How to brush your child's teeth. Teaching your child to self-care

Most parents pay great attention to the health of their child, his personal hygiene.

A special position is occupied by issues of oral health in general and teeth in particular.

Do baby teeth need to be brushed daily?

Usually the first teeth appear in babies when they reach 6-8 months of age. Both dentists and pediatricians give parents the same useful advice: take care of the child's teeth - that is, brush them - it is necessary from the moment of eruption. Those parents who are sure that milk teeth should not be monitored at all, because they will fall out soon anyway, are completely wrong. After all, the health of the baby's molars directly depends on the state in which the very first milk teeth were.

You need to take care of your teeth from the very beginning. First - a small piece of gauze moistened with boiled water.

Dental wipes, which are made from non-woven material and impregnated with xylitol with flavors, are great. Xylitol is a polyhydric alcohol that is absolutely safe for the baby and has antiseptic properties. It can be used both at the “pre-dental” stage, and later, when the teeth have already appeared. The use of such wipes does not cause any difficulties: on forefinger mothers put on this napkin and twice a day it is necessary to process the cheeks and teeth of the baby.

Then you can use special brushes that mom or dad put on their fingers. And after - you can offer the baby a real toothbrush (like the parents) with a small head and soft bristles. Already a little grown up baby can brush his teeth on his own.

When should you start brushing your child's teeth? How to clean them properly?

There are a few simple rules, adhering to which parents contribute to the growth of healthy teeth in their baby.

So the first Toothbrush- a piece of marlechka, which should be moistened with warm boiled water. At first, only water is taken, and over time, you can add a little salt so that bacteria do not multiply on the surface of the child's teeth.

After the celebration of the first birthday, you can buy the first toothbrush with rubber spikes.

The use of a brush with soft artificial bristles is only permissible when the baby has grown more than 12 milk teeth.

Before the baby has reached the age of two, it is not permissible (!) To use any toothpaste.

When should you start brushing your child's teeth? Choosing the right toothpaste and helping kids

The procedure for cleaning the teeth of children is recommended to be carried out daily in the mornings and evenings. Exactly the same as adults. There is only one difference: you must use the correct toothpaste. Depending on what age the baby is, it is necessary to correctly and as carefully as possible choose the appropriate composition of the paste.

If the little one is under three years old, a fluoride-free paste is suitable, because children usually swallow it.

Being very small, crumbs - due to the fact that their motor skills have not yet been formed - cannot brush their teeth on their own. Therefore, moms and dads are strongly encouraged to help clean their child's teeth. This should be done until the baby learns to take good and proper care of the teeth, and the parents will be confident about the health of their child.

Important point (!): You need to teach your child to rinse his mouth after every meal. Great importance has - and whether the baby is able not only to take care of the oral cavity, but to do it correctly. Moms and dads have a duty to make sure that daily brushing becomes a habit for a child.

Let's start brushing your baby's teeth. How to properly care for the teeth of a one-year-old?

Babies at such a young age need constant oral hygiene, no matter how many teeth they have already hatched. If a mother begins to take care of her teeth from the very moment they begin to erupt, then when the baby reaches a year, he will already get used to the fact that his oral cavity is constantly clean.

At the age of one, the baby can already be provided with his own toothbrush, which has rubber spikes.

Toddlers need to brush their teeth in circular and wave-like movements very carefully and accurately. These precautions are necessary in order not to damage the enamel of the baby's teeth, which is still so delicate, and not to injure the gums. If the baby resists and does not allow you to brush your teeth, it will be more convenient to use a toothbrush with elastic bristles. Such a brush is easily put on the finger of one of the parents. Another option is to use the most common gauze, wetting it before use in brine.

When should you start brushing your child's teeth? Teeth brushing techniques

There are many such methods. But if the baby does not have any specific diseases mouth or gums, you can apply the most conventional method. Cleans first outside surface teeth upper jaw, start from the left side. The brush will be correctly positioned parallel to the floor and move it like a broom - with short movements from the gum down.

After that, pay attention to the chewing surface. Here it will be correct to use reciprocating movements. And then - on the palatal part of the teeth. It is not at all necessary to diligently scrub with a brush by the parents themselves or force grown children to do the same. After all, it is very easy to damage the enamel, which is so thin. In addition, the impressions of the baby after such a procedure will not be very pleasant.

Any unpleasant sensation during brushing your teeth can lead to the fact that this event will be just flour for both the child and his parents.

The same applies to the procedure for cleansing the surface of the tongue, because many adults, having tried to do this as carefully as possible and involuntarily causing a gag reflex in the little one, subsequently do not want to repeat such an experience. But this is completely in vain, because just here a lot of microorganisms live.

When should you start brushing your child's teeth? Lower jaw. mouth rinse

The lower jaw of the baby should be cleaned in the same way and in the same order as the upper. When the whole process has come to its logical conclusion, you need to ask the child to squeeze his teeth (or help him do this if he is still very small). It will be very useful to massage the teeth along with the gums from left to right with simple circular movements.

After all, you need to rinse the child's mouth with warm boiled water. Parents are obliged to make sure that their little ones treat this with special attention. final stage, because any toothpaste, even made for children, is the fruit chemical technologies. Better not leave it in your mouth for long time.

Of course, it is also clear that all the above-mentioned subtleties of such an important process for the health of the child as brushing teeth, in words, there is no point in explaining to the baby in words. Parents will clean the teeth of the youngest children, and older children should be shown by their own example repeatedly until they learn the order of necessary actions. It's harder at the very beginning. It is especially difficult to teach your baby not to swallow water after he rinses his mouth.

In each family, adults should try to find a special approach that would serve as motivation for the daily ritual of brushing the child's teeth. You can invent different stories and compose rhymes, accompanying them with every movement of the brush. You can brush your teeth with some toy, preferably a favorite baby. If this procedure is exciting for a child, then he will be happy to wait for the next brushing of his teeth and not feel fear.

Regular oral hygiene of the baby will be an excellent guarantee of success in preventive measures against caries and various complications. But this is so important for the health of the milk and molars of the child.

Attention, all parents of babies who doubt that it is time for their children to brush their teeth and decided to postpone it until later:

According to the unanimous opinion of most dentists, it is necessary to start brushing your teeth from the moment the first tooth erupts!

Until recently, I thought that healthy diet(an abundance of fresh fruits, vegetables, berries +, complete absence synthetic sugar in the diet) a guarantee of strong and healthy teeth. I also thought that it was inappropriate to brush your teeth at an age when babies still do not know how to spit out toothpaste.
Reality corrected my opinion - dark spots began to appear on my daughter's incisors. This is despite the fact that the summer season was in full swing and I carefully monitor the variety and quality of food.

Everyone knows about the harm of sweets for teeth, but not many know about the harm of fruit and vegetable acids. It turns out that in addition to a large amount of sugars, fruits and some vegetables contain a large number of acids, which are very destructive to tooth enamel. Therefore, after each fruit and vegetable, it is necessary to at least give the child a drink of water. Read more about caries and breastfeeding.

When to start brushing your child's teeth | Use of toothpaste up to 2 years

I have always wanted to minimize the amount of chemicals that enter my child's body. But in our case, it turned out that toothpaste is not something that can be discarded without consequences. Of course, there are lucky people who chew sweets all day long and have Hollywood smile, but there is no guarantee that your child will be one of these.

After the first caries was detected, we introduced regular brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush dipped in water. After a couple of months, our caries increased significantly. On the next visit to the dentist, we were given professional cleaning. She showed that a strong plaque had formed on the teeth, which cleaning with water could not cope with. Of course, under the raid, the harmful bacteria were protected and the process of destruction was in full swing, despite our cleaning.

It turns out that effectiveness of brushing teeth without toothpaste is very low in addition, the bristles of a toothbrush without paste can cause micro-scratches on the enamel of the teeth. Timely use of toothpaste in our case could prevent the appearance of caries, in extreme cases, slow down its course.

If you are trying to minimize the amount of chemistry, do not refuse to use toothpastes, it is better to pay attention to their composition.

The amount of toothpaste is also very important. Many people know the "pea-sized" dosage, this large dosage is recommended for preschoolers. For babies who do not know how to fully rinse their mouth, the recommended dose of paste is no more than a grain of rice!

On the this moment we use "R.O.C.S. Baby for the little ones. It is safe to swallow and does not contain: fluoride, parabens, sodium lauryl sulfate, dyes, antiseptics and fragrance.

When to start brushing your child's teeth | Choosing a toothbrush

In fact, children's brushes are now on sale in the sea and finding a quality one is quite simple:

  • when most of toothless mouth and gums “bare” choose a brush with soft silicone bristles;
  • from a year old, when the mouth is already filled with teeth, we switch to a small brush with soft bristles.
  • as the child grows, we choose a larger brush so that it is convenient to clean.

As a result of the search for quality accessories for the hygiene of the first teeth, we found the following:

Let your kids have strong teeth and beautiful smiles!

Other publications on this topic:
Fresh (2014) American Academy of Pediatrics - the official view of Americans on dental hygiene.

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harmless does not mean expensive!
- down with the delusions of our orthopedists, let's listen to Western

At what age do milk teeth erupt and how to care for them?

Each lactic a child's tooth, like everyone else permanent tooth needs to proper care and prevention various diseases. But before the first tooth appears in the baby, you need to start caring for the oral cavity. It is enough to wipe the mouth twice a week with napkins or cotton pads with a weak solution. baking soda for the prevention of thrush (candidiasis).

As a rule, milk teeth begin to erupt from six months. Before the beginning of the period of eruption of milk teeth, the child's activity intensifies. salivary glands. Saliva can flow down the cheek, chin, neck if not wiped.

To minimise discomfort in the gum, the baby takes into his mouth everything that he is able to reach. More often, because of the pain, the child becomes irritable and may even refuse to eat. The gums become more sensitive, making them look red and swollen. You may also experience fever or even loose stools.

To help the child, you can lubricate the gums with special gels, creams or ointments. Various teethers will also help to soothe the baby. Many of them are designed taking into account the age and stage of development of the child. In addition, teethers help develop the baby's grasping reflex, and sometimes fine motor skills of the hands. You can find models combined with rattles - the baby calms down more easily, distracted from discomfort. There are teethers filled with a special gel. He must be held under cold water and then give to the child. Cool gel temperature shrinks blood vessels and does not allow the gums to swell and relieve pain.

Rice. Teether.

You can also help the baby by massaging the gums. Gently massage your baby's upper and lower gums with your index finger in a circular motion for one to two minutes.

Timing of teething in children

The milk incisors are the first to erupt - the front teeth on the lower and upper jaws. They, like all subsequent teeth, need careful care. By the age of one year, there will already be eight teeth in the mouth: four on the top and four on mandible. Of course, the timing of eruption for each child is individual and depends on many factors. For example, it may be an unfavorable course of pregnancy: toxicosis, acute infectious diseases, application medicines during pregnancy, concomitant chronic diseases, hereditary predisposition, unbalanced diet, bad habits mother.
At a year and a half, about twelve teeth erupt, and by the age of three, a child should have twenty teeth - that is, all milk teeth.

six years old start to erupt permanent teeth The first permanent teeth are the molars (the so-called sixth teeth). There are four molars in total: two on each jaw, left and right.

Almost simultaneously with the appearance permanent molars the change of milk (temporary) teeth to permanent ones begins. rudiments permanent teeth located in the jaw immediately below the milk teeth and are the main teeth that form the bite. These teeth will never be replaced!

The incisors erupt at the age of 6-8 years.

Premolars are the fourth and fifth teeth, which are also located symmetrically on the upper and lower jaws and erupt at 9-12 years.

Canines (third teeth) and seventh teeth (or second molars) erupt at 12-13 years of age.

Immediately after the eruption of permanent teeth, the process of final mineralization of the enamel begins. It seems to absorb the necessary minerals from saliva, which make it strong and hard. During this period, it is imperative to keep your teeth clean so that plaque does not interfere with the penetration useful substances inside the enamel.

From the eruption of the very first tooth, you can and should use hygiene items and means.

What are the items and means of hygiene for children

Hygiene items include: toothbrushes, interdental brushes, threads (floss), floss, toothpicks.


Issued for adults and separately for children.

The head, for brushes that are intended for children, can have a length of 1 cm to 1.5 cm. At the age of 4-5 years, about 2 cm.

And absolutely for kids, so as not to injure the delicate and sensitive mucous membranes, there are special silicone brushes. They massage and clean milk teeth and gums without the risk of damaging them. The silicone brush is specially designed to instill oral hygiene skills in the crumbs. The brush fits comfortably on mom's finger and perfectly cleans milk teeth.

Toothbrushes are also divided according to the degree of hardness.

  • Very tough
  • Rigid
  • Soft.
  • medium soft
  • Very soft. (The fibers of such brushes are thinner and longer)

Hard toothbrushes, if used incorrectly, can injure the gums and hard tissues tooth. They are designed for children in mixed and permanent dentition. That is, when the milk teeth began to gradually be replaced by permanent ones. (Normally, this happens from the age of six)

For children older than one year, it is recommended to use toothbrushes with soft bristles.

Toothbrush bristles can be made from both natural and artificial fibers.

Most modern toothbrushes are made from synthetic fibers. For example nylon.

However, brushes made of natural bristles (mostly pigs) were widely used in the past. Compared to synthetic fibers, natural bristles have disadvantages. Inside natural hair there is a channel into which, after the first brushing of the teeth, microorganisms penetrate, and, of course, it is no longer possible to remove them from it.

It is also impossible to perfectly evenly process the ends of natural bristles and give it a certain degree of rigidity. Natural bristles are cut evenly and the brush can injure the gums. Therefore, synthetic bristles are considered optimal, the bristles of which have a rounded shape.

Electric toothbrushes.

The simplest in the class of prophylactic electric brushes with a round head are brushes with two-level bristles and reciprocating circular motions. A more complex version of a brush with a round head is a brush that has a two-level field, a wear indicator and performs, in addition to reciprocating circular, also vibrating movements. Some electric brushes look like millstones. They are two round discs on which single-level bristle bundles are located. The advantage of such brushes is that they simultaneously clean both the inside and outside tooth. But, like all brushes, this model has its minus. The brush does not sufficiently clean the surface of the molars, has poor maneuverability and is difficult to manipulate.

And the last type is the so-called single-beam (or mono-beam) brushes. The small round head of the brush has only one tuft of bristles that rotates in a circle. A single-beam electric toothbrush is not considered by dentists as the main means of oral hygiene. It is used only as an additional tool.

However, there are certain indications and recommendations for using electric toothbrushes.

  • Children with milk teeth. But in a special form: the child must have manual brushing skills with a regular toothbrush. First, his mother teaches him, and to end of three years, he himself learns to clean them, copying his parents. And an electric toothbrush can only "re-clean" the teeth.
  • Children with disabilities suffering from cerebral palsy (Infantile central paralysis)
  • Children with a broken right arm.
  • Children in intensive care.

An important condition for oral hygiene is proper storage tooth cheek.

After brushing your teeth, the brush should be rinsed under running water. warm water, thoroughly cleaned of food debris, toothpaste, plaque. After that, the brush should be lathered and left in this form until the next cleaning. Wash off the soap before brushing your teeth again. You need to store your toothbrush in such a way that it can dry well, for example, in a glass with the head up. This significantly worsens the conditions for the reproduction of microorganisms in the toothbrush, and the bristles retain their hardness and shape. You should also not put your toothbrush in a closed case immediately after use.


The next hygiene item is floss or dental floss.
They are thin (round) and thick (ribbon-shaped).

They are made with various impregnations:

  • With wax. This is a kind of lubricant for the thread itself.
  • With Menthol or Eucalyptus
  • With sweetener or fluoride.

For the first time for a child, it is recommended to use thick dental floss. You need to floss twice a day. The thread is wound around the index finger of one and the other hand and with sawing movements it is wound between the teeth a little under the gum, where the plaque is removed with the same movements, which cannot be removed simply with a toothbrush. (At first, the gum may bleed for some time, but after a few such cleanings it will stop - "get used to it"). However, it is this plaque that can cause the formation of hard dental deposits - tartar, and subsequently contact caries.


With the help of brushes, you will clean not only those areas that are inaccessible to a toothbrush and where its use is ineffective, but also those areas where additional items, such as dental flosses and toothpicks, are ineffective: namely, the concave surfaces and the gingival margin of the interdental spaces. For example, in a situation as in the figure, the dot indicates the place where dental floss just can't clean it up.

They are also classified into super thin, thin, medium and large (thick). The diameter of the brush is selected according to the size of each interdental space.

Thus, you should first clean your teeth with a brush, then apply a floss and complete your oral hygiene with a brush.


They are also referred to as oral hygiene items for a child. They are used to clean the interdental spaces.

There are several types of toothpicks: wood, plastic, rubber and metal.

Plastic and metal toothpicks are too smooth and sharp and can easily injure the delicate mucous membrane of the child.

Wooden toothpicks are most often impregnated with menthol, they are considered disposable because of the possibility of reproduction of microorganisms in the pores of the tree that have fallen from the oral cavity. Their reuse is not recommended.

Rubber toothpicks are available with plastic or metal handles. Several factories make rubber toothpicks at the ends of toothbrush handles. The possibilities of rubber toothpicks are small, but they can be used for superficial cleaning of the interdental spaces and massage of the gum tissue between the teeth.

Hygiene products:

Tooth powders, toothpastes, rinses.


Toothpastes consist of two groups:

The first group includes hygienic toothpastes.

Hygienic toothpastes contribute only to mechanical cleaning of the teeth and have a slight antimicrobial effect.

Children's and adult toothpastes differ in taste properties due to pleasant fragrances, which quickly help to accustom the child to daily brushing and make this procedure enjoyable.

The second group includes therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes.

Therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes pastes additionally include therapeutic and prophylactic additives intended for diseases of the teeth and periodontal tissues.

Initially, this group of pastes was divided into pastes intended for the prevention of caries, and pastes for the prevention of periodontal diseases. Then they began to produce pastes of complex action.

Chlorophyll-containing toothpastes.

They include vitamins A, E, P, C, as well as coniferous-carotene concentrate. They have a slightly bitter taste. They have an anti-inflammatory, healing and hemostatic effect on the oral cavity.

Phosphate containing toothpastes.

Fluoride containing toothpastes.

Designed for the prevention of caries in children of preschool and school age.

Rules for brushing teeth with fluoride-containing pastes:

1) Cleaning of children of preschool and primary school age should be carried out under the supervision of parents.

2) No more than a pea should be squeezed onto the toothbrush, otherwise an overdose of fluoride is possible.

Phosphate and calcium containing (combined) toothpastes with fluoride.

Installed high efficiency the content of phosphates, calcium and fluorides in one toothpaste. They are most often used to treat non-carious lesions of the teeth, including hypersensitivity dentin, as well as to prevent caries in children. For these purposes, it is used in the form of applications.

Tooth powders.

The main component of tooth powders is precipitated chalk, quartz sand can be found. A flavoring agent has been added to it, refreshing the oral cavity. (Eucalyptus oils, menthol). There are more complex powders with the addition of baking soda, as well as drugs whose action is designed to prevent diseases.

However, at present, the volume of production of tooth powders has almost ceased due to the fact that they are very inferior to modern toothpastes in such properties as very high abrasiveness (abrasion of dental tissues), the impossibility of combining many therapeutic and prophylactic additives, high risk powder contamination. In addition, children can suffocate with the powder if they inhale it.

Tooth powders are currently being used to clean the plaques of children undergoing orthodontic treatment.


are auxiliary hygiene products. These are ready-made preparations that do not require dilution with water. They soften plaque, promote mineralization, and also contain antimicrobial components. (For example, triclosan.)

Use of conditioners: Keep it in your mouth for one minute, then spit it out and brush your teeth.

Why does the child have bad teeth
Fluoridation of milk teeth, pros and cons
Prevention of dental caries in children
Fissure sealing in children

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0 CHILDREN'S DENTIST Victoria 14.01.2015 17:35

Quoting Snezhan:

My son is 11 months old and already has 8 teeth. I was just thinking about brushing his teeth. True, he does not like it at all when I climb into his mouth) or look at a cutting tooth, or get something out of his mouth. I'll try, of course, a silicone brush, maybe I'll agree to brush my teeth. I just didn’t understand, but at what age should I use the paste and which one is best to take?

I recommend to my patients from 0 to 3 years to use pasta Rocs baby or lacalut baby they are safe to swallow and come in a variety of flavors. When the child learns to spit, you can switch to such pastes as Rocs kids. But you need to get used to it anyway, and it’s even better to clean the whole family at the same time, so that the child sees the example of his parents and naturally he will have a desire to imitate them.

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The key to success while communicating with others is a healthy smile. Therefore, daily oral care is essential. And not only because healthy white teeth are beautiful. Their illnesses can cause malaise and internal organs. That is why it is necessary to start caring from the very first milk tooth. It is important not only when to start brushing your baby's teeth, but also how to do it correctly.

Why do kids need to brush their teeth?

Many parents when answering the question, when to start brushing a child's teeth, it is still mistakenly believed that milk teeth do not need care. They will still fall out and permanent ones will grow in their place, which you already need to follow to the maximum. But this misconception is very dangerous for a number of reasons:

Brushing baby teeth is especially important for children because:

  • they are not only permanent correct growth provide, but also form correct bite;
  • they are directly involved in the formation of the bones of the skull and, consequently, the face;
  • If you do not brush your teeth, then bacteria from food can enter the stomach and cause serious illness;
  • improper and inconsistent care of milk teeth can cause the development of caries on permanent ones;
  • You can instill in your baby a sense of accuracy and respect for health.

When parents understand the importance of the process, they begin to worry about another question - when to start? There is only one answer to this question - when does the first tooth appear?.

Although during teething, the child's immunity is weakened. And microcracks form in the gums, through which infection can be introduced.

But many dentists agree that it is necessary to care for the oral cavity with early age before teeth appear. This is due to the fact that microorganisms and bacteria that accumulate there enter the child's oral cavity with food. In addition, the ongoing manipulations will quickly accustom the child to necessary procedure brushing your teeth. Yes, and gums due to daily massage will be more prepared for teething. Therefore, the most suitable age- 3-4 months.

How to brush your teeth for a one year old?

At the age of one year, the baby can already be offered to use a long-handled baby brush for cleaning. But parents don't all know how to brush their teeth. one year old baby right. Because of this, thin tooth enamel start caries.

The cleaning procedure must be carried out very gently so as not to damage the enamel. But at the same time carefully so that bacteria that cause cavities do not accumulate.

A few tips for parents on how to brush their child's teeth a year:

Oral care aids

When you have decided how to brush your children's teeth and when to start, it's time to pick up necessary funds. When the baby has no teeth he doesn't need a toothbrush. But to take care of the oral cavity, as we have already found out, it is necessary. Moms use different means:

Additionally, a special children's paste can be used with a brush. For babies who have not yet introduced complementary foods, you need to choose a gel-like paste that has a light milky or neutral taste.

For kids, who have already tried m you can use a special fruit-flavored paste.

Parents are often interested in the question of at what age to brush their child's teeth with a toothbrush. After all, the choice of toothbrush depends not only from the presence of teeth, but also from age:

Electric toothbrushes are especially popular with children. This is very good, because oral cavity they clean effectively. Yes, and children once again do not need to be reminded. But it is worth remembering that this is an electrical mechanism and requires careful handling. Therefore, children under 5-6 years old should not buy such gadgets.

When choosing a children's toothbrush, you need to pay attention not only to quality and safety, but also to convenience. Up to 3-4 years it should be comfortable to hold not for a child, but for an adult. After all, it is the father or mother who will clean the baby's first teeth. For training, you can buy a separate brush for your child. It is worth remembering that the child is not able to carry out the procedure with high quality.

Certainly important for children. appearance brushes. And parents, when choosing, should pay attention to the brush head and bristles. The latter should be smooth and moderately soft, take its original position when pressed. The plastic part of the brush should not have nicks.

Even if the manufacturer says otherwise, you should change your toothbrush at least once every two months. Keep it dry and open.

But how to properly brush children's teeth without toothpaste? Of course, all parents want to reduce the amount of chemistry that enters the baby's body. But toothpaste is not something you can refuse. After all, a brush without paste is ineffective. And it can even damage the enamel. So, if it is impossible to be, you need to learn to choose the least dangerous.

The most important thing when choosing a toothpaste is its composition. It should not contain sodium lauryl sulfate, phosphates, dyes, parabens, fragrances and antiseptics. It is better to choose a drug for the smallest. It is safe to swallow, does not contain harmful substances. May be labeled 0+ on the packaging.

The amount of toothpaste is also important. A pea-sized amount is suitable for preschoolers. But if the child does not yet know how to rinse his mouth, then no more than a grain of rice is recommended to him.

How can I teach my child to brush their own teeth?

About a year old, babies show interest and try to brush their teeth on their own. Do the procedure without outside help maybe two years old. Most the right way teach child hygiene own example. Therefore, it is better to go to the bathroom with the child.

Another assistant in mastering the skill is a mirror. Children love to look at themselves in the reflection. And the child will be able to control his movements independently.

For the little ones, you can pick up a nursery rhyme, a song or a counting rhyme. You can come up with a game in which the brush will act as a tooth saver. Or bring your favorite toy who also needs to brush their teeth.

To develop and consolidate the skill, you can arrange an intra-family speed competition. Whoever cleans up the fastest wins. It is not necessary to say that it is better for parents to succumb.

If the child refuses to brush his teeth

Some children are afraid of this hygiene procedure. This can happen because the training started too late. After all, the question is when to start brushing your child's teeth., has already been resolved. Or he is simply not interested in this event.

But to force little man fraught with even greater complications. How to properly brush your teeth:

  1. turn the procedure into a game. You can even with competitive elements.
  2. Tell your child about the consequences of not brushing their teeth. You can make up a story.
  3. Organize a trip to the dentist and show sick and healthy teeth.
  4. Let the child choose his own toothbrush and paste, and you will only help him with this.
  5. You can find a cartoon on this topic.

How else can you protect your child's teeth?

The main enemy for children's, and not only, teeth is sugar. Once in the mouth, it begins to destroy the enamel. She can recover within hours.. But if the baby constantly eats something sweet, then she does not have time.

Therefore, it is also necessary to eat sweets at a certain time. It is desirable that the break be several hours. The ideal option is to give sweetness after a meal.

For snacks, give preference to vegetables or cheese.

To maintain healthy teeth, it is necessary to follow certain rules:

  • as a drink to give to very young children breast milk or mixture and boiled chilled water;
  • you should not get carried away with sweet juices and carbonated drinks, as they contain a lot of sugar;
  • from the age of 6 months, you can start your baby to drink from a glass, and in a year try to wean from bottles and pacifiers;
  • With early childhood should be taught to be balanced healthy eating. For promotion it is better to choose healthy vegetables or fruits instead of sweets;
  • It is better to choose ready-made baby purees without sugar. When cooking, also try to reduce its use;
  • sugar substitutes such as glucose and fructose are also harmful to the teeth;
  • when choosing medicines, it is better to give preference to those that do not contain sugar.

"Cleanliness is the key to health". Especially the cleanliness of the teeth. Therefore, do not be lazy and teach your child to brush their teeth correctly and regularly. It is important to visit the dentist at least 1-2 times a year. After changing teeth, this is a must.

From this article you will learn:

  • when to start brushing your baby's teeth
  • how to choose the right toothpaste for a child (brush),
  • how to brush your child's teeth at a year, at 2 years old ...

Milk teeth are very important for a child, because they provide both jaw growth and good chewing of food, participate in the formation correct pronunciation(diction). Therefore, it is very important for parents to know: when to start brushing your baby's teeth, how to teach a child to brush their teeth, which paste is best and safest to use.

At what age should a child's teeth be brushed?

When to start brushing your child's teeth: start hygiene care behind the baby's oral cavity, it is necessary even before the appearance of the first teeth, i.e. this must be done from birth. Multiplicity of hygiene: according to at least 2 times a day (after breakfast and after the last feeding of the day).

To clean a child's gums –
1) put the baby on your knees (put his head closer to your chest),
2) Gently but firmly, rub a clean, damp gauze pad over both sides of your upper and lower gums (you can wrap a piece of bandage around your finger for convenience). In addition, there are special fabric fingertips for this purpose.

How to properly brush your child's teeth

How to brush your 1 year old's teeth: Brush your teeth twice a day: in the morning (after breakfast) and before bed. Brushing your teeth should last 2 minutes. During cleaning Special attention pay big chewing teeth(their chewing surface contains grooves, in which caries is formed in the first place in children).

Change your brush every 3 months, but possibly earlier if the bristles of the toothbrush “fluff out” before this period (worn bristles are very poor at removing microbial plaque). If you have two children, each of them should have their own toothbrush. In no case should you brush your child's teeth with someone else's toothbrush (including your own).

Electric children's toothbrushes
from about 3 years of age, you can add variety to the oral hygiene of the child - with the help of. Such a brush will be interesting for the child and will make the routine process of brushing teeth much more interesting. Moreover, so that the child is not afraid - you can do everything again in the form of a game: you brush your child's teeth, and the child brushes your teeth.

Just keep in mind that everyone should have their own nozzle, because. You should not infect the child's oral cavity with the microflora of your oral cavity (for the same reason, you cannot eat from one spoon, try the child's food with his spoon). Buying electric brush, pay attention to the age marking: there are different models of brushes that are recommended for use from 3 years old, from 5 years old, and also from 10-12 years old.

How to choose the right toothpaste for your child

Most parents of toddlers are unaware that 99% of toothpaste reviews on the Internet are hidden advertising or anti-advertising. Moreover, most of all it is on women's forums and blogs. The main target audience of such commentators is women, because in most cases, it is they who choose and buy hygiene products for both children and the whole family.

The main lie and manipulation in such comments concerns the so-called "harm of fluoride toothpastes", and the need to use exclusively calcium toothpastes in children. This is beneficial for several Russian manufacturers specializing in the production of calcium-containing toothpastes.

Strategy for choosing pastes with fluoride or calcium in children -

Firstly, fluorine is by no means a poison and is even very useful for teeth (including children's). Both the Russian Dental Association and the European Society of Dentists claim the exceptional benefits of fluoride toothpastes. And this is confirmed by thousands of clinical studies conducted around the world.

Next, we will consider: what kind of paste to choose, based on age, the state of the oral cavity and other conditions, as well as special pastes that alleviate the symptoms of teething and help prevent stomatitis in a child.

  • Children under the age of 1
    strict restrictions the use of fluoride toothpastes is only in children under the age of 1 year. Those. at this age it is really optimal to use toothpastes with calcium (calcium glycerophosphate or hydroxyapatite). This is due to a greater extent to the fact that the enamel of erupting teeth is very weak, tk. contains very few minerals (calcium), and therefore it is especially vulnerable to caries.

    To a lesser extent, this is a consequence of the fact that children sometimes swallow delicious toothpaste. Dangerous if swallowed only sodium lauryl sulfate and preservatives(more precisely - parabens), to a lesser extent - dyes. Fluoride, if swallowed, is only dangerous if you live in an area with high content fluorine in drinking water. In this case, the child will receive even more fluorine, and its total excess in the body (during the period of laying and teething) can lead to dental fluorosis.

    However, if you use water filters at home, then you need to keep in mind that carbon and osmotic filters remove approximately 80-84% of fluorine from water. And this means that there can be a lot of fluoride in the water under the tap, but not enough in the water from the filter. And if there is little fluorine, then the risk of developing caries increases sharply ...

    Some great pastas for kids: photo

  • Children aged 1 to 6 years
    numerous clinical researches demonstrated the complete safety of using fluoride-containing toothpastes with a fluorine concentration up to 500 ppm inclusive in children aged 1-6 years. All normal toothpastes have information on the concentration of fluoride on the packaging.

    At this age, it is optimal to use calcium toothpastes, but only if your child has completely healthy teeth, or there is only a single caries. But, if there are three or more carious teeth, then the child needs a fluoride-containing toothpaste.

  • Children over 6 years old
    in children older than six years of age, the optimal concentration of fluoride is 1000 ppm. In children over 12 years old, it is optimal to use the same toothpastes as in adults, i.e. with a fluorine concentration of about 1400 ppm.

    But if you want to get super strong and healthy teeth from your child, then we recommend:
    1) or alternate toothpastes - in the morning clean with a paste with calcium glycerophosphate or hydroxyapatite, and in the evening with a paste with fluorine in the form.
    2) or use regular calcium paste, but after brushing your teeth, be sure to use a mouthwash with fluoride (such rinses can be used in children from 6 years old).

Toothpastes to relieve the symptoms of teething -

There are several toothpastes that contain anti-inflammatory ingredients that can make teething easier for a baby. At the beginning of the article, we already talked about SPLAT Junior toothpastes for children from 0 to 4 years old, containing licorice extract, glycyrrhizinate, creatine and arginine. In addition, this manufacturer produces for children not only foams with a similar composition, but also toothpastes.

Toothpastes if your child has frequent stomatitis -

In the early childhood children have fairly frequent outbreaks different forms stomatitis on the oral mucosa. You can, of course, treat regularly. But it is much more effective to use special toothpastes for the prevention of stomatitis that increase protective properties(local immunity) of the oral mucosa.

This property has a complex of 4 enzymes: lactoperoxidase, lactoferrin, glucose oxidase and lysozyme. These enzymes are part of

  • foam for teeth and gums "SPLAT Junior" (Fig. 15),
  • toothpaste "SPLAT Junior" (Fig. 16),
  • toothpaste "SPLAT Juicy Set" (Fig. 17).