A conspiracy for success in trading. What do you need to take care of before performing the rituals? Conspiracy on a banknote

Even the most inveterate pessimists can change their views on how generous and supportive the Universe is. It is enough to cast a spell for good luck in life several times and thereby attract success and prosperity for more than one day. Using luck spells, you will open the secret door to happiness, prosperity, and you will be able to boast about your progress in career ladder and high position in society. Material benefits will come along with harmony, peace of mind and family happiness.

Spell to attract good luck in life

Practicing sorcerers and magicians advise performing rituals on the new moon, and then the result will be obvious. The chosen spell will have a magical effect only if all the requirements are met, and you firmly believe that you will change your life in better side. Before casting a spell to attract good luck, you should get rid of past negativity and previously inherited troubles.

Eliminate the trail of other people's failures, which for some reason follow you, constantly haunting you. One of the reasons may be your name, which you were given in honor of someone who died long ago close relative. You will partly inherit his fate and many misfortunes and troubles, constantly arising problems will take the place of positive things. If your name brings discomfort, feel free to change it to something more plausible. At dawn, perform a cleansing ritual. Dial clean well water and say the plot three times:

“I wash my face with clean water, wash away all misfortunes and troubles, invite happiness and good luck.”

After the words have been spoken, wash your face with the charmed water and wipe your face with a new, completely clean white towel made of natural linen or cotton. After lunch, go to the cemetery, taking a towel with you. There, hang it on a tree branch and say the spell:

“I’ll leave you, the wrecker, and pave my own path to success and happiness. The dead are on their way to heaven, but I have to stay here. You will be a servant of God (the name of the one in whose honor you were named) stand before the Lord and give an answer. Take everything you have with you, leave the servant of God (your name) with his fate. Amen (3 times)."

No one should know about what you did. Do not borrow or give anything from your yard for three days in a row. Miracles will soon begin to happen in life.

A powerful spell for great luck

Wealth, prosperity, and growth in well-being are accessible things that can be achieved through one’s own efforts and using some knowledge from white magic.

How conspiracies can help:

  • improve financial situation;
  • will return peace and tranquility to the family;
  • will suggest options for obtaining stable income;
  • will indicate a way out of a crisis life situation;
  • will bring you good luck;
  • will help you find your desired position.

By performing a magical ritual ritual, you will be able to take possession of the countless treasures of the Universe, bask in luxury, and never need money.

Good luck ritual with a pin

Knowledgeable people warn against carrying someone else's mace, picked up somewhere on the street. Some people who have worn such a talisman for a long time can deliberately throw it, leaving their own negative energy on the pin. Moreover, someone else’s amulet is unlikely to adequately serve the new owner. But having your own charmed amulet is not bad for every person.

Buy a brand new shiny metal pin that will accompany you everywhere, while remaining inaccessible to prying eyes. During the waxing moon, read the plot:

“Pin - pin, I enchant you, by God’s will I ask you to protect from the evil eye, to attract happiness and good luck, to help me in any endeavors! Amen."

After reading it three times, always have the enchanted object with you, pinning it with its point up. Favorable changes will soon be noticeable.

Luck and conspiracy are the main key to wealth

Many businessmen and entrepreneurs admit that they achieved the desired success thanks to their luck and instinct, determination, fortitude, and also attracting good luck in business. Your life will not get better if you do nothing, but sit and just wait for manna from heaven.

Popular wisdom says: “Under a lying stone, water does not flow!” Start taking decisive action and stop resisting change!

After waiting for the waxing moon, go to the cemetery at midnight and find a fresh grave. First, read the “Our Father” prayer, then, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, draw four crosses on the ground with a knife to different parties and light three church candles so that you are in the center. Say the spell:

“Just as everyone bowed to the deceased with secret awe, so everyone would bow and bow before me. But I can’t count my wealth, have power over people, and succeed over others.”

After you have said the spell three times, extinguish the candles and place them on the grave of the deceased. Leave quickly without looking back. You can't tell anyone about magical rite, you need to keep your secret so as not to become vulnerable to envious strangers.

Folk signs for money

Our life itself often gives us clues on how best to act and what to do. Our ancestors had their own signs about money and prosperity, about how to preserve and increase what they had acquired, many of which are still relevant today. Check your knowledge of signs and superstitions and draw your own conclusions:

  • accept money with your left hand, give it with your right;
  • do not brag or envy;
  • do not give money or various items over the threshold;
  • holey pockets and torn buttons lead to poverty;
  • There should always be money in your wallet; you can store an irreplaceable metal ruble there;
  • the house should be swept with one broom;
  • after sunset, debts are not repaid or lent to other people, and garbage is not taken out the door;
  • do not pick up money at an intersection;
  • remove empty bottles from the table, do not put two knives next to each other - there will be quarrels and scandals.

Spell for successful sales

Before you sell your house, apartment or car, use magical knowledge that will help attract good luck. Before potential buyers arrive, read the plot three times:

“I call on the power of the Almighty, I beg the Most Holy Lady for help. There is a hut in a dense forest, and a wild animal lies nearby. I’ll walk past the beast into the house through the door. In front of me the lamp is burning and the icon is hanging. I will pray and bring the people with me. Generous buyers swoop in, take apart all the goods and praise them. Admire, buy, wild beast Do not touch. Amen."

While reading the spell words, you should be in the premises being sold, but so that no one can hear you.

Words for profitable trading

If your field of activity involves the sale of various goods and the provision of various services. Then it’s worth improving the situation with the help of magic words for good luck. The ideal day for the ritual would be Wednesday or Saturday, when the moon is not in the sky. To perform the ritual, buy a bottle essential oil. Take a large coin and thoroughly lubricate it with the fragrant contents from the bottle. Say the spell three times:

“I pay tribute to all the trade routes and paths. Accept money from me, send me luck in trading! Let things go well, but there will be no bills for clients. People keep coming, don’t spare money, make purchases and leave a pretty penny.”

After reading the words out loud, they leave a coin in the place where the trade will take place and say: Everything is paid! There is no need to pick up the coin, let someone else do it, a buyer, client or hired employee.

Success in trading is guaranteed to you.

Spell for good luck and prosperity

Beginning entrepreneurs and experienced businessmen should do this. The ritual should be carried out within one month, without missing a single day, so as not to anger the higher powers. Voditsa has the ability to remember information, so when performing the ritual you need to be positive, not think about the bad, throwing uncontrollable negative thoughts and feelings out of your head.

Early in the morning, over a glass of clean, preferably spring or running water, we recite the following words:

“I charge the mighty element with clear water and fill it with cosmic energy. May your wishes come true, and may the dreams of the servant of God (name) always come true. Let the business bring benefits, prosperity, and ask for profit. My word is a castle, my word is a law. Amen!"

Make the sign of the cross over a glass of water three times and drink it after the spell has been cast.

Auxiliary ritual

Taking a clean bucket or bowl of water, we read the spell over it:

“Water, sister of earth and wind, you have innumerable strength, cherished energy. I ask you to wash away the burdens of life, bad luck and envy from me, and give me all earthly blessings, good luck and eternal wealth, a beautiful life. Your strength is multiplying, so that it will be added to me.”

Wash your face immediately afterwards with the recommended water and do not wipe your face, then proceed to your daily activities and concerns. The conspiracy will soon take effect and you will intuitively feel what the right decision is to make; all your actions will lead to increased wealth and increased profits.

Before performing any rituals at home, it is advisable to know the text of the prayer or spell by heart.

Conspiracy for successful fulfillment of desires

To do this, they use water blessed in the church. Naturally, the desire must be adequate, and not from the realm of the obvious - an incredible event or fantasy.

Such a conspiracy is a great help for students when taking tests and exams, and will also contribute to an excellent deal with business partners.

Place a cup of holy water in front of you, closing your eyes, and for a moment colorfully imagine that everything you planned has already come true. Record the result obtained in all details, including the positive emotions received, and then begin to charm the water. Think carefully when choosing a desire; it must be really worthwhile, since it is often impossible to perform a ritual.

“Holy water sprinkle me, servant of God (name). May happiness and good luck come, and my wish come true, may all adversity pass by, and I am always lucky in life.”

Wash yourself with some water and do not wipe off the holy drops, let them dry on their own.

Good luck spell for Wednesday

On the first Wednesday, on the waxing moon, we attract success and good luck. At midnight, when the sky is clear and the moon is clearly visible, a witchcraft ritual is performed using a glass clean water from the nearest spring, or consecrated in the church on the big religious holiday. You need to take a gold ring, preferably not a wedding ring, and your own, not someone else’s. You will also need coins of various denominations of golden color.

Let's begin the magical work of attracting success in business. When midnight comes, place coins in a prepared glass of water and gold ring. After which we read the spoken words seven times:

“Lord, send help from heaven, give holy, strong help, illuminate with your righteous light. I offer you holy water, I ask you for goodness and good luck. With your right hand you have found goodness, with your finger indicating happiness you have given. Help in good deeds, bless for good thoughts. Amen".

Take one sip after reading the words of the conspiracy. At the end of the seventh reading, drink all the water without removing the coins with the ring. And then always carry the ring with you, no matter on your finger, on a chain or in a secret pocket.

Place the coins in your wallet, preferably in a separate compartment, and store them as an irredeemable reserve.

Spells for good luck from Vanga

Many of the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga came true. Therefore, many people are still collecting her advice bit by bit on how to really get their cherished desire fulfilled. Using, you can easily have a specific sum of money, sufficient quantity means to fulfill a cherished goal.

When you go to bed in the evening, dream with your eyes closed about how wonderful it will be to get the desired amount. Then imagine that the money has already been received, and you can happily manage it. Imagine the finished picture before your eyes, with all the sensations, positive emotions, and say the spell 9 times:

“Come to me my luck. If my cherished wish comes true, this is how I want it, and this will definitely happen.”

Thoughts are material, so what you plan will definitely come true if you continue the ritual. At four o'clock in the morning, get out of bed and go outside, with the appearance of the first rays of sunshine, say the following magic words:

“I get up in the morning, waiting for grace. Clear sunshine, send a clear mind, fulfillment of desires and all kinds of luck. You can teach me to get what you want.”

Say the spell out loud three times. Within a short period of time, you will receive the intended amount, which must be spent on exactly what you asked for. Otherwise, instead of joy, you will get a bunch of minor troubles, quarrels and losses.

Powerful words for well-being

Go to church for the evening sermon and bring home blessed water. The next morning, before having breakfast, sit at the table, placing in front of you a glass of blessed water and half a loaf of black bread. Say the following spell out loud:

“The Lord can feed the hungry with bread and give water to the afflicted. Help me, Lord, to support my family without need and hunger. Let there be joy and prosperity within the walls of my home. Show me the righteous path to obtain prosperity. I will spend everything I receive wisely and according to need.”

After the words are said three times with a short interval, you need to drink holy water and divide the bread into equal parts for all family members. You should not explain to relatives what is happening and introduce them to the essence of the matter. Just say that this is what needs to be done. which will enhance the impact.

A curse on a piece of sugar

To make luck a constant companion in trading, you should whisper to a piece of sugar. After the ritual, the sugar is hidden in a secluded place, sewn into the clothes in which you will trade. This could be a vest, an apron, or even a scarf. Magic spell:

“Sugar, sweet sugar, attract prosperity to me, let the money flow, the buyers stick to it like bees to honey.”

You can sprinkle sugar crystals on your trading place, blessing and crossing your goods before doing this.

Tips for success in trading:

Trade-savvy people use sugar and salt, honey and poppy seeds to attract buyers. To attract good luck in commercial affairs, you should believe in your luck and handle money correctly. Take advice from knowledgeable people:

  • With the first bill received from the item sold, swipe crosswise across the counter. Next, hide the “initial” away from prying eyes;

Every person wants his life to be harmonious, beautiful and prosperous. One of the factors of a happy life is success in all matters and endeavors. However, not everyone is lucky, so how can you attract good luck? We offer conspiracies, prayers and rituals so that good luck always accompanies you and your loved ones.

Before performing rituals, reading prayers, conspiracies, prepare for them. Clean up the room, tables, etc. If possible, do a wet cleaning and then wash your body with cool water, put on clean, loose clothes (you should be comfortable in them).

Read your own plot for good luck at work using the fountain pen you always use.

“Serve my pen faithfully, be friends with my pen, live without bothering me, write letters together and solve problems. How much ink there is in a pen, so much strength I have! I can write and write with my pen, and I can find the job I need! To be paid, to be cared for; They appreciated that it was not boring, that it was handy. As said, so be it. Forever and ever. Amen".

After pronouncing the spell, tie a white thread around the pen, put it in your pocket and keep it in your pocket for the entire working day, without taking it out or showing it to anyone. During the first month after the conspiracy, you should use only this pen. Soon you will notice positive changes both in your attitude towards work and in the luck associated with business - it will turn its face to you again!

Try this option Orthodox prayer for good luck in any job.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us, for now, for centuries, for all time. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. In Adam's garden there is a tree, under that tree the grass grows and blooms once every thousand years. I'll come closer and bow lower. Overcome grass, I didn’t give birth to you, I didn’t give you a name, I didn’t water you, I didn’t praise you. The earth gave birth to you, rain and dew poured down on you. I ask you, I beg you, I glorify you.
Help me, God's servant(Name). May everything around me go well, may I not be jinxed by the evil eye. Overcome the grass, overcome evil people, so that I would be held in high esteem at my work. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Good luck at work.

It sometimes happens that all further work depends on the success of one single, specific task. Agree, it’s a shame when the whole business collapses because of some trifle! It's time to read strong conspiracy for good luck at work.

"IN open field Michael the Archangel. He stabs me with pitchforks, he stabs me with knives, he speaks all my words, all my deeds, he seals the deed with desire so that it comes true, he blesses it himself. My talented hour, the matter is decided by Michael the Archangel of my conspiracy.
I, the servant of God (name), have a holy magician, everything that I said will be like this. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

To find a good job, good luck in business, career growth.

Today, the issue of work is a pressing issue for many. Many people, having received higher education, they still can’t find it Good work. But there are vacancies, and they are waiting to be found. If you are having no luck finding a job, try using a job spell. Give the universe information that you need a job, and a good vacancy will come your way. We also provide conspiracies for promotions wages, career growth and other successes.

For a successful career

On the same date that a person was born, he needs to put on some new clothes and wear them for 3 days. While dressing it says:

“I’m putting on a new thing,
I’m making a new career for myself,
There will be service and friendship for me,
success at work,
There is understanding among people."

After the lapse of three days this item should be rinsed in cold water, and sprinkle this water on the place where the person works.

To find a job

After the new moon on Friday, go to the forest. On the road you cannot talk to anyone or come into contact with anyone at all. Find a place in the forest where two stumps are located next to each other. Sit on one of them and whisper:
Here I sit and a good place I'm looking for myself.
I, the servant of God (name), will sit on another stump
(in this case you need to transfer to another stump)
And I'll get a good place the next day.
Right, right, right!

After that, without looking back or talking to anyone, go home in full confidence that a good job will be found.

To find a job. For seven black candles.

Buy 7 black candles. Exactly at midnight, close yourself in the room and light the candles so that they form a vicious circle.
Look closely inside the circle and imagine yourself in a new job, concentrating all the power of energy, thereby activating the exit lines. After concentration, read the text 7 times in a row from the sheet:

“I will clear the karma and pave the way,
I will drive away the spirit of bad luck.
I give up black candles,
I send evil away from enemy affairs.
Give me work, damp earth,
Take the pitch black from me.
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

After reading it seven times, wait until the candles go out completely. You wrap the remains of the candles in a sheet with a spell and bury it in a deserted place.

For a successful business.

Plot for good luck 4 Having lit the stove in the bathhouse, go in there (so that no one washes in this bathhouse before you). Having taken off all your clothes, wet your head with two fingers of your left hand and sit in front of the stove. Looking carefully at the fire, say the following spell:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. In the bathhouse stove the fire is burning, scorching and blazing with heat, so my work would flare up and not go out. All day, to this hour, always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

This spell must be said twelve times in a row. There is no need to wash in the bathhouse on this day. Put your clothes on inside out and wear them for three days.

For success at work, salary growth and career growth Easter plot.

On Easter morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:

Christ is risen!
And I am the red sun to the whole world.
Sweet honey, salty salt,
The most praised!

Spread a towel on the table, eat Easter and a colored egg over it. The day after Easter, take this towel to work and wipe your work area with it.

To find a job

Cream is talked into finding a good job that will pay a lot: just as cream is the best part of milk, so let the person get it too the best option. As in the case of milk, it is not the store-bought cream that needs to be talked about, but the real thing, which is skimmed from fresh milk. The fattier the cream, the better work you will get and the more money will be in your home.

You need to pour the cream into a white cup and say the spell over it three times:

I will go out, servant of God (name),
From home - not from home,
Doors are not doors, gates are not gates,
On the road - not on the road,
I’ll pass, I won’t pass,
Countryside - not countryside.
I'll go look for some shares
In a damp forest, in a clean pole.
I’ll take one step and find a whole ruble,
And I’ll take another step and find a little piece of gold,
And I’ll take the third step, and I’ll find fifty.
Cream to drink,
And I'll get rich.
So that I can live and live
Yes, you don’t know grief.

After this you need to take three large sips of cream. You can drink the leftovers with tea or coffee or offer them to your family. Before going to bed, fluffing your pillow, say: “Mother Cow, you gave me cream, give me a new job, profitable and good.” Cross yourself three times and read the Our Father nine times. You will find a good job no later than in the next month.

A simple conspiracy.

Read before each time you go to work: “Lord, bless, Father, clothed in light like a robe, covered with a cloud, girt with a belt Blessed Virgin Mary, gracious intercessors. Bind the mouths, and tongues, and throats of princes, and boyars, and rulers, and of all authorities and clerks. Amen."

To find a job you like.

To find a job you'll love, collect 30 of the smallest coins. At dawn on the waxing moon, put the coins in a red cloth bag, which you sew yourself on the night from Monday to Tuesday. Then place the filled bag on right palm, cover with your left palm and say the spell 7 times: “30 - coins, 30 - talismans. Find me a job, hurry up, show me the way. I, God's servant (your name), will prosper on my journey. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job, I won’t get a refusal.”

After this, leave 10 coins in a bag and always carry them with you, and bury the remaining 20 in different places. And the farther from each other, the better.

So that the boss does not find fault.

At night, at exactly 24 o'clock, say a spoonful of sugar, and when you come to work, scatter it near the manager's office:

Bake, dry on my sugar,
Like a fly sticks to sweet syrup:
Heart, skeleton, brain, all organs,
So you, servant of God (name), turn around, loving,
To me, God's servant (name).
Keep the advice, in the absence of pressing,
Appreciate as they value the most valuable and expensive.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

For promotion.

On Sunday (preferably before nine o'clock in the morning) during the waxing moon, buy two handkerchiefs at the market. Pay so you don't have to take change. When you return home, wash the scarves, then dry them, sprinkle them with blessed water and leave them in the eastern corner of the home under the icon for 2-3 hours.

Then wrap seven coins of the same denomination and the same number of pinches of millet into one of them. At sunset on the same day, take it outside and bury it under any tree (except aspen) as far as possible from your home. At the same time, say 7 times:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Just as in forests and oak groves all living creatures work from dawn to dusk, just as in the fields and fields a peasant father works without straightening his back, so I work, spinning and turning, not knowing a break, not seeing rest. Lord, send Thy servant (name) grace from heaven, a well-deserved reward for my efforts, useless aspirations, so that I can work even more for glory. Yours! My word is true. Amen".

On the same day, take the second scarf to the intersection and leave it there, saying: “Paid!” Turn through left shoulder and return home another way. During next hour try not to talk to anyone

Lack of luck does not lead to anything good. All people on Earth agree with this judgment, because without a random coincidence of circumstances, someone would not be able to get a long-awaited job, find a husband, or receive a gift of fate in the form of financial well-being. A conspiracy for success and good luck in life is increasingly a necessity.

Any business must have a “zest” that brings people prosperity and joy. But sometimes fate refuses to give gifts. You can still achieve your goal using a little magic and faith in your own strength. And a conspiracy for success good job plays a very important role in this.

What does human happiness consist of?

Every person strives to achieve more in work, business, love, sports and in any area of ​​their life. This is what personal happiness is built on, but everyone has their own concept of happiness. Achieving what you want, clearly moving towards your goal and “squeezing out every last drop” is not always possible. The outcome of a particular case does not always depend on the forces applied. Simple luck can bypass not only adults, but also children. And what to do if well-being has passed a person by?

You can’t “give up,” because luck loves those who want to achieve it. Famous phrase“Hope dies last” was not invented because of a good life. And fighting for your success and happiness is the task of everyone who does not want to feel like a failure. Don't try to look for outside help. Our common enemy is often found in ourselves and in those around us. And magic can help in this difficult task of attracting success.

How can magical rituals help you get what you want?

Anyone can ask for help from higher powers. Rituals are performed by both sorcerers and magicians, and ordinary people who want to get the long-awaited luck. In addition, several centuries ago people used magical rituals to achieve their needs. But over time, magic lost its popularity, but its power remained the same. Many prayers that are used for rituals have very strong energy. This is due to its centuries-long accumulation. And all that is needed for a modern person is faith in its power. A conspiracy for success and good luck will open the way to solving your own problem, giving you a chance to feel happy, rich and self-confident.

Before undertaking the most powerful rituals, you need to make sure that they will not cause harm. After all, not all the most effective rituals belong to white magic. There are also those that can turn life into one continuous series of failures. And if you managed to find the ritual necessary for success, you should not rush to read it faster. The fulfillment of what is desired depends not only on the ritual itself, but also on the preparation for it.

What do you need to take care of before performing the rituals?

Rituals, as well as conspiracies and spells will bring good luck and fulfillment of desires only if all their features are taken into account. That is, the help of magical powers will be received if:

  • a suitable time will be selected;
  • everyone believes that magic will help him get what he wants;
  • The ritual will be kept secret from everyone.

Attracting magical forces in the search for success and good luck allows things to go uphill, achieve success in work, business, trade and personal life. The main thing is to follow all the rules and not give in to the temptation to tell others about your intentions to connect with white magic. Complete mystery and faith in what is desired create all the conditions for success to come into a person’s life.

Ritual for success in business

People who are surrounded by the negative energy of others most often want to attract success. The usual qualities of envy, hatred and deceit can harm an energetic person who is trying to improve the course of his affairs in search of work, money, a loved one, etc. Negative energy can negatively affect the life of every person. And most often, having freed themselves from its shackles, people immediately feel favorable changes and think: my work is finished. But how to get out of this evil whirlpool if your path is difficult? One of the options is a conspiracy for success in business.

What will be needed to perform the ritual?

Achieving success using magic is not difficult. The main thing is to carefully monitor the implementation of all actions. But the first thing to take care of is preparation. For a ritual for success in business, you must:

  • prepare a glass of clean, settled water;
  • a handful of salt;
  • wait until Thursday night.

How is the ritual performed?

On Thursday evening, you need to retire in a closed room from prying eyes. Having placed the prepared magical accessories on the table, you must:

  1. Come to the table.
  2. Place a container of water in front of you, holding a handful of salt in your hand.
  3. Look at the water, thinking about the desired success in business and getting rid of negative energy, which prevents what you want.
  4. Read the words of the conspiracy:

“White salt, pure! The sun and the radiant moon help you. Cleanse me too, God’s servant (name), take away everything bad, evil, dark. Amen!".

The plot for success must be read with thoughts about the desired changes, completely focusing on your problem. The plot should be repeated 7 times. After reading, the salt held in your hand must be placed in a glass of liquid and read last words conspiracy:

“Just as the salt passed through my fingers, so did the dirt leave me. Amen!".

After reading the plot, the magical accessory is put away in a dark place. When you wake up, you should take it outside your home and pour it out. The main thing is that the chosen place is deserted. Such a conspiracy saves a person from the influence of negative energy that prevents him from achieving success in any endeavor - at work or at home. After the ceremony, changes are coming in life. All difficult issues will be resolved and favorable changes will begin in business.

Ritual with washing

Conspiracy for success official work and in business, which should be read in the morning, can also become effective if you believe in its power. It is very simple, but requires patience, since it is carried out over several days, and it is impossible to carry it out at official work. The main thing is to force yourself to believe that success will come and any problems will be left behind. If there are no problems with this, then such a conspiracy will be a “lifeline” in the struggle for success.

What does it take to perform a morning ritual for success?

Morning ritual for success labor activity does not require the preparation of certain magical attributes. All you need to do it is the usual tap water and reading a prayer. Remember that prayer is not just a poem, it is a conversation with God, you need to keep your soul and heart open for blessing.

How is the morning ritual for success carried out?

The morning ritual is long. It runs for 13 days. All you need is:

  1. When you wake up in the morning, go to the bathroom.
  2. Open the water tap.
  3. Looking at the flowing water, think about your desires to succeed.
  4. Read the words of the prayer:

“Water-water that runs sparkling, wash my face. Take away all the nastiness and give joy. As you nurture the roots of trees, I become rich. Whenever I start a business, I think about you. Amen".

Every day, getting out of bed early morning, this ritual should be performed. You should not skip more than one reading of the prayer, because any mistake will lead to vain efforts to influence luck and success. The endurance and determination of people who do everything right will influence the future fate of a person and make him successful, which is what he wanted.

Ritual for money

Success in financially for many it is something unattainable or impossible. But everyone has their own wealth. For some, a ritual to attract money is necessary to provide for their family, while for others it is simply to “fill their pockets.” If there is no evil plan, and he turns to white magic for help to help not only himself, but also those around him, then the future is in his hands. And believing in the fulfillment of what you want and performing a ritual using money will help attract good luck financially.

What is required to perform a ceremony with money?

The ritual, which will help attract financial well-being, is held on Wednesday for the growing month. The clearer the sky is that night, the more effective the ritual will be. In addition to the weather, it is important to prepare the following magical accessories:

  • glass of water;
  • several yellow coins;
  • ring made of gold.

How is the ceremony performed for money?

To rid yourself of poverty and get the money you want, you need to believe in the effectiveness of the ritual. With the thought of future financial success, you should collect all the magical accessories by the required time and wait until midnight. When the clock strikes midnight, the ritual itself takes place:

  1. You should sit down at the table and place a glass of water, coins and a ring in front of you.
  2. Magic accessories must be placed in water and the glass taken with both hands.
  3. You should think about past money misfortunes and desired changes.
  4. It is necessary to read the words of the prayer:

“Merciful God, I need your help, protect me! Your immense power and grace, touch my destiny and life with your hand that brings light. Give me light, luck and prosperity. Do not give up in all endeavors and problems. Bless me for good luck in my labors, for all my deeds are for good. Amen!"

The word “Amen” is repeated 3 times, after which they go to bed with the thought of attracting money. If everything is done correctly, an “extra penny” will soon appear in a person’s life, which he can use for himself and his loved ones for the benefit.

Ritual for business or successful trading

Every entrepreneur who is involved in “their own business” may have ups and downs associated with business. It seems that there is a product, but there is no clientele, or the bargaining is weak and things are not going well. Some people try to establish trade, attract buyers and thereby influence their earnings. For others, it is important that transactions are successful, which can give a great chance to dramatically change their entire life. The reasons are different for everyone. Building your own career, working for yourself, the ability to sell your ideas or products is the basis of any work activity. But success in all endeavors can depend both on direct actions and on prevailing circumstances.

A powerful ritual for good luck “the key to success.”

Short spells for success.

10 words that attract good luck. Luck, success, happiness, health, well-being...

But there is always a chance to influence fate, to make it favorable to one person. And one of these methods is a ritual for business and a conspiracy ritual for successful trading. A conspiracy for successful trading is especially effective on certain days.

What will you need for a ritual for business and successful trading?

To save yourself and your business from problems and make sure that things “go” in the right direction, you need to clearly know your goal and go towards it. Once you are ready to perform the ritual, you should prepare the following magical accessories:

  • coin
  • patchouli sprig;
  • red thread;
  • essential oil;
  • remnant

The ritual itself is carried out on Thursday early in the morning, on the street. The best place- deserted. This could be an old park, alley or garden.

How is the ritual for business and successful trading carried out?

Having collected all the magical accessories and served obedience (fasting), early on Thursday morning, you need to go to a pre-planned deserted place, where the ritual itself is carried out:

  1. After making sure that no one sees you, you need to dig a hole in the ground.
  2. All prepared magical accessories should be placed in the prepared recess.
  3. It is necessary to read the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as money rings in someone’s wallet, so it will ring in mine. Success accompanies the red thread, so let it accompany my life. Help me, Lord. Amen".

After the words of the conspiracy are read, it is necessary to sprinkle earth on a thread, a coin and a piece of soap with the thought that all problems will soon disappear and a new, bright and profitable period will begin in trade. After the magical accessories are covered with a layer of earth, you must:

  1. Index finger right hand draw a cross in the air over buried objects.
  2. Say the words: “My word is law!”
  3. Go home without looking back until the place of the ritual is out of sight.

All the most desired changes in business, which relate to making financial profits, will soon overtake the person who performed the ritual. He just needs to wait and believe in his success and luck and not tell anyone about what happened.

How to become more successful in all areas of life

For some people, success is the fruit of their own work on themselves and their affairs. But is this really true? Achieving your well-being without the help of higher powers or favorable fate is an impossible task. Any conspiracy for good successful activity or success is just a way to get something that you cannot achieve on your own. And those people who do not rejoice in their success or do not notice it have another problem - they are not happy. If there is no bad intention in the head, and everything a person does is aimed at goodness towards others, then higher powers will definitely help those who need them. And rituals and conspiracies are just a way to contact them.

Some people need luck in every area of ​​their life. They feel like failures and try in every possible way to remove this title from themselves. Not many people agree to seek help in magic. But for those who have decided to trust the higher powers and believe in them, a week-long conspiracy for success is suitable.

What does it take to carry out a weekly ritual for success?

A long ritual for success requires restraint from a person and daily implementation of magical instructions. All you need is to know the words of the conspiracy and use them in right time, have amulets. If everything is done right, there is a chance that things will change soon. The main thing is to believe in this, because the beginning of the journey is always difficult.

How is the weekly ritual for success carried out?

The required time to perform the ritual for good luck is the morning of every Wednesday of the month. The person conducting it should go to the bathroom early in the morning to wash. The ritual itself is simple and includes only 3 steps:

  1. Regular morning wash with cold running water. You should wet your face and hands.
  2. Reading the words of the conspiracy:

“Sreditsa - Wednesday, let’s talk about the water. I am baptized in the name of Christ. A guardian angel protects me. Angel, have mercy, would you take all misfortunes away from me. You should send all your happiness and success to me. Sit on my shoulders, guard and guard me. Protect from evil people, from predatory animals, from filthy tongues! From court, from reprisals, from gossip and witches’ poisons! Lord God, add happiness to me, life is easy Do It! Amen!"

  1. After the words of the conspiracy are read, you should wash your face and hands with water.
  2. The completion of such a ritual is associated with the giving of a ransom. The next night, you should go to the cemetery, taking with you coins and milk with a pie.
  3. When approaching any grave, you must say the following words:

“You would remember the dead man, take away everything bad and bad from me forever and endlessly! It will be like this from now on and forever! Amen!"

Important nuances

The territory of the dead does not like uninvited guests. Therefore, after reading the words of the petition, you should leave the cemetery without turning around. No mistakes should be made. Any turning of the head to the side or slow walks through the cemetery can disrupt the effectiveness of the ritual.

Besides, you shouldn't look for more this night. appropriate place to end the ceremony. The dead do not like to be disturbed with their petitions and can in every possible way turn his actions back - to the detriment of a person. No amulets will help against such a return.

Magic that will help you become successful from a famous Siberian healer

Natalia Stepanova's fame as a folk Siberian healer, came because of her magical powers, full of light energy. She is a real specialist in performing rituals for good luck and fortune and her help was available to everyone. Her powers and protective amulets have helped thousands of people find long-awaited success in work, business and in their personal lives. The favor of fortune towards these people acquired a new, previously unknown character. Attracting monetary success and good luck for some people was influenced by amulets. For others, rituals with words of conspiracy came up. This healer had her own approach to each person.

You can learn more about this amazing person only by studying her works - more than 7,000 conspiracies. All of them have shown their effectiveness in different areas human life. AND most of of these, is associated with success and good luck. The most popular is a conspiracy for daily luck at work and in everyday affairs.

How to correctly use the words of the conspiracy for daily luck?

The power of the ritual lies in the daily use of the words of the conspiracy. In the morning, getting ready for work or before paying attention to household chores, you should say the words of the conspiracy:

“Our Lord, Great Father and Church, Mother! Help, protect, protect me from troubles, water, fire, evil words and intent. Take away from me failure and gossip, anger, evil thoughts of people. Accept my repentance, help me in my deeds, soften my heart. Amen".

Strong thoughts about the desired success will find their long-awaited support in the form of spiritual support from higher powers. But you can use prayer only once a day, but protective amulets always protect you. Reading the plot in detail will not bring the desired result. Remember that work conspiracies are not suitable for everyone; for this you need to have willpower and self-confidence. You must not be afraid of the consequences, and be prepared for any turns. Before you get something you need to invest time, energy and soul.

Become successful person Surely everyone wants it. Improve relationships at work and ensure financial stability for yourself and your family, to climb the career ladder - all this is real. And the rituals of white and black magic will help with this. What kind of conspiracy for success without consequences should you read in order to become such a person in life? Read our article.

Magic ritual for getting a good job

To attract success in your job search you need to perform a very simple ritual. Buy seven black candles from an esoteric store. At midnight, place the candles on the table in the shape of a circle and light them. Imagine getting the job you wanted. In this case, you need to concentrate your gaze on the middle of the burning circle. Read the text of the conspiracy:

“I cleanse my karma and pave the path of life for success. I drive away evil and bad luck away from myself. Earth, give me a new job and take away all the negativity and failures from me. Amen".

After reading the spell seven times, you need to wait until the candles burn out completely. Candle stubs should be wrapped in a paper sheet and buried in a deserted place. These powerful black magic rituals, which will start working the very next day, will help you in getting a decent job and wealth.

How to speak success in business

A conspiracy for success in life, business, and also if you want to have a good job, you need to read it in a melted bath. It is very important that on this day you become the first visitor to the vacation spot. Take off all your clothing, bend over the water and use two fingers to wet hairline on the head. Sit in front of the stove and clearly say the spell without taking your eyes off the fire:

“The wood in the stove burns with a bright flame, flares up more and more brightly. So let my success in business and business flare up with ardor and heat, flame and never fade away. I am successful and lucky! Let it be this way and no other way. Amen".

You need to pronounce spell words for success and good luck for business and work from memory twelve times. After reading it, you should not swim or talk to anyone. And the removed shirt must be turned inside out, put on yourself and worn for three days. Within a week after reading such a prayer, you will feel a shift for the better in your affairs.

How to speak success

A conspiracy for success in life, so that a new and good job comes to you, can be done in several ways. Let's look at what work and training rituals experienced sorcerers and magicians offer us for success and getting a good job.

Trinity conspiracy

On this great holiday, you can carry out a conspiracy to succeed and attract good luck for yourself. To attract money, good work and success in business, you need to find a withered long branch. Break it into three parts and say the text of the prayer:

“Holy Trinity, to the one who counted you, may good luck and success in business come to you. Let me have a new and profitable job. Collect me bounties from all over the world and bestow your grace on me. Amen".

Baking plot

There is another effective ritual of white magic. To carry it out, you need to bake any sweet treat - pies, bread or buns. You need to do baking in the evening for the new month.

“Grow up and rise the dough. Let my business and work progress successfully and quickly. Let the money increase and success in business become greater and greater. Amen".

After you say the text of the prayer, this successful ritual will help you attract money, prosperity, job stability and possibly a promotion.

Spell for good luck in studies for children

You can perform such a ritual not only for your child, but also for yourself. This white magic conspiracy is especially effective for the obedience of children who do not want to learn.

Cut a button from your child's outerwear, then hold it over a lit candle for a few seconds and throw it into a cup of water. During the conspiracy, children should not be in the room.

Now I read a conspiracy for success on them:

“Bring the charmed button and give my child (child’s name) success and good luck in his studies. Let his mentors praise him in everything, love him and set him as an example for other kids. Let my appeal be strong, like this sewn button. Amen".

After reading the ritual, sprinkle the button with sugar and sew it back tightly so that it never comes off.

Ritual for hiring a person

“Let no one ever say a bad or evil word about me. Let my enemies not raise their malicious tongues at me, but only respect, love and honor me. May my business always be successful. Amen".

Within a week, worthy candidates will be found for the job you offer.

Magic ritual for success in money

This large and powerful conspiracy to attract money must be implemented when there is a full moon in the sky and always on an even day of the month. Raising money is carried out as follows:

  • take a coin with an even denomination;
  • go to the church and bless the money;
  • when evening comes you will need to go into the grove, find an aspen - and the tallest specimen;
  • dig a hole next to the tree, put a coin, cover it with earth, compact it and water it with spring water.

“Oh, the great Veles and Lada. Bless me. Let my seedling grow quickly and grow like an ear of corn in a field. Let neither a field mouse nor an earthworm touch it. Let my money multiply and no one’s hand will covet it. Amen".

The most powerful ritual for success and good luck

This is a very effective, fast-acting spell for good luck and success that will help everyone if carried out correctly. Get up at sunrise and turn your whole body and face to the east. Place an image in front of you Mother of God and say the words forty times:

“I get up early in the morning at dawn, pray to the Lord God and ask for his blessing. All petitions are addressed to the Most Holy Theotokos. Virgin Mary, I ask you to give me the sign of happiness. It is written on it in fiery words that those who read this prayer sincerely and with faith and repeat it forty times will be gifted with Divine bounties at work and in all financial matters. I am successful in everything and always. May my will be fulfilled and may luck never leave me. Amen".

It takes seventy-seven days to pronounce words for success and good luck for yourself in front of the holy icon. Only after this do such rituals begin to work, and well-being and prosperity will certainly come to you.

Candlelight plot

A conspiracy for success and good luck can be carried out with church candles. Almost all secret rites and rituals are carried out using them.

So that luck and success do not pass you by, and your money only increases, first you need to buy a candle. Its color will depend on your needs and requirements:

  • a green candle helps get rid of poverty and misery in life;
  • blue light helps to get rid of evil and hated enemies, especially if you are doing things together with them;
  • brown candle colors will suit for those who want a new job, career advancement and luck in a new position;
  • a yellow candle helps improve health and gives strength, especially to those who are constantly at work and do not have time to take care of themselves;
  • a purple candle will help you grow not only in your career, but also spiritually, and also better master new skills and knowledge;
  • white candle - to attract success in life, work, business and the successful completion of an ongoing transaction so that it is successful.

Light a candle, hold it in front of you and read the words:

“Let the candle burn brighter and brighter just as my wish flares up and will certainly come true. Give a candle to my desire of confidence, may it be accompanied by success and good luck until the very end.”

A ritual for a successful career

This conspiracy for successful career advancement or a conspiracy for successful trading, successful completion of a transaction will add to your luck and help you achieve a lot in business.

Early in the morning, on the day of the transaction or when you need to sell a product, get up with good mood, look at the sun, smile at it and read the words:

“You are a radiant sun, you illuminate and illuminate all life on earth. Give me good luck, success and promotion. May my business be successful, successful from beginning to end.”

The very next day your business will go uphill both in your career and in trade. And if you need a good and profitable job, believe me, you will get it soon.

Conspiracy from the boss's nagging

To perform this ritual you will need a teaspoon of sugar. It needs to be spoken with the following words:

“Dry and bake with sugar, servant of God (name of the boss). Turn to me kind words and good intentions. Appreciate me as you appreciate all your dearest and most valuable things. Amen".

If you believe in the power of the words of such a ritual, it will certainly work in the coming days. Your affairs will improve.

Ritual for a successful business meeting

If you or your husband are about to start a profitable deal or a new job, then this ritual for success is just what you need. Open the window, take a couple of pinches of salt in your palm and squeeze well. Next you need to read the words:

“May my new business be a success. Let it grow in money and bring profit. Amen".

It is worth remembering that any salt ritual is carried out with faith in success, otherwise such a sacrament will become useless for you.

Attracting good luck with salt

The most powerful black magic rituals for salt of this type can be used to attract money, conduct good trade, and have a successful business.

On Sunday, before the sun sets, take a cloth bag and pour salt into it. Hold the salt in front of your face and read the words of the prayer:

“Let hardship, misfortune, adversity and failure pass me and all my family by. Let sadness avoid me. And my words will be strong and eternal. Amen".

Place the charmed salt in a bag under your pillow and scatter it in the wind in the morning. In just a few days you will have a new job.

Ritual for success with aroma oil

Patchouli oil not only has healing properties, but also strong magical powers. Experienced magicians perform various rituals with aroma oil to attract good luck, money, good work and successful business. One of them is presented below.

Prepare a mixture of patchouli, cedar, ginger and vetiver oils by mixing the ingredients in equal proportions. Before concluding a deal, to successfully trade or receive a large amount of money, lubricate your hands with oil and read the words:

“I wish everything goes smoothly for me. May this aromatic mixture attract benefit, luck and wealth to me in all my affairs. May I be gifted with heavenly bounties in whatever I do. Let it be this way and no other way. Amen".

The remaining mixture can be poured into a bottle and used in the future whenever you need it. Such amulets will not only help to attract success, but also protect you from the evil eye and failures.

Prayer for success in sports

This magical ritual will help you achieve success in any sport and even become a winner. Of course, the one who is stronger gets the run in sports. But with the help of white magic you can achieve the impossible. To do this, you need to read the words of the following conspiracy:

“I speak and conjure my words for victory. May I be stronger and more resilient than all my rivals. May I win the championship, and may my rivals remain far behind. Heavenly powers give me strength, energy and reward. Amen".

Bay leaf ritual

The strongest conspiracies for success in sports are based on the use of one of the most important requisites - a bay leaf. It is the laurel wreath that is a symbol of victory.

There is another plot for which you will need a large Bay leaf and a red candle. Light a candle and write “Victory” in large letters on the foliage with a pen. Imagine being a winner and enjoying your victory. Speak clearly every word of the conspiracy:

“Higher powers give me blessings for victory. She will be mine and the bay leaf confirms this. Let it be as I want. Amen".

After performing the sacrament, a fresh laurel leaf must be completely burned. To do this, put it in a fireproof container and light it with a flaming candle. The ashes should be scattered in the fresh air.

But that’s not all; we should not forget that the text of such a prayer, which must be read in church after the ceremony, has the greatest power. Contact Saint George the Victorious. After reading this prayer, you will achieve success in sports - at the next competition you will receive a championship.

Rituals for success from Natalia Stepanova

We bring to your attention the most powerful and protective rituals of the Siberian healer, which help everyone to achieve success in business, attract money, good luck in business, in getting a good job and conduct successful trade.

Jellied meat plot to appease the boss

To pacify your boss and make him respect you, you should conduct one very effective ritual Natalia Stepanova. On the night before the Great church holiday- Easter, we need to cook jellied meat. Early in the morning after visiting church and breaking the fast, place the prepared dish on your plate and read the text:

“As this jellied meat shakes on the plate, so let my boss shake. Let him not get angry at me, servant of God (his name), but look at me lovingly and address me politely. Protect me from his anger and hostility. Let my words be strong as iron. Amen".

Conspiracy to attract the attention of superiors

If you want to win the attention of your boss so that he promotes you, you need to perform the following ritual. You need to read the spell on your boss in front of the mirror while combing and putting on the clothes you are going to wear to see your boss.

Say the following words:

“Let my face be pure like a mirror. I will show up for meetings and other work meetings. My boss will love me, treat me favorably and give me a good position. Let everyone call me by my first name and patronymic. Let all doors open before me and success accompany me in everything and everywhere. Amen".

Conspiracy to save your existing job

To be successful in keeping your job, you need to perform one sacrament. Go to the forest, collect exactly as many oak leaves as there are cards in the deck. Stack them tightly on top of each other. Find a clearing with a stump. Draw a circle on the stump and sit on it. Then mentally challenge the devil to play cards with you. Say the following words at this time:

“Brother devil, come out and play a game with me. I'll play cards with you, and you do what I want cherished wish, may my work remain forever with me.”

Hand out the sheets as if you were playing cards. Put your part aside and tear up the damn deck. Go to the place where you work and scatter the leaves at the very threshold.

Conspiracies for wealth and good luck were and remain very popular in the past. Their relevance and great demand is explained by the effectiveness of the method. And if earlier, in order to attract love, success, material wealth, luck and happiness, they turned to sorcerers and witches, now these spells can be used even by people who have not previously encountered magic. And today you will learn how the conspiracy to attract prosperity and fortune “works”. We will also tell you how to carry out the ceremony yourself, and what prayers you should read during this.

To become lucky or a “darling of fate”, you don’t need to work hard in the literal sense of the word. There is another way that will help you achieve what you want - magic and spells to attract good luck.

When using magic, you need to be very careful. It’s not for nothing that they say: "Beware of your wishes". Having decided to use a spell for good luck in everything, you will need to think about everything. You should choose a spell carefully so that it fully satisfies your wishes. To carry out a ritual for luck (happiness, success, wealth) you need to be fully aware of what is happening.

As a rule, every ritual involving the use of a mirror is very powerful. Prayers and conspiracies that need to be read while looking at your reflection are quite dangerous. Therefore, you can start inviting success and good luck through this method only as a last resort. Like other conspiracies and rituals, this one will require the use of additional items.

To implement this plan, you will need:

  • clean large mirror;
  • church candle;
  • a piece of white fabric.

This ritual, during which you need to read a spell for good luck and luck, must be done at midnight between Saturday and Sunday. Having placed the mirror on the floor, stand in front of it, holding a lit candle in your hands. Say the words of prayer three times for success, luck, happiness and luck. Its text looks like this:

“Lord, my God, help! Deliver the godless Antichrist from the evil forces and deeds. Cover me under the net of Your Salvation. I will not give up, I will not renounce you and the church. Have mercy and pity on me, so as not to shed bitter tears on me night and day, so that I may have my daily bread. It is not self-interest that drives me, but need. Amen".

After saying these magic words, blow out the candle. Wrap the remaining cinder in a prepared piece of fabric. This amulet should be removed under the mattress. This spell (prayer) for good luck will begin to work almost immediately. Just make sure that the talisman wrapped in fabric does not disappear. After all, otherwise luck will turn away from you again, and you will not see wealth.

Inviting success through water and fire

There is another strong conspiracy for good luck, which should be read before midnight. It is accompanied by a ritual for which you will need:

  • a bucket of spring water;
  • 3 church candles.

It is worth noting that you will need to douse yourself with water at night. So, if necessary, reheat it in advance. It is advisable to perform this procedure before the ceremony.

This ritual has long been performed in a bathhouse. People believed that by pronouncing the words of this conspiracy for good luck there, it was possible not only to attract success, happiness, wealth and luck, but also to cleanse oneself from negative energy. To do this, take a bucket of water to the bathhouse in the evening. A summer shower or bath is suitable. Bending over the water so that your breath practically touches the water, say the words of the prayer three times:

“Clean water, cleanse me, servant of God (your name). I shower myself from head to toe, remove the burden from my soul, and clear my mind. Just as spring water washes away dirt from stones, so let the water cleanse me, take with it everything that I don’t need in life: need, loss, pain, grief. My word is firm, my word is strong. Amen".

Then stand up. Douse yourself with water from a bucket. Now you can proceed to the next stage of the ritual. To do this, go to the room where you sleep. Stand in the center, place candles around you to form a triangle. Light the candles. Stand up straight and close your eyes. For 2-4 minutes, continuously repeat the spell for good luck in everything. It sounds like this:

“The flame of holy and cleansing fire, endow me, the servant of God (name), with your strength and energy. Let it never go out. Amen".

After this, you can leave the triangle, leaving the candles to burn out. Then collect the cinders and throw them away in a deserted place.

Get rid of failures

Among the very strong rituals To attract good luck, a popular ritual is to get rid of bad luck. During this magical ritual, a special spell against failure is read. It will help drive out bad luck if the “black” streak has been following you for quite a long time.

A ritual to get rid of failure and bad luck should be done only on the new moon. On the scheduled day, prepare:

  • glass beaker;
  • fresh milk;
  • a piece of freshly baked pie;
  • a few coins.

In the afternoon, go to the cemetery with this set of items. Find an unmarked abandoned grave. Place all the things on it, pour milk into a glass. Having bowed three times, begin to read the text of the prayer:

“I came to remember you, deceased. If you took it, you would remove everything bad from me. So that good luck, happiness and luck accompany me forever and endlessly. Let it be so. Amen".

After pronouncing the words of the conspiracy to get rid of failures, immediately leave the cemetery. Leave quietly, don't talk to anyone and don't look back. Everything must be done exactly as described. Then the conspiracy will surely work. The effect of the ritual can only be seen after a few weeks.

We charm the talisman for luck and happiness

To ensure that luck, happiness and success always accompany you, you can carry a charmed talisman with you.

You can perform such a ritual yourself, using a specially purchased piece of jewelry or an old family heirloom.

To perform the ceremony you will also need:

  • church candle;
  • bucket with spring water.

At midnight, begin the ritual. Place a bucket of water on the windowsill so that the moon and stars are reflected in it. After lighting the candle, heat the decoration over the fire. Then go to the bucket and read the plot over it:

“I’ll go out the door at night and go along the road into the field. I’ll take a little thing with me so that for the servant of God (name of the customer) she can spell good luck, happiness and wealth. Protect, little thing, the servant of God (name) from bad weather, sadness, sadness, and attract success, wealth and luck. Amen".

The conspiracy will work if you carry the talisman with you constantly.