and at the same time not gain excess weight.

Specialists in the field of nutrition and healthy eating created a bean diet as a safe and effective way to combat excess weight. It really pays off, because in 14 days it allows you to lose 3-5 kg. Of course, there are faster and more efficient power systems. However, it is this diet that makes it possible to lose weight and stick to it at the same time. proper nutrition. Surely many, after reading the name, will decide that to lose weight they will have to eat only beans. It's not like that at all. In fact, the diet on this diet has an enviable variety. If you supplement it with daily physical activity, good results will make you happy even faster.

What will you need to eat on such a diet? As they say, not just peas. The list of legumes, fortunately, is quite extensive. For cooking dietary dishes You can safely use soybeans, beans, lentils, chickpeas, cocoa beans and the already mentioned peas.

The bean diet, just like many others, is based on certain dietary restrictions. True, it must be said that there will definitely be no need for a hunger strike. At the same time, all products allowed in this food system must only be low-calorie.

The most important quality of legumes is their protein content. This is very beneficial for muscles - in the process of losing weight they will not lose their mass. They are also in large quantities contain fiber. It is she who needs to say “thank you” for quick satiety and the absence of an obsessive feeling of hunger. And that's not all. Fiber makes an invaluable contribution to the functioning of the digestive system. She, like a professional cleaner, diligently cleans the intestinal walls from adhering toxins and, accordingly, provides beneficial influence on metabolism. It's no secret that just metabolic processes plays a leading role in weight loss. Often fat deposits and their natural result are overweight and additional centimeters - occur when they are violated.

Any, even the most, is a kind of shake-up for the body. Legumes are good because they effectively eliminate its consequences. How? With the help of many useful substances in the composition. Lentils, peas and beans contain incredible amounts of high-quality plant protein, as well as vitamins and various minerals. They also abound in fats. Only plant-based. This healthy fats- they do not provoke weight gain. Lentils contain a lot of protein, but, on the contrary, little fat and carbohydrates. By the way, it is absorbed better than other legumes. And one more fact in favor of lentils: to provide yourself with the daily requirement of B vitamins and iron, you will need to consume only 80 g of this legume.

How to diet properly

Positive and negative sides

The advantages include:

  • The undeniable benefits of legumes for the body.
  • Good nutritional balance. Fill your diet with fermented milk, fruits and other nutrients.
  • Variety of daily diet.

The disadvantages are:

  • Lack of animal proteins in the diet.
  • The diet is contraindicated for people with gastrointestinal diseases and some other diseases.
  • The need for a competent exit from the diet. If you neglect it, the weight will gain again and quickly.

Meal schedule for 1 week

Mon Having breakfast Toast with a thin slice of hard cheese. Wash it down with a glass of kefir with 1% fat content.
Having a snack Apple salad, kiwi and orange.
Let's have lunch 100 gram portion of boiled beans with olive oil. Wash it down with a glass of tomato or pumpkin juice.
Let's have dinner A serving of lentil porridge with a vegetable salad. Wash it down with juice (glass).
VT Having breakfast 150 gram portion of cottage cheese with a low fat content. You can drink a cup of tea or coffee. It’s impossible to cope.
Having a snack A couple of fruits of your choice. Only bananas are prohibited.
Let's have lunch A 100-gram portion of boiled beans with sauerkraut, to which you can add a little oil (olive).
Let's have dinner A 100-gram portion of boiled green peas with a piece (no more than 100 g) of boiled fish. You can drink it with a cup of unsweetened green tea.
SR Having breakfast See Mon.
Having a snack Any fruit of your choice (1 pc.)
Let's have lunch A serving of pea porridge (volume - 5-6 tbsp) with a vegetable salad. We wash it down with a cup of tea or coffee. Unsweetened.
Let's have dinner A serving of bean soup (you cannot cook with meat) with a vegetable salad. Wash it down with tomato juice.
Thu Having breakfast See Mon.
Having a snack Fruit salad (apple, kiwi and orange).
Let's have lunch A 100-gram portion of boiled beans with a piece (no more than 100 g) of boiled fish. Add to this a vegetable salad (200 g). Wash it down with pumpkin or tomato juice.
Let's have dinner A serving of pea soup, with a couple of slices of whole grain bread. Wash it down with a cup of tea
PT Having breakfast 150 gram portion of cottage cheese with raisins. We wash it down with a cup of tea or coffee.
Having a snack Fruits of your choice (2 pcs.)
Let's have lunch A portion of vegetable broth and boiled lentils (200 g). Add fermented cabbage to this.
Let's have dinner A 250-gram portion of stewed eggplant with a slice of whole grain bread. Wash it down with a cup of tea (green).
SB Having breakfast A portion of beans (they need to be sprouted first). Wash it down with a glass of juice.
Having a snack Fruit of your choice.
Let's have lunch A serving of pea soup with a dietary vegetable salad (250 g). You can take a slice of whole grain bread. We wash it down with a cup of tea.
Let's have dinner 300 gram portion of vegetable stew (potatoes and beets are prohibited). We wash it down with a cup of tea. You can throw a slice of lemon into it.
Sun Having breakfast See PT
Let's have a snack> See SB
Let's have lunch 100 gram portion of boiled beans (can be replaced with green peas) with a salad of fermented cabbage. We wash it down with a cup of tea.
Let's have dinner A serving of pea porridge, a piece (100 g) of steamed dietary meat with 2-3 slices of whole grain bread. Wash it down with juice or tea - to your taste.

Let's summarize

Dishes made from lentils, peas or beans are liked by many due to their nutritional value and wonderful taste. In addition, they will most likely appeal to the rest of the family. And this will save you from having to prepare food for everyone separately.

By “sitting” on legumes, you will provide your body with a decent supply of essential nutrients, and also, as already mentioned, enrich it greatly valuable protein. Your muscles will thank you. Legumes will not only help you lose overweight, but they will do it as efficiently as possible, without harm to the body. And this is the most important thing in every nutrition system.

Bean diet - benefit or harm

Legumes are unique in their composition. The plant protein they contain is nutritious and low in calories. The benefits of legumes are in amino acids that have a beneficial effect on nervous system, and pectin neutralizes cholesterol, removing it from the body even before absorption.

Doctors recognize the therapeutic properties of legumes. They can be used even by allergy sufferers and diabetics.

Besides healthy proteins, these plants contain vegetable fats, starch, as well as iron, magnesium and phosphorus.

Lentils, peas and beans have about 300 kcal, soybeans - about 400, but beans contain only 60 kcal, so they are recommended to eat when losing weight.

Contraindications to the bean diet include diseases of the liver, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract. Since the diet is low in calories, avoid strenuous exercise.

If you are unsure whether a bean diet will benefit you, we recommend consulting with your doctor before starting it.

There are complex legume diets, when you can eat different dishes from different varieties of legumes throughout the day, and legume mono-diets, where the main product is only peas, beans or lentils. Which one to choose is up to you.

Holistic Bean Diet

This comprehensive diet is considered simple, since its diet is varied. You should stick to it for one to two weeks, during which you can lose up to 10 kg.

Weekly menu The legume diet is described below.

Day 1


Lunch: fruit salad (any kind will do, except banana).

Dinner: stewed beans – 140 g, a glass of tomato or carrot juice.

Dinner: 100 g lentils, steamed, vegetable salad, seasoned olive oil, cup orange juice.

Day 2

Breakfast: cottage cheese 0% fat with the addition of raisins.

Lunch: fruit (grapefruit or a couple of apples).

Dinner: 100 g boiled beans or beans, sauerkraut mixed with green onions– 200 g.

Dinner: 120 g green peas and 110 g baked or boiled lean fish(pollock, hake or mackerel are suitable).

Day 3

Breakfast: 50 g cheese, piece bran bread, a glass of biokefir.

Lunch: fruit salad.

Dinner: 140 g of pea puree, vegetable salad with olive oil - 200 g.

Dinner: pea soup without potatoes – 250 g, piece rye bread, vegetable salad.

Day 4

Breakfast: 50 g of cheese, a piece of bran bread, a glass of biokefir.

Lunch: fruit salad, required component which is kiwi.

Dinner: boiled beans - 110 g, boiled or baked fish (hake, pollock) in foil - 110 g, vegetable salad - 240 g.

Dinner: 200 g bean soup, 1 tomato or cup of tomato juice.

Day 5

Breakfast: 110 g cottage cheese 0% fat with raisins.

Lunch: any of your favorite fruits, excluding bananas.

Dinner: 200 g boiled lentils, 100 g sauerkraut, mixed with greens.

Dinner: eggplant (stewed or baked), a glass of fruit juice, a slice of rye bread.

Day 6

Breakfast: sprouted beans – 100-140 g, cup apple juice.

Lunch: grapefruit or orange.

Dinner: pea soup, vegetable salad without oil.

Dinner: vegetable stew (potatoes cannot be added).

Day 7

Breakfast: a glass of biokefir or unsweetened yogurt.

Lunch: a couple of apples.

Dinner: 110 g sauerkraut and 140 g stewed beans or beans.

Dinner: 100 g steamed chicken or turkey fillet, 100 g pea puree.

The same menu should be followed for the second week of the diet.

The complex bean diet contains a number of rules, the observance of which will be useful in your weight loss:

  • you can’t eat flour or sweets;
  • coffee and tea are prohibited;
  • lungs physical exercise required.

Article structure:

Legumes have been used by people for quite a long time, because they can not only be used to cook delicious dishes, but also get energy boost for the whole body. Lentils, beans, beans, soybeans, peas contain many useful substances, in particular, they are a storehouse of protein, needed by the body person. Still, many people consider such food to be heavy on the stomach, so legumes are not often used for weight loss. Let’s find out what you should know about these unique fruits, whether they can be used for diet and in what quantities. Find out, .

What is the legume family like?

Not everyone knows that in addition to beans, beans, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas, peas, legumes also include peanuts and cocoa beans, from which chocolate is made. The fruits are widely used in all cuisines of the world, preparing first and second courses, snacks, salads, and canning. We will now look at the types common in our region, they are inexpensive and quite popular, these are soybeans, beans, peas, lentils, and beans. In addition to standard ripened fruits, there are varieties that are eaten green, peas, and beans in pods.

We also note that soy meat is made from soy, which is rich in protein, which is a legume product for weight loss. Exists whole list soy products, which vegetarians have long been familiar with, are oils, pastes, semi-finished products that replace meat and are used for dietary nutrition. All varieties are of great value, which allows them to be included in diets. different types. This applies to both restorative diets and weight loss menus.

Energy value of beans per 100 g:

  • Calorie content: 298 kcal;
  • Proteins:21 g
  • Fats: 2 g;
  • Carbohydrates: 47 g;
  • Dietary fiber: 12 g;
  • Water 14 g.

Legumes for weight loss: benefit or harm

Often, when thinking about legumes, peas and beans come to mind, followed by soybeans. These are the main fruits that are common and available to consumers in our region. also in Lately They began to use lentils and beans more intensively for food; some people prefer chickpeas, but it is already more difficult to find in our supermarkets.

There are people who adore all beans, soybeans or peas, as well as lovers of proper nutrition, because these products contain a large amount of protein, contain fats, carbohydrates, starch, and a vitamin and mineral complex. Despite this, scientists have proven that the bean diet for weight loss is quite effective and allows you to lose weight without compromising your health.

What helps you lose weight on legumes:

  1. They are rich in dietary fiber, contain complex carbohydrates, protein. Once in the human body, each of these substances performs its own tasks, one of the components of which is weight control.
  2. The presence of dietary fiber and starch reduces the absorption of glucose and fats.
  3. The satiety of the products allows you to have a small portion of lunch and not feel hungry for a long time, which is important when dieting.
  4. The low fat content makes it possible to include these products in different diets, as well as use them as the main menu.

Disadvantages of legumes and to whom they are contraindicated

Not everyone can use legumes for weight loss. They contain proteins that are difficult to digest and take a long time to digest in the stomach, so this diet is not recommended for people with problems with gastrointestinal tract. It is forbidden to add them to the menu and for diseases of the biliary tract.

In order for food to be absorbed and processed faster, it should be subjected to intense and prolonged heat treatment. For those who are reluctant to cook or do not have time for this, losing weight on beans is not suitable. To cook peas, beans, and soybeans faster, it is recommended to pre-soak them in cold water.

The disadvantage of undercooked fruits can be attacks of flatulence. They also happen when excessive consumption of these products for food. Small portions and drinking plenty of fluids. As for raw use, they are eaten only in their unripe green form, green beans, green peas.

Among the variety of bean-based diets, the most effective are those in which animal fats are completely excluded from the diet. In other words, you cannot eat any meat; this can also be considered a disadvantage for those who cannot imagine their life without such a delicacy.

Therefore, a diet based on beans without meat is not suitable for meat eaters.. But there is another option when the diet includes legumes, lean meat, and fish. But in any case, you will have to give up sweets and baked goods.

What are the benefits of losing weight on legumes?

This diet will be an excellent solution for those who love this kind of food, who cannot lose weight on other diets due to constant breakdowns, and it is also relevant as an imperceptible weight loss without intense stress. But this does not mean at all that you will need to sit on only one bean, balanced diet nutrition allows you to consume vegetables, fruits, dairy products, but at the same time, not exceeding daily value calorie content.

The benefits of a diet based on beans, peas, lentils

  • Muscle tissue is strengthened;
  • The body receives sufficient quantity energy;
  • The acids contained in the composition help accelerate metabolism;
  • The body's immune defense increases;
  • Thanks to fiber, the body is cleansed of toxins;
  • At correct menu the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized.

Due to the fact that eating legumes for weight loss in most cases excludes the inclusion of fat in the diet plant origin, the course of such diets recommended by nutritionists is 14 days.

Bean diet and its features

Let's say right away that there are two types of legume diets for which you can create a variety of menus. Some suggest using meat with legumes, while others categorically reject this. Both the first and second options give results when consuming 1000 calories per day, but you can lose more on a purely legume diet. Sweets, fatty, fried, smoked, and baked goods are completely excluded from the diet.

Diet for weight loss on legumes

The menu should be formed from these products in such a way that the daily energy value is no more than 1000 kcal. You can prepare any salads, soups, add peanuts as a snack, and drink a glass of kefir at night.

  • Beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, other legumes;
  • Low-fat fermented milk products;
  • Vegetables, fruits, berries, fresh juices;
  • Green tea, still mineral water;
  • Porridges from various cereals;
  • Mushrooms, soy meat and other soy products;
  • Unroasted, unsalted dry peanuts and nuts.

Sample menu for the day:

  • Breakfast: Skim cheese 100 g, berries 120 g, green tea;
  • Second breakfast: Apple or other non-sweet fruit;
  • Lunch: Legumes 100 g, vegetables 150 g, herbal or green tea;
  • Afternoon snack: Snack with nuts (peanuts 5 pcs.);
  • Dinner: Soy meat 100 g, any porridge up to 70 g, tea;
  • No later than 2 hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

Diet for weight loss on meat and legumes

It’s hard to go on any diet, even if it includes meat, you always want sweets. The diet with meat is designed for a maximum of 14 days, then you will be able to see results in weight loss. It will take 4-5 kilograms, which is not much, but without harm to the body. After all, a diet is not bean-based diet pills that they promise in a week.

This is painstaking work, and in order for it to be as effective as possible, it should be done in parallel with sports. IN this menu includes vegetables, fruits, dairy products, rye bread, hard cheese, lean meat, as well as all types of legumes. The diet excludes sweets and fatty foods, calculated in daily norm 1000 kcal. Dinner no later than 19:00, including drinks Fresh Juice, unsweetened tea, plenty of water.

Approximate daily menu:

  • Breakfast: Cottage cheese with raisins or rye bread toast with a thin slice of cheese;
  • Second breakfast: A glass of low-fat fermented baked milk or kefir;
  • Lunch: Boiled beans 100 g, vegetable salad or a glass of tomato juice;
  • Dinner: Boiled lentils, vegetable salad, fruit juice 200 g.

The diet is quite gentle; instead of meat, you can add fish to the menu low-fat varieties, as well as green peas and canned beans. A big plus will be soups, peas, beans, perfect for lunch. You can cook a joint dish in a slow cooker, beans with meat, vegetables, without adding fat. You should definitely drink a lot of water; if you really want to eat in the evening, a glass of low-fat kefir is allowed.

Recommended by experts for weight loss. Any type of legumes is very beneficial for the body due to its composition - it contains large quantities vegetable proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals. For example, beans have a lot of protein, pectin, and fiber. In addition, it is low in calories, can quickly satisfy hunger, strengthen the immune system, and thanks to special substances protects the body from intestinal infections.

The second example is lentils. Contains a lot of easily digestible protein, minimal amount carbohydrates and fat. In order to ensure daily requirement The body needs 80 grams of lentils for B vitamins, microelements, especially iron.

Very valuable food product legume family - green pea which is rich in valuable vegetable proteins, complex carbohydrates– starch, B vitamins, carotene, ascorbic acid, as well as potassium, manganese, phosphorus.

With the help of legumes you can reduce your weight by five kilograms. We recommend you several simple rules. During the diet, drink plenty of still water, coffee and tea without sugar. At night you need to drink any fermented milk product(fat content not exceeding 2.5%) to normalize intestinal function. Do not eat sweets, flour, fatty foods, and alcohol. The diet should last no more than two weeks.

Bean diet menu for a week

Breakfast – toast with cheese, one glass of kefir.
Second breakfast – orange, kiwi, salad from.
Lunch – 100 grams of boiled beans (canned beans are also suitable) with vegetable oil, one glass of pumpkin or tomato juice.
Dinner – one serving of lentil porridge, vegetable salad, one glass of juice.

Breakfast – low-fat cottage cheese - 150 grams, tea without sugar, a cup of coffee.
Second breakfast – two fruits (bananas excluded).
Lunch – 100 grams of boiled beans, sauerkraut salad with one tablespoon of sunflower oil.
Dinner – boiled green peas – 100 grams, boiled fish – 100 grams, green tea without sugar.
One glass of kefir before bed.

Breakfast – a piece of cheese, toast, kefir – 200 grams.
Second breakfast - any fruit. Lunch – pea porridge – 5-6 tablespoons, vegetable salad, tea or coffee without sugar. Dinner – one serving bean soup(without meat), vegetable salad, tomato juice.
One glass of kefir before bed.

Breakfast – toast with cheese, kefir – one glass.
Second breakfast - salad of orange, kiwi, apple.
Lunch – boiled beans – 100 grams, boiled fish – 150 grams, vegetable salad – 200 grams, one glass of pumpkin or tomato juice.
Dinner – one serving pea soup with two slices of rye bread, one glass of tea without sugar.
One glass of kefir before bed.

Breakfast – 150 grams of cottage cheese with raisins, tea or coffee without sugar.
Second breakfast - any fruit (two pieces).
Lunch – one serving of vegetable broth, boiled lentils – 200 grams, sauerkraut.
Dinner – stewed eggplants – 250 grams, green tea no sugar, one piece of black bread.
One glass of kefir before bed.

Breakfast – one serving of sprouted beans, one glass of juice.
Second breakfast - any fruit.
Lunch – one serving of pea soup, lean vegetable salad – 250 grams, tea without sugar, one slice of black bread.
Dinner – vegetable stew (without beets and potatoes) – 300 grams, tea without sugar with lemon.
One glass of kefir before bed.

Breakfast – cottage cheese 150 grams, tea or coffee without sugar.
Second breakfast – any one piece of fruit.
Lunch – sauerkraut salad, stewed green peas or beans – 100 grams, one cup of tea.
Dinner - one serving of pea porridge, boiled meat - 100 grams, several slices of rye bread, tea without sugar or juice.
One glass of kefir before bed.

We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with weight loss. You can find reviews about the bean diet below.

Before starting a bean diet, be sure to consult a nutritionist.