Who treated kidney diseases in children. Symptoms of kidney disease in children, causes of disease and therapy

Any deviations from the child’s normal state, even the most seemingly insignificant and least dangerous diseases, can instill primitive horror and panic in the baby’s parents, forcing them to be tormented by the question: how can they help the baby? What can we say then about complex and quite severe diseases? internal organs and systems in children, which always bring a normal mother to bitter tears, and force the father to feverishly look for a way out of the current situation, looking for worthy specialized specialists.

Unfortunately, the number of children with developmental disabilities and normal functioning of internal organs has increased significantly over the past few years. Both the unfavorable environmental situation and long-term stress, in which they can live for a long time modern women expecting a child, and an increasing number of potential mothers who are irresponsible about their health, which is then always projected onto the health of the child.

The percentage of children suffering to varying degrees from kidney disease in the total mass of children with diseased internal organs is very high. Thus, according to some data, almost every sixth child who comes to see a pediatrician suffers from some kind of nephrological urology. And such data cannot but frighten, because the kidneys are one of those organs that determine the “purity” of the body, being responsible for removing toxic substances and decay products, being a kind of natural filter.

Kidneys – paired organ, in the human body the kidneys are localized at back wall abdominal cavity, on both sides of the spine, at the level of the lumbar vertebrae. The formation of buds occurs even at the stage intrauterine development, and as the fetus grows and develops in the mother’s tummy, the kidneys continue to form and improve. At the same time, by the time the child is born, the development of the kidneys has not yet been completed - the size of the filtering surface of the kidneys approaches normal only at the end of the sixth month of the baby’s life.

In the body, the kidneys are responsible for excreting the end products of metabolism; in addition, the kidneys are involved in the formation of some biological active substances. In the case of impaired renal function, the normal functioning of the entire body as a whole is accordingly disrupted, and some conditions can even be regarded as life-threatening.

In general, in medical practice It is customary to divide kidney diseases in children into congenital and hereditary. Congenital nephrologies are “formed” at the stage of intrauterine development of the fetus and exist from the moment of its existence. Congenital kidney pathologies are possible in the case of a teratogenic effect on the fetus at the time of birth and development of the baby’s internal organs, while it is just beginning its life in the mother’s tummy. Thus, congenital pathologies are provoked by smoking and alcohol, drugs, certain medicines, toxic effects on the maternal body, radiation during pregnancy. The first trimester of pregnancy is especially dangerous in this regard: the fetal excretory system begins to develop already from the 3rd week of pregnancy. And the earlier the teratogenic effect befell the fetus, the higher the risk of more severe anomalies.

Another one large group renal pathologies in children are hereditary diseases kidney Hereditary nephrologies are the result of mutations of genes and chromosomes, which, unfortunately, occur randomly, without direct “participation” and regardless of the mother and father.

Separately, we can talk about acquired kidney diseases in children. They develop, to a large extent, when the baby is affected by an infection, and also as a secondary disease, for example, with diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, hemorrhagic vasculitis, scleroderma and some others.

Among kidney diseases, which are found in childhood, the most common is pyelonephritis. This infectious disease is an inflammation of the renal pelvis, and can develop as a result of infection entering the kidney through the ureter from an inflamed bladder, and even through blood from a carious tooth or localization of inflammation in the intestines, lungs, uterus and its appendages.

Children are also not spared by such an infectious-allergic disease as glomerulonephritis - inflammation of the glomeruli of the kidneys. Hydronephrosis is less common in childhood (develops due to a violation of the outflow of urine, characterized by a significant expansion of the pelvis and calyces); interstitial nephritis (inflammation of the entire kidney tissue); urolithiasis (formation of kidney stones).

But perhaps the most complex and serious, life-threatening nephrological disease is renal failure. In this condition, the kidneys partially or completely simply stop performing their function.

Kidney diseases in newborns

Kidney diseases in newborns, as in all other cases, are divided into two groups - hereditary and congenital, as well as acquired diseases. Congenital and hereditary diseases include polycystic kidney disease, hydronephrosis, dystopia, renal dysplasia and agenesis, and renal duplication. A special group of acquired diseases stands out, which includes diseases that develop as a result of urinary tract infections and renal vascular thrombosis. Some of these diseases include interstitial nephritis, ischemic nephropathy, pyelonephritis, etc. Separately, doctors distinguish acute renal failure, which is a complication of nephrosis and the result of deep ischemia of the renal tissue.

Kidney diseases in children can occur without acute and noticeable pain, or they can be accompanied by obvious painful sensations. But a baby who has just been born will not be able to verbally tell either his mother or the doctor about his pain, even if it is present. Therefore, if there is a risk of kidney disease in newborns, you should pay attention to certain warning symptoms, such as:

  • on the color of the baby’s skin - sometimes a jaundiced tint may not be the only sign of kidney pathologies;
  • on body temperature – rising suddenly and remaining at high levels a short time temperature may be a sign of kidney problems;
  • on the stool and the general condition of the child - liquid liquid can indicate problems with the kidneys frequent stool and vomiting;
  • on the nature of urination - renal pathologies may be indicated by urination in the first days of a newborn’s life, rare or frequent urination, and the baby’s restlessness during urination;
  • on the baby's behavior - suspicion of kidney disease should arise in case of sudden seizures in a child, as well as with manifestations that occur with meningitis.

Kidney disease in children: symptoms

Parents, especially mothers, always treat any changes in the condition and behavior of their beloved child with special trepidation. Therefore, it will not be difficult for observant parents to identify possible clearly manifested problems with kidney function based on fairly clear signals and symptoms. So, what should alert responsible parents and become a reason to go to a specialist for a separate consultation? Among the symptoms indicating probable kidney pathologies, experts name the following:

  • changes in the quality and quantity of urine, as well as changes in the nature of urination. Thus, any deviations in the previously usual “routine” of going to the toilet in small ways can most likely indicate kidney problems. Thus, cloudy urine, and even more so, the appearance of blood impurities in it, requires a mandatory response to the situation. Changes in urination are also a bad symptom: if the child begins to ask to go to the toilet more often or, conversely, less often; urinary incontinence or frequent trips to the toilet at night; if sharp pain appears at the beginning of the urination process, all this should be the reason for an unscheduled consultation with a doctor with all necessary examinations and analyses;
  • soreness in the lumbar region and possibly in the lower abdomen also most likely indicate kidney problems. Moreover, the pain can be either sharp and severe or nagging;
  • swelling is another sign indicating the possible development of kidney disease. With nephritis, the water-salt balance is disturbed, which in our case leads to swelling of the face, especially in morning hours after waking up. At the same time, if kidney diseases occur, so-called “bags” under the eyes may appear;
  • about possible progression kidney disease can advise sharp increase temperature for no particular reason or other signs. Especially if the increase in temperature is accompanied by weakness, fatigue, headache, chills, loss of appetite, capriciousness of the child;
  • You definitely can’t ignore the child’s bloating, increased blood pressure, dry mouth and thirst.

Please note that certain kidney diseases can occur in a child without obvious symptoms, in a latent form. However, critical periods of maturation are almost certain to show symptoms of kidney problems. Among these periods are the stages of development from birth to 3 years, from 4 to 8 years, as well as puberty.

Kidney diseases in children: treatment

If a child exhibits certain symptoms indicating the probable development of kidney disease, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible and decide on a treatment regimen. The specialist will begin therapy after he clearly establishes the diagnosis - based on the results of carrying out all the necessary procedures. possible diseases kidney examinations and tests.

In order to determine nephrology and assess its degree of complexity, the doctor will prescribe for the baby general analysis urine and blood, and will also send the little patient with his parents for an ultrasound examination. Based on the results obtained, as well as taking into account the complaints of the parents and the child, the specialist will decide on the treatment regimen and duration.

The key to successful therapy in the presence of renal diseases will be the consideration and application of three components: an adequate choice of those prescribed in a particular case medications, compliance special diet and compliance with all doctor's recommendations. Do not self-medicate or give your child medications at your own discretion! After all, this will inevitably lead to an even greater aggravation of the situation and can provoke the transition of the disease into a chronic form with further weakening of the baby and even a threat to his life.

In the case of an infectious nature of the child’s kidney disease, antibiotics will be prescribed without alternative: without use antibacterial therapy there's no way around it.

Among the drugs that are widely used in the case of kidney diseases in children are Summed, Ampicillin, Amoxicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Cifran. Let your doctor determine the dosage and frequency of administration of one or another recommended remedy; he will develop a regimen taking into account the age of the child, the specifics and complexity of the disease.

For speedy success, specialists often combine antibiotic treatment with herbal medicine, homeopathy, and uroseptics are often prescribed in parallel. Herbal infusions and fees will help cleanse the kidneys faster and more effectively and have a gentle restorative effect. In addition, to remove toxins from the body, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids and take ascorbic acid. If, against the background of the development of kidney disease, there is heat, antipyretics are prescribed - Ibuprofen, Paracetamol are given to the baby if the temperature rises to 38 degrees or higher.

The duration of therapy will depend on the severity of the disease, the susceptibility of the small organism to treatment and the progress in its condition - sometimes the results of treatment are visible after 2-3 weeks, and sometimes the treatment lasts much longer, with short breaks in taking potent substances. The signal to stop antibiotic therapy will be positive results control tests performed: when urine and blood parameters normalize, treatment is stopped. But even after finishing taking antibiotics, the child is recommended to take probiotics for some time - to restore normal intestinal microflora in particular and the body as a whole after treatment with antibacterial drugs.

Especially for - Marina Zolochevskaya

Recently, a disease such as pyelonephritis can be found more and more often among children. It occurs in both children over three years of age and infants. This is a disease that affects the kidneys and usually does not appear spontaneously.

Everything in our body is interconnected, so pyelonephritis is preceded by other diseases, which ultimately turn into this.

In order to protect a child from such problems, it is necessary to closely monitor his health and development. And in cases where symptoms of this disease have already appeared, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for advice.

So what is this disease?

What is pyelonephritis?

Pyelonephritis is a disease that is accompanied by bacterial and inflammatory processes in the kidneys.

Since the kidneys are an organ that plays a very important role important role in human life, then even the slightest problem related to them must be addressed immediately. The development and growth of the child depends on their uninterrupted operation.

And due to the fact that this disease increasingly affects children, every parent should be informed and competent in this matter.

Why can the disease occur in a child?

In a normal state, a child’s urine does not contain any foreign substances, and if the protective ability of the mucous membrane of the urine-excreting tract deteriorates, microorganisms have the ability to enter the kidney and contribute to its inflammation.

It enters the urinary tract in cases of improper washing of the child.

Due to the manifestation of such disturbances in the normal functioning of the body as dysbacteriosis and constipation, the infection enters the kidneys along the nearby rectum and urinary tract. This is what causes pyelonephritis.

In severe viral infections or purulent inflammations, harmful organisms enter the kidneys through blood vessels. All sorts of chronic gastrointestinal diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, lack of vitamins, and deliberate obstruction of normal urination in children contribute to better penetration of infections.

What symptoms of the disease are observed in children?

The presence of acute pyelonephritis in children can be very quickly identified by characteristic symptoms:

  • Increase in body temperature to 39-40°.
  • Deterioration of mood.
  • Weakness and fast fatiguability.
  • Dizziness.
  • Changes in the physical characteristics of urine and its cloudiness.
  • The occurrence of mild pain in lower section backs.
  • Problems with urination.

If this disease occurs in young children, it will be accompanied by the following problems:

  • digestive problems;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation

From this fact it can be understood that harmful microorganisms enter the kidneys through the intestines, and further spread occurs through lymphatic vessels. They enter the kidneys in different quantities and, moreover, cause damage to individual areas of this organ.

Very often it is possible to observe damage to only one kidney. Initially, damage is caused to the tissues and structures located in the center. And, as a result, this entails damage to other surfaces and disruption of the kidney.

If immediately after the onset of symptoms of pyelonephritis in children, correct treatment, then it is possible to achieve its complete cure.

The disappearance of symptoms occurs after 4-5 days, and urine analysis returns to normal values in 1-2 weeks. Normal kidney function is completely restored.

Now let's look at the symptoms characteristic of chronic pyelonephritis. A disease that lasts for one year or more, with periodic exacerbations, can be considered chronic.

There are two types of chronic pyelonephritis:

  • recurrent;
  • latent.

In case of recurrent course of the disease, observed

  • temperature increase,
  • back pain in the kidney area,
  • bad feeling,
  • weakness.

The latent form of the disease can only be detected through a detailed examination of the patient. It is accompanied by modification of organs excretory system, which can be seen using x-rays.

The course of the disease depends on the state of the body, its ability to respond to stimuli, etc., and death is possible in children with the second degree of chronic pyelonephritis.

As soon as your child exhibits some of the signs described above, it is necessary to make an appointment with a doctor and undergo a diagnosis. Experienced specialists tell us what to do if you find kidney inflammation:

Methods of treating disease in children


Depending on the severity of the disease, antibiotics are prescribed orally or administered into the body by injection. If the prescribed drug does not have an effect, it is replaced with another. The effect of antibiotics can be enhanced with the help of lysozyme, interferons or medicinal plant extracts.

After the symptoms of the disease disappear under the influence of antibiotics, therapy can begin, which will be aimed at eliminating the possibility of the disease reoccurring. In such cases, co-trimoxazole and nitrofuran medications are prescribed.

Pyelonephritis is accompanied by damage to kidney tissue. Thus, you need to take a course of consuming antioxidants that will help you recover. Along with this, it is necessary to improve blood circulation in the kidneys with the help of physiotherapy.


Enough wide application among the methods of treating pyelonephritis in children today find folk remedies. This is the use of decoctions of all kinds of herbs, which is called herbal medicine.

They can be used in completely different combinations, which have a positive effect in the fight against pyelonephritis.

In terms of their mode of action, they differ little from antibiotics, but their huge advantage is the absence of side effects, like after taking medications.

In different combinations, herbs can act both as an excellent diuretic and as a substance for removing kidney stones.

The most common plants to combat this disease are the root and fruits of rose hips, violet, St. John's wort, motherwort and horsetail, from which the “potion” is made. You need to pour a spoonful of this mixture into a glass of water and boil it. After this, drink the resulting liquid four times a day.

Also, flax seeds, hops, chamomile, and smooth hernia are well suited for this. There are many recipes using all of these herbs. But, before starting self-treatment, it is necessary to accurately diagnose the disease and consult with a specialist.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent its exacerbation if this disease is registered, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations:

  • During the period of illness, it is imperative to adhere to bed rest.
  • It is necessary to follow a diet that consists of alternating protein and plant products. They will be able to prevent the further development of this disease.
  • You must follow your antibiotic prescription.
  • Taking herbal remedies that have a positive effect on the body as a whole and on the problem itself in particular is considered very effective.
  • It is recommended to send older children to a sanatorium for recovery after completing acute period course of the disease.
  • For some time, the child needs to be under the supervision of a doctor in order to prevent the recurrence of the disease.

In general, we can conclude that it is easier for parents to prevent the appearance and development of this disease in child than to fight it later. Therefore, it is necessary to diligently care for the child, monitor his hygiene and general health.

But if it was still not possible to prevent its occurrence, then you need to pay attention as quickly as possible to the deterioration of the child’s health and be able to identify this disease. Then contact a specialist who can help you choose suitable method treatment and get rid of this disease in the future.

Polycystic kidney disease in newborns

Polycystic kidney disease in children is a severe congenital malformation of the genitourinary system, which is expressed in the replacement of normal kidney tissue with multiple cystic formations. A kidney cyst is a cavity in the parenchyma formed by a membrane of fibrous tissue, and filled with liquid contents - exudate. Such organs cannot function fully.

Most often, children, along with this kidney anomaly, have defects of other organs. Similar cystic formations are found in the liver, pancreas, spleen and lungs. Polycystic kidney disease in children is usually bilateral, that is, both kidneys are abnormal.

Polycystic kidney disease is birth defect, which arises at the stage embryonic development due to improper formation of the renal canals. After the 30th week of pregnancy, this anomaly in the fetus can already be detected during an ultrasound examination.

  1. Genetic disorders of hereditary nature. Disturbances in the structure of genes or chromosomes in this case occurred in one of the closest blood relatives, and the child may be a potential carrier of the same characteristics for his descendants.
  2. Unpredictable mutations in genes that are not associated with heredity. Failure in the formation of the genitourinary system occurs under the influence of external mutagens in the first months of pregnancy.

This may result from:

  • the entry of certain viruses into the body of a pregnant woman;
  • uncontrolled use of medications;
  • contact with aggressive chemicals;
  • exposure to radiation;
  • abuse of alcohol, drugs and smoking.

In addition, the unfavorable environmental situation – air pollution and environment, abundance chemical substances both in everyday life and in food products, increase the risk of genetic failures during intrauterine development of the fetus.

There is a certain classification of kidney pathologies, which characterizes the degree of damage to the kidney tissue and the prognosis for survival.

Depending on the age of the child, the division into groups is as follows:

  • from 28 weeks to 7 days from birth - perinatal;
  • the first month after birth – neonatal;
  • from three months to six months - early childhood;
  • from six months to five years - juvenile.

In infants belonging to the perinatal and neonatal groups, the kidneys consist almost entirely of cystic formations. Children of these groups are not viable. Many die in the womb.

In children from the early childhood and juvenile groups, the number of cysts is compatible with life, however, they have numerous other severe pathologies (hepatic fibrosis, arterial hypertension). In addition, renal failure in such children develops gradually, causing a decrease in kidney function, changes bone tissue, the occurrence of anemia. Such children live up to a maximum of 20 years.

Life expectancy and prognosis also depend on the type of cysts and their number.

Renal cysts are:

  • glomerular - not associated with the renal tubular system;
  • tabular - formed from the tubules of the kidney;
  • excretory - formed from collecting ducts.

Polycystic disease in children, characterized by the greatest extent of kidney damage, is most often observed in newborns, and is associated with the presence of glomerular cysts, which contributes to the rapid development renal failure and death.

Congenital polycystic kidney disease has two course options:

  • malignant or fulminant - the development of renal failure and cessation of kidney function occurs in the first months after birth or the fetus dies in the womb;
  • chronic – the pathology progresses gradually, and symptoms begin to manifest themselves after a certain time.

Neonatal polycystic kidney disease is usually malignant. In such an infant, over ninety percent of the kidney tissue is replaced by cysts.

The symptoms of the pathology are as follows:

  1. The baby's abdomen is greatly enlarged due to abnormally large kidneys.
  2. High blood pressure is noted.
  3. There is severe swelling.
  4. Urination is impaired - there is oliguria (reduced amount of urine) or anuria (its complete absence).
  5. The child has severe vomiting.

Congenital damage to the kidney tissue in children in the early childhood and juvenile groups is characterized by a smaller area covered by cystic formations, but the kidney cysts gradually grow. The kidneys increase in size, putting pressure on neighboring organs.

Signs of renal failure increase gradually:

  1. There is a general unsatisfactory condition in the child - anxiety or apathy, frequent crying, lack of appetite.
  2. The child may complain of a headache, aching pain in the lower back.
  3. Swelling appears on the face, which soon spreads to the limbs.
  4. The skin is dry and pale.
  5. Arterial hypertension occurs.
  6. Disturbed urination.
  7. Blood is found in the urine.
  8. Body temperature is increased.

A child suffering from polycystic kidney disease is developmentally delayed due to anemia and bone disorders. In parallel, fibrosis of the liver tissue increases. The life expectancy forecast for such children is from two to fifteen years.

Children suffering from polycystic kidney disease are monitored by a pediatric nephrologist and should regularly undergo a course of drug therapy. Treatment is aimed at inhibiting the development of irreversible processes and alleviating the patient’s condition.

Such patients are prescribed the following drug treatment:

  • painkillers - to relieve pain;
  • medicines to stabilize blood pressure;
  • antibiotics and uroseptics - for the treatment of infections urinary tract, pyelonephritis, nephritis;
  • diuretics – to prevent urinary stagnation.

Diet is an essential component of the treatment process. The doctor will give detailed recommendations regarding nutrition and drinking regime sick child.

In order to prevent exacerbations, the patient should be provided with a gentle regimen:

  • strictly limit the amount of salt, protein foods and liquid;
  • exclude fried and fatty foods, smoked meats, fast food, soda;
  • limit the duration of walking and running, try to avoid “shaking” in transport and lifting heavy objects.

It is very important to protect your child from colds and viral diseases, strengthen his immunity and regularly consult with a treating specialist.

Kidney diseases in children

Kidney disease in children is common. They suffer more often than adults; the cause of such disorders is weak immunity. In addition, children suffer more severely from any inflammation, with a number of complications. It is important to recognize the disease at an early stage so that the disease does not become chronic.

  • Main reasons
  • Congenital pathologies
  • Hydronephrosis
  • Megaureter
  • Multicystic
  • Polycystic
  • Violation of the structure of the organ
  • Acquired diseases
  • Pyelonephritis
  • Glomerulonephritis
  • Cystic formations
  • Dilated pelvis
  • Kidney failure
  • Nephroptosis
  • Signs
  • Diagnostics
  • Therapy
  • Prevention

Main reasons

The genitourinary system is formed during the intrauterine development of the fetus. After birth, the paired organ continues to grow. After a year and a half? In children, the kidney is fully formed and has normal sizes. Kidney disease is often diagnosed in the first years of life, but sometimes abnormalities are also detected in adolescents.

The causes of the development of the disease are congenital or acquired. The first include defects that appeared during intrauterine development. The cause of such anomalies is the mother’s illnesses during pregnancy or her poor lifestyle.

In children, kidney disease can result from:

  • Transferred or chronic pathologies. Sore throat, tonsillitis, and diabetes mellitus can provoke disorders.
  • Food, drink. Plays a huge role in the development and function of the kidneys proper diet. It is important to pay attention to the amount of fluid consumed; a normal volume of water prevents pathogenic bacteria from depositing in the ducts.

  • The body's defenses. Kidney disease in children is often diagnosed when the immune system is weakened.
  • Hygiene. Affects the condition of the genitourinary system in children and proper care, in the absence of regular washing, bacteria penetrate the kidneys and provoke inflammation.
  • Hypothermia. A common cause of kidney disease in children is cold kidneys; girls are most susceptible due to their anatomical features.

Congenital pathologies

The cause of kidney disease is most often congenital anomalies. Such deviations result wrong image life expectant mother, previous infections, hypothermia. These processes contribute to the development of kidney inflammation in a pregnant woman, which passes to the fetus.


This disease is caused by stagnation of urine in the calyces of the kidney. The process occurs as a result of abnormalities in the development of the ureter or lumen. These features are determined during examination of the fetus from the fourth month of intrauterine development. After birth, surgery may be required to normalize the function. urinary organs.


The disease occurs in the presence of reflux (vesicoureteral). In this case, urine returns from the bladder. The cause is an abnormal development of the valve or underdevelopment of the baby’s nervous system. The optimal solution is surgery, as alternative treatment use special gels.


This disease occurs in the fetus under the influence of toxic substances taken by the mother or as a result genetic disorders. With this disease, a change in the structure of the kidney tissue occurs, and the organ is unable to perform its functions.

In the presence of a formation that does not exert pressure or interfere normal operation kidneys, the cyst is left and monitored. Otherwise, surgical intervention is required.


The cause of the disease is disorders at the genetic level. At the same time, the kidneys cope with their functions. You can live with this disease, but it is possible that such a disorder can cause kidney failure. Severe abnormalities will require dialysis or a donor kidney transplant. With polycystic disease, it is important to adhere to healthy image life.

Violation of the structure of the organ

If there are anomalies that arose during the development of the fetus, as the child grows older, problems may arise in the functioning of the organ. Such disorders include duplication of the kidneys and ureter, horseshoe-shaped structure. For such changes, surgery is indicated; the optimal period is up to 1 year.

Acquired diseases

As children grow up, it is possible renal pathologies, which arise for various reasons.


It is characterized by inflammation that appears against the background of hypothermia or as a result of past illnesses. Sometimes it becomes a consequence of surgery performed on the urinary organs. If treated improperly, there is a risk of progression to chronic stage. If therapy is started immediately, the disease can be quickly cured. Antibiotics are most often used to get rid of inflammation.


The glomerulus, which is responsible for filtration, suffers. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. Develops as a result of previous diseases, such as streptococcal infection, sore throat, scarlet fever.

Cystic formations

If there are growths on the kidneys, their nature is of great importance. Cysts are usually benign, but there is a possibility of becoming malignant. Therefore, children with kidney cysts are seen by a doctor. The cause of the development of this disease is the proliferation of epithelial cells. If the growth increases in volume, surgery is required.

Dilated pelvis

It is a consequence of reflux, in which the reverse release of urine occurs. It may be the result of an abnormal structure of the organ’s vessels, which affects the structure of the kidney tissue.

Immediately after the baby is born, experts recommend performing an ultrasound of the kidneys. This allows you to identify violations at an early stage and make decisions about prevention. further development diseases.

Kidney failure

With such a pathology, the paired organ is not able to perform its functions. This contributes to electrolyte imbalance, which accumulates in the patient’s blood. uric acid. Such a pathology can lead to organ failure, which entails the most severe consequences, including fatal outcome. Therefore, such a disease cannot be ignored.

Renal failure occurs against the background of pyelonephritis, abnormal organ structure, and occurs in a chronic form. Reason acute stage may be the influence of toxic substances, which occurs against the background of an overdose of medications.


It is caused by a structural anomaly in children, in which the kidney is not sufficiently fixed. The organ is mobile, can rotate around its axis, and with such movement the vessels suffer, which provokes disruption of normal blood circulation.


The appearance of urolithiasis in children is the result of changes water-salt balance. Pathology occurs due to insufficient fluid intake or poor nutrition. Drink plenty of fluids allows the removal of salts and prevents the formation of stones. The disease also occurs against the background of insufficiency when mineral metabolism broken. It is treated by laser exposure or surgery.


Symptoms of kidney disease in children differ depending on the type and severity of the pathology. If developmental anomalies began during the gestation stage, deviations can be determined by the following signs:

  • abdominal enlargement;
  • violation of urine color;
  • urination with reduced pressure;
  • low-grade fever;
  • vomit;
  • loose stool.

Kidney disease in newborns can cause yellowing of the skin due to abnormal metabolic processes. A particularly dangerous sign is the absence of urine - this is a reason for immediate hospitalization. Convulsions and restless behavior during deurinization also require medical attention.

Signs of kidney disease in older children may appear in a latent form, making early diagnosis difficult. But there are characteristic features that cannot be ignored:

  • painful urination;
  • changes in the composition and color of urine;
  • presence of “flakes”;
  • smell of acetone;
  • pain in the lower back and abdominal cavity.

In the presence of inflammation, an increase in temperature is observed. Children refuse to eat and have dry mouth. In the morning, swelling on the face is noticeable. Such symptoms in children are a reason to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Signs of kidney disease:

  1. A pink tint to the urine indicates hematuria. This manifestation indicates possible development pyelonephritis, urolithiasis or injury to the urinary organs. Colored urine may indicate consumption of beets or grapefruit; such a change is not dangerous.
  2. Swelling of the face and limbs may indicate kidney failure.
  3. With rare urination and a small amount of fluid (anuria), chronic renal failure is possible.
  4. Pale skin is a sign of glomerulonephritis.


If any of the above symptoms appear, you should undergo a thorough examination, including:

  • Ultrasound of organs urinary system;
  • urography;
  • blood and urine tests.

To establish a diagnosis for kidney problems in children, you need to contact a urologist or nephrologist.


Treatment depends on the type of disease and is prescribed according to individually. Conservative treatment methods are not always effective; in some cases, the problem can only be solved surgically.

Drug therapy for kidney diseases in children includes:

  • drugs to lower blood pressure;
  • antihistamines;
  • diuretics;
  • antibiotics.

In the presence of oncological formations, with urolithiasis, as well as with renal failure, surgical intervention is required.


To avoid kidney disease in your child, you need to follow some rules. You should start with the diet; spicy, fried, salty foods create additional stress on the baby’s kidneys. It is worth diversifying your diet with calcium-rich dairy products and juices. This will not only improve kidney function, but also strengthen protective forces body. Children should eat cereals, vegetables and fruits, and pumpkin.

It is very important to keep your lower back and legs warm and avoid hypothermia. At the same time, it is necessary to harden the child’s body and increase resistance to diseases. If there is an infection, follow your doctor's instructions. If a course of antibiotics is prescribed, you need to drink according to the schedule and until the end.

If any warning signs appear, you should immediately contact medical care. Kidney diseases in children cannot be treated on their own; this can lead to severe complications.

Almost all symptoms of kidney disease in children (with rare exceptions) boil down to changes in the quantitative or qualitative composition of urine.

However, only a specialist can fully evaluate the test results and make a diagnosis.

In case of kidney disease, this can be done by a urologist or nephrologist. But first things first.

Causes of nephritis

Common cause inflammatory diseases kidneys is hypothermia, as well as the presence of infectious diseases, such as acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis or scarlet fever. However, identifying the presence of kidney disease in this case is quite difficult. Therefore, parents need to play it safe: at the slightest suspicion of infection spreading to the organs of the urinary system, they should consult a specialist as soon as possible. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will additionally prescribe blood tests, urine tests, and x-rays of the kidneys.

Less commonly, kidney disease is the result of a hereditary factor (the presence of such in relatives) or various types of mutations.

Types of kidney diseases

Depending on the etiology (origin) of the disease and the main symptoms, the following diseases are distinguished:

  1. Pyelonephritis
  2. Glomerulonephritis
  3. Several types of kidney failure
  4. Kidney cancer

Some diseases can occur in an acute or chronic phase.

In principle, there are no special differences in the classification of kidney diseases in children and adults.

The differences are due only to the symptoms of the diseases: the child’s body reacts somewhat differently to damaging agents.

Symptoms and signs of kidney disease in children

The main signs of diseases associated with urinary excretion are:

  1. Hematuria (red or pink urine - the color of meat slop) - serious symptom, indicating the presence of chronic pyelonephritis. It may also be a sign of urolithiasis, kidney inflammation, or kidney injury. You should avoid taking foods that color your urine (beets, grapefruit). Parents should immediately show their child to a pediatric urologist or undergo examination at a clinic.
  2. Heat - indirect sign kidney diseases. But in combination with specific kidney symptoms, it is a serious threat to the child’s health.
  3. Arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) is also a nonspecific sign of nephritis. But often it is interruptions in the functioning of the kidneys that cause increased blood pressure.
  4. Swelling. The child's face becomes noticeably puffy, bags appear under the eyes (mainly after sleep), and the arms and legs swell. By the end of the day, the swelling disappears. Edema is a sure sign of kidney problems; often these are the main symptoms of renal failure or relapse of glomerulonephritis.
  5. Good to know! You can find out if there is swelling in the following way: press the tip of your finger on the skin of your arm or leg and sharply remove it. If there is swelling, the pressure mark will be noticeable for some time.

  6. Change in the amount of urine excreted. A sharp increase (pollakiuria) - up to 10 liters per day - indicates chronic kidney disease or the presence of diabetes mellitus. A sharp decrease in urinary volume (anuria) - less than 50 ml per day - indicates renal colic or acute renal failure. In all cases, you must immediately call an ambulance.
  7. Subjective assessment of changes from the outside skin can tell about the presence of kidney problems. Thus, dry and pale skin may be a sign of glomerulonephritis. If the skin is dry with a yellowish tint, then we're talking about about kidney failure
    (not to be confused with hepatitis!).
  8. Bad feeling. Almost all kidney diseases are accompanied by a deterioration in general condition. Parents can note with their child poor appetite, apathy. Children often complain of headaches, dull pain in the lower back, dry mouth.
  9. Newborns and infants special attention should be paid in this regard, because they can't complain. If your baby's tummy is enlarged, he cries for no reason, the color of his urine has changed, or his discharge has acquired an unusual smell, then you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

    Possible complications

    If you neglect the child’s health (ignoring complaints and other symptoms), it is possible to develop severe consequences: urolithiasis, chronic renal failure, the occurrence of purulent foci in the cortex, etc.

    But when timely application It is quite possible to go to the clinic to cure the disease, especially in its initial form, and prevent the occurrence of complications.


    At the first symptoms indicating the presence of kidney disease in a child, his parents should immediately consult a urologist or nephrologist for advice. In this case, they may prescribe blood and urine tests. Ultrasound and urography will also be relevant, based on the results of which the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.


    There are several methods of treating diseases associated with urinary dysfunction - these are medications, surgery and so-called folk remedies.

  • Drug treatment. Here the doctor usually prescribes a complex of drugs: antihypertensives (lowering blood pressure), antihistamines (antiallergic), diuretics (diuretics). If the cause of the disease is an infection, then antibiotics are prescribed, but always taking into account the susceptibility of the child’s body to them.
  • Surgical treatment is indicated for acute renal failure and oncological diseases kidney
  • Facilities traditional medicine can also have a positive effect. For the treatment of nephritis, decoctions of aspen and burdock bark are relevant. However, a prerequisite is the absence of ethylene in them. More detailed information on how to treat nephritis in children can be obtained from a homeopathic specialist.


Measures aimed at restoring the health of children are usually carried out in sanatorium-resort conditions or on an outpatient basis. Methods of physical rehabilitation of children with impaired normal functioning of the kidneys include:

  • Therapeutic gymnastics (therapeutic exercises)
  • Dosed walking
  • Segmental massage (back and pelvic area)
  • Infrared irradiation
  • UHF therapy
  • Paraffin applications

All these measures are aimed at improving the general condition of the child, restoring blood circulation in the lumbar region, as well as psycho-emotional rehabilitation of children.

Prevention of kidney diseases in children

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of kidney diseases are conventionally divided into three groups:

  1. Balanced diet.
  2. Preventing a child from hypothermia.
  3. Treatment and follow-up treatment of all infectious diseases.

The purpose of the diet is to alleviate the child’s condition, as well as speed up the healing process. Proper nutrition reduces the load on the kidneys by limiting the intake of foods that are heavy for a weakened body, such as spices, smoked meats, fatty and spicy food. The main principle of nutrition is to eat more often and in small portions, then it will be easier for the stomach to process food. Foods high in calcium (milk and dairy products), as well as fruits and vegetables with diuretic (diuretic) properties (cucumbers, apples, pumpkin) will be beneficial for the kidneys.

Having analyzed the majority of children's forums on the topic of kidney disease (reviews from parents), one can notice a positive trend. More and more often, young mothers make the right decision and consult a doctor in a timely manner, thereby preventing the development of possible complications. In such a serious case (kidney disease in children), self-medication is not the best option.

Important! If there are any urinary problems in children or any other signs (even indirect) indicating that the child has problems with the urinary organs, you should immediately contact a urologist or nephrologist (preferably a pediatrician)!

Having become parents, young mothers and fathers should listen to the health of their baby (symptoms of kidney disease in children are no exception) and treat everyone with attention external manifestations indicating the presence of any violations in children's body. Be healthy!

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  • Development of the urinary system in infants

Kidney diseases in children are classified according to the same criteria as in adults. But it is worth noting that infants’ kidneys are finally formed only by 1.5 years.

At this time, the baby’s body is extremely sensitive to the influence of external and internal factors, and it is very important not to miss the signs of the disease. Children are unable to talk about how they feel.

Kidney problems in children negatively affect their general condition. This organ is a filter that removes waste products and harmful substances, accumulating in the body. The main ones are secretion and filtration.

During the prenatal period, the kidneys do not work; their function is performed by the placenta. However, a certain amount of urine is formed, accumulates, the renal pelvis expands, and its formation occurs only when the baby is 1.5 years old.

If we compare the ratio of kidney sizes in children infancy with the same parameters in adults, you can see that the total surface of the organs is 5 times smaller. Only by the age of 6 months do the proportions normalize.

The risk of developing inflammatory processes during the final formation of the urinary system is extremely high. Therefore, parents should monitor any symptoms of disease and contact a pediatrician at the first warning signs.

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Dangerous symptoms of urinary system disease

It is quite difficult to understand that a child has kidney pain. He cannot talk about his feelings. Parents can be told the reason for their baby's restless behavior. following symptoms diseases:

We must also be alert to:

A combination of factors should tell parents what they are faced with.

Children over 1.5 years old can already show a sore spot and complain of malaise.

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Classification of kidney diseases

Childhood kidney diseases can be divided into congenital and acquired.

Congenital are associated with developmental abnormalities in the prenatal period or are inherited. They are usually diagnosed immediately after birth.

Acquired ones arise when exposed to external factors.

Even kidney stones occur in children from a very early age. It is associated with developmental disorders endocrine system and digestive organs.

Kidney and urinary tract diseases in childhood are no different from the problems faced by adults. There are only some differences in symptoms and test results due to the fact that the child’s body is in an adaptation period.

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Causes of kidney diseases

Pyelonephritis is caused by a bacterial infection. It can enter the kidneys through the ascending pathways or spread through the bloodstream in the presence of infectious diseases. The condition worsens if there is sand in the child’s kidneys and the outflow of urine is disrupted.

Glomerulonephritis provokes a malfunction in the immune system, causing the body to produce antibodies against kidney cells, which causes acute inflammation.

Kidney cysts in a child and other structural anomalies arise when their formation is disrupted in the prenatal period.

The development of renal failure and nephroptosis in a child is most often associated with intrauterine underdevelopment or a genetic factor. But deficiency can also be toxic. In this case, the process is reversible. As soon as the metabolism improves after the cessation of the toxins, the functioning of the urinary system will be restored.

Renal tuberculosis occurs as complications of pulmonary tuberculosis and abnormalities in the development of the urinary system. Diagnosis of this disease is difficult, initial stage it is asymptomatic. If pathological changes in the urinary system begin, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Kidney cancer in children is most often associated with systemic failures in the body. If a child has become lethargic, weak, and his kidneys are not working well, then you should pay attention to this in order to identify the disease at an early stage.

Kidney stones in children (urolithiasis) appear when physical and chemical properties urine. Forming in the renal pelvis and moving outward along the ureters, they injure them, causing an inflammatory process. This contributes to the occurrence of pyelonephritis.

Changes may begin in the kidneys of children after traumatic exposure. This is also a factor that disrupts kidney function.

Parents' responsibilities include:

  • treat children in a timely manner if they exhibit disorders associated with the functioning of the urinary system;
  • avoid hypothermia;
  • strengthen children's immunity using hardening;
  • teach children to treat their health correctly.

It happens that kidney inflammation in children occurs due to psychological factor.

It is very important to explain to growing children that urination is a process necessary for normal life, and its delay leads to stagnant processes that provoke inflammatory diseases.

Our children are the most precious thing that exists in our lives. And, of course, all parents are very sensitive to the issue of their child’s health. The slightest ailment greatly upsets mom and dad. However, all children without exception suffer from colds, and nothing can be done about it.

However, unfortunately, sharp respiratory diseases are one of the least evils that can await a child on his life’s path. Exists great amount other diseases to which the child is susceptible. And kidney diseases are one of them. It is kidney and urinary diseases that will be discussed below.

What are kidneys?

Kidneys are the most important organ urinary system person. The kidneys are a kind of filter with the help of which the human body removes from the body all harmful and simply unnecessary substances. Maintaining an optimal balance is essential for the body to function. internal environment body. Only with the correct balance is it possible for the metabolic process to proceed correctly and the formation of new blood cells - red blood cells.

The formation and development of kidneys begins during the intrauterine development of the child. However, by the time the baby is born, the development of his kidneys is not yet fully completed. The size of the filtering surface of the kidneys in a newborn baby is five times smaller than required. And only by the end of the sixth month of the child’s life the surface size approaches normal.

During intrauterine development, the kidneys do not yet function as a full-fledged excretory organ. All unnecessary substances are eliminated from the child's body using the placenta. However, nevertheless, not accumulated in the renal pelvis a large number of urine, as a result of which its expansion occurs even before the baby is born. There is no need to worry about this, since this is an absolutely normal physiological phenomenon. The dilation of the renal pelvis disappears by about one and a half years.

The principle of operation of the urinary system

Before we start talking about kidney and urinary tract diseases, it is necessary to mention how they function. The kidney itself consists of a calyx and a pelvis, in which, in fact, urine is formed. The resulting urine enters the bladder through the ureters, and from there through the urethra (urethra) is removed from the human body to the outside.

The filling of the bladder occurs gradually, so a person feels the urge to urinate only when his bladder is more than half full. In the same case, if a violation occurs nervous regulation this process, all kinds of urinary tract dysfunctions occur.

Most often, kidney diseases and disturbances in the normal functioning of the urinary system occur at critical moments in the child’s development. These periods include:

The period from the birth of a child to the age of three. This period is the most dangerous in terms of various violations work of the urinary tract. It is during this period that the child’s body finally adapts to life outside the mother’s body. In addition, it is during this period that all existing congenital disorders of the structure and functioning of the urinary system appear. The period is from five to seven years. At this moment, a number of certain events occur in the child’s body. age-related changes, therefore the urinary system, like a number of others, is the most vulnerable. Adolescence (from 14 to 18 years). During adolescence increased risk disturbances in the normal functioning of the urinary system are explained by two factors: rapid growth and changes hormonal levels child.

Most high risk the development of urinary tract diseases in those children whose parents suffer from either pyelonephritis or diseases of the endocrine system. Mom and dad should be very attentive to the health of such children so as not to miss the first alarm bells. After all, the earlier treatment is started, the more successful it will be.

Types of kidney and urinary tract diseases

To date modern medicine More than 30 different diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract are known. This article will talk only about the most common of them, such as:

Urinary incontinence

If the child is unable to hold urine in bladder and does not feel the urge to urinate, we can talk about a disorder such as urinary incontinence. Such a violation brings a considerable number of problems, both to the child himself and to his mother. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that a child is able to control his urination no earlier than he is one to two years old. Until then, the diagnosis of urinary incontinence is not made.

Urinary incontinence

Although urinary incontinence has a similar name to the previous disorder, it is inherently different from it. The child feels the urge to urinate, but cannot hold it in and does not have time to run to the toilet.

Enuresis is called bedwetting. During the daytime, the child has complete control over his urination, but in the morning he wakes up in a wet bed. Moreover, such a disorder without proper treatment can persist in the child throughout his life.

Pathological dilatation of the renal pelvis

It was already mentioned above that young children are characterized by physiological expansion of the renal pelvis, which spontaneously disappears by the age of one year. However, pathological expansion also occurs renal pelvis. There are a fairly large number of reasons that can cause it. Such causes may include reflux, which causes urine to reflux from the ureter back into the kidney, and vascular abnormalities of the kidneys, leading to pathological changes in the kidney tissue.

All young children should have an ultrasound examination of their kidneys within the first month of life. And in the event that a physiological dilation of the renal pelvis is detected in the baby, regular monitoring of the child’s health is subsequently necessary. Tests ultrasound examinations must be carried out every three months. Such tactics will make it possible to promptly identify all violations and promptly take action. necessary measures aimed at preventing deterioration of the child’s condition.

Urinary tract infections

Urinary tract infections are the most common kidney disease in children. As a rule, every third child suffers from them at least once in their life. In terms of frequency of occurrence, this disease ranks second after acute respiratory infections.

There are several types of such infections:

Pyelonephritis. An inflammatory process affecting kidney tissue. Cystitis. An inflammatory process affecting bladder tissue. Urethritis. Inflammatory process affecting the membrane urethra. Asymptomatic presence of pathogenic bacteria in the urinary tract.

Bacteria enter the urinary system through upward path. First, the bacteria enter the perineum and genitals, after which they rise up the urethra into the bladder and from there further into the kidneys.

By the way, girls are much more likely to suffer from infectious diseases of the urinary system than boys. This happens due to physiological characteristics the structure of the genital organs of girls. Their urethra is wider and shorter, which makes it much easier for bacteria to enter. It is because of this that the issue of the girl’s personal hygiene requires more attention - it is very important to wash the little girl correctly: from front to back, so as not to introduce pathogenic bacteria from anus on the baby's genitals. After she grows up, her mother should teach her to do this on her own.

Kidney failure

If a child suffers from kidney failure, his kidneys, depending on the severity of the disease, may partially or completely stop performing their functions. Complete cessation of kidney function leads to acute renal failure, a condition that threatens the child’s life and requires immediate medical attention.

In case of renal failure, an electrolyte imbalance occurs in the child’s body, and a significant amount of uric acid accumulates in the blood.

Doctors distinguish two forms of kidney failure: chronic and acute. The chronic form of renal failure, as a rule, is a direct consequence of certain chronic diseases, such as pyelonephritis, diabetes mellitus, or congenital anomalies of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Acute renal failure almost always occurs as a result of effects on the kidney or toxic substances, or large doses of medications.


Doctors call nephroptosis a disorder of the kidney structure in which it is not fixed in a certain position, but is mobile. Popularly, this disease also goes by such names as mobile kidney, wandering kidney or prolapsed kidney.

If the moving kidney descends, there is a huge risk that it will rotate around its axis. Because of this torsion, the vessels are stretched and bent. Similar phenomenon extremely dangerous, as the blood circulation of the kidney is impaired. Peculiarities female physiology make the girl more susceptible this disease than boys.

Increased salt content in urine

If a child's normal metabolism is disrupted, very often the amount of salt crystals in the urine increases. The most common are phosphates, urates and oxalates. In addition to metabolic disorders, a factor that provokes an increased content of salts in the urine can be an incorrectly balanced diet of the child, in which the kidneys do not have time to dissolve salts.

An increased level of urates in the urine is caused by the baby’s diet, which is rich in purine bases. These products include offal, liver, broths, pork, fatty fish, sardines, tomatoes, strong tea, sour mineral waters.

As a rule, in such cases, changes in the urine of children are temporary nature. With timely adjustments to the child’s diet, the composition of the urine is very quickly normalized. However, in no case should we ignore this problem, considering it something frivolous. If parents do not urgently review their child’s diet, there is a high risk of sand and even stones forming in both the kidneys and bladder. Urolithiasis is a rather serious and extremely unpleasant disease that requires long-term and complex treatment.

Symptoms of kidney and urinary tract disease in children

As a rule, it is not difficult for attentive parents to notice kidney disease in a child. All diseases have a certain number of symptoms:

Painful sensations in the lumbar region. Moreover, the pain can be both acute and nagging. Change in urine color, cloudiness and appearance of blood. Increased body temperature for no apparent reason. The appearance of facial swelling, especially in the morning, after the child wakes up. The appearance of so-called “bags” under the eyes. Feeling of weakness, rapid fatigue of the child. Feeling of dry mouth, constant feeling of thirst.

However, sometimes some kidney diseases occur in a latent form, without standard symptoms. That is why parents should pay attention to absolutely any changes in the child’s well-being.

Symptoms of urinary system diseases in children under one year of age:

A small child cannot complain to his parents about unpleasant and painful sensations in the lumbar region and discomfort when urinating. Therefore, parents of babies should be especially attentive.

Signs of kidney disease in children under one year of age:

Change in the color and odor of urine. Increasing the size of the baby's tummy. For a boy, a cause for concern should be a weakening of the pressure of the urine stream when urinating. By the way, this can happen if the child has phimosis.

Symptoms of kidney disease in children over one year of age:

Parents of older children, after about one year of age, should also be concerned if the child has the following symptoms:

The child complains about painful sensations in the lower abdomen or lumbar region. Sharp pain during urination – the child may be afraid to go to the potty and cry. Significant increase in frequency or, on the contrary, very infrequent urination. The child urinates in small portions, which has never been noticed before. Incontinence or incontinence of urine. Increased body temperature for no apparent reason.

Under no circumstances should any kidney disease in children be ignored, as the consequences for the child’s health can be very unpredictable. For example, congenital kidney pathologies or chronic urinary tract diseases can lead to a significant delay in the physical development of the child.

Besides, chronic forms various diseases can lead to such a terrible phenomenon as acute renal failure. This disease can threaten not only the health, but also the life of the baby.

Treatment of urinary tract diseases

Having discovered any of the above symptoms in their child, parents should seek help from a pediatrician - a urologist, or, in his absence, a pediatrician, as soon as possible. Under no circumstances should you begin treatment on your own, at the suggestion of grandmothers or friends.

In some cases, such self-medication can bring improvement, but only temporary, since the disease will not be completely eliminated, but will only be driven deeper. And in some cases, self-medication can lead to very serious complications and even endanger the life of the child.

Before prescribing any treatment, the doctor will prescribe a series of studies that are necessary to draw up a complete picture of the disease and make the correct diagnosis. As a rule, the child undergoes the following studies:

General urine analysis

It allows you to detect the presence of sediment of salts, blood particles, and red blood cells in the urine. With results in hand laboratory research urine, the doctor will get an idea. What happens in the urinary system of a sick child. In order for urine results to be correct and not distorted, urine must be collected correctly. Wash your child thoroughly and collect the urine in a perfectly clean container. If we are talking about a teenage girl, you should not take a urine test during menstruation.

General blood analysis

A general blood test will determine whether the child has any inflammatory processes and signs of general intoxication of the body.

Ultrasound examination of the kidneys

Ultrasound examination allows us to identify congenital anomalies in the structure of the organs of the urinary system, their pathological change or the presence of sand and stones.

Based on the complaints of the parents and child and the research results, the doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe a treatment regimen that is suitable for your child. To successfully get rid of the disease, parents must strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions and fulfill all his appointments. Be healthy!

Almost all symptoms of kidney disease in children (with rare exceptions) boil down to changes in the quantitative or qualitative composition of urine.

However, only a specialist can fully evaluate the test results and make a diagnosis.

In case of kidney disease, this can be done by a urologist or nephrologist. But first things first.

Causes of nephritis

A common cause of inflammatory kidney diseases is hypothermia, as well as the presence of infectious diseases in a child, such as acute respiratory infections, tonsillitis or scarlet fever. However, identifying the presence of kidney disease in this case is quite difficult. Therefore, parents need to play it safe: at the slightest suspicion of infection spreading to the organs of the urinary system, they should consult a specialist as soon as possible. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor will additionally prescribe blood tests, urine tests, and x-rays of the kidneys.

Less commonly, kidney disease is the result of a hereditary factor (the presence of such in relatives) or various types of mutations.

Types of kidney diseases

Depending on the etiology (origin) of the disease and the main symptoms, the following diseases are distinguished:

PyelonephritisGlomerulonephritisSeveral types of renal failure Oncological kidney diseases

Some diseases can occur in an acute or chronic phase.

In principle, there are no special differences in the classification of kidney diseases in children and adults.

The differences are due only to the symptoms of the diseases: the child’s body reacts somewhat differently to damaging agents.

Symptoms and signs of kidney disease in children

The main signs of diseases associated with urinary excretion are:

Hematuria (red or pink urine - the color of meat slop) is a serious symptom indicating the presence of chronic pyelonephritis. It may also be a sign of urolithiasis, kidney inflammation, or kidney injury. You should avoid taking foods that color your urine (beets, grapefruit). Parents should immediately show their child to a pediatric urologist or undergo examination at a clinic. High temperature is an indirect sign of kidney disease. But in combination with specific kidney symptoms, it is a serious threat to the child’s health. Arterial hypertension (high blood pressure) is also a nonspecific sign of nephritis. But often it is interruptions in the functioning of the kidneys that are the cause of increased blood pressure. Swelling. The child's face becomes noticeably puffy, bags appear under the eyes (mainly after sleep), and the arms and legs swell. By the end of the day, the swelling disappears. Edema is a sure sign of kidney problems; often these are the main symptoms of renal failure or relapse of glomerulonephritis. Change in the amount of urine excreted. A sharp increase (pollakiuria) - up to 10 liters per day - indicates chronic kidney disease or the presence of diabetes mellitus in the child. A sharp decrease in urinary volume (anuria) - less than 50 ml per day - indicates renal colic or acute renal failure. In all cases, you need to immediately call an ambulance. A subjective assessment of changes in the skin can indicate the presence of kidney problems. Thus, dry and pale skin may be a sign of glomerulonephritis. If the skin is dry with a yellowish tint, then we are talking about kidney failure
(not to be confused with hepatitis!). Poor health. Almost all kidney diseases are accompanied by a deterioration in general condition. Parents may notice a child’s poor appetite and apathy. Children often complain of headaches, dull pain in the lower back, and dry mouth.

Newborns and infants should be given special attention in this regard, because they can't complain. If your baby's tummy is enlarged, he cries for no reason, the color of his urine has changed, or his discharge has acquired an unusual smell, then you should not delay your visit to the doctor.

Possible complications

If you neglect the child’s health (ignoring complaints and other symptoms), severe consequences may develop: urolithiasis, chronic renal failure, the appearance of purulent foci in the cortex, etc.

But with a timely visit to the clinic, it is quite possible to cure the disease, especially in its initial form, and prevent the occurrence of complications.


At the first symptoms indicating the presence of kidney disease in a child, his parents should immediately consult a urologist or nephrologist for advice. In this case, they may prescribe blood and urine tests. Ultrasound and urography will also be relevant, based on the results of which the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis.


There are several methods of treating diseases associated with urinary dysfunction - these are medications, surgery and so-called folk remedies.

Drug treatment. Here the doctor usually prescribes a complex of drugs: antihypertensives (lowering blood pressure), antihistamines (antiallergic), diuretics (diuretics). If the cause of the disease is an infection, then antibiotics are prescribed, but always taking into account the child’s body’s susceptibility to them. Surgical treatment is indicated for acute renal failure and kidney cancer. Traditional medicine can also have a positive effect. For the treatment of nephritis, decoctions of aspen and burdock bark are relevant. However, a prerequisite is the absence of ethylene in them. More detailed information on how to treat nephritis in children can be obtained from a homeopathic specialist.


Measures aimed at restoring the health of children are usually carried out in sanatorium-resort conditions or on an outpatient basis. Methods of physical rehabilitation of children with impaired normal functioning of the kidneys include:

Therapeutic exercises (therapeutic exercises) Dosed walking Segmental massage (back and pelvic area) Infrared irradiation UHF therapy Paraffin applications

All these measures are aimed at improving the general condition of the child, restoring blood circulation in the lumbar region, as well as the psycho-emotional rehabilitation of children.

Prevention of kidney diseases in children

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of kidney diseases are conventionally divided into three groups:

Balanced nutrition. Prevention of child hypothermia. Treatment and aftercare of all infectious diseases.

The purpose of the diet is to alleviate the child’s condition, as well as speed up the healing process. Proper nutrition reduces the load on the kidneys by limiting the intake of foods that are difficult for a weakened body, such as spices, smoked meats, fatty and spicy foods. The main principle of nutrition is to eat more often and in small portions, then it will be easier for the stomach to process food. Foods high in calcium (milk and dairy products), as well as fruits and vegetables with diuretic (diuretic) properties (cucumbers, apples, pumpkin) will be beneficial for the kidneys.

Having analyzed the majority of children's forums on the topic of kidney disease (reviews from parents), one can notice a positive trend. More and more often, young mothers make the right decision and consult a doctor in a timely manner, thereby preventing the development of possible complications. In such a serious case (kidney disease in children), self-medication is not the best option.

Important! If there are any urinary problems in children or any other signs (even indirect) indicating that the child has problems with the urinary organs, you should immediately contact a urologist or nephrologist (preferably a pediatrician)!

Having become parents, young mothers and fathers should listen to the health of their baby (symptoms of kidney disease in children are no exception) and pay attention to all external manifestations that indicate the presence of any disorders in the child’s body. Be healthy!

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