Potassium permanganate potassium permanganate. What does potassium permanganate help with: external and internal use

Potassium permanganate. The use of potassium permanganate solutions at home for disinfecting and washing wounds, gargling, douching, and in case of poisoning with certain substances requires basic knowledge properties of this product, its mechanisms of action and dilution rules.

Potassium permanganate or potassium permanganate is potassium salt permanganic acid with the chemical formula KMnO 4. Outwardly it looks like dark purple crystals, which when dissolved in water form a brightly colored solution from light pink to deep purple depending on the concentration.

It is a strong oxidizing agent. When interacting with reducing agents, it releases atomic oxygen, oxidizing metals, sulfur, phosphorus, and organic matter.

A solution of potassium permanganate oxidizes many organic substances, including proteins. Due to this, potassium permanganate has a strong destructive effect on organic molecules, such as poisons and toxins, and an antiseptic effect on all microorganisms. When rinsing and douching in small concentrations, solutions of potassium permanganate have an astringent effect, while a concentrated solution has a cauterizing effect.

Potassium permanganate. Use for medical purposes.

In addition, explosive mixing of potassium permanganate and active metals, sulfur, phosphorus, sugar, glycerin, hydrogen peroxide and other substances is not allowed.

Potassium permanganate in pharmacies

The sale of potassium permanganate in Russia is limited because it is a precursor. In Bulgaria, potassium permanganate can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription. Here is the link:

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Potassium permanganate (lat. Kalii permanganas, a common name in everyday life is potassium permanganate) - potassium permanganate, potassium salt of permanganate acid. Chemical formula- KMnO4. It is a dark purple, almost black crystal, which when dissolved in water forms a brightly colored solution of crimson color.

Appearance: dark purple crystals with a metallic luster, which dissolve in water, liquid ammonia, acetone (2:100), methanol, pyridine. The use of this salt is most often based on the high oxidizing ability of the permanganate ion, which provides antiseptic effect. Dosage forms: powder for preparing a solution.
Trade names: KMnO4, Potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate, mineral chameleon, potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate.
Dilute solutions (about 0.1%) of potassium permanganate were found wide application in medicine as an antiseptic, for gargling, washing wounds, treating burns. As an emetic for oral administration in case of poisoning with morphine, aconitine and some other alkaloids, a diluted (0.02-0.1%) solution of potassium permanganate is used.
Antiseptic. Upon contact with organic substances releases atomic oxygen. The oxide formed during the reduction of the drug forms complex compounds with proteins - albuminates (due to this, potassium permanganate in small concentrations has an astringent effect, and in concentrated solutions it has an irritating, cauterizing and tanning effect). It also has a deodorizing effect. Effective in treating burns and ulcers. The ability of potassium permanganate to neutralize some poisons underlies the use of its solutions for gastric lavage in case of poisoning with an unknown poison and foodborne toxic infections. When ingested, it is absorbed, producing an effect (leading to the development of methemoglobinemia).
Indications. Lubrication of ulcerative and burn surfaces - infected wounds, ulcers and skin burns. Rinsing the mouth and oropharynx - for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the mouth and oropharynx (including sore throats). For washing and douching during gynecological and urological diseases- colpitis and urethritis. For gastric lavage in case of poisoning caused by ingestion of alkaloids (morphine, aconitine, nicotine), hydrocyanic acid, phosphorus, quinine. To wash the leather: if aniline gets on it. For washing eyes: when they are affected by poisonous insects.
Contraindications: hypersensitivity.
In case of drug overdose: sharp pain in the oral cavity, along the esophagus, in the abdomen, vomiting, diarrhea; the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and pharynx is swollen, dark brown, purple in color, swelling of the larynx is possible, the development of mechanical asphyxia, burn shock, motor agitation, convulsions, symptoms of parkinsonism, hemorrhagic colitis, nephropathy, hepatopathy. At low acidity gastric juice the development of methemoglobinemia with severe cyanosis and shortness of breath is possible. Lethal dose for children - about 3 g, for adults - 0.3-0.5 g/kg.
Treatment: methylene blue (50 ml of 1% solution), ascorbic acid(intravenous - 30 ml of 5% solution), cyanocobalamin - up to 1 mg, pyridoxine (intramuscular - 3 ml of 5% solution).
Application and doses.
Externally, in aqueous solutions for washing wounds (0.1-0.5%), for rinsing the mouth and throat (0.01-0.1%), for lubricating ulcerative and burn surfaces (2-5%), for douching (0.02-0.1%) in gynecological and urological practice, as well as gastric lavage in case of poisoning.
Precautionary measures.
The powder actively interacts when heated and even at room temperature with most reducing agents, for example, organic substances (sucrose, tannins, glycerin and many others), easily oxidized substances, therefore, when mixed, self-heating occurs, which sometimes causes spontaneous ignition of the mixture (with a concentrated solution of glycerin, or anhydrous - always) and can lead to an explosion.
Rubbing dry potassium permanganate with organic substances and powders of active metals and non-metals (calcium, aluminum, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, etc.) is extremely dangerous - an explosion is very likely.

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The oxidizing properties of manganese allow it to be widely used in medicine - to destroy infections, cauterize and dry the skin and mucous membranes.
Different purposes require different concentrations of solutions:
- for gastric lavage, make a 0.01-0.1% aqueous solution (pale pink);
- for wound disinfection - 0.1-0.5% (pink);
- for the treatment of burns and ulcers - 2-5% solution (purple).
Important information:
Sometimes it happens that not all manganese crystals dissolve in water, which can lead to burns of the gastric mucosa. To avoid this, first prepare a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate, and then add a small amount of this solution to water, making a solution for washing or other purposes. The resulting solution must be filtered.
Manganese solutions are used in following situations:
* For bathing babies.
All mothers and grandmothers know that a bath, even with a weak solution of manganese, dries out the baby’s delicate skin, so the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, and remember: it is not KMnO4 crystals that are added to bathing water, but its solution, and so that the resulting water is not rich rather than pale pink color.
* Conjunctivitis, blepharitis.
A solution of the same concentration (see above) is used to wash the eyes.
*Acute food poisoning.
In this case, manganese is used as a disinfectant. The pale pink solution is given to the patient to drink, then they are induced to vomit.
* Intestinal disorder.
To stop diarrhea, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of a pale pink solution in the morning and evening. Usually one dose is enough for the unpleasant symptoms to disappear.
* If the patient is sick or bedridden at home.
In such cases, the air often becomes heavy and foul-smelling - place a glass with a solution diluted until pink: it absorbs unpleasant odors.
* Thermal burns.
Bandages with a cold solution of manganese are applied to the affected areas. And what stronger burn, the higher the concentration of the solution should be. Usually 2-5% solutions are used.
* Sore throat, stomatitis.
Gargling with a weak solution 4-5 times a day.
* Sinusitis.
Rinse the nasal passages with a warm pale pink solution (swallow it into the nose several times). The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day.
* Ingrown nail.
At the first signs of the disease (pain thumb, the appearance of ulcers, blood and pus near the nail) take warm baths with a 2-5% manganese solution. After the baths, apply a bandage with 10% syntomycin emulsion to the sore finger.

In our article today:

ABOUT beneficial properties potassium permanganate has been known for a very long time. Our grandmothers also stocked up on treasured bottles of dark purple powder, which many have kept in their medicine cabinets to this day. Potassium permanganate, a in simple words Potassium permanganate is widely used in everyday life and medicine.

The antiseptic that is familiar to us not only actively fights various microbes and infectious agents, but also has a beneficial effect on poisoning and many other symptoms.

Scope of application of potassium permanganate

Thanks to your amazing medicinal properties, potassium permanganate is so actively practiced in the field of traditional and alternative medicine, cosmetology and even gynecology. Potassium permanganate is also used in gardening as effective remedy control of small pests and plant diseases.

Travelers take potassium permanganate with them to disinfect wounds or drinking water, in this case you need to add several crystals to it. The concentrated solution is a strong oxidizing agent and affects plastic, wood and metal. When using potassium permanganate at home, you should know that this substance can significantly damage a metal sink or bathtub. Stains left behind by the solution practically cannot be washed off.

Potassium permanganate is formed after the electrolysis of caustic potassium and a manganese anode. As it disintegrates, the anode dissolves and forms a purple solution that contains permanganate ions. Hydrogen is released at the cathode, and then the same manganese appears in the form of a precipitate.

This drug is among the leaders in terms of antimicrobial properties. It is sold in powder form in pharmacies, but last years some pharmaceutical companies They sell it only by prescription. The shelf life of potassium permanganate is unlimited, but it must be emphasized that only the freshest solution is capable of destroying any pathogens, having active sterilization of any surface. It exists in the form of crystals, which, if necessary, are dissolved in water to obtain a solution. It differs in color: a pale pink tint indicates a weak concentration, bright crimson - on the contrary. Cooking medicinal solution mainly at the rate of 10 crystals per 1 liter of water, subsequently adjusting its strength by color. It is always very important to completely stir the potassium permanganate powder, since undissolved particles in contact with the skin can cause burns.

The use of potassium permanganate in medicine is due to its disinfecting properties. The prepared solution is used to treat cuts, wash wounds and calluses. For inflammation of the throat and pharynx, rinsing with a non-concentrated solution of manganese is prescribed. Wash the sore spot with this product 4 times a day. A solution of potassium permanganate is very often used as an irrigation preparation. oral cavity, namely, for gum disease.

Treatment with potassium permanganate

  • Potassium permanganate at . Potassium permanganate is popular for food poisoning and diarrhea. Having felt the first signs, the patient should drink a weak solution, which can stimulate the process of cleansing the intestines.
  • For oral administration, when eliminating intoxication of the body, literally 2 crystals of powder are needed per 200 ml of water. After stirring the drug well, you need to drink this water at one time. This good antiseptic will help neutralize the infection in the stomach.
  • With hyperhidrosis or increased sweating. If your feet sweat a lot, then in a good way This problem can be eliminated by taking baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This procedure, as a rule, should not take more than 15 minutes, and the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees. After steaming the feet, they need to be wiped dry and coated with formaldehyde solution (1%).
  • As already noted, potassium permanganate is a wonderful antiseptic that is extremely useful in treating various injuries. You need to know how to properly use potassium permanganate for its intended purpose. The wound is not washed directly with manganese water, but only the edges are treated. A disinfectant for a serious wound is prepared at the rate of: a small amount of powder on the tip of a knife per 1 liter. water. For minor damage to the skin, it is enough to dilute a weak solution, rinse the area, and then lubricate it with iodine.
  • For piercings. Nowadays, many girls and boys try to look as creative and extraordinary as possible, including piercing their ears, navels, nostrils and eyebrows. But for the information of young people, such experiments are fraught unpleasant consequences if they are not properly cared for. To avoid tissue infection after needle puncture, careful wound care is necessary. antiseptics. A weak solution of manganese will be very useful in this case. The piercing site should be disinfected at least 2 times a day and only with clean hands.
  • If you are bothered by annoying calluses or calluses, then potassium permanganate will come in handy here too. A concentrated solution of potassium permanganate perfectly cauterizes all unnecessary growths on the skin; to do this, it is enough to lubricate them with potassium permanganate daily.
  • For fungal diseases of the female and male external genitalia, doctors very often prescribe to their patients a painless and harmless remedy– manganese solution for washing. To treat thrush, daily douching with a pale pink solution is prescribed; it is only important to ensure that all the crystals are completely dissolved in water. Otherwise, it may cause damage to the mucous membranes and irritation.

Potassium permanganate when caring for a child

You may have probably heard that some mothers use potassium permanganate to care for their newborn baby. When bathing a child, add a little of this powder to the water so that the water acquires disinfecting properties. Doctors, in turn, are skeptical about this method, believing that the slightest excess of the permissible dosage of manganese can cause burns to the baby. The same applies to crystals that are not completely dissolved.

If, despite all your fears, you decide to use potassium permanganate, considering it the most effective and non-allergenic antiseptic, then you should know the rules for preparing a solution for bathing a child. It is best to cook it sequentially. First, dilute potassium permanganate in a glass of water, then strain the resulting saturated solution through gauze folded in several layers. Only after this can the solution be poured into the bath until the water turns pale pink, but pouring manganese crystals directly into the bath is strictly prohibited. To treat a newborn's belly button, use a richer mixture.

Potassium permanganate in the home medicine cabinet:

  • Potassium permanganate will quickly relieve pain from calluses. To do this, add a little table salt to the potassium permanganate solution, dissolve everything and steam your feet in this liquid for about 20 minutes. After this, you need to wipe your feet and after a while the pain will stop.
  • Unpleasant, manifested by rashes and the appearance of blisters on the skin, is also treated with potassium permanganate. It is necessary to lubricate the affected areas with a 10% manganese solution daily for a week.
  • Traditional healers recommend using potassium permanganate for advanced hemorrhoids. The healing solution is prepared as follows: to 3 liters of water you need to add a few crystals of manganese, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and 200 g of boiled milk. Heat the solution, mix and pour into the bath.
  • It is recommended to take such a bath for 20 minutes every night, and after 7 days you will get rid of unpleasant hemorrhoids.
  • Even signs of dysentery are treated with potassium permanganate. Compound remedy includes several crystals of manganese diluted in 500 g of water. The concentration of the solution can be increased depending on the age of the patient. For example, infants are given a pale pink solution, and adults are given a raspberry solution. The medicine must be taken orally, in parallel with cleansing enemas.

Contraindications to the use of potassium permanganate are individual intolerance or allergies. To understand this, you need to monitor the body’s reaction to manganese solutions. Taking potassium permanganate should be stopped immediately if swelling appears, the mucous membranes in the throat change color, convulsions or sharp pain occur when next appointment inside. Before using this remedy, it is still recommended to consult with your local physician.

Due to its oxidizing effect, potassium permanganate is simply not compatible with simultaneous use activated carbon and other easily oxidized substances. Keep the bottle of powder away from children and easily oxidized drugs, which can cause a fire if they come into contact with manganese crystals.

Popularity of this ancient remedy Over the years, the practice of using potassium permanganate has not faded away and is growing. MedBlock recommends remembering the most important thing: only if you follow all the rules for handling potassium permanganate will it be absolutely safe for humans and will have its true beneficial effects.

Have you heard about how you can be treated with potassium permanganate? It's hard to believe, but it is used not only for gastric lavage!

Take care of yourself and!

The first thing people resort to for throat diseases, intestinal disorders, and poisoning is potassium permanganate.(potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate).

During the Great Patriotic War, like cartridges for a soldier, it was in the bags of orderlies and paramedics and was widely used in the treatment of wounds in hospitals.

The action of potassium permanganate is based on its ability to oxidize organic substances, releasing oxygen. This is due to the antimicrobial and antiseptic effect of potassium permanganate.

Water solution Potassium permanganate has anti-inflammatory properties. In various concentrations, this solution is used for washing wounds, rinsing the mouth and, for lubricating ulcerative and burn surfaces, douching. The range of applications of potassium permanganate is quite wide. Even with many new synthetic products it is still indispensable “in” gynecological, urological, and dermatological practice.

In the table of antidotes for poisoning, potassium permanganate is one of essential means first aid.

However, with all the advantages of potassium permanganate, it must be handled carefully. In high concentrations, it cauterizes and causes swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, intestines, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, the solution should be used with caution.

Our grandmothers also knew the useful properties of potassium permanganate in everyday life: they washed wounds with it, treated poisoning, disinfected it, bathed babies, and even used it to control pests in the garden. This widespread use of potassium permanganate explains its main property is that it is an antifungal and antimicrobial drug t. Due to active oxidation processes, potassium permanganate kills harmful microbes– causative agents of various infections both on the surface of the skin and inside the body.

Healing properties potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Potassium permanganate - effective disinfectant. A solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) has antiseptic properties and can neutralize toxic effect on the body of such toxic compounds as aconitine, morphine, other alkaloids, phosphorus (when taken orally).

Potassium permanganate is one of the types of permanganates (from the Latin manganum - “manganese”) - permanganate salts. This Chemical substance widely used both for household needs and for medicine. Potassium permanganate - dark purple crystals, highly soluble in water (depending on the concentration, the color can range from light pink to red-violet), methyl alcohol, acetic acid and acetone. In everyday life, potassium permanganate dissolved in water is called potassium permanganate.

Treatment with potassium permanganate in medicine

Neutralization of hydrocyanic acid ( toxic substance) potassium permanganate occurs only in alkaline environment. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate has a strong disinfecting and drying effect; it is widely used in dermatological and surgical practice.

When the first signs of gastroenterocolitis appear, first of all you need to rinse the stomach using a weak (slightly pink) solution of potassium permanganate. To lavage the stomach in adults and even children, it is not necessary to use a probe; it is enough to simply give the patient the prepared solution in an amount of 0.5 - 2 liters to drink, and then reflexively induce vomiting.

In case of poisoning, when it is necessary to induce vomiting as quickly as possible, the victim is given a pink solution of potassium permanganate to drink, which is also a medicinal and disinfectant. gastrointestinal tract means.

The solution is often prepared “by eye”, but the main recommendations are 10 crystals per 1 liter of water; further strength of the solution can be adjusted according to its color. It is very important that all crystals are dissolved in water before use, otherwise in the process of contact with skin or internal organs Undissolved crystals may cause burns.

The most popular solution is potassium permanganate for poisoning. At the first signs, including diarrhea, the patient is offered a solution of potassium permanganate, which stimulates bowel cleansing.

Potassium permanganate for oral use in case of poisoning is prepared in the ratio of 2 crystals per cup of water, this solution is drunk. Thanks to your antiseptic properties This medicine stops the source of infection in the stomach.

Potassium permanganate - application in urology, gynecology

Due to its antiseptic and antimicrobial abilities, a solution of potassium permanganate is used in the treatment of fungal, bacterial diseases in urology and gynecology. Potassium permanganate is used for thrush, when a weak solution is prescribed for daily douching. For urological problems in men associated with external inflammatory processes, rinsing with a solution of potassium permanganate is prescribed.

When used in urology and gynecology, it is important to follow the rules for preparing the solution and ensure that the potassium permanganate crystals are completely dissolved. Otherwise, if crystals come into contact with the mucous membrane, they can cause even greater irritation.

Potassium permanganate - contraindications

It is not recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate if you are hypersensitive. This can be immediately understood by the presence side effects– swelling, discoloration of mucous membranes, sharp pain when administered orally, convulsions, etc. If such or other unpleasant symptoms Taking potassium permanganate should be stopped.

Due to its oxidizing properties, potassium permanganate is absolutely incompatible with the use of coal, sugar and other substances that easily oxidize. It is important to store potassium permanganate crystals away from easily oxidizing substances, otherwise their contact can lead to an explosion and even a fire.

Treatment with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in folk medicine

Treatment with potassium permanganate in folk medicine to eliminate pain caused by calluses. To do this, add pink potassium permanganate to the solution. table salt and, having poured the solution into a basin, lower your feet into it for 20 minutes; after the procedure, you do not need to wipe your feet. After some time, the pain in the callus area will go away. In no case should you use a highly concentrated solution (purple color) for treatment with potassium permanganate, as this can lead to harm to health, burns of the skin and mucous membranes, and poisoning.

Good healing effect for diaper rash, including infants, provide hygienic baths with potassium permanganate: the water should be pink and warm.

For excessive sweating lower limbs, unpleasant odors, purulent calluses will be helped by a warm foot bath with salt and potassium permanganate; after the procedures, the feet should be wiped well and sprinkled with talcum powder.

Treatment with potassium permanganate is actively used for rinsing open wounds, including festering ones. For dermatitis characterized by the appearance of blisters, the skin should be washed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If you hold the cups for too long when placing the cups, purple spots and even blisters filled with ichorous fluid may form on the skin. In such cases, it is useful to lubricate the affected areas with a 5 - 10% solution of potassium permanganate.

Treatment with potassium permanganate in practice: best recipes

In advanced cases of hemorrhoids, you can prepare a healing solution.

Required: 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil, potassium permanganate, 3 liters of water.

Preparation. IN hot water add enough potassium permanganate to get pink color, add soda, oil, pour the solution into the bath.

Application. Take a bath for 20 minutes at night. Carry out the procedure daily for a week.

In folk medicine there is a recipe for treating dysentery with potassium permanganate.

This product contains several crystals of potassium permanganate per 0.5 liter of water. It is advised to increase the concentration of the solution depending on age (babies - pale pink, and adults - raspberry solution).

It must be borne in mind that potassium permanganate becomes explosive when interacting with various organic substances. Therefore, its crystals must be stored in clean glass containers with ground stoppers, and the solution in dark glass bottles, since under the influence sun rays and daylight it easily decomposes.

When using the solution, difficult to wash off stains often remain on the skin and linen. To eliminate them, the skin can be washed with a solution of ammonium sulphide in a concentration of 1:5, and then hot water. Stains are removed from linen with a solution of oxalic acid (1:9), 2% solution of hydrochloric acid, vinegar or lemon juice...

It turns out that potassium permanganate is not so easy to obtain. In one pharmacy I was told that potassium permanganate was equated (by relevant orders) to explosives and that an appropriate license was needed to sell it; in another pharmacy they said that potassium permanganate was classified as narcotic substances and, again, you need an appropriate license.

At the same time, everyone pointed to one pharmacy in the city where they make medicines to order (“maybe you can buy them there”). Still others say that to an ordinary person they will sell potassium permanganate only in solution, and in the form of crystals it can only be bought according to the “red” recipe, and that all these bans on sale are supposedly due to drug addicts who bought potassium permanganate en masse to purify their brew.

If pharmacies do not sell potassium permanganate, then it can be found in veterinary and hardware stores. Where the seeds and fertilizers are.

The first thing people resort to for throat diseases, intestinal disorders, and poisoning is potassium permanganate.

( potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate).

During the Great Patriotic War, like cartridges for a soldier, it was in the bags of orderlies and paramedics and was widely used in the treatment of wounds in hospitals.

The action of potassium permanganate is based on its ability to oxidize organic substances, releasing oxygen. This is due to the antimicrobial and antiseptic effect of potassium permanganate.

An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate has anti-inflammatory properties.

In various concentrations, this solution is used for washing wounds, rinsing the mouth and throat, for lubricating ulcerative and burn surfaces, and for douching. The range of applications of potassium permanganate is quite wide. Even with the presence of many new synthetic agents, it is still indispensable “in” gynecological, urological, and dermatological practice.

In the table of antidotes for poisoning, potassium permanganate is one of the most important means of first aid.

However, with all the advantages of potassium permanganate, it must be handled carefully. In high concentrations, it cauterizes and causes swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, intestines, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, the solution should be used with caution.

Our grandmothers also knew the useful properties of potassium permanganate in everyday life: they washed wounds with it, treated poisoning, disinfected it, bathed babies, and even used it to control pests in the garden. This widespread use of potassium permanganate explains its main property is that it is an antifungal and antimicrobial drug t. Due to active oxidation processes, potassium permanganate kills harmful microbes - causative agents of various infections both on the surface of the skin and inside the body.

Healing properties of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

Potassium permanganate is an effective disinfectant. A solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) has antiseptic properties and is capable of neutralizing the toxic effect on the body of such toxic compounds as aconitine, morphine, other alkaloids, phosphorus (when taken orally).

Potassium permanganate is one of the types of permanganates (from the Latin manganum - “manganese”) - permanganate salts. This chemical is widely used both for household purposes and for medicine. Potassium permanganate is dark purple crystals, highly soluble in water (depending on the concentration, the color can be from light pink to red-violet), methyl alcohol, acetic acid and acetone. In everyday life, potassium permanganate dissolved in water is called potassium permanganate.

Treatment with potassium permanganate in medicine

Neutralization of hydrocyanic acid (a toxic substance) with potassium permanganate occurs only in an alkaline environment. Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizing agent. An aqueous solution of potassium permanganate has a strong disinfecting and drying effect; it is widely used in dermatological and surgical practice.

When the first signs of gastritis and gastroenterocolitis appear, first of all you need to rinse the stomach using a weak (slightly pink) solution of potassium permanganate. To lavage the stomach in adults and even children, it is not necessary to use a probe; it is enough to simply give the patient the prepared solution in an amount of 0.5 - 2 liters to drink, and then reflexively induce vomiting.

In case of poisoning, when it is necessary to induce vomiting as quickly as possible, the victim is given a pink solution of potassium permanganate to drink, which is also a medicinal disinfectant for the gastrointestinal tract.

The solution is often prepared “by eye”, but the main recommendations are 10 crystals per 1 liter of water; further strength of the solution can be adjusted according to its color. It is very important that all crystals are dissolved in water before use, otherwise undissolved crystals may cause a burn if they come into contact with the skin or internal organs.

The most popular solution is potassium permanganate for poisoning. At the first signs, including diarrhea, the patient is offered a solution of potassium permanganate, which stimulates bowel cleansing.

Potassium permanganate for oral use in case of poisoning is prepared in the ratio of 2 crystals per cup of water, this solution is drunk. Thanks to its antiseptic properties, this medicine stops the source of infection in the stomach.

Potassium permanganate - application in urology, gynecology

Due to its antiseptic and antimicrobial abilities, a solution of potassium permanganate is used in the treatment of fungal and bacterial diseases in urology and gynecology. Potassium permanganate is used for thrush, when a weak solution is prescribed for daily douching. For urological problems in men associated with external inflammatory processes, rinsing with a solution of potassium permanganate is prescribed.

When used in urology and gynecology, it is important to follow the rules for preparing the solution and ensure that the potassium permanganate crystals are completely dissolved. Otherwise, if crystals come into contact with the mucous membrane, they can cause even greater irritation.

Potassium permanganate - contraindications

It is not recommended to use a solution of potassium permanganate if you are hypersensitive. This can be immediately understood by the presence of side effects - swelling, discoloration of mucous membranes, sharp pain when taken orally, convulsions, etc. If such or other unpleasant symptoms are present, taking potassium permanganate should be stopped.

Due to its oxidizing properties, potassium permanganate is absolutely incompatible with the use of coal, sugar and other substances that easily oxidize. It is important to store potassium permanganate crystals away from easily oxidized substances, otherwise their contact can lead to an explosion and even a fire.

Treatment with potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) in folk medicine

Treatment with potassium permanganate in folk medicine to eliminate pain caused by calluses. To do this, add table salt to a solution of pink potassium permanganate and, having poured the solution into a basin, lower your feet into it for 20 minutes; after the procedure, you do not need to wipe your feet. After some time, the pain in the callus area will go away. In no case should you use a highly concentrated solution (purple color) for treatment with potassium permanganate, as this can lead to harm to health, burns of the skin and mucous membranes, and poisoning.

Hygienic baths with potassium permanganate have a good therapeutic effect for diaper rash, including in infants: the water should be pink and warm.

If there is excessive sweating of the lower extremities, unpleasant odors, purulent calluses, a warm foot bath with salt and potassium permanganate will help; after the procedures, the feet should be wiped well and sprinkled with talcum powder.

Treatment with potassium permanganate is actively used for washing open wounds, including festering ones. For dermatitis characterized by the appearance of blisters, the skin should be washed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

If you hold the cups for too long when placing the cups, purple spots and even blisters filled with ichorous fluid may form on the skin. In such cases, it is useful to lubricate the affected areas with a 5-10% solution of potassium permanganate.

Treatment with potassium permanganate in practice: the best recipes

In advanced cases of hemorrhoids, you can prepare a healing solution.

Required: 1 tsp. baking soda, 1 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil, potassium permanganate, 3 liters of water.

Preparation. Pour enough potassium permanganate into hot water to get a pink color, add soda, oil, pour the solution into the bath.

Application. Take a bath for 20 minutes at night. Carry out the procedure daily for a week.

In folk medicine there is a recipe for treating dysentery with potassium permanganate.

This product contains several crystals of potassium permanganate per 0.5 liter of water. It is advised to increase the concentration of the solution depending on age (for infants - a pale pink solution, and for adults - a raspberry solution).

It must be borne in mind that potassium permanganate becomes explosive when interacting with various organic substances. Therefore, its crystals should be stored in clean glass containers with ground-in stoppers, and the solution should be stored in dark glass bottles, since it easily decomposes under the influence of sunlight and daylight.

When using the solution, difficult to wash off stains often remain on the skin and linen. To eliminate them, the skin can be washed with a solution of ammonium sulphide in a concentration of 1:5, and then with hot water. Stains are removed from linen with a solution of oxalic acid (1:9), a 2% solution of hydrochloric acid, vinegar or lemon juice.

It turns out that potassium permanganate is not so easy to obtain. In one pharmacy I was told that potassium permanganate was equated (by relevant orders) to explosives and that an appropriate license was needed to sell it; in another pharmacy they said that potassium permanganate was classified as a narcotic substance and, again, an appropriate license was needed.

At the same time, everyone pointed to one pharmacy in the city where they make medicines to order (“maybe you can buy them there”). Still others say that the average person will be sold potassium permanganate only in solution, and in the form of crystals can only be bought according to the “red” recipe, and that all these sales bans are supposedly due to drug addicts who bought potassium permanganate en masse to purify their brew.

If pharmacies do not sell potassium permanganate, then it can be found in veterinary and hardware stores. Where the seeds and fertilizers are.