How to develop intuition exercises. Developing intuition using the Silva method

The sixth sense often comes to the rescue of people in stressful situations. By developing intuition on your own, you can ensure that such a “magic wand” will be available not only in difficult situations, but also every day.


Intuition is the ability to make instant decisions or understand the essence of what is happening, or what is about to happen, without the participation of rational thinking, unconsciously.

This is the sixth sense that tells a person correct solution, warns of danger or, conversely, of some profitable, pleasant events. Women are more prone to such superpowers and intuitive thinking, since the male mind in 9 out of 10 cases is guided by logic and calculation.

You can learn more about what intuition is in the video below.

Developed intuition means that a person can make decisions or receive information from the outside, relying on his feelings, experiences, premonitions and insights. It’s like a guide who will lend his shoulder in time, preventing you from stumbling.

IN esoteric practices intuition is compared with the sixth chakra Ajna - “Seer”, “third eye”, “House of Knowledge”. This chakra is responsible for the subconscious, for clairvoyance and intuitive thinking - knowing everything, without knowing how this information was obtained.

Human eye is able to perceive exclusively the material world, while with the help of an open sixth chakra and developed intuition one can look behind the veil, touch and observe the “subtle” world, the spiritual. To do this, you need to learn to use your “hunch” and open up to the unknown.

Exercises to develop intuition

Our brain consists of two hemispheres. The left is responsible for logic and sanity, cold calculation, and the right is guided by premonition, responsible for impulsive impulses and unexpected decisions.

Important! For most people, only one thing is active in life, and right hemisphere suppressed by the left. In order to develop mindfulness and intuition at home, you need to activate the right hemisphere, as well as the connection between them.

Interestingly, children have a more developed sixth sense than adults. In a child, both hemispheres are active, but over time and under the influence of society, the left one begins to “fall asleep.”

Simple and effective guides, exercises and techniques will help you wake him up.

Traffic light

The essence of this effective exercise is to develop conditioned signals, where green is yes and red is no. Hence the name.

  1. Close your eyes, relax and imagine a traffic light in front of you. Work out all the details mentally, let it come to life in your mind's eye.
  2. Then start asking yourself questions out loud that have a clear yes or no answer. For example, “my name is Olga?”, “I’m 23 years old?”, “I live in Moscow?”.
  3. You need to ask questions with different answers and observe the reaction of the mental traffic light - depending on the color, it will be clear what answer the subconscious gives.
  4. Don't be upset if things don't work out right away or if the colors are different - this is an individual thing, different for everyone. The more often the exercise is performed, the more amazing the results will be.

Card deck

Is it possible to develop intuition on your own - yes, it is quite possible and not at all as difficult as it seems. The following exercise will help with this.

  1. Take a deck of cards in your hands, shuffle them several times, tuning into their energy. Let the cards flow from one hand to the other. Relax and throw away all thoughts and worries. Take any four cards from the deck and place them face down in front of you.
  2. Extend your left hand (after all, it is the one that is connected with the right hemisphere) and move it over each card in turn, lingering over them. You can make circular movements, you can simply hold your hand - let your intuition tell you how to do it correctly.
  3. Concentrate and try to feel the color of the card - the red mother will be warm, and the black mother will be cold.
  4. Repeat this exercise as often as possible. The most important thing is to learn to clear your consciousness, only then will intuition work, drowning out logic.
  5. After you learn to accurately determine the color, move on to suits and then to pictures.


This exercise will help you open the sixth chakra and learn to see with your eyes closed, and will also help you quickly and proper development intuitive abilities.

  1. Stand in the middle of the room. Choose an object, let it be a figurine on a shelf, an armchair, a TV - whatever. Close your eyes and extend your left hand towards the object, pointing your finger at it.
  2. Relax, clear your mind and feel its vibrations, energy and signals. As soon as you concentrate enough on the object, without opening your eyes, spin around in place. Stop and try to determine which side of you this thing is now located on.
  3. If you can’t guess, look around, what confused you? Try again. Train as often as possible, and then move on to the second level - do household chores with your eyes closed for a few minutes a day, gradually increasing this time.

Question answer

This simple exercise, based on engaging the “sleeping hemisphere” in your work, will help you quickly develop your abilities; as it awakens, your intuition will also become stronger.

  1. Take Blank sheet paper and pen. Write a question with your right hand (if you are left-handed, then with your left). Close your eyes, clear your thoughts and relax. Review the answer in your head. Take the pen in your other hand and write the answer.
  2. In this way, the second hemisphere (for most it is the right - intuitive) will be “developed” and get used to taking part in the work. This will mean that your intuition becomes strong and active.

Known Techniques

People have long been interested in the intangible world and the gift of foresight. Since strong intuition borders on clairvoyance, many studies are aimed specifically at its development.

According to Alexander Litvin

The famous parapsychologist, writer, researcher and psychic, who won the sixth season of the “Battle of Psychics,” Alexander Litvin, spoke in his speeches about his development of hidden abilities.

He said in one of the interviews that the main driving force in this process his family became. Since childhood, Alexander was instilled with intuition, taught to listen to himself, to trust his feelings and impulsive decisions. A sixth sense has formed in him, which guides him throughout his life. the right way.

Litvin claims that “you can’t become happy by moving like everyone else,” that is, he calls on people to open up to themselves, look inside and listen. Our inner “I” is silent because we do not listen to it.

In the video below, Alexander Litvin shared his secrets happy life and will tell you how to use intuition correctly and improve it:

Silva method

Jose Silva is an American parapsychologist, the author of an effective technique aimed at the rapid development and improvement of hidden abilities and intuition.

The essence of his method is to create complete harmony with your inner world through the unification of the three components of our thinking - imagination, emotions and, of course, intuition.

All exercises are aimed at fixing intuition and the “inner voice” in an active state; they help to quickly develop “dormant” abilities and improve all areas of life. Silva claims that they can even be used to simulate “ happy accidents».

You can develop intuition and mindfulness with the help of a video about the Silva method:

Glass of water

An exercise that is aimed at obtaining an answer to an exciting question from the outside.

  1. Before you go to bed, take a glass of water. Close your eyes and drink half of it, saying to yourself: “This is what I must do to get the answer to my question.” Go to bed. Immediately after waking up, repeat all actions and words, finishing your water.
  2. The answer to the question may come in a dream, or over the next day. It is important to carefully observe the signs and events of the day. The answer will not be given in a clear form, but strong intuition will help you catch all the signals and recognize them.

Important! When forming a question, stick to a positive construction, no “NO”, and also do not ask more than one question.

Managing Emotions

Thanks to a simple trick, you will learn to control your emotions and violent reactions in any situation. This is important in order to have good intuition - hot temper will extinguish it.

As soon as you feel that you are losing your composure, bring together the tips of three fingers - thumb, index and ring, and mentally say “forgive”, “calm down” or “don’t be afraid” three times, depending on the situation.

State of relaxation

In order to work on developing your abilities, you need to learn to completely relax, both physically and spiritually. The following exercise will help with this.

  1. Take a comfortable position (sitting, lying, standing - it doesn’t matter), close your eyes. Alternately tense all the muscles of your body for a few seconds, alternating with seconds of relaxation. Then tense your whole body at the same time and relax again. Repeat this several times.
  2. Take a lying position, close your eyes and take several deep, even breaths. Then concentrate - a strong breath fills your body with energy, feel it with every cell, imagine it mentally. Exhale slowly and your body leaves fatigue and tightness, exiting through your feet. During the exercise, try to visualize everything with your eyes closed.
  3. While lying down, begin to breathe as if you were inflating a mattress rather than your lungs. After a few minutes, imagine yourself as this mattress and imagine opening the valve. Slowly release all the air from your lungs, while simultaneously feeling your body relax.


In Silva’s technique, the ability to present objects colorfully plays an important role. There is an exercise to develop this skill.

  1. Relax, clear your thoughts and close your eyes. Imagine a large ripe watermelon being cut into four parts. Watch how the juice flows from it, how the pulp sparkles under the sun. Then put all the parts together and imagine how the watermelon became whole again and melted into the air.
  2. Imagine yourself in front of you. Imagine all the details of your appearance, concentrating on your face. Draw all the smallest details - every wrinkle, pimple, mole.
  3. Do the same as yesterday, now imagining the face of a loved one - husband, sister, girlfriend, mother.
  4. Picture yourself again in your mind's eye. Then imagine the most comfortable and pleasant place for you and take yourself there. Concentrate on the sensations associated with this place - a sea breeze, a breath of wind, pleasant music, the taste of wine, the touch of a loved one - it can be anything.

An integral part of the Silva method is meditation. This video will help you develop your intuition and learn to relax:

How to use abilities

It is important not only to improve and develop intuition, but also to learn how to apply it in practice and at the right moments.

  1. Learn to listen to yourself. Relax and think of any situation where you were able to use your intuition - guessing who was at the door, predicting who was calling before answering, anticipating rain, and so on.
  2. Imagine the whole situation in detail, concentrate on those events and in particular on what you felt then. Try to capture this feeling.
  3. Relax! When you are stressed, scared, in a hurry, intuition will not interfere, it will not be missed by the iron grip of the logical left hemisphere. Try to throw away everything worldly, let the situation take its course. Let everything take its course, give your premonitions a chance to lead.
  4. Believe in yourself. Distrust of people, the world around us and oneself is the first and most persistent obstacle to the ability to use intuition. If you don't trust yourself, what kind of subconscious action can we talk about? Let go of the steering wheel.
  5. Don't forget that intuition only works with your life and events related to you. Only people with a highly developed sixth sense are able to “see” and feel situations with other people. Learn to help yourself first, and only then you can think about others.
  6. Feel your fear. Don’t run from it, but feel it to the end, experience it and finally get rid of it. This is the only way to do it.
  7. Learn to listen to yourself. Only by being left alone with yourself, relaxing and opening up to new things, can you hear your second “I”. In a crowded office it will remain silent.
  8. Visualize and imagine. This is a great way to develop your subconscious and show the Universe what you are missing. Imagine constantly and everywhere what you dream about. Let the pictures be bright and rich, real. You are an artist, and your brush is your imagination. So draw!

The best way to develop intuition is through regular exercises that can be performed in everyday situations, combined with usual activities. Esotericists and psychics share their practices.

  1. On your way to work, to the store or to school, try to guess who will meet you first - a man, a woman or a child. Do this regularly, gradually complicating the task - add the color of clothing, style, age, hair color.
  2. As soon as your mobile phone rings, take your time looking at the screen and try to guess who is calling you.
  3. Think about a loved one. Mentally imagine it, touch it, hug it. Envelop his figure in a cloud of warmth and light, saturate him with your love. You'll be surprised how quickly he'll call you or stop by for a visit.
  4. Try the coin game. Determine which side will be “yes” and which side will be “no”. Ask questions to the coin and trust it to solve simple and frivolous issues. Over time, your brain will get used to trusting the unconscious and connecting intuitive abilities.
  5. Don't let your guard down. IN Everyday life We are surrounded by signs and signals, the main thing is to learn to catch them. Watch what you see: headlines in newspapers, pictures on advertising posters, slogans, fragments of phrases of passers-by, repeated numbers and phrases - all this can be signs of fate.
  6. Get used to listening and accepting yourself. Start with nutrition - intuitive eating an excellent method not only to establish a connection with the inner voice, but also to reset overweight. Ask yourself, do you really want to eat right now? Do you really want this product? Always listen to hidden signals your consciousness before doing something.
  7. While listening to the radio, try to predict what song will come on air next or within the hour. Record your results, compare and monitor your progress.
  8. If you are tormented by an unresolved issue, ask the universe for help. Take any book, mentally ask this question, clearly and briefly, open it to a random page and point your finger to some place on the page - the dropped line will be the answer.
    Intuition can give us answers in the most unexpected ways - listen the world, snippets of conversation between strangers on the subway may be the answer to your question.
  9. Don't try to connect logic. If you're waiting intuitive solution problems, forget about weighing the pros and cons and other methods that are familiar to you. The answer will appear on its own, without third-party intervention.
  10. Meditate. Try to disconnect from the world at least for a while. Turn off your mobile, computer and radio. Immerse yourself, forget about where you are and what you are doing. Relax and open up to the spiritual world, let it study you, and you - it.

Zodiac signs with developed intuition

If you believe the horoscope, then among the zodiac signs there are those who have better developed intuition.

  1. Twins
    This is the most socially active sign; these people intuitively know what, when and to whom to say in order to achieve their goal. They can also anticipate a person's reaction and what they will say in response.
  2. Cancer
    This is one of the most emotional signs. Cancers subtly feel their inner voice and perfectly understand their emotions. These people are empaths - they know how to capture the emotions of both loved ones and completely strangers. Therefore, those around them experience comfort and calm, subconsciously knowing that they will be understood correctly.
  3. Virgo
    This sign is distinguished by observation skills worthy of Sherlock Holmes - they notice the smallest details, putting them together into a whole picture. Thanks to such skills, Virgos intuitively solve problems and avoid pitfalls.
  4. Scales
    People born under this sign are hypersensitive. They are closely connected with their inner world and rely on their sixth sense, anticipating danger or benefit. Libras are able to see the positive in any situation, which helps them not to lose heart under the weight of failures and see future prospects.
  5. Scorpion
    A zodiac sign with highly developed intuition, these people always know when they are being lied to. They literally physically feel lies and insincerity. No matter what you say, Scorpio always knows the truth.
  6. Fish
    Incredible creative people, their intuition helps them to create and create amazing things. Their creative impulses are closely related to intuition and come from somewhere from the depths of their nature. They simply do what their inner voice tells them to do, without asking unnecessary questions.

Intuition is also called the “sixth” or even the “seventh” sense. And some equate it almost to magic or extrasensory perception. In fact, there is absolutely nothing supernatural in the ability to anticipate certain events. Develop your intuition with special exercises anyone can do as a result of understanding how this mysterious “ability to predict the future” works.

What is intuition?

Every person has had the opportunity to “foresee” certain events. Many people talk about themselves “I felt that I shouldn’t have done this”- or, on the contrary, “I knew it was worth doing exactly this way”. Intuition has nothing to do with “magical powers,” otherworldly entities and other concepts from the program “Battle of Psychics.”

Modern scientists explain non-obvious analytics the following properties psyche and brain:

  1. Only ten percent of information a person receives from “overt signals.” Words, text, logic - all this is far from an intuitive approach to analysis.
  2. For many thousands of years, the ability to analyze without using formal logic was much more important to human ancestors. What's the point of finding out that a saber-toothed tiger is chasing you when he's already very close? Human ancestors were able to “predict” the appearance of a dangerous predator or, conversely, an edible animal in advance.
  3. We see, hear and notice much more than we realize. And this information does not disappear anywhere.

Thus, intuition is the ability to access a huge layer of subconscious perception. Numbers, data, words and formal logic are not always able to provide the correct answer. It is much more useful to use hidden abilities. Do you want to know how to develop intuition and hidden abilities? Read on)

How to understand your intuition?

Where to begin? First of all, realize that absolutely every person has the ability to “foresee”. Some are better at listening to internal signals from the subconscious, others worse. The second just needs to develop intuition, just like pumping up muscles or learning to stretch.

And you need to start by understanding your own intuitive signals. To do this, psychology experts suggest the following exercise.

  1. Remember all the situations when you relied on intuition, and the decision turned out to be correct. Conversely, has there ever been a time when you ignored the advice of your “inner voice” and failed.
  2. Write down each such episode on paper. Analyze the pattern - in what circumstances the advice appeared.
  3. Try to restore the sensations from your “inner advisor.” For some, these are physical manifestations - usually in the abdomen. Expressions like “sucks in the pit of the stomach” are directly related to the subconscious and vegetative nervous system. For others, the premonition manifests itself in the form of nervousness, discomfort, or, on the contrary, an inexplicable elation.
  4. Visualize and write down the emotions and physiological manifestations that arose in you after making the decision.
  5. At the final stage, try to restore your emotions from the result. Did you have the notorious “I knew it”?

Psychologists say that people are best at “anticipating” serious negative events. According to statistics, most delays occur on plane flights that subsequently end up in a plane crash. Intuition “works” well for illnesses and misfortunes of loved ones - you don’t need to think that you “brought” trouble, this is just an evolutionary achievement that allows you to help relatives in advance or prepare for troubles. The main thing is to be able to use the clues of the subconscious.

How to develop intuition: exercises

To understand the “inner voice” you do not need any special training or courses. Developing intuition on your own is not difficult if you use special techniques. Most of them are not even aimed at development - after all, intuition is inherent in everyone, but at the ability to hear your subconscious and recognize signals.

1. Exercise “anchor”

The subconscious can manifest itself in different ways. Sometimes it's abdominal discomfort, other times it's palpitations or a feeling of heat. If the signals change, then they are unreliable. An anchor will help bring them together.

  1. Choose something that is related to something important events in life.
  2. “Appoint” her as your mascot.
  3. When you need to turn to your intuition, analyze all your sensations and try to “redirect” them to the object.
  4. Use this as your answer. For example, if it’s a coin, flip it and see if it comes up heads or tails.
  5. Now ask yourself: do you like the result?
The key point is the last one. You do not at all rely on the “fate” that the talisman will indicate to you. Own feelings comfort or discomfort from the “hint” - this is what intuition says.

2. Guessing game

We are accustomed to using only obvious information. Whereas people who make money on stock quotes and exchange rates are not shy about guessing. Start with “simple” tasks - when you leave the house, will you meet a man or a woman first? What kind of car you see - try to “guess” the brand or color. Look at passersby and try to guess their names.

Some assumptions are difficult to test - unlikely strangers on the streets they will appreciate such an “attempt to get acquainted,” but in other cases you can double-check yourself. You will notice that you will soon be able to “guess” more and more often.

3. Free associations

This exercise was proposed by Freud, and then used by leading psychoanalytic scientists. It helps you understand yourself, your feelings, emotions, and “let go” of the subconscious and intuition. You can do it yourself like this:

  1. Write down a few keywords in a list.
  2. Take a voice recorder - for example, the one built into any modern mobile phone.
  3. Read out keyword, then talk through associations with it for five to seven minutes.
  4. Listen again. The associations may seem nonsense at first, but soon you will experience what is called “insight.”
Insight is a “point of understanding”, a “eureka”. Free associations will help you understand pressing problems and suggest solutions to difficult ones. life situations- from family to professional.

4. Lucid dreaming

Everyone knows the story of how Mendeleev dreamed periodic table chemical elements. But probably only he could have dreamed about it: after all, the famous chemist worked for many years on scientific problem. The subconscious is a continuation of the work of the brain, so you can also see your “table” in a dream.

  1. Set an alarm for bedtime.
  2. Lie down in comfortable position. Think about the task ahead of you.
  3. The alarm clock will ring in the phase “ REM sleep" - it is in it that we see dreams.
  4. When you wake up, immediately write down everything you dreamed, using a voice recorder.
It is not necessary to analyze the results " lucid dreams" immediately. It is quite acceptable to leave the interpretation the next morning; with a fresh mind, you will certainly understand what kind of “hint” the subconscious gave.

Intuition helps you make the right choice in difficult situations. Many businessmen and successful people admitted that best tips they were given an “inner voice.” The main thing is to remember that these are not some superpowers from science fiction films. Anyone can develop intuition.

Greetings to all. If your intuition has helped you out in life more than once, then you know how great it is. But how to develop intuition on your own? Did you know that you can develop your sixth sense in the same way as building your biceps? No? But in fact, this is exactly the case - it is quite possible to learn to develop your inner voice, and it is worth doing this without delay.

Sixth or seventh sense?

Intuition is a premonition or the inner voice of a person that can tell him what to do, or, conversely, what not to do. Socrates, G. Ford, Mozart, Edison and other great people turned to the inner voice.

Learn to listen to yourself. You can even write down your premonitions, your dreams. Then analyze which feeling or premonition came true, and which dream turned out to be prophetic.

When you train your intuition, do not argue with it, but agree, and then analyze.

We must use our hidden abilities. What are we doing? As soon as our intuition begins to tell us the right decision, we immediately begin to think logically. Intuition is often similar to fears. If there are reasons for fear, then reason tells you: check again, isn’t it dangerous?

Be confident that your subconscious will find exactly the answers to the specific question you need and that you yourself have powerful clairvoyance. And think that now your subconscious will tell you the correct answer.

Exercises to train your intuition

To train your sixth sense, you also need to do some exercises.

Exercise 1: Psychodar

To complete it, you will need some goal, some object. Stand up, stretch out your hand and forefinger. Try to feel your target: how far is it located, what vibrations come from it.

After making contact, close your eyes and spin around yourself. When you stop, feel in which direction and how far from you this object is.

Did you feel it? Open your eyes, see if it's right. If you made a mistake, then try to understand why it happened, what prevented it. Do the exercise a few more times.

Train your psychoradar until you can “see” objects with your eyes closed. After this, do housework with your eyes closed, first for 5 minutes, then longer.

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Exercise 2: Question and Answer

Write any question on a piece of paper using the hand you always write with. Then, take another pen and write down the answer.

By performing the exercise with the wrong hand, you include your mind in the work, that is, you give free rein to your intuition. This means that the answer to the question will be made according to intuition, that is, truthful.

Note: Try starting sentences with your working hand and finishing them with your other hand. For example, “I drink milk because...”, etc. These exercises will not only help develop the gift, but even help in the fight against excess weight.

Exercise 3: Traffic light

Draw a traffic light on paper, attach the picture in the center of the wall, and sit in front of it. Give each color a designation:

  • Red - Stop! It's not safe ahead.
  • Yellow – Attention!
  • Green - Go! The path is cleared.

The task is this: you need to “light” all the lights of the traffic light, while imagining how they light up. Remember how emotions are “turned on” from these actions.

Then we will learn to “turn on” the green light. First, ask yourself questions that you know you can answer correctly. (Husband's birthday, your name, etc.) Green color– this is confidence, serenity, real certainty. If the green light turns on, it means everything is fine, you have chosen the right decision.

Then we go to the yellow light. Feel the tension, remember all the impressions you have with this color. More often yellow warns that there is already danger ahead, that caution will not hurt.

Let's go to the red light. Try to sense the danger or lack of result. You should certainly have the conviction that nothing can be done yet.

First, give the lights 10 minutes each. Then speed up the switching speed, increase the variety of colors, and present more possibilities. Along with switching the lights, try to learn how to change your state and manage your feelings.

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Exercise 4: Alphabet

You need to train every day.

How to do? At first it is better to do the exercise while standing, then try sitting. We record how many seconds we perform the exercise to see progress every day.

Say the letter out loud (for example A), next to the letter there is a red letter P, which means we raise it up Right hand And left leg(at the level of the elbow and knee, no need to go high). Then say B and pick it up Left hand And right leg,...letter G, raise both arms and stand on your toes. If you make a mistake, you need to repeat the letter. Like this simple game, but the result is incredible!

The point is this: between the right and left hemispheres there are neural connections(there are approximately 100 billion of them at the birth of a person). They are intended for clear expression of their thoughts, quick response in non-standard situations (which include situations of interaction).

A well-functioning, trained brain is the key to quick and accurate decision-making, the ability to persuade, influence, and interact effectively. Do you ever have such cases: watching TV, you realize that you know this actor, but you can’t say his name out loud...

Or vice versa, you read a paragraph of the technological instructions, move on to the second and realize that you didn’t remember the first, you have to re-read it again. This happens to everyone, because neural loops arise in both the right and left hemispheres.

How to put it into practice

Start with the simplest, for example, choosing shoes for an evening out. Imagine taking turns wearing black and black shoes. orange flowers. When you combine a dress with orange shoes, a red light will light up, and as soon as you imagine black shoes, a green light should light up. If the light turns green, it means your choice is correct.

  • Acting intuitively, try to write a recipe for a dish by its name, then compare it with the real recipe. When you receive a phone call, try to guess who called.
  • Ask yourself questions and answer them yourself, quickly change your state, that is, quickly concentrate and relax easily.
  • Flip a coin and guess what will come up: “heads” or “tails”. After the 200th toss, your accuracy will noticeably improve.
  • When communicating with any person, try to guess his emotions. “Read people” is very effective exercise to develop intuition. Tune in to the feelings and thoughts of the object, try to recognize them. This skill can serve you well in the future.
  • Imagine any event that should happen to you throughout the day, for example, what your boss will look like when you give him a completed, very difficult task. Imagine everything down to the smallest detail, do not miss even the tiniest details.

Ask yourself questions: why, who, when, how. Remember - the correct answer is already “sitting” inside you. Develop your intuition to become the kind of wizard who makes only the right decisions!

There are ways to learn to see whatever you want. How to do it? First, relax, it is better to do this before going to bed.

Close your eyes and begin to look at your eyelids from the inside. You will see unclear, black and white pictures, but this is only at first. Then clear color images will appear.

Do this exercise every day, gradually the outlines will take on clear forms. The energy will flow to the brain and begin to awaken the nerve endings that are responsible for clairvoyance.

Ask questions to your subconscious. After daily training in a relaxed calm state, you will learn to find answers to your questions. This technique should be trained daily for 15 minutes.

After a certain time, you will enter this state in a matter of minutes and find answers to questions.

How wonderful it would be to avoid troubles in your life thanks to the advice of your inner voice. Intuition has more than once helped outstanding scientists, military leaders and doctors. Today, anyone can learn how to develop intuition and hidden abilities hidden deep in the soul of every person.

Flair: what is it?

The concept of intuition and insight is at the intersection of religious, scientific and occult knowledge. Therefore, interpretations of this concept may be different:

  • An unexpected insight that occurs during prolonged contemplation of abstract ideas;
  • A special sensory type of knowledge of reality;
  • Knowledge that comes not in direct contact with the subject being studied, but indirectly;
  • The hidden and latent ability to create new ideas;
  • A special mental instinct that appears in a person without the need for long training;
  • The Voice of the Creator in the human soul;
  • Knowledge that cannot be explained logically or practically.

Intuition is critical when it comes to making decisions difficult task in conditions of a significant lack of information. Such cases occur during military operations, during medical practice, while investigating a crime.

A person with a developed sense grasps diverse information instantly, as a single picture.

How to develop intuition and hidden abilities: exercises

Like any other human ability, instinct can be taught. Hard training its psychic capabilities will make itself felt over a fairly long period of time.

To do this you need:

  • Every time you are about to go out, think about what gender the first person you meet will be. After several dozen attempts, you can achieve an almost error-free result;
  • After this, you need to move to the next level: try to guess other features of the first person you meet (hairstyle, height, elements of clothing, etc.);
  • Whenever it's heard phone call from an unfamiliar number, you need to try to determine the identity of the caller;
  • Imagine it as clearly as possible in your head loved one and mentally hug him. After a certain period of time, he will come to visit or call;
  • Quite quickly you can learn to predict the appearance of one side or another of the coin;
  • Strain your attentiveness with all your might to discern the signs sent by fate. It could be a favorite number, mysterious coincidences, or strange slips of the tongue.

Interference with the sixth sense

Sometimes it happens that even the most persistent training of the gift of foresight does not produce tangible results. But don’t give up right away: it’s quite possible there is significant obstacles, preventing the development of the sixth sense:

  • The most important thing that prevents a person from hearing his inner voice is the colossal information noise that hits him after a hard day at work or school. Because of this, you can lose the ability to truly relax and detach from reality. The best way out of the situation is meditation;
  • Serious obstacles can be stereotypes - both at the level of society and those living within the person himself;
  • Any work, even psychic work, can be hampered by apathy, fatigue, malaise, a feeling of loss of strength, lack of sleep, etc.;
  • Bad habits often “clog” the outlet of a person’s mental forces. Smoking, alcoholism, not to mention substance abuse and drug addiction, interfere with the coordinated functioning of the brain and sense organs.

How to develop intuition and hear your guardian angel?

Each child receives his heavenly intercessor after undergoing the rite of baptism. Throughout life, an angel protects a person from troubles and misfortunes. But some people manage to build a real dialogue with their savior.

  1. Express your wishes as accurately as possible. You can write down your innermost thought on a piece of paper;
  2. Put your thoughts in order, relax as much as possible and not be distracted by extraneous fuss;
  3. Calm your breathing and close your eyes;
  4. Tell yourself a secret desire;
  5. Remain relaxed for some time until you hear the voice of the savior;
  6. For some people, the key to solving all problems is sent in the form of a soapy impulse. Then, when thinking about any subject, a person will experience only pleasant emotions.

To be heard by your angel, you only need to formulate good wishes, not related to material gain.

In this video, Alexander Kuskov will teach you a lesson on developing your sixth sense and show you several exercises:

How to develop the gift of foresight and intuition?

Many people have the ability to predict events in the near future, but almost everyone prefers to brush aside their inner voices. And in vain: if everyone followed the instructions of his heart, many troubles could have been avoided.

Let's look at how to find and develop the ability to foresight:

  1. First of all, you need to learn to recognize your inner gift, if you have one. To this end, you need to clear your consciousness of mental obstacles that prevent you from concentrating: sad thoughts, grievances, problems;
  2. A person who has cleared his consciousness of all slag becomes extremely susceptible to extrasensory information. It can come both in the form of vivid visible images and unusual auditory sensations;
  3. It is recommended to close the hole and imagine yourself in some quiet corner (for example, in the morning forest). The picture should be so alive that it creates a feeling of reality of what is happening;
  4. It can be very difficult for a beginner to correctly translate the message of his inner voice into understandable logical language. Therefore, you can call on sleep to help: when going to bed, concentrate strongly on the problem, and in the morning remember your dream.

How to unleash your inner energy?

There are several ways to help your gut come out:

  • Start doing yoga. A number of asanas are aimed at developing self-contemplation. It is advisable to start classes not according to instructions on the Internet or in books, but under the supervision of an experienced master;
  • Learn to meditate. There are several meditation techniques that are suitable for the vast majority of people;
  • Self-hypnosis: you need to constantly reassure yourself that everything will work out without stopping after the first unsuccessful attempts;
  • Stroll on fresh air, preferably in nature. This way you can saturate your subconscious with positive energy;
  • Don't neglect reading classical literature. By joining high culture you can adjust your sense of beauty and expand the boundaries of knowledge;
  • We must remember that everyone has their own level of ability and you cannot demand the impossible from your body.

Knowing how to develop intuition and hidden abilities, you can make your life much more comfortable and safer. To do this, you just need to gather your willpower and start practicing a special set of exercises. The strength of abilities is different for everyone, but everyone will discover for themselves new level knowledge.

Video with exercises to develop intuition

In this video, Victoria Isaeva will talk about exercises based on NLP technology, which allow you to reveal hidden talents and develop intuition:

Everyone has intuition (otherwise known as the Sixth Sense), but the level of its development varies. Intuition is often understood as receiving information outside of traditional perception, through the connection of the superconscious. The development of intuition allows a person to do right choice from all the many options.

Intuition (intuitio (Latin) - “contemplation”) is called a person’s connection with his Subconscious, a special state that helps to contact directly the Higher Self and what allows communication with the Information Field of Events.

The Sixth Sense as understood by psychotherapists:

  • The way of making vital decisions;
  • The ability to directly perceive the truth without evidence or reasoning;
  • One of the main functions of personality, which determines a person’s attitude towards the world and himself;
  • Understanding the truth directly, without the participation of the senses.

The concept of “Intuition” is familiar not only to psychotherapists; it is mentioned everywhere in esoteric and occult practices.

For people who believe in Higher Powers, intuition is penetration into a certain space that opens up the future. Everything is accessible to esoteric intuition.

Methods for developing the Sixth Sense

  • Affirmations, meditations and mantras that remove barriers of consciousness;
  • Accumulation of professional and life experience in some area of ​​knowledge;
  • Exercises to develop a sense of intuition.

Every person can develop intuition, but not all people can listen to its inner voice. Just like other special abilities, the sense of intuition must not only be awakened and developed, but also trained and supported. Therefore, each person must find a personal way to develop intuition.

Methods for developing the Sixth Sense H. Silva

Jose Silva method - complex effective techniques based on thought control. This method allows you to use intuition to solve problems. The author of the method studied in detail the interaction of the hemispheres human brain. He argued that a person can achieve his highest potential when he learns to use both hemispheres correctly. All successful people think at the alpha wave level.

According to the Silva method, intuition is a sudden, inexplicable belief that arises unconsciously. This premonition is a natural ability designed to protect people from possible dangers. People develop or suppress their intuition by accepting or ignoring it.

Developing intuition using this method is a set of simple methods that allow you to learn to correctly hear and interpret information received from your inner voice. A person should learn to turn to subconscious experience, since such a skill gives the ability to make only the necessary decisions.

This method provides powerful tools to resolve all issues. After watching a video teaching how to work using the H. Silva method, you will learn to cooperate with your assistant - the brain.

Silva Method Part 1

Silva Method Part 2

Jose Silva offered specific techniques for working with the sense of intuition:

The subconscious can answer any question if you adhere to the following criteria:

  • Specific and positive formulation of the problem.
  • The question is asked without the “not” part.
  • Only 1 question is formulated at a time.

By observing these simple rules, you can easily get a subconscious answer.

Jose Silva argued that people do not have innate intuition, it is just a skill that can be taught.

Developing the Sixth Sense with Reiki

Reiki intuition is special inner feeling of what to do, rather than a voice telling you what to do. In order to be sure that you are receiving the correct answer from the subconscious, you must be able to listen to your state and trust it.

People who practice Reiki are sure that if a person hears some kind of voice that tells him in an edifying way what to do, this is not at all a manifestation of intuition, but on the contrary, a very bad thing. Such voices may indicate that Dark Forces are trying to manipulate you.

Modern people are heavily bombarded with information (for example, through the media, etc.) and receive many false external signals. Few of them ordinary people today can scan space and freely receive information from it, and this is precisely what intuition is in the understanding of Reiki.

One of the main goals of Reiki is to calm the mind. When a person conducts Reiki sessions for himself, he frees himself from the blocks hanging in his consciousness. He begins to concentrate on himself and on energy, learns to hear himself. It is the calming of the mind that gives a person excellent developed intuition.

During Reiki sessions, a person can, using the channel of the Almighty, ask any question of interest. The answer to this question will definitely be received: it can happen in a few minutes, hours, days, or even in a few weeks. The speed of receiving an answer greatly depends on how capable a person is of receiving information.

There are situations when a person is at a crossroads and needs to make an instant decision. At such moments, it is important to listen to yourself: the answer is within you. Somewhere inside himself, a person always feels what he needs to do and how he needs to act correctly in order for everything to work out. the best way. However, in order to unconditionally trust one’s feelings, a person must have a certain level of spiritual development.

Another one practical side using intuition in Reiki - the ability to recognize lies. It happens that they tell you something that seems to be absolutely sincere, but you feel some kind of inconsistency from within, you have internal resistance to what was said. This feeling indicates that you internally feel a lie. This is exactly how intuition works in you at this moment, through Spirit and Conscience.

So, the development of intuition through Reiki occurs through:

  • peace of mind;
  • awareness of how to do the right thing,
  • insight.

Mantras for intuition

Spiritual practices contribute to the rapid development of intuition. The most popular among them are mantras and meditations.

Mantras for the development of the Sixth Sense in combination with meditation allow a person to approach the boundaries of the unknown, thanks to special concentration of the mind and certain postures. Such mantras are read exclusively during the waxing moon. Working with such mantras, a person discovers special abilities in himself that affect both him and his environment.

Mantras that develop the Sixth Sense:

  1. Mantra for opening the Third Eye: “Om KassiyanaHaRaShanatar.”
  2. Mantra for rapid development intuition: “HaRoHaRa2.
  3. A powerful mantra for gaining superperception: “Om RaoRemFaoFeroEimForRam.”

A person who uses mantras for intuition acquires such abilities as transmitting love to his loved ones and receiving it, treating diseases with the help of a strong biofield, seeing the future, warning of possible disasters. The use of mantras implies the greatest responsibility of man for knowledge.

Some other methods for developing intuition

Psychologists who practice working with this feeling recommend:

  • cleaning channels of perception;
  • neutralization of the emotional background;
  • harmonization of the internal state.

After this, an intuitive channel opens in a person, which allows him to perceive information.

Books on developing intuition

And finally...

Human intuition is an amazing tool, but you shouldn’t rely only on your feelings and emotions. People must use not only developed intuition, but also logic. It is only important to know when to give preference to an intuitive feeling, and when it is better to rely on logical thinking.

Intuition works great in tandem with logic, strengthening it. What to do if the subconscious does not want to cooperate with you? Act! The answer comes only to those who are active.