Knee arthritis symptoms and treatment photos. Arthritis of the knee joint, main symptoms and treatment Acute arthritis of the knee joint symptoms and treatment

Arthritis knee joint is a pathology characterized by damage to the synovial bursa, cartilage and bone tissue of the knee joint. Each type of disease has a specific pathogenesis and nature of origin. Regardless of this, it is always accompanied by the main signs (see photo):

  • severe pain syndrome;
  • limited joint mobility;
  • an inflammatory process occurring in intra-articular tissues.

Causes of the disease

arthritis of the knee joint, photo of inflammation

About 2% of people worldwide suffer from various types of arthritis. Arthritis often begins in at a young age, up to 40 years old. Arthritis is not only inflammation of the joints (like, for example, arthrosis), it is an inflammatory process of the entire body.

Inflammation in the joints is considered to be just one of the signs of the onset of disease, caused either by infection or excessive activity. immune system, mistaking cells of its own body for enemy agents.

Sometimes arthritis indicates a metabolic disorder, which, by the way, can be restored with folk recipes at home (the main thing is to consult a doctor before doing this).

In addition to the above reasons, arthritis (secondary) can be caused by lupus erythematosus, hepatitis, psoriasis, etc. Allergic arthritis is usually triggered by a reaction to medications, and traumatic arthritis is usually caused by joint injuries.

Symptoms of disease in the knee joint

On initial stages, patients note only the presence of morning stiffness in the knee joint. It can be on one side or on both.

An important diagnostic criterion is the duration of this symptom. Arthritis is indicated by stiffness for more than 30 minutes, which gradually subsides by the second half of the day.

The disease gradually progresses - after a certain time (from several weeks to 2-3 years), the patient begins to complain of knee pain, mainly in the morning.

As a rule, the pain is acute, it is constant and can weaken during physical activity on the legs (long walking, climbing stairs, etc.).

NSAIDs (Diclofenac, Ketorol, Citramon) temporarily relieve this symptom, which is a characteristic sign of arthritis.

In almost all inflammatory diseases of the joints (with the exception of lupus arthritis), you can additionally detect:

  • Redness of the skin in the knee area;
  • Small increase temperature in the specified area;
  • Enlargement of the joint due to the formation of edema.

In addition to the knee symptoms described above, various shapes arthritis have their own characteristics in the clinical picture, which should be taken into account when examining the patient.

Features of rheumatoid arthritis

It is difficult to accurately describe the symptoms of arthritis because they vary depending on the cause that caused them and the specific location. Acute gonitis, unlike chronic ones, begins suddenly and is accompanied by severe intoxication.

However, there are a number of symptoms that are typical for arthritis of the knee joint of any etiology.

Symptoms of gonitis have several stages:

  1. Pain.
  2. Swelling.
  3. Deformation.


Diagnosing knee arthritis is quite a difficult task. Sometimes, in order to collect a complete clinical picture, consultation and examination of doctors of narrow specializations is required: rheumatologist, physiotherapist, traumatologist, surgeon and arthrologist.

Collecting complaints, examining and questioning the patient is only the first stage of diagnosis, which allows us to suggest the cause of the disease. Laboratory and instrumental examination methods help confirm or refute a preliminary diagnosis.

How to treat knee arthritis?

Traditional medicinal

Therapy must include the use of the following drugs:

To relieve pain, stop inflammatory processes and improving blood flow in tissues with arthritis of the knee joint, you can use folk remedies - herbal baths are very helpful. They should be prepared at the rate of 300 g of herb per bath.

The herbal mixture (or one type of plant) is poured into 4 liters of water and boiled for 10-15 minutes, after which it is infused for about half an hour and poured into a bathtub filled with water.

Pay attention to the temperature of the water in the bath; it should not exceed 36-37⁰C. Also make sure that the water does not cover the heart area.

IN acute stage diseases use anti-inflammatory drugs. They can be hormonal - steroidal, and non-steroidal.

Intervention into the joint cavity may be required. In systemic autoimmune diseases, the underlying disease should be treated.

For sports injuries and age-related changes Chondroprotectors are used to treat joints. These are drugs that restore cartilage and inhibit the process of further destruction.

Additionally prescribed vitamin complexes.

IN recovery period The patient is prescribed physiotherapy, massages, exercise therapy. In very rare cases, surgery is used using endoprosthetics.

Arthritis can be treated at home. For successful treatment You need to follow a diet and provide rest to your joints.

In the early stages of the disease, joints can be treated with folk remedies. Any expensive ointments can be replaced with compresses made from boiled potatoes, garlic, and onion leaves. They relieve symptoms of the disease.

A good old recipe for knee arthritis can replace the ointment - a compress of cabbage leaf with honey.

Paraffin compresses have proven themselves well. Paraffin must be melted in a water bath. Then cool slightly, blot the cloth in it and apply the cloth to the affected area. Paraffin compresses are recommended by doctors. The procedure takes half an hour.

Honey is a medicine to combat many diseases, known since ancient times. Honey treats knee arthritis in its early stages.

You can use it not only with cabbage leaves. To relieve inflammation, you need to mix honey, aloe, and alcohol in equal proportions.

The compress is used throughout the night. This remedy does not just relieve symptoms, but is used to treat the disease.

Another recipe that contains honey is an ointment with mumiyo and honey. Add 0.5 g of mumiyo per 100 g. Apply to joints for half an hour. High healing effect showed not only the external use of mumiyo, but also the internal use.

Effective folk remedies for home treatment are rubbing. You can use radish juice for grinding.

It must be freshly squeezed. You need to add table salt to the juice, 2 tbsp.

l per glass, and alcohol in the amount of 20g. Rub the affected knee joint.

Any type can be used for rubbing alcohol tinctures. Red pepper tincture works especially well.

Nettle infusion will cure joints instead of taking pills. Brew a teaspoon of nettle and drink for 10 days. Infusion time is 10 minutes. For infusions you can use burdock root, currant leaves, dandelion root, spring primrose herb.

Treatment of gonitis should be comprehensive. Treatment includes the following elements:

Many women are concerned about the question: is it possible to cure arthritis of the knee joint at home using folk remedies? Can have an even better effect than many expensive drugs, simple recipes, called folk. Below are the easiest recipes:

Comprehensive treatment of knee arthritis should be aimed not only at eliminating pain, but also at eliminating the causes and processes that led to the development of gonitis. As they say, all means are good to achieve the desired goal. And to combat driving, these means include:

  • Medicines
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures
  • Massage
  • Therapeutic gymnastics
  • Folk remedies
  • Surgical intervention.


Drug treatment knee arthritis includes:

  • NSAIDs – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Steroid hormones
  • Chondroprotectors
  • Vitamins and restoratives.

Doctors treat knee arthritis quite often. Using his example, we will tell readers about the tactics and approaches to the treatment of degenerative diseases.

After traumatic changes, rest and warmth can be used to relieve symptoms of the disease. Immediately after traumatic exposure, the limbs need rest.

Bed rest allows you to relieve stress and reduce swelling. To prevent inflammatory changes, you can lubricate the damaged area with anti-inflammatory gels and ointments.

Arthritis can be treated with physiotherapeutic methods. Their action is aimed at warming up and improving blood supply in the periarticular tissues, as well as reducing inflammatory changes and eliminating pain.

For the normal functioning of intra-articular lubrication, which is synovial fluid, physical therapy is used. First, we advise you to practice all the exercises with a professional instructor. Once you have mastered their tactics and rules, you can perform them at home.

There are special physiotherapeutic devices that allow you to warm up the joint and destroy the bacteria that cause the disease. As a rule, such devices are equipped with laser and infrared lamps.

Paraffin, painkillers and mud applications are used at the stage of chronic forms of the disease at the stage of remission. With their help, deep tissues are warmed up and muscle spasms are eliminated. It is better if these procedures are carried out in combination with manual therapy and massage.

Compresses using dimexide allow anti-inflammatory drugs to long time remain in the skin and soft tissues. This provides a permanent analgesic effect.

Warming compresses made from sheep's wool can improve the quality of treatment. Remember how our grandmothers tied woolen scarves around their limbs.

To treat arthritis at home, we suggest normalizing your diet correctly. Recovery cartilage tissue need to give up fatty foods. Include collagen-rich foods in your meals. It contains fish linseed oil, as well as pork jellied meats.

To increase the amount of vitamins in the blood, you need to eat as much fresh herbs, sprouted grains, fruits and vegetables, poultry and cheeses as possible.

IN oriental medicine Inflammatory changes in joints are usually treated with acupuncture. It helps relieve pain and inflammation.

Traditional medicine has many recipes for treating arthritis. To treat the disease, herbal preparations, mumiyos, clay-based preparations, healing baths, rubbing and creams are used.

If arthritis has gone far enough, it turns into arthrosis. The disease is associated with degenerative damage to bones and cartilage. Against the background of pathology, cracks form in the menisci and synovial membranes. Over time, tissues break down and undergo degeneration.

To prevent arthrosis from turning into arthritis, surgeons perform arthroscopy. This intervention is carried out to review the condition of the anatomical structures.

Through a small incision, a zone is introduced into the joint cavity to view the condition of the ligaments and cartilage. Using the instrument, you can remove pus and inflammatory fluid.

To prevent bacterial inflammation, antibiotics are injected into the joint cavity.

If serious damage to the joint is detected, the patient is indicated for endoprosthetics. The operation involves the installation of an artificial prosthesis, which is a metal structure that replaces a physiological joint. The design allows a person to walk.

Thus, arthritis can be treated conservative methods, physiotherapy and surgical endoprosthetics. To avoid surgery, pathology should be addressed in the initial stages of the disease.

Goals of therapy

The goals of treating knee arthritis are:

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  • in reducing pain;
  • in optimizing and maintaining acceptable functional state joint;
  • in slowing down or completely preventing destructive processes in the joint;
  • in restoring motor functions.

Complex treatment

Knee arthritis takes a very long time to heal. The treatment process includes a complex possible ways therapy. These include:

  1. pharmacology;
  2. physiotherapy;
  3. folk remedies;
  4. alternative methods;
  5. surgery.

Specific therapy is selected by a specialist, taking into account the severity and severity of the process, as well as accompanying illnesses patient. Traditional methods Treatment of knee arthritis is combined with physical therapy.

If they do not give effect, then carry out surgery. As a result, the patient's quality of life improves.

Pharmacological therapy

Fighting inflammation and pain

In the treatment of knee arthritis, the use of analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs is mandatory, since first of all it is necessary to relieve pain.

Traditional medicine also starts with similar remedies. As a rule, conservative therapy uses non-steroidal drugs, as well as conventional or synthetic analgesics.

Augmentation of cartilage tissue

Wide Application Chondroprotectors have been found in the treatment of knee arthritis. These are substances that stimulate the body’s synthesis of its own cartilage substances.

In addition, they suppress the formation of inflammatory substances, which leads to pain relief. Domestic chondroprotectors are produced in the form of gels, creams, food additives.

Their long-term use contributes to the regression of destructive processes in the diseased joint.

Treatment with vitamins

Vitamin therapy leads to good results. Everyone knows about the participation of calcium in metabolic processes and the activation by vitamin C of the synthesis of its own collagen.

In addition, vitamin therapy includes the use of antioxidants and calciferol. Vitamins are taken in long courses with parallel monitoring of blood composition.

Required component Treatment of knee arthritis is to monitor the condition of urine and blood.

Drug therapy is fraught with unwanted side effects. Therefore, in some cases it is safer to use prescriptions traditional medicine.

Tinctures in the treatment of arthritis

This disease is successfully treated with tinctures used internally.

  1. Pour boiling water over birch buds (3 g) (one glass). Boil for three minutes, then leave in a warm place for an hour and strain. Take 100 ml after meals three times a day.
  2. Pour pine nut shells (100 g) with vodka (250 ml). Leave for 12 days. The regimen for taking the composition is as follows: Day 1 – three times 5 drops each. Day 2 – three times 6 drops each. Day 3 – three times 7 drops each.

Making ointments according to folk recipes

In the treatment of knee arthritis, the use of ointments is effective.

  1. Ointment No. 1. Mix black radish juice (200 ml) with bee honey (150 ml), 40% vodka (100 ml) and table salt (15 g). Rub into the sore joint.
  2. Ointment No. 2. Mix turpentine (150 ml) with camphor (3 g), alcohol (150 ml) and Provençal oil (150 ml). Use for rubbing.

Treating arthritis with baths

Arthritis of the knee can be treated with the help of an effective folk remedy - taking baths with various ingredients.

  1. Bath with salt. The bathtub should be filled halfway hot water. Dilute half a pack of regular table salt. Take a bath for as long as possible. After your bath, be sure to lie down under a warm blanket for two hours. It is best to take this procedure before bed. It needs to be done daily. Full course of ten baths.
  2. Baths with chamomile and sage. Pour boiling water (5 l) over sage leaves and chamomile flowers (200 g each). After three hours of infusion, pour into the bath. The required water temperature is 38°C. Take a bath for 20 minutes. A total of 15 baths are required, taken every other day.
  3. Baths with knotweed and knotweed herbs (separately) are made in a similar way. Herbs should be taken per 5 liters of boiling water, 300 g each.
  4. Pine baths. Stir pine needles (300 g) in 500 ml of water. Bring to a boil, put in a warm place to steep for 4 hours. After straining, pour into the bath. Duration of administration is 1520 minutes, every other day. A total of 1215 procedures.

Treatment with alternative methods

Homeopathic remedies that can fight pain give good results. They are especially effective when taken in parallel with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In Ayurvedic medicine, herbs are recommended for oral and external use. Thus, curcumin in the form of a local remedy reduces inflammation in knee arthritis. Taking curcumin in capsule form improves the strength of the knee joint and eliminates morning stiffness.

Along with therapeutic methods, lifestyle is very important in the treatment of arthrosis of the knee joint.

If available overweight, it should be eliminated through diet and reasonable physical activity. Swimming in the pool, slow cycling, and regular walks are useful.

It is very difficult to prevent the development of knee arthritis. However, many patients do not suffer from disability thanks to a well-structured treatment program, including medicines, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises, traditional methods.

Treatment of knee arthritis with folk remedies

Anti-inflammatory medications are used to relieve inflammatory changes and eliminate soft tissue swelling. The following NSAIDs are prescribed to treat joint inflammation:

  1. Diclofenac;
  2. Voltaren;
  3. Ketorolac;
  4. Ibuprofen;
  5. Nimesulide.

These medications have side effects. They irritate mucous membranes gastrointestinal tract and provoke peptic ulcer disease.

They are prescribed in the presence of pain and swelling for a period of 10 days. Then a break for a week is necessary and NSAIDs can be used again.

True, it is advisable to change the type of drug.

Chondroprotectors (rumalon, chondroitin sulfate, teraflex) are used in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs. They are only effective with long-term use.

Medicines are expensive, so you should decide in advance on the use of chondroprotectors. It is not rational to drink them for less than 2 months.

For bacterial inflammations, you can irradiate the blood with a laser to destroy bacteria and reduce the amount of toxins in it. For these purposes, physiotherapeutic devices have been created that can be used to irradiate damaged areas.

The above treatment regimen is used for severe joint inflammation. At the initial stages of the disease, we offer local treatment of the disease with ointments with an anti-inflammatory effect (fastum-gel, ultrafastin).

How to make anti-inflammatory ointment at home

For homemade ointment you will need 100 ml of alcohol, camphor oil and mustard powder. On a bottle of alcohol, bottle camphor oil+ 5 grams of mustard.

Mix the resulting mass with beaten egg yolks. This ointment is used at night.

Wonderful medicine, made at home, helps relieve inflammation and has a mild analgesic effect.

Of course, ointment is not able to cure a sore knee, but it can significantly reduce pain in it and alleviate the patient’s condition. Doctors often advise patients who do not have synovitis (inflammation of the synovium of the joint with the formation of exudate) warming ointments to improve blood circulation in the joint.

They rarely cause any side effects. Among such ointments are Espol, Gevkamen, Menovazin.

If synovitis occurs, then ointments that have an anti-inflammatory effect are prescribed - Voltaren-gel, Fastum, Dolgit, etc.).

Diet for knee arthritis

Diet for knee arthritis is an important aspect of treatment. It is prescribed to reduce the patient’s excess weight (if present) and improve the condition of diseased joints.

At the same time, you need to “go on a diet” carefully so as not to lose the necessary potassium and calcium (this can provoke heart cramps and osteoporosis).

Patients are recommended to eat steamed, boiled or stewed foods. The dominant role in nutrition should be occupied by vegetable (buckwheat porridge, lentils, beans) and animal (lean meat and fish) proteins. It is also necessary to consume fermented milk products.

It is believed that bone broth, prepared in the form of jellied meat and jelly, can help with arthritis, because it contains collagen. And food gelatin, in turn, restores cartilage tissue.

Carbohydrates, which are found in vegetables and fruits, are also necessary for the body. In addition, they provide energy reserves without fat deposits.

Of course, fats play an important role in nutrition, but you should consume mainly fats plant origin and butter.

megan92 2 weeks ago

Tell me, how does anyone deal with joint pain? My knees hurt terribly ((I take painkillers, but I understand that I’m fighting the effect, not the cause... They don’t help at all!

Daria 2 weeks ago

I struggled with my painful joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And I forgot about “incurable” joints a long time ago. That's how things are

  • inflammatory disease knee joint of various etiologies, occurring in the form of monoarthritis or being a manifestation of polyarthritis. Clinical signs arthritis of the knee joint include pain at rest and during movement, limitation of function, swelling, hyperemia of the skin over the joint, pain on palpation, and local increase in temperature. In the diagnosis of arthritis of the knee joint, an important role is played by radiography, ultrasound, MRI, thermography, joint puncture with examination of synovial fluid, arthroscopy, and biopsy of the synovial membrane. Depending on the etiology and nature of the disease, treatment of knee arthritis may include drug therapy, intra-articular injections, immobilization, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, and in severe cases, surgical treatment.

    General information

    Arthritis of the knee joint (gonarthritis, gonitis, osteoarthritis) – acute or chronic inflammation in the knee joint, affecting its osteochondral ends or capsule. Complexity anatomical structure and the large magnitude of the load experienced predetermine the high incidence of damage to the knee joint, as well as the variety of clinical forms of gonarthritis. According to rheumatology and arthrology, arthritis of the knee joint accounts for 35%-52% of inflammation of the joints of various locations. The disease can develop in people of different age groups, but is more common in people 40-60 years old. Prolonged or recurrent arthritis of the knee joint can lead to limited or complete loss of movement in the joint and permanent disability of the patient.

    The knee joint is formed by three bone structures- patella, femoral and tibia. The articular surfaces of the bones are covered with cartilage, which helps reduce friction between the articular surfaces articulated with each other. The function of stabilizing the joint is performed by intra-articular and extra-articular ligaments, and the function of shock absorption of the knee is performed by cartilage layers (menisci). All elements of the joint are enclosed in a joint capsule, externally covered with dense fibrous tissue, and internally lined with a synovial membrane that produces a small amount of synovial fluid. The knee joint is the largest supporting joint, allowing flexion, extension, and rotational movements. lower limb.


    An independent classification of knee arthritis has not been developed. Like arthritis of other localizations, due to its occurrence, gonarthritis is divided into primary (which is an independent nosological form) and secondary (associated with other diseases). Taking into account the clinical picture, arthritis of the knee joint can be acute or chronic.

    According to etiology, arthritis is divided into infectious (specific, nonspecific, infectious-allergic), rheumatoid, reactive, post-traumatic, aseptic. Depending on the nature of the resulting inflammatory exudate, arthritis of the knee joint can be serous, serous-purulent and purulent; by the number of joints involved - unilateral or symmetrical.

    Causes of knee arthritis

    Primary arthritis of the knee joint is usually a consequence of injuries (bruises, open wounds, rupture of the knee capsule, damage to the meniscus), allowing infection to penetrate directly into the joint cavity. It is possible to develop gonarthritis after performing a diagnostic puncture of the knee joint or surgery. Secondary arthritis of the knee joint can occur against the background of systemic diseases (rheumatism, psoriasis, ankylosing spondylitis, SLE, Reiter's disease, etc.), infections (tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, brucellosis, dysentery, chlamydia, etc.), purulent processes of other localization ( osteomyelitis, boil, phlegmon, erysipelas). Reactive arthritis develops as a result of previous genitourinary or intestinal infection. Knee arthritis is often found in patients with hemophilia, sarcoidosis, gout, malignant tumors internal organs.

    Injuries to the articular ligaments, bursitis, tendinitis, excess weight and obesity, heavy physical (including sports) loads, joint hypermobility, and flat feet can predispose to the development of arthritis of the knee joint. Often the manifestation of acute arthritis of the knee joint is provoked by infection, vaccination, allergic reaction, surgical interventions, abortion or childbirth, hypothermia.

    Symptoms of knee arthritis

    Although different forms of knee arthritis have their own clinical characteristics, they all share some common symptoms. The main local (articular) signs of gonarthritis include pain, swelling and joint deformation.

    Prognosis and prevention

    In general, the outcome and consequences of gonarthritis largely depend on its form, timeliness of diagnosis, completeness of treatment, and adherence to the recommendations of the attending physician. The chronic progressive course of arthritis of the knee joint sooner or later leads to persistent dysfunction of the lower limb and disability of the patient. The most dangerous in its consequences is empyema of the joint. In many cases, arthritis of the knee joint can be prevented by avoiding injuries, excessive physical exertion, hypothermia, and avoiding excess weight etc. Prevention of secondary arthritis requires adequate treatment of infectious and rheumatic diseases.

    Arthritis of the knee joint or gonarthritis is a constantly progressive inflammatory process that affects the joints. It manifests itself as discomfort and pain when moving. The disease is chronic, difficult to treat, and can haunt a person for years.

    Gonarthritis is a widespread disease; according to WHO, more than 50 million people worldwide suffer from its manifestations. In recent years, the disease has been rapidly “getting younger,” which is serious. medical problem, since in the absence timely treatment the disease threatens disability.

    Inflammatory joint diseases are diagnosed in different age groups. Arthritis of the knee joint in children is not at all uncommon; it can develop against a background of weakened immunity and frequent colds. In general, gonarthritis most often affects people aged 30 to 50 years, and women are more susceptible to this disease. Let's learn everything about the reasons that contribute to the development of the disease, characteristic symptoms and treatments for arthritis.

    The onset of arthritis of the knee joint is preceded by a variety of factors. Among the main causes of the disease are:

    • Past infectious diseases;
    • Metabolic disease;
    • Weakening of the immune system;
    • Hereditary predisposition;
    • Age factor;
    • Deterioration of the blood circulation process;
    • Autoimmune and systemic diseases;
    • Consequences of injury or hypothermia;
    • Professional factor;

    The development of gonarthritis can be facilitated by a sedentary lifestyle, or, on the contrary, professions associated with constant standing. Arthritis of the knee joint can affect salespeople, hairdressers, professional athletes, and loaders, since their work involves constant stress on the joints of the lower extremities.

    Excess weight also has an extremely negative impact on the condition of the joints, provoking their premature abrasion and deformation under the influence of high load. Another important factor– human age, and associated degenerative changes in the joints. It is not for nothing that in old age the disease is diagnosed in 80% of patients.

    According to the international classification of diseases, arthritis of the knee joint is marked with ICD code 10. This classification makes work easier medical personnel, since the corresponding code is indicated in the patient’s personal card.

    Osteoarthritis and arthritis are often confused, since both diseases affect the joints and have many common features. However, there are significant differences between them.

    With arthritis, the inflammatory process quickly spreads and affects the entire body, affecting not only different groups of joints, but also internal organs. With arthrosis, the inflammatory process is local in nature and affects only the cartilage tissue of the joints.

    Arthrosis affects mainly elderly people (after 60 years), while arthritis occurs in representatives of different age groups and is diagnosed even in children.

    The pain symptom in these diseases also has a different character. With arthritis, the pain is constant, does not disappear even during sleep and intensifies in the morning. With arthrosis, pain occurs during movement and becomes stronger over time at the slightest physical activity.

    Another significant difference is that with arthritis the mobility of the joint is limited in all directions, whereas with arthrosis it is limited in only one. In addition, arthrosis is often accompanied by a crunching or characteristic clicking sound in the affected joint.

    Forms and types

    Photo: Healthy joint and with arthritis

    According to the form of the disease, all types of disease are divided into 2 main groups:

    1. Inflammatory
    2. Degenerative

    Based on the nature of the progression of the disease, the following types of arthritis are distinguished:

    • Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee – the most common type of disease. It often develops against the background of autoimmune diseases and staphylococcal joint damage. Often the first signs of arthritis appear after a sore throat, with dysfunction thyroid gland or if you are prone to allergic reactions.
    • Arthritis-arthrosis of the knee joint ( arthritis deformans) occurs against the background degenerative changes muscles, bones and inflammatory processes in tissues. As a result, multiple destructive changes occur in the cartilage tissue of the knee at the molecular level, which leads to thinning and destruction of cartilage. Similar changes affect bone tissue, as a result of which they become deformed and become covered with growths and compactions.
    • Post-traumatic arthritis. It develops as a result of a knee injury that disrupts the functioning of the articular cartilage. Over time, this condition is complicated by inflammation of surrounding tissues and the proliferation of bone osteophytes.
    • Reactive arthritis of the knee provoke infectious diseases of the reproductive, urinary system or food poisoning. Such ailments contribute to the penetration of infection into the tissues of the knee joint.

    In addition, there are many more types of gonarthritis, each of which develops due to certain provoking reasons. These are age-related, gouty, juvenile, infectious, etc. However, the types of the disease have a common symptom - this is painful sensations, which haunt the patient both in motion and at rest. Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristic symptoms of gonarthritis.

    Main symptoms - photos

    All types of arthritis have a number of characteristic common symptoms. These include:

    • Pain in the knee, which can be sharp, burning, or constant, aching. In this case, the pain intensifies with physical activity and while walking.
    • Morning stiffness, when there is a feeling of “jamming” of the joint and it is difficult for the patient to straighten the leg at the knee.
    • Swelling and swelling of the knee with visible redness and inflammation of the surrounding tissues.
    • In advanced cases, partial loss is noted motor function joint, its deformation and thinning of the bones.

    At rheumatoid arthritis Usually both knee joints are affected, the disease is accompanied by increased fatigue and low-grade fever, when the temperature persists for a long time, indicating the presence of an inflammatory process. At long term Disease and lack of adequate treatment, complications develop (Baker's cysts, impaired tendon mobility, muscle atrophy). The most severe consequences are damage to the heart, blood vessels, and eyes.

    With arthritis of the knee joint, which is infectious in nature, the temperature can rise to 39 ° C, with severe swelling of the knee and migrating pain in the joints of the whole body.

    The main manifestations of arthritis largely depend on the degree of development of the disease.

    The main danger of gonarthritis is the transition of the disease to chronic stage. In this case, constant relapses significantly worsen the quality of life and threaten to damage other groups of joints. Thus, arthritis is often not limited to one knee joint and after some time affects the second knee.

    Infectious arthritis can cause the development of bursitis, synovitis and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. But rheumatoid arthritis is especially dangerous, which within a short time can spread to other groups of joints (elbow, phalangeal, wrist). Treatment should begin at the first unfavorable signs, otherwise the lack of timely medical care can lead to severe complications and cause disability for the patient.

    Treatment methods

    How to treat arthritis of the knee joint, the doctor will determine based on the results diagnostic examination. The treatment regimen is drawn up taking into account the type of arthritis, the severity of the disease and the general condition of the patient. Complex therapy gonarthritis is based on the use medications, physiotherapy methods, therapeutic exercises and lifestyle adjustments. In severe cases, on last stage diseases resort to surgical intervention and replacement of a destroyed knee joint.

    Among medications, the complex treatment includes the following drugs:

    • Antibiotics (lincomycin, doxycyline) if arthrosis is of an infectious nature.
    • Antifungal drugs (nystatin, terbinafine), if joint damage is caused by mycoses.
    • Anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, ketoprofen, ketonal) that help relieve pain, eliminate unpleasant symptoms and alleviate the patient’s condition.
    • Injections of glucocorticosteroids (diprospan, celeston, methyl prednisolone). Injections are given into the joint cavity or in the inflamed area around the knee to relieve acute pain.
    • Vitamin complexes and preparations of calcium and vitamin D (calcium D3 Nycomed, Vitrum, Complivit) are prescribed as supportive measures for rheumatoid arthritis and for the prevention of osteoporosis.
    • Immunosuppressants (methotrexate, cyclosporine). This group of drugs is used if arthritis develops as a result of autoimmune processes in the body.

    In addition to systemic drugs, they are widely used local remedies for external use. These are ointments, gels and creams:

    • Menovazin,
    • Ketonal,
    • Capsoderm,
    • Indomethacin, etc.

    Arthritis of the knee joint is one of the most common types of joint pathology of the legs. With it, inflammation develops in the articular and periarticular tissues of the knee. The reason for the leading position of the disease is that the knee is more often injured; it bears the greatest load during movement and many types of physical labor. Due to the greater degree of wear and tear, this joint is more easily exposed to various pathogenic factors. Another name for the disease – gonarthrosis or gonarthrosis – comes from the Greek word “gony”, translated meaning “knee”. According to statistics, the disease affects people aged 30 years and older. Men and women suffer from it equally. Timely initiation of complex drug treatment for arthritis of the knee joint allows achieving stable remission in most cases.

    Causes and types of knee arthritis

    Thanks to the articular joints of the skeletal apparatus, humans, like many other living beings, have the ability to move. A healthy joint is designed in such a way that it can withstand significant loads, but as it wears out, the dynamic ability gradually decreases, and development begins various pathologies leading to joint deformation. One such disease is arthritis, which most often affects the knee. What is arthritis of the knee joint? This is a serious disease, the consequence of which is the development of an inflammatory process in the articular and periarticular tissues. Such damage to the joint can lead to its deformation and even complete destruction, as a result of which a person may become disabled.

    Among the causes of arthritis of the knee joint, rheumatologists place first place genetic predisposition. If one of the person’s close relatives – parents, siblings – suffers or has suffered from the disease, the likelihood of its occurrence in this patient increases significantly. This can be explained by the reduced immune status, congenital weakness of articular tissues, their tendency to rapid wear. But even in the presence of bad heredity, everything depends on conditions and lifestyle.

    Other common causes of knee arthritis include:

    • Mechanical injuries - fractures, bruises, dislocations, sprains, and even just stable overload of the knee joint (as a result of severe physical work or significantly exceeding body weight) cause destruction of cartilage and joint tissue, leading to the development of an inflammatory process and contributing to the occurrence of swelling, crunching and pain when moving;
    • Acute arthritis occurs due to penetration into the bone tissue of the joint pathogenic microorganisms from external environment or from a nearby focus of chronic inflammatory process in the body. Characterized by cutting pain when trying to move. Without treatment, arthritis of the knee joint of this form turns into a purulent type of pathology;
    • The purulent type of arthritis is characterized by significant swelling and redness of the skin in the joint area, increased temperature, as well as severe aching and stabbing pain in the knee, aggravated by moving the leg, and the presence of pus in the synovial (periarticular) fluid;
    • Rheumatoid arthritis occurs as a result of a malfunction of the immune system, due to which the body begins to perceive its own body cells as foreign, tending to destroy them. This form belongs to the group autoimmune diseases, the cause of which is a previous infectious disease or an acute allergic reaction that caused an overly powerful response of the immune system, leading to its overstrain;
    • Another autoimmune form of knee arthritis is. It occurs only in patients with psoriasis, combining simultaneous damage to skin and joint tissues;
    • The cause of deforming arthritis is the development of a degenerative process, which is caused by a disruption of the normal supply of bone and cartilage tissue nutrients. Pathology can lead to absolute thinning and abrasion of the cartilage layer, up to complete exposure of the bony part of the head of the knee joint.

    The ICD 10 (tenth version of the International Classification of Diseases) code for arthritis of the knee joint varies depending on the type - from M00 to M25.

    On a note!

    Determine the form and establish the causes of the development of arthritis of the knee joint, and also prescribe correct therapy only a specialist can do it after careful differential diagnosis. Therefore, at the first signs of illness, patients should consult a doctor to prevent progression of the disease.

    Symptoms and diagnosis of knee arthritis

    Symptoms of knee arthritis include: general signs: pain and limited mobility in the knee area, swelling and redness of the skin of the joint. But they are not always noticeable from the first days of the disease. Symptoms depend on the degree of development of the disease:

    • During the first stage, rapid fatigue occurs in the legs, which appears as a result of physical effort and goes away after a couple of hours of rest. After sleep, slight swelling and limited joint mobility are possible, but after 30-40 minutes, motor functions are completely restored. From time to time there is a feeling of weakness in the knee and a twisting of the leg - it suddenly bends with a crunch and pain. At this stage, fluoroscopy shows bone growths along the edges of the joint, First stage cartilage degeneration caused by disruption of its blood supply;
    • The second stage is characterized by a clearly defined pain syndrome, both after activity and at rest. The pain intensifies with palpation (feeling) of the joint. The swelling increases and becomes constant, regardless of the time of day. Redness appears skin and their temperature rises. X-ray examination reveals obvious wear of the cartilaginous layer, the edges of the bony part of the joint become uneven;
    • The third stage of the disease leads to deformation and gradual destruction of the cartilage layer and the bone head. The joints take on a deformed and hypertrophied (enlarged) appearance, which is clearly visible in the photo of knee arthritis. To this extent, the x-ray shows a narrowing or complete disappearance of the interarticular space, which indicates a sharp limitation of the motor function of the knee.

    Diagnosis of knee arthritis can be divided into four stages:

    • The first consists of an external examination and questioning of the patient;
    • The second is the collection and laboratory examination of blood tests (an increase in the level of leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CRP marker - C-reactive protein is noted: all this indicates the development of the inflammatory process);
    • At the third stage, an x-ray examination is carried out;
    • The fourth stage includes ultrasonography(ultrasound), computed tomography(CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

    These diagnostic methods allow the doctor to get an idea of ​​the changes occurring in the joint tissues. At the same stage, samples are taken (puncture or biopsy) of the synovial fluid and a study of its composition, as well as bacteriological culture, which makes it possible to identify the reaction of the pathogenic microorganisms contained in it to the effects of various pharmaceuticals.

    Another type of test used for knee arthritis is diagnostic arthroscopy. When performing it, the doctor under local anesthesia makes a small incision in the joint area through which an arthroscope is inserted - a miniature probe with a video camera at the end, allowing the doctor to examine the joint in great detail. Through another incision, a hollow tube is inserted through which saline– filling the joint cavity, it improves visibility and allows manipulations to be carried out more carefully and accurately. Arthrography makes it possible to detect pathological process at the very beginning of development, when even x-ray examination, which has always played a leading role in the diagnosis of all types of joint pathologies, is not yet able to detect it.

    Sometimes, to establish a final diagnosis, consultation with doctors from several specialties is required, which depends on the form of the disease. For the rheumatoid type of arthritis, this is a rheumatologist; for gout, a nutritionist and nephrologist; for the psoriatic variety, a dermatologist. But the last word always belongs to an arthrologist - a specialist in the treatment of this pathology in any of its forms.

    The disease in question is a very complex phenomenon that has various reasons and developing differently. Therefore, the symptoms and treatment of knee arthritis are closely related. The final decision on how and how to treat arthritis of the knee joint is made by doctors only after the patient has undergone all the necessary examinations and reviewed their results.

    Treatment of knee arthritis

    Therapeutic modalities used to treat knee arthritis include complex application a number of events:

    • Drug therapy;
    • Physiotherapy;
    • Physical therapy and massage;
    • Spa treatment;
    • Folk ways to combat articular pathologies.

    At the first stage of treatment, when it is necessary to relieve the severity of the inflammatory process and pain, the leading role in treatment belongs to drugs for the treatment of arthritis of the knee joint, denoted by the abbreviation NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These include Paracetamol, Olfen, Ortofen, Revmoxicam, Almiral. Some of them are available only in tablet form, others in the form of ointment, cream, gel or injection solution for injections. Simultaneously with them drug treatment chondroprotectors are used that restore and strengthen joint tissues (Rumalon), warming ointments that improve blood supply to the affected area (Finalgon), hormonal drugs (Hydrocortisone) and general strengthening agents - Methyluracil, vitamins B and C.

    As the acute inflammatory process subsides, the emphasis in treatment shifts from the medication component to physiotherapeutic procedures:

    • Ultraviolet irradiation (UVR);
    • Ultra-high frequency currents (UHF);
    • Shock wave therapy (SWT);
    • Balneology (therapeutic mud applications);
    • Paraffin treatment;
    • Magnetotherapy;
    • Exercise therapy and massage.

    It is more convenient to carry out the listed procedures in the conditions of sanatorium-resort treatment. Patients with articular pathologies are recommended to stay in a dry and hot climate - such areas include the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, Mineral water, Krasnodar, Crimea. Balneological resorts recommended for such patients are also available in central Russia (Lipetsk) and Altai (Belokurikha).

    Many patients, along with pharmacological ones, use alternative traditional medicine methods in the treatment of arthritis of the knee joint. Herbal healers recommend the following recipes in the fight against illness:

    • Wraps for sore knees fresh leaves burdock, coltsfoot or cabbage alleviate joint pain and reduce inflammation;
    • Liquid ointment has the same properties, which can be prepared from the yolk of a raw chicken egg (preferably homemade), adding to it a teaspoon of turpentine and apple cider vinegar and mix thoroughly. Lubricate your joints with it better evening before going to bed;
    • Another recipe for a healing balm includes two glasses of freshly squeezed black radish juice, half a glass of vodka and half a glass of honey (add the ingredients one at a time, mixing thoroughly). Add a tablespoon of table salt to the resulting mixture and stir until completely dissolved. The product must be stored in the refrigerator, poured in small portions as needed and heated in a water bath. After rubbing the balm into the joints, they must be covered warmly.

    On a note!

    Folk remedies are used as a complement to traditional drug therapy, but cannot completely replace it. Before using them, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

    It is impossible to completely cure arthritis of the knee joint; the goal of treatment is to achieve maximum long period remission. Modern medicine can allow the patient to lead a normal lifestyle.

    An inflammatory process manifested as pain symptoms musculoskeletal system and mainly affects the joints of the knees, is called arthritis of the knee joint. The disease manifests itself not only in older people, but also affects adults and even children. Arthritis of the knee joint manifests itself as characteristic features pain in the area of ​​the kneecap and the joint itself. At the same time, it is very difficult for a person not only to walk, but also to bend and straighten his legs.

    Arthritis of the knee joint occurs due to viruses, bacteria and other pathogens entering the cavity of the joint tissue. In children, arthritis manifests itself due to knee injuries or bruises, but this is what this material will tell you about.


    In medicine, it is customary to divide knee arthritis into types, which are characterized by: specific reason occurrence and symptoms of manifestation. So, these types have the following names:

    These are the main types of knee arthritis, which have different causes. Let's talk about these reasons in more detail.


    Based on centuries-old research, it has been revealed that the main cause of the formation of knee arthritis in humans is an infection that has entered the joint cavity. But infections do not always lead to the formation of arthritis; the main reason for this is weakened human immunity. Arthritis of the knee joint progresses through the following factors:

    • based on injuries sustained in the knee area;
    • in the presence of chronic diseases in humans, which indicates a weakened immune system;
    • if the patient has degenerative disorders;
    • with the manifestation of autoimmune pathologies.


    It is worth briefly mentioning the importance of diagnosing the disease, since often the symptoms may indicate other types of ailments. Even experienced doctor will not dare to make a diagnosis based only on symptoms. Diagnosis of knee arthritis includes the following methods:

    • Radiography. X-rays can even determine the extent of the disease.
    • Ultrasound. Performed if necessary to study the condition of the soft structures of the joints.
    • MRI. The most expensive method, but it allows you to get a complete picture of not only one disease.
    • Arthroscopy. A method that involves puncturing the skin and inserting a flexible conductor with a camera at the end into the joint. Using this method, the doctor can monitor the condition of the joint live. The technique must be carried out under anesthesia and is performed exclusively in rare but complex cases.
    • Laboratory research. A blood test is used to determine the cause of the disease.

    Of all the above diagnostic methods, only one/two are selected, through which the diagnosis is clarified.


    Treatment of knee arthritis should, first of all, be comprehensive and consist of procedures for getting rid of painful symptoms of the disease and eliminating the causes of localization. Thus, treatment is carried out using the following methods:

    • Use of medications;
    • Physiotherapy;
    • Visit to the massage room;
    • Treatment with folk remedies;
    • Surgical intervention.

    To combat serious illness there is a fairly powerful arsenal, but all methods are used in case neglected form arthritis. Let's consider just some methods of treating knee arthritis, such as medications and folk remedies.

    Use of medications

    Treating knee arthritis with medicinal method aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following set of drugs:

    1. Steroid hormones;
    2. Chondroprotectors;
    3. Nonsteroidal drugs that are used to eliminate signs of inflammation;
    4. Taking vitamins and immune-strengthening medications.

    Reactive arthritis is treated with the following antibiotic drugs:

    • Azithromycin;
    • Doxycyline;
    • Ofloxacin.

    Under treatment reactive arthritis knee joint for 30 days, but not less. It is important to completely remove the infection from the body to avoid relapses in the future.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    Treatment of arthritis with folk remedies is intended to eliminate symptoms of pain, relieve inflammation, reduce swelling and speed up recovery. Our ancestors used these methods and fought arthritis quite effectively. different degrees and types. Today, treatment with folk remedies has been partly forgotten, but it’s worth refreshing your memory a little.

    The main way to treat knee arthritis with folk remedies is to learn how to make a compress. It is done like this:

    1. The active drug is placed on cotton material;
    2. Then the material is applied to the knee and wrapped;
    3. Wrap the top with film and secure with a bandage.

    Leave the compress in this position for 12 hours (depending on the active ingredient), and then remove and lubricate with oil.

    What is applied to the compress? Treatment of the knee joint with folk remedies using a compress includes the following methods:

    1. Take one onion head and grate it. Then the chopped onion is laid out evenly on the compress and wrapped around the knee. It is recommended to use it overnight; after 2-3 hours you will feel a burning sensation, which indicates the effectiveness of the process. In the morning, remove and lubricate the joint with oil.
    2. White cabbage leaves are used. To do this, the sheet must be washed and heated in the oven. Afterwards, the leaf is taken out, 10–15 cuts are made in it, and smeared with honey. The compress is applied to the joint for 12 hours. Efficiency guaranteed.
    3. Treatment with blue clay. Clay perfectly relieves swelling and redness, kills bacteria, removes toxins and improves metabolism. All you need to do is dilute the clay with water and smear it on your knee, wrapping it in a warm cloth. The procedure can be repeated daily.

    Treatment with folk remedies for arthritis is also carried out by oral administration:

    1. Pour boiling water over 7 grams of nettle and then leave for about 3-4 hours. Take one teaspoon three times a day.
    2. We use lingonberries. To do this, you need to fill it with water, boil it and drink it throughout the day.

    Treatment with folk remedies is not only effective, but also useful, because for this, as you can see, exclusively natural plants and substances are used. There are many more methods of treatment with folk remedies, but it is enough to perform a few, and within two days the result will be visible.