Burdock is a medicinal plant and its uses. Burdock root and leaves - medicinal properties and contraindications

Burdock, also known as burdock, unpretentious herbaceous plant with an erect, branched stem 70 to 100 cm high. During flowering, it forms flowers in the form of balls of bright purple color. The plant always causes a negative attitude among gardeners, since it is a weed and can form extensive thickets in a short time.

There are more than 10 species of this plant. It is believed that burdock came to our regions since 1812, when it was almost universally used both in cooking and in medical purposes. IN modern world the root of the plant and its leaves remain popular as before. Fortunately, it grows on almost any soil and is completely unpretentious.

Composition of burdock

One hundred grams of raw burdock root contains:

Burdock leaves are usually used fresh, but the roots are especially distinguished by their beneficial properties in the first year of the plant’s life, then they become rough, hard and lose most useful qualities.

21 healing properties of burdock

  1. Help of burdock for scalp problems

    Burr oil the most affordable and proven product obtained from the roots of the plant has found well-deserved application in cosmetology. Rich in phytosterols and fatty acids oil helps strengthen the follicles of the head, has a beneficial effect on growth hairline. With seborrhea controls production sebaceous glands.
  2. Help with burns

    Freshly picked burdock leaves are used as a pain reliever for burns. A finely chopped leaf of the plant in a mushy form is applied to the affected area. In this case, the properties of burdock will have an antibacterial effect on the wound.

  3. Prevention and treatment of cancer

    Research conducted by scientists in Russia and India has established the ability of the substances included in the composition burdock roots, actively resist development malignant tumors. The roots of the May plant are considered especially useful; they are stored for future use, dried and taken infused in alcohol and aqueous solutions. In addition to tinctures from the root, the flowers of the plant are also used. At cancer diseases internal organs take a remedy made from burdock roots, butter
    What is healthier: butter or margarine? All about the benefits and harm butter, how it affects our body, how much to use it and what side effects. And chicken eggs. It is also used to lubricate the skin for melanoma.

  4. Liver treatment

    Herbal preparations aimed at treating diseases of the liver and pancreas include burdock raw materials. This is due to the fact that compounds of the plant's chemical components carbon tetrachloride and acetaminophen reduce inflammatory processes for gastritis and colic. So, for cirrhosis of the liver, a collection of burdock, elecampane, St. John's wort, chamomile and mint roots is used.

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  5. A decoction of the roots of the plant is famous for its medicinal properties during exacerbations of diseases. digestive tract in particular ulcers duodenum, gastritis and dysbacteriosis. Substances of mucous consistency found in burdock, enveloping the walls of the stomach, protect it from adverse factors. For dysbiosis, use plant seeds infused with aqueous solution. Decoctions and infusions of burdock help cleanse the body of toxins and reduce blood glucose levels.

  6. Increasing the body's immunity

    Drinking burdock tea can trigger mechanisms aimed at protecting against viruses and bacteria external environment, thereby enhancing the natural immune properties of a person. The ability to improve lower blood circulation gives the right to use burdock extract as an antirheumatic agent.

  7. Improved skin appearance

    Skin is an indicator of our health. Sluggish, with a pale tone, it signals negative processes occurring within us. Burdock, having stimulating properties on digestive system and the ability to remove toxins, acts as a cleanser on the blood, while nourishing it with useful substances, which undoubtedly has a positive effect on the condition skin.

  8. Diuretic property of burdock

    An infusion from the roots of the plant is a diuretic; this property allows it to remove toxins from the body, stimulating the liver. Tea made from burdock increases sweating and removes toxins through the skin.

  9. Diabetes help

    The ability of burdock to have a lowering effect on blood sugar levels is used to solve problems associated with diabetes. However, patients with this disease should use it with caution in combination with the main tablets.

  10. Help with allergic reactions

    The anti-inflammatory properties of the plant can have a positive effect on atopic dermatitisallergic disease caused by hypersensitivity to environmental allergens and characterized by itching. Burdock improves the quality of immune molecules and inhibits genes responsible for enhancing the body's immune properties.

  11. Oral health

    A report from the Brazilian journal of dentistry, Biological and Pharmaceutical Journal, published an article in 2012, the content of which concerned the properties of the plant that affect dental infections. Studies have confirmed that burdock leaves are able to resist infections that destroy tooth enamel. Rinse oral cavity Infusions of burdock heal the oral mucosa and prevent the occurrence of caries.

  12. Strong Bones

    The plant is rich in proteins, essential oils, insulin polysaccharide, protein substances, as well as the minerals magnesium, calcium and manganese. In our regions, burdock is compared to ginseng, in terms of quantity useful substances and the properties that it is capable of providing. So one glass of boiled root can satisfy daily requirement in potassium and partially in magnesium, which makes this plant indispensable in the prevention of reducing the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis.

  13. Help with diseases of the endocrine system

    The composition of burdock includes vitamin B6, which controls the formation of hormones, and manganese in the plant is aimed at the normal functioning of the pituitary gland and is responsible for the production of sex hormones. The use of infusions with burdock extract gives a chance to increase the body's resistance to depressive states, while improving the performance of all endocrine system.

  14. Cardiovascular Health

    One glass of brewed plant root contains daily norm vitamin B6, which is responsible for the amount of the amino acid homocysteine. High performance Homocysteine ​​in burdock increases the chance of solving heart problems vascular disease. Excessive presence of homocysteine, an intermediate product of methionine metabolism, can cause internal damage walls blood vessels, and burdock, rich in manganese, prevents this process.

  15. Burdock for urinary tract diseases

    The ability of burdock root to eliminate excess fluid from the body makes it possible to classify it as a powerful diuretic. It is used to treat infections urinary tract, brewing finely chopped parts of the root in the form of tea.

  16. Positive effect of burdock on intestinal motility

    The seeds of the plant are used in folk medicine to improve intestinal motility, their mild laxative effect can solve delicate issue constipation

  17. Help with headaches

    The plant will also help with headaches. Like cabbage, a burdock leaf applied to the head can reduce headaches.

  18. Cough treatment

    Consumption of burdock root infusion will have additional treatment respiratory organs. Inhalations from the infusion of the plant will relieve inflammation of the throat and relieve dry cough.

  19. Beneficial properties of burdock for joint diseases

    The use of burdock root reduces pain in those suffering from arthritis and osteoporosis, and also reduces joint swelling.

  20. Anti-infective effect of burdock

    The phytochemical polyacetylene, which is part of the fresh plant root, can resist bacterial infections urinary tract, ringworm, as well as fungal infections. The antibacterial properties of the plant stimulate wound healing and help in treatment peptic ulcer.

  21. Improved stomach function

    In folk medicine, burdock roots are used to treat problems gastro- intestinal tract and as a digestive stimulant. An infusion from the plant improves the secretion of bile, which improves the digestion process.

12 medicinal recipes from burdock

The Japanese have found the use of leaves and roots of the plant in their cuisine and prepare a lot of it delicious dishes. There, burdock is specially planted and grown in beds.

  1. Salad

    Well-washed burdock leaves -200 g, 50 g horseradish, 100 g green onions, 30 g plantain leaves, finely chopped with salt and seasoned with sour cream, you can add sesame seeds.
  2. Green gas station

    Pass through a meat grinder, or finely chop the leaves of burdock, sorrel, plantain, dill and parsley. Place the mixture in a plastic jar and freeze. If necessary, you can add it to side dishes and soups, as well as to meat and fish dishes.
  3. Coffee

    The crushed, well-washed roots of the plant are fried in a frying pan until brown, then ground in a coffee grinder. This coffee is brewed in the traditional way, using one teaspoon of raw material for one cup of water.
  4. Burdock root infusion

    It’s quite simple to prepare. 20 grams of finely chopped burdock roots should be poured with boiling water in the amount of 2 glasses and left, wrapped in a towel. Drink the infusion half a glass a day after meals. The range of help from this infusion is quite extensive; it will help with urinary tract diseases, peptic ulcers, problems with gastric motility, increased rates blood sugar, furunculosis. The period of taking this infusion for a positive result is about a month.
  5. For constipation, drink 1-2 tablespoons of strained infusion made from one glass of boiling water and 30 grams of burdock seeds. To achieve a positive effect, you should drink the product up to 3-4 times a day. This infusion is also used for osteoporosis and rheumatism.
  6. Burdock recipe for hemorrhoids

    For hemorrhoids, use an infusion prepared from 100 grams of finely chopped burdock roots, steamed with one liter of boiling water. The product is drunk 3-4 times a day, 4 tablespoons.
  7. For arthritis

    At pain symptoms arthritis use gauze applications soaked in a solution of burdock. Pour 30 grams of plant flowers into one glass of boiling water, infuse and moisten napkins intended for applications. You can also add such a raster when taking a bath.
  8. For frostbite

    For frostbite, use an ointment prepared from 30 grams of plant leaves, which are boiled for about 30 minutes and then mixed with 100 grams of butter.
  9. Hair recipe

    Good action burdock also has an effect on dry brittle hair. To prepare a mask for weakened hair, you will need an yolk and one tablespoon of vegetable, or another of your choice cosmetic oil. 4 tablespoons of kefir are added to the mixture. The mask can not only revitalize your hair, but also accelerate its growth. Cosmetologists have been successfully using the plant’s preventative properties for a long time. early baldness, both in men and women.
  10. Facial toner

    The plant will also take care of your facial skin. Leaf juice diluted in a 1:1 ratio can be used as a tonic. They can be used to wipe skin prone to increased sebum secretion.

In our regions, burdock leaves are added to salads in the spring, when they are most tender.

Contraindications to the use of Burdock

Burdock should not be used for:

  1. Individual intolerance. Having strong medicinal properties, infusions and ointments using the plant can provoke severe allergic reactions.
  2. Should be used with caution by women during pregnancy.
  3. Burdock is quite common and easily grows almost everywhere. It should be remembered that raw materials collected in contaminated areas are not capable of providing a sufficient therapeutic effect.
  4. The plant should not be used a long period, this will not cause positive result, but the exact opposite will affect the body in the form of a decrease in performance and a decrease in overall tone.
  5. Treatment with burdock is also contraindicated for intestinal colic.
  6. It is not recommended to use burdock-based preparations for children under 12 years of age.
  7. Excessive, unjustified use of burdock infusions can also cause negative reactions in organism.

Burdock can grow taller than a person.

Burdock leaves are fed to domestic animals, and birds eat the seeds with pleasure. Gardeners make a starter from the leaves and then spray them to kill garden pests.

It was the ability of burdock flowers to release a claw and be caught by it that prompted an innovator named Georges de Mestral (an engineer from Switzerland) to create the Velcro fastener. Also interesting fact that when it rains, these claws on the caps of the plant straighten.

In the old days, burdock was attributed magical properties and wore burdock root as a necklace, believing that it relieved the influence of dark forces. And in houses they hung the roots of the plant above the entrance, believing that they protected the house from visiting people with bad thoughts.

In cooking, burdock roots replace carrots.

You can prepare burdock yourself or buy ready-made preparations in pharmacies.

About how to drink burdock juice, what it helps with herbal remedy how to treat various diseases, not everyone knows. But from correct application The effectiveness of treatment also depends, which is especially important for cancer and problems in the female genital area.

Where is burdock juice used?

The benefits of burdock juice for the human body are due to the bitterness contained in the tissues of the plant, the alkaloid phytosterol, tannins and a set of microelements. Here are some diseases that burdock juice helps with:

  • chemical and food poisoning;
  • intestinal disorders (diarrhea, flatulence);
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hepatitis;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers.

The antimicrobial properties of burdock make it possible to use it for infectious diseases and for treating festering wounds or burns. The substances with which the aerial part of the plant is saturated allows it to be used as a strong anti-inflammatory agent for rheumatism and arthritis, and joint injuries.

The most valuable property of the root is its antitumor activity. Freshly squeezed burdock juice is often used in folk medicine as a remedy for oncological diseases. Official medicine uses it as a hepatoprotector during chemotherapy.

Burdock is widely used in folk remedies from gynecological diseases. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial action Burdock preparations can be recommended for the treatment of diseases such as thrush, ovarian cyst, fibroids. In gynecology, burdock preparations are used for disorders menstrual cycle(meager or too heavy discharge, painful periods, etc.).

How to preserve burdock juice?

Fresh juice of burdock root or green part of the plant loses medicinal properties in just a few days. It can only be stored in the form of preparations using alcohol or vodka, but if desired, the liquid can simply be frozen in a well-closed container. In this form beneficial features Burdock juice is stored until thawed, so it is convenient to freeze the liquid in ice trays and use in separate portions.

The preparation of the tincture is as follows: Fresh Juice from the root or aerial part of the plant is mixed with vodka or alcohol. If vodka is used, take equal volumes of liquids. Alcohol is a more concentrated substance. For canning, it is enough to take 200 ml of 96% medical alcohol for every 1 liter of liquid from the root or leaves.

Burdock tincture with vodka or alcohol can be stored for 1 year. It is advisable to place the container in a dark and cool place.

How to prepare and take medicine from burdock?

Herbalists usually prescribe an oral medication regimen on an individual basis. But there are also universal ways to take juice from burdock leaves to prevent or treat diseases. This can be done according to the following scheme:

  • 1-3 days - 1 tsp, 2 times a day;
  • 4-6 days - 1 tsp, 3 times a day;
  • 7-30 days - 1 tbsp. l., 3 times a day.

After 1 course of taking the medicine, you need to take a break for 1 month when treating joints, exacerbations chronic gastritis, oncology or uterine fibroids. For treatment, you can use frozen preparations, thawing a portion for each dose if necessary, and alcohol preparations. Alcohol tincture is used if people have no contraindications to alcohol.

To treat burdock for infections or intestinal disorders, the remedy is used in short courses. In this case, it is customary to drink 1-2 tbsp. l. medications 3 times a day for 1 week, and the next 7 days - a break. This regimen can be used to prevent exacerbations chronic diseases(pancreatitis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, etc.). The same method of using juice is recommended for diseases of the gallbladder. The main benefit of burdock juice is its bitterness, which stimulates the production of bile and digestive enzymes.

Juice from a fresh plant is extracted as follows:

  • collect the green mass of young plants and soak it in cold water for 2-3 hours;
  • chop the stem and leaves of burdock, passing through a meat grinder 2 times;
  • Squeeze the pulp thoroughly through cheesecloth.

You can also use pulp. To extract the remaining beneficial substances, the grass must be transferred to a container and filled with cold boiled water in a 1:1 ratio and leave for 2-3 hours. After this, the liquid is squeezed out again and mixed with the previously prepared juice.

Do the same with fresh burdock root. You need to know that the root and aerial part treat different diseases.

The prepared products can be used as follows:

  1. When treating rheumatism, arthritis and arthrosis, radiculitis and other joint diseases, drink burdock juice squeezed from the roots with honey. To prepare, you need to mix equal volumes of the indicated components. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. To preserve the product, you can mix a mixture of juice and honey with vodka in equal proportions. The tincture is taken in the same dose.
  2. Burdock leaf juice is used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, colds or hepatitis of different origins. In this case, the patient takes the medicine in courses of 1 week, as indicated above. At colds you need to be guided by the symptoms: for sore throat, bronchitis, take the remedy until they disappear completely. For gastritis and ulcers, take the medicine for 1 year, alternating doses and breaks between them. For children, it is recommended to mix the bitter liquid with honey.
  3. Burdock juice is used in folk medicine and as a remedy for diabetes. All you need is the root. Both alcohol tincture and fresh liquid can stimulate insulin production. Take 1 tsp. daily before each meal (20-60 minutes before meals).
  4. Burdock juice for kidney cysts should be prepared from the underground part of the plant. Reception is carried out in long courses (1 month each). Between courses you need to take a break of 3-4 weeks.

Burdock can also be used for other diseases.

Burdock juice for oncology

Many patients have a question about whether burdock preparations can be used for oncology. The use of burdock juice in folk medicine is also practiced for tumors of various origins. The method for taking juice correctly is common to both polycystic disease and cancer.

The benefits of burdock preparations for complex diseases will be noticeable only when taken orally 2 tsp. fresh or frozen juice every 2 hours. Concentrated pharmaceutical drug apply according to the instructions, diluting the required number of drops with water. Treatment with burdock does not replace drug therapy, it should be carried out after consultation and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Burdock in gynecology

The use of burdock juice for women is practiced in both folk and official medicine. To treat thrush and cervical erosions, girls douche with liquid obtained from the green part of the plant and diluted with chilled boiling water in a 1:1 ratio.

Dried leaves can be used to prepare medicinal decoctions, pouring 2 tbsp. l. chopped herbs 250 ml boiling water and cool to warm state. The decoction can be douched to cure the same diseases using antibiotics and wound healing properties plants.

Burdock juice for uterine fibroids or ovarian cysts is taken orally in courses of 1 week, taking breaks for the same period. It is necessary for a woman to drink 1 tbsp. l. three times a day. The juice can be mixed with honey. IN winter time Tincture or frozen juice may be used in the indicated doses.

External use

Tincture and juice can be used externally to treat joints. In this case, they are rubbed with alcohol liquid 3-4 times a day to relieve pain. In the same way, the tincture is used for joint injuries.

For the treatment of burns, wounds and skin diseases make lotions with burdock juice. Gauze is moistened in fresh juice and applied to the damaged area of ​​the skin. The lotion can be kept for 30-40 minutes.

For diseases such as oral candidiasis and stomatitis, burdock juice is used to rinse the mouth. Recipes can include both diluted and fresh juice.


Burdock also has contraindications for use. You should not drink burdock juice if you have pancreatitis. By increasing the secretion of hormones, it can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

Who would have thought that the “weedy” plant burdock is actually a whole pharmacy; its leaves, roots and fruits contain a huge amount active substances, capable of fighting various diseases.

Phytochemical composition of burdock leaves and roots

Far from it full list substances that allow burdock to heal diseases:

  • vitamins of groups E, P, C, A and B,
  • salts of selenium, sulfur, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium and other elements,
  • flavonoids,
  • tannins,
  • protein,
  • bardan oil,
  • inulin, etc.

The unique component of burdock roots is the natural fatty oil, which includes stearic, palmitic and linoleic fatty acids.

In addition, burdock is rich in polyacetylene hydrocarbons, alkaloids, and contains complex substances such as iridoid glycosides, stigmasterol, sitosterol, etc.

In the modern world, the attention of pharmacologists is attracted by the ability of burdock to fight tumors of various origins. At the same time, this is just one of the many applications of this amazing plant. Burdock is effective in treating a huge number of diseases, including:

  • eczema,
  • diabetes,
  • rheumatism,
  • furunculosis,
  • dropsy,
  • rickets, hemorrhoids,
  • constipation, etc.

Burdock is used in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases and poisonous insect bites. Extracts obtained from the roots of this plant can effectively combat intoxication, as well as normalize the hematopoietic function of the body.

Herbal medicine uses various shapes medicines from burdock: infusions, decoctions, oil extracts from roots, fruits and leaves. Fresh leaf juice is widely used. For eczema, external inflammation and other damage to the skin, compresses from whole fresh leaves this plant. All parts of the plant can be harvested for future use.

75 grams of fresh crushed roots of the plant are poured with a glass of vegetable oil (almond oil is best, but regular sunflower oil is also acceptable) and infused for 24 hours.

After infusion, the oil along with the crushed roots is boiled over very low heat for a quarter of an hour, filtered and the raw materials are squeezed out. The resulting ointment helps in healing wounds and ulcers and treating furunculosis.

Infusion of burdock leaves - a universal remedy

Dry raw materials are used to prepare the infusion. If fresh leaves are used, the amount of raw materials in the recipe must be increased. For a glass of boiling water, take one tablespoon of dried or two tablespoons of fresh crushed leaves. The brewed raw material is infused for half an hour, after which it is consumed after meals 4 to 6 times a day, one tablespoon. The product is effective in the treatment of peptic ulcers, gastritis and diabetes mellitus

Burdock leaf compresses

Such compresses can have a healing effect; they are used when ulcers appear and even when erysipelas. For compresses, you can use both fresh and dried leaves of the plant. Before application, fresh dressings are washed and allowed to drain; dry ones are kept over steam until softened, then cooled.

The healing properties of burdock are known throughout the world. Traditional medicine in many countries has its own recipes that include burdock raw materials. In many countries, this plant is used as an element of dietary and therapeutic nutrition.

How is burdock used in Japan?

A country rising sun I have long appreciated the nutritional and healing properties of burdock. Salads and stews are prepared from the leaves of this plant, and flour from the dried roots of the plant becomes the basis for a drink reminiscent of coffee and is added to the dough when baking. bakery products. Besides fresh roots Burdock is baked, boiled and eaten fresh, added to snacks, salads, and desserts.

Use of burdock in Chinese folk medicine

In China, burdock is widely used to remove poisons of various origins from the body, including intoxication and bites of poisonous animals and insects. In addition, Chinese healers use burdock to treat hemorrhages, boils, inflammation of the genital organs and syphilis.

How is burdock treated in Bulgaria?

In this country, burdock is widely used as a diuretic; the plant is included in many diuretic preparations and is used to treat diseases. Bladder and kidneys. In addition, Bulgarian healers consider burdock effective means to normalize metabolism.

In cosmetology, burdock-based compounds are prepared to stimulate hair growth, as well as lotions and ointments that can fight acne.

For hair growth, decoctions from the roots and leaves of the plant are used, as well as rinses that include an alcohol tincture of burdock roots. Rubbing a heated oil extract of the plant into the scalp is effective against baldness.

Used to fight acne alcohol tinctures burdock leaves and ointments intended to treat inflammation. In addition, cosmetologists recommend that owners of skin prone to inflammation wash their face with a decoction of burdock leaves.

During the cold season, it is impossible to find fresh leaves and roots of burdock, so it is advisable to prepare raw materials for future use in the summer.

The most in a simple way the workpiece is drying. This way you can prepare cut and whole leaves, as well as burdock roots. All types of raw materials are dried in a well-ventilated area, so that the raw materials are not exposed to direct sunlight.

The roots are dried entirely and care is taken to ensure that mold does not form on them. It is advisable to prepare the leaves both cut and whole. The first ones are used for decoctions and cooking herbal infusions. The second are for anti-inflammatory compresses.

You can also prepare burdock juice, however, not all useful substances are preserved during sterilization. Whenever possible, burdock juice is best prepared from fresh leaves. In the summer, alcoholic tinctures are prepared from the roots and leaves of the plant, for which glass bottles are filled with the raw material “up to the shoulders” and filled with vodka or diluted alcohol, after which they are tightly closed and stored in a dark place.

Burdock can also be prepared in the form of an oil extract, which is used in cosmetology and is part of many healing ointments. To prepare an oil extract, crushed washed roots are poured with heated vegetable oil, after which they are sealed and stored in a dark and not too warm place. Before use, this oil is shaken and mixed.

Burdock (burdock) is a plant of the Asteraceae family. The root is spindle-shaped, thick, branched, grows 15 m deep. The stem is very powerful, appears in the 2nd year of life, reaching a height of 3 m. The leaves are large. The flowers are lilac-purple, small, collected in small baskets. The fruit is small achenes that ripen in August. In this article we will look at where burdock grows, medicinal properties and contraindications for the use of the plant, etc.

Places of growth and species

There are 11 species of burdock in total. Its habitat includes Asia and Europe, as well as the British Isles and Japan. In America, the medicinal properties of which will be described in the article below, prefers fertile soils. This plant It was brought to Europe during the War of 1812 by Russian troops. In our country it is found on fairly heavy soils; it can also form thickets along roadsides, the banks of reservoirs, in ravines, and in garbage dumps. Some varieties are used for economic purposes.

Burdock root: medicinal properties, application

Burdock is one of the most actively used plants in folk medicine. Mostly, healing properties possesses its root, but leaves and fruits are also used. The leaves are collected in the summer, while the roots are harvested in the fall. But if the plant is more than 2 years old, then you can collect the roots in late spring. The use of burdock is due to the presence of various beneficial substances in it, including:

Medicinal properties of burdock and traditional medicine recipes

The healing properties of the plant's root have been known for a long time. The root has diaphoretic, choleretic, mild laxative, diuretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It also stimulates the pancreas, cleanses the intestines, and has a good effect on the general condition of the skin. Burdock root is an excellent disinfectant and antiseptic, eliminates itching and allergies, destroys germs.

It is used to produce medicines that are used for wounds, diabetes and inflammation. Inulin, which is found in abundance in the plant, normalizes the number of leukocytes in the blood, improves metabolism, accelerates hair growth, and also prevents the deposition of salts and the formation of stones in the hair. gallbladder and kidneys.

Also, burdock, the medicinal properties of which are discussed in this article, helps with ailments such as stomatitis, inflammation of the gums, sebaceous glands, various types of lichen, and foot fungus.

How to make your own burdock oil

An effective and efficient oil can be made at home yourself. To do this, you need to grind fresh burdock, the medicinal properties of which are described in the article above, take 3 tablespoons of the resulting powder and pour it with vegetable oil, preferably olive oil. Leave the resulting mixture for a day. After this time, let the infusion simmer for 15 minutes, then cool. It must be stored in a cool place. This oil helps strengthen hair and fast healing wound

Burdock in cooking

Burdock root has a wide variety of medicinal properties, as we found out in this article. But you can also make a very tasty jam from it, especially useful for diabetics. To do this, you need to dissolve 4 tablespoons of vinegar essence in half a liter of water. The mixture is put on fire and after boiling, the chopped roots of the plant are poured in. The product is completely ready for use after 2 hours.

In countries where burdock is cultivated, second and first courses are also prepared from it.

Leaf soup

For it you will need:

  • 80 g onions;
  • 300 g burdock leaves;
  • 200 g potatoes;
  • 40 g each of rice and fat;
  • salt and spices.

First you need to cook the rice and potatoes. 10 minutes before readiness, add chopped burdock leaves and sautéed onions to the soup.


You can hear that burdock has very different medicinal properties and contraindications, and that it should not be consumed by nursing or pregnant women. But this is fundamentally wrong. Burdock is one of the plants that have no contraindications at all. This opinion arose due to the fact that burdock is often included in multicomponent medicinal products, in which some ingredients actually have contraindications for use.

Burdock root medicinal properties and contraindications

In our difficult times, a situation has arisen that a person’s activities aimed at creating comfortable living conditions for himself, his lifestyle, poor nutrition, pollution environment, led to the fact that completely healthy people Hardly ever.

To combat diseases and stress, more and more new techniques are being developed, and industry produces widest spectrum medications, often quite expensive. It's time to turn to what nature offers us, to the knowledge passed on to us by our ancestors. The hero of our article helps to heal a huge number of ailments of the human body.

Burdock root description, photo

Large burdock, also known as burdock, burdock (as many are accustomed to calling it), belongs to the genus Burdock, which includes a dozen more species, the most famous and frequently encountered plant of this genus. This is a herbaceous biennial. They called him big for his power and size. Even with Latin name translated as "bear". Burdock can grow up to 3 meters in height. It has large (up to half a meter in size) leaves, slightly reminiscent of a heart in shape.

Flowers are thorns that constantly cling to clothing. It is considered a nasty weed by many gardeners. It can be found everywhere - in vacant lots, clearings, landfills, in vegetable gardens, ditches, along the sides of roads and paths. Loves to form thickets.

Beneficial properties have been found in fruits and leaves, but this is more true for the root. It resembles a low-branched rod. Its length sometimes reaches one and a half meters. This is well known to gardeners who try in vain to get rid of this weed in their plots.

Digging up the entire rhizome is a waste of time. It goes too far deep. The juice content in the root is maximum in the plant’s first year of life, at which time it is tender and fleshy. That's when it should be dug up.

Important! In the second year of life, the root becomes hollow and unusable.

Biochemical composition of burdock roots

The spines contain a wide range of valuable elements:

  • inulin (polysaccharide) - up to 45%;
  • protein - up to 12.5%;
  • essential oils - up to 0.2%;
  • fatty oils - up to 12%;
  • starch;
  • vitamins (A, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, K, choline, folic acid);
  • micro- and macroelements (Na, Cr, Fe, Co, Si, Se, Zn, P, Mg, Cu, K, S);
  • organic acids (citric, acetic, malic);
  • tannins and bitter compounds;
  • mineral salts;
  • flavonoids;
  • sterols and steroids;
  • tannins and resins;
  • carotene, etc.

Useful and healing properties

Burdock - unique grass with unsurpassed qualities. It is called “a second skin woven from thin air.” The rhizome contains a unique substance, and, in a huge number. This is a polysaccharide or inulin. Its concentration can be 45%, hence the sweetish taste, which makes it possible to include burdock in recipes for diabetics. This carbon balances metabolism, participates in the removal of toxins, in the absorption of vitamins, improves immunity, reduces cholesterol and sugar, regulates liver function, and removes radionuclides.

The beneficial qualities of burdock are successfully used in the national economy:

  • for pest control of vegetable crops;
  • against skin diseases in veterinary medicine;
  • in the production of soap, drying oil;
  • in cooking - raw, fried, boiled;
  • for livestock feed;
  • in the production of wrapping paper;
  • to attract bees.

Medicinal uses of burdock root

Rhizome of the plant used in different types, brings invaluable help to the human body. It has therapeutic effects on many vital systems:

  • blood purifying;
  • pain reliever;
  • antitumor, anti-inflammatory, wound healing;
  • antifungal, antibacterial, disinfectant;
  • diuretic, choleretic;
  • diaphoretic, antipyretic;
  • antidiabetic;
  • restoring microflora.

What diseases does burdock root treat?

Burdock root has been actively used for quite a long time to cure and prevent a wide range of diseases. It copes well when the underlying disease is a metabolic disorder. For example, with gout, purine metabolism is disrupted, and with diabetes, carbohydrate metabolism is disrupted. Burdock is used as a medicinal raw material in cases of: skin diseases, colds, flu, sore throat, gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes, metabolic diseases, urolithiasis and kidney stones, oncology, trophic ulcers, jaundice, dropsy, prostatitis, hemorrhoids, chronic constipation, joint diseases, tapeworm infections.

Burdock rhizome is used both internally and externally. In the first case - with such serious problems, such as pancreatitis, hepatitis, cholecystitis, diabetes, oncology. In the second - diseases of the skin, joints, hair.

Use in cooking

In many countries, burdock is grown specifically for further consumption. Especially in Asian countries. Boiled and peeled, they are added to salads. Instead of potatoes, they put it in cabbage soup and soups. For example, in mushroom soup. Boil the chopped pieces of the root like potatoes and add a handful of fresh mushrooms.

A couple of minutes before it’s ready, add the pepper and wild garlic. The soup is ready. The ground rhizome is added to flour. It is used in making flatbreads. You can also fry the powder in a frying pan and drink it like coffee. Marmalades and jams are also made from it. It’s easy to make this jam:

Pass the roots without skin (kilogram) through a meat grinder. Put water (liter) on the fire and wait until it boils. Pour in vinegar (50 grams). Reduce heat, add root mass. Cook until the smell of vinegar disappears. Cool. Place in the refrigerator. This dish can be eaten by sick people diabetes mellitus. You can simply boil the roots in salted water and fry them in vegetable oil.

The use of burdock root in cosmetology

Another important area of ​​application for burdock roots is the cosmetic industry. His ability to provide beneficial effect on the scalp and hair, used in the production of shampoos, rinses, and masks. Often is integral part cosmetics for facial skin. And the most unique burdock root balm is burdock oil.

Useful properties for women

When using products with burdock root, good results were obtained in the fight against mastopathy. The anti-edematous and analgesic effect extends to the breast tissue. The number of nodules decreases.

Recipes for the treatment of female diseases

Burdock decoction. Pour ground rhizome (2 tablespoons) with 2 glasses of water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Drink the strained drink three times a day after meals, one glass at a time.

Burdock infusion. Dilute 1 tsp of boiling water in 2 mugs. burdock powder. Seal and leave overnight. Use small portions per day. Vodka infusion is indicated for the purpose of resolving cysts.

Important! Pregnant and lactating women should not use burdock-based products taken orally. Due to the fact that the effects on the fetus and infant have not been fully studied.

A solution can be found in applying compresses made from a mixture of equal amounts of flower honey to the chest at night, castor oil, grated rhizome and juice of 2 lemons. The compress should not be used if the temperature rises and there is discharge from the nipples.

Multi-component elixir that helps cope with hot flashes, nervousness, migraines during menopause

Pour into a container a tablespoon of lemon balm leaves and valerian root powder, a teaspoon of burdock root and stinging nettle leaves. Move carefully. Pour one dessert spoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Drink three times a day.

Beneficial properties for men

Men over 35 years of age are often bothered by unpleasant disease- prostatitis. Burdock also helps fight it, no less effectively than industrial medicines, and often more. Especially at the beginning of the disease. All remedies are taken 3 times a day, on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.

Recipes for the treatment of male diseases

Infusion. Pour 3 tbsp into half a liter of boiling water. l. root powder. Insist, covered with a towel. Drain through cheesecloth and drink.

Infusion with parsley. Pour five cups of boiling water over a mixture of half a cup each of parsley seeds and burdock powder. Drink after daily infusion.

Infusion with licorice. Pour 2 cups of boiling water into a saucepan and add 2 tbsp. l. ground root and licorice. Cook for 10 minutes, remove the pan and cover well for an hour. Drink 100 grams, warming up a little beforehand.

Decoction. Scroll the spine in a meat grinder. Set aside 20 g, add 2 cups hot water, keep in a water bath for 10 minutes, then leave for at least 3 hours, drain through cheesecloth. Dosage - 4 times 0.1 l before meals.

Burdock root in gynecology

Medicines with burdock root are indicated for delayed menstruation, uterine fibroids, early stages ovarian cysts. For resorption various types For cysts, a vodka solution of burdock has proven itself well.

With uterine fibroids, even late stages course of the disease, a mixture of burdock juice with honey and oils of sea buckthorn, St. John's wort and 0.5 grams of mumiyo is a real find. A tampon is moistened with this composition and inserted into the vagina overnight.

For oncology

Important! Burdock contains an alkaloid that has antitumor activity.

Medicines based on burdock root are used in complex therapy, How additional remedy in the treatment of cancer, helping medications. It has been scientifically proven that burdock has the ability to inhibit the growth of malignant tumors; it has cytostatic properties.

Recipes for oncology

It is especially effective to drink fresh burdock juice in parallel with chemotherapy. Reception is prescribed for three weeks with pauses of 10 days. Repeat this cycle for up to six months.

You can prepare this decoction: chop 2 tbsp. l. rhizomes, add two cups of water and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink half a glass three times a day. Do not keep the drink for a long time - maximum 2 days in a cool place.

For skin and stomach cancer, take this elixir: boil equal amounts of root and cow butter, pour in chicken yolk and eat a tablespoon 3 times a day.

Vodka tincture: pour 50 grams of powder with a liter of vodka, after a month of infusion, begin treatment. Three times a day, a teaspoon. To enhance the effect, add 1 kg of honey.

For pancreatitis

In this situation (acute and chronic form) burdock potions work super effectively. Its choleretic and anti-inflammatory qualities help relieve symptoms of the disease and prevent future attacks.

Effective course of treatment (10-12 days): add 1 tsp to half a liter of boiling water. root, leave in a thermos overnight. Drink the drug in a day. For further administration, a new portion is prepared.

An effective decoction: dilute a handful of burdock root in a glass of water, leave for 4 hours. Next cook for 15 minutes. Drink 3-4 tbsp of the cooled drink. in three steps.

For diabetes

Burdock helps in conservation normal level blood sugar, acts auxiliary in the treatment of this disease (both types 1 and 2).

Important! Inulin contained in burdock is a plant analogue of insulin.

Recipes for diabetes

Place 20 grams of chopped rhizome in a thermos with 2 glasses of hot water and leave for an hour. Drink half a glass for a month, three times a day after meals.

Pour a tablespoon of powder with a glass of water, cover, wait 3 hours. Then heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Drink the strained drink one tablespoon before meals, 5 times daily.

When symptoms of the disease appear, it is useful to drink 1/3 cup after meals of the following decoction:

  1. Take a handful of blueberry leaves, bean pods, burdock root and chicory.
  2. Add flax seeds.
  3. Pour 3 cups of hot water into a saucepan, add 6 tbsp. mixture, put on low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After an hour, leave and filter.

For gout

Products containing burdock rhizomes help remove painful sensations, reduce heat in the joint. Apply infusion. Infuse a handful of the drug in 3 cups of water for several hours. Next, boil. Dosage - 1/2 cup 3 times a day, after meals.

You can apply the medicine to the sore spot. Boil 1 tbsp. burdock with a glass of water. Time to insist. Make a compress with this decoction overnight. Carry out at least 30 procedures.

For weight loss

In this case, the properties of burdock are used, such as the ability to increase sweating, have a laxative effect, reduce appetite, and speed up metabolism. Leave overnight for 6 tsp. roots in 2 glasses cold water. Boil and cool. Before eating, take a teaspoon of the drink.

You can prepare such a decoction and drink it 5 times a day, 3-4 tbsp. Pour 2 tsp. dry medicine with a glass of hot water. Boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Let cool and filter.

Burdock oil properties, application

This life-giving balm actively nourishes the skin, relieves itching and irritation, and treats hair. Helps them recover from paint exposure. It has healing properties and treats burns. The balm is actively used in medicine and cosmetology.

It’s not at all difficult to prepare it yourself. 80 gr. Wash freshly dug and finely chopped burdocks, pour in any heated oil (you can even use sunflower oil). Leave for a day. Then cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Strain. Pour into bottles and put in a closet. After applying the oil to the hair, its growth increases, the hair follicles are strengthened, seborrhea stops, the scalp is moisturized and nourished.

The balm can be spread on washed hair for an hour, then rinsed thoroughly. You can enhance the effect of the active substances by wrapping your head in film and wrapping it in a towel. Repeat this procedure 1-2 times a week for two months.

In addition to the use of oil in pure form, it is useful to add it to ready-made creams for the skin of the hands, face and body.

You can make the following hair mask once a week: mix 3 tablespoons of oil with a spoonful of honey and two egg yolks. Apply to hair and leave for half an hour.

Infusions, decoctions, ointments

To strengthen the immune system and improve overall health, you need to take a cup of infusion once every 2 days (infuse a glass of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of root for 20 minutes). To improve digestion, it is easy to make a decoction by boiling a liter of water with two tablespoons of burdock.

For joint inflammation and pain relief, burdock ointment is used. Place a glass of water with 50 grams of dry roots on the fire and leave to simmer over low heat for half an hour. Let the water boil by half. Add a stick of cow butter to the mixture. Whisk everything and put it in the refrigerator.

Traditional recipes at home

If you mix the juices from the leaf, burdock root and sorrel, you will get an excellent cocktail for cleansing the entire body.

Important! The juice obtained from the burdock rhizome is not stored for a long time. It goes bad after an hour.

Burdock root in vodka. Fill the jar with one part of the crushed rhizome and three parts of vodka. Leave in a cool room for 10 days. Drink a tablespoon before meals three times a day. Useful for problems in the gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism, gout, atherosclerosis.

For cystitis you can prepare such a drink. Mix equal amounts of burdock root, chamomile, licorice, yarrow and sage. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into a liter of water and leave overnight. Cook for 3 minutes. Take 2 tbsp for two days. every 2 hours, on the third day start drinking half a glass three times a day 30 minutes before meals.

For osteochondrosis you should take this drug: 2 tbsp. l. Pour a glass of boiling water over the crushed raw materials in a thermos. After infusing for an hour, drink half a glass before meals three times a day.

Thrifty housewives prepare an elixir that can be stored for a year. Twist the rhizome. Take 1 liter of burdock juice, 1 liter of plantain juice, a liter of honey and half a liter of cognac. Mix everything and refrigerate. An excellent anti-virus balm that nourishes the body with microelements. Drink a tablespoon before meals.

For the treatment of sore joints Infuse 40 g of burdock in 100 g of sunflower oil. Cook for 15 minutes. After straining, add 15 grams of wax and lard. Rub the ointment onto the joints and wrap them up.

At reduced immunity If you have a sore throat, you can take a tincture prepared with alcohol in a ratio of 1:20.

If you brew 50 grams of root in a glass of water and apply it to your hair for a third of an hour, you will get excellent remedy against hair loss and to strengthen it.

For the treatment of vitamin deficiency make a decoction of burdock root, stinging nettle, rose hips, black currants (one tablespoon of each). Take a tablespoon from the mixed mixture, pour into a glass of hot water and heat in a water bath for 20 minutes. After cooling and filtering, drink half a glass 3 times a day. The infusion is useful to add to water when taking baths.

Disease Prevention

For preventive purposes, the root, washed and scalded with boiling water, should be grated. This mass can be added to food, for example, to salads. The taste of burdock root is a little like an earthen pear.

To prevent cancer, place a couple of tablespoons of crushed roots in half a liter of water and simmer over low heat in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Drink 100 ml of decoction three times a day.

Harm and contraindications

Important! Large burdock is an almost safe plant. It can be used by both adults and children. To treat diseases, to prevent them and to improve general condition body. It almost never causes allergies.

When treating fibroids, it is better for a woman not to take it if she has gastrointestinal problems. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should also not take burdock juice. For a long time You should not take infusions and decoctions to avoid addiction. If a person is intolerant to some substances in the root, they should not use it either.

Preparation and storage of medicinal raw materials

Important! Compliance with the rules of raw material collection and storage increases efficiency medicines based on them.

You should be careful about where you collect the plant. There is no need to stock up on actively used roads or landfills, so as not to end up with a storehouse of toxins and pesticides instead of medicine.

The roots are dug up in May, after the first leaves appear. Strictly for plants of the first year of life (they do not have a stem). Second year samples are not suitable. If it didn’t work out in May, you can dig it up in September-October after the leaves have dried.

Carefully remove the soil with your hands, a brush or a rag. Try not to hurt the skin. Hang the preparations to dry, preferably in the sun. After that, cut them lengthwise into pieces, 10-15 centimeters each, and dry them in the oven, heating it no more than 40 degrees. After that, put them in wooden boxes and put them in a closet. In this way, you can keep it with all properties preserved for 5 years.