Infrared lamp for the treatment of runny nose. Phototherapy in physiotherapy

Therapeutic effect Sveta

The healing effect of light

Light is the flux of electromagnetic radiation visible to human eye wavelength range, the components of which (depending on the wavelength) are perceived by humans in the form of a color octave. Each color has its own specific effect on the human body, including its psycho-emotional and physiological state (5,9).

The long-wavelength part of visible light (red, orange, yellow) has a sympathetic-tonic effect, the short-wavelength part (blue, indigo, violet) has a parasympathetic effect. The green part of the world coordinates both influences.

Chromotherapy carried out mainly through the eyes, while “...the energy flow of light is perceived by a colossal network of vessels, the concentrated pigment-reagent system of the iris and retina, and is then freely and instantly transmitted to the regulatory centers of the brain” (2) .

Next, the light causes a whole cascade of transformations in the body, affecting organs and systems, activating physiological processes, restoring balance internal environment, supports the stability of cellular metabolism, regulates metabolism, increases the vitality of cells and tissues, immunity and supports the natural mechanism homeostasis (10,15).

Ophthalmochromotherapy - qualitatively new direction modern medicine . This is a natural method prevention and treatment ocular and psychosomatic diseases narrowband(monochromatic) radiations of light. A highly effective treatment method based on the bioresonance effect of light of various wavelengths on a person through the organ of vision.

By the eyes one can judge the state of the whole organism as a whole, its psychosomatic “health” ( "Eyes are the mirror of the soul"...), as well as its individual organs and systems. And vice versa, in case of diseases of organs and systems, in case of disturbances in hemo- and cerebrospinal fluid dynamics in the brain, ophthalmologists diagnose eye diseases.

The resonant effect of monochromatic radiation of the optical spectrum on the eyes helps restore impaired functions of the brain, eyes and other organs and systems.

Chromotherapy for stress andpsychophysiological disorders

Each color of the optical spectrum has a specific effect on the psycho-emotional and physiological state of a person. Red, orange and yellow have a stimulating effect; green, blue, blue and violet - sedative effect (5.6).

Red color

It has sympathicotonic, antidepressant, thymoerectic effects on the nervous system: increases the activity of tropic hormones, enhances metabolic activity, increases heart rate and respiration, normalizes cardiac activity, eliminates congestion, increases blood pressure. The energy of red color improves appetite, enhances libido, will, accelerates the pace of thinking, increases efficiency, endurance, strength, visual acuity, stimulates the immune system.

The use of red color is effective in the treatment of influenza and viral diseases of the upper respiratory tract, hypotension, hypochondria, flaccid paralysis, as well as skin manifestations some diseases: measles, lupus, erysipelas, chicken pox, scarlet fever. In ophthalmology - for myopia, strabismus, retinal dystrophies.

At the same time, the color red can cause feelings of emotional tension, excitement, anxiety, arterial hypertension and tachycardia. Therefore, obese people suffering from hypertension should not overuse the color red. In such patients it is recommended to use pink colors that calm the nervous system, reduce excitability, and improve mood. How often do we say that someone "looks at the world through rose-colored glasses" without thinking about the root cause of this statement.

Orange color

Improves blood circulation, digestion, skin trophism, promotes regeneration of nervous and muscle tissue, stimulates the activity of the gonads, enhances sexuality, increases the level of neuroendocrine regulation, appetite, and muscle strength. Orange color is effective in the treatment of diseases of the bronchi and lungs, especially bronchial asthma; in addition, it is used for hypotension, anemia, diabetes, and colitis. In ophthalmology - for the treatment of amblyopia, myopia, optic nerve atrophy, degenerative processes in the retina. Excess color causes excitement.

The psychotropic effect of orange corresponds to a combination of antidepressant and mild psychostimulant effects. Rising mental activity, appetite, physical performance, decreases exhaustion, fatigue, drowsiness. Memory improves. Sexual desire increases.

The sympathico-tonic effect is minimally expressed. This allows the color orange to be assigned to older people and people with cardiovascular diseases.


Stimulates the work of everything gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, activates the autonomic nervous system, has a cleansing effect on the entire body. Used in the treatment of eczema, allergic dermatitis, chronic gastritis, atonic colitis, constipation, diabetes, chronic diseases liver and bile ducts. In ophthalmology - for amblyopia, strabismus, optic nerve atrophy, retinal dystrophy.

Improves mood and mental capacity. Creates harmonious attitude to life. Enhances the antidepressant effect of red, but prevents increased anxiety. Consistent use of red and yellow colors gives good results in the treatment of depression. By enhancing excitation processes or weakening inhibitory processes, yellow color increases physical performance, relieves fatigue and drowsiness.

Excess increases bile production and causes agitation.

Green color

Affects the cardiovascular and nervous system, relieves spasms of smooth muscles of blood vessels and bronchi, has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, reduces heart rate, reduces arterial pressure.

IN therapeutic plan green color is effective for hypertension, headaches, neuroses, stress, neurasthenic syndromes, insomnia, fatigue, bronchial asthma. In ophthalmology it is used for glaucoma, myopia, retinal dystrophies, to relieve asthenopic phenomena.

In the absence of green color, excitability, nervousness, irritability, and inappropriate activity increase.

It is a harmonizing color. Eliminates agitation, anxiety, relieves emotional stress. Has a hypnotic effect. Stabilizes emotions, relieves vascular spasm, improves microcirculation.

To prevent and eliminate visual fatigue, the use of green is recommended. For prolonged visual stress (working with a computer), it is recommended to conduct sessions every 30-40 minutes.


Soothes, has a bactericidal effect, has a beneficial effect on thyroid gland, vocal cords, bronchi, lungs, digestive tract. It normalizes blood pressure, regulates heart function, relieves muscle tension, helps reduce appetite, lose weight, and at a certain dosage (in combination with red color) has a tonic effect.

Medicinal value blue tones are great: they are used for a variety of inflammatory diseases throat and vocal cords, hepatitis, burns, rheumatism, in the treatment of eczema, vitiligo, pustular lesions skin, for childhood infections, itching, insomnia. A positive result was noted blue color for osteochondrosis, in obese and overweight people.

In ophthalmology it is used for myopia, uveitis, and glaucoma.

An overdose of color causes a feeling of fear and enhances the cooling effect of wind and cold.

Blue color

Has an effect on the pituitary gland, parasympathetic nervous system, has antibacterial properties, helps fight infections, fevers, is effective for throat diseases, spasms, headaches, palpitations, intestinal disorders, rheumatism. A great therapeutic effect was observed in patients with diseases thyroid gland. Dark blue color (indigo) is effective for asthma, inflammatory lung diseases (clears mucus), whooping cough, jaundice, colitis, spasms. Its effect is healing for hysteria, epilepsy, neuroses, fatigue, and insomnia. In ophthalmology, it is successfully used in the treatment of inflammatory eye diseases, as well as cataracts, cataracts, and glaucoma.

The psycholeptic effect of blue color includes sedative, muscle relaxant and hypnotic effects. Calm appears muscle relaxation, the pace of thinking, speech motor activity, speech expression decreases, and anxiety decreases. The combined use of blue and yellow flowers does not cause inhibition of volitional processes and thinking.

Excess color causes dryness, fatigue, obsession, and a feeling of fear.


Violet seems to combine the action of two colors - blue and red. It has a tonic effect on the brain, eyes, increases muscle strength, normalizes the functioning of the spleen, parathyroid glands, nervous system.

Used for mental and nervous disorders, concussions, increases performance and normalizes sleep, facilitates treatment colds. Effective for inflammatory diseases of the liver, kidneys, urinary and gall bladder, rheumatism.

In ophthalmology it is used to treat amblyopia, myopia, cataracts, glaucoma. It has a pronounced psycholeptic effect, modulates interhemispheric relationships. Long-term use can cause a state of melancholy and depression.

Table 1
The healing effect of flowers




Red color 620 - 760 nm

Increases immunity, activity of the kidneys and adrenal glands, sensory centers, sympathetic nervous system, accelerates blood circulation, increases heart rate, breathing, increases metabolism, muscle strength, sex drive, endurance, eliminates congestion.

Hypotension, hypochondria, flaccid paralysis, amenorrhea, rheumatism, constipation, peptic ulcer out of exacerbation , pneumonia in the resorption stage, scarlet fever measles, chicken pox, erysipelas, lupus erythematosus. Flu and all viral diseases, kidney disease, spleen. Impotence, myopia, strabismus, retinal dystrophy.

Hypertension, nervous - excitement, acute inflammatory diseases.

Orange color 585 - 620 nm

Increases level of neuroendocrine regulation, stimulates activity sexual glands, rejuvenates, promotes regeneration of nervous and muscle tissue, increases appetite, muscle strength

Diseases of the bronchi and lungs, especially bronchial asthma. Hypotension, anemia, diabetes, colitis, impotence, frigidity. Myopia, amblyopia, astigmatism, optic nerve atrophy, retinal dystrophy, strabismus.

Acute inflammatory diseases, nerve new excitation.

Yellow color 575 - 585 nm

Stimulates the work of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas.

Diabetes. chronic cholecystitis, atonic gastritis and colitis, allergic dermatitis, eczema, amblyopia. strabismus, optic nerve atrophy. retinal dystrophy.

Acute inflammatory diseases. excitation

Green color 510 - 550 nm

Calms the nervous system. Relieves spasm of smooth muscles of blood vessels and bronchi. Lowers blood pressure!

Hypertension, heart disease, neuroses, stress, neurasthenic syndrome, osteochondrosis, bronchial asthma, insomnia, hemorrhoids, glaucoma, accommodation spasm, myopia, retinal dystrophy.

Blue color 480 - 510 nm

Calms. Has a bactericidal effect. It has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, ear, throat, vocal cords, bronchi, and lungs.

Effective for various inflammatory processes: laryngitis, inflammation of the vocal cords, bronchitis, allergic cough, colitis, burn, abscess, gumboil, phlegmon; For skin diseases: eczema, vitiligo, itching, osteochondrosis, fullness, myopia, spasm, accommodation, uveitis.

Overdose causes anxiety.

Blue color 450 - 480 nm

Acts on the pituitary gland and parasympathetic nervous system. Has anticarcinogenic and bactericidal effects.

Goiter, inflammation of the ear, throat, nose, teeth, migraine, spastic colitis, rheumatism, hysteria, neurosis, stress, epilepsy, overexcitation, whooping cough, allergic cough, laryngitis, pneumonia, osteochondrosis, jaundice, initial cataracts, cataracts, myopia, spasm of accommodation, uveitis.

Excess causes fatigue, obsession, and anxiety.

table 2
The healing effect of color combinations

A color scheme

Effect on the body

White and red

Increases energy potential.

Blue and green

Strong calming effect. Treats hysteria, reactive state. Prevents epileptic seizure.

Green and blue

Calming effect. Relieves tension. Calms the nervous system.

Blue and white

Calms. Gives a feeling of freshness.

Black and blue

Normalizes breathing. Eliminates rapid heartbeat. Reduces blood pressure.

Blue-green and black

Normalizes blood pressure, eliminates tachycardia, shortness of breath

Yellow and green

Calms the nervous system. Used to treat respiratory organs and bronchial asthma.



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by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Operating principle

Light therapy is a relatively new non-surgical procedure. Light from a lamp with different color filters (rainbow colors) is used. Red and blue are good for rejuvenation procedures: they penetrate the skin without damaging the surface or causing discomfort, and effectively affect the deeper layers.

Red light rejuvenates the skin, making it healthier, firmer, smoother, and more radiant. Infrared irradiation accelerates wound healing. Blue light kills bacteria, which is why it is used to treat acne. Light therapy is very popular and patients always come back for repeat treatments.

Red light

Red light is used for skin rejuvenation. After the procedure, the skin begins to glow, the effect lasts for 3-5 days. If you carry out several sessions, the skin becomes smoother for a long time. The condition of the skin improves, cell activity increases. Red light treatment is good before important event or if you need to stimulate cell healing.

Although the light appears very bright, it is not harmful to the eyes. Lie quietly and don't worry! Light renders beneficial effect, especially in gloomy winter.

Near infrared light

This type of light is used in television remote controls. It does not burn like far infrared light and cannot be seen or felt. Near-infrared light penetrates slightly deeper than regular red light, stimulating the production of resilient collagen. This method is good for treating scars and wrinkles. For several years it was used to speed up the healing process after surgery, but now it is widely used to smooth out scars and wrinkles. For full effect you will need a course of procedures.

As with red light, try to enjoy the session. Red light is relaxing and very beneficial.

Duration: to achieve optimal results, it is enough to carry out 3 sessions per week for 3 weeks. The effect lasts up to 3 months. Preventive procedures can be carried out as needed.

blue light

Blue light has a beneficial effect on acne and oily skin. It penetrates the skin to a depth of 2-3 mm, affecting layers at the level hair follicle and killing harmful bacteria. A course of procedures is required. Initially, the skin condition worsens, but by the fourth week, patients usually notice and feel changes. You can expect an improvement of up to 70-80 percent.

Blue light is a great alternative to antibiotics. Side effects no, other than slight redness that goes away after about an hour. Some medications, diseases, and the herb St. John's wort increase sensitivity to light, but your doctor should definitely warn you about this before starting treatment.

The duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. The effect depends on individual characteristics, lasts up to 6 months. Constant maintenance procedures are required.

If you are undergoing treatment different types light, at least 48 hours must pass between procedures.

Light therapy can be performed in a regular beauty salon.

Red light works well with other non-surgical procedures when healing is not immediate: laser therapy, peeling, microdermabrasion.

Red light treatment is good before surgery: it contributes fast healing skin and revitalization immune system.

Areas of use

The light can be applied to any part of the body. Red light is commonly used to rejuvenate facial skin. Infrared light promotes the healing of scars on any area. Blue light is used on the back and chest, but most often on the face.

Studying brain activity and human sensitivity to color spectra has an impact on the treatment of diseases. Scientists have proven that exposure to color has an impact on human health, the immune system, mood and quality of life. Color therapy, the treatment of ailments with color, has already been recognized as an effective and efficient method in healing many diseases and restoring vital functions.

Exposure to luminous flux a certain color, fluctuations in mood or activity have a direct impact on life cycle and vibrations internal organs.

Today, chromotherapy - color treatment - is widely used in medicine as the main and aid, for example, in postoperative period for recovery and proper operation all functions like prophylactic, method of relaxation, etc.

Types of light therapy and their characteristics

Color therapy and light exposure are divided into three main types depending on the spectrum of radiation, each with its own advantages:

  • The use of light baths using light flux of various colors of the visible part of the spectrum. Scientists have proven that rays of a certain color can lead to the necessary therapeutic effect, in particular, to normalize the mental state;
  • Infrared radiation has a visible effect in inflammatory diseases. However, it should be used in strictly dosed proportions. If internal organs overheat, it can have the opposite effect;
  • Ultraviolet light is able to penetrate as deeply as possible into the body. Indispensable in the treatment of joints and bone tissue. Accelerates healing and recovery from fractures and damaged limbs. Ultraviolet light is effective in the treatment of female and male diseases, has a positive effect on hormonal background and accelerates tissue regeneration.

Dosed light radiation has a positive effect on all body systems. There are different depths of exposure to infrared and ultraviolet rays. Color creates positive conditions that contribute to the effective fight of the immune system against the development of viruses and pathogenic microbes in cells and tissues.

Type of luminous flux and color effect

Traditional medicine widely uses light treatment, as well as color, various diseases. It has been proven that lack of illumination causes depressive state and apathy.

Dependence sun rays and the brightness of the light flux explains the increase in energy and pressure levels:

Contraindications for light treatment

Before performing the following exercises and procedures of light treatment methods, it is necessary to clearly eliminate the presence of diseases that prevent the use of light therapy.

Particularly important are:

  • Increased sensitivity of the skin to the effects of thermal radiation, applies to people with light skin tone;
  • Inflammatory conditions of the skin and internal organs, accompanied by an increase in temperature. You should pay attention to the condition of the kidneys and cardiovascular system;
  • After treating seborrhea, you must wait more than 1 month and only after given period use light therapy;
  • Appearance and progression malignant tumors any type and categories;
  • Low level of immune activity of the body.

It is important to remember that treatment of diseases with light flux and color is effective in a limited time frame and requires several therapy sessions. Only when the right approach the result will be noticeable and determined by a specialist.

Light therapy, or phototherapy, is the treatment or prevention of diseases using artificial light sources. Most often this method is used in dermatology. However, at home it can be used to compensate for the lack of sunlight during the autumn-winter period.

Action of light. Sunlight is vital for our body, since under its influence a huge number of biochemical processes are launched. Moreover, the entire visible spectrum is important, not just ultraviolet.

Some processes require red light, others blue or infrared. Having identified this feature, doctors came to the conclusion that by influencing a person with one of the rays of the spectrum, they can help him get rid of certain diseases.

Phototherapy equipment. Sun treatment is called heliotherapy. Light therapy uses special lamps that can generate almost the entire spectrum of visible light.

In cosmetology for the treatment of some skin diseases lasers, dichroic lamps, light-emitting diodes, halogen and fluorescent lamps are used. The technical feature of such lamps is the large width and brightness of the radiation, which ranges from 2500-10000 lux. Depending on the brightness of the radiation, the session will last. For example, with a brightness of 2500, the daily session should last 2 hours, and with a brightness of 10,000 lux, the session will be reduced to 30 minutes.

Phototherapy lamps are sold in specialized stores. When choosing lamps, you need to pay attention to the presence of a timer, infrared filters, ultraviolet rays, a thermostat and an air fan, since all these parts will be necessary during use.

Light treatment: indications.

1. For the treatment of acne in cosmetology.

Previously, it was believed that ultraviolet rays had a positive effect on acne treatment. However, later it turned out that rays from the visible part of the spectrum with a wavelength of 405-420 nanometers have a healing effect. It is these rays that activate the production of porphyrin pigment in bacterial cells. This increases the amount of free oxygen in the bacterial cell, which leads to cell death.

This method is contraindicated for a person with porphyria. To increase the effectiveness of phototherapy for acne, aminolevulinic acid is used in parallel, which also stimulates the production of porphyrin.

2. To reduce the amount of bilirubin in newborns.

Light radiation helps improve the transformation process of bilirubin in order to quickly remove this pigment from the baby’s body. If you don't do this in time, it may start kernicterus, in which the centers of the brain are affected and kidney failure begins.

3. For the treatment of eczema and psoriasis in dermatology.

Researchers still do not know what the mechanism of action is in the treatment of eczema and. This is because the causes of the diseases themselves are unknown. For psoriasis, preliminary photosensitization of psoralen is first carried out, after which ultraviolet rays A and B. However, this method is contraindicated in many somatic diseases.

4. Treatment of neuralgia, trophic ulcers, neuropathy.

Thanks to the rays of the infrared and red spectrum, it is possible to increase the level of nitric oxide in the vascular structures, after which the arteries dilate and blood circulation improves.

5. Treatment emotional disorders, caused by a reduction in daylight hours.

The human body reacts sensitively to the length of daylight hours. Shortening the day causes a decrease in serotonin production and an increase in melanin synthesis. Such hormonal changes are the cause of seasonal depression.

The phototherapy procedure can be performed by anyone at home. You just need to buy it in specialized stores necessary equipment. You should purchase lamps that have a light intensity of 2500 lux or more. Lamps must comply with MDD standards, the Medical Device Directive.

Phototherapy lamps have special system, which generates light waves of the required length, while eliminating ultraviolet radiation. advises to conduct light treatment sessions only in morning time so as not to disturb the natural person.

Light therapy: history, treatment, new technologies:

Laser medicine, which uses red light, is based on the theory that disease is a change in the structural and energy-informational properties of cellular water, a change in the vibrational properties of water molecules (length, frequency) under the influence external environment when the body is not able to fight these changes on its own.

Water consumed by humans carries frequencies of anthropogenic impact. Such water, even chemically pure, but with foreign frequency-wave properties, when it gets into cells, begins to cause diseases. By taking medications, a person temporarily gets rid of the symptoms of the disease. The disease becomes chronic if the consumption of water with the acquired properties of anthropogenic influences continues.

Red light directed at the sore spot (laser therapy) returns cellular water to its original structural and frequency-wave properties. The disease is receding.

The prerequisites for the development of laser medicine are covered in detail in the book. Creation in 1955-1957 optical quantum generators or lasers - fundamentally new sources of light energy that have no analogues in nature, making it possible to obtain coherent, directed, high spectral density radiation in the light range, which has determined a new direction in various fields of medicine - laser medicine.

In 1960, the first low-energy continuous laser based on inert gases was created - a helium-neon laser emitting in the red range of the spectrum with a wavelength of 632.8 nm, and the first pulsed ruby ​​laser operating in the same range with a wavelength of 694.3 nm.

The foundations of modern laser medicine were laid long before the advent of the theory of quantum mechanics and laser technology.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, a new method of treatment was rapidly developing in medicine - phototherapy (phototherapy), namely: treatment using narrow spectra of the visible light region (photochromotherapy). Previously, light therapy was used for centuries to treat various diseases. Before the invention of electricity it was used sunlight, passed through various filters. The red region of light was considered the most effective. Red light was used to treat smallpox fever, erysipelas, trophic disturbances at the beginning of the last century. It was assumed that red light increases the body's resistance to infection. To treat especially severe infectious patients, special wards were organized, in which the windows were draped with thick red silk and no extraneous light sources were allowed.

In 1889, Danish physician-researcher Niels Finsen (1860-1904) invented a device and developed the principles and methods of phototherapy.

Finsen's technique was successful clinical trials. He also organized an institute of light therapy and a clinic for patients - Finzenovsky medical institute Sveta (Copenhagen).

The principles formulated by N. Finsen sound extremely modern: different spectra of light radiation have different therapeutic effect. The most effective areas are red and blue light: “red cures everything chronic, blue everything is sharp.”

Finsen's apparatus was a device with a bright light source - an arc lamp, a lens system to focus the beam, and a ruby ​​filter to filter the light. The emitted spectrum was in the range of 640-680 nm. Indications for chromotherapy according to Finsen were quite wide: from smallpox fever to the treatment of trophic disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system of a dystrophic and inflammatory nature. Clinical effect treatment with “pure red light” was explained simply: increasing the body’s resistance.

Rice. 10 First medical installations for phototherapy (photochromotherapy).

Illustration from the monograph by N. Finsen, 1896.
The Finsen method found its followers in Russia, where in almost all major cities treatment rooms were organized. Judging by scientific discussions in medical journals of that time, the effectiveness of the method was quite high. As is often the case in medicine, practical experience and empirical knowledge far outpaced scientific explanation.

Subsequently, the appearance of works by American radiobiologists in the field of photoreactivation (A. Kellner, 1949), explaining the effect of phototherapy, and, most importantly, the invention of lasers - ideal sources of pure light, easy to use, was a prerequisite for the continuation of work in the field of phototherapy in its new quality - laser therapy.

In the late 90s Inyushin V.M. developed a method for treating water with high productivity, independent of the optical properties of water, with a long period of preservation of the activation effect (Inyushin V.M., Rusak L.A., Yurenkov V.V., Aliev A.K., Shadrin V.I. ., Pyatov E.A. Method of activating table water.A.S. No. 11307, C02 F1/00 from 05/11/2000). Activation is achieved by exposing the water flow to monochromatic red polarized light from a helium-neon source.

When the water flow is exposed to gas-discharge plasma radiation, the hydroplasma current during measurement is on average 15-20 mA, in control 10-12 mA. When exposed to elliptically polarized monochromatic polarized light with a wavelength of 650 nm, the hydroplasma current is 18-25 mA. When exposed to linear polarized red light with a wavelength of 650 nm, the hydroplasma current is 5-8 mA. Changing the length of the elliptically polarized wave from 650 nm to 660-670 nm leads to a drop in the hydroplasma current from 18-25 mA to 8-10 mA. Therefore, the most effective wavelength is 650nm.

Experiments were carried out under the influence of pulsed elliptically polarized red light with a frequency of 0.5 Hz, 1 Hz, 3 Hz, 7 Hz, 8 Hz. The maximum hydroplasma current of 25-30mA is recorded at a frequency of 1-7Hz and the minimum 10-12mA at a frequency of 8Hz and 0.5Hz.

The effect of water biogenization is based on the phenomenon of increasing the content of hydroplasma - free negative charges. The presence of hydroplasm creates the basis for preserving the “biogenic memory” of water.

The influence of red light, unlike other methods of influence, remains in the memory of water for a long time, measured in months. Red light allows release drinking water with improved physiological properties, which is for healthy body a shield against disease and a medicine for the sick.

4. Method of treating water with red light
Processing of natural mineral water of the Kenetkol field is carried out using the BV-2M apparatus. The device is designed to increase the physiological (biological) activity of water and can be used to combat the phenomenon of “pathogenic memory” of water by saturating it with hydroplasma.

Under the action of bioresonance activation, it is possible to change the structure of the liquid towards its ordering, i.e. the possibility is created for the existence of more energy-intensive structural modifications of water. This water has a stronger biological effect through cell membranes, enhances redox processes in mitochondria, is more easily assimilated by living cells, and improves immunity.

The device is a gas-discharge tube with an inert gas (a mixture of helium, neon and cesium vapor), mounted on a tripod in a container with water. The tube is connected to a high-voltage transformer operating from a 220V network, power consumption no more than 100 W (Fig. 11).
Rice. 11 Water treatment with red light

Natural water is supplied to a container with a gas-discharge tube and processed in a stream with elliptically polarized monochromatic red light with a wavelength of 650 nm and a frequency of 1-7 Hz. The productivity of the device is 4l/s. The exposure time of light to water is about 4 minutes.

After light treatment, the water is supplied to an ozonation unit, from where it is supplied to the bottling line.