Reasons why a baby cries in sleep. A child cries in his sleep

In infancy, crying the only way, through which the baby can inform adults about his needs. Therefore, parents should prepare for the fact that with the arrival of a newborn, their home will be constantly illuminated by demanding cries. Let's figure out why he's crying infant more often. The whole variety of reasons can be divided into four groups: instinctive needs, physiological needs, discomfort and pain.

Instincts, physiology

Hugs, kisses, warmth and voice loved one calm the baby, creating a feeling of security. The instinctive need to be with mother is indicated by an inviting cry. As soon as the baby is in the arms of an adult, the cry stops provided that its physiological needs are satisfied:

  1. Hunger. Crying is accompanied by turning the head in search of the chest and smacking. Gradually the screaming becomes hysterical and angry.
  2. Need to empty bladder(intestines). Some health problems may make it difficult to urinate and defecate, causing the baby to cry loudly, arch their back, and strain.
  3. Tiredness before bed, desire to sleep or play at night.

Discomfort, pain

Bring a sensitive person into hysterics infant Maybe:

  1. Diaper too wet. The crying is complemented by characteristic movements of the legs - as if the baby is trying to get rid of an unpleasant piece of clothing.
  2. Hot, cold. The frozen baby has cold legs, arms and nose. When overheated, the baby's skin turns red and becomes covered in sweat. Such problems often occur at night during sleep or while going outside.
  3. Uncomfortable clothes. A baby may cry if a tight elastic band of his pants or a seam on a blouse is pressing on him.
  4. Loud sounds, bright lights.

If a baby cries loudly and constantly, without stopping even at night in his sleep, arches his back, groans, jerks his legs, blushes and strains, he experiences pain. Its causes may be colic, ear inflammation, ARVI, teething, intestinal infection and neurological pathologies. To find out the diagnosis, it is best to consult a doctor.
Let's consider the most typical situations associated with the crying of an infant.


Crying before bed is often associated with overwork and overstimulation of the baby: he is tired, wants to sleep, but cannot calm down on his own. A clear daily routine and familiar rituals—actions that are repeated every night—help a child calm down before bed. The essence of the rituals depends on the age of the baby. It is enough to rock a newborn baby, and an older baby can read a book. Before going to bed, put on pajamas, turn on the night light and curtain the windows.

It happens that the baby sleeps very restlessly at night. Tears and screams in a dream can be a consequence of hunger, pain, discomfort due to a diaper, heat and other unpleasant phenomena.

Crying at night or in the morning after waking up can be caused by the absence of mother. Almost half of the time a child spends sleeping is in the active (superficial) phase, when he wakes up easily. If at this moment the baby is alone, he will definitely call an adult by shouting. It is equally important for him to wake up in the same environment as before going to bed.

Babies after 4 months may cry in their sleep at night due to emotional overload. This can be avoided by switching to calm games before bedtime and not overtiring his psyche during the day. Also, meeting new people, showing off new toys, and other moments associated with strong impressions are contraindicated before bedtime.


A baby's crying during or immediately after breastfeeding can seriously worry a mother. But in most cases, it does not mean giving up breastfeeding. The main reasons for baby's anxiety during feeding are:
1. Pain caused by:

  • stomatitis (ulcers, white coating on the oral mucosa);
  • pharyngitis (red, inflamed throat);
  • otitis media (ear pain that gets worse when swallowing);
  • colic (baby arches his back, strains).

2. Problems with milk:

  • unpleasant taste due to bitter (spicy) foods eaten by the mother;
  • too much milk - the baby will choke;
  • there is little milk - the child has to make a lot of effort to get it.

In all these situations, the baby behaves the same way: he demands the breast, willingly takes it, but when he starts sucking, he cries, arches his back and turns away.

Artificial babies are indignant when feeding for approximately the same reasons: because of pain, bad taste mixture, too small or large hole in the nipple.
Sometimes the baby cries not before or during feeding, but after it. The most common reason for this is swallowing air during sucking due to improper attachment to the breast. To avoid crying after a meal, it is worth teaching your baby to grasp the areola of the nipple or give him a bottle correctly so that there is always a mixture in the nipple. After feeding, you should hold it in a “column” for 10-15 minutes.

The cause of the cry may be the nipple being pulled out of the baby's mouth during sleep. From this he wakes up and begins to be loudly indignant. You should always wait until the baby releases the breast (bottle) on its own.

Defecation, urination

Your baby's crying while peeing may be a sign of:

  1. anatomical pathologies - phimosis in boys and synechiae in girls, leading to difficulty urinating;
  2. cystitis, pyelonephritis, accompanied by sharp pain during bladder emptying;
  3. diaper rash on the skin.

If a child cries when he pees, then he is probably beginning to understand the essence this process and feel the urge to urinate, which frightens him at first.

Screaming during bowel movements is often associated with irritation anus or constipation. With constipation, the child strains, farts and cries. The baby may try to poop even at night in his sleep. You can help him by massaging his tummy. If the baby has not emptied his bowels for a long time and is constantly screaming and straining, then it is recommended to do an enema or give a laxative prescribed by the pediatrician.

Preventing constipation - including fresh fermented milk products on the menu of a nursing mother or the use of special mixtures in standard quantities.


Intestinal colic is a spasm of the intestinal muscles due to its distension by gases. The baby reacts to pain with a characteristic cry: he constantly screams loudly, arches his back, pulls his legs towards his swollen tummy, and pushes. This condition often occurs after feeding, but can also occur during sleep. As the baby's gastrointestinal tract and enzyme system mature, attacks will occur less and less often and will disappear by the age of three months.

Prevention of colic is the correct attachment to the breast (bottle), eliminating the swallowing of air during feeding, and a sufficient duration of the meal, allowing the baby to receive hind milk. After eating, you should hold the baby upright and wait until he burps.

A nursing mother should avoid whole milk, cabbage, grapes, legumes and other foods that provoke increased gas formation. At artificial feeding you can use mixtures with substances that promote the development normal microflora intestines.

When your baby suffers from colic, you can help him:

  1. placing a warm cloth on your stomach
  2. pressing your stomach to your body
  3. massage the abdomen in a circular motion clockwise and lift the legs bent at the knees several times

Usually, after all the manipulations, the baby strains, farts and calms down. If not, then you can put gas outlet pipe. Drug treatment colic includes simethicone preparations, probiotics, enzymes and herbal medicines, improving intestinal motility.

Often, when crying, the baby arches his back. This behavior can be observed with colic, feeding, whims before bed, and an attempt to poop. But arching of the back, which occurs constantly, is a sign of health problems: high intracranial pressure or muscle hypertonicity. In both cases, professional help is required.

Why does a baby cry? The answer to the question that worries every mother depends on what the baby is doing at the moment of crying: pushing, looking for the breast in anticipation of feeding, farting, peeing, pressing his legs to his stomach or pulling his arms towards an adult. Caring mother can reduce crying attacks to a minimum. The main thing is to carefully observe the baby and be sensitive to his desires.

We bring to your attention a short video about the reasons for a newborn’s crying.

An infant may cry various reasons: he is in pain, he is hungry or wet, he was surprised by something during the day, or he has increased intracranial pressure. Install more exact reason Your local doctor will help you with this behavior.

Sleepless nights after childbirth are familiar to almost every mother. Very often, a baby may cry in his sleep or immediately after waking up. This phenomenon can occur for various reasons. A mother should be attentive to her baby, and if the child’s crying at night occurs frequently, there is a reason to tell the doctor about it.

Why does a baby cry in his sleep?

No one can accurately answer the question of why a child cries in his sleep. Each case is individual, and the mother needs to take into account the most likely reasons for this behavior of the baby. Most common cause Poor sleep in a newborn baby results in colic. In children of this age digestive system is not yet formed, so the child may experience pain and discomfort, especially in a dream. Another common and non-dangerous cause why a baby cries in his sleep, it could be hunger. Perhaps the baby is hungry and asks for food. Or his mother's absence might have scared him. Don’t forget to check diapers and change nappies: sleeping in wet clothes is unpleasant and dangerous to your health.

If the hysterics continue long time and nothing helps, there is a reason to consult a doctor. The doctor will be able to identify the reason why the newborn cries in his sleep. At this age, formation continues nervous system, and babies are very sensitive to daily events. But if developmental pathologies are detected, the doctor will be able to prescribe the necessary treatment.

The child wakes up at night with hysterics

Parents need to remember that all children are different. Therefore, babies can wake up in different ways. Someone wakes up quietly and lies silently waiting for their mother. Other kids throw tantrums immediately after waking up. Parents often wonder: why does a child wake up and cry at night? If the crying looks like hysteria, although you have not noticed this before, there is a suspicion that the baby is in pain. Take the temperature and try to calm the baby down. If the baby falls asleep quickly and calmly after communicating with his mother, perhaps his hysteria occurred due to fright. Children in infancy can be afraid of anything, even their own hands or feet. Sometimes babies wake up hysterical due to a strong feeling of hunger. Then you need to feed him and put him down again. If a 6-month-old child cries a lot in his sleep, this may indicate the appearance of his first teeth. The process is unpleasant and sometimes lengthy. Over time, you will learn to determine the nature of your baby's crying and will be able to distinguish an alarm signal from a normal feeling of hunger.

A child screams in his sleep without waking up

Sometimes situations occur when a newborn screams in his sleep and does not wake up. This may indicate colic and poor health of the baby. Another reason why a newborn screams in his sleep may be excessive emotional stress. If a child receives any shock during the day, good or bad, this may affect his sleep. IMPORTANT But we cannot exclude the possibility of increased intracranial pressure and other neurological disorders. If a baby often cries in his sleep without waking up, this is a reason to contact a neurologist as soon as possible. The doctor will conduct necessary examinations baby and prescribe medications.

What to do if a child cries in his sleep?

To calm a child who often wakes up and cries, it is necessary to find out the cause of this phenomenon. The baby should be comfortable in the crib. Check it out sleeping area, change the diaper, feed or give water. For severe colic, medications must be given. But they are not always effective, so you need to calm the baby and wait out this difficult period. The same can be said about teething. At such moments, be affectionate with your baby. If your child cries at night for no reason, you should consult a doctor. In this case, the doctor will be able to determine the cause.

Why does a baby cry in his sleep: disease or normal?

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When a newborn cries, it expresses the full range of emotions and demands. After receiving what he wants (food, warming, being held), the baby calms down and falls asleep. With the help of screaming, the baby copes with psychological shocks and stress. The strength and nature of the crying can also determine the condition of the newborn: a healthy, strong baby will scream with force; the patient, on the contrary, slightly squeaks and whimpers, showing little emotion. If a baby cries in his sleep, he may be disturbed by physiological and psychological factors.

The importance of proper rest

The whims of children directly depend on their well-being. Insufficient sleep makes the baby lethargic and whiny. The baby's appetite worsens, higher functioning is worse nervous activity. After birth, babies sleep a lot. After falling asleep, the information received is processed, intensive growth occurs, and the immune system is strengthened.

To avoid sleep disturbances, the child’s daily routine should be monotonous: wake up, walk, swim, and fall asleep at the same time.

Reasons for crying related to physiology

There are several reasons why a child cries before falling asleep. A common problem is that the child does not eat enough. All children are very different and each requires an individual amount of food. Children under six months can be given additional complementary foods if mother's milk is no longer enough. After 6 months, in addition to formula, fruits, vegetables and meat purees, broths, porridges. Additional nutrition solves the problem of baby malnutrition. A hungry baby shakes his head from side to side. While in your arms, the baby turns its head towards the chest. The nipple or nipple of a bottle is grabbed greedily by hungry babies.

Scream in night period often associated with a full diaper. A newborn feels uncomfortable in a wet diaper.

Piteous crying at night indicates pain. Pain syndrome may be caused by illness, teething, or abdominal cramps.

Crying in a dream can be associated with stuffiness or cold in the room, noise, bright light. Children do not sleep well in damp or dusty rooms with musty air. Another reason why a newborn cries at night is awkward position. The baby still does not know how to roll over on his own and experiences discomfort. Tight diapers, nappies, and undershirts can cause inconvenience. The baby may also cry from itching, since he cannot scratch himself.

A baby may also cry due to a lack of vitamin D. In the initial stages of rickets, the baby becomes nervous and easily excitable, and worsens night sleep.

Should you put your baby to bed in complete silence?

For a comfortable stay in the baby’s room there should be no extraneous irritating sounds: loud music, noise from the street, sound of TV, screams. A baby's sleep is very sensitive, sometimes parents and family have to walk almost on tiptoe so as not to wake up the newborn.

However, sleeping in complete silence is not necessary. Monotonous low sounds Not only will they not interfere, but they will also lull the baby to sleep faster. Newborns love the sounds of running washing machine, hairdryer, quiet voices of household members. Some babies fall asleep well with the vacuum cleaner running.

Bright overhead light for have a relaxing holiday should be turned off at night. The baby should sleep in complete darkness or in the soft light of a night lamp. But flashing LED lights stimulate the nervous system; they do not need to be turned on before bed.

Emotional reasons for poor sleep

Not only physiological reasons prevent children from falling asleep. Psychological fatigue is also important. Even in adults, overtiredness manifests itself in problems falling asleep. The same can be said about the unstable child’s psyche. Fatigue is one of the common reasons for crying. If it takes a long time to fall asleep, the baby may cry in the middle of the night. It is a mistake to think that a tired baby will immediately fall asleep in the crib. Parents are perplexed if the newborn does not go to sleep as soon as his head touches the pillow. In fact, an overtired baby is simply not able to fall asleep on his own. He needs affection, stroking, that is, the calming actions of his parents. To help your baby fall asleep, be sure to rock him in your arms.

To make it easier for a newborn to fall asleep at the same time, he should receive sufficient quantity oxygen. Take a walk on fresh air In the evening you can go on the balcony. A 15-minute exercise will be enough. Before going to bed, it is also recommended to take a relaxing bath with chamomile or chamomile. A calm lullaby will also help calm your baby's nervous system.

The time for active games, activities and exercises is the first half of the day. Before lunch, you should also do a tonic massage. Before going to bed, you need to take time for relaxing massage movements.

Increased nervous excitability

With increased nervous excitability, which is now observed in many children, it is vital for the baby to scream before bed. This is how the reset occurs negative emotions and relief from stress. Parents can be advised to stroke and hug the baby so that he calms down faster. Excitable children have light, shallow sleep, interrupted by crying. This usually goes away on its own with age. At alarming symptoms Treatment is prescribed under the supervision of a neurologist.

A baby can also cry out of fear of losing its mother. The baby may not be comfortable sleeping alone without feeling the warmth and smell of his mother. Co-sleeping gives the baby more comfort and a sense of security. However, sleeping with a newborn is not safe for the baby. The optimal solution for all household members is for the baby to sleep in his own crib in the parents’ bedroom. But sleeping in a separate room can frighten the baby.

In the first weeks, crying may also be associated with the child’s adaptation to falling asleep. The newborn learns to sleep more at night and stay awake for several hours during the day. Children sleep poorly in those families in which an unfavorable psychological atmosphere reigns: parents often swear, shout, and make noise. If a baby is rarely held, he experiences a kind of touch starvation. Parents should not be afraid that the baby will become tame. By the age of one year, the child gets off his own hands and begins to fall asleep without being rocked to sleep.

Charming little creatures are born and bring their parents and loved ones not only a lot of joy, but also worries. After all, respectable mothers and fathers have a desire to make their child’s life comfortable and easy. Only sometimes, when faced with unforeseen difficulties, many people think that they are doing something wrong and panic. One of the subjects of concern is the baby’s sleep, while in which he can perform various actions, which are quite normal for him. It’s worth figuring out how the baby should behave more carefully in his sleep, in order to make his sweet dreams even more pleasant in the future.

Baby cries in his sleep

Newborns cry in their sleep quite often. And there are several reasons for this bad feeling and the absence of a loved one nearby. In most cases, the baby cries in his sleep, or rather during a brief awakening due to the absence of his mother where she should naturally be. In the first months of life, it is very important for him to feel his mother’s warmth and care nearby. Therefore, after waking up, finding himself alone in the crib, he feels a little discomfort and is upset about this. As a result, as soon as he realizes that he is left alone, one can hear natural crying and even screaming.

The baby cries in his sleep due to poor health due to small colic in the tummy. This problem mainly worries babies aged two months and older. In this case, you should take the drops prescribed by your pediatrician before bed. By 7-8 months, the baby's irritability at night and daytime manifests itself due to low temperature and swollen gums. As soon as the teeth grow, similar problem will stop bothering you and will return to the baby great mood and healthy sleep.

Young parents don't always understand that restless sleep In infants it may appear after active evening fun and games. And even though these are simple palms and soft toys, the baby’s psyche is still weak, so it reacts to everything in its own way. Often, due to violent emotions experienced a few hours ago, a baby’s sleep turns into constant turning over, groaning, squeaking and other negative manifestations. It is worth moving children's fun to more early time. Then the baby will feel just great.

Baby grunts in his sleep

Quite often, a baby grunts in his sleep. And this is connected with the digestion process. Most likely, during the feeding process, excess air entered the esophagus and now the baby has started to have slight colic. To eliminate them, standard precautions should be taken after feeding:

  • light pat on the back;
  • a small tummy massage;
  • warm-up: bending the knees towards the tummy and back;
  • correct attachment to the breast.

By following these rules, the baby will get rid of the air in time and will feel just great while sleeping. Although, if the baby groans in his sleep due to constipation, then it is worth reconsidering the diet of the nursing mother. Because to relieve discomfort, you need to eliminate the root cause, which is improper feeding of the baby.

Baby pushes in his sleep

When a baby pushes in his sleep, the reason lies in colic. The baby is trying with all his might to get rid of the excess gases accumulated in the stomach. The following can help in this case:

  • proper diet;
  • gas outlet tubes;
  • "Espumizan";
  • tummy massage.

While the child’s digestive system is developing, he experiences some discomfort. A lack of enzymes leads to the fact that food is not completely processed. By 4-5 months, this tendency will pass and the baby will feel good. Often, a baby pushes in his sleep due to the desire to cleanse the stomach. The result is a dirty diaper and further good night for the baby and parents.

Baby winces in his sleep

A peacefully sleeping child is happiness. And having dealt with one problem, you may encounter another. Often the baby shudders in his sleep. And all because he is a little overexcited, and by the age of 4 months he had already started having dreams. But what they are depends on the time spent the day before. Mother's affection and warmth help to cope with this problem. The baby feels protected and relaxes. If a child often shudders in his sleep, then you should put him to sleep for a while only with you in order to calm his nervous system.

Baby sweats in his sleep

Babies often sweat in their sleep. This especially applies to summer period, When caring parents They try to wrap him up warmly, as they are guided by their own well-being. The result is that the baby overheats. After all, a baby sweats in his sleep for a reason elevated temperature bodies. If the norm for an adult is 36.6 degrees, then for a baby 37.5 degrees is quite normal. You shouldn't overwrap it.

Excessively feeding a child also leads to increased sweating. As a result, not only a damp forehead, but also skin rashes, as well as abdominal pain.

The baby sweats in his sleep when he is teething. In this case, his body temperature is simply elevated and he feels a certain discomfort. Increased sweating, in this case, is accompanied by crying and minor whims.

Sometimes, babies sweat in their sleep due to rickets. Excessive sweating is the first sign of an impending disease, but it is worth paying close attention.

Baby's sleep schedule

If you look at it, a baby’s sleep pattern is purely individual. It all depends on him physiological characteristics and age. Newborns, accustomed to a regular lifestyle in the womb, sleep for almost 23 hours. But, this is if you are lucky and the baby does not experience discomfort or hunger. Over the course of a month, sleep decreases to 18-20 hours.

The sleep pattern of infants from 1 month to 3 months is more measured. It is established both by the baby’s body and by his mother. Basically, the baby sleeps up to 6 times a day from one and a half to two hours. At the same time, several daytime periods of sleep can be no more than an hour, but at night the baby sleeps for a longer time.

From 3 to 6 months, the number of hours of sleep decreases noticeably. Now it is enough for the baby to sleep only 3-4 times for no more than 2 hours. The rest of the time he tries to be active.

In the period from 6 months to 1 year, children can sleep either three or two times a day. It all depends on the length of the day and the child’s fatigue.

The sleep pattern of infants aged 1 year and older is highly individual. Some children continue to sleep three times, but for others, after long games during the day, it is enough to sleep for 3 hours, and at night sleep up to 9-10 hours.

Co-sleeping with a baby

In the first months of life co-sleeping with a baby is simply necessary due to the fact that the baby experiences a comprehensive need for maternal warmth. It is worth considering that during the daytime, it is preferable to put the baby to bed yourself. Thus, it becomes possible to accustom him to the personal space in which he must exist. At night, the baby falls asleep perfectly while feeding in his mother's arms. If the sleep is deep, then you can try to put the child to bed separately. But it is worth remembering that he will still wake up in the middle of the night and require increased attention. Although, several separate hours of sleep will not only make it easier for the child to get used to independence, but will also help the mother rest better.

Co-sleeping with a baby is indicated when the baby is not feeling well. He calms down better and feels protected when he is with his parents. The main thing is that this does not become a habit, since even having matured noticeably, some children refuse to fall asleep in their own bed, but only with their parents.

Baby crying before bed

For many, it is almost natural that a baby cries before going to bed. Thus, the baby “throws away” the accumulated during the day negative energy. In this case, crying can be repeated at the same time for several months. There's no need to worry. This is natural in the first trimester. Over time, the crying will fade away.

Another reason why a baby cries before bed is emotional excitement moms. The child’s cries should be taken calmly and then he will calm down much faster, and the evening attacks of indignation will practically disappear.

Baby screams in his sleep

Sudden screams can break the silence of the night or day at any moment. But, looking at the child, the mother is pleased to discover that he is absolutely calm. If a baby cries in his sleep, then the cause may be slight pain in the stomach, causing discomfort or active phase sleep with dreams that managed to frighten the child. There is no need to worry if the baby continues to sleep peacefully. If nighttime screams are often repeated, then you should take the baby in your arms and rock him to sleep. In their parents' arms, babies come to their senses faster and calm down.

Baby snores in his sleep

When your baby snores in his sleep, there is no need to worry. This is quite normal physiological process due to the soft tissues of the epiglottis, which contribute to the origin of such a sound. Most babies, when breathing deeply, can simply suck them in and produce sounds very similar to snoring. If you want to stop snoring, you can put the baby on your tummy and the sounds will disappear.

Due to the rapidly growing thymus, the baby snores in his sleep quite often. Due to the compression of the larynx and trachea, a similar sound is produced. By the age of two, the gland will return to normal and snoring will no longer bother you. If you want to stop snoring right now, you should turn the baby onto his tummy or side. Most babies snore when they fall asleep on their back.

Baby moans in his sleep

It happens that the baby moans in his sleep due to discomfort in the tummy, slight pain and colic. Sometimes, moaning is provoked by bad dreams or a slightly overexcited state. The baby can calm down after a light massage or simple breastfeeding.

A baby's sleep is very unique. And many factors can speak about his behavior in a dream. In any case, you should listen carefully to how the baby sleeps and what is displayed on his face. If it is calm, and slight snoring or moaning is not accompanied by other emotions, then we can say that everything is normal. It is surprising that parents only notice negative manifestations in dreams, but when the baby laughs or smiles, they practically do not see. Look at your little ones more often. They convey extraordinary emotions during sleep, seeing which you can be charged with positive energy and joy for the whole day.

Strong children's sleep– a fundamental part of healthy child development. Often, young parents in the first year of a baby’s life face problems with night sleep. A baby can start crying and screaming for the most basic reasons, be it hunger, stomach cramps or a full diaper. But there are times when mothers and fathers notice that the child is crying in his sleep and does not wake up. What to do in such a situation, how to understand and eliminate the cause of the baby’s crying? Let's try to figure it out.

Crying during sleep: possible causes

If parents began to worry about such behavior of the child in a dream, then this was probably not an isolated case. But there is no need to sound the alarm in advance. If a baby cries in his sleep, there is a completely understandable reason for this.

Children under one year of age.

U infants The reasons for crying can be caused by the most harmless factors. If parents carefully monitor the baby, the picture of the appearance of crying will become clear very quickly. So, why do children cry in their sleep:

  • colic/gas in the tummy– babies 3-4 months old have digestive problems due to swallowing air during feeding. Abdominal bloating causes discomfort in the baby, which he will certainly announce by crying or moaning in his sleep;
  • teething– Children aged 6, 7, 8 and 9 months may experience painful sensations in the mouth. It's all due to swollen and itchy gums. Not everyone finds teething easy. sore gums they itch a lot. Because of these unpleasant symptoms the baby cries in his sleep without waking up;
  • separate sleep– some babies feel uncomfortable if their mother is not around 24 hours a day, including during sleep. Even if the mother taught the newborn to sleep separately from the first days, at the age of 10-11 months the child may cry and toss and turn due to the lack of maternal closeness in sleep.

Children 1-3 years old.

In older babies, the above reasons for restlessness and crying at night may appear, but with less frequency. However, at this age other factors appear that can provoke disturbing sleep:

  • violation of the daily routine– the sleep of a 1-1.5 year old child may suddenly become restless if there is a disruption in the usual daily routine. Unexpected guests, unplanned trip, or you're just celebrating New Year– the body of a child who is 2 or 3 years old will react with mini-stress;
  • large portion of food before bed– an overfed baby’s stomach will be forced to work all night. When digesting food at night, unpleasant sensations may occur, and the child will cry in his sleep.

Children 4+ years old.

Even those who left infancy children may cry in their sleep. If you notice crying in your child who is already 4 or 5 years old, pay attention to the following reasons:

  • fear of the dark– at this age children develop their first fears, which can cause nightmares and bad dreams. At the age of 5, a child screams in his sleep after watching dark cartoons and films, so it is imperative to protect the child’s still fragile psyche from them;
  • active evening games– before bedtime there is absolutely no need to excite the child’s nervous system. A very tired child cries in his sleep without waking up. There should be no throwing over your head, dancing or jumping after 19.00.

Crying in a dream. Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

According to E.O. Komarovsky, most probable cause crying in babies, if it occurs several times during the night, is increased tone nervous system. At five to six month old babies, active growth of bones and baby teeth begins. Calcium supplied from food may not be enough, and in this case increased nervous excitability occurs. The solution to the problem is to take calcium gluconate to meet the need child's body in calcium.

A child screams in his sleep - what to do?

The sudden cry of a baby in a dream can seriously frighten parents. But, according to the observations of pediatricians, such cases are not at all uncommon. A child may cry at night for the following reasons:

– increased nervous excitability;

- after suffered stress or an event that excited him during the day;

– many hours computer games or games with gadgets.

If a child periodically cries out at night, parents should seek advice from a neurologist to determine the cause of the night sleep disorder.

How to make your baby sleep more peacefully

When a child cries in his sleep at night, the concern of young parents is understandable. Something is bothering the baby, but he continues to sleep. In such situations, you can try the following options:

– don’t wake up a whimpering baby. See if there is visible reasons for crying: a dropped pacifier, wet diaper, and eliminate them if possible;

– sometimes the baby cries at night if it is uncovered. A blanket and plaid give small children a feeling of comfort and security. Try to cover crying baby, and in case of constant opening, purchase a sleeping bag and the baby’s sleep will become less disturbing;

– if everything is fine in terms of comfort for the child, but he cries a lot in his sleep, then stroke him gently on the back and comfort him in a whisper. A few minutes, and the child will further fall into a restful sleep.