Is it healthy to eat porridge? Are porridges healthy?

Mothers, trying to feed their children porridge, talk about it amazing benefits. But is it? Let's try to find out everything about porridge: benefits and harms, what prevails?

Useful properties of cereals

Are porridges healthy? The answer to this question will be positive, because cereals are made from grain crops known for their benefits. It is not for nothing that in Rus' porridge was a symbol of wealth and family prosperity.

Porridges have many beneficial properties:

  • quickly saturate the body, as they are characterized high content fiber, vitamins, vegetable protein and “slow carbohydrates”;
  • at the same time, the calorie content of porridges is low if you do not eat them with butter and sugar;
  • charge the body with the necessary energy;
  • restore the functioning of the digestive system;
  • naturally cleanse the body of waste and toxins;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • make the skin elastic;
  • reduce the risk of occurrence carcinogenic formations by 20%.

The properties of porridges are influenced by the type of cereal and the method of its preparation. Depending on the amount of liquid remaining in the porridge, it can be viscous or crumbly.

What cereals are best to eat?

Let's try to find out which cereals are healthy?

Refined and unrefined grains are used to prepare porridges. But since everything useful material are in the shell, then the cereal freed from it loses everything necessary substances. If the cereal is also highly crushed, then it can only supply unnecessary calories to the body. The most purified and ground grain is semolina.

Nutritionists say that porridge with milk is better absorbed than porridge cooked with water. But it is necessary to take skimmed milk so as not to add extra calories.

To make porridge healthier, sugar is replaced with honey, fruits and berries.

It is believed that porridge is very healthy dish. As a rule, it is served as a side dish for meat or fish. Which cereals are the healthiest for humans? And are porridges healthy at all?

In this article we will look at the most popular types of cereals.


Buckwheat porridge is the most popular in Russia; it has been consumed since ancient times. The benefits of buckwheat porridge have been proven in the last century. Its most important advantage is the presence of microelements and great content vitamin B. Buckwheat porridge contains many elements such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron and cobalt. It is often consumed by athletes and soldiers; in the USSR, buckwheat was called the country's main porridge. Buckwheat porridge contains rutin. This substance helps seal the walls blood vessels. Thus, it has a preventive effect on the veins, improving blood flow and making the vessels stronger.


The benefits of oatmeal are also undeniable. It contains antioxidants and vitamin E. These elements protect the skin from aging and also help prevent oncological diseases. Oatmeal also contains a large number of fiber. Fiber stimulates intestinal function, removes toxins from the body and helps prevent diseases of the stomach and the entire digestive system as a whole.

In addition, oatmeal contains gluten. This substance coats the stomach and helps cope with gastritis and ulcers. That is why doctors recommend it to patients who suffer from diseases gastrointestinal tract.

It is recommended to eat oatmeal for breakfast with fruit. It neutralizes the effect bad cholesterol, and therefore you can safely add oil to it. Nutritionists recommend oatmeal as a low-calorie product. The exceptions are: oatmeal, which relate to products instant cooking. They contain content harmful substances relatively large, while there are an order of magnitude less useful substances than in natural oatmeal.

Barley porridge

Pearl barley porridge is recommended for those people who are on a diet. This porridge is known primarily due to the fact that it helps to increase the amount of collagen in the blood absolutely naturally. Collagen is a substance that makes the skin smooth and elastic. This porridge is quite filling and at the same time low in calories. Besides, pearl barley porridge contains a lot of phosphorus, which contributes to the formation of the skeleton and strengthening of bones. Therefore, it is recommended for use by both adults and children.

Corn porridge

IN corn porridge contains useful substances such as silicon, iron, chromium, carotene, zinc, vitamins of group P. This porridge is recommended for people who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Nutritionists recommend it as a product for removing toxic substances.

Millet porridge

Regular millet is a product that is suitable for both athletes and people who exercise physical labor. It has a very beneficial effect on the growth of the body, so it is recommended for children to eat. Millet porridge contains many useful elements, including silicon, which affect the growth of bones and teeth. The porridge also contains copper and essential amino acids. Millet porridge is recommended for those people who suffer from constipation. This porridge is very good to cook with pumpkins or vegetables.

Note that when choosing high-quality millet porridge, you need to pay attention to the one that is packaged in transparent bags. Good millet porridge has a bright yellow color.

Rice porrige

Rice porridge is low in calories. It is recommended to eat it without oil and cooked in water. This porridge has a beneficial effect on the intestines and helps treat diarrhea.

To summarize, we can say that most cereals are very healthy for children and adults. Also, many of them can be used during a diet. For those who want to learn more about cereals, we recommend articles.

Cereals make up almost half of our menu. But some of them are very dangerous pleasures for both the figure and health. Is it true that pearl barley is undesirable for men? semolina causes rickets in infants? Is it so useful? oatmeal for breakfast? Let's try to figure it out.

A common disadvantage of all porridges is the high content of starch, which digestive system turns into sweet glucose. To divide all foods depending on how they increase sugar, doctors came up with a special indicator - GI ( glycemic index). The most harmful product in terms of this indicator is glucose syrup, it has an index of 100.

Everything edible, depending on the GI, is divided into three groups: harmful products the index is above 70 (they should be consumed as rarely as possible), moderate foods have a GI of 56 to 69, and good foods have a GI of less than 55. Even the most the best porridges- oatmeal, buckwheat and long grain rice - are, in fact, on the border between healthy and moderate foods. And this means that you shouldn’t overeat on them.

Are porridges healthy?


Benefit. Oatmeal is the record holder among cereals for the content of aluminum, boron, and iron. Contains B vitamins, biotin, fiber. In terms of protein content it is second only to millet and buckwheat. With a glycemic index of 55, it is approximately in the middle of the cereal ranking.

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Oatmeal contains natural antioxidants that increase the body's resistance to negative impacts environment. Calcium and phosphorus in oats are necessary for development skeletal system humans, and a large amount of iron makes oatmeal a healthy food for the prevention of anemia.

Recent studies have shown that oat fiber contains very important element to reduce the level of bad cholesterol - beta-glucan. Consuming 3 grams of oat soluble fiber helps reduce cholesterol levels by 8-23%. Oatmeal is also very good for normal operation gastrointestinal tract.

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Harm. Oatmeal contains phytic acid, a substance that delays the absorption of calcium in the intestines. Moreover, phytic acid not only prevents calcium from being absorbed in the body, but also leaches the necessary trace element from our bones. So if you plan to stick oat diet, you should first consult your doctor.


Benefit. A record holder among cereals for the presence of magnesium and B vitamins. Millet is considered one of the least allergenic grain crops. It is very easily absorbed by the body, so it is suitable even for people with sensitive intestines.

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In terms of protein content, millet is superior to rice and barley, and in terms of fat content it is second only to oatmeal. The glycemic index, like oatmeal, is average. Millet porridge has a beneficial effect on the body in case of atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus and liver diseases. It is invaluable for people who want to get rid of excess weight, as it prevents the deposition of fats in the body and successfully removes already accumulated fat.

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Harm. Millet contains substances that increase gas formation, so it is better for people with intestinal problems to exclude millet from their diet. Millet is also more likely to harbor bugs and butterflies than other grains.


Semolina boils quickly, is well absorbed, contains minimal amount fiber (0.2%). Liquid semolina porridges are included in diets prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and after operations on the stomach and intestines.

Harm. The ambiguous attitude of nutritionists towards semolina is due to the presence of gliadin and phytin in it. Gliadin is a gluten that can cause intestinal villi to die and slow absorption nutrients. That is why semolina porridge is not suitable as complementary food for small children, and is also not recommended for consumption by children under 3 years of age.

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Benefit. More than three and a half billion people on the planet eat rice every day, despite the fact that it has the lowest protein content of all grains and one of the highest GI. Rice is an important source of vitamin PP, carotene, vitamin E, which help strengthen nervous system and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

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It should be noted that the more processed the rice grain, the less vitamins and minerals. Unpolished or brown (brown) rice is considered the most healthy.

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Harm. White, or polished, rice contains virtually no minerals and vitamins, especially important vitamins group B. In addition, it has a high glycemic index. Rice inhibits intestinal motility, so people who are prone to obesity or constipation should not eat it.

Pearl barley

Benefit. It has the lowest glycemic index among all cereals - 20–30 units. Very rich in amino acids. Contains a lot of lysine, which takes part in the production of collagen, helps slow down the appearance of wrinkles and helps keep the skin smooth and elastic longer.

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Pearl barley is rich complex carbohydrates, which slowly split, and this gives long feeling satiety. It contains a lot of potassium, iron and calcium. The set of vitamins in pearl barley can be envied by any other cereal.

Harm. Hazardous properties pearl barley is associated with the gluten content in it, as in semolina. Gluten is especially dangerous for people with genetic intolerance to this protein. According to statistics, certain signs of gluten intolerance are found in every third inhabitant of our planet.

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Pearl barley also causes increased gas formation, therefore, people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and a tendency to constipation should not abuse it. Thanks to the content of phytoestrogens frequent use pearl barley can cause a decrease in libido in men.


Benefit. It has the highest glycemic index among all cereals, so it overuse can lead to obesity. In terms of protein content it is inferior to all cereals except rice.

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Harm. Corn grits, like corn, is contraindicated during periods of exacerbation of stomach ulcers and duodenum, as well as in case of individual intolerance.

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Benefit. The undisputed leader among cereals in protein content. Has a good glycemic index. Recommended for dietary nutrition due to its ability to keep glucose and cholesterol under control.

Buckwheat is one of the most healthy cereals, because it contains eighteen essential amino acids, iron, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, iodine, zinc, boron, fluorine, molybdenum, cobalt, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B9, PP, vitamin E.

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Buckwheat has a lot folic acid, which stimulates hematopoiesis, increases the body's endurance and resistance to many diseases. In terms of fat content, of all grains, buckwheat is second only to oatmeal and millet.

Harm. It has practically no serious contraindications. The disadvantages include the fact that the iron contained in buckwheat is poorly absorbed by the body.

Cereals - unique product, we have become accustomed to them since childhood and eat them without thinking. As a result, we consume dangerous grains and neglect those that the body really needs. To avoid making such mistakes in the future, take the time to figure it out. which porridge is healthier, and which one can be refused.

Obviously, there is no ideal porridge and there cannot be. But now stores offer us an incredible variety of grains, legumes and other crops. Everyone can create a set of optimal products for themselves, based on their budget, taste preferences and diet.

Nikolai Laduba loves to spend time actively and goes hiking. He is a big fan of science fiction. Nikolai’s son is only 7 years old, but he shares his father’s hobbies: what could be better than settling down comfortably and watching the series with the whole family “ Star Trek"? Our author approaches all issues in detail, as evidenced by the quality of his articles. Nikolai's favorite book is “The Black Prince” by Iris Murdoch.

Porridge is an almost ideal side dish and an excellent independent dish, which has a rich set of essential nutrients, vitamins and microelements.

The porridge is satisfying, provides the body with energy for long hours and fits well on the stomach. With the proper culinary skills and a recipe, any porridge, but even without them, you get a more than edible thing that is easy to prepare. Any taste deficiencies can be easily compensated for by combining porridge with meat, milk and other additives.

In some cases associated with illness, porridge becomes almost the only food that a person can eat. However, everything is good in moderation.

Like other things around us, porridge can be both medicine and poison.

If you eat only porridge for a long time, you will most likely lose your health due to the extreme inadequacy of your diet. Porridges, even from different cereals, cannot replace all food.

In addition, some types of cereals and legumes contain substances that can have Negative influence on the body. It is very important to know which cereals can be eaten without restrictions and which ones cannot.

From a nutritional point of view, porridge is very far from ideal food. The basis of most porridges is cereals (the exception is pea). Cereals contain a lot of starch. In the body, starch easily and quickly turns into glucose, which enters the blood. Excess glucose is quickly stored in fat and is especially dangerous for people suffering.

Glycemic index

To indicate the effect of a particular food on blood sugar levels, scientists introduced the glycemic index (GI) of foods. The lower the GI, the more preferable the product is for ordinary person. The exception is athletes who need high GI foods for quick recovery during and after the competition.

The glycemic index of pure glucose is 100. In comparison, the GI of all other products is determined.

The glycemic index of the same product varies depending on the region, weather conditions during growth and other indicators. Additionally, the GI can increase greatly when using supplements. For example, milk increases the GI of porridge by 3–4 times. The recipe also has an impact.

The indicated values ​​are average, may differ for a specific product and are valid only for cereals without additives.

The best cereals by glycemic index:

Worst cereals according to glycemic index:

Oat and millet porridge with a GI in the range of 40–65 are approximately in the middle of the rating and can be classified as both beneficial and harmful in terms of GI.

The wide variation in GI is explained by the pre-processing of the product, as well as the variety of the same cereal. For example, brown and wild rice have a GI of about 50, while steamed white rice has a GI of close to 70.

Let’s take a special look at semolina. Less processing means more benefits, and semolina is the best confirmation. Representing a by-product of production wheat flour, this cereal not only has a high GI and is poor in terms of vitamins and microelements, but also interferes with the absorption of vitamin D, iron and calcium. Lack of the latter weakens bone tissue.

More expensive exotic crops like quinoa have their advantages in terms of chemical composition, but the noticeable difference in price does not allow us to call these products generally available, and therefore we did not include them in the rating.

Protein and calories

Porridges are a source of not only carbohydrates, plant fibers, fats, vitamins and microelements, but also protein. Plant proteins They are inferior to animals in amino acid composition and digestibility, but are still useful and necessary for our body.

Among the crops common in Russia and used in porridges, there is no protein champion.

On average, 100 g of cereals contains about 10 g of protein.

Please pay Special attention in Fig. Although this crop is extremely popular, in terms of protein content in its raw form it is inferior to almost all cereals: 7 g of protein per 100 g of pure rice versus 9–11 g per 100 g of cereals of other crops.

100 g of peas contain about 20 g of protein, which is why they and other legumes are often called meat substitutes.

When cooked, the weight of the cereal increases greatly due to water. The calorie content of all ready-made cereals is approximately the same and amounts to 100–140 kcal per 100 g.

Porridge is our strength

Obviously, there is no ideal porridge and there cannot be. But now stores offer us an incredible variety of grains, legumes and other crops. Everyone can create a set of optimal products for themselves based on their budget, taste preferences, goals and diet that corresponds to these goals.

Andrey Safonov I live in Moscow, work at the AChO, pedagogical education, year of birth 1966. Andrey Safonov Everything is now on the ball at all angles, topsy-turvy, sideways, And what do you and I think day and night! What do you and I think night is day! And the Lapps chop down dates, And in the Sahara there is a ton of snow! These are the bastards - the physicists made a bet and spun the ball the other way around. And where the pole was - there are the tropics, And where New York is - Nakhichevan, And that we are people, not bobbies, They don’t give a damn about that! Alexander Galich Who cares, but I’m tired of it. Either spring comes “unexpectedly” for us, or “unexpectedly” winter is delayed. How did you like the events of the last ten days of March? “More than 20 centimeters of snow fell in Colorado in one day, about a hundred flights were canceled at Denver International Airport”... “Kiev, covered in snow, is stuck in kilometers-long traffic jams, people are pushing a trolleybus”... “Football match Russia - Northern Ireland postponed due to snowfall"... All over the Northern Hemisphere, people are counting losses, fans and passengers are demanding compensation. After all, in fairness, someone should reimburse them for their expenses! Who? I think - weather forecasters. What, it was difficult to predict the snowfall at least in advance a couple of months? We spent billions on satellites, space and computerization, and the accuracy of predictions is like that of a grandmother in her garden: 50/50. Remember how many times the weather forecast for the weekend let you down. Do you remember? Same thing. I hope everyone is happy, finally, it is obvious that meteorology seriously ill. Or not even at all the science. And where should she be? science, if he is engaged in observations Institute applied physics. Physics, which I personally have not considered for a long time science. As well as astronomy, by the way. I just don't want me to be as Sciences presented a set of inconsistent “theories” that use concepts that do not have a clear definition - for example, “vortex”, “field”, “wave”. Even to a non-specialist it is clear that with stories about “particle-wave dualism” these so-called scientists They are simply covering up their helplessness and lack of professionalism. How much money was spent on the “collider”, and the result, as predicted, was zero: it seems that they caught something, but no one knows what exactly. However, nothing surprising. All these so-called Sciences use “mathematical methods,” that is, abstract constructions that have no place in reality. Well, tell me, has anyone seen the point? Not on paper, but that “infinitesimal” point with which they operate in their abstractions. Of course not! Neither a point, nor a straight line, nor a “perfect circle”, nor a “plane”. Why bother so diligently to discuss something that does not exist and cannot exist? How many times have I asked them this question, but in response - either deaf silence or replies: they say, “mathematics puts the mind in order,” ha ha! What kind of mind is this in which there is a “negative angle” or, for example, an angle of 420 degrees? What might it actually look like? I have repeatedly asked official mathematicians to depict it on paper - not one could! And how many insults I have heard... And this nonsense has been hammered into the heads of children, suppressing their creative activity, for several hundred years. And the answer is simple: WHO stood at the origins of all this “wisdom”? I dug and found out: Leibniz, Gauss, Huygens... Do you feel where the wind is blowing from? The Germans are all as one. Well, maybe a couple of Frenchmen are still around, but that doesn’t change anything. They are CLOSED science, Yes Yes! They closed the great ancient knowledge of their ancestors, encrypted in Roman numerals, and forcibly introduced parentheses, zeros and other eastern cabalism, which the so-called “mathematicians” still indulge in today. Yes, in folk tale there was a deep meaning about the Little Goat, who could count, but because of the Leibniz and Gaussians, we lost it. What did you get in return? They tell us: but Newton discovered... What? Law of universal gravitation? Three times ha! He CLOSED it, hiding the carrier particle. And he falsified the result! It turned out that there is gravity, but the particles that carry gravity are not. Can this really happen? And all official physics has been diligently avoiding this issue for 300 years. They fold their lips into a bow and are silent, as if they are not touched. But in ancient times levitation was common phenomenon! Otherwise, where would a flying carpet, a mortar and pestle, or an ordinary broom come from in our fairy tales? Where, finally, would yogis retain the skills of levitation? Official the science believes that all this is fiction, but what does she know about the past? After all, life in that era was completely different from today. People easily turned into wolves and deer, pikes, falcons, swans, as our surnames still remind us of. Notice how many Medvedevs, Zaitsevs and Lisitsyns there are around! Another important, I’m not even afraid to say, fateful topic is water. Source of life and all that. But what did the counterfeiters do with this precious substance? scientists degrees? According to the official version, any substance in a molten state should be lighter than in a solid state, but with water it’s exactly the opposite! Why does ice float? I asked my school chemistry teacher about this. Do you know what he answered me? " The science I haven’t fully figured it out.” For a thousand years, she still hasn’t figured it out, ha-ha! What did she figure out then, this “ the science"? Okay, at least this teacher frankly told me, a boy: they say, we don’t know - that’s the point. And what kind of nonsense are the so-called candidates spouting? sciences? About “pseudocrystals” and “clusters” and even about some kind of “dipole member” that the British found in water half a century ago. Have you ever wondered why they introduced four temperature scales - Celsius, Kelvin, Fahrenheit and Reaumur? (I certainly could have done without the latter). In my opinion, solely for the purpose of weeding out the “rednecks” from their pseudoscientific disputes. After all, if one claims that the boiling point tap water+100, the other is +373, the third is +212, and the fourth is +80, then, of course, gullible listeners will no longer be able to figure out what the trick is! At the same time, imagine, the melting temperature of ice at Reaumur and Celsius coincides, and the difference between the Celsius and Fahrenheit scales turns out to be either 112o (as in the first case), or 32! If you don't believe me, you can see for yourself. And what literally deposits and rubble have accumulated over 500 years in the so-called " geography"Even without touching the Bermuda Triangle and the Mariana Trench, ask geographers simple question: How many continents are there on Earth? Do you think they will tell you honestly and directly? Never! Their usual reaction is “in what country did you study?” Depending on this, you will be answered 5,6 or 7. Can you imagine? They don't even know how many continents there are on earth! Geography is absolutely untenable as the science. If the first question does not convince you of this, ask the second: what, for example, is the area of ​​America, Asia or Europe? You will receive a dozen different answers, and in the latter case the discrepancy can reach 2 million square meters. km! These are no longer double standards or even tenfold, but two millionth! Wow, they are traveling around the world for foreign grants and haven’t even bothered to accurately measure Europe, but the Russian Academy of Sciences is silent, money is dripping in. Well, I won’t say anything about biology, just yesterday they pulled out an intact tooth instead of putting a filling in - what kind of biology is that? But in public sciences- yes, it’s time to call the parasites to account. Especially parasite historians! Unfortunately, many of them have already died, but the graves are intact. It is possible to declare public censure over graves for educational purposes. And what? For almost a thousand years they have been trying to figure out what year Noah landed on Ararat, and they still can’t figure it out. And not only that! In short, here things are no better than in physics and geography. We obviously won’t see the “blank spots” closed in our lifetime. And if so... It's time to do something about it! Historians have outlived their time, pardon the pun. I don’t even understand who is now interested in these scraps from ancient garbage dumps - some shards, a “whorl whorl,” splinters, scraps of parchment. For example, I don’t really want to know that my ancestors spent their whole lives digging in the earth, walking around in filthy clothes, and by the age of 40 they died very old men. You won’t force this “story” on me, no! In our age of multimedia and 3D animation, it would be possible to come up with something more intricate - what difference does it make if we still never find out what was there in real life. And I even know people who would be happy to take on such projects. Already doing it! There are also first results, germs of the future, so to speak. The beginnings of an alternative Sciences, which will finally stand in front of people, and not behind them, like the official one... However, Russia 2013.04.20 21:21