Blemaren course of treatment. Instructions for use of Blemaren - how to take this drug correctly

Blemaren is a drug that dissolves uric acid kidney stones and bladder. The product is used strictly for its intended purpose and is taken only after consulting a doctor. Urolithiasis or urolithiasis is a disease in which calcium salts precipitate in the kidneys and bladder with the formation of stones. They can wear different nature, That's why universal medicine there is no cure for urolithiasis.


Almost all compounds found in urine are water soluble. However, like any salt, these substances have a certain solubility limit. It is determined by the acidity of urine. Normally the pH level is around 6, but when this value decreases, some oxalate salts cannot dissolve sufficiently and precipitate. These sediments accumulate and form stones.

Blemaren belongs to the type of medicine that tends to prevent the appearance of stones, as well as dissolve them by increasing the pH level of urine to 6.6–6.8.

Release form

The drug is available in 2 types:

  • dry granular powder for dissolution in water. Packaging - usually 200 g, complete with a measuring spoon - for 3 g. Packaging cost - from 1390 rubles;
  • effervescent soluble tablets - before use, the tablets are also dissolved in liquid: water, tea, compote. The plastic tube contains 20, 80 and 100 tablets. The price depends on the capacity of the package: a tube with 80 tablets costs on average 1077 rubles, 100 – from 1230 rubles.

The daily dose of the drug is determined depending on the pH of the urine. This value is calculated based on the reaction of the indicator paper. The color on the test strip is compared with a standard and the acidity of the urine is determined. Depending on the data, the dose is calculated. Indicator paper and instructions for use are included in the package.


Granulated powder includes the following substances - per 100 g:

  • 39.90 g – citric acid;
  • 27.85 – potassium bicarbonate;
  • 32.25 g – anhydrous trisodium citrate.

The composition of the tablet is as follows:

  • 1197 mg citric acid;
  • 967.5 mg potassium bicarbonate;
  • 835.5 mg trisodium citrate.

As excipients used: sodium saccharin, lemon flavor, mannitol, lactose, adipic acid.
The video describes the drug Blemaren:

Operating principle

The action of the drug is based on changes in urine pH. When the tablet is dissolved in liquid, potassium and sodium hydrocitrates are formed. Once in the kidneys, the compounds alkalinize the urine, raising the pH level to 6.6–6.8. And at this value, calcium oxalate salts begin to actively dissolve. Accordingly, the stones formed by this type of salts stop growing, are gradually destroyed, and the dissolved salts are excreted in the urine.

The big advantage of blemarene is that by helping to dissolve calcium salts, it prevents the leaching of calcium. The components of the drug are eliminated after 24–48 hours, so that excess accumulation of potassium or sodium ions does not occur, and the overall acid-base balance in the body is not disturbed. However, this is only legal when relatively normal operation kidneys

Obviously, the effect of the drug applies only to uric acid stones, since the solubility of the latter increases in an alkaline environment. With an alkaline reaction, urine not only does not dissolve, but also forms faster.


Blemaren is used in the treatment of a number of diseases. Active substances, included in its composition, have 100% bioavailability, are absorbed in the intestines and enter the blood within 20–30 minutes after administration. The components of the drug are excreted unchanged by the kidneys. For the treatment of any form kidney diseases this is a very important indicator.

The drug is prescribed in the following cases:

  • to dissolve and remove calcium stones, as well as to prevent their appearance if the acidity of the urine is high;
  • for the destruction and removal of stones partially consisting of oxalate salts - at least 25%;
  • for alkalinization of urine - for example, in cases where the patient is taking cytostatics or drugs for excretion uric acid. In this case, its acidity increases sharply and there is a risk of precipitation of oxalate salts;
  • with gout - the condition of such a patient depends on the level of uric acid in the blood and urine. Taking blemarene allows you to regulate the concentration of uric acid;
  • during treatment – ​​an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood;
  • for skin porphyria - treatment of the erythropoietic form of the disease requires the use of large quantity hydroxyurea. Blemaren allows you to maintain an optimal pH level.

Instructions for use

The average daily dose involves taking 12 g of powder or 3-4 tablets. In practice, the dose is determined by the pH level.

During the day before taking the medicine, that is, at least 3 times, urine pH is measured using indicator paper. The daily dose is selected correctly if during these days the urine pH is within certain limits.

Range calculated for different forms diseases:

  • 6.2–7 – uric acid stones dissolve;
  • 7.5–8.5 – necessary for dissolution;
  • 7.2–7.5 – this level is maintained during the treatment of skin porphyria;
  • 7.0 – pH value when using cytostatics.

Data is measured and entered into a calendar so that treatment can be adjusted. In accordance with these indicators, the daily dose is increased to 18 g or 6 tablets, or reduced to 6 g and 2 tablets.

The dose is distributed over 3 meals, taken after meals. First, both the powder and the tablets are dissolved in 200 ml of water, tea, fruit juice, or alkaline mineral water. Coffee, strong tea, and sour mineral water are not allowed for obvious reasons.

  • There are no data on the use of blemarene during pregnancy or breastfeeding. During this period, it can only be taken under medical supervision.
  • Blemarene is not recommended for children under 12 years of age: reaction data child's body there is no requirement to use the medicine, since the target group of the drug consists of much older patients.

Side effects

Despite general security The drug may have some side effects associated with the underlying disease.

So, if kidney function is impaired, the following may appear:

  • heartburn, belching;
  • flatulence, diarrhea;
  • abdominal pain not associated with flatulence.

There may be such side effects, such as swelling and an allergic reaction if any of the components of the medicine are irritating.


There are a number of ailments for which the use of blemarene is not allowed:

  • sensitivity to any component of the drug. In this case, it is necessary to use an analogue with a different composition;
  • metabolic alkalosis - in this case, the reaction of blood and urine is already alkaline and its further alkalization will lead to an exacerbation of the condition;
  • renal failure - chronic or acute. The process of urine formation is complicated, and it cannot be complicated by the use of regulating compounds;
  • infectious diseases of the urinary system - most pathogens break down lactic acid;
  • arterial hypertension or other conditions in which the patient is forced to follow a very strict salt-free diet. Or, more accurately, limit the intake of sodium ions. The composition of the drug, as indicated, includes trisodium citrate;
  • If the urine pH level is above 7 for any reason, the medication should be discontinued.

special instructions

In addition, when using blemarene, you need to follow other recommendations:

  • A salt-free diet is a requirement that must be met for many diseases. If there is a history of such an illness, the drug should not be used.
  • During treatment, it is imperative to follow a diet that limits highly acidic foods and those containing purines. Mainly protein products: meat, herring, sardine, sausage.
  • It is necessary to provide a sufficient volume of water - about 2-3 liters per day. If the diet during illness requires water restriction, then the drug should be discontinued.
  • Blemaren weakens the effect of cardiac glycosides. If the medicine is taken together with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or antihypertensive drugs, potassium accumulation may occur. The level of salts in the blood must be monitored during the therapeutic course.
  • It is allowed to use blemarene when diabetes mellitus, since the medicine does not affect sugar levels.
  • The drug blemaren should not be prescribed to patients with congenital galactose intolerance.
  • High alkalization of urine is not allowed - above 7.8, for a long time. In this case, there is a high risk of the formation of a layer of phosphates on the stones, which will prevent the stones from dissolving.

In case of an overdose of the drug, the development or exacerbation of metabolic alkalosis is possible. The pH of your urine must be monitored.

Blemaren is an effective urological drug for dissolving stones in the urinary system and alkalizing urine. If the rules of use are strictly followed, the medicine is gentle, without severe side effects acts in the kidneys, ducts, bladder.

It is useful to know for what diseases the drug Blemaren is prescribed. Instructions for use contain basic information about the composition, action of the medicine, side effects and contraindications.

Active components

Composition of the medicine:

  • potassium bicarbonate;
  • lemon acid;
  • sodium citrate;
  • Excipients.

pharmachologic effect

The urological drug is recommended for alkalinization of urine, dissolution of various stones chemical composition. Optimal pH values ​​are from 6.6 to 6.8. The drug Blemaren is used to prevent exacerbations of urolithiasis.

If the daily dosage is strictly followed, most patients note the active dissolution and removal of cystine, urate, and oxalate stones naturally. Important point- control of urine pH, dosage adjustment when the acidity level of the liquid decreases or increases.

The bioavailability of the drug reaches 100%. The remains of the urological agent are excreted through the kidneys.

Release form

The drug Blemaren is effervescent tablets, which are consumed after dissolving in water, juice or tea. The medicine is in a plastic tube. Each package contains 80 tablets.

To monitor the acidity level of urine, a special calendar is included plus indicator strips that allow a short time determine the pH level. The urological drug was produced in Germany.

Indications for use

A drug with a nephrolytic, urine-alkalizing effect is prescribed in the following cases:

  • for dissolving calcium oxalate and uric acid stones, preventing the formation of stones;
  • for dissolving and removing uric acid-oxalate stones ( mixed look), in which the concentration of oxalates reaches 25% or higher;
  • for symptomatic treatment with skin porphyria;
  • to alkalinize urine when the patient uses cytostatics and drugs that increase the excretion of uric acid.


The drug is not suitable for patients with the following diseases and states:

  • (acute and chronic form);
  • metabolic alkalosis;
  • increase in urine pH level above 7;
  • following a salt-free diet for certain diseases, for example, severe form hypertension;
  • high sensitivity to active ingredients urological agent;
  • the patient is under 12 years of age.

Important! There is no data on the effect of the drug components during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. For this reason, taking effervescent tablets in the treatment of kidney pathologies is possible only after consultation with a urologist and gynecologist.

Instructions for use and dosage

The success of therapy depends on:

  • from compliance with the norm;
  • accuracy of entries in the control diary;
  • timely adjustment of the number of tablets depending on the urine pH level;
  • taking the medicine for several months.

Rules for using a urological agent:

  • take tablets two hours after meals;
  • Before taking, dissolve the drug in juice, water, tea. Liquid volume - 200 ml;
  • The daily norm is from 2 to 6 tablets. For optimal impact, it is important to distribute the entire amount over the day, providing approximately equal intervals between taking medications;
  • with correctly selected daily dosage the acidity level of urine remains at a certain level;
  • pH values ​​depend on the type of therapy and the composition of the stones. To dissolve uric acid stones, the indicators should be from 6.2 to 7, for the treatment of porphyria - from 7.2 to 7.5, for the active dissolution of cystine stones it is important to maintain the acidity level from 7.5 to 8.5;
  • To help the patient, each package contains special indicator paper. Before taking the drug (each dose), it is important to determine the pH level using a strip, compare it with the scale, and make entries in the control calendar. Measure indicators at least three times a day;
  • Duration of taking a urological drug - from 4 to 6 months;
  • For all questions, it is important to consult with your doctor.

Negative manifestations during therapy

Undesirable reactions occur due to individual sensitivity or violation of the rules of use.

Possible side effects:

  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • increased swelling due to sodium salt retention;
  • metabolic alkalosis.
  • manifestations of allergies.

special instructions

Regardless of the form and severity of the disease, before starting treatment, the doctor warns the patient about the need to strictly adhere to the number of tablets against the background of a diet with renal pathologies. On average, you should take 4 tablets, which contain 1.5 mg of potassium plus 0.9 g of sodium. This point must be taken into account in cases where a noticeable restriction in the diet of table salt is required.

On a note:

  • Using indicator strips, the patient monitors the level of urine acidity while taking the drug Blemaren. Indicators should not be allowed to exceed 7 so that phosphates do not settle on uric acid crystals. With other types of stones, the pH level may be higher than this number;
  • To correct the indicators, certain actions are taken. At high level urine acidity, the dosage of the drug is reduced, and if it is low, it is increased. It is important to coordinate all actions with your doctor;
  • at chronic form renal failure the medicine can be used if there is no potassium retention;
  • During treatment, doctors recommend reducing the intake of purines and proteins. Meat, sausages, offal, coffee, sorrel, milk, sardines are allowed to be eaten in minimal quantities;
  • the best option for speedy dissolution and removal of stones is a combination of effervescent tablets with a fluid intake of one and a half to two liters;
  • in case of severe liver failure, urological medicine is prescribed only with precise control over the pH level of urine and regular testing;
  • patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus take the drug Blemaren according to the usual regimen: the drug does not contain carbohydrates, the consumption of which is important for diabetics to limit;
  • the components of the urological medicine do not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions. For this reason, there is no danger while taking Blemaren when driving vehicles or complex machines and mechanisms.

Drug interactions


  • at simultaneous administration Blemaren and compositions based on aluminum and citrates, in some cases active absorption of aluminum is observed. For this reason, it is important to maintain a 2-hour gap between taking the urological drug and other medications;
  • a decrease in potassium excretion was noted when Blemaren and antihypertensive drugs to lower blood pressure;
  • high probability of reduction useful action cardiac glycosides. The reason is the potassium content in the urological medicine.

Storage rules and cost

Keep the package of effervescent tablets at room temperature, away from heat sources. It is important to ensure that the medicine does not reach children. The shelf life of the urological drug Blemaren is 4 years.

The average price of Blemaren is from 1100 to 1390 rubles. The package contains special indicator strips plus a control calendar. Number of tablets - 80 pieces (4x20).

On the page read about what to do if renal colic and how to provide first aid.

Blemaren: analogues

Medicines that have a similar effect:

  • Solutan.
  • K-Na hydrogen citrate.
  • Urolesan.
  • Phytolysin.
  • Cystenal.
  • Uronephron.

Blemaren is a drug used both for prevention and as treatment. This combination drug, which belongs to the so-called citrate mixtures, includes sodium citrate, potassium bicarbonate and citric acid.

Selected concentrations of these substances, each of which is also sold separately, help dissolve stones with a minimum of side effects. Belongs to the pharmacological group combined agents, preventing the formation and promoting the dissolution of stones. Blemaren is not an antibiotic and is available without a prescription - there are many reviews about this drug on the Internet.

Urine pH in urolithiasis and Blemaren

The Blemaren effect is based on the effect on the acid-base balance of urine and the possibility of self-control, so the included materials are not inferior in importance to the tablets themselves.

The pH level can indicate: an acidic environment (below 5.5), a neutral environment (5–7), an alkaline environment (above 7). Depending on the environment, certain stones are formed, and vice versa - depending on changes in the environment, stones undergo dissolution.

Blemaren includes substances that change the pH towards alkalization relative to the current acidic state, which leads to a dissolution reaction of stones formed in an acidic environment.

Who is the drug indicated for?

Blemaren is indicated for use in the following conditions:

It should be borne in mind that Blemaren only helps with urate and is not prescribed for.

Medicines of this type are considered the safest.

Let's look below at how experts and patients speak about the medication.

Opinion on the use of the drug by doctors and patients

On various forums you can read the points of view of specialists and reviews of patients who took Blemaren:

The doctor I went to prescribed for a long time and persistently, but it didn’t really help. I came across Blemaren and bought it myself. The disadvantages are that they are expensive, but they turn into advantages because the price includes the ability to determine the acidity of urine. According to tests before and after taking the drug, there was a change almost to normal (it was 100 units higher upper limit norms).


The instructions say that it does not help with all types of stones - I didn’t know my type, but the doctor prescribed it and within a month the stone shrank and passed. Of the minuses, you need to monitor the acidity of the urine when taking Blemaren and, in my opinion, the acidity of the oral cavity. I found a way out - drink through a juice straw.


The price is high, but the packaging is large and there are many extras - convenient tubes, a diary-calendar, indicators. I like these things, the treatment turns out to be interesting and it’s easy to follow the recommendations when you can conduct a self-examination yourself and see the results. Therefore, the price is justified (I found the cheapest option - a little more than a thousand), despite the simple composition. Simple but effective! After monthly intake underwent diagnostics: everything larger than 3 mm was not detected.


Blemaren dissolved my urate stones and was prescribed by my doctor. There was pain during the exit, but I think there would have been much more pain when the stones began to come out as they were. I take it in courses prophylactically, since the body is prone to forming stones on a constant basis.


Didn't help with the stone. But I paid more than a thousand rubles for stomach problems. The composition is strange, there is almost nothing except acid - why so much money?


Too much complex circuit, you need to keep a diary, even from the minimum dose (less than 1/4 tablet) I developed increased acidity. The strips must be cut into four parts, otherwise there will not be enough of them. And it didn’t help with the stone in the end.


My story with Blémarin continued throughout my youth, the stone became larger and smaller, reaching up to one and a half centimeters, but it never dissolved. For about 10 years I took it in six-month courses, an oxalate stone. Too expensive for a useless drug.


I drank Blemaren, and it helped with urate stones. But apparently because I didn’t really monitor the pH, some others were formed, much larger. As far as I understand, we must very strictly adhere to these boundaries that are indicated. Because when it decreases, you get an environment in which stones of one type are formed, but when it is exceeded, it is also an environment for stone formation, only of a different type. If you can’t monitor the indicators, then you should weigh whether to drink it at all or not drink it.


How to take the drug correctly: instructions for use

The medicine comes with a calendar diary for keeping records and indicator paper. Depending on the acidity levels, the patient himself regulates the amount of medication taken.

The purpose of using the product is to maintain pH within 6.6–6.8. If it is possible to maintain these boundaries, then the selected dosage reaches maximum effect. If the readings are higher, the dose should be reduced.

The measurement is taken before next appointment drug, the color of the indicator is compared with the scale within 2 minutes.

Typically, the average dose of medication is 3 tablets per day (can be up to 6).

Blemaren is available in a single dosage and form: “effervescent” capsules, which should be dissolved in liquid before use, including fruit juices, tea, and mineral water (alkaline). The medicine should be taken after meals.

Reviews of Blemaren recommend using a straw to avoid pH changes in oral cavity. In addition, those who have completed the course of treatment are advised to cut the strips if necessary, otherwise their number may not be enough for the entire course of treatment.

Children under 12 years of age are a contraindication for taking the drug due to the small number clinical trials about the impact on the body and possible side effects at this age. Blemaren can potentially be prescribed by a doctor if a child has urolithiasis, if appropriate medical monitoring of the child’s health condition is carried out.

Special instructions: diet and drinking regimen

When taking Blemaren, you must follow a diet with a reduced content of protein products (refusal of meat, fish), as well as drinking regime With big amount fluids (due to the release of stones).

The tablet can be dissolved in mineral water, and, according to reviews, this helps to avoid stomach pain. However, it should be borne in mind that not every mineral water has the desired composition.

While taking Blemaren you can drink alkaline water:

Cannot be consumed mineral water, which reduces urine pH:

  • Naftusya;
  • Narzan dolomite;
  • Arzni.

What is important to remember before taking medication: contraindications and side effects

Blemaren, according to statistics, rarely produces side effects due to the simplicity of the composition and the possibility of constant self-monitoring of the effect of the drug.

The main side effects that may occur when taking the drug:

It should be borne in mind that it is strictly necessary to adhere to pH control using the included indicator paper. Failure to comply with the rules of self-control will lead to the ineffectiveness of the medicine or the formation of stones if acid- alkaline environment urine will, as a result of intake, go beyond the recommended limits in both one and the other direction.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are:

  • metabolic alkalosis;
  • renal failure in the acute stage;
  • heart failure;
  • established infection with urea-splitting microorganisms;
  • Urine pH is above 7;
  • strict salt-free diet for severe arterial hypertension.

When taking the drug, it should be taken into account that it contains significant doses of sodium and potassium. In this regard, when taking it, it is recommended to follow a diet that controls the intake of these substances (including salt) from other sources, and not to take vitamin complexes with these minerals.

Approximate price in rubles

Prices for Blemaren in pharmacies vary from 1150 to 1300 rubles for 80 tablets (the only form of release).

Treatment with a medicine such as Blemaren requires strict adherence to the instructions. An intuitive technique is not only ineffective, but often even dangerous.

There are no less nuances when choosing Blemaren, which are cheaper. Blemaren can be found with analogues of similar action in different price categories. An integrated and responsible approach to treatment will definitely bring results.

Description and release form

Blemaren is a drug for treatment, produced in 2 types:

  1. flat, round, cut tablets white With characteristic aroma lemon. 1 package contains 4 tubes of 20 tablets each. Also included are test strips and a calendar for home monitoring of urine pH;
  2. soluble large granules of white color with a faint lemon odor. 1 package contains 200 g of powder, complete with a measuring spoon and a pH measuring kit.

Regardless of the form, Blemaren is intended to be taken as a solution.


The composition of tablets and granules differs slightly. However, this absolute analogues– the question is the concentration and dosage of the active ingredients.

For 1 effervescent tablet there is:

  • active ingredients – potassium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, citric acid;
  • excipients – lactose monohydrate, mannitol, macrogol 6000, adipic acid, sodium saccharinate, flavor enhancer “Lemon”.

Per 100 g of granulated blemarene there are:

  • active ingredients – potassium bicarbonate, sodium citrate, citric acid;
  • excipients not included.

Indications for use

The drug is intended to combat pathologies of the next order:

  • dissolution of acidic and calcium stones and bladder;
  • preventive protection against the formation of stones and sand by lowering the urine pH to optimal levels of 6.6-6.8. When urine is normal, salt crystals are not retained, but are immediately dissolved and excreted naturally;
  • maintenance therapy while taking growth-slowing drugs malignant tumors. Urine from using cytostatics becomes acidic and needs to be alkalized;
  • “vampire disease” (cutaneous porphyria), in which ulcers appear on the skin from sunlight. The real reason- liver dysfunction.

You can also learn about Blemaren from the video:

If stones form in the organs of the urinary system, doctors recommend the medication Blemaren for their timely and painless removal. The principle of action of the medication is based on increasing the pH of urine to a level where stones dissolve. Before you start the course drug therapy, you need to consult your doctor.

Composition and release form

Medicine Blemaren is produced in the form of round, soluble white tablets, packaged in plastic tubes of 20, 80 or 100 pieces. In addition to instructions for use, the package includes indicator paper and a control calendar for tracking the treatment period. The second form of release is white dry powder. A measuring spoon is included in the package. Features of the chemical composition of Blemaren:


Name of active ingredients

Concentration of 1 tablet, mg

Active components:

anhydrous citric acid

sodium citrate anhydrous

potassium bicarbonate

Auxiliary components:

lactose monohydrate

sodium saccharinate


macrogol 6,000

adipic acid

lemon flavor

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Blemaren is a medical drug with nephrolitholytic, urine-alkalinizing properties, which is characterized by a local effect in the body. The components alkalize the acid-base state of urine, thereby reducing the intensity of the formation of crystals of calcium salts, oxalates, and uric acid. Elimination of such pathogenic factors reduces the number of relapses of nephrolithiasis (urolithiasis).

The specified medication dissolves existing stones small sizes and prevents the formation of new ones. According to the instructions, when administered orally, a single dose of Blemaren is quickly absorbed from digestive tract. Bioavailability indicator – 100%. The maximum concentration in the blood plasma of the active substances is reached 20–30 minutes after taking the tablet. Blemaren is excreted unchanged through the kidneys and urine.

Indications for use

  • litholysis (dissolution) of urate and urate-oxalate stones;
  • porphyria skin;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • increased acidity caused by taking cytostatics.

How to take Blemaren

The medication is intended for oral use for a course of 15–20 days. The daily dose varies from 2 to 6 tablets, divided into several doses at equal time intervals. The tablet must first be dissolved in a glass of water or any other liquid, mixed and taken after a meal. Daily dose determined by the doctor based on the acid-base status of urine. It is considered correctly selected if the urine pH is maintained within the following limits for 24 hours:

  • pH 6.2–7 – for the treatment of uric acid stones;
  • pH 7.5–8.5 – to eliminate cystine stones;
  • pH 7.2–7.5 – in the treatment of porphyria;
  • pH not less than 7 – when taking cytostatics or after radiation therapy.

special instructions

detailed instructions on the use of Blemaren reports that in the treatment of urolithiasis it is necessary to control the flow of fluid into the body, reduce portions of protein foods, nucleotide bases in daily ration. Instructions for use contain valuable recommendations for patients:

  1. Since the drug contains potassium and sodium salts, patients suffering from hypertension, it is necessary to reduce their presence in the daily diet.
  2. If there is no retention of potassium ions in chronic renal failure, individual dosage adjustment of Blemaren is not required.
  3. According to the instructions for use, treatment with this medication is carried out with systematic monitoring of the salt level in the blood.
  4. Blemaren tablets do not affect glucose and insulin levels, therefore they are approved for type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
  5. Under strict medical supervision, treatment can be carried out on pregnant and lactating women.
  6. If, during drug therapy, the urine pH exceeds 7.0, phosphate precipitation occurs with a subsequent deterioration in litholysis.
  7. The use of effervescent tablets does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions, therefore, during treatment it is allowed to control vehicle, engage in intellectual activity.

Drug interactions

  1. At simultaneous use With medicines with the content of citrates and aluminum, increased absorption of aluminum is observed. It is necessary to maintain a time interval of 2 hours between doses.
  2. Since Blemaren contains potassium, doctors do not rule out a weakening of the effectiveness of cardiac glycosides when combining these pharmacological groups.
  3. When used simultaneously with aldosterone antagonists, potassium-sparing diuretics, ACE blockers or NSAIDs, and analgesics, the excretion of potassium from the body is reduced.

Side effects and overdose

Blemaren effervescent tablets are well tolerated by the body. In infrequent clinical cases are developing side effects, described in detail in the instructions for use:

  • metabolic alkalosis (alkaline blood reaction and intercellular fluid);
  • signs of dyspepsia (flatulence, bloating, nausea, vomiting, gastralgia);
  • swelling of the epidermis;
  • allergic reactions: urticaria, skin rash, hyperemia and itching of the skin.

If side effects occur, doctors recommend changing the drug. In addition, it is important to avoid symptoms of Blemaren overdose, which may manifest as metal alkalosis. Violated functional activity kidney The patient is prescribed drip administration of buffer solutions intravenously to normalize the pH. internal environment body.


The medicine Blemaren is not approved for use by all patients with urolithiasis. Detailed instructions contain a comprehensive list medical contraindications:

  • metabolic alkalosis;
  • increased sensitivity the body to the active ingredients of the medicine;
  • renal and liver failure complicated degree;
  • infections of the urinary system, the pathogens of which are capable of breaking down lactic acid;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • alkaline environment of urea (above 7.0);
  • caution during pregnancy and lactation.

Terms of sale and storage

The medicine is sold in pharmacies and is available without a prescription. According to the instructions, it is necessary to store undissolved effervescent tablets in a dry, dark place at a temperature of up to 25 degrees, inaccessible to small children. The shelf life of Blemaren is 4 years.

Blemaren's analogs

If effervescent tablets do not cause stable positive dynamics of the underlying disease, the doctor prescribes an analogue. Medicines with a similar principle of action and their a brief description of:

  1. Urolesan. The drug, unlike Blemaren, increases the acidity of urine. The tablets have antispasmodic, antiseptic, and diuretic effects. Daily doses and course of treatment are described in detail in the instructions for use.
  2. Cystenal. This medication helps break down small stones and prevent the formation of new stones. According to the instructions, the patient is prescribed 3-5 drops orally three times a day 30 minutes before meals. Medicinal composition pre-dissolve in water or apply to sugar.
  3. Phytolysin. This medicinal paste with herbal taste and pleasant aroma with anti-inflammatory effect for oral use. According to the instructions, you need to dissolve 1 tsp. homogeneous composition in 200 ml of water. You should drink the prepared drink in between meals. The course of treatment is up to 3–5 months.
  4. Uronephron. This medication has a diuretic effect, helps flush out sand and stones from the urinary system, and prevents the formation of new stones. Daily doses and course of treatment are described in the instructions and are individually discussed by the attending physician.
  5. K-Na hydrogen citrate. The drug increases the alkalinity of urine, dissolves stones and promotes their rapid removal from the body. According to the instructions for use, the patient is required to take 2.5 g of the medicine in the morning, 5 g in the evening. The course of treatment is determined individually.
  6. Soluran. This effective drug for urolithiasis, which promotes the breakdown and removal of mineral stones. Daily doses and course of treatment are described in the instructions for use and are adjusted by the doctor.