Horsetail: beneficial properties and contraindications. Horsetail - medicinal properties

Instructions for use:

Horsetail is a perennial herbaceous plant. Horsetail does not have flowers, but reproduces by spores. In the spring, unbranched brown-reddish shoots with a spikelet at the end grow from the black rhizome. Green, highly branched stems immediately grow, which have medicinal properties. Young succulent shoots of bright green color are collected for medicinal purposes. This plant is unpretentious and therefore grows in any soil. Horsetail is widespread everywhere: in meadows, arable lands, on clay soil in almost all areas.

Horsetail, along with moss and fern, is one of the oldest herbaceous plants on the ground. This powerful plant, after the flood and climate change in ancient times, turned into a small plant up to 50 cm in height.

There are also several others folk names horsetail:

  • Panicle;
  • Ponytail;
  • Cat's eye;
  • Tin grass;
  • Mop-grass.

Composition and beneficial properties of horsetail

The rich chemical composition of this herb causes numerous medicinal properties horsetail and its use as a medicine. So, horsetail is rich in many useful elements, some of which are listed below:

  • Silicic acid salts;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Potassium salts;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Bitterness;
  • Saponins;
  • Carotene;
  • Resins;
  • Tannins.

It is one of the most common medicinal plants endowed with healing power. Thus, the main medicinal properties of horsetail are the following:

  • Astringent;
  • Hemostatic;
  • Wound healing;
  • Strong diuretic;
  • Antispasmodic;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • General strengthening;
  • Antihelminthic.

It has also been scientifically established that horsetail is capable of removing lead from the body, so it is used for chronic and acute poisoning lead.

The use of horsetail and its properties

Most often, the use of horsetail and its properties is recommended in the form of decoctions or simply herbs brewed as tea.

In the form of decoctions and infusions, horsetail is most often prescribed by doctors for the following health problems:

  • Diarrhea (diarrhea);
  • Cholelithiasis;
  • Internal bleeding.

Traditional medicine recommends using horsetail for conjunctivitis. In this case, horsetail is used in the form of eye baths from a decoction of the plant. In addition, the use of horsetail is advisable for the following problems:

  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Boils;
  • Deep wounds;
  • Ulcers;
  • Fistulas;
  • Eczema;
  • Lichen;
  • Dermatitis.

The horsetail herb with its properties has long been used for bleeding, in the treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds and for hemorrhoids.

A decoction of horsetail or Fresh Juice from the herb for bleeding in urinary system and with diarrhea with blood. Horsetail infusion helps women with heavy menstrual bleeding. However, there are also contraindications to horsetail in this case. So, if the bleeding is associated with inflammation of the genital area or a miscarriage, the use of horsetail can be dangerous.

In addition, horsetail juice is used for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins.

Fresh horsetail juice strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance, thanks to the content of potassium salt and silicic acid.

Decoctions from horsetail cleanse the blood well, remove toxins and excess water without disturbing its salt composition, therefore they are recommended for the treatment of allergies.

The medicinal properties of horsetail help with all kinds of pulmonary diseases. Thus, the use of horsetail relieves cough and wheezing in the bronchi. The use of horsetail is also recommended for pulmonary tuberculosis. The presence of silicon in the plant, as the main component of horsetail, gives positive results in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. The decoction is used for inflammation of the gums and for gargling with sore throat.

It has been experimentally established that horsetail lowers sugar levels in diabetes.

IN folk medicine horsetail field application found in the treatment of many serious diseases:

  • Gout;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Arthritis;
  • Arthrosis;
  • Osteochondrosis.

Using this plant for treatment gives good results, and the use of horsetail has very few contraindications, and therefore is practically safe. With proper use of horsetail, there are no side effects and complications, and therefore it is recommended even for children.

Quite often, horsetail is used for the purpose of general health promotion and raising the body's defenses. It is useful to drink horsetail in the form of tea in the cold season; it improves the overall tone of the body and protects against microbes. It is recommended that older people drink this tea regularly, but do not forget about some contraindications to horsetail. Permanent use This plant will help get rid of chronic cough and rheumatic pain.

Besides, beneficial features Horsetail increases calcium absorption and is used to strengthen hair, teeth, nails and bones. Horsetail is an excellent remedy to achieve good smoothness and elasticity of the skin, treats acne and other skin problems. Baths and compresses made from horsetail decoction will help get rid of sweating feet and hands.

For hair, horsetail is used with particular success. The silicon content in the herb promotes the production of collagen, which helps restore and improve hair tissue and enhances hair growth. Availability nutrients provides a full range of nutrition, improves blood circulation and prevents scalp diseases. When using horsetail for hair, it begins to grow faster, acquires special strength and a healthy shine. Regular use of horsetail extract for hair will even help get rid of baldness. Thus, regular use of horsetail on your hair will make it smooth and healthy.

Horsetail contraindications and possible harm

Along with the presence of many valuable properties of horsetail field contraindications this plant also has. Thus, the use of horsetail and its properties can cause irritation of the kidneys. That is why there is a contraindication to horsetail for nephrosis and nephritis.

An absolute contraindication to horsetail is pregnancy and breastfeeding (lactation period) in women.

Moreover, in some cases, if there is chronic diseases, may exist special contraindications to horsetail and its use. In these cases, self-treatment can be dangerous, and only a doctor can determine the possibility of using horsetail.

Today people have begun to forget that treatment can be done not only medications. A wide variety of herbs also work well in this direction. Now I would like to talk about a plant such as horsetail: indications for use and instructions for its use will be described below.

The main thing about the plant

Initially, you need to understand what this herb is. So, it is a herbaceous perennial plant. In our region there are three types of it: forest, meadow, and field horsetail. Only the latter is completely safe, because it does not contain any toxic substances. It can grow in meadows, along roads, on sandy slopes and embankments, in forest clearings, as well as in crops and vegetable gardens.

What else can be said about such a plant as horsetail? Its structure varies depending on the time of year. So, initially, whitish-pink unbranched shoots with rather large spikelets that are flower-bearing appear before the eye. Later, in May, when the stems die, a person sees horsetail completely differently. Its structure changes to a more familiar one - plants with leaves similar to Christmas tree needles.

It should also be said that horsetail among the people has other names: pine, earthen cone, pusher, pigtail, conifer, field tree, spindle, panicle, mariyunka and even cat's tail. This plant can also be called " horse tail"(if we translate it literally Latin name- Equisetum).

Chemical composition of horsetail

What does horsetail contain? This plant consists of organic substances that belong to the most various groups: alkaloids, flavonoids, vitamins, saponins, phytosterols, etc. If we talk about substances of inorganic nature, then in horsetail you can find silicic acid, for which this plant is mainly valued. Horsetail also contains tannins, proteins, carotene, fatty oil, as well as useful micro- and macroelements: copper, iron, zinc, calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc.

The action of horsetail

What are the beneficial properties of horsetail? So, it has the following actions:

  • strengthening;
  • hemostatic;
  • astringent;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • anthelmintic;
  • bactericidal.

Indications for use of horsetail

Why is the horsetail plant so useful? Indications for its use are as follows:

  1. Since ancient times, this plant was considered one of the best hemostatic agents. So, fresh juice of this herb can even stop bleeding caused by polyps Bladder, acute cystitis. It also successfully fights uterine bleeding.
  2. Back in the 16th century, doctors established the diuretic activity of horsetail, i.e. this remedy outputs perfectly excess liquid from the body, increasing the flow of urine.
  3. If you combine the juice of horsetail with the juice of the coltsfoot plant, you will get an excellent antitussive remedy. Helps even with catarrh of the bronchi and upper respiratory tract.
  4. Horsetail is used and how. It can also be used for dysentery, diarrhea, liver and bladder diseases.
  5. Horsetail is used for hair: it helps fight baldness, dandruff, and seborrhea.
  6. You can use horsetail juice to make lotions for diseases such as conjunctivitis.
  7. Horsetail is an excellent detoxifier. Indications for use: poisoning with lead salts, alkali metals.

The use of horsetail in cosmetology

It is also worth noting that this plant is widely used in cosmetology. So, horsetail is excellent for hair. You can make decoctions and infusions from it, which are recommended for rinsing your hair. And all thanks to such a building material as silicon, which sufficient quantity is in this grass. In addition, with ready-made products based on horsetail, you can not only rinse your hair after washing, but also massage it by rubbing it into the scalp.

Special diseases for which horsetail is used

  1. Osteoporosis (i.e. thinning of the bones). In this case, silicon is the most useful - a special construction material, which is found in horsetail.
  2. Horsetail is widely used for skin diseases: ulcers, wounds, boils, lichens and even eczema.
  3. This plant can also be used for various heart ailments, such as hypertension.
  4. Other diseases: rheumatism, gout, sand in the bladder, atherosclerosis, etc.

Horsetail baths are the most beneficial. This decoction is often used to bathe children suffering from colds.

Horsetail infusion

This plant can be used in in different forms. One of them, the most commonly used, is an infusion for oral administration. To prepare it, you need to brew 20 grams of the plant in a glass of boiling water, leave for 60 seconds, and then be sure to strain. This remedy is taken in finished form about one and a half tablespoons three times a day. Infusions are widely used to treat female diseases, pathologies of the kidneys, bladder, as well as hypertension and atherosclerosis.

But this is far from full list indications for the use of horsetail infusion. So, they can wash wounds and lesions on the skin. This remedy is often used to gargle when various diseases, in particular, during a sore throat. You can also use the infusion to make compresses on sore joints.

Horsetail decoction

How else can you use horsetail? The instructions for its use state that decoctions can be prepared from this plant. To do this, you need to brew about 25 grams of the plant in a glass of boiling water, simmer everything over low heat for half an hour. After cooling, the medicine is ready for use. It can be used for edema of various origins, inflammation of the bladder and kidneys.

You can rinse with a decoction, as well as an infusion. sore throat, wash wounds and bedsores, prepare compresses for sore joints.

Horsetail juice

Horsetail juice also helps cope with various problems. To obtain it, the plant must be thoroughly washed under warm running water. Next, it is crushed and the juice is squeezed out of it. You need to take this medicine in smaller doses: two teaspoons three times a day. This is an excellent diuretic that will help cope with swelling. Also, various types of wounds (including festering or bleeding), as well as ulcers, are washed with juice from this plant. If a person has a problem with frequent nosebleeds, a few drops of horsetail juice can be instilled into each nostril twice a day.

Contraindications for use

We continue to consider such a plant as horsetail (medicinal properties). Contraindications - this is what else you need to pay attention to. Like any other plant, it must be used with extreme caution. Initially, it should be noted that it is not worth using medicines from horsetail for a long time (the maximum course is 21 days). This can be harmful to health: vitamin B1 may be washed out of the body. To avoid this, along with taking medications from this plant, you need to take a complex of vitamins, which contain group B substances.

Horsetail should not be taken by people who have kidney disease, heart disease, or diseases such as gout or diabetes.

During use medicines Based on horsetail, you should avoid drinking alcohol.

Horsetail flushes potassium from the body. This too should not be forgotten.

This plant should not be taken in any form by pregnant women, as well as mothers during lactation.

But to avoid various problems, before taking horsetail, it is best to consult your doctor. After all, this is how you can protect your health from negative consequences.

Collection and storage of plants

How to properly collect horsetail? Reviews from people who know this matter indicate that it is necessary to collect barren vegetative shoots of horsetail, which will have to be cut off at the very base. The grass is dried in well-ventilated cool rooms, but not on open sun. Storage time of blanks is a maximum of 4 years.

It is worth remembering that you only need to collect horsetail. The collection of other species of this plant is prohibited. How to recognize different kinds horsetail?

  1. Lugovoy. Distinctive feature- branches bent to the side.
  2. Forest. The branches are thin, secondarily branched.
  3. Soft swampy. Its stem is thin and its branches are short.
  4. Bolotny. Its teeth are soldered, framed by a white border.

Interaction of horsetail with other drugs

Initially, it should be noted that taking horsetail can provoke an increase in the effect of certain medications. That is why you should not start taking this plant without consulting your doctor.

1. Interaction with alcohol. If a person drinks a lot of alcohol, the level of vitamin B1 in his body may decrease. Horsetail does the same. In this case, serious vitamin deficiency may occur.

2. Horsetail and nicotine. Horsetail contains a certain amount of nicotine. So it should not be used if a person is using an anti-nicotine patch or chewing gum to help you overcome this bad habit.

3. Horsetail and digoxin. This plant reduces potassium levels in the body. This is why people who take a drug such as Digoxin (Lanoxin) to combat cardiac arrhythmia should completely stop taking horsetail.

4. Horsetail and diuretics. This plant is excellent, but if used in combination with synthetic diuretics, dehydration or hypokalemia may occur ( low content potassium).

The planet's flora is rich and diverse; almost every representative of the earth's flora has medicinal properties. One of them is horsetail, the Latin name is Equisétum arvénse. This is a rather unpretentious herbaceous perennial, the main requirement of which is an abundance of moisture.

The plant contains a whole arsenal active substances, thanks to which it is used in the treatment of a number of ailments. Thus, it contains flavonoids, phenol carbonic acids, and tannins. His shoots are rich organic substances and acids. There is a lot of ascorbic acid, vitamins D, E, PP, B vitamins, micro- and macroelements, the dominant ones being magnesium, iron and zinc. Also contains fixed oils and not a large number of alkaloids.

Thanks to its diverse composition, the plant is healing. It is proposed to be used as independent remedy, and also included in mixtures with other fees, using various options dosage forms.

Therapeutic actions:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibacterial;
  • astringent;
  • hemostatic;
  • antiseptic;
  • detoxification;
  • diuretic.

Preparations based on it cleanse the body and blood of toxins, stimulate water-salt metabolism. They can be used as prescribed by a doctor in the treatment of heart ailments.

The active ingredients of the plant strengthen the immune system, help relieve swelling, increase blood clotting, reduce blood pressure, and normalize the permeability of vascular walls and their elasticity.

Horsetail is a good addition in the treatment of oncology and tuberculosis. It improves the structure and appearance hair, used for furunculosis. It has a wound-healing effect, which makes it possible to use it for better healing ulcers and various traumatic injuries skin.

Horsetails, ferns and mosses - similarities and differences

How to distinguish horsetail from representatives of related species, of which there are a great many on earth? What are the similarities and how are they different?

All these types of earth flora belong to higher spore-forming plants, therefore, they reproduce exclusively by spores. These are perennials that prefer habitats in damp and shady areas. All have found use as folk remedies.

Ferns, mosses and horsetails have significant external differences: stems, shoots: in horsetails they are smooth, in moss mosses they have a creeping stem. In fern representatives it is very short and practically invisible. Mosses form peculiar buds, or nodules, that are absent in others. Ferns already have parts that closely resemble leaves. In fact, these are not real leaves, but fancy branches of a plant.

The leaves of horsetails and club mosses are more similar than those of ferns. However, it is difficult to confuse them: the first ones are larger and more like peculiar soft long needles. The leaf of the club moss is smaller; when examined, it resembles scales densely located on the shoot.

In horsetails and mosses, spores are formed at the top of the plant, which has the appearance of a spikelet. The modified leaves of the spore-bearing spikelets are different in these two species. Ferns form them on back side each sheet.

Horsetail is one of the oldest representatives of the flora on the planet. In ancient times, the plant grew to enormous sizes, but after a dramatic change in climate, horsetail was reborn and became what we know it today - a small, compact bush no more than half a meter high. In its natural habitat, horsetail can be found almost everywhere; thanks to its unpretentious nature, bright “Christmas trees” feel great in a meadow, in a forest, near a swamp and in garden plot, where it is diligently harvested, classed as a weed due to its tenacious and branched roots.

Latin America is considered to be the birthplace of the plant, where horsetail grows up to 12 meters in height, but in Europe it remains a low bush.

During one season, horsetail changes twice. In spring, succulent shoots of white, pinkish or brownish hue appear on the bushes, on which fairly large inflorescences form. In the second half of May, these stems die off and young “Christmas trees” appear; they are collected as medicinal raw materials.

In structure, horsetail resembles the human spine - the stem and leaf plates are sleeves that are connected by so-called joints. Perhaps this is why the plant is used to treat spinal diseases.

Some types of horsetail found in nature are poisonous and therefore should not be used in cooking. medicinal prescriptions. The only safe and healthy plant is horsetail.

Beneficial features

Avicenna used the beneficial properties of horsetail - astringent, wound-healing and hemostatic - in his practice; information about this plant is available in his works.

Today, horsetail is known as a diuretic and antispasmodic. In addition, the herb quickly and effectively relieves swelling and has an antimicrobial effect.

In many countries around the world, horsetail is a valuable medicinal product. In Bulgaria it is used for tuberculosis, doctors in Germany recommend taking baths for boils and for speedy healing of skin lesions. Horsetail is known as excellent remedy for sore throat and any inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. In Austria, the plant is used for blood diseases and lung pathologies.

During the growth process, the root system of horsetail extracts silicic acid from the soil as nutrients. The substance accumulates in the plant and helps strengthen hair and nails, improves skin quality.

In addition to the listed properties, horsetail has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect.

Horsetail herb for drying

Separately, it is necessary to mention the use of horsetail for baths. This procedure will help:

  • normalize metabolic processes in the skin;
  • relieve swelling in case of injuries, frostbite of the skin and fractures;
  • speed up the healing process during suppuration;
  • activate blood circulation;
  • alleviate the patient's condition with rheumatism and gout.

In some countries, horsetail is compared to horsetail, which is probably why cosmetic products for hair care and restoration are prepared on its basis and a decoction of the herb is added to shampoos and masks.


The plant contains many silicic acid salts, which are necessary to ensure human life and normal activity. blood vessels, mucous membranes, bone tissue. Salts also interfere with the development urolithiasis.

Included medicinal plant There is:

  • flavonoids;
  • vitamin B;
  • resins;
  • potassium salts;
  • carotene;
  • saponins;
  • tannins.

Such a diverse chemical composition of horsetail makes it possible to effectively use the plant for the treatment of various pathologies, as well as in cosmetology - against acne and in the care of delicate and sensitive skin.

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Medicinal properties and indications for use

Herbal medicine recipes involve the use of horsetail in the form of decoctions, infusions, or simply brewed as tea. Such healing drinks effectively help with:

  • diarrhea;
  • internal bleeding;
  • gallstone disease.

Eye baths made from horsetail decoction eliminate the symptoms of conjunctivitis.

The medicinal plant is also used to treat the following diseases:

  • boils;
  • ulcers, including trophic ones;
  • eczema;
  • dermatitis;
  • lichen;
  • serious skin damage.

Horsetail decoction and fresh juice have long been used for various bleeding problems:

  • heavy and painful menstruation;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • bleeding in the urinary system.

The exception is bleeding caused by termination of pregnancy or inflammatory processes genital area.

It is important to note that the medicinal herb has a number of other positive effects.

  1. Treatment and preventative measure at varicose veins veins
  2. Strengthening and restoration immune system. This is facilitated by the unique chemical composition of horsetail, the presence of potassium salts and silicic acid.
  3. Cleanses the blood of toxins while maintaining salt balance, this allows horsetail to be used to treat allergic reactions.
  4. With the help of medicinal herbs, you can effectively and quickly get rid of lung pathologies, for example, coughing, wheezing. The use of horsetail in therapy for tuberculosis can significantly alleviate the symptoms of the disease and speed up the recovery process.
  5. Numerous studies have found that the plant can be used to normalize blood sugar levels.
  6. There are many recipes in folk medicine from horsetail for diseases oral cavity, rheumatism, gout, osteochondrosis, arthrosis and arthritis.

The herb is actively used in cosmetology. Baths will help get rid of sweaty feet. Decoctions strengthen nail plates and restore skin elasticity.

The presence of silicon in horsetail allows the herb to be used to produce effective cosmetics for the care of weakened hair. Horsetail stimulates collagen synthesis, thus giving hair a healthy, smooth structure and growing faster. In addition, the complex of nutrients contained in the grass stems prevents the development of scalp diseases.

During scientific research It has been established that the use of horsetail in the treatment of many diseases is very effective. At the same time, there are practically no restrictions on its use, and if all recommendations are followed, there are no complications or side effects.


It is important to understand that horsetail has certain contraindications for use.

  1. Treatment with horsetail for nephrosis and nephritis is prohibited.
  2. An absolute contraindication is pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. Chronic diseases.

In any situation, taking any medicines from horsetail must be agreed with specialists.

Instructions for use

The most common forms of using horsetail are infusion and decoction.

To prepare the infusion you will need 20 grams of crushed raw materials and a glass of boiling water.

The mixture should infuse for at least an hour. Then take one or two tablespoons three times a day.

The infusion is effective for urolithiasis, edema caused by pathologies of cardio-vascular system, inflammatory bladder diseases, liver diseases, ulcers and bedsores, eczema and suppurating skin lesions, rheumatism. Also, compresses from horsetail infusion are used to treat gout and rinse the mouth during a sore throat.

To prepare the decoction, pour a glass of boiling water into a tablespoon of chopped herbs. Boil the mixture for half an hour, then cool and strain. If the volume of the decoction has decreased significantly, you can add required amount boiled water. It is recommended to drink a healing decoction three times a day, one tablespoon.

The decoction is prescribed for swelling caused by kidney and heart diseases, inflammatory diseases kidneys, bedsores, furunculosis.

To prepare the juice, you will need to grind fresh herbs and squeeze out the liquid. Keep healing juice need in a cold place. You should take no more than two teaspoons three times a day.

Horsetail after boiling

Used as a diuretic, to treat ulcers and purulent wounds, to eliminate nosebleeds.

To douche, you need to brew a few tablespoons of the herb in two glasses of boiling water. The mixture is infused overnight in a thermos. Then filter.

Douching is carried out twice a day to eliminate bleeding.

Beauty baths made from horsetail have been known since the time of Catherine I. It was this empress who introduced the fashion for such a procedure, which effectively restores the elasticity and healthy appearance of the skin.

To prepare a cosmetic bath, you will need to pour five tablespoons of the herb into three glasses of purified water at room temperature, leave for two hours, then boil for half an hour, strain and add to the water.

Sometimes medicinal herbs, grown by the caring hands of nature itself, turn out to be more effective and safer than many medications. However, you should not self-medicate, especially if it is not established accurate diagnosis and no specific treatment regimen has been prescribed.

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Horsetail, beneficial properties and contraindications perennial plant cause constant debate among doctors and traditional healers. People also call it broom, horsetail, and tin grass. Horsetail contains large amounts useful microelements, due to which it is widely used in the composition complex therapy at various diseases. Tuberculosis, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, cystitis - this is not the entire list of pathologies for which products prepared on the basis of this herb help.

The healing effect of horsetail is determined by its unique chemical composition. The medicinal plant is an excellent natural antioxidant that destroys pathogenic microorganisms, promotes normalization metabolic processes. At correct use Medicines from horse tail can strengthen the immune system, mobilize protective forces body.

Horsetail has proven its effectiveness in the fight against the following disorders:

  • inflammation of the oral cavity;
  • infections caused by fungi;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • improper functioning of the endocrine system;
  • atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease, heart failure;
  • heavy bleeding;
  • bleeding wounds, ulcers, erosions;
  • dandruff, alopecia, etc.

Medicines from horsetail have a mild diuretic effect. Thanks to its ability to improve metabolism, the plant helps those who want to lose weight. Powerful regenerative abilities allow the use of panicle products to accelerate the healing of purulent wounds, abscesses, and dermatitis.

Chemical composition, collection and preparation

In folk medicine and pharmacology, young, green shoots of this medicinal plant are used. Raw materials are collected in the summer. The stems and leaves are thoroughly dried in a well-ventilated area, where direct Sun rays. It is recommended to store dried herbs in fabric bags, glass jars or paper bags.

The herb horsetail contains a lot useful substances, which provide beneficial effect on the state of the body. Flavonoids, saponins, bitterness, as well as ascorbic acid, potassium salts, carotene, resins - this is not the entire list of components that make up this unique plant.

Use at home

Traditional healers value horsetail for its hemostatic properties. The herb is used for cooking various decoctions, lotions, ointments for external use. Water and alcohol tinctures for atherosclerosis, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the respiratory system and liver.

Pharmacy drugs

If you do not have the time, desire or opportunity to harvest horsetail herb, you can buy ready-made products at the pharmacy or those that contain an extract of the medicinal plant.

  • Horsetail grass. This is not a drug, it is a raw material that can be used to prepare medicine at home. The plant is prepared using the correct technology, so it retains all useful microelements.
  • Horsetail extract. The product is available in two versions: dry and liquid. Among the main indications for use: pathologies of the skin, bleeding, diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Phytolysin is a preparation in which one of the main components is horsetail. The drug is used for urinary tract infections.

The advantages of these medications include the fact that they are completely natural, safe, have a minimal list of contraindications and, in rare cases, cause the development of adverse reactions. And they are also affordable.

Herbal decoction

The medicine is used for diseases of the lungs and heart, diarrhea, for the prevention internal bleeding. The product also helps with inflammation of the oral cavity, stomatitis, gingivitis, bedsores, and eczema.

To prepare effective medicine, you need to pour 20 g of horsetail herb with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for 30 minutes. Then cool the product and strain. Directions for use: 2 tbsp. dilute the broth with water, take one hour after meals. The course of treatment is 30 days.


Concentrated infusion of horsetail is used when carrying out water procedures. Therapeutic bath helps stimulate blood circulation, improve metabolic processes in the body, reduces the intensity of symptoms in rheumatism, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The infusion is prepared at the rate of 100 g of dry raw materials per liter of water. The herb is poured with boiling water, left to infuse for 30-60 minutes, then simply poured into the bath. 15 of these are enough for one course therapeutic measures which need to be done every other day.

Horsetail herb tea

Therapeutic tea has a general strengthening effect, helps strengthen the immune system during the off-season, fights chronic fatigue, adds strength and energy.

The product is prepared according to the following algorithm:

  • 2 tsp. pour a glass of boiling water over the raw materials;
  • leave for half an hour;
  • strain through cheesecloth or a sieve.

The resulting product is used as tea leaves, as it contains active substance in high concentration. Before drinking tea, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. 2-3 glasses a day are enough. The course lasts for three months, then you need to take a break.

Alcohol tincture

The product has fat-burning properties, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and helps cope with colds. To prepare the medicine, you need to pour 20 g of dry raw material with a liter of white wine and leave to infuse for seven days. Strain the prepared tincture and take two tablespoons in the morning before meals. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Herbal ointment

From the panicle you can cook effective remedy for external use, which has antiseptic, wound healing properties, destroys pathogenic microorganisms, promotes rapid recovery integrity of the skin. Preparing the ointment is very simple. Grind the dry grass and mix with Vaseline in a ratio of 1:4. The product can be used to lubricate ulcers, erosions, purulent wounds that do not heal for a long time.


Horsetail is used to prepare effective cosmetics. Active components, which are present in the plant, have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Masks and tonics have anti-aging properties, hair rinses stop hair loss.

  • Tonic for problem skin. Take a tablespoon of herb (dry or fresh) per glass of water and boil for half an hour. Cool the resulting product, strain, and use to wipe the skin of the face.
  • Rejuvenating mask. Prepare a decoction from horsetail, add a tablespoon natural honey and the same amount carrot juice, to stir thoroughly. Soak with mask gauze bandage, apply on face, keep for 20 minutes.
  • Nourishing mask. Pour 20 g of herb into a glass of water, leave, grind with a blender to obtain a homogeneous paste. Apply the product to the face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Hair rinse is also easy to prepare. Take panicle herb, place it in a saucepan with water, boil over low heat, cool slightly, use to rinse hair after each wash. As a result, the strands become shiny and silky, the roots are strengthened, dandruff disappears, and the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Features of use in women, men, children

Women can use remedies prepared from horsetail for cystitis. You need to make a decoction, strain it, take the drink orally, and place the waste in a gauze bag, warm compress apply to the lower abdomen.

Medicinal tea made from horsetail and chamomile will improve the patient’s condition with prostatitis and prostate adenoma. The product reduces the intensity of symptoms, eliminates painful sensations when urinating. Daily dose medicines – up to 0.5 l.

During the period of viral and colds, you can give your child a decoction of horsetail. The product will help strengthen the immune system and make the body more resistant to pathogens.


Despite not all the beneficial properties, horsetail also has contraindications, which you must familiarize yourself with before using the medicinal plant. The grass has astringent properties. It is useful for bleeding, but can be dangerous for patients with thick blood.

The main contraindications to the use of products prepared from horsetail:

  • increased blood cholesterol levels;
  • hypotension;
  • nephritis;
  • pregnancy period;
  • children up to 8 years old.

You cannot take decoctions, tinctures and other medicines based on horsetail for more than three months, as there is a risk of developing vitamin B1 deficiency. If the course is completed, you need to take a break for three months, then you can repeat it. People who regularly or constantly take any medications should use horsetail with caution.

You should not start using horsetail in medicinal purposes on one's own. First, consult with your doctor to make sure that the products containing them will not harm your health.