Maltese about the breed. The main distinctive characteristics of the lapdog dog breed

The Russian Tsvetnoy lapdog is a dog whose charming appearance is combined with a good-natured character; she looks like a nice toy, but inside she has a warm, kind heart. Naturally, these animals cannot leave anyone indifferent, and today the number of lovers of this breed is steadily increasing. What are the characteristics of such a pet and who is recommended to get a lapdog puppy?

Almost all breeds bred by Russian breeders are working dogs - hunting, service, and sled dogs. As for decorative species, this direction has practically not attracted the attention of professionals.

Still interest in dwarf breeds after Patriotic War arose, but very few miniature representatives were imported into the country. This further fueled interest in tiny pets, and, despite the scarcity of available individuals and their poor quality, work began on the formation of a new breed.

In 1951, the first offspring were obtained from 2 lap dogs - a white male Trifon, who came from Hungary, and a coffee girl Zhu-Zhu, this was the only black puppy. Then the blood of other decorative breeds was added - Maltese, Shih Tzu, Lhaso Apso, etc.

At the end of the 50s, it was possible to obtain the same type of livestock, which earned the status of a separate breed group. But, despite the emergence of the National Breed Club, the Russian colored lapdog did not receive international recognition.

Description of the Russian Tsvetnaya Bolonka breed

The representative of the breed is a small, fluffy, compact dog with a square body. He has an amazing temperament and is very people oriented. The standard contains the following description of the Russian colored lapdog:

  1. Head small, proportional to the body, with a rounded forehead, the back of the head and brow ridges are not pronounced. The muzzle is shortened, neat, with a straight bridge of the nose and a small nose, pigmented black. In individuals with light fur, it may be brown in color.
  2. The lips fit tightly, the teeth are small, creating correct bite in the form of “scissors”, the standard allows for a slight overshot or undershot, just so that there is no gap.
  3. Eyes round shape, large, with brown irises and eyelids, pigmented to match the coat, convexity is not characteristic of them.
  4. Ears triangular, with rounded tips, located high. They hang down, adjacent to the cheekbones, are covered with long hair, and are a real decoration of the breed.
  5. Torso average, with lean muscles and high set. The body is square in shape, slightly stretched. The back is shortened, straight, and goes into a short lumbar region, slightly protruding.
  6. The croup is well muscled, round in shape, with a slight slope. The chest is oval, well developed. The belly line is slightly adjusted.
  7. The forelegs are slightly wider set than the hindquarters, with muscular thighs set at an angle and dry hocks.
  8. Paws oval, arched, medium-sized, the rear ones are smaller than the front ones. The pads are strong, like the claws, and darkly pigmented.
  9. Tail rolled into a ring, located high, covered along the entire length with abundant, long guard hair. The tip is placed behind the back.

Coat and colors

The coat of Russian lapdogs is thick and beautiful; according to the standard, it is desirable that it be wavy, but not curly. It consists of two layers - long guard hair and abundant, dense undercoat. The hair is not adjacent to the skin, fluffy, has a shine in appearance, and feels like silk to the touch.

Colors are not particularly limited; any shade except white is allowed. Rare are individuals with pure black and deep brown fur. It is very difficult for breeders to achieve offspring with this coloration, which makes them the most desirable. Light spots are allowed in the area of ​​the chest and limbs.


Once in the house, such a pet almost immediately becomes a favorite among almost all family members. These dogs really know how to win people over. They retain their puppy playfulness throughout their lives, making them ideal for families with children. But you should forget about peace - joint games will be very noisy and infectiously fun.

You should not think that a lapdog is an elegant, weak creature; the dog is capable of accompanying its owner during long walks, for this it has enough activity and endurance. In general, you can take your baby out into nature, jogging, or traveling. These animals tolerate transportation well and will be happy to be close to their family.

Russian colored lapdogs are highly intelligent; they pick up on people's moods and intuitively understand how to behave. Single people or elderly couples can get a puppy of this breed - the dog will become a wonderful friend - gentle and affectionate.

The dog becomes very attached to his family members and experiences separation acutely. Naturally, he loves his owner and household members and needs reciprocal feelings.

Some miniature dogs are not suitable for large, noisy families, but this is not the case with lapdogs. Such a pet will be happy to become part of such a community, especially since he loves communication, children, affection and is not averse to being in the center of events.

If you leave your pet alone for a long time, he will become sad and may even begin to harm - not out of malice, just to drown out the melancholy. Often, a long absence of communication leads to animal diseases of a psychosomatic nature.

Like other decorative pets designed to be companions, Russian lapdogs have a playful, gentle character and are friendly towards people. They are very attached to humans, but unobtrusive. If the owner is not in the mood for communication, the dog will calmly sit nearby, but will not bother or distract.

Education and training

Decorative dogs most often do not need special training, but the pet still needs to be raised - the dog must know its place in the family and be able to ask to go outside. The owner should allocate an area for resting, feeding and introduce the pet to them.

The lapdog cannot be called a quiet animal; the spirit of a protector often awakens in it, and it begins to bark at everything that seems dangerous to it or poses a threat. Therefore, the pet should be made to understand that barking is not serious reasons is bad form, as is damaging any property, be it wallpaper or the owner's slippers.

Being alone, the dog can allow himself too much, causing a real mess. Such behavior should under no circumstances be encouraged, as it may become the norm. Of course, we are not talking about severe punishments with physical violence, but it would not be superfluous to convey a message in a strict tone. The lapdog is a smart animal; it will immediately understand its mistakes and will try not to relax in this way again.

How to care for a lapdog

Caring for a lapdog is quite simple and does not require special knowledge and skills. The dog practically does not shed and does not have a specific dog smell, which can be attributed to the advantages of this breed. It is enough to comb the fur of such a pet once every 2-3 days. If you choose the right brush, the procedure will be a pleasant pastime for both the dog and the owner.

Bath your lapdog once every 2-3 weeks; if you do this more often, the condition of the coat and skin can worsen significantly. You should use special detergents, suitable for of this type wool Exhibition animals should additionally purchase conditioners, balms, waxes, etc.

Experts advise first wrapping your pet in a towel to remove excess moisture, and then drying it with a hairdryer. The fur of lapdogs creates very long bangs, which are recommended to be pulled back into a ponytail with an elastic band. This gives the pet’s appearance a certain chic, and allows owners to purchase various cute accessories for their four-legged friend.

The owner should pay special attention to the dog’s eyes - they must be regularly examined and wiped with a cotton pad soaked in chamomile infusion or antiseptic liquid. Don't forget about the mandatory hygiene procedures, which all dogs need:

  • cleaning the ears - use a cotton pad to remove dirt and excess wax;
  • teeth brushing – carried out 2-3 times a week, using special remedy and a brush;
  • trimming nails - use a nail clipper; it is enough to do this once every 1-2 months.

At proper care the dog will be cheerful and healthy, infecting the owner with positivity.

Breed diseases

On average, representatives of the breed live 10-12 years. Considering that both pedigree dogs and mixed breeds were used to develop the breed, it is not surprising that Russian colored lapdogs are practically not susceptible to hereditary diseases and genetic disorders.

But, like other dogs, they can develop dangerous canine diseases such as canine distemper or rabies. Therefore, these small pets should be vaccinated against various viral and bacterial infections and undergo regular veterinary examinations with your pet.

Features of feeding

Good nutrition is the key to a long and healthy life, therefore this aspect should be given special attention. It doesn’t matter whether the owner chooses to feed natural food or commercial feed, the food must be nutritious and balanced. It is advisable to select a suitable dry diet from super or super-premium brands, always taking into account the age and size of the pet.

If the owner prepares a pet’s menu from natural products, then it is important to know that the main food for dogs is meat and offal; they make up up to 75% of the total portion. The rest consists of fish, cereals, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products. They love lapdogs very much quail eggs, but they are given no more than 2 times a week and no more than 2 pieces at a time.

Puppies are fed often - 5-6 times, gradually reducing the number of meals. For adult pets, it is enough to give food twice a day - in the morning and evening. After a meal, you should not immediately take your dog outside; it is important to give him 30-40 minutes to rest.

If their owners behave incorrectly, these cuties turn into masterful beggars. You cannot treat the dog from your table and warn guests that the dog with a plaintive, pleading look is not at all hungry. All lap dogs, including Russian Coloreds, should not be given foods containing chocolate, as it is a strong allergen.

Representatives of this breed are exclusively indoor pets, intended to live next to humans. Don't rely on natural health pet and place its bed in a place with drafts or near the entrance doors.

The lap dogs are walked 2-3 times a day, and owners also have the opportunity to train their miniature friend to use the litter box. But even if the dog relieves himself at home, you should not deprive him of walks - an important moment of socialization. He must waste his energy, communicate with his brothers and other people.

Photo of Russian colored lapdog

Video about the Russian colored lapdog

Where to buy a puppy

The Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog has mass positive qualities, however, the breed is not very common, and if you want to buy such a pet, problems may arise. Nurseries engaged in breeding Russian colored lapdogs:

  • "Denlin", Moscow
  • "Elmirada", Moscow

It is best to seek help from a nursery that breeds this breed. You should be more careful - if the seller offers puppies of several dozen breeds, then most likely we're talking about about a commercial enterprise interested solely in profit, and not in the quality of offspring.

The second option is a private breeder; preference should be given to experienced people who know all the nuances of the breed and have a good reputation. When purchasing a puppy at a bird market or from a random seller, a person risks best case scenario, get a mestizo, at worst - a sick animal with deviations.

It’s worth visiting the seller, personally assessing the living conditions of the animals, and looking at the baby’s parents. Professional breeders take seriously the culling of individuals unsuitable for mating, this increases the chances of obtaining healthy, strong offspring. If mom or dad has any defect, then in most cases it is passed on to the puppies.

A lapdog is not a guard, watchman or hunter, this dog is for the soul, so when choosing, you should be guided by your own feelings. Often the owner recognizes “his” pet at first sight. However, if the owner intends for the pet to have a subsequent exhibition career, it is very important that the dog meets the standard requirements and does not have even the slightest deviations. In this case, it is worth considering show-class individuals.

The cost of puppies varies significantly: for a baby without documents you will have to pay from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles; with a pedigree, the price can be much higher.

Nice, kind, funny - Russian colored lapdogs captivate at first sight. And the fact that the breed is rare makes it even more interesting. But it’s worth buying such a small dog just to love, groom and cherish him.

Brief characteristics of the Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog breed

  • Other possible dog names: Colored lap dog, Bolonka Zwetna.
  • Height adult dog: should not exceed 26 cm.
  • Weight: 3-4 kg.
  • Characteristic color: anything other than pure white or spotted: the color of the dog's coat must be colored - hence the name of the breed. Small white markings on the chest or toes are acceptable.
  • Wool length: long, dense, with good undercoat, thick and shiny, perhaps wavy or with large curls.
  • Lifespan: lives at least 15 years.
  • Advantages of the breed: A long-lived dog, maintain clarity of thought and passion until old age, which is an undoubted advantage of this breed. In addition, she easily makes friends with every family member.
  • Difficulties of the breed: caring for the animal's fur, as well as the possibility of eye diseases due to long bangs.
  • What is the price: 450-500 dollars.

The history of the origin of the colored lapdog

The history of the flower, as they are affectionately called by breeders, began in the 50s of the twentieth century in Leningrad, when sections of decorative dogs began to appear in kennel clubs in the Soviet Union. Cynologists and enthusiasts decided to bring new breed miniature dogs. Certain representatives of other dog breeds were selected: the blood flows in the veins of the Russian Tsvetnoy lapdog, the Lhasa Apso,. Thanks to the crossing of these breeds, the first representatives of this breed appeared.

The breed standard was formed in 1964, and in 1966 the breed was approved by the Kennel Council.

Now Tsvetik may be less popular than or, but it has long been known even outside home country– in the Czech Republic, Germany and other countries.

The Russian colored lapdog was bred as decorative companion dog, she can perfectly brighten up loneliness.

She is a rare representative of successful selection in Russian cynology, when a lively mind, moderate activity and a cheerful disposition are combined extremely successfully in one face, and its endurance, despite its tiny size, will allow you not only to keep it “on the sofa”, but also participate with her in various competitions.

A colored lapdog can become not only a decoration for your apartment and interior, but also decoration of your life.

The Russian Tsvetnaya lapdog is a cheerful and cheerful dog that gets along well with all family members: both adults and children. She has a very affectionate and peaceful character. At the same time, the lapdog is quite courageous, brave and decisive, which makes it, although small, a brave defender of its owners.

With other pets the colored lapdog gets along well, so those who have a cat or a bird at home can safely get one.

A sharp mind will allow teach your dog different tricks, which you can proudly show off to your guests and friends.

Video review of the colored lapdog breed

In the next video, prepared as part of the “Planet of Dogs” program, the presenter will tell you about the characteristics of the Russian colored lapdog, about her character, origin story. The video will also talk about how to care for a dog’s fur.

Before you decide to buy a puppy of this charming Russian colored lapdog, it is best to first get acquainted with her talk to breeders or at an exhibition.

The exhibition is perhaps the best option for the first acquaintance with Russian colored lapdogs - here you can not only get a certain idea about the breed, but also take a closer look at the dogs and choose those from whom you would like to get a puppy.

Think about it why do you need a dog?: if you are buying a dog “for the sofa”, then choose a pet-class puppy at the age of 2-3 months - they are cheaper. And if you want to win at shows, then you need a show-class baby - as a rule, they are much more expensive and are sold no earlier than they reach the age of 6-7 months (at this age it is already clear whether the dog will be able to shine at shows).

Choosing a puppy meet his parents, talk to the puppies, watch them and choose one who looks healthy, cheerful, active, and is not afraid of you.

And as for age, then there is nothing wrong if you buy a grown-up puppy - you can become good friends with a dog at any age. The only negative is that you will not enjoy the childhood of a dog baby, and this is the most interesting period of an animal’s life.

Nicknames for colored lap dogs

What to name the puppy? This is one of the most difficult questions for the new owner of a cute little bundle. Choose a nickname so that it is easy and convenient for you to pronounce it, avoid a large number of syllables and sibilants in the name. The nickname should be sonorous and pronounced quickly.

Nicknames for males: Rich, Mickey, Shah, Ray, Dream.

Nicknames for bitches: Sherry, Mary, Pippi, Lady, Dame.

Such a gentle creature as a lapdog must be kept in the apartment. Although these dogs have excellent health, the baby should not be placed near the front door or where there are drafts.

Walk the dog needs at least 2-3 times a day, and its small sizes will allow her to be toilet trained at home - . But even if the dog goes about “business” at home, it needs to be walked every day - it must communicate with other dogs and see the world around it.

Although the flower has long, luxurious hair, it does not require categorically difficult care: to avoid tangles, a dog needs to be combed with a special comb several times a week, and sometimes wash with special shampoos for long-haired dogs.

Tsvetik is the dog for whom communication with a person is happiness. She is very sociable, and her intelligence will make it easy to teach her funny and interesting circus tricks, practice agility or freestyle with her. Colored lap dog requires gentle training without harsh punishments, the best results are achieved after turning activities into a fun game.

The baby is raised from the very first day he appears in your home - start with: “Ugh”, “Come to me!”, “Place”, also let the puppy learn to fetch the ball.

Pros and cons of the colored lapdog breed

The Russian colored lapdog is one of the few dogs that can be called ideal.

Advantages: does not shed, has excellent health, is smart, unpretentious in food, long-lived, sociable, cheerful and loves to play.

Flaws: requires combing, eye diseases may occur.

The Maltese, or Maltese, looks great in this role, its behavior and beauty are winning admirers all over the world. Even at large canine exhibitions, where great amount all kinds of breeds Maltese always attracts attention– these snow-white dogs look so luxurious, elegant and confident. It is impossible to tell everything about the breed in one article, so read a large series of articles about Maltese on our website.

History of the breed

Since the history of the Maltese breed is rooted in the deep past, there is no reliable information about its origin. Thanks to ancient excavations, scientists have found that dogs similar in appearance to modern Maltese dogs existed before our era.

This is evidenced by figurines and wall paintings of miniature dogs with long hair, discovered in the Mediterranean burials of wealthy citizens and kings. It is believed that the age of the Maltese is close to the age of the Molossians, recognized as the progenitors of many that have disappeared and are still existing breeds dogs.

The opinion about the origin of dogs on the Mediterranean island of Malta cannot be considered the only correct one, although the breed is called the Maltese. The version about the origin of the breed on the island of Meleda (Croatian - Mljet, Latin - Melita) in the Adriatic Sea has a right to exist.

As it were, beautiful dogs gradually appeared in different countries. But they were not suitable for hunting, searching, guarding, fighting, that is, they did not perform any official functions, which means that ordinary townspeople, and especially peasants, had no need to have them. They were kept only by wealthy people who spared no expense on their amusements - so Maltese has become a symbol of luxury, wealth and good taste..

Snow-white puppies were presented as gifts to kings, queens, aristocrats and high clergy, and were exchanged for expensive goods or privileges. For example, it is known that a long-haired lapdog lived with one of the bishops of Malta, Queen Victoria of England, and the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart was accompanied by a dog of the Maltese breed to the place of execution.

A limited number of livestock and “greenhouse” living conditions contributed to the preservation of the original qualities of the breed almost unchanged. There are only slight differences between the American and European breed standards; they have arisen as a result of separate breeding in America over the past decades.

Useful video

Watch a very interesting video that will tell you very succinctly and clearly about this beautiful breed.


The main difference between the two standards, European and American, concerns the weight of dogs.. Thus, the European (read – international, classical) standard speaks of a limit of 3–4 kg, while the American one insists on an acceptable weight of only 1.8–2.7 kg.

In all countries except America, the data of the European standard, that is, the International Canine Federation (FCI), is recognized. According to their version of the sizes, the height of males should be within the range of 21–25 cm, for females these limits are 2 cm lower.

Age (weeks) Dog's current weight (grams)
At birth 99 113 120 127 142 156 170 184
Week 1 156 184 198 226 255 269 290 311
Week 2 198 255 283 311 354 382 410 453
Week 3 255 311 368 396 452 495 524 566
Week 4 311 368 425 481 538 594 651 679
Week 5 368 425 481 552 623 679 736 821
Week 6 425 495 566 623 736 764 849 906
Week 7 481 552 623 693 764 849 934 991
Week 8 538 608 679 764 821 934 1019 1103
Week 9 566 651 736 821 906 991 1103 1189
Week 10 623 708 792 877 962 1075 1160 1274
Week 11 679 764 877 962 1047 1132 1274 1387
Week 12 736 849 934 1047 1160 1274 1387 1450
Week 13 792 906 1019 1132 1245 1387 1450 1613
Week 14 849 962 1104 1217 1330 1472 1585 1698
Week 15 906 1047 1160 1302 1443 1585 1726 1840
Week 16 962 1104 1245 1387 1528 1670 1840 1981
Week 17 1019 1160 1302 1443 1613 1755 1896 2038
Week 18 1047 1217 1358 1528 1698 1840 2009 2151
Week 19 1104 1245 1415 1585 1755 1896 2038 2179
Week 20 1160 1302 1472 1641 1528 1981 2151 2292
Week 21 1189 1358 1528 1698 1868 2038 2207 2377
Week 22 1217 1387 1585 1755 1924 2094 2264 2434
Week 23 1245 1415 1613 1811 1981 2151 2320 2490
Week 24 1274 1443 1641 1840 2009 2207 2377 2547
Week 25 1302 1472 1670 1868 2038 2236 2434 2632
Week 26 1330 1450 1698 1896 2066 2264 2462 2660
Adult dog 1588 1814 2041 2268 2495 2722 2948 3175
Few Norm A lot of

Show breed standards

According to the FCI classification, the Maltese breed, like the Maltese, belongs to group 9 “Ornamental and companion dogs”.

The body is moderately elongated, the flowing hair hides all the contours of the body. The back is straight, the croup is slightly lowered towards the hips.

The withers are not clearly defined, the neck is straight. The sternum is spacious, reaching the line of the elbows. The limbs are well developed, with flexible joints and moderate muscles. The paw pads are black, the claws are dark (preferably black). The tail is saber-shaped, curved upward, touching the back, thinned towards the end.

The skin of lapdogs is without folds; spots of pigment are allowed. Lips are black and dry. The teeth are straight, white, without gaps. The nose is black and small. Eyelids black. The eyes are rich brown, with a rounded cut. The ears are triangular with rounded tips, semi-erect; in a calm state they are pressed to the head, in an excited state they are raised and directed forward.

Description and characteristics of the breed

When describing the Maltese, the first thing that comes to mind is a comparison with a toy, a snowflake. The long-haired, mature dog is graceful, noble and very attractive.

Like the other white dog, The Maltese has no undercoat, so the risk of allergies to this dog is minimal. Still, given the diversity allergic reactions on animals (this may be an allergy to urine, to skin discharge) before purchasing a dog for a family with allergies, breeders recommend. This will help avoid a difficult separation from your pet in the event of allergic reactions in family members, especially.

If there are children in the family, then it is necessary to teach them how to handle the dog carefully. The Maltese does not attack members of its family, but children can carelessly injure a small dog.

Coat type and color

The Maltese's body is completely covered with long flowing hair, like a cloak. In show dogs, the fur reaches to the tips of the paws, completely covering them. The coat should be smooth, long, silky, heavy, and its structure should be dense. There is no undercoat, the outer hair lies flat, without curling. Only on the lower part of the paws is the fur allowed to be slightly ruffled or wavy. The hair on the head and face also grows long.

In the summer, dogs that walk on asphalt, on which their claws wear off a little, are spared from this procedure. If you notice problems with the eyes (redness, watery eyes, frequent blinking), you should immediately contact a veterinarian. In addition to serious health consequences, diseased eyes look unsightly: flowing tears turn the fur on the cheeks brownish.

To keep dogs' teeth clean, they buy hygienic treats that not only scratch their teeth, but also remove plaque from them. When tartar appears, you will have to remove it chemically or mechanically in a veterinary hospital, otherwise caries will quickly develop under the stone, and then it’s not far off.

In cold regions of the country, many decorative dogs are acquired. So, to keep their long hair clean and dry, show dogs walk, some in boots.

When spring comes, lap dogs are treated. It comes in the form of drops or special collars soaked in chemicals.


The method is determined by the owner, taking into account his financial capabilities, the preferences of the dog and the recommendations of the veterinarian. Natural nutrition costs less than quality feed industrial production, but it takes time to prepare. If the food is of average or low quality, and there is no opportunity to provide natural food, then it is necessary to add vitamin complexes to the diet.

Bolonka (from the Italian town of Bologna) - a group of breeds dwarf dogs with a length at the withers equal to its height, 15-30 cm. It is distinguished from other dogs, as a rule, by its white fur: long, silky and thick.

Historically, lap dogs, due to their sophistication, are loved by beautiful ladies. This dog has a cheerful and friendly disposition, ready to brighten up loneliness and delight its owner. You can always take her on any trip or to a buffet party - she is a wonderful companion and gets along great with children.

The lapdogs are active, unpretentious eaters, eat a lot, but require regular care behind six, which must be treated with special brushes and combs. This dog can only be kept indoors.

Coton de Tulear;

This breed of lapdogs is simply created for indoor living conditions. Sometimes he barks and makes a lot of noise, but he will be an excellent companion and suitable for a small or large family, including children.

The Bichon is related to the Poodle and is descended from the Barbet Water Spaniel. Spanish sailors brought it to Italy in the early 14th century for the aristocracy, among whom it was fashionable to cut such dogs like a lion.

  • That's why long time in catalogs they were listed as “lion dogs”, or Bichon Lyons. In the Canaries they were called the Tenerife breed. The standard was approved in 1933. Currently, puppies of this breed are not very common in Russia.

The breed standard is a height at the withers of 25-26 cm and a weight of 2-3 kg. The fur covers the entire body and tail, it is fluffy, soft, pure white - the Bichon looks like a plush toy. Sometimes puppies and dogs may have apricot-colored spots on their coats before they reach 19 months of age. Hanging ears, a scissor bite, a tail thrown behind the back - this is what a Bichon looks like.

The character of dogs of this breed is joyful and playful. They have good manners and noble. Behavior is most often cheerful and loving.

  • Barking is pleasant and does not hurt the ears. Bichons have excellent health.

Bologneses (or French lapdogs) are smart, obedient, intelligent dogs, ideal pets, devoted to their owner.

The Bolognese breed was the result of crossing lapdogs of various species. Their ancestors lived throughout all the countries of the Mediterranean coast.

They gained particular popularity several centuries ago in the Italian city of Bologna, which is the main reason for the name of the breed.

The European nobility showed interest in them, but with the progress historical events Bolognese's popularity was lost. Thanks to the efforts and perseverance of breeders, at the beginning of the 20th century the breed began to gain demand again, although at that time there were only about a dozen Bologneses left.

The breed standard was adopted in 1995. The dog's height is 20-30 cm at the withers, weight is 4.5-7 kg. The fur is white, silky, thick, covering the entire body and the high-set tail lying on the back. The furry ears are drooping, and the eyes are dark and extremely expressive. Black nose, eyelids and lips look impressive.

Bolognese is very charming and stylish. They are distrustful of to strangers, but they dote on the owner.

  • These dogs live a long time, on average 12-14 years, have excellent health and adapt to any conditions and life situations.

French lapdogs have a fairly high decorative dogs indicator of intelligence. They love attention and praise. These are the most contact dogs from the group of lapdogs.

Havanese Bichon

This is the national Cuban dog, with a soft and docile character, cheerful and inquisitive.

It is believed that this breed was the result of crossing a Bolneza and maltese dog. She was very popular among Cuban aristocrats, but over time she lost her weight in society and practically disappeared. American fans Havanese Bichons did not allow this breed to disappear. Dogs were brought to Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, where they gained popularity.

The breed standard is a height of 23-27 cm at the withers and a weight of 3-5.5 kg. The coat is long and soft and can be of any color. The tail is set high, the ears covered with thick hair are located far from each other.

There are important proportions adopted for Havanese Bichons: 4/3 (body length to withers height) and 3/7 (head length to body length), and the distance from the tip to the base of the nose should be equal to the length from the base of the nose to the occipital protuberance.

These dogs have an open character. Oddly enough, they are easy to train and train to perform guard duty.

  • The Havanese Bichon is fearless and determined, but only when his best friend, a human, is nearby. It is difficult to endure periods of separation from the owner.

He can play with children endlessly and take part in all sorts of pranks and pranks. These dogs live a long time, on average 14-15 years. There are risks of cataracts and dislocation kneecap, hip dysplasia.

Coton de Tulear

Rare breed dogs, almost never found in Russia. The white wool owes its name to its amazing softness, similar to cotton.

The breed was first recorded on the island of Madagascar. Only in the middle of the 20th century was it brought to Europe and immediately captured everyone’s attention.

The breed standard was adopted in 1970. Height 22-32 cm, weight 3.5-6 kg. The coat is white, straight and very long, the hanging ears are set high, the tail is long and raised.

How many dogs do you have?

  • 1 (42%, 601 Votes)
  • I’m just about to start one :) (33%, 469 Votes)
  • 2 (14%, 204 Votes)
  • 3 (4%, 58 Votes)
  • More than 5 (3%, 49 Votes)
  • 4 (2%, 24 Votes)
  • 5 (1%, 15 Votes)

It is possible that the hair on the body is slightly wavy and there are fawn spots around the ears. By nature, the dogs are very active and enterprising, they are easy to train.

  • They will feel great both in a spacious house and in a small apartment. They love long walks outside and enjoy performing tricks.

They coexist well with the children of their owners, but are wary of strangers, may burst into loud barking. They live a long time, about 15 years, and have good health.

They are easy to care for, but require regular care for their coat (daily brushing and bathing at least twice a month).

A Coton de Tulear puppy is expensive (about 1,300 euros on average), but this price is determined by the fact that, as a rule, no more than 3 puppies are born in a litter of a dog of this breed.

Small lion dog (levchen)

It got its name because of the traditional haircut, which makes the dog look like a small lion with a lush mane.
Before the king and pugs came into fashion, the Lewchen was common among high-ranking ladies. Artists have painted these dogs on their canvases since the 14th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, the lion dog lost its relevance and was absorbed by other types of lapdogs, turning it into street dogs for plebeians.

After World War II, the breed was revived, but remained so rare that in 1960 it was listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

  • The breed standard was established in 1961. The dog's height is 26-32 cm, weight is about 6 kg. Important has a head shape that influences the contours of a dog like a lion.
  • The coat is long, wavy (but not curly and should not hide the silhouette), can be of any color (except for all shades of brown), the most valuable are black, white and fawn colored levchens.

The ears are drooping and covered with hair, the muzzle is short, the eyes are dark and large, the head is wide in the skull. The tail only slightly touches the back with the tip, is set relatively low and is a semicircle. The most important thing is that the levchen looks like a miniature lion.

Like all lap dogs, the lion dog has a cheerful disposition and excellent obedience. She will be affectionate with her owner and his family members; she is always happy to be present in all areas of a person’s life. The Levkhenovs are distinguished by their courage and intelligent, attentive gaze.

Also known as Maltese. These are sensitive and gentle dogs with a good-natured character and dazzling white coat.

The origin of the breed is not precisely known. Experts have suggestions that the Maltese is related to the toy poodle and the small spaniel. It is believed that the breed originated on the island of Meleda at the beginning of our era and began to bear the name “Melita”, and since the island of Malta had the same name, the dogs began to be mistakenly called Maltese lapdogs from the 16th century.

An important proportion for the Maltese is the ratio of the length of the body to the height at the withers (3 to 1) and the length of the head to half the height at the withers (1 to 2). Height at the withers is 20-25 cm, weight – 3-4 kg. The coat, which requires regular careful grooming, is dazzling white, but the standards allow a slight shade of ivory.

Puppies have soft and fluffy fur, while adult dogs have long and elegant fur. The ears are set high and close to the head. The muzzle is funny due to the shape of the nose, prominent forehead and large dark brown eyes.

The tail is arched, set high, thinning from base to tip and touching the middle of the croup (may be slightly turned to one side). The length of the body is visually much more height at the withers.

  • The Maltese is easy to learn various commands. He loves outdoor games, where he happily jumps and runs quickly. A very curious and inventive dog. He loves to have fun and will easily turn an apartment into an attraction for his entertainment. Needs games with the owner and constant exercise.

Life expectancy is on average 12-15 years. There are risks of eye diseases, hypoglycemia, and damage to the oral cavity (gums and teeth). It is necessary to feed such a dog with the obligatory inclusion of dry food in the diet to prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders. There are known cases of bronchial asthma.

This breed of dog of Russian origin is not recognized by the International Canine Federation.

The history of the appearance of the breed is connected with the end of the Great Patriotic War, at which time these, most likely, outbred dogs with soft silky hair and a presentable appearance were brought to Leningrad.

In the early 50s, the Russian colored lapdog was recognized by the Leningrad section of decorative dog breeding. White puppies were rejected, so we managed to achieve a rich dark color.

The dog's height ranges between 20 and 24 cm. The weight is very small, about 1.5 kg. Wool in eye-catching colors, most often brown, black, gray or beige, White color is strictly unacceptable.

The undercoat is well developed, coat long and of varying degrees of curl, should be the same length throughout the dog’s body. The ears are set high on the head, small and proportional to its size. The eyes, with eyelids colored to match the fur, are round and small. The tail is small and curled straight or slightly to the side, with the tip lying close to the back.

Despite its miniature size, this lapdog has great endurance: it can easily withstand long walks and even multi-day hikes.

Is different high level intelligence and quick wits, he can easily learn to carry out commands to the delight of guests who come to the house.

Suitable for large families with children and single people of any age. She loves games and entertainment, is incredibly devoted to her owners, which is why she can even get sick if she is left alone at home for a long time. She always senses a person’s mood and will not be intrusive in moments of sadness.

  • This type of lapdog is not susceptible to disease. The coat does not require special care; it is enough to bathe the dog once or twice a month and comb it once a week. The exception is pets purchased for exhibitions and competitions. It is odorless and does not shed.


Do not forget that by purchasing a dog with documents, you will provide yourself with a guarantee of the pet’s health, good heredity, constant support and tips from the breeders. Don't be upset if the valuable one seems expensive to you.

  • Think about the fact that you are acquiring a friend and protector, a family member; if for financial reasons you cannot afford a club dog, do not be upset, you can always negotiate with the breeders and take the puppy in installments.

The history of the origin of the Maltese lapdog is full of hypotheses and assumptions and almost not a single reliable fact. According to experts, the glorious Maltese family is more than two thousand years old, and it’s not hard to believe, since the first images of big-eyed fluffies can be found in the drawings of the ancient Egyptians. As for the name of the breed, the lapdogs owe it to a geographical error.

At first, the animals were called Melites - in honor of the island of Meleda in the Adriatic Sea. However, this piece of land had a “twin brother” - today’s Malta, also called Meleda. At that time, there was simply no one to record the difference between these two islands, so they preferred to forget about it. Later, the Melite was renamed the Maltese, without paying attention to the fact that the real homeland of the animals was not Malta.

More early history The breed is no less controversial. In the debate about how the ancestors of the Melites reached the Adriatic coast, scientists reach the point of absurdity. Some experts attribute to lapdogs a relationship with the Tibetan terrier and travel across Silk Road from Asia to Europe. Scientists prefer not to mention that the above-mentioned route was not popular two thousand years ago. The version about the Swiss roots of the Maltese looks relatively plausible: in ancient times, the inhabitants of the Swiss Alps actually bred Spitz-shaped dogs that looked similar to today's lapdogs. Some researchers are trying to fit Melit poodles that lived on the islands of the Adriatic Sea into the pedigree, although these two breeds have nothing in common.

The popularity of Maltese dogs flourished during the Middle Ages. Most of all, France and Italy were in awe of glamorous pets. The Maltese fashion reached the shores of Foggy Albion only in the 16th century, and even later to America.

Famous owners of Maltese dogs:

  • Susan Sarandon
  • Patricia Kaas,
  • Elvis Presley,
  • Barack Obama,
  • Elizabeth Taylor,
  • Alla Pugacheva,
  • Cindy Crawford.

Video: Maltese

Appearance of Maltese

The breed characteristics of Maltese dogs are fixed by the standards of three cynological associations. For example, domestic breeders trust the standard of the International Canine Federation (FCI) more. In England, they prefer the set of characteristics approved by the UK Nursery (KC). The fluffies living on the other side of the Atlantic have their own standard, developed by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

For your information: American Maltese are very different from their European relatives. Transoceanic lapdogs weigh less (ideally up to 2.7 kg), their coat is much shorter, and their muzzle is slightly narrower than allowed by the FCI standard.

A separate caste consists of the so-called mini Maltese and baby-face Maltese. In the first case, these are miniature individuals weighing from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, which are more common among “Americans”. Babyface puppies are born to both American and European lapdogs. Their distinctive feature is a shortened muzzle, giving the dog a touching, deliberately childish appearance. Such animals are not allowed at exhibition events, but among Maltese lovers they are in high demand precisely because of their “photogenicity.”


The Maltese skull is ovoid, of medium size (mesocephalic gradation), with well-developed brow ridges. Rear end The head is flat, with a barely noticeable occipital protuberance. The parietal area is slightly convex, the line of the forehead is parallel to the line of the muzzle. The median groove is almost invisible.

The Maltese's muzzle accounts for ⅓ of the length of the entire head. As it moves away from the base, the muzzle gradually narrows and its tip becomes rounded. There is a pronounced stop between the forehead and nose (about 90°).


The nose is straight, covered with long hair reaching lower jaw. The lobe is large, moist, with well-opened nostrils. In individuals that meet the standard, the lobe is black, not slanted and does not protrude beyond the bridge of the nose.


The upper lip resembles a semicircle in outline and hangs slightly over the lower one. The Maltese's lips are black and covered with fur.

Teeth and jaws

The jaws are well developed, but not massive. The bite is complete, scissor-shaped, the teeth are strong and white.


The purebred Maltese has large, round and slightly protruding eyes. The ideal iris shade is dark ocher. Eyelids with black edging, tightly fitting. The look is lively and open.


Hanging type, close to the muzzle, in the shape of a triangle with a wide base. Standing tall. The fur on the outside of the ear is thick, reaching to the shoulders. When excited, the ears may rise slightly.


Hiding underneath abundant hair and is held almost vertically. The length of the neck is approximately equal to the length of the head.


Deep rib cage with moderately curved ribs. The withers are not clearly expressed, the loin is smooth and strong. Groin areas located quite low and slightly tucked up. The Maltese's croup is wide, even, with a slight slope in the tail area.


The front legs of the Maltese are straight. The shoulder blades are movable, set at an angle of 60-65°. The shoulders are longer than the shoulder blades, inclined at an angle of 70°. Elbows pressed tightly to the body, looking straight. Turning the elbow outward or inward is considered unacceptable. There are rich featherings on the back of the forearms. The pasterns are almost vertical and strong. The paws are round, abundantly hairy, with black pads. Long hair grows between arched, balled toes.

The hind legs are straight. The hips are dense, prominent, slightly tilted forward. The legs are bony, the hock joints are normal with an angle of 140°. When viewed from behind, an imaginary line drawn from the hock to the floor should be vertical.


The Maltese's tail is a logical continuation of the dog's croup. In a calm state, it is gracefully curved and the tip touches the back (sometimes the standard allows for a slight deviation of the tail to the side). The tail is covered with soft hair that hangs over one side of the body. Ideally, the dewlap of the tail should reach the hock joints and, mixing with the hair on the body, form a lush cascade.


Light, straight, flowing like a mantle. The undercoat is weakly expressed and almost invisible. In purebred lapdogs, the hair has a silky texture and is thick. The normal length of a Maltese coat is 20 cm or more. The coat should be smooth, outlining the contours of the body. The presence of protruding tufts of hair and so-called fringes is unacceptable. Exception - backside front and hind limbs. Here combs have a right to exist.


The standard color of Maltese dogs is white. Not ideal, but an acceptable color option is ivory. Individuals whose coat has a pale orange tone are considered defective and are not included in exhibition events.

An interesting fact: until the beginning of the 20th century, most cynological associations allowed variability in Maltese colors. It was only by 1913 that a unified breed standard was approved, recognizing only individuals with white hair as purebreds.

Defects and vices of the breed

It is customary to classify as defects in appearance everything that does not fit into the framework of the breed standard. Deviations can be either mild, such as wrinkles on the head or a narrow croup, or serious, affecting the pet’s exhibition “career”. The main defects that threaten a Maltese dog with complete disqualification:

  • disproportionate head;
  • depigmented nose;
  • bend of the back of the nose;
  • severe undershot or overshot;
  • eyes of different shades;
  • pink eyelids;
  • cryptorchidism (improper placement of the testicle);
  • short tail;
  • markings on fur.

Incorrect movements of the dog can also be a reason for disqualification. This is especially true for lap dogs with a Pekingese gait (amble), which do not push off from a horizontal surface, but simply rearrange their limbs. A healthy dog ​​should move at a fast trot. Representatives of this breed have a short and energetic stride, so a Maltese rushing about its business resembles a rolling ball.

Photo of an adult Maltese

Personality of the Maltese

The Maltese is a perky fidget that just needs to stay in the thick of things and keep abreast of all the news. Moderately friendly, but at the same time confident in their own exclusivity, Maltese will never conflict with pets. In dogs of other breeds, these energetic fluffies see, if not friends, then at least playmates with whom they can run and play around to their heart's content. But lap dogs do not intend to share their master’s attention with any living creature. As soon as the owner of a Maltese pets another animal, a little jealous person awakens in his pet, capable of any meanness towards his opponent.

Despite the fact that the Maltese breed is usually considered as a family breed, bringing an animal into a house where there are small children is, at the very least, unwise. Of course, the Maltese has a peaceful disposition, but his patience is by no means unlimited. Dogs have rather strained relationships with strangers. For a Maltese, any unfamiliar person is a potential enemy who should be frightened in advance and properly. Usually, the owner learns about the arrival of an unwanted (from the dog’s point of view) guest by the pet’s choking bark. In this way, lap dogs show their wariness and suspicion towards a stranger.

White and fluffy on the outside, the Maltese, unfortunately, does not always remain so on the inside. Basic negative trait The nature of lapdogs is considered to be stubbornness. If the dog finds the training useless, it will be difficult to convince him otherwise. Another dark side of the breed is the fear of loneliness. If you are used to leaving your pet alone for more than an hour, get ready to accept the chaos in your apartment as a given. Once in stressful situation, the dog will try to cope with the phobia in its own way, that is, chewing wires, scratching shoes and making puddles wherever possible. Otherwise, the ex-Melitas are quite good-natured and flexible creatures. They just need a little more affection and attention than representatives of other decorative breeds.

Training and education

Don't give in to the Maltese's natural charm and don't neglect your dog's training. Lapdogs, whose whims are constantly indulged, quickly acquire a “crown” and begin to become openly impudent. It is better to teach snow-white pets the basics of etiquette from the very first months of life, and you should not expect great obedience from representatives of this breed. Yes, Maltese are quite smart dogs, but discipline is clearly not their strong point.

Maltese dogs are raised using positive reinforcement: the pet must understand that at the end of the training process it will definitely receive a treat. In this case, it is useless to put pressure on the dog’s conscience. The absence of a tasty reward at the end of the “lesson” is regarded by the animal as deception, so next time the Maltese will simply ignore your call to study.

It is very important to develop the correct reaction in the puppy to the command “Come to me!” This is due to the fact that during walks without a leash, Maltese lap dogs go into “research mode”. The animal is constantly distracted by external factors: it disappears into the bushes in search of the source of an unusual smell, looks into abandoned buildings, and so on. In such situations, the command “Come to me!”, pronounced in a stern tone that does not tolerate objections, - the only way bring your pet back to reality.

Important: Maltese puppies under three months should never be punished. The exception is extremely stubborn individuals who do not respond to prohibitions, as well as demonstratively and systematically violating them.

There is no point in getting involved in serious training of a Maltese. This decorative breed, intended more for decorating the interior and creating home comfort than for routine service. The only thing that needs to be worked on is the dance and acrobatic performances, which are truly funny in Maltese dogs. But keep in mind that learning one simple dance can take weeks, or even months, so be patient and have a bag of treats in advance to stimulate the four-legged artist.

Due to their miniature build, Maltese dogs feel free and comfortable even in small apartments. Equip your dog with a secluded corner with a bed away from drafts and sunlight, and he will be immensely happy. Maltese puppies have fragile bones, so they need to be handled as carefully as possible. In addition, restless furries love to stick their noses into the most unexpected places in the apartment, which is why it is easy to step on them. The best way to protect the baby from accidental injuries in the first months of life - fence off his habitat with a small enclosure where you can place a toilet.

Things your Maltese will need:

  • bed or house;
  • combs for combing;
  • nail clipper;
  • squeaky toys (Maltese love them);
  • leash with collar or harness;
  • ceramic or metal food bowl.


When it comes to walks, the Maltese is not picky and willingly contents itself with short outings “out into the world.” While the puppy is small, often take him out to places where other dogs (not strays) walk. So the process of socialization it will go faster. Usually, after several promenades, the baby stops seeing four-legged strangers as a threat and relaxes. By the way, finding both a puppy and an adult dog on fresh air It is worth dosing: Maltese are not designed for long journeys on foot and get tired quickly.

The average duration of a walk for an adult Maltese is 15-20 minutes. In cold weather and the off-season, pets are walked in clothes. So, getting ready for winter excursions, don’t be too lazy to go to stores that sell shoes and clothing for dogs.


The Maltese is a breed for perfectionists. And although lapdogs are known among breeders as neat and clean pets, their glamorous appearance is 99% the result of the owner’s work. Accordingly, if you are not ready to bother with daily combing and regularly visit the groomer, it is better not to buy a Maltese dog.

Animals are allowed to be washed once a week using shampoo and conditioner. After the “bath,” the wool is dried with a towel and a hairdryer, after which it is wound on curlers made of tissue paper. Such manipulations help protect hair from contamination and tangling, and also improve its structure. To prevent an overly excited animal from tearing off its curlers, you can put special socks on its hind legs.

To make the coat silky, breeders recommend using leave-in oils from a veterinary pharmacy, which must be applied immediately after washing. Another effective way to avoid tangles is a silk jumpsuit. The smooth fabric of the suit protects the Maltese's hair from creasing and tangling, thereby simplifying the process of caring for your pet.

The lapdog is brushed every day. First, the hair is separated by hand, paying special attention to the stomach and armpits - areas where the hair often gets tangled. Then the animal’s “fur coat” is sprinkled with talcum powder and a fine-toothed metal comb is passed over it. It is better to gather the long “bangs” on your pet’s head into a ponytail and secure it with an elastic band.

If your Maltese is not going to participate in exhibitions, you can cut his hair, which will save you a lot of time. In addition, it is necessary to regularly trim the hair between the toes, as well as around the toes. anus and dog genitals.

Maltese dogs have very sensitive eyes, which also often water, leaving unsightly dark grooves on the face. To prevent this process from evolving, excess natural mucus in the corners of the eyes is removed with a cotton swab. Some breeders recommend wiping lapdogs' eyelids with tea infusion or chamomile decoction, but this method also has opponents who claim that such homemade lotions are of very little use. In addition, due to too frequent use of herbal infusions, the hair around the dog’s eyes begins to fall out, which can become a reason for the disqualification of the animal from the exhibition.

Caring for the ears and teeth of a Maltese is no different from caring for any other purebred dog. The ears of lapdogs are examined once a week, removing dirt accumulated in them using lotion and a cotton swab. Teeth are brushed once every 7-14 days with a soft brush with veterinary paste applied to it. If your lapdog has tartar, contact your veterinarian who will solve the problem quickly and professionally. Pay attention to your dog's nails twice a month. The best option– remove excess plate with a nail clipper, then sand the remaining part of the claw with a nail file.


The Maltese dog can be fed natural food, but it can also be fed dry food. In any case, the main thing is not to overfeed, if you don’t want to one day find a hulking furball at home suffering from shortness of breath. Half natural diet dogs should be meat. The remaining 50% of the daily menu comes from cereals (rice, buckwheat), vegetables and fruits. Once a week, meat can be replaced with offal or boiled sea fish. Dairy products Maltese dogs should also be present in the diet. Several times a month, you can treat your pet to quail yolk mixed with vegetable oil. Another variety of delicacy that is useful in all respects is walnuts with a drop of natural honey.

How to feed: lap dogs are fed four times a day for up to six months. At 6 months, the number of meals is reduced to three. One-year-old dogs are completely transferred to two meals a day.

Like most other breeds, Maltese are extremely harmful to smoked foods, sweets, potatoes and legumes. It is recommended to include sharp cheeses, pickles and cabbage in the same list.

Dry food for Maltese dogs should be selected individually and preferably in the company of a veterinarian, since some industrial varieties of “drying” can provoke allergies in the dog. Your pet’s eyes, which begin to water excessively if the food is chosen incorrectly, will help you understand that it’s time to change the diet.

Maltese Health and Diseases

The most common ailment of Maltese dogs is eye diseases such as glaucoma, blocked tear ducts, retinal atrophy and distichiasis. In addition, the Maltese inherited a tendency to dermatitis and deafness from its ancestors. Often, hydrocephalus, hypoglycemia and heart disease are found in Maltese dogs, which are initial stages amenable drug treatment. But congenital subluxation of the patella can only be eliminated surgically, so before buying a puppy you should pay attention to the condition of its limbs.

How to choose a puppy

The first and main rule when choosing a Maltese puppy: the animal must fully comply with the breed standard. This means no discounts on malocclusion, “small” breasts and other defects. Carefully evaluate the condition of your future pet's coat. Since Maltese dogs have oily and dry skin types, the hair structure of each individual individual will be very different.

The most common buying mistake is choosing the fluffiest puppy from the litter. Of course, such animals look prettier than their fellow tribesmen, but too much wool for a Maltese is more of a disadvantage than an advantage. There is no need to be afraid of puppies with slightly wavy hair. With age, the animal's fur gains strength and straightens. At the same time, it is necessary to distinguish dogs with wavy fur coats from truly curly pets. Maltese puppies with pronounced curls of fur are a real Plembrak.

Photos of Maltese puppies

How much does a Maltese dog cost?

In domestic nurseries, a purebred Maltese puppy can be bought for 25,000 - 30,000 rubles. Individuals with an exotic appearance like mini Maltese and baby-face Maltese are much more expensive: on average from 35,000 to 45,000 rubles. You can buy a snow-white fluffy from your own hands for 10,000 - 15,000 rubles. The relatively low cost in the latter case is an indicator of the risk the buyer is taking. Not all puppies sold through virtual bulletin boards have a pure pedigree and fit within the breed standard.