When to start brushing your baby's teeth. Caring for your first teeth is the key to oral health

  • When to start cleaning
  • Dropout pattern
  • Which teeth change
  • Every adult pays enough attention to brushing their own teeth, but when a child’s teeth begin to cut in the first year of life, many are lost and don’t know whether babies under one year old need brushing, how to properly brush baby teeth and what hygiene products choose for children.

    At any age, it is important to maintain oral hygiene for your baby!

    The rationality of early oral hygiene

    The opinion that the first teeth, called baby teeth, do not require cleaning is deeply mistaken. If you do not pay attention to caring for children's teeth, the risk of caries in children increases many times over. This is primarily due to the lower strength of enamel in primary teeth. In addition, the diet of young children contains quite a lot of carbohydrates (they are also found in breast milk, and in infant formula), which are a food source for bacteria that cause caries.

    If you do not clean your teeth on time and do not remove oral cavity When babies are exposed to food debris and accumulated plaque, bacteria will develop more actively and the risk of caries will increase.

    To maintain the health of teeth that have not yet erupted, you need to promptly clean the oral cavity from food debris.

    Besides, early manifestations caries in the form of white spots often go unnoticed in children. The disease spreads unhindered deep into the dental tissues, and when the teeth begin to ache, meeting the dentist will become a serious test for the child’s psyche.

    Lack of cleaning and fast development caries cause the loss of baby teeth, which threatens permanent teeth. The infection can spread to their buds and the newly erupted molar will have to be treated by a dentist. There are also frequent displacements of teeth, which at an older age will have to be corrected with plates or braces in order to avoid ridicule from peers and problems with chewing. As you can see, the importance of primary occlusion hygiene is really great.

    For proper bite formation, it is important to maintain the health of baby teeth for as long as possible.

    When and at what age is it better to start brushing your teeth?

    The age period at which a particular child needs to start brushing his teeth will be individual for each baby, because teeth erupt in different ways for different children. General recommendation For all children, teeth brushing will begin from the moment the first incisor “hatches.”

    For most babies, this happens at the age of 6-8 months, but for some babies, the first tooth can erupt at 3-4 months, and for some, the first tooth appears at 11-12 months.

    Since by the age of one year almost all babies have at least one tooth, the question “should I brush my teeth?” one year old child? has only one answer - “required”.

    The sooner your baby learns to brush his teeth, the healthier they will be.

    It is important to take into account that at the moment of teething, local immunity in the baby’s mouth decreases, and sore gum reacts to contact with any objects quite painfully. That's why You need to brush your teething teeth very carefully.

    Some dentists insist on more early start cleaning the oral cavity of children - even before the eruption of the first tooth. They explain this by the fact that milk and complementary foods get into the baby’s mouth, as a result of which microorganisms accumulate on the mucous membrane even in the absence of teeth. In their opinion, you should start caring for your gums from three to four months of age. This will help your baby develop the habit of caring for his teeth. In addition, babies at this age do not react negatively to the brush.

    Dr. Komarovsky’s opinion regarding the age at which you should start brushing your baby’s teeth is in the video:

    How to clean it properly?

    If the baby has not yet developed a single tooth, brushing simply involves wiping the tongue and gums. The very first teeth are also simply wiped, since even using the softest brush will be painful for the baby. To clean your baby's teeth, you can use:

    • A piece of bandage or gauze soaked in boiled water.
    • Napkins “Toothpickers”.
    • Dental wipes "Spiffies".

    The water used to moisten the gauze can be slightly salted. Cotton wool is not used for wiping, since this is not a rough enough material, which, moreover, can leave fibers in the baby’s mouth.

    Special napkins to wipe the mouth of children are soaked xylitol, representing safe antiseptic. They protect the oral cavity from thrush and caries, and relieve pain. The wipes can be unflavored or have a pleasant mint, banana, apple or grape flavor. The only disadvantage of such napkins is their high cost, since they are disposable.

    From the age of 6 months, when the ejection reflex has disappeared, they begin to use either a silicone fingertip or a classic brush in the children's version for cleaning - with a short handle and soft bristles, as well as with a small cleaning surface area. More often a brush placed on the finger is used until the age of one, and regular brush buy for children over a year old.

    Infants clean teeth and gums with a silicone fingertip

    So that the little one learns proper cleaning teeth, you should act gradually:

    • At 6-8 months of age The baby is introduced to the brush and allowed to get used to using it.
    • Between 8 and 12 months of age The child is shown the correct movements when brushing his teeth.
    • From 1 year to 3 years of age The baby is taught to thoroughly brush his teeth.

    The frequency of brushing your child’s teeth is twice a day. At the same time, evening cleaning done before bed is more important than cleaning done in the morning, so you shouldn’t forget about it. The duration of each procedure is approximately 2-3 minutes, although the first cleanings may be shorter while the baby gets used to the manipulation.

    Follow these rules:

    1. The brush should be positioned at an angle of 45° to the child’s teeth.
    2. The movements of the brush should be in the direction from the gums to the cutting edge.
    3. Cleaning should be carried out both internally and externally. outside each tooth.
    4. To clean the chewing surface, forward circular movements are used.
    5. At the end of the procedure reverse side brushes clean the tongue.

    The procedure for brushing a baby’s teeth is clearly demonstrated in a video from the channel. MJmelka:

    At what age can a baby brush his teeth by himself?

    Invite your child to pick up a brush and try to brush his teeth on his own from the age of one. Please note that under the age of three years, a child is not yet able to clean his teeth properly, so after his attempts to brush on his own, parents will have to additionally brush the baby’s teeth again. However, it is important to support the toddler’s desire to brush his teeth himself.

    How to teach a child to brush their teeth on their own?

    The best way to teach children how to use a toothbrush is by example parents, because kids love to imitate the actions of adults.

    A mirror can also help with learning., so while brushing, give your child the opportunity to look at his reflection. This way, the baby will be able to better control his actions and observe the movements of the brush in his mouth.

    Tell and show your child that you need to brush your teeth with toothpaste this way:

    1. Before the procedure, rinse your mouth with warm water.
    2. Squeeze a little toothpaste (no more than a pea) onto the brush.
    3. Clean the external, chewing and internal surfaces of all teeth.
    4. Rub your tongue with a brush.
    5. Rinse your mouth well with warm water.
    6. Rinse the brush under the tap and place it in a glass with the head up.

    What to do if your baby refuses to brush his teeth?

    Many children initially have a negative attitude towards the toothbrush, since it is a foreign object that can cause discomfort in the baby. If your child has a bad attitude towards brushing his teeth, you should not give up trying to accustom your baby to oral hygiene.

    Encourage your baby to brush his teeth every day. In addition, try cleaning with different brushes and different pastes.

    To interest your baby, brushing your teeth can be made more interesting:

    • While the baby is brushing his teeth, sing a song or read a poem.
    • Make the brushing procedure a “secret task” during which the child confronts the caries bacteria.
    • Take your favorite toy with you to the bathroom.
    • Arrange a competition in terms of speed of cleaning, in which parents, of course, will give in.
    • Turn on a program on your phone in which a funny character will brush your teeth with your child.

    The time to start brushing your baby's teeth depends on the appearance of the first tooth. After all, rotten or lost teeth interfere good nutrition and speech development.

    Useful information from pediatrician About, .

    It is necessary to brush your child’s teeth from the moment the first tooth appears. The procedure is carried out twice a day. If you start early, your baby will get used to the brushing process faster.

    You can use toothbrushes. They should be very soft and have no more than three rows of bristles.

    Throw away any toothbrushes that become rough around the edges or are more than 2 to 4 months old, because pathogenic bacteria begin to grow and multiply on such brushes.

    A baby's first tooth will most likely be the lower front tooth. In most cases, it appears when the baby is about six months old. However, the time at which the first tooth emerges can vary greatly. Some newborns already have one tooth! Other children don't develop teeth until they are one year old.

    The child will eventually have 20 baby teeth. All this should happen by the time the baby turns 2.5 - 3 years old.

    It is best to continue brushing your child's teeth until he or she is at least seven years old. By this age, the child should be able to do this independently.

    Do I need to clean my baby's gums before teething?

    Even before your baby's first tooth appears, it's a good idea to get into the habit of wiping his gums with gauze or a soft, damp cloth during bath time. You don't need to use any toothpaste. Just wrap it up forefinger cloth or gauze and gently wipe the baby's gums.

    Bacteria in the mouth usually cannot harm the gums until teeth emerge. But sometimes it can be difficult to determine when teeth begin to emerge, so it's advisable to start caring for your baby's oral cavity early.

    Introducing your child to oral care should make the transition to brushing their teeth easier later on.

    Choosing the best toothpaste for your child

    Nowadays, the variety of toothpastes, different brands and flavors specifically designed for children, has increased significantly. Having many options can make choosing the best toothpaste for your child's dental health more complex process than expected.

    Choosing the right toothpaste is a significant factor in establishing good oral hygiene habits and maintaining a healthy child's smile.

    When giving your child a snack between meals, choose the following: delicious dishes like cheese or vegetables.

    To truly give a child the best chance of healthy teeth, do following:

    1. Offer as drinks infant only mother's milk, milk formula or chilled boiled water.
    2. Avoid fruit juices, flavored milk and carbonated drinks. They usually contain a lot of sugar and cause tooth decay.
    3. At about six months, teach your baby to drink from a glass. When he is a year old, try to wean him off using a bottle. Give only milk or water to drink at night.
    4. Provide your child with healthy balanced diet. Encourage him to enjoy tasty foods such as vegetables and cereal. Don't add sugar to your food.
    5. If you use prepared baby foods, make sure they do not contain sugar or sweeteners. Remember that other sugars, such as fructose and glucose, are just as harmful to your child's teeth as regular sugar.
    6. If to a small child need to take medications, choose sugar-free options.

    When you teach your children to brush their teeth, staff dental office can help with this. Output the right habit oral hygiene will help children on long years maintain healthy teeth.

    There is a widespread belief that baby teeth do not need careful care, because at the age of 6-7 years they are still replaced by molars. But this approach is fundamentally wrong: caries, which easily affects baby teeth that are more vulnerable due to their thin enamel, brings harm to children less problems than adults.

    This and the defiant sharp pains pulpitis, and chronic infections from sore throat to pyelonephritis, and chewing disorders, and subsequently bite. How to brush children's teeth correctly, what products should be chosen and at what age will the child learn to cope with this task?

    At what age should children brush their teeth?

    As soon as the baby's first teeth erupt, which usually happens at 6-7 months, it is necessary to begin brushing them after eating.

    Breast milk and formulas that replace it, fruit juices and purees, and cereals contain a certain percentage of carbohydrates, and therefore can initiate the carious process.

    Early childhood caries also called “bottle caries”: most often it develops when the baby sleeps with a bottle in his mouth and microorganisms actively multiply, receiving enough nutrients.

    To prevent destruction, after each meal it is necessary to wipe them with a dampened clean water gauze or special disposable napkins sold in pharmacies. You should not give him a bottle of juice or milk at night: if he has problems falling asleep, it is better to use a pacifier. If the baby does not have congenital enamel dysplasia, this is enough to prevent bottle caries. How to properly brush a 1-year-old child’s teeth? In general, at the age of 8-10 months it is time to use special finger brushes with soft silicone bristles, and from one and a half to two years - miniature children's brushes, the same shape as brushes for adults.

    Some dentists believe that gum care in the form of wiping them with water after eating should begin before teething, from 3-4 months. This will help prevent frequently developing infancy Oral diseases: candidiasis, stomatitis, gingivitis.

    About the procedure ultrasonic cleaning teeth air flow see by .

    Teeth cleaning products

    Young children require special means and instruments for oral care. This primarily applies to toothpastes. Since the enamel of baby teeth is more fragile and thin, highly abrasive pastes can damage it, causing caries. Also, adult pastes often contain a large number of menthol and dyes, which can cause allergic reaction or simply instill in the child an aversion to the hygiene procedure due to the sharp, burning taste of the paste.

    What options will be optimal for children? of different ages? The following points apply well:

    • Disposable wipes and wet gauze swabs are a soft and safe tool for cleaning the first, recently erupted teeth. You cannot use cotton wool for this - its fibers can get stuck between the teeth.
    • Low-abrasive hypoallergenic pastes without added fluoride, with a neutral or milky taste, are suitable for children who are not yet accustomed to complementary foods.
    • Pastes with a pleasant taste will help accustom children over one year of age who are familiar with the taste of fruits and sweets to the procedure.
    • Low-abrasive pastes containing fluorine up to 500 ppm can be used by children from 4 years of age.

    The condition of baby teeth often depends not only on their care, but also on heredity, ecology, and nutrition. Therefore, sometimes, in addition to cleaning, you may need additional measures: use of calcium supplements, silver plating, installation of special acrylic crowns.

    Cartoon how to brush your teeth correctly

    Cleaning technique

    The right toothpaste does not guarantee a clean mouth. It is very important what and how they are cleaned.

    First of all, you should pay attention to the brush, its shape and size. Finger brushes are intended for very young children who have just begun to learn hygiene procedures.

    With their help, an adult can carefully and thoroughly brush a child's teeth without causing accidental injury to the gums and oral cavity.

    For slightly older children, small brushes similar in shape to adult ones are suitable. The soft rubberized handle with a limiter will allow the baby to hold it independently and try to brush their teeth under the supervision of an adult. The length of its head should not exceed the length of two child’s teeth. The bristles can be either synthetic or silicone.

    Like an adult, a child should brush his teeth twice a day: in the morning, after breakfast, and in the evening, after dinner. Holding the brush like a ballpoint pen, the adult helping him cleanses the oral cavity with gentle movements: located on the left side - right hand, standing on the right, located on the right - with the left hand, standing on the left. This will allow you to carefully examine the oral cavity and, if there are problems, notice in time the first signs of caries, diseases of the gums and mucous membranes.

    There is no need to press the bristles too hard; they should slide at an angle of 45 degrees, sweeping from the gum to the top of the tooth. When cleaning upper jaw The bristles move from top to bottom, on the bottom - from bottom to top. Flat surfaces chewing teeth clean with circular movements.

    The normal duration of cleaning is at least 2-3 minutes. After the procedure, you need to rinse your mouth to remove any remaining paste.

    Every week the brush needs to be disinfected by thoroughly washing the bristles hot water. It needs to be replaced every 2-3 months. The brush should also be changed after a sore throat and other diseases of the throat and oral cavity to avoid re-infection.

    If your child is naughty when brushing, you should first try replacing the brush or toothpaste: discomfort or an unusual taste is often enough to cause fear of the procedure.

    Is it necessary to clean your tongue?

    Tongue cleaning - important procedure, helping to get rid of microorganisms that can cause inflammation of the mucous membranes, bad smell from mouth.

    Therefore, the plaque covering the tongue must be carefully removed: for very young children - with a napkin or damp gauze, for older children - with a special brush, which is usually located on the back of the toothbrush head.

    How to teach a child to brush their teeth correctly?

    Already at the age of about a year, the baby can hold a brush in his hand and try to clean his mouth on his own. Of course, he will not be able to do this right away, but at the age of 2-3 years, most children are able to cope with this task with virtually no help from an adult.

    Most The best way to accustom a child to regular cleaning is to show him positive example, brushing your teeth in the mornings and evenings with him. By imitating parental movements, the child will quickly master a new skill, and the regularity of the procedure will allow it to become a habit and be preserved for the future.

    It’s good if a child brushes his mouth in front of a mirror - focusing on his reflection, he better understands how the brush should move and how it should be positioned.

    To prevent the baby from becoming bored or capricious, parents should make a useful task entertaining and introduce game elements into the process:

    • A competition between the child and parents, in which the one who brushes his teeth the longest wins, will allow him to devote enough time to the procedure;
    • Hourglass with bright sand inside - another one good way attract the child’s attention and control the time he spent on cleaning;
    • To set the rhythm of the movements of the brush, parents can hum a song, recite a poem or counting rhyme;
    • A favorite doll or toy that accompanies its owner will act as an excellent fan or just a companion;
    • A good option is to turn on an entertaining TV show or your favorite music;
    • For slightly older children, you can show a cartoon or read a book that talks about caries and the microorganisms that cause it, and act out a scene in which cleaning is a battle with scary carious monsters.

    A child over 7-8 years old no longer needs parental supervision during hygiene procedures. But for those who have not yet reached this age, it is better to brush their teeth under adult supervision.

    Habits instilled in childhood most often remain with a person for life. Therefore, having accustomed the baby to thorough daily cleaning, parents provide him with healthy breathing, correct bite And beautiful smile in future.

    How to brush your teeth correctly? Video for children

    Ekaterina Morozova

    Reading time: 9 minutes

    A A

    Some parents believe that you should start brushing your teeth only when you already have at least 20 teeth in your mouth. Others begin active brushing immediately after teething. Experts recommend starting to care for your teeth even before they appear.

    And, regardless of what age the first teeth cleaning procedure occurs, it becomes relevant main question- How to instill this habit in your child.

    How to properly clean your newborn's tongue and mouth before teeth appear

    It would seem, well, why does a newborn need oral hygiene - after all, there aren’t even any teeth in sight!

    Not many mothers know, but oral hygiene infant- This is the prevention of an infection that is very common in infants, which begins with redness of the mucous membrane and swelling of the gums.

    The reason for this is banal dirt that got into the baby’s mouth with an unwashed pacifier, rattle, rodent, or even through the kisses of parents. In addition, inflammation can also be caused by milk residues in the mouth, which are an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

    You can protect your child not only by being responsible for the cleanliness of pacifiers and toys, but also by using oral hygiene.

    Video: How to teach a child to brush their teeth and when is toothpaste needed? — Dr. Komarovsky

    Experts advise performing oral hygiene after 2-3 months of life - 2-3 times a day.

    How to do it correctly?

    • After each feeding, we carry out hygiene procedures (gently and delicately) for the tongue, gums and inner surface cheeks.
    • We use ordinary boiled water and gauze.
    • We wrap sterile gauze, slightly moistened in warm boiled water, around our finger and gently wipe the areas of the oral cavity noted above.
    • When the baby grows up (after the 1st month of life) it can be used instead boiled water decoctions/infusions of herbs that will protect against inflammation and soothe the gums.

    What is commonly used to clean a baby's mouth and tongue?

    1. Sterile gauze (bandage) and boiled water.
    2. Silicone finger brush (after 3-4 months).
    3. Gauze and soda solution (excellent remedy for prevention dental diseases). For 200 ml of boiled water – 1 tsp of soda. For thrush, it is recommended to treat the oral cavity with a tampon soaked in this solution for 5-10 days several times a day.
    4. Chlorophyllipt solution.
    5. Vitamin B12.
    6. Dental wipes. They are used after the 2nd month of life. These wipes usually contain xylitol, a component with antiseptic properties, as well as herbal extracts.

    Decoctions and infusions of herbs can be used to wet a gauze swab when cleaning the mouth from the 2nd month of a baby’s life:

    • Sage: anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties. Destroy harmful bacteria and soothe your gums.
    • Chamomile: anti-inflammatory properties. Well tolerated by infants.
    • St. John's wort: has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gums, contains healthy vitamins and mineral salts.
    • Calendula: another powerful natural antiseptic.

    Brushing baby teeth - how to properly brush a child’s teeth: instructions

    Children should be taught proper brushing of their teeth in 3 stages:

    1. Up to 1 year: symbolic procedures aimed at instilling the right habit.
    2. From 1 year to 3 years : practicing the correct movements when brushing your teeth.
    3. From 3 years: development of independent thorough cleaning skills.

    Instructions for brushing your child’s teeth – how to properly brush baby teeth?

    First of all, we're talking about, of course, about the traditional (standard) method of brushing your teeth:

    • We hold toothbrush at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the surface of the teeth, without closing the jaws.
    • From left to right we “sweep” with a brush outer surface top row. It is important to carry out these movements from above (from the gum) and down (towards the edge of the tooth).
    • We repeat the procedure for back side upper row of teeth.
    • Next, we repeat both “exercises” for the bottom row.
    • Well, now we clean the chewing surface of the upper and lower rows with back-and-forth movements.
    • The number of movements for each side is 10-15.
    • We finish the cleaning procedure with a gum massage. Namely, we close the jaws and massage the outer surface of the teeth along with the gums with gentle circular movements.
    • All that remains is to clean the tongue with the back of the brush head (as a rule, each brush has a special relief surface for such purposes).

    Video: How to brush your child's teeth?

    Let’s not forget about the important rules for brushing your teeth (especially since they are not very different from the rules for adults):

    1. We brush our teeth twice a day – without breaks on weekends and holidays.
    2. The time of one procedure is 2-3 minutes.
    3. Children brush their teeth only under the supervision of their parents.
    4. The length of a strip of squeezed out paste for a child up to 5 years old is 0.5 cm (approx. the size of a pea).
    5. After brushing, teeth should be rinsed with warm water.
    6. Given the sensitivity of children's teeth, you should not brush them too actively and aggressively, with pressure.
    7. If the baby brushes his teeth himself, then the mother brushes his teeth again after the procedure (double brushing).

    At 5-7 years of age, formation begins permanent teeth and gradual resorption of roots from baby teeth.

    It is important to note that baby teeth will fall out in the same order in which they erupted. Speed ​​up this process You can use apples and carrots - gnawing fruit, increasing the load on your teeth.

    Of course, the process may take a long time. And the complete change of teeth will end only by the age of 16 (wisdom teeth are an exception; they will “grow” only by the age of 20-25). During this period of teeth change, choose brushes with soft bristles.

    How to teach a small child to brush their teeth - all parenting secrets and rules

    It is always difficult to teach children to have order and hygiene procedures. Rarely does a child run to brush his teeth with delight. Unless there is a tooth fairy sitting next to a cup of brushes in the bathroom.

    Video: Tips for parents on how to teach their child to brush their teeth

    Therefore, we read the instructions - and remember the important secrets of experienced parents on how to teach kids to brush their teeth

    • Personal example. There is nothing better in matters of education than the example of mom and dad. The whole family can brush their teeth - it's fun and useful.
    • No aggression, shouting or other “educational” aggressive methods. The child needs to be fascinated by brushing his teeth. Turning a procedure into hard labor is not pedagogical. But what to captivate and how - this already depends on the parent’s ingenuity (but you can use our recommendations). In addition, do not forget to praise your child and encourage him for his zeal for the procedure.
    • Sequencing. If you start teaching your child to brush their teeth, don’t stop. No “okay, you don’t have to clean today” rewards! Hygiene procedures must be mandatory, no matter what.
    • We buy a toothbrush for the child along with him. Give him a choice from those brush options that you trust - let the child decide on the design on his own. The more he likes the brush, the more interesting it will be for him to use it. Remember that giving your child the right to choose is half the success for parents! But the choice should not be “to clean or not to clean,” but “which brush to choose is up to you, son.”
    • Toy brush. Perfect option. Manufacturers never tire of competing in the originality of children's toothbrushes. Modern teeth cleaning tools are produced with all kinds of “tricks” today - with bright images of your favorite cartoon characters, and with toy pens, and with flashlights, and suction cups, and so on. Show your child everything and take the ones that catch his eye. It’s better to take 2-3 brushes at once: the choice always encourages action.
    • Toothpaste. Naturally, safe and high quality, but most of all – delicious. For example, banana. Or tastefully chewing gum. Take 2 at once - let the child have a choice here too.
    • Cartoons, programs and films about tooth fairies and teeth They really stimulate imagination and encourage you to brush your teeth and form the right habit.
    • Don't forget about toys! If your child has a favorite toy, take it with you to the bathroom. In the end, if you’re going to brush your teeth, do it all at once. A child who takes on the role of a teacher (and the doll will definitely have to be taught how to brush her teeth) immediately becomes more independent and responsible. Usually, children's favorite toys are plush ones, so buy a toothy but attractive toy in advance for such purposes so that you can easily wash, clean it and carry out other manipulations.
    • Come up with tooth fairy(like Santa Claus). It’s a long wait for baby teeth to change, so let her arrive today (for example, once a week) and delight the baby with surprises (under the pillow, of course).
    • If your child has sisters or brothers, feel free to use the “competition” option. They always spur children to heroic deeds. For example, “who better to brush your teeth.” Or who can handle 3 minutes of brushing their teeth. Well, etc.
    • Buy a beginner dentist kit (toy). Let your child practice with his toy animals by playing “hospital.” Tie his “sick teeth” toys with a bandage - let them sit in line to see the young luminary of medicine.
    • Hourglass. Choose the most original and beautiful ones, with a suction cup - for the bath. The optimal amount of sand is for 2-3 minutes of brushing your teeth. Place this clock on the sink so that the baby knows exactly when to finish the procedure.
    • Making a glass for brush and toothpaste from Lego. Why not? Brushing your teeth will be much more fun if the brush is in a bright glass that the child independently assembled from a construction set.
    • We record the child’s successes on a special “achievements” board . Bright stickers from mom for brushing their teeth will be a good incentive for the baby.

    And be sure to visit the dentist! As soon as your little one turns 2-3 years old, start this good habit. Then the baby will not be afraid of doctors, and will take care of his teeth more carefully.

    Because when your mother asks, you can be capricious, but your uncle the dentist is already an authoritative person, you can listen to him.

    Which parent doesn't want to see their little child healthy and strong teeth? It is clear that everyone! To do this, they need to know what to start caring for their oral cavity small child it is necessary from the very moment the first tooth appears.

    Best age to start brushing your teeth

    Paying attention to cleansing the baby’s mouth should begin as soon as the first baby tooth. On the one hand, this will teach the child to self-care behind the oral cavity, and on the other hand, this necessary procedure to maintain a healthy oral cavity.

    Unclean teeth always lead to bad breath, as well as the proliferation of microbes, which can lead to not very pleasant consequences for the baby’s body.

    There are a few important periods age of the little man, which you should pay attention to:

    Rules for brushing teeth for a one-year-old child

    To properly brush the teeth of a baby over 1 year of age, it is recommended to get a standard toothbrush.

    It must meet certain parameters:

    • The brush should have a comfortable handle. It is better if there is a limiter on it that will prevent unwanted penetration of the brush into the neck. In addition, it should not slip out of the child’s small hand.
    • A children's toothbrush should have very soft bristles., as the hard one scratches the baby’s gums. The bristles should be cut evenly to ensure uniform pressure. It is better to give preference to the synthetic material from which bristles for children's toothbrushes are made. This can easily be explained by the fact that natural fibers accumulate great amount bacteria.
    • Cleaning brush surface should cover two baby teeth, and the head itself should be oval.
    • Children under three years old Doctors do not recommend using electric toothbrushes. This type of brush can be used no more than twice to avoid abrasion of the enamel.
    • A child should not use a brush, which is intended for adults, because it does not meet all the above requirements.

    Do you want white and healthy teeth?

    Even with careful care of your teeth, over time stains appear on them, they darken and turn yellow.

    In addition, the enamel becomes thinner and teeth become sensitive to cold, hot, sweet foods or drinks.

    In such cases, our readers recommend using the latest remedy- Denta Seal toothpaste with a filling effect.

    It has the following properties:

    • Levels damage and fills microcracks on the enamel surface
    • Effectively removes plaque and prevents the formation of caries
    • Returns teeth natural whiteness, smoothness and shine

    Teeth brushing technique

    IN mandatory need to stick to correct technique brushing children's teeth:

    Is it necessary to clean your tongue?

    • In the process of cleansing the child’s mouth, it is very important not to forget to clean the tongue. Typically this is done with the back of a toothbrush. Every experienced dentist considers this procedure to be no less important than brushing your teeth itself.
    • On the surface of the tongue Microscopic particles of food may remain, which will not go away on their own, but will decompose, thereby negatively affecting the condition of the baby’s teeth and gums.
    • Moreover, it is the language and is responsible for taste sensations. And if it is covered with a large layer of plaque, then the sensations taste buds will become dull

    Incorrect bite spoils appearance smiles, leads to tooth decay and caries. Not everyone has the opportunity to get braces. You can use a mouth guard at home; it does not require grinding of teeth and does not harm enamel and gums.

    Thanks to its universal size, it is suitable for any age. The mouthguard is made of durable material - medical polyurethane, so it does not injure the gums and teeth while worn. I recommend.

    Teaching your baby to take care of his mouth independently

    If there is no regularity and system in oral care, this can contribute to the development of microbes, which from the mouth can spread throughout the child’s body and, accordingly, become the cause of many health problems.

    The most common diseases can be considered sore throat and problems digestive system , since damaged teeth cannot fully participate in normal chewing of food.

    Therefore, it is so important to be able to teach your child to take independent oral care from a very early age.

    The training process should begin as early as one year of age. It is during this period that the child begins to actively repeat all the actions of the adults in his environment. And it doesn’t matter at all how well he can brush his teeth himself, it is much more important that he strives for this.

    In the process of teaching children to be independent in brushing their teeth, purchasing accessories appropriate for the child’s age plays an important role.

    Young children quickly get bored with the boring process of oral care, so parents should try to turn this routine process into an exciting game.

    It will be very good if parents brushing teeth together with your baby.

    Then he will find the process of brushing his teeth and tongue more exciting, and parents will have more opportunities to game form control how their child takes care of the oral cavity, and also show him a clear example to follow. Babies pick up on the fly and repeat all the actions of their parents.

    If your baby refuses to brush his teeth

    • Such situations may often arise, in which a child may refuse to brush his teeth, not paying attention to all sorts of persuasion from his parents. The reason for all this may be laziness or aversion of the baby to any aspect of the process mentioned above.
    • If this happened, it is important not to waste precious time in solving this problem. You can go to the store and invite him to choose a toothbrush and his favorite toothpaste or powder for brushing his teeth.
    • Today there is a huge range of toothbrush models. They can be made in the form of your favorite cartoon characters, or equipped with sound effects that little children love so much.
    • The selection of toothpastes is also huge. They come in all sorts of colors, smells and tastes. It is possible to purchase several items at once, necessary for the child during the process of brushing your teeth. This way the child will have the opportunity to choose even at home.
    • You should try to talk with your child as often as possible. regarding the need for oral care. After all, even the smallest children very quickly remember horror stories about caries and what can result from improper or untimely brushing of teeth.
    • You can also try this option: visiting a dentist. You can play with the baby - let him brush the teeth of one of the adults. Thanks to this game, the child will be able to make sure that there is no pain and no negative consequences at the time of this process.
    • The process of teaching a little child to be independent The process of brushing your teeth is very labor-intensive, which is why it is so important to begin this training process as early as possible.
    • When a child brushes his teeth unwillingly and your tongue, you can try to captivate it with some new or well-forgotten fairy tale or rhyme.

      Timely dental care should become a mandatory daily procedure that will not cause a feeling of fear in the baby.

    • It is necessary to try to make the care process Oral care is the most exciting activity possible. Then the baby will carry out this procedure twice a day with great delight and desire.

    How long does the teeth cleaning procedure take?

    Modern dentists say that it is necessary to spend about 4 minutes brushing your teeth.

    It is believed that each tooth needs to be brushed for approximately 7-8 seconds.

    It should be taken into account that two types of plaque always form on teeth:

    1. Solid.
    2. Soft.

    Soft plaque can be removed fairly quickly, but hard plaque may require longer cleaning to remove. If you do not devote enough time to this procedure, this can lead to periodontitis and the formation of tartar.

    It is also important to remember that cleaning your teeth helps eliminate bad breath, and this takes 1.5-2 minutes. Fluoride substances, which are contained in toothpaste and help strengthen tooth enamel, are activated only two minutes after the procedure for cleansing the child’s oral cavity.

    Children's teeth cleaning products

    Since young children very often do not know how to rinse their mouths well, it is very important that children’s toothpaste does not contain harmful substances. The fluoride content in it should be minimal, since a large amount of it is quite harmful to the baby’s body.

    It is worth paying attention to children's toothpastes that contain milk protein casein. It will not have an adverse effect on the body and teeth of a small child, even if he constantly swallows the paste.

    In addition, it should be taken into account abrasive index in toothpaste. Doctors say that it should not exceed 22 USD

    A high-quality baby toothpaste should contain antibacterial substances, which will be very useful if there is a child in the mouth. various inflammations, or wound.

    Many children love toothpastes that produce a large amount of foam when used. But parents of these children should remember that substances that are involved in the formation of foam while brushing teeth almost always dry out the child’s oral mucosa. This is highly not recommended especially in early age, since such components can cause an allergic reaction.

    It is also worth noting that the procedure for cleaning the mouth of a small child requires a very small amount of paste - only the size of a small pea.