Infectious anemia of cats. Anemia in kittens Signs of anemia in cats

Blood diseases are common among domestic cats. Anemia is a condition in which an animal's body experiences a sharp decline red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood compared to physiological norm. Veterinary specialists often consider this phenomenon as one of the symptoms of a more serious disease.

In rare cases, anemia occurs on its own. The variety of types and forms of the disease requires a qualified approach to diagnosis and competent treatment.

Read in this article

Why is anemia dangerous for a cat?

The function of red blood cells in the body is associated with the transport of oxygen to organs and tissues. Its molecules are transported using a specific protein - hemoglobin, which contains iron atoms. It is this microelement that causes the red color of blood. Without oxygen molecules, not a single biochemical reaction can take place in a living organism.

Normally, in a physiologically healthy cat, the hemoglobin concentration in the blood ranges from 80 to 150 g/l. This is the amount of iron-containing protein that can provide the body’s tissues with the necessary oxygen. However, not only a low level of hemoglobin causes the development of anemia in a furry pet.

Red blood cells are also directly involved in the mechanism of supplying the body with oxygen. A healthy cat should contain at least 5.10*1012/l red blood cells.

Normal blood counts in a cat

With a decrease in hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells the animal begins to experience hypoxia (oxygen starvation). Tissues and organs do not receive enough oxygen, and redox reactions and cellular respiration are disrupted. Violated acid-base balance, the body experiences signs of intoxication.

Oxygen deficiency leads to dysfunction of the cardiovascular system and negatively affects immune structures. The animal quickly loses weight and becomes lethargic. A weakened body is a target for infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Causes of anemia

IN veterinary medicine The reasons leading to the development of anemia in domestic animals have been studied quite well. Experts highlight the following etiological factors diseases:

  • Diseases internal organs. Chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, and spleen often lead to anemia. Any long inflammatory processes can lead to the destruction of red blood cells or disruption of hemoglobin synthesis. Diseases of the small and large intestines cause impaired absorption of iron into the blood.
  • Neoplasms, including oncological nature. Tumor cells produce toxins that have a hemolytic effect on blood cells.
  • Transfusion of incompatible blood type.
  • In newborn kittens, the cause of the disease may be neonatal isoerythrolysis(pathological discrepancy between maternal and fetal blood groups).
  • Failure in the immune system, disruption of the process of formation of blood cells in the bone marrow.
  • Nutritional factor. A deficiency of iron, copper, cobalt, B vitamins and microelements in a cat’s diet leads to a decrease in hemoglobin synthesis. Food from the table and an unbalanced diet lead to a decrease in the level of phosphates in the blood, which leads to anemia.

Breeders and veterinary specialists also note that some breeds furry pets genetically prone to instability of erythrocytes due to deficiency of the enzyme pyruvate kinase. Abyssinian and Somali cats suffer from this disease.

Types of anemia in cats

The variety of causes and factors leading to the development of anemia in domestic cats determines the following classification pathology in veterinary medicine.


Anemia caused by pathogenic microorganisms is called infectious. This form occurs when the body is infected with the leukemia virus, viral immunodeficiency, Bartonella. Streptococci, staphylococci, and salmonella also have a hemolytic effect.


In this form of the disease, the process of destruction of red blood cells leads to the development hemolytic jaundice at the pet's. Pathology can be congenital or acquired. In the congenital form, the body experiences a malfunction in the hematopoietic system.

Acquired hemolytic anemia observed due to the penetration of industrial or plant poisons, piroplasmosis. Hemobartonellosis caused by rickettsia also occurs as hemolytic anemia.


The pathology develops due to impaired hematopoiesis in the bone marrow. In addition to a decrease in hemoglobin levels, in the aplastic form of the disease there is a decrease in the concentration of erythrocytes and leukocytes. The animal shows signs of inflammation and general intoxication. The cause of the disease is some medications, ionizing radiation, leukemia.


This type anemia develops as a result of blood loss (external and internal), and is both acute and chronic.

If the reason low level red blood cells or hemoglobin is the absence of building components, then experts talk about hypoplastic anemia. This phenomenon occurs when there is a deficiency of iron, copper, vitamins, and complete protein.


This type of disease develops when nutritional standards are violated, as well as from diseases of the digestive tract. This form of anemia is typical for newborns with an unbalanced diet of the mother cat. The disease often affects older pets with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Each form of the disease is caused certain reasons and is characterized by its symptoms.

For information about hemolytic anemia in cats, watch this video:

Signs and Symptoms of Anemia in Cats

An owner can suspect a blood disease in a pet by paying attention to the following symptoms:

Such general and uncharacteristic symptoms make it difficult self-diagnosis illness in a pet.

Diagnosis of anemia in cats

If a blood disease is suspected, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. The following clinical research methods will help make a diagnosis:

  • Complete blood count and hematocrit determination. Allows you to detect the level of hemoglobin in the blood and determine the number of red blood cells. A decrease in these indicators below normal allows one to suspect anemia.
  • Hematological blood test. The method allows you to determine anisocytosis (change in the size of blood cells), the presence of immature red blood cells.
  • Biochemical analysis for iron content in the blood.
  • Blood clotting test.
  • Bacteriological and virological research if the infectious nature of the disease is suspected.

For differential diagnosis may be assigned ultrasonography kidneys, scatological analysis for intestinal bleeding, X-ray examination to exclude tumors.

How to treat anemia in cats

The tactics of therapeutic measures depend on the causes that led to the disease. At acute forms associated with blood loss, emergency blood transfusion is indicated in a specialized institution, taking into account the compatibility of blood groups.

Drugs that increase blood clotting (Vikasol, calcium chloride) are also used.

If the cause of anemia is infectious diseases, a complex antimicrobial and antiviral treatment. The animal is prescribed immunomodulators and vitamins.

Hemolytic anemia requires the use of antitoxic therapy aimed at eliminating the effects of toxins. For this purpose they use intravenous injections glucose, saline solution.

What to feed the animal

For blood diseases, in addition to proper treatment, there are many important has food for a sick animal. The diet should contain complete proteins. For this purpose, a sick cat’s diet should include lean beef, turkey, and chicken. It is useful to give offal twice a week. Required component The diet should include vegetables rich in iron, copper, cobalt and vitamins. For proper bowel function, lactic acid products are recommended.

Nutrition for anemia

Prognosis for Anemic Cats

The acute form of the pathology in case of heavy blood loss is of a cautious nature. The outcome depends on timely professional assistance. At competent diagnostics And adequate treatment Most forms of anemia have a favorable prognosis for your pet. If anemia is a symptom cancer tumor, an autoimmune disease, the prognosis is guarded and depends on the severity of the underlying disease.

Prevention of anemia in cats

Veterinary specialists give owners of furry pets the following recommendations for the prevention of pathology:

Anemia in domestic cats is a common blood disorder and is more often seen as a symptom of an underlying disease. The complex classification is due to the variety of causes of the disease. Diagnosis is based on clinical analysis blood, related tests and studies. Timely prescribed treatment gives favorable prognosis for most forms of anemia.

The function of red blood cells in the body is associated with the transport of oxygen to organs and tissues. Its molecules are transported using a specific protein - hemoglobin, which contains iron atoms. It is this microelement that causes the red color of blood. Without oxygen molecules, not a single biochemical reaction can take place in a living organism.

Normally, in a physiologically healthy cat, the hemoglobin concentration in the blood ranges from 80 to 150 g/l. This is the amount of iron-containing protein that can provide the body’s tissues with the necessary oxygen. However, not only a low level of hemoglobin causes the development of anemia in a furry pet.

Red blood cells are also directly involved in the mechanism of supplying the body with oxygen. A healthy cat should contain at least 5.10*1012/l red blood cells.

When the level of hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells decrease, the animal begins to experience hypoxia (oxygen starvation). Tissues and organs do not receive enough oxygen, and redox reactions and cellular respiration are disrupted. The acid-base balance is disturbed, and the body experiences signs of intoxication.

Oxygen deficiency leads to dysfunction of the cardiovascular system and negatively affects immune structures. The animal quickly loses weight and becomes lethargic. A weakened body is a target for infectious and non-infectious diseases.

Anemia is a medical term that describes a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, hemoglobin, or both. It is not a specific disease, but a syndrome that results from many other diseases and disorders. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to the cells and tissues of the body, and a patient suffering from anemia will experience symptoms associated with a lack of oxygen.

Red blood cells are produced by the bone marrow and then enter the bloodstream, where they circulate for about two months. As they age or become damaged, they are removed from the blood to make new ones from their components. The number of red blood cells in the blood may decrease due to decreased production or increased loss.

Mechanisms of formation of hemoglobin deficiency

Exists a large number of classification characteristics, by which it is customary to distinguish between types of anemia. The main ones include the mechanism of formation of hemoglobin deficiency. It allows us to understand the reasons for this phenomenon.

It is customary to distinguish 3 main mechanisms:

  1. Problems with hemoglobin synthesis, resulting in normal red blood cells are not formed. This mechanism is involved in nutritional anemia, leading to vitamin deficiency in group B (B12, PP) or iron deficiency. It is also implemented in the pathology of red bone marrow. When vitamin C enters an animal's body in large doses, the same effect can be obtained. Such anemias are called hypo- and aplastic, depending on the degree of inhibition of the bone marrow sprout.
  2. Anemia caused by massive loss red blood cells as a result of massive blood loss or iron deficiency with frequent but small blood losses. This pathology is called posthemorrhagic or regenerative anemia.
  3. Anemia caused by the accelerated process of destruction of red blood cells (hemolytic anemia).

Anemia can be acute, with rapid development symptoms, pronounced manifestations. And chronic, with mild symptoms and a general decrease in the activity of the animal.

Causes of anemia

Among the factors that can cause this disease are:

  • Severe injuries;
  • Ulcers or tumors that cause bleeding;
  • Low blood clotting;
  • Inflammation of the stomach or intestines;
  • Frequent childbirth, long-term feeding of kittens due to which the body weakens and can catch any infection;
  • Bone marrow dysfunction;
  • Infection with helminths from low-quality meat or fish;
  • Insufficiently balanced diet, leading to iron deficiency in the body.

Anemia is more common in domestic city cats, which their owners keep locked up in stuffy apartments and feed with dry food. But cats living in rural areas, aplastic anemia almost never occurs due to lack of vegetable proteins and iron.

In veterinary medicine, the causes leading to the development of anemia in domestic animals have been studied quite well. Experts identify the following etiological factors of the disease:

One of the most common types of illness among pets is nutritional anemia. More often it bothers young animals. It is characterized by a quantitative decrease in hemoglobin in the cat’s blood. Develops due to deficiency necessary substances(iron, vitamins, microelements) in the animal’s diet or as a consequence of intestinal diseases.

The latter lead to the fact that substances entering the body in normal quantity cannot absorb due to inflammatory processes in the intestinal mucosa, its degeneration, atrophy, and ulceration. Deficiency is usually associated with violation of the rules of feeding the animal. In kittens that have just been born, anemia may be associated with improper feeding of the cat mother during pregnancy and lactation of the kittens. An important role in deficiency conditions is caused by helminthic infestations.

Regenerative or posthemorrhagic anemia develops after blood loss as a result of injury or perforation of an ulcer. Chronic blood loss in small quantities is caused by helminthic infestations.

Anemia can develop due to the growth of malignant tumors in the animal's body. Diseases of the kidneys, liver, bronchiectasis, some systemic diseases accompanied by anemia. Some infectious diseases, for example, fungal ones can lead to anemia. Autoimmune anemia, caused by the destruction of red blood cells by the cat's immune system, is a rare but incurable disease. An animal with this disease requires lifelong and expensive therapy.

Anemia in cats can occur at home for a number of reasons. The latter can be divided into several groups:

  1. Disruption of the processes of destruction of red blood cells in the body.
  2. There is a disruption in the flow of red blood cells in the body.
  3. Incorrect balance between the process of formation of red blood cells and their destruction.
  4. Disease immune system, in which the body loses normal tolerance to red blood cell antigens.

Anemia is classified according to the causes of its occurrence:

  • autoimmune;
  • heteroimmune;
  • hemolytic;
  • posthemorrhagic;
  • nutritional;
  • aplastic.

What causes hemolytic anemia in cats:

  • viral infection (“Feline AIDS”, or FeLV);
  • intoxication due to eating poisonous foods;
  • feline anemia caused by infection;
  • blood transfusion into a cat with an incompatible partner.

What causes non-regenerative anemia:

  • feline infectious peritonitis (FIP);
  • chronic renal failure or liver failure;
  • leukemia;
  • degenerative disorders in the functioning of the red bone marrow;
  • iron deficiency (due to gastritis, stomach ulcers), more common in kittens.

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia occurs in cats due to the accelerated destruction and breakdown of red blood cells. Most often, this form in pets is diagnosed with pathologies of the cardiovascular system or invasive diseases. It is with autoimmune hemolytic anemia in cats that the mucous membranes do not turn pale, but darken.

Posthemorrhagic anemia can occur due to:

Very often the cause of such anemia is also various kinds pathologies due to which blood clotting worsens.

Hypoplastic anemia in cats most often develops due to disruption of the bone marrow. Also, such anemia can be the result of vitamin deficiency or a violation of any stage of the formation of red blood cells.

The non-regenerative form of anemia usually results from bone marrow suppression. That is, this type of allergy in most cases is caused by various kinds of dangerous diseases and severe poisoning.

Very rarely, but still sometimes diagnosed in pets, among other things, iron deficiency anemia. In cats, the symptoms of this particular disease, since it develops slowly, are usually mild.

Types of anemia

The variety of causes and factors leading to the development of anemia in domestic cats determines the following classification of pathology in veterinary medicine.


Anemia caused by pathogenic microorganisms is called infectious. This form occurs when the body is affected by the leukemia virus, viral immunodeficiency, or Bartonella. Streptococci, staphylococci, and salmonella also have a hemolytic effect.


With this form of the disease, the process of destruction of red blood cells leads to the development of hemolytic jaundice in the pet. Pathology can be congenital or acquired. In the congenital form, the body experiences a malfunction in the hematopoietic system.

Acquired hemolytic anemia is observed due to the penetration of industrial or plant poisons into the body, piroplasmosis. Hemobartonellosis caused by rickettsia also occurs as hemolytic anemia.


The pathology develops due to impaired hematopoiesis in the bone marrow. In addition to a decrease in hemoglobin levels, in the aplastic form of the disease there is a decrease in the concentration of erythrocytes and leukocytes. The animal shows signs of inflammation and general intoxication. The cause of the disease is certain medications, ionizing radiation, and leukemia.


This type of anemia develops as a result of blood loss (external and internal), and is both acute and chronic.


If the reason for the low level of red blood cells or hemoglobin is the lack of building components, then experts talk about hypoplastic anemia. This phenomenon occurs when there is a deficiency of iron, copper, vitamins, and complete protein.


This type of disease develops when nutritional standards are violated, as well as from diseases of the digestive tract. This form of anemia is typical for newborns with an unbalanced diet of the mother cat. The disease often affects older pets with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Each form of the disease is caused by certain causes and is characterized by its own symptoms.

The severity of symptoms of anemia depends, of course, on the age of the animal and general condition his body. But signs of anemia in cats may vary to some extent depending on the type of anemia. Anemia in such pets can be:

    autoimmune hemolytic;




Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells, erythrocytes. These blood cells “live” for about three months, then they are renewed for cellular level, old blood cells are replaced by new ones. New red blood cells are born in the bone marrow, and the destruction of old blood cells lies with the spleen.

There are a number of reasons that contribute to the occurrence of anemia in a cat. There are only four reasons, which include:

  • disruption of the blood formation process;
  • disruption of the blood destruction process;
  • imbalance between the formation and destruction of blood cells;
  • genetic abnormalities, heredity.

Types of anemia vary depending on the causes. Types of anemia include:

  • posthemorrhagic;
  • hemolytic;
  • hypoplastic;
  • aplastic;
  • nutritional

Signs of anemia: laboratory tests

An owner can suspect a blood disease in a pet by paying attention to the following symptoms:

  • Lethargic state. The animal moves little, sleeps a lot, ignores games, and does not respond to external stimuli.
  • The mucous membranes may have a bluish tint or be pale. In the hemolytic form, the mucous membranes acquire an icteric tint.
  • The body compensates for the lack of oxygen in the blood by increasing the work of the heart. In this regard, the sick cat exhibits tachycardia and signs of heart failure, for example, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath.
  • Loss of appetite, anorexia.
  • Decrease in live weight.
  • Newborn kittens are delayed in growth and development.

Such general and uncharacteristic symptoms make it difficult to independently diagnose a disease in a pet.

Anemia, especially in mild form, has no characteristic symptoms and goes unnoticed by owners.

The main symptoms are caused by anemic hypoxia and are expressed:

  • in weakness;
  • in increased fatigue;
  • in general malaise.

The animal may spend more time sleeping, refuse active games, or stop them very quickly. These changes occur gradually and therefore often go unnoticed. The owner believes that the cat has matured and no longer likes too violent games.

As the condition worsens, general malaise becomes more noticeable and additional signs appear:

  • dyspnea;
  • tachycardia with little physical activity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • loss of appetite;
  • paleness to blue of visible mucous membranes;
  • deterioration in the quality of wool, its loss.

If anemia remains undiagnosed and untreated, the cat's condition worsens to the point that the animal practically stops moving. The cat prefers to sleep or lie down; we are no longer talking about games. There may be diarrhea or even vomiting, heart failure develops, the mucous membranes and skin are not just pale, they acquire a jaundiced tint.

With some types of anemia, the animal may lose sensitivity. The cat is losing a lot of weight. In malignant forms of anemia, achlorhydria develops (the stomach loses the ability to produce hydrochloric acid), and this leads to a loss of the ability to digest food.

With anemia in kittens, the animals grow poorly and gain weight. They have ugly fur and are different in mobility from their peers. In case of toxic anemia (caused by poisoning with hemolytic poisons), the owner can detect blood in the animal’s urine, vomit or feces.

The most important symptom of anemia in cats is pale mucous membranes. oral cavity(“porcelain mouth”) and conjunctiva of the eyes. The appearance of one of these symptoms should already alert you. Start packing your cat in a carrier for the trip to veterinary clinic. Look out for the following signs:

  • weakness. As noted earlier, cats suffering from anemia become lethargic and apathetic, their the main objective- hide in a secluded place;
  • eating inedible objects. If you notice a cat eating its litter or feces, this is a reason to consult a doctor;
  • rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing. The cat’s body tries to compensate for the lack of oxygen with more frequent heart contractions.

Sometimes cats suffering from anemia, among other things, also exhibit so-called pica. The animal suddenly begins, for example, to lick plaster, eat its own excrement or litter from the toilet.

In some cases, with anemia in cats, jaundice may also appear. The mucous membranes of the animal change their color accordingly. Most often, this symptom, of course, indicates some kind of liver problem in your pet. But sometimes jaundice is also a consequence of the sudden destruction of red blood cells in a cat’s blood.

Another sign of the development of anemia in a pet is deterioration in the condition of the coat. The animal's fur loses its shine and becomes dull. In this case, many “tangles” may appear on the body of a long-haired cat. The skin of an animal with anemia, among other things, also loses elasticity.

Anemia in cats is thus diagnosed mainly by a general depressed state and a change in the color of the mucous membranes. However, of course, only a veterinarian can accurately determine this disease in an animal.

Anemia is detected in a clinical setting in a standard way - that is, through laboratory blood tests. Veterinarians today have equipment in their arsenal that allows them to diagnose anemia with 100% accuracy.

If anemia is suspected, a cat's blood can be tested, for example, by special device, capable of counting red blood cells. Also, for diagnosis, veterinarians often use more simple technique. In this case, the portion of blood volume accounted for by red blood cells is measured.

Anemia in cats can be diagnosed if its hemoglobin level drops below 80 g/l. The red blood cells in the blood of a sick animal usually contain less than 5-10*1012/l.

Main symptoms

Determining anemia in a cat is usually not too difficult. First of all, an animal suffering from anemia becomes inactive and lethargic. Such a cat, for example, is almost impossible to involve in play. With minimal exertion, the animal experiences shortness of breath and an increased heart rate.

Also, one of the main symptoms of anemia is a change in the color of the mucous membranes. They become pale and cyanotic in a cat with anemia. To determine anemia, the owner of the animal needs, among other things, to examine its mouth. A change in the color of a cat's gums, for example, will be clearly visible.

Very often, with anemia, pets also lose their appetite. Such a cat may not even touch the food that it once loved very much. Animals with anemia often refuse both meat and fish.

In kittens, anemia can also be determined by developmental delays. Such animals always look very frail and weakened. They are usually the smallest in the litter.

External signs of the disease directly depend on the nature of the pathology. Experts say that for all types there is a certain number of symptoms characteristic of anemia:

  • oral mucosa and upper eyelid acquires a pale pink, sometimes white tint;
  • rapid heartbeat provokes shortness of breath;
  • the cat becomes lethargic and apathetic, activity decreases sharply;
  • there is a sharp decrease in appetite, the cat refuses to eat;
  • kittens stop growing and lose weight;
  • in a neglected state, diarrhea appears.

Experts say that in addition to the main symptoms, additional signs may appear:

  • high blood pressure;
  • breathing rhythm disturbance;
  • dilated pupils;

All types of anemia must be treated under the supervision of a veterinarian. Each case is individual, therapy should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian. Only a specialist is able to correctly diagnose, choose a drug and calculate the recommended dosage. Self-medication in this case is completely excluded.

When treating anemia, it is necessary to ensure that bleeding (internal and external) is stopped. In this case, a blood transfusion may be needed. A sick cat needs:

  • intravenously inject a solution of potassium chloride 10%;
  • put in a glucose drip (to restore blood volume);
  • accept iron supplements(Algaferrin, Ferranimal, Ferroglukin, Ursoferran);
  • enrich your daily diet with vitamins.

Treatment of the disease is carried out with the help of anthelmintics (Milbemax, Prazicide) and corticosteroid drugs (Advantan, Belogent).

The most obvious and basic clinical sign of anemia in cats, as in dogs, is a change in the normal Pink colour gums, they may turn pale pink or even white. Cats suffering from anemia also have low stamina and appear lethargic. Pale gums, lips and general lethargy indicate the need for a blood test.


If a blood disease is suspected, the animal must be shown to a veterinarian. The following clinical research methods will help make a diagnosis:

  • Complete blood count and hematocrit determination. Allows you to detect the level of hemoglobin in the blood and determine the number of red blood cells. A decrease in these indicators below normal allows one to suspect anemia.
  • Hematological blood test. The method allows you to determine anisocytosis (change in the size of blood cells), the presence of immature red blood cells.
  • Biochemical analysis for iron content in the blood.
  • Blood clotting test.
  • Bacteriological and virological studies if the infectious nature of the disease is suspected.

For a differential diagnosis, an ultrasound examination of the kidneys, a scatological analysis for intestinal bleeding, and an X-ray examination to exclude tumors may be prescribed.

Anemia in cats is diagnosed using an extensive blood test. In case if percentage red blood cell count is low enough that the cat will be diagnosed with anemia.

If your cat has been diagnosed with anemia, it is important to determine whether it is producing Bone marrow required amount red blood cells, in response to their decrease.

A bone marrow biopsy is required if there is concern that it is not responding properly to the anemic condition. A sample of the bone marrow is removed and analyzed, providing valuable information about the condition and sometimes the causes of the anemia.

Biochemical blood test, urine test and others important tests necessary to assess the general condition of an anemic cat. These tests will provide information about organ function and electrolyte levels.

Finally, an anemic cat should be tested for feline leukemia virus and feline immunodeficiency virus, as these viruses are common reasons anemia.

How to treat anemia in cats

As mentioned earlier, before starting treatment, it is necessary to establish and eliminate the causes of the disease.

When treating anemia itself, the animal needs to be given fresh raw liver, but sometimes this does not help if the cat is very weakened. In this case, you can purchase liquid liver extract and give it to your cat. This extract contains iron and a complex of B vitamins necessary for hematopoiesis.

You can only give medicine after consulting a veterinarian, since if the medication is exceeded, it can be dangerous. The extract is prescribed after carefully weighing the animal and obtaining laboratory tests. Take half to two capsules per day.

When treating anemia, it is imperative that the animal receive fresh or dried herbs purchased at the pharmacy. Chlorophyll contained in plants helps the body produce blood that is sufficiently saturated with oxygen.

Some veterinarians advise treating anemia with acupressure, i.e. acupressure. It is believed that it helps increase resistance, tones and strengthens the body.

Very severe forms diseases are treated by blood transfusions. Naturally, this procedure can only be carried out qualified specialist and only in the hospital.

The tactics of therapeutic measures depend on the causes that led to the disease. In acute forms associated with blood loss, emergency blood transfusion is indicated in a specialized institution, taking into account the compatibility of blood groups.

Drugs that increase blood clotting (Vikasol, calcium chloride) are also used.

If the cause of anemia is infectious diseases, complex antimicrobial and antiviral treatment is used. The animal is prescribed immunomodulators and vitamins.

Hemolytic anemia requires the use of antitoxic therapy aimed at eliminating the effects of toxins. For this purpose, intravenous injections of glucose and saline are used.

In the nutritional form of the disease therapeutic effect have iron-containing preparations, for example, Ferrovet, Ferranimal and others. The pet is prescribed vitamin complexes containing B vitamins.

The causes of anemia are not always obvious.

In case of obvious bleeding, such as external open bleeding, the bleeding must be stopped. And take your pet to a veterinary hospital. The animal may need replacement therapy- infusion of physiological solutions, red blood cells, blood.

In case of acute anemia or in very advanced conditions, transfusion can save the cat’s life.

If anemia is associated with a disease, it is necessary to identify the pathology and begin treatment of the underlying disease. Maintenance and replacement therapy will also be carried out, but if the underlying cause of the lack of hemoglobin is not eliminated, the anemia will return after stopping treatment with vitamins and minerals.

In case of nutritional anemia, it is necessary to normalize the animal’s diet. Replacement therapy (iron supplements, vitamins and minerals) may be required. With autoimmune anemia, the cat requires immunosuppressants.

Treatment of feline anemia consists of measures specifically targeting the cause of anemia, symptomatic and supportive treatment.

Fluid Therapy: Relieves dehydration in cats. Central venous catheterization should be avoided whenever possible due to high risk blood clot formation. Subcutaneous infusions are preferred.

Increasing the level of oxygen supply to tissues:

  • oxygen therapy;
  • transfusion of whole blood or red blood cells;
  • intravenous administration of bovine hemoglobin. Used for the temporary treatment of patients suffering from heteroimmune hemolytic anemia.

In cats with hemolytic anemia due to gastrointestinal hypoxia (lack of oxygen), increased sensitivity to steroid drugs and the risk of renal and liver failure increased susceptibility to developing ulcers in gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is necessary to prescribe anticides.

For the treatment of infectious diseases that provoke the occurrence of anemia, etiotropic treatment (Doxycycline) is used.

If immune destruction of red blood cells occurs, treatment with immunosuppressants is necessary (glucocorticoids Prednisolone or Methylprednisolone are administered to patients intravenously or in tablet form at a dose of 2-4 mg/kg body weight once a day or given daily dose in 2 doses).

The prognosis of treatment depends on the cause. In some cases, the prognosis is favorable. Certain diseases complicated by anemia, such as chronic renal failure, have a poor prognosis.

In the vast majority of cases, therefore, anemia in cats occurs as a consequence of some disease. Therefore, veterinarians usually treat not anemia itself, but this specific pathology, identified during examination and laboratory tests.

For example, various types of medications (“Furosemite”, “Methylprednisolone”, “Bifidum”, etc.) can be prescribed to an animal in the treatment of chronic renal failure. Anemia in cats with this disease occurs, unfortunately, quite often. As soon as the animal’s kidney function returns to normal, its anemia usually goes away.

If an animal’s anemia has become serious and has begun to pose a danger to its life in itself, veterinarians can also carry out symptomatic therapy. In some cases, animals, for example, are prescribed a procedure such as a blood transfusion. In this way the treatment is carried out acute anemia in cats that are severely weakened and have completely lost their appetite.

In milder cases, the veterinarian may develop a special diet for the animal. For example, it is believed that it is very beneficial to give liver to pets with anemia. But an anemic cat, of course, can simply refuse such food. In this case, she is usually prescribed liquid liver extract.

When treating anemia in cats at home, you can also use fresh or powdered herbs from the pharmacy. It is beneficial to give this supplement to your pet because chlorophyll promotes the production of red blood cells.

If your cat's anemia is so severe that it is life-threatening, she will need a blood transfusion. The main purpose of transfusion is to stabilize the cat, but the root cause of the anemia must be diagnosed through examination and testing, and then appropriate treatment must be given.

Use of medications

In some cases, with anemia, pets may be prescribed various types of medical supplies. Treatment of anemia in cats due to kidney failure, for example, is often carried out using:

    "Recormona" (25-30 units/kg 1-3 times a week).

    "Ursoferran" (0.5 ml once).

These products help increase the level of hemoglobin in your pet's blood. In case of acute renal failure, animals may also be prescribed hemostatic drugs. Most often these are “Ditsinon”, “Vikasol”, etc.


Everyone knows that a disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, cat owners who care about the health of their pets should approach the choice of diet very seriously. The cat should receive a balanced diet, rich in iron and vitamins, as well as fresh herbs.

Twice a year you need to go to a veterinary hospital to identify infectious diseases or worm infections and to preventive vaccinations. This will help identify anemia early stage and quickly get rid of the disease.

Veterinary specialists give owners of furry pets the following recommendations for preventing pathology:

  • balance the diet in terms of protein, energy substances, minerals(iron, copper), vitamins;
  • prevention of helminthiasis, flea infestation;
  • prevention of injuries, wounds;
  • carrying out routine vaccination;
  • preventive examination of your pet by a veterinarian mandatory analysis blood.

Anemia in domestic cats is a common blood disorder and is more often seen as a symptom of an underlying disease. The complex classification is due to the variety of causes of the disease. Diagnosis is based on a clinical blood test, related tests and studies. Timely prescribed treatment gives a favorable prognosis for most forms of anemia.


To prevent the development of anemia in a cat, first of all, you should, of course, properly organize its nutrition. If the animal is kept on natural food, its diet should be supplemented with vitamin and mineral supplements.

In many cases, cats, and especially purebred ones, receive at home mainly only purchased ready-made feed. To prevent the development of anemia for animals, it is, of course, worth buying only the highest quality “pads” from trusted manufacturers with a good reputation.

What is the prognosis for cats diagnosed with anemia?

The acute form of the pathology in case of heavy blood loss is of a cautious nature. The outcome depends on timely professional assistance. With proper diagnosis and adequate treatment of most forms of anemia, the prognosis for the pet is favorable. If anemia is a symptom of an oncological tumor or an autoimmune disease, the prognosis is cautious and depends on the severity of the underlying disease.

The prognosis for cats with anemia depends on the diagnosis and the animal's condition before treatment. Most cats, if anemia is diagnosed promptly, have a good prognosis. Cats that suffer due to cancer, autoimmune diseases or severe trauma have a less favorable prognosis.

Anemia in cats often develops asymptomatically and unnoticed, and when owners notice that a pet got sick, it turns out it's time for effective treatment missed. Therefore, today we will tell you how to recognize anemia at an early stage, we will analyze what the prerequisites for the appearance of this disease are and how to treat anemia in cats.

Anemia in cats: symptoms and treatment

Anemia in cats is characterized by a decrease in the number of red blood cells and a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, which play a valuable role in the life of the animal. These cells transport oxygen to and from body tissues carbon dioxide. Accordingly, with anemia in a cat, exhaustion progresses, activity decreases, the animal quickly gets tired, the work and rhythm of the heart muscle is disrupted, mucous membranes and areas of skin that lack pigmentation turn pale. The cat lies in one place, ignores communication with family members, digestive disorders are possible - vomiting, diarrhea. It is important not to miss these symptoms at the initial stage.

Indigestion is one of the symptoms of anemia

Despite the fact that anemia in general is a set of similar clinical and hematological syndromes, several types of this disease differ. Let's take a closer look at them.

Hemolytic anemia

Anemia can be inherited

In addition to the symptoms common to all types of anemia, hemolytic is distinguished by:

  1. The mucous membranes acquire not just a pale, but a jaundiced tint.
  2. The spleen enlarges.
  3. Urine is colored bright red due to the presence of hemoglobin cells in it.
  4. An animal's blood test shows an increased leukocyte sedimentation rate against the background of an increase in the number of immature and small red blood cells.

Posthemorrhagic anemia

The characteristic symptoms of posthemorrhagic anemia are:

  1. Weakening of the animal's pulse.
  2. A sharp drop in blood pressure, as a result, a depressed state up to fainting.
  3. Involuntary urination of the animal, the cat goes to the toilet under itself.
  4. Slow heart rate.

Anemia of the hypoplastic type occurs due to external factors: a meager diet from which the cat cannot obtain useful material to “build” hemoglobin and erythrocyte cells. Hypoplastic anemia, in turn, is divided into two types: myelotoxic (suppression of the hematopoietic organs due to toxin poisoning) and deficiency (lack of protein, copper, iron, B vitamins in the body).

The first is quite rare: it occurs in a situation where the cat is systematically in contact with harmful substances, for example, salts heavy metals. The second type, on the contrary, is common and happens if the animal receives food poor in protein, micro- and macroelements, and minerals. First, the animal’s metabolism is disrupted, then the disease spreads to the circulatory system.

Aplastic anemia

We can say that this is a subtype of hypoplastic anemia, since the causes of aplastic anemia lie in the effect on the animal of potent substances that inhibit the function of hematopoiesis. These substances include strong drugs, poison for rodents and insects, as well as radioactive rays, for example, X-rays.

There are no characteristic symptoms for aplastic and hypoplastic types of anemia. The owner sees that the pet’s condition is deteriorating, and the deterioration is progressing every day. The disease can only be determined if complex diagnostics, first of all, by collecting blood for analysis.

Infectious anemia

Eperitrosoons are carried by fleas and other small insects that infect animals through bites

Symptoms of infectious anemia are:

  • the cat is rapidly losing weight;
  • the spleen, lymph nodes enlarge,
  • the animal refuses food or activity;
  • body temperature remains normal (within 38-39 degrees).

Video - Infectious anemia in cats

Nutritional anemia

This type of anemia is also called nutritional anemia, since the organs of the hematopoietic system suffer due to an inadequate, incorrect or poor diet. Thus, nutritional anemia is similar to hypoplastic anemia, or rather, its deficiency type. However, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood during alimentary anemia is associated not only with poor nutrition, but also with its consequences for the gastrointestinal tract. So, if the gastric secretion does not contain enough pepsins or of hydrochloric acid, any food will be poorly digested, and against this background the disease develops.

Nutritional anemia is more common in kittens and young animals; its external symptoms are quite striking:

  1. The animal is emaciated, the fur is dull and disheveled.
  2. Kittens are developmentally delayed and have an emaciated appearance.
  3. The cat breathes shallowly, moving its sides.
  4. At the same time, the animal does not eat well, refuses to play, or explore the environment.

How is anemia in cats determined?

Since anemia is a disease with differentiated symptoms, that is, similar to other diseases, diagnosis should be carried out in a veterinary clinic and laboratory.

First of all, blood samples are taken from the animal for general analysis and biochemistry. These studies allow you to see whether indicators such as hemoglobin are normal, reveal the number of red blood cells and their sedimentation rate. Blood tests also show the amount of bilirubin, trace elements, and iron. An additional urine and stool test is also taken, in which stercobilin and blood can be detected.

In order to identify the cause of anemia (without this data treatment will not be effective), additional tests. The veterinarian may prescribe an ultrasound, x-ray, and conduct tests for viruses and infections. Consequently, only prompt and comprehensive diagnostics contribute to the diagnosis of anemia.

Important point! Under no circumstances should you independently diagnose your cat with anemia and try to select a treatment regimen without consulting a veterinarian. Even if the pet really has anemia, the cause will not be established. You can feed the animal medications containing iron as much as you like, but in case of internal bleeding or an infectious disease, these medications will be useless, and the cat’s condition will rapidly deteriorate.

Treatment of anemia in cats

If the reason for the development of anemia is poisoning, treatment will be based on the removal of toxins and harmful substances from all vital systems. Infectious nature anemia requires antibacterial therapy and treatment of infection, autoimmune diseases will be treated with immunosuppressants.

After the factor that provoked anemia has been detected and its therapy has been prescribed, veterinarian will give instructions regarding eliminating the symptoms of anemia, improving the animal’s well-being and supporting the hematopoietic system.

As a rule, animals are prescribed vitamins, iron supplements, and physiotherapy. The owner must also provide the cat with a balanced diet containing everything necessary elements. Because the natural nutrition It is difficult to choose in such a situation; dry or wet veterinary diets of super premium or holistic class are prescribed. Until the animal recovers, blood samples will be taken regularly for hematology tests to monitor progress.

Prevention of anemia in cats

The animal must be regularly treated against ticks, fleas and helminths, and not allowed to a pet contact with wild relatives, wander down the street. Attention needs to be paid balanced diet– you cannot feed the cat from the table, the small predator needs to get proteins and fatty acids, vitamins and useful elements in the required volume. The cat's immunity and metabolism are supported not only good food, but also regular activity. The animal must be able to release its energy.

At the same time, it is important to ensure the cat’s safety, in particular, by blocking the pet’s access to open windows and balconies, limit free movement outside the house, where animals can be attacked by dogs, or hit by vehicles. If mice or cockroaches are being poisoned in a room, or repair work is being carried out, the cat must be isolated in the same way as people. You cannot place an animal in a place where they are kept toxic substances, too frequent X-ray examinations are prohibited.


Anemia in cats – dangerous disease, coupled with the root cause, can end the life of a pet. An attentive owner will certainly notice the first signs of anemia - depression, lack of appetite, lightened mucous membranes - and seek help from a veterinary clinic. It is important to remember that making a diagnosis is impossible without conducting various studies, and only after them can a correct treatment regimen be prescribed.

The species of Haemobartonella that causes disease in cats is Haemobartonella felis, which was first described as the causative agent in 1951.

Hemobartonellosis in cats distributed everywhere, they are the most susceptible to the pathogenic effects of Haemobartonella felis. Dogs can also become infected with it, but the clinical manifestations of the disease are very rare.

Pathogenesis, transmission routes

The route of transmission of Bartonella occurs during fights, and in some cases transmission from mother to kittens is possible, although it is not known for certain when this occurs - in utero, during birth or through milk. Invading the body, Bartonella enters the bloodstream and actively begins to multiply on red blood cells, as well as on cells of the reticuloendothelial system, which include the liver, spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow. Microorganisms, attaching to red blood cells, damage their membrane and cause persistent changes in physical and chemical properties, as a result of which the transport properties of red blood cells deteriorate and their life expectancy is reduced. Cells with a pathogen or overloaded with antibodies undergo erythrophagocytosis, as a result of which red blood cells begin to be destroyed, accompanied by the process of hyperplasia of the phagocytic cell system, as well as splenomegaly and hepatomegaly.

But anemia as a result of such a destructive process manifests itself when the death of red blood cells exceeds their formation; in this case, there are many immature red blood cells (altered) in the blood, which significantly reduces their lifespan. The compensatory capabilities of the liver are depleted, and part of the hemoglobin is excreted into the urine, as a result of which it becomes colored brown, reddish or dark brown color(severe hemoglobinuria). Due to a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, oxygen supply to cells and acid-base balance are disrupted and acidosis develops. Tissue hypoxia leads to the development of degenerative phenomena in parenchymal organs and diathesis hemorrhages.

Development of pathology

Due to metabolic disorders, intoxication occurs in the cat’s body, and inflammatory processes occur in tissues and organs. Clinical picture such changes are expressed in fever long acting, general toxic manifestations, development of GI and CV syndromes.

After pathogenic microorganisms Bartonella enter the cat’s body, they remain in the cat’s body for 7-15 days. incubation period, and then begin to multiply intensively in red blood cells, which leads to a significant change in the blood picture. The cat develops anemia, yellowness of the visible membranes, hemoglobinuria (“red urine”). The sick animal weakens, it exhibits lethargy, apathy, and fatigue. The pulse and breathing become more frequent, and the spleen is usually enlarged. The temperature remains normal, the animal is losing weight, although the appetite is slightly reduced.

The latent form of feline infectious anemia is completely asymptomatic in the animal, but in the case of stressful situations the Bartonella pathogen is reactivated and Clinical signs diseases appear in all their glory. In some cases, the impetus for the development of the disease is castration, childbirth and feeding of kittens, hysterovariectomy and infectious respiratory diseases.

The disease depends on age. Hemobartonellosis affects cats under three years of age or those who are exactly three years old, and the peak of the disease develops in cats over six years of age, with males being more susceptible to the disease than females (possibly due to frequent fights).

The chronic form of the disease occurs in cats with manifestations of weakness, apathy and emaciation; sometimes yellowness of the mucous membranes and swelling in the lower parts of the body occur. Temperature is normal, subnormal or subfebrile, acute attacks no fever is noted. The subclinical course manifests itself only when only single forms of the pathogen are present in the cat’s body. Laboratory tests reveal a decrease in the number of red blood cells (up to 5.0-5.7 x 1012/liter) and hemoglobin (70-91 g/liter), moderate leukocytosis, and a shift of the nucleus to the left.

The manifestation of one or another form of hemobartenellosis in cats depends on the living conditions of the animal, age, susceptibility to the disease and virulence of the pathogen.

If the cat feels unwell and has dark brown urine, the owner of the animal must contact a veterinary clinic as soon as possible, where, using clinical and laboratory tests (blood tests for the presence of hemobartonella), the doctor will diagnose accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

The use of tetracycline antibiotics, high doses and for a long time (not a panacea, other drugs are possible), as well as the prescription of drugs that promote blood formation, in some cases give positive dynamics and the cat recovers. To protect a cat from hemobartenellosis, it is necessary to strictly adhere to maintenance standards and avoid frequent fights between cats and the occurrence of stressful situations.

For preventative purposes, we donated blood for analysis, the cat is 2 years old, a small amount of Bartonella was detected, what should I do?

In some cases, the animal lives its entire life and hemobartonellosis does not manifest itself in any way. If the cat does not have obvious symptoms of the disease, nothing needs to be done. You can only periodically take tests to monitor the condition of microorganisms.

Cat, 5 years old, sterilized, never leaves the house, never had fleas. A blood test showed the presence of hemabartonella, where did they come from?

Hemobartonella is present in a cat's body in small quantities almost always, but in the absence of stressful situations and concomitant diseases, hemobartonellosis does not manifest itself.

Are there obvious symptoms that can be used to accurately determine that a cat has hemobartonellosis?

Veterinary center "Dobrovet"