Comb for the Maltese dog. Bolonka: description of the breed, care, photos of dogs

Maltese dogs, or Maltese dogs as they are also called, belong to the category of the oldest dog breeds bred by man. For more than several centuries, the Maltese has not lost its popularity and remains a universal favorite in every home. This small and cheerful dog was created to love and be loved.

Devoted friend

This is an ideal companion that will accompany its owner everywhere. Despite the small size of the Maltese, the Maltese dog has strong personal qualities - loyalty, kindness and intelligence. Thanks to his playful nature, a pet does not lose heart under any circumstances, lifting the mood of its owner. Despite its pampering, the little white doll or toy is very unpretentious and picky. However, the appearance of which attracts millions of glances requires complex and expensive care.

History of the breed

Scientists claim that these cute pets appeared in the 6th century. BC. Proof of such assumptions is an ancient Greek vase found during excavations, which is more than 2500 years old. It depicts a miniature dog that bears a striking resemblance to modern representatives of this breed.

The first mentions are found in ancient documents and primary sources, where the dogs were called Melitaie. They got this name from the ancient Greek (formerly Melitia). But it is impossible to say for sure about the Maltese origin of companion dogs. There is also a version about their Egyptian roots. There is evidence of this in the form of ancient written sources, where the Maltese is depicted in the everyday life of aristocrats. The Maltese dog most likely ended up in Malta only due to active trade between the countries of Europe and Africa.

Favorite of the Royals

It is an undeniable fact that these snow-white dogs were most valued in diplomatic and royal circles. They were more desirable than silk and precious stones. European countries first became acquainted with the cute Maltese thanks to Roman legionnaires and merchants, who brought everyone's favorites to Great Britain in 55 BC. Since then, the Maltese dog has been firmly rooted in the hearts of European aristocrats.

The Maltese is considered the oldest show breed, which has taken prizes for many years in a row. These incredibly beautiful dogs were first shown to the public in 1862 in London, and in 1877 in New York.

It was believed that the most purebred and beautiful representatives of this breed lived in France at the beginning of the 20th century. Therefore, the Queen of Scotland ordered dogs from this country. According to legend, a Maltese dog accompanied its owner until her death. After Mary was beheaded, a faithful Maltese was found under her skirt.

The Maltese was a favorite british queen Victoria. In 1841, a gift of two dogs was intended for the royal person. sea ​​travel from the Philippines, their wool was very tangled and dirty, so the captain did not dare to present a gift, but gave them to his brother. Having experience in keeping mastiffs, the breeder concentrated his attention on a new object. Subsequently, he managed to form several generations of Maltese, which became the founders of the British, European and American gene pool of these sociable and cheerful dogs.

Despite a long and rich history, modern world The snow-white Maltese continues to be the most beloved and desired breed.

Maltese: character and care

The Maltese is different from other dog breeds high level intelligence. Despite the low ability to learn and perceive commands, the Maltese has a good memory and excellent intelligence. A small and fluffy animal was created for love and performs a purely decorative function. Therefore, you should not overload your lapdog with excessive training.

The pet has good intuition and unmistakably senses the mood of its owner. Communication with a pet has a beneficial therapeutic and relaxing effect, since, in fact, the Maltese is the embodiment of goodness and positivity. Their behavior is based on soft and affectionate manners and an intelligent character.

Despite their small size, Maltese dogs are fearless and selfless. In case of the slightest threat, the animal will defend its owner to the last. This behavior is due to genetic predisposition and insane devotion to its owner. Any sudden or loud noise can trigger defensive reaction and cause a loud and impressive bark from the cute Maltese.


The Maltese is cheerful and energetic. She is characterized by curiosity and a passion for adventure. At its core, he is a restless optimist who energizes everyone around him. The dog is very sociable. She even treats strangers, the owner's guests and everyone who is positively minded with affection and kindness. Easy to find mutual language with other animals in the house, without paying attention to their breed and size. Getting to know a cat usually goes smoothly, although sometimes the Maltese may become displeased.

Features of care

Wool is distinctive feature, which the Maltese breed has. The Maltese requires careful and daily care which consists of combing, washing and cutting. To do this, you will need several types of combs (with rare and frequent teeth), a rubber brush, special shampoos and rinses.

Combing must be done regularly. The most optimal regimen is every day. Particular attention should be paid to the groin area, since the hair in this area is thin and thick. You need to start combing from the chest, belly and paws, and you need to be as careful as possible, since the comb can damage the delicate skin of your pet. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to spray the wool with a special antistatic agent.

Haircuts should be carried out at least once every 10-14 weeks. It is better to entrust this to a professional groomer.

It is advisable to bathe the Maltese once every two weeks, but more is allowed. frequent washing. Before bathing, the dog needs to be brushed. To perform water procedures, you must purchase special means at the pet store. After washing, the Maltese should be blotted with a towel, but under no circumstances should it be rubbed. You can dry the wool using warm air. A hairdryer is ideal for these purposes.

It is recommended to trim the fur between the toes once every two weeks. This must be done carefully, since their paws are very tiny. After each meal, wash the fur near the mouth, otherwise it will lose its natural shade.

Ear control is equally important. Cleanse ears necessary with cotton swabs. Periodically, you need to remove the hair that has grown in your ears with scissors. Maltese often suffer from a variety of eye diseases, so the eyes should be washed with special lotions and wiped with a napkin as often as possible.

You should brush your teeth every day using a baby brush. toothpaste or meat-flavored paste for Maltese.

Maltese: description of the dog breed

Maltese is a type. This is an ornamental animal that has no sporting inclinations and is difficult to train. The body length of the Maltese exceeds the height at the withers. The body has a narrow and elongated shape. The head, tail, paws and body are covered on all sides with long, thick and snow-white hair.

The weight of representatives of this elegant breed ranges from 2.9 to 4 kg. Height:

  • males - 20.3-25.5 cm;
  • females - 17.7-22.8 cm.

Only possible conditions content is living in an apartment. City apartments of any type and size are ideal for this unpretentious breed. Maltese do not need walking. For the toilet, you can purchase a special tray, which the Maltese dog can easily learn to use. Customer reviews characterize the Maltese as a devoted companion; it should be near the owner. That's why sleeping area It is better to place it in close proximity to yours.

Maltese needs fresh air. Try to walk your pet more often and ventilate the apartment. Beware of drafts, as even common cold capable of killing an animal. Avoid direct contact sun rays on the Maltese's sleeping place, and also hide all wires and sharp objects.


Where to buy Maltese? The Maltese dog, the price of which depends on many factors, is now available to everyone. Before buying a puppy, you should choose a proven kennel with good reviews. The cost of representatives of snow-white animals consists of aggregate data on exterior indicators, pedigree, breeding value and parental titles. The Maltese (Maltese) is a dog whose price varies from 25 to 60 thousand rubles.

The Maltese is a small, very beautiful dog that boasts snow-white, flowing fur, a proudly held head and a fluffy tail. Every owner of such a pet wants to maintain its attractive appearance and health, and this requires painstaking care.

Maltese coat care

To care for your Maltese's coat you will need:

  • special brush with a rubber base,
  • combs with different tooth frequencies,
  • scissors,
  • papillots (small pieces of paper),
  • special spray or oil for styling.

Professional breeders distinguish three periods in caring for Maltese fur, each of which has its own characteristics. So, the first one is when the dog is 3-8 months old. Although the coat is short and soft during this period, it requires daily brushing. The second period begins on average at 8 months and ends when the animal reaches 12-18 months. The pet's coat changes and at about 10-15 months it becomes equal to its growth. In order to keep the wool clean longer and not get injured, you can start wrapping it in curling irons. The third period begins at 12-18 months and lasts throughout life. The Maltese's coat exceeds its height by 3-10 cm. If the dog is a participant in competitions, then at this age its coat must be kept in curlers. Also, during daily combing, for a more aesthetic appearance, it is recommended to trim the ends of the hanging hair.

Papillots, which are recommended to be used when caring for the long hair of a Maltese, can be made from small pieces of non-rigid paper. The rubber bands used to secure the paper should not be too tight. Papillots are wound only on clean, pre-washed wool, lubricated with special oil or treated with a spray. Such cosmetical tools you need to choose the right one. They should not stick together or weigh down the hair, but should facilitate combing, protect the hair from injury and nourish it.

If the owner of a Maltese dog does not have the opportunity to brush it every day and there are no exhibitions coming up in the near future, you can cut the dog “puppy style.” Such short haircut, will help the animal’s skin breathe more freely and, if washed correctly, will not form tangles.

Bathing a dog

A Maltese needs a full bath once every 10-14 days, and if the dog takes part in exhibitions, once every 7-10 days. Before bathing, the dog needs to be combed well and if any tangles have formed, remove all tangles. For washing, you need to use special shampoos and conditioners designed to care for the coat and skin of the Maltese. After the animal has been bathed, its fur must be blotted with a towel, and then you can begin to dry it with a hairdryer (medium setting) and style it. If necessary, trim the fur.

Also, after bathing, you can proceed to trimming your nails; this must be done very carefully, no matter what you touch. blood vessels feeding the claw.

If a naturally snow-white Maltese is not bathed and brushed regularly, then literally in 10 days it will turn into an animal with gray, bad-smelling fur.

Eye care

Due to a number of reasons - heredity, unregulated nutrition, lack of care and hair getting into the eyes, the Maltese may develop colored smudges under them. To prevent eye stones from forming, daily eye rinsing and balanced nutrition. And to remove them you need to use a comb with very fine teeth.

Also, when caring for your Maltese, you need to brush your teeth after each feeding and keep your ears clean. The dog's head can be decorated with soft elastic bands and braided.

A well-groomed dog is a source of pride for its owner. Caring for a Maltese requires hard work, but it's worth it!

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Cute appearance
  • Responsive, quickly becomes attached to the owner
  • Eats little
  • Easy to train
  • Sometimes too picky about food
  • Prone to frequent barking
  • Requires grooming

Description of the breed

Everyone knows lapdogs. These small dogs have become a symbol of idleness and elegance. It is not for nothing that their images are found in many paintings, and works of art with a description of lap dogs and even more. The Maltese breed has earned enormous popularity for its affectionate and cheerful disposition, pretty face with big eyes and beautiful snow-white wool. In addition, you can keep a Maltese even in a small apartment - these dogs do not need space at all. Walking with your pet is also easy - you don’t need to make kilometer-long walks, just short walks around the house.

A distinctive feature of Maltese dogs is their long, heavy, snow-white coat. Combined with its compact size, this makes the dog an excellent companion.

Breed standard Maltese (Maltese)

The Maltese breed standard is divided into three different areas: international, American and English. International Standard (FCI):

    The lapdog is a companion pet with a compact body, elegant movements and thick, long white hair.

    The behavior of the animal can be described as lively and affectionate. Very attached to the owner.

    The width of the cheekbones is the same as the skull. The transition from the forehead is well defined, located at a right angle. The nose is black and continues with the nose. The lips are pigmented black. The jaws are sufficiently developed, light, and evenly adjacent to each other.

    The Maltese's eyes are lively and attentive, slightly protruding, black. Ears triangular shape.

    The coat is glossy, very thick, shiny, and long. Straight along the entire length, without waves or bends. The color is exclusively white, although a slight shade of ivory is now allowed.

    The lap dog's weight reaches 4 kg, and its maximum height is 25 cm at the withers. A Mini Maltese can weigh 2 kg as an adult with a height of 18 cm or less.

Character and characteristics of the Maltese dog

The Maltese is one of the funniest little dogs. She has a cheerful character, is active, mobile and not vindictive. Sometimes Maltese dogs become hyperactive and can run around the apartment in circles for a long time.

If you decide to get a dog, but know little about these amazing animals, a lapdog is an ideal option. Its compact size, pretty appearance and affectionate character will help you become a worthy pet owner. However, one should not think that these small animals are devoid of pride and self-esteem. The Maltese will fiercely protect its owner and will attack even an opponent that is larger in size. The lapdog is often called " big dogs V small body" exactly because of this reason.

The pet's active behavior is combined with mental alertness. The lap dog is easy to teach a variety of tricks and commands; it is obedient and smart. When training, you should carefully punish the dog - many pets are very touchy.

This breed does not like loneliness. Don't leave your dog alone, otherwise he will get bored and worried. These pets are ideal companions for people, and without human affection and care they quickly become sad and suspicious.

Another advantage of adult Maltese dogs is their small size. Thanks to this, the dog will be able to feel comfortable even in the smallest apartment, without needing a large space. There are dwarf Maltese dogs - extremely small, they become a universal subject of admiration. Even as adults, these dogs resemble puppies both in size and behavior.

Caring for a small Maltese is not difficult. The biggest question for a novice dog owner is their long, luxurious coat. The main thing is to prevent contamination of the dog’s fur and comb the dog on time.

If you don’t want the extra hassle of having a coat, you can give your Maltese a nice haircut. Many groomers offer their services and will help you solve this problem. However, if the dog is of show class, it is prohibited to cut it - the breed standard provides for long hair that flows to the floor. Naturally, such dogs require daily care, thorough brushing and washing once a week. To keep the coat tangle-free and shiny, you can purchase a special conditioner for dogs.

The classic Maltese look is a parted coat that hangs loosely at the sides. If desired, you can collect long bangs, tying it with a bow on his head. This way it won’t fall into your eyes, blocking your view. It is advisable to trim the hair between the toes every 2 weeks, because... during constant movement, it is the first to become tangled and turn into tangles.

Like all dogs, lap dogs require vaccinations and deworming.

Otherwise, Maltese are not at all demanding. To provide the dog with adequate exercise, playing at home or short walks is enough. It is not recommended to overprotect Maltese dogs - this will make them nervous, capricious and unbalanced.

Feeding the Maltese

The health and longevity of your pet depends on the type of feeding. You should not be reckless with the animal’s diet. Today there are many feeding schemes and special diets, most suitable for the Maltese dog. If you prefer to give your pet dry food and canned food, give preference to premium food, they are the most balanced and contain enough natural substances.

A lapdog's normal diet should not consist of food from the owner's table. There are several answers to the question “what to feed a Maltese.” To feed your dog properly, you need to follow some tips:

    Best source of animal protein for dogs - boiled beef or chicken. It’s good to give turkey and rabbit, maybe a little fish.

    Be sure to include a pet in the menu dairy products– they have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. It is good to give fermented baked milk, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese.

    The only truly healthy porridges are buckwheat and rice.

    You can pamper your dog with finely chopped fruits.

Maltese are not picky, but may be wary of new food. When it comes to eating, they take a conservative position and do not like new dishes. However, this does not mean that you need to feed your dog the same thing all the time. Experiment and you will surely find delicious and healthy dishes for your pet.

Maltese puppies

Maltese puppies evoke sincere admiration and affection from almost all dog lovers. These are very agile, small animals with soft, pleasant-to-touch fur. They are very affectionate and quickly become attached to their owners. The lapdog is one of those breeds that really enjoys being around people. If you definitely decide to have a small lapdog at home, you should carefully consider the issue of searching for a nursery and choosing an animal.

If you do not want to contact a kennel and decide to choose a dog yourself, be sure to consult a dog handler. Avito and other auctions are full of advertisements for the sale of Maltese puppies, but check most of of which does not meet customer expectations. Unfortunately, outwardly similar mestizos are often passed off as Maltese dogs.

To ensure you avoid being scammed, it is better to purchase a pet from a qualified nursery. This way you can be sure that the puppy is healthy, vaccinated and receiving proper care. In addition, when buying a purebred animal, it is important to know its pedigree. Even if you do not intend to make a career in the exhibition, the breeder will be able to help you choose a dog for your soul and choose a pet that is suitable for its character. An exhibition career imposes rather strict limits on the choice of a dog’s gender. The male must carry within himself best signs breeds in order to successfully participate in exhibitions. If you have chosen a breed-class female, it is important to check her pedigree, ask the breeder about the awards of the puppy’s parents, etc. When choosing an animal for breeding, it is important to enhance the good qualities of the breed, and not just create a generation of dogs “for the pillow”.

The main thing when choosing a puppy is to pay attention to its coat and skin. The coat should be bright, shiny and soft, without tangles. Maltese dogs practically do not shed, so excessive hair loss may be a sign of illness. eyes healthy puppy clean and clear. Look at his behavior - if the baby actively runs and plays with friends, is not afraid to approach people, and looks at you with curiosity - it means he is healthy and ready to move to a new home.

Maltese dog training

The Maltese is highly trainable. This is an intelligent and quick-witted animal that can predict the mood of its owner. If you decide to train your pet, it is important to walk the line between reward and punishment. Never use force - lap dogs are quite touchy, and it is difficult to regain unjustified trust. At the same time, training requires effort and work from the owner and the dog.

The Maltese gets along well with other dogs and is not afraid of them. When training with other dogs, he can easily begin to teach them, adjusting it to his own style. The only animals that lap dogs cannot tolerate are cats. You need to make sure that there is no neighbor’s cat in the dog’s field of vision.

IN last years are very popular among dog owners ornamental breeds. These cute little creatures evoke a feeling of tenderness. They are convenient to keep in apartments and take with you on trips. Maltese is one of the compact breeds dogs. What kind of character does a snow-white pet have, how to care for a Maltese, what are the pros and cons of this breed?

Mini Maltese: description of the breed

This breed of decorative dogs is considered one of the oldest in the world. European territory . Its name comes from the island of Malta. According to legend, a breed of dogs of extraordinary beauty was bred there. It is also known that the birthplace of the Maltese is Ancient China. It's from there it was brought by merchants from China to Malta.

The breed immediately gained popularity among the nobility. You can verify this by looking at paintings or sculptures where the Maltese is often depicted. It's impossible not to fall in love with this magical, affectionate, playful and devoted dog. These cute dogs were very fashionable in the homes of noble, rich people. Her appearance in the house testified to the status of the owners.

The breed standard for these dogs classified as indoor decorative and companions. They are ideal for keeping in an apartment.

The body size of the Maltese dog does not reach above the height of its withers. The maximum height at the withers for males reaches 21-25 cm, and for females 20-23 cm. The weight of the dog is within 3-4 kg. The body is narrow and elongated, with a long and straight neck. A wide head, half the height of the withers, with triangular ears adjacent to the head. The dog's eyes are smart and round in shape.. The Maltese has a large black nose. The animal has a thin tail at the base, but thicker at the end, curved towards the spine. Life expectancy is 13-16 years.

Maltese dogs have a dense, silky and long wool. It forms a mantle as it falls down. The standard color should be white only. Only shades of ivory are allowed. If there is a color with a reddish tint, then such a distinctive feature is considered a disadvantage. There are two varieties of Maltese dogs:

  • American;
  • English

The first variety has shorter hair and a slightly smaller muzzle.

Character and features

Despite its aristocratic appearance, the Maltese is a very fearless dog.. Ready to protect its owner in case of danger. This breed is distinguished by the fact that it does not leave its owner alone. She sociable and devoted friend, loves to frolic, run and jump in nature.

The Maltese gets along well with other dog breeds, regardless of their size. She reacts calmly to cats.

To teach the Maltese commands, the owner will have to be patient, since this breed is reluctant to train. The dog will need several dozen repetitions to learn the command with a gesture.

Maltese dogs quickly become attached to their owner and when left alone for a long time they get very bored. Seeing strangers in the house, they behave kindly if they do not see danger in strangers. They are friendly with children, so the child should also handle the animal with care and not confuse it with a soft toy.

The breed is very suitable for keeping in small apartments. She doesn't need constant walks. It is enough for her to take a walk in the fresh air only once a day.

Grooming is very important for this breed. It is advisable to groom him daily to keep his coat in good and well-groomed condition. If the fur is not brushed, tangles can quickly appear and then it becomes a problem to comb the dog’s hair.

The animal needs to be bathed approximately once every 10 days. To do this, it is recommended to use special shampoos, balms and conditioners. Special attention requires eye care. They should be wiped daily with a clean cloth soaked in bottled water. It is also important for the health of the dog to regularly clean its ears and trim its claws on its paws.

It is very important for a small puppy to organize proper nutrition . At this age, the puppy should receive the following necessary for full growth and development:

  • proteins;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins.

For balanced diet necessary include meat, dairy products, boiled vegetables in the dog’s menu. Adult dog you need to add beef, chicken, fruits and vegetables to your food. It is not recommended to switch your pet exclusively to dry food.. It is advisable that the main menu be composed natural products. The appearance, mood and health of the Maltese will depend on proper nutrition.

Pros and cons of the Maltese dog

So that the dog pleases its owners with its cheerful mood and attractive appearance, she needs proper care. The breed is undemanding in maintenance. She only needs 1 walk a day in the fresh air. She gets along well even in the most small house, easily trains to the tray.

TO positive qualities it's worth taking it pleasant disposition and easy character . The Maltese is a cheerful, sweet, playful dog that almost never comes into conflict with other animals. Her daily diet consists of small portions. She does not bark for no reason and always quickly fits into the family. The dog will become a good and devoted friend for the whole family, especially for small children. If you regularly groom your coat, you can avoid shedding problems.

The disadvantages of the breed include grooming. She needs constant care. The dog is very emotional and pet owners should know about this. If you offend her, she will become very upset and may even cry. The Maltese's stomach is very picky about food. therefore, she cannot be fed from the common table. The issue of nutrition must be approached responsibly.

(maltese) - small decorative breed dogs with large dark eyes and beautiful snow-white fur. This ancient breed has always been successful with noble and powerful people, rulers and nobles. Apparently they were flattered to own a dog with royal appearance and elegant look.

The Maltese is a wonderful companion dog, breeders adore it for its affectionate and devoted character, so it will be an excellent pet and family favorite. These small babies, up to 25 cm high and weighing only 4 kg, have a huge with a loving heart, which will remain loyal to the owner for the rest of his life. If you get to know them better, and even more so hold this cute snow-white miracle in your arms, then believe me, you won’t want to part with her. Maltese dogs are loyal and smart creatures, created exclusively for comfort, care, warmth, love and affection.

Maltese description and FCI standard

  1. Country of origin: Central Mediterranean.
  2. Patronage: Italy.
  3. Use: companion.
  4. FCI classification: Group 9 Decorative and companion dogs. Section 1 Bichons and related breeds. Subsection 1.1. Bichons. No operational tests.
  5. General form: Small in size with an elegant and proud bearing. The elongated body is covered with white wool.
  6. Important proportions:
  • Body length exceeds 1/3 of height at withers.
  • The length of the head is 6/11 of the height.
  • The chest circumference is 2/3 greater than the height at the withers.
  • The length of the muzzle is 4/11 of the head, so it is slightly less than half.
  • The depth of the muzzle is 20% less than its length.
  • The tail corresponds to approximately 60% of the height at the withers.
  • Temperament/Behavior: The Maltese is a very intelligent breed with an affectionate and calm character.
  • Photo of Maltese dog in full height

  • Head: quite wide. The line of the forehead and muzzle is parallel.
    • Skull: slightly larger than the muzzle, ovoid in shape, the top of the skull is flat. The occipital protuberance is slightly pronounced. Ledge frontal bone and brow ridges are well developed. Parietal bones slightly convex.
    • Stop (transition from forehead to nose): strongly pronounced and forms a 90° angle between the nasal and frontal bones.
  • Nose: the lapdog's nose is black, large with well-open nostrils, and is a continuation of the bridge of the nose.
    • Bridge of the nose: straight.
  • Muzzle: Well filled (sinuses well developed). Well developed cleavage. The sides are parallel, tapering towards the nose, and slightly rounded at the front. The muzzle from the front should not appear flat or square.
    • Lips: When viewed from the front, the upper lip is semicircular in shape with a very long chord. The upper lip covers the lower lip upper lip reaches the bottom. The lower profile of the muzzle is outlined by the lower jaw. The edging of the lips is always black.
  • Teeth/Jaws: regular scissor bite. The lower jaw neither protrudes forward nor protrudes backward. The edges lower jaw completely straight. Teeth are white, strong, and must be complete dental formula 42 teeth. A slight deviation from the line is allowed.
  • Eyes: rather large, round in shape, shallow set, rather protruding slightly. The eyelids fit tightly, the edging is black. When viewed from the front, the whites of the eyes should not be visible. Eye color is dark ocher, the darker the better. The expression of the eyes is lively and attentive.
  • Ears: flat, hanging, triangular in shape, wide at the base, covered with straight hair. Set high, well above the zygomatic arches, they fit snugly on the sides, but they can rise very slightly due to the weight of the abundant hair covering them.
  • Neck: The neck line from the front and top should be clearly visible. The length of the neck is approximately equal to half the height at the withers, which almost corresponds to the head. Neck circumference is equal to or more height at the withers. The skin on the throat and jaws is dry, taut, without dewlap. The neck is carried vertically, giving the impression that the head is thrown back.
  • Polonka posing for the camera

  • Body: the length of the body, measured from the shoulder blade joint to the ischial tuberosity, on average exceeds the length at the withers by 1/3.
  • Withers: slightly pronounced.
  • Chest: Broad, deep, falling below the elbows, with moderately sprung ribs.
  • Topline: straight to the base of the tail.
  • Loin: strong, muscular.
  • Groin: rather low, slightly tucked up. The bottom line in the groin area rises slightly from sternum. The lumbar areas are strictly identical, without depressions.
  • Croup: wide and long, the width is 1/3 of the height and continues the straight line of the top. The croup is slightly sloping; along the lumbar-dorsal line, its inclination is less than 10°.
  • The tail of the lapdog: located at the same level with the croup. Thick at the base and thin at the end. It carries gracefully, forming one slight bend, with the tip touching the croup. A tail carried curved to the side is acceptable as a standard. The tail is covered with abundantly falling hair, reaching the hock joint.
  • Photo of an adult Maltese dog

  • Forelegs: are close to the body, straight and parallel.
    • Shoulder blade: The shoulder blades are equal to 1/3 of the height at the withers. The shoulder blade is at an angle of 60-65 degrees. The movement of the blades is free, their direction in relation to the central plane of the body is slightly deflected.
    • Shoulder: longer than the shoulder blade, its length is 40-45% of the height, at an angle of 70 degrees. The plane of the shoulder is almost parallel to the central (axial) plane of the body.
    • Forearm: straight, erect, dry. The bones are well developed, despite the small size of the dog. The forearms are smaller than the shoulder (equal to 33% of the dog's height). The height of the forelimb to the elbow is slightly more than half the height, 50-54%.
    • Elbows: parallel to the central plane and pressed to the chest, neither turned in nor out.
    • Wrist: continues the vertical straight line of the forearm. The wrist bones are mobile, not convex, without folds in the skin.
    • Pasterns: erect, short, strong, dry.
    • Paws: round. Fingers are arched, in a ball. Long, thick hair grows between the toes. The paw pads are elastic. The claws are black or very dark.
  • Hind limbs: strong, muscular.
    • Hips: well developed, muscular. The back line of the thigh is convex, with a beautiful curve. The thigh is placed at a slight forward angle. The axis of the thigh is strictly parallel to the axial plane of the body.
    • Shin: strong in bone. The shins are longer than the thighs. The angle of inclination to the horizon is 55 degrees. The groove between the bone and the posterior tendon is not pronounced.
    • Knees: articulation is free, the knees are turned neither in nor out.
    • Hocks: The distance from the ground to the hock joint is slightly greater than 1/3 of the height. The rake angle is 140 degrees. When viewed from behind, the straight line from the hock to the ground is vertical and is a continuation of the rear line of the thigh.
    • Metatarsus: The length of the metatarsus depends on height. When viewed from the side and rear, they are vertical.
    • Hind legs: round. Fingers are arched, in a ball. The pads are elastic, black. The claws are black or very dark.
  • Maltese Height/Weight:
    • Height at withers: 20-25 cm
    • Weight: 3-4 kg
  • Lapdog coat: The outer hair is white, thick, shiny, silky, abundant and very long. The thick coat flows to the ground like a thick mantle that fits tightly to the body. Without fraying or protruding tufts (the edges are the same as on the front legs - from elbows to paws and on the hind legs - from knee to paws, where fraying is allowed). The coat is straight and should follow the contours of the body. Long hair covers the body, forelimbs, tail, neck, ears, head and muzzle. The undercoat is not expressed.
  • Skin: fits tightly to the dog's body. There are no wrinkles or dewlap on the head and muzzle. The skin is partially or completely covered over the body dark spots. The skin under the cover, especially on the back, should be the color of red wine. The pigmentation of the lips, nose and eyelids is only black.
  • Movement: a short trot consists of small, very fast steps; when moving, it gives the impression that the dog is rolling. The gait should in no case resemble the gait of a Pekingese.
  • Maltese color

    The color is pure white. A light shade of ivory is allowed. Very slight pale orange tints are acceptable but considered a fault. Pronounced marks, even minor ones, are unacceptable.

    Maltese character

    Photo of a Maltese dog with a special character

    By nature, the Maltese dog is an affectionate, active, cheerful and cheerful breed. They are friendly, obedient, affectionate, but respond with devotion only if they feel sincere love from a person. Possessing rare beauty and amazing grace, she amazes those around her with her ideal, calm and, one might even say, intelligent character.

    She is characterized by activity, playfulness and liveliness. These are the qualities that are necessary for a pet that will be a real boon for a family with children. Maltese dogs simply love to play, especially outdoors. They can play for hours and are able to “infect” absolutely all family members with their energy. But, despite such liveliness, they are obedient and will obey all the owner’s commands.

    Excellent trainability, however, when raising her, it is necessary to stock up on respect and patience, since she is very impressionable and sensitive. Dogs of this breed are characterized by an innate distrust of strangers, so even their favorite treat from the hands stranger she won't take it.

    Maltese dogs do not tolerate loneliness well, so they always try to be close to people. They are infinitely devoted to their owner, and can accompany him everywhere throughout the day.

    Maltese dog photo on the bed

    These fearless creatures always try to protect the owner and boldly sound the alarm about suspicious people and outside noise, so they are prone to excessive barking.

    The Maltese loves children very much and gets along well with them, but since it is a fragile dog, it is better not to get it for families with very young children. After all, kids, not understanding responsibility, can accidentally injure a miniature pet. The Maltese gets along well with other pets and is always friendly towards foreign dogs and cats.

    Her optimism is simply inexhaustible, she is able to instill kindness and joy in hearts and give boundless love to family members.

    Maltese care and maintenance

    Caring for a Maltese is very important question and starts right from puppyhood. First of all, the puppy needs to be given a fenced place in a warm corner of the room, protected from drafts.

    Take care of the place where the baby will relieve himself - a regular diaper will do. Since Maltese puppies are so tiny, they will require careful and diligent care. As it grows, the fence can be removed. Puppies of this breed are able to frolic for half an hour and then sleep for an hour.

    It is necessary to walk a lapdog puppy only on a leash, as he is active and nimble and can run away. In the first months of life, a lapdog needs high-calorie nutrition rich in minerals, vitamins and proteins.

    Puppies need fruits, vegetables and meat. After each feeding, the lapdog needs to wipe its face with a damp cloth. If you want your Maltese to look chic, healthy and beautiful, it will take a lot of effort and time, because they need regular and serious care.

    Maltese photo of babies

    Brushing: The main task in caring for a Maltese is to prevent its snow-white coat from matting and matting. Correct and ongoing care includes the following: proper nutrition (to prevent the appearance of brown spots under the eyes and near the mouth), daily combing, timely bathing of the dog, cutting and creating various hairstyles (but this is at the request of the owner).

    Bathe your Maltese once a month or as needed, using special white coat care products, professional mild shampoos, conditioners and conditioners. After purchasing, first dry it with a towel, then dry it with a hairdryer. Choose a medium temperature level to avoid hair damage. Do not walk for 2 hours after bathing, and make sure that your pet does not sit in a draft. IN winter time bathe after the last walk.

    Eyes: regularly inspect, remove small gray lumps in the corners of the eyes with a damp, soft, lint-free cloth. At poor nutrition, the lap dog's eyes are characterized by frequent lacrimation, so untidy brown paths may form on the face.

    Photo of Maltese dog - button eyes

    Nails: trim once a month with a nail clipper, smooth the sharp ends with a nail file.

    Ears: examine once a week to notice changes in time. Healthy ear enjoyment Pink colour, without excess wax, redness or rash.

    Teeth: brush 3-4 times a week with a special toothpaste for dogs, using a brush of a suitable size or a finger attachment.

    Paws: after walks, wipe with a damp towel and inspect for injuries. IN winter period Rub vegetable oil into the pads to prevent cracks.

    Regarding the maintenance of the Maltese, she is unpretentious, feels great both in a country house and in a small apartment and will constantly please, without exception, whoever gives her love and care.

    Maltese diseases

    • Dislocation kneecap
    • Chronic heart valve disease
    • Pyloric stenosis
    • Cryptorchidism (undescended testicles)
    • Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
    • Hepatoportosystemic shunt
    • Hydrocephalus (a disease in which the amount of cerebrospinal fluid increases and the ventricles of the brain dilate)
    • Yeast dermatitis
    • Distichiasis ( extra row eyelashes)
    • Glaucoma
    • Progressive retinal atrophy
    • Deafness
    • Blocked tear ducts