Constipation in a child 4 years folk remedies. Folk remedies for constipation for oral administration

Constipation- This is a temporary disruption of the intestines. During constipation, the intestines are not emptied (there is no stool for more than two days). This problem widespread and current.

Studies show that such a violation of the intestine occurs in 35-55% of adults. And in old age, after 60 years, the figure increases to 65%.

In addition to adults, pregnant women and children often suffer from constipation. Many consider the problem of constipation shameful and do not dare to see a doctor. They think that the problem will be solved by itself, or they turn to alternative treatment.

The most common causes of constipation

Let's get acquainted with the list of causes of constipation:

Symptoms of constipation

When a person begins to develop constipation, the frequency and nature of defecation changes. Cal in this case resembles "Sheep". That is, it comes out in the form of small dense balls.

This is the first sign of constipation. In the future, the feces become even more dense and more difficult to excrete from the body.

Signs of constipation:

  • Bursting in the intestines;
  • Feels incomplete emptying bowels after going to the toilet;
  • mild flatulence;
  • Painful feeling during stool.

bristol scale forms of feces

What happens if constipation is not treated?

Recipes from Vanga

Traditional medicine for the treatment of constipation was used by the famous seer - Vanga. She left people with many folk remedies that can help forget about constipation.

We will share some of them:

  1. You need to take the flowers of blackthorn and take it in the form of an infusion. 2 teaspoons of flowers should be poured into a glass boiled water and insist about 8 hours. Then you just need to drink this folk remedy on an empty stomach (200 grams).
  2. Vanga said - to get rid of constipation with the help of traditional medicine, it is worth using elderberry jam. A teaspoon twice a day will relieve the disease.
  3. Vanga said that onions are one of the best available funds in traditional medicine. She claimed that you need to eat 50 grams raw onion a day, constipation will pass.

Physical exercises

A set of exercises to eliminate constipation:

"Bike". This exercise does not apply to traditional medicine, but it helps to cope with constipation and normalize bowel function. We lie down on our back, raise our legs, hands behind our heads and raise our elbows. Then, with your feet you need to imitate the movement on a bicycle, and with your elbows try to touch your knees.

Stretching the legs. You need to kneel and rest your elbows on the floor. Then you need to straighten your legs one by one. Exercise normalizes the work of the intestines and blood circulation of the pelvis.

Therapeutic exercises to improve bowel function

Gymnastics for intestinal health:

  1. Lie down on your back and relax. Then you need to put your hand on your stomach and make circular stroking movements. It is necessary to iron gently and without pressure.
  2. Lie down on your back and massage the arch of the foot. It is necessary to actively knead it and smooth it.

Problem with bowel movements in pregnant women and nursing mothers

According to statistics, 50% of women experience during pregnancy. In case of constipation, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to harm the unborn child, but if there is no desire to go to a specialist, then you can use traditional medicine.

It is not advisable for lactating and pregnant women to take various infusions. Good for constipation physical exercises and balanced diet.

Treatment of constipation in a child

Before turning to traditional medicine and independently treating babies for constipation, you should make sure that its disorder is not caused by intestinal obstruction. If there are no prerequisites for constipation (nutrition and habitat have not changed), then you need to see a doctor.

When the causes of the disease are obvious, folk remedies will help.

Initially, you need to give the child a laxative enema. Then it is worth taking care of further prevention of constipation (ensure fluid intake).

Folk remedies also suitable for breasts. Infants should use complementary foods large quantity probiotics. You also need to do a massage of the tummy, which has a beneficial effect on newborns. If constipation has not gone away, then traditional medicine will not help. Urgently need to see a doctor.

Problems with the stool in the elderly

In the elderly, cardinal changes begin to occur in the body. The immune system changes digestive system etc.

is just a consequence of these changes. If defecation does not occur for more than two days, then it is time to turn to traditional medicine and get rid of the disease.

How to deal with the problem:

  1. The most important thing is to follow a diet. The diet should be balanced and contain enough fiber.
  2. Physical exercise is required. Muscles cannot be relaxed. Just 15 minutes a day of exercise can eliminate the risk of constipation.

Constipation is a problem that many people face. If you have chronic and frequent constipation, it is better to consult a doctor. The main thing you need to avoid constipation is a proper and balanced diet. If you follow the diet, then you can not worry about whether there will be constipation.

Constipation is a difficult bowel movement that occurs not only among adults, but also in children, including infants. Children suffer from this problem much more painfully than adults.

The frequency of bowel movements in children varies and is considered an absolutely individual phenomenon. For some children, it is normal to have a bowel movement once every two days, while for some, defecation is present every day.

For newborns on breastfeeding stool is characteristic several times during the day, but if the newborn has problems with bowel movements, then you should understand the mother's lifestyle and her diet.

Causes and symptoms of constipation in children

There are many reasons that cause constipation in children., this is a violation digestive metabolism and an unbalanced diet, taking medications, insufficient fluid in the body, or a sharp transition to artificial feeding.

Symptoms of constipation in children are very individual, but the main symptoms can be considered the absence of stool or its rare occurrence, changes in stool density and pain in the abdomen.

Home remedies or over-the-counter laxatives?

At the first signs of constipation, at its slightest manifestations, you can use folk remedies. The advantage of folk remedies is that they do not have any side effects , as they are mainly based on natural ingredients.

There are also no contraindications, except for the presence of an allergy to the plant component used in the method.

If the constipation has dragged on for several days and the child is in severe pain, his temperature has risen, vomiting has appeared, then, of course, you will need drug treatment or surgery.

It is worth remembering that constipation can be life-threatening.

Folk methods

Despite the benefits of folk remedies, they should be selected in such a way that they are as effective as possible for a particular age group.

In infants

There are many remedies from the people that will help get rid of constipation in a newborn:

As preventive measures from constipation, it is recommended to dip the baby's nipple in honey. Honey is considered a natural laxative and natural sleep aid.

Over a year old

Constipation in older children is also treated with folk remedies:

The danger of self-treatment

Danger treatment folk methods is that the cause of constipation is unknown. The doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis and prescribes appropriate medications, which are aimed at getting rid of a particular disease that provoked constipation.

Using traditional medicine, you try to find the means that are suitable for you by trial and error, but do not eradicate the cause of its occurrence.

At pathological change structure of the intestine there is a danger to life. Only a doctor can rule it out necessary diagnostics. Using folk methods without the help of a doctor, you will not be able to do this.

Very often, doctors advise changing the diet of children who suffer from constipation.

Dietary changes may include the following:

Under no circumstances should you use:

  • flour of the highest grade;
  • various smoked sausages;
  • canned food;
  • fat meat;
  • spicy and fatty sauces;
  • rice and semolina porridge;
  • coffee;
  • jelly.

Parents should understand that it is they who are responsible for the healthy and balanced nutrition of their child, they should take care of the intake of all essential vitamins into the body of their child.

Folk remedies for constipation in children bribe natural composition, especially when we are talking about babies. But natural remedies can be harmful if used incorrectly.

The frequency of bowel movements depends on age, digestion and food composition. In newborn babies, infants are considered normal defecation 1-12 times a day. After a year, the numbers range from several times a day to once every two days. Constipation in early age determined by the frequency of stools, changes in density, difficulty in emptying the intestines, pain and bloating.

Treatment of constipation in children with folk remedies gently and effectively copes with the symptoms, does not eliminate the root cause. Chronic constipation is a sign of a serious illness that requires medical intervention, or point to the wrong diet. How less age child, the more dangerous self-medication. To avoid complications, consult a pediatrician before using folk remedies.

Folk remedies for constipation for oral administration

The choice of treatment method depends on the age of the child and individual contraindications ( allergic reactions). In the case of single delays in defecation, choose a laxative yourself. At frequent constipation needed additional diagnostics, careful selection of treatment under the guidance of an experienced doctor.

Laxatives for folk recipes easy to cook at home. Every housewife can find the components, herbs for decoctions, oils are sold in pharmacies. Folk remedies for constipation are divided into 2 types:

  • for oral administration;
  • for enemas.

Oral laxatives increase intestinal motility or soften the stool, making it easier to pass. Enemas with oils and decoctions quickly empty the intestines, are dangerous and unpleasant for the child. It is advisable to apply urgently if other methods have not yielded results.

Oils for constipation

Vegetable oils - effective natural remedy from constipation. If the dose is observed, they gently, safely accelerate bowel movement, are indicated at any age. Up to six months it is sterilized in a water bath, give a few drops before feeding.

Types of oils used:

  • Linen. Verified natural remedy, tastes good and has a rich composition. To get a laxative effect in the morning, the child drinks 1 serving of oil before bedtime and 1 half an hour before breakfast. The dosage depends on age and is half a teaspoon at 6-12 months and 1-1.5 teaspoons up to 4 years. For children over 4, use 2-3 tablespoons of oil.
  • Sunflower. Safe remedy, always at hand. For babies of the first year of life, 1/3 teaspoon 1-2 times a day is enough. Children under 7 years old - 1 spoon before bedtime and on an empty stomach. children school age the dose is increased to 2-3 tablespoons.
  • olive. Fast and mild laxative, suitable for the prevention of constipation in children over 6 months. One teaspoon of oil is mixed with juice or fruit puree and given to the baby on an empty stomach. Add half a teaspoon to your plate with every meal. Children from 7 years old are given a whole spoonful. Use olive oil cold pressed.
  • castor. Known vegetable oil from constipation, stimulating bowel movements. Taking 1-2 teaspoons has a laxative effect after 4-6 hours. Apply castor oil one-time, prolonged use causes a chronic decrease in intestinal tone. Give children up to adolescence forbidden.
  • Vaseline. Highly purified oil refining product. Helps with chronic constipation, but to avoid intestinal atony, do not use for more than 5 days in a row. Contraindicated up to one year of age. Babies under 3 years old are given half a teaspoon at night or between meals. Preschoolers - 1 spoon, and older than seven years up to 1.5 spoons.

Raisin and dill water

Dill water is a safe laxative. It has no side effects, is actively used for newborns and older children. Relieves spasms, reduces gas formation, has a sedative and antimicrobial effect.

Dill water can be prepared at home in 2 ways:

  1. Pour 1 teaspoon of fennel or dill seed into 2 cups of boiling water. Insist under the lid for at least an hour and strain.
  2. Grind 1 teaspoon of seeds, pour a glass of boiled water, leave for 40 minutes, strain.

Babies need 1 teaspoon of dill water up to 6 times a day before feeding. When breastfeeding, mom can additionally drink dill water. To kids older than a year give 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day. For school age, the dosage is increased to 4 tablespoons.

Do not keep homemade dill water for more than a day. Industrial analogues are prepared from purified essential oil and have a longer shelf life. Don't expect dill water to quickly solve your bowel problem. The result is noticeable in a few days, treats chronic constipation and suitable for prevention.

Raisin water is a mild remedy. To prepare, you need to pour a tablespoon of washed raisins with a glass of boiling water and leave for more than 3 hours. Babies from 6 to 24 months need 2-3 teaspoons of the decoction three times a day. Older children can drink raisin water instead of compote or eat whole raisins with water.

Decoctions of prunes and chamomile

A decoction of prunes is used from 6 months. A strong laxative is prepared as follows: rinse 10 dried plums, pour a glass cold water and cook for 2-3 minutes. A chilled decoction is given before feeding or at night at bedtime at a dosage of 2 teaspoons if the child is less than a year old. After a year, take half a cup twice a day.

Chamomile decoction - soft remedy effective in uncomplicated cases of constipation. For one large spoonful of dried chamomile, you need two glasses hot water. Warm the mixture in a water bath for 5 minutes and strain. Up to 3 years, 2 tablespoons are recommended three times a day, over 3 years - half a glass of decoction 2-3 times a day.

Vegetable and fruit juices for constipation

For the treatment and prevention of constipation, freshly squeezed juices are used:

  • cabbage;
  • beet;
  • pumpkin;
  • carrot;
  • apple;
  • plum;
  • pear;
  • grape.

Juices are not recommended for children under 6 months, and then diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. The volume of the resulting drink is increased gradually, starting with 2-3 tablespoons. After 3 years, give half a cup. The pulp content enhances the laxative effect due to fiber, use a screw juicer.

Honey, flax seeds, oats

Folk recipes for long-term constipation in children are distinguished by their natural composition and ease of preparation. For babies older than 1-2 years, in the morning before breakfast, offer a laxative honey drink from a tablespoon natural honey dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water. Honey is a common allergen, before the first use, make sure that there is no allergic reaction.

Prepare a rich laxative from flax. Pour two teaspoons of seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Give the resulting viscous mass to children over one year old, starting with half a spoonful before each feeding.

A fast-acting laxative medicine is prepared from oat grains, suitable for children over two years old. Add 0.5 liters of boiling water to a glass of oats, leave in a thermos overnight or cook for 20 minutes. Take on an empty stomach in the morning. At the age of 3 years, give 1-2 large spoons, and after three, increase the dose to 1/3 or half a glass.

Enemas - measure emergency care with a long absence of bowel movement. Regular use threatens with disruption of the intestines and dysbacteriosis. Start with mild laxatives for oral administration and only then resort to enemas.

Infants are given an enema in the supine position with legs raised. Lay the older child on its side with legs bent at the knees. Warm the infused solution to body temperature. Decoctions are applied medicinal herbs, vaseline or vegetable oil, diluted with water in equal proportions. The procedure is painful, it can scare the baby, so you need to act delicately.

Rules for conducting and contraindications of treatment with folk remedies

A safe laxative for children and folk remedies are not always synonymous. To avoid severe consequences, be sure to consult a pediatrician before starting the fight against constipation. Illiterate prescription of home remedies can lead to complications:

  1. Allergy . Before using natural laxatives, honey, juices, or chamomile, check to see if your baby has any allergies.
  2. Burns. It is forbidden to insert a piece into the rectum laundry soap or apple cider vinegar.
  3. Poisoning. Laxatives for adults should not be given to children.
  4. Intestinal atony . Prolonged use of some products reduces peristalsis and aggravates the problem.

At severe pain or blood in the stool, you should immediately consult a doctor, diagnose and traditional treatment. In other cases, it is useful for the child to drink more fluids, include foods rich in fiber in the diet and move actively. The effect of folk remedies will not keep you waiting.

Constipation is difficulty in emptying the bowels or the absence of an independent stool for a certain period of time, which is different for each age. Therefore, it is rather difficult to answer the question of how often a child should have a chair. For one, it can be 2 times a day, for another 1 time in two days. When feeding only breast milk constipation usually does not occur. Constipation in a child who is on artificial feeding, the absence of stool during the day is considered. If a child walks "on the big" every day, but with difficulty and at the same time pushes hard, cries, the stool itself is hard, in the form of "nuts" - this is also considered constipation. If constipation appears in a child who is breastfed, then, as a rule, the mother is to blame.

Prevention of constipation should begin immediately after the birth of the child. For this, it is necessary to provide balanced diet breastfeeding woman; breastfeed your baby for as long as possible; introduce complementary foods after 6 months, while gradually, slowly and in small doses; with artificial feeding, do not restrict the child in liquid; do not introduce into the diet a product that does not correspond to the age of the child; for advice on child nutrition, turn not to a neighbor, but to your pediatrician.

Do not start the treatment of constipation with laxatives. Even in small doses, they are contraindicated in infants.

Traditional medicine for constipation in children recommends drinking water, decoctions of vegetables and fruits, especially prunes. The rectum is designed in such a way that with a lack of fluid in the body, its walls begin to quickly absorb water from the feces, making them hard and difficult to pass through the anal canal, and plentiful drink helps to keep them relatively soft. Give the child to drink light tea from raspberry leaves and fig fruits. He is very pleasant. We must also remember the dual benefits of fermented milk mixtures in case of constipation. At infants with acute constipation, the effect comes from a small enema of a decoction of flax seeds or from taking a slimy decoction of flax seeds in the form of a tea. Thanks to a large number mucus and essential oils flax seeds heal the intestinal mucosa and ensure that digested food slides through the intestines. Prepare mucus from flax seeds as follows:

  • Pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with 100 ml of boiling water, insist, stirring for 15 minutes, strain and take half a teaspoon with water, milk or unsweetened decoction of dried apples or apricots 2-3 times a day.
  • In folk medicine of Karachay-Cherkessia, for the treatment of constipation, dried hop cones are used, which insist on bread kvass (2 g of cones per 0.5 l of kvass). Take half a glass in the morning and evening.
  • In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by spastic and atonic constipation, with functional neurosis of the stomach, as well as to quench thirst, the fruits of actinidia kolomikta are recommended for half a cup in the morning on an empty stomach.

What should be included in the diet for constipation

  • Highly effective tool constipation is prunes. It is suitable even for small babies, as it is a natural laxative. It can be eaten in different types. For very young children, prune juice is suitable. It must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1. The dosage varies depending on the age of the child. From 4 months to a year, you can give your baby 1-2 tablespoons of juice (this is about 15-30 ml). A child from a year old can drink a glass or even a little more (up to 240 ml).
  • After the start of the introduction of complementary foods, it is possible to introduce prune puree into the diet of the baby for the prevention and treatment of constipation. It can also be added to porridge. This will only make it tastier.
  • For an emergency cessation of constipation, a child can be given a microclyster. For her, a decoction of chamomile is suitable. A warm decoction in small amounts of 10-15 ml is collected with a small pear. Its tip is abundantly lubricated with cream or petroleum jelly and gently inserted into anus. In this case, care must be taken not to damage the delicate mucosa rectum. The child may violently resist this procedure, and in this case, it is better to stop it so as not to worsen the situation.
  • For older children, in the form of a laxative microclyster, salt solutions, vegetable or Vaseline oil. Cooking, sea ​​salt diluted up to 10-15% water-salt solutions and in a warm form in the amount of 100-200 ml is injected into the intestine. Salts and oils act gently, relax, soften feces, relieve colon spasm, and normalize peristalsis. At the same time, the oil lubricates the intestinal walls without causing irritation.
  • Popular with mothers Dill water. She not only shoots intestinal colic, promotes gas removal, but is also effective for constipation, as it acts as a mild laxative. For its preparation, you will need odorous dill seeds. A tablespoon of crushed seeds should be poured with 300 ml of boiling water and let it brew. During the day, give the child to take the resulting infusion in small doses.
  • An indispensable product in the diet of a child suffering from constipation should be beets. It can be used in half with honey for older children. Honey is strong allergen therefore, it should not be given to very young children. For them, it is better to season the beetroot salad with vegetable oil, which also has a laxative effect.
  • Among fermented milk products, kefir takes the lead in terms of the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of constipation. You can drink it just like that, or you can mix it with 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and take it before bed.

Babies can put candles from ordinary vegetable oil. For their preparation, vegetable oil is cut into slices no thinner than two matches thick and frozen in the refrigerator. With constipation, such a “candle” is carefully inserted into the anus.

With constipation, it is necessary that the child observe correct mode nutrition. His diet must include: vegetables, fruits, dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes), dairy products(especially kefir), juices. Nutrition must be balanced.

Why are constipation dangerous? They cause general intoxication, that is, the body undergoes self-poisoning. At the same time, such symptoms are characteristic: weakness, lethargy, often headache. The color of the skin changes - it becomes gray, turns pale, begins to peel off. Toxins not removed from the body are absorbed into the blood, which threatens the development of various pustular diseases significantly reduced immunity. The child may become shy and avoid social interaction with peers. He may lose his appetite.

By the way, groaning in a baby who “does the job” is not a sign of constipation. It is due to the fact that the child still has very weak muscles, including the abdominal ones. And he needs to make an effort to squeeze out a chair.

What is constipation? Types, symptoms, causes and consequences of constipation in children. Medical treatment and folk remedies. Diet for constipation. Videos of Dr. Komarovsky.

Types of constipation in children

Depending on the causes of constipation, the following types are distinguished:
  1. Functional. Develops due to incorrect operation colon and is observed mainly in infants.
  2. Organic. Most often manifests itself from the first days of life and is due to congenital anomaly large intestine.
  3. False. Occurs due to overabsorption or lack of mother's milk or mixtures. It goes away on its own when feeding is normal.
  4. Episodic. The condition is temporary, manifested in diseases with elevated temperature which causes dehydration of the stool.

Symptoms of constipation in children

Normal bowel function and stool frequency change with age. A more rare rhythm of bowel movement is regarded as constipation:
  1. The newborn is emptied 6-7 times a day, that is, after each feeding.
  2. By 6 months, with the introduction of complementary foods, the frequency of defecation occurs 2 times a day.
  3. From 1.5 years normal stool considered 6-7 times a week.
  4. Older than 3 years, the rate of defecation is 3-4 times a week.

The consistency of feces is considered normal up to 6 months mushy, from 6 months to 2 years - mushy or formed, older than 2 years - formed.

Impaired bowel function, which are the reason for contacting a doctor, the following symptoms are considered:
  1. Complaints of pain and bloating in the abdomen. In the smallest, they are manifested by crying.
  2. The stool process is painful, passes with difficulty, and blood impurities are observed in the feces.
  3. The mass is separated by small "dry" fragments (balls) or forms a dense "sausage".
  4. Also, constipation is considered a bowel movement with a normal frequency, but with pain and hardened feces.
If signs of constipation persist for more than 3 months, then the course of the disease has passed into chronic form.

Causes of constipation in children

Constipation can be caused by a disease that is not associated with the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract:
  1. Rickets.
  2. Hypothyroidism.
  3. Thyroid problem.
  4. Anemia.
  5. Psychological stress.
  6. neuroses.
  7. food allergy.
  8. Side effects of drugs.
  9. Frequent use of laxatives leads to addiction, the disappearance of stimulation and bowel urges.
But in most cases, constipation is due to bowel problems. Such reasons may be:
  1. Abrupt or early transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding.
  2. Changing formula for artificial feeding.
  3. Wrong diet.
  4. Unbalanced nutrition.
  5. Insufficient fluid intake.
  6. Intestinal dysbacteriosis.
  7. Worms.
  8. Intestinal muscle tone.
  9. Violation of the patency of the intestine.

The consequences of constipation in children

If constipation is not detected in time in children, and it becomes chronic, then this can cause the following consequences:
  1. A disturbed digestion process leads to insufficient absorption of vitamins, trace elements and useful substances leading to a weakened immune system, reduced hemoglobin and weakness of the body.
  2. The decay products, collected in the feces, through the walls of the intestine penetrate into the blood, from which the intoxication of the body begins.
  3. Fecal masses stretch the walls of the intestines, which aggravates constipation, causes increased gas formation, inflammation of the mucosa, spastic pain and impaired local circulation.
  4. Severe constipation injures the anal mucosa, form cracks and provoke bleeding from the anus.

Drug treatment of constipation in children

Up to 10 years of age, laxatives are prescribed to cleanse and normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Syrups are produced for infants, for children from two years old, the funds are presented in the form of tablets, powders, suppositories, etc. The mechanism of action of laxatives is different.
  1. Irritating effect. The drugs act on the intestinal mucosa, stimulating peristalsis. The laxative penetrates the intestines and affects the peristalsis receptors. Through muscle contractions stool pushing towards anal passage. After 6-10 hours, fecal masses are released.
  2. osmotic effect. Medicines accumulate fluid inside the intestines, which dilutes and softens the stool. The product contains salt components that attract moisture from fatty tissues and lymph, which contribute to the accumulation of water in the digestive tract.
  3. Probiotic Laxative have a mild laxative effect and normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Probiotics get into gastrointestinal tract activate the work of beneficial and good bacteria, which reduce the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.
The choice of funds depends on the condition of the child and the body's response to the components of the drug.
  1. Irritant preparations are used with the content of plant substances. Their danger lies in addiction, from which the body begins to work only after receiving the medicine. Even having canceled laxatives, the intestines will not fully work independently. Before using such drugs, you need to visit a gastroenterologist.
  2. Osmotic drugs are more gentle and are allowed for people of any age. Their disadvantage: they do not eliminate the cause of the disease and can subsequently disrupt cell metabolism and hematopoietic function.
  3. Medicines based on probiotics are considered the most useful, as they restore the balance of microflora. They are used to cleanse and restore bowel function. In the first days of admission, flatulence appears, which disappears after a few days.

Common pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of constipation in children

Bactisubtil (probiotic)

Designed for children over 7 years of age. Virtually no contraindications. Well tolerated by the body.
  1. Application: older than 7 years, 1-2 capsules 2-3 times / day for 7-10 days. Take 1 hour before meals. Do not drink hot liquids.
  2. Price: 1053 rubles.
  3. Analogues: Subilin, Loperamide, Stopdiar, Enterofuril, Boulardi.

Guttalax (irritant)

Laxative of fast, but not instant action. Indicated for constipation due to malnutrition, at overweight and before surgery.
  1. Application: from 1-3 years, the medicine is forbidden to give. From 4 years old, 5-10 drops diluted with water are prescribed.
  2. Price: 399 rubles.
  3. Analogues: Angiolax, Slabikap, Slabilen, Veropharm, Laxigal-teva, Crevel Moyselbach.

Lactulose (prebiotic)

Laxative in the form of a syrup with a pleasant taste. Renders soft action, which begins the next day after admission.
  1. Application: up to 3 years, 5 ml is prescribed per day, from 3–6 years old - 5–10 ml, from 7–14 years old - 15 ml. The syrup is added to a drink or tea.
  2. Price: 325 rubles.
  3. Analogues: Dufalac, Iziklin, Kasenlaks, Laxarin.

Carlsbad salt artificial (osmotic effect)

natural natural medicine that enriches the body minerals, macronutrients and restores the water-salt balance.
  1. Application: 1 tsp is prescribed per day. The drug can be dissolved in water.
  2. Price: 800 rubles.
  3. Analogues: Sena extract, Forlax, Bisacodyl, Guttasil, Senade.

Microlax (osmotic effect)

Fast-acting laxative enema.
  1. Application: a tip is inserted into the rectum and the contents are squeezed out. Effect within 5-15 minutes.
  2. Price: 325 rubles 4 pcs.
  3. Analogues: Pikolaks, Softovak, Defenorm.

Glycelax (candles)

Available in the form of suppositories. Contains glycerin.
  1. Application: medicine is injected into the rectum. The action starts in an hour. Dosages vary. The "children's" candle contains 1.4 ml of glycerin.
  2. Price: 128 rubles 10 pcs.
  3. Analogues: Pikolaks, Softovak, Norgalax, Forlaks.

Treatment of constipation in children with folk remedies

Before using laxatives, it is better to try to establish a normal bowel movement and cope with constipation without medical preparations, but with the help of folk methods.
  1. natural laxative - wheat bran and seaweed. They are added to food and taken with a spoon with water. In the intestines, they swell, increase fecal masses and thin them. Dosage of bran - 15–50 g per day, kelp powder - 1–2 tsp.
  2. Rub rosehip leaves with sugar and give to the child several times a day.
  3. Infusion of senna leaves (1 tbsp. per 200 ml of water) use 1 tsp. 3 times a day.
  4. A decoction of dill is drunk like tea.
  5. Mix 1 tbsp. flowers chamomile, 1 tbsp. dill seeds and 2 tbsp. l. cumin fruit. Brew the mixture with 400 ml of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Drink the baby for 1 tsp. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.

Diet to treat constipation in children

  1. Eliminate baked goods, pasta, rice porridge, whole milk, bananas and unpeeled apples. These foods cause thickening of the stool.
  2. Exclude gas-producing foods: cabbage, tomatoes, legumes, mushrooms.
  3. Do not give children caffeinated products (coffee, cocoa, chocolate, tea, blueberries), enveloping soups, cereals, kissels. They reduce intestinal peristalsis.
  4. Introduce foods containing coarse fibers into the menu: vegetables, fruits, cereals.
  5. Supplement the diet with lean meat, eggs, butter.
  6. Provide the child with plenty of fluids: clean unboiled water (filtered, bottled) without gases and additives.
  7. Introduce fermented milk products into the diet: yogurt, kefir, curdled milk, bifidus drinks.

Causes, symptoms and treatment of constipation in children tells in detail and shares advice Dr. Komarovsky in his videos.

1) How to treat constipation in children? Doctor Komarovsky:

2) Constipation - Dr. Komarovsky's School:

3) Cause of constipation in children? Doctor Komarovsky:

4) Dr. Komarovsky on constipation in infants.