What bad habits are there? Dangerous habits of our time.

Bad human habits are actions that are automatically repeated a large number of times and can harm the health of a person or those around him.

Bad human habits are a consequence of weak will. If he cannot force himself to stop doing certain actions that may harm his health in the future, then gradually it turns into a habit that is quite difficult to get rid of.

What are bad habits?

Influence bad habits on a person's life and health may be different. Some of them (alcoholism, drug addiction) modern medicine sees it as a disease. Others are classified as unhelpful actions caused by imbalance nervous system.

The following are the main bad habits of modern man:

  • smoking;
  • addiction;
  • alcoholism;
  • gaming addiction;
  • shopaholism;
  • Internet and television addiction;
  • binge eating;
  • habit of picking skin or biting nails;
  • cracking joints.

The main causes of bad habits

The most common reasons for the development of bad habits in a person are:

Social consistency - if in the social group to which a person belongs this or that behavior pattern, for example, smoking, is considered the norm, then most likely he will also follow it in order to prove his belonging to this group, hence the fashion for bad habits arises;

Unsettled life and alienation;

Pleasure is one of the main reasons why the influence of bad habits is so great; it is the constant receipt of pleasure that leads people to become alcoholics or drug addicts;

Idleness, inability to properly manage free time;


Relief from stress.

Bad habits and their impact on human health

But of course, the most severe consequences have habits of using drugs, nicotine and alcohol, which quickly develop into addiction and can lead to the development of a number of complications, including death.

Tobacco smoking is one of the types of domestic drug addiction, the essence of which is inhaling the smoke of herbal preparations containing nicotine, which quickly enters the blood from the respiratory system and spreads throughout the body, including the brain.

The health risks of smoking are as follows:

  • the risk of developing cancer, pathologies of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and so on increases significantly;
  • Calcium is washed out of the body, facial skin ages, fingers become yellow, teeth deteriorate, the structure of hair and nails is destroyed;
  • the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract worsens, the development of peptic ulcers is possible;
  • blood vessels become fragile and weak, lose elasticity;
  • The oxygen supply to the brain deteriorates, and hypertension develops.

Alcoholism is nothing more than a drug addiction in the body, in which a person feels a painful craving for drinking alcohol. With this disease, not only mental, but also physical dependence of a person on alcohol develops. Alcoholism causes severe damage to internal organs (especially the liver) and personality degradation occurs.

Drinking alcohol does not always lead to the development of alcoholism. Whether a person becomes an alcoholic or not depends on many factors. These are heredity, willpower, frequency of consumption and volume of alcohol, habitat, individual characteristics of the body, mental or emotional predisposition, and so on.

Systematic alcohol consumption leads to the following consequences:

  • the body’s immune defense decreases, the person often gets sick;
  • gradual destruction of the liver occurs;
  • nervous function worsens and digestive systems body;
  • blood glucose levels increase;
  • among alcoholics there is a high mortality rate due to accidents, suicides, and poisoning with low-quality alcohol;
  • Brain function gradually deteriorates, a person begins to lose memory and degrades.

Drug addiction is perhaps the most powerful and dangerous bad habit, which has long been recognized as a disease. Drug addiction is a person’s dependence on the use of drugs. The disease has several phases and gradually developing syndromes.

The harm that drugs cause to the human body is great. Listed below are the most serious consequences drug addiction:

Significant reduction in life expectancy;

Increased risk of infection with the most dangerous and often incurable diseases(HIV, hepatitis);

High mortality rate among drug addicts from accidents, suicides, overdoses and drug poisoning;

Rapid aging of the body;

Development of mental and somatic abnormalities;

Severe personality degradation;

Criminal behavior.

How to deal with bad habits

What methods and methods exist to combat bad habits, and which one is most effective? There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on many factors - the degree of addiction, the person’s willpower, individual characteristics body.

But the most important thing is a person’s desire to start new life without bad habbits. He must fully understand his problem and admit that he is an alcoholic or drug addict.

Without the desire of the person himself to get rid of the addiction, it is extremely difficult and often impossible to carry out treatment.

All methods of combating bad habits are divided into three groups:

  • gradual reduction in the consumption of harmful substances;
  • fighting desires and giving up habits;
  • replacing one habit with another.

For example, many people quit smoking gradually, reducing the number of cigarettes they smoke every day. This is a lengthy process and the last stage, when you need to completely quit smoking, is very difficult for many.

But you need to give up drugs immediately. This leads to a severe state of the body, withdrawal, when the remains of drugs leave the body. There is no other way to solve the problem; in this case, gradualism is not the answer.

Prevention of bad habits

Unfortunately, the prevention of bad habits has not yet received adequate attention. The effect of various commercials, signs and posters is not great. Often a person in trouble is left alone with his problem. Friends and relatives turn away from him, which makes the likelihood of overcoming the disease extremely low.

The path to a life without bad habits always begins with awareness of the problem. If a person does not see harm in his actions (considering, for example, that he is not an alcoholic, but simply drinks sometimes, like everyone else, and there is nothing wrong with that), then recovery is almost impossible.

In medicine, the prevention of bad habits is divided into primary, secondary and tertiary. Let us explain this using the example of alcoholism.

The essence primary prevention is to prevent the consumption of alcohol by persons who have not previously consumed it. Such prevention is aimed at young people, adolescents, and children.

The target audience of secondary prevention is people who already know the taste of alcohol or those members of society who are experiencing the first signs of developing alcohol dependence.

Tertiary prevention is predominantly medical and is aimed at alcoholics.

It should be remembered that in order for people to give up bad habits, it is not enough just to frighten them with the terrible consequences of using alcohol, tobacco or drugs. We need special comprehensive programs operating at the state level.

There is a need for state support for the development of sports, the creation of employment opportunities for children and adolescents, the use of hotlines and telephones psychological assistance, creation of new modern drug treatment centers.

The media should actively promote a healthy lifestyle, forming in the minds of young people the understanding that it is fashionable not to drink and smoke, but to play sports.

It is necessary to conduct special classes on the dangers of alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction in schools. Moreover, they should not be boring, but interesting. Not only teachers should take part in the classes, but also psychologists, narcologists, former alcoholics and drug addicts, who can use their example to tell children about what bad habits lead to.

In conclusion, I would like to note once again that ultimately the decision about whether to start smoking, drinking or taking drugs is made by the person himself. It depends on him how his life will turn out, whether he can become a full-fledged member of society or not.

Prevention of bad habits can help someone make the right decision, and if even one person, after talking with a psychologist or watching public service announcements, says no to bad habits, this will already be a sign that everything was not done in vain!

Rare habits are something that almost every average person can find in themselves! And many people prefer not to see this as a problem and simply do not notice their own harmful addictions. You can often hear the excuse: “I have everything under control, this is not a bad habit at all, but a momentary weakness.” In fact, a person often doesn’t even realize how much negativity bad habits bring into his life and how good it will be if he gets rid of them. In this article, let's look at the most common types of bad habits and try to figure out what can be done to get rid of them.

Bad habits: list

Before you start listing popular bad habits, it’s worth defining what they are. So what can be considered bad habit? A pattern of actions that are clearly repeated over a long period of time, characteristic of specific person, - It is a habit. It can be called harmful if it carries potential threat health, mood, psychological, physical comfort, cleanliness environment etc.

Here is a list of the most common bad habits:

  • smoking;
  • drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • addiction to junk food(fast food, flour, sweets);
  • gambling addiction;
  • foul language;

But this is far from a complete list of harmful addictions that people suffer from. modern people. There are less global habits, such as idle pastime. Many people do not see this as a bad addiction, but consider it a special character trait. Like, he is used to taking everything from life, he knows how to enjoy life and have fun. But in reality he is an ordinary lazy person, a waster of life and simply an infantile person. The habit of biting your nails, pen, biting your lip, etc. is small and not always noticeable to others. However, such a trifle can greatly irritate even the owner of the problem. And such actions, performed regularly, are harmful to health.

Habits are different, and among them there are especially interesting ones that you want to pay attention to first.

What are some bad habits of modern people?

Let's look at a few common and not so popular bad habits.

Tobacco addiction

Despite the fact that today a healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular, many people are susceptible to the addiction of smoking. It is worth noting that the modern world has expanded the boundaries of this addiction. Today people are addicted not only to cigarettes, but also to aromatic tobacco, which is smoked through hookahs. A new trend - vaping is rapidly gaining momentum these days. Absolutely any form of addiction to tobacco products is harmful. And even the use of high-tech devices, vapes, does not solve, but aggravates the problem. People suffering from these habits endanger their own health and harm the bodies of their own children, family members, and those around them.

Alcohol addiction

Drink beer, wine, cocktails and spirits alcoholic drinks unsafe for psychological comfort and physical health. Everyone knows about this. However, many people are susceptible to this addiction. It all starts with “harmless” beer, wine or other light alcoholic drinks and over time often turns into a habit, which lays the ground for the formation of pathological addiction.

Tendency to overeat

It would seem that the human need for food is quite understandable and is considered normal occurrence. However, gastronomy can also be a breeding ground for the formation of bad habits:

  • binge eating;
  • eating habit junk food;
  • passion for dangerous mono-diets, etc.

You also need to eat right and you need to be able to control your gastronomic moods. Otherwise, you can form very dangerous habits that lead to obesity, the development of type 2 diabetes, and problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


It turns out that the habit of constantly buying something is also harmful. Pay attention to how often you make unnecessary purchases. Is there a craving for shopping associated with a desire to suppress Bad mood? The answers to these questions will help determine whether shopaholism is occurring in your case. But this can also become a problem. Unreasonable spending of money damages the family budget, creates debts, and interferes with the stabilization of well-being.

The habit of being lazy

There is also a habit of being lazy. A person who tries to put things off until later, shirks some responsibilities, works, studies carelessly, should think about it. After all, this can become a stable manifestation of his character. Lazy people are rarely successful. No one will bring achievements and accomplishments in life on a platter with a golden border.

Habit of lying

Almost every person resorts to lying to one degree or another in his life. There is a so-called white lie. Sometimes an innocent lie is used to smooth out the consequences of some events for a person. However, there are also individuals who lie simply because they like to tell lies. Pathological liars often lose their boundaries themselves and no longer know where the truth is and where there is a lie. Having such a habit makes a person repulsive to others. Often deceitfulness forms the basis for the formation of more serious problems.

Foul language

“Russian swearing” is known to all people living and born in our country. Almost from childhood we have to hear bad words somewhere on the street, from TV, from peers, etc. There are people for whom swearing becomes a habit. But a “strong” word spoken out of emotion in rare cases is not as scary as the habit of “expressing” out of necessity and for no particular reason. Young girls who hear dirty curses from their lips immediately lose their charm. Guys and men who cannot talk without swearing are also not attractive to the opposite sex. Foul language is repulsive and creates an unsightly reputation for a person, which cannot but negatively affect the life of the individual who has such a habit.

Habit of chewing the tip of the hair

There are also habits that are not associated with any harmful behaviors and actions. Nevertheless, they carry negativity. For example, people with long hair sometimes they get used to biting, twirling on a finger, chewing the tip of a curl. On the one hand, there is nothing extra dangerous about this. However, from the outside, such addiction looks very unpleasant. And this can be terribly annoying for the owner of the habit.

The habit of collecting/storing unnecessary things

Have you met people who drag all sorts of unnecessary junk into their home and cannot part with things, storing a lot of outdated, outdated items in their home? And this, by the way, is another very bad habit! A person litters the territory, which creates significant discomfort for him and his loved ones and neighbors. Sometimes this addiction to collecting unnecessary trash takes pathological forms. A house in such a situation can turn into a natural dump. A person whose addiction has developed into a pathology needs professional help.

Types of bad habits

Reading the above bad habits, you can track certain signs by which addictions can be divided into types.

IN modern psychology highlight:

  • physical addictions;
  • psychological habits;
  • psychophysiological habits;
  • psycho-emotional addictions.

For example, the habit of chewing a pencil or pen can be attributed to the physical manifestations of habituation to a pattern of actions. But the craving for smoking cigarettes, hookah, and vaping refers to psychophysiological pathological needs.

There are age-related habits, for example, children's ones: the sucking reflex, attachment to parents, the habit of falling asleep while hugging a toy. Senile addictions: a craving for discussing other people's lives, a habit of grumbling, an addiction to going to the market, to the clinic, to the store without any apparent need. There are variations of preferences that are specific to a particular gender. For example, the habit of dieting, lamenting extra pounds more typical for women. But addiction to card or other gambling, the habit of not following the speed limit while driving a car, is more common among men.

What to do? Prevention of bad addictions

It is known that all negativity must be fought! What to do with bad habits? After all, it is clear that even the most harmless variation of addiction can take very frightening and repulsive forms. The main thing is to understand and admit the presence of addiction. Only then will it be possible to deal with it. In some cases, getting rid of such a problem (smoking, alcoholism, gambling addiction) can only be done with the help of a specialist. People who have a strong will and are seriously focused on results often find the strength to overcome excess, negative traits character. Before you can eradicate negative attachments in yourself, you need to know yourself, recognize your shortcomings and find the right path to eliminate them. It is important to understand that the path to cleansing yourself from bad habits may not be easy. However, with due persistence, after some time desired results will be achieved.

How to overcome addictions with yoga

By choosing yoga and embarking on the path of self-improvement, self-development, self-healing, a person automatically takes a course towards getting rid of harmful addictions. Naturally, first you have to realize what exactly is superfluous and why it is so attractive. You should understand the nature of the emergence of certain attachments and habits.

Yogis believe that most habits are based on a desire to receive a kind of “doping” in the form of a special surge of positive energy. However, it is important to understand that when smoking a cigarette, drinking a can of beer, or eating another donut, a person only receives a “deception” in the form of momentary pleasure. This pleasure does not give strength, does not improve mood, and does not have a positive impact on a person’s life. On the contrary, over time, retribution comes for an immoderate harmful hobby: health goes away, psychological comfort is undermined, the bearer of harmful addictions increasingly faces failures in life.

With the help of hatha yoga practices you can get a real boost positive energy. Exercise will help you cleanse yourself spiritually and heal your body. Over time one will discover complete liberation from harmful cravings. At a certain stage of yoga practice, you can learn to receive the necessary charge in the right quantity and when it is needed. Vedic practices are aimed at self-regulation of energy flows and conscious rejection of everything unnecessary that pollutes the spirit and forms karma.

Our whole life consists of habits and various actions. A person carries them out on an unconscious level, without reflection. All human habits/predilections are divided into useful and harmful. If beneficial habits are formed gradually and improve human nature, then the formation of harmful ones more often occurs at a young age.

The desire to imitate, to look more mature and successful sometimes leads to sad consequences and deadly addictions. What is the impact of bad habits on human health and why are they dangerous? People become real slaves of formed addictions that harm not only them, but also the people around them.

Bad habits have a detrimental effect on a person’s life

Any human passion (positive or negative) is designed to satisfy the needs of the individual and bring pleasure. This is precisely what psychologists explain the speed of development of addiction and the duration of its impact. Experts classify all bad habits into the following categories:

  1. Illiterate nutrition.
  2. Addiction to drinking.
  3. Addiction to drugs.
  4. Nicotine addiction.
  5. Addictions of a psychological nature.

What is the impact of bad habits on the human body, and what consequences do these addictions lead to? This is what we will talk about in this article.

Unhealthy diet

The problem of illiterate food intake is large-scale and it is especially relevant today. According to statistics, about 90% of the world's population eat illiterately, which greatly harms their own health.

What does unhealthy eating lead to?

The harmonious functioning of the body depends primarily on the products that make up a person’s daily diet.

What exactly harms the individual? What reasons exist that form an unhealthy habit? First of all, this:

  1. Love for sweets. What to expect from an organism that regularly receives sugar in large doses? Caries, destruction of tooth enamel, serious problems with the skin and cardiovascular system.
  2. Lots of salt. Excessively salty foods provoke problems in the functioning of the kidneys and also lead to degradation of the musculoskeletal system.
  3. Fatty foods. Foods rich in carbohydrates are responsible for the development of gastritis and various types of obesity.

And those who like to eat a hearty meal before going to bed subsequently suffer from various disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. At first glance, switching to a healthy diet does not seem difficult or impossible. But it is very difficult for people accustomed to such a menu to give up their addiction.

A healthy diet should be balanced and consist of healthy foods

Uncontrolled absorption of food, eating worries, stress, or simply eating for pleasure leads to problems and malfunctions in all internal organs. But also strict restriction itself in the diet causes no less harmful consequences.

Starvation diets lead to development death syndrome– anorexia. In this case, even healthy food that enters the stomach will be rejected by it.

If a harmful food addiction has already formed, experienced specialists in the field will help you overcome it. healthy eating- nutritionists. You should also listen to the following simple rules:

  • before breakfast on an empty stomach, drink a glass of cool, clean water;
  • the first thing you should do is adjust your own breakfast, then you can begin to competently develop the rest of the meal;
  • transfer yourself to fractional meals, increasing the number of approaches to food, while the usual portions are divided into 2-3 times;
  • give up fried food completely, replacing it with boiled or stewed food;
  • If you feel hungry in the evening or at night, limit yourself to a glass of dairy product.

Alcohol addiction

Alcohol addiction is one of the most bad habits personality. Alcohol has a particularly dangerous effect of bad habits on human reproductive health. According to some people, alcohol is a completely harmless hobby that brings relaxation to a person. And the only harm is morning sickness in the form of a hangover.

What are the signs of alcohol addiction

In fact, ethyl alcohol, which regularly enters the body, deals a crushing blow to all internal systems and organs. Find out how alcohol affects the body:

Brain. If a person regularly tries to relax with the help of alcoholic drinks, he risks facing irreversible consequences. First of all, the brain functions of the individual are affected. Begins:

  • memory problems;
  • clouding of mind;
  • coordination problems.

The cardiovascular system. Alcohol has a relaxing effect on the functioning of the heart muscle (myocardium). The result is global problems with the circulatory system. A heart suffering from alcohol indicates problems such as: alarming symptoms, How:

  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • high degree of fatigue;
  • chronic painful cough;
  • development of many heart pathologies;
  • severe shortness of breath even with slight physical exertion.

Liver. The most powerful blow falls on the liver, because it is this organ that works to protect the body from toxins, poisons and harmful compounds. Unable to cope with regular load due to the penetration of ethyl alcohol into the body, the liver begins to malfunction and degrades over time. With the systematic use of alcohol, the following pathologies occur to a person:

  • cirrhosis;
  • fatty hepatosis;
  • hepatitis in acute form.

Ethyl alcohol not only completely destroys human health, it also has a detrimental effect on the psyche. Alcohol is highly soluble in fats and water. When ethyl alcohol enters the body, it instantly spreads throughout all body systems.

What does alcoholism lead to?

You can track the progress of alcohol through the internal organs, noting the manifestation of negative consequences along the “path” of ethanol:

  1. The oral cavity suffers from burns to the mucous membrane.
  2. The gastrointestinal tract is signaled by severe irritation of the esophagus and stomach tissue.
  3. In departments small intestine spasm of nerve endings and a sharp narrowing of blood vessels occurs.
  4. The liver is completely poisoned by ethanol breakdown products and toxic toxins.
  5. The urinary system suffers from the destructive effects of ethyl alcohol with various diseases.
  6. The reproductive system reacts by reducing the production of sperm in men; women have problems with the regularity of the monthly cycle.

According to statistics, life drinking man is reduced by 20-25 years compared to a person adhering to a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, it is possible to overcome this addiction on your own only in the first stages of the development of alcoholism.

Then qualified assistance from various specialists is required. This habit leads to a complete decline in a person’s immunity and the development of many deadly diseases. Children of drinking parents are born with congenital deformities and abnormalities. Alcoholism can also be inherited.

Drug addiction

All bad habits and their impact on human health completely destroy the personality. What can hurt more than drugs? Ruthless killers cause trauma both physically and mental health person. Narcotic compounds are dangerous because at first their effects are invisible.

Drug addiction is a global scourge

Symptoms such as minor mood swings, brittleness and dullness of nails/hair and peeling skin usually go unnoticed. Over time, this habit manifests itself with more harmful consequences:

  • persistent complicated colds;
  • long-term healing of even small scratches;
  • visual and auditory hallucinations begin.

The addict is completely immersed in his sick world, in pursuit of the next dose, he stops noticing everything: family, friends, parents, loved ones. In order to receive the already necessary dose, people suffering from addiction are capable of committing any, even the most serious, crime.

The development of this bad habit takes place in a very short period of time. The life expectancy of a drug addict rarely exceeds 10-15 years after the first dose.

It is almost impossible to cope with this attachment on your own. To save a person, you need to apply for qualified help doctors In some cases, the drug addict is placed in specialized centers, where treatment takes place under the constant supervision of narcologists.

Development of tobacco addiction

Doctors classify this bad habit as substance abuse. More than 2/3 of the world's population smokes. Often, smokers themselves do not even think about the harm they cause to their own body.

Smoking affects not only the smoker himself, but also the people around him

After all, such an addiction can lead to the development of many dangerous diseases, which sooner or later lead to fatal outcome. What problems does smoking cause?

  • blood pressure disorders;
  • tooth decay;
  • difficulties in the respiratory system;
  • development of stomach ulcers and oncological processes;
  • difficulties in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • development of complicated, prolonged colds and infectious diseases.

As a result, a smoker develops various fatal dangerous illnesses. According to statistics, people suffering from nicotine addiction, get sick:

  1. Pulmonary tuberculosis: 93-94% of smokers.
  2. Oncological processes of the lungs: 10-12% of smokers.
  3. Various degrees of pneumonia: 55-60% of tobacco addicts.

Where does this dependence begin? A person often smokes for the first time at a young age out of a desire to appear more mature and experienced. Many people smoke to relax and calm down. And almost all smokers are confident that they are able to give up this habit themselves, in a short moment. But, unfortunately, this is a misconception.

How does smoking affect your health?

Constant inhalation of carcinogenic tobacco smoke It causes a very persistent addiction, which is almost impossible to cope with on your own. Nicotine is comparable in its habit-forming power to a soft drug.

It takes about 6-7 years to completely break free from addiction and put your body in order.

People who have a tendency to this bad habit can be distinguished even by external signs:

  • rough voice;
  • yellowness of teeth and nail plates;
  • bleeding gums, weakening of teeth (looseness);
  • morning cough, common to all experienced smokers;
  • early aging of the skin, leading to the appearance of numerous premature wrinkles.

Women who smoke are at risk of premature menopause, and men are at risk of complete impotence. Teenagers who want to become more mature and pick up a cigarette begin to quickly degrade. In a young body, thought processes are disrupted, the level of intelligence and general physical development drops.

Psychological addictions

This type of addiction includes addiction to the computer and Internet games. At first, the situation does not foretell any trouble - the person simply relaxes after a hard day. But over time, the gambling addict becomes truly addicted to his hobby. Such a habit leads to the following sad consequences:

  • high fatigue;
  • serious mental disorders;
  • curvature of the spinal column;
  • decreased vision up to the development of cataracts;
  • problems of behavioral reactions - the appearance of irritability, aggressiveness.

The development and formation of such bad habits cannot be completely attributed to congenital bad character and defects in upbringing. This is how a person’s true attitude towards himself and his health is revealed. The main reason for the development of addictions lies in people’s desire to escape from reality and find new experiences, brighter than their usual everyday life.

It’s not for nothing that they say that “human habit is second nature.” The main and very important task of each individual is to find more interesting hobbies. You need to make every effort to make your life useful and full of pleasant events. It is the pursuit of this goal that will make a person’s life healthy and fulfilling.

Every person has bad habits, which for almost everyone is a problem that plays an important role in his life.

Habit- this is an action, the constant implementation of which has become a need for a person and without which he can no longer do.

These are habits that harm a person’s health and prevent him from achieving his goals and fully using his capabilities throughout life.

The evolution of man has provided his body with inexhaustible reserves of strength and reliability, which are due to the redundancy of the elements of all its systems, their interchangeability, interaction, ability to adapt and compensate. Academician N.M. Amosov claims that the safety margin of a person’s “structure” has a coefficient of about 10, i.e. his organs and systems can carry loads and withstand stresses approximately 10 times greater than those that a person has to face in everyday life.

The realization of the potential inherent in a person depends on his lifestyle, behavior, the habits he acquires, and the ability to wisely manage the potential capabilities of the body for the benefit of himself, his family and the state in which he lives. However, it should be noted that a number of habits that a person begins to acquire during his school years and which he cannot get rid of throughout his life seriously harm his health. They contribute to the rapid consumption of a person’s full potential, premature aging and the acquisition of persistent diseases. These habits primarily include drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking. The German professor Tannenberg has calculated that at present, per million people, one death from an airplane accident occurs once every 50 years; from drinking alcohol - once every 4-5 days, from car accidents - every 2-3 days, and from smoking - every 2-3 hours.

Bad habits have a number of features, among which especially noteworthy:

  • Drinking alcohol, drugs and smoking are harmful both to the health of the person exposed to them and to the health of the people around him.
  • Bad habits ultimately inevitably subjugate all other human actions, all of his activities.
  • A distinctive feature of bad habits is addiction, the inability to live without them.
  • Getting rid of bad habits is extremely difficult.

The most common bad habits are smoking and drinking alcohol and drugs.

Harmful addictions and addiction factors

Addictions (habits) that have a negative impact on health are considered harmful. Painful addictions are a special group of bad habits - the use of alcohol, drugs, toxic and psychotropic substances for entertainment purposes.

Currently, general concern is caused by the habit of using narcotic substances, which has a detrimental effect not only on the health of the subject and his social and economic situation, but also on his family (and society) as a whole. Frequent use pharmacological drugs for entertainment purposes, it causes drug addiction, which is especially dangerous for a young body. In the development of drug addiction in a young person important role Factors such as individual characteristics and perception of the sensations of drugs used play a role; the nature of the socio-cultural environment and the mechanism of action of narcotic drugs (quantity, frequency and route of administration orally - through the respiratory tract, subcutaneously or intravenously).

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) created next classification addictive substances:

  • substances of the alcohol-barbiturate type (ethyl alcohol, barbiturates, sedatives - meprobromate, chloral hydrate, etc.);
  • amphetamine-type substances (amphetamine, phenmetrazine);
  • substances such as cocaine (cocaine and coca leaves);
  • hallucinogenic type (lysergide - LSD, mescaline);
  • substances of the cat type - Catha ectulis Forsk;
  • opiate-type substances (opiates - morphine, heroin, codeine, methalone);
  • substances such as ether solvents (toluene, acetone and carbon tetrachloride).

Listed medications used in medicinal purposes, excluding ethereal solvents, and cause dependence - the human body gets used to them. Recently, artificially created narcotic substances have appeared, the effect of which exceeds the effect of known drugs; they are especially dangerous.

A non-medical drug such as tobacco is also a drug. Tobacco is a substance addictive and capable of causing physical harm to health. Tobacco, a stimulant and depressant, has relatively minor effects on the central nervous system (CNS), causing minor disturbances in perception, mood, motor function and behavior. Under the influence of tobacco, even in large quantities (2-3 packs of cigarettes per day), the psychotoxic effect is incomparable with pharmaceuticals, but an intoxicating effect is observed, especially in young and childhood. Therefore, smoking causes concern not only among doctors, but also among teachers.

Socio-pedagogical prerequisites for acquiring bad habits

The beginning of addiction to bad habits, as a rule, dates back to adolescence. The following groups of main reasons for introducing bad habits among young people can be distinguished:

Lack of internal discipline and sense of responsibility. Because of this, young people often come into conflict with those from whom they are at risk. certain dependence. But at the same time, they have quite high demands, although they themselves are not able to satisfy them, because they do not have the appropriate training, social or material capabilities for this. In this case, bad habits become a kind of rebellion, a protest against the values ​​professed by adults or society.

Lack of clearly defined motivation life goal . Therefore, such people live for today, momentary pleasures and do not care about their future, do not think about the consequences of their unhealthy behavior.

Feelings of dissatisfaction, unhappiness, anxiety and boredom. This reason especially affects insecure people with low self-esteem, to whom life seems hopeless, and those around them do not understand.

Communication difficulties, characteristic of people who do not have strong friendships, find it difficult to enter into close relationships with parents, teachers, and others, and do not easily fall under bad influence. Therefore, if among their peers there are people who use harmful substances, they are more likely to succumb to their pressure (“try it, and don’t pay attention to the fact that it’s bad”). Feeling relaxed and light under the influence of these substances, they try to expand their circle of acquaintances and increase their popularity.

Experimentation. When a person hears from others about the pleasant sensations of using harmful substances, although he knows about their harmful effects on the body, he wants to experience these sensations himself. Fortunately, most people experimenting with harmful substances are limited to this stage. But if a person also has any of the indicated provoking reasons, then this stage becomes the first step towards the formation of bad habits.

Desire to get away from problems, apparently, the main reason for the use of harmful substances by adolescents. The fact is that all harmful substances cause inhibition in the central nervous system, as a result of which a person “switches off” and, as it were, moves away from the problems he has. But this is not a way out of the current situation - the problems are not resolved, but get worse, and time is running out.

It is necessary to note once again the particular danger of harmful substances affecting adolescents. This is due not only to the processes of growth and development occurring in them, but, above all, to the very high content sex hormones in their body. Just interaction of these hormones with harmful substances and makes the teenager extremely sensitive to their effects. For example, it takes two to five years for an adult to go from starting to drink alcohol to becoming an alcoholic, but for a teenager it takes only three to six months! Of course, for a 14-15 year old schoolchild who is preparing to enter adolescence, this consequence of using harmful substances is especially dangerous.

Everything said makes it clear vital importance work on the prevention of bad habits in children and adolescents. It is effective if the following conditions are met:

  • healthy life needs should be nurtured and formed, socially significant motivations for behavior should be created;
  • children and parents should be provided with objective information about bad habits, their impact on humans and the consequences of their use;
  • appropriate information must be carried out taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the child;
  • Children’s understanding of the essence of bad habits should go in parallel with the formation of a persistently negative personal attitude towards psychoactive substances and interpersonal communication skills with peers and adults, the ability to cope with conflicts, manage emotions and feelings;
  • students must gain experience in solving their problems without the help of psychoactive substances, learn to deal with these hobbies of loved ones and friends;
  • instill in students healthy lifestyle skills, influence the level of aspirations and self-esteem of children;
  • In the fight against bad habits, the child, parents, and teachers must be united: we must help the child give up (or want to give up) bad habits himself.

Causes of drug and drug addiction

Personality characteristics, temperament, social environment and the psychological atmosphere in which a person lives can have a positive or negative impact on his habits. Experts have identified and formulated following reasons, causing the development of drug and drug addiction, typical for young people:

  • manifestation of hidden emotional disorder, the desire to obtain fleeting pleasure regardless of the consequences and responsibility;
  • criminal or antisocial behavior, when in pursuit of pleasure a person violates social traditions and laws;
  • drug dependence as an attempt at self-medication, which arises as a result of a mental disorder of an inorganic nature (social stress, puberty, disappointment, collapse of life interests, fear and anxiety, the onset of mental illness);
  • at regular intake medications to relieve physical suffering (hunger, chronic overwork, illness, family breakdown, humiliation in the family) or to prevent some disease, or to enhance sexual potency;
  • abuse of pharmaceuticals in order to create “popularity” in a certain social group - the so-called feeling of expressing social inferiority (“like everyone else, so am I”);
  • serious illness when the use of “rescue doses of the drug” is provoked;
  • social protest, challenge to society;
  • the result of acquired reflexes caused by accepted behavior in certain strata of society;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking at various social and cultural events (discos, presentations, gala concerts, star fever of music, cinema idols, etc.).

But any of the listed factors can cause painful dependence only in those who are dependent by character (cowardly, spineless, easily injured, physically weak, morally unstable, etc.).

Most of these factors, which are the root cause of drug and drug addiction in young people, are determined by human behavior, his perception and ability to imitate. Therefore, provoking factors that contribute to the formation of a future drug addict or substance abuser lie in the family, kindergarten, school, student environment or other social environment. But the main educational factor still belongs to the family. Parents should constantly strive to develop certain positive habits and skills in their children; a reasoned educational process should serve the purpose of forming a stable life position. This is a great art and patience, which is acquired in the process of life and polished over the years.

Drinking and alcoholism

"Alcohol" in Arabic means "intoxicating." It belongs to the group of neurodepressants - substances that inhibit the activity of brain centers, reduce the supply of oxygen to the brain, which leads to weakening of brain activity and, in turn, to poor coordination of movements, confused speech, blurred thinking, loss of attention, the ability to think logically and make the right decisions, even to the point of insanity. Statistics show that most people who drowned were drunk, one in five road accidents is alcohol-related, a drunken quarrel is the most popular reason for murder, and a staggering person is the first to be robbed. In Russia, persons in a state of alcohol intoxication 81% of murders, 87% of severe bodily injuries, 80% of rapes, 85% of robberies, 88% of hooliganism were committed. Sooner or later, a person who constantly drinks begins to develop diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, liver and other diseases that accompany such a lifestyle. But they cannot be compared with the disintegration of personality and degradation of a drinking person.

Speaking about the negative role of alcohol consumption in social sphere, it should also be noted the economic damage associated with both the health of drinkers and their behavior.

For example, science has established that even the smallest doses of alcohol reduce performance by 5-10%. Those who drank alcohol on weekends and holidays, performance is 24-30% lower. At the same time, the decrease in performance is especially pronounced among mental workers or when performing delicate and precise operations.

Economic damage to production and society as a whole is also caused by the temporary disability of people who drink alcohol, which, taking into account the frequency and duration of illnesses, is 2 times higher than that of non-drinkers. Persons who regularly drink alcohol and suffer from alcoholism cause particular harm to society. This is due to the fact that in addition to large losses in the field material production, the state is forced to spend significant sums on the treatment of these individuals and payment for their temporary disability.

WITH medical point Alcoholism is a disease characterized by a pathological (morbid) craving for alcohol. Drunkenness leads directly to alcoholism - systematic consumption of alcoholic beverages for a long time or episodic consumption of alcohol, accompanied in all cases by severe intoxication.

Early symptoms of alcoholism include:

  • loss of gag reflex;
  • loss of quantitative control over alcoholic beverages consumed;
  • promiscuity in drinking alcohol, the desire to drink all the purchased alcohol, etc.

One of the main signs of alcoholism is a “hangover” or “withdrawal” syndrome, which is characterized by physical and mental discomfort and is manifested by various objective and subjective disorders: facial flushing, rapid heartbeat, high blood pressure, dizziness, headaches, trembling hands, unsteady gait and etc. Patients have difficulty falling asleep, their sleep is superficial with frequent awakenings and nightmares. Their mood changes, in which depression, timidity, fear, and suspicion begin to predominate. Patients misinterpret the words and actions of others.

On late stages alcoholism, alcohol degradation appears, the main signs of which include a decrease in ethical behavior, loss critical functions, severe impairment of memory and intelligence.

The most common diseases associated with alcoholism are: liver damage, chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer, stomach cancer. Alcohol consumption contributes to the development hypertension, the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, violation fat metabolism, heart failure, atherosclerosis. Alcoholics are 2-2.5 times more likely to have mental disorders, venereal and other diseases.

The endocrine glands, especially the adrenal glands and gonads, undergo significant changes. As a result, male alcoholics develop impotence, which affects about one third of alcohol drinkers. In women, as a rule, prolonged uterine bleeding occurs very early, inflammatory diseases internal genital organs and infertility. The toxic effect of alcohol on reproductive cells increases the likelihood of having mentally and physically handicapped children. Thus, even Hippocrates, the founder of ancient medicine, pointed out that the culprits of epilepsy, idiocy and other neuropsychic diseases of children are parents who drank alcohol on the day of conception.

The painful changes in the nervous system, various internal organs, metabolic disorders, and personality degradation that occur in drunkards lead to rapid aging and decrepitude. Average duration The lives of alcoholics are 15-20 years shorter than usual.

General mechanism of action of narcotic substances on the body

All narcotic substances have a common mechanism of influence on the body, as they are poisons. When used systematically (for entertainment), they cause the following phases of changes in the body.

The first phase is a defensive reaction. When used for the first time, narcotic substances have a toxic (poisonous) effect on the body, and this causes a defensive reaction - nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache etc. As a rule, there are no pleasant sensations.

The second phase is euphoria. At repeated appointments the defensive reaction weakens and euphoria occurs - an exaggerated feeling wellness. It is achieved by drug stimulation of receptors (sensitive structures) of the brain related to endorphins (natural internal stimulants, evoking feeling pleasure). The drug at this stage acts like endorphin.

The third phase is mental dependence on drugs. A drug that causes euphoria disrupts the synthesis (production) of endorphins in the body. This leads to a deterioration in a person’s mood, and he begins to seek pleasure from taking drugs (alcohol, drugs, etc.). This further impairs the synthesis of natural “pleasure hormones” and increases the desire to take drugs. A person’s obsessive attraction to drugs gradually develops (this is already a disease), which consists in the fact that he constantly thinks about taking drugs, about the effect they cause, and even at the thought of the upcoming use of a drug, his mood improves.

The idea of ​​a drug and its effect becomes a constant element of a person’s consciousness and the content of his thoughts: no matter what he thinks about, no matter what he does, he does not forget about the drug. He regards situations that facilitate drug production as favorable, and those that hinder this as unfavorable. However, at this stage of the disease, those around him, as a rule, do not yet notice anything special in his behavior.

The fourth phase is physical dependence on drugs. Systematic drug use leads to a complete disruption of the system that synthesizes endorphins, and the body stops producing them. Since endorphins have an analgesic effect, the cessation of their synthesis by the body taking drugs causes physical and emotional pain.

To get rid of this pain, a person is forced to take a large dose of a narcotic substance. This is how physical (chemical) dependence on drugs develops. Once a drug addict decides to stop taking drugs, he or she must go through an adjustment period of several days before the brain resumes producing endorphins. This unpleasant period is called the period of abstinence (“withdrawal”). It manifests itself in general malaise, decreased performance, trembling limbs, chills, pain in the various parts bodies. Many painful symptoms are clearly visible to others. The most well-known and well-studied withdrawal state, for example, after drinking alcohol, is a hangover.

Gradually, the patient’s attraction to the drug becomes uncontrollable, he has a desire to immediately, as soon as possible, at all costs, despite any obstacles, get and take the drug. This desire suppresses all needs and completely subjugates human behavior. He is ready to take off his clothes and sell them, take everything out of the house, etc. It is in this state that patients engage in any antisocial actions, including crimes.

At this stage of the development of the disease, a person requires significantly higher doses of the narcotic substance than at the beginning of the disease, because with systematic use of it, the body becomes resistant to the poison (tolerance develops).

The fifth phase is psychosocial personality degradation. It occurs with systematic and long-term use of narcotic substances and includes emotional, volitional and intellectual degradation.

Emotional degradation consists in the weakening and then complete disappearance of the most complex and subtle emotions, in emotional instability, manifested in sharp and causeless mood swings, and at the same time in the increase in dysphoria - persistent mood disorders. These include constant embitterment, depression, depression. Volitional degradation manifests itself in the inability to make an effort on oneself, to complete the work begun, in the rapid depletion of intentions and motives. For these patients, everything is fleeting, and you cannot trust their promises and oaths (they will definitely let you down). They are able to show persistence only in their desire to obtain a narcotic substance. This condition is obsessive in nature. Intellectual degradation manifests itself in a decrease in intelligence, inability to concentrate, highlight the main and significant things in a conversation, forgetfulness, repetition of the same banal or stupid thoughts, the desire to tell vulgar jokes, etc.

Fighting bad habits

The best tactic for breaking bad habits is to stay away from people who suffer from them. If you are offered to try cigarettes, alcoholic drinks, or drugs, try to avoid it under any pretext. Options may vary:

  • No, I don’t want to and I don’t advise you to.
  • No, it interferes with my training.
  • No, I have to go - I have work to do.
  • No, it's bad for me.
  • No, I know I might like it, and I don't want to become addicted.

In your individual situation, you can come up with your own option. If the offer comes from a close friend who is just starting to try nicotine, alcohol or drugs, then you can make an attempt to explain to him the harm and danger of this activity. But if he doesn’t want to listen, then it’s better to leave him; it’s useless to argue with him. You can help him only if he himself wants to quit these harmful activities.

Remember that there are those who benefit from your bad habits. These are people for whom tobacco, alcohol, and drugs are a means of enrichment.

A person who plans to try a cigarette, wine, or drug should be considered as one of his own. worst enemy, even if he has been your best friend so far, because he is offering you something that will ruin your life.

Your basic premise in life should be the principle of a healthy lifestyle, which excludes the acquisition of bad habits. However, if you realize that you are acquiring one of the bad habits, then try to get rid of it as quickly as possible. Below are some tips on how to break bad habits.

First of all, tell about your decision to a person whose opinion is important to you, ask him for advice. At the same time, contact a specialist in combating bad habits - a psychotherapist, a narcologist. It is very important to leave a company where they abuse bad habits and not return to it, maybe even change your place of residence. Look for a new circle of acquaintances who do not abuse bad habits or struggle with your illness in the same way as you. Don't allow yourself a moment of unoccupied time. Take on additional responsibilities at home, school, and college. Spend more time physical exercise. Choose one of the sports for yourself and constantly improve in it. Make a written program of your actions to get rid of bad habits and immediately begin to implement it, each time taking into account what has been done and what has not been done, and what prevented it. Constantly learn how to fight your illness, strengthen your will and convince yourself that you are able to get rid of a bad habit.

What to do if a loved one suffers from bad habits?

Don't panic! Let him know your concerns without trying to yell at him or blame him for anything. Don't read morals and don't start with threats. Try to explain to him the dangers of this activity.

The sooner your loved one realizes the need to stop, the greater the chance of achieving a positive result.

Convince him to seek help from specialists, help him make life interesting and fulfilling without bad habits, and discover meaning and purpose in it.

It is important to interest a person in self-development so that he learns to relax and enjoy himself without cigarettes, wine or drugs. Well, for those who themselves suffer from bad habits, we once again advise you to do everything as soon as possible to stop this deadly activity.

Each of us has negative habits that prevent us from achieving success in all or some specific areas of life. They worsen our energy background, causing luck to pass us by.

Try to develop healthy habits for yourself. They won't just make you happier, they will completely change your life, making you stronger. Only like this life path correct and most effective, because any negative can be dangerous.

How energy affects luck

The influence is carried out indirectly. When you are exposed to negative waves, luck is not lost immediately. First, gaps called negative programs should appear in your thoughts. This is akin to a computer virus that infects the system starting small. Like a biological virus, it is very difficult to remove a negative program from consciousness, because the body requires great amount strength and energy for this.

In order for the negative program to come out, for your consciousness to completely erase it, you need to change your thinking, developing positive habits and removing unnecessary negative ones. Negative thoughts stay in the brain much faster than they go away. Remember this the next time you think about your future.

Dangerous habits

We will not talk about smoking and alcohol addiction, the lack of physical activity, O poor nutrition and so on. Such habits are always heard, and everyone knows about them. The most dangerous habits are thoughts and words.

Habit of saying “no”. Get rid of this word. Try to build all your sentences and thoughts only on the basis of positive statements. It often happens that we say to ourselves: “I can’t do this.” Instead, tell yourself: “I have a lot to learn” or “I need to improve.” Construct your thoughts and words with a future perspective. Certain tasks must be read in thoughts and words. There should not be a word “no” or a particle “not” in the Universe.

You let your fears get the better of you. Everyone has periods of self-doubt, but it shouldn't develop into a phobia. If you have a fear of losing your job, for example, then this is quite normal, but the fear of approaching the person you like and getting to know each other is no longer normal. There is nothing wrong with telling the truth like this. The line between strength and weakness is incredibly thin. As soon as you begin to declare yourself to the world, you are automatically transferred from the league of weaklings to the league of strong people. The same goes for hobbies, sports and much more. Try it, don't be afraid.

You become a workaholic. Of course, laziness is also a habit destructive to your energy, because of which the mind becomes completely defenseless, but you simply cannot work beyond the norm without rest. Everyone who works is obliged to rest. This is normal in the modern world. Our body and mind require discharge: 10 minutes per hour, 2 days a week, two weeks every six months.

You believe everything people tell you. There is a type of people who always take at face value everything that is said on TV, on the Internet, by friends, by loved ones. Your life is your life. Only you can lead it. Consider other people's words and thoughts, but remember that not all of them are true.

You keep everything to yourself. Life is much easier when you share your problems with someone. To do this, you must have a certain person who does not receive a negative charge. You must look at each other objectively, without embellishment. Let your emotions out from time to time: in the gym or at home, in front of those who have offended you or in front of those who can listen to you. We live by emotions, it is our fuel and our curse if they linger within us.

You live in the past, not the future. You constantly remember your mistakes, but you forget that mistakes are an integral part of every person's life. They make us stronger, so you need to thank the Universe for pointing out some shortcoming to you. Learn from mistakes rather than beating yourself up for not doing things differently. You did what you should have done. This is your destiny.

You surround yourself with people who annoy you. Chat with nice people, avoiding conflicts with those you don't like. These people, like energy magnets, will constantly suck energy out of you without even realizing it. Once you have a pleasant person next to you, you yourself will notice that everything will change.

Increase your energy by taking care of your spiritual state first. Luck will come into your life and stay with you forever. Remember that any problems arise only in your head. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.08.2017 04:47

Not everything in our life is determined by chance. So that the share of chance in your destiny becomes close...